Moshi Moshi Vol. 42, No.2 November – December 2015 Edmonton Japanese Community Association The first EJCA activity in 2016 is a New Year’s Party. Please join the Party to send your greetings to members and celebrate the start of 2016. Bring your favourite New Year’s dishes (Pot Luck dinner: free O-zoni and tea will be served.) There is no fee and no registratoon is required! Date: Place: Time: EJCA会員のみなさま、新年おめでとうございます。 今年もどうぞお元気で素晴らしい 1 年をお過ごし下 さい。 新年会を以下のように行いますので、ご一 緒に楽しく 2016 年の門出をお祝いいたし ましょう。新年会にはいつものようにご自慢 のおせち料理をお持ち下さい。もちろんそ のほかカナダ風のお料理も大歓迎です! お雑煮と日本酒・お茶は会で出します。参 加は無料、予約も要りません。 Saturday, January 9, 2016 EJCA Centre 6750 – 88 Street, Edmonton The Centre opens at 4:30 pm 日時: Program: 4:30 5:00 – 5:30 5:30 – 7:00 7:00 – 8:00 Door opens Social time & dinner set up Pot luck dinner New Year celebration Greeting from guests Entertainment Door prizes 場所: 2015 年 1 月 9 日(土) 4 時 30 分―8 時 エドモントン日本文化会館 6750 – 88 street, Edmonton プログラム: 4:30 開場 5:00 - 5:30 食事の用意と 新年挨拶 5:30 – 7:00 持ち寄り食事 7:00 – 8:00 新年お祝い行事・ 祝辞・その 他・福引 Please note: ・ No children’s program at the New Year’s Party ・ Please come in KIMONO to receive a special gift! Need a help for wearing Kimono? Please come to the centre by 3 pm with all your Kimono items. We will assist you to wear Kimono! 新年会には子供向けのプログラムはありません。 1 年に 1 度でもお持ちの和服を着ませんか。和服でいらした方には プレゼントがあります。着付けが必要な方は 3 時までに着付けに必 要な物を全部持っていらして下さい。お手伝いいたします。 Your membership for 2016 is due 2016 年会員登録を 2015 年 12 月 31 日までにお願いしま Please apply for your membership for 2016 by December 31, 2015. An application form is at the last page. Membership fee for senior (over 70 years old) is free but still a registration form is still required for confirmation of your address and to update other information. す。申込書はこの「もしもし」の最後のページにあります。70才以上 のシニアーの会員費は無料ですが、住所その他の情報管理のため に登録が必要です。 In This Issue New Year’s Party 新年会 President's Corner 会長挨拶 2015 EJCA AGM 2015 年次総会 Upcoming Events 行事予定 NAJC AGM NAJC 年次総会 Casino Volunteers カシノ手伝い Japanese Language class 日本語教室 Fall Bazaar 秋のバザー 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 Explore Japan エクスプロア日本 Our Experience in Japan 日本旅行 Library & New DVD 図書と新 DVD Our Seniors 4 シニアー会員 4 Alberta/Hokkaido アルバータ北海道 EJCA Rental Fee 会館使用料 Dream of Ofuro お風呂を夢見る Facility Manager Returned 7 9 12 14 15 16 16 18 Taiko workshops 太鼓ワークショップ Tuesday Get Together 火曜の集い Matsu No Kai 松の会 Volunteers & Donations ボランティア Advertisement 広告 Directory of Clubs クラブ名簿 Membership Form 会員申込書 19 19 20 21 22 23 25 Moshi Moshi 2015 EJCA Children’s Christmas Party Cancelled by David Mitsui It is with regret that the EJCA Board of Directors decided at its recent meeting to cancel the EJCA Children’s Christmas Party that was scheduled for Sunday, Dec 13, 2015. EJCA President David Mitsui had indicated to the members attending the AGM on Oct 18, 2015 that unless volunteers stepped up to plan this event, it was in jeopardy of being cancelled. In the past, many EJCA board members took on the responsibility of organizing these types of events. However, with fewer members serving on the board of directors, this is no longer a sustainable method of planning events. The EJCA must rely on individual members to volunteer for such duties for these events to continue. In the future, the board will send out requests for volunteers to plan upcoming events. President’s Message David Mitsui MERRY CHRISTMAS! On behalf of the EJCA Board of Directors we wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas! I want to present you with my favorite Christmas poem. 2015年12月の子供のためのクリスマス・パーティーの中止 デービッド・ミツイ EJCA役員会は2015年12月13日に予定されていたEJCA子供 のためのクリスマス・パーティーを残念ながら中止することに決定し ました。 2015年10月18日のEJCA年次総会で今年の子供のためのクリ スマス・パーティーを企画・実行をするボランティアを募集しましたが 見つかりませんでした。 また現在役員会は定員に満たず、役員の数が不足していて子供の クリスマス・パーティーを担当できる役員がいません。これからもEJ CAの行事にはボランティアの参加が不可欠ですから、十分な時間 の余裕をみてボランティア募集のお知らせをしますので、皆様のご 協力をお願いいたします。 会長の挨拶 デービッド・ミツイ EJCA役員会一同を代表して会員の皆様にメリー・クリスマス!私 の大好きなクリスマスの詩を紹介します。(英語版と対比してご覧くだ さい。) 「クリスマスの季節」 Poem: Christmas Time ロナルド・ドー作(編集子による異訳!) By Ronald Doe Christmas Time is finally here, It only comes but once a year. And it's a time to spread good cheer, To those we love and hold so dear. やっと来た来たクリスマス 一年一度の大騒ぎ なんでも良いから陽気になって 愛する人とはしゃぎましょう Christmas Time is a time of glee, A time when peace and love run free. A time for those like you and me, To sit beneath the Christmas Tree. クリスマスには上機嫌 平和も愛も無料です だけど僕らはわびしくて ツリーの下でただ黙然 Christmas Time is a time of joy, A time to sit back and enjoy. The smile on each girl and boy, As they play with a Christmas Toy. クリスマスには大喜び 仕事を休んで寝て食って にやけて笑う男女を眺め バカ騒ぎにはただ呆然 Christmas Time is a time to share, The passing of another year. Birth of Jesus, a joyful prayer, To show loved ones how much we care. クリスマスには大散財 忘年会を掛け持ちし 神社仏閣初詣 世間の義理は高くつく Christmas Time is a time for song, A time for us to get along. To make us feel Lord Jesus strong, Forgive all those who did us wrong. クリスマスには大声で 嫌な奴ともカラオケし 神よ仏と祈りつつ 昔の仕打ちを忘れましょう Christmas Time is a time to pray, Put love and kindness on display. Show compassion along the way, Christmas Time should be everyday 一年中がクリスマス 愛と善意を身にまとい 慈悲を振りまき闊歩する こんな日々をただ妄想 2 November - December 2015 It is interesting to note that since 99% of Japanese is non-Christian, Christmas in Japan has nothing to do with religion! You will not likely see a Christmas tree in homes due to the small spaces. But you will see bright lights and glitter and gift-giving, a cultural phenomena in Japan. You will also not see turkey with all the dressings being served. Many families in Japan reserve their Christmas Eve dinner months in advance by placing their order at the local KFC! th For all intents and purposes, Dec 25 is a work day in Japan. But, there are also plenty of parties. This is the time to celebrate “Bonen-kai”, also known as “Forget the Year Party”, where many workers will drink to forget the year’s problems. Apparently the beer and sake companies are very grateful for Kurisumasu in Japan! 2015 EJCA Annual General Meeting David Mitsui The EJCA held its Annual General Meeting on Sunday, Oct 18, 2015. It is my pleasure to announce you the 2015-16 Board of Directors: President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Directors-at-Large David Mitsui (2016*) Sanae Ohki (2016) Jim Hoyano (2017) Andrew Beattie (2016) Yoko Azumaya (2017) Jean-Marcel Duciaume (2017) Hideji Ono (2017) (*indicates the end of term) We are still seeking interested members who wish to serve on the EJCA Board as Directors-at-large. We have openings for several members. Please contact me if you have any questions. We meet the second Thursday of every month (except July and August) for about two hours. I wish to thank the outgoing board members, Dave Mueller (Director-at-large) and Emma St. Laurent (Treasurer), for their commitment to the board these past few years. We will miss your contribution but know that we will see you at future EJCA events. Event Calendar 2016 EJCA New Year’s Pot Luck Dinner Hinamatsuri Izakaya Evening Kodomo no Hi-Kurimoto Japanese Garden EJCA Cooking Workshop EJCA Work Bee + Summer Event Heritage Festival Training Day Heritage Festival Maki Sushi Roll-Out Contest Heritage Festival Volunteer Appreciation EJCA Annual General Meeting EJCA Fall Bazaar Kimiko Shimizu Art & Culture Grant Deadline EJCA Board of Directors Planning Retreat EJCA Children’s Christmas Party Moshi Moshi 日本人の99パーセントはキリスト教徒ではない、とこうことをご存じ すか?ですから日本のクリスマスはほとんどの人にとってキリスト教 とは関係ありません。窮屈な日本の家では室内にクリスマスツリー を飾る人はまずいないでしょう。ですが、街にはクリスマスライトが輝 き、クリスマスプレゼントを買い求める人で賑わっています。日本の クリスマスは日本ならではの文化現象です。クリスマスに七面鳥を 家で食べる習慣はありませんが、KFC のフライドチキンが大人気で 何ヶ月も前からクリスマスディナーのために予約するそうです。 日本では12月25日は休日ではありません。一日中働く普通の日で す。ですが、この時期の日本は忘年会で大賑わいです。クリスマス はいわばこの忘年会の一つでしょう。忘年会は文字通り、この一年 の嫌なことつらいことは総て酒で流す大切は儀式です。ビール会社 や酒蔵はクリスマスと忘年会に感謝、感謝です。 2015年度EJCA年次総会 デービッド・ミツイ EJCA年次総会が2015年10月18日にセンターで開かれ、2015 -16年度役員会役員が選出されました。 会長 副会長 会計 書記 役員 デービッド・ミツイ(2016年*) 大木早苗(2016年) ジム・ホヤノ(2017年) アンドリュー・ビーティー(2016年) 東谷陽子(2017年) ジーン=マーセル・デュシオーム(2017年) 大野秀司(2017年) *役員任期終了年度 役員会ではまだ役員の欠員があり、役員を募集しています。興味、 質問のある方は私までご連絡ください。役員会は毎月一回(7月と8 月は休み)第2木曜日の夜にセンターで約 2 時間開かれます。 今年10月で任期を終了した役員のデイブ・ミューラー(役員)、エマ・ サンローラン(会計)に感謝いたします。役員会で会えないのは残念 ですが、EJCAの行事で再会出来ることを楽しみにしています。 2016 年行事予定 Saturday, January 9, 2016 1 月 9 日(土) Saturday, March 12, 2016 3 月 12 日(土) Saturday, April 9, 2016 4 月 9 日(土) Sunday, May 1, 2016 5 月 1 日(日) Saturday, May 7, 2016 5 月 7 日(土) Saturday, June 11, 2016 6 月 11 日(土) Saturday, July 23, 2016 7 月 23 日(土) July 30 to August 1, 2016 7 月 30 日-8 月1日 Saturday, September 10, 2016 9 月 10 日(土) Saturday, September 24, 2016 9 月 24 日(土) Sunday, October 16, 2016 10 月 16 日(日) Saturday, October 22, 2016 10 月 22 日(土) Monday, October 31, 2016 10 月 31 日(月) Sunday, November 20, 2016 11 月 20 日(日) Sunday, December 11, 2016 12 月 11 日(日) 新年会(夕食持ち寄り) 雛祭り 居酒屋の夕べ こどもの日(栗本日本庭園) 料理教室 センター大掃除 ヘリテージ祭り準備トレーニング ヘリテージ祭り 巻き寿司コンテスト ヘリテージ祭りボランティア感謝パーティー 年次総会 秋のバザー シミズ・キミコ助成金締め切り日 役員会研修会 子供のクリスマス・パーティー November - December 2015 3 Moshi Moshi 2015 Annual General Meeting of National Association of Japanese-Canadians David Mitsui Sanae Ohki, Vice-President, and I represented EJCA at the Annual General Meeting of the National Association th of Japanese Canadians the weekend of September 25 in Victoria, BC. All 17 full and supporting association members of the NAJC Council were present. The NAJC Council passed a motion to create the Community Renewal Fund. With the passing of this motion, all full member organizations (EJCA included) are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $24,000 and supporting member organizations up to $4,000. This motion came about because of a motion submitted by Art Miki (Japanese Cultural Association of Manitoba) and Lorene Oikawa (Greater Vancouver JCCA) to provide financial support to full and supporting member organizations for facility construction or renovations. However, it was deemed necessary to amend the motion to expand the use of such funds to include local initiatives, programming and events. The broader use of these funds was necessary because many of the smaller local organizations do not own a centre or building and many lack the resources to either build or fund-raise to even consider the construction of their own facility. It was also felt that many local organizations struggle to have sufficient funds to support local ongoing initiatives, programs and events. We also learned that many local organizations are experiencing a decline in membership, especially amongst the younger generations, and some of the smaller local organizations are in jeopardy of folding. The Community Renewal Fund (CRF) Committee consists of the following members: Eiko Eby – Central Vancouver Island JC Society, Nanaimo Art Miki – Japanese Cultural Association of Manitoba David Mitsui – Edmonton Japanese Community Association Lorene Oikawa – Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadians Citizens’ Association Sachiko Okuda – Ottawa Japanese Community Association Tosh Kitagawa – NAJC National Executive Board The role of the CRF Committee is to develop guidelines for application and specific criteria for adjudication. A draft of the documents has been submitted to the NAJC National Executive Board for feedback. It is anticipated that the funds will become available in the 2016-17 fiscal year. 4 November - December 2015 2015年度カナダ日系人協会年次総会 デービッド・ミツイ 会長の私と副会長の大木早苗がEJCAを代表して、2015年9月2 5日と26日にビクトリア市で開催された2015年度カナダ日系人協 会(NAJC)年次総会に出席しました。