RIMS研究集会 力学系とその関連分野の連携探索 講演アブストラクト

RIMS 研究集会
西口 純矢(京都大学)
(On global attractors of differential equations with infinite retardation)
The unboundedness of the delays in differential equations is brought by the dependence of
the delays on time and state. In this talk, we consider global tractors of these equations and
investigate the condition that the global attractors exist.
李 正勲(名古屋大学/Academia Sinica)
非アルキメデス的力学系における expanding map の J-stability
(J-Stability of expanding rational maps in non-Archimedean dynamics)
In this talk, we will consider the J-stability theorem of expanding rational maps in nonArchimedean dynamics as an analogue of Mane-Sad-Sullivan’s J-stability theorem in complex
dynamics. In the first half, we will review some basics of non-Archimedean dynamics and compare some of classical results of non-Archimedean dynamics with those of complex dynamics
based on the works of L-C. Hsia, R. Benedetto, J. Rivera-Letelier, who are the pioneers of this
field. In the second half, we will briefly recall Mane-Sad-Sullivan’s J-stability theorem and finally see the main result of this talk, J-stability expanding rational map in non-Archimedean
dynamics. Although we assume that the map is expanding, which is stronger assumption
than Mane-Sad-Sullivan’s, the result may be stronger than Mane-Sad-Sullivan’s. The sketch
of proof of the main result will be also given during the talk.
Miro Kramar(東北大学 AIMR)
Analysis of high dimensional systems exhibiting complex spatio-temporal
In the first part of the talk we will introduce the methods of the topological data analysis.
Namely, the persistence diagrams which are a relatively new topological tool for describing and
quantifying complicated patterns in a simple but meaningful way. We will demonstrate this
technique on patterns appearing inRayleigh-Benard convection and dense granular media.
This procedure allows us to transform experimental or numerical data from experiment or
simulation into a point cloud in the space of persistence diagrams. There are a variety of
metrics that can be imposed on the space of persistence diagrams. By choosing different
metrics one can interrogate the pattern locally or globally, which provides deeper insight into
the dynamics of the process of pattern formation.
In the second part of the talk we will discuss the deformation patterns of silo walls during
gravity-driven granular discharges. Depending on the initial filing hight and/or protocol the
silos might undergo serious deformations leading to a potential collapse. We will show that our
methods can clearly distinguish the collapsing silos during the early stages of the discharge.
小松 弘和・伊藤 昭夫・中島 弘之(近畿大学)
(Asymptotic stability of equilibria of differential equations that describe
chemical reaction networks)
Feinberg らの構築した CRNT(Chemical Reaction Network Theory) は,化学反応系を記述
する常微分方程式を解析するための強力な手法であり,その核となる DZT(Deficiency Zero
Theorem) は多くの系における正値平衡点の漸近安定性を保証する.本講演では,心肥大関
連因子の生化学反応ネットワークを記述する方程式に DZT を適用し,その平衡点の漸近安定
性を証明した結果を報告する.この系は DZT の条件である weak reversibility を持たないが,
DZT が適用可能な部分系に分解し,非線形制御システム理論を応用することにより,平衡点
山本 謙一郎(長岡技術科学大学)
(Large deviations for systems whose ergodic measures are not entropy-dense)
In this talk, We give a criterion for a symbolic system to satisfy the level-2 large deviation
principle. As an application, we give examples of interval maps (including sofic negative betatransformations) which satisfy a level-2 large deviation principle, the set of ergodic measures
are not entropy-dense, and the large deviation rates of any invariant measures coincides with
the free energy.
曽我 幸平*(慶應大学)
古典 KAM 理論・弱 KAM 理論入門
(An introduction to classical KAM theory and weak KAM theory)
近可積分 Hamilton 系に対する古典 KAM(Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser) 理論から,HamiltonJacobi (HJ) 方程式を経て,C 2 凸 Hamilton 系に対する 弱 KAM 理論に至る道筋を概説する.
島田 徳三(明治大学)
質量異方性を持った 2 次元ケプラー問題の 2 進コーデイングと安定・不安定周期軌道の
Anisotropic Kepler Problem での安定周期軌道と不安定周期軌道のシステマティックスについ
Anisotropic Kepler Problem (AKP) is a hydrogen atom with the electron mass anisotropy
(m1, m2, m2) with m1 > m2. This system exhibits hard chaos (with one-control parameter
γ = m2/m1) and has been a basic testing ground of quantum chaos as explored by Martin
Gutzwiller. After a short introduction of his periodic orbit theory, I report the followings.
