Travel General General - Essentials English Japanese Can you help me, please? Asking for help 助けていただけますか? Do you speak English? Asking if a person speaks English 英語を話せますか? Do you speak _[language]_? Asking if a person speaks a certain language _を話せますか? I don't speak_[language]_. Clarifying that you don't speak a certain language _を私は話せません I don't understand. Explaining that you don't understand 分かりません General - Conversation English Japanese Hello! Standard greeting こんにちは Hi! Informal greeting やぁ! Good Morning! Greeting used in the morning おはようございます! Good Evening! Greeting used in the evening こんばんは! Good Night! おやすみなさい! Greeting used when leaving in the evening/night or before going to bed How are you? お元気ですか? Polite small talk enquiring about the other person's well-being Page 1 08.02.2017 Travel General Good, thank you. Polite reply to 'How are you?' 元気です What’s your name? Asking the other person's name お名前はなんですか? My name is ___. Telling someone your name 私の名前は_です Where are you from? Asking about someone's origin どこから来ましたか? I am from___. Answering about your origin _から来ました How old are you? Asking about someone's age おいくつですか? I am___years old. Answering about your age _歳です Yes Positive reply はい No Negative reply いいえ Please Filler word to add polite touch お願いします Here you go! Used when giving something to someone はい、どうぞ! Thank you. Thanking someone ありがとうございます Thank you very much. Thanking someone very warmly どうもありがとうございます Page 2 08.02.2017 Travel General You're welcome. Politely replying to a 'thank you' どういたしまして I am sorry. Apologizing for something ごめんなさい Excuse me. Getting the attention of someone すみません It's OK. Replying to an apology if you accept it 大丈夫です No problem. Replying to an apology if you accept it 問題ないです Watch out! Making someone aware of a danger 気をつけて! I am hungry. Used when feeling hungry お腹がすきました I am thirsty. Used when feeling thirsty 喉が渇きました I am tired. Used when feeling tired 疲れました I am sick. Used when feeling sick 風邪を引きました I don't know. You don't know the answer to a question 分かりません It was nice meeting you. Polite good-bye phrase after first meeting あなたに会えてよかったです Goodbye! Saying farewell さようなら! General - Complaints Page 3 08.02.2017 Travel General English Page 4 08.02.2017 Travel General Japanese I would like to make a complaint. Polite way of starting your complaint クレームを言いたいと思います Who is in charge here? Finding out who is responsible 責任者はどなたですか? This is totally unacceptable! Strongly expressing your dissatisfaction これは非常に受け入れ難いことだ! I want my money back! Asking for a refund お金を返してくれ! We have been waiting for over an hour. Complaining about long waiting times 1時間以上私たちは待っています General - Swearing English Japanese This food tastes like crap! Rude way of showing displeasure with your food この食べ物はとてもまずい! This drink tastes like piss! Rude way of showing displeasure with a drink この飲み物は小便の味がする! This place is a shithole! この場所は糞だ! Rude way of showing displeasure with an establishment This car is a wreck! Rude way of showing displeasure with a car この車は倒壊寸前だ! The service sucks! Rude way of showing displeasure with the service このサービスは最低だ! This is a total rip-off! Rudely complaining about a high price これは完全なぼったくりだ! Page 5 08.02.2017 Travel General That is bullshit! これはでたらめだ! Rude way of showing disbelief in something someone said You are a stupid moron! Insulting a person by criticizing his/her intelligence お前は馬鹿な奴だ! You don't know shit! Insulting a person by criticizing his/her knowledge お前は何も知らない! Piss off! Rudely telling a person to leave immediately うせろ! Let's settle this outside! 外でケリつけようぜ! Asking a person to fight outside of an establishment Page 6 Powered by TCPDF ( 08.02.2017
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