2016/05/24 13:35 シラバス参照/授業情報参照 授業情報 別の条件でシラバスを参照する Course Description Course Title Health and Oral Diseases Course No. 911420 Semester / Quarter 2016 2nd Term Day / Period Thu5 , Thu6 Credits 1 Classroom 一般教育棟B41教室 Numbering Code NDGZ0LAWZ1**N Faculties Liberal Arts Faculties code 91 Classification Intellectual Understanding (Life) Target students Medical, Medicine Required / elective Compulsory elective Instructor Prof. Shogo Takashiba, et al. Affiliation Department of Pathophysiology - Periodontal Science, Graduate School of Medicin e, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Contact information Phone: 81-86-235-6675 E-mail: [email protected] Office is open for students; after 17:00 Tuesday and 8:30 - 10:00 Thursday at offic e of Professor in Department of Pathophysiology - Periodontal Science located on the 7th Floor of Dental School Building. It is strongly recommended to send e-mail at least a day before you come. Office hours Send your e-mail to Prof. Takashiba's official e-mail address using your official e-m ail address of Okayama University. If you send your e-mail to each lecturer, please include Prof. Takashiba's address a s cc (carbon copy) for your convenience. Course description Goals Omnibus lecture series to initiate you to come up with healthy life for lifetime Let's think about it! To come up with healthy life for lifetime Find the clues for our healthy lives! 1st June 9 For your healthy life: Defense mechanism of mouth -saliva-; Simple and effective pr evention for dental caries and periodontal diseases Associate Prof. Tomofuji, Tka-aki; tomofumd.okayama-u.* 2nd June 16 Healthy mind and satisfaction: Esthetic dentistry; Advanced therapy for dental car ies Prof. Torii, Yasuhiro; toriimd.okayama-u.* 3rd June 23 For your healthy life: How to manage oral bacteria; Dental caries and periodontal di seases as infectious diseases Prof. Ohara, Naoya; oharanmd.okayama-u.* 4th June 30 (the Star Festival) https://gs.okayama-u.ac.jp/campusweb/campussquare.do?_flowEx…FE6-EE69-FD97B80F3D55_k5B7CA3D4-1D3C-77E3-284B-1F38BF69AB4B 1/3 ページ 2016/05/24 13:35 Diseases related to growth and development: Tumor and its character and treatme nt; Tumor in oral and maxillofacial region Associate Prof. Kimura, Takuji; kimutaku-okaumin.* Lesson plans 5th July 7 Pleasant lives and jaw functions: Function and disease of jaw; Changes of them ac cording to aging Assistant Prof. Yamachika, Eideki; eikiyamamd.okayama-u.* 6th July 14 Cultivate healthy eating: Eating and swallowing; For healthy aging Associate Prof. Murata, Naomichi; murata-nmd.okayama-u.* 7th July 21 For your healthy life: Mouth affects systemic health; Oral diseases caused by chan ges of daily lives Prof. Takashiba, Shogo; stakashiokayama-u.* 8th July 28 Healthy live by cooperation of medicine, dentistry, and engineering: Advanced med ical materials and apparatus; Harmony between biomaterials and body Assistant Prof. Okada, Masahiro; m_okadacc.okayama-u.* <NOTICE> Replace  with @, and * with ac.jp. Prepare yourself for this course by previewing my previous lectures in advance. P DF requires the password to be opened, which is the user name of my e-mail (wor d before @). http://www.cc.okayama-u.ac.jp/ perio/kogi3/health_oral_disease/1st_lecture.pdf http://www.cc.okayama-u.ac.jp/ perio/kogi3/health_oral_disease/2nd_lecture.pdf Information regarding prepa If you are interested in older lectures, go to "Shelf of Previous Materials". User ID i ration, review and related su s "OUstudent", password is the same as one mentioned above. bjects including assessment http://www.cc.okayama-u.ac.jp/ perio/kogi3/health_oral_disease/previous/ description Anybody, who wishes one's healthy life, who wishes to contribute health sciences, are welcome to participate in this course! However, you should have sense/motiv ation for improve yourself by studying even though you do not have preliminary kn owledge. All of participants should have seats. Teaching style, equipment u sed Printed materials (handouts), slides, videos, internet will be used at each lecturer's demand. You may bring your own device such as smartphone , tablet, mobile PC, and you c an obtain any information