1. We have successfully extracted AKP classical periodic orbits (POs) from our quantum
spectrum data of AKP―the action as well as the Lyapunov exponents―by reverse use of the
periodic orbit theory. Under correct symmetrisation of quantum Green function, we can tell
(from the signs of real and imaginary parts of the peak in them) to which PO it subjects to
2. We then turn on the uniqueness issue of the periodic orbit for a given binary code in
two-dimensional AKP. We consider a surface on the (compactified) initial value domain whose
height is given by the binary code of the orbit (of length N). We prove (based on the scheme of
one-time map) that this surface has non-decreasing property with respect to the initial values,
and give a proper tiling of the domain. This tiling can be used to tell whether a certain
code corresponds to a unique (unstable) PO or associated by a stable PO (such PO has been
reported by Broucke, and also recently by Contopoulos and Harsoula).
3. If time allows, we briefly comment on that the periodic orbits at γ = 0.2 (all the 13648
unstable POs we have searched for by a two-dimensional shooting, taking the advantage of
the above monotonic surface) remarkably verify Gutzwiller ’s approximate action formula;
this shows that the map of the symbolic dynamics of AKP to certain Ising spin chain model
is correct.
This is a collaboration work with Kazuhiro Kubo (Ilumenau University) and Keita Sumiya
(Komazawa University).
鄭 容武(広島大学)
(Large deviation principle for quadratic maps without asymptotic measure)
に,Hofbauer-Keller によって与えられた物理測度を持たない(したがって大数の法則が成り
立たない)2次写像の例について,大偏差原理のレート関数が 0 になることを紹介する.本講
演は,Juan Rivera-Letelier, 高橋博樹両氏との共同研究に基づく.
中野 雄史**(北見工業大学)
円周上の拡大写像の U(1) 拡大の混合性に対する確率非安定性
(Stochastic instability for the mixing of U(1) extensions of expanding maps
on the circle)
We consider skew products of rotations on the circle over expanding maps on the circle, called
U(1) extensions of expanding maps on the circle. This is the simplest model of a large class of
partially hyperbolic systems, i.e., compact group extensions of hyperbolic maps. Recently it
has been proven that if the skew product satisfies a generic condition, then both the dynamics
and its random perturbation are mixing. Our goal in this talk is to provide (infinitely many)
examples of U(1) extensions of expanding maps which are not mixing, but their random
perturbations are mixing. This result may be contrastive to that all partially hyperbolic
systems whose central direction is mostly contracting ― another intensively-studied class of
partially hyperbolic dynamics ― are stochastically stable. (This is a joint work with Jens
坂本 祥太**(京都大学)
(Spectra of transfer operators of expanding maps on the Besov space)
In this talk we will consider transfer operators of an expanding map on a compact smooth
Riemannian manifold. When the transfer operator of the expanding map acts on a suitable
Hölder-Zygmund space, there is a classical result that a spectral gap of the transfer operator
can be shown. We consider the spactra of the transfer operator on a Besov space, which is a
generalization of the H-Z space. We will prove that the spectral gap can be also demonstrated,
provided that indices of the Besov space are suitably chosen. This is a joint work with Yushi
Nakano at Kitami Institute of Technology.
高橋 博樹(慶應大学)
(Lower estimate of the Hausdorff dimension of the set of zero Lyapunov
exponent for non-recurrrent unimodal maps with flat critical point)
曽我 幸平*(慶應大学)
弱 KAM 理論の応用 1 - HJ 方程式の放物型近似・差分近似・discount 近似と対応する
(Application of weak KAM thoery 1: Parabolic/finite difference/discount
approximation of Hamilton-Jacobi equations and the corresponding
dynamical systems)
弱 KAM 理論は偏微分方程式と力学系 (確率過程を含む) の相互補完的解析を可能にする. こ
のことを HJ 方程式の放物型近似・差分近似・discount 近似に対して力学の観点から概観する.
HJ 方程式を用いた Hamilton 系の 軌道・KAM トーラス・Mather 集合などの近似理論および
三竹 大寿*(広島大学)
弱 KAM 理論の測度論的定式化と非線形随伴法入門
(Weak KAM theory by a nonlinear adjoint method)
弱 KAM 理論の発端となった Aubry-Mather 理論について,測度論および偏微分方程式論の観
点から見直す. 特に,Lawrence C. Evans により導入された非線形随伴法を利用した,Mather
測度の構成方法について紹介する.このことの応用として,HJ 方程式の discount 近似におい
て discount 率をゼロにするときの解の漸近挙動に関する結果を紹介する.
鷲見 直哉(熊本大学)
(On the uniqueness of Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen measures for low dimensional
dynamical systems)
In this talk we consider diffeomorphisms on a closed manifold M preserving a hyperbolic SinaiRuelle-Bowen probability measure µ. When the dimension of M is at most three, we give a
sufficient (topological) condition which guarantees that there exists at most one hyperbolic
ergodic SRB measure and present examples satisfying our sufficient condition.
