5/17/2016 (2) Medieval England 中世のイギリス 1066 年の「ノルマン・コンクエスト」によって中世イギリスは幕を開けます。ノルマ ン人のイングランド征服はブリテン島と大陸を「つなぎ」ました。宗教と建築を話題 の中心に据えて、中世イギリスとヨーロッパを旅します。北イタリアの諸都市 (ヴェ ネチアやラヴェンナなど) へも足を伸ばします。 トピック (1) 中世 (the Middle Ages) はいつから始まったか 「中世を定義する」http://historymedren.about.com/od/gettingstarted/a/defining.htm 「中世はいつから始まったか」という簡単な質問に対する答えは複雑で、定まっ た答えはない。One of the most frequently asked questions about medieval history is, “When did the Middle Ages start and end?” The answer to this simple question is more complicated than you might think. There is currently no true consensus among historians, authors, and educators for the precise dates— or even the general dates— that mark the beginning and end of the medieval era. The most common time frame is approximately 500-1500 C.E.( Christian Era), but you will often see different dates of significance marking the era’s parameters. (中世は蔑称であった cf. Gothic, Romanesque) ① 政治学⇒476 to 1453(西ローマ帝国崩壊→東ローマ帝国崩壊) ② キリスト教の影響を考慮すると⇒325(ニケア公会議でキリスト教をローマ帝国の 国教と定める http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/godsreligion/p/aa082499.htm) or 590(グレゴリー一世がローマ教皇となる) http://historymedren.about.com/od/gwho/p/who_greg1.htm ③ 美術史⇒about 500 CE and the beginning of the early modern period in roughly 1500 CE. http://arthistory.net/medieval-art/ (=初期キリスト教美術、[insular art= the distinct style found in Ireland and Britain from about the 7th century, to about the 10th century https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Kells#/media/File:KellsFol292rIncipJohn.jpg] 、 民族大移動美術、ビザンチン美術、前ロマネスク美術、ロマネスク美術、ゴシッ ク美術)材料=モザイク https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=AwrSZ98v8S9X85oBZgBXNyoA;_y lu=X3oDMTBscjdldmhrBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Mosaic+Art+I n+Ravenna+Italy&fr=yfp-t-559-s とフレスコ、主題=聖書の逸話、キリスト教の教義、ギリシャ・ローマ神話 古典美術⇒ http://www.ancient.eu/image/111/ アッシリア (2,000BC-612 BC) 美術 https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=%E3%82%A2%E3%83%83%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A A%E3%82%A2%E7%BE%8E%E8%A1%93&biw=1841&bih=995&tbm=isch&tbo=u&sou 1 5/17/2016 rce=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjXnfr17svMAhXMvBQKHWrXDeYQsAQIIQ (「 異 時 同図(同存)法」(あるいは「連続する様式」)=同じ登場人物ないしはキャラクタ ーによる、異なる瞬間に生じた複数の動作ないし行動が、ある統一されたひとつの 空間の中に表現されたもの」と定義され、特定の時間および空間において、特定の 登場人物ないしはキャラクターが演じる「物語」を、連続的に表現する手段である。 https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=%E7%95%B0%E6%99%82%E5%90%8C%E5%9B% B3%E6%B3%95%E7%B5%B5%E5%B7%BB&sa=X&biw=1841&bih=995&tbm=isch&tb o=u&source=univ&ved=0ahUKEwiTnf7LjN3MAhVFjJQKHZQJCK0QsAQIIQ [絵巻物] https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=%E7%95%B0%E6%99%82%E5%90%8C%E5%9B% B3%E6%B3%95%E3%80%81%E3%82%A4%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2% E7%BE%8E%E8%A1%93&biw=1841&bih=995&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X& ved=0ahUKEwiKv7CPjd3MAhUBPpQKHfqaDyAQsAQIGg&dpr=1 [西洋美術]) フェニキア文字⇒ http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ax2s-kmtn/ref/unicode/m_eastern.html 中世美術⇒adventus https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=giotto,+adventus+images&biw=1841&bih=995&tbm=isc h&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSw4yZ8cvMAhWCE5QKHUUzB0kQsAQIG g 絵画を探すときのベスト・サイト⇒ http://artuk.org/ National gallery http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/visiting/floorplans/level-2 Museo Nacional del Prado https://www.museodelprado.es/en Louvre http://www.louvre.fr/en Metropolitan Museum http://www.metmuseum.org/ Hermitage Museum http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/wps/portal/hermitage?lng=ja ルネサンス美術⇒ http://www.louvre.fr/en/departements Italian Renaissance Learning Resources http://italianrenaissanceresources.com/ 遠近法の発見/発展⇒ http://www.op-art.co.uk/history/perspective/ http://www.webexhibits.org/sciartperspective/index.html the apparent size of an object decreases with increasing distance from the eye.