本 社 Main Office 〒501-0304 岐阜県瑞穂市田之上 811 番地 811, Tanokami, Mizuho City, Gifu, 501-0304, Japan URL http://www.gifukogyo.co.jp/ 経営企画部:TEL <058>257-1000 ㈹ FAX <058>257-1013 メールアドレス 経営企画部:[email protected] 営 業 部:[email protected] 技 術 部:[email protected] 製 造 部:[email protected] 東 京 支 店:[email protected] 巣南工場 〒501-0305 岐阜県瑞穂市宮田三舞越 199 番地 199, Miyadensanmaikoshi, Mizuho City, Gifu, 501-0305, Japan 営 業 部:TEL <058>257-1001 FAX <058>257-1011 技 術 部:TEL <058>257-1002 FAX <058>257-1012 製 造 部:TEL <058>328-5511 FAX <058>328-5510 谷汲工場 〒501-1314 岐阜県揖斐郡揖斐川町谷汲名礼字橋角 1265-42 1265-42, Hashikado, Taniguminare, Ibigawa, Ibi, Gifu, 501-1314, Japan 品質保証室:TEL <0585>55-2200 FAX <0585>55-2733 木曽屋工場 〒501-1316 岐阜県揖斐郡揖斐川町谷汲木曽屋字馬倉 928 928, Umakura, Tanigumikisoya, Ibigawa, Ibi, Gifu, 501-1316, Japan 製 造 部:TEL <0585>56-0066 FAX <0585>56-0067 AP事業部:TEL <0585>56-0091 FAX <0585>56-0092 東京支店 〒132-0035 東京都江戸川区平井 2 丁目 5 番 2 号 平井ビル 2F 2F Hirai Bldg 2-5-2 Hirai Edogawa-Ku, ToKyo, 132-0035, Japan TEL <03>5836-0531 FAX <03>5836-0532 仙台営業所 〒983-0013 宮城県仙台市宮城野区中野字石橋 120-1 120-1 Ishibashi Nakano Miyagino-Ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 983-0013, Japan TEL <022>259-2239 FAX <022>259-3664 九州営業所 〒818-0132 福岡県太宰府市国分 3 丁目 10 番 5 号 3-10-5 Kokubu, Dazaifu-City, Fukuoka, 818-0132, Japan TEL <092>918-3880 FAX <092>918-3882 札幌営業所 〒001-0028 北海道札幌市北区北 28 条西 9 丁目 3 番 11 号 Y28 302 号 Room 302, Y28, 9-3-11, Kita 28-jonishi, Kita-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, 001-0028, Japan TEL <011>374-7027 FAX <011>374-7028 Mail Address Sunami Factory Tanigumi Factory Kisoya Factory Tokyo Branch Sendai Branch Kyushu Branch Sapporo Branch 新たな創造と技術を期して、建設工事用機材の 最先端を拓く GIFU KOGYO GIFU KOGYO pioneering the highest technology of machines for construction work, determined to establish new creation and technology. はじめに PREFACE NATM施工が安定期を迎えた昭和60年頃から、弊社はその社会背景を踏まえてトンネル覆工の効率化を加速させるためのワンマン コントロール(全自動化セントル)の開発に取り組み始めました。平成に入り、その開発過程で生まれた省人化、省力化をテーマとした 単一システム製品を業界にご提供でき、各方面で高い評価を得ました。代表的なシステムとしてはコンクリート配管切替装置、自動ケ レン装置、バイブレータシステム等があります。平成11年に発生したトンネル覆工コンクリートの剥落事故を機に品質が帰着され「品 質向上」に寄与するシステム作りに、現在は力を注いでおります。 今後も時代の要請と共に一層技術開発に努めてまいります。 ここでは、これまでに皆様に広く利用していただいているシステムと、現在注目されていますシステムを紹介させていただきます。 Ⴘഏ 3 Contents コンクリート締固めシステム We had advanced the development of full automation formwork with one-man control system to accelerate the efficiency improvement of tunnel construction work based on the social background in around 1985 when the NATM construction came the stability period. Entering 1990 s, we were able to obtain a high evaluation from various industrial fields by having offered the single system product based with the mechanization and the labor saving as the theme which had resulted in the development process to this industrial filed. The typical system includes the Concrete Piping Changer System (CPC System), the Automatic Cleaning Machine, Vibrator System and others. The quality was reviewed from a concrete sudden