総会にはカナダ全国から17 のNAJCの会員組織が参加しました。総会で一つ大切な議題が可 決されました。日系カナダ人コミュニティー活性化基金の設立です。 この基金の設立により、NAJCの正式会員組織(EJCAもこの分類 に入ります)はコミュニティーの活性化のために最高2万4千ドルま での助成金に応募できます。またNAJC支持団体(会員数が少なく てまだNAJCの正式会員組織になっていない団体、ホワイトホース 日系人協会、リジャイナ日系人協会など)は最高4千ドルです。総会 ではマニトバ日本文化協会のアート・ミキとバンクーバー日系人協 会のロレーヌ・オイカワが日系人コミュニティーの施設の建設、改装 のための基金の設立を提案しましたが、日系人コミュニティーの中 には会員が少なくて、自分たちの施設を持つ力の無いところもあり、 施設だけでなくプログラムも対象になるように提案が修正されて可 決されました。日系コミュニティー組織は会員数の減少しているとこ ろも多く、とくに若い会員の獲得が難しいことが問題になっています。 会員数の減少で日系コミュニティー組織の閉鎖に直面しているとこ ろもあります。 日系カナダ人コミュニティー活性化基金はNAJC内に特別委員会を 創設して願書を審査するための基準の作成、願書の受付と審査を 行います。特別委員会はすでに審査基準の草稿をNAJC役員会に 提出しており、基金からの助成金を2016年4月からの年度内に配 布を始める予定です。 特別委員会のメンバーは次のとおりです。 エイコ・エビー(バンクーバーアイランド中部日系人協会、ナナイモ) アート・ミキ(マニトバ日本文化協会、マニトバ) デービッド・ミツイ(エドモントン日本文化協会) ロレーヌ・オイカワ(バンクーバー日系人協会) サチコ・オクダ(オタワ日本コミュニティー協会) トッシュ・キタガワ(NAJC役員) Attendants at the EJCA AGM on October 18, 2015 Moshi Moshi ジム・ホヤノ EJCA looking for Casino Volunteers Jim Hoyano EJCAのカシノのボランティアを募集中 Dates: Location: EJCAではEJCAの主催するカシノのボランティアを募集中です。 日時: 2016年1月11(月)、12日(火) 場所: カシノ・エドモントン (7055 Argyll Road, Edmonton) January 11-12, 2016 (Monday-Tuesday) Casino Edmonton, 7055 Argyll Road The funds received from Casino event are needed for EJCA Centre operations, programs and equipment purchases and upgrades for the next two years. Positions: Cashiers, Chip Runners, Count Room Volunteer forms are available at the EJCA office, and can be filled out during office hours. If you are unable to make it to the Centre, please send your name and contact info to [email protected] or leave a phone message at 780 4668166. You will be contacted about which shift you are able to work about a week before the casino dates. Shift times: Cashiers & Chip Runners: Daytime: 9:30 am to 6:30 pm Evening 6:15 pm to 3:30 am Count Room: Evening only: 11:00 pm to 3:45 am カシノからの収入はEJCAの次の二年間の活動に不可欠です。皆 様こぞってボランティアの申し出をしてください。カシノの仕事はキャ ッシャー、チップ・ランナー、カウント・ルームです。経験は問いませ ん。ボランティアの申請書がEJCAのオフィスのおいてあります。もし、 EJCAオフィスまで来る都合のつかない方は電子メール [email protected] または 電話 780 466-8166 に伝言をおいてく ださい。こちらからご連絡いたします。 カシノの受け持ち時間は次のとおりです。 キャッシャーとチップ・ランナー 昼間: 午前9時半から午後6時半 夜: 午後6時15分から翌日の午前3時半 カウント・ルーム 夜: 午後11時から翌日の午前3時45分 Japanese Language Classes – Winter session The current lesson year started in September 2015 and is comprised of 3 terms. There are 10 classes per term that are held on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Term 1 Fall 2015 September 23 to December 2, 2015 Term 2 Winter 2016 January 20 to March 23, 2016 Term 3 Spring 2016 (dates to be determined) Students in Term 1 can automatically proceed to Term 2. However, in order to be considered for admission in Term 2, any new students who wish to join a class must meet the following Japanese language requirements based on the skills taught in Term 1: Total Beginner: Basic Japanese language skills such as greetings and introductions, counting numbers asking for/telling time, and vocabulary to go shopping. Beginner Intermediate: Carry out a simple self-introduction (telling your name, telephone number, age, birthday, where you are from) Ask for/tell the time Carry out a simple shopping task (asking how much an item is, making a simple inquiry about an item, indicating which item you wish to purchase) Indicate the existence of things and people Talk about everyday routines Say what you did on your days off read and write hiragana and katakana Beginner advanced: Use verb: masu-, short (plain) and te-form Use adjective: negative, past and te-form State request, permission, prohibition, reason and liking State “he said/thinks that ….”, “I like studying Japanese” and “the man who is eating sushi is my father”. Read and write hiragana and katakana Recognize about 50 basic kanji. Location: EJCA Date/time: Wednesdays January 20 to March 23, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Class Fees: $105 Textbook:“Genki – 1” (all levels); approx. $60 Registration deadline: Friday, January 8, 2016, registration form at Other requirements: Classes are open to EJCA members only. 2016 EJCA membership form is available on the last page of this newsletter. Classes are open to students from age 13 up who are comfortable studying in an adult learning environment. Contact Cathy Tennant at [email protected] for questions. November - December 2015 5 Moshi Moshi EJCA Fall Bazaar Miori Matthews My name is Miori. I joined the EJCA early in 2015 to continue my Japanese language education. I have recently been trying to get more involved in some of the community events. This year I decided to volunteer at the annual Fall Bazaar, as I heard that it would be an important EJCA fundraiser and the money went directly to subsidizing programs like the language class. th On October 24 , 2015, I had the pleasure of attending the EJCA Fall Bazaar for the first time! Before I even arrived, many volunteers had been working hard in the kitchen prepping all the food and setting up the tables for the event. The doors for the food opened just before 11:30 am and once they opened the door, people came rushing into the hall to purchase bento boxes, udon, and curry. I was helping serve people hot foods and tea. It only took a couple minutes to get the whole process flowing smoothly, and once it did everyone seemed to enjoy the food. The food and the baked goods that were also being sold by the volunteers from the seniors club were all sold out before the end of the event. Although many people came for the food there were also many books, clothing and other non-food goods for sale in the lounges that many found interesting. There were also an abundance of great silent auction items available such as gift cards and pieces of art. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley and Edmonton City Mayor Don Ivenson donated items to the silent auction. The silent auction alone made almost $1,500. At 1:15 pm they started to draw for the door prizes that were also donated by the various sponsors. Everyone looked quite enviously at the woman who won the sack of rice. The whole event was over so quickly and with everyone's help it was cleaned up just as fast. I would like to extend a thank you to everyone who took part in the event and helped ensure that it went smoothly both the day of and in the days leading up to the Bazaar. In total the event raised a profit of about $5,500. Overall it was another successful year for the Bazaar, with over 350 people attending by 1:00 p.m., one hour before closing. The bazaar is a great way for the community to come together and also let Edmontonians see what EJCA has to offer. I am already looking forward to attending next year's event! 6 November - December 2015 EJCA秋のバザー ミオリ・マシューズ 私はミオリといいます。今年初めに日本語の勉強を続けたくてEJC Aの会員になりました。最近、日本語の勉強だけでなく、もっとEJCA の活動に参加したくなり、秋のバザーを手伝うことにしました。バザ ーはEJCAの大切な募金活動の一つで、バザーで入ったお金は私 の参加している日本語レッスンにも補助されていると知ったからです。 2015 年10月24日、私は初めてバザーに参加しました。私がセンタ ーに着くと、すでにたくさんのボランティアが台所で食べ物の用意を したり、会場に椅子や机を並べていました。食べ物を提供するホー ルは11時半に開場になりました。ドアーの外で待っていたたくさん の人々がホールに入り、弁当、うどん、カレーなどを買い始めました。 ドアーが開いてからたった2分でホールで弁当などを売り、食堂でう どん、カレーを出す流れがスムースに動き出したのです。皆様大満 足の様子です。 たくさん用意した弁当と昼食、ベークセールの品々はバザーが終了 する前に完売です。多くのお客さまは食べ物を目当てにバザーに来 たのでしょうが、ラウンジの二部屋では日本の本、着物、工芸品等を たくさん売っていました。日本レストランのギフトカードや日本の美術 品など、会員が提供したサイレント・オークションの出し物も豊富にそ ろえてあります。アルバータ州首相ライチェル・ノットレイやエドモント ン市長ドン・アイバンソンからの寄付もありました。サイレント・オーク ションだけで1,500ドルの収入になりました。このほかにもドアー・ プライズがあり、午後1時15分にくじ引きが始まりました。大きなお 米の袋をもらった女の人を皆がうらやましがりました。 バザーには午後1時までに350人ものお客様が来て、大変混雑しま したが、食べ物、食堂、ラウンジの工芸品、サイレント・オークション、 ドアー・プライズとどれもスムーズに運び、午後2時までには終わっ てしまいました。後片付けも会員が手伝って素早く終わりました。バ ザー全体で$5,500ドルの純益があり、今年も大成功でした。バザ ーはEJCAの会員が共同で作業をする大事な機会であるだけでなく、 エドモントンの人達に日本文化会館の活動を知って貰う機会にもな っています。ボランティアの皆様、来場してくださった皆様ありがとう ございました。私はもう来年のバザーを楽しみにしています。 Moshi Moshi Explore Japan 2015 th Mieko Fedrau rd The 6 Annual Explore Japan was held on November 3 th and 4 this year. The event was held at the IISLE, the Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education of the Edmonton Public School Board, and 209 high school students, who just started to study Japanese language and culture at schools in the greater Edmonton area and Red Deer, learned a wide range of Japanese culture from a total of 66 instructors, assistants, guides and volunteers. Despite the first snowfall of this winter, Consul-General Tamura and Mrs. Tamura with Consul Kurata drove from Calgary to attend the event and kindly delivered greetings to everyone. They spent a whole afternoon at the IISLE to observe all sessions. This year’s program listed 6 hands-on sessions on Japanese Drums, Karate, Tea Ceremony, Calligraphy, Kimono and Manga.There was also a a lecture session on Japanese Exchange Programs as well as demonstrations by the KITA-NO-TAIKO and WAKABA KAI. There were some veteran EJCA members who have been participating every year since 2010 and there were also new Edmontonians who recently moved to the city. When the students arrived at the IISLE by bus, greeted by the guide’s kind smile and “OHAYO GOZAIMASU”, the quiet venue was quickly transformed into an active learning house filled with young energy. For those of you who maybe unfamiliar with this event, I would like to add a quick explanation. Currently, it is assumed that approximately 1200 Alberta high school students are studying Japanese for credits (the accurate current number was unavailable). Most of them are studying it based on the 3 year-provincial curriculum called Japanese Language & Culture 10, 20 and 30. Internet and other resources for knowledge can accommodate a culture component of the curriculum, however, hands-on experience of it is extremely difficult in their classrooms. This is how the Alberta Japanese Teacher’s Association (AJTA) and the Edmonton Japanese Community Association (EJCA) got together and discussed the possibility of creating Explore Japan. With the help of a great number of people, the first Explore Japan that aimed to provide Grade 10 students with cultural experience and promote friendship between Canada and Japan was held in October 2010. Since then, the event has been sponsored by the Consulate-General of Japan, the Japan Foundation and Alberta Education, and an average of 260 high school students have been given an annual opportunity to spend a Japanese immersion day with many people who love Japanese culture and gain valuable cultural experiences through many different activities. The students who participated this year were well mannered and came prepared with the beautiful information booklets that Saito sensei and her assistant, Mr. Fu from Alberta Education had distributed to each school ahead of time. In the following paragraphs, I would like to write about 3 most notable points about this year’s Explore Japan. …cont to next page エクスプロア ジャパン プログラム フェドロー 美恵子 今年が第六回目となる Explore Japan が11月3日と4日の二日 間に渡って開催されました。