「目標の見か け の 大 き さ は 、 目 か ら の 距 離 に 反 https://www.dartmouth.edu/~matc/math5.geometry/unit11/unit11.html 比 例 す る 」 (worth visiting) ( ダ ー ト マ ス ・ カ レ ッ ジ 、「 美 術 と 建 築 に お け る 幾 何 学 」 の シ ラ バ ス https://math.dartmouth.edu/~matc/math5.geometry/より) ④ イギリス経済学⇒1066(Norman Conquest)=封建制度の始まり ノルマンの征服も継承権を巡る争い。18 世紀までのヨーロッパの戦争はほとんど同じ 理由による。政略結婚が多かったから。The Norman conquest of England took place in 1066. At the beginning of 1066, the Anglo Saxon ruler of England, Edward the Confessor, 2 5/17/2016 was on his deathbed. Since he had no children, there was no direct heir to the throne and he had not publicly designated any heir to succeed him. After Edward the Confessor died on January 5th, 1066, he was succeeded by Harold Godwinson, whose sister was married to Edward the Confessor. He claimed that Edward the Confessor had anointed him the successor on his deathbed in the presence of the queen. Since Harold Godwinson was a powerful lord in the country, he soon received the approval of the Witan, the decision making body who could decide who would be king. This was resented by William of Normandy (a region in Northern France today). He was distantly related to Edward the Confessor and claimed that Edward the Confessor had promised him the throne of England on his death. The Norman Conquest http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/history/middle_ages/1066_norman_conquest/revision/1/ 『アングロサクソン年代記』とノルマンの年代記作者は異なったことを記録⇒ (アングロサクソン)エドワードは義弟ゴッドウィンサンを後継者に指名 (ノルマン)エドワードは彼の唯一の血族(従兄弟違い)であるウィリアムに王位を 約束した (親族関係図↓) http://image.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?rkf=2&ei=UTF-8&p=%E8%A6%AA%E6%97%8F% E9%96%A2%E4%BF%82%E5%9B%B3#mode%3Ddetail%26index%3D0%26st%3D0 Line of Succession(the order in which individuals are expected to succeed one another in some official position)皇位/王位継承、相続順位 http://www.britroyals.com/index.htm Line of the Succession to the British Throne http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/royal/succession.htm http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0101032.html Order of Presidential Succession ノルマンの征服は何をイングランドにもたらしたか “What did they bring to England?” 1) The feudal system 3 5/17/2016 2) New Language (French) The effect of 1066 on the English Language http://geoffboxell.tripod.com/words.htm 3) Domesday Book http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/normans/doomsday_01.shtml 4) Motte (城が建てられた天然[人工]の丘) and Bailey (城の外壁, 郭内) Castles http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/homework/castles/motteandbailey.htm 5) Concentric Castles http://www.timeref.com/castles/castconc.htm 6) Cathedrals 7) イングランドとヨーロッパ大陸は一衣帯水の関係に U of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, “History 371”のシラバス https://pantherfile.uwm.edu/carlin/www/England1200to1250outlines.Fall2015-wk3.htm (2) The Crusade http://www.middle-ages.org.uk/the-crusades.htm Crusade―Any of the military expeditions undertaken by European Christians in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims. 第四回十字軍はヴェネチアが船を提供し、アレキサンドリアとコンスタンティ ノープルで略奪をおこなった。 (3) 聖地巡礼 (4) the Magna Carta ( The Great Charter of English liberty granted (under considerable duress) by King John at Runnymede on June 15, 1215; The name Runnymede may originate from the Anglo-Saxon “runieg” (regular meeting) and “mede” (mead or meadow). The pre-Norman form of government, the Witan Council, was held here during the reign of Alfred the Great, whose castle was in Old Windsor.) 