fall accident of present tunnel which had been caused in 1999, and we are devoting our energies to the creation of system which can contribute to Quality Improvement now. We will try the technology to develop further with the demand in the age in the future. We will introduce the system been widely used up to now by everybody and the system being paid attention now here. 3 1. Pulling-out Vibrator System 2. Elastic Vibrator System 3. Vibrator with Sensor System 4. Float Vibrator System 5. Removing Vibrator System 6. Robot Vibrator System 7. Automatic Vibrator System ᒁᛮ߈ࡃࠗࡉ࠲ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ િ❗ᑼࡃࠗࡉ࠲ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ ࡦࠨઃࡃࠗࡉ࠲ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ ࡈࡠ࠻ࡃࠗࡉ࠲ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ ⒖േᑼࡃࠗࡉ࠲ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ ࡠࡏ࠶࠻ࡃࠗࡉ࠲ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ ⥄േࡃࠗࡉ࠲ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ 7 コンクリート打設システム 7 コンクリート充填管理システム 10 セントル操作システム 11 その他のシステム 12 コンクリート養生システム ࡃ࡞ࡦบゞ 1 GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. OTHERS 1. Automatic Cleaning Machine (Belt-Type) 2. Elastic Storage-Type Crack Releasing Joint Flange 3. Lap Side Crack Prevention Sensor 4. Film Heater 5. Sheet Winder 6. Separating Agent Pumping System/ Separating Applying System 7. Washing System ⥄േࠤࡦⵝ⟎ 㧔ࡌ࡞࠻ᑼ㧕 િ❗ᩰ⚊ᑼࠢ࠶ࠢ⺃⊒⋡ ࠶ࡊࠢ࠶ࠢ㒐ᱛࡦࠨ 㕙⁁⊒ᾲ ࠪ࠻࡞࠳ 㔌᧚ࡐࡦࡊࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ㧛ႣᏓࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ ᵞᵺࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ 14 FORMWORK OPERATION SYSTEM 1. Electric Power Jack System/ Electric Power Traversing Jack System 2. Oil Hydraulic Jack System/ Oil Hydraulic Traversing Jack System 3. Side Form/Invert Form Oil Hydraulic Setting System 4. Lock-Type Special Jack System 5. Remote Control System (Cable-Type & Infrared-Type) 1. 㔚േࠫࡖ࠶ࠠࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ㔚േᮮㅍࠅࠫࡖ࠶ࠠࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ 2. ᴤࠫࡖ࠶ࠠࠪࠬ࠹ࡓᴤᮮㅍࠅࠫࡖ࠶ࠠࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ 3. ࠨࠗ࠼ࡈࠜࡓࠗࡦࡃ࠻ࡈࠜࡓᴤ࠶࠻ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ ࡠ࠶ࠢᑼ․ᱶࠫࡖ࠶ࠠࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ ㆙㓒ᠲࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ ࠤࡉ࡞ᑼశࡕࠦࡦᑼ 12 CONCRETE FILLING CONTROL SYSTEM 1. Concrete Pressure Sensor 2. Concrete Filling Sensor 3. Concrete Lining Height Sensor ࠦࡦࠢ࠻ജᬌ⍮ࡦࠨ ࠦࡦࠢ࠻లႯᗵ⍮ࡦࠨ ࠦࡦࠢ࠻ᛂ⸳㜞ߐᗵ⍮ࡦࠨ 11 CONCRETE LINING SYSTEM 1. Elephant Nozzle System 2. Concrete Piping Changer System (CPC System) 3. Oil Hydraulic Open/Close Type Concrete Nozzle System 4. Automatic Bulk Head Flange Setting System (Oil Hydraulic Elastic Bulk Head Steel Flange) ࠛࡈࠔࡦ࠻ࡁ࠭࡞ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ ࠦࡦࠢ࠻㈩▤ಾᦧⵝ⟎ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ㧔%2%ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ㧕 ᴤ㐿㐽ᑼᛂ⸳ሹࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ ⥄േᆄᨒ࠶࠻ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ㧔ᴤᑼ㍑િ❗ᆄ᧼㧕 10 CONCRETE COMPACTION SYSTEM 14 CONCRETE CURING SYSTEM 1. Balloon Wagon 各システムは特許製品及び 特許出願中です。 GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. 2 &21&5(7(&203$&7,216<67(0 &21&5(7(&203$&7,216<67(0 ἅὅἁἼὊἚዸỜἉἋἘἲ 1 ࡧNjɅșɋɡɭȴȬȮȻɕ 2 ̖ቯࡢɅșɋɡɭȴȬȮȻɕ Pulling-out Vibrator System 特願 特願 特願 特願 コ ン ク リ ト 締 固 め シ ス テ ム ἅὅἁἼὊἚዸỜἉἋἘἲ 2000 ─ 073694 2002 ─ 329301 2004 ─ 021814 2004 ─ 021817 Elastic Vibrator System 特許登録3278355号 特願 2001 ─ 326100 特願 2001 ─ 251880 ᓥ᧪ߩੑᰴⷒᎿࠦࡦࠢ࠻ᣉᎿߩ․ߦ࠻ࡦࡀ࡞ߩࠢ࠙ࡦㇱߢߪޔᄤ┵็ߍᣇᑼߦࠃࠆࠦࡦࠢ ࠻ᛂ⸳ߩߚޔలႯᕈߦ㗴߇ࠅޔဋ৻ߥ✦࿕ᬺ߇ਇቢోߢޔหᤨߦጽ㓖ㇱߢߩ⧰ᷦ ᬺ߇ᒝࠄࠇߡ߈߹ߒߚࠍࠇߎޕᡷༀߔࠆߚߦ㐿⊒ߐࠇߚߩ߇ᒁᛮ߈ࡃࠗࡉ࠲ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߢ ߔ㨫ࠢ࠙ࡦㇱߢߩలႯᬺߩะࠍ࿑ࠅޔ㜞ຠ⾰ߥᛂ⸳ࠦࡦࠢ࠻ߩᣉᎿࠍታߒ߹ߒߚ㨫 ․ߦߎߩࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߪࠦࡦࠢ࠻ᏎෘߩዋߥⷒᎿߢޔ㜞ᵄࡃࠗࡉ࠲ࠍᚻേߢ↪ߢ߈ߥ ㇱಽߦᄢ߈ߥᆭജࠍ⊒ើߒ߹ߔޕ㍑ဳᨒߩ㕙߆ࠄᝌߔࠆ․ᱶߥ㜞ᵄ⁁ࡃࠗࡉ࠲ߪޔ ဳᨒ㕙ߦၒ⸳ߒߚࠦࡦࠢ࠻ࡦࠨߢࠦࡦࠢ࠻ߩలႯ⁁ᴫߦᔕߓߡ⥄േߩᢿ⛯േߢ✦ ࿕ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕߩߎޔ㜞ᵄ⁁ࡃࠗࡉ࠲ߦᴤࠪࡦ࠳ࠍⵝߔࠆߣ㨮ߘߩિ❗േ ࠍ㆙㓒ᠲߢ߈߹ߔޕ The concrete lining construction of the secondary covering work in the past especially had the problem in the filling at the crown part of the tunnel because of concrete lining by the blowing up method to the crown part, and uniform compaction work was imperfect, and the bitterness work in the valley part had been compelled at the same time.The pulling-out vibrator system was developed to improve it.It aimed at the improvement of the filling work with crown part, and achieved the construction of highquality lining concrete. Especially, this system demonstrates big powers for tunnel construction that the concrete thickness is a little, and for the part where the high cycle vibrator cannot be used manually.The special high cycle bar vibrator inserted from the surface of the steel formwork performs the concrete compaction by the automatic intermission operation according to the concrete filling situation with the concrete sensor put in the surface of the formwork.Moreover, the expansion and contraction motion can be operated remotely by equipping this high cycle bar vibrator with the oil hydraulic cylinder. 手動式伸縮バイブレータ 遠隔操作式伸縮バイブレータ Manual Elastic Vibrator Remote-Controlled Elastic Vibrator 接続パイプ式引抜きバイブレータ 長尺パイプ式引抜きバイブレータ リール式引抜きバイブレータ(鉄筋無し) リール式引抜きバイブレータ(鉄筋区間) Connection Pipe Type Reel Type(in case of there are no reinforcing bars) 3 GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. Long Pipe Type Reel Type(in case of there are reinforcing bars) GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. 