受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 1 2009年度 <A> <AA00502365> ISSN:01491423 A.A.P.G. bulletin / American Association of Petroleum Geologists. -- Vol. 58 (1974)-.(Am. Asso. Petrolem Geologists)[月刊] 理地球 <AA11029520> A.D.B. review / Asian Development Bank. -- July-Aug. 1994 (July/Aug. 1994)-Nov.-Dec. 1997 (Nov./Dec. 1997) ; V. 30, no. 1 (1998)-. -- Information Office of the Asian Development Bank, 1994-.(Information Office of the Asian Developm)[隔月刊] 国開 <AA10637418> ISSN:02616823 AA files : annals of the Architectural Association, School of Architecture. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1981/82)-. -- The Association, c1981-.(Architectural Association, School of Architecture)[年2回刊] 工 <AA10696461> ISSN:08910162 AAOHN journal : official journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses. -- [Vol. 34, no. 1] (Jan. 1986)-. -Published by SLACK Inc. for the AAOHN, [1986]-.(SLACK)[月刊] 医保健 <AA00504553> ISSN:00255858 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universit t Hamburg. -- 15. Bd. (1947)-. -- Vandenhoeck & Ruprech, 1947.(Vandenhoeck & Ruprech)[年刊] 数理 <AA00504768> ISSN:03656470 Abhandlungen der Schsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. -- Bd. 44, Heft 1 (1950)-. -- Akademie-Verlag, 1950-.(Akademie-Verlag)[不明] 数理 <YS01700752> Abstracts Issue of International Conference ATS. -- American Lung Association.(American Thoracic Society)[年刊] 医 <AA00063629> ISSN:01902946 Academe : bulletin of the A.A.U.P / American Association of University Professor. -- 65 (1979)-.(American Association of University Professors)[隔月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 2 2009年度 <AA00016301> ISSN:00014273 The Academy of Management journal. -- Vol. 6, no. 1 (Mar. 1963)-. -- Academy of Management, c1963-.(Academy of Management)[隔月刊] 経済 教育 <AA11997780> ISSN:1537260X Academy of Management learning & education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 2002)-. -- Academy of Management, 2002-.()[季刊] 教育 <AA12121766> ISSN:15589080 The Academy of Management perspectives. -- Vol. 20, no. 1 (Feb. 2006)-. -- Academy of Management, 2006-.()[季刊] 教育 <AA00043778> ISSN:03637425 The Academy of Management review / Academy of Management. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1976)-. -- Academy of Management, 1976.(Academy of Management)[季刊] 経済 <AA00016414> 教育 ISSN:00014664 Accountancy. -- Vol. 50, no. 542 (Oct. 1938)-. -- Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors, 1938-.(Accountancy Magazine)[月刊] 経済 <AA00044136> ISSN:01484184 The accounting historians journal / Academy of Accounting Historians. -- Vol. 4, no. 1 (spring 1977)-. -- Academy of Accounting Historians, c1977-.(Academy of Accounting Historians)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA10421816> The accounting historians notebook / the Academy of Accounting Historians. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1978)-. -- Academy of Accounting Historians, Graduate School of Business, University, 1978-.(Academy of Accounting Historians)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA00016607> ISSN:00014826 The accounting review / American Association of University Instructors in Accounting. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1926)-. -- American Association of University Instructors in Accounting, 1926-.(American Accounting Association)[隔月刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 3 2009年度 <AA10670082> ISSN:0889325X ACI materials journal : a journal of the American Concrete Institute. -- Vol. 84, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1987)-. -- American Concrete Institute, c1987-.(American Concrete Institute)[隔月刊] 工 <AA10499096> ISSN:03600300 ACM computing surveys. -- Vol. 3, no. 2 (June 1971)-. -- Association for Computing Machinery.(Association for Computing Machinery)[季刊] 情連セ <AA11192350> ISSN:03621340 ACM SIGPLAN notices / ACM Special Interestst Group on Programming Languages. -- Vol. 26, no. 10 (Oct. 1991)-. -- ACM Press, [1991]-.(Association for Computing Machinery)[月刊] 工 <AA10998959> ISSN:10730516 ACM transactions on computer-human interaction. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1994)-. -- Association for Computing Machinery, c1994.(Association for Computing Machinery)[季刊] 工 <AA00042640> ISSN:03625915 ACM transactions on database systems. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1976)-. -- Association for Computing Machinery, c1976-.(Association for Computing Machinery)[季刊] 工 <AA10628472> ISSN:07300301 ACM transactions on graphics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1982)-. -- Association for Computing Machinery, c1982-.(Association for Computing Machinery)[季刊] 情文 <AA1072920X> ISSN:10468188 ACM transactions on information systems : a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery. -- Vol. 7, no. 1 (Jan. 1989)-. -- The Association, c1989-.(Association for Computing Machinery)[季刊] 工 <AA00502525> ISSN:00983500 ACM transactions on mathematical software. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 1975)-. -- Association for Computing Machinery.(Association for Computing Machinery)[季刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 4 2009年度 <AA0006282X> ISSN:01640925 ACM transactions on programming languages and systems. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1979)-. -- Association for Computing Machinery, c1979-.(Association for Computing Machinery)[隔月刊] 工 <AA10779252> ISSN:1049331X ACM transactions on software engineering and methodology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1992)-. -- Association for Computing Machinery, 1992-.(Association for Computing Machinery)[季刊] 工 <AA00506173> ISSN:00015105 Acta Academiae Aboensis. Ser. B, Mathematica et physica : matematik, naturvetenskaper, teknik. -- Vol. 24, no. 1 (1964)-.(Abo Akademi University Press)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA11835064> ISSN:16101928 Acta Acustica united with Acustica : the journal of the European Acoustics Association (EEIG) ・ International Journal on Acoustics. -- Vol. 87, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 2001)-. -- S. Hirzel Verlag, 2001-.(S. Hirzel Verlag)[隔月刊] 工 <AA00506479> ISSN:00651036 Acta arithmetica. -- 1 (1936)-. -- Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.(Polska Akademia Nauk)[月2回刊] 数理 <AA00063811> ISSN:00651044 Acta Baltico - Slavica / Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slowianoznawatwa. -- 1 (1964)-. -- Ossolineum.(Instytut Slawistyki Pan)[年刊] 文 <AA00044475> ISSN:03740463 Acta linguistica Hafniensia : international journal of structural linguistics / Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen. -- 9 (1965)-. -- Nordisk Sprog-og Kulturforlag.(C.A. Reitzel)[年刊] 文 <AA10731303> ISSN:14398516 Acta mathematica Sinica. New series. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1985)-. -- Science Press, 1985-.(Springer)[月刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 5 2009年度 <AA10865580> ISSN:08629544 Acta mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New series / Universitas Comeniana. -- Vol. 60, no. 1 (spring 1991)-. -- Comenius University Press, 1991-.(Comenius University Press)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA12198986> ISSN:12148148 Acta mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis. -- Vol. 12, no. 1 (2004)-. -- Faculty of Sciences, University of Ostrava, 2004.(Faculty of Sciences, University of Ostrava)[年刊] 数理 <AA00508328> ISSN:02514184 Acta mathematica vietnamica. -- T. 1, no 1 (1976)-. -- Institute of Mathematics, National Center for Scientific Research.(Institute of Mathematics, National Center for Scientific Research)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA00508361> ISSN:05677734 Acta medica et biologica. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1953)-. -- Niigata University School of Medicine.(Niigata University School of Medicine)[季刊] 医 <AA00508372> ISSN:03241750 Acta medica Bulgarica. -- Vol. 1 (1973)-.(Central Medical Library)[年刊] 医 <AA0050842X> ISSN:03866092 Acta medica Kinki University / the Kinki University Medical Association. -- Vol. 1 (Dec. 1976)-. -- Kinki University Medical Association, [1976]-.(the Kinki University Medical Association)[年2回刊] 医 <AA00508430> ISSN:00016055 Acta medica Nagasakiensia. -- Nagasaki University School of Medicine.(Nagasaki University School of Medicine)[季刊] 医 <AA00508441> ISSN:0386300X Acta medica Okayama. -- 27 (1973)-.(Okayama)[隔月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 6 2009年度 <AA00508962> ISSN:00016314 Acta neurologica Scandinavica. -- Vol. 37, no. 1 (1961)-. -- Munksgaard.(Wiley-Blackwell)[月刊] 医 <AA00508984> ISSN:00016322 Acta neuropathologica. -- (1961)-. -- Springer.(Springer)[月刊] 医 <AA00044522> ISSN:00016373 Acta oeconomica : periodical of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences / Hungarian Academy of Sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1/2 (1966)-. -- Akadmiai Kiad, 1966-.(Akademiai Kiado)[季刊] 経済 <AA12013559> ISSN:17453674 Acta orthopaedica. -- Vol. 76, no. 1 (Feb. 2005)-. -- Taylor & Francis, c2005-.(Taylor & Francis (Scandinavian U.P.))[隔月刊] 医 <AA10668717> ISSN:02841851 Acta radiologica. -- Vol. 28, fasc. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1987)-. -- [Acta Radiologica], 1987-.(Informa healthcare(Taylor & Francis))[月刊] 医 <AA00510283> ISSN:00016969 Acta scientiarum mathematicarum. -- Tomus 11 (1946/1948)-.(Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged)[季刊] 数理 <AA00017348> ISSN:00016993 Acta sociologica : revue scandinave de sociologie. -- Vol. 1, fasc. 1 (1955)-. -- Universitetsforlaget [etc.], 1955-.(Sage Publications)[季刊] 情文 <AA00510512> ISSN:00017051 Acta theriologica. -- (1955)-. -- Polish Scientific Pub.(Ars Polona S.A.)[季刊] 農 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 7 2009年度 <AA0001787X> ISSN:00017728 L'Actualit juridique. Droit administratif. -- 10e anne, no. 1 (janv. 1954)-. -- L'Actualite Juridique, 1954-.(Editions Dalloz)[週刊] 中央館 <AA11526911> ISSN:14734834 Administrative court digest. -- Feb. 2001 (Feb. 2001)-. -- Sweet and Maxwell, 2001-.(Sweet & Maxwell)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA0001809X> ISSN:00018392 Administrative science quarterly / Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University. -- Vol. 1 (1956)-. -Graduate School of Business and PublicAdministration, Cornell Univer(Administrative Science Quarter)[季刊] 中央館 <AA0004530X> ISSN:00018449 Adolescence : an international quarterly devoted to the physiological, psychological, psychiatric, sociological, and educational aspects of the second decade of human life. -- Vol. 1 no. 1 (spring 196(Libra Pub.)[季刊] 教育 <AA10643625> ISSN:07417136 Adult education quarterly. -- Vol. 33, no. 3 (spring 1983)-. -- American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, c1983.(Sage)[季刊] 教育 <AA10761428> ISSN:10451595 Adult learning. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1989)-. -- American Association for Adult & Continuing Education, c1989-.(American Association for Adult & Continu)[季刊] 教育 <AA10741577> ISSN:09552308 Adults learning. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1989)-. -- [National Institute of Adult Continuing Education], 1989-.(National Institute of Adult Continuing E)[月刊] 教育 <AA10679815> ISSN:08827958 Advanced materials & processes. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1985)-v. 2, no. 9 (Sept. 1986) ; V. 130, no. 4 (Oct. 1986)-. -- American Society for Metals, c1985-.(ASM International)[月刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 8 2009年度 <AA11657250> ISSN:12293067 Advanced studies in contemporary mathematics : memoirs of the Jangjun Mathematical Society. -- 1 ([1999])-. -- Gu-Duk, c1999.(Gu-Duk)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00512063> ISSN:00018678 Advances in applied probability. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1969)-. -- Applied Probability Trust.(Applied Probability Trust)[季刊] 情文 <AA11083355> ISSN:10799389 Advances in differential equations. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1996)-. -- Khayyam Pub. Co., Inc., c1996-.(Khayyam)[月刊] 数理 <AA12168169> ISSN:19305346 Advances in mathematics of communications / American Institute of Mathematical Sciences [&] Shandong University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 2007)-. -- American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, c2007-.(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences)[季刊] 数理 <AA00513565> ISSN:00018732 Advances in physics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1952)-. -- Taylor & Francis.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月刊] 理物理 <AA11380962> ISSN:10950761 Advances in theoretical and mathematical physics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1997)-. -- International Press.(International Press)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00514397> ISSN:00019240 The Aeronautical journal / the Royal Aeronautical Society. -- Vol. 72, no. 685 (Jan. 1968)-. -- Royal Aeronautical Society, 1968.(Royal Aeronautical Society)[月刊] 工 <AA10639457> ISSN:0740722X Aerospace America. -- [Vol. 22, no. 1] (Jan. 1984)-. -- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, c1984-.(A.I.A.A.)[月刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 9 2009年度 <AA10499642> ISSN:00019720 Africa. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1928)-. -- Oxford University Press, 1928-.(Edinburgh University Press)[季刊] 文 <AA00045809> ISSN:00019933 African arts = Arts d'Afrique. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (autumn 1967)-. -- African Studies Center, University of California, [1967]-.(MIT Press)[季刊] 文 <AA10626444> ISSN:02851601 African study monographs. -- Vol. 1 (1981)-. -- Research Committee for African Area Studies, c1981-.(Research Committee for African Area Stud)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10636379> ISSN:02869667 African study monographs. Supplementary issue. -- No. 1 (1982)-. -- Research Committee for African Area Studies, Kyoto University, 1982-.(Research Committee for African Area Stud)[不明] 中央館 <AA00019015> ISSN:00021490 The agricultural history review / the British Agricultural History Society. -- Vol. 1 (1953)-.(British Agricultural History Society)[年2 回刊] 経済 <AA10801839> ISSN:17488842 Aircraft engineering and aerospace technology. -- Vol. 58, no. 4 (Apr. 1986)-. -- Bunhill, 1986-.(Emerald)[隔月刊] 工 <AA12373146> ISSN:09728600 AKCE : International journal of graphs and combinatorics. -- Kalasalingam University.(Kalasalingam University)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00019332> ISSN:00023752 Aktiengesellschaft. -- 1 (1956)-. -- Dr. Otto Schmidt.(Dr. Otto Schmidt)[月2回刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 10 2009年度 <AA00019434> ISSN:00023957 Akzente : Zeitschrift fr Dichtung. -- 1. Jahrg. (Febr. 1954)-. -- C. Hanser.(Carl Hanser Verlag)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA11034145> ISSN:10053867 Algebra colloquium. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1994)-. -- Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1994-.(Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)[季刊] 数理 <AA11963392> ISSN:14722747 Algebraic & geometric topology : ATG. -- Vol. 1 (2001)-. -- Geometry & Topology Publications.(Mathematical Sciences Publishers)[年刊] 数理 <AA00047702> ISSN:03043754 Alternatives : a journal of world policy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1975)-. -- North-Holland.(Lynne Rienner)[季刊] 国開 <AA1042436X> ISSN:00447471 Amerasia journal : a joint quarterly publication of the UCLA Asian American Studies Center and the Yale Asian American Students Association / Asian American Studies Center, University of California, L(University of California at Los Angele)[年3回刊] 情文 <AA00020885> ISSN:00027316 American antiquity : a quarterly review of American archaeology / the Society for American Archaeology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1935)-. -- Society for American Archaeology, 1935-.(Society for American Archaeology)[季刊] 文 <AA12356635> ISSN:19457782 The American economic journal. Applied economics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2009)-. -- American Economic Association, 2009.(American Economic Association)[季刊] 経済 <AA12356613> ISSN:19457731 American economic journal. Economic policy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 2009)-. -- American Economic Association, 2009-.(American Economic Association)[年2回刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 11 2009年度 <AA12356602> ISSN:19457707 The American economic journal. Macroeconomics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2009)-. -- American Economic Association, 2009.(American Economic Association)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA12356599> ISSN:19457669 American economic journal. Microeconomics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 2009)-. -- American Economic Association, c2009-.(American Economic Association)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA00021334> ISSN:00028282 The American economic review / American Economic Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1911)-. -- American Economic Association, 1911-.(American Economic Association)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00021516> ISSN:00028762 The American historical review / American Historical Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1895)-. -- Macmillan, 1895-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[隔月刊] 文 <AA00021684> ISSN:00029114 American journal of archaeology. Second series : the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1897)-. -Macmillan, 1897-.(Archaeological Institute of America)[季刊] 文 <AA00520469> ISSN:00029173 American journal of clinical pathology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1931)-. -- [s.n.], 1931-.(American Society of Clinical Pathologists)[月 刊] 医保健 <AA00066321> ISSN:01931091 The American journal of dermatopathology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1979)-. -- Masson.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00066343> ISSN:01956744 American journal of education. -- Vol. 88, no. 1 (Nov. 1979)-. -- University of Chicago Press, 1979-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 12 2009年度 <AA00066376> ISSN:01957910 American journal of forensic medicine and pathology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1980)-. -- Masson Publishing USA.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[季刊] 医 <AA10625259> ISSN:02726386 American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1981)-. -- Grune & Stratton, c1981-.()[月刊] 医 <AA00021775> ISSN:00029319 The American journal of legal history : official publication of American Society for Legal History / Temple University School of Law. -- Vol. 1, [no. 1] ([Jan.] 1957)-. -- Temple University School of (Temple University of Law)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00520720> ISSN:00029327 American journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 3 (1880)-. -- Johns Hopkins University, 1880-.(Johns Hopkins University Press)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA00520775> ISSN:00029629 American journal of the medical sciences. N.S. -- Vol. 1 (1841)-. -- Lea & Blanchard.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00066423> ISSN:01956108 American journal of neuroradiology : AJNR : official journal American Society of Neuroradiology / the American Society of Neuroradiology. -- Vol. 1 (1980)-. -- American Roentgen Ray Society.(American Society of Neuroradiology)[月刊] 医 <AA00048501> ISSN:02729490 American journal of occupational therapy / American Occupational Therapy Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1947)-.(American Occupational Therapy Association)[隔月刊] 医保健 <AA00021800> 医 ISSN:00029432 American journal of orthopsychiatry : a journal of human behavior / American Orthopsychiatric Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1930)-. -- George Banta.(American Orthopsychiatric Association)[季刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 13 2009年度 <AA00066434> ISSN:01960709 American journal of otolaryngology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (fall 1979)-. -- W.B. Saunders, [1980]-.(W. B. Saunders)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00520990> ISSN:00029440 American journal of pathology. -- 1 (1925)-. -- American Association of Pathologists, 1925-.(Am. Soc. for Investigative Pathology)[月刊] 医 <AA00021811> ISSN:00029475 American journal of philology / Johns Hopkins University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1880)-. -- B.L. Gildersleeve.(Johns Hopkins University Press)[季刊] 文 <AA10674221> ISSN:08949115 American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation. -- Vol. 67, no. 1 (Feb. 1988)-. -- Published by Williams & Wilkins for the Association of Academic Physiatrists, c1988-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医保健 <AA10707251> ISSN:10441549 American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1989)-. -- American Thoracic Society.(American Thoracic Society)[月刊] 医 <AA10989539> ISSN:1073449X American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. -- Vol. 149, no. 1 (Jan. 1994)-. -- American Lung Association, 1994.(American Thoracic Society)[月2回刊] 医 <AA00521224> ISSN:0361803X American journal of roentgenology. -- 126 (1976)-.(American Roentgen Ray Society)[月刊] 医 <AA00048578> ISSN:00029599 American journal of science / Kline Geology Laboratory, Yale University. -- Vol. 237, no. 1 (Jan. 1939)-. -- [s.n.], 1939-.(Am. J. of Science)[月刊] 理地球 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 14 2009年度 <AA00021902> ISSN:00029602 The American journal of sociology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1895)-. -- University of Chicago Press, 1896-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[隔 月刊] 文 教育 <AA00048603> ISSN:03635465 American journal of sports medicine / American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. -- Vol. 4 (1976)-. -- American Orthopaedic Society, 1976-.(Sage Publications)[月刊] 保体セ <AA00521359> ISSN:01475185 The American journal of surgical pathology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1977)-. -- Masson, 1977-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00521439> 医 ISSN:00029637 American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. -- 1 (1952)-. -- Williams and Wilkins Company.(American Soc. of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene)[月刊] 医 <AA10685953> ISSN:10417958 American machinist. -- Vol. 132, no. 8 (Aug. 1988)-. -- Penton, c1988-.(Penton)[月刊] 経済 <AA00048873> ISSN:00029890 The American mathematical monthly : official journal of the Mathematical Association of America. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1894)-. -Mathematical Association of America, 1894-.(Mathematical Association of America)[月刊] 数理 <AA00521712> ISSN:0003004X American mineralogist : journal of the Mineralogical Society of America / Mineralogical Society of America. -- Vol. 1 (1916)-. -Mineralogical Society of America.(Mineralogical Society of America)[隔月刊] 理地球 <AA00022304> ISSN:00030481 American philosophical quarterly. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1964)-.(University of Illinois Press)[季刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 15 2009年度 <AA00022381> ISSN:00030554 American political science review / American Political Science Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1906)-. -- American Political Science Association, 1906-.(Cambridge University Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00022428> ISSN:00030678 American quarterly. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1949)-. -- University of Minnesota Press, 1949-.(Johns Hopkins University Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00022596> ISSN:00030945 The American school and university. -- [Vol. 1] (1928/1929)-. -- American School Publishing Corporation, [1929]-..(Primedia Business Magazines & Media)[月刊] 教育 <AA00022574> ISSN:00030953 American school board journal. -- Bruce Publishing.(National School Board Association)[月刊] 教育 <AA00522169> ISSN:00030996 American scientist / Scientific Research Society of North America. -- v. 30, no.2 (1942)-.(Sigma XI)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00022632> ISSN:00031224 American sociological review : the official journal of the American Sociological Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1936)-. -- American Sociological Society.(American Sociological Association)[隔月刊] 文 <AA10709097> 教育 ISSN:00031232 The American sociologist. New series. -- Vol. 18, no. 1 (spring 1987)-. -- Transaction Periodicals Consortium, c1987.(Transactions Periodicals Consortium)[季刊] 情文 <AA00022687> ISSN:00031283 American speech : a quarterly of linguistic usage / American Dialect Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1925)-. -- Williams & Wilkins, c1925.(Duke University Press)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 16 2009年度 <AA10699991> ISSN:87503255 American theatre. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1984)-. -- Theatre Communications Group, c1984-.(Theatre Communications Group)[月刊] 工 <AA11239727> ISSN:12236934 Analele Universitatii din Craiova. Seria Matematica informatica. -- Vol. 18 (1990)-. -- Faculty of Mathematics & Informatics, Craiova University, 1990-.(Faculty of Mathematics & Informatics, Craiova University)[年刊] 数理 <AA00523423> ISSN:10105433 Analele Universitii Bucureti. Matematic. -- Anul 26 (1977)-. -- Universitea Bucureti, 1977-.(Universitea Bucureti)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA11875557> ISSN:12247170 Analele Universitii Bucureti. Matematic-informatic. -- Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest.(Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest)[不明] 数理 <AA12326113> ISSN:18413293 Analele universitii de vest din Timioara. Seria matematic-informatic. -- Vol. 41, fasc. 1 (2003)-. -- Universitatea de Vest din Timioara, 2003-.(Universitatea din Timisoara)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA10704399> ISSN:12218421 Analele tiinifice ale Universitii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iai. Serie nou. Seciunea Matematic. -- Tomul 25, fasc. 1 (1979)-. -- Universitatea, 1979-.(Universitatea)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00524539> ISSN:00340634 Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina / Real Academia Nacional de Medicina. -- (1879)-.(Madrid)[季刊] 医 <AA10625791> ISSN:01744747 Analysis : international mathematical journal of analysis and its application. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1981)-. -- Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1981-.(R.Oldenbourg Verlag)[季刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 17 2009年度 <AA00524878> ISSN:00032700 Analytical chemistry. -- Vol. 19, no. 1 (Jan. 1947)-. -- American Chemical Society, 1947-.(American Chemical Society)[月2回刊] 工 <AA10630838> ISSN:07402007 Ancient philosophy. -- [Vol. 1, no. 1] (fall 1980)-. -- Department of Philosophy, Duquesne University, c1980-.(Mathesis)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00050263> ISSN:00661619 Ancient society / Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven. -- (1970)-.(Editions Peeters)[年刊] 文 <AA00525156> ISSN:00032999 Anesthesia and analgesia. -- 36 (1957)-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00525225> ISSN:00033022 Anesthesiology : the journal of the American Society of Anesthetists. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jul. 1940)-. -- The American Society of Anesthetists, 1940-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA11018171> ISSN:03952649 Annales : conomies, socits, civilisations. -- 1re anne, no 1 (janv./mars 1946)-. -- A. Colin, 1946-.(Armand Colin)[隔月 刊] 文 <AA00526206> ISSN:12396303 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Ser. A.1, Mathematica dissertationes. -- Vol. 1 (1975)-.(Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia)[不 明] 数理 <AA12195842> ISSN:1239629X Annales Academi Scientiarum Fennic. Mathematica. -- Vol. 21, fasc. 1 (1996)-. -- Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1996.(Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia)[年2回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 18 2009年度 <AA10691843> ISSN:0769489X Annales d'conomie et de statistique. -- 1 (janv./mars 1986)-. -- ADRES, 1986-.(INSEE)[季刊] 経済 <AA1086506X> ISSN:02402955 Annales de la Facult des sciences de Toulouse. Srie 6, Mathmatiques / Universit Paul Sabatier. -- Vol. 1, fasc. 1 (1992)-. -- L'Universit, 1992-.(Universit Paul Sabatier Institut de Mathmatiques)[季刊] 数理 <AA10731540> ISSN:09927689 Annales geophysicae : atmospheres, hydrospheres, and space sciences / European Geographical Society. -- Vol. 6, no. 1 (feb. 1988)-. -- Gauthier-Villars, 1988-.(European Geosciences Union)[月刊] 太陽研 <AA0002481X> ISSN:00034010 Annales de gographie / Socit de gographie. -- T. 1 (1891)-. -- A. Colin, 1891-.(Armand Colin)[隔月刊] 文 <AA00024864> ISSN:00034436 Annales historiques de la Rvolution franaise. Nouvelle srie / Socit des tudes robespierristes. -- T. 1 (1924)-t. 57 (1985) ; 263 (1986)-no 282 (oct./dc. 1990) ; 1991, no 1 (janv./mars 1991)- = (Societe des Etudes Robespierristes)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00527912> ISSN:03730956 Annales de l'Institut Fourier. -- T. 1 (1949)-. -- Louis-Jean, 1950-.(Association des Annales de l'Institut Fourier)[隔月刊] 情文 数理 <AA11108795> Annales mathmatiques Blaise Pascal. -- Vol. 1, no 1 (janv. 1994)-. -- Laboratoires de mathmatiques pures et appliques de l'Universit Blaise Pascal, 1994-.(Laboratoires de mathmatiques pures et appliques de l'Universit Blaise Pascal)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00025029> ISSN:00034398 Annales du Midi : revue arch ologique, historique et philologique de la France mridionale. -- 1. anne (1889)-. -- E. Privat.(E.Privat)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 19 2009年度 <AA00529532> ISSN:00662216 Annales polonici mathematici / Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Matematyczny. -- 1 (1954)-. -- Pa stwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.(Pastwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA00530021> ISSN:00129593 Annales scientifiques de l' cole normale suprieure. Sr. 4. -- T. 1, fasc. 1 (1968)-. -- Gauthier-Villars, 1968-.(GauthierVillars)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA0053078X> ISSN:03651029 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sk odowska. Sectio A, Mathematica. -- 1 (1946)-.(Mariae Curie-Skodowska University Press)[年刊] 数理 <AA12324435> ISSN:17321360 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sk odowska. Sectio AI, Informatica. -- Vol. 1 (2003)-. -- Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skodowskiej, 2003-.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skodowskiej)[年刊] 数理 <AA00530917> ISSN:05249007 Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando E tv s Nominatae. Sectio mathematica / Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis. -- T. 1 (1958)-.(Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis)[年刊] 数理 <AA00531589> ISSN:00212571 Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanita. -- Vol. 1, pt. 1 (1965)-. -- Istituto superiore di sanita, 1965-.()[季刊] 医 <AA11845953> Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Classe di scienze. Ser. 5. -- Vol. 1, 1 (2002)-. -- [Scuola normale superiore di Pisa], 2002-.(Scuola normale superiore di Pisa)[季刊] 数理 <AA00532093> ISSN:04303202 Annali della Universit di Ferrara. Nuova serie. Sezione 7, Scienze matematiche. -- 1 (1950)-. -- [Universit di Ferrara].(Universit di Ferrara)[年2回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 20 2009年度 <AA10777315> ISSN:10505164 The annals of applied probability : an official journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1991)-. -Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1991-.(Institute of Mathematical Statistics)[季刊] 数理 <AA00026167> ISSN:00045608 Annals of the Association of American Geographers.(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 文 <AA00532581> ISSN:01466453 Annals of the I.C.R.P. -- (1977)-. -- Pergamon.(Pergamon)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00532617> ISSN:00034819 Annals of internal medicine. -- Vol. 1 (July 1927)-. -- American College of Physicians, 1927-.(American College of Physicians)[月2 回刊] 医 <AA00532843> ISSN:0003486X Annals of mathematics. Ser. 2. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1899)-.(Johns Hopkins University Press)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA10826647> 数理 ISSN:10600280 The Annals of pharmacotherapy. -- Vol. 26, no. 1 (Jan. 1992)-. -- Harvey Whitney Books Co..(H. Whitney)[月刊] 医 <AA00533030> ISSN:01487043 Annals of plastic surgery. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1978)-. -- Little Brown, 1978-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00051798> ISSN:00911798 The annals of probability / Institute of Mathematical Statistics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1973)-. -- Waverly Press, 1973-.(Institute of Mathematical Statistics)[隔月刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 21 2009年度 <AA00533085> ISSN:00034967 Annals of the rheumatic diseases. -- Vol. 1, no. 2 (1939)-.(BMJ)[月刊] 医 <AA00051834> ISSN:00905364 The annals of statistics : an official journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1973)-. -- Waverly Press, 1973-.(Institute of Mathematical Statistics)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00533198> ISSN:00034932 Annals of surgery. -- 1 (1885)-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00026360> ISSN:00662348 Annee epigraphique : revue des publications epigraphiques relatives a l'antiquite romaine. -- Presses universitaires de France.(Presses Universitaires de France)[年刊] 文 <AA00027068> ISSN:00695580 Annuaire du Collge de France. -- [Collge de France].(Collge de France)[年刊] 数理 <AA0053345X> ISSN:03730778 Annuaire de l'Acad mie Royale de Belgique = Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Belgische Academie. -- Palais des Acadmies.(Palais des Acadmies)[年刊] 数理 <AA00028242> ISSN:00682454 The Annual of the British School at Athens. -- No. 1 (1894/1895)-. -- Macmillan & Co., 1895-.(British School at Athens)[年刊] 文 <AA11221550> Annual report / Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University. -- 1990 (1990)-. -- Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, [1990]-.(Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory)[年刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 22 2009年度 <AA00538012> ISSN:00757357 Annual report of the Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto University. -- (1958)-.(Kyoto University)[年刊] 医 <AA00541276> ISSN:00693030 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. Sect. B, Organic chemistry. -- Vol. 64 (1967)-. -- Chemical Society, c1968-.(Royal Society of Chemistry)[年刊] 理化学 <AA10503182> ISSN:02601818 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. Sect. A, Inorganic chemistry. -- Vol. 76 (1979)-. -- Royal Society of Chemistry.(Royal Society of Chemistry)[年刊] 理化学 <AA10503193> ISSN:02601826 Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. Sect. C, Physical chemistry. -- Vol. 76 (1979)-. -- Royal Society of Chemistry, c1980-.(Royal Society of Chemistry)[年刊] 理化学 <AA00541425> ISSN:00664146 Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics. -- Vol. 1 (1963)-. -- Annual Reviews, [1963]-.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 理物理 <AA00541447> ISSN:00664154 Annual review of biochemistry. -- Vol. 1 (1932)-. -- Stanford University Press, c1932-.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 理生命 <AA12329756> ISSN:1936122X Annual review of biophysics. -- Vol. 37 (2008)-. -- Annual Reviews, c2008-.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 理生命 <AA11056727> ISSN:10810706 Annual review of cell and developmental biology. -- Vol. 11 (1995)-. -- Annual Reviews, c1995-.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 理生命 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 23 2009年度 <AA0054147X> ISSN:00846597 Annual review of earth and planetary sciences. -- Vol. 1 (1973)-. -- Annual Reviews, 1973-.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 理地球 <AA00541516> ISSN:00664189 Annual review of fluid mechanics. -- Vol. 1 (1969)-. -- Annual Reviews, 1969-.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 工 <AA00541527> 工 ISSN:00664197 Annual review of genetics. -- Vol. 1 (1967)-. -- Annual Reviews, c1967-.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 理生命 <AA00541582> ISSN:00664227 Annual review of microbiology. -- Vol. 1 (1947)-. -- Annual Reviews, 1947-.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 理生命 <AA00069115> ISSN:01638998 Annual review of nuclear and particle science. -- 28 (1978)-. -- Annual Reviews, 1978-.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 理物理 <AA00541640> ISSN:0066426X Annual review of physical chemistry. -- Vol. 1 (1950)-. -- Annual Reviews.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 情文 <AA11654445> ISSN:15435008 Annual review of plant biology. -- Vol. 53 (2002)-. -- Annual Reviews, c2002-.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 理生命 <AA00032534> ISSN:00664308 Annual review of psychology. -- Vol. 1 (1950)-. -- Annual Reviews.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 24 2009年度 <AA0005545X> ISSN:03600572 Annual review of sociology. -- Vol. 1 (1975)-. -- Annual Reviews.(Annual Reviews)[年刊] 文 <AA00026531> 情文 ISSN:00662399 L'Anne sociologique. Troisime srie. -- T. 1 (1940/1948)-t. 2 (1940/1948) ; 1948/1949 (1948/1949)-1964 (1964) ; V. 16 (1965)-. -- Presses universitaires de France, 1949-.(Presses Universitaires de France)[年2回刊] 文 <AA10854970> ISSN:10611959 Anthropology and archeology of Eurasia. -- Vol. 31, no. 1 (summer 1992)-. -- M.E. Sharpe, 1992-.(M.E. Sharpe)[季刊] 文 <AA00069330> ISSN:01617761 Anthropology and education quarterly. -- Council on Anthropology and Education.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 教育 <AA00033672> ISSN:00035815 The Antiquaries journal : being the journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London / Society of Antiquaries. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1921)-. -- Oxford University Press.(Cambridge University Press)[年刊] 文 <AA00033763> ISSN:0003598X Antiquity : a quarterly review of archaeology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1927)-. -- Antiquity Publications, 1927-.(Antiquity Publication)[季刊] 文 <AA00056281> ISSN:0003603X Antitrust bulletin. -- Vol. 1 (Apr. 1955)-. -- Federal Legal Publications.(Federal Legal Publications)[季刊] 法 <AA11397626> APEC discussion paper series / APEC Study Center, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University. -- No. 1 (Mar. 1996)-. -- APEC Study Center, Graduate School of International Develop(名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科APEC研究セ ン)[不明] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 25 2009年度 <AA12262553> ISSN:14528630 Applicable analysis and discrete mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2007)-. -- University of Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Academic Mind, 2007-.(University of Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Academic Mind)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA10875416> ISSN:08627940 Applications of mathematics / Matematick stav eskoslovensk akademie vd. -- Vol. 36, no. 1 (1991)-. -Academia.(Academia)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00056725> ISSN:00036846 Applied economics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1969)-. -- Chapman and Hall, 1969-.(Routledge)[月2回刊] 経済 <AA11010169> ISSN:13504851 Applied economics letters. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1994)-. -- Chapman and Hall, c1994-.(Routledge)[月刊] 経済 <AA10807154> ISSN:09603107 Applied financial economics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1991)-. -- Chapman and Hall, c1991-.(Routledge)[月刊] 経済 <AA11820555> Applied language learning. -- Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center.()[年2回刊] 国開 <AA11958086> ISSN:16871200 Applied mathematics research express : AMRX. -- 2003, no. 1 (2003)-. -- Hindawi, 2003-.(Oxford University Press)[年刊] 数理 <AA0006975X> ISSN:01466216 Applied psychological measurement. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1977)-. -- West Publishing.(Sage)[隔月刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 26 2009年度 <AA00543544> ISSN:00037028 Applied spectroscopy. -- Vol. 6, no. 1 (Nov. 1951)-. -- Society for Applied Spectrocopy, 1951-.(Society for Applied Spectroscopy)[月刊] 農 <AA00034493> ISSN:00037648 Arbeit und Recht : Zeitschrift f r Arbeitsrechtspraxis / Bundesvorstand des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes. -- 1. Jahrg. (Jan. 1953)-. -- Bund-Verlag.(Bund Verlag)[月刊] 中央館 <AA10692540> ISSN:09570411 Arbitration international. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1985)-. -- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, [1985]-.(Kluwer Law International)[季 刊] 中央館 <AA11563918> ISSN:14729822 Arbitration law monthly : essential analysis of global arbitration decisions. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 2001)-. -- Informa Publishing Group, c2001-.(Informa UK)[月刊] 国開 <AA00069986> ISSN:00037877 Arbitration. N.S. / Institute of Arbitrators.(Chartered Inst. of Arbitrators)[季刊] 国開 <AA11693775> ISSN:14723646 Archaea : an international microbiological journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 2002)-. -- Heron Publishing, c2002-.(Heron Publishing)[隔月 刊] 農 <AA11584532> Archaeologia Islandica : tmarit Fornleifastofnunar slands. -- 1 (1998)-. -- Fornleifastofnun slands, 1998-.(Fornleifastofnun I'slands)[年刊] 情文 <AA00035339> ISSN:00665983 The Archaeological journal / the Royal Archaeological Institute. -- Vol. 1 (1845)-. -- British Archaeological Association, 1845.(Royal Archaeological Institute)[年刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 27 2009年度 <AA00544933> ISSN:05706270 Archeologia. -- No. 1 (nov./dc. 1964)-. -- Archeologia, 1964-.(Faton)[月刊] 工 <AA12176101> Architect. -- Vol. 95, no. 11 (Mid-Oct. 2006)-. -- Hanley Wood, c2006-.(Hanley Wood, LLC.)[月刊] 工 <AA00545153> ISSN:00038466 The architects' journal. -- Vol. 49 (1919)-. -- Architectural Press, 1919-.(EMAP)[週刊] 工 <AA00545186> ISSN:0044863X Architectura. -- 1 (1971)-. -- Deutschen Kunstverlag, 1971-.(Deutscher Kunstverlag)[年2回刊] 工 <AA00545288> ISSN:0066622X Architectural history : the journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Great Britain / School of Architecture, King's Collge. - 1 (1958)-. -- Society of Architectural Historians at the York (Soc. of Architectural Historians of G.B.)[年刊] 工 <AA00545302> ISSN:0003858X Architectural record. -- Vol. 1 (July 1891)-.(McGraw-Hill)[月刊] 工 <AA00057444> ISSN:0003861X The architectural review : a magazine of architecture & decoration. -- Vol. 1 (Nov. 1896)-. -- Architectural Press, 1896.(EMAP)[月刊] 工 <AA10503557> ISSN:00038997 Archiv fr die civilistische Praxis. -- 174. Bd., Heft 1 (1974)-. -- Mohr, c1974-.(J.C.B. Mohr (Mohr Siebeck))[隔月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 28 2009年度 <AA00070249> ISSN:00039101 Archiv fr Geschichte der Philosophie. -- Bd. 40, Heft 1 (1931)-. -- Walter de Gruyter, 1931-.(Walter de Gruyter & Co.)[年3回刊] 文 <AA00036466> ISSN:00012343 Archiv fr Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie. -- Bd. 27, Heft 1 (Okt. 1933)-. -- Verlag fr Staatswissenschaften und Geschichte, [1933]-.(Franz Steiner Verlag)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00036659> ISSN:00666505 Archiv fr Sozialgeschichte. -- 1. Bd. (1961)-. -- Verlag fr Literatur und Zeitgeschehen, c1961-.(Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf)[年 刊] 経済 <AA00036852> ISSN:0003892X Archiv des Vlkerrechts. -- Bd. 1, Ht. 1 (1948)-. -- J.C.B. Mohr.(J.C.B. Mohr (Mohr Siebeck))[季刊] 中央館 <AA10605240> ISSN:03426270 Archiv und Wirtschaft : Mitteilungsbl tter fr das Archivwesen der Wirtschaft / Vereinigung deutscher Wirtschaftsarchiavare e.V.(Vereinigung deutscher Wirtschaftsarchiavare)[季刊] 経済 <AA10665286> ISSN:00038911 Archiv des ffentlichen Rechts. -- Bd. 89 (1964)-. -- J.C.B. Mohr.(J.C.B. Mohr (Mohr Siebeck))[季刊] 中央館 <AA11561570> ISSN:13890166 Archival science : international journal on recorded information. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2001)-. -- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.(Springer)[季刊] 情文 <AA00058072> ISSN:00666637 Archives of Asian art. -- Vol. 20 (1966/1967)-. -- Asia Society, [1967]-.(The Asian Society)[年刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 29 2009年度 <AA00547749> ISSN:00039926 Archives of internal medicine / American Medical Association. -- Vol. 106, no. 1 (July 1960)-. -- American Medical Association, 1960-.(American Medical Association)[月2回刊] 医 <AA00037061> ISSN:00039675 Archives des lettres modernes. -- Lettres modernes.(L'assoc. Editiorat des Lettres Modernes)[不明] 文 <AA00548322> ISSN:00039942 Archives of neurology. -- Vol. 3, no. 1 (July 1960)-. -- American Medical Association, 1960-.(American Medical Association)[月刊] 医 <AA00548446> ISSN:00039950 Archives of ophthalmology. N.S. -- 64 (1960)-.(American Medical Association)[月刊] 医 <AA00037163> ISSN:00039632 Archives de philosophie. -- Vol. 1 (1923)-. -- Beauchesne, 1923-.(Centre Sevres-Facultes Jesuites)[季刊] 文 <AA00037254> ISSN:03355985 Archives de sciences sociales des religions. -- 18 ann e, 35 (janv./juin 1973)-. -- Centre national de la recherche scientifique.(Ehess-Service Abonnements Centre D'Affaires)[季刊] 文 <AA00548832> ISSN:00040010 Archives of surgery. -- 81 (1960)-.(American Medical Association)[月刊] 医 <AA10428724> ISSN:03917770 Archivio storico italiano / Deputazione toscana di storia patria. -- Anno 94 (1936)-. -- Leo S. Olschki.(Leo S Olschki Editore)[季 刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 30 2009年度 <AA00549948> ISSN:0004069X Archivum immunologiae et therapiae experimentalis.()[隔月刊] 医 <AA0054996X> ISSN:00448753 Archivum mathematicum : spisy p rodovdeck fakulty University J. E. Purkyn v Brn / Univerzita J. E. Purkyn v Brn . -- Tomus 1 (1965)-.(Univerzita J. E. Purkyn v Brn)[季刊] 数理 <AA00035452> ISSN:00038105 Archologischer Anzeiger : Beiblatt zum Jahrbuch der Deutschen Archologischen Instituts / Deutschen Archologischen Instituts. -- 1889 (1889)-. -- Walter de Gruyter, [1889]-.()[年2回刊] 文 <AA1073137X> ISSN:00040975 Arethusa. -- Vol. 1 (fall 1968)-. -- [Dept. of Classics, State University of New York at Buffalo].(Johns Hopkins University Press)[年 3回刊] 文 <AA00058742> ISSN:00041157 Das Argument : Berliner Hefte f r Probleme der Gesellschaft. -- 1. Jahrg., Nr. 1 (Mai 1959)-. -- Argument.(Argument Verlag)[隔 月刊] 経済 <AA00037844> ISSN:00041327 Ariel : a review of international English literature / University of Calgary. -- Vol. 1 (1970)-. -- [University of Calgary].(University of Calgary)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00550765> ISSN:07833660 Arkkitehti = Arkitekten. -- -1966 (1966) ; 64 (1967)-. -- Suomen Arkkitehtiliitto.(Suomen Arkkitehtiliitto)[隔月刊] 工 <AA00551520> ISSN:03817032 Ars combinatoria : an Australian-Canadian journal of combinatorics. -- 1 (1976)-. -- Faculty of Mathematics University of Waterloo, [1976]-.(Charles Babbage Research Centre)[季刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 31 2009年度 <AA00038257> ISSN:05711371 Ars orientalis : the art of Islam and the East. -- 1 (1954)-.(Dept. of History of Art, Univ. of Michig)[不明] 文 <AA00038392> ISSN:00043079 The Art bulletin. -- Vol. 2 (Sept. 1919)-. -- College Art Association of America.(College Art Association of America)[季刊] 文 <AA00038530> ISSN:00043249 Art journal / College Art Association of America. -- Vol. 20 (fall 1960)-. -- College Art Association of America.(College Art Association of America)[季刊] 文 <AA10626309> ISSN:02455676 Art press. -- 34 (fvr. 1980)-. -- [s.n.], [1980]-.(Artpress)[月刊] 情文 <AA1214652X> Art press 2. -- No. 1 (mai/juin/juil. 2006)-. -- [Art Press], 2006-.(Artpress)[季刊] 情文 <AA11029972> ISSN:10795642 Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. -- Vol. 15, no. 1 (Jan. 1995)-. -- American Heart Association, c1995-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00038778> ISSN:00043648 Artibus Asiae / Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. -- (1925)-. -- Artibus Asiae.(Museum Rietberg Zurich)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00059643> ISSN:00043702 Artificial intelligence : an international journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1/2 (spring 1970)-. -- North-Holland, c1970-.(Elsevier)[月刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 32 2009年度 <AA10952120> ISSN:10645462 Artificial life. -- Vol. 1, no. 1/2 (fall 1993/winter 1994)-. -- MIT Press, c1994-.(MIT Press)[季刊] 情文 <AA00038847> ISSN:00043958 Arts asiatiques : annales du muse Guimet et du muse Cernuschi. -- T. 1, fasc. 1 (1954)-. -- Presses universitaires de France, 1954-.(Cahiers publies par l'Ecole Fran. d'Extr)[年刊] 文 <AA10429239> ISSN:02174472 ASEAN economic bulletin. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1984)-. -- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1984-.(Institute of Southeast Asian Studies)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA11846617> ISSN:13484419 Asia Pacific perspectives : Japan+. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 2003)-. -- Jiji Gaho Sha, 2003-.(Jiji Gaho Sha)[月刊] 中央館 <AA12114953> ISSN:1738625X Asia research network. -- Vol. 1, no 1 (summer 2004)-. -- Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, 2004-.(The Korea foundation for advanced studies)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11719686> ISSN:15353516 Asian economic papers. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 2002)-. -- MIT Press, 2002-.(MIT Press)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA10995655> ISSN:01292986 Asian journal of communication. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1990)-. -- Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre, c1990.(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 国開 <AA11159311> ISSN:10936106 The Asian journal of mathematics : AJM. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1997)-. -- International Press, c1997-.(International Press)[季刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 33 2009年度 <AA12138000> ISSN:18807313 Asian research trends. New series. -- No. 1 (2006)-. -- Toyo Bunko, 2006-.(Toyo Bunko(東洋文庫))[年刊] 国開 <AA10859555> ISSN:10357823 Asian studies review. -- Vol. 13, no. 3 (Apr. 1990)-. -- Asian Studies Association of Australia, 1990-.(Carfax Publishing (Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 国開 <AA00039260> ISSN:00044687 Asian survey / Institute of International Studies, University of California. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 1961)-. -- University of California Press.(Univ. of California Press)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00071194> ISSN:03779920 Asian Wall Street journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1, 1976)-. -- Dow Jones Pub. Co. (Asia).(Dow Jones & Company, Inc)[日刊] 国開 <AA00039431> ISSN:00044717 Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft f r Asienkunde = tudes asiatiques : revue de la Socit Suisse d'tudes asiatiques. -- 1 (1947)-. -- A. Francke, c1947-.(Peter Lang)[季刊] 文 <AA00039544> ISSN:0001253X Aslib proceedings / Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux. -- [Vol. 1, no. 1 (1949)]-. -- Aslib, 1949.(Emerald)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA10429443> ISSN:02602938 Assessment and evaluation in higher education : an international journal / University of Bath. School of Education.(Routledge(Taylor & Francis Group))[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00552749> ISSN:00046256 The Astronomical journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1849)-. -- James Munroe, 1851-.(IOP Publishing)[月刊] 理物理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 34 2009年度 <AA00553195> ISSN:00046361 Astronomy and astrophysics : a European journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1969)-. -- Springer-Verlag, c1969-.(EDP Sciences)[週刊] 理物理 <AA00553253> ISSN:0004637X The Astrophysical journal. Pt. 1. -- Vol. 148, no. 1 (Apr. 1967)-. -- University of Chicago Press, c1967-.(IOP Publishing)[旬刊] 理物理 <AA00553264> ISSN:0004637X The Astrophysical journal. Pt. 2. -- Vol. 148, no. 1 (Apr. 1967)-. -- University of Chicago Press, c1967-.(IOP Publishing)[旬刊] 理物理 <AA00553297> ISSN:00670049 The astrophysical journal. Supplement series / American Astronomical Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1954)-. -- University of Chicago Press, 1954-.(IOP Publishing)[月刊] 理物理 <AA10669061> ISSN:09217134 Asymptotic analysis. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1988)-. -- North-Holland, 1988-.(IOS Press)[月刊] 数理 <AA12358845> ISSN:19433921 Attention, perception, & psychophysics : AP&P. -- Vol. 71, no. 1 (Jan. 2009)-. -- Psychonomic Society, 2009-.(Psychonomic Society)[隔月刊] 文 <AA00554471> ISSN:00014419 Atti della Accademia delle scienze di Torino. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali. -- Vol. 81 e 82 (1945-1946/19461947)-. -- Accademia delle Scienze, 1948-.(Accademia delle Scienze)[年刊] 数理 <AA12293976> ISSN:15921735 Atti e memorie dell'Accademia Galileiana di scienze lettere ed arti in Padova gi dei ricovrati e Patavina. Parte 1, Atti. -- Vol. 111 (1998/99)-. -- Presso la sede della Accademia, [1999]-.(Presso la sede della Accademia)[年刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 35 2009年度 <AA12293998> ISSN:15921743 Atti e memorie dell'Accademia Galileiana di scienze lettere ed arti in Padova gi dei ricovrati e Patavina. Parte 2, Memorie della classe di scienze matematiche e naturali. -- Vol. 111 (1998/99)-. -- (Presso la sede della Accademia)[年刊] 数理 <AA1232553X> ISSN:11242493 Atti e memorie. Seire 8. Atti / Accademia nazionale di scienze, lettere e arti di Modena. -- Vol. 5 (2001/2002)-. -- Mucchi, 2003.