3 - 5 June 2009 West Hall 1- 4 / Atrium Tokyo Big Sight, Japan Final Report (1) Outline of the Fair Title: Interior Lifestyle TOKYO 19th Ambiente Japan – International Trade Fair for Consumer Goods 9th Heimtextil Japan – International Trade Fair for Home Textiles 11th HomeDesign Japan- International Trade Fair for Interior Designs Period: 3 June, 10:00am – 6:00pm 4 June, 10:00am – 6:00pm 5 June, 10:00am – 4:30pm Venue: Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) West Hall 1・2・3・4, Atrium 3-21-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan Organizer: Mesago Messe Frankfurt Corporation Official Support: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Manufactured Imports And Investment Promotion Organization (MIPRO) Glass Manufacturers’ Association of Japan Japan Chain Stores Association Japan Craft Design Association Japan Department Stores Association Japan Direct Marketing Association Japan General Merchandise Promotion Center Japan Houseware & Interior Association Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization Japan Industry Union of Plastic Houseware Manufactures Japan Interior Designers’ Association Japan Interior Industry Association Japan Jewellery Designers Association Japan Luminaries Association Japan Package Design Association Japan Pottery Manufacturers’ Association of Japan Nippon Interior Fabrics Association The Association for the Promotion of Traditional Craft Industries The Japan Smoking Articles Corporate Association The Japan Textile Importers Association The Textile Design Association of Japan aicep Portugal Global Business Development Agency Austrian Embassy Embassy Of The Federal Republic Of Germany Embassy Of The Republic Of Lithuania German Chamber Of Commerce And Industry in Japan Hong Kong Trade Development Council International Organization ASEAN-JAPAN CENTRE Italian Trade Commission Office Of Commercial Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy Taiwan Trade Center (TAITRA) The Economic Department Of The French Embassy In Japan Trade & Investment Dept. British Embassy Tokyo Admission: ¥2,000 (Visitors without admission tickets nor advanced registration are charged) Highlights: Design Perspective Style Japan COOL neON Trend Cafe (Style Japan Restaurant) interiorlifestyle awards Zones: Nordic Lifestyle Industerior EuroStyle indoor green (2) Exhibiting Space Exhibition Hall (gross): 31,280 sqm Exhibiting Space (net): 10,717 sqm 〔2008: 11,679sqm〕 - Rent space net : 10,127 sqm - Special Presentations: 590 sqm* 〔2008: 11,169sqm〕 〔2008: 510sqm〕 * the pearl club (VIP Lounge), Trend Cafe (Style Japan Restaurant) (3) Exhibitor Statistics Total of 630 exhibitors from 30 countries / regions -Domestic: 438 / Overseas: 192 (2008: 652 from 31 countries/regions-Domestics: 419 / Overseas: 233) Group participations: ASEAN / Austria / France / Germany / Italy / Philippines / Portugal / Thailand Country/Region Country/Region number number 1 Austria 10 16 Malaysia 4 2 Brunei 4 17 Myanmar 3 3 Cambodia 3 18 Netherlands 2 4 Denmark 1 19 Pakistan 1 5 France 23 20 Philippines 6 Germany 32 21 Poland 1 7 Hong Kong 7 22 Portugal 7 8 India 5 23 Saudi Arabia 1 9 Indonesia 3 24 Singapore 2 10 Italy 32 25 Sweden 3 11 Japan 438 26 Switzerland 2 12 Korea 2 27 Taiwan 13 Laos 3 28 Thailand 14 Latvia 2 29 UK 1 15 Lithuania 1 30 Vietnam 3 10 4 20 Total 630 Japan 438 Overseas 192 (4) Visitor Statistics Total : 26,310 from 32 countries / regions (2008: 27,390 from 36 countries / regions) Wed. 3 June Thur. 4 June Fri. 5 June Cloudy Cloudy Rainy Japan Overseas Total 8,952 138 9,090 8,845 134 8,979 Total 8,181 60 8,241 25,978 332 26,310 (2008) 26,711 679 27,390 ※The number of visitors, recounted after