4 コ ン ク リ ト 締 固 め シ ス テ ム &21&5(7(&203$&7,216<67(0 &21&5(7(&203$&7,216<67(0 ἅὅἁἼὊἚዸỜἉἋἘἲ 3 ȰɨȪɭ˸ɅșɋɡɭȴȬȮȻɕ ἅὅἁἼὊἚዸỜἉἋἘἲ 5 ჭѷࡢɅșɋɡɭȴȬȮȻɕ Vibrator with Sensor System Removing Vibrator System 特願 2000 ─ 42490 コ ン ク リ ⁁ࡃࠗࡉ࠲ߩᝄേㇱߦౝⵝߐߖߚࠦࡦࠢ࠻ࡦࠨߢࠦࡦࠢ࠻ߩᛂࠅ㊂ࠍᬌ⍮ߒ ߡ⥄ޔേ⊛ߦᠲߢ߈ࠆࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߢߔޕޔ⁁ࡃࠗࡉ࠲േᤨ㑆ߪછᗧߦ⸳ቯߢ߈߹ߔޕ It is a system which can be automatically operated according to lined concrete volume (height) which it detected with the concrete sensor equipped in the vibration part of bar vibrator. Moreover, the operation time of the vibrator can be arbitrarily set. ト 締 固 め シ ス テ ム 特願 平11 ─ 198535 ࡢࠗࡗࡠࡊߢษߞߚࡈࡠ࠻ ࡃࠗࡉ࠲ࠍ࠴ࡦࠗ࠙ޔᣇᑼߢ ࠬࡄࡦᣇะߦࡠ࠻ޔᣇᑼߢᢿ 㕙ᣇะߦߘࠇߙࠇ㆙㓒ᠲߦࠃ ߞߡછᗧߩ႐ᚲ߹ߢ⒖േߐߖޔ ✦࿕ࠍⴕ߁ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߢߔ㨫ဳᨒ ߆ࠄࡃࠗࡉ࠲ࠍᛩߔࠆᔅ ⷐ߇ߥߊ⧰ޔᷦᬺ߆ࠄ⸃ߐ ࠇߩ࠻ࠢࡦࠦߦᦝޔຠ⾰߽ะ ߢ߈߹ߔޕ コ ン ク リ ト 締 固 め シ ス テ ム As for the float vibrator hung with the wire rope, it is a system which concrete compaction is can be carried out after moving it to an arbitrary place by remote control respectively in the horizontal direction along the span by winch-method and in the vertical direction along the section by trolley-method. No the vibrator is inserted from the formwork, resulting in liberating from the bitterness work, and in being possible to improve the concrete quality. センサー付バイブレータシステムリール部 Reel Dept 4 ɊɢɭȽɅșɋɡɭȴȬȮȻɕ センサー付バイブレータ Float Vibrator System ⁁ࡃࠗࡉ࠲ߦขࠅઃߌࠄࠇߚࡈࡠ࠻ࠍࠦࡦࠢ࠻ߦᶋ߆ߖߡޔℂᗐ⊛ߥᬺ⟎ࠍ⏕ ߒߚࡃࠗࡉ࠲ߪဳޔᨒߣߩᐓ߽ᷤߥߊߥࠆߚࠍ࠻ࠢࡦࠦߥࠇ߈ޔߍ߹ߔޕޔ ᬺຬߩᝄേ∛ߩ੍㒐ኻ╷ߦ߽ߥࠅޔ᭴ㅧ߽ࠪࡦࡊ࡞ߢࡔࡦ࠹࠽ࡦࠬ߇ኈᤃߦߢ߈߹ߔ㨫ࡃࠗࡉ ࠲ᬺߩ⋭ജൻߪࠦࡦࠢ࠻ᛂ⸳ߩⅣႺߣᣉᎿຠ⾰ࠍะߐߖ߹ߔޕ The ideal work position of the bar vibrator can be secured by having floated the float installed in the bar vibrator on concrete, and contact with the formwork can be avoided, too, resulting in obtaining the beautiful finish concrete. Further, it has a simple structure and easy maintenance, and achieves the effect of preventive measures of worker's vibration disease. The labor saving of the vibrator work improves the environment and the construction quality of a concrete placing. フロートバイブレータシステム用リール Reel for Float Vibrator System All Section Steel Form Equipped with Float Vibrator System フロートバイブレータ Float Vibrator 5 GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. Robot Vibrator System 特願 2002 ─ 324609 Vibrator with Sensor 特許登録2918384号 特願 平10 ─ 327691 特願 平11 ─ 250859 フロートバイブレータシステム搭載型全断面スチールフォーム 6 ɢɑȸȽɅșɋɡɭȴȬȮȻɕ ᳗ਭ⏛⍹ࠍ↪ߚࠢࡠጁ Ꮺဳⴕࡠࡏ࠶࠻ߦࡃࠗࡉ ࠲ࠍタߒޔ㆙㓒ᠲߢᏎෘ ౝㇱࠍ⥄ߦ✦࿕ߢ߈ࠆࠪࠬ ࠹ࡓߢߔੱߦ․ޕജߢߪᬺߢ ߈ߥ࡚ࠫࠗࡦ࠻ㇱ╬ߦലജࠍ⊒ ើߒߩ࠻ࠢࡦࠦޔຠ⾰ߩะ ߇࿑ࠇ߹ߔޕ The bar vibrator is installed in crawler-type running robot with a permanent magnet, and it is a system which can make compaction of concrete free by remote control.Especially, the effect is demonstrated in the joint part and others where cannot work by human power, resulting in leading the high concrete quality. 7 ᎉѷɅșɋɡɭȴȬȮȻɕ Automatic Vibrator System 特許登録2761152号 ဳᨒߩ㕙ߦⶄᢙၒ⸳ߐࠇߚ ࡦࠨߦࠃࠅࠦࡦࠢ࠻ࠅ ࠍᬌ⍮ߒߩߘޔᖱႎࠍᓧߚࠪࠬ ࠹ࡓࡊࡠࠣࡓߩᜰ␜ߢࡃࠗࡉ ࠲ࡠࡏ࠶࠻߇⒖േߒ⥄ޔേ ⊛ߦ✦࿕ࠍⴕ߁ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߢߔ㨫 ࡊࡠࠣࡓߩ⸳ቯߦࠃࠅࡃࠗࡉ ࠲ߩേᤨ㑆ߣേ⟎ߩ ᄌᦝ߇น⢻ߥቢో⥄േࡃࠗࡉ ࠲ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߢߔޕ It is a system to which the vibrator robot moves and compaction work is automatically done by instructing main system program that obtains the information immediately after plural sensors put in the surface of the formwork detect the lined concrete volume (height). It is a complete automatic operation vibrator system that can change the operation time of the vibrator and the operation position by setting the program. GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. 