4 5/17/2016 The Magna Carta is an English legal document written in 1215 AD which had a huge influence on the developing legal system of England. http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/featured_documents/magna_carta/ (4) The 100 Years’ War Important Facts: 1) The One Hundred Years War raged from 1337 - 1453 2) The Hundred Years War actually lasted for 116 years 3) All of the battles of the Hundred Years War were fought in France 4) Joan of Arc: At the age of 13 Joan believed she had heard the voices of St. Michael, St. Catherine and St. Margaret bidding her to rescue the French people. Believing that God had commanded her to drive the English out of France, Joan rallied the demoralized French troops, leading them in battle. Clad in a suit of white armor and flying her own standard she liberated France from the English at the battle of Orleans. Ultimately captured and imprisoned by the English, Joan of Arc was condemned as a heretic and a witch and stood trial before the Inquisition 宗教裁判所 in 1431. Joan was found guilty and was to be burnt at the stake but at the last moment she broke down and recanted everything. She eventually broke down again and faithful to her “voices,” decided to become a martyr and was then burnt at the stake and became a national hero. St. Joan was canonized in 1920 by Pope Benedict XV. English Monarchs http://www.englishmonarchs.co.uk/index.htm ルーアンへ旅する 時間に忘れられた都市紀行 (1) ラ ベ ン ナ (474-540AD が黄 金時 代 東ゴ ート国 王テ オドリ クス /テオドリ ック の 都) http://www.europe-z2.com/chusei/ad0493it_n.html http://www.medcruiseguide.com/ravenna-emilia-romagna-italy/ ① サンタポリナーレ・ヌオーヴォ聖堂 (バジリカ https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=basilica,+architecture&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&s a=X&ved=0ahUKEwia3qrdutjMAhWGKZQKHRpHCJcQsAQIHg&biw=1858&bih=1115 ) モザイク https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=basilica+di+sant%27apollinare+nuovo&tbm=isch&tbo=u &source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiAobfNuNjMAhWBw5QKHRogBpsQsAQIGw&biw=1 858&bih=1115 The Wilton Diptych https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/medieval-world/latin-western-europe/gothic1/v/wi lton-diptych#! ② サン・ヴィターレ教会 5 5/17/2016 https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=basilica+di+san+vitale+mosaici&tbm=isch&tbo=u&sour ce=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjo59ztvtjMAhXLo5QKHSemD88QsAQIGw&biw=1858&bih =1115 (皇帝ユスティニアヌス [東ローマ帝国ユスティニアヌス王朝の第 2 代皇帝、 在位 527-565] と皇妃ティオドラ c. 500-548 サーカスの熊使いの娘) (2) ヴェネチア The year 814 is the starting date of the construction of Palazzo Ducale 地中海貿易で栄えたヴェネチアは新大陸がヨーロッパの大きな貿易相手となるにつれ て没落する。 https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=palazzo+ducale,+st+marc&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=uni v&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjAl4uXw9jMAhWCjJQKHfltCqkQsAQIVA&biw=1858&bih=1115 聖マルコの遺骸をアレキサンドリアから略奪して、それを聖遺物として建てられた http://tabisuru-c.com/travel/italy_200905/20090530-6.htm (参考 パリ サント・シャペルはヴェネチアがコンスタンティノープルから略奪し てきたキリストの茨の冠を買った聖ルイ(ルイ九世在位 1226-1270)がそれを聖遺物 として収めた教会) https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=%E3%82%B5%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%82%B7% E3%83%A3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%AB&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahU KEwi9wNH8xdjMAhXMlZQKHQb-CYkQsAQIMQ&biw=1858&bih=1115 6
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