エドモントン近郊地域とレッドディアの高 校で日本語•日本文化を勉強し始めた209名の高校生を IISLE (the Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education,エドモント ン公立学校教育委員会所属 )に迎え、2日間で延べ66名の講師、 アシスタント、ガイド、ボランティアの方々と一緒に日本文化について 幅広く学び合いました。この冬初めての小雪がちらついた第一日目 にはカルガリーから田村総領事ご夫妻と倉田領事もおいでくださり、 参加者全員に挨拶をいただいた後、午後のセッションを全て見学し ていただきました。 具体的には、太鼓、空手、留学、茶道、書道、着物、漫画の参加型 セッションと、北の太鼓と若葉会によるデモンストレーションがプログ ラムに盛り込まれました。EJCA の皆さんの中には今年が六回目と いうベテランの方から最近エドモントンにいらしたばかりの方もおら れ、元気いっぱいのワクワクした生徒達がバスで到着し、ガイドの 方々の優しい笑顔と挨拶に迎えられると、普段静かな IISLE は、活 気に満ちた日本文化の学びの場となりました。 このイベントについてあまりご存知でない方もいらっしゃるかもしれま せんので、簡単に説明させていただきます。現在の正確な数字はな いのですが、アルバータ州では約1200名の高校生が日本語を外 国語として履修していると推定されます。その大部分の生徒達は 「日本語•日本文化10、20、30」という3レベルのカリキュラムに沿 って学習しているのですが、殊に日本文化に関してはインターネット 等を通じて知識を得ることはできても、実際に体験してみることは非 常に難しいのが実情です。そこで、高校の日本語教師から成るアル バータ州日本語教師会(AJTA)とエドモントン日本文化協会(EJCA) が話し合い、大勢の方々の協力を得て2010年10月に、高校生の 文化理解と、カナダと日本の親交を深めることを目的としたイベント が初めて実現したのです。以来、在カルガリー日本国総領事館、国 際交流基金、アルバータ教育省にスポンサーとなっていただき、大 勢の EJCA の皆さんのご指導とご協力を得て、毎年平均260名の 高校一年生が、日本文化を愛する方々と一緒に一日を過ごして、多 くの異なったアクティビティーに参加し、学習して、日本的なマナーも 学ぶという貴重な体験が可能になりました。今年はアルバータ州教 育省日本語アドバイザーの齋藤先生とアシスタントの胡さんが仕上 げてくださった素晴らしいブックレットを使って予習をして来た礼儀正 しい生徒達が集りました。以下、今年の Explore Japan で特筆す べき点から3つを選んで記させていただきます。 一つ目は「絆」です。最近よく耳にする言葉ですが、今回の Explore Japan ではそれが強く感じられました。EJCA センターの管理、空手 クラブの講師をされているジョン•プリガートさんは、このイベントでも 毎年事前の準備、空手セッションの講師、そして後片付けまで、多 …次のページへ November - December 2015 7 Moshi Moshi ….from previous page The first one is “KIZUNA (bonding)”. I hear this word often these days, but I truly felt the importance of KIZUNA at the event this year. John Priegert, who has been the EJCA centre manager and the Karate club せん せい, suddenly fell ill and hospitalized a week prior to the event. He has been a great contributor to Explore Japan as a Karate session instructor as well as helping in preparation and cleanup. Along with worrying and caring about John, the EJCA members quickly responded to the emergency. Mr. and Mrs. Ohki, President Mitsui, Chris Booth were there to see the entire project from the beginning of the set-up to the very end of the cleanup to fill in for John’s absence. Gordon Okamura also filled in to help transport equipment and tools to the IISLE. Mr. Nagase whose children attend the Metro Edmonton Japanese Community School took 2 days off from work to substitute for John in Karate sessions together with his friend, Eric. Aside from the emergency measure, Conor McDavid, who participated in the first Explore Japan from Lindsey Thurber High School in Red Deer, became a lecturer on the Exchange program this year to share his experience of studying in Japan after high school and studying Japanese at university. As we see in the above, KIZUNA among members, friends, students and teachers made such a big event run smoothly. The second is the ‘leadership and teamwork’. Explore Japan has its steering committee which consists of the representatives from the EJCA, the Consulate-General of Japan at Calgary, the Japan Foundation, AJTA, Alberta Education and Edmonton Public Schools with Mrs. Sanae Ohki as its chair. The event owes its success to Mrs. Ohki’s detailed plan, hard work to monitor and complete tasks along the timeline, appropriate emergency management, consideration and encouragement for others. In addition, each session instructor provided strong leadership, where teams were voluntarily formed and interactive activities of high quality were smoothly delivered. For example, in the tea ceremony session, the larger classroom was available this year so that each student was able to make tea for his or her partner. In order to make this happen for inexperienced students, more tea bowls and bamboo whisks as well as careful supervision were needed. The tea ceremony team borrowed 115 soup bowls from the EJCA centre and used them as tea bowls, which resulted in a big success. The students got to hold a whisk for the first time and had so much fun making Macha for their partners. It was unfortunate that some of them tried too hard to make the tea foamy that their whisks lost some bristles. The third one is the “passion for Japanese culture” among all participants. At Explore Japan, the high school students who are interested in Japanese language and culture and decided to study it at school met many people who love Japanese culture and wish to share their expertise with other Canadians and spent a whole day …….cont to next page 8 November - December 2015 ……前ぺーじより 大な貢献をしてくださっていましたが、今回急なご病気で入院された のです。ジョンさんの病状を案じながらも、EJCA メンバーはこの状 況に速やかに対処しました。大木さんご夫妻、ミツイ会長、茶道講師 のクリス•ブースさんは準備の始めから後片付けの終わりまで、ずっ とお手伝いしてくださいましたし、ゴードン•オカムラさんも飛び入りで 用具運搬をしてくださいました。エドモントン補習校にお子さんがいら っしゃる長瀬さんは急遽お仕事を2日間お休みして、お友達のエリッ クさんと空手の講師をしてくださることになりました。また、第一回目 の Explore Japan にレッドディアのリンゼイ•サーバー高校から生徒 として参加したコナー•マクデービッド君はその後日本へ留学し、現在 も大学で日本語を学習する傍ら、今回、留学と日本事情紹介のセッ ションを担当してくれました。このようにメンバー間の絆、生徒と教師 との絆、教師同士の絆があるから、大勢の方々の参加と協力、素晴 らしいチームワークが得られて、大きなイベントがスムーズに運営さ れるのだなと痛感しました。 二つ目は「リーダーシップとチームワーク」です。Explore Japan は 2010年の発足から EJCA, 在カルガリー日本国総領事館、国際交 流基金、AJTA, アルバータ教育省、エドモントン•パブリック教育委員 会の代表から成る実行委員会が、大木早苗さんを委員長としてその 企画•運営を行ってきました。このイベントは大木さんの緻密な計画と タスク遂行へのご努力、様々な緊急事態への的確な対処、周囲へ の暖かいご配慮と励ましがあるからこそ実現していると言っても過言 ではありません。更に各セッション内でも講師の方々の強いリーダー シップの下で、チームが一丸となり、極めて質の高いアクティビティ ーが大変スムーズに行われていました。例えば、茶道のセッションで は、今年は例年より大きい教室が借りられ、初めて生徒全員が自分 のパートナーとお茶を点て合うことができました。この為には茶碗や 茶筅が沢山必要になりますし、作法をよく知らない生徒が使うので すから、監督が大変です。しかし、チームの皆さんのご協力でこれが 実現しました。EJCA センターのスープボウル115個をお借りし、こ れを茶碗として利用して、結果は大成功。生徒達は初めて茶筅を握 って、皆楽しそうにお茶を点てていました。あまり一生懸命点てたも のですから、茶筅が幾つか傷んでしまったそうです。 そして三つ目は参加者の「日本文化への情熱」です。Explore Japan は日本語と日本文化に興味を持って、学校で勉強しようと決 意した高校生と、日本文化を愛しそれをカナダ人に紹介したいと願う EJCA メンバーとが一堂に会し、アクティビティーを通して交流する場 です。講師、アシスタント、ガイドの方々一人一人の熱意と誠意が直 接伝わって、生徒皆が真剣に説明に耳をかたむけ、積極的に参加し ていました。太鼓のセッションでは、強弱の付け方が分からず、力ず くで叩いていた男の子が、ばちを持って振り下ろす高さを調節するよ うに指導されると、すぐに上手に叩けるようになって満足気でした。 …次のページへ Moshi Moshi ….from previous page together. Enthusiasm and sincerity of instructors, assistants and guides were directly passed onto the students. In the Taiko session, I saw a boy who was drumming too hard, not knowing how to control the volume of Taiko. He was timely advised to change the height of his wrists to control the volume. He quickly learned how and looked very satisfied. In the Karate session, the instructor told, “All Karate winners are good at communication. They observe their opponent carefully and properly respond to their move.” The students were checking their partners very intently when they played the final game. During the Wakaba Kai’s dance demonstration, the audience started to clap hands together after the explanation of their dance move. The entire audience continued to clap in unison until the end of the song. One of the IISLE staff was able to try calligraphy after all the students left the classroom. She learned to write 愛(love) and looked very happy holding the paper. In the popular sessions of Kimono and Manga, students were allowed to choose the Yukata they liked and received help in wearing it. They took many pictures in Yukata with big smiles, and then, they were so absorbed in drawing Manga forgetting time to leave. Looking at such high quality teaching and fun and active learning happening through the activities, I realized the significance of the event and sensed an invisible bridge between Japan and Canada was forming at the event. ……前ぺーじより 空手では、「勝者は相手とのコミュニケーションが上手い人だ。」とい うアドバイスを受け、最後にゲームをした時には、皆じっくり相手を観 察していました。若葉会のデモンストレーションの際は、二曲目の踊 りの動きの説明の後に会場中に手拍子が起こり、曲の最後まで続き ました。書道では生徒のセッションが終わった後、片付けをしている と、IISLE のスタッフがやってみたそうに眺めていたので、講師の方 が特別に教えてくださいました。そのスタッフは「愛」という字を書き 上げて嬉しそうでした。毎回好評の着物と漫画のセッションでは、今 年も一人一人が自分の選んだ浴衣を着せてもらって、大きな笑顔で 写真をとり、夢中で漫画を書いて作品を見せ合っていました。このよ うに、非常に質の高い指導の下で、皆が積極的に、楽しそうにアクテ ィビティーに参加しているのを見て、このイベントの意義を改めて実 感し、ここに日本とカナダを結ぶ架け橋が見えたような気がしました。 最後に、これは私事になりますが、Explore Japan の発足時から、 AJTA の代表として実行委員会のメンバーに加えて頂き、微力なが らお手伝いさせていただきましたことを心から感謝しております。今 回は定年退職後のイベントでしたので、当日は準備する側のボラン ティアメンバーとして参加し、例年とは異なる視点でこのイベントを見 つめることができました。できれば来年もお手伝いしたいなと思って いますので、今回お手伝いをしてくださった皆さんにまたお会いでき るのを楽しみにしています。今後も Explore Japan で更に多くの 高校生が日本文化に直接触れる貴重な体験と出会いに恵まれるこ とを願います。 Lastly, on the personal note, I was so fortunate to be a part of the steering committee as the AJTA representative since the beginning. I am thankful for such a great opportunity to help the event even though my responsibility was very small. Since I retired from teaching at the end of June, I was able to view Explore Japan with a different perspective being a volunteer at the event. I wish to help the event again next year and look forward to seeing many of the people I met at this event again. I strongly hope that Explore Japan will meet many more high school students providing them with direct contact with Japanese culture and great people. Our Experience in Japan Andrew Ongaria and Carl Tan This is the experience of 5 friends (Carl Tan, Elvin Bang, Andrew Ongaria and Michael Gutierrez all from the EJCA Japanese language class and one friend) visiting Japan for the first time; we travelled for the entire month of July and these are my thoughts. Bolded words are the key places to visit. Fukuoka Our month-long adventure in Japan began in the city of Fukuoka, which is a very modern city mixed with traditional shrines. One of our reasons for going there was to eat authentic tonkotsu ramen at the famous Ichiran Ramen, which was so satisfying and does not compare to any ramen that we’ve eaten before. We also went to Canal City Hakata, which is a shopping mall complex that also housed Ramen Stadium. In there, various different kinds of ramen from across Japan can be tasted. Within the same mall, we encountered our first Taito Station, and it was a sight to behold! How could something that has been gone for so long in North America, still exist here and evoke the same excitement that we had as kids? Needless to say, we spent a couple of hours playing against each other, and we still wanted to keep going. Another memorable experience from Hakata was when we went to a place called Shingu Beach which is to the southwest of Fukuoka. Recommended Spot: Canal City Hakata Recommended Food: Tonkotsu Ramen Hiroshima Our next city was Hiroshima, a city with a history that is well known around the world. We visited the Peace Memorial Grounds, and it became quite emotional as we saw the newspaper clippings that showed the carnage and despair from the bombing's aftermath. We rang the Hiroshima Peace Bell to pay our respects, and we visited November - December 2015 9 Moshi Moshi the Genbaku Dome, which was one the structures that survived the blast. Later on, we had our first katsu curry lunch at a nice coffee shop; for dinner, we tried Hiroshimastyle okonomiyaki, which was a very interesting dish in itself. Before moving to the next city, we were able to check out Hiroshima Castle, our first Japanese historical site. It was very cool to learn about how castles were built during those times. Recommended Spot: Peace Memorial Grounds Recommended Food: Okonomiyaki Osaka One of the most well-known destinations in Japan, we started off our Osaka with a visit to Osaka castle and some shrines around town. We then went to one of the most iconic areas of Osaka, Dotonbori. In here, we started the night by crossing one item off of the bucket list, and that is to try a fugu meal. It's not everyday that you get to eat something so subtle in taste, but thrilling in the thought that every bite you take, has the potential to be your last. After this, we went to Soundjoy for a quick karaoke session, but we ended up doing nomihodai and sang for 5 hours straight! Along the way, we snacked on takoyaki and Kansai-style okonomiyaki, savouring every bite while enjoying the lights and sounds. The final thing that we wanted to do in Osaka is of course Universal Studios Japan; the Harry Potter Hogwarts theme ride was amazing and unforgettable, as was a surprising space ride that unknowingly turned out to be a roller-coaster which was thrilling in itself for catching us off-guard. Osaka is a great city blending old and new and once again new memories for all of us. Recommended Spot: Universal Studios Japan, Dotonbori Recommended Foods: Takoyaki, okonomiyaki, fugu, and many, many more! Kyoto We were very lucky to be in Kyoto at this time, with it being a city full of tradition and history, and because the Gion Matsuri was taking place. If you have a knack for festivities and seeing people wear the traditional kimonos/yukatas, or just want to experience the ever-present festival scenes you see in various anime, this is the place you want to be. On top of spending time in Gion, we were able to visit various shrines and the giant Buddhist Statue Ryozen Kannon and Kyoto Imperial Palace. In addition to these places, we 10 November - December 2015 visited Arashiyama, wherein the Bamboo Forest and Monkey Park are located. In between these two destinations, we had the experience of riding down Oigawa River in a boat and eating oden bought from a food boat. There's just something about Arashiyama that makes you feel closer to nature, whether it be the monkeys roaming about, the gentle sounds of the boat making its way down the river, or just the scenery that surrounds you. Recommended Spot: Arashiyama Recommended Food: Boat Oden (more for the novelty of ordering something from a food boat) Ogoto-onsen / Nagoya / Hakone In our opinion, no Japanese trip is complete without experiencing a night in a traditional inn, also known as a ryokan. We found a pretty good deal in Ogoto-onsen, and we headed towards there after Kyoto. We were greeted by a spacious room, neatly-folded yukatas and slippers, and a outdoor onsen-style bath, and in the morning we had our first teishoku, which definitely helped liven our spirits for the upcoming adventures for that day. For the next destination, we stayed in Nagoya for a little over a day; because our AirBnB place didn't have a bath, we had to go to a public bathhouse named Yutopia to clean ourselves. In there, we got to try different kinds of baths, some shaped like individual tubs, some that had waves that swished you around the pool, and many more. On top of this, we were also able to visit Nagoya Castle, where we had our fill of Japanese history and artefacts. From Nagoya, we made our way to Hakone for our genuine onsen experience. Despite the long and arduous journey that involved numerous mountain roads, failed directions from Google, and warning from people that there was an active volcano in the area, we finally rode a cable car up the mountain to get to our inn. When we reached our room, we just collapsed from the exhaustion and spent the next two days just alternating between relaxing in the onsen, watching DVDs, and sometimes walking outside to get snacks. Recommended Spot: Hakone Onsen Recommended Food: Ryokan teishoku Mt. Fuji, Tokyo and Area (Akihabara/Shinjuku /Shibuya) After all of the travelling from the south of Japan, we finally arrive at the craziness that is Tokyo, with its busy subway lines, bright lights, and vibrant streets. We stayed at Togoshi-Ginza to prepare for the big challenge, which Moshi Moshi was to climb Mt. Fuji. Knowing that this was no easy task, we planned out what we needed to bring and who was bringing what, to make sure we would have enough supplies going to the summit and back. Hiking non-stop for 10 hours, we finally were able to reach the summit and see the glorious sunrise at almost 10,000 feet. Out of all the hikes we've done, this was one where our limits, both physical and mental, were tested. For those wanting to climb, bring actual winter gear as the winds during night time is very cold despite being July, the ideal month for climbing. After summiting Mt. Fuji, we made our way to our place in Higashi Shinjuku, known for being the Koreatown of Tokyo. Given that we had only two weeks left, we went out to see the more famous spots in the city. We made our way through the famous Shibuya Crossing to see the crossing itself, as well as the Hachiko statue; we went through Shinjuku and Harajuku seeing the busy crowds of Japanese and foreigners alike; we made it to Akihabara, our favourite place, and got to experience a Maid Café while shopping around to get our fill of anime and manga geekery. I also like Japanese Music so I had everyone go to the AKB48 Café, Home of Japan's national idol group. There's lots of music happening, lots of costume plays, and many maids on the street handing out flyers advertising their café. We also went into a Don Quixote store full of a wide variety of goods ranging from clothing to toys to health products. We visited hobby shops, anime, and manga stores there were so many things to see there. We also Visited Odaiba and saw the well-known Gundam statue and seeing it in person it is very huge! We went to Joypolis in Odaiba which was an amusement park that had Shingeki no Kyojin or Attack on Titan promotions at the time. There were rides and crane games and Sega themed games. I recommend visiting this place too if you go to Odaiba. Too bad we didn't get to watch a baseball game there but we did pass by Koshien Stadium where the Hanshin Tigers baseball team plays and we saw a large roller coaster as there was a theme park nearby. Recommended Spots: Shibuya Crossing, Akihabara, Odaiba Recommended Food: Shinjuku Gyoza Sendai We made a brief visit to Sendai area to visit Mike's pen pal as she gave as a tour of the countryside. We visited a really beautiful island full of serene nature and the ocean. We saw some Date Masamune statues here too as Sendai City has a nice mix of tradition and Modern sights. It was here that we ate beef tongue and it was delicious. At that time they were just starting to prepare for a large festival that they hold in the area so we saw the decorations being put up. We were fortunate enough to watch a Natsu Matsuri or a summer Idol Festival being held there so we watched some performances from local idol groups such as "Dorothy Little Happy" and "callme", and others like "Doll Elements" and "Negicco". The short stay was great and I would love to go back there. Back to Tokyo / Yokohama We can't leave Japan unless we visit Tokyo Disneyland so this was a must for us. We went on as many rides as we could and it was a busy day where lineups were long but worth it. We saw the day parade, more rides, and the night parade. It was a really fun time. Next time we want to visit Tokyo Disney Sea on the other side of the park. We also did go to Tokyo Skytree and although we didn't really go to the top we waited in the area because there were fireworks that night. We watched what we could from the area we were standing at although it wasn't the best spot. Fireworks near the end of the trip was perfect. The final place we visited was Yokohama because we were invited to a cruise party in Yokohama Bay. Before that we visited Chinatown in the area and I passed by Yokohama stadium where there was a baseball game going on. Just from the outside I could hear the loud cheers from the fans coming from the stadium. It filled the air as if you could hear it for miles--it was surreal hearing it. A boat party was the icing on the cake after a long month journey across Japan with many stories to tell and experiences to share with those who want to go in the near future. Recommended Spots: Tokyo Disney Land/Sea Recommended Food: Chinese food in Yokohama Last Thoughts and Some Tips Japan is an amazing country and going with my four friends was unforgettable. I hope to share these experiences so that others can do the same and even more. I can say that Japan is so clean and a safe place. Also, here are a few tips for those who want to travel to Japan. 1. Transportation: A big thing to research. How long are you going for? Where are you going? If like us are going for a month, and travelling to multiple cities via shinkansen, calculate the costs to see if a Japan Rail Pass is worth it. Only valid maximum 21 days, it has limitations for JR Rail and not all shinkansen trains. If it’s only Tokyo and area or maybe just a couple of other cities, maybe the rail pass is not worth the cost. As far as the Tokyo subway lines, buy an IC card or a repayable card to charge money onto such as the Passmo or Suica to pay for the transit in the subways. 2. Housing: Where will you be staying? I can say that using the website/app Airbnb helped us save a lot of money. In most cases it is cheaper than a hotel. If you are in Tokyo, try a capsule hotel if you want and a Ryokan in Kyoto for example will need to be booked through other websites. 