(Mucchi)[不明] 数理 <AA12325529> ISSN:11242493 Atti e memorie. Seire 8. Memorie : scientifiche, giuridiche, letterarie / Accademia nazionale di scienze, lettere e arti di Modena. -Vol. 5, fasc. 1 (2002)-. -- Mucchi, 2002-.(Mucchi)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA12296930> ISSN:18251269 Atti del Seminario matematico e fisico dell'Universit di Modena e Reggio Emilia. -- Vol. 52, fasc. 1 (2004)-. -- Dipartimento di matematica pura ed applicata "G. Vitali,", 2004-.(Dipartimento di matematica pura ed applicata "G. Vitali")[年2回刊] 数理 <AA12326237> Atti ufficiali della Accademia delle scienze di Torino. -- Accademia delle Scienze di Torino.(Accademia delle Scienze)[不明] 数理 <AA11082727> ISSN:14203030 Audiology & neuro-otology : basic research and clinical applications. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1996)-. -- Karger, 1996-.(Karger)[隔 月刊] 医 <AA10621859> ISSN:02780380 Auditing. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (summer 1981)-. -- Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association, c1981-.(American Accounting Assn.)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA10904423> ISSN:10344942 The Australasian journal of combinatorics. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 1990)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics, University of Queensland, c1990.(Australasian Journal of Combinatorics)[年3回刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 36 2009年度 <AA00040623> ISSN:00048402 Australasian journal of philosophy. -- Australasian Association of Philosophy.(Routledge)[季刊] 情文 <AA0006150X> ISSN:00049182 The Australian geographer / Geographical Society of New South Wales. -- [Vol. 1 (Aug. 1928)]-. -- Geographical Society of New South Wales Inc.(Routledge)[季刊] 文 <AA11510387> ISSN:14430738 The Australian journal of Asian law. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1999)-. -- Federation Press, 1999-.(Federation Press)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA10774689> ISSN:08116202 Australian journal of communication. -- Communication Institute.(Queensland University of Technology)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA10637280> ISSN:07268602 Australian journal of linguistics : journal of the Australian Linguistic Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1981)-. -- Australian Linguistic Society, [1981]-.(Routledge)[年2回刊] 文 <AA10429920> ISSN:00049514 Australian journal of physiotherapy. -- Vol. 1 (Oct. 1954)-. -- Australian Physiotherapy Association.(Australian Physiotherapy Association)[季刊] 医保健 <AA11551373> ISSN:08188068 Australian universities' review : AUR. -- NTEU National Tertiary Education Union.(FAUSA)[年2回刊] 教育 <AA00061736> ISSN:00847658 Australian year book of international law. -- 1965 (1965)-1973 (1973) ; 6 (1974)-. -- Butterworths, 1966-.(PDI, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies)[年刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 37 2009年度 <AA0006207X> ISSN:00052175 Aviation week and space technology. -- Vol. 72, no. 2 (Jan. 11, 1960)-. -- McGraw-Hill.(McGraw-Hill)[週刊] 工 <B> <AA00108079> ISSN:00053503 Babel : journal of the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Association / Australian Federation of Modern Languages Teachers Associations.(Australian Found. of modern Language Te)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA11857602> ISSN:16126890 Ballettanz : Europe's leading dance magazine. -- 2002, 1 (Jan. 2002)-. -- F. Berlin, 2002-.(Erhard Friedrich Verlag)[月刊] 情文 <AA11062016> ISSN:01376934 Banach Center publications. -- V. 1 ([1976])-. -- PWN--Polish Scientific Publishers, 1976-.(PWN--Polish Scientific Publishers)[不 明] 数理 <AA10430409> Bangkok post. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 1, 1946)-. -- Post Publishing Co..(Post Publishing Co.)[日刊] 国開 <AA00072765> ISSN:0304095X The Bangladesh development studies / Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. -- Vol. 2, no. 3 (July 1974)-. -- Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, 1974-.(Bangladesh Inst. of Development Studies)[季刊] 経済 <AA00365388> ISSN:00055166 Bank of England quarterly bulletin. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 1960)-. -- Bank of England, 1960-.(Bank of England)[季刊] 経済 <AA00072958> ISSN:00055395 The Banker. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1926)-. -- Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1926-.(FT Business)[月刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 38 2009年度 <AA10430497> ISSN:03416208 Bankhistorisches Archiv : Zeitschrift zur Bankengeschichte / Institut f r Bankhistorische Forschung. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (Apr. 1975)-. -- F. Knapp.(Fritz Steiner Verlag)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA00095090> ISSN:0005674X Baumeister. -- (1902)-. -- Georg D.W.Callwey.(Callwey)[月刊] 工 <AA00108589> ISSN:01721062 Bayreuther mathematische Schriften / Universit t Bayreuth. -- (1979)-.(Universitt Bayreuth)[不明] 数理 <AA00433910> ISSN:07206828 Der Staat. Beiheft : Zeitschrift f r Staatslehre, ffentliches Recht und Verfassungsgeschichte. -- Heft 1 (1975)-. -- Duncker & Humblot, c1975-.(Duncker & Humblot)[年刊] 中央館 <AA00095534> ISSN:09423060 Beitrge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung / Institut fr Marxismus- Leninismus beim Zentralkomitee der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands. -- 11 Jahrg. (1969)-. -- Dietz, 1969-.(Trafo Verlag)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10505224> ISSN:00058076 Beitrge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur. -- 77. Bd., Heft. 1 (1955)-. -- Max Niemeyer, 1955-.(Max Niemeyer Verlag GmbH)[年3回刊] 中央館 <AA00075457> ISSN:03012689 Berichte uber Landwirtschaft. Sonderheft. -- (1924)-.(Landwirtschaftsverlag)[年刊] 農 <AA00075446> ISSN:00059080 Berichte ber Landwirtschaft. Neue Folge / Reichsministerium fr Ernhrung und Landwirtschaft. -- Bd. 1 (1923)-. -Verlagsbuchhandlung Paul Parey.(W.Kohlhammer Verlag)[年3回刊] 農 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 39 2009年度 <AA10740993> ISSN:09350004 Berliner indologische Studien / herausgegeben vom Institut f r Indische Philologie und Kunstgeschichte der Freien Universit t Berlin. -- Bd. 1 (1985)-. -- Orientalistische Fachpublikationen, 1985-.(Dr. Inge Wezler)[その他] 文 <AA11609586> ISSN:0005951X Die berufsbildende Schule : Zeitschrift des Bundesverbandes der Lehrer an berufichen Schulen. -- Heckners.(Heckners Verlag)[月 刊] 教育 <AA00075887> ISSN:00059536 Berufsbildung : Zeitschrift f r Theorie und Praxis der beruflichen Bildung und Erziehung. -- 1 (1947)-. -- Volk und Wisen Vokseigener.(Kallmeyer'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00075887> ISSN:03414515 Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis. -- W. Bertelsmann.(W. Bertelsmann Verlag)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00075978> ISSN:00059935 Der Betrieb. -- 1 (1948)-. -- Handelsblatt GmbH., [1948]-.(Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00096468> ISSN:03407918 Der Betriebs-Berater : Halbmonatsdienst f r Wirtschafts-, Steuer- und Sozialrecht. -- 1. Jahrg., Nr. 1/2 (Juni 1946)-. -- Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft, 1946-.(Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00076132> ISSN:03427064 Die Betriebswirtschaft : Zeitschrift f r Handelswissenschaft und Handelspraxis. -- 23. Jahrg. (1930)-. -- C.E. Poeschel.(Sch ffer-Poeschel)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00076041> ISSN:03405370 Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis. -- 1. Jahrg., 1 (1949)-. -- Hecknersverlag, [1949]-.(Verlag Neuewirtschafts-Brife)[隔 月刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 40 2009年度 <AA00097518> ISSN:03434117 Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. -- 1 (1976)-.(Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf)[年刊] 経済 <AA00078954> ISSN:03736237 Bibliothque de l'cole des chartes. -- T. 1er (1839/1840)-. -- Impr. de Decourchant.(Librairie Droz)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00079764> ISSN:00062456 Bildung und Erziehung. -- 1. Jahrg. (1948)-. -- [Klett-Cotta], [1951]-.(Boehlau Verlag)[季刊] 教育 <AA10506067> ISSN:08298211 Biochemistry and cell biology. -- Vol. 64, no. 1 (Jan. 1986)-. -- National Research Council of Canada, 1986-.()[隔月刊] 医 <AA10885497> ISSN:09186158 Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin / Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. -- Vol. 16, no. 1 (Jan. 1993)-. -- Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 1993-.(Pharmaceutical Society of Japan)[月刊] 医 <AA00565842> ISSN:00063363 Biology of reproduction. -- Vol. 1 (Apr. 1969)-. -- Society for the Study of Reproduction.(Society for the Study of Reproduction)[月刊] 医 <AA00566095> ISSN:00063495 Biophysical journal / the Biophysical Society. -- (1960)-. -- Rockefeller University Press.(Cell Press)[月2回刊] 理生命 <AA11114845> ISSN:00063835 BIT. Numerical mathematics. -- Vol. 35, no. 1 (Mar. 1995)-. -- BIT Foundation.(Springer)[季刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 41 2009年度 <AA00567156> ISSN:00064971 Blood : journal of hematology. -- 1 (1946)-. -- Grune & Stratton.(American Society of Hematology)[週刊] 医 <AA00080242> ISSN:00064408 Bltter fr deutsche Landesgeschichte. -- 83. Jahrg., Heft 1. (1936)-. -- Mittler, 1936-.(Selbstverlag des Gesamtvereins der deuts)[年刊] 経済 <AA10789686> ISSN:09598146 BMJ : British medical journal / British Medical Association. -- International [ed.]. -- Vol. 297, no. 6640 (2 July 1988)-. -- British Medical Association, 1988-.(BMJ)[週刊] 医 <AA00567553> ISSN:0006579X Bois et forets des tropiques. -- Centre technique forestier tropical.(Lavoisier abonnements)[季刊] 農 <AA1043262X> ISSN:00378712 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica. Serie 2. -- A Sociedade.(A Sociedade)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA1106329X> ISSN:1405213X Boletn de la Sociedad Matemtica Mexicana. Tercera serie. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1995)-. -- La Sociedad, 1995-.(La Sociedad)[年2 回刊] 数理 <AA12318319> ISSN:19726724 Bollettino della Unione matematica italiana. Ser. 9. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (febbr. 2008)-. -- Unione Matematica Italiana, 2008-.(Unione Matematica Italiana)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA10797797> ISSN:10334505 Bond law review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1989)-. -- Bond Law Review Editorial Committee, School of Law, Bond University, 1989.(Bond Law Review Editorial Committee, School of Law, Bond University)[年2回刊] 法 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 42 2009年度 <AA00572429> ISSN:0524045X Bonner mathematische Schriften.(Universitat Bonn)[不明] 数理 <AA00572531> ISSN:03009483 Boreas : an international journal of Quaternary geology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1972)-. -- Universitetsforlaget, 1972-.(WileyBlackwell)[季刊] 文 <AA10621688> ISSN:02763583 Boston College Third World law journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1980)-. -- Boston College Law School, c1980-.(Boston College Law School)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA00111153> ISSN:03877604 Brain & development. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1979)-. -- B & D Publishing, 1979-.()[月刊] 医 <AA11203151> ISSN:14337398 Brain tumor pathology. -- Vol. 14, no. 1 (1997)-. -- Springer-Verlag Tokyo, 1997-.()[年2回刊] 医 <AA00574763> ISSN:03080226 British journal of occupational therapy / British Association of Occupational Therapists. -- Vol. 37, no. 5 (1974)-.(College of Occupational Therapists Ltd.)[月刊] 医保健 <AA00101444> ISSN:00071234 British journal of political science. -- Vol. 1, pt. 1 (Jan. 1971)-. -- Cambridge University Press, c1971-.(Cambridge University Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11468189> ISSN:13691481 British journal of politics & international relations. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1999)-. -- published for the Political Studies Association by Blackwell Publ., 1999-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 43 2009年度 <AA0057502X> ISSN:00071269 The British journal of psychology. -- Vol. 46, pt. 1 (Feb. 1955)-. -- Cambridge University Press, 1955-.(British Psychological Society)[季刊] 文 <AA00575096> ISSN:00071285 British journal of radiology. New series. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1928)-. -- William Heinemann.(British Institute of Radiology)[月刊] 医 <AA00111404> ISSN:01425692 British journal of sociology of education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1980)-. -- Carfax Publishing, 1980-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00084210> ISSN:00071870 British tax review. -- 1956 (june 1956)-. -- Sweet & Maxwell.(Sweet & Maxwell)[隔月刊] 法 <AA00101830> ISSN:00072303 Brookings papers on economic activity. -- 1970 (1970)-. -- Brookings Institution, 1970-.(Brookings Institution)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA12327047> ISSN:10247696 Buletinul Academiei de tiine a Republicii Moldova. Matematic. -- 2004, no. 1 (2004)- = 44 (2004)-. -- Institutul de Matematic i Informatic, c2004-.(Institutul de Matematic i Informatic)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA11054404> Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Ia i. Secia 1, Matematic, mecanic teoretic, fizic. -- Tomul 36, fasc. 1-4 (1990)-. -Institutul, 1990-.(Institutului Politehnic din Iai)[季刊] 数理 <AA12094630> ISSN:12246069 Buletinul tiinific al Universitii "Politehnica" din Timioara, Romnia. Seria Matematic-Fizic. -- Tomul 41, fasc. 1 (1996)-. -- Universitatea "Politehnica" din Timi oara.(Universitatea "Politehnica" din Timioara)[年2回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 44 2009年度 <AA10508084> ISSN:00710741 Bulletin / Entomological Society of Canada. -- Vol. 9, no. 1 (Mar. 1977)-. -- Entomological Society of Canana, 1976-.(Entomological Society of Canada)[季刊] 農 <AA00112087> ISSN:02730979 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New series / American Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1979)-. -- American Mathematical Society, [1979]-.(American Mathematical Society)[季刊] 情文 <AA11009476> 数理 ISSN:13701444 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Simon Stevin. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1994)-. -- Soci t Mathmatique de Belgique, c1994-.(Socit Mathmatique de Belgique)[季刊] 数理 <AA00085905> ISSN:00062006 Bulletin des biblioth ques de France / Bibliothque nationale. -- 1 anne, no 1 (Jan. 1956)-. -- Bibliothque nationale, 1956.(l'Ecole nationale superieure des Sciences ... (ENSSIB))[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00579734> ISSN:00080659 Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society. -- 1 (1909)-. -- Calcutta Mathematical Society.(Calcutta Mathematical Society)[隔 月刊] 数理 <AA10813703> ISSN:00014141 Bulletin de la Classe des sciences. 6. s r. / Acadmie royale de Belgique. -- T. 1, 1/3 (1990)-. -- Palais des Acadmies, 1990.(Palais des Acadmies)[月刊] 数理 <AA00104679> ISSN:00074918 Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies. -- No. 1 (June 1965)-no. 11 (Oct. 1968) ; V. 5, no. 1 (Mar. 1969)-. -- Australian National University Press.(Routledge)[年3回刊] 経済 <AA1216485X> ISSN:03049825 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica. New series. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 2006)-. -- Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, 2006-.(Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica)[季刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 45 2009年度 <AA00112848> ISSN:0387835X The Bulletin of the Institute of Social Sciences, Meiji University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1977)-. -- Institute of Social Sciences, Meiji University, 1977-.()[季刊] 中央館 <AA10435300> ISSN:1017060X Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society. -- Iranian Mathematical Society.(Iranian Mathematical Society)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA10435344> ISSN:10158634 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society / Korean Mathematical Society. -- Korean Mathematical Society.(Korean Mathematical Society)[季刊] 数理 <AA11237040> ISSN:13438670 Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology. Pure and applied mathematics. -- No. 45 (Mar. 1998)-. -- Kyushu Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering, 1998-.(九州工業大学)[年刊] 数理 <AA00087944> ISSN:00045322 Bulletin de l'Association de g ographes franais / l'Association de gographes franais. -- (1924)-.(Societe d'Etudes Latines de Bruxelles)[季刊] 文 <AA00087194> ISSN:03361519 Bulletin de l' cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient. -- T. 1er, no 1 (janv. 1901)-. -- F.-H. Schneider, 1901-.(Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient)[年刊] 文 <AA00089101> ISSN:00074950 Bulletin of labour statistics / International Labour Office. -- 1st quarter (1965)-. -- International Labour Office, 1965-.(ILO Publications)[年2回刊] 経研セ <AA00585635> ISSN:00246093 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1, pt. 1 (Mar. 1969)- = No. 1 (Mar. 1969)-. -- C. F. Hodgson & son, 1969.(Oxford University Press)[隔月刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 46 2009年度 <AA11201407> ISSN:12203874 Bulletin mathmatique de la Socit des sciences mathmatiques de Roumanie. -- T. 33, nr. 4 (1989)-. -- Societatea de Stiinte Matematice din Roumania, 1989-.(Societatea de Stiinte Matematice din Roumania)[季刊] 数理 <AA00105503> ISSN:0007473X Bulletin monumental / Socit franaise d'archologie. -- Vol. 1 (1834)-. -- La Societe.(Societe Francaise d'archeologie)[季 刊] 工 <AA10731245> ISSN:09162844 Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College. -- Vol. 34, no. 1/2 (Nov. 1988)-. -- Osaka Medical College.()[年2回刊] 医 <AA12326510> ISSN:09735747 Bulletin of political economy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 2007)-. -- Serials Publications, 2007-.(Serials Publications)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA00589079> ISSN:00074497 Bulletin des sciences mathmatiques. Sr. 2. -- T. 9 (1885)-. -- Gautthier-Villars.(Gautthier-Villars)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00589385> ISSN:00371106 Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. -- (1911)-. -- Seismological Society of America.(Seismological Soc. of America)[隔月刊] 理地球 <AA00090971> ISSN:00379352 Bulletin de la Socit franaise de philosophie. -- 1re anne, no. 1 (mai 1901)-. -- A. Colin.(Vrin)[季刊] 情文 <AA00091078> ISSN:00379069 Bulletin de la Socit de linguistique de Paris. -- Vol. 1, [no 1] ([oct.] 1869)-. -- Libririe C. Klincksieck.(Peeters)[年2回刊] 文 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 47 2009年度 <AA00591762> ISSN:00379484 Bulletin de la Socit mathmatique de France. -- T. 1 (1872/1873)-. -- La Socit, 1873-.(La Socitmathmatique de France)[季刊] 数理 <AA11040545> ISSN:10798986 The bulletin of symbolic logic. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1995)-. -- Association for Symbolic Logic, c1995-.(Association for Symbolic Logic)[季刊] 情文 <AA00592969> ISSN:00408891 The bulletin of Tokyo Dental College. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1960)-. -- Tokyo Dental College Press, 1960-.(Tokyo Dental College Press)[季刊] 医 <AA00594181> ISSN:00429686 Bulletin of the World Health Organization. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1947/1948)-. -- World Health Organization.()[月刊] 医 <AA00092489> 医 ISSN:03411095 Bundesgesetzblatt. Teil 1 / Bundesminister der Justiz. -- 1951, Nr. 1 (8. Jan. 1951)-. -- Bundesanzeiger-Verlags, 1951.(Bundesanzeiger Verlagsges.mbH.)[週2回刊] 中央館 <AA0009249X> ISSN:03411109 Bundesgesetzblatt. Teil 2 / Bundesminister der Justiz. -- Jahrg. 1951, Nr. 1 (Jan. 1951)-. -- Bundesanzeiger-Verlages, 1951.(Bundesanzeiger Verlagsges.mbH.)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00092591> ISSN:0407923X Bunte Illustrierte Mnchner/Frankfurter. -- Burda Druck und Verlag.(Burda Druck und Verlag)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00092649> ISSN:00076287 The Burlington magazine. -- Vol. 90, no. 538 (Jan. 1948)-. -- Burlington Magazine Publications, 1948-.(OCS)[月刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 48 2009年度 <AA10927305> ISSN:1052150X Business ethics quarterly : the journal of the Society for Business Ethics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1991)-. -- Philosophy Documentation Center, c1991-.(Philosophy Documentation Center)[季刊] 情文 <AA00092955> ISSN:00076791 Business history. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 1958)-. -- Liverpool University Press, 1958-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00092933> ISSN:00076805 Business history review / President and fellows of Harvard College. -- Vol. 28 (1954)-. -- Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1954-.(Harvard Business School)[季刊] 経済 <AA00107644> ISSN:00077135 Business week. -- No. 688 (1942)-. -- McGraw-Hill, 1942-.(Business Week)[週刊] 経済 <AA10676282> ISSN:02692694 Butterworths journal of international banking and financial law. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1986)-. -- Butterworth & Co., 1986.(LexisNexis UK)[月刊] 国開 <AA00102061> ISSN:00073075 Bhne. -- -Nr. 389 (Feb. 1991) ; Marz '91 (Marz 1991)-. -- Zeitschriftenverlag Austria International.(Buhne)[月刊] 情文 <AA00084800> ISSN:00073091 Bhnentechnische Rundschau : Zeitschrift fr Theatertechnik, Bhnenbau und Bhnengestaltung. -- Klasing & Co..(Friedrich Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft)[隔月刊] 工 <C> <C0002008> ISSN:10842365 CA Selects Plus. Forensic Chemistry. -- Chemical Abstracts Service.(Chemical Abstracts Service)[隔週刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 49 2009年度 <AA00114559> ISSN:00079731 Cahiers de civilisation mdivale, 10e-12e sicles / Centre d'tudes suprieures de civilisation mdivale, Universit de Poitiers. -- 1 (1958)-. -- [Universit de Poitiers].(Regisseur Recettes Publications C.E.S.C.M.)[季刊] 文 <AA11118391> ISSN:02469731 Cahiers d'histoire / Espaces Marx. -- No 62 (1996)-. -- Espaces Marx, 1996-.(Institut de Recherches Marxistes)[季刊] 経済 <AA0012916X> ISSN:03735834 Cahiers d'outre-mer : revue de geographie de Bordeaux et l'Atlantique / Institut de la France d'outre-mer de Bordeaux. -- 1 (1948)-.(Les Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux)[季刊] 文 <AA00114683> ISSN:00080055 Cahiers d'tudes africaines / cole pratique des hautes tudes, Sorbonne sixime section: Sciences conomiques et sociales. -- 1 (1960)-. -- Mouton, 1960-.(Editions EHESS)[季刊] 文 <AA00114796> ISSN:00080276 Cahiers internationaux de sociologie. Nouvelle srie. -- 1re anne (jan./juin 1954)- = Vol. 16 (jan./juin 1954)-. -- Presses universitaires de France, 1954-.(Presses Universitaires de France)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA0011448X> ISSN:05715865 Cahiers de l'Association internationale des tudes franaises. -- No 1 (juil. 1951)-. -- Socite d'dition "Les Belles Lettres", 1951-.(Les Belles Lettres)[年刊] 文 <AA11027183> ISSN:12526576 Cahiers du monde russe. -- Vol. 35, 1-2 (janv./juin 1994)-. -- Centre d' tudes sur la Russie, l'Europe orientale et le domaine turc de l'Ecole des hautes tudes en sciences sociales, 1994-.(EHESS)[季刊] 経済 <AA0059637X> ISSN:00080667 Calcutta medical journal. -- Calcutta Medical Club.()[隔月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 50 2009年度 <AA10666653> ISSN:00081256 California management review / Graduate School of Business Administration, University of California. -- Vol. 5, no. 1 (fall 1962)-. - Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Califor(Haas School of Business, Univ. of Califo)[季刊] 経済 <AA10437102> ISSN:0211285X Cambio 16. -- Informacin y Revistas.(B.E.A.S.L / Sevilla)[週刊] 中央館 <AA10437113> ISSN:0305764X Cambridge journal of education / Cambridge Institute of Education. -- No. 1 (Lent 1971)-.(Routledge)[季刊] 教育 <AA00597259> ISSN:0008347X Canadian entomologist / the Entomological Society of Ontario. -- (1868)-.(Entomological Society of Canada)[隔月刊] 農 <AA10749014> ISSN:07053657 Canadian journal of communication. -- Vol. 4, no. 2 (fall 1977)-. -- E. Beattie.(Wilfrid Laurier University Press)[季刊] 国開 <AA00597623> ISSN:00084077 Canadian journal of earth sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 1964)-. -- National Research Council of Canada, 1964-.(NRC Research Press)[月刊] 理地球 <AA00130260> ISSN:03161218 The Canadian journal of higher education = La revue canadienne d'enseignement sup rieur / Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education.(Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education)[年3回刊] 中央館 <AA00116703> ISSN:00084131 The Canadian journal of linguistics = La Revue canadienne de linguistique / Canadian Linguistic Association. -- Vol. 7, no. 1 (fall 1961)-. -- University of Toronto Press, 1961-.(University of Toronto Press)[季刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 51 2009年度 <AA00597678> ISSN:0008414X Canadian journal of mathematics = Journal canadien de math matiques. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1949)-.(Canadian Mathematical Society)[季刊] 数理 <AA00597725> ISSN:00084174 The Canadian journal of occupational therapy = Revue canadienne d'ergoth rapie / the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists.(Canadian Assoc. of Occupational Therapy)[隔月刊] 医保健 <AA00141471> ISSN:00455091 Canadian journal of philosophy / Canadian Association for Publishing in Philosophy. -- Vol. 1 (1971)-. -- Canadian Association for Publishing in Philosophy, 1971-.(Univ. of Calgary Press)[季刊] 情文 <AA10740698> Canadian journal of philosophy. Supplementary volume. -- No. 1, pt. 1 (1975)-. -- Canadian Association for Publishing in Philosophy, 1975-.(Univ. of Calgary Press)[年刊] 情文 <AA00597882> ISSN:00084271 Canadian journal of soil science / Agricultural Institute of Canada. -- Vol. 37, no. 1 (Feb. 1957)-.(Agricultural Institute of Canada)[季刊] 農 <AA00597973> ISSN:00084395 Canadian mathematical bulletin = Canadien di math matique / Canadian Mathematical Congress. -- Vol. 1 (1958)-.(Canadian Mathematical Congress)[季刊] 数理 <AA00598069> ISSN:00084476 Canadian mineralogist : crystallography, geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology / Mineralogical Association of Canada. -- Vol. 6 (1957)-.(Mineralogical Association of Canada)[隔月刊] 理地球 <AA00130373> ISSN:00084506 The Canadian modern language review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1944)-. -- Ontario Modern Language Teacher's Association, 1944.(University of Toronto Press)[季刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 52 2009年度 <AA10850903> ISSN:10559965 Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research / cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov./Dec. 1(American Association for Cancer Research)[月刊] 医 <AA00141755> ISSN:0162220X Cancer nursing : an international journal for cancer care. -- 1 (1978)-. -- Masson.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医保健 <AA12331543> ISSN:19406207 Cancer prevention research. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 2008)-. -- American Association for Cancer Research, 2008.6-.(American Association for Cancer Research)[月刊] 医 <AA00598557> ISSN:00085472 Cancer research. -- Vol. 1 (1941)-. -- American Association for Cancer Research, 1941-.(American Association for Cancer Research)[月2回刊] 医 <AA00141766> ISSN:03058247 Capital & class. -- No. 1 (spring 1977)-. -- Conference of Socialist Economists, 1977-.(Conference of Socialist Economists)[年3回 刊] 経済 <AA11957684> ISSN:15842851 Carpathian journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 19, no. 1 (2003)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science North University of Baia Mare, 2003-.(Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science North University of Baia Mare)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00599323> ISSN:00087181 Casabella. -- Anno 29, no 296 (ag. 1965)-. -- Gruppo Electa, 1965-.(Aie/Agenzia Italiana di)[月刊] 工 <AA00600003> ISSN:00928674 Cell. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1974)-. -- MIT Press, 1974-.(Cell Press)[隔週刊] 理生命 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 53 2009年度 <AA11324098> ISSN:14226405 Cells tissues organs : in vivo, in vitro. -- Vol. 164, no. 1 (1999)-. -- Karger, c1999-.(Karger)[月刊] 農 <AA10438025> ISSN:02634937 Central Asian survey. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1982)-. -- Oxford Microforn Publications.(Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 国開 <AA00128189> CEPAL review / Economic Commission for Latin America, United Nations. -- No. 1 (1976)-.(United Nations)[年3回刊] 経研セ <AA00131911> ISSN:05775132 Challenge : the magazine of economic affairs. -- Vol. 2, no. 5 (Feb. 1954)-. -- Institute of Economic Affairs, New York University, 1954-.(M.E. Sharpe)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00132007> ISSN:00091383 Change. -- Vol. 2, no. 4 (July/Aug. 1970)-.(Heldref)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA10788242> ISSN:00092460 Chemical engineering. -- Vol. 60, no. 1 (Jan. 1953)-. -- McGraw-Hill, 1953-.(Access Intelligence)[月刊] 工 <AA00601899> ISSN:00092479 Chemical engineering education : the official journal of the Chemical Engineering Division, American Society for Engineering Education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1965)-. -- Chemical Engineering Division,(American Society for Engineering Education)[季刊] 工 <AA00601913> ISSN:00092347 Chemical and engineering news. -- Vol. 20, no. 1 (Jan. 10, 1942)-. -- American Chemical Society, 1942-.(American Chemical Society)[週刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 54 2009年度 <AA00601946> ISSN:03607275 Chemical engineering progress. -- Vol. 43, no. 1 (Jan. 1947)-. -- American Institute of Chemical Engineers.(AIChE)[月刊] 工 <AA10511475> ISSN:02638762 Chemical engineering research & design : transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. -- Vol. 61, no. 1 (Jan. 1983)-. -Institution of Chemical Engineers, 1983-.(Elsevier Science)[月刊] 工 <AA11977965> ISSN:16723341 China's ethnic groups : the China's human geographic magazine in English language. -- No. 1 (2003.3)-no. 4 (2003.12) ; V. 2, no. 1 (Mar. 2004)-. -- Ethnic Groups Unity Publishing House, 2003-.(Ethnic Groups Unity Publishing House)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11144052> ISSN:10611932 Chinese education and society. -- Vol. 26, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1993)-. -- M.E. Sharpe, c1993-.(M.E. Sharpe)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00132903> ISSN:00693715 Chiron : Mitteilungen der Kommission f r alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts. -- Bd. 1 (1971)-. -- C.H. Beck, 1971-.(C.H. Beck)[年刊] 文 <AA00133167> ISSN:00095982 The Chronicle of higher education. -- Editorial Projects for Education.(Chronicle of Higher Education)[週刊] 教育 <AA00133542> 中央館 ISSN:00097322 Circulation : the journal of the American Heart Association / American Heart Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1950)-. -- Grune & Stratton, 1950-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[週刊] 医 <AA11591968> ISSN:13469843 Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society. -- Vol. 66, no. 1 (Jan. 2002)-. -- Japanese Circulation Society, 2001.12-.()[月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 55 2009年度 <AA00133553> ISSN:00097330 Circulation research : an official journal of the American Heart Association / American Heart Association. -- Vol. 1 (1953)-. -American Heart Association, 1953-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月2回刊] 医 <AA10805454> ISSN:08857024 Civil engineering. -- Vol. 53, no. 1 (Jan. 1983)-. -- [American Society of Civil Engineers], [c1982]-.(A.S.C.E.)[月刊] 工 <AA0012134X> ISSN:0009837X Classical philology : a quarterly journal deboted to research in the language, literatures, history, and life of calssical antiquity. -Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1906)-. -- University of Chicago Press, [19(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 文 <AA10512365> ISSN:02649381 Classical and quantum gravity : an international journal devoted to gravity, geometry of field theories, supergravity, cosmology. -Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1984)-. -- Institute of Physics, 1984-.(IOP Publishing)[月2回刊] 理物理 <AA00607115> ISSN:00098558 Clay minerals. -- 6 (1965)-.(Minaeralogical Society)[季刊] 理地球 <AA0060716X> ISSN:00098604 Clays and clay minerals. -- Clay Minerals Society.(Clay Mineral Society)[隔月刊] 理地球 <AA11029881> ISSN:10780432 Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1995)-. -American Association for Cancer Research, 1995-.(American Association for Cancer Research)[月2回刊] 医 <AA11126935> ISSN:13421751 Clinical and experimental nephrology / Japanese Society of Nephrology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1997)-. -- Churchill Livingston, [1997]-.(Japanese Society of Nephrology)[隔月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 56 2009年度 <AA1205823X> ISSN:15559041 Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2006)-. -- American Society of Nephrology, 2006-.()[隔月刊] 医 <AA0060791X> ISSN:03639762 Clinical nuclear medicine. -- (1976)-. -- Lippincott.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA10832275> ISSN:08876274 Clinical nurse specialist : CNS. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1987)-. -- Williams & Wilkins, c1987-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医保健 Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics(Nature Publishing Group)[] 医 <AA10694240> ISSN:09020063 Clinical transplantation. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1987)-. -- Munksgaard, 1987-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00608173> ISSN:00694835 Clinics in developmental medicine. -- No. 13 (1964)-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 医 <AA00608264> ISSN:00941298 Clinics in plastic surgery. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1974)-. -- Sunders Comp., 1974-.(W. B. Saunders)[季刊] 医 <AA00140490> ISSN:08842043 CLIO : an interdisciplinary journal of literature, history and the philosophy of history. -- Indiana University-Purdue University.(Purdue Research Foundation)[季刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 57 2009年度 <AA10629883> ISSN:07370008 Cognition and instruction. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1984)-. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c1984-.(Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)[季刊] 教育 <AA10756199> ISSN:09365907 Cognitive linguistics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1990)-. -- Mouton de Gruyter, c1990-.(Walter de Gruyter)[季刊] 情文 <AA00134137> ISSN:03640213 Cognitive science. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1977)-. -- Ablex, 1977-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA00608865> ISSN:00100757 Collectanea mathematica / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. -- Vol. 1, fasc. 1. (1948)-. -- Seminario Matem tico de Barcelona, 1948-.(Seminario Matemtico de Barcelona)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA0012223X> ISSN:00990086 College & research libraries news / Association of College and Research Libraries & American Library Association. -- 1967, no. 1 (Jan. 1967)-1979, no. 11 (Dec. 1979) ; V. 41, no. 1 (Jan. 1980)-. -- As(Association of College & Research Libraries)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00122182> ISSN:0010096X College composition and communication : the official journal of the conference on college composition and communication. -- Vol. 1 (1950)-. -- National Council of Teachers of English.(The National Council of Teachers of Engl)[季刊] 国開 <AA00122193> ISSN:00100994 College English / National Council of Teachers of English. -- Vol. 1 (1939)-.(National Council of Teachers of English)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00122229> ISSN:00100870 College and research libraries. -- Vol. 1 (1939)-. -- The Association of College and Research Libraries, 1939-.(Association of College & Research Libraries)[隔月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 58 2009年度 <AA10513288> ISSN:87567555 College teaching. -- Vol. 33, no. 1 (winter 1985)-.(Heldref Publications)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00610561> ISSN:00101354 Colloquium mathematicum. -- 1 (1947)-. -- [s.n.], 1948-.(Polska Akademia Nauk)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00134895> ISSN:00101923 Columbia journal of law and social problems. -- Vol. 1 (June 1965)-.(Columbia law school)[季刊] 法 <AA11205689> ISSN:13647830 Combustion theory and modelling / IOP. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1997)-. -- Institute of Physics Pub., c1997-.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月 刊] 工 <AA00610856> ISSN:00102571 Commentarii mathematici Helvetici / Societate Mathematica Helvetica in Aedibus. -- Vol. 1 (1929)-. -- Birkh user.(European Mathmatical Society)[季刊] 数理 <AA00610867> ISSN:0010258X Commentarii mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli = Rikkyo Daigaku sugaku zasshi / Rikkyo Daigaku. -- Tom. 1, Fasc. 1 (1952.12). -- Rikkyo Daigaku, 1952-.(立教大学)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00122987> ISSN:00102601 Commentary / American Jewish Committee. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1945)-. -- American Jewish Committee, c1945-.(American Jewish Committee)[月刊] 情文 <AA00610914> ISSN:00102628 Commentationes mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae. -- Vol. 1, fasc. 1 (1960)-. -- [Facultatis Mathematico-Physicalis Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis], 1960-.(Facultatis Mathematico-Physicalis Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis)[季刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 59 2009年度 <AA00123480> ISSN:01650750 Common market law review. -- (1963)-.(Kluwer Law International)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00135683> ISSN:05888018 Communications / Centre d'tudes transdisciplinaires (Sociologie, anthropologie, smiologie). -- 21 (1974)-. -- Seuil, 1974.(Edition du Seuil)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA00611371> ISSN:00927872 Communications in algebra. -- Vol. 1 (1974)-. -- Marcel Dekker.(Taylor & Francis)[月刊] 数理 <AA10869650> ISSN:10198385 Communications in analysis and geometry. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1993)-. -- International Press, c1993-.(International Press)[季刊] 数理 <AA00611360> ISSN:00010782 Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery / Association for Computing Machinery. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1958)-. -- Association for Computing Machinery, 1958-.(Association for Computing Machinery)[月刊] 情文 <AA12157242> ISSN:19314523 Communications in number theory and physics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 2007)-. -- International Press, 2007-.(International Press)[季 刊] 数理 <AA11605541> ISSN:15340392 Communications on pure and applied analysis. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 2002)-. -- AIMS Press, 2002.3-.(AIMS Press)[季刊] 数理 <AA00611688> ISSN:00103640 Communications on pure and applied mathematics / Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics, New York University. -- Vol. 2, no. 1 (Mar. 1949)-. -- Interscience.(Wiley)[月刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 60 2009年度 <AA00143896> ISSN:03075508 Community care. -- Reed Business Pub.(Reed Business Information)[週刊] 医保健 <AA11075856> ISSN:10668926 Community college journal of research and practice. -- Taylor & Francis.(Routledge(Taylor & Francis Group))[月刊] 中央館 <AA1061813X> ISSN:01441027 The Company lawyer. -- Vol. 1 (1980)-. -- Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. [Oyez], 1980-.(Sweet & Maxwell)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00136030> ISSN:00104078 Comparative drama. -- (1967)-. -- Western Michigan University.(Western Michigan University)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00123797> ISSN:03050068 Comparative education. -- 1 (1964)-.(Routledge)[季刊] 教育 <AA00123800> ISSN:00104086 Comparative education review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1957)-. -- Comparative Education Society.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 教育 <AA00123833> ISSN:00104132 Comparative literature studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1964)-. -- University of Maryland, 1964-.(Pennsylvania State University Press)[季 刊] 中央館 <AA00136052> ISSN:00104140 Comparative political studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1968)-. -- Sage Publications, 1968-.(Sage Publications)[月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 61 2009年度 <AA00136063> ISSN:00104159 Comparative politics / the Politcal Science Program of the City University of New York. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1968)-. -- City University of New York, 1968-.(City Univ. of New York)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11658934> ISSN:15691322 Comparative sociology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2002)-. -- Brill Academic Publishers, c2002-.(Brill Academic Publishers)[季刊] 文 <AA00136085> ISSN:03057925 Compare : journal of comparative education. -- (1968)-. -- Carfax.(Routledge)[季刊] 教育 <AA11044309> ISSN:10252266 Competition policy newsletter : the quarterly publication of the Competition Directorate of the European Commission.(Competition Directorate-General of the European Commission)[年3回刊] 経済 <AA00144152> ISSN:07061994 Comptes rendus mathmatiques de l'Acadmie des sciences = Mathematical reports of the Academy of Sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1978)-. -- Royal Society of Canada, [1978]-.(CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY)[季刊] 数理 <AA10816621> ISSN:09588221 Computer assisted language learning. -- Vol. 1 (1990)-. -- Intellect, 1990-.(Swets & Zeitlinger(Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 情文 <AA11491034> ISSN:15261492 Computer modeling in engineering & sciences : CMES. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2000)-. -- Tech Science Press, c2000-.(Tech Science Press)[週刊] 工 <AA12328651> ISSN:15614042 Computer science journal of Moldova / Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Institute of Mathematics.(Institute of mathematics & Cultural Foundation BASARABIA)[年3回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 62 2009年度 <AA10866142> ISSN:08981221 Computers & mathematics with applications : an international journal. -- Vol. 13, no. 1/3 (1987)-. -- Pergamon Press, 1987.(Pergamon Press)[月2回刊] 情文 <AA11624852> ISSN:15382931 Computers informatics nursing : CIN. -- Vol. 20, no. 2 (Mar./Apr. 2002)-. -- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2002-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医保健 <AA00144265> ISSN:0010485X Computing : archives for electronic computing. -- 1 (1966)-. -- Springer-Verlag.(Springer)[月刊] 情文 <AA10683776> ISSN:03448029 Computing. Supplementum. -- 1 (1977)-. -- Springer-Verlag, c1977-.(Springer)[不明] 情文 <AA00124406> ISSN:00698881 Congrs archologique de France / Socit franaise d'archologie.(Societe Francaise d'archeologie)[年刊] 工 <AA10763503> ISSN:02677768 Construction history : journal of the Construction History Group. -- Vol. 1 (1985)-. -- Chartered Institute of Building, 1985.(Chartered Institute of Building)[年刊] 工 <AA11182299> ISSN:13619462 Contemporary British history / Institute of Contemporary British history. -- Vol. 10, no. 1 (spring 1996)-. -- Frank Cass, c1996.(Routledge(Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 中央館 <AA10988820> ISSN:10743529 Contemporary economic policy. -- Vol. 12, no. 1 (Jan. 1994)-. -- Western Economic Association International, 1994-.(WileyBlackwell)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 63 2009年度 <AA00124869> ISSN:00943061 Contemporary sociology : a journal of reviews / American Sociological Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1972)-. -- American Sociological Association, c1972-.(American Sociological Association)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA11013101> ISSN:09584935 Contemporary South Asia. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1992)-. -- Carfax, 1992-.(Routledge)[季刊] 国開 <AA00144855> ISSN:0129797X Contemporary Southeast Asia. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1979)-. -- Published by Singapore University Press for the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1979-.(Institute of Southeast Asian Studies)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA00125103> ISSN:00108146 Convergence : an international journal of adult education = Схождение / Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. -Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1968)-. -- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1968-.(International Council for Adult Education)[季刊] 教育 <AA10623220> ISSN:02773740 Cornea. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1982)-. -- Masson Pub. USA, c1982-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医 <AA10721478> ISSN:05912156 Corps diplomatique : accr dit auprs des Communauts europennes / Communauts europennes Commission. -Office des publications officielles des Communauts europennes.(EU)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA12085684> ISSN:14220857 Crime, histoire & socits = Crime, history & societies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1997)-. -- Droz, 1997-.(Springer-Verlag)[年2回刊] 法 <AA00126172> ISSN:0011135X The Criminal law review. -- Jan. 1954 (Jan. 1954)-. -- Sweet & Maxwell, 1954-.(Sweet & Maxwell)[月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 64 2009年度 <AA11530329> ISSN:14672715 Critical Asian studies. -- Vol. 33, no. 1 (Mar. 2001)-. -- Taylor & Francis, 2001-.(Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 法 <AA00620383> ISSN:00903493 Critical care medicine / Society of Critical Care Medicine. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1973)-. -- John N. Kolon, 1973-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00139185> ISSN:00931896 Critical inquiry. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1974)-. -- University of Chicago Press, c1974-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00126365> ISSN:00111589 Criticism : a quarterly for literature and the arts. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1959)-. -- Wayne State University Press, [1959]-.(Wayne State University Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00126423> ISSN:00111600 Critique : revue g nrale des publications franaises et trangeres. -- T. 1, no. 1 (1946)-t. 14, no. 114 (Nov. 1956) ; T. 12, no. 115 (Dec. 1956)-. -- Aux ditions du Chne, 1946-.(Sarl Critique)[月刊] 中央館 <AA10779525> ISSN:02125633 El Croquis. -- El Croquis.(El Croquis)[季刊] 工 <AA10727099> ISSN:09502386 Cultural studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1987)-. -- Methuen, c1987-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA11606282> ISSN:07403291 Cultural survival quarterly. -- Vol. 6, no. 1 (winter 1982)-. -- Cultural Survival, c1981-.(Cultural survival)[季刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 65 2009年度 <AA11948209> ISSN:14735784 Culture, theory and critique. -- Routledge.(Routledge)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA00126897> ISSN:00113204 Current anthropology : a world journal of the sciences of man. -- Pre-issue (Sept. 1959)-. -- University of Chicago, 1959-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[隔月刊] 文 <AA10825484> ISSN:00113212 Current archaeology. -- Current Archaeology.(Current archaeology)[隔月刊] 文 <AA1081652X> ISSN:09609822 Current biology : CB. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1991)-. -- Current Biology, c1991-.(Cell Press)[月2回刊] 理生命 <AA00621750> ISSN:03007995 Current medical research and opinion. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1972)-. -- N.B. Clayton, 1972-.()[月刊] 医 <AA10442598> ISSN:00113921 Current sociology : an international bibliography of sociology / International Sociological Association = La sociologie contemporaine : bibliographie internationale de sociologie / Association interna(Sage)[隔月刊] 文 <AA10805986> ISSN:09585176 The Curriculum journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1990)-. -- Routledge.(Routledge)[季刊] 教育 <AA10640252> ISSN:02529599 Chinese annals of mathematics. Ser. B = 数学年刊. Ser. B. -- Vol. 4, no. 1 (Mar. 1983)-. -- Shanghai Scientific and Technological Literature Pub. House.(Shanghai Scientific and Technological Literature Pub. House)[隔月刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 66 2009年度 <D> <AA12049374> ISSN:18801250 Daito law review / Daito Bunka University Law School. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 2005)-. -- Daito Bunka Society of Legal Studies, 2005.(Daito Bunka University Law School)[年2回刊] 法 <AA00154065> ISSN:01472526 Dance chronicle : studies in dance and the related arts. -- (1977)-. -- Marcel Dekker, 1977-.(Taylor & Francis)[年3回刊] 情文 <AA11142512> ISSN:02642875 Dance research : the journal of the Society for Dance Research. -- Oxford University Press.(Edinburgh University Press)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA00624486> ISSN:04201213 Demonstratio mathematica / Warsaw Technical University, Institute of Mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1969)-. -- Politechnika Warszawska.(Politechnika Warszawska)[季刊] 数理 <AA11033743> ISSN:10760512 Dermatologic surgery. -- Vol. 21, no. 1 (Jan. 1995)-. -- Elsevier Science, c1995-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[月刊] 医 <AA00154724> ISSN:0046001X Desarrollo econmico / Instituto de Desarrollo Econmico y Social. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (abr./jun. 1961)-. -- Instituto de Desarrollo Econmico y Social, 1961-.(Instituto de Desarrollo Economico y Soci)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11083184> ISSN:09295585 Design automation for embedded systems : an international journal. -- Vol. 1, nos. 1/2 (Jan. 1996)-. -- Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1996-.(Kluwer)[季刊] 工 <AA00147740> ISSN:00119741 Deutsch als Fremdsprache : Zeitschrift zur Theorie und Praxis des Deutschunterrichts f r Auslnder / Herder Institute. -(1964)-. -- VEB Verlag Enzyklopdie.(Langenscheidt)[季刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 67 2009年度 <AA00149123> ISSN:00120731 Die deutsche Schule : Monatsschrift. -- 1. Jahrg. (1897)-. -- Julius Klinkhardt, 1897-.(Juventa Verlag)[季刊] 教育 <AA00149167> ISSN:03409341 Deutsche Sprache : Zeitschrift f r Theorie, Analyse, und Dokumentation. -- 1973, Heft 1 (1973)-1975, Heft 4 (1975) ; 4. Jahrg. (1976)-. -- Max Hueber, c1973-.(Erich Schmidt Verlag)[季刊] 中央館 <AA0014935X> ISSN:00120936 Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift f r Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (1923)-. -- Max Niemeyer, 1923-.(Vertriebsunion Meynen GmbH & Co. Kg)[季刊] 文 <AA00149666> 中央館 ISSN:00121045 Deutsche Zeitschrift fr Philosophie. -- 1. Jahrg. (1953)-. -- Akademie Verlag.(Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH)[隔月刊] 文 <AA00149950> ISSN:00121223 Deutsches Archiv fr Erforschung des Mittelalters : Namens der Monumenta Germaniae Historica. -- 8. Jahrg., Heft 1 (1950)-. -Simons Verlag.(Bohlau Verlag)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00150315> ISSN:00121363 Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt. -- 65. Jahrg., Nr. 7 (Apr. 1950)-. -- C. Heymann.(Carl Heymanns Verlag)[月2回刊] 中央館 <AA00150530> ISSN:03402258 Der Deutschunterricht : Beitr ge zu seiner Praxis und wissenschaftlichen Grundlegung. -- Jahrg. 1, Heft 1 (1948/49)-. -- Ernst Klett.(Erhard Friedrich Verlag)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00150541> ISSN:00121460 Deutschunterricht : Zeitschrift f r Erziehungs- und Bildungsaufgaben des Deutschunterrichts. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (Juli 1948)-. -Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag.(VSB-Verlagsservice)[隔月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 68 2009年度 <AA10667805> ISSN:09501991 Development. -- Vol. 99 (Jan. 1987)-. -- Company of Biologists, c1987-.(The Company of Biologists)[月2回刊] 理生命 <AA11818600> ISSN:1020797X Development outreach : putting knowledge to work for development / World Bank Institute. -- World Bank Institute.(World Bank)[季 刊] 国開 <AA11087797> ISSN:09614524 Development in practice. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1991)-. -- Oxfam UK and Ireland, c1991-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 国開 <AA00627881> ISSN:00121622 Developmental medicine and child neurology. -- Vol. 4, no. 1 (Feb. 1962)-. -- National Spastics Society Medical Education and Information Unit, 1962-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[月刊] 医 <AA10688179> ISSN:01764225 Diachronica. -- Vol. 1 no. 1 (spring 1984)-. -- Olms, 1984-.(John Benjamins)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00157019> ISSN:03007162 Diacritics : a review of contemporary criticism. -- Vol. 1 (fall 1971)-. -- Johns Hopkins University Press.(Johns Hopkins University Press)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA11270771> ISSN:10529551 Diagnostic molecular pathology. -- Vol. 5, no. 3 (Sept. 1996)-. -- Lippincott-Raven, c1996-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[季刊] 医 <AA10812074> 医 ISSN:10407391 Differences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1989)-. -- Indiana University Press, c1988-.(Indiana University Press)[年3回刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 69 2009年度 <AA10668943> ISSN:08934983 Differential and integral equations : an international journal for theory & applications / American Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1988)-. -- Abdol-Reza Aftabizaden, 1988-.