6 &21&5(7(/,1,1*6<67(0 &21&5(7(/,1,1*6<67(0 ἅὅἁἼὊἚᚨἉἋἘἲ 1 ȝɡɊȖɨȽɃȯɠȬȮȻɕ ἅὅἁἼὊἚᚨἉἋἘἲ 2 Elephant Nozzle System ȨɨȤɟɭȽ᠉ᆈШᖇኲȬȮȻɕ &3&ȬȮȻɕ Concrete Piping Changer System (CPC System) 特願 2002 ─ 357666 コ ン ク リ ト 打 設 シ ス テ ム ဳᨒౝߦⵝߐࠇߚࠦࡦࠢ࠻㈩▤ߣⶄᢙߩᛂ⸳ᛩญߦ⒖േᑼࡑ࠾ࡘࡇࡘ࠲ߩవ┵ㇱࠍ ߒઃߌࠆߛߌߢㅍ߇น⢻ߣߥࠅ㨮ޔᛩญᢙࠍჇടߔࠆߎߣ߽ߢ߈߹ߔ⚿ߩߎޕᨐࠦࡦࠢ ࠻ߩᵹߒㄟߺߩ〒㔌߇⍴ߊߥࠅ߇࠻ࠢࡦࠦߩ⾰⦟ޔᛂ⸳ߢ߈߹ߔޕ Concrete can be fed forcefully only by pressing operation of the point part of movable manipulator to edges of concrete piping and plural pouring slots of concrete equipped in the formwork. Moreover, the pouring slot of concrete can be increased. As a result, the distance of the pour of concrete shortens, and good quality concrete can be lined. 意匠登録0937572号 実新登録2082118号 特許登録2711627号 特願 2000 ─ 257043 ࡐࡦࡊゞ߆ࠄߩㅍࠦࡦࠢ࠻ࠍᣇะ߹ߚߪᣇะ߳ߣ◲නߦಾࠅᦧ߃߇ߢ߈ࠆߚߢ߹ࠇߎޔ ߩࠃ߁ߥ㈩▤ಾࠅᦧ߃ߦ߁ᤨ㑆ߩࡠࠬࠍᄢߦᷫߒ߹ߔޕ㨮㈩▤ౝߦᱷߐࠇߚࠦࡦࠢ࠻ ߽ᢅㅦߦಣℂߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ The concrete feed under pressure from the pump car can be easily switched in two or four direction, resulting in reducing the time required for the switch operation in the piping greatly. Moreover, the concrete remained in piping can be promptly exhausted. エレファントホース Elephant Hose エレファントノズル Elephant Nozzle 4ポジション切替装置 4 - positions Changer 3ポジション切替装置 3 - positions Changer 7 GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. 2ポジション切替装置 2 - positions Changer GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. 8 コ ン ク リ ト 打 設 シ ス テ ム &21&5(7(/,1,1*6<67(0 &21&5(7(),//,1*&21752/6<67(0 ἅὅἁἼὊἚᚨἉἋἘἲ 3 ിצᣙᣗࡢᗲ܂ȬȮȻɕ ἅὅἁἼὊἚΪظሥྸἉἋἘἲ Oil Hydraulic Open/Close Type Concrete Nozzle System 特許登録2709142号 コ ン ク リ ㆙㓒ᠲߦࠃࠆᴤࠫࡖ࠶ࠠߩિ❗ㆇേߢᛂ⸳ሹߩ㐿㐽߇ⴕ߃߹ߔߣࡓ࠹ࠬࠪᧄޕિ❗ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߩ ⚵ߺวߖߪߩ࠻ࠢࡦࠦޔలႯᕈࠍ৻ጀะߐߖޔࡈޔᯏ⢻ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߣߩ⚵ߺวߖߪ㨮 ᛂ⸳ࠍᬌ⍮ߒߡဳޔᨒ⎕៊ࠍ㒐ᱛߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ The concrete nozzle can be opened and closed by making the oil hydraulic jack expansion/contraction operation by remote control.The combination of this system and the elastic system improves the filling of concrete further, and the combination with the relief function system can prevent the formwork damage by detecting the lining pressure. ト 打 設 シ ス テ ム 1 ȨɨȤɟɭȽצѡటၥȰɨȪɭ Concrete Pressure Sensor ࠦࡦࠢ࠻▤ౝᏎෘౝߩജࠍ ࠕ࡞࠲ࠗࡓߦᬌ⍮␜ߒ㨮⇣Ᏹߩ ▤ℂࠍ⏕ታߦⴕ߃߹ߔ㨫ᛂ⸳⁁ᴫߦว ࠊߖછᗧߥജ⸳⟎߇น⢻ߢߔޕ コンクリート圧力センサー制御盤 Concrete Pressure Sensor Control Box The pressure of concrete in piping and lined concrete is detected and displayed in real time, resulting in possible to control abnormal pressure surely. Arbitrary pressure can be set up according to the lining situation. コ ン ク リ ← 油圧開閉式伸縮打設孔・ ピストン型枠装置 Oil Hydraulic Open/Close Type Elastic Concrete Nozzle & Formwork Piston System ト 充 填 管 理 シ ス テ ム コンクリート圧力センサー