3. Food: You are not going to wrong with food because so many things are delicious. The downside is the cost because the tastiest of things can get expensive. Save on food by buying at the convenience stores like onigiri, cup ramen, or sandwiches. Another thing is vending machines because there are so many of them. If you want a drink, try to look for 100 yen machines to save money. Look at the bottle because you could be paying 140 yen for a small bottle of water instead of the regular 500mL bottle. Also I recommend ordering Pizza in Japan for a different taste. It’s delicious! November - December 2015 11 Moshi Moshi Library Corner Cathy Tennant Over the past year, our shelves have become so crowded that there is no shelf space for new materials. Last week, the Library Committee met to decide how to create more space on the shelves. The first step will be to remove duplicate items and items that are no longer current or have had a low frequency of borrowing over the past six years. When books and DVD’s are returned, they are captured in our “borrowed material” database. From this information, we can run reports that show us the total number of items that have been borrowed in a given time period, and also how many times each individual item in the library has been taken out. These reports will help us choose which items to remove. In addition, we have identified several categories that have items rarely or never borrowed. These categories will be eliminated for now (e.g. Social-Canada). Thanks to suggestions from our members, we will be making it easier to find a certain type of DVD. Dramas, comedies and documentaries will be separated so it will be easier to find the type of video you feel like watching. We will also be removing most VHS movies and the “Hobby” section will have better labeling on the shelves to make it easier to find what you want to borrow. After more space is created, we will implement another suggestion that was made. Instead of having “Recommended Items” displayed on one shelf, we will try to display a few new/recommended items from different categories right in that particular section. Please suggest items that you would like to see in the library by filling out a suggestion form(s) (in the same box as the borrowing book) and put the completed form in the gray “return bin”. With more space on the shelves, it is also a good time for clubs to think of any resource materials that would be helpful for your activities. EJCA 図書室 コーナー 現在、図書館の本棚が満杯で新しい本を入れる余裕がありません。 図書委員会ではどのように本棚にスペースを作るか相談しました。 先ずは過去数年に利用数の少ない本を本棚から撤去することにし ました。図書から借し出された本は図書館データベースに記入して います。このデータベースを使って図書の利用状況の統計がとれま す。そしてこの統計に基づいて本棚から撤去する本を決めます。ま た、図書の種類によっては過去に全く借り出されなかったカテゴリー、 例えば「カナダ社会」があります。このカテゴリーの本も撤去します。 利用者のアドバイスで映画DVDの検索を易しくすることができまし た。ドラマ、コメディー、記録映画を分類して本棚に並べることで、本 棚を一覧して目的のDVDが探せます。VHS映画はすでに過去の記 録媒体になってしまったので、本棚から撤去します。本棚に出来た スペースには、これも利用者の声により、「新着、推薦本、映画」のコ ーナーを作りました。本、映画の種類を問わず、新着と推薦本・映画 はここにおいてあります。 読みたい本、見たい映画がありましたら、図書館の借り出し名簿の 箱の中にある「希望図書・映画」に記入しておいてください。またクラ ブ用の参考図書・映画で希望のものも記入しておいてください。本棚 の整理はボランティアが行っているので、終了するまでに数週間か かるかもしれませんが、本棚の整理中ももちろん図書館は開いてい ますから、ご利用ください。 最後に図書館クイズを試してください。 1. 2015年11月14日現在、図書館の蔵書数(映画DVDを含めて) はどれくらいですか? (a) 2,758 (b) 1,893 (c) 3,705 (d) 4,021 2. “趣味”という分類の本は何冊ありますか? (a) 324 (b) 251 (c) 153 Library Quiz 1. How many items do we have registered in the library as of November 14, 2015? a) 2758 b) 1893 c) 3705 d) 4021 2. How many books do we have in the “Hobby Section”? a) 324 b) 251 c) 153 d) 547 3. Which category has the highest percentage of borrowing between 2009 - 2015? a) Movie DVDs b) Japanese novels translated into English c) Hobbies d) Manga d) Books in Japanese You can find the answers on page 13 . 12 November - December 2015 (d) 547 3. 2009年から 一番貸出数の多い分類はどれですか? (a) 映画DVD (b) 英訳された日本の小説 (c) 趣味 (d) 日本文学の本 答えは 13ページにあります。 Top 12 most borrowed DVDs It may take the volunteers several weeks to complete the removal process but please give us any suggestions or comments as we go along. And of course, we will be “open for business during renovations”! キャシー・テナント トップ12の DVD borrowed A Supermarket Woman スーパーの女 Zen 禅 Shall We Dance? Shall We ダンス? The Crying Wind 風音 Hula Girls Tora-san 4 Grand Scheme フラガール 寅さん4 新 男はつらいよ Maiko Haaaan マイコハーン Sunset on Third Street 2 Always 三丁目の夕日 2 The Hidden Blade 愛 Book Store in the Heaven 天国の本屋 恋火 Ramen Girl Jiro Dreams of Sushi ラーメンガール Jiro Dreams of Sushi 18 17 15 15 14 14 14 14 12 12 12 12 Moshi Moshi New Japanese Movies with English Subtitles 図書館に新しい日本映画到着 大木 崇 Takashi Ohki New Japanese movie DVDs with English subtitles have arrived and are now available at the EJCA library. “Station” (1981) Director: Yasuo Furuhata Actors: Ken Takakura, Kunie Tanaka, Chieko Baisho A detective training to be a sharpshooter at Olympics goes out of his way to crack the case of a serial killer specializing in policeman murders when his coach is gunned down by a fleeing criminal. “Black Rain” (1989) Director: Shohei Imamura Actors: Etsuko Ichihara, Yoshiko Tanaka, Shoichi Ozawa, Norihei Miki, Shuji Ohtaki The story of the aftermath of the Hiroshima bombing and their impact on people's destinies. The story is based on Masuji Ibuse's novel. “Double Suicide of Sonezaki” (1978) Director: Aoi Kurisaki Actors: Ryudo Uzaki, Meiko Kaji, Hisashi Igawa, Sachiko Hidari The story is based on the script for a doll theatre by Monzaemon Chikamatsu (1703). Two young lovers separated for a long time happen to see again but found out that they could not live together. They decide to get away to commmit double suicide. “The Reason” (2004) Director: Nobuhiko Ohbayashi Actors: Akira Emoto, Jun Fubuki Four people are discovered brutally murdered in an upscale high-rise apartment. All the victims appear to be family, but as the investigation deepens it is discovered that one of the victims isn't related to the family. “The Hunger Strait” (1965) Director: Tomu Uchida Actors: Rentaro Mikuni, Ken Takakura, Sachiko Hidari Three robbers escape with loot from a heist before one of them shoots them; their corpses wash up near the aftermath of a maritime calamity, provoking a policeman's interest. EJCA図書館に新しい日本映画が入りました。お楽しみください。 英語字幕付き日本映画: 駅 Station (1981) 高倉健、倍賞智恵子 黒い雨 (1989) 田中好子、市原悦子、小沢正一、三木のり 平、大滝修治 曽根崎心中 (1978) 宇崎竜童、梶 芽衣子 理由 (2004) 柄本明、風吹ジュン 饑餓海峡 (1965) 三国廉太郎、高倉健、左幸子 海猿 (2004) 異人たちとの夏 (1988) 風間杜夫、片岡鶴太郎、秋吉久 美子、名取裕子 櫂 (1985) 緒形拳、名取裕子、草笛光子 雁の寺 (1962) 若尾文子、木村功、中村雁次郎 向田邦子脚本、久世光彦監督のテレビドラマシリーズ:英語字幕なし 家族の肖像 女正月 思い出トランプ 風立ちぬ 空の羊 春が来た 眠る盃 あさき夢みし 風を聴く日 昭和のいのち 終わりのない童話 いとこ同士 華燭 わが母の教えたまいし 女の人さし指 冬の家族 夜中の薔薇 小鳥のくる日 蛍の宿 隣の神様 言うなかれ君よ別れを 響子 麗子 Answers to the Library questions: 図書館クイズの答え 1. c). 3705, 2. a) 324, 3.a). DVD “The Coast Guards” (2004) The movie "Umizaru" is the story of 14 young Japan Coast Guard officers who take part in a grueling training to become rescue divers. Actors: Hideaki Ito、 Ai Kato “Oars” (1985) Director: Hideo Gosha Actors: Ken Ogata, Yuko Natori, Mitsuko Kusabue Drama about the difficult relationship between a former wrestler, his wife and their adopted children. “The Summer with Aliens” (1988) Director: Nobuhiko Ohbayashi Actors: Toshio Kazama, Tsurutaro Kataoka, Kumiko Akiyoshi, Yuko Natori A story based on the book by Taichi Yamada. A young writer meets his parents who have been dead for a long time. “The Temple of Wild Geese” (1962) Director: Yuzo Kawashima Actors: Ayako Wakao, Isamu Kimura, Ganjiro Nakamura A story by Tsutomu Minakami. A young boy at a Kyoto buddhist temple starts hating his master who lives with his mistress. November - December 2015 13 Moshi Moshi Stories of Our Seniors 4: Ruby Ikuto Tsuruda シニアー会員の物語 4: ルビー・イツコ・ツルダ Cathy Tennant Ruby’s story is presented in the first person but has been edited from information provided by Ruby in her interview for the EJCA History Project and from other sources. キャシー・テナント ルビー・イツコ・ツルダさんの話は一人称で書いてありますが、これは EJCAの歴史プロジェクトの一つとしてルビーさんとインタビューした時 の記録とその他の資料をキャシー・テナントがまとめた記事です。 My father, Minekichi Kusunoki was from Hiroshima. After finishing high school he read about Canada so came here and became a fisherman. Before leaving Japan, my father who was divorced, sent his son to live with his younger brother. My mother, Kiyo (maiden name, Toyama) was divorced in Japan and had two children but because of the Japanese law in those days, she could not keep them. 私の父、楠峰吉は広島県の出身です。高校を終了してから、カナダ のことを読みカナダに来ました。カナダに来てからは漁師として働き ました。峰吉は日本で結婚し、子供をもうけましたが、離婚して、こ の子を弟に預けました。私の母、キヨ(結婚前の姓は富山)も離婚し ていて子供が二人ありましたが、子供を手元に置いておけませんで した。 My parents were introduced to each other and I was born in Ocean Falls, B.C. on October 16,1927. I had two brothers. The brother next to me became sick so he was taken to Japan to see if the doctors there could help him but he died. I know the youngest brother was a baby when he died of pneumonia. My father was upset because he lost two sons. He went to Japan then returned to Canada and I was brought up as an only child. My mother and I lived in Vancouver because I had to go to school and Wadhams B.C. (where we were) was a fishing village without a school. Around the time the war started, a boat fell on my father and he died due to the injury. When the war broke out, my mother and I were evacuated to Hastings Park for a short time, then we were sent to Lemon Creek. After the war ended, we went by ship to Japan. We had the choice of going to easter Canada but since we didn’t know anyone there, my mother decided to go to Japan. But she realized it was a mistake. After the war, times were very hard in Japan, people were begging and there were many orphans. I met a Buddhist priest who spoke English and advised me to work for the US Army, so I worked for the Third Battalion until the Korean War started. Then I worked for the International Dairy and ate a quarter cup of ice cream every day for lunch (which was a luxury). I lived in a dormitory so when a group of work colleagues would get together to go to a restaurant for something like sukiyaki, I was hungry so I ate everything even though I missed things like steak and hotdogs. While in Japan, I met George’s cousin, whom I knew when I was a little kid. She said, “Oh, there is a nice guy….”.But I didn’t meet George in Japan. It was not until I visited Montreal at the same time he was visiting his cousin that I got to know him. In 1952 I left Japan and went to Windsor, Ontario because I had a friend there. My mother stayed in Japan until her death in 1962. My husband George joined the air force as an aerospace engineer in 1952 and we lived in a number of places …….cont to next page 14 November - December 2015 峰吉とキヨは結婚して、私はブリティッシュ・コロンビア州のオーシャ ンフォールズで1927年10月16日に生まれました。私には二人弟 がいましが、直ぐ下の弟は病気になり、父が日本につれて行って医 者に見せましたが亡くなりました。またその下の弟はまだ赤ん坊の 時に肺炎で亡くなりました。父は大変がっかりして、一度日本に戻り ましたが、またカナダに帰ってきました。わたしは両親のただ一人の 子供として育ちました。 父が漁師をしていたブリティッシュ・コロンビア州のワドハムは小さな 漁師町で学校がありませんでしたので、母は私を連れてバンクーバ ーに来ました。ちょうどこの頃太平洋戦争が始まりました。父は事故 でボートの下敷きになり、これがもとで亡くなりました。戦争が始まる とともに、母と私はヘースティング・パークに収容され、それからレモ ン・クリークに強制移動させられました。戦争終了とともに母は私を 連れて日本に帰ることを選びました。 しかし、日本に戻ると母はこの選択が間違っていたことに気づきま す。戦後の日本は貧しく町には物乞いをする人と孤児があふれてい ました。私は英語が話せるお坊さんから、米国軍隊で働くように勧 められました。そして朝鮮戦争が始まるまで米国陸軍第三大隊で働 きました。その後は国際乳業という会社で働き、毎日お昼にアイスク リームを食べたのを覚えています。私は会社の寮に住んでいたので、 いつもお腹が空いていました。同僚とレストランに行くと出されたも のを全部食べました。スキヤキなども食べましたが、カナダで食べ たステーキやホットドッグを食べたかったです。 日本で、後で私の夫になるジョージ・ツルダの従姉妹に会いました。彼 女は、私がカナダでまだ子供のころに知っていました。彼女は「実はい い人がいるんだけれど」とジョージのことを教えてくれましたが(当時ジ ョージも日本にいました)、日本ではジョージに会う機会はありません でした。わたしがモントリオールに旅行したときにたまたまジョージもモ ントリオールに従姉妹を訪ねに来ていて、私と会いました。 私は1952年に日本を離れオンタリオ州ウィンザーに来ました。私 の友達がウィンザーにいたからです。母は一人で日本に残り、日本 で1962年に亡くなりました。