(Khayyam)[月刊] 数理 <AA00628636> ISSN:00122823 Digestion : international journal of gastroenterology. -- 1 (1968)-. -- S. Karger, 1968-.(Karger)[隔月刊] 医 <AA10659090> Diplomacy : international magazine. -- [Diplomacy].(Diplomacy)[月刊] 中央館 <AA11016507> ISSN:0252306X Direction of trade statistics quarterly. -- June 1994 (June 1994)-. -- International Monetary Fund, c1994-.(International Monetary Fund)[季刊] 経研セ <AA11026216> ISSN:10780947 Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1995)-. -- Shouchuan Hu.(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences)[月刊] 数理 <AA11520391> ISSN:15313492 Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. Series B. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 2001)-. -- Shouchuan Hu, c2001-.(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences)[隔月刊] 数理 <YS01748089> Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. Series S. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 2008)-. -- American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, c2008-.(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences)[季刊] 数理 <AA10848093> ISSN:09246703 Discrete event dynamic systems : theory and applications. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1991)-. -- Kluwer, c1991-.(Springer)[季刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 70 2009年度 <AA11397535> Discussion paper / Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University. -- No. 1 (Jan. 1992)-. -- Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, 1992-.(名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科)[不明] 国開 <AA10989368> ISSN:10748105 Dispute resolution journal of American Arbitration Association. -- Vol. 48, no. 4 (Dec. 1993)-. -- American Arbitration Association, c1993-.(American Arbitration Association)[季刊] 国開 <AA0062921X> ISSN:00123862 Dissertationes mathematicae / Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Matematyczny. -- 52 (1966)-.(Polska Akademia Nauk)[不明] 数理 <AA12290355> ISSN:13152068 Divulgaciones matemticas. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jul. 1993)-. -- Universidad del Zulia, 1993-.(Universidad del Zulia)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00629581> ISSN:03855023 Dokkyo journal of medical sciences. -- Vol. 1 (Oct. 1974)-. -- Dokkyo University School of Medicine, 1974-.()[年3回刊] 医 <AA00152718> ISSN:00125377 Domus / Editoriale Domus. -- N. 1 (1928)-. -- Casa ed. Domus, 1928-.(OCS)[月刊] 工 <AN00001292> ISSN:0046063X Doshisha literature / 同志社大学英文学会. -- 19号 (1956)-. -- English Literary Society of Doshisha, 1956-.(同志社大学英文学 会)[年刊] 中央館 <AA11815657> DPA-Dossiers. Kulturpolitik. -- 2001, Nr. 40 (1 Okt., 2001)-. -- Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 2001-.(Deutsche Presse Agentur)[週刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 71 2009年度 <AA10659498> ISSN:12552488 Droits : revue fran aise de thorie juridique. -- 1 (1985)-. -- Presses universitaires de France, 1985-.(Presses Universitaires de France)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA12207056> ISSN:08735379 Drugnet Europe : newsletter of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. -- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.(EU)[季刊] 経済 <AA1161273X> ISSN:16815157 Drugs in focus / European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. -- Briefing 1 (Jan./Feb. 2002)-. -- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2002-.(European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00630478> ISSN:00127094 Duke mathematical journal. -- Vol. 1 (1935)-. -- Duke University Press, 1935-.(Duke University Press)[月刊] 情文 <AA00146566> ISSN:00115266 Ddalus : proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. -- Vol. 86, no. 1 (May 1955)-. -- American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1955-.(M.I.T. Press)[季刊] 教育 <AA10442973> ISSN:02462346 Le Dbat : histoire, politique, socit. -- No. 1 (mai 1980)-. -- Gallimard, 1980-.(Sodis Revues)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA11487638> ISSN:16091213 Dbats du Parlement europen = Debates of the European Parliament. -- [CD-ROM ed.]. -- Juillet dcembre, 1999 (juil./d c. 1999)-. -- [Office for Official Publications of the European Communities], 2(EU)[隔月刊] 経済 <E> <AA00179099> ISSN:01960202 Ear and hearing : official journal of the American Auditory Society. -- 1 (1980)-. -- Williams & Wilkins, 1980-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 72 2009年度 <AA00630977> ISSN:01455613 Ear, nose and throat journal. -- 55 (1976)-. -- Hospital.(Medquest)[月刊] 医 <AA12346427> ISSN:1943345X Earth. -- Vol. 53, no. 9 (Sept. 2008)-. -- American Geological Institute, 2008-.(American Geological Institute)[月刊] 中央館 <AA10444593> ISSN:87552930 Earthquake spectra : the professional journal of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1984)-. -The Institute, 1984-.(Earthquake Engineering Research Institut)[季刊] 工 <AA00162267> ISSN:00128376 East and West. New ser / Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente. -- Vol. 9, no. 1/2 (Mar./June 1958)-.(ISIAO)[季刊] 文 <AA00162697> ISSN:00461121 Ecology law quarterly / School of Law, University of California. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1971)-. -- School of Law, University of California.(Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley)[季刊] 法 <AA00162711> ISSN:00129682 Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society / Econometric Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1933)-. -- Econometric Society.(Wiley-Blackwell)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00162777> ISSN:0012981X Economia internazionale : rivista dell'istituto di economia internazionale / Instituto di Economia Internazionale. -- 1 (1948)-. -Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura.(Camera di Commercio di Genova)[季刊] 経済 <AA12170218> ISSN:17518326 Economic & labour market review / [Office for] National Statistics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2007)-. -- Palgrave Macmillan, c2007.(Macmillan Journal Subscriptions Ltd.)[月刊] 経研セ 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 73 2009年度 <AA00163088> ISSN:00130079 Economic development and cultural change / the University of Chicago. -- (1952)-. -- University of Chicago Press.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 経済 <AA00163168> ISSN:00130095 Economic geography / Clark University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1925)-. -- Clark University.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 文 <AA00163190> ISSN:03610128 Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists. -- Vol. 38, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1943)-. -- Economic Geology.(Society of Economic Geologists)[隔月刊] 理地球 <AA00173219> ISSN:00129976 Economic and political weekly. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 1966)-. -- Sameeksha Trust, 1966-.(Economic & Political Weekly)[週刊] 国開 <AA10632695> ISSN:02494744 Economie & prvision. Srie conomique : statistiques & tudes financires. -- No 46 (1981)-. -- Direction de la prvision, Ministre de l'economie, 1981-.(Ministere de L'economie des Frances)[季刊] 経研セ <AA00164273> ISSN:00130494 conomie applique : archives de l'Institut de sciences mathmatiques et conomiques appliques / I.S.M.E.A. -- (1948)-. -Librarie Droz, 1948-.(ISMEA)[季刊] 経済 <AA00174244> ISSN:04243218 conomie et politique. Nouvelle srie : revue marxiste d'conomie. -- No 1 (mai 1977)-no 271・272 (dc. 1999) = No 274 (mai 1977)-no 544・545 (dc. 1999) ; no 546 (janv. 2000)-. -- Revue conomie et pol(Economie et Politique)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00172034> ISSN:03361454 conomie et statistique : E & S / Institut national de la statistique et des tudes conomiques. -- No. 1 (mai 1969)-. -l'Institut, 1969-.(I.N.S.E.E)[月刊] 経研セ 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 74 2009年度 <AA00173332> ISSN:00130567 conomies et socits : cahiers de l'I.S.E.A. / Institut de science conomique applique. -- T. 1, no 1 (janv. 1967)-. -Presses universitaires de France, 1967-.(ISMEA)[月刊] 経済 <AA00164411> ISSN:00130613 The economist : or the political, commercial, agricultural, and free-trade journal. -- Prelim. no. (Aug. 1843)-. -- Economist Newspaper, 1843-.(Economist Newspaper)[週刊] 経済 <AA00164477> ISSN:03085147 Economy and society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1972)-. -- Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972-.(Routledge)[季刊] 経済 <AA00171348> ISSN:0013094X Editor & publisher. -- Editor & Publiser.(Nielesn Business Media)[月刊] 情文 <AA00164739> ISSN:00131385 The education index : a cumulative author and subject index to a selected list of educational periodicals books and pamphlets. -- 1 (Jan. 1929/June 1932)-. -- H.W. Wilson, 1932-.(H. W. Wilson)[月刊] 中央館 <AA1076500X> ISSN:09539964 Education and the law. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1989)-. -- Longman Group, [1989]-.(Routledge)[季刊] 教育 <AA11604017> ISSN:1467582X Educational management abstracts. -- Vol. 19, no. 1 (2000)-. -- Carfax Pub., [2000]-.(Carfax)[季刊] 教育 <AA00171610> ISSN:03397513 ducation permanente / Agence Nationale pour le Developpement de l'ducation Permanente.(Education Permanente)[季刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 75 2009年度 <AA1044544X> ISSN:07262655 Education and society. -- J. Nicholas.(J. Nicholas)[年3回刊] 教育 <AA00165083> ISSN:0013161X Educational administration quarterly. -- (1965)-. -- University Council for Educational Administration.(Sage)[季刊] 教育 <AA00165119> ISSN:00131725 The Educational forum. -- Kappa Delta Pi.(Kappa Delta)[季刊] 教育 <AA11898246> ISSN:17411432 Educational management administration & leadership : journal of the British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society : emal. -- Vol. 32, no. 1 (Jan. 2004)-. -- Sage Publications, c2(Sage)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA10728502> ISSN:08959048 Educational policy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1987)-. -- Geron-X, c1987-.(Corwin Press)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00165196> ISSN:00131644 Educational and psychological measurement. -- 1 (1941)-. -- Science Research Associates, 1941-.(Sage)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA10445494> ISSN:00461520 Educational psychologist / American Psychological Association.(Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)[季刊] 教育 <AA00172839> ISSN:0013189X Educational researcher / American Educational Research Association. -- (1964)-.(SAGE PUBLICATIONS)[月刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 76 2009年度 <AA10686297> ISSN:10421629 Educational technology, research and development. -- Vol. 37, no. 1 (spring 1989)-. -- Association for Educational Communications and Technology.(Springer)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA11126458> ISSN:14060124 Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised. Keemia = Известия Академии наук Эстонии. Химия = Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry. -- 39/1 (1990)-. -- 'Периодика', 1990-.('Периоди ка')[季刊] 中央館 <AA00179689> ISSN:01935380 Eighteenth century : theory and interpretation / Texas Tech University. -- Vol. 20, no. 1 (1979)-. -- Texas Tech Press, 1979 .(Texas Tech University Press)[年3回刊] 経済 <AA00165742> ISSN:0126155X Ekonomi dan keuangan Indonesia = Economics and finance in Indonesia / Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia.(Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyara)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA00174517> ISSN:0301150X Electromyography and clinical neurophysiology. -- 12 (1972)-.(Nauwelaerts Publishing)[隔月刊] 医 <AA12005255> ISSN:03927342 Elenchos : rivista di studi sul pensiero antico. -- Bibliopolis.(Bibliopolis/Napoli)[年2回刊] 文 <AA10627582> ISSN:02614189 The EMBO journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1982)-. -- Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press, c1982.(Nature Publishing Group)[月2回刊] 理生命 <AA11472481> ISSN:1469221X EMBO reports. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 2000)-. -- Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by Oxford University Press, c2000-.(Nature Publishing Group)[月刊] 理生命 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 77 2009年度 <AA1109069X> ISSN:13606743 English language and linguistics. -- Vol. 1, pt. 1 (May 1997)-. -- Cambridge University Press, 1997-.(Cambridge University Press)[年3回刊] 文 <AA10668331> ISSN:08919526 ENR. -- Vol. 218, no. 1 (Jan. 1, 1987)-. -- McGraw-Hill.(McGraw-Hill)[週刊] 工 <AA12333629> ISSN:18311237 Enterprise & industry magazine. -- 2008, [no.] 1 (July 2008)-. -- Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.(EU)[年3回刊] 経済 <AA12270620> Enterprise development & microfinance : an international journal. -- Vol. 18, no. 2/3 (June/Sept. 2007)-. -- Practical Action Publishing, c2007-.(Intermediate Technology Publications)[季刊] 国開 <AA11480005> ISSN:16800516 Enterprise Europe : enterprise policy news and reviews. -- 1 (Sept. 2000)-. -- European Commission's Enterprise DirectorateGeneral, c2000-.(EU)[季刊] 経済 <AA10857538> ISSN:01779303 Entscheidungen zum Wirtschaftsrecht : EWiR. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1-3 (20. M rz 1985)-. -- Recht Wirtschaft Steuern, 1985-.(RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum)[月2回刊] 法 <AA00176024> ISSN:00139165 Environment and behavior. -- 1 (1969)-. -- SAGE Publications.(Sage)[隔月刊] 工 <AA11432636> 文 ISSN:15634183 Environment for Europeans : magazine of Directorate-General XI - Enivironment, Nuclear Satety and Civil Protection. -- No. 0 (Oct. 1999)-. -- Information and Communication Unit of Directorate-General (EU)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 78 2009年度 <AA00637262> ISSN:0308518X Environment and planning. A. -- Vol. 6, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1974)-. -- Pion.(Pion)[月刊] 文 <AA10516173> ISSN:02658135 Environment and planning. B, Planning & design. -- Vol. 10, no. 1 ([Mar.] 1983)-. -- Pion, c1983-.(Pion)[隔月刊] 文 <AA1063905X> ISSN:0263774X Environment and planning. C, Government & policy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 ([Jan. 1983])-. -- Pion, c1983-.(Pion)[隔月刊] 文 <AA10639038> ISSN:02637758 Environment and planning. D, Society & space. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 ([Mar. 1983])-. -- Pion, c1983-.(Pion)[隔月刊] 文 <AA10446409> ISSN:01634275 Environmental ethics : an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the philosophical aspects of environmental problems. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1979)-. -- Environmental Philosophy, 1979-.(Center of Environmental Philosophy, Univ. of North Texas)[季刊] 情文 <AA1108348X> ISSN:1342078X Environmental health and preventive medicine / the Japanese Society for Hygiene. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1996)-. -- Japanese Society for Hygiene, c1996-.(The Japanese Society for Hygiene)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00176068> ISSN:0378777X Environmental policy and law. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1975)-. -- Elsevier Sequoia, 1975-.(IOS Press)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA11111392> ISSN:09632719 Environmental values. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1992)-. -- White Horse Press, c1992-.(White Horse Press)[季刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 79 2009年度 <AA00637692> ISSN:00963941 Eos. -- Vol. 50, no. 1 (Jan. 1969)-. -- American Geophysical Union.(American Geophysical Union)[週刊] 理地球 <AA00176192> Epigraphica : rivista italiana di epigrafia. -- Casa Editrice Ceschina.(Fratelli Lega Editori)[年刊] 文 <AA12188483> ISSN:17423600 Episteme : a journal of social epistemology. -- Edinburgh University Press.(Edinburgh University Press)[年3回刊] 情文 <AA12194839> ISSN:02955075 EPL : a letters journal exploring the frontiers of physics. -- Vol. 77, no. 1 (Jan. 1, 2007)-. -- EDP Sciences.(IOP Publishing)[月2回 刊] 中央館 <AA00168059> ISSN:00139998 Die Erde : Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft f r Erdkunde zu Berlin. -- Bd. 1 (1949/50)-Bd. 8 (1956) ; Jahrg. 88, Heft 1 (1957)-. -Walter de Gruyter, 1949-.(Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin)[季刊] 文 <AA0016806X> ISSN:00140015 Erdkunde : Archiv f r wissenschaftliche Geographie. -- Bd. 1, Lfg. 1-3 (1947)-. -- Fred. Dmmlers, 1947-.(Cornelsen Verlagsgesellschaft)[季刊] 文 <AA1196611X> ISSN:0764583X ESAIM. Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis = ESAIM. Mod lisation mathmatique et analyse numrique : M2AN. -Vol. 33, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1999)-. -- EDP Sciences, SMAI, c1999-.(EDP Sciences)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA0016822X> ISSN:00462497 Espace gographique. -- (1972)-.(Berlin Reclus)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 80 2009年度 <AA10857833> ISSN:04234243 L'espresso. -- L'Espresso.(Editoriale l'Espresso)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00168252> ISSN:00140759 Esprit : revue internationale. -- 1. ann e, no 1 (oct. 1932)-44. anne, no 463 (dc. 1976) ; 1re anne, no 1 (janv. 1977)-11. ann e, no 12 (dc. 1987) ; No 134 (janv. 1988)-. -- Societ d'exploitation(Esprit)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00168285> ISSN:01949535 Esquire. -- Vol. 92, no. 2 (Aug. 1979)-. -- Esquire Publishing, c1979-.(Heart Communications)[月刊] 中央館 <AA12169456> ISSN:19329075 ESR review. -- Vol. 8, issue 1 (summer 2006)-. -- Economic Self-Reliance Center and the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University, 2006-.(Bringham University Press)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA11885619> ISSN:15456501 Essential teacher : ET. -- Vol. 1, issue 1 (winter 2003)-. -- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2003.(TESOL)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00180892> ISSN:07160240 Estudios internacionales : revista del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (abr. 1967)-. - Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Ch(Instituto de Estud. Internac. Universida)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA00168773> ISSN:00141704 Ethics : an international journal of social, political, and legal philosophy. -- Vol. 48, no. 3 (Apr. 1938)-. -- University of Chicago Press, 1938-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 情文 <AA0018094X> ISSN:01419870 Ethnic and racial studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1978)-. -- Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 81 2009年度 <AA00169255> ISSN:0071190X tudes de linguistique applique. Nouvelle srie. -- 7 (1972)-. -- Didier.(Les Belles Lettres)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10516344> ISSN:00142166 Les tudes philosophiques. -- 1968, 1 (janv./mars 1968)-. -- Presses universitaires de France, 1968-.(Presses Universitaires de France)[季刊] 文 <AA0016946X> ISSN:00142182 tudes rurales / cole pratique des hautes tudes. -- No 1 (1961)-. -- Mouton, 1961-.(EHESS)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA10811209> ISSN:00142328 Euphorion : Zeitschrift fr Literaturgeschichte. -- 56. Bd., Heft 1/2 (1962)-. -- Carl Winter・Universittsverlag, 1962.(Universitatsverlag C. Winter Heidelberg)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11560953> 文 ISSN:16066340 Euroabstracts. -- Vol. 36, no. 1 (Apr. 1998)-v. 45, no. 2 (Apr. 2007). -- European Commission Innovation Programme, 19982007.(EU)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA12196492> ISSN:18307108 Eurofound news / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions)[月刊] 経済 <AA00169801> ISSN:00142751 Europe : revue mensuelle. -- Vol. 1, no 1 (15 f vr. 1923)-v. 50, no 200 (1939) ; Anne 24, no 1 (1946)-. -- ditions Deno l.(Europe)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA10876780> ISSN:09668136 Europe-Asia studies. -- Vol. 45, no. 1 (1993)-. -- Published for the University of Glasgow by Carfax Pub., c1993-.(Routledge)[隔月 刊] 法 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 82 2009年度 <AA10802718> ISSN:01443054 European competition law review : ECLR. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1980)-. -- ESC Pub., c1980-.(Sweet & Maxwell Limited)[月刊] 法 <AA1101351X> ISSN:1609235X European Court reports. Reports of European Community staff cases (ECR-SC) / Court of Justice of the European Communities. -- 1994-1/2 (1994)-. -- Office for Official Publications of the European Comm(EU)[月刊] 経済 <AA00181181> ISSN:03790991 European economy / Commission of the European Communities. -- No. 1 (Nov. 1978)-no. 73 (2001) ; 2002, no. 1 (2002)-. -- [s.n.], 1978-.(EU)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA12112346> ISSN:18305180 European economy news : magazine of the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs. -- No. 1 (Jan. 2006)-. -- Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, c2006-.(EU)[季刊] 経済 <AA10972660> ISSN:10564934 European education : a journal of translations. -- Vol. 23, no. 1 (spring 1991)-. -- M.E. Sharpe, c1991-.(M.E. Sharpe)[季刊] 教育 <AA12076741> ISSN:18304338 European innovation / European Commission, Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry. -- July 2005 (July 2005)-. -Communication and Information Unit, Enterprise and Industry DG, European Commi(EU)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA0018124X> ISSN:01420461 European intellectual property review. -- 1 (1979)-. -- ESC Publishing.(Sweet & Maxwell Limited)[月刊] 法 <AA1072688X> ISSN:10107940 European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1987)-. -- Springer International.()[月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 83 2009年度 <AA10724829> ISSN:09541446 The European journal of cognitive psychology. -- Vol. 1, issue 1 (Mar. 1989)-. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1989-.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA1107139X> ISSN:09473580 European journal of control. -- Springer.(Hermes Science)[隔月刊] 工 <AA10852705> ISSN:1121760X European journal of histochemistry : EJH. -- 36, 1 (1992)-. -- Luigi Ponzio, 1992-.(Societa Italiana di Istochimica)[季刊] 農 <AA10704344> ISSN:09351221 European journal of mineralogy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1989)-. -- E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, [1989].(E.Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung)[隔月刊] 理地球 <AA11053784> ISSN:13522779 European journal of palliative care : the journal of the European Association for Palliative Care. -- Hayward Medical Communications.(Hayward Medical Communications)[隔月刊] 医 <AA1081318X> ISSN:09397248 European journal of pediatric surgery = Zeitschrift f r Kinderchirurgie = Chirurgie Pdiatrique. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1991)- = 91/1 (Feb. 1991)-. -- Hippokrates.(Georg Thieme)[隔月刊] 医 <AA10619405> ISSN:0720048X European journal of radiology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1981)-. -- G. Thieme, [c1981]-.(Elsevier)[月刊] 医 <AA12138816> ISSN:19770219 European journal of vocational training / CEDEFOP. -- 2006, 1 (Jan./Apr. 2006)- = No. 37 (Jan./Apr. 2006)-. -- CEDEFOP, 2006.(European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training(CEDEFOP))[年3回刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 84 2009年度 <AA10688995> ISSN:09031936 The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1988)-. -- Published jointly by the Society and Munksgaard, 1988(European Respiratory Society (Maney Publishing))[月刊] 医 <AA11763597> ISSN:16087097 Eurostat electronic library. -- 2001/1 (2001)-. -- Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, c2001-. w.(EU)[月 刊] 経済 <AA11183145> ISSN:13676539 Evidence-based nursing. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1998)-. -- RCN Pub. Co..(RCN Pub. Co.)[季刊] 医保健 <AA10913479> ISSN:10636560 Evolutionary computation. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1993)-. -- MIT Press, c1993-.(MIT Press)[季刊] 情文 <AA10926641> ISSN:10586458 Experimental mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1992)-. -- Jones and Bartlett Pub., 1992-.(A. K. Peters)[季刊] 情文 <AA1069776X> ISSN:0950222X Eye / Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. -- Vol. 1, pt. 1 (1987)-. -- Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom, 1987-.(Nature Publishing Group)[月刊] 医 <F> <AA11652960> ISSN:16812123 Facts / European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. -- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.(EU)[不明] 経済 <AA10806537> ISSN:0206149X Far Eastern affairs. -- -2001, no. 3 (2001.5/6) = -137 (2001.5/6) ; V. 1, no. 4 (Jul./Aug. 2001)-v. 1, no. 6 (Nov./Dec. 2001) ; V. 30, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 2002)-. -- Progress.(East View Pub)[季刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 85 2009年度 <AA11551555> Far Eastern economic review. -- Vol. 163, no. 16 (Apr. 20, 2000)-. -- Dow Jones & Co., 2000-.(Review Publishing)[月刊] 国開 <AA10836538> ISSN:03017249 Faraday discussions. -- No. 92 (1991)-. -- Faraday Division, Royal Society of Chemistry, c1992-.(Royal Society of Chemistry)[年3 回刊] 理化学 FASEB journal(Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology)[] 医 <AA11049255> ISSN:13545701 Feminist economics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1995)-. -- Routledge, 1995-.(Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 国開 <AA00193828> ISSN:00463663 Feminist studies : FS. -- Vol. 1 (1972)-. -- Feminist Studies, 1972-.(Feminist Studies)[年3回刊] 情文 <AA00183019> ISSN:00150010 Fennia : bulletin de la Soci t de gographie de Finlande. -- Socit de gographie de Finlande.(Geographical Society of Finland)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00183380> ISSN:00151947 Finance and development / International Monetary Fund and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1964)-. -- International Monetary Fund and International Bank fo(International Monetary Fund and Internat)[季刊] 国開 <AA00183416> ISSN:0015198X The Financial analysts journal / the National Federation of Financial Analysts Societies. -- Vol. 16, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1960)-.(Assoc. for Investment Management and Res)[隔月刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 86 2009年度 <AA00189569> ISSN:0378651X Financial market trends. -- 0 (June 1977)-. -- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, c1977-.()[年3回刊] 経研セ <AA12167621> ISSN:18302017 Financial stability review. -- Dec. 2004 (Dec. 2004)-. -- European Central Bank, c2004-.(ECB)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA00183788> ISSN:03551253 Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen : Zeitschrift f r Finnische-ugrische Sprach und Volkskunde. -- 1. Bd. (1901)-. -- Red. der Zeitschrift.(Vammalan Kirjapaino)[年刊] 文 <AA00645770> ISSN:00152501 Finska lkaresllskapets handlingar. -- Finska Lkaresllskapet.()[年2回刊] 医 <AA1061945X> ISSN:01427237 First language. -- Vol. 1, pt. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1980)-. -- Alpha Academic, 1980-.(Sage)[季刊] 情文 <AA10686129> ISSN:01695983 Fluid dynamics research. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 1986)-. -- North-Holland, 1986-.()[隔月刊] 工 <AA00190353> ISSN:01654004 Folia linguistica : acta Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae. -- T. 1, 1/2 (1967)-. -- Mouton.(Mouton de Gruyter)[年2回刊] 文 <AA10628177> ISSN:0168647X Folia linguistica historica : acta Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae. -- Tomus 1, 1 (1980)-. -- Mouton, c1980-.(Mouton de Gruyter)[年刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 87 2009年度 <AA00184135> ISSN:0015587X Folk-lore / Folk-Lore Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1890)-. -- Folk-lore Society, 1890-.(Routledge)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA00190874> ISSN:0015718X Foreign language annals / American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. -- Vol. 1 (1967)-. -- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1967-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 国開 <AA10809739> ISSN:10427201 Forensic science review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1989)-. -- Central Police University Press, c1989-.(Central Police University Press)[年2回刊] 医 <AA00649691> ISSN:00157473 Forest products journal. -- Vol. 5, no. 1 (Feb. 1955)-. -- Forest Products Research Society.(Forest Products Society)[月刊] 農 <AA0018523X> ISSN:00157813 Fornvnnen / K. Vitterhets Historie och antikvitets akademien. -- rgngen 1 (1906)-.(Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities)[季刊] 情文 <AA00191607> ISSN:0185013X Foro internacional / Colegio de Mxico. -- Vol. 1 (1960)-.(Colegio de Mexico)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10669403> ISSN:09337741 Forum mathematicum : an international journal devoted to pure and applied mathematics as well as mathematical physics. -- Vol. 1 (1989)-. -- de Gruyter.(Walter de Gruyter)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA12121154> ISSN:17256763 Foundation focus. -- Issue 1 (Oct. 2005)-. -- European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2005.(EU)[年2回刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 88 2009年度 <AA00186345> ISSN:01744909 Frankfurter Allgemeine : Zeitung fr Deutschland. -- (1, Nov. 1949)-.(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)[日刊] 中央館 <AA00192097> ISSN:01847732 Franais aujourd'hui : revue de l'Association franaise des professeurs de Franais. -- No 1 (mars 1968)-. -- L'Assiciation, 1968-.(A.F.E.F.)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00186083> ISSN:00159409 Franais moderne. -- 1 (1933)-.(Conseil International de la Langue Francaise)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA00186094> ISSN:00159395 Le Franais dans le monde : revue de l'enseignement du franais hors de France. -- 1re anne, no 1 (mai 1961)-36e anne, no 285 (nov./dc. 1996) ; No 286 (janv. 1997)-. -- Hachette et Larousse, 1961-(Francais dans le Monde)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00187075> ISSN:0016111X The French review : devoted to the interests of teachers of French / American Association of Teachers of French. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1927)-. -- American Association of Teachers of French, 1927-.(American Assoc. of Teachers of French)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA0065246X> ISSN:00162590 Fukushima journal of medical science. -- 1 (1954)-.()[年2回刊] 医 <AA11180522> ISSN:0929998X Functions of language. -- 1.1 (1994)-. -- John Benjamins Pub., 1994-.(John Benjamins)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA00192803> ISSN:00162736 Fundamenta mathematicae / Polska Akademia Nauk. -- Vol. 1 (1920)-. -- Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.(Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics)[月刊] 情文 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 89 2009年度 <AA00652619> ISSN:05328721 Funkcialaj ekvacioj. Serio internacia / Fako de l'Funkcialaj Ekvacioj Japana Matematika Societo. -- Vol. 1 (1958)-. -- Japana Matematika Societo, 1958-.(Japana Matematika Societo)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA00652754> ISSN:00163155 Fusion : journal of the American Scientific Glassblowers Society / the American Scientific Glassblowers Society. -- American Scientific Glassblowers Society.(American Scientific Glassblowers Society)[季刊] 理化学 <AA11558871> ISSN:15361055 Fusion science and technology : an international journal of the American Nuclear Society. -- Vol. 40, no. 1 (July 2001)-. -American Nuclear Society, 2001-.(American Nuclear Society)[隔月刊] 工 <G> <AA00653156> ISSN:00465402 Ganita. -- 1 (1950)-.(Bharata Ganita Parisad)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA12333174> ISSN:15849333 Gazeta matematic. Seria B : revist de cultur matematic pentru tineret. -- Anul 110, nr. 1 (Ian. 2005)-. -- Societatea de tiine Matematice din Romnia, 2005-.(Societatea de tiine Matematice din Romnia)[月刊] 数理 <AA1072602X> ISSN:08912432 Gender & society : official publication of Sociologists for Women in Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1987)-. -- Sage Publications, [c1987-].(Sage)[隔月刊] 文 <AA11051982> ISSN:13552074 Gender and development. -- Vol. 3, no. 1 (Feb. 1995)-. -- Oxfam, c1995-.(Routledge)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA11014738> ISSN:0966369X Gender, place and culture : a journal of feminist grography. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1994)-. -- Carfax, c1994-.(Routledge)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 90 2009年度 <AA10668692> ISSN:08909369 Genes & development. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1987)-. -- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in association with the Genetical Society of Great Britain, c1987-.(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)[月2回刊] 理生命 <AA0065475X> ISSN:00166731 Genetics : a periodical record of investigations bearing on heredity & variation. -- 1 (1916)-. -- Genetics.(Genetics Society of America)[月刊] 理生命 <AA11054029> ISSN:10889051 Genome research. -- Vol. 5, no. 1 (Aug. 1995)-. -- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, c1995-.(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)[月刊] 農 <AA00203320> ISSN:00166928 Genre : a quarterly devoted to generic criticism. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1968)-. -- University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1968.(University of Oklahoma)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00196189> ISSN:00167312 Geographica helvetica / Geographische-Ethnographische Gesellschaft. -- 1. Jahrg. (1946)-.(Fotorotar AG)[季刊] 文 <AA00196236> ISSN:00167428 Geographical review. -- Vol. 1 (Jan. 1916)-. -- American Geographical Society.(American Geographical Society)[季刊] 文 <AA0019635X> ISSN:00167460 Geographische Rundschau : Zeitschrift f r Schulgeographie. -- 1 (1949)-. -- Georg Westermann Verlag, 1949-.(VSBVerlagsservice)[月刊] 文 <AA00655504> ISSN:00167479 Geographische Zeitschrift.(Franz Steiner Verlag)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 91 2009年度 <AA00196429> ISSN:00167487 Geography / Geographical Association. -- Vol. 14, pt. 1 (1927)-. -- London Geographical Institute, 1927-.(Geographical Association)[年3回刊] 文 <AA1051850X> ISSN:00167606 Geological Society of America bulletin / Geological Society of America. -- Vol. 93, no. 1 (Jan. 1982)-. -- Geological Society of America, 1982-.(Geological Society of America)[隔月刊] 理地球 <AA00656697> ISSN:00917613 Geology / Geological Society of America. -- Vol.1 (1973)-. -- Geological Society of America.(Geological Society of America)[月刊] 理地球 <AA11557234> ISSN:14653060 Geometry & topology. -- Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick.(Mathematical Sciences Publishers)[年刊] 数理 <AA00657102> ISSN:00948276 Geophysical research letters. -- Vol. 1 (1974)-. -- American Geophysical Union.(American Geophysical Union)[月2回刊] 太陽研 <AA11942665> ISSN:15505200 Georgetown journal of international law. -- Vol. 35, no. 1 (fall 2003)-. -- Georgetown University Law Center, 2003-.(Georgetown Univ. Law Center)[季刊] 経済 <AA00657317> ISSN:00465828 Geotechnical engineering. -- Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering.(Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society)[年3回刊] 工 <AA00657328> ISSN:00168505 Gotechnique : the international journal of soil mechanics / the Institution of Civil Engineers. -- (1948)-. -- [Published by Thomas Telford Ltd. for the] institution of Civil Engineers.(Thomas Telford)[月刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 92 2009年度 <AA10933658> ISSN:09644008 German politics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1992)-. -- F. Cass, 1992-.(Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 中央館 <AA0019678X> ISSN:00168904 Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift. Neue Folge. -- Bd. 1 (1950)-. -- Carl Winter, 1950-.(Universitatsverlag C. Winter Heidelberg)[季刊] 中央館 文 <AA00196826> ISSN:00168912 Germanistik : internationales Referanorgen mit Bibliographischen Hinweisen. -- 1. Jahrg. (1960)-. -- M. Niemeyer, 1960-.(Walter de Gruyter & Co.)[季刊] 文 <AA00200446> ISSN:0340613X Geschichte und Gesellschaft : Zeitschrift f r Historische Sozialwissenschaft. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (1975)-. -- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1975-.(Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht)[季刊] 経済 <AA11000697> ISSN:09333096 Geschichte lernen. -- Heft 1 (Dez. 1987)-. -- Erhard Friedrich, 1987-.(Erhard Friedrich Verlag)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00196961> ISSN:00169056 Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht. -- 1. Jahrg. (Apr. 1950)-. -- Lehrmittel-Verlag.(Erhard Friedrich Verlag)[月刊] 教育 <AA11815963> 文 ISSN:16196910 Gesellschaft Wirtschaft Politik : Sozialwissenschaften f r politische Bildung. -- 51. Jahrg., Heft 1 (2002)-. -- Leske + Budrich Opladen, 2002-.(Verlag Leske und Budrich GmbH)[季刊] 教育 <AA11684333> ISSN:15681475 Gesture. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2001)-. -- John Benjamins Publishing, 2001-.(John Benjamins)[年3回刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 93 2009年度 <AA00197410> ISSN:00169420 Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Vereinigung f r gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht. -- 1 (1896)-. -- Chemie.(C.H. Beck)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00201846> ISSN:04358600 Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht. Internationaler Teil : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Vereinigung f r gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht. -- 1967, Heft 1 (Jan. 1967)-1994, Heft 3 (Marz (C.H. Beck)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00658171> Giornale della accademia di medicina di torino.()[年刊] 医 <AA00658783> ISSN:00170895 Glasgow mathematical journal. -- Vol. 8, pt. 1 (1967)-. -- Oliver and Boyd, 1967-.(Oliver and Boyd)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA00658896> ISSN:0017095X Glasnik matematiki. Serija 3. -- 1 (1966)-. -- Drutvo Matematiara Fiziara S.R. Hrvatske, 1966-.(Drutvo Matematiara Fiziara S.R. Hrvatske)[年2回刊] 数理 Global biogeochemical cycles(American Geophysical Union)[] 水循環 <AA1104865X> ISSN:10752846 Global governance : a review of multilateralism and international organizations. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1995)-. -- Lynne Rienner Publishers, c1995-.(Lynne Rienner)[季刊] 国開 <AA12058386> ISSN:17441692 Global public health : an international journal for research, policy and practice. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 2006)-. -- Routledge, 2006.(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 94 2009年度 <AA00197895> ISSN:00171298 Glotta : Zeitschrift f r griechische und lateinische Sprache. -- (1909)-. -- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.(Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht)[季刊] 文 <AA00197909> ISSN:00171417 Gnomon : kritische Zeitschrift f r die gesamte klassiche Altertumswissenschaft. -- Bd. 1 (1925)-. -- Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1925-.(C.H. Beck)[隔月刊] 文 <AA00198049> ISSN:00171956 Goltdammer's Archiv f r Strafrecht. -- Jahrg. 1953, Heft 1 (Juli 1953)-Jahrg. 1978, Heft 12 (Dez. 1978) ; 126. Jahrg., 1 (Jan. 1979)-. -- Decker.(R. v. Decker's Verlag Huthig)[月刊] 中央館 <AA12333742> Grazer mathematische berichte. -- Nr. 304 (1989)-. -- Institut f r Mathematik Karl-Franzens-Universitt Graz, 1989-.(Institut f r Mathematik Karl-Franzens-Universitt Graz)[不明] 数理 <AA0020056X> ISSN:00173916 Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies. -- Vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 1959)-. -- [s.n.], [1959]-.(Duke University Press)[季刊] 文 <AA10909165> ISSN:10383441 Griffith law review / Griffith University, Griffith Law Review Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1992)-. -- Griffith University, Griffith Law Review Association, 1992-.(Faculty of Law, Griffith University)[年2回刊] 法 <AA00204491> ISSN:05333431 Grundschule.(VSB-Verlagsservice)[月刊] 教育 <AA11570050> ISSN:09323910 Die Grundschul-Zeitschrift. -- Erhard Friedrich.(Erhard Friedrich Verlag)[月刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 95 2009年度 <AA00198967> ISSN:02613077 The Guardian. -- No. 35192 (Aug. 24, 1959)-. -- Printed and published by Laurence Prestwich Scott for the Manchester Guardian & Evening News Ltd.(OCS)[日刊] 中央館 <AA10687846> ISSN:09842292 Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains. -- 37e ann e, no 145 (janv. 1987)-. -- [Presses universitaires de France], 1987.(Presses Universitaires de France)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00660592> ISSN:00175749 Gut. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 1960)-. -- British Medical Association, 1960-.(BMJ)[月刊] 医 <H> <AA00209600> ISSN:0017789X Harper's. -- Vol. 253, no. 1516 (Sept. 1976)-. -- Harper's Magazine Foundation, c1976-.(Harper's Magazine Foundation)[月刊] 情文 <AA00205665> ISSN:00178012 Harvard business review / Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1922)-. -- A. W. Shaw, 1922-.(Harvard Business School)[月刊] 経済 <AA00205723> ISSN:00178055 Harvard educational review. -- Vol. 7, no. 1 (Jan. 1937)-. -- Graduate School of Education Harvard University, 1937-.(Harvard University)[季刊] 教育 <AA00205789> ISSN:00730548 Harvard journal of Asiatic studies / Harvard-Yenching Institute. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1936)-. -- Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1936.(Harvard-Yenching Institute)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA11982207> ISSN:08996210 Health facilities management. -- American Hospital Publishing.(Health Forum)[月刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 96 2009年度 <AA00662510> ISSN:00179078 Health physics / Health Physics Society. -- (1958)-. -- Pergamon Press.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] アイソ <AA00662714> ISSN:03785955 Hearing research. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1978)-. -- Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press.(Elsevier)[月2回刊] 医 <AA12209233> Henley manager update. -- Vol. 10, no. 1 (autumn 1998)-. -- Braybrooke Press, 1998-.(Braybrooke Press in assoc. with Henley)[季 刊] 経済 <AA00206624> ISSN:00180777 Hermes : Zeitschrift fr Classische Philologie. -- Bd. 1, [Heft. 1] (1866)-. -- Weidemann.(Franz Steiner Verlag)[季刊] 文 <AA00206668> ISSN:0018098X Hesperia : journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens / American School of Classical Studies at Athens. -- Vol. 1 (1932)-.(American School of Classical Studies at)[季刊] 文 <AA11035115> ISSN:07930283 Heterocyclic communications : an international journal in heterocyclic chemistry. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1994)-. -- Freund Pub., c1994.(Freund Publishing House)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA10726824> ISSN:07484364 Higher education abstracts. -- Vol. 20, no. 1 (fall 1984)-. -- Claremont Graduate School, c1984-.(Claremont Graduate University)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11652971> ISSN:16823451 Higher education management and policy : journal of the Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education. -- Vol. 14, no. 1 (2002)-. -- OECD, 2002-.(OECD)[年3回刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 97 2009年度 <AA10717630> ISSN:09528733 Higher education policy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1988)-. -- Kogan Page, c1988-.(Palgrave Macmillan)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11861938> ISSN:07294360 Higher education research & development. -- Taylor & Francis.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00210359> ISSN:00181609 Higher education review. -- Tyreell Burgess Associates.(Tyrrell Burgess Associates)[年3回刊] 教育 <AA00664312> ISSN:00182052 Hiroshima journal of medical sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 1951)-. -- Hiroshima Medical College.()[季刊] 医 <AA00664323> ISSN:00182079 Hiroshima mathematical journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1971)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University, [1971]-.(Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA10880110> ISSN:09922059 Histoire de l'art / INHA. -- No 1/2 (juin 1988)-. -- Ed. C.D.U.-S.E.D.E.S, 1988-.(Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art)[年2回刊] 文 <AA11504715> ISSN:1254728X Histoire et socits rurales / Association d'histoire des socit s rurales. -- 1er anne, no. 1 (1er semestre 1994)-. -- Centre de recherche d'histoire quantitative, Universit de Caen, 1994-.(Centre de recherche d'histoire quantitat)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00207092> ISSN:00182311 Historia : Zeitschrift fr Alte Geschichte. -- Bd. 1 (1950)-. -- Franz Steiner, 1950-.(Franz Steiner Verlag)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 98 2009年度 <AA00207106> ISSN:03410056 Historia. Einzelschriften : Zeitschrift f r alte Geschichte.(Franz Steiner Verlag)[不明] 文 <AA00207285> ISSN:00182605 Das Historisch- politische Buch : ein Wegweiser durch das Schrifttum. -- Jahrg. 1 (1953)-. -- Musterschmidt, 1953-.(MasterSchmidt Verlag)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA12025150> ISSN:00451681 Historische Sozialkunde : Geschichte - Fachdidaktik - Politische Bildung. -- 32. Jahrg., Nr. 2 (Apr.-Juni 2002)-. -- Verein f r Geschichte und Sozialkunde, 2002-.(VGS: Verein fur Geschichte und Sozialkun)[季刊] 文 <AA10692992> ISSN:09353518 Historische Sprachforschung = Historical linguistics. -- 101. Bd., 1. Heft (1988)-. -- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1988-.(Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00207332> ISSN:00182613 Historische Zeitschrift. -- Bd. 131 (1925)-. -- R. Oldenbourg, 1925-.(Oldenbourg)[隔月刊] 文 経済 <AA00207376> ISSN:00182613 Historische Zeitschrift. Sonderheft : Literaturberichte ber Neuerscheinungen zur auerdeutschen Geschichte. -- 1 (1962)-. -R. Oldenbourg, 1962-.(Oldenbourg)[年刊] 文 <AA00210869> 経済 ISSN:0345469X Historisk tidskrift. -- 1 rg. (1881)-. -- Svenska Historiska Freningen, 1881-.(Svenska Historiska Foreningen)[季刊] 情文 <AA00210916> ISSN:0018263X Historisk tidsskrift / Norske Historiske Forenning. -- (1871)-.(Universitetsforlaget)[季刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 99 2009年度 <AA10697792> ISSN:01064991 Historisk tidsskrift / Danske Historiske Frening. -- 1. bd. (1840)-6. bd. (1845) ; 1. bd., 1 heft (1846)- ; -14. rkke, 4. bd. (1984) ; -. -- Danske Historiske Frening, 1840-.(Danske Historiske Frening)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA00211001> ISSN:04409884 History of economic thought newsletter. -- [No.1] (1968)-.(Manchester Metropolitan University)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA00211012> ISSN:0046760X History of education : the journal of the History of Education Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1972)-. -- David & Charles, 1972.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00207445> ISSN:00182680 History of education quarterly / the History of Education Society. -- 1 (1961)-. -- University of Pittsburgh.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 教育 <AA11847008> ISSN:17402433 History of education researcher. -- No. 71 (May 2003)-. -- History of Education Society, 2003-.(History of Education Society)[年2 回刊] 教育 <AA10726336> ISSN:03919714 History and philosophy of the life sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1979)-. -- Olschki, 1979-.(Giannini editore)[季刊] 情文 <AA10644650> ISSN:01445340 History and philosophy of logic. -- Vol. 1 (1980)-. -- Abacus Pres, 1980-.(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 情文 <AA00207467> ISSN:00182702 History of political economy / Dept. of Economics, Duke University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1969)-. -- Duke University Press, 1969.(Duke University Press)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 100 2009年度 <AA11081032> ISSN:00182702 History of political economy. Annual supplement / Dept. of Economics, Duke University. -- Duke University Press.(Duke University Press)[年刊] 経済 <AA00213608> ISSN:0143781X History of political thought. -- Vol. 1, issue 1 (1980)-. -- Imprint Academic, 1980 -.(Imprint Academic)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00664662> ISSN:03854035 Hokkaido mathematical journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1972)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, [1972].(Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University)[季刊] 数理 <AA10924828> ISSN:09596836 The Holocene. -- Edward Arnold.(Sage)[隔月刊] 文 <AA11221947> ISSN:10848223 Home health care management & practice. -- Vol. 8, no. 2 (Feb. 1996)-. -- Aspen Publications, c1996-.(Sage Publications)[隔月刊] 医 <AA10684418> ISSN:01621424 Home health care services quarterly. -- Vol. 1 (1979)-. -- Haworth Press.(Haworth Press)[季刊] 医 <AA11064350> ISSN:1016362X L'Homme : Zeitschrift fr feministische Geschichtswissenschaft. -- 1. Jg., Heft 1 (1990)-. -- Bhlau, 1990-.(Bohlau)[年2回刊] 文 <AA12136865> ISSN:15320073 Homology, homotopy, and applications. -- International Press.(International Press)[年2回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 101 2009年度 <AA00211329> ISSN:0300418X Hong Kong monthly digest of statistics / Census & Statistics Department, Hong Kong. -- Census and Statistics Dept..(Government Hong Kong Special Administ)[月刊] 国開 <AA10930354> ISSN:10688838 Hospitals & health networks. -- Vol. 67, no. 11 (June 5, 1993)-. -- American Hospital Pub., c1993-.(Health Forum)[月刊] 工 <AA00666045> ISSN:03621588 Houston journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 1 (1975)-. -- Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, 1975-.(Univ. of Houston)[季刊] 数理 <AA00208594> ISSN:0018716X Human development. -- Vol. 8 (1965)-. -- S. Karger, 1965-.(Karger)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA10621280> ISSN:01744704 Human rights law journal : HRLJ. -- Vol. 1 (1980)-. -- N.P. Engel, c1980-.(N.P. Engel Verlag)[年3回刊] 法 <AA10621768> ISSN:02750392 Human rights quarterly. -- Vol. 3, no. 1 (Feb. 1981)-. -- Johns Hopkins University Press, [c1981]-.(Johns Hopkins University Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00212048> Humanit. N.S. -- 1 (1944)-.(Humanite)[日刊] 中央館 <AA11030734> ISSN:0946641X Humboldt Spektrum / Humboldt-Universit t au Berlin. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (1994)-. -- Die Universitt, 1994-.(Die Universit t)[年3回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 102 2009年度 <AA00214134> ISSN:03197336 Hume studies / Faculty of Arts, University of Western Ontario. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1975)-. -- J.W. Davis, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario.(The Hume Society)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA1099756X> ISSN:12172545 The Hungarian quarterly. -- Vol. 34, no. 129 (spring 1993)-. -- MTI, 1993-.(Society of Hungarian Quarterly)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00208889> ISSN:00187895 Huntington Library quarterly. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1937)-. -- Henty E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.(Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gal.)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00666500> ISSN:00188190 Hydrocarbon processing. -- Vol. 45, no. 6 (June 1966)-. -- Gulf, c1966-.(Gulf Publishing)[月刊] 工 <AA00214236> ISSN:0194911X Hypertension. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1979)-. -- American Heart Association.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <I> <AA10916976> ISSN:09281541 IAWA journal / International Association of Wood Anatomists. -- Vol. 14, no. 1 (1993)-. -- International Association of Wood Anatomists.(International Association Wood Anatomists)[季刊] 農 <AA11967735> ISSN:13490680 ICCLP annual report / (International Center for Comparative Law and Politics, Graduate School of Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo)[年刊] 法 <AA11505059> ISSN:00191094 Iceland review. -- H.J. Hamar.(Iceland Review)[季刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 103 2009年度 <AA10762431> ISSN:02583690 ICSID review : foreign investment law journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1986)-. -- International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.(International Centre for Settlement of I)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA00225185> ISSN:02655012 IDS bulletin. -- Vol. 7, no. 1 (Apr. 1975)-. -- Institute of Development Studies, 1975-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[隔月刊] 国開 <YS01120615> IDS discussion paper. -- Institute of Development Studies.(Institute of Development Studies)[不明] 国開 <AA11586990> ISSN:15411672 IEEE intelligent systems. -- Vol. 16, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 2001)-. -- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c2001-.(IEEE Computer Society)[隔月刊] 工 <AA11118132> ISSN:10897801 IEEE internet computing. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1997)-. -- IEEE Computer Society Publications, c1997-.(IEEE Computer Society)[隔月刊] 工 <AA1099365X> ISSN:1070986X IEEE multimedia. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1994)-. -- IEEE Computer Society, c1994-.(IEEE Computer Society)[季刊] 工 <AA00224794> ISSN:00189804 IGU bulletin / International Geographical Union = Bulletin de l'UGI / Union g ographique internationale. -- Vol. 20, no. 1 (1969)-. - International Geographical Union, 1969-.()[年2回刊] 文 <AA00669815> ISSN:00192082 Illinois journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1957)-.(Univ. of Illinois Press)[季刊] 情文 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 104 2009年度 <AA10622090> ISSN:02724960 IMA journal of applied mathematics. -- Vol. 27, no. 1 (Jan. 1981)-. -- Academic Press, c1981-.(Oxford University Press)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA10621644> ISSN:02724979 IMA journal of numerical analysis. -- Vol. 1 (Jan. 1981)-. -- Academic Press.