平出 耕一(愛媛大学)
実 1 次元多項式写像のくりこみについて
(A note on renormalization of real polynomial maps in dimension one)
実 1 次元力学系において、くりこみの方法は重要な役割を果たしているが、この講演では、
宇敷 重廣
(Parabolic bifurcation of area-preserving Hénon maps)
From fixed points of real area-preserving Hénon map bifurcates a pair of periodic orbits, one
saddle-type and the other center-type. This phenomenon has been observed numerically.A
proof is given for the case of parabolic fixed points of order 5, i.e. eigenvalues of the fixed
point is a primitive fifth root of unity.
三竹 大寿*(広島大学)
弱 KAM 理論の応用 2 - HJ 方程式の初期値問題の長時間挙動
(Application of weak KAM theory 2: Large-time behavior for the initial value
problem for Hamilton-Jacobi equations)
非線形随伴法および弱 KAM 理論の応用として,HJ 方程式の初期値問題の解の長時間挙動に
関する結果を紹介する.さらに,偏微分方程式の研究の立場から弱 KAM 理論を見直すことの
首藤 啓(首都大学東京)
(Toward pruning theory for the Stokes geometry of the quantum Hénon map)
The Stokes geometry for the propagator of the quantum Hénon map is studied in the light
of recent developments of the exact WKB analysis. As the simplest possible situation the
Hénon map satisfying the horseshoe condition is closely analyzed, together with listing up
local bifurcation patterns of the Stokes geometry. Our analysis reveals that the birth and
death of the WKB solutions caused by the Stokes phenomenon do not occur in a local but
entirely global manner, reflecting topological nature encoded in the Stokes geometry. We
derive an explicit formula to enumerate the number of WKB solutions in the asymptotic
region and obtain its growth rate, which is shown to be less than the topological entropy of
the corresponding classical dynamics. The relation to diffraction catastrophe integrals and
one-step multiply folding maps is also discussed.
矢ヶ崎 一幸(京都大学)
(Heteroclinic motions in periodic perturbations of conservative systems)
ロクリニック軌道により連結された 2 つの非双曲的な平衡点を有するものと仮定する.相空間
において,これらの平衡点は 2 つの normally hyperbolic な不変多様体を構成し,不変多様体
の理論により,摂動系においても,2 つの normally hyperbolic な局所不変多様体が存在する.
クリニック軌道が存在し得ることを証明する.この現象は,非摂動系のレベル集合上の 2 つの
斉木 吉隆**(一橋大学)
(Numerical method for calculating rotation number of quasi-periodic orbit
in high dimensional space)
高次元空間における準周期軌道や 2 次元空間における準周期軌道でも軌道が自己交差をもつ
紹介する。本講演は S. Das, E. Sander, J. A. Yorke との共同研究に基づく。
(Some sufficient conditions for the existence of entropy points in terms of
the sensitivity and the shadowing property)
空間上の連続な self-map によって定められる位相的力学系に対して、初期値鋭敏性、擬軌道
追跡性の観点から、ある点が entropy point であるための十分条件が与えられている。この講
演では、そのような研究の動向に沿って得られた、entropy point の存在のための十分条件に
佐藤 譲**(北海道大学)
Noise-induced Statistical Periodicity and Almost Cyclic Sets
Noise-induced statistical periodicity in modified Lakota-Mackay maps are studied. We numerically observe multiple transitions from stable sample measures to a periodic sample measures.
Existence of statistical periodicity and almost cyclic sets is discussed based on spectrum analysis of transfer operators.
中嶋 文雄
(A harmonic function property appeared in the surface of volcanoes)
本研究は成層火山の斜面が近似的に調和関数によって表される ことを岩手山と富士山を例と
してそれぞれの二万五千分の一地図を基にして示す ことである。先行研究として、明治時代
に日本に滞在したイギリスの地質学者 John Milne の富士山の輪郭線をその写真の解析から
行った研究と、この Milne の結果の理論的裏付けを試みた同時代のアメリカの物理学者 Gorege
Becker の論文 がある。
Johannes Jaerisch(島根大学)
Average behavior of the random iteration of rational maps on the
Riemann sphere
We consider hyperbolic random complex dynamical systems on the Riemann sphere with
separating condition and multiple minimal sets. We investigate the action of the associated
transition operator on Hölder spaces by employing the thermodynamic formalism in ergodic
theory. This is a joint work with Hiroki Sumi.
林 修平(東京大学)
A C 2 generic property on the presence of ergodic measures with a numerically
chaotic behavior
C 1 微分同相写像の C 1 位相による空間の open dense subset では Morse-Smale 系の補集合に横
断的ホモクリニック軌道を持つものが存在することが知られているが, C 2 位相では C 1 generic
property が使えないため対応する結果は望めない。それでも C 2 residual set からの C 1 摂動と
するとある種の C 1 安定性の仮定の下で類似の現象が存在することを考える。仮定と結論には
それぞれ位相的拡大性 (expansivity) とホモクリニック軌道を数値的観点から拡張した概念を
研究代表者:高橋 博樹(慶應大学)