ジョージは1952年にカナダ空軍にエ ンジニアーとして入隊しました。私たちはジョージがカナダ空軍のフ ランスの基地にいるときに結婚し、フランスに三年住みました。ジョ ージはカナダ空軍基地を移動するので、私たちはアルバータ州コー ルドレーク、キャルガリーにも住みました。1972年ジョージが当時 いた基地が閉鎖されるときにトロントかエドモントンに移動する選択 がありました。すでに三人子供がいたので、子供を育てるにはトロン トは大きすぎると考えて、エドモントンに行くことにしました。 …次のページへ Moshi Moshi ….from previous page after we got married in France. We stayed there for 3 years; we also lived Cold Lake (where he became an officer) and Calgary. In 1972 when a mega station at Camp Iqluit was closed, we were given the choice of transferring to Toronto or Edmonton. We decided that with three children (Lorraine, Terese and Daniel) and Toronto being too big, we would move to Edmonton. We first got involved with the Edmonton Japanese community after seeing a sign in a store that said “picnic” in Japanese writing. George said “let’s go” so we went and I got to know other Nisei. George became the President of the community association three times and was president when the new community centre (current EJCA centre) was built. In 1973 I found a job with Canadian Utilities which became Atco Electric and retired from there in 1992. In 1993 George and I went to Japan to visit his brother who he hadn’t seen for 40 years. ……前ぺーじより エドモントンの日本レストランでEJCAのピクニックのポスターを見て、 日系二世の人に会いたくなりピクニックに参加したのが私たちとEJ CAの関係の始りです。その後私たちはEJCAの行事や仕事に積極 的に参加するようになり、結局ジョージは三回会長になりました。EJ CAセンターの建設の時も会長として尽力しました。私は1973年に カナディアン・ユーティリティーズ(後にアトコ電力になります)に就職 して1992年に退職しました。1993年に私とジョージは一緒に日本 を訪問して、日本に残って生活していたジョージの弟と40年ぶりに 再会しました。 補足 ルビーさんは2015年7月に87才で安らかに永眠いたしました。ル ビーさんはボランティア活動に積極的に参加しました。またジョージ を助けてEJCAの活動にたくさん参加しました。いろいろと新しいこ とを学習することも好きで、スペイン語、ドイツ語、コンピュータ、フィ ットネスと幅広く学んでいました。ルビーさんのご冥福をお祈りしま す。 Addendum: Ruby passed away peacefully in her sleep at the age of 87 years old in July, 2015. She actively volunteered for the Catholic Women's League, the Northgate Senior Centre, the Edmonton Japanese Community Association and the EJCA Seniors Club where she generously donated her skills and time. She was a dedicated and hard-working help-mate to her husband George when he carried out his duties on the EJCA Board and with the EJCA activities. Ruby loved to learn and studied Spanish and German. She took computer courses, clogging and exercise classes. A loving wife, mother, grandmother and friend, Ruby will be missed for her wonderful sense of humour, lovely smile, gentle spirit, grace and style. Alberta and Hokkaido, Japan, cereblated the 35th anniversary of their Sister Province Relationship on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at the Government House, Edmonton. Alberta’s relation with Hokkaido began in 1972 with an Alberta government economic mission to Japan. In 1980, Hokkaido formally became Alberta’s sister province. Hokkaido and Alberta have many similarities including a resource-based economy, climate and topography. Alberta played a key role in helping Hokkaido develop into the curling capital of Japan. Eight Alberta minucipalities are twinned with Hokkaido minucipalities. 12 schools twinned with schools in Hokkaido. Universities in Alberta and Hokkaido developed many students exchange programs. Trades/investment, forestry and agricuture areas have been exchanging technologies and established relationship on many reasearch projects. Mr. Yoshihiro Yamaya, Vice Governor of the Prefecture of Hokkaido, Japan, and Ms. Gitane De Silva, Deputy Minister, International & Intergovernmental Relations confirmed further relationship of two provinces. November - December 2015 15 Moshi Moshi Centre Rental Fees for Clubs by Yoko Azumaya クラブの会館使用料について 東谷 陽子 Rental charges at the EJCA centre are: No discount if rented by non-members 35% discount if rented by EJCA member and attendees are mixture of members and non-members 80% discount if rented by EJCA member and attendees are all EJCA members. エドモントン日本文化会館の使用料の基本は次のようです。 EJCA 会員でない人が借りる場合、割引なし EJCA 会員が借りて、参加者は EJCA 会員と会員でない人が 混じっている場合、35%割引 EJCA 会員が借りて、参加者全員が EJCA 会員の場合、80% 割引。 As an EJCA member, you have the opportunity to rent the EJCA Centre for events such as birthday parties at a 35% discount and all your guests do not need to be EJCA members. For clubs, if you are EJCA club and ALL club members are EJCA members, you may rent the premises at 80% discount. However, if there are participants in your club that are not EJCA members, your discount will be 35% off. But we would like to encourage non-EJCA members to try out clubs without having the clubs lose their huge discount opportunity.Therefore, EJCA has decided following exceptions: a non-EJCA member may be invited once to a club event using the EJCA Centre without losing their 80% discount. Additionally, the club may organize its event inviting the general public once a year without losing their 80% discount privilege. If a non-EJCA member attends a club meeting more than once, that individual must obtain a membership or the club loses its 80% discount and will get only a 35% discount. Similarly, if a club organizes more than one event to invite the general public, there will only be a 35% discount for these extra events. You will agree that the 80% discount is substantial. We set the rental fees in this way because we believe that only clubs that are members of EJCA should get recognition for their commitment and contribution to EJCA. This is why we want to emphasize that the above exceptions are really “exceptions”. We trust each club to follow the rules as they are applied on the honour system. Rental fees: Discount rates: 誕生日会などのために EJCA 会員が施設を借りる場合は、イベント に来る人たちの中に EJCA 会員でない人がいても、使用料に35% の割引があります。クラブの場合、クラブ会員が全員 EJCA 会員で あれば、80%の割引になります。しかし、クラブの中に EJCA 会員 でない人がいる場合は35%の割引が適用されます。 ただし、例外を設けました。EJCA 会員でない人がクラブ活動を体験 してから加入を決めたいという場合、クラブが80%の割引特権を失 わずに体験加入ができるようになりました。一つのクラブに対し、一 人の非 EJCA 会員につき一度、お試し加入ができます。また、一つ のクラブは、一般の人を招いてイベントを開く際、年に一度までは8 0%の割引が適用されます。 体験加入した非 EJCA 会員は、クラブに入ることを決めたら EJCA 会員になる必要があります。もし非 EJCA 会員のままクラブに加入 すれば、クラブの割引率は35%になります。また、もしクラブが年2 回以上一般へのイベントを催した場合、二回目以降の使用料は3 5%になります。 皆さんも同意されると思いますが、80%割引はとてもお得です。こ れは、全員が EJCA 会員になるというコミットメントをし EJCA への 貢献があるクラブはそれなりの特典を受けるべきだということです。 そのため、ここにある例外はあくまでも例外ということをご了承下さ い。我々がいちいちちゃんと EJCA 会員だけがクラブ活動に参加し ているかどうか調べませんが、皆さんがこのルールにちゃんと従っ て活動してくださることを信じております。 David dreams of ofuro お風呂を夢見る David Sulz Every year about this time, as cool autumn gradually turns to frozen winter, my thoughts turn especially to ofuro. Of the many bits and pieces of Japanese culture that have entered my soul, ofuro remains the most elusive outside of Japan. There is nothing like the total immersion in hot, hot water after a bracing afternoon in the frigid cold, a hard-fought sports match, a walk through the drizzly rain, a muggy (mushi-atsui) afternoon hike, a raucous evening of music jamming with beer/sake/whiskey drinking with good friends, or at the end of a long stressful workday. I love the way hosts will sometimes offer a bath on arriving - as if it is as important as good food and good company. …….cont to next page 16 November - December 2015 割引なしの使用料の表は 35%と 80%割引使用料の表は ディビッド・ソルツ 毎年今頃、季節が晩秋から初冬に変わるころ、私は日本のお風呂 を思い出す。日本の文化のいろいろなものが浮かんでは消えるが、 お風呂のことは私の脳裏から離れない。午後を冷たい外気の中で 過ごした後、しょぼ降る雨の中を歩いた後、頑張ったスポーツの試 合の後、蒸し暑い午後のハイキングの後、友達と酒を飲みながらが やがやと音楽を演奏した後、ただただ忙しかった一日がやっと終わ った後、熱いお湯のお風呂に首までどっぷりつかる気持ちの良さは 何ものにも代え難い。友達の家を訪ね、まずはお風呂で汗を流して ください、と言われれば、これからの美味しい食事や友との楽しい会 話より、こちらのほうが贅沢なおもてなしだと思ってしまう。 お風呂のことを書き始めると、お風呂に関連した経験を次から次へ …次のページへ Moshi Moshi ….from previous page I can barely write the word ofuro without countless images of the various baths I’ve experienced in Japan, accompanied by a sense of natsukashii (Japanese nostalgia) or even saudade (Portuguese nostalgia) at how tied up they are with friends and memorable times. I visualize the goemon-buro in a small garden shack of a northern Miyagi farmhouse; the fire lit underneath the metal cauldron with the floating wooden platform to gingerly step on and float to the bottom while keeping one’s own tender bottom away from the scorching metal. Or, the attached bath-room of the edo-goma (wooden spinning tops) craftsman where convection pulls cold water from the bottom of the tub through coils in an outside fireplace to be heated and returned to the top of the tub. Then I remember the ofuro of places I’ve lived. The uninsulated former Catholic church and bishop’s residence where I had to leave the faucets running in winter to try to keep them from freezing; that tub often had a vertical icicle rising up under the dripping tap. Or the tiny bathroom in a city apartment where the tiny bathroom was still probably bigger than the kitchen. Finally, I think of the ultra-modern ofuro of friends with the precise temperature controls, the ozonators, the aromatherapy scents, and the mimicking of waters from famous spas; and the spectacular home ofuro designed by an architect friend. You’ll notice I haven’t even started to consider the commercial/public/natural baths of onsen (hot springs), rotenburo (outdoor baths), sento (public baths), and even the natural geothermal pools and waterfalls we’ve dug out ourselves and sat under in the middle of a river. To return to the point, this all remains elusive to me here in Edmonton. Sure we have jacuzzi tubs, hotel hot tubs, swimming pool whirlpools but where are the deep soaker tubs for our homes? Why do we have shallow little baths that only cover our knees when our torsos are exposed or our torsos when our legs are hanging over the edges? Where are the deep tubs that we can sink into with a small surface area to slow the cooling? Where are the accordion covers so only our heads poke out and the circulating heaters allowing us to use the same (clean because everyone washes before getting in the tub) water? ……前ぺーじより と思い出して筆が止ってしまう。この懐かしさは一体なんだろう。ポ ルトガル人が大切にするソーダーデ(郷愁)に似た感情だろうか。お 風呂とともに友の顔を思い浮かべる。宮城県の北の方の農家の庭 先の掘っ立て小屋の中にあった五右衛門風呂。ドラム缶一杯に水を 入れ下からがんがんと火を燃やし、狭いドラム缶の中に丸い木の板 を浮かべ、バランスを崩して周りの熱いドラム缶におしりが触らない ようにそっと湯の中に体を沈める楽しさ。江戸独楽職人の家で入っ たお風呂は、家の中の湯船からパイプが外の竈に続いていて、竈で 火をたくと対流で熱いお湯が家の中のお風呂に戻ってくるもの。 他にもお風呂の思いでは尽きない。もとカソリック教会の牧師の家 のお風呂は、建物に断熱材が入っていないので一日中蛇口を開い て水を流しておかないとパイプが凍り付いてしまう。それでも蛇口か らつららが風呂桶まで垂れ下がっている。町中の私のアパートの小 さな小さな風呂場、そしてこの風呂場よりもっと小さな台所。私の友 人が特注した立派なお風呂はウルトラモダーンで、お湯だけでなく、 体に良いとされるオゾンと芳香を放出し、お湯は有名温泉の温泉成 分をまねたもの。 お気付きだと思うが、以上のお風呂の思い出は皆、個人住宅のお風 呂だ。この他、公衆浴場、温泉、露天風呂、川で見つけた地熱で熱 い水の湧くところに穴を掘り、滝に打たれた自分たちだけのお風呂 などなど、お風呂の思い出は果てることがない。 さて日本のお風呂の白昼夢から我に返ると、ここはエドモントン。こ こには何があるのだろう。ジャクージー、お湯が噴流する温水プー ル?しかし、首までどっぷりお湯につかれる深い浴槽はないな。家 にあるのは浅い浴槽でせいぜい膝までしかお湯につかれず、上半 身はお湯の外、横になれば脚は浴槽の外。日本の深い浴槽では首 までお湯につかり、蛇腹のプラスティックの板で浴槽の上を、頭分だ け隙間を残して覆ってお湯が冷えないようにできる。 それではいよいよ私の質問。「もしもし」の読者で日本式のお風呂を 家に作った人はいますか?私の調べたところネプチューンのいう会 社の「長野」と「大阪」という浴槽が日本式のようだが、使っている人 はいるのだろうか? これらの浴槽、または他の日本式お風呂をエ ドモントンで使っている人がいたら、どうぞご連絡をおねがいしたい。 