(Oxford University Press)[季刊] 情文 <AA11491169> ISSN:10207635 IMF staff papers / International Monetary Fund. -- Vol. 46, no. 1 (Mar. 1999)-. -- International Monetary Fund, c1999.(International Monetary Fund(Palgrave))[季刊] 経済 <AA11265895> ISSN:14615517 Impact assessment and project appraisal : journal of the International Association for Impact Assessment. -- Vol. 16, no. 1 (Mar. 1998)-. -- Beech Tree, 1998-.(Beech Tree Publishing)[季刊] 経済 <AA12007498> Impresa sociale. Nuova serie. -- Vol. 73, n. 1 (genn./mar. 2004)-v. 73, n. 2 (apr./giugno 2004) ; Anno 2004, n. 3, (luglio/sett. 2004)-. -- Consorzio Nazionale della Cooperazione di Solidariet Social(Cgm Consorzio ... Gino Mattarelli)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10755957> ISSN:00193577 Indagationes mathematicae. New series : proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen / Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1990)-. -- North-H(North-Holland)[季刊] 数理 <AA00215862> ISSN:00194662 Indian economic journal : the quarterly journal of the Indian Economic Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1953)-. -- School of Economics and Sociology, University of Bombay, 1953-.(Dept. of Economics University of Bonbay)[季刊] 経済 <AA00225629> ISSN:00194670 Indian economic review. New ser. / Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1966)-. -- Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, 1966-.(Delhi School of Economics)[年2回刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 105 2009年度 <AA00215884> ISSN:00194646 Indian economic and social history review / the Indian Economic and Social History Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July/Sept. 1963)-. -- K.A. Naqvi, 1963-.(Sage Publications)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00216016> ISSN:00195014 Indian journal of agricultural economics / Indian Society of Agricultural Economics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1946)-. -- Indian Society of Agricultural Economics.(Indian Society of Agricultural Economics)[季刊] 農 <AA00216038> ISSN:00195170 Indian journal of economics. -- Vol. 1, pt. 1 (Jan. 1916)- = Serial no. 1 (1916)-. -- University of Allahabad, Dept. of Economics.(Dept. of Econ. and Comm., Univ. of Allah)[季刊] 経済 <AA00671850> ISSN:00195324 Indian journal of mathematics. -- 1 (1958)-. -- Allahabad Mathematical Society, [1958]-.(Allahabad Mathematical Society)[年3回 刊] 数理 <AA00671872> ISSN:09715916 The Indian journal of medical research / the Indian Council of Medical Research. -- Published for the Indian Council of Medical Research by the Job Press.(the Indian Council of Medical Research)[月刊] 医 <AA00672070> ISSN:00195588 Indian journal of pure and applied mathematics / Indian National Science Academy. -- Vol. 1 (1970)-. -- Indian National Science Academy.(Indian National Science Academy)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00672387> ISSN:00222518 Indiana University mathematics journal. -- Vol. 20, no. 1 (1970)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics, Indiana University.(Dept. of Mathematics, Indiana University)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00216912> ISSN:00197262 Indogermanische Forschungen : Zeitschrift fr Indogermanische Sprach- und Altertumskunde. -- Bd. 1 (1892)-. -- Karl J. Tr bner, 1892-.(Walter de Gruyter)[年刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 106 2009年度 <AA00216956> ISSN:00197289 Indonesia. -- No. 1 (Apr. 1966)-. -- [s.n.], 1966-.(Southeast Asia Program Publications)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA00226097> ISSN:03042170 Indonesian quarterly. -- Vol. 1 (Oct. 1972)-. -- Centre for Strategic and International Studies, [1972]-.(Centre for Strategic and International S)[季刊] 国開 <AA00672955> ISSN:00198366 Industrial health. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1963)-. -- National Institute of Industrial Health, 1963-.()[隔月刊] 医 <AA00217256> ISSN:00197939 Industrial and labor relations review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1947)-. -- New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University.(Cornell University)[季刊] 経済 <AA10760990> ISSN:09504222 Industry & higher education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1987)-. -- Butterworths, c1987-.(IP Pub.)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA11233538> ISSN:02190257 Infinite dimensional analysis, quantum probability and related topics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1998)-. -- World Scientific, c1998-.(World Scientific)[季刊] 数理 <AA1099829X> ISSN:13536737 Inflation report / Bank of England. -- Feb. 1994 (Feb. 1994)-. -- Bank of England, 1994-.(Bank of England)[季刊] 経済 <AA11080969> ISSN:10257039 Inforegio news. -- European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional Policy and Cohesion.(EU)[月刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 107 2009年度 <AA11552944> ISSN:1608389X Inforegio panorama. -- No. 1 (Oct. 2000)-. -- European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional Policy, 2000-.(EU)[年3回刊] 経済 <AA12159419> ISSN:08684952 Informatica / Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. -- Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.(Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)[季刊] 数理 <AA1233711X> ISSN:08684952 Informatics in education. -- Vol. 1 (2002)-. -- Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, c2002.(Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00232963> ISSN:02229838 L'Information grammaticale. -- No 1 (1979)-.(Societe pour l'Information Grammaticale)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11114437> ISSN:10910808 Information outlook. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1997)-. -- Special Libraries Association, c1997-.(Special Libraries Association)[月刊] 中央館 <AA1152932X> ISSN:14703297 Innovations in education and teaching international : the journal of the Staff and Educational Development Association. -- Vol. 38, no. 1 (Feb. 2001)-. -- Routledge, 2001-.(Routledge)[季刊] 中央館 <AA12307254> ISSN:18307965 Insight / European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). -- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.(EU)[季刊] 経済 <AA11882508> ISSN:15720373 Interaction studies : social behaviour and communication in biological and artificial systems. -- Vol. 5, issue 1 (2004)-. -- J. Benjamins, 2004-.(John Benjamins Pub.)[年3回刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 108 2009年度 <AA11032627> ISSN:13409050 Interdisciplinary information sciences. -- Vol. 1, no.1 (1994)-. -- Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University.(Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA00677154> ISSN:00205907 International anesthesiology clinics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 1962)-. -- Little, Brown and Company.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[季 刊] 医 <AA10690647> ISSN:10118829 International cataloguing and bibliographic control : quarterly bulletin of the IFLA UBCIM Programme. -- Vol. 17, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1988)-. -- IFLA UBCIM Programme, c1988-.(World Wide Subscription Service)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00228241> ISSN:00206490 International currency review. -- [Vol. 1] (Feb. 1969)-. -- International Journals Limited.(World Reports Limited)[季刊] 経済 <AA10628392> ISSN:02626969 International financial law review. -- May 1982 (May 1982)-. -- Euromoney Publications, c1982-.(Euromoney Publications)[月刊] 国開 <AA00219874> ISSN:00206725 International financial statistics / International Monetary Fund. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1948)-. -- International Monetary Fund, 1948.(International Monetary Fund)[月刊] 経研セ <AA00220046> ISSN:00207071 International journal of American linguistics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1917)-. -- University of Chicago press, 1917-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 文 <AA11599187> ISSN:14992027 International journal of audiology. -- Vol. 41, no. 1 (Jan. 2002)-. -- B.C. Decker, c2002-.(Informa healthcare(Taylor & Francis))[月 刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 109 2009年度 <AA11713941> ISSN:13670069 The international journal of bilingualism : cross-disciplinary, cross-linguistic studies of language behavior. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1997)-. -- Kingston Press Services, 1997-.(Sage publications)[季刊] 国開 <AA1114445X> ISSN:10834346 International journal of business : IJB. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1996)-. -- Premier Pub., c1996-.(Premier Pub.)[季刊] 経済 <AA12039268> International journal of central banking : IJCB. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 2005)-. -- Association of the International Journal of Central Banking, 2005-.(The Association of the International Journal of Central Banking)[季刊] 経研セ <AA11086579> ISSN:13419625 International journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the Japan Society of Clinical Oncology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1996)-. -Churchill Livingstone, c1996-.()[隔月刊] 医 <AA11160106> ISSN:13846655 International journal of corpus linguistics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1996)-. -- John Benjamins, 1996-.(Benjamins)[季刊] 国開 <AA1164914X> ISSN:13588265 International journal of crashworthiness. -- Woodhead.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月刊] 工 <AA12025310> ISSN:17427355 International journal of economic theory. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 2005)-. -- Blackwell Publishing, 2005-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 経済 <AA11462036> ISSN:14942119 International journal of forest engineering. -- Vol. 11, no. 1 (Jan. 2000)-. -- Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick, [2000]-.(Univ. of New Brunswick)[年2回刊] 農 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 110 2009年度 <AA00220090> ISSN:00207284 International journal of group psychotherapy / American Group Psychotherapy Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1951)-. -International Universities Press.(Guilford Press)[季刊] 情文 <AA00680385> ISSN:00207314 International journal of health services. -- Vol. 1 (1971)-. -- Baywood Publishing Company.(Baywood Publishing Company)[季刊] 医 <AA10797094> ISSN:09255710 International journal of hematology / Japanese Society of Hematology. -- Vol. 54, no. 1 (Feb. 1991)-. -- Elsevier Science Publishers B.V..(Japanese Society of Hematology)[月刊] 医 <AA1119544X> ISSN:10943420 The international journal of high performance computing applications. -- Vol. 12, no. 1/2 (spring/summer 1998)-. -- Sage Publications, c1998-.(Sage)[季刊] 情連セ <AA10455782> ISSN:02656736 International journal of hyperthermia / European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1985)-. -- Taylor & Francis.(Informa healthcare(Taylor & Francis))[隔月刊] 医 <AA00680432> ISSN:00921815 International journal of instructional media. -- Vol. 1 (fall 1973)-.(Westwood Press)[季刊] 国開 <AA11014181> ISSN:09695958 International journal of the legal profession. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1994)-. -- Carfax Publishing Company, c1994-.(Routledge)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA10455807> ISSN:02601370 International journal of lifelong education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1982)-. -- Palmer.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 111 2009年度 <AA10754794> ISSN:0129167X International journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1990)-. -- World Scientific Pub..(World Scientific)[月刊] 数理 <AA10669072> ISSN:0217751X International journal of modern physics. A, Particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1986)-. -- World Scientific, c1986-.(World Scientific)[旬刊] 理物理 <AA12091960> ISSN:17930421 International journal of number theory. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 2005)-. -- World Scientific, 2005-.(World Scientific)[隔月刊] 数理 International journal of obesity(Nature Publishing Group)[] 医 <AA1072718X> ISSN:08822786 The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1986)-. -- [Quintessence Pub.], [c1986]-.(Quintessence Pub)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00234233> ISSN:01655876 International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. -- Vol. 1 (July 1979)-. -- Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, 1979.(Elsevier)[月刊] 医 <AA1071606X> ISSN:08911916 International journal of political economy. -- Vol. 17, no. 1 (spring 1987)-. -- M.E. Sharpe, c1987-.(M.E. Sharpe)[季刊] 経済 <AA10707342> ISSN:08887462 International journal of powder metallurgy. -- 22/1 (Jan. 1986)-. -- American Powder Metallurgy Institute, c1986-.(APMI International)[隔月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 112 2009年度 <AA10733262> ISSN:09518398 International journal of qualitative studies in education : QSE. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1988)-. -- Taylor & Francis, [c1988].(Routledge(Taylor & Francis Group))[隔月刊] 教育 <AA11857045> ISSN:02197499 International journal of quantum information. -- World Scientific.(World Scientific)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA00234335> ISSN:01431161 International journal of remote sensing : an official journal of the Remote Sensing Society. -- 1 (1980)-. -- Taylor & Francis, c1980-.(Taylor & Francis)[月2回刊] 理地球 <AA10694080> ISSN:08268185 International journal of robotics & automation. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1986)-. -- ACTA Press, [1986]-.(ACTA)[季刊] 工 <AA00228853> ISSN:00207659 International journal of sociology. -- Vol. 1 (1971)-. -- [s.n.].(M.E. Sharpe)[季刊] 教育 <AA1072998X> ISSN:02663511 International journal of space structures. -- Vol. 3, no. 1 (1988)-. -- Multi-Science Publishing, 1988-.(Multi-Science Pub.)[季刊] 工 <AA00680997> ISSN:00470767 International journal of sport psychology : official journal of the International Society of Sports Psychology / International Society of Sports Psychology. -- 1 (1970)-.(Edizioni Luigi Pozzi)[季刊] 保体セ <AA00234368> ISSN:01724622 International journal of sports medicine. -- Vol. 1 (1980)-. -- G. Thieme.(Thieme)[月刊] 保体セ 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 113 2009年度 <AA10455975> ISSN:02651335 International marketing review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (autumn 1983)-. -- Corporate Press, 1983-.(Emerald)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00681253> ISSN:00207926 Internationale mathematische Nachrichten = International mathematical news = Nouvelles math matiques internationales / herausgegeben von der sterreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft. -- 6. Jarhg., N(Osterreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA11005704> ISSN:10737928 International mathematics research notices : IMRN. -- Duke University Press.(Oxford University Press)[月2回刊] 数理 <AA12074509> ISSN:16871308 International mathematics research surveys : IMRS. -- 2005, no. 1 (2005)-. -- Hindawi Pub. Corp., c2005-.(Oxford University Press)[年刊] 数理 <AA12016127> ISSN:15723739 International organizations law review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2004)-. -- Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004-.(Martinus Nijhoff Publishers)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA11095773> ISSN:13845748 International politics / University of Glasgow. -- Vol. 33, no. 1 (Mar. 1996)-. -- Kluwer Law International, c1996-.(Palgrave Macmillan)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA11922715> ISSN:00189855 International review of intellectual property and competition law : IIC. -- Vol. 35, no. 1 (2004)-. -- C.H. Beck.(C.H. Beck)[隔月刊] 法 <AA1067625X> ISSN:02685809 International sociology : journal of the International Sociological Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1986)-. -- University College Cardiff Press, 1986-.(Sage)[隔月刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 114 2009年度 <AA00229765> ISSN:03067734 International statistical review = Revue internationale de statistique. -- Vol. 40, no. 1 (1972)-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[年3回刊] 経済 <AA00234583> ISSN:00208825 International studies of management and organization. -- 1 (1971)-.(M.E. Sharpe)[季刊] 経済 <AA10817023> ISSN:09620214 International studies in sociology of education. -- Vol. 1 (1991)-. -- Triangle Books, c1991-.(Routledge)[季刊] 教育 <AA11482463> ISSN:04745523 International trade by commodities statistics = Statistiques du commerce international par produits. -- 1994/1999 (1994/1999)-. - OECD, 2000-.()[季刊] 経研セ <AA0068334X> ISSN:03005526 Intervirology. -- (1973)-. -- S.Karger AG..(Karger)[隔月刊] 農 <AA12168180> ISSN:19308337 Inverse problems and imaging / American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 2007)-. -- American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, c2007-.(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences)[季刊] 数理 <AA10704424> ISSN:07924259 Invertebrate reproduction and development. -- Vol. 15, no. 1 (Feb. 1989)-. -- Balaban Pub..(Balaban)[季刊] 農 <AA10634329> ISSN:07206585 IPrax : Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (1981)-. -- Gieseking, 1981-.(Gieseking)[隔月 刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 115 2009年度 <AA00220501> ISSN:0019042X IRAL : international review of applied linguistics in language teaching. -- Vol. 1 (Feb. 1963)-. -- J. Gross, 1963-.(Walter de Gruyter & Co.)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10680712> ISSN:09151559 ISIJ international / Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. -- Vol. 29, no. 1 (1989)-. -- Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, c1989-.()[月刊] 工 <AA00684422> ISSN:00211753 Isis : revue consacre l'histoire de la science. -- T. 1, no 1 (mars 1913)-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10848628> ISSN:10384871 The Island arc. -- Vol. 1, issue 1 (Aug. 1992)-. -- Blackwell Scientific, 1992-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 理地球 <AA10904558> ISSN:10504273 Issues in applied linguistics : IAL. -- graduate students of the Dept. of TESL & Applied Linguistics at UCLA.(University of California at Los Angeles)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA10919078> ISSN:00190810 ITL. -- Institute of Applied Linguistics.(Editions Peeters)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA11078639> ISSN:10645632 Izvestiya. Mathematics. -- English ed. -- Vol. 59, no. 1 (1995)-. -- London Mathematical Society, Turpion Ltd., c1995-.(Turpion)[隔 月刊] 数理 <J> <AA00235575> ISSN:03739767 Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften in G ttingen. -- 1939/40 (1939/40)-. -- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1940.(Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht)[年刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 116 2009年度 <AA10944563> ISSN:00846090 Jahrbuch der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. -- 1918 (1918)-. -- Verlag der B. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1918.(Verlag der B. Akademie der Wissenschaften)[年刊] 数理 <AA1105314X> ISSN:09485139 Jahrbuch fr Wirtschaftswissenschaften = Review of economics. -- Bd. 46, Heft 1 (1995)-. -- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, c1995.(Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht)[年3回刊] 経済 <AA00248781> ISSN:00214027 Jahrbcher fr Nationalkonomie und Statistik. -- Bd.140 (1934)-. -- Gustav Fischer, 1934-.(Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft MBH)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00688864> ISSN:00120456 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung. -- Bd. 1 (1890/91)-. -- G. Reimer, 1892-.(G. Reimer)[季刊] 数理 <AA10824095> ISSN:00987484 JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association. -- Vol. 173, no. 9 (July 2, 1960)-. -- American Medical Association, 1960.(American Medical Association)[週刊] 医 <AA11893457> ISSN:13489364 Japan labor review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 2004)-. -- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2004-.(The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training)[季刊] 法 <AA12334461> ISSN:18827616 The Japanese dental science review. -- Vol. 44, no. 1 (2008)-. -- Elsevier, c2008-.(Japanese Association for Dental Science)[年2 回刊] 医 <AA11272507> ISSN:1097203X The Japanese economy. -- Vol. 25, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1997)-. -- M.E. Sharpe, c1998-.(M.E. Sharpe)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 117 2009年度 <AA1132885X> ISSN:13446304 Japanese journal of infectious diseases. -- Vol. 52, no. 1 (Feb. 1999)-. -- National Institute of Infectious Diseases, 1999.2.(National Institute of Infectious Diseases 国立感染症研究所)[隔月刊] 医 <AA0069128X> ISSN:00471917 Japanese journal of veterinary research. -- Vol. 2 (1954)-. -- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University.()[季刊] 医 <AA1083469X> ISSN:10371397 Japanese studies : bulletin of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia / Japanese Studies Association of Australia. -- Vol. 11, no. 2 (Aug. 1991)-. -- Japanese Studies Association of Australia, (Routledge(Taylor & Francis Group))[年3回刊] 法 <AA11672028> ISSN:13475681 JBICI review / Japan Bank for International Cooperation. -- No. 6 (June 2002)-. -- JBIC Institute, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, [2002]-.(Research Institute for Development and Finance, Japan Bank for International Cooperation)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA10649166> ISSN:03636941 JEGP : journal of English and Germanic philology. -- Vol. 58 (1959)-. -- University of Illinois Press, 1959-.(Univ. of Illinois Press)[季 刊] 中央館 <AA12129520> ISSN:00216089 Jeune Afrique. -- 46e anne, no 2355 (du 26 fvr. au 4 mars 2006)-. -- Groupe Jeune Afrique, 2006-.(Group Jeune Afrique)[週 刊] 文 <AA12004988> ISSN:00216925 Jezik : asopis za kulturu hrvatskoga knjievnog jezika. -- Hrvatsko filoloko drutvo.(Vredmstvo Jezika)[隔月刊] 文 <AA1160668X> JICA network. -- Japan International Cooperation Agency.(Japan International Cooperation Agency:JICA)[季刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 118 2009年度 <AA00691585> ISSN:00216968 Jikeikai medical journal. -- 1 (1954)-. -- Jikei University School of Medicine, 1954-.()[季刊] 医 <AA11362494> ISSN:15209229 Jona's healthcare law, ethics, and regulation. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1999)-. -- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999-.(Lippincott Williams & Willkins)[季刊] 医保健 <AA10802070> ISSN:07303084 JOPERD : the journal of physical education, recreation & dance. -- Vol. 62, no. 1 (Jan. 1991)-. -- American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 1991-.(Amer. Alliance for Health, Physical Edu.)[月刊] 保体セ <AA00240112> ISSN:00218448 Journal of accountancy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1905)-. -- American Association of Public Accountants, 1905-.(AICPA)[月刊] 経済 <AA10458088> ISSN:0148558X Journal of accounting, auditing & finance. New series / Ross Institute of New York University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1986)-. -Greenwood Press, c1986-.(Greenwood Pub.)[季刊] 経済 <AA00250331> ISSN:03990346 Journal des africanistes. -- T. 46, fasc. 1 (1976)-. -- Soc. des africanistes.(Societe des africanistes)[年2回刊] 文 <AA10804440> ISSN:10563911 Journal of algebraic geometry. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1992)-. -- University Press, c1992-.(University Press)[季刊] 数理 <AA00240338> ISSN:00218715 Journal of American folklore / American Folklore Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1888)-.(American Folk-lore Society)[季刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 119 2009年度 <AA00692759> ISSN:00028711 Journal of the American Helicopter Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1956)-. -- American Helicopter Society, 1956-.(AHS)[季刊] 工 <AA00240382> ISSN:00218723 The journal of American history. -- Vol. 51, no. 1 (June 1964)-. -- Mississippi Valley Historical Association, c1964-.(Organization of American Historians)[季刊] 文 <AA10667860> ISSN:08940347 Journal of the American Mathematical Society / American Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1988)-. -- American Mathematical Society, c1988-.(American Mathematical Society)[季刊] 情文 <AA00240440> 数理 ISSN:00030279 Journal of the American Oriental Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1843)-. -- G. Putnam [etc.], 1843-.(American Oriental Society)[季刊] 文 <AA00256757> ISSN:01944363 Journal of the American Planning Association. -- Vol. 45, no. 1 (Jan. 1979)-. -- American Planning Association, 1979.(Routledge(Taylor & Francis))[季刊] 工 <AA00693070> ISSN:00031062 Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science / American Society for Horticultural Science. -- 94 (1969)-. -American Society for Horticultural Science, [1969-].(American Society for Horticultural Sci.)[隔月刊] 農 <AA10780896> ISSN:10466673 The Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. -- Williams & Wilkins, c1990-.()[月刊] 医 <AA00240509> ISSN:01621459 Journal of the American Statistical Association. -- Vol. 18, no. 137 (Mar. 1922)-. -- American Statistical Association, 1922.(American Statistical Association)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 120 2009年度 <AA00693263> ISSN:00218812 Journal of animal science. -- 1 (1942)-. -- American Society of Animal Science.(American Society of Animal Science)[月刊] 農 Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology(American Meteorological Society)[] 水循環 Journal of Climate(American Meteorological Society)[] 水循環 Journal of Hydrometeorology(American Meteorological Society)[] 水循環 Journal of Physical Oceanography(American Meteorological Society)[] 水循環 Journal of applied meteorology and climatology(American Meteorological Society)[] 水循環 Limnology and Oceanography(American Society of Limnology & Oceanography)[] 水循環 Monthly Weather Review(American Meteorological Society)[] 水循環 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 121 2009年度 <AA00693616> ISSN:00219002 Journal of applied probability. -- Vol. 1 (1964)-. -- Applied Probability Trust, 1964-.(Applied Probability Trust)[季刊] 数理 <AA00250943> ISSN:00219029 Journal of applied social psychology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1971)-. -- Scripta Publishing Co., 1971-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[月刊] 文 <AA10817646> ISSN:10413200 Journal of applied sport psychology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1989)-. -- Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, c1989-.(Routledge(Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 保体セ <AA11347708> ISSN:13602365 The journal of architecture. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1996)-. -- Published by E. & F.N. Spon for the Royal Institute of British Architects, c1996-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 工 <AA00254911> ISSN:03683308 Journal of the Asiatic Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1959)-. -- Asiatic Society, 1961-.(The Society)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00253974> ISSN:00045411 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1954)-. -- Association for Computing Machinery, c1954.(Association for Computing Machinery)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA0069403X> ISSN:00219193 Journal of bacteriology. -- Vol. 1 (1916)-. -- American Society for Microbiology [etc.], 1916-.(American Society for Microbiology)[月2回刊] 理生命 <AA11840927> ISSN:15427560 The journal of behavioral finance : a publication of the Institute of Psychology and Markets and LEA. -- Vol. 4, no. 1 (2003)-. -Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, [2003]-.(Routledge)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 122 2009年度 <AA00251083> ISSN:00219258 The journal of biological chemistry. -- Vol. 1 (1905/1906)-. -- [Knickerbocker Press], 1905-.(American Soc. for Biochemistry and Molec)[週刊] 理生命 <AA00694335> ISSN:00219355 The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume / American Orthopaedic Association. -- 30 (1948)-. -- American Orthopaedic Association.(British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery)[月刊] 医 <AA00694346> ISSN:0301620X Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume / the British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery. -- 30 (1948)-. -- British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery.(British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery)[月刊] 医 <AA10688587> ISSN:08840431 Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1986)-. -- Mary Ann Liebert, c1986-.(American Society for Bone and Mineral Research)[月刊] 医 <AA00240881> ISSN:00219371 Journal of British studies / Conference on British Studies. -- Vol. 1 (Nov. 1961)-. -- University of Chicago Press, 1961-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10635911> ISSN:07350015 Journal of business & economic statistics : a publication of the American Statistical Association. -- Vol.1, no.1 (Jan. 1983)-. -The Association, 1983-.(American Statistical Association)[季刊] 経済 <AA00257104> ISSN:01602446 Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1979)-. -- Raven Press Books, c1979-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA10688328> ISSN:08863350 Journal of cataract and refractive surgery. -- Vol. 12, no. 1 (Jan. 1986)-. -- American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, c1986-.(W.B. Saunders Co.)[月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 123 2009年度 <AA00694812> ISSN:00219525 The journal of cell biology. -- Vol. 12, no. 1 (Jan. 1962)-. -- Rockefeller Institute Press, 1962-.(Rockefeller University Press)[隔週 刊] 理生命 <AA00694823> ISSN:00219533 Journal of cell science. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1966)-. -- Cambridge University Press, 1966-.(The Company of Biologists)[月2回刊] 理生命 <AA12173362> ISSN:12299162 Journal of ceramic processing research / International Organization for Ceramic Processing. -- Hanyang University Press.(Korea Association of Crystal Growth)[季刊] 工 <AA00251210> ISSN:00219584 Journal of chemical education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1924)-. -- Section of Chemical Education, American Chemical Society, 1924.(Journal of Chemical Education)[月刊] 理化学 <AA11835279> ISSN:17264901 Journal of the Chinese Medical Association : JCMA / Chinese Medical Association. -- Vol. 66, no. 1 (Jan. 2003)-. -- Chinese Medical Association, c2003-.(Chinese Medical Association)[月刊] 医 <AA0069535X> ISSN:00219665 Journal of chromatographic science. -- Vol. 7, no. 1 (Jan. 1969)-. -- Preston Technical Abstract Co., 1969-.(Preston Pub.)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00695484> ISSN:0021972X The Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism / Endocrine Society. -- Vol. 12 (Jan. 1952)-. -- Charles C. Thomas.(Endocrine Society)[月刊] 医 <AA11556796> ISSN:13464280 Journal of clinical and experimental hematopathology. -- Vol. 41, no. 1 (May 2001)-. -- 日本リンパ網内系学会, 2001-.()[年2回刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 124 2009年度 <AA10625292> ISSN:07360258 Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 ([Jan.] 1984)-. -- Raven Press, 1984-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医 <AA10638385> ISSN:0732183X Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1983)-. -- Grune & Stratton, c1983-.(American Society of Clinical Oncology)[旬刊] 医 <AA00695611> ISSN:01606689 Journal of clinical psychiatry. -- Vol .39, no. 1 (Jan. 1978)-. -- Physicians Postgraduate Press.(Physicians Postgraduate Press)[月 刊] 医 <YS01745624> ISSN:19329261 Journal of clinical sport psychology. -- Human Kinetics.(Human Kinetics)[季刊] 保体セ <AA10684054> ISSN:07490208 Journal of coastal research : JCR / CERF. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1985)-. -- Coastal Education and Research Foundation, [c1985]-.(Coastal Education and Research Foundatio)[隔月刊] 文 <AA10671562> ISSN:0898929X Journal of cognitive neuroscience. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1989)-. -- MIT Press with the Cognitive Neuroscience Institute, c1989.(MIT Press)[月刊] 情文 <AA00251298> ISSN:00938688 The Journal of college and university law. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (fall 1973)-. -- NACUA.(NACUA)[年3回刊] 中央館 <AA10923246> ISSN:01968599 The Journal of communication inquiry. -- School of Journalism, Iowa Center for Communication Study, University of Iowa.(Sage Publications)[季刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 125 2009年度 <AA00251425> ISSN:00472328 Journal of comparative family studies. -- Vol. 1 (autumn 1970)-. -- University of Calgary, 1970-.(The University of Calgary)[季刊] 文 <AA10638079> ISSN:07357036 Journal of comparative psychology. -- Vol. 97, no. 1 (Mar. 1983)-. -- American Psychological Association, [c1983]-.(American Psychological Association)[季刊] 文 <AA00696002> ISSN:03770427 Journal of computational and applied mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1975)-. -- Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging.(Elsevier)[月2回刊] 情文 <AA00696024> ISSN:03638715 Journal of computer assisted tomography : radiological journal dedicated to the basic and clinical aspects of transmission and emission reconstructive tomography. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1977)-. -- Rav(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医保健 <AA00241272> ISSN:00220027 The Journal of conflict resolution : a quarterly for research related to war and peace. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1957)-. -- Dept. of Journalism, University of Michigan.(Sage Publications)[隔月刊] 国開 <AA11048944> ISSN:13558250 Journal of consciousness studies : controverises in science & the humanities. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1994)-. -- Imprint Academic, c1994.(Imprint Academic)[月刊] 情文 <AA00251480> ISSN:0022006X Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. -- Vol. 32, no. 1 (Feb. 1968)-. -- American Psychological Association.(American Psychological Association)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA10923483> ISSN:10577408 Journal of consumer psychology : the official journal of the Society for Consumer Psychology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1992)-. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c1992-.(Elsevier)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 126 2009年度 <AA00251538> ISSN:00472336 Journal of contemporary Asia. -- Journal of Contemporary Asia.(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 国開 <AA00241330> ISSN:00220167 Journal of counseling psychology / American Psychological Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1954)-.(American Psychological Association)[季刊] 情文 <AA10801533> ISSN:10492275 The Journal of craniofacial surgery. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1990)-. -- B.C. Decker Inc., c1990-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月 刊] 医 <AA0024140X> ISSN:00220221 Journal of cross-cultural psychology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1970)-. -- Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Dept. of Psychology, Western Washington State Collge, 1970-.(Sage Publications)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00696341> ISSN:00220248 Journal of crystal growth. -- Vol. 1 (Jan. 1967)-. -- North-Holland.(Elsevier)[月2回刊] 理物理 <AA10623537> ISSN:08873631 Journal of cultural geography. -- Vol. 1 (fall/winter 1980)-. -- [Bowling Green State University in cooperation with the Popular Culture Association and the American Culture Association].(Routledge(Taylor & Francis))[年2回刊] 文 <AA00251618> ISSN:00220272 Journal of curriculum studies. -- Taylor & Francis.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00696534> ISSN:00220345 Journal of dental research. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1919)-. -- Journal of Dental Research, 1919-.(International Association for Dental Research)[月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 127 2009年度 <AA00241556> ISSN:00220388 The Journal of development studies : a quarterly journal devoted to economic, political and social development. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1964)-. -- F. Cass, 1964-.(Routledge)[月刊] 経済 <AA1061791X> ISSN:0196206X Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1980)-. -- Williams & Wilkins, [1980]-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00696691> ISSN:0022040X Journal of differential geometry / Lehigh University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1967)-. -- Lehigh University.(International Press)[隔月 刊] 数理 <AA00241578> ISSN:00220418 The journal of documentation. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1945)-. -- Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux, 1945.(Emerald)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA0024159X> ISSN:00218170 Journal du droit international. -- Marchal & Godde.(Editions du Juris-Classeur)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10627797> ISSN:02724316 The journal of early adolescence. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1981)-. -- H.E.L.P. Books, c1981-.(Sage)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA10931903> ISSN:0919875X The Journal of earth and planetary sciences, Nagoya University / Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Nagoya University. (Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Nagoya University)[年刊] 中央館 <AA10621633> ISSN:10101608 The Journal of East Asian affairs. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 ( [Jan. 1981] )-. -- Research Institute for International Affairs, 1981-.(Research Institute for International Aff)[年2回刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 128 2009年度 <AA00251709> ISSN:00213624 Journal of economic issues. -- Vol. 1 (June 1967)-. -- Association for Evolutionary Economics.(M.E. SHARPE)[季刊] 経済 <AA00241727> ISSN:00220515 Journal of economic literature / American Economic Association. -- Vol. 7 (1969)-.(American Economic Association)[季刊] 経済 <AA10684178> ISSN:08953309 The Journal of economic perspectives : a journal of the American Economic Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (summer 1987)-. -American Economic Association, c1987-.(American Economic Association)[季刊] 経済 <AA00241738> ISSN:00224995 Journal of economic and social history of the Orient = Journal de l'histoire economique et sociale de l'Orient. -- Vol. 1, pt. 1 (Aug. 1957)-. -- E.J. Brill, 1957-.(Brill Academic Publishers B.V.)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10522278> ISSN:07485786 Journal of education for library and information science / Association for Library and Information Science Education. -- Vol. 25, no. 1 (summer 1984)-. -- Association for Library and Information Scien(Assoc. for Library and Information Sci.)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10701685> ISSN:02680939 Journal of education policy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1986)-. -- Taylor & Francis, c1986-.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00251797> ISSN:00220620 Journal of educational administration and history. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 1968)-. -- University of Leeds, 1968-.(Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group))[年3回刊] 教育 <AA10662619> ISSN:07356331 Journal of educational computing research. -- Baywood Pub..(Baywood)[隔月刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 129 2009年度 <AA00241986> ISSN:00220663 Journal of educational psychology / American Psychological Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1910)-. -- Willams & Wilkins, 1910.(American Psychological Association)[季刊] 教育 <AA00696884> ISSN:00220671 Journal of educational research. -- Vol. 1 (1920)-. -- Public School, [1920]-.(Heldref)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA10458805> ISSN:00472395 Journal of educational technology systems. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1972)-.(Baywood)[季刊] 教育 <AA12307662> ISSN:17540194 Journal for eighteenth-century studies. -- Vol. 31, no. 1 (Mar. 2008)-. -- British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.(WileyBlackwell)[季刊] 経済 Journal of endocrinology(Society for Endocrinology)[] 医 <AA00251877> ISSN:00754242 Journal of English linguistics. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 1967)-. -- Dept. of English, Western Washington State College.(Sage)[季刊] 文 <AA10857888> ISSN:10704965 The Journal of environment & development : a review of international policy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (summer 1992)-. -- Graduate School of International Relations & Pacific Studies, University of California,(Sage)[季刊] 国開 <AA00257738> ISSN:00958964 The Journal of environmental education. -- Vol. 2, no. 3 (spring 1971)-. -- Dembar Educational Research Services, 1971.(Heldref)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 130 2009年度 <AA11479538> ISSN:1369183X Journal of ethnic and migration studies. -- Vol. 24, no. 1 (Jan. 1998)-. -- Carfax, 1998-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 国開 <AA11470522> ISSN:14359855 Journal of the European Mathematical Society : JEMS / European Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1999)-. -- Springer, c1999-.(European Mathmatical Society)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA11014148> ISSN:13501763 Journal of European public policy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1994)-. -- Routledge, c1994-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 中央館 Journal of experimental medicine(Rockefeller University Press)[] 医 <AA00251968> ISSN:00977403 Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes. -- Vol. 104, no. 1 (Jan. 1975)-v. 104, no. 3 (July 1975) ; V. 1, no. 4 (Oct. 1975)-. -- American psychology Association, 1975-.(American Psychological Association)[季刊] 文 <AA00251979> ISSN:00963445 Journal of experimental psychology. General. -- Vol. 104, no. 1 (Mar. 1975)-. -- American Psychological Association, c1975.(American Psychological Association)[季刊] 文 情文 <AA00251990> ISSN:00961523 Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance / American Psychological Association. -- Vol. 104, no. 1 (Feb. 1975)-v. 104, no. 2 (May 1975) ; V. 1, no. 3 (Aug. 1975)-. -- Americ(American Psychological Association)[隔月刊] 文 <AA10626670> 情文 ISSN:02787393 Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition. -- Vol. 8, no. 1 (Jan. 1982)-. -- American Psychological Association, 1982-.(American Psychological Association)[隔月刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 131 2009年度 <AA00697923> ISSN:0583063X Journal of the Faculty of Science, Shinshu University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1966)-. -- Faculty of Science, Shinshu University, [1966]-.(American Mathematical Society)[年刊] 数理 <AA00252042> ISSN:03631990 Journal of family history : studies in family, kinship and demography. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (autumn 1976)-. -- National Council on Family Relations, c1976-.(Sage Publications)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00257931> ISSN:0192513X Journal of family issues. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1980)-. -- Sage Publications, 1980-.(Sage)[月刊] 文 <AA11030111> ISSN:10748407 Journal of family nursing. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1995)-. -- Sage Publications, c1995-.(Sage)[季刊] 医保健 <AA00252064> ISSN:00934690 Journal of field archaeology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1/2 (1974)-. -- Published by Boston University for the Association for Field Archaeology, 1974-.(Boston University for the Association for Field Archaeology)[季刊] 文 <AA10742070> ISSN:09567968 Journal of functional programming. -- Vol. 1, pt. 1 (Jan. 1991)-. -- Cambridge University Press, c1991-.(Cambridge University Press)[隔月刊] 工 <AA00252381> ISSN:0309877X Journal of further and higher education.(Routledge)[季刊] 教育 <AA00705941> ISSN:00754102 Journal fr die reine und angewandte Mathematik. -- Bd. 1 (1826)-. -- Duncker und Humblot, 1826-.(Walter de Gruyter)[月刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 132 2009年度 <AA00242333> ISSN:00213667 The Journal of general education. -- Vol. 1 (Oct. 1946)-. -- State University of Iowa.()[季刊] 教育 <AA00252257> ISSN:03063070 Journal of general management. -- Vol. 1 (autumn 1973)-. -- Mercury House Business.(Braybrooke Press in assoc. with Henley)[季 刊] 経済 <AA00698868> ISSN:00221376 The Journal of geology. -- Vol. 1 (1893)-. -- University Press of Chicago, 1893-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[隔月刊] 理地球 <AA10815334> ISSN:01480227 Journal of geophysical research. E. -- Vol. 96, no. 1 (Aug. 25, 1991)-. -- American Geophysical Union, 1991-.(American Geophysical Union)[月刊] 理地球 <AA10819721> ISSN:01480227 Journal of geophysical research. A. -- Vol. 90, no. 12 (Dec. 1, 1985)-. -- American Geophysical Union, 1985-.(American Geophysical Union)[月刊] 理地球 <AA10819743> ISSN:01480227 Journal of geophysical research. B. -- Vol. 90, no. 14 (Dec. 10, 1985)-. -- American Geophysical Union.(American Geophysical Union)[月刊] 理地球 <AA10819754> ISSN:01480227 Journal of geophysical research. C. -- Vol. 91, no. 1 (Jan. 15, 1986)-. -- American Geophysical Union.(American Geophysical Union)[月刊] 理地球 <AA10819765> ISSN:01480227 Journal of geophysical research. D. -- Vol. 90, no. 7 (Dec. 20, 1985)-. -- American Geophysical Union.(American Geophysical Union)[月2回刊] 理地球 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 133 2009年度 <AA11870087> ISSN:01480227 Journal of geophysical research. F : JGR. -- Vol. 108, no. 1 (28 Dec. 2003)-. -- American Geophysical Union, c2003-.(American Geophysical Union)[季刊] 理地球 <AA12077675> ISSN:01480227 Journal of geophysical research. G : JGR. -- Vol. 110, no. 1 (Sep. 28, 2005)-. -- American Geophysical Union, 2005-.(American Geophysical Union)[季刊] 理地球 <AA00699011> ISSN:00989134 Journal of gerontological nursing. -- 1 (1975)-. -- Slack, 1975-.(SLACK)[月刊] 医保健 <AA0025244X> ISSN:00221430 Journal of glaciology. -- Vol. 1 (1947)-. -- British Glaciological Society.(Inte'l Glaciological Society)[季刊] 水循環 <AA10850936> ISSN:10570829 Journal of glaucoma. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1992)-. -- Raven Press, 1992-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医 <AA10796579> ISSN:10532498 The Journal of heart and lung transplantation. -- Vol. 10, no. 1 (1991)-. -- Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1991-.(Elsevier)[月刊] 医 <AA00242490> ISSN:00754269 The Journal of Hellenic studies / Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. -- Vol. 1 (Apr./Oct. 1880)-. -- Council of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies.(Council of the Society for the Promotion)[年刊] 文 <AA00242526> ISSN:00221546 The Journal of higher education / Bureau of Educational Research, Ohio State University. -- 1 (1930)-.(Ohio State University Press)[隔月刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 134 2009年度 <AA0069926X> ISSN:00221554 The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1953)-. -- [s.n.], 1953-.(Histochemical Society)[月刊] 医 <AA10811264> ISSN:10427716 Journal of the history of economic thought. -- Vol. 12, no. 1 (spring 1990)-. -- History of Economics Society, c1990-.(Cambridge University Press)[季刊] 経済 <AA00242548> ISSN:00225037 Journal of the history of ideas / City College of the City University of New York. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1940)-. -- Journal of the History of Ideas, 1940-.(University of Pennsylvania)[季刊] 文 <AA11501670> ISSN:1388199X Journal of the history of international law = Revue d'histoire du droit international. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1999)-. -- Kluwer Law International, 1999-.(Brill Academic Publishers B.V.)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA00242559> ISSN:00225053 Journal of the history of philosophy / Claremont College, Stanford University, University of California & Winchester Foundation. -Vol. 1, no. 1 (1963)-. -- University of California Press.(Johns Hopkins University Press)[季刊] 文 <AA11190082> ISSN:14620316 The journal of horticultural science & biotechnology. -- Vol. 73, no. 1 (Jan. 1998)-. -- Headley Brothers, 1998-.(Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology)[隔月刊] 農 <AA11477496> ISSN:14649888 Journal of human development / UNDP. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 2000)-. -- Carfax, 2000-.(Routledge)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA00252530> ISSN:0022166X The journal of human resources. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (summer 1966)-. -- University of Wisconsin Press, 1966-.(University of Wisconsin Press)[季刊] 教育 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 135 2009年度 <AA1201712X> ISSN:02198916 Journal of hyperbolic differential equations. -- World Scientific.(World Scientific)[季刊] 数理 <AA10644107> ISSN:02636352 Journal of hypertension. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1983)-. -- Gower Medical, [1983]-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00699656> ISSN:00221767 Journal of immunology / the American Association of Immunologists. -- 63 (1949)-. -- Williams & Wilkins, [1950]-.(American Association of Immunologists)[月2回刊] 医 <AA00252097> ISSN:03086534 The journal of imperial and commonwealth history. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1972)-. -- Frank Cass, 1972-.(Routledge)[季刊] 経済 <AA00254343> ISSN:00195731 Journal of the Indian Law Institute. -- (1958)-. -- Indian Law Institute.(Indian Law Institute)[季刊] 国開 <AA00252563> ISSN:00922323 The Journal of Indo-European studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1973)-. -- [Editorial Commities of the Journal of Indo-European Studies].(Institute for the Study of Man)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00700416> ISSN:00203203 Journal of the Institute of Wood Science. -- Institute of Wood Science.(Institute of Wood Science)[年2回刊] 農 <AA10707397> ISSN:09324569 Journal of institutional and theoretical economics = Zeitschrift f r die gesamte Staatswissenschaft. -- Vol. 142, no. 1 (Mar. 1986). -- J.C.B. Mohr, 1986-.(Mohr Siebeck)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 136 2009年度 <AA10735417> ISSN:02601079 Journal of interdisciplinary economics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1985)-. -- ABA, c1985-.(A.B. Academic Publishers)[季刊] 経済 <AA0024299X> ISSN:0022197X Journal of international affairs. -- Vol. 6, no. 1 (winter 1952)-. -- School of International Affairs, Columbia University.(Schaeffer Poeschel Verlag)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA10735428> ISSN:02558106 Journal of international arbitration. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1984)-. -- D. Thompson and J. Werner, c1984-.(Kluwer Law International)[隔月刊] 国開 <AA10863406> ISSN:0267937X Journal of international banking law. -- ESC Pub..(Sweet & Maxwell)[月刊] 国開 <AA00252632> ISSN:00472506 Journal of international business studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1970)-. -- Academy of International Business and Rutgers Graduate School of Business Administration at Newark N.J, 1970-.(Palgrave Macmillan)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00700686> ISSN:03000605 Journal of international medical research. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1972)-. -- Cambridge Medical Publications Ltd., 1972-.()[隔月刊] 医 <AA11047522> ISSN:09638199 The journal of international trade & economic development. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1992)-. -- Routledge, c1992-.(Routledge)[季刊] 国開 <AA00252676> ISSN:00956848 The journal of Japanese studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (autumn 1974)-. -- Society for Japanese Studies, 1974-.(Society for Japanese Studies)[年2回刊] 中央館 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 137 2009年度 <AA10833085> ISSN:02182165 Journal of knot theory and its ramifications. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1992)-. -- World Scientific Publishing, 1992-.(World Scientific)[月 刊] 数理 <AA00701055> ISSN:03049914 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society. -- Korean Mathematical Society.(Korean Mathematical Society)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA10730934> ISSN:10118934 Journal of Korean medical science. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1986)-. -- Korean Academy of Medical Science, [1986]-.()[隔月刊] 医 <AA10636186> ISSN:0734306X Journal of labor economics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1983)-. -- University of Chicago Press, c1983-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 経済 <AA00701146> ISSN:00222151 Journal of laryngology and otology. -- Vol. 36, no. 1 (1921)-. -- Oliver & Boyd, 1921-.(Cambridge University Press)[月刊] 医 <AA00243176> ISSN:00222186 Journal of law & economics / University of Chicago Law School. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1958)-. -- University of Chicago Law School, c1958-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 経済 <AA00243165> ISSN:02756072 Journal of law & education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1972)-. -- Jefferson Law Book, [1972]-.(Jefferson Law Book)[季刊] 教育 <AA10862491> ISSN:10508406 The Journal of the learning sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1991)-. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991-.(Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)[季刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 138 2009年度 <AA10621702> ISSN:01440365 The Journal of legal history. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1980)-. -- F. Cass, c1980-.(Frank Cass(Taylor & Francis Group))[年3回刊] 中央館 <AA10644694> ISSN:07329113 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law. -- No. 19 (1981)-. -- Foundation for the Journal of Legal Pluralism in association with the African Studies Center, UCLA, c1981-.(Foundation for the Journal of Legal Plur)[年刊] 国開 <AA00701215> ISSN:00222275 Journal of lipid research : JLR. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1959)-. -- Lipid Research, Inc., 1959-.(American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)[月刊] 医 <AA00701248> ISSN:00246107 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second series. -- Vol. 1 (1969)-. -- C.F. Hodgson, 1969-.(Oxford University Press)[隔 月刊] 情文 <AA00254478> 数理 ISSN:01285483 Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. -- Vol. 37, pt. 1 (July 1964)-. -- Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1964-.(MBRAS)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA10799533> ISSN:10492127 Journal of management accounting research. -- Vol. 1 (fall 1989)-. -- Management Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association.(American Accounting Association)[年刊] 経済 <AA00701598> ISSN:00222402 Journal of marine research / Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Bingham Oceanographic Laboratory, Yale University. -- Vol. 1 (1937/1938)-. -- Sears Foundation for Marine Research, 1937-.(Sears Foundation for Marine Research)[隔月刊] 水循環 <AA11098465> ISSN:09484280 Journal of marine science and technology / the Society of Naval Architects of Japan. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1995)-. -- Springer, c1995.(Springer)[季刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 139 2009年度 <AA00243336> ISSN:00222429 Journal of marketing / American Marketing Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1936)-.(American Marketing Association)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA10867462> ISSN:08841241 Journal of marketing for higher education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1988)-. -- Haworth Press, c1988-.(Haworth Press)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA00243358> ISSN:00222437 Journal of marketing research : JMR / American Marketing Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1964)-. -- American Marketing Association, 1964-.(American Marketing Association)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA11323947> ISSN:02190613 Journal of mathematical logic. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 2001)-. -- World Scientific Publishing, c2001-.(World Scientific)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA11021653> ISSN:13405705 Journal of mathematical sciences, the University of Tokyo / edited by Department of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo. (Department of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA0070177X> ISSN:00255645 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1948)-. -- Mathematical Society of Japan, 1948.(Mathematical Society of Japan)[季刊] 数理 <AA00701791> ISSN:0023608X Journal of mathematics of Kyoto University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1961)-. -- Kyoto University.(Kyoto University)[季刊] 数理 <AA11595324> ISSN:13467387 Journal of mathematics, the University of Tokushima. -- Vol. 35 (2001)-. -- University of Tokushima, 2002-.(University of Tokushima)[年刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 140 2009年度 <AA11166929> ISSN:13431420 The journal of medical investigation : JMI. -- Vol. 44, no. 1/2 (Aug. 1997)-. -- University of Tokushima School of Medicine, 1997.()[季刊] 医 <AA11563281> ISSN:13464523 Journal of medical ultrasonics : official journal of the Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine. -- [English ed.]. -- Vol. 28, spring (2001) -. -- Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine, 2001-.()[季刊] 医 <AA10804010> ISSN:09601317 Journal of micromechanics and microengineering. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1991)-. -- IOP Publishing, c1991-.(IOP Publishing)[月刊] 工 <AA11091331> ISSN:1354571X Journal of modern Italian studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (fall 1995)-. -- Routledge, c1995-.(Routledge)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00702819> ISSN:00222828 Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology. -- Vol. 1 (1970)-. -- Academic Press, 1970-.()[月刊] 医 <AA00243449> ISSN:00222879 Journal of money, credit and banking. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1969)-. -- Ohio University Press, 1969-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00252938> ISSN:03057240 Journal of moral education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1971)-. -- Pemberton, 1971-.(Routledge)[季刊] 教育 <AA10959287> ISSN:10582452 Journal of musculoskeletal pain. -- Haworth Medical Press.(Haworth Press)[季刊] 医保健 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 141 2009年度 <AA00702998> ISSN:00278874 Journal of the National Cancer Institute / National Institutes of Health. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 1940)-. -- Public Health Service.(Oxford University Press)[月2回刊] 医 <AA00703108> ISSN:00222941 Journal of natural sciences and mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1961)-. -- Sheikh Aftab Ahmed for the Research Council, 1961.(Sheikh Aftab Ahmed for the Research Council)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00243551> ISSN:00222968 Journal of Near Eastern studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1942)-. -- University of Chicago Press, 1942-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 文 <AA10957306> ISSN:09670335 Journal of near infrared spectroscopy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1993)-. -- NIR publications, [1993]-.(NIR Publications)[隔月刊] 農 <AA1100339X> ISSN:10708022 Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society. -- Vol. 14, no. 1 (Mar. 1994)-. -- Raven Press, c1994-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[季刊] 医 <AA00703298> ISSN:00223050 Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry. -- Vol. 7, no. 3 (1944)-.(BMJ)[月刊] 医 <AA00703323> ISSN:00223069 Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology. -- Vol. 1 (1942)-. -- Waverly Press.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA10620404> ISSN:02706474 The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1981)-. -- Society for Neuroscience, c1981-.(Society for Neuroscience)[週刊] 理生命 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 142 2009年度 <AA00703389> ISSN:00223085 Journal of neurosurgery. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1944)-.(American Association of Neurological Surgeon)[月刊] 医 <AA11887556> ISSN:19330707 Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics. -- Vol. 100, no. 2 (Feb. 2004)-v. 107, no. 6 (Dec. 2007) ; V. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2008)-. -- Americal Association of Neurological Surgeons, c2004-.(American Association of Neurological Surgeon)[月刊] 医 <AA11357949> ISSN:15475654 Journal of neurosurgery. Spine. -- Vol. 90, no. 1 (Jan. 1999)-v. 100, no. 4 (Apr. 2004) ; V. 1 no. 1 (July 2004)-. -- Americal Association of Neurological Surgeons, 1999-.(American Association of Neurological Surgeon)[月刊] 医 <AA1178524X> ISSN:16501519 Journal of nordic archaeological science. -- 13 (2002)-. -- Archaeological Research Laboratory, c2002-.(Archaeological Research Laboratory)[年刊] 情文 <AA11651196> ISSN:00136220 Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science. -- Vol. 118, no. 1 (spring 2002)-. -- North Carolina Academy of Science, c2002-.(North Carolina Academy of Science)[季刊] 数理 <AA00703684> ISSN:01615505 Journal of nuclear medicine. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1960)-. -- Samuel N. Turiel & Assoc., 1960-.(Society of Nuclear Medicine)[月刊] 医 <AA00703720> ISSN:00223131 Journal of nuclear science and technology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1964)-. -- Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 1964-.()[月刊] 工 <AA00703797> ISSN:00020443 Journal of nursing administration. -- Journal of Nursing Administration.(Lippincott Williams & Willkins)[月刊] 医保健 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 143 2009年度 <AA00703800> ISSN:01484834 Journal of nursing education.(SLACK)[月刊] 医保健 <AA10828890> ISSN:09631798 Journal of occupational and organizational psychology. -- Vol.65, pt.1 (Mar. 1992)-. -- British Psychological Society, 1992-.(British Psychological Society)[季刊] 教育 <AA00255222> ISSN:0755544X Journal officiel de la R publique franaise. Dbats parlementaires, Snat : compte rendu integral des sances. -- Impr. des Journaux officiels.(Impr. des Journaux officiels)[週刊] 中央館 <AA10750760> ISSN:02426765 Journal officiel de la R publique franaise. Dbats parlementaires, Assemble nationale. Compte rendu intgral. -- Anne 1980, no 1 (janv. 8, 1980)-. -- Impr. des Journaux officiels, 1980-.(Impr. des Journaux officiels)[週2回刊] 中央館 <AA10750771> ISSN:02426757 Journal officiel de la R publique franaise. Dbats parlementaires, Assemble nationale. Questions crites remises la Pr sidence de l'Assemble nationale et rponses des ministres. -- Anne 1980, no(Impr. des Journaux officiels)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00254591> ISSN:01605682 Journal of the Operational Research Society. -- Vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan. 1978)-. -- Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society, 1978.1-.(Palgrave Macmillan)[月刊] 経済 <AA00258887> ISSN:03794024 Journal of operator theory. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1979)-. -- INCREST, The National Institute for Scientific and Technical Creation, Dept. of Mathematics, [1979]-.(Theta Foundation (American Mathematical Society))[季刊] 数理 <AA11208439> ISSN:13434934 Journal of oral science. -- Vol. 40, no. 1 (Mar. 1998)-. -- Nihon University School of Dentistry, 1998-.()[季刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 144 2009年度 <AA10616611> ISSN:01906011 The journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy. -- Vol. 1 (summer 1979)-. -- [Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Sections of the American Physical Therapy Association], 1979-.(American Physical Therapy Association)[月刊] 医保健 <AA00704144> ISSN:04752058 Journal of Osaka Dental University. -- Vol. 1/3 (1967/1969)-. -- Osaka Dental University.()[年2回刊] 医 <AA11614178> ISSN:15360288 Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy. -- Vol. 16, no. 1 (2002)-. -- Haworth Medical Press, 2002-.(Haworth Press)[季 刊] 医 <AA00704279> ISSN:00223360 Journal of paleontology. -- Vol. 1 (1927)-.(Palentological Society)[隔月刊] 理地球 <AA10753419> ISSN:1000940X Journal of partial differential equations = P ien wei fen fang ch eng. -- 1 (1988)-. -- International Academic Publishers, c1988.(International Academic Publishers)[季刊] 数理 <AA00244102> ISSN:00223433 Journal of peace research / University of Oslo. -- 1 (1964)-. -- Universitetsforlaget, 1964-.(Sage)[隔月刊] 国開 <AA10624970> ISSN:02772116 Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1982)-. -- Raven Press, [c1982]-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA10617024> ISSN:01913913 Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. -- Vol. 15 (Jan./Feb. 1978)-. -- [C.B. Slack].(SLACK)[隔月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 145 2009年度 <AA10848526> ISSN:1060152X Journal of pediatric orthopaedics. Part B / European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society [and] Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1992)-. -- Raven Press, c1992-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医 <AA10624948> ISSN:02716798 Journal of pediatric orthopedics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1981)-. -- Raven Press, [c1981]-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00244146> ISSN:00223514 Journal of personality and social psychology / American Psychological Association. -- Vol. 1 (1965)-. -- American Psychological Association, 1965-.(American Psychological Association)[月刊] 情文 教育 <AA00704450> ISSN:00223549 Journal of pharmaceutical sciences / American Pharmaceutical Association. -- Vol. 50, no. 1 (Jan. 1961)-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[月刊] 医 <AA00704643> ISSN:00223573 Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1949)-. -- Direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Gt. Britain, 1949-.(Pharmacutical Press)[月刊] 医 <AA00244168> ISSN:00223603 Journal of Philippine statistics : a quarterly issue / Republic of the Philippines, Department of Commerce and Industry, Bureau of the Census and Statistics.(National Statistics Office)[季刊] 国開 <AA00244190> ISSN:0022362X The Journal of philosophy. -- Journal of Philosophy, Inc.(Journal of Philosophy)[月刊] 教育 <AA12185372> 文 ISSN:17518113 Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical. -- Vol. 40, no. 1 (5 Jan. 2007)-. -- IOP Pub., c2007-.(IOP Publishing)[週刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 146 2009年度 <AA10693237> ISSN:09534075 Journal of physics. B, Atomic, molecular and optical physics. -- Vol. 21, no. 1 (14 Jan. 1988)-. -- IOP Pub., c1988-.(IOP Publishing)[月2回刊] 中央館 <AA10672168> ISSN:09538984 Journal of physics. Condensed matter. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1989)-. -- IOP Pub..(IOP Publishing)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00704905> ISSN:00223727 Journal of physics. D, Applied physics. -- 3 (1970)-. -- Institute of Physics, 1969-.(IOP Publishing)[月2回刊] 中央館 <AA10683073> ISSN:09543899 Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics. -- Vol. 15, no. 1 (Jan. 1989)-. -- IOP Pub., c1989-.(IOP Publishing)[月刊] 中央館 <AA0025317X> ISSN:03074870 Journal of planning and environment law. -- 1973 (1973)-. -- Sweet & Maxwell.(Sweet & Maxwell)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00705249> ISSN:00223808 The journal of political economy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 1892)-. -- University of Chicago Press, 1892-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[隔月 刊] 経済 <AA00244270> ISSN:00223816 The Journal of politics / Southern Political Science Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1939)-. -- Southern Political Science Association, 1939-.(Cambridge University Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00253238> ISSN:00223840 Journal of popular culture / Popular Culture Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (summer 1967)-. -- Bowling Green State University, 1967-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[隔月刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 147 2009年度 <AA00259074> ISSN:01603477 Journal of post Keynesian economics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1978)-. -- M.E. Sharpe, 1978-.(M.E. Sharpe)[季刊] 経済 <AA10608602> ISSN:08266220 Journal of pulp and paper science / Canadian Pulp and Paper Science. -- Vol. 8, no. 1 (Mar. 1982)-.(Canadian pulp and paper science)[季刊] 農 <AA10732882> ISSN:09701249 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 & 2 (Dec. 1986)-. -- Ramanujan Mathematical Society, [1986].(Ramanujan Mathematical Society)[季刊] 数理 <AA11594194> ISSN:15391523 Journal of research on technology in education : JRTE. -- Vol. 34, no. 1 (fall 2001)-. -- International Society for Technology in Education, c2001-.(International Soc. for Technology in Education)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00706194> ISSN:0315162X Journal of rheumatology. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 1974)-. -- Journal of Rheumatology Pub. Co..(Journal of Rheumatology Pub.)[月刊] 医 <AA00244736> ISSN:00754358 The Journal of Roman studies. -- Vol. 1 (1911)-. -- Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1911-.(Society for the Promotion of Roman Studi)[年刊] 文 <AA12011906> ISSN:13496190 Journal of the School of Letters, Nagoya University. -- Vol. 1 (2005)-. -- School of Letters, Nagoya Univesity, c2005-.(The School of Letters, Nagoya University)[年刊] 中央館 <AA11124179> ISSN:15271404 Journal of sedimentary research. -- Vol. 66, no. 1 (Jan. 1996)-. -- SEPM, c1996-.(SEPM)[隔月刊] 理地球 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 148 2009年度 <AA00256087> ISSN:08577099 The journal of the Siam Society : JSS. -- Vol. 36, pt. 1 (Sept. 1946)-. -- [s.n.], 1946-.(Siam Society)[年刊] 文 <AA10636528> ISSN:07367236 Journal of social and clinical psychology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1983)-. -- Guilford Press, c1983-.(Guilford Publications)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00253613> ISSN:00224529 Journal of social history. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (fall 1967)-. -- University of California Press, c1967-.(George Mason University)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00245182> ISSN:00224545 Journal of social psychology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1930)-.(Heldref)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00707211> ISSN:00379808 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. -- Vol. 5 (1945/1946)-. -- [Society of Architectural Historians].(Society of Architectural Historians)[季刊] 工 <AA11636272> ISSN:15360652 Journal of spinal disorders & techniques. -- Vol. 15, no. 1 (Feb. 2002)-. -- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2002-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医 <AA10684101> ISSN:08952779 Journal of sport & exercise psychology. -- Vol. 10, no. 1 (Mar. 1988)-. -- Human Kinetics Publishers, c1988-.(Human Kinetics)[隔 月刊] 保体セ <AA10608646> ISSN:02640414 Journal of sports sciences / Society of Sports Sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1983)-. -- E. & F.N. Spon, 1983-.(Routledge)[月刊] 保体セ 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 149 2009年度 <AA10839117> ISSN:10440046 Journal of sustainable agriculture. -- Food Products Press.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月刊] 農 <AA00245477> ISSN:00224812 The Journal of symbolic logic / Association for Symbolic Logic. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1936)-. -- Association for Symbolic Logic, Inc., 1936-.(Association for Symbolic Logic)[季刊] 情文 <AA11743873> The journal of symplectic geometry. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2001)-. -- International Press, 2001-.(International Press)[季刊] 数理 <AA00245502> ISSN:00224871 Journal of teacher education. -- Vol. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1950)-. -- National Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards, 1950-.(Sage Publications(AM ASSN OF COLLEGES TEACH EDU))[季刊] 教育 <AA00708178> ISSN:00903973 Journal of testing and evaluation. -- Vol. 1 (1973)-.(ASTM)[隔月刊] 工 <AA11061909> ISSN:12467405 Journal de thorie des nombres de Bordeaux. (Centre de recherches mathmatiques de Bordeaux et Algorithmique arithmtique et exprimentale)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA12221851> ISSN:17538416 Journal of topology. -- Vol. 1, pt. 1 (Jan. 2008)-. -- Oxford University Press on behalf of the London Mathematical Society, c2008.(Oxford University Press)[季刊] 数理 <AA00245626> ISSN:00225258 Journal of transport economics and policy / London School of Economics and Political Science. -- Vol. l (1967)-. -- London School of Economics and Political Science, 1967-.(University of Bath)[年3回刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 150 2009年度 <AA10635514> ISSN:07342101 Journal of vacuum science & technology. 2nd series. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films : an official journal of the American Vacuum Society. (AVS Sci.&Tech.of Materials,Interfaces,&Processing)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA10804928> ISSN:10711023 Journal of vacuum science & technology. Second series. B, Microelectronics and nanometer structures, processing, measurement and phenomena. (AVS Sci.&Tech.of Materials,Interfaces,&Processing)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA10862935> ISSN:10510443 Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1990)-. -- Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, c1990-.(W.B. Saunders Co.)[月刊] 医 <AA10829259> ISSN:10181172 Journal of vascular research. -- Vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1992)-. -- S. Karger, c1992-.(Karger)[隔月刊] 医 <AA11095616> ISSN:13636820 Journal of vocational education & training. -- Vol. 47, no. 1 ([1995])-. -- Triangle Journals, c1995-.(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 教育 <AA10682478> ISSN:08921997 Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 ([Mar. 1987])-. -- Raven Press, 1987-.(Mosby)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00245783> ISSN:00754390 Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. -- Vol. 3 (1939/1940)-. -- Warburg Institute, University of London.(University of London)[年刊] 文 <AA11002626> ISSN:10715754 Journal of WOCN : wound, ostomy and continence nursing. -- Vol. 21, no. 1 (Jan. 1994)-. -- Mosby-Year Book, c1994-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医保健 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 151 2009年度 <AA10696290> ISSN:10116702 Journal of world trade. -- Vol. 22, no. 1 (Feb. 1988)-. -- Werner Pub., c1988-.(Kluwer Law International)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA11029870> ISSN:10795014 The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences. -- Vol. 50, no. 1 (Jan. 1995)-. -- Gerontological Society of America, c1995-.(Oxford University Press)[隔月刊] 文 <AA11119168> ISSN:10924388 JSLHR : journal of speech, language, and hearing research / American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. -- Vol. 40, no. 1 (Feb. 1997)-. -- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, c1997-.(American Speech-Language-Hearing Association)[隔月 刊] 医 <AA00246403> ISSN:00226882 Juristenzeitung. -- 6. Jahrg., Nr. 1 (5. Jan. 1951)-. -- J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1951-.(J.C.B. Mohr (Mohr Siebeck))[月2回刊] 中央館 <AA00259744> ISSN:01701452 Juristische Ausbildung. -- 1 Jahrg., Heft 1 (1979)-. -- Walter de Gruyter.(Walter de Gruyter)[月刊] 法 <AA00255765> ISSN:00226920 Juristische Rundschau. -- Jahrg. 1 (1947)-Jahrg. 3 (1949) ; Jahrg. 1950 (1950)-. -- Walter de Gruyter, 1947-.(Walter de Gruyter)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00246480> ISSN:00226939 Juristische Schulung : Zeitschrift fr Studium und praktishce Ausbildung. -- 1. Jahrg. (1961)-. -- C.H. Beck.(C.H. Beck)[月刊] 中央館 <AA10953156> ISSN:01266322 Jurnal undang-undang = Journal of Malaysian and comparative law : JMCL. -- Fakulti Undang-Undang, Universiti Malaya, 1974.(Faculty of Law, University Malaya)[年2回刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 152 2009年度 <AA00259722> ISSN:0350185X Јужнословенски филолог / Институт за српскохрватски језик.()[年刊] 文 <AA0025651X> ISSN:00216941 Jzyk polski. -- Drukarnia Uniwersytetu Jagiell. w Krakowie.(Towarzystwo Milosnikow Jezyka Polskiego)[隔月刊] 文 <K> <AA00709534> K. Norske videnskabers selskabs skrifter. -- (1956)-.(DKNVS)[季刊] 数理 <AA00265951> ISSN:0388886X Kansai University review of law and politics. -- No. 1 (Mar. 1980)-. -- Faculty of Law, Kansai University, 1980-.(Faculty of Law, Kansai University)[年刊] 法 <AA10523554> ISSN:00228877 Kant-Studien : philosophische Zeitschrift. -- 1. Bd. (1897)-. -- Leopold Voss, 1897-.(Walter de Gruyter)[季刊] 文 <AA10995371> ISSN:01160923 Kasarinlan : a Philippine quarterly of third world studies. -- Third World Studies Center, University of the Philippines.(Third World Studies Center, University o)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA00710216> ISSN:00229717 Keio journal of medicine. -- Vol. 1 (Jan. 1952)-. -- School of Medicine, Keio University.()[季刊] 医 <AA0026380X> ISSN:03891151 Keio journal of politics / the Association for the Study of Law and Politics, Faculty of Law, Keio University. (the Association for the Study of Law and Politics, Faculty of Law, Keio University)[不明] 法 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 153 2009年度 <AA00263810> ISSN:0389116X Keio law review / Association for the Study of Law and Politics, Faculty of Law, Keio University.(Association for the Study of Law and Politics, Faculty of Law, Keio University)[不明] 法 <AA00710996> ISSN:00852538 Kidney international. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1972)-. -- Springer-Verlag.()[月2回刊] 医 <AA12017389> ISSN:13498568 The Kitasato medical journal / Kitasato Medical Society. -- Vol. 34, no. 1 (Mar. 2004)-. -- Kitasato Medical Society, 2004.3.(Kitasato Medical Society)[年2回刊] 医 <AA00266397> ISSN:00756334 Klio : Beitr ge zur Alten Geschichte / Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR Zentralinstitut fr Alte Geschichte und Arch ologie. -- 37 (1959)-. -- Akademie-Verlag.(Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH)[年2回刊] 文 <AA11850716> ISSN:14778238 Knowledge management research & practice. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 2003)-. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.7-.(Palgrave Macmillan)[季 刊] 経済 <AA10523758> ISSN:02899051 Kobe journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1984)-. -- Kobe University, 1984-.(Kobe University)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00261076> ISSN:00756423 Kobe University law review / Faculty of Law, Kobe University. -- International edition. -- No. 1 (1961)-.(Faculty of Law, Kobe University)[年刊] 法 <AA12122510> ISSN:18805515 Kochi journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 2006)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, 2006-.(Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kochi University)[年刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 154 2009年度 <AA00711773> ISSN:03865991 Kodai mathematical journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1978)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1978-.(Dept. of Mathematics, Tokyo Institute of Technology)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA00264711> ISSN:02599686 Korea & world affairs : a quarterly review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1977)-. -- Research Center for Peace and Unification.(Research Center for Peace and Unification of Korea)[季刊] 中央館 <AA12087726> Korea economic report. -- Vol. 13, no. 6 (June 1998)-. -- World Media, 1998-.(World Media)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00261713> ISSN:00233900 Korea journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1961)-. -- Korean National Commission for Unesco, 1961-.(Korean National Commission for Unesco)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11469625> ISSN:1229814X Korean English science and technology : KEST / Korea Institute of Industry and Technology Information.(Korea Institute of Industry and Technology Information)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00712357> ISSN:12263303 The Korean journal of internal medicine. -- -v. 22 (1979) ; V. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1986)-. -- Korean Association of Internal Medicine.()[季 刊] 医 <AA10764743> ISSN:12255017 The Korean journal of policy studies. -- Vol. 1 (1986)-. -- Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, 1986-.(Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)[年2回刊] 法 <AA10795485> ISSN:10160744 Koreana. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1987)-. -- International Cultural Society of Korea, 1987-.(The Korea Foundation)[季刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 155 2009年度 <AA00262115> ISSN:00234567 Kratylos : Kritisches Berichts- und Rezensionsorgan f r Indogermanische und Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft / Auftrage der Indogernamischen Gesellschaft. -- 1 (1956)-.(DR Ludwig Reichert Verlag)[年刊] 文 <AA00265882> ISSN:00234591 Kredit und Kapital. -- 1. Jahrg. (1968)-. -- Duncker & Humblot.(Duncker & Humblot)[季刊] 経済 <AA00265259> ISSN:03411966 Kriminologisches Journal. -- Nr. 1 (Juli 1969)-. -- [Juventa].(Juventa Verlag)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10762737> Kriminologisches Journal. Beiheft. -- 1 (1986)-. -- Juventa Verlag, 1986-.(Juventa Verlag)[不明] 中央館 <AA00265328> ISSN:00234834 Kritische Justiz. -- Jahrg. 1 (1968)-. -- Europ ische Verlagsanstalt, 1968-.(Nomos)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10762770> ISSN:01792830 Kritische Vierteljahresschrift f r Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft. -- 1986, Heft 1/2 (1986)-. -- J. Schweitzer Verlag, 1986-.(Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10760414> ISSN:1432461X KTS : Zeitschrift f r Insolvenzrecht : Konkurs, Treuhand, Sanierung. -- 50. Jahrg., Heft 1 (Mrz 1989)-. -- C. Heymanns Verlag, 1989-.(Carl Heymanns Verlag)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10695276> ISSN:0914675X Kumamoto journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 1988)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University, [1988]-.(Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University)[年刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 156 2009年度 <AA11609677> ISSN:14332000 Kursiv : Journal fr politische Bildung. -- Wochenschau.(Wochenschau Verlag)[季刊] 教育 <AA00713418> ISSN:00235679 Kurume medical journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1954)-. -- Kurume University School of Medicine.(Kurume University School of Medicine(久留米大学医学部))[季刊] 医 <AA11991671> Kyoto journal of law and politics : law and politics 21 COE program for the reconstruction of legal ordering in the 21st Century. -Vol. 01 (Nov. 2004)-. -- 21st Century COE Administration Bureau Gra(21st Century COE Administration Bureau)[年2回刊] 法 <AA00713586> ISSN:12256951 Kyungpook mathematical journal. -- Vol. 1 (Jan. 1958)-. -- Kyungpook University, [1958]-.(Kyungpook University)[季刊] 数理 <AA10994346> ISSN:13406116 Kyushu journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 48, no. 1 (Mar. 1994)-. -- Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University, [1994].(Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00263173> ISSN:00232653 Klner Zeitschrift fr Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie : neue Folge der Klner Vierteljahrshefte fr Soziologie. -- 7. Jahrg., Heft 1 (1955)-. -- Westdeutscher Verlag, 1955-.(VS Verlag fuer Sozialwissenschaften)[季刊] 文 <AA00711900> Klner Zeitschrift fr Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Sonderheft. -- 1 (1956)-. -- Westdeutscher Verlag.(Westdeutscher Verlag)[年刊] 文 <L> <AA00636598> ISSN:00138584 L'Enseignement mathmatique. 2e srie. -- T. 1 (1955)-. -- Institut de mathmatiques de l'Universit.(Institut de math matiques de l'Universit)[年2回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 157 2009年度 <AA1157489X> ISSN:00145270 L'Express international. -- No 2469 (oct./nov. 1998)-. -- Groupe Express, 1998-.(Groupe Express)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00207933> ISSN:04394216 L'Homme : revue fran aise d'anthropologie. -- T. 1, no 1 (janv./avril 1961)-37 anne, no. 144 (oct./dc. 1997) ; 145 (janv./mars 1998)-. -- Mouton, 1961-.(Ehess-service Abonnements Centre D'affaires)[季刊] 文 <AA11099730> ISSN:00184306 L'Homme et la socit : revue internationale de recherches et de synthses en sciences sociales. -- No 87 (1988)-. -L'Harmattan, c1988-.(L'Harmattan)[季刊] 情文 <AA00266852> ISSN:0023656X Labor history. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1960)-. -- Tamiment Institute, 1960-.(Routledge)[季刊] 経済 <AA00266896> ISSN:00236586 Labor law journal / Commerce Clearing House. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1949)-. -- Commerce Clearing House, 1949-.(CCH Incorporated)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10633891> ISSN:02772426 Landscape journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1982)-. -- University of Wisconsin Press, c1982-.(University of Wisconsin Press)[年2回 刊] 工 <AA00267720> ISSN:0458726X Langages. -- 1 (mars 1966)-. -- Didier, c1966-.(Armand Colin)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00267753> ISSN:00978507 Language : journal of the Linguistic Society of America. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1925)-. -- Linguistic Society of America, 1925.(Linguistic Society of America)[季刊] 文 文 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 158 2009年度 <AA1077493X> ISSN:10489223 Language acquisition : a journal of developmental linguistics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1990)-. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c1990.(Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10848311> ISSN:09658416 Language awareness. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1992)-. -- Multilingual Matters, 1992-.(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 国開 <AA10697103> ISSN:01690965 Language and cognitive processes. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1985)-. -- VNU Science Press, c1985-.(Psychology Press(Taylor & Francis Group))[隔月刊] 国開 <AA12112131> ISSN:15586219 The language educator. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2006)-. -- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, c2006-.(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)[隔月刊] 国開 <AA11474385> ISSN:02722690 Language problems & language planning. -- Vol. 4, no. 1 (spring 1980)-. -- University of Texas Press, c1980-.(John Benjamins)[年3 回刊] 国開 <AA00267822> ISSN:00238309 Language and speech. -- Vol. 1, pt. 1 (Jan.-Mar. 1958)-. -- Robert Draper, [1958]-.(Sage Publications)[季刊] 情文 <AA11401610> ISSN:13621688 Language teaching research : LTR. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1997)-. -- Arnold, 1997-.(Sage)[季刊] 国開 <AA1046180X> ISSN:02655322 Language testing. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1984)-. -- E. Arnold, 1984-.(Sage)[季刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 159 2009年度 <AA00267833> ISSN:00238368 Langue franaise. -- No 1 (fvr. 1969)-. -- Larousse.(Armand Colin)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00714953> ISSN:0023852X The Laryngoscope : a monthly journal devoted to diseases of the nose-throat-ear. -- 1 (1896)-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[月刊] 医 <AA11178804> ISSN:10456635 Latin American antiquity : a journal of the Society for American Archaeology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1990)-. -- Society for American Archaeology, c1990-.(The Society for American Archaeology)[季刊] 文 <AA10461901> ISSN:01630350 Latin American music review = Revista de m sica latinoamericana. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring/summer 1980)-. -- University of Texas Press, c1980-.(Univ. of Texas Press)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA00273530> ISSN:0094582X Latin American perspectives. -- 1 (1974)-.(Sage)[隔月刊] 国開 <AA11521419> ISSN:1531426X Latin American politics and society. -- Vol. 43, no. 1 (spring 2001)-. -- School of International Studies, University of Miami, c2001.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10790470> ISSN:01435280 Latin American weekly report. -- WR-86-24 (26 June 1986)-. -- Latin American Newsletters, c1986-.(Latin American Newesletters)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00267979> ISSN:00238856 Latomus : revue d'tudes latines / Socit d'tudes Latines Bruxelles. -- (1937)-.(Societe d'etudes Latines de Bruxelles)[季 刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 160 2009年度 <AA11825242> ISSN:15691853 The law and practice of international courts and tribunals : a practitioner's journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 2002)-. -- Kluwer Law International, 2002-.(Brill Academic Publishers)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA00268406> ISSN:0023933X Law quarterly review. -- Vol. 1 (1885)-. -- Stevens & Sons, 1885-.(Sweet & Maxwell)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11830821> ISSN:15434494 Learning & behavior : a journal of the Psychonomic Society. -- Vol. 31, no. 1 (Feb. 2003)-. -- Psychonomic Society, c2003.(Psychonomic Society)[季刊] 文 <AA11047919> ISSN:10825754 Learning and leading with technology : the ISTE journal of educational technology practice and policy. -- Vol. 22, no. 8 (May 1995)-. -- International Society for Technology in Education, c1995-.(ISTE)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA11825275> ISSN:1460728X Legal ethics. -- Hart Pub..(Hart Publishing)[年2回刊] 法 ISSN:17521467 Legisprudence(Hart publishing)[年3回刊] 法 <AA11344437> ISSN:14349817 Lernchancen. -- 1. Jahrg., Nr. 1 (1998)-. -- Erhard Friedrich, 1998-.(Erhard Friedrich Verlag)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00716620> ISSN:00241164 Lethaia. -- Vol. 1 (1968)-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 理地球 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 161 2009年度 <AA12072194> ISSN:15502724 Leukos : the journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. -- Vol. 1, no. 1-4 (2004/2005)-. -- Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 2005-.(Illuminating Engineering Society)[季刊] 工 <AA00269985> ISSN:00241822 Liberal education : the bulletin of the Association of American Colleges / the Association of American Colleges. -- 45 (1959).(Association of American Colleges & Universities)[季刊] 中央館 <AA0027026X> ISSN:00242179 Library & information science abstracts / Library Association. -- 1969, 1 (1969)-. -- Library Association, 1969-.(Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)[月刊] 中央館 <AA11644656> ISSN:14767171 Library + information update : magazine of the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 2002)-. -- Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals,(World Wide Subscription Service (CILIP))[月刊] 中央館 <AA11385048> ISSN:15280659 Library literature & information science. -- Aug. 1999 (Aug. 1999)-. -- H.W. Wilson, 1999-.(H. W. Wilson)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00270372> ISSN:00242519 The library quarterly. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1931)-. -- Univ. of Chicago Press, 1931-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00716857> ISSN:00242667 Libri. -- Vol. 1 (1950)-. -- Munksgaard.(Walter de Gruyter & Co.)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11038667> ISSN:16488504 Lietuvos fizikos urnalas = Lithuanian journal of physics = Литовский физический журнал / Lietuvos fizikdraugija. -- 33, no. 1 (1993)-. -- Draugija, 1993-.(Draugija)[季刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 162 2009年度 <AA10984014> ISSN:01322818 Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys / Matematikos ir informatikos institutas, Lietuvos Matematiku Draugija, Vilniaus Universitetas. -- 32, nr. 1 (1992)-. -- Leidykla TEV, 1992-.(Draugija)[季刊] 数理 <AA11552762> ISSN:13462288 Lifelong education and libraries : international scholarly journal with international editorial board. -- No. 1 (Mar. 2001)-. -- Kyoto University, Graduate School of Education, Dept. of Lifelong Educa()[年刊] 教育 <AA0071718X> ISSN:03606325 Lighting design & application : LD & A. -- Vol. 1 (July 1971)-. -- Illuminating Engineering Society, 1971-.(Illuminating Engineering Society)[月刊] 工 Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin(American Society of Limnology & Oceanography)[] 水循環 Limnology and Oceanography: Methods(American Society of Limnology & Oceanography)[] 水循環 <AA00717306> ISSN:03081087 Linear and multilinear algebra. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1973)-. -- Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00270871> ISSN:00243841 Lingua : international review of general linguistics. -- Vol. 1, 1 (1947)-. -- North-Holland Pub., 1947-.(Elsevier)[月刊] 文 <AA00270907> ISSN:00989053 Linguistic analysis. -- Vol. 1 (1975)-. -- Elsevier.(Linguistic Analysis)[年2回刊] 文 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 163 2009年度 <AA00270929> ISSN:00243892 Linguistic inquiry. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1970)-. -- MIT Press, 1970-.(MIT Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10631273> 文 ISSN:01676318 The Linguistic review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1981)-. -- Foris Publications, 1981-.(Walter de Gruyter)[季刊] 文 <AA11029826> ISSN:12303984 Linguistica Baltica : international journal of Baltic linguistics / Warsaw University, Department of Baltic Philology. -- 1 (1992)-. -KFB, UW, 1992-.(Warsaw University)[年刊] 文 <AA00270940> ISSN:00243949 Linguistics : an international review. -- No. 1 (Oct. 1963)-214 (Dec. 1978) ; V. 17, no. 1/2 (1979)-. -- Mouton, 1963-.(Walter de Gruyter)[隔月刊] 文 <AA00275412> ISSN:03784169 Lingvistic investigationes : revue internationale de linguistique franaise et de linguistique gnrale. -- T. 1, fasc. 1 (1977)-. - John Benjamins.(John Benjamins)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA00270951> ISSN:00243957 La Linguistique : revue internationale de linguistique g nrale. -- 1965, 1 (1965)-1969, 2 (1969) ; V. 6, fasc. 1 (1970)-. -- Presses universitaires de France.(Presses Universitaires de France)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA11275946> ISSN:10436928 Literature, interpretation, theory : Lit. -- Gordon and Breach.(Routledge)[季刊] 文 <AA00271604> ISSN:00474800 Littrature / Littrature Idologies Socit. -- No 1 (fvr. 1971)-. -- Librairie Larousse, c1971-.(Armand Colin)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 164 2009年度 <AA00271626> ISSN:00245089 Lituanus : lithuanian quarterly. -- (1954)-. -- Lituanus Foundation.(Lituanus Foundation)[季刊] 文 <AA00272017> ISSN:00245534 The Local government chronicle. -- (1872)-. -- C. Knight.(Emap Readerlink)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00276335> ISSN:03003930 Local government studies. New series / the Institute of Local Government Studies at Birmingham University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1975)-. -- Inlogov, 1975-.(Routledge(Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 中央館 <AA00272130> ISSN:00245836 Logique et analyse. Nouvelle srie. -- 1 (Jan. 1958)-. -- Centre national de recherches de logique.(Centre National Belge de Recherches de L)[季刊] 数理 <AA00276426> ISSN:03058034 The London journal : a review of Metropolitan Society Past and Present. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1975)-. -- Longman.(London Journal Trust)[年3回刊] 中央館 <AA00276561> ISSN:11249064 Lotus international. -- 8 (sett. 1974)-.(Aie/Agenzia Italiana di)[季刊] 工 <M> <AA11889187> ISSN:10233725 The magazine : education and culture in Europe. -- Issue 20 (2003)-. -- European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, [2003]-.(EU)[季刊] 経済 <AA11450194> ISSN:16084144 Magazine : magazine of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. -- 1 (1999)-. -- Office for Official Publication of the European Communities, 1999-.(EU)[不明] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 165 2009年度 <AA00719888> ISSN:00249831 Magazine of concrete research / Cement & Concrete Association. -- Vol. 1 (1949)-. -- Cement and Concrete Association, 1949.(Thomas Telford)[月刊] 工 <AA10865106> ISSN:0882228X Magazine of history / Organization of American Historians. -- Organization of American Historians.(Organization of American Historians)[季刊] 文 <AA00293797> ISSN:00249807 Magazine littraire. -- Magazine Littraire.(Magazine Litteraire)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00279978> ISSN:04745523 Main economic indicators : OECD statistical bulletins = Principaux indicateurs conomiques : OCDE bulletins statistique / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. -- 1962 (Mar. 1962)-. ()[月刊] 経研セ <AA00294483> ISSN:00251909 Management science : application and theory / Institute of Management Sciences. -- Vol. 23, no. 4 (Dec. 1976)-. -- Institute of Management Sciences, 1976-.(INFORMS)[月刊] 経済 <AA00294530> ISSN:03074358 Managerial finance. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1975)-. -- MCB, c1975-.(Emerald)[月刊] 経済 <AA10998813> ISSN:13520229 Managing information / Aslib, the Association for Information Management. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1994)-. -- Aslib, 1994-.(Aslib, the Association for Information Management)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00295500> ISSN:05427770 Marxistische Bltter : Zeitschrift fr wissenschaftlichen Sozialismus. -- 1. Jahrg. (Nov./Dez. 1963)-. -- Europische Verlagsanstalt, 1963-.(Neue Impulse Verlag)[隔月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 166 2009年度 <AA12322950> ISSN:19727356 La matematica nella societ e nella cultura : rivista della Unione matematica italiana. Serie I. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (apr. 2008)-. -Unione Matematica Italiana, 2008-.(Unione Matematica Italiana)[季刊] 数理 <AA00722430> ISSN:03733505 Le Matematiche. -- Vol. 1, fasc. 1 (sett./dic. 1945)-. -- Casa del libro, 1945-.(Sociedade Brasileira de Matem tica)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA11241627> ISSN:01039059 Matemtica contempornea. -- Vol. 1 (1991)-. -- Sociedade Brasileira de Matemtica, c1991-.(Sociedade Brasileira de Matem tica)[不明] 数理 <AA00723353> ISSN:12229016 Mathematica. -- Vol. 1, fasc. 1 (1959)- = 24, fasc. 1 (1959)-. -- Societatea de s tiine Matematice si Fizice din R.P.R., Filiala Cluj, 1959-.(Societatea de stiine Matematice si Fizice din R.P.R., Filiala Cluj)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA1083698X> ISSN:02053217 Mathematica Balkanica. New series / Union des math maticiens balkaniques. -- Vol. 1, fasc. 1 (1987)-. -- Pub. House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1987-.(Pub. House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)[季刊] 数理 <AA10816530> ISSN:08627959 Mathematica bohemica : asopis pro pstovn matematiky / Matematick stav eskoslovensk akademie vd = / Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. -- 116 (1991)-. -- Academia (Academia Praha)[季刊] 数理 <AA12341412> ISSN:14099721 Mathematica Macedonica / St. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.(St. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics)[年刊] 数理 <AA11155230> ISSN:13314343 Mathematical inequalities & applications. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1998)-. -- University of Zagreb, 1998-.(University of Zagreb)[季刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 167 2009年度 <AA00723499> ISSN:03436993 The Mathematical intelligencer. -- Vol. 0 (Aug. 1977)-. -- Springer-Verlag, 1977-.(Springer)[季刊] 数理 <AA11169155> ISSN:13433636 Mathematical journal of Ibaraki University. -- Vol. 29 (May 1997)-. -- Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University, c1997-.(Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University)[年刊] 数理 <AA00723502> ISSN:00301566 Mathematical journal of Okayama University / Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University. (Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00723568> ISSN:03050041 Mathematical proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society / Cambridge Philosophical Society. -- Vol. 77, pt. 1 (Jan. 1975)-. -- Cambridge Univ. Press, 1975-.(Cambridge University Press)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA11845250> ISSN:15823067 Mathematical reports. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1999)- = Vol. 51, no. 1 (1999)-. -- Editura Academiei Rom ne, c1999-.(Cambridge University Press)[季刊] 数理 <AA11030359> ISSN:10732780 Mathematical research letters : MRL. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1994)-. -- International Press, c1994-.(Mathematical Publishing)[隔月 刊] 数理 <AA10665898> ISSN:00255629 Mathematical reviews. -- Vol. 25, no. 1 (Jan. 1963)-v. 58, no. 6 (Dec. 1979) ; Issue 80a (Jan. 1980)-issue 99m (Dec. 1999) ; Issue 2000a (Jan. 2000)-. -- American Mathematical Society, 1963-.(American Mathematical Society)[月刊] 数理 <AA10837031> ISSN:09601295 Mathematical structures in computer science : MSCS. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1991)-. -- Cambridge University Press, c1991.(Cambridge University Press)[隔月刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 168 2009年度 <AA00293039> ISSN:0025553X Mathematic not : boletin del Instituto de Matemtica. -- 1 (1941)-.(Republica Argentina)[隔年刊] 数理 <AA00724006> ISSN:00255793 Mathematika : a journal of pure and applied mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1954)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics, University College, 1954-.(University College London)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00722714> ISSN:00233323 Mathematisk-fysiske meddelelser / Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. -- Bd. 1, 1 (1917)-. -- Det Selskab, 1917-.(Det Selskab)[年刊] 数理 <AA1072904X> ISSN:09570233 Measurement science & technology / Institute of Physics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1990)-. -- IOP Pub., c1990-.(IOP Publishing)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00727671> ISSN:00942405 Medical physics. -- (1974)-.(American Association of Physicists in Medicine)[月刊] 医保健 <AA00282203> 医 ISSN:00258024 Medicine, science and the law. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1960)-. -- Sweet & Maxwell.(Barnsbury)[季刊] 医 <AA10795780> Medioevo latino : bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea dal secolo 6 al 13 / Centro Italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioev. -- 1 ([1980])-. -- Centro Italiano di studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1980-.(Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medio)[年刊] 文 <AA11975981> ISSN:16605446 Mediterranean journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2004)-. -- Birkh user, 2004-.(Birkhuser)[季刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 169 2009年度 <AA10999667> Meiji law journal. -- Vol. 1 (1994)-. -- Faculty of Law, Meiji University, 1994-.(Faculty of Law, Meiji University)[年刊] 法 <AA10816905> ISSN:0163755X MELUS : Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States. -- Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States.(Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethni)[季刊] 情文 <AA00730789> ISSN:00659266 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. -- No. 1 (1950)-no. 153 (1974) ; V. 1, issue 1 (Jan. 1975)- = No. 154 (Jan. 1975)-. -- American Mathematical Society, 1950-.(American Mathematical Society)[月2回刊] 数理 <AA11411126> ISSN:15120015 Memoirs on differential equations and mathematical physics.. -- Vol. 1 (1994)-. -- Georgian Academy of Sciences, 1994-.(Georgian Academy of Sciences)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA11157123> ISSN:13427121 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane University. Series B, Mathematical science. (Interdispilinary Faculty of Science and Engineering Shimane University)[年刊] 数理 <AA00283465> ISSN:0082562X Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko, the Oriental Library. -- No. 1 (1926)-. -- Toyo Bunko, 1926-.()[年刊] 中央館 <AA10955628> ISSN:09658211 Memory. -- Vol. 1, issue 1 (Mar. 1993)-. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, c1993-.(Psychology Press)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA00735385> ISSN:0090502X Memory & cognition / Psyconomic Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1973)-.(Psychonomic Society)[隔月刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 170 2009年度 <AA12059276> ISSN:00270830 Mergent's handbook of common stocks. -- Winter 2001-2002 (winter 2001/2002)-. -- Mergent, c2001-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 経研セ <AA0028448X> ISSN:00260096 Merkur : deutsche Zeitschrift f r europisches Denken. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (1947)-. -- Heller und Wegner, 1947-.(KlettCotta)[月刊] 文 <AA10526869> 中央館 情文 ISSN:0272930X Merrill-Palmer quarterly : journal of developmental psychology. -- Vol. 28, no. 1 (Jan. 1982)-. -- Wayne State Univesity Press, c1982-.(Wayne State University Press)[季刊] 教育 <AA11078118> ISSN:10869379 Meteoritics & planetary science. -- Vol. 31, no. 1 (Jan. 1996)-. -- Meteoritical Society at the University of Arkansas, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1996-.(Meteological Society)[月刊] 理地球 <AA11003516> ISSN:10732772 Methods and applications of analysis. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1994)-. -- International Press, c1994-.(International Press)[季刊] 数理 <AA00738088> ISSN:00262285 The Michigan mathematical journal. -- Vol. 1 (1952)-. -- University of Michigan Press, 1952-.(University of Michigan Press)[隔月 刊] 数理 <AA1108666X> ISSN:09495770 Microform & imaging review. -- Vol. 25, no. 1 (winter 1996)-. -- K.G. Saur, c1996-.(Walter de Gruyter & Co.)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11260632> ISSN:08999341 Microprocessor report. -- MicroDesign Resources.(REED BUSINESS INFO (CAHNERS))[月刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 171 2009年度 <AA10639242> ISSN:07381085 Microsurgery. -- Vol. 4, no. 1 (1983)-. -- A. R. Liss, [c1983]-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[隔月刊] 医 <AA10635194> ISSN:07452993 Microwaves & RF. -- [Vol. 21, no. 12] (Nov. 1982)-. -- Hayden Pub. Co., 1982-.(Penton)[月刊] 理物理 <AA00285303> ISSN:00263141 The Middle East journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1947)-. -- Middle East Institute.(Middle East Institute)[季刊] 国開 <AA10465538> ISSN:00263184 Middle East Studies Association bulletin / Middle East Studies Association of North America. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 15, 1967)-. -Middle East Studies Association, 1967-.(Middle East Studies Association of North America)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA11683840> ISSN:14249286 Milan Journal of Mathematics. -- Vol. 70 (2002)-. -- Birkhauser, c2002-.(Birkhauser)[年刊] 数理 <AA00739615> ISSN:0026461X Mineralogical magazine / the Mineralogical Society. -- Vol. 37, no. 285 (Mar. 1969)-.(Mineralogical Society)[隔月刊] 理地球 <AA00739943> ISSN:00264946 Minerva pediatrica. -- 1 (1949)-.()[隔月刊] 医 <AA10881849> ISSN:00738484 Mitteilungen des Instituts fr sterreichische Geschichtsforschung / Instituts fr sterreichische Geschichtsforschung. -- 56. Bd. (1948)-. -- Hermann Bhlaus Nachf, 1948-.(Oldenbourg)[年2回刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 172 2009年度 <AA0074385X> Mitteilungen der sterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft. -- Bd. 101, Heft 1 (1959)-. -- sterreichische Geographische Gesellschaft, 1959-.(Osterreichische Geographische Gesellscha)[年刊] 文 <AA00307337> ISSN:00267910 MLN : modern language notes. -- Vol. 77 (Jan. 1962)-. -- Johns Hopkins University Press, 1962-.