the fair is slightly different from the advanced report. Business Category Total 6,158 916 216 900 3,648 1,449 2,205 918 689 1,250 156 159 3,521 396 546 2,673 230 280 26,310 Specialty Retail Store Department Store Large Scale Retail Outlet Mail Order House Distributor / Wholesaler Trading House / Importer Design Studio Interior Coordinator / Decorator Architect Office Construction / Housing Manufacturer Hotel Restaurant Manufacturer Governmental Agency / Association Student Others Press N/A Total By country / region 1 Australia 2 Austria 3 Bangladesh 4 Brunei 5 Canada 6 China 7 Denmark 8 France 9 Germany 10 Greece 11 Hong Kong 12 Indonesia 13 Italy 12 1 3 1 2 24 1 19 13 2 20 3 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 % 23% 3% 1% 3% 14% 6% 8% 3% 3% 5% 1% 1% 13% 2% 2% 10% 1% 1% 100% Laos Lithuania Malaysia Myanmar Netherlands Philippines Portugal Singapore South Korea Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand 1 1 3 1 1 8 2 4 134 1 1 34 18 27 28 29 30 31 Turkey U.A.E U.K. U.S.A. Vietnam N/A 32 Japan Overseas(+N/A) Total 2 1 3 10 1 2 25,978 332 26,310 (5) Special Presentations ■Design Perspective (Atrium) “Design Perspective” held at the conspicuous atrium space was an organizer-directed project of 2009. It featured classic yet innovative products and timeless design. The products showcased at this area range from masterpieces of industrial design to newly-marketed products. < Exhibitors (12 exhibitors) > CERAMIC JAPAN.INC EntreX Inc. h concept co., ltd. I'mD in The ROOM IOTC INC. ISURUGI Co.,Ltd. MARUAI MINDART, INC. Ruboa Co.,Ltd SEMPRE TIDY TERAMOTO CO.,LTD. Design Perspective Special Thanks! ■Style Japan (West Hall 3 ) This year’s theme of Style Japan was “inspiration of contemporary lifestyle in Japan.” Sophisticated designs for every aspects of living space from around world inspired new lifestyle. < Exhibitors (12 exhibitors) > ALEXANDRE TURPAULT SAS ASPLUND CO., LTD Carl Hansen & Son Japan CHIKUNO LIFE CO., LTD. Clay Co., Ltd. ESSENCE COMPANY ■Trend Cafe (Style Japan Restaurant) MAGIS JAPAN CO., LTD. NEED'K co.,ltd ROCKSTONE CO., LTD. Takata Lemnos Inc. TAKATA SEISAKUSYO CO.,LTD. ZWIESEL JAPAN Co.,LTD. (West Hall 3 ) Style Japan Restaurant was held at the center of Style Japan, under the concept of “Fusion of food & lifestyle.” The restaurant area was decorated with the supporting companies’ finest products and service (furniture, tableware, flower base, fabrics, textile, music, etc). Special Thanks! ■neON (West Hall 4 ) An exclusive, selected group of talented, young designers showed their designs to the world. The designer(s) nominated for "INTERIOR LIFESTYLE Young Designers Award" will be invited to participate in the area 'talents' at world-largest consumer goods fair 'ambiente'(Feb 2010, in Frankfurt, Germany) This year’s winner is “KAYO HORAGUCHI”. < Designers (10 groups) > CECILE CHAREYRON KAYO HORAGUCHI MANUFACTURE DES RIGOLES Masahiro Minami PIERRES EN L'AIR - TRACES DU PATRIMOINE Plywood Lab.[DRILLDESIGN+FULLSWING] RICE-DESIGN SMARIN SOLID Talent Thai (Nov. 05 / Saran Youkongdee / Saowaluk Korsakwattana) France Japan France Japan France Japan Japan France Japan Thailand ■INTERIOR LIFESTYLE AWARDS This award aimed to praise good design products or presentations at the fair. Each judge, appointed by the organizer set the criteria based on her/his knowledge or concept, and selected the most suited exhibits. Award & Judge JID Design Award: Winner YOnoBI (Japan) Mr. Masato Sakai President Japan Interior Designers' Association JDCA Design Management Award: Nasnos Japan Inc. (Japan) Mr. Sotaro Miyagi Director The Japan Design Consultants Association NIKKEI DESIGN Award: h concept