ディビッド ソルツ [email protected] So, has anyone out there in moshi moshi land installed an ofuro in their house? I see some bathroom suppliers supposedly sell models called nagano and osaka from a company called Neptune but are they any good? It’s also easy to find ofuro on the internet but actual experience here in Edmonton would be greatly appreciated. I’d love to hear about it - [email protected] - and am more than willing to share anything I do find out. Yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu November - December 2015 17 Moshi Moshi Facility Manager Returns David Mitsui As many of you are aware, John Priegert, our everpresent and dependable Facility Manager, experienced a sudden health condition and was hospitalized the week st of November 1 . Thankfully he received excellent medical attention and was released from hospital later that week. I wish to share with you how our EJCA community responded and how members stepped up to care for our facility immediately after we had learned of John’s hospitalization. We have had many e-mail and phone calls asking about John’s health as well as many offers from several members to assist with janitorial tasks. It is during such times of need that we demonstrate our caring and concern for each other and willingness to assist. I have been so impressed and touched by the support our members have offered. However, I am not surprised because this is a community who is always there to lend a helping hand. I sent out an e-mail to all of our members shortly after learning of John’s hospitalization. The Board asked that club leaders ensure that outdoor shoes be removed, clubs would have to do their own room set-up, that the facility is cleaned up and chairs/tables stacked after use. I was not expecting that the members of Kita no Taiko would offer to vacuum and mop the floors and clean the toilets after their practices. And I know that members from other clubs have been as diligent in doing their share to keep our facility tidy and clean. It is this type of selfless contribution to our community that is a gift, and for that we are all proud that we belong to this association. センターマネジャーのジョン・プリガート氏が仕事に復帰 デービッド・ミツイ 会員の皆様は既にご存じの方が多いと思いますが、センターマネジ ャーのジョン・プリガート氏が急病で11月の最初の週に入院しまし た。幸い、病院の適切な対応で週末には退院出来ました。センター の運営に欠かせないジョンが急病で倒れたというニュースが会員に 伝わると直ちにセンターの運営を手助けしたいという申し出が殺到し ました。この機会を借りて、これら会員の申し出を通して、EJCAの 会員が如何に私たちのコミュニティーを保持していこうという熱い思 いがあるかをお伝えしたいと思います。 ジョンが急病で倒れたというニュースが伝わると直ちに、たくさん会 員がジョンの安否をセンターに電子メールと電話で問い合わせてき ました。またセンターの清掃の手伝いをしたいという申し出も相次ぎ ました。役員会はセンターを使用するクラブに連絡して、下足の管理、 と使用後のセンターの片付けと掃除を自分たちですることを連絡し ました。「北の太鼓」が練習の後にホールをモップで掃除し、トイレの 清掃を申し出てきたのは、うれしい驚きでした。このような会員のコミ ュニティーを思う気持ちが会の運営を支えているのだと、改めて感 動しました。 七転び八起きのことわざのとおり、天は良い人を放っておきません。 ジョンは家で静養しているだけでは満足出来ず、奥さんのキャロル の助けを借りて11月9日にはセンターのオフィスに戻ってきました。 役員会はジョンとキャロルと相談して、ジョンのリハビリ中の仕事の 内容を決めました。ジョンは前と同じようにオフィスで電子メール、電 話、手紙の管理をし、センター使用の予約の事務をします。キャロル がセンターの部屋の整理、清掃、除雪をします。以前と同様にジョン をサポートしてくださることを会員の皆様にお願いします。会員一同 の気持ちを代表して、ジョンの一日も早い完全復帰の日を願ってお ります。 Photos from AGM Demonstrations,October 18, 2015 The old saying that it is difficult to “keep a good man down” is true in John’s case. It turns out that John is not very good just resting at home so, with Carol’s assistance, th he returned to work on Monday, Nov 9 . The members of the EJCA Board and the President of ACL met with John and Carol to discuss his return to work plan. During John’s recuperation he will maintain the office duties of responding to email, phone calls, and all facility bookings. Carol will assist with room set-up and janitorial duties and clearing snow from the sidewalks. Please continue to provide the same level of support as you always have during John’s rehabilitation. Gojukai Karate Club I know that I speak for the entire EJCA community that we wish John and Carol a speedy recovery back to full health! Wakabakai Japanese Dance Club 18 November - December 2015 Moshi Moshi Tuesday Afternoon Drop-In Cathy Tennant Come join us for an informal social time, on Tuesday afternoons anytime between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm. Volunteers will also be in the library during these hours so it is a good time to look at all the materials that can be borrowed. For the next several weeks, we will be showing the TV Drama “Carnation” from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm. It is a story based on the life of fashion designer Koshino Ayako who passed away in 2006 at the age of 92. Although she was a successful designer in Japan, she single-handedly raised three daughters who became internationally known designers. The drama is subtitled in English, so can be enjoyed by both Japanese language and English language speakers. On December 1st and 8th, we will be giving majong lessons in English and Japanese. If you already know how to play, come join us for a game or two. Lessons will be from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. If you are interested in majong lessons or coming to play, please contact Cathy Tennant ([email protected]) before December. 毎週火曜日午後のドロップ・イン キャッシー・テナント 毎週火曜日午後1時から4時まで、EJCAセンターでドロップ・インを 始めました。楽しい社交の時間です。お気軽にいらしてください。こ の時間には図書委員がいて図書館も開いています。図書館に本や 映画を借りに来たついでにドロップ・インにもお寄りください。 次の数週間はドロップ・インで午後1時半から2時半まで、日本のテ レビドラマ「カーネーション」を鑑賞します。これは2006年に92才で 亡くなった洋服デザイナー コシノ・アヤコの物語です。忙しいデザイ ナーの仕事をしながら、一人で三人の娘を育てました。そして三人 の娘はそれぞれに世界的なデザイナーになりました。英語字幕付き です。 12月1日と8日のドロップ・インでは麻雀の講習会を英語と日本語で 開きます。麻雀をすでにご存じの方も麻雀をしにきてください。講習 会は午後1時半から3時半まです。講習会に興味のある方は11 月 30 日までに Cathy Tennant ([email protected])へご連絡ください。 12月のドロップ・インではクリスマス・ツリーに飾る折り鶴をつくります。 火曜の午後、ご一緒にお茶を頂いたりお話したりして、楽しみましょう。! In December, you can make paper crane decorations for your Christmas tree. Kita No Taiko Japanese Drumming Adult Workshops: Taiko workshops will challenge your body and mind, and are a great musical and social experience. No previous musical experience or knowledge of Japanese required. The next Level I is Nov 25, 2015 6:30-9:30 pm. Level II will be on Dec 2. See our website for info on workshops, lessons and shows, to join our mailing list, or to get a workshop application: or 780-431-0300. 。 北の太鼓がエドモントン交響楽団と共演 Kita no Taiko Performed with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra Clarissa Atienza On Saturday, November the seventh, the Winspear Concert Hall was transformed into a magical world as conductor Lucas Waldin and the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (ESO) performed the first of the Symphony for Kids series. Themes from Harry Potter to Lord of the Rings to Star Trek filled the hall, alongside some acts accompanied by the Edmonton School of Ballet (ESB) and Kita no Taiko. Kita no Taiko introduced the audience to Raijin, the mischievous God of Thunder, in a performance skit narrated by Mr. Waldin. A scene of a lively village festival was interrupted by Raijiin who chased villagers off stage. Then, the villagers gave Raijin a loud hira-daiko drum and asked him to play the drum with the villagers. Here, Kita no Taiko played a piece composed by Mr. Waldin and the energetic sounds of taiko filled the Winspear Concert Hall to the greatest enjoyment and children and their parents. クラリッサ・アテンザ 北の太鼓は11月7日にエドモントン交響楽団の子供のためのコン サートに出演しました。このコンサートは映画ハリー・ポッター、指輪 物語、スター・トレックなどのテーマ音楽とエドモントン・バレー・スク ール、北の太鼓が共演したものです。北の太鼓は雷神をテーマにし た物語の中に登場しました。雷神が村祭りの最中に現れて村人を蹴 散らします。村人は智 恵をしぼり、雷神に太 鼓を進呈して一緒に太 鼓を叩こうと提案します。 そして、雷神と村人が 太鼓を叩くシーンで北 の太鼓のメンバーが演 奏会場も割れんばかり にエネルギッシュに太 鼓を叩きました。観客 は子供も大人も大喜び でした。 November - December 2015 19 Moshi Moshi Matsu no Kai (55-up) Club Louise & Peter Wong A relatively mild Fall has continued into November and still there has been no snow. I think most of us are happy with that situation. It makes walking and driving so much easier. The Matsu no Kai (MNK) membership was quite busy during September and October. At the end of September, 14 members attended the Mayfield Dinner Theatre’s brunch and show. The food as usual was delicious and the show “Dark Star - The Roy Orbison Story” was filled with his wonderful music. Two days later, a smaller group of 8 enjoyed dinner at Kyoto Japanese Restaurant, followed by “Abbamania” at the Winspear. The opening act was a Bee Gees tribute band which was quite entertaining but the audience really came alive when “Abba” appeared on the stage. By the final song, everyone was on their feet dancing. Most of our members were able to help at the EJCA’s th Bazaar which was held on October 24 . Their efforts were greatly appreciated in the kitchen and at the sales tables. At the October meeting, elections were held for the executive positions. Peter Wong continues as President, Louise Wong as Secretary, Midori Tanaka becomes Treasurer and Cathy Tennant will be in charge of Membership. Thank you all for volunteering and thank you to Heidi Matsune, our outgoing Treasurer. After the meeting, some Halloween themed games were played and a photo taken of the group, some in costume. 松の会シニアーズクラブ ルイーズとピーター・ワン 今年は冬は11月に入っても暖かく、まだ雪も降らず、ありがたいで すね。車の運転も道路を歩くのも楽です。さて、松の会は9月も10 月も相変わらず忙しく過ごしました。9月の末にはメイフィールド劇場 のディナーショウに行き、美味しい夕食を楽しんだ後に「ダーク・スタ ー」というショウを鑑賞しました。音楽が素晴しかったです。この2日 後には8人で京都レストランで日本食を楽しんだ後にウィンスピアー 劇場に行き、「ABBAマニア」を見に行てきました。最初は BeeGees によるABBAの歌のカバーででとても面白かったです。次にABBA が舞台に登場すると観客は皆総立ちです。最後の曲になると興奮し て皆で踊りだしました。 松の会の会員がたくさん10月24日のEJCAの秋のバザーを手伝 いました。10月の例会で役員選挙があり、ピーター・ワンが会長を 続け、ルイーズ・ワンが書記、ミドリ・タナカが会計、キャシー・テナン トが会員勧誘委員になりました。会計の任期を終了したハイジ・マツ ネさん、ご苦労さまでした。 11月13日(金)には12人ほどの会員がウエスト・エドモントン・モー ルのホアン・ロアン・ベトナム レストランで昼食を取った後に、パレ ス・カシノに行きました。11月25日の例会ではクリスマスの飾りをつ くります。12月には例会はありませんが、12月2日にダブルツリー・ ホテルのクリスマス・ビュッフェに行きます。では皆様、メリークリスマ ス、ハッピーニューイヤー。 来年の最初の例会は1月27日です。松の会に入会希望の方は Peter C. Wong 電話 780-487-7099 電子メール [email protected] までご連絡ください。 th On Friday, November 13 , a dozen members met for lunch at the Hoang Loang Vietnamese Restaurant in West Edmonton Mall. After an enjoyable meal, the group tried their luck at the Palace Casino. Shopping was also th an option for the non-gamblers. At our November 25 meeting, we will be making small Christmas decorations. Since there is not a December meeting, the Club will be nd having a Christmas buffet lunch on December 2 at the Double Tree Hotel. We hope as many MNK members as possible will be able to attend. As the year ends with the holiday season, the club members send everyone a “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” wish! The first meeting of the New Year will be held on th Wednesday, January 27 , 2016. There will be a short business meeting, followed by some exercises, lunch, activities and socializing. If you are interested in coming to a meeting, please contact Peter C. Wong at 780-4877099 or [email protected]. Remembering…. Our sympathies to the family and friends on the passing of: Mr. Tom Sando who passed away peacefully on October 5, 2015 at the age of 93. 訃報 長年の会員のご冥福をお祈りいたします。 トム・サンドウ氏は 2015 年 10 月5日に 93 才でお亡くなりになりま した。 