(Johns Hopkins University Press)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA10855000> ISSN:09650393 Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1992)-. -- IOP Pub..(IOP Publishing)[隔月刊] 工 <AA00299862> ISSN:00267503 Modern Austrian literature : journal of the International Arthut Schnitzler Research Association. -- Vol. 1 (spring 1968)-. -- [State University of New York at Binghamton], 1968-.(Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association)[季刊] 文 <AA10828493> ISSN:03080587 Modern English teacher. New. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1992)-. -- Macmillan ELT, 1992-.(Marston Linsley Loss International)[季刊] 国開 <AA00287706> ISSN:00268232 Modern philology / University of Chicago. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1903)-. -- University of Chicago Press, 1903-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10669083> ISSN:02177323 Modern physics letters. A. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1986)-. -- World Scientific, c1986-.(World Scientific)[旬刊] 理物理 <AA11795083> ISSN:15417786 Molecular cancer research : MCR. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 2002)-. -- American Association for Cancer Research, c2002-.(American Association for Cancer Research)[月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 173 2009年度 <AA11481959> ISSN:15357163 Molecular cancer therapeutics / American Association for Cancer Research. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 2001)-. -- American Association for Cancer Research, 2001-.(American Association for Cancer Research)[月刊] 医 <AA1119005X> ISSN:10972765 Molecular cell. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 1997)-. -- Cell Press, c1997-.(Cell Press)[月2回刊] 理生命 <AA10620925> ISSN:02707306 Molecular and cellular biology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1981)-. -- American Society for Microbiology, 1981-.(American Society for Microbiology)[月2回刊] 理生命 <AA10671675> ISSN:08940282 Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI. -- APS Press.(APS(American Phytopathological Society) Press)[月刊] 農 <AA11912518> ISSN:00269271 Monatshefte fr deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur. -- Vol. 90, no. 2 (summer 1998)-. -- University of Wisconsin, 1998.(University of Wisconsin Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00746188> ISSN:00269255 Monatshefte fr Mathematik. -- Bd. 52 (1948)-. -- Splinger.(Springer)[月刊] 数理 <AA00288196> ISSN:03401812 Monatsschrift fr deutsches Recht. -- 1 Jahrg., Heft 1 (Apr. 1947)-. -- O. Meissner, 1947-.(Dr. Otto Schmidt)[月2回刊] 中央館 <AA00746417> ISSN:00269301 Monatsschrift fr Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform. -- Jahrg. 36 (1953)-. -- Carl Heymanns, 1953-.(Carl Heymanns Verlag)[隔 月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 174 2009年度 <AA00288403> ISSN:03952037 Le Monde. -- 1re anne, no. 1 (19 dc. 1944)-. -- Le Monde, 1944-.(Le Monde)[日刊] 中央館 <AA00288414> ISSN:00269360 Le Monde. Slection hebdomadaire. -- 1. anne, no 1 (du 23 au 29 oct. 1948)-36. anne, no 1830 (du 24 au 30 nov. 1983) ; No 1831 (du 1 au 7 dc. 1983)-. -- S.A.R.L. "Le Monde", 1948-.(OCS)[週刊] 文 <AA10732780> ISSN:09984194 Le Moniteur architecture AMC. -- No. 1 (mai 1989)-. -- Publications du Moniteur, 1989-.(Publications du Moniteur)[隔月刊] 工 <AA11327584> ISSN:15610136 Monthly bulletin / European Central Bank. -- Jan. 1999 (Jan. 1999)-. -- European Central Bank, 1999-.()[月刊] 経済 <AA00289439> ISSN:00417432 Monthly bulletin of statistics = Bulletin mensuel de statistique / Statistical Office of the United Nations. -- [Vol. 1], no. 1 (Jan. 1947)-. -- Statistical Office of the United Nations, 1947-.(United Nations)[月刊] 経研セ <AA10623071> Monthly statistical bulletin / the Bank of Korea. -- Vol. 36, no. 1 (Jan. 1982)-. -- Bank of Korea, 1982-.(The Bank of Korea)[月刊] 国開 <AA11430164> ISSN:02561743 Monthly statistics of international trade = Statistiques mensuelles du commerce international. -- 2000, no. 1 (Jan. 2000)-. -Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2000-.()[月刊] 経研セ <AA00302399> Morning star. -- (1966)-.(Morning Star)[日刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 175 2009年度 <AA11656054> ISSN:16093321 Moscow mathematical journal. -- Independent University of Moscow.(American Mathematical Society)[季刊] 数理 <AA11168006> ISSN:10871640 Motor control : the international journal for the multidisciplinary study of voluntary movement. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1997)-. -Human Kinetics, c1997-.(Human Kinetics)[季刊] 保体セ <AA10798585> ISSN:02436450 Mots. -- Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques.(ENS Editions)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA00291689> ISSN:00272671 Le Mouvement social : revue trimestrielle de l'institut fran aise d'histoire sociale. -- 33 (1960)-. -- Les editions ouvri res.(Elsevier Masson S.A.S.)[季刊] 経済 <AA10754047> ISSN:00272841 Le Moyen ge. 5e srie : revue d'histoire et de philologie. -- T. 1 (1987)- = T. 93 (1987)-. -- De Boeck-Wesmael, 1987-.(De Boeck)[季刊] 文 <AA11466503> ISSN:10683844 Multicultural education. -- Caddo Gap Press.(Caddo Gap Press)[季刊] 教育 <AA00292488> ISSN:00274054 Museum helveticum : Schweizerische Zeitschrift f r Klassische Altertumswissenschaft : revue suisse pour l'tude de l'antiquit classique : rivista svizzera di filologia classica. -- 1. Jahrg. (1944)-.(Schwabe & Co. AG. Verlag)[季刊] 文 <AA10867699> ISSN:11239883 Mlanges de l'cole franaise de Rome. Moyen ge. -- T. 101-1 (1989)-. -- Ecole franaise de Rome, c1989-.(Ecloe Francaise de Rome)[年2回刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 176 2009年度 <AA11491624> ISSN:0249633X Mmoires de la Socit mathmatique de France. Nouvelle srie. -- No 72/73 (1998)-. -- Socit mathmatique de France, c1998-.(La Socitmathmatique de France)[季刊] 数理 <AA12373951> ISSN:18675778 Mnster journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2008). -- Mathematical Institutes, Universitt Mnster, 2008-.(Universitat Munster)[不明] 数理 <N> <AA00750491> ISSN:00655295 Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in G ttingen. Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse. -- Jahrg. 1958 (1958)-. -Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [1958]-.(Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA11609790> Nagoya journal of education and human development / Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University. (Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University)[年刊] 中央館 <AA00750877> ISSN:00277622 Nagoya journal of medical science. -- 2 (1927)-. -- [Nagoya University School of Medicine], 1927-.(Nagoya University School of Medicine)[季刊] 中央館 医 <AA00750899> ISSN:00277630 Nagoya mathematical journal / Mathematical Institute, Faculty of Science Nagoya University. -- Vol. 1 (June 1950)-. -Mathematical Institute, Faculty of Science, Nagoya University, 1950-.(Mathematical Institute, Faculty of Science, Nagoya University)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00750902> 数理 ISSN:00277649 Nagoya medical journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1953)-. -- Nagoya City University Medical School, 1953-.()[季刊] 医 <AA00309194> ISSN:00278378 Nation. -- Vol. 1 (1865)-. -- Joseph H. Richards, 1865-.(Nation Company)[週刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 177 2009年度 <AA00317159> ISSN:00279358 National geographic. -- Vol. 116, no. 6 (Dec. 1959)-. -- National Geographic Society, c1959-.(National Geographic Society)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00309445> ISSN:00279374 National geographical journal of India / National Geographical Society of India.(National Geographical Society of India)[季刊] 文 <AA0030949X> ISSN:00279501 National institute economic review / National Institute of Economic and Social Research. -- No. 1 (Jan. 1959)-. -- National Institute of Economic and Social Research, 1959-.(Sage)[季刊] 経研セ <AA11550585> ISSN:1035753X National Library of Australia news. -- National Library of Australia.(National Library of Australia)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00309875> ISSN:00280283 National tax journal / National Tax Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1948)-. -- National Tax Association, [1948]-.(National Tax Association)[季刊] 経済 <AA00309999> ISSN:00280453 Nationalokonomisk tidsskrift.(Anne Grau, Unibank A/S)[年3回刊] 経済 <AA00310193> ISSN:00280712 Natural history : incorporating Nature magazine / American Museum of Natural History. -- 19 (1919)-v. 97, no. 12 (Dec. 1988) ; 1989, 1 (Jan. 1989)-1992, 12 (Dec. 1992) ; V. 102, no. 1 (Jan. 1993)-. --(American Museum of Natural History)[月刊] 中央館 <AA10636991> ISSN:0167806X Natural language & linguistic theory. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1983)-. -- D. Reidel Publishing Co., c1983-.(Springer)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 178 2009年度 <AA00752384> ISSN:00280836 Nature. -- Vol. 1 (Nov. 1869)-. -- Macmillan Journal, 1869-.(Nature Japan)[週刊] 理物理 <AA11338922> 医 農 情文 太陽研 中央館 ISSN:14657392 Nature cell biology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1999)-. -- Macmillan Magazines, c1999-.(Nature Publishing)[月刊] 理生命 <AA12007953> ISSN:18800556 Nature digest. -- 日本語編集版. -- Vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 2005)-. -- ネイチャー・ジャパン, 2005-.(Nature Japan)[月刊] 農 <AA1084279X> ISSN:10614036 Nature genetics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1992)-. -- Nature Pub., c1992-.(Nature Publishing)[月刊] 理生命 <AA12309409> ISSN:17520894 Nature geoscience. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2008)-. -- Nature Pub. Group, 2008-.(Nature Pub. Group)[月刊] 理地球 <AA11029600> ISSN:10788956 Nature medicine. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1995)-. -- Nature Pub. Co., [1995]-.(Nature Pub. Co.)[月刊] 医 <AA11202192> ISSN:10976256 Nature neuroscience. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1998)-. -- Nature America, 1998-.(Nature Publishing)[月刊] 理生命 <AA11501626> ISSN:14710056 Nature reviews genetics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 2000)-. -- Nature Publishing Group, 2000-.(Nature Publishing)[月刊] 理生命 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 179 2009年度 <AA11501637> ISSN:14710072 Nature reviews molecular cell biology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 2000)-. -- Nature Publishing Group, 2000-.(Nature Publishing)[月刊] 理生命 <AA11501615> ISSN:14710048 Nature reviews neuroscience. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 2000)-. -- Nature Publishing Group, 2000-.(Nature Publishing)[月刊] 理生命 <AA11879900> ISSN:15459993 Nature structural & molecular biology. -- Vol. 11, no. 1 (Jan. 2004)-. -- Nature Pub. Group, 2004-.(Nature Publishing)[月刊] 理生命 <AA10624518> ISSN:07347219 NEA today : a newspaper for members of the National Education Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1982)-. -- National Education Association, [c1982]-.(National Education Association)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA1073277X> ISSN:09310509 Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1986)-. -- Springer International, c198()[月刊] 医 <AA00310943> ISSN:03411915 Neue juristische Wochenschrift. -- 1 Jahrg. (1947)-. -- C. H. Beck, 1947-.(Verlag C.H. Beck)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00310965> ISSN:00283231 Neue Justiz : Zeitschrift f r Recht und Rechtswissenschaft. -- 1. Jahrg. (Jan. 1947)-. -- Deutscher Zentralverlag, 1947.(Nomos)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00311119> ISSN:00283320 Neue politische Literatur : Berichte ber das internationale Schrifttum. -- 1 (1956)-.(Fronz Steiner)[年3回刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 180 2009年度 <AA00311152> ISSN:00283347 Neue Rundschau. -- 15. Jahrg. (1904)-. -- S. Fischer, 1904-.(S. Fischer)[季刊] 文 <AA10897226> ISSN:09437525 Neue Zeitschrift fr Arbeitsrecht. -- 10. Jahrg., Heft 1 (10 Jan. 1993)-. -- C.H. Beck, 1993-.(Verlag C.H. Beck)[月2回刊] 中央館 <AA1046857X> ISSN:07201753 Neue Zeitschrift fr Strafrecht : NStZ. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (Jan. 1981)-. -- C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.(Verlag C.H. Beck)[月刊] 中央館 <AA10468580> ISSN:0721880X Neue Zeitschrift fr Verwaltungsrecht : NVwZ : Vereinigt mit Verwaltungsrechtsprechung. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (Feb. 1982)-. -C.H. Beck, 1982-.(Verlag C.H. Beck)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00311560> Neues Deutschland.(Neues Deutschland)[日刊] 中央館 <AA00311684> ISSN:00283754 Neuphilologische Mitteilungen : bulletin de la Soci t Nophilologique de Helsinki / Neuphilologischer Verein.(Modern Language Society)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10724454> ISSN:08997667 Neural computation. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1989)-. -- MIT Press, c1989-.(MIT Press)[月刊] 情文 <AA00754663> ISSN:00283835 Neuroendocrinology : international journal for basic and clinical studies on neuroendocrine relationsgips / the International Society of Neuroendocrinology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1965/1966)-. -- S. Karger(Karger)[月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 181 2009年度 <AA10814750> ISSN:10525149 Neuroimaging clinics of North America. -- W.B. Saunders Co..(W. B. Saunders)[季刊] 医 <AA00754765> ISSN:00283878 Neurology : official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. -- Vol. 1 (1951)-. -- American Academy of Neurology, c1951.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[週刊] 医 <AA10736690> ISSN:08966273 Neuron. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1988)-. -- Cell Press, c1988-.(Cell Press)[月2回刊] 理生命 <AA10850958> ISSN:09594965 Neuroreport : an international journal for the rapid communication of research in neuroscience. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1990)-. -Rapid Communications of Oxford, 1990-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00755156> ISSN:00284793 New England journal of medicine. -- Vol. 198, no. 1 (Feb. 1928)-. -- Massachusetts Medical Society, 1928-.(Massachusetts Medical Society)[週刊] 医 <AA11421822> ISSN:00286060 New left review. Second series. -- No. 1 (Jan./Feb. 2000)-. -- New Left Review, 2000-.(New Left Review)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA11079438> ISSN:13563467 New political economy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1996)-. -- Carfax, 1996-.(Routledge)[季刊] 中央館 New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia(Taylor & Francis)[] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 182 2009年度 <AA0075543X> ISSN:02624079 New scientist. -- Vol. 52, no. 772 (Dec. 2, 1971)-. -- New Science Pub., 1971-.(Reed Business Information)[週刊] 中央館 <AA11089781> ISSN:13647431 New statesman. -- Vol. 125, no. 4288 (14 June 1996)-. -- New Statesman, 1996-.(New Statesman)[週刊] 中央館 <AA0031341X> ISSN:03624331 The New York times. -- Vol. 6, no. 1868 (Sept. 14, 1857)-.(New York Times)[日刊] 中央館 <AA00313420> ISSN:00287806 New York Times book review. -- 1896 (Oct. 10, 1896)-. -- New York Times, 1896-.(New York Times)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00313464> ISSN:00287822 The New York Times magazine. -- New York Times.(New York Times)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00313533> ISSN:0028792X The New Yorker. -- Vol. 1 (1925)-. -- New Yorker Magazine, 1925-.(Conde Nast Publications)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00320277> ISSN:00779954 New Zealand economic papers / New Zealand Association of Economists.(Routledge)[年3回刊] 経済 <AA00756104> ISSN:05490510 New Zealand mathematics magazine. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1963)-. -- Auckland Mathematical Association.(Auckland Mathematical Association)[年3回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 183 2009年度 <YS01743458> News world. -- Oh Chung-sook.(Oh Chung-sook)[月刊] 中央館 <AA10469211> ISSN:00491195 Newsletter / Society of Architectural Historians.(Society of Architectural Historians)[隔月刊] 工 <AA11938555> ISSN:17254612 Newsletter : news from the EU publisher. -- -v. 16, no. 1 (2006) ; 2/2006 (2006)-. -- Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.(EU)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA00320834> ISSN:00289485 Newsletter on intellectual freedom / ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee. -- American Library Association.(AM LIBRARY ASSN)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00314048> ISSN:01637061 Newsweek : the magazine of news significant. -- [International. -- Newsweek.(Newsweek Inc.)[週刊] 中央館 農 <AA11972746> Nghin cu lp php. -- [Quc hi nuc cng ha x hi chk ngha Vit Nam].(National Assembly of Vietnam)[月 2回刊] 国開 <AA10954421> Nh nc v php lut / Vin nh nc v php lut, y ban khoa hc x hi Vit Nam. -- 16 (1987. 1)- = 56 (1987. 1)-. -- Vin nh nc v php lut, 1987-.(Vin nh nc v php lut)[月刊] 国開 <AA10759175> ISSN:09150986 Nichibunken Japan review : bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies. -- No. 1 (1990)-. -- International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 1990-.(International Research Center for Japanese Studies)[年刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 184 2009年度 <AA11468597> ISSN:00289825 Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Ser. 5. -- D. 1, no. 1 (maart 2000)-. -- Wiskundig Genootshcap, 2000-.(Wiskundig Genootshcap)[季刊] 数理 <AA10469379> ISSN:02898101 Nihon University comparative law / Comparative Law Institute, Nihon University. -- Vol. 1 (1983)-. -- Comparative Law Institute, Nihon University, 1983-.(Comparative Law Institute, Nihon University)[年刊] 法 <AA00756793> ISSN:05460352 Nihon University journal of medicine. -- Vol. 1 (1959)-. -- Nihon University School of Medicine.()[隔月刊] 医 <AA10800960> ISSN:13419951 Nihonkai mathematical journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1990)-. -- Department of Mathematics, Niigata University, 1990-.(Department of Mathematics, Niigata University)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA10959775> ISSN:08905495 Nineteenth-century contexts. -- Vol. 11, no. 1 (spring 1987)-. -- [Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies, with the assistance of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Dept. of English of Nor(Routledge)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10668386> ISSN:01794043 NJW-Rechtsprechungs-Report Zivilrecht / NJW-Redaktion. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (Jan. 1986)-. -- C.H. Beck, 1986-.(C.H. Beck)[月2 回刊] 法 <AA11976372> ISSN:13925113 Nonlinear analysis : modelling and control / Lithuanian Association of Nonlinear Analysts, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. -Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.(Lithuanian Association of Nonlinear Analysts, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)[季刊] 数理 <AA10668284> ISSN:09517715 Nonlinearity. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1988)-. -- Institute of Physics and the London Mathematical Society, c1988-.(IOP Publishing)[月 刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 185 2009年度 <AA10682831> ISSN:02832631 Nordic pulp & paper research journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1986)-. -- [s.n.], 1986-.(AB Svensk Papperstidning)[季刊] 農 <AA10893600> ISSN:10001778 Northeastern mathematical journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1985)-. -- Jilin University, 1990-.(Jilin University)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00321790> ISSN:0078172X Northern history / School of History, Univ. of Leeds. -- Vol. 1 (1966)-. -- University of Leeds. School of History, 1966-.(Univ. of Leeds)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA00321848> ISSN:00293652 Norwegian archaeological review. -- (1968)-. -- Universitetsforlaget.(Routledge(Scandinavian U.P.))[年2回刊] 情文 <AA0075802X> ISSN:00782009 Notas de Algebra y Analisis / Instituto de Matematica, Universidad Nacional del Sur. -- No. 1 (1966)-.(Instituto de Matematica, Universidad Nacional del Sur)[年刊] 数理 <AA00758664> ISSN:00029920 Notices of the American Mathematical Society / American Mathematical Society. -- Issue no. 1 (Feb. 1954)-issue no. 28 (Dec. 1957) ; V. 5, no. 1 (Feb. 1958)- = Issue no. 29 (Feb. 1958)-. -- American Ma(American Mathematical Society)[月刊] 数理 <AA00315357> 数理 ISSN:00294527 Notre Dame journal of formal logic. -- Vol. 1 (1960)-. -- University of Notre Dame, 1960-.(Univ. of Notre Dame)[季刊] 情文 <AA00315492> ISSN:00294713 Le Nouvel observateur. -- No 1 (nov. 19, 1964)-.(OCS)[週刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 186 2009年度 <AA00322374> ISSN:03956458 Nouvel conomiste. -- (1975)-.(OCS)[週刊] 経済 <AA00322410> ISSN:00294802 La Nouvelle revue fran aise. -- 7. anne, no 74 (fvr. 1959)-18. anne, no 216 (dc. 1970) = T. 13 (fvr. 1959)-t. 36 (dc. 1970) ; No 217 (janv. 1971)- = T. 37 (janv. 1971)-. -- NRF, 1959-.(Sodis Revues)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11638733> ISSN:14505444 Novi Sad journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 26, no. 1 (1996)-. -- Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, 1996-.(Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA11166554> ISSN:09497129 NStZ-Rechtsprechungs-Report Strafrecht : NStZ-RR. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (Jan. 1996)-. -- C.H. Beck, 1996-.(C.H. Beck)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00759871> ISSN:00295515 Nuclear fusion : journal of plasma physics and thermonuclear fusion / International Atomic Energy Agency. -- English ed. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1960)-. -- International Atomic Energy Agency, 1960-.(IOP Publishing)[月刊] 工 <AA10624879> ISSN:01433636 Nuclear medicine communications. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1980)-. -- Chapman and Hall in association with the British Nuclear Medicine Society, c1980-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00760156> ISSN:00295639 Nuclear science and engineering. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1956)-. -- Academic Press, 1956-.(American Nuclear Society)[隔月刊] 工 <AA00760269> ISSN:03051048 Nucleic acids research. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1974)-. -- Information Retrieval Limited, 1974-.(Oxford University Press)[月2回刊] 理生命 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 187 2009年度 <AA1047004X> ISSN:02513552 Nueva sociedad. -- 1 (jul./agosto 1972)-. -- Revista Poltica y Cultural Nueva Sociedad.(Nueva Sociedad)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA0076043X> ISSN:0029599X Numerische Mathematik. -- Bd. 1 (1959)-. -- Springer-Verlag, 1959-.(Springer)[月刊] 情文 <AA11515008> ISSN:03604039 Nursing : the world's largest nursing journal. -- [World ed.]. -- Intermed Communications.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医保健 <AA00760713> ISSN:00296465 Nursing clinics of North America. -- (1966)-. -- Saunders Company.(W.B. Saunders Co.)[季刊] 医保健 <AA10530072> ISSN:07446314 Nursing management. -- Vol. 12, no. 9 (Sept. 1981)-. -- S-N Publications.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医保健 <AA00760768> ISSN:00296562 Nursing research. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1952)-. -- American Journal of Nursing Company, 1952-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔 月刊] 医保健 <AA11049324> ISSN:09547762 Nursing times : NT : the independent voice of nursing. -- Vol. 83, no. 36 (Sept. 9/15, 1987)-. -- Macmillan Magazines, 1987-.(Emap Readerlink)[週刊] 医保健 <AA11150383> ISSN:09603360 N・I・R news : the newsletter of the International Committee for Near Infrared Spectroscopy. -- NIR Pub.(NIR Publications)[隔月刊] 農 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 188 2009年度 <O> <AA10530141> ISSN:10591125 OAH newsletter / Organization of American Historians. -- Vol. 9, no. 3 (Oct. 1981)-. -- Organization of American Historians, 1981.(Organization of American Historians)[季刊] 文 <AA11976102> ISSN:16608933 Oberwolfach reports / European Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1st qyarter, 2004)-. -- European Mathematical Society, 2004-.(Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad)[季刊] 数理 <AA00325805> ISSN:00297712 The Observer. -- No. 1 (Dec. 4, 1791)-. -- W. Locke.(Observer)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00761727> ISSN:00297844 Obstetrics and gynecology. -- Vol. 1, no.1 (Jan. 1953)-. -- [American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology], [1953]-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00326182> ISSN:00298077 Oceania : a journal devoted to the study of the native peoples of Australia, New Guinea and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. -Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1930)-. -- Macmillan, 1930-.(Oceania Publications)[年3回刊] 中央館 <AA00172872> ISSN:04745574 OECD economic outlook. -- No. 1 (1967)-. -- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.()[年2回刊] 経研セ <AA00325816> ISSN:00297054 The OECD observer. -- No. 1 (Nov. 1962)-. -- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1962-.(OECD)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA10470640> ISSN:00783714 Offa : Berichte und Metteilungen zur Urgeschichte, Fr hgeschichte und Mittelalterarchologie. -- Karl Wachholtz Verlag.(Karl Wachholtz Verlag)[年刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 189 2009年度 <AA00326411> ISSN:0029859X ffentliche Verwaltung. -- 1. Jahrg. (Oct. 1948)-. -- Kohlhammer, 1948-.(Kohlhammer)[月2回刊] 中央館 <AA12017367> ISSN:16803698 Official directory of the European Union. -- 2005 (2005)-. -- Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005.(EU)[年刊] 経済 <AA12135024> ISSN:17254191 Official journal of the European Union. L & C, Legislation, information and notices. -- Jan./Feb. 2003 (Jan./Feb. 2003)-. -- Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, c2003-. w.(EU)[月刊] 経済 <AA00763573> ISSN:00300950 The Ohio journal of science / Ohio State University Scientific Society. -- Vol. 16, no. 1 (Nov. 1915)-. -- Ohio State University Scientific Society, 1915-.(The Society)[季刊] 中央館 Oncogene(Nature Publishing Group)[] 医 <AA00764146> ISSN:00302414 Oncology : journal of clinical and experimental cancer research. -- Vol. 21, no. 1 (1967)-. -- S. Karger, [1967]-.(Karger)[月刊] 医 <AA10616123> ISSN:0190535X Oncology nursing forum. -- Vol. 4, no. 4 (Oct. 1977)-. -- Oncology Nursing Society.(Oncology Nursing Society)[隔月刊] 医保健 <AA10741103> ISSN:02680513 Open learning. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1986)-. -- Longman, 1986-.(Routledge)[年3回刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 190 2009年度 <AA00327593> ISSN:0030364X Operations research : the journal of the Operations Research Society of America / Operations Research Society of America. -Vol. 4, no. 1 (Feb. 1956)-. -- Operations Research Society of America, 1956(INFORMS)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00327582> ISSN:00303658 Operations research/management science. -- Vol. 1 (1961)-. -- Executive Sciences Institute.(Exective Sciences Institute)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00331411> ISSN:00303690 Opernwelt. -- Erhard Friedrich Verlag.(Friedrich Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft)[月刊] 情文 <AA00764441> ISSN:00303747 Ophthalmic research. -- (1970)-. -- S. Karger.(Karger)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00764532> ISSN:00303755 Ophthalmologica. -- Vol. 96, no. 1 (Oct. 1938)-. -- S. Karger.(Karger)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00327684> ISSN:00304379 Orbis : bulletin international de documentation linguistique / Centre international de dialectologie G nrale. -- T. 1, no. 1 (1952)-. -- Le Centre, 1952-.(Centre internationale de dialectologie)[年刊] 文 <AA11034407> ISSN:13505084 Organization : the interdisciplinary journal of organization, theory and society. -- Sage.(Sage)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA10809852> ISSN:10477039 Organization science : a journal of the Institute of Management Sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1990)-. -- Institute of Management Sciences, 1990-.(INFORMS)[隔月刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 191 2009年度 <AA00334078> ISSN:01708406 Organization studies : an international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of organizations, organization, organizing and the organized in, of and between societies / the European Group fo(Sage Publications)[月刊] 経済 <AA1103966X> ISSN:13509012 Orient-express magazine. -- published for Venice Simplon-Orient-Express Ltd. by the Illustrated London News Group.()[季刊] 中央館 <AA00328122> ISSN:17931584 Oriental art. New series. -- (1955)-.(Oriental Art Magazine)[季刊] 文 <AA10471177> ISSN:00305448 Orientations : the monthly magazine for collectors and connoisseurs of Oriental art. -- Orientations Magazine Ltd..(Orientations Magazine Ltd.)[隔月刊] 文 <AA11406851> ISSN:10583130 Orion : people & nature. -- Myrin Institute.(Orion Society)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA00333064> ISSN:03011569 ORL : journal for oto-rhino-laryngology and its borderlands. -- Vol. 34 (1972)-. -- S.Karger.(Karger)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00765896> ISSN:00306096 Osaka City Medical journal / Osaka City Medical School. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1954)-.()[年2回刊] 医 <AA00765910> ISSN:00306126 Osaka journal of mathematics. -- 1 (1964)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics, Osaka University.(Dept. of Mathematics, Osaka University)[季刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 192 2009年度 <AA00328406> ISSN:04721381 Osaka University law review. -- No. 1 (1952)-. -- Faculty of Law, Osaka University, 1952-.(School of Law, Osaka University)[年刊] 法 <AA10949283> ISSN:03697827 Osiris. 2nd ser. : a research journal devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences. -- Vol. 1 (1985)-. -- Dept. of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[年刊] 中央館 <AA11647279> ISSN:15394492 OTJR : occupation, participation and health. -- Vol. 22, no. 1 (winter 2002)-. -- American Occupational Therapy Foundation, 2002.(Slack)[季刊] 医保健 <AA00329420> ISSN:03054985 Oxford review of education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1975)-. -- Carfax Publishing, 1975-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA10952277> ISSN:09612149 Oxford studies in comparative education. -- Vol. 1 (1991)-. -- Triangle Books, 1992-.(Triangle Journals)[年2回刊] 国開 <P> <AA00767097> ISSN:00308730 Pacific journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 1 (1951)-. -- Pacific Journal of Mathematics.(Pacific Journal of Mathematics)[月刊] 数理 <AA00767461> ISSN:03043959 Pain. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1975)-. -- Elsevier/North-Holland, c1975-.(Elsevier)[月刊] 医 <AA00335161> ISSN:00309729 The Pakistan development review : quarterly journal of the Institute of Development Economics. -- 1 (1961)-. -- The Institute.(Pakistan Inst. of Development Economics)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 193 2009年度 <AA00768180> ISSN:00948373 Paleobiology. -- (1975)-.(Paleobiological Society)[季刊] 理地球 <AA10674276> ISSN:08853177 Pancreas. -- Vol. 1, no 1 (1986)-. -- Raven Press, [c1986]-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[隔月刊] 医 <AA12167596> ISSN:19333684 Paper360°. -- Vol. 89, no. 8 (Aug. 2006)-v. 89, no. 9 (Sept. 2006) ; V. 1, no. 3 (Oct. 2006)-. -- Questex Media, c2006-.(Technical Assoc. of the Pulp and Paper)[月刊] 農 <AA00335693> ISSN:0006128X The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. -- Vol. 4 (1909)-. -- Bibliographical Society of America.(Bibliographical Society of America)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00350052> ISSN:00682462 Papers of the British School at Rome. -- Vol. 1 (1902)-. -- Richard Clay and Sons.(British School at Roma, C/O British Acad)[年 刊] 文 <AA00768919> ISSN:0031126X Papers in meteorology and geophysics / Meteorological Research Institute. -- Vol. 1 (Oct. 1950)-. -- Meteorological Research Institute, 1950-.(Meteorological Research Institute)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10902665> ISSN:02560917 Parkett : Kunstzeitschrift/Art Magazine. -- No. 1 (1984)-. -- Parkett, c1984-.(Parkett)[年3回刊] 情文 <AA00336175> ISSN:0479611X Das Parlament : die Woche im Bundeshaus / Bundeszentrale f r Politische Bildung. -- Bundeszentrale fr Heimatdienst.(Societaets-Verlag)[旬刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 194 2009年度 <AA00770025> ISSN:00313203 Pattern recognition : journal of the Pattern Recognition Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1968)-. -- Pergmon Press, c1968.(Elsevier)[月刊] 工 <AA10643909> ISSN:01678655 Pattern recognition letters. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1982)-. -- North Holland Pub. Co., 1982-.(Elsevier)[月刊] 工 <AA10728637> ISSN:08879672 PCI journal / Prestressed Concrete Institute. -- Vol. 27, no. 4 (July/Aug. 1982)-. -- Prestressed Concrete Institute, [c1982].(Prestressed Concrete Institute)[季刊] 工 <AA10691129> ISSN:08913668 The pediatric infectious disease journal. -- Vol. 6, no. 1 (Jan. 1987)-. -- Williams & Wilkins, c1987-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月 刊] 医 <AA00361569> ISSN:00979805 Pediatric nursing / National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners. -- [Anthony J. Jannetti].(Jannetti Publications)[隔月刊] 医保健 <AA00770262> ISSN:00313998 Pediatric research : an international journal of human developmental biology. -- Vol. 1 (1967)-. -- S. Karger, 1967-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00336787> ISSN:00314773 La Pense. N.S. : revue du rationalisme moderne, arts, sciences, philosophie. -- No 1 (1944)-.(Association Paul Langevin)[季刊] 経済 <AA00351565> ISSN:03010066 Perception. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1972)-. -- Pion Limited, 1972-.(Pion)[月刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 195 2009年度 <AA00336867> ISSN:00315125 Perceptual and motor skills. -- Vol. 5 (Mar. 1955)-. -- Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1955-.(Perceptual and Motor Skills)[隔月刊] 文 <AA11949846> ISSN:14779757 Person-centered and experiential psychotherapies : Zeitschrift des Weltverbandes f r Personzentrierte und Experienzielle Psychotherapie und Beratung : revista de la Asociaci n Mundial para Psicoterapi(PCCS Books)[季刊] 情文 <AA12179835> ISSN:19324820 The person-centered journal : an international journal published by the Association for the Development of the Person-Centered Approach. (Association for the Development of the Person Centered Approach)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA0035169X> ISSN:01461672 Personality & social psychology bulletin. -- Vol. 1, no. 2 (Feb. 1975)-. -- Division of personality and social psychology, 1975.(Sage)[月刊] 教育 <AA11596134> ISSN:15691500 Perspectives on global development and technology : PGDT. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2002)-. -- Brill, c2002-.(Brill Academic Publishers)[季 刊] 経済 <AA12297773> ISSN:19408048 Perspectives on history : the newsmagazine of the American Historical Association. -- Vol. 46, no. 1 (Jan. 2008)-. -- American Historical Association, c2008-.(American Historical Association)[月刊] 文 <AA11834414> ISSN:15375927 Perspectives on politics / American Political Science Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 2003)-. -- Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association, c2003-.(Cambridge University Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00771990> ISSN:00316997 Pharmacological reviews. -- Vol. 1 (1949)-. -- Williams & Wilkins.(Amer. Soc. for Pharmacology and Experime)[季刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 196 2009年度 <AA0033751X> ISSN:00317217 Phi delta kappan : journal for the promotion of research, service and leadership in education : official National Organ of Phi Delta Kappa. -- Vol. 2, no. 1 (Nov. 1916)-. -- Phi Delta Kappan Internati(Phi Delta Kappa International)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00337644> ISSN:00317721 Philippine law journal / University of Philippines, College of Law. -- 1 (1914)-. -- Grey Walls Press.(Grey Walls Press)[季刊] 国開 <AA00337815> ISSN:00317977 Philological quarterly : a journal devoted to scholarly investigation in the classical and modern language and literatures. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1922)-. -- University of Iowa.(Univ. of Iowa)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00337881> ISSN:00317985 Philologus : Zeitschrift fr das Classische Alterthum / Zentralinstitut fr Alte Geschichte und Archologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR. -- Jahrg. 1 (1846)-. -- Akademie-Verlag.(Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH)[年2回刊] 文 <AA11497697> ISSN:05568641 Philosophical papers. -- Dept. of Philosophy, Rhodes University.(Publications Dept., Rhodes University Li)[年3回刊] 情文 <AA10741260> ISSN:09515089 Philosophical psychology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1988)-. -- Carfax Pub. Co., c1988-.(Carfax)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA00337994> ISSN:00318108 Philosophical review / Faculty of the Sage School of Philosophy, Cornell University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1892)-.(Duke University Press)[季刊] 文 <AA1110083X> ISSN:1364503X Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. -- Vol. 354, no. 1704 (15 Jan. 1996)-. -- Royal Society, c1996-.(Royal Society)[月2回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 197 2009年度 <AA00338170> ISSN:00318159 Philosophische Rundschau : eine Vierteljahresschrift f r Philosophische Kritik. -- 1. Jahrg. (1953)-. -- J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck).(J.C.B. Mohr)[季刊] 文 <AA00338308> ISSN:00318205 Philosophy and phenomenological research / International Phenomenological Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1940)-. -- University of Buffalo, 1940-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[隔月刊] 文 <AA0033832X> ISSN:00318248 Philosophy of science / Philosophy of Science Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1934)-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 文 <AA00352728> ISSN:00483931 Philosophy of the social sciences : an international journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1971)-. -- York University, 1971-.(Sage Publications)[季刊] 情文 <AA00338443> ISSN:00318388 Phonetica : international journal of phonetics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1957)-. -- S. Karger.(Karger)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00773103> ISSN:00318655 Photochemistry and photobiology. -- Vol. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1962)-. -- Pergamon Press.(Wiley-Blackwell)[隔月刊] 理物理 <AA00338691> ISSN:00318868 Phronesis : a journal for ancient philosophy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1955)-. -- Van Gorcum, [1955]-.(Brill Academic)[季刊] 文 <AA00773759> ISSN:00319023 Physical therapy. -- Vol. 44, no. 1 (Jan. 1964)-. -- American Physical Therapy Association.(American Physical Therapy Association)[月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 198 2009年度 <AA00774048> ISSN:00319155 Physics in medicine and biology. -- (1956)-. -- Taylor & Francis.(IOP Publishing)[月2回刊] 医保健 <AA00352896> ISSN:00319228 Physics today. -- Vol. 1 (May 1948)-. -- American Institute of Physics, 1948-.(American Institute of Physics)[月刊] 理物理 <AA10913923> ISSN:10637869 Physics-Uspekhi. -- Vol. 36, no. 1 (Jan. 1993)-. -- American Institute of Physics, 1993-.(Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk)[月刊] 理物理 <AA00774536> ISSN:03000508 Physiotherapy Canada = Physiotherapie Canada. -- Canadian Physiothrapy Association.(UNIV. OF TORONTO PR.)[季刊] 医保健 <AA00774671> ISSN:0031949X Phytopathology / American Phytopathological Society. -- 1 (1911)-.(American Phytopathological Society)[月刊] 農 <AA12137427> ISSN:17206553 The plan : architecture & technologies in detail. -- Centauro srl, Edizioni Scientifiche.(Centauro)[隔月刊] 工 <AA10472985> ISSN:00012610 Planning / American Planning Association.(American Planning Association)[月刊] 工 <AA10682070> ISSN:10404651 The plant cell. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1989)-. -- American Society of Plant Physiologists, c1989-.(American Society of Plant Biologists)[月刊] 理生命 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 199 2009年度 <AA00362390> ISSN:01912917 Plant disease / American Phytopathological Society. -- Vol. 64, no. 1 (Jan. 1980)-.(American Phytopathological Society)[月刊] 農 <AA00775335> ISSN:00320889 Plant physiology. -- Vol. 1 (1926)-. -- American Society of Plant Physiologists.(American Society of Plant Biologists)[月刊] 理生命 <AA00775696> ISSN:00321052 Plastic and reconstructive surgery. -- Vol. 31, no. 1 (Jan. 1963)-. -- Williams & Wilkins, 1963-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA0034707X> ISSN:00308129 PMLA : publications of the Modern Language Association of America / Modern Language Association of America. -- Vol. 43, no. 1 (Mar. 1928)-. -- Modern Language Association of America, 1928-.(Modern Language Association of America)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA0035355X> ISSN:03034178 Poetica : Zeitschrift fr Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. -- B. R. Grner.(Wilhelm Fink Verlag)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA11011729> ISSN:12311413 Polish sociological review : quarterly of the Polish Sociological Association. -- 1993, 3 (1993)- = 103 (1993)-. -- PTS, 1993-.(Polish Sociological Association)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10946015> ISSN:10584609 Political communication. -- Vol. 9, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1992)-. -- Crane, Russak, c1992-.(Routledge(Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 国開 <AA10911429> ISSN:10659129 Political research quarterly. -- Vol. 46, no. 1 (Mar. 1993)-. -- University of Utah, Western Political Science Association, 1993.(Sage)[季刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 200 2009年度 <AA00339898> ISSN:00323195 Political science quarterly / Academy of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1886)-. -- Ginn and Co., 1886-.(Academy of Political Science)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00339934> ISSN:00323217 Political studies : the journal of the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1953)-. -- Clarendon Press.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11821514> ISSN:14789299 Political studies review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2003)-. -- Blackwell Publishing, c2003-.(Wiley-Blackwell)[年3回刊] 中央館 <AA00354086> ISSN:00905917 Political theory. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1973)-. -- Sage Publications, 1973-.(Sage Publications)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA11091364> ISSN:02633957 Politics : surveys and debates for students of politics. -- Blackwell.(Wiley-Blackwell)[年3回刊] 中央館 <AA10747121> ISSN:05545455 Politische Bildung. -- Jahrg.1, Heft 1 (1967)-. -- Ernst Klett.(Wochenschau Verlag)[季刊] 教育 <AA00340117> ISSN:00323470 Politische Vierteljahresschrift : Zeitschrift der deutschen Vereinigung f r politische Wissenschaft. -- (1960)-. -Westdeutscher.(VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00354279> ISSN:00323470 Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Sonderheft.(Westdeutscher Verlag)[年2回刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 201 2009年度 <AA11609724> ISSN:09372946 Politisches Lernen. -- Wieland Ulrichs.(Deutsche Vereinigung fur Politische Bild)[年2回刊] 教育 <AA00777512> ISSN:00325155 Portugaliae mathematica / Sociedade Portuguesa de Matematica. -- 1 (1937)-.(Sociedade Portuguesa de Matematica)[季刊] 数理 <AA10903715> ISSN:05228271 Posebna izdanja / Matematiki institut. -- Knj. 11 ([1974])-. -- Matematiki institut, 1974-.(Matematiki institut)[年刊] 数理 <AA00778038> ISSN:00325791 Poultry science / American Association of Instructors and Investigations in Poultry Husbandry. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1921)-.(Poultry Science Association)[月刊] 農 <AA0035479X> ISSN:01520768 Pouvoirs : revue trimestrielle. -- No. 1 (1977)-. -- Presses universitaires de France.(Editions du Seuil)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00339413> ISSN:00322024 Potique : revue de thorie et d'analyse littraires. -- 1 (1970)-. -- Seuil, 1970-.(Editions du Seuil)[季刊] 文 <AA11706447> ISSN:14747758 Practical neurology. -- Blackwell Publishing.(BMJ)[隔月刊] 医 <AA11282715> ISSN:10993681 The presidency / American Council on Education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1998)-. -- American Council on Education, 1998.(American Council on Education)[年3回刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 202 2009年度 <AA10634511> ISSN:02084147 Probability and mathematical statistics / Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences. -- Vol. 1, fasc. 1 (1980)-. -- Polish Scientific Publishers, c1980-.(Polish Scientific Publishers)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00342338> Proceedings of the ... Annual Conference on Taxation under the auspice of the National Tax Association. -- 12th (1920)-. -National Tax Association, 1920-.(National Tax Association)[年刊] 経済 <AA11023091> ISSN:15120007 Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Georgian Academy of Sciences. -- Publishing House.(Publishing House)[年3回 刊] 数理 <AA00781790> ISSN:00029939 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society / American Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1 (1950)-. -- American Mathematical Society, 1950-.(American Mathematical Society)[月刊] 数理 <AA11960317> ISSN:15463222 Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2004)-. -- American Thoracic Society, c2004-.(American Thoracic Society)[隔月刊] 医 <AA10805432> ISSN:02725037 Proceedings of the annual meeting / American Society of International Law. -- 66th (1972)-. -- American Society of International Law, 1972-.(American Society of International Law)[年刊] 中央館 <AA10474448> ISSN:00686735 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. New series / Cambridge Philological Society. -- No. 1 (1950)-. -- Cambridge Philological Society, [1950]-.(Cambridge Philological Society)[年刊] 文 <AA00783399> ISSN:00130915 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Ser. 2 / Edinburgh Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1 (1927)-. -- Scottish Academic Press.(Scottish Academic Press)[年3回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 203 2009年度 <AA12332091> ISSN:17366046 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. -- Vol. 57, no. 1 (2008)-. -- Estonian Academy Publishers, c2008-.(Estonian Academy Publishers)[季刊] 数理 <AA0078402X> Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science / Indiana Academy of Science.(Indiana Academy of Science)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA10828697> ISSN:0965089X Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Civil engineering. -- Vol. 92, issue 1 (Feb. 1992)-Vol. 150, issue 4 (Nov. 2002) ; Vol. 156, issue 1 (Feb. 2003)-. -- Thomas Telford Services, c1992-(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 <AA10828700> ISSN:09650911 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Structures and buildings. -- Vol. 94, issue 1 (Feb. 1992)-Vol. 152, No. 4 (Nov. 2002) ; Vol. 156, No. 1 (Feb. 2003)-. -- Thomas Telford Services, c19(Thomas Telford)[隔月刊] 工 <AA10828722> ISSN:0965092X Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Transport. -- Vol. 95, issue 1 (Feb. 1992)-Vol. 153, issue 4 (Nov. 2002) ; Vol. 156, issue 1 (Feb. 2003)-. -- Thomas Telford Services, c1992-.(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 <AA10829689> ISSN:09650903 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Municipal engineer. -- Vol. 93, issue 1 (Mar. 1992)-Vol. 151, issue 4 (Dec. 2002) ; Vol. 156, issue 1 (Mar. 2003)-. -- Thomas Telford Services, c1992(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 <AA10991494> ISSN:13532618 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Geotechnical engineering. -- Vol. 107, issue 1 (Jan. 1994)-Vol. 155, issue 4 (Oct. 2002) ; Vol. 156, issue 1 (Jan. 2003)-. -- Published by Thomas Tel(Thomas Telford)[隔月刊] 工 <AA11837751> ISSN:14784637 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Engineering sustainability. -- Vol. 156, issue 1 (Mar. 2003)-. -- Published for the Institution of Civil Engineers by Thomas Telford, 2003-.(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 204 2009年度 <AA11837784> ISSN:14784629 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Bridge engineering. -- Vol. 156, issue 1 (Mar. 2003)-. -- Published for the Institution of Civil Engineers by Thomas Telford, 2003-.(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 <AA11917464> ISSN:17417589 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Water management. -- Vol. 157, issue 1 (Mar. 2004)-. -- Published for the Institution of Civil Engineers by Thomas Telford, c2004-.(Thomas Telford)[隔月刊] 工 <AA11924721> ISSN:17417597 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Maritime engineering. -- Vol. 157, issue 1 (Mar. 2004)-. -- Institution of Civil Engineers, c2004-.(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 <AA12211133> ISSN:17514223 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Energy. -- Vol. 160, issue 1 (Feb. 2007)-. -- Institution of Civil Engineers, c2007.(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 <AA12218336> ISSN:17514304 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Management, procurement and law. -- Vol. 160, issue 1 (Feb. 2007)-. -- Institution of Civil Engineers, c2007-.(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 <AA12299305> ISSN:17550750 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Ground improvement. -- Vol. 161, issue 1 (Feb. 2008)-. -- Institution of Civil Engineers, c2008-.(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 <AA12332681> ISSN:17550793 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Urban design and planning. -- Vol. 161, issue 1 (Mar. 2008)-. -- Institution of Civil Engineers, c2008-.(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 <AA12333505> ISSN:17550777 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Engineering and computational mechanics. -- Vol. 161 issue EM1 (Mar. 2008)-. -The Institution of Civil Engineers, c2008-.(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 205 2009年度 <YS01537061> ISSN:1747650X Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Construction materials. -- Vol. 159, issue 1 (Feb. 2006)-. -- Published for the Institution of Civil Engineers by Thomas Telford, c2006-.(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 <YS01537064> ISSN:17476526 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Waste and resource management. -- Vol. 159, issue 1 (Feb. 2006)-Vol.159,issue 4 (Nov.2006). -- Published for the Institution of Civil Engineers by Th(Thomas Telford)[季刊] 工 <AA10698285> ISSN:09544119 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Pt. H, Journal of engineering in medicine. -- Vol. 203, no. H1 (1989)-. -Mechanical Engineering Publications, c1989-.(Professional Engineering Publishing)[隔月刊] 工 <AA1070383X> ISSN:09544054 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of engineering manufacture. -- Vol. 203, no. B1 (1989)-. -Mechanical Engineering Publications, c1989-.(Professional Engineering Publishing)[月刊] 工 <AA10703840> ISSN:09544062 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C, Journal of mechanical engineering science. -- Vol. 203, no. C1 (1989)-. -- Mechanical Engineering Publications, c1989-.(Professional Engineering Publishing)[月刊] 工 <AA10703851> ISSN:09544070 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D, Journal of automobile engineering. -- Vol. 203, no. D1 (1989)-. -Mechanical Engineering Publications, c1989-.(Professional Engineering Publishing)[月刊] 工 <AA10704515> ISSN:09544097 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part F, Journal of rail and rapid transit. -- Vol. 203, no. F1 (1989)-. -Mechanical Engineering Publications, c1989-.(Professional Engineering Publishing)[隔月刊] 工 <AA10717801> ISSN:09544089 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part E, Journal of process mechanical engineering. -- Vol. 203, no. E1 (1989)-. -- Mechanical Engineering Publications, c1989-.(Professional Engineering Publishing)[季刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 206 2009年度 <AA10722288> ISSN:09544100 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Pt. G, Journal of aerospace engineering. -- Vol. 203, no. G1 (1989)-. -Mechanical Engineering Publications, c1989-.(Professional Engineering Publishing)[隔月刊] 工 <AA10754284> ISSN:09576509 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A, Journal of power and energy. -- Vol. 204, no. A1 (1990)-. -Mechanical Engineering Publications for the Institution, c1990-.(Professional Engineering Publishing)[隔月刊] 工 <AA10805512> ISSN:09596518 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I, Journal of systems and control engineering / Institution of Mechanical Engineers. -- Vol. 205, no. 1 (1991)-. -- Mechanical Engineering (Professional Engineering Publishing)[隔月刊] 工 <AA10988616> ISSN:13506501 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part J, Journal of engineering tribology. -- Vol. 208, no. J1 (1994)-. -Mechanical Engineering Publications for the Institution, c1994-.(Professional Engineering Publishing)[隔月刊] 工 <AA11381091> ISSN:14644193 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part K, Journal of multi-body dynamics. -- Vol. 213, no. K1 (1999)-. -Professional Engineering Publishing for the Institution, c1999-.