co., ltd. (Japan) Mr. Kazuya Shimokawa, Editor in Chief NIKKEI DESIGN All About Style Store Award: FUTAGAMI Co.,Ltd. (Japan) Ms. Shuko Yaginuma Manager, MD Group, Shopping Dept. All About, Inc Interiorlifestyle Young Designer Award: KAYO HORAGUCHI (Japan) Mr. Kouhei Takata, Producer of Interior Lifestyle ■Welcome Reception Reception was held in the evening of opening day, 3 June at Style Japan area in West Hall 3. Special Thanks! ■Special Supports These companies provided their finest products and services. □the pearl club (VIP lounge) □Coffee stand West Hall 1 □Registration counter West Hall 3 出展者アンケート結果 Exhibitor QUESTIONNAIRE ③ 17% ① 35% 1) 出展への満足度 / The result of the fair. ① 満足 / Excellent ② ほぼ満足 / Satisfactory ③ 期待以下 / Not Satisfactory ② 48% ①16% 2) 来場者数について How was the quantity of the visitors? ③ 27% ① 期待以上 / Excellent ② 期待通り / As expected ③ 期待以下 / Too few ② 57% 3) 来場者の質について How was the quality of the visitors? ① 15% ③ 20% ① 期待以上 / Excellent ② 期待通り / As expected ③ 期待以下 / Too few 4 ) 出展の目的 The purpose of participation in the fair. ① ② ③ ④ 受注獲得 / To obtain orders 販路の開拓 / To look for new sales channels 新製品発表 / To introduce new products 新商品のマーケティング / To check reaction on new product ⑤ 既存顧客との関係強化 / Business with existing customers ⑥ その他 / Others ② 65% ⑥ 2% ⑤ 18% ④ 16% ② 29% ③ 21% 5) 次回の出展について Do you intend to participate in interiorlifestyle TOKYO 2010? ① 出展する / Yes ② 検討中 / Not decided Yet ③ 出展しない / No ※2009 年 6 月 19 日受領分までの出展者アンケートデータを反映。 Data as of 19 June. ① 14% ③ 1% ① 48% ② 51% 出展者コメント 新製品やプロトタイプの作品、またロングセラーの商材をラインナップを揃えて見ることができるインテリア ライフスタ イルには、多数の業界関係者が集結。会場内では、盛んに商談や情報交換が行われ、多くの出展者から満足の声 をいただきました。 (株)ツヴィーゼル・ジャパン 代表取締役社長 プレイタヴィノ・ロベルト氏 「インテリア ライフスタイルはショップや百貨店などの小売業の方やデザイン関係の方が多いため、ワイングラスや ビールグラスなどのグラス類だけでなく花器などのインテリア商材も展示し、より幅広いラインナップでテーブルコーデ ィネートとして見せるようにしている。ブランディング戦略の上でインテリア ライフスタイルへの出展は非常に重要。」 (株)シックスインチ・ジャパン 代表取締役社長 見上眞司氏 「スタイルジャパンレストランに商品の協賛をして非常に良かった。カフェで弊社の椅子に座られたことをきっかけに、 製品に興味を持ちブースに来てくださるという良い相乗効果が出た。来場者についても、設計の方に会えればいいと 思っていたが、実際に多数の設計関連の方がブースに来場し、興味を持って製品を見ていただけた。 デザイナーさんや設計関連の方がたくさん来場するインテリア ライフスタイルではコラボの話もいただいており、今 後が本当に楽しみ。」 (株)マイヤージャパン キーアカウント・セールスマネージャー 高木健太氏 「小売や百貨店はもちろん、設計関係、インテリアコーディネーター、デザイナーなど幅広い方に見ていただけている のはインテリア ライフスタイルならでは。出展製品もブースのプレゼンテーションもレベルの高い出展者の方が多く、 来場者もみなさん楽しんでいるようだ。クオリティーの高い見本市に参加できて良かったと満足している。」 Exhibitor Comments Mr. Kenta Takagi, Key Account Sales Manager of MEYER JAPAN CO., LTD. “At Interior Lifestyle, we can meet not only buyers from retailers or department stores, but also architects, designers and interior coordinators, and it is the advantage of participating in this fair. Many of exhibitors have high quality presentation skills and visitors seem to be enjoying the fair. We are glad to have an opportunity to participate in such a renowned trade fair.” Mr. Shinji Mikami, President of Sixinch Japan Co., Ltd. “I am deeply appreciative of getting this opportunity. Many of those who used our furniture at the café-restaurant visited our booth later on. There were several business negotiations which I can go forward after the fair as well as some collaboration plans with Japanese designers. ” Mr. Roberto Pleitavino, President of Zwiesel Japan Co., Ltd. “We got the greatest responses than ever before at Interior Lifestyle 2009. Not only our established customers but also those who did not know our brands visited our booth with interest. Many visitors told me that Interior Lifestyle is entertaining unlike other competitive Japanese fairs. That is why we choose Interior Lifestyle among Japanese fairs. For us, this fair is perfect platform to establish our brand image at Japanese market.“ 来場者アンケート VISITOR QUESTIONNAIRE 1) インテリア ライフスタイルを知ったきっかけはなんですか。 How did you get to know Interior Lifestyle Tokyo? ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ 出展者からの DM 主催者からの DM 新聞/雑誌/広告 インターネット ポスター 人から聞いて その他 / Invited by Exhibitors / Invited by Organizer / Newspaper, Magazine, Ads / Internet / Poster / Heard from others / Others ⑥ 11% ⑤ 1% ⑦ 1% ④ 12% ① 46% ③ 2% ② 27% 2) 来場の目的は何ですか。 What is the reason for visiting? ① 製品の購入・発注 / Purchasing products ② 製品購入のための情報収集 / Collect information for purchasing ③ 新商品・新コンタクトの発掘 / To find new products/ contacts. ④ 市場・業界の動向調査 / Market survey ⑤ 既存取引先との関係強化 / Strengthening relationship with current customers ⑥ その他 / Others 3) 商品買い付け決定権をお持ちですか。 Are you in the position of decision making for purchase in you company? ① ② ③ ④ 決定権を持っている 一部決定権を持っている 決定に影響力を持ってい 決定権を持っていない ⑤ 8% ④ 2% ④ 27% / Have authority / Have partial authority / Have influence in purchasing / No 来場する / Definitely yes たぶん来場する / Likely たぶん来場しない / Unlikely 出展を検討したい / Would like to be an exhibitor ② 32% ③ 39% ① 35% ③ 17% 4) 次回も来場を予定されていますか。 How likely do you intend to visit the next Interior Lifestyle 2010? ① ② ③ ④ ① 19% ② 21% ③ 1% ④ 1% ② 40% ① 58% 5) 関心のある商材は何ですか。 Which product are you interested in? ① テーブルウェア、キッチン用品、清掃用品 / Tableware, Kitchen tools, Cleaning tools ② ギフト、ベビー&キッズアイテム / Gift, Kids & Baby items ③ 家具、照明、インテリアグッズ / Furniture, Lightings, Interior goods ④ テキスタイル、デザインプロダクト / Textile, Design products ⑤ デザインプロダクト / Design Products ⑥ 出版、団体 ⑤ 13% ④ 14% ③ 28% ⑥ 1% ① 29% ② 15% 5) 関心のある商材は何ですか。 Which product are you interested in? <詳細/Breakdown> 5)-1 テーブルウェア、キッチン用品、清掃用具 Tableware, Kitchen tools, Cleaning tools ③ 19% ① テーブルウェア / Tableware ② キッチン用品 / Kitchen tools ③ プラスチック製品、清掃用具類 / Household articles ① 50% ② 31% 5)-2 ギフト、ベビーアイテム Gift, Kids & Baby items ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ アート・クラフト工芸品 / Arts and Crafts ファッションジュエリー / Fashion Jewelry 時計 / Watch, Clock シーズンギフト / Seasonal Gifts キャンドル、アロマオイル、お香、フレグランス、ポプリ / Room Fragrance, Candles ⑥ ステーショナリー / Stationery ⑦ ベビー&キッズ関連グッズ / Baby & Kids Items ⑧ その他ギフトアイテム / Other Gift Items ⑧ 8% ② 6% ⑥ 21% 家具 / Furniture 照明 / Lighting インテリア家電 / Household Appliances アート・フォトフレーム、鏡 / Art/Photo Frame, Mirror その他インテリアアクセサリー / Other Interior Accessories インテリアグリーン / Interior Plants 花器、プランター / Planter, Flower Pot ガーデニング用品 / Gardening Article ④ 9% ⑧ ⑦ 6% 9% ⑤ 10% ② 22% ④ 9% ③ 11% ⑦ 10% ① 15% ⑥ 13% ② 17% ⑤ 13% ③ 15% ④ 17% 5)-5 デザインプロダクト Design Product ① オリジナルブランド、ハウスブランド / Original brand, House brand ② デザインプロダクト / Design product ③ コントラクト業務 / Contract project ④ プロダクトデザイン / Design consulting ⑤ 水周り部材 / Bathroom accessory ⑥ 壁紙 / Wall covering ⑦ 床材 / Floor covering ① 24% ⑥ 9% 5)-4 テキスタイル Textile ① ベッドリネン、寝具 / Bed Linen, Mattress ② テーブル・キッチンリネン / Linen for Kitchen and Dining Room ③ タオル類 / Bath Linen, Towel ④ カーテン、ブラインド / Curtain, blind ⑤ カーペット / Carpet ⑥ 家具用生地 / Upholstery Materials ③ 13% ⑤ 12% 5)-3 家具、照明、インテリアグッズ Furniture, Lightings, Interior goods ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ① 19% ⑦ 12% ⑧ 12% ① 12% ⑦ 14% ⑥ 18% ② 19% ③ 5% ⑤ 9% ④ 11% Fair Information Wed. 2 – Fri. 4 December 2009 Tokyo Big Sight East Hall 1-3 contact: [email protected] www.ifft-interiorlifestyleliving.com Wed. 2 – Fri. 4 June 2010 Tokyo Big Sight West Hall 1-4 contact: [email protected] www.interior-lifestyle.com For more information, please contact: Mesago Messe Frankfurt Corporation Maekawa Kudan Bldg., 3F., 2-3-7 Kudan-kita Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073 Japan Tel. +81 3 3262 8453 Fax. +81 3 3262 8442 Mesago Messe Frankfurt Corporation Maekawa Kudan Bldg. 3F. 2-3-7 Kudan-kita, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0073, Japan Tel. +81 3 3262 8453 Fax. +81 3 3262 8442 [email protected] www.interior-lifestyle.com
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