20 November - December 2015 Moshi Moshi VOLUNTEER AND DONOR APPRECIATION The EJCA Board would like to send its sincere thanks to all volunteers and donators. If your name is missing from the list, please inform David Mitsui so it can be noted in the next Moshi Moshi. Please help us to maintain an accurate list. Bazaar: October 24, 2015 Bazaar committee: Cathy Tenannt Volunteers: Alan Davis Don Povilaitis Bob Motokado Edie Nagata Bob Tennant Emiko Kinoshita Brenda Madsen Garth Blades Carol Rushworth Heidi Matsune Cathy Tennant Helen Taniguchi Dave Mitsui Hitoshi Shigemitu Debby Oikawa Iris Hung Diane Mitsui James Zeng Bake sale donations:Brenda Shikaze Midori Tanaka Miori Matthews Other donations George Ogawa Banzai Restaurant Hirono Tabata Bob, Cathy Tennant Jocelyn Hudon Mrs. Mitsui (Dave Mitsui’s mother) Silent auction donations Akiko Kohana Lily Tsui Cynful Sweets Kimi Tainaka Keiko Marumo Mikado Loise Wong Peter Wong Sanae Ohki Jane Bisbee Jim Hoyano John Priegert Jun Toyama Kaede Povilaitis Keiko Allport Ken Tanaka Kieko Ito Kinuyo Oda Debby Oikawa Kiyo Oikawa Kyoko Watanabe Lee Townsend Liz Machida Louise Wong Makiko Shigemitsu Mark Laite Masako Hubbihoca Michiko Kawashima Heidi Matsune Midori Tanaka Mineko Sasano Miori Matthews Nagayo Hayashi Peter Wong Ruriko Davis Sanae Ohki Sandra Blades Stefan Povilaitis Marlene Prosper Susumu Kaneda Takashi Ohki Tami Tsujikawa Toshiyo Iwashina Yoko Azumaya Yoshie Kaneda Yoshiko Motokado Yuko Nakano Kieko Ito Kimi Tainaka Lesley Tsuruoka Lucy,John Takahashi Michiko Ikawa Michiko Kawashima Mitzi, Ed Doucette Natsuko Cyr Norm Tsuruoka Sanae Ohki Yuriko,Ricky Higa Yolande Matsusaki Kyoto Japanese Restaurant Mayor Don Ivenson Premier Rachel Notley Kobe Japanese Bistro Tami Tsujikawa Sushi Wasabi Yolande Matsusaki Yuzen Japanese Restaurant EJCA Annual General Meeting: October 18, 2015 Organizing Committee: EJCA Board Japanese Women’s Volleyball Team Coming to Edmonton Cathy Tennant A women’s volleyball team from Kanoya, Japan, is visiting Edmonton for training and competition at the University of Alberta from December 30, 2015 to January 8, 2016. The University of Alberta is looking for volunteers to assist the Japanese team. They are looking for: Drivers to take the team back and forth between Their accommodations and the U of A gym in drivers’ cars; Prepare bagged lunches for the team and take them to the gym Interpreter for the team on January 7 and 8 at Lister Hall on the campus (team will move from their billets th to Lister Hall on January 7 and will board the bus to th the airport on January 8 ) 鹿屋(かなや)市の女子バレーボールチームがボランティアを募集中 キャシー・テナント 2015年12月30日から2016年1月8日まで、鹿屋(かなや)市の 女子バレーボールチームがエドモントン市に滞在して、アルバータ大 学で試合をします。ついてはアルバータ大学がこのチームを手伝っ てくれるボランティアを募集しています。 チームの宿舎と大学の体育館を毎日自分の車で送迎できる人 チームの昼食を用意して毎日体育館に届ける人 1月7日と8日にアルバータ大学のレスターホールに出向いて 日本チームの通訳をする人 興味のある方はアルバータ大学女子バレーボールヘッドコーチの Laurie Eisler まで 電話 780-492-2828, 電子メール [email protected] でご連絡ください。 尚、日本チームの試合予定は左の英語版をご覧ください。 1日券は$10, 学生$5,トーナメントパスは$20, 学生$10です。 The Japanese team, NIFS, will play: Friday January 1 2:30 pm, against U of Saskatchewan Saturday January 2 10:00 am, against U of Regina Saturday, January 2 6:00 pm, against U of Alberta Sunday, January 3 11:30 am, against U of Calgary Day pass for adults $10, students $5 Tournament pass for adults $20, students $10 If you are interested in helping the team, please contact Laurie Eisler, Pandas Volleyball Head coach directly at 780-492-2828, [email protected] November - December 2015 21 Moshi Moshi バー・ピカード法律事務所 家庭に関する法律(離婚 など)、不動産、遺言作成 や遺産相続、エステートプ ラニング、ビジネス関係の 法律など、幅広く取り扱っ ています。 あずまや ようこ 東谷 陽子 弁護士 Yoko Azumaya, Barrister & Solicitor Phone: 780-414-5400 Email:[email protected] 日本語でご相談いただけます。約20分ほどの 無料相談に応じておりますので、お気軽にお電 話ください。 ブログもご覧ください: 22 November - December 2015 Moshi Moshi Directory of EJCA Affiliated Clubs and Groups Awa Odori - Japanese Folk Dance Contact: Cathy Tennant at <[email protected]> Bonsai Club Meetings: 3rd Thursday of each month, 7:30-9:30 pm Contact: Les Dowdell <[email protected]> Calligraphy - Keifukai of Edmonton (Suitable for experienced calligraphers) Contact: Mineko Sasano < [email protected]> Chigiri-e Art - Torn Paper Artwork Creation Practices: 2nd Wednesdays of each month, 10 am – 2 pm Contact: Keiko Frueh 780 436-5843 EJCA Art Club - Watercolour Painting Contact: Brenda Shikaze <[email protected]> Edmonton Gojukai Karate Club Tuesdays and Thursdays (except holidays) Children, 7-12 years of age: 6:00-7:00 PM Youth/Adult, 13 years and above: 7:00-8:30 PM Contact: John Priegert 780 436-0977 <[email protected]> EJCA Women’s Gojukai Karate Club Tuesdays 8:30-9:45 pm and Fridays 7:30-9:30 pm Contact: Dana Nawata <[email protected]> Ju-Jitsu Go-Shin-Do Ryu Club Practices: Saturdays 9:30 am, to noon Contact: TBD Karaoke Club Practices: 1st & 3rd Friday of each month, 7:30-10:00 pm Contact: Takashi Ohki <[email protected]> Kita Kaze Budo Club (Ken-do, Naginata, Iai-do) Meetings: 2nd & 4th Friday of each month at 7:00 pm Contact: [email protected], website: Kita No Taiko - Japanese Drumming Practices: Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 pm Contact: 780 431-0300 or <[email protected]> Website: <> Ikebana Club st rd Meetings: 1 and 3 Thursdays of each month 7-9 p.m. Contact: Jean-Marcel Duciaume 780 803-5690 <[email protected]> Matsu no Kai - EJCA Seniors Activities (55 years and up) Contact: Peter C. Wong 780 487-7099 <[email protected]> Nihongo Kaiwa – Japanese Conversation Club Mondays 5 – 7 pm (except holidays) Contact: Carol Rushworth < [email protected] > Nobara Chorus Group Practices: 1st & 3rd Wednesday 10:00 am - 12:00 noon Contact: Yoshie Kaneda < [email protected]> Table Tennis Practices: 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month, 1:00-3:00 pm Contact: Sanae Ohki < [email protected] > Tea Ceremony for Beginner Club Furo Style Practice Contact: Chris Booth <[email protected]> 780 236-1071 Wakaba Kai - Traditional Japanese Dance Practices: Mondays, 1:30 – 4:00 pm Contact: Keiko Frueh <[email protected]> November - December 2015 23 Moshi Moshi 2015 - 2016 EJCA Board of Directors & Committees President David Mitsui <[email protected]> Vice-President Sanae Ohki <[email protected]> Communications Andrew Beattie Carley Okamura Sanae Ohki (chair) Culture Programs Committee Sanae Ohki (chair) Yukiko Nagakura Membership Yoko Azumaya EJCA-Argyll Joint Committee David Mitsui (chiar) Sanae Ohki Secretary Finance Committee Andrew Beattie Jim Hoyano (chair) <[email protected]> David Mitsui Grant Shikaze Treasurer Jim Hoyano <[email protected]> Library Committee Carol Brandly Cathy Tennant EJCA Board Directors David Sulz Hideji Ono Jim Hoyano <[email protected]> Liz Machida (chair) Sanae Ohki Jean-Marcel Duciaume <[email protected]> Yoko Azumaya <[email protected]> Published by Edmonton Japanese Community Association Scholarship & Grant Committee David Mitsui Daiyo Sawada Garden Committee John Priegert (chair) Les Dowdell Cathy Tennant Alan Davis Ruruiko Davis NAJC Liaison David Mitsui Heritage Festival Liaison David Mueller Moshi Moshi Editors Sanae Ohki Takashi Ohki Centre Manager John Priegert < [email protected] > History Project Committee Cathy Tennant Daiyo Sawada David Sulz Jim Hoyano Sanae Ohki (chair) Deadline for Submissions for the Next Issue (Vol. 42, No. 3) is January 15, 2016 EJCA Mission & Vision Statements Editorial Address: 6750 - 88 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5H6 Tel: (780) 466-8166 Fax: (780) 465-0376 website: e-mail: [email protected] Editors: Takashi Ohki Sanae Ohki “Moshi Moshi is a publication of the Edmonton Japanese Community VISION STATEMENT The Edmonton Japanese Community Association is a community of members whose vision is to create a shared experience of culture while increasing the awareness of Japanese culture. MISSION STATEMENT: The Edmonton Japanese Community Association builds a supportive community to explore Japanese culture by providing place and programs, as well as creating partnerships for EJCA members and people in the greater Edmonton area. エドモントン日本文化協会の基本理念と活動方針 基本理念 エドモントン日本文化協会は様々な文化遺産を共有するエドモントンン社会の中で日本 文化の理解・振興に貢献することを基本理念にします。 Association. Its objective is to disseminate information of interest to the Japanese community and those interested in Japanese culture, including announcements of upcoming events. 24 November - December 2015 活動方針 エドモントン日本文化協会は日本文化の理解・振興に貢献するためのコミュニティーを育 成をします。そして、そのための場所とプログラムを提供し、エドモントン日本文化協会と エドモントン地区の人々とのパートナーシップを育成・強化していきます. Moshi Moshi 2016 EJCA Membership Application Form (*indicates the fields that you must fill in) Please mail this EJCA application form with a cheque payable to EJCA, addressed at 6750 88 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 5H6, or drop off at the Office. The fee can be paid online by the Paypal. Please go to * Date of application: __________________ * First name: ____________, * Last name: ___________________(Another last name: _______________) If family membership: Spouse First name: _________________ Last name: ________________ Dependents: Child 1: _________________ Child 2: _________________ Child 3: _________________ Child 4: _________________ * Address: _____________________, * City: _____________ *Province: ________, * Postal code: ___________ * Telephone: ______________, Email (member): ___________________Email (spouse): __________________ As a member of EJCA, I give my consent to receive emails from EJCA regarding programs, events, updates, and inquiries. EJCA 会員として、EJCA よりプログラム、行事案内、お知らせなどの e-mail を受け取ることに同意します。 Please (✔) applicable items: *1. New or renewal: ( ) This a new membership or ( ) This is a renewal *2. Membership: paid by ( ) cash, ( ) cheque or ( ) PayPal ( ) Family membership (couple with or without children) $35.00 ( ) Single membership $20.00 ( ) Senior family membership with both over 70 years old Free ( ) Senior family membership with one is over 70 years old $20.00 ( ) Senior single membership (over 70 years old) Free *3. Newsletter Moshi Moshi subscription: ( ) on-line or ( ) on paper 4. Check all clubs where any of your family is a member ( ) Art Club ( ) Chigiri-e Art Club ( ) Kendo/Naginata Club ( ) Nihongo Kaiwa Club ( ) Table Tennis Club ( ) Awa Odori ( ) Gojukai Karate Club ( ) Kita no Taiko ( ) Nobara Chorus Club ( ) Tea Ceremony Club ( ) Bonsai Club ( ) Ikebana Club ( ) Karaoke Club ( ) Wakaba-kai ( ) Calligraphy ( ) Ju-jutsu Goshindo Club ( ) Matsu no Kai (55-up) ( ) Women’s Karate 5. Check all EJCA committees and volunteer tasks that you are interested in: ( ) Bazaar ( ) Culture Programs ( ) Events ( ) Heritage Festival ( ) Heritage Festival Committee ( ) Library Committee ( ) Garden Committee All personal data are used for EJCA’s internal use only. Photos and video of EJCA activities may be posted in the newsletter or EJCA website. If you do not want your images posted, please avoid camera. EJCAの活動は写真やビデオの形で、インターネットのホームページや会報に掲載される事があります。写真やビ デオが掲載されたくない方は、写真やビデオに写らないようにしてください。 November - December 2015 25
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