(Professional Engineering Publishing)[季刊] 工 <AA11388567> ISSN:14644207 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part L, Journal of materials, design and applications. -- Vol. 213, no. L1 (1999)-. -- Professional Engineering Publishing for the Institution, (Professional Engineering Publishing)[季刊] 工 <AA11715878> ISSN:14750902 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part M, Journal of engineering for the maritime environment. -- Vol. 216, no. M1 (2002)-. -- Professional Engineering Publishing for the Institu(Professional Engineering Publishing)[季刊] 工 <AA12045668> ISSN:17403499 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part N, Journal of nanoengineering and nanosystems. -- Vol. 218, no. N1 (Nov. 2004)-. -- Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers b(Professional Engineering Publishing)[季刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 207 2009年度 <AA12327207> ISSN:17543371 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part P, Journal of sports engineering and technology. -- Vol. 222, no. P1 (June 2008)-. -- Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers(Professional Engineering Publishing)[季刊] 工 <YS01606840> ISSN:1748006X Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability. -- Vol. 220, no. O1 (June 2006)-. -Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Professio(Professional Engineering Publishing)[隔月刊] 工 <AA12092045> ISSN:15987264 Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1 (July 2000)-. -- Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 2000-.(Jangjeon Mathematical Society)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00785474> ISSN:03862194 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Ser. A, Mathematical sciences. -- Vol. 53 (Apr. 1977)-. -- Japan Academy.(The Academy)[月 刊] 中央館 数理 <AA00785485> ISSN:03862208 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Ser. B, Physical and biological sciences. -- Vol. 53 (Apr. 1977)-. -- Japan Academy.(The Academy)[月刊] 中央館 <AA0078577X> 数理 医 ISSN:00246115 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Ser. 3. -- Vol. 1 (1951)-.(Oxford University Press)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA10808769> ISSN:00278424 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. -- Vol. 82, no. 1 (Jan. 1985)-. -- National Academy of Sciences, 1985-.(The National Academy of Sciences)[週刊] 理生命 <AA10474357> ISSN:08835500 Proceedings of NELS. -- 12 (1982)-. -- GLSA, UMass/Amherst, 1982-.(Department of Linguistics University of)[年刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 208 2009年度 <AA00363848> ISSN:03082105 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Sect. A, Mathematics / Royal Society of Edinburgh. -- Vol. 72 (1972/1974)-.(Royal Society of Edinburgh)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA11356571> ISSN:13645021 Proceedings of the Royal Society. Mathematical, physical and engineering sciences / the Royal Society. -- Vol. 455, no. 1981 (Jan. 8, 1999)-. -- Royal Society, c1999-.(Royal Society)[月刊] 数理 <AA10925795> ISSN:09195025 Proceedings of the School of Science of Tokai University. -- Vol. 28 (Mar. 1993)-. -- School of Science, Tokai University, 1993.(School of Science, Tokai University)[年刊] 数理 <AA00788155> ISSN:03701859 Process engineering. -- Aug. 1972 (Aug. 1972)-July 1981 (July 1981) ; V. 62, no. 8 (Aug. 1981)-. -- Morgan-Grampian, c1972.(Centaur Media PLC)[隔月刊] 工 <AA10853843> ISSN:09575820 Process safety and environmental protection : transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part B. -- Vol. 68, no. B1 (Feb. 1990)-. -- Institution of Chemical Engineers, c1990-.(Elsevier Science)[隔月刊] 工 <AA0034405X> ISSN:00330124 The professional geographer. New series : the journal of the Association of American Geographers / American Society for Geographical Research. -- Vol. 1 (1949)-. -- Association of American Geographers(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 文 <AA00789282> ISSN:0340255X Progress in colloid and polymer science. -- 56 (1975)-. -- Dr. Dietrich Steinkoff Verlag.(Springer)[年2回刊] 理化学 <AA00357754> ISSN:03091325 Progress in human geography. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1977)-. -- Edward Arnold, c1977-.(Sage)[隔月刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 209 2009年度 <AA00789690> ISSN:05554330 Progress of mathematics. -- 1 (1967)-. -- Academy of Progress of Mathematics.(Academy of Progress of Mathematics)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00357798> ISSN:03091333 Progress in physical geography : an international review of geographical work in the natural and environmental sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1977)-. -- Edward Arnold, c1977-.(Sage)[隔月刊] 文 <AA10829011> ISSN:09618368 Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1992)-. -- Cambridge University Press, c1992-.(WileyBlackwell)[月刊] 理生命 <AA10761585> ISSN:10490965 PS, political science & politics. -- Vol. 21, no. 1 (winter 1988)-. -- American Political Science Association, c1988-.(Cambridge University Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA0034510X> ISSN:00332836 Psychoanalytic review. -- 50 (1963)-.(Guilford Publications)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA10694546> ISSN:10403590 Psychological assessment : a journal of consulting and clinical psychology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1989)-. -- American Psychological Association.(American Psychological Association)[季刊] 教育 <AA00345201> ISSN:00332909 Psychological bulletin / American Psychological Association. -- Vol. 1 (1904)-. -- American Psychological Association, 1904.(American Psychological Association)[隔月刊] 情文 文 <AA0034529X> ISSN:0033295X Psychological review. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1894)-. -- Macmillan, 1894-.(American Psychological Association)[季刊] 情文 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 210 2009年度 <AA10533026> ISSN:02544962 Psychopathology : international journal of descriptive psychopathology, phenomenology and clinical diabnostics. -- Vol. 17, no. 1 (1984)-. -- Karger.(Karger)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00358509> ISSN:00333204 Psychotherapy : theory, research and practice. -- [Vol.] 1 (1963)-. -- Division of Psychotherapy, American Psychological Association.(American Psychological Association)[季刊] 教育 <AA00345686> ISSN:00333476 Public finance : international quarterly journal devoted to the study of fiscal policy and related problems = Finances publiques. -Vol. 5, no. 1 (1950)-. -- Public Finance, 1950-.(Foundation Journal Public Finance)[季刊] 経済 <AA00345890> ISSN:00333565 Public law. -- (1956)-. -- Stevens & Sons Limited.(Sweet & Maxwell)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10797425> ISSN:02141493 Publicacions matemtiques / Departament de Matemtiques, Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona. -- Vol. 32, nm. 1 (1988)-. - El Departament, 1988-.(El Departament)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA0079514X> ISSN:00333883 Publicationes mathematicae. -- T. 1, fasc. 1 (1949)-. -- Institutum Mathematicum Universitatis Debreceniensis, Hungaria.(Institutum Mathematicum Universitatis Debreceniensis, Hungaria)[季刊] 数理 <AA0079530X> ISSN:00046280 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. -- (1889)-.(University of Chicago Press)[月刊] 理物理 <AA00795944> ISSN:03501302 Publications de l'Institut math matique. Nouvelle srie / Institut Mathmatiq. -- T. 1 (1961)-. -- L'Institut, 1962-.(Institut Math matiq)[年2回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 211 2009年度 <AA10867735> Publications de l'U.E.R. math matiques pures et appliques. Nouvelle srie / Institut de recherche de mathmatiques avanc es, Universit des sciences et techniques. Lille. -- Vol. 1 (1986)-. -- Villen(d'Ascq Cedex)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00796379> ISSN:00738301 Publications mathmatiques / Institut des hautes tudes scientifiques. -- No. 1 (1959)-. -- Presses universitaires de France, 1959-.(Springer)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA12343087> ISSN:07689284 Publications mathmatiques de l'UFR sciences et techniques de Besanon. -- Universit de Franche-Comt.(Universit de Franche-Comt)[不明] 数理 <AA00796798> ISSN:00345318 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences. -- Vol. 5, no. 1 (July 1969)-. -- Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University.(京都大学数理解析研究所)[季刊] 数理 <AA10533489> ISSN:03164004 Pulp and paper Canada. -- Vol. 75, no. 9 (Sept. 1974)-. -- Southam Business Pub..(Southam Magazine and Information Group)[月 刊] 農 <AA00797837> Punjab University journal of mathematics. -- Department of Mathematics, University of The Punjab.(Department of Mathematics, University of The Punjab)[年刊] 数理 <AA10773427> ISSN:0933422X Pdagogik : pdagogische Beitrge : pdagogik heute. -- 40. Jahrg., Heft 1 (Jan. 1988)-. -- J. Beltz, 1988-.(Verlag Julius Beltz)[月刊] 教育 <AA00334850> ISSN:00309273 Pdagogische Rundschau : Monatsschrift fr Erziehung und Unterricht. -- 1. Jahrg. (1947)-. -- A. Henn, 1947-.(Peter Lang)[隔月 刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 212 2009年度 <Q> <AA12094674> ISSN:11250402 Quaderni / Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. -- 1 (1995)-. -- Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, 1995-.(Accademia delle Scienze di Torino)[年刊] 数理 <AA11751135> ISSN:15337146 Quantum information & computation : QIC. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 2001)-. -- Rinton Press, 2001-.(Rinton Press)[月刊] 情文 <AA00798465> ISSN:0033569X Quarterly of applied mathematics. -- 1 (1943)-.(Brown University)[季刊] 数理 <AA00365832> ISSN:00335533 Quarterly journal of economics / Harvard University. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1886)-.(MIT Press)[季刊] 経済 <AA12119298> ISSN:17470218 The quarterly journal of experimental psychology : QJEP. -- Vol. 59, no. 1 (Jan. 2006)-. -- Psychology Press, c2006-.(Psychology Press)[月刊] 文 <AA00369152> ISSN:00498599 Quarterly journal of international agriculture = Zeitschrift f r auslndische Landwirtschaft. -- Vol. 19, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1980)-. -DLG, 1980-.(DLG-Verlag)[季刊] 農 <AA1051281X> ISSN:02577801 Quarterly national accounts / OECD, Department of Economics and Statistics = Comptes nationaux trimestriels / D partement des affaires conomiques et statistiques, OCDE. -- 1983, no. 1 (1983)-. -- Org()[季刊] 経研セ <AA0036653X> ISSN:00799068 Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken. -- Max Niemeyer.(Max Niemeyer Verlag GmbH)[年刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 213 2009年度 <AA00366846> ISSN:00486493 La Quinzaine littraire. -- No. 1 (15 mars 1966)-.(Quinzaine litteraire presse)[月2回刊] 文 <R> <AA00388157> ISSN:00336882 RELC journal : a journal of English language teaching in Southeast Asia. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1970)-. -- Oxford University Press, 1970-.(Sage)[年3回刊] 国開 <AA00369447> ISSN:00337250 Rabels Zeitschrift fr auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht. -- 26. Jahrg. (1961)-. -- Walter de Gruyter.(J.C.B. Mohr (Siebeck))[季刊] 中央館 <AA00800454> ISSN:00486604 Radio science. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1966)-. -- American Geophysical Union.(American Geographical Union)[隔月刊] 太陽研 <AA0080059X> ISSN:00338222 Radiocarbon / Yale University. -- Vol. 3 (1961)-. -- American Journal of Science.(Univ. of Arizona)[年3回刊] 年代セ <AA10620470> ISSN:02715333 Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1981)-. -Radiological Society of North America, Inc, [c1981]-.(Radiological Society of North America)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00800771> ISSN:00338389 Radiologic clinics of North America : symposium on recent clinical advances in radiology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1963)-. -W.B.Saunders Company.(W. B. Saunders)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00800818> ISSN:00338419 Radiology : a monthly journal devoted to clinical radiology and allied sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1923)-. -- Radiological Society of North America, 1923-.(Radiological Society of North America)[月刊] 医 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 214 2009年度 <AA10666540> ISSN:09883754 RAIRO. Informatique theorique et applications = RAIRO. Theoretical informatics and applications / Association Fran aise pour la Cyberntique Economique et Technique. -- Vol. 20, no. 1 (1986)-. -- Duno(EDP Sciences)[季刊] 情文 <AA10643443> ISSN:07416261 The Rand journal of economics. -- Vol. 15, no. 1 (Spring 1984)-. -- Rand Corporation.(Wiley-Blackwell)[季刊] 経済 <AA10477082> ISSN:03930203 Rassegna.(C.I.P.I.A)[季刊] 工 <AA00388893> ISSN:04860349 Rassegna italiana di sociologia. -- Societ editrice il Mulino.(Il Mulino)[季刊] 文 <AA11182244> ISSN:1462138X RCM midwives journal : official journal of the Royal College of Midwives. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1998)-v. 5, no. 9 (Sept. 2002). -Royal College of Midwives, 1998-2002.(Ten Alps Publishing)[月刊] 医保健 <AA00802890> ISSN:01471937 Real analysis exchange / Western Illinois University. -- 1 (1976)-.(Western Illinois University)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA10863745> ISSN:09226443 Real-time systems. -- Kluwer Academic Publishers.(Springer)[隔月刊] 工 <AA11364922> ISSN:01511874 Recherches et travaux / Universit Stendahl. -- Universit Stendhal.(Universit Stendahl)[年2回刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 215 2009年度 <AA00370650> ISSN:03421945 Recht der Arbeit : Zeitschrift f r die Wissenschaft und Praxis des Gesamten Arbeitsrechts. -- 1 Jahrg. (1948)-. -- C. H. Beck.(Verlag C.H. Beck)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00371019> ISSN:00341398 Rechtstheorie : Zeitschrift f r Logik, Methodenlehre Kybernetik und Soziologie des Rechts. -- Bd. 1 (1970)-. -- Duncker & Humblot, 1970-.(Duncker & Humblot)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10477399> ISSN:07206933 Rechtstheorie. Beiheft : Zeitschrift f r Logik, Methodenlehre, Kybernetik und Soziologie des Rechts. -- 1 (1979)-. -- Duncker & Humblot, c1979-.(Duncker & Humblot)[年刊] 中央館 <AA00371540> ISSN:02497271 Recueil des dcisions du Conseil d'tat : statuant au contentieux du tribunal des conflits et des jugements des tribunaux administratifs. -- Anne 1955 (1955)-. -- Librairie Sirey.(Sirey)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA11060349> ISSN:13597566 Regional & federal studies : an international journal. -- Vol. 5, no. 1 (spring 1995)-. -- Frank Cass, c1995-.(Routledge(Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 中央館 <AA00805298> ISSN:00343404 Regional studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1967)-. -- Pergamon Press, 1967-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00390931> ISSN:00344338 Renaissance quarterly / Renaissance Society of America. -- Vol. 20, no. 1 (1967)-.(Renaissance Society of America)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10637258> ISSN:03924130 Rendiconti della Accademia nazionale delle scienze detta dei XL. Serie V. Parte II, Memorie di scienze fisiche e naturali. -- Vol. 4 (1979/1980)-. -- L'Accademia nazionale delle scienze detta dei XL, (L'Accademia nazionale delle scienze detta dei XL)[年刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 216 2009年度 <AA11945765> ISSN:03924106 Rendiconti della Accademia nazionale delle scienze detta dei XL. Serie V. Parte I, Memorie di matematica e applicazioni. -- Vol. 19 (1995)-. -- L'Accademia nazionale delle scienze detta dei XL, 1995-.(L'Accademia nazionale delle scienze detta dei XL)[年刊] 数理 <AA0080571X> ISSN:0009725X Rendiconti del Circolo matematico di Palermo. Serie II. -- Vol. 1 (1952)-. -- Sede Della Societ , 1952-.(Sede Della Societ)[年3 回刊] 数理 <AA00805902> ISSN:11207183 Rendiconti di matematica e delle sue applicazioni. Ser. 7 : rivista trimestrale pubblicata da Universit degli Studi di Roma e Istituto nazionale di alta matematica. -- Vol. 1, fasc. 1 (genn./mar. 198(Oderisi)[季刊] 数理 <AA00805957> ISSN:0370727X Rendiconti del Seminario della facolt di scienze della Universit di Cagliari. -- Seminario della facolt di scienze.(Seminario della facolt di scienze)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00805968> ISSN:03731243 Rendiconti del Seminario matematico / Universit e Politecnico di Torino. -- Vol. 8 (1947-48 e 1948-49)-. -- Libreria Lattes, [1949]-.(Libreria Lattes)[季刊] 数理 <AA00806020> ISSN:00418994 Rendiconti del Seminario matematico della Universit di Padova. -- Vol. 14 (1943)-.(Universit di Padova)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA10534663> Rendiconti. A, Scienze matematiche e applicazioni / Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di scienze e lettere. -- Vol. 114 (1980)-. -Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere, 1980-.(Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere)[年刊] 数理 <AA00806075> ISSN:03703568 Rendiconto dell'Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche. Serie 4. -- Vol. 1 (1931)- = Anno 70 (1931)-. -- G. Genovese.(G. Genovese)[年刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 217 2009年度 <AA12352645> ISSN:17257654 Report of the European Anti-Fraud Office. Summary version : activity report for the period .... -- Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.(EU)[年刊] 経済 <AA10830600> ISSN:1022842X Reports of cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance. Part I, Court of Justice / Court of Justice of the European Communities. -- 1993, 1 (1993)-. -- Court of Justice of the Eu(EU)[月刊] 経済 <AA11874190> ISSN:1022842X Reports of cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance. Section II, Court of First Instance. -- 1993, 1/2 (1993)-. -- Court of Justice of the European Communities, 1993-.(EU)[月刊] 経済 <AA0081292X> ISSN:00344885 Reports on progress in physics. -- Vol. 1 (1934)-. -- Physical Society.(IOP Publishing)[月刊] 中央館 <AA10636131> ISSN:07346018 Representations. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1983)- = 1 (Feb. 1983)-. -- University of Calif. Press, c1983-.(Univ. of California Press)[季 刊] 中央館 <AA11545199> ISSN:09688080 Reproductive health matters. -- No. 1 (May 1993)- ; -. -- Reproductive Health Matters, 1993-.(Elsevier)[年2回刊] 医 <AA12231935> ISSN:18307361 Research*eu : the magazine of the european research area. -- No. 52 (June 2007)-. -- [European Commission, DirectorateGeneral for Research], 2007-.(EU)[月刊] 経済 <AA10479099> ISSN:00345326 Research into higher education abstracts / Society for Research in Higher Education. -- Carfax.(Taylor & Francis Group)[年3回刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 218 2009年度 <AA00403035> ISSN:02701367 Research quarterly for exercise and sport. -- Vol. 51, no. 1 (Mar. 1980)-. -- American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 1980-.(Amer. Alliance for Health, Physical Edu.)[季刊] 保体セ <AA00393383> ISSN:0034527X Research in the teaching of English : official bulletin of National Council of Teachers of English / National Council of Teachers of English. -- (1967)-.(National Council of Teachers of English)[季刊] 情文 <AA12305521> ISSN:18308864 Research*eu. Results supplement : the magazine of the European research area. -- No. 1 (Jan. 2008)-. -- Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008-.(EU)[その他] 経済 <AA12352667> ISSN:18311903 Research*eu. Focus. -- No. 1 (Sept. 2008)-. -- CORDIS Unit, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008.()[不明] 経済 <AA00090461> ISSN:00345512 Reserve Bank of India bulletin / Reserve Bank of India. -- (1947)-.(Reserve Bank of India)[月刊] 国開 <AA00393598> ISSN:02565471 Resource material series. -- No. 1 (1971)-. -- UNAFEI, 1971-.(UNAFEI: United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders)[年2回刊] 法 <AA00403239> ISSN:14226383 Resultate der Mathematik = Mathematical results. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1978)-. -- Birkh user.(Birkhuser)[季刊] 数理 <AA00403352> ISSN:01479032 Review / Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (summer 1977)-. -- Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Sys(Fernand Braudel Center)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 219 2009年度 <AA10842133> ISSN:09259880 Review of Central and East European law. -- Vol. 18, no. 1 (1992)-. -- Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, c1992-.(Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (Brill Academic Publishers))[季刊] 中央館 <AA10627254> ISSN:02760045 Review of contemporary fiction. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1981)-. -- John O'Brien, c1981-.(Review of Contemporary Fiction)[年3回 刊] 文 <AA00377955> ISSN:00346535 The Review of economics and statistics / President and fellows of Harvard College. -- Vol. 30, no. 1 (Feb. 1948)-. -- Harvard University, c1948-.(MIT Press)[季刊] 経済 <AA10746785> ISSN:01625748 Review of higher education : a bulletin of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. -- Vol. 2, no. 1 (fall 1978)-. -Association for the Study of Higher Education, c1978-.(Johns Hopkins University Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10748339> ISSN:09538259 Review of political economy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1989)-. -- E. Arnold, 1989-.(Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 経済 <AA00378346> ISSN:00346764 Review of social economy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 1942)-. -- Catholic Economic Association, 1942-.(Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group))[季刊] 経済 <AA00394433> ISSN:00938157 Reviews in anthropology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1974)-. -- Redgrave Information Resources Corp., 1974-SH:LCSH:Anthropology -Book reviews -- Periodicals//K.(Gordon and Breach)[季刊] 国開 <AA10723815> ISSN:0129055X Reviews in mathematical physics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1989)-. -- World Scientific Publishing, 1989-.(World Scientific)[月刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 220 2009年度 <AA00819011> ISSN:00347426 Revista colombiana de matemticas / Departmento de Matematicas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Sociedad Colombiana de Matematicas. -- 1 (1967)-. -- Universidad Nacional de Colombia.(Universidad Nacional de Colombia)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA11255392> ISSN:11391138 Revista matemtica Complutense / Facultad de Matemticas, Universidad Complutense. -- Vol. 11, no. 1 (1998)-. -- Universidad Complutense, 1998-.(Universidad Complutense)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA10672929> ISSN:02132230 Revista matemtica iberoamericana. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1985)-. -- Revista Matemtica Iberoamericana, [1985]-.(Revista Matem tica Iberoamericana)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA00380097> ISSN:01882503 Revista mexicana de sociologia / Institute de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1939)-. -- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mxico, 1939-.(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mxico)[季刊] 国開 <AA10536771> ISSN:00416932 Revista de la Unin Matemtica Argentina. -- Vol. 24, no. 1 (1968)-.(Universidad de Buenos Aires)[季刊] 数理 <AA00380428> ISSN:00350672 La Revue administrative : revue bimestrielle de l'administration moderne. -- 1. ann e (janv./fvr. 1948)-. -- Revue administrative, 1948-.(Presses Universitaires de France)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00396031> ISSN:00350788 Revue belge de droit international = Belgian review of international law = Belgisch tijdschrift voor internationaal recht. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1965)-. -- Editions de l'institut de sociologie, 1965-.(Societe belge de droit international)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA00381136> ISSN:00350958 Revue critique de droit international priv . -- T. 36, no 1 (janv./juin 1947)-. -- Sirey.(Dalloz)[季刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 221 2009年度 <AA10995065> ISSN:12229024 Revue d'analyse numrique et de thorie de l'approximation / Acadmie roumaine, Filiale de Cluj-Napoca. -- T. 21, no 1 (1992). -- ditions de l'Acadmie roumaine, [1992]-.(ditions de l'Acadmie roumaine)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA10769259> ISSN:09897925 Revue d'histoire des facults de droit et de la science juridique. -- No 4 (1987)-no 27 (2007). -- Librairie gnrale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1987-2007.(Societe pour L'Histoire des Facultes de)[年刊] 中央館 <AA00382660> ISSN:00352411 Revue d'histoire littraire de la France. -- 1. anne (janv. 1894)-. -- A. Colin, 1894-.(Presses Universitaires de France)[季刊] 文 <AA00382729> ISSN:00488003 Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine / Soci t d'histoire moderne. -- 1 (1954)-. -- La Socit, 1954-.(Editions Belin)[季刊] 経済 <AA00381715> 中央館 ISSN:03732630 Revue d'conomie politique. -- 1ere anne (1887)-. -- L. Larose et Forcel, 1887-.(Dalloz)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA10536873> ISSN:07509278 Revue des deux mondes. -- Mai 1982 (mai 1982)-. -- Revue des deux mondes, 1982-.(Societe de la Revue des Deux Mondes)[月 刊] 中央館 <AA0038168X> ISSN:00352578 Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et l'tranger. -- 1re anne (1894)-61e anne (1955) ; 72e anne (1956)-. -- Chevalier-Marescq, 1894-.(L.G.D.J.)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00381679> ISSN:00354384 Revue de droit pnal et de criminologie. -- 27. anne, no 1 (oct. 1946)-. -- La Charte, 1946-.(La Charte)[月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 222 2009年度 <AA00381872> Revue gyptienne de droit international / Socit gyptienne de droit international. -- (1945)-.(Egyptian Society of International Law)[年刊] 中央館 <AA00397464> ISSN:01527401 Revue franaise d'administration publique. -- 1977 (1977)-. -- Institut international d'Administration publique.(Institut international d'administration)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10775932> ISSN:11512385 Revue franaise de droit constitutionnel. -- 1 (1990)-. -- Presses universitaires de France, c1990-.(Presses Universitaires de France)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00382296> ISSN:00352950 Revue franaise de science politique / Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, Association franaise de science politique. -Vol. 1, no. 1 (janv./juin 1951)-. -- Presses universitaires de France(Presses de Sciences Politiques)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA0038230X> ISSN:00352969 Revue franaise de sociologie / Centre d'tudes sociologiques. -- 1re anne, no 1 (janv./mars 1960)-. -- Julliard, 1960.(Editions Ophrys)[季刊] 情文 <AA10536997> ISSN:00353094 Revue gnrale de droit international public. -- T. 81 (1977)-. -- A. Pedone, 1977-.(Editions A. Pedone)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00382831> ISSN:00353264 Revue historique. -- T. 1 (janv./juin 1876)-. -- Germer Bailli re.(Presses Universitaires de France)[季刊] 文 <AA00382886> ISSN:00353280 Revue historique de droit fran ais et tranger. Srie 4. -- Anne 1, nos. 1/2 (janv./juin 1922)-. -- Recueil Sirey, 1922.(Dalloz)[季刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 223 2009年度 <AA00383200> ISSN:00353337 Revue internationale de droit compar . -- 1er anne, nos 1/2 (janv./juin 1949)-. -- Socit de Lgislation Compare, 1949.(Societe de legislation comparee)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00383244> ISSN:02235404 Revue internationale de droit p nal / Association internationale de droit pnal. -- 1 anne (1924)-. -- Marchal et Billard.(ERES)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA00383404> ISSN:00488143 Revue internationale de philosophie : revue trimestrielle. -- 1 ann e (1938)-. -- Revue international de philosophie, 1938-.(Revue Internationale de Philosophie)[季刊] 情文 <AA00383459> ISSN:0303965X Revue internationale des sciences administratives / Institut international des sciences administratives. -- 1 re anne, no 1/2 (1928)-. -- L'Avenir [printed], 1928-.(Etablissements Emile Bruylant)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00396563> ISSN:00351326 Revue de l'art / Comit francais d'histoire de l'art. -- (1968)-. -- Flammarion.(Centre National de la Recherche Scientif)[季刊] 文 <AA00383594> ISSN:00352136 La Revue des lettres modernes : histoire des id es et des littratures. -- No 1 (fvr. 1954)-no. 11 (dc. 1954) ; V. 2, no 12 (janv. 1955)-v. 8, no. 67-68 (hiver 1961/62) ; No. 69-70 (printemps 1962)-(Minard)[隔月刊] 文 <AA00383630> ISSN:00351458 Revue de linguistique romane / Socit de linguistique romane. -- T. 1 (1925)-.(Societe de Linguistique Romane)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA00383641> ISSN:00351466 Revue de littrature compare. -- 1. anne, no. 1 (1921)-. -- H. Champion, 1921-.(Les Belles Lettres)[季刊] 文 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 224 2009年度 <AA00383812> ISSN:00351571 Revue de mtaphysique et de morale. -- 1. anne (1893)-101. anne, no 4 (oct./dc., 1996) ; 1997, no 1 (janv./mars., 1997)-. - Colin.(Presses Universitaires de France)[季刊] 文 <AA00396745> ISSN:00352624 Revue du Nord : revue historique trimestrielle. -- T. 1, no 1 (1910)-. -- Universit de Lille, 1910-.(Universite de Lille)[季刊] 文 <AA11966754> ISSN:04848942 Revue numismatique. -- 150e vol. (1995)-. -- Socit Franaise de Numismatique, 1995-.(Societe Edition Belles Lettres)[年刊] 文 <AA00384280> ISSN:00353833 Revue philosophique de la France et de l' tranger. -- 1re anne, [t.] 1 (janv./juin 1876)-. -- Librairie Germer Baillire, 1876.(Presses Universitaires de France)[季刊] 文 <AA00384327> ISSN:0035385X Revue politique et parlementaire. -- 1 (1894)-. -- Revue politique et parlementaire, 1894-.(Revue Politique et Parlementaire)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00826072> ISSN:00353965 Revue roumaine de mathmatiques pures et appliques / l'Academie de la Rpublique socialiste de Roumanie. -- 9 (1964)-. -ditions de l'Acadmie de la Rpublique socialiste de Roumanie.(ditions de l'Acadmie de la Rpublique socialiste de Roumanie)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA0082620X> ISSN:00354074 Revue roumaine des sciences techniques. Srie de mcanique applique = Roumanian journal of technical sciences applied mechanics. -- 9 (1964)-. -- Acad mie de la Rpublique socialiste de Roumanie.(Acadmie de la Rpublique socialiste de Roumanie)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA00384586> ISSN:00351733 Revue de science criminelle et de droit p nal compar. Nouv. sr. -- T. 1 (1946)-t. 27 (1972) ; 1973, no. 1 (janv./mars 1973)-. - Sirey, 1946-.(Editions Dalloz Sirey)[季刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 225 2009年度 <AA00384622> ISSN:00352195 Revue des sciences humaines. -- Fasc. 45 (janv./mars 1947)-. -- Facult des lettres de l'Universit de Lille, 1947-.(Revue des Sciences Humaines)[季刊] 文 <AA10988478> ISSN:00407356 Revue tiers-monde. -- T. 8, no. 29 (janv./mars 1967)-T. 46, no. 184 (oct. 2005) ; No. 185 (mars 2006)-. -- Presses Universitaires de France, 1967-.(Armand Colin)[季刊] 経済 <AA00385115> ISSN:03979873 Revue trimestrielle de droit civil. -- T. 1 (1902)-96e ann e, no. 4 (oct./dc. 1997) ; 1998, no. 1 (janv./mars 1998)-. -- Librairie du Recueil Sirey, 1902-.(Editions Dalloz Sirey)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00404515> ISSN:02449358 Revue trimestrielle de droit commercial et de droit conomique. -- 33 anne (1980)-54anne, no 4 (oct. -dc. 2001) ; 2002, no 1 (janv./mars 2002)-. -- Sirey, 1980-.(Editions Dalloz Sirey)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00381748> ISSN:00352764 Revue conomique. -- [T.] 1 (mai 1950)-. -- A. Colin.(Presses de Sciences Politiques)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA0038206X> ISSN:03735737 Revue des tudes latines / Socit des tudes latines. -- 1er anne, fasc. 1 (oct. 1923)-. -- Librairie ancienne Edouard Champion, 1923-.(Societe d'edition, Les Belles Lettres)[年刊] 文 <AA00385330> ISSN:00354473 Rheinische Vierteljahrsbltter. -- Jahrg. 1 (1931)-. -- Ludwig Rhrscheid.(Habelt Verlag)[年刊] 文 <AA00385443> ISSN:0035449X Rheinisches Museum fr Philologie. N.F. -- 1 (1842)-. -- Sauernder's Verlag.(D.J. Sauerlander's Verlag)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 226 2009年度 <AA11303382> ISSN:14639505 RIBA journal. -- Vol. 100, no. 9 (Sept. 1993)-. -- RIBA Journals, 1993-.(The Builder Group Plc)[月刊] 工 <AA00827610> ISSN:00355038 Ricerche di matematica / a cura dell'Istituto di matematica dell'Universit di Napoli. -- Vol. 1, fasc. 1 (1952)-. -- Istituto di matematica dell'Universit, 1952-.(Springer)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA12196120> ISSN:18816193 RIMS Kkyroku Bessatsu. -- Vol. B1 (Mar. 2007)-. -- Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, 2007.(Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University)[季刊] 数理 <AA11826325> ISSN:13481665 Ritsumeikan international affairs / Institute of International Relations and Area Studies. (Institute of International Relations and Area Studies)[年刊] 法 <AA10675552> ISSN:09124322 Ritsumeikan law review. -- International ed. -- No. 1 (Mar. 1986)-. -- Ritsumeikan University, 1986-.(The Ritsumeikan University Law Association)[年刊] 法 <AA11582264> ISSN:00356727 Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto. Serie V : RIFD. -- Anno 77, n. 1 (genn./mar. 2000)-. -- A. Giuffr , 2000-.(A. Giuffre Editore)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00399492> ISSN:00488402 Rivista italiana di scienza politica. -- Anno 1, n. 1 (apr. 1971)-. -- Societ editrice il Mulino.(Il Mulino)[年3回刊] 中央館 <AA12085571> ISSN:00356298 Rivista di matematica della Universit di Parma. Ser. 7. -- Vol. 1 (2002)-. -- Universit di Parma, 2002-.(Universit di Parma)[年2回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 227 2009年度 <AA00386672> ISSN:00803588 Rocznik slawistyczny = Revue slavistique / Polska Akademia nauk. Komitety Jzykoznawstwa i Sowianoznawstwa. -- Zakad im. ossoliskich wydawn. Polskiej akademii nauk.(Wydawnctwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk)[年2回刊] 文 <AA0038680X> ISSN:00358029 Romania : recueil trimestriel consacr a l'tude des langues et des littratures romanes. -- 1re anne (1872)-. -- Librairie A. Franck, 1872-.(Societe des Amis de la Romania)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00386887> ISSN:00488593 Romantisme : revue de la Socit des tudes romantiques. -- No. 1/2 (1971)-. -- Flammarion.(Armand Colin)[季刊] 文 <AA00829751> ISSN:01383248 Rostocker mathematisches Kolloquium / Wilhelm Pieck Universitt. -- No. 1 (1976)-.(Wilhelm Pieck Universitt)[年刊] 数理 <AA0038745X> ISSN:00360112 Rural sociology / Rural Sociological Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1936)-. -- Rural Sociology Section, American Sociological Society, 1936-.(Rural Sociological Society)[季刊] 文 <AA1048191X> ISSN:00360163 Russell. New series : the journal of the Bertrand Russell archives. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (summer 1981)-. -- McMaster University Library Press, 1981-.(McMaster University Press)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA12038265> ISSN:18106374 Russia in global affairs. -- Globus Pub. House.(Globus Pub. House)[季刊] 国開 <AA00830794> ISSN:00360279 Russian mathematical surveys. -- London Mathematical Society.(Turpion)[隔月刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 228 2009年度 <AA10779580> ISSN:1344008X Ryukyu mathematical journal / Department of Mathematics, College of Science University of the Ryukyus. (Department of Mathematics, College of Science University of the Ryukyus)[年刊] 数理 <S> <AA11554178> ISSN:15327299 The SAA archaeological record. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2001)-. -- Society for American Archaeology, 2001-.(Society for American Archaeology)[季刊] 文 <AA10640194> ISSN:02890739 Saitama mathematical journal / Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Saitama University. -- Vol. 1 (1983)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Saitama University, 1983-.(Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Saitama University)[年刊] 数理 <AA10953462> ISSN:05584639 Sananjalka : Suomen Kielen Seuran vuosikirja. -- 1 (1959)-. -- Suomen Kielen Seura, 1959-.(Seura)[年刊] 文 <AA11865746> ISSN:09727671 Sankhy : the Indian journal of statistics. -- Vol. 65, pt. 1 (Feb. 2003)-. -- Indian Statistical Institute, 2003-.(Indian Statistical Institute)[季刊] 経済 <AA12018053> 数理 ISSN:18400655 Sarajevo journal of mathematics / Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. -- Vol. 1 , no. 1 (2005)-. -Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, 2005-.(Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA11459949> ISSN:16001974 Sats : nordic journal of philosophy / Department of Philosophy, University of Aarhus. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2000) -. -- Published for the Philosophical Society of Aahus by Philosophia Press.(Philosophia Press)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA10482388> ISSN:03934551 Savings and development. -- Finafrica, Centre for Financial Assistance to African Countries.(Sestante Edizioni)[季刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 229 2009年度 <AA11066811> ISSN:10645616 Sbornik. Mathematics. -- English ed. -- Vol. 186, no. 1/2 (Jan/Feb. 1995)-. -- London Mathematical Society, Turpina Ltd., c1995.(Turpion)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00425366> ISSN:00365483 Scandia : tidskrift fr historisk forskning. -- Bd. 1 (1928)-. -- Natur och kultur.(Scandia Foundation, Univ. of Lund)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA00406703> ISSN:03585522 Scandinavian economic history review / Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History and Historical Geography. -- Vol. 1 (1953)-. -- Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History and His(Taylor & Francis)[年3回刊] 情文 <AA00425424> ISSN:03468755 Scandinavian journal of history. -- (1976)-. -- Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical, 1976-.(Routledge(Scandinavian U.P.))[季刊] 情文 <AA00425468> ISSN:0098857X Scandinavian review / American-Scandinavian Foundation. -- Vol. 63, no. 1 (Mar. 1975)-.(American-Scandinavian Foundation)[年3 回刊] 情文 <AA10482592> ISSN:00365637 Scandinavian studies : publication of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study. -- Vol. 16, no. 5 (Feb. 1941)-. -George Banta Publishing, 1941-.(Society for the Advancement of Scandinav)[季刊] 情文 <AA00406780> ISSN:00365653 Scandinavica : an international journal of Scandinavian studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1962)-. -- Academic Press, c1962-.(Norvik Press Ltd.)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA00406791> ISSN:00806765 Scando-slavica. -- T. 1 (1954)-. -- Munksgaard, 1954-.(Routledge)[年刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 230 2009年度 <AA11411104> ISSN:14392917 Schmalenbach business review : SBR. -- Vol. 52, no. 1 (2000.1)-. -- Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt, 2000.1-.(Verlagsgr Handelsblatt)[季刊] 経済 <AA00407003> ISSN:03412687 Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift f r betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung. -- 16. Jahrg. (1964)-. -- Westdeutscher Verlag, 1964.(Verlagsgr Handelsblatt)[隔月刊] 経済 <AA00426019> Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift f r betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung. Sonderheft / Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft. -- Sonderheft 1 (1972)-. -- Westdeutscher.(Verlagsgr Handelsblatt)[年刊] 経済 <AA11502243> ISSN:1439121X Schmollers Jahrbuch : Zeitschrift f r Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften : journal of applied social science studies. -- 120. Jahrg., Heft 1 (2000)-. -- Duncker & Humblot, 2000-.(Duncker & Humblot)[季刊] 経済 <AA12153547> ISSN:10189017 Scholia. NS : studies in classical antiquity. -- [Dept. of Classics, University of Otago].(University of Otago)[年刊] 文 <AA00834365> Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fr Schleswig-Holstein. -- (1873)-.(Kiel)[年刊] 数理 <AA00441613> ISSN:03418235 Schul-Management. -- Westermann.(Cornelsen Verlagskontor Gmbh & CO Kg)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00409086> ISSN:00367613 Schweizerische Juristen-Zeitung = Revue suisse de jurisprudence. -- Jahrg. 1, no. 1 (Juli 1904)-. -- Schulthess, 1905-.(Schulthess Juristische Medien)[月2回刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 231 2009年度 <AA00409279> ISSN:00367893 Schweizerische Zeitschrift fr Strafrecht = Revue pnale suisse. -- Bd. 9, Heft 1 (1896)-. -- Stmpfli, 1896-.(Stampfli)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00409304> ISSN:03039692 Schweizerische Zeitschrift fr Volkswirtschaft und Statistik = Revue suisse d'conomie politique et de statistique / Schweizerische Gesellschaft fr Statistik und Volkswirtschaft. -- Jahrg. 81 (1945)-(Peter Lang)[季刊] 経済 <AA10797731> ISSN:14220709 Schweizerisches Zentralblatt f r Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht. -- Bd. 90, Nr. 1 (Jan. 1989)-. -- Orell Fssli, 1989-.(Schulthess Juristische Medien)[月刊] 中央館 <AA11821831> ISSN:09492852 Schler. -- Friedrich Verlag.(Friedrich Verlag)[年刊] 教育 <AA00425559> ISSN:03023427 Science & public policy : journal of the Science Policy Foundation / Science Policy Foundation. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1974)-. -Science Policy Foundation, [1974]-.(Beech Tree publishing)[月刊] 中央館 <AA0040952X> ISSN:00368237 Science & society : a Marxian quarterly / Science and Society, Incorporated. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (fall 1936)-. -- [Science and Society, Inc.], 1936-.(Guilford Publications)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11845035> ISSN:10069283 Science in China. Series A, Mathematics / Chinese Academy of Sciences. -- [English ed.]. -- Vol. 46, no. 1 (Jan. 2003)-. -Science in China Press, c2003-.(Science in China Press)[月刊] 数理 <AA11498827> ISSN:13533452 Science and engineering ethics. -- Opragen Publications.(Springer)[季刊] 情文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 232 2009年度 <AA10674185> ISSN:01622439 Science, technology & human values. -- Issue no. 25 (fall 1978)-issue no. 26 (1979) ; V. 4 (1979)-. -- MIT Press, c1978-.(Sage)[隔 月刊] 情文 <AA00835277> ISSN:00368075 Science. New series. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 4, 1895)-. -- Moses King, 1895-.(Am. Ass. for the Advancement of Science)[週刊] 理物理 医 <AA00836950> 情文 中央館 ISSN:00368733 Scientific American. New series. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 2, 1859)-. -- Munn & Co, 1858-.(Scientific American)[月刊] 中央館 <AA1234505X> 理物理 ISSN:18438121 Scientific annals of computer science. -- Vol. 16 (2006)-. -- "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Ia i, 2006-.("Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iai)[年刊] 数理 <AA11973793> ISSN:12237027 Scientific bulletin. Series A, Applied mathematics and physics / University “Politehnica" of Bucharest = Buletin tiinific. Seria A, Mathematici i fizic aplicate / Universitatea “Politehnica" din B(University Politehnica)[季刊] 数理 <AA11974253> ISSN:14542358 Scientific bulletin. Series D, Mechanical engineering / University “Politehnica" of Bucharest = Buletin tiinific. Seria D, Inginerie mecanic / Universitatea “Politehnica" din Bucureti. -- Universi(University Politehnica)[季刊] 数理 <AA11363169> ISSN:00369225 Scottish geographical journal / the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. -- Vol. 115, pt. 1 (1999)-. -- Royal Scottish Geographical Society.(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 文 <AA00427984> ISSN:0036973X Scripta mercaturae. -- 1967 (1967)-1975 (1975) ; 10. Jahrg. (1976)-. -- Scripta Mercaturae Verlag.(Scripta Mercaturae)[年2回刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 233 2009年度 <AA1069083X> ISSN:02676583 Second language research. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1985)-. -- Edward Arnold, c1985-.(Sage)[季刊] 国開 <AA10695094> ISSN:02681242 Semiconductor science and technology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1986)-. -- Institute of Physics, 1986-.(IOP Publishing)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00840266> ISSN:00012998 Seminars in nuclear medicine. -- Vol. 1 (1971)-. -- Henry M. Stratton, 1971-.(Elsevier)[隔月刊] 医 <AA1095947X> ISSN:10558586 Seminars in pediatric surgery. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1992)-. -- W.B. Saunders, c1992-.(Elsevier)[季刊] 医 <AA00840302> ISSN:0037198X Seminars in roentgenology. -- (1966)-. -- Grune & Stratton.(Elsevier)[季刊] 医 <AA00410631> ISSN:00373052 The Sewanee review. -- Vol. 1 (1892)-. -- University of the South, 1892-.(Johns Hopkins University Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00410777> ISSN:00373222 Shakespeare quarterly / Folger Shakespeare Library. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1950)-. -- Shakespeare Association of America.(Johns Hopkins University Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00841837> ISSN:00374237 Shore and beach : journal of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association. -- American Shore and Beach Preservation Association.(American Shore and Beach Preservation As)[季刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 234 2009年度 <AA10781651> ISSN:09156380 The Showa University journal of medical sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1/2 (Dec. 1989)-. -- Showa Medical Association and Showa University, [1989]-.()[季刊] 医 <AA00831243> ISSN:00361399 SIAM journal on applied mathematics : a publication of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. -- Vol. 14 (1966)-.(S.I.A.M.)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00831254> ISSN:00975397 SIAM journal on computing / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. -- [vol. 1, no. 1](Mar. 1972)-. -- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.(S.I.A.M.)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA10701131> ISSN:08954801 SIAM journal on discrete mathematics : a publication of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1988)-. -- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, c1988-.(S.I.A.M.)[季刊] 数理 <AA00424217> ISSN:00361410 SIAM journal on mathematical analysis / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. -- Vol. 1 (1970)-. -- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1970-.(S.I.A.M.)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00831298> ISSN:00361429 SIAM journal on numerical analysis / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. -- Vol. 3, no. 1 (1966)-. -- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1966-.(S.I.A.M.)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA10881882> ISSN:10648275 SIAM journal on scientific computing / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. -- Vol. 14, no. 1 (Jan. 1993)-. -- SIAM, c1993-.(S.I.A.M.)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA00424228> ISSN:00361445 SIAM review / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1959)-. -- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1959-.(S.I.A.M.)[季刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 235 2009年度 <AA10878152> ISSN:10185739 Sigma : the bulletin of European statistics. -- [1991], no. 1 (Sept./Oct. [19]91)-. -- Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1991-.(EU)[季刊] 経済 <AA00446446> ISSN:01635808 SIGMOD record / Association for Computing Machinery. Special Interest Group on Management of Data. -- Vol. 8, no. 3 (Sept. 1976)-.(Association for Computing Machinery)[季刊] 工 <AA00429185> ISSN:00979740 Signs : journal of women in culture and society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (autumn 1975)-. -- University of Chicago Press, 1975-.(Univ. of Chicago Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA1084686X> ISSN:02182173 Singapore journal of legal studies. -- July 1991 (July 1991)-. -- Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore, c1990-.(Faculty of Law, National University of S)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA1099551X> ISSN:00809705 Singapore law review. -- Singapore Law Review, National University of Singapore Law Club.(National Univ. of Singapore Law Club)[年刊] 国開 <AA00411339> ISSN:00375756 Sinn und Form : Beitrge zur Literatur. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (1949)-. -- Rtten & Loening.(Aufbau-Verlag)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA11106847> ISSN:07239319 Sitzungsberichte und Anzeiger. Abteilung II, Mathematische, physikalische und technische Wissenschaften / sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. -- 20(Springer-Verlag)[不明] 数理 <AA00843129> ISSN:0371327X Sitzungsberichte der Schsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. -- 105 (1961/1964)-.(Akademie-Verlag)[隔月刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 236 2009年度 <AA11526398> ISSN:15315010 Skull base : an interdisciplinary approach. -- Vol. 11, no. 1 (2001)-. -- Thieme Medical Publishers, 2001-.(Thieme)[隔月刊] 医 <AA00430344> ISSN:00376604 Sky and telescope. -- (1941)-.(Sky Publishing)[月刊] 理物理 <AA00430275> ISSN:02568446 Skrnr : tmarit hins slenzka bkmentaflangs. -- safoldarprentsmija H. F..(Icelandic Literary Society)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA0041177X> ISSN:00376736 Slavia : asopis pro slovanskou filologii / eskoslovensk akademie vd. Slovansk stav. -- (1922)-.(Euroslavica)[季刊] 文 <AA00411838> ISSN:00376795 The Slavonic and East European review. -- Vol. 21, pt. 1 (Mar. 1943)-. -- Published for a committee of American scholars by the George Banta Pub., 1943-.(Maney Publishing)[季刊] 経済 <AA0044281X> ISSN:01618105 Sleep. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1978)-. -- Raven Press, 1978-.(Associated Professional Sleep Societies)[月刊] 医保健 <AA11508024> ISSN:15329194 MIT Sloan management review. -- Vol. 42, no. 2 (winter 2001)-. -- MIT Sloan School of Management, c2001-.(Sloan School of Management)[季刊] 経済 <AA00411893> ISSN:00377031 Slovo a slovesnost / eskoslovenska akademie vd peci stavu pro jazyk esk. -- Nkl. Melantricha.(SK Press)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 237 2009年度 <AA10830305> ISSN:09641726 Smart materials & structures. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1992)-. -- IOP Publishing Ltd, 1992-.(IOP Publishing)[月刊] 工 <AA1183196X> ISSN:00361682 SMPTE motion imaging journal. -- Vol. 111, no. 10 (Oct. 2002)-. -- Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 2002.(Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers)[月刊] 工 <AA11565480> ISSN:14649365 Social & cultural geography. -- Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 文 <AA11647381> ISSN:16827783 Social agenda. -- No. 1 (Apr. 2002)-. -- European Commission Employment and Social Affairs, 2002-.(EU)[その他] 経済 <AA1070111X> ISSN:02691728 Social epistemology : a journal of knowledge, culture and policy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1987)-. -- Taylor & Francis, c1987.(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 情文 <AA00412149> ISSN:00377732 Social forces. -- Vol. 4, no. 1 (Sept. 1925)-. -- University of North Carolina Press, 1925-.(University of North California Press)[季 刊] 文 <AA00412229> ISSN:00377791 Social problems. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1953)-. -- Society for the Study of Social Problems, 1953-.(University of California Press)[季刊] 文 <AA00844176> ISSN:00380202 Sociological abstracts / the International Sociological Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1952)-. -- Sociological Abstracts.(Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)[隔月刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 238 2009年度 <AA10827763> ISSN:10610154 Sociological research. -- Vol. 31, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1992)-. -- M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1992-.(M.E. Sharpe)[隔月刊] 文 <AA00432099> ISSN:00380377 Sociologus : Zeitschrift fr empirische Ethnosoziologie und Ethnopsychologie.(Duncker & Humblot)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00432113> ISSN:00380385 Sociology : the journal of the British Sociological Association. -- Vol. 1. no. 1 (Jan. 1967)-. -- Clarendon Press, 1967-.(Sage)[隔月 刊] 教育 <AA00413130> ISSN:00380407 Sociology of education / American Sociological Association. -- 37 (1963)-. -- American Sociological Association, 1963-.(American Sociological Association)[季刊] 教育 <AA00432135> ISSN:00380415 Sociology of education abstracts. -- 1 (1965)-. -- Information for Education, 1965-.(Carfax)[年刊] 教育 <AA1063085X> ISSN:07411235 Sociology of sport journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1984)-. -- Human Kinetics Publishers, c1984-.(Human Kinetics)[季刊] 保体セ <AA00443288> ISSN:01635948 Software engineering notes : an informal newsletter of the Special Interest Group on Software Engineering / Association for Computing Machinery. -- ACM.(Association for Computing Machinery)[隔月刊] 工 <AA00844303> ISSN:0038075X Soil science / Rutgers University. -- Vol. 1 (Jan. 1916)-. -- Williams & Wilkins, 1916-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 農 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 239 2009年度 <AA00844314> ISSN:00380768 Soil science and plant nutrition / the Society of the Science of Soil and Manure, Japan. -- Vol. 7, no. 1 (July 1961)-.(WileyBlackwell)[隔月刊] 農 <AA10701051> ISSN:02179520 Sojourn : social issues in Southeast Asia. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1986)-. -- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c1986-.(Institute of Southeast Asian Studies)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA00432361> ISSN:02884607 Sophia international review. -- Vol. 1 (1978)-. -- Sophia University International College, c1978-.(Sophia University International College)[年刊] 中央館 <AN00005136> ISSN:02875357 Sophia linguistica : working papers in linguistics / the Graduate School of Languages and Linguistics, Sophia University. -- No. 1 (1975)-. -- Sophia University, [1975]-.(Graduate School of Languages and Linguistics, Sophia University)[年刊] 中央館 <AA10485160> ISSN:02582503 The South African law journal. -- Vol. 18 (1901)-. -- African Book Company.(Juta & Company)[季刊] 国開 <AA10788548> ISSN:02666030 South Asian studies : journal of the Society for South Asian Studies (Incorporating the Society for Afghan Studies). -- Vol. 1 (1985)-. -- Society for South Asian Studies, 1985-.(South Asian Society)[年刊] 文 <AA00432703> ISSN:03775437 Southeast Asian affairs / Institute of Southeast Asian studies. -- 1974 (1974)-. -- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.(Institute of Southeast Asian Studies)[年刊] 農 <AA00413742> ISSN:00384038 Southern economic journal / Southern Economic Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1933)-.(Southern Economic Association)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 240 2009年度 <AA00443674> ISSN:00384283 Southern journal of philosophy / Department of Philosophy, Memphis State University.(Univ. of Memphis)[季刊] 情文 <AA00432871> ISSN:00384534 Southern review. N.S / Louisiana State University. -- Vol. 1 (1965)-.(Louisiana State University)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00414610> ISSN:00386073 Soziale Welt : Zeitschrift f r Wissenschaft und Praxis des sozialen Lebens / Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute ; Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund. -- Jahrg.1, Heft 1 (Okt. 1949)-. (Nomos)[季刊] 文 <AA10633100> ISSN:09378278 Soziale Welt. Sonderband. -- 1 ([1982])-. -- O. Schwartz, 1982-.(Nomos)[不明] 文 Space Weather(American Geophysical Union)[] 太陽研 <AA1219220X> ISSN:17421772 Spatial economic analysis : the journal of the Regional Studies Association, Regional Science Association International British and Irish Section. -- Routledge.(Routledge)[年3回刊] 経済 <AA00415373> ISSN:00387452 Der Spiegel. -- Jahrg. 1, Nr. 1 (4. Jan. 1947)-Jahrg. 47, Nr. 43 (25. Okt. 1993) ; 1993, Nr. 44 (1. 11. 1993)-. -- R. Augstein, c1947.(Spiegel-Verlag)[週刊] 中央館 <AA0084801X> 情文 ISSN:03622436 Spine. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 1976)-. -- Harper & Row.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月2回刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 241 2009年度 <AA10668218> ISSN:08884781 The sport psychologist. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1987)-. -- Human Kinetics Publishers, [c1987]-.(Human Kinetics)[季刊] 保体セ <AA10988999> ISSN:09422919 Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung : STUF. -- Bd. 46, Heft 1 (1993)-. -- Akademie Verlag, 1993-.(Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH)[季刊] 文 <AA10829827> ISSN:10610022 St. Petersburg mathematical journal. -- Vol. 3, no. 1 (1992)-. -- American Mathematical Society, c1992-.(American Mathematical Society)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00415952> ISSN:0038884X Der Staat : Zeitschrift f r Staatslehre, ffentliches Recht und Verfassungsgeschichte. -- 1. Bd. (1962)-. -- Duncker & Humblot, 1962-.(Duncker & Humblot)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00848803> ISSN:03404803 Stahl und Eisen / Verein Deutscher Eisenh ttenleute. -- (1881)-. -- Kommissions Verlag von A. Bagel.(Verlag Stahleisen GmbH)[月刊] 工 <AA10753350> ISSN:08927138 Stanford environmental law journal. -- Vol. 6 (1986/87)-. -- Stanford Environmental Law Society, c1987-.(Stanford Environmental Law Society)[年刊] 国開 <AA00446242> ISSN:07315082 Stanford journal of international law / Stanford University School of Law. -- Vol. 16 (summer 1980)-. -- Stanford University, School of Law, c1980-.(Stanford University, School of Law)[年2回刊] 国開 <AA11432614> ISSN:16062353 Statistical references : brief informaiton on Eurostat products and services / Eurostat. -- Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.(EU)[年2回刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 242 2009年度 <AA10664465> ISSN:08834237 Statistical science : a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1986)-. -- Institute of Mathematical Statistics, c1986-.(Institute of Mathematical Statistics)[季刊] 経済 <AA10779037> ISSN:01263846 Statistik ekonomi-keuangan Indonesia = Indonesian financial statistics. -- -th. 22, no. 12 (Dec. 1989) ; V. 23, no. 1/5 (Jan./May 1990)-v. 32, no. 12 (Dec. 1999) ; V. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 2000)-. -- Bank In(Bank Indonesia)[月刊] 国開 <AA11817517> ISSN:16113683 Steel research international / Steel Institute VDEh, Max Planck Institute for Iron Research. -- Vol. 74, no. 1 (2003. 1)-. -- Verlag Stahleisen, 2003-.(Verlag Stahleisen GmbH)[月刊] 工 <AA12032065> ISSN:17442508 Stochastics : an international jounal of probability and stochastic processes. -- Vol. 77, issue 1 (Feb. 2005)-. -- Taylor & Francis, 2005-.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA10628836> ISSN:07201605 Strafverteidiger. -- Jahrg. 1, Heft 1 (Feb. 1981)-. -- Europ ische Verlagsanstalt, [1981]-.(Wolters Kluwer Deutschland)[月刊] 中央館 <AA0085085X> ISSN:00392499 Stroke / American Heart Association. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1970)-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月刊] 医 <AA00436679> ISSN:00492353 Stromata : ciencia y fe / Facultades de Filosofia y Teologia, Universidad de Salvador. -- 21 (1965)-. -- Universidad del Salvador, Filosofa y Teologa [etc.], 1965-.(Facultades de Filosofia y Teologia)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10700944> ISSN:14665123 The structural engineer : journal of the Institution of Structural Engineers. -- Vol. 66, no. 1 (5 Jan. 1988)-. -- Institution of Structural Engineers, 1988-.(Institution Structural Engineers)[月2回刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 243 2009年度 <AA10937262> ISSN:10168664 Structural engineering international : journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE). -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1991)-. -- IABSE, 1991-.(IABSE)[季刊] 中央館 <AA1098857X> ISSN:09692126 Structure. -- Vol. 9, no. 1 (10 Jan. 2001)-. -- Cell Press, c2001-.(Cell Press)[月刊] 理生命 <AA00437172> ISSN:00393185 Studia Leibnitiana : Zeitschrift f r Geschichte der Philosophie und der Wissenschaften. -- (1969)-. -- Franz Steiner.(Franz Steiner Verlag)[年2回刊] 情文 <AA00851218> ISSN:00393223 Studia mathematica. -- T. 1 (1929)-. -- Lwow.(Lwow)[月刊] 数理 <AA00851295> ISSN:00816906 Studia scientiarum mathematicarum Hungarica. -- T. 1, fasc. 1-2 (1966)-. -- Akad miai Kiad, 1966-.(Akadmiai Kiad)[季刊] 数理 <AA00851477> Studia Universitatis Babe-Bolyai. Physica. -- 15 (1970)-.(Cluj-Napoca)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00851411> ISSN:12521938 Studia Universitatis Babe-Bolyai. Ser. Mathematica. -- 20 (1975)-.(Cluj-Napoca)[季刊] 数理 <AA00437616> ISSN:03414191 Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik. -- Heft 1 (1975)-.(Dr. Inge Wezler)[不明] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 244 2009年度 <AA1054019X> ISSN:02660830 Studies in the education of adults. -- Vol. 16 (Oct. 1984)-. -- National Institute of Continuing Education.(National Institute of Adult Continuing E)[年2回刊] 教育 <AA00438186> ISSN:03075079 Studies in higher education. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1976)-. -- Carfax.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA11082454> ISSN:01481029 Studies in iconography. -- V. 1 (1975)-. -- Northern Kentucky University [etc.].(Medieval Institute Publications)[年刊] 中央館 <AA00438288> ISSN:03784177 Studies in language. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1977)-. -- John Benjamins B.V., [1977]-.(John Benjamins)[季刊] 文 <AA00421434> ISSN:00393738 Studies in philology : a quarterly journal / University of North Carolina. -- University of North Carolina Press.(University of North California Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10487370> ISSN:07078552 Studies in political economy : a socialist review.(Association d'Economie Politique)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA00438517> ISSN:00393770 Studies in Scottish literature. -- [Vol. 1] (1963)-. -- University of South Carolina.(Columbia, Univ. of South California)[年刊] 経済 <AA12352179> ISSN:1336149X Studies of the University of ilina. Mathematical series. -- Vol. 14, no. 1 (Dec. 2001)-. -- University of ilina, 2001-.(University of ilina)[不明] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 245 2009年度 <AA12355971> ISSN:12242519 Studii i cercetri tiințifice. Seria Matematic. -- Universitatea din Bacu, Facultatea de Litere i tiințe.(Universitatea din Bacu, Facultatea de Litere i tiin?e)[年刊] 数理 <AA10686810> ISSN:09532048 Superconductor science & technology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1988)-. -- IOP Publishing Ltd, c1988-.(IOP Publishing)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00853927> ISSN:00396109 Surgical clinics of North America. -- Vol. 1 (Feb. 1921)-. -- W.B. Saunders.(W. B. Saunders)[隔月刊] 医 <AA0042289X> ISSN:00396222 Survey of current business / U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. -- [0] (July 1921)-. -- U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.(U.S. Dept. of Commerce)[月刊] 経研セ <AA00854089> ISSN:00396257 Survey of ophthalmology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1956)-. -- Survey of Ophthalmology, Inc., 1956-.(Elsevier)[隔月刊] 医 <AA12180415> ISSN:1452709X Survey, Republic of Serbia : a record of facts and information. -- Vol. 47, no. 2 (2006)-. -- Jugoslovenski pregled, 2006.(Jugoslovenski Pregled)[季刊] 経済 <AA10783850> ISSN:10529233 Surveys in differential geometry. -- No. 1 (1991)-. -- Lehigh University, 1991-.(International Press)[年刊] 数理 <AA1075431X> ISSN:09165746 SUT journal of mathematics / Science University of Tokyo. -- Vol. 25, no. 1 (1989)-. -- Science University of Tokyo, 1989-.(東京 理科大学)[年2回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 246 2009年度 <AA10487982> ISSN:01956086 Symbolic interaction : official journal of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (fall 1977)-. -- JAI Press, 1977-.(University of California Press)[季刊] 文 <AA00855740> ISSN:00397881 Synthesis : international journal of methods in synthetic organic chemistry. -- 1969 (1969)-. -- G. Thieme.(Georg Thieme Verlag)[月2回刊] 理化学 <AN10367483> Seminar on mathematical sciences / Department of Mathematics, Keio University. -- No. 1 (1980)-. -- Department of Mathematics, Keio University, 1980-.(慶應義塾大学)[年刊] 数理 <AA12349629> So Paulo journal of mathematical sciences. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2007)-. -- Instituto de Matemtica e Estatstica da Universidade de So Paulo, 2007-.(Instituto de Matemtica e Estatstica da Universidade de So Paulo)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA10685283> 数理 ISSN:08989583 Sgaku expositions / American Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1988)-. -- American Mathematical Society, c1988.(American Mathematical Society)[年2回刊] 数理 <T> <AA10489252> ISSN:0192592X T.H.E. journal : technological horizons in education journal. -- Information Synergy.(Information Synergy)[月刊] 教育 <AA11822084> ISSN:17275148 Taiwan review. -- Vol. 53, no. 3 (Mar. 2003)-. -- Kwang Hwa Pub., 2003-.(Kwang Hwa Publishing)[月刊] 中央館 <AA11196883> ISSN:10275487 Taiwanese journal of mathematics / the Mathematical Society of the Republic of China. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1997)-. -Mathematical Society of the Republic of China, 1997-.(Mathematical Society of the Republic of China)[隔月刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 247 2009年度 <AA0085662X> ISSN:00492930 Tamkang journal of mathematics. -- 1 (1970)-.(Tamkang)[季刊] 数理 <AA11820329> ISSN:16110803 Tanz-journal. -- 03, 1 (Jan. 2003)-. -- K. Kieser Verlag, 2003-.(K. Kieser Verlag)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA11649048> Tappi journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 2002)-. -- Tappi, 2002-.(Technical Assoc. of the Pulp and Paper)[年刊] 農 <AA1127830X> ISSN:13664530 Teacher development : an international journal of teachers' professional development. -- Triangle Journals.(Triangle)[季刊] 教育 <AA10851881> ISSN:01614681 Teachers College record / Teachers College, Columbia University. -- Vol. 72, no. 1 (Sept. 1970)-. -- Teachers College, Columbia University, 1970-.(SLACK, INC.)[月刊] 教育 <AA11497722> ISSN:01455788 Teaching philosophy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (summer 1975)-. -- [s.n.], c1975-.(Philosophy Documentation Center)[季刊] 情文 <AA10540713> ISSN:87563894 Tech trends : for leaders in education & training / Association for Educational Communications and Technology. -- Vol. 30, no. 2 (Feb./Mar. 1985)-. -- Association for Educational Communications and Te(Springer)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA10754058> ISSN:0914918X Technology and development / Institute for International Cooperation, Japan International Cooperation Agency. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1988)-no. 21 (Jan. 2008). -- Institute for International Cooperatio(Institute for International Cooperation)[年刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 248 2009年度 <AA10865172> ISSN:10536728 Technology and learning. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 ([Jan./Feb. 1987])-. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c1986-.(CMP Media Inc.)[月刊] 教育 <AA10639366> ISSN:07463537 The Technology teacher : a journal of the American Industrial Arts Association. -- Vol. 43, no. 1 (Sept./Oct. 1983)-. -- American Industrial Arts Association, 1983-.(International Technology Education Association)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA10628803> ISSN:02787407 Tectonics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1982)-. -- American Geophysical Union, European Geophysical Society, c1982-.(American Geographical Union)[隔月刊] 理地球 <AA00454557> ISSN:00906514 Telos. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1968)-v. 2, no. 1 (spring 1969) ; No. 4 (fall 1969)-. -- Department of Philosophy, State University of New York at Baffalo.(Telos Press)[季刊] 文 <AA00460436> ISSN:01264273 Tempo. -- -th. 24, no. 17 (25 Juni 1994); vol. 27 no. 1 (Oct. 6-12, 1998)-. -- Pusat Perdagangan Senen.(Tempo)[週刊] 国開 <AA00447620> ISSN:00403075 Les temps modernes. -- 1. anne, no 1 (oct. 1945)-. -- Temps modernes.(Sodis Revues)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00861426> ISSN:00403504 Tensor. New series / the Tensor Society. -- English ed. -- (1950)-.(The Tensor Society)[年3回刊] 数理 <AA10916896> ISSN:0826435X TESL Canada journal / TESL Canada Federation = Revue TESL du Canada / F dration TESL du Canada. -- TESL Canada Federation.(TESL Canada Federation)[年2回刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 249 2009年度 <AA00446672> ISSN:00398322 TESOL quarterly : a journal for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages / Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1967)-. -- Teachers of English to Speake(TESOL)[季刊] 中央館 <AA12116143> ISSN:18607330 Text & talk : an interdisciplinary journal of language, discourse & communication studies. -- Vol. 26, [no.] 1 (2006)-. -- Mouton de Gruyter, c2006-.(Mouton de Gruyter)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA10684371> ISSN:0950236X Textual practice. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1987)-. -- Methuen, 1987-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00448033> ISSN:00405507 Theater heute : die deutsche Theaterzeitschrift f r Schauspiel, Oper, Ballett. -- 1. Jahrg. (Sept. 1960)-. -- E. Friedrich, 1960.(Friedrich Berlin Verlag)[月刊] 中央館 <AA10804258> ISSN:09605053 Theoretical chemical engineering. -- Vol. 28, issue 1 (Jan. 1991)-. -- Royal Society of Chemistry, 1991-.(DECHEMA)[隔月刊] 工 <AA00831323> ISSN:0040585X Theory of probability and its applications. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1956)-. -- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1956.(S.I.A.M.)[季刊] 数理 <AA10712863> ISSN:02632764 Theory, culture & society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1982)-. -- Theory, Culture and Society, c1982-.(Sage)[隔月刊] 文 <AA00459936> ISSN:01436597 Third world quarterly / Third World Foundation. -- Vol. 1 (Jan. 1979)-. -- Third World Foundation, 1979-.(Routledge)[隔月刊] 国開 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 250 2009年度 <AA00863090> ISSN:00406376 Thorax / Thoracic Society. -- Vol. 1 (1946)-. -- British Medical Association.(BMJ)[月刊] 医 <AA00382627> ISSN:00407585 Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis. -- D. 1 (1918/19)-. -- H.D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon.(Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (Brill Academic Publishers))[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA00456031> ISSN:10599363 Time : the weekly newsmagazine. -- Asia ed. -- Vol. 77, no. 1 (Jan. 2, 1961)-. -- Time International, 196-.(Time Inc.)[週刊] 中央館 工 附学校 農 <AA00449535> The Times. -- No. 940 (Jan. 1, 1788)-. -- Times Newspapers.(OCS)[日刊] 中央館 <AA00449557> ISSN:00407887 The Times educational supplement. -- No. 1 (Sept. 1910)-. -- Times Newspaper.(Tower Publishing Services)[週刊] 教育 <YS01777447> ISSN:00493929 Times higher education. -- Times higher education.(Tower Publishing Services)[週刊] 中央館 <AA00449590> ISSN:0304162X Times of India.()[日刊] 中央館 <AA1141086X> The Times magazine. -- -v. 10, no. 1 (Jan. 3, 1998) ; V. 1, issue 1 (Jan. 10, 1998)-. -- Times Newspapers.(Times Newspapers)[週 刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 251 2009年度 <AA10489671> ISSN:0307661X T・L・S, the Times literary supplement. -- 68th year, no. 3488 (Jan. 2, 1969)-73rd year, no. 3770 (June 7, 1974) ; no. 3771 (June 14, 1974)-. -- Times Newspaper, 1969-.(Tower Publishing Services)[週刊] 中央館 <AA11237426> ISSN:13439499 Tohoku mathematical publications. -- No. 1 (Dec. 1995)-. -- Tohoku University, c1995-.(Tohoku University)[不明] 数理 <AA00449863> ISSN:00408743 Tohoku psychologica folia. -- T. 1, fasc. 1 (1933)-. -- Tohoku Imperialis Universitas, 1933-.()[年刊] 教育 <AA00459459> ISSN:03873870 Tokyo journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1978)-. -- Kinokuniya Book Store Co., c1978-.(Tokyo University)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA11059678> ISSN:12303429 Topological methods in nonlinear analysis. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1993)-. -- Juliusz Schauder Center, c1993-.(Juliusz Schauder Center for Nonlinear St)[季刊] 数理 <AA11082374> ISSN:0942752X Topos : European landscape magazine. -- 1 (Sept. 1992)-. -- Callwey, 1992-.(Callwey)[季刊] 工 <AA00864377> ISSN:00409960 Town and country planning / Town and Country Planning Association. -- 1 (1932)-. -- Town and Country Planning Association, 1932-.(Town and Country Planning Association)[月刊] 工 <AA00450115> ISSN:00410020 Town planning review. -- (1910)-. -- University Press of Liverpool.(Liverpool University Press)[隔月刊] 工 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 252 2009年度 <AA12137369> ISSN:18806015 Toyama mathematical journal. -- Vol. 28 (2005)-. -- Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Toyama, 2005-.(Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Toyama)[年刊] 数理 <AA10636120> ISSN:07386826 TR news. -- No. 104 (Jan./Feb. 1983)-. -- Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 1983-.(Transportation Research Board, National)[隔月刊] 工 <AA00456756> ISSN:00410683 Traffic engineering and control. -- Vol. 2, no. 1 (May 1960)-. -- Printerhall.(Hemming Information Service)[月刊] 工 <YS01244020> ISSN:15389588 Traffic injury prevention. -- Taylor & Francis.(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 工 <AA00865686> ISSN:00029947 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. -- Vol. 1 (1900)-. -- Macmillan, 1900-.(American Mathematical Society)[月刊] 数理 <AA00865788> ISSN:0003018X Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. -- (1958)-.(American Nuclear Society)[年2回刊] 工 <AA00867444> ISSN:00771554 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society. -- American Mathematical Society.(American Mathematical Society)[年刊] 数理 <AA12353284> ISSN:00023108 Transactions of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences = Az ərbaycan Elmlər Akademiyasnn xəbərləri, Fizika-texnika və riyaziyyat elmlər seriyas. --("Elm" Pub. House)[不明] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 253 2009年度 <AA12149426> ISSN:19315244 Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine. -- Vol. 148, no. 1 (July 2006)-. -- Elsevier, [2006]-.()[月刊] 医 <AA00868935> ISSN:00411337 Transplantation. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1963)-. -- Williams & Wilkins, 1963.1-.(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)[月2回刊] 医 <AA10723688> ISSN:0829318X Tree physiology. -- Vol. 1, [no.] 1 (June 1986)-. -- Heron Pub., c1986-.(Oxford University Press)[月刊] 農 <AA11579237> ISSN:12291404 Trends in mathematics / Information Center for Mathematical Sciences. -- Vol. 1 (Dec. 1998)-. -- Information Center for Mathematical Sciences, 1998.10-.(Information Center for Mathematical Sciences)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA00452620> ISSN:04963547 Tsuda review : studies in English literature and philology / Tsuda College. -- 1 (Nov. 1956)-. -- Tsuda College, 1956-.()[年刊] 中央館 <AA00874643> ISSN:03874982 Tsukuba journal of mathematics. -- Vol. 1 (Dec. 1977)-. -- Institute of Mathematics, University of Tsukuba, [1977]-.(Institute of Mathematics, University of Tsukuba)[年2回刊] 数理 <AA11072836> ISSN:07327730 Tulsa studies in women's literature. -- University of Tulsa.(Univ. of Tulsa)[年2回刊] 中央館 <AA00875034> ISSN:00414093 Tumor research : experimental and clinical / Cancer Research Institute, Sapporo Medical College. -- Cancer Research Institute, 1966-.(Cancer Research Institute, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine(札幌医科大学))[年刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 254 2009年度 <AA11162655> ISSN:0041414X Tunnels & tunnelling international : T & T international. -- Vol. 29, no. 3 (Mar. 1997)-v. 37, no. 9 (Sept. 2005) ; Oct. 2005 (Oct. 2005)-. -- Miller Freeman, c1997-.(Polygon Media Ltd.)[月刊] 工 <AA00863953> ISSN:00408735 Thoku mathematical journal. Second series = 東北數學雜誌. Second series / Mathematical Institute of Tohoku University. -Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1949)-. -- [T hoku University], 1949-.(Tohoku University)[季刊] 数理 <U> <AA10769248> ISSN:1020914X UNAFEI newsletter / Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders. (Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders)[不明] 法 <AA00466534> ISSN:0041672X Uniform commercial code law journal. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (summer 1968)-. -- Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 1968-.(West Group)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11957301> ISSN:13490672 University of Tokyo journal of law and politics. -- Vol. 1 (spring 2004)-. -- Graduate School of Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo, 2004-.(Graduate School of Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo)[不明] 法 <AA00464980> ISSN:00420247 University of Toronto quarterly. -- (1931)-. -- University of Toronto Press.(University of Toronto Press)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11428945> ISSN:14388987 Unterricht Arbeit + Technik. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (1.Quartal 1999)-. -- E. Freidrich, 1999-.(Erhard Friedrich Verlag)[季刊] 教育 <AA10631921> ISSN:02723638 Urban geography. -- Vol. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1980)-. -- V.H. Winston, 1980-.(Bellwether)[隔月刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 255 2009年度 <AA11825774> ISSN:10274278 Urban morphology : journal of the International Seminar on Urban Form. -- Henry Ling Ltd.(International Seminar on Urban Form)[年2回刊] 工 <AA10851768> ISSN:12400874 Urbanisme. -- No 256 (sept. 1992)-. -- Urbanisme, 1992-.(Urbanisme)[隔月刊] 工 <AA00465881> ISSN:01617389 USA today / Society for the Advancement of Education. -- Vol. 107, no. 2398 (July 1978)-.(USA Today)[月刊] 教育 <AA0087932X> ISSN:03153681 Utilitas mathematica / Utilitas mathematica. -- Vol. 1 (1972)-. -- Utilitas mathematica, 1972-.(Charles Babbage Research Centr)[年2回刊] 情文 <V> <AA00476334> ISSN:00902594 Vanderbilt journal of transnational law. -- Vol. 5, no. 1 (winter 1971)-. -- Vanderbilt University School of Law, 1971-.(The Vanderbilt University School of Law)[季刊] 国開 <AA10942182> ISSN:1228517X Vantage point : developments in North Korea. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1978)-. -- Naewoe Press, 1978-.(Yonhap News Agency)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00473234> ISSN:01007122 Veja. -- No. 352 (4 de junho de 1975)-no. 1008 (30 de dez. de 1987) ; Ano 20, no. 1 (6 de jan. de 1988)- = No. 1009 (6 de jan. de 1988)-. -- Editora Abril, 1975-.(Editora Abril)[週刊] 情文 <AA00880045> ISSN:00423211 Veliger. -- (1958)-.(California Malacozoological Society)[季刊] 理地球 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 256 2009年度 <AA00470757> ISSN:03422429 Versicherungsrecht : juristische Rundschau f r die Individualversicherung. -- Jahrg. 1 (1950)-. -- Versicherungswirtschaft, 1950.(Verlag Versicherungs Wirtschaft)[旬刊] 中央館 <AA00474146> ISSN:00424498 Die Verwaltung : Zeitschrift f r Verwaltungswissenschaft. -- Bd. 1, Heft 1 (1968)-. -- Duncker & Humblot, 1968-.(Duncker & Humblot)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11472517> ISSN:09461892 Die Verwaltung. Beiheft : Zeitschrift f r Verwaltungswissenschaft. -- 1 (1994)-. -- Duncker & Humblot, c1994-.()[年刊] 中央館 <AA00471068> ISSN:00424501 Verwaltungsarchiv : Zeitschrift f r Verwaltungslehre, Verwaltungsrecht und Verwaltungspolitik. -- 1. Bd. (Okt. 1892)-. -- Carl Heymanns Verlag, 1893-.(Carl Heymanns Verlag)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00474204> ISSN:03425592 Verwaltungsrundschau : Zeitschrift fr Verwaltung in Praxis und Wissenschaft. -- Kohlhammer.(Kohlhammer)[月刊] 中央館 <AA00471658> ISSN:03408728 Vierteljahrschrift fr Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. -- 1. Bd. (1903)-. -- C.L. Hirschfeld, 1903-.(Franz Steiner Verlag)[季刊] 文 <AA00471669> 経済 ISSN:05069416 Beihefte zur Vierteljahrsschrift f r Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. -- 1. Heft (1923)-. -- W. Kohlhammer, 1923-.(Franz Steiner Verlag)[年3回刊] 経済 <AA00471749> ISSN:00425702 Vierteljahrshefte f r Zeitgeschichte. -- 1. Jahrg., 1. Heft (Jn. 1953)-. -- Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1953-.(R. Oldenbourg Verlag)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 257 2009年度 <AA00471691> ISSN:03401707 Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Deutsches Institut f r Wirtschaftsforschung. -- Jahrg. 1948, 1. Heft (1948)-1994, Heft 4 (1994) ; 64. Jahrg., Heft 1 (1995)-. -- Duncker & Humblot, [1948]-(Duncker & Humblot)[季刊] 経済 <AA11841522> Vietnam economic news : up-to- date business, financial, and economic information. -- Ministry of Trade, Vietnam Trade Information Center.(Vietnam Trade Information Center)[週刊] 国開 <AA11327438> Vietnam law & legal forum. -- Vietnam News Agency.(Vietnam News Agency)[月刊] 国開 <AA00471829> ISSN:0332608X Viking : tidsskrift for Norvn Arkeologi. -- Bd. 1 (1937)-. -- Norsk Arkeologisk Selskap, 1937-.(Norsk Arkeologisk Selskap)[年刊] 情文 <AA0047523X> ISSN:00426806 Virittj. Uusi jakso. : Kotikeilen Seuran aikakauslehti.(Castrenianum)[季刊] 文 <AA11022066> ISSN:13506285 Visual cognition. -- Vol. 1, issue 1 (1994)-. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c1994-.(Taylor & Francis)[隔月刊] 情文 <AA12058014> ISSN:15749401 Volume. -- No. 1 (2005)-. -- Archis Foundation, c2005-.(Artimo Foundation)[季刊] 工 <W> <AA0088580X> ISSN:0511084X Wakayama medical reports. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1953)-. -- Wakayama Medical College, 1953-.(Wakayama Medical University)[季刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 258 2009年度 <AA00477144> ISSN:00430080 Wall Street journal. -- (1889)-. -- Dow Jones.(Dow Jones)[週3回刊] 経済 <AA11042303> ISSN:07292473 War & society. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1983)-. -- Dept. of History, University of New South Wales, [c1983]-.(Department of History, Univ. of New Sout)[年2回刊] 文 <AA10493103> ISSN:02859211 Waseda bulletin of comparative law / the Institute of Comparative Law, Waseda University. -- Vol. 1 (1981)-. -- Institute of Comparative Law, Waseda University, 1981-.(the Institute of Comparative Law, Waseda University)[年刊] 法 <AA1196115X> ISSN:02877007 The Waseda journal of political science and economics. -- [English ed.]. -- No. 355 (2004)-. -- Waseda Society of Political Science and Economics, c2004-.()[年刊] 経済 <AA11438563> Waseda proceedings of comparative law / Institute of Comparative Law, Waseda University. -- Vol. 1 (1998/1999)-. -- Institute of Comparative Law, Waseda University.(Institute of Comparative Law, Waseda University)[年刊] 法 Weather & Forecasting(American Meteorological Society)[] 水循環 <AA00478023> ISSN:00432199 Weimarer Beitr ge : Studien und Mitteilungen zur Theorie und Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. -- 1. Jahrg. (1955)-. -Aufbau-Verlag, 1955-.(Passagen Verlag)[季刊] 中央館 <AA0047817X> ISSN:00432520 Die Welt der Slaven : Vierteljahrsschrift f r Slavistik. -- Jahrg. 1, Heft 1 (1956)-. -- Otto Harrassowitz, 1956-.(Verlag Otto Sagner)[年2回刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 259 2009年度 <AA00487953> ISSN:02579332 Werk, Bauen + Wohnen. -- 67. Jahrg., Nr. 1/2 (Jan./Feb. 1980)-. -- Verlegergemeinschaft Werk, Bauen + Wohnen.(Zollikofer)[月刊] 工 <AA10544306> ISSN:03426971 Wertpapier-Mitteilungen. Teil IV, Zeitschrift f r Wirtschaft und Bankrecht. -- 31. Jahrg., Nr. 1 (1. Jan. 1977)-. -Herausgebergemeinschaft Wertpapier-Mitteilungen, 1977-.(Wertpapier-Mitteilungen)[週刊] 法 <AA00488016> ISSN:01402382 West European politics. -- Vol. 1 (Feb. 1978)-. -- Frank cass, 1978-.(Routledge(Taylor & Francis Group))[隔月刊] 中央館 <YS01539938> ISSN:01779788 Wettbewerbe aktuell. -- Wettbewerbe Aktuell.(Wettbewerbe Aktuell Verlagsgesellschaft)[月刊] 工 <AA00480047> ISSN:00435597 William and Mary quarterly. Ser. 3 : a magazine of early American history. -- 1 (1944)-.(Inst. of Early American History & Cultur)[季 刊] 文 <AA00480284> ISSN:00436143 Wirtschaft und Statistik. Neue Folge / Statistisches Bundesamt, Germany. -- Jg. 1, Heft 1 (Apr. 1949)-Jg. 12, Heft 12 (Dez. 1960) ; 1961, Heft 1 (Jan. 1961)-. -- W. Kohlhammer.(Statistisches Bundesamt)[月刊] 経研セ <AA0048082X> ISSN:03409031 Die Wirtschaftsprfung : Zeitschrift fr Betriebs- und Finanzwirtschaft. -- Jahrg. 1, Nr. 1 (Apr. 1948)-. -- C.E. Poeschel, [1948].(IDW Verlsg GmbH)[月2回刊] 経済 <AA00487239> ISSN:00428582 Wirtschaftswoche. -- 27. Jahrg., Nr. 10 (1973)-50. Jahrg., Nr. 9 (1996) ; 96, 10 (Feb. 29, 96)-. -- ZEIT-Verlag Gmbh, 1973.(Wirtschaftswoche Kundenservice)[週刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 260 2009年度 <AA00889775> ISSN:00436925 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universit t Dresden. -- Jahrg. 10, Heft 5 (1961)-.(Technischen Universitt Dresden)[季刊] 数理 <AA10635263> ISSN:07216890 Wistra. -- 1. Jahrg., Heft 1 (Jan. 1982)-. -- P. Deubner, 1982-.(Huethig Jehle Rehm GmbH)[月刊] 中央館 <W0424000> ISSN:03428990 Wochenschau fr politische Erziehung, Sozial- und Gemeinschaftskunde. Sek. 1. -- Wochenschau.(Wochenschau Verlag)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA11815340> ISSN:03428974 Wochenschau fr politische Erziehung, Sozial- und Gemeinschaftskunde. Sek. 2. -- Wochenschau.(Wochenschau Verlag)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA11220853> ISSN:09699082 Women's writing : the Elizabethan to Victorian period. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1994)-. -- Triangle Journals, 1994-.(Routledge)[年3回刊] 文 <AA00890162> ISSN:00437662 Wood & wood products : the national authority on wood and allied products management and operations. -- Vance Pub. Corp..(Vance)[月刊] 農 <AA1064286X> ISSN:07356161 Wood and fiber science : journal of the Society of Wood Science and Technology. -- Vol. 15, no. 1 (Jan. 1983)-. -- Society of Wood Science and Technology.(Society of Wood Science & Technology)[季刊] 農 <AA10493872> ISSN:07435231 Wood machining news / Wood Machining Institute. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1984)-.(Wood Machining Institute)[隔月刊] 農 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 261 2009年度 <AA10493919> ISSN:02666286 Word & image. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1985)-.(Taylor & Francis)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00488843> ISSN:00437956 Word : journal of the Linguistic Circle of New York. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1945)-. -- Linguistic Circle of New York, 1945.(International Linguistic Association)[年3回刊] 文 <AA00485878> ISSN:00438006 The Wordsworth circle. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1970)-. -- Dept. of English, Temple University, 1970-.(Temple UP)[季刊] 中央館 <AA10611403> ISSN:07308884 Work and occupations : an international sociological journal. -- Vol. 9, no. 1 (Feb. 1982)-. -- SAGE Pub., 1982-.(Sage)[季刊] 教育 <AA11949380> ISSN:10928332 Workforce management. -- Vol. 81 [i.e. 82], no. 7 (July 2003)-. -- Crain Communications, c2003-.(Crain Comunications Inc.)[月2回 刊] 経済 <AA00485958> ISSN:00438243 World archaeology. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1969)-. -- Routledge & Kegan Paul, c1969-.(Routledge)[季刊] 文 <AA10758671> ISSN:10114548 World competition : law and economis review. -- No. 31 (Oct. 1987) - No. 33 (June 1988) ; vol.12, no. 1 (Sep. 1988) -. -- J. Werner, c1987-.(Kluwer Law International)[季刊] 国開 <AA0089099X> ISSN:03642313 World journal of surgery. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1977)-. -- Springer International.()[月刊] 医 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 262 2009年度 <AA00482574> ISSN:00439134 The world today. -- Vol. 3, no. 1 (Feb. 1947)-. -- [Royal Institute of International Affairs], [1947]-.(Royal Institute of International Affairs)[月刊] 情文 <AA11037030> ISSN:10226583 World trade and arbitration materials. -- Vol. 6, no. 1 (Jan. 1994)-. -- Werner Pub. Co., c1994-.(Kluwer Law International)[隔月刊] 国開 <AA10696654> ISSN:07410883 Written communication. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1984)-. -- Sage Publications, [c1984]-.(Sage)[季刊] 国開 <Y> <AA00491123> ISSN:00440078 Yale French studies. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring/summer 1948)-. -- Yale University.(Yale University Press)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00892882> ISSN:05135710 Yonago acta medica / Tottori University School of Medicine. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1954)-. -- Tottori University School of Medicine, 1954-.(Tottori University School of Medicine)[季刊] 医 <AA00892893> ISSN:05135796 Yonsei medical journal. -- Vol. 1 (1960)-. -- Yonsei University College of Medicine, 1960-.()[隔月刊] 医 <Z> <AA12354924> Zbornik radova. -- 7 (1997)- = 15 (1997)-. -- Matemati ki institut SANU, 1997-.(Matematiki institut SANU)[年刊] 数理 <AA00494201> ISSN:00442070 Die Zeit : Wochenzeitung fr Politik, Wirtschaft, Handel und Kultur. -- Zeitverlag.(Deutscher Pressevertrieb DPV)[週刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 263 2009年度 <AA00500778> Zeitschrift fr deutsche Philologie. Sonderheft.(Erich Schmidt Verlag)[年刊] 中央館 <AA00494314> 文 ISSN:00442194 Zeitschrift fr Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie. -- Jahrg. 1 (1953)-. -- DLG-Verlag.(DLG-Verlags GmbH)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA10494660> ISSN:02322064 Zeitschrift fr Analysis und ihre Anwendungen. -- Bd. 1, Heft 1 (1982)-. -- VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1982.(VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften)[季刊] 数理 <AA00494427> ISSN:00442305 Zeitschrift fr Anglistik und Amerikanistik.(Stauffenburg Verlag)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11985599> ISSN:16143485 Zeitschrift fr Arbeitsmarktforschung = Journal for labour market research. -- 37. Jahrg., 1 (2004)-. -- Kohlhammer, 2004.(Kohlhammer)[季刊] 教育 <AA00500621> ISSN:0342328X Zeitschrift fr Arbeitsrecht : ZFA. -- Jg.1 (1970)-. -- Heymanns Verlag.(Carl Heymanns Verlag)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00494529> ISSN:00442348 Zeitschrift fr auslndisches ffentliches Recht und Vlkerrecht / Institut fr Auslndisches ffentliches Recht und V lkerrecht. -- Bd. 1 (1929)-. -- Walter de Gruyter.(Kohlhammer)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00500712> ISSN:05142571 Zeitschrift fr Beamtenrecht. -- 1 (1953)-. -- W. Kohlhammer.(Verlag W. Kohlhammer)[月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 264 2009年度 <AA00501850> ISSN:01722875 Zeitschrift fr Berufs- und Wirtschaftspdagogik. -- 76 (1980)-.(Franz Steiner Verlag)[季刊] 教育 <AA0049461X> ISSN:00442380 Zeitschrift fr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. -- 1 (1954)-. -- Vittorio Klostermann.(Verlag Vittorio Klostermann)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00501883> ISSN:00845302 Zeitschrift fr celtische Philologie. -- 24. Bd. (1954)-. -- M. Niemeyer.(Niemeyer)[年刊] 文 <AA00494799> ISSN:00442496 Zeitschrift f r deutsche Philologie. -- Bd. 1 (1869)-. -- Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1869-.(Erich Schmidt Verlag)[季刊] 文 <AA00494948> 中央館 ISSN:00442518 Zeitschrift fr deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur. -- Franz Steiner.(S. Hirzel Verlag)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00495033> ISSN:00441449 Zeitschrift fr Dialektologie und Linguistik. -- Vol. 36, no. 1 (Juli 1969)-. -- Franz Steiner.(Franz Steiner Verlag)[年3回刊] 中央館 <AA11589434> Zeitschrift f r Europarecht : Beiheft der Schweizerischen Juristen-Zeitung : EuZ / Europa institut Zrich. -- 1. Jahrg., Nr. 0 (Dez. 1998)-. -- Schulthess Polygraphischer, [1998]-.(Schulthess Juristische Medien)[不明] 中央館 <AA00500880> ISSN:03728854 Zeitschrift fr Geomorphologie. N.F. -- 1 (1957)-.(E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung)[季刊] 文 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 265 2009年度 <AA00495190> ISSN:03013294 Zeitschrift fr germanistische Linguistik : ZGL. -- 1 (1973)-. -- Walter de Gruyter.(Walter de Gruyter)[年3回刊] 中央館 <AA00495204> ISSN:00442410 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DAS GESAMTE FAMILIENRECHT. -- GIESEKING VERLAG.(Gieseking)[月2回刊] 中央館 <AA00495237> ISSN:00442437 Zeitschrift f r das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht. -- 124. Bd. (1961/1962)-. -- Recht und Wirtschaft, 1962-.(Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA00495350> ISSN:00845310 Zeitschrift fr die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. -- 1 (1881)-. -- Guttentag, 1881-.(Walter de Gruyter & Co.)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00495452> ISSN:00442828 Zeitschrift fr Geschichtswissenschaft. -- 1. 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Kohlhammer)[年3回刊] 文 <AA11991434> Zeitschrift f r KMU und entrepreneurship : ZfKE. -- 52 Jahrg., Heft 3 (2004)-. -- Dunker & Humblot, 2004-.(Duncker & Humblot)[季刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 266 2009年度 <AA00495995> ISSN:00442992 Zeitschrift fr Kunstgeschichte. -- Bd. 1 (1932)-. -- Deutscher Kunstverlag.(Deutscher Kunstverlag)[季刊] 文 <AA00896307> ISSN:18625282 Zeitschrift f r Metallkunde : neue Folge der Internationalen Zeitschrift fur Metallographie. -- Bd. 10 (1919)-. -- Gebrder Borntraeger, 1919-.(Carl Hanser Verlag)[月刊] 工 <AA0050117X> ISSN:00845388 Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik. -- Bd. 1 (1967)-. -- Rudolf Habelt.(Rudolf Habelt)[季刊] 文 <AA00496502> ISSN:00443301 Zeitschrift fr philosophische Forschung. -- Bd. 1 (1946)-. -- Gryphius-Verlag, 1946-.(Vittorio Klostermann)[季刊] 文 <AA00496568> ISSN:00443360 Zeitschrift fr Politik. Neue Folge. -- 1. Jahrg. (1954)-. -- C. Heymann.(Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft)[季刊] 中央館 <AA11095070> ISSN:14306387 Zeitschrift fr Politikwissenschaft = Journal of political science. -- 6. Jahrg., Heft 1 (1996)-. -- Nomos, 1996-.(Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00496386> ISSN:00443247 Zeitschrift fr Pdagogik. -- Jahrg. 1 (1955)-. -- J. Beltz.(Julius Beltz)[隔月刊] 教育 <AA00500086> ISSN:0254945X Zeitschrift f r schweizerisches Recht. Neue Folge. 1. Halbband = Revue de droit suisse = Rivista di diritto svizzero. -- Bd. 74 (1955)-. -- Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1955-.(Helbing und Lichtenhahn Verlag)[隔月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 267 2009年度 <AA0049704X> ISSN:00443492 Zeitschrift fr slavische Philologie. -- Otto Harrassowitz.(Universitatsverlag C. Winter Heidelberg)[年2回刊] 文 <AA00497050> ISSN:00443506 Zeitschrift f r Slawistik / Akademie der Wissenschaften der D.D.R., National Kommitee der Slawisten der D.D.R. -- Bd. 1, Heft 1 (1956)-.(Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH)[季刊] 文 <AA00497130> ISSN:03401804 Zeitschrift fr Soziologie. -- Jahrg. 1 (1972)-. -- Ferdinand Enke Verlag.(Lucius und Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft)[隔月刊] 文 <AA00501384> ISSN:03402479 Zeitschrift fr Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht. -- Jahrg. 1, Heft 1 (1972)-. -- Athnum, [1972]-.(Walter de Gruyter)[隔 月刊] 中央館 <AA00502106> Zeitschrift f r Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht. Sonderheft. -- 1 (1979)-. -- Walter de Gruyter, 1979-.(Walter de Gruyter)[不明] 中央館 <AA00501362> ISSN:03422852 Zeitschrift fr Unternehmensgeschichte. -- 22. Jahrg., Heft 1 ([1977])-. -- Franz Steiner, 1977-.(Verlag C.H. Beck)[年2回刊] 経済 <AA10636288> ISSN:07239416 Zeitschrift fr Wirtschaftsrecht : ZIP. -- 4. Jahrg., Heft 1 (20. Jan. 1983)-. -- Verlag Kommunikationsforum Recht Wirtschaft Steuern, 1983-.(RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum)[週刊] 法 <AA00501045> ISSN:00443816 Zeitschrift interne Revision. -- (1966)-.(Erich Schmidt Verlag)[隔月刊] 経済 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 268 2009年度 <AA11330771> ISSN:14363356 Zentralblatt MATH / European Mathematical Society, Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. -- Vol. 901 (1999)-. -- Springer-Verlag, 1999-.(Springer)[隔週刊] 数理 <AA10933024> ISSN:03423468 ZZP : Zeitschrift fr Zivilproze. -- Bd. 106, Heft 1 (Mrz 1993)-. -- C. Heymanns Verlag, 1993-.(Carl Heymanns Verlag)[季刊] 中央館 <◆> <AA11974515> ISSN:08579482 วารสารสถิติ รายไตรมาส = Quarterly bulletin of statistics. -- สํานักงานสถิติแหงชาติ, สํานักนายกรัฐมนตรี.(Thailand, National Statistical Office)[季刊] 国開 <AA12358594> ISSN:00280011 วารสารสํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ. วิทยาศาสตร = Journal of the National Research Council of Thailand. Natural science. -ปที่ 39, เลมที่ 1 (มกราคม/มิถุนายน 2550 [2007])-. -- สํานักงานคณะกรรมการ()[年2回刊] 医 <AA12360020> ISSN:00280011 วารสารสํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ. สังคมศาสตร = Journal of the National Research Council of Thailand. Social science. -ปที่ 39, เลมที่ 1 (มกราคม-มิถุนายน 2550 [2007])-. -- สํานักงานคณะกรรมการว()[年2回刊] 医 <J> <AA11563215> ISSN:13454676 Journal of Nippon Medical School = 日本醫科大學雑誌. -- Vol. 67, no. 1 (Feb. 2000)-. -- Medical Association of Nippon Medical School, 2000-.(日本医科大学)[隔月刊] 医 <N> <AN00358613> ISSN:04708105 Neurologia medico-chirurgica = 神経外科 / 日本脳神経外科学会 [編]. -- 19巻1号 (1979.1)-. -- 日本脳神経外科学会, 1979-.(日 本脳神経外科学会)[月刊] 医 <オ> <AN00033958> ISSN:00298190 お茶の水女子大學自然科學報告 = Natural science report of the Ochanomizu University. -- 1巻1号 (昭26.3)-. -- お茶の水女子大 學, 1951.3-.(お茶の水女子大學)[年2回刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 269 2009年度 <ス> <AA12172279> ISSN:02529602 Acta mathematica scientia = 数学物理学报. -- [English ed.]. -- Vol. 2, no. 2 (June 1982)-. -- [s.n.], 1982-.(Elsevier)[季刊] 数理 <ヨ> <AA0089285X> ISSN:00440523 The Yokohama mathematical journal = 横濱市立大學紀要. D部門, 数学. 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Высшее и среднее профессиональное образование. -- 2004, no. 7 (2004)-. -- "Московский лицей", 2004-.(Moskovskii litsei')[月刊] 教育 <AA00000797> ISSN:00054283 Български език : орган на Института за български език при Бълг арска академия на науките. -- Изд. на Българската академия на на уките.(Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House)[季刊] 文 <AA10847283> ISSN:03210170 Бюллетень Верховного суда Российской Федерации. -- 1992, 1 (янв. 1992). -- "Московская правда", 1992-.()[月刊] 中央館 <AA11107034> ISSN:03210294 Бюллетень нормативных актов федеральных органов исполнител ьной власти. -- 1996, no. 1 (июль 1996)-. -- Юридическая литература, 1996.7.(Iuridicheskaia Literatura)[週刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 270 2009年度 <В> <AA00001541> ISSN:05799368 Вестник Московского университета. Серия 1, Математика, механик а. -- 1960, no. 1 (1960)-. -- Изд-во Московского университета, 1960-.(Изд-во Моск овского университета)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA11986128> ISSN:00023574 Весці Нацыянальнай Акадэміі навук Беларусі. Серыя фізіка-матэматы чных навук = Известия Национальной Академии наук Беларуси. Се рия физико-математических наук. -- 1998, no. 1 (1998)-. -- Беларуская наву (Беларуская навука)[季刊] 数理 <AA11104626> ISSN:08697426 Вестник Высшего арбитражного суда Российской Федерации. -- Tip. im. I.I. Skvorova-Stepanova.()[月刊] 法 <AA00001574> ISSN:01300113 Вестник Московского университета. Серия 11, Право. -- 1977, no. 1 (янв./ф евр. 1977)-. -- Изд-во Московского университета, 1977-.(MK-Periodika)[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA1084643X> ISSN:08695873 Вестник Российской академии наук : научный и общественно-поли тический журнал. -- 1992, 2 (1992)-1992, 12 (1992) ; Т. 63, номер 1 (янв. 1993)-. -- "Наука", 1992-.(Hayka)[月刊] 中央館 <AA10837213> ISSN:02337541 Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия 6, Философи я, политология, социология, психология, право. -- 1992, вып.1 (март 1992)2007, вып.4 (дек. 2007). -- Изд-во Санкт-Петербургского университе(SanktPeterburg Izdatelstvo Sankt-Peterb)[季刊] 中央館 <AA00002453> ISSN:0373658X Вопросы языкознания / Академия наук СССР. -- [1952, no. 1] (1952)-. -- Изд-во А кадемии наук СССР.(Nauka)[隔月刊] 文 <Г> <AA12376778> ISSN:03517441 Годишен зборник на институтот за математика = Annuaire de l'institut des math matiques. -- Кн. 36 (1995)-.(Математички факултет на Универзитетот "Кирил и Методиj")[年刊] 数理 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 271 2009年度 <AA10834860> ISSN:01320769 Государство и право : ежемесячный журнал / Институт государст ва и права, Российская академия наук. -- 1992, no. 3 (1992)-. -- Изд-во "Наука ", 1992-.(Hayka)[月刊] 中央館 <Д> <AA10878458> ISSN:13101331 Доклади на Българската академия на науките = Comptes rendus de l'Acad mie bulgare des sciences. -- Т. 44, no 1 (1991)-. -- Изд-во на БАН, 1991-.(Изд-во на БАН)[月刊] 数理 <AA10827945> ISSN:0002354X Доклады Академии наук Беларуси. -- Т. 36, no. 1 (янв. 1992)-. -- Навука ◆i◆ тэ хн◆i◆ка, 1992-.(Минск)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA12362514> ISSN:03211339 Доклады / Академия наук Армении. -- T. 91, no. 1 (1990)-. -- Изд-во Академия н аук Армении, c1990-.(Академии наук Армении)[季刊] 数理 <AA11092061> ISSN:10256415 Допов◆i◆д◆i◆ Нац◆i◆онально◆◆ Академ◆i◆◆◆ Наук Укра◆◆ни. Мат ематика природознавство техн◆i◆чн◆i◆ науки. -- 1995, 1 (1995)-. -- Наук ду мка, c1995-.(Наук думка)[月刊] 数理 <Е> <AA00003514> ISSN:03241270 Език и литература : списание за вългалска и славянска филологи я / Дружество на българистите.()[年2回刊] 文 <Ж> <AA11516645> ISSN:16056590 Журнал российского права. -- Норма.(MK-Periodika)[月刊] 中央館 <З> <AA10846382> ISSN:08694486 Законность : ежемесячный правовой научно-практический журна л. -- 1992, 1 (1992)- = 687 (1992)-. -- "Законность", 1992-.()[月刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 272 2009年度 <И> <AA00686880> ISSN:00213446 Известия высших учебных заведений. Математика / Министерство высшего и среднего спецнального образования СССР. -- 1957, 1 (1957)-. -Изд-во гос. университета им. В.И. Ульянова-Ленина.(Изд-во гос. уни верситета им. В.И. Ульянова-Ленина)[月刊] 数理 <AA1125196X> Известия Национальной Академии наук Армении. Математика. -- 27, no 1 (1992)-. -- Изд-во НАН Армении, 1992-.(Изд-во НАН Армении)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA1195739X> ISSN:00023191 Известия Национальной Академии Наук Республики Казахстан. Се рия физико-математическая = Қазақстан республикасы ұлттық ғылы м академиясының хабарлары. -- 2003.1(янв./февр.2003)- = 227(янв./февр.2003)-. (?ы лым)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA12013038> ISSN:03732436 Известия Российской Академии наук. Серия математическая. -- Т. 68, 4 (июль/авг. 2004)-. -- Издательство "Наука", 2004-.(Издательство "Наука ")[隔月刊] 数理 <AA00004277> Известия.()[日刊] 中央館 <AA00004823> ISSN:01318039 Известия высших учебных заведений. Правоведение / Министелст во высшего образования СССР. -- -10 (1966) ; 1967 (1967)-. -- Изд-во Ленинградс кого университета.()[隔月刊] 中央館 <AA10966431> ISSN:08696322 Исторический архив : научно-публикаторский журнал / Комитет п о делам архивов при Правительстве России. -- 1992, no. 1 (1992)-. -- Изд-во " ЛИТ", 1992-.(Izd-vo 'Lit')[隔月刊] 法 <Л> <AA0000675X> Литературная газета : орган Правления Союза советских писате лей СССР.()[週刊] 中央館 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 273 2009年度 <М> <AA11201203> ISSN:03542238 Математика црне горе = Mathematica Montisnigri. -- К◆nj◆ига 1 (1993)-. -- Друштво мат ематичара и физичара црне горе, 1993-.(Друштво математичара и физ ичара црне горе)[年刊] 数理 <AA00722463> ISSN:0025567X Математические заметки / Академия наук Союза ССР. -- Т. 1, вып. 1 (1967)-. -- Наука, 1967-.(Наука)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA10748496> ISSN:03688666 Математический сборник. -- Т. 180, no. 1 (янв. 1989)-. -- Наука, 1989-.(London Mathematical Society, Turpina Ltd. : Russian Academy of Sciences)[月刊] 数理 <AA10547905> ISSN:00255165 Математички весник / Друштво математичара, физичара и астроно ма СР Србије - СФР Југославија. -- Књ. 1, свеска 1 (1977)-књ. 6, свеска 4 (1982) ; Књ. 35, свеска 1 (1983)-. -- Друштво, 1977-.(Друштво)[季刊] 数理 <AA00006884> ISSN:00251089 Македонски ◆j◆азик : билтен на Катедрата за ◆j◆ужнословенски ◆j ◆азици при Филозофскиот факултет во Скоп◆j◆е. -- Г. 1. бр. 1 (1950)-.(Institute of Makedonian Language)[年刊] 文 <Н> <AA12005186> ISSN:00278084 Наш језик. -- Институт за српски језик САНУ.(Institut za Srpkohratski Jezik)[季刊] 文 <AA00007570> ISSN:01306928 Народное образование / М-Во Просвещения С.С.С.Р. -- (1946)-. -- Педагоги ка.()[月刊] 教育 <AA00007821> ISSN:00277371 Начальная школа : методический журнал / М-во просвещения РСФСР. -- Просвещение.()[月刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 274 2009年度 <AA00008154> ISSN:01370723 Новое время. -- [1945], 1 (июнь 1945)-. -- Труд, 1945-.(Trud)[週刊] 中央館 <П> <AA10497115> ISSN:02049805 Плиска : български математически студии = Pliska : studia mathematica bulgarica / Бъ лгарска академия на науките. -- Изд-во на Българската академия на науките.(Изд-во на Българската академия на науките)[年刊] 数理 <AA11844757> ISSN:18119018 Право и политика : научный юридический журнал. -- Nota Bene.()[月刊] 法 <AA10844514> ISSN:0869561X Педагогика. -- 1992, 1/2 (1992)-. -- Педагогика, 1992-.()[月刊] 教育 <AA10855496> ISSN:08694761 Профессионал. -- 1991, no. 8 (авг. 1991)-. -- "Профессионал", c1991-.()[隔月刊] 教育 <Р> <AA11001769> ISSN:01316761 Российская юстиция. -- 1994, 1 (янв. 1994)-. -- Изд-во "Юридическая лит.", 1994-.()[月刊] 中央館 <С> <AA00840594> ISSN:13106600 Сердика : Българско математическо списание = Serdica : Bulgaricae mathematicae publicationes / Българска академия на науките, Единен център за наука и подготовка на кадри по математика и механика. -- (Изд-во на Бъл гарската академия на науките)[季刊] 数理 <AA1100282X> ISSN:15600580 Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации. -- Г. изд. 1-й, no. 1 (2 мая 1994 г.)-г. изд. 8-й, no. 26 (25 июня 2001 г.) ; 2001 no. 27 (2 июля 2001 г.)-. -- Официал ьное изд. Администрации Президент()[週刊] 法 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 275 2009年度 <AA10960650> ISSN:08695210 Специалист. -- 1992, 1 (янв. 1992)-. -- "Специалист", 1992-.(Visshaia Shkola)[月刊] 教育 <Т> <AA00012286> ISSN:05646162 Теоретическая и математическая физика / Академия наук СССР. -Т. 1 (1969)-. -- Наука.(Наука)[月刊] 数理 <AA00012300> ISSN:0040361X Теория вероятностей и её применения / Академия наук СССР. -- 1 (1956)-. -- Изд-во Академии наук СССР.(Изд-во Академии наук СССР)[季刊] 数理 <У> <AA12354083> ISSN:18103200 Український математичний вісник. -- Tom 1, no. 1 (2004)-. -- Інститут приклад ної математики і механіки НАН України, c2004-.(Iнститут прикладноi мат ематики i механiки)[季刊] 数理 <AA10992238> ISSN:10273190 Укра◆◆нський математичний журнал / Академ◆i◆я наук Укра◆◆н и, ◆I◆нститут математики. -- Т. 44, no. 1 (1992)-. -- Наукова думка, c1992-.(Науко ва думка)[月刊] 数理 <AA00013110> ISSN:00421316 Успехи математических наук. Новая серия / Академия наук Союза ССР [и] Московское математическое общество. -- 1 (1946)-. -- Наука, Глав ная редакция физико-математической литературы.(Наука, Главна я редакция физико-математической литературы)[隔月刊] 数理 <AA12265380> ISSN:18156088 Ученые записки Казанского государственного университета. Се рия Физико-математические науки. -- Т. 147, кн. 1 (2005)-. -- Казанский гос дарственный университет, 2005-.(Казанский госдарственный униве рситет)[季刊] 数理 <AA00013369> Учительская газета : орган М-ва просвещениа СССР и Центрально го комитета профсоюза работников просвещения / М-во просвещен ия СССР. -- 1924 (1924)-. -- [s.n.], 1924-.()[週刊] 教育 受入雑誌リスト PAGE: 276 2009年度 <Ф> <AA11077294> ISSN:02018489 Фізіологічний журнал / Национальна академія наук України, Інститу т фізіології ім. О.О. Богомольця. -- Т. 40, no 1 (січ./лют. 1994)-. -- Наукова Думка, 1994-.()[隔月刊] 医 <AA00013642> ISSN:03741990 Функциональный анализ и его приложения / Академия наук СССР. -Т. 1, вып. 1 (янв./март 1967)-. -- Наука, 1967-.(Наука)[季刊] 数理 <Ш> <AA00013835> ISSN:00374024 Школа и производство / Министерство просвещения РСФСР. -- Прос вещение.()[隔月刊] 教育 <Э> <AA10816188> ISSN:08694672 Экономист : ежемесячный экономический научно-практический ж урнал Министерства экономики и прогнозирования СССР. -- 1991, [no.] 1 (июль 1991)-. -- Экономика, 1991-.(konomika)[月刊] 経済 <> <AA11950040> ISSN:17636191 Les tudes de la documentation franaise. -- No 5186/87 (2004)-. -- La Documentation franaise, c2004-.(Documentation Francaise)[月2回刊] 経済 <> <AA12245940> ISSN:13000713 stanbul niversitesi Fen Fakltesi matematik, fizik ve astronomi dergisi. [New series] = University of Istanbul, Faculty of Science, the journal of mathematics, physics and astronomy. 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