Concrete Pressure Sensor 2 ȨɨȤɟɭȽψغसၥȰɨȪɭ Concrete Filling Sensor ဳᨒ߆ࠄߒࠇߢ߈ࠆࠬࠗ࠼ߩవ┵ߦౝⵝߒߚࠦࡦࠢ࠻ ࡦࠨߦࠃࠅలႯߩ▤ℂ߇ߢ߈㨮లႯᗵ⍮ߪࡦࡊߢ␜ߐࠇ߹ߔޕ ↑ 油圧開閉式伸縮打設孔 Oil Hydraulic Open/Close Type Elastic Concrete Nozzle 油圧開閉式リリーフ機能付打設孔→ Oil Hydraulic Open/Close Type Concrete Nozzle with Relief Function 4 ᎉѷڱஐȰȸȽȬȮȻɕ ിࡢצᖘ̖ቯڱ Automatic Bulk Head Flange Setting System (Oil Hydraulic Elastic Bulk Head Steel Flange) 特許登録0208487号 特許登録3202615号 ゞ✢ᢿ㕙ߣᲧセߒߡゞ✢ᢿ㕙ߪޔߩᆄ᧼ߩ㕙Ⓧߣߥࠅ߹ߔߩߎޕ႐วޔᓥ᧪ߩᣣߦ1࿁ߩᛂ ⸳ᬺᎿ⒟ࠍ㗅ߔࠆߦߪᆄ᧼ߩขઃߌᬺߩ⍴❗߇ᔅⷐਇนᰳߢߔ㨫 ᧄᴤિ❗ᑼ㍑ᆄ᧼ߪ ᬺᤨ㑆ߩ⍴❗ߣ⏕ޔታߥ࠶࠻ᬺࠍታߒ߹ߔޕ The area of bulk head flange for tunnel with three lanes doubles compared with the tunnel with two lanes. It is demanded to shorten the installation work of bulk head flange to keep the lining cycle of one placing the second according to the work plan of the past. This oil hydraulic elastic bulk head steel flange achieves shortening working hours and certain set work. 鋼製伸縮式妻板止め金具 Elastic Bulk Head Steel Flange 操作盤 Operation Board 9 GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. The filling of concrete can be controlled with a concrete sensor in the point of the slide bar that can be inserted from the formwork, and the lump is displayed for filling. コンクリート充填感知センサー付検測ピン収納装置と制御盤 Storage Device and Control Box of Measuring Pin with Concrete Filling Sensor 3 ȨɨȤɟɭȽᗲᩒǓसၥȰɨȪɭ Concrete Lining Height Sensor ဳᨒోߦⵝߐࠇߚⶄᢙߩࠦࡦࠢ࠻ࡦࠨߢࠦࡦࠢ ࠻ࠍᗵ⍮ߒ㨮ࡄࡀ࡞ߦߘߩᛂ⸳ߩ㜞ߐࠍ␜ߒ߹ߔ㨫Ꮐฝ ߩᛂ⸳㜞ߐߩ⁁ᴫ߇↹㕙ߢ⏕ߢ߈㨮ဋ৻ߥࠦࡦࠢ࠻ᛂ ⸳߇น⢻ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Concrete is perceived with plural concrete sensors with which the entire formwork is equipped, and the lining height is displayed in the panel. The difference of right and left height of lined concrete can be confirmed on the screen, resulting in コンクリート打設高さ表示パネル possible to obtain the uniform Display Panel in Height of Lined Concrete concrete lining. 型枠埋設型コンクリートセンサー Type Put-in Surface of Formwork Concrete Sensor GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. 10 )250:25.23(5$7,216<67(0 27+(56 ἍὅἚἽદ˺ἉἋἘἲ Ẹỉ˂ỉἉἋἘἲ 1 ᥚѷȭɘȸȢȬȮȻɕᥚѷಁមȈȭɘȸȢȬȮȻɕ 1 ᎉѷȦɡɨᖇኲ ɎɠȽࡢ Automatic Cleaning Machine (Belt-Type) 特許登録2909320号 特許登録3339911号 特許登録3543279号 特願 平11 ─ 173493 Electric Power Jack System/Electric Power Traversing Jack System ࡔࠗࡦࠫࡖ࠶ࠠߩિ❗ㆇേߪኾ↪ߩ㔚േࡕ ࠲ߩߒࡏ࠲ࡦߢ◲නߦᠲߢ߈߹ߔޕ 㨮ᮮㅍࠅࠫࡖ࠶߽ࠠห᭽ߦᠲߢ߈߹ߔޕ ᄢᢿ㕙߮ਛოઃߩ․ᱶᢿ㕙ߦᦨㆡߢߔޕ The expansion/construction motion of the main jack can be easily operated with the push-button of a exclusive electric motor. Moreover, the traversing jack can be similarly operated. It is the most suitable of the large tunnel section and the special tunnel section with partition wall. セ ン ト ル 操 作 シ ス テ ム ࠦࡦࠢ࠻߇ᛂ⸳ߐࠇࠆጊߣဳᨒߩ㑆ߢߩෂ㒾ߥࠤࡦᬺࠍోߢ◲නߦⴕ߁ߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ ߔߦ᧚ࡦࠤߩઁ߿ࡊࡠޕઍࠊࠆ․ᱶࡉࠪࠍណ↪ߒߡࠆߚࠤࡦല₸߇ᦝߦ㜞ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ The dangerous cleaning work between the formwork and the mountain where next concrete is lined, can be done safely and easily. The efficiency of the cleaning work is improved further, since the special brush in place of the rope and other cleaning materials has been used for this machine. 横送りジャッキシステム付 With Electric Power Traversing Jack System 2 ിצȭɘȸȢȬȮȻɕിצಁមȈȭɘȸȢȬȮȻɕ Oil Hydraulic Jack System/Oil Hydraulic Traversing Jack System そ の 他 の シ ス テ ム ᴤࠪࡦ࠳ࠍ⚵ઃߌߚࡔࠗࡦࠫࡖ࠶ࠠߩ િ❗ᠲߪࡃߩߺߢ◲නߦߢ߈߹ߔޕ ᦝߦᮮㅍࠅࠫࡖ࠶ࠠߦߟߡ߽ห᭽ߦᠲ ߢ߈߹ߔޕ The expansion/contraction motion of the main jack equipped with the oil pressure cylinder can be easily operated only with the lever. Moreover, the traversing jack can be similarly operated. 油圧式横送りジャッキシステム Oil Hydraulic Traversing Jack System 3 ȪșȾɊȞɭɕɬșɨɅɭȽɊȞɭɕിצȰȸȽȬȮȻɕ Side Form/Invert Form Oil Hydraulic Setting System 油圧シリンダー操作レバー Oil Hydraulic Cylinder Operation Lever ࠨࠗ࠼ࡈࠜࡓ߮ࠗࡦࡃ ࠻ࡈࠜࡓߩિ❗ㆇേߪޔᴤ ࠫࡖ࠶ࠠߩࡃᠲߛ ߌߢ◲නߦⴕ߃߹ߔޕ The expansion/contraction motion of side form and invert form can be easily done only by the lever operation of the oil hydraulic jack. インバート用油圧シリンダー Invert Oil Hydraulic Cylinder 4 ɢȸȤࡢ໗ȭɘȸȢȬȮȻɕ Lock-Type Special Jack System ࠫࡖ࠶ࠠߩ⣕⌕ᬺ ߇ਇⷐߢ㨮ߟࠫࡖ࠶ ࠠᠲ߇◲නߢߔޕ No installation/detaching work is required for the jack, and the jack operation is easy. サイドフォーム用油圧シリンダー・ロック式特殊ジャッキ Side Form Oil Hydraulic Cylinder & Lock-Type Special Jack 5 ៏ᤩ̨ȬȮȻɕ᭭ȦɭɋɠࡢᯈόɟɗȨɨࡢ᭮ ベルト駆動装置 Belt Driving Unit 2 ̖ቯைᇾࡢȤɞȸȤᘜဧש 剥離材塗布装置組込み式 Type Put- in Separating Agent Applying Unit Elastic Storage-Type Crack Releasing Joint Flange ဳᨒࡈࠜࡓߦⵝߐࠇߚࠢ࠶ࠢ⺃⊒⋡ߪ㆙㓒ᠲߢ࠶࠻ ߇ߢ߈㨮㐳ࠬࡄࡦߩဳᨒᛂ⸳ߦᔅⷐਇนᰳߢߔޕ It is useful for a concrete placing by using the long formwork since the crack releasing joint flange equipped with the formwork can be set by remote control. Remote Control System (Cable-Type & Infrared-Type) ࡕࠦࡦߢࡔࠗࡦ ࠫࡖ࠶ࠠߩᠲ߇ ߢ ߈ࠆ ߚ ޔ ᬺߩല₸ൻ߇࿑ ࠇ߹ߔޕ The efficiency improvement of work can be achieved since the main jack can be operated by remote control. 11 GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. 12 27+(56 &21&5(7(&85,1*6<67(0 Ẹỉ˂ỉἉἋἘἲ 3 ɞȸɌΉȤɞȸȤᤁȰɨȪɭ ἅὅἁἼὊἚဃἉἋἘἲ Lap Side Crack Prevention Sensor 特許登録3481532号 ဳᨒ⒖േᓟߩᰴߩ࠶࠻ᤨࡊ࠶ޔߩࠦࡦࠢ ࠻ߦဳޔᨒࠍߒઃߌㆊ߉ߡ⊒↢ߔࠆࠦࡦ ࠢ࠻ߩ߭߮ഀࠇߦޔലᨐࠍ⊒ើߒ߹ߔޕ It demonstrates the effect to prevent concrete from crack of concrete occurred by pressing formwork against concrete on lap side too much at the time of next set after moving of formwork. 4 ບ̢ Film Heater 特許登録1449226号 そ の 他 の シ ス テ ム 1 ɅɠɭɨӴ Balloon Wagon ⷒᎿࠦࡦࠢ࠻ߩḨẢ㨮㙃↢᷷ᐲࠍߜ㨮 ኂ↪ࠍㆤᢿߔࠆߎߣߢ㜞ຠ⾰ߥ࠻ࡦࡀ ࡞᭴▽ࠍน⢻ߦߒ㨮߭߮ഀࠇߩ⊒↢₸߮ ࠻࠲࡞ࠦࠬ࠻ߩૐᷫࠍታߒ߹ߔޕ It achieved the construction of a high-quality tunnel by keeping moist and the curing temperature of the lining concrete and intercepting a harmful action, and the generation rate of the crack and the total cost can be decreased. ኙ಄ߥߤߩᣉᎿߢ㙃↢ਇ⿷ߩߚలಽߥࠦࡦ ࠢ࠻ߩᒝᐲ߇⏕ߢ߈ߥᤨޔ㙃↢᷷ᐲࠍ ဳᨒⵣ㕙ࠃࠅഥߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ When enough concrete strength cannot be secured by the curing lack as for tunnel construction in the cold region, the curing temperature can be assisted from the back of the formwork. コ ン ク リ 5 ȬɭȽɠɭȵɭ ト 養 生 シ ス テ ム Sheet Winder 㕙ࠦ࠻ߦ㑐ߒޔᄤ႐ߩᛂ⸳ሹࠃࠅᵈ ߔࠆࠦࡦࠢ࠻߇ဳᨒ㕙ߦႣᏓߒ ߚ㔌᧚ࠍឃ㒰ߒߚࠅޔޔ㐳ᄢ࠻ࡦࡀ ࡞ߩ႐วߪ㕙ࠦ࠻߇⏴⠻ߒ߿ߔߚ ޔဋ৻ߩࠅߦ㗴߇ࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ߎߩ㔚േᏎขࠅᑼߩࠪ࠻࡞࠳ߪߘ ࠇࠍ⸃ߔࠆߚߦ㐿⊒ߐࠇ߹ߒߚޕ The concrete poured from concrete nozzle of crown part removes the separating agent applied on the surface of the formwork, and the coat on tunnel surface wears out easily, resulting in impossible to get the uniform concrete finish. This electric power type sheet winder was developed to solve it. 6 эᥐ୫ɒɨɌȬȮȻɕߵسȬȮȻɕ Separating Agent Pumping System / Separating Applying System ᓥ᧪ߩႣᏓᬺߢߪྃ㔵ེࠍᜬߜᱠߡ߹ ߒߚ߇ߪࡓ࠹ࠬࠪߩߎޔ㔌᧚ࠍ࠼ࡓ➧߆ࠄ⋥ ធࡐࡦࡊߢⶄᢙߩ࡞ઃ߈ྃ㔵ࡁ࠭࡞߳ㅍ ߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ޔᬺߩല₸߇࿑ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ 7 ൟ൱ȬȮȻɕ Washing System ⵝߐࠇߚ㜞᳓ᵞᵺࡐࡦࡊߢ㈩▤ޔᆄ᧼ ㇱࠍᆎ㨮ဳᨒౝࠍ⚛ᣧߊ✊㤀ߦᵞᵺߒ߹ߔޕ This system can be washed quickly and beautifully in the formwork including piping and bulk head flange with the equipped high-pressure water washing pump. The old applying work due to the nebulizer was carried by human power. However, this system was able to feed separating agent forcefully directly from the drum can to the nozzle of the nebulizer with plural reels with the pump. As a result, the efficiency of work is achieved. 13 GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. GIFU KOGYO CO., LTD. 14 本 社 Main Office 〒501-0304 岐阜県瑞穂市田之上 811 番地 811, Tanokami, Mizuho City, Gifu, 501-0304, Japan URL http://www.gifukogyo.co.jp/ 経営企画部:TEL <058>257-1000 ㈹ FAX <058>257-1013 メールアドレス 経営企画部:[email protected] 営 業 部:[email protected] 技 術 部:[email protected] 製 造 部:[email protected] 東 京 支 店:[email protected] 巣南工場 〒501-0305 岐阜県瑞穂市宮田三舞越 199 番地 199, Miyadensanmaikoshi, Mizuho City, Gifu, 501-0305, Japan 営 業 部:TEL <058>257-1001 FAX <058>257-1011 技 術 部:TEL <058>257-1002 FAX <058>257-1012 製 造 部:TEL <058>328-5511 FAX <058>328-5510 谷汲工場 〒501-1314 岐阜県揖斐郡揖斐川町谷汲名礼字橋角 1265-42 1265-42, Hashikado, Taniguminare, Ibigawa, Ibi, Gifu, 501-1314, Japan 品質保証室:TEL <0585>55-2200 FAX <0585>55-2733 木曽屋工場 〒501-1316 岐阜県揖斐郡揖斐川町谷汲木曽屋字馬倉 928 928, Umakura, Tanigumikisoya, Ibigawa, Ibi, Gifu, 501-1316, Japan 製 造 部:TEL <0585>56-0066 FAX <0585>56-0067 AP事業部:TEL <0585>56-0091 FAX <0585>56-0092 東京支店 〒132-0035 東京都江戸川区平井 2 丁目 5 番 2 号 平井ビル 2F 2F Hirai Bldg 2-5-2 Hirai Edogawa-Ku, ToKyo, 132-0035, Japan TEL <03>5836-0531 FAX <03>5836-0532 仙台営業所 〒983-0013 宮城県仙台市宮城野区中野字石橋 120-1 120-1 Ishibashi Nakano Miyagino-Ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 983-0013, Japan TEL <022>259-2239 FAX <022>259-3664 九州営業所 〒818-0132 福岡県太宰府市国分 3 丁目 10 番 5 号 3-10-5 Kokubu, Dazaifu-City, Fukuoka, 818-0132, Japan TEL <092>918-3880 FAX <092>918-3882 札幌営業所 〒001-0028 北海道札幌市北区北 28 条西 9 丁目 3 番 11 号 Y28 302 号 Room 302, Y28, 9-3-11, Kita 28-jonishi, Kita-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, 001-0028, Japan TEL <011>374-7027 FAX <011>374-7028 Mail Address Sunami Factory Tanigumi Factory Kisoya Factory Tokyo Branch Sendai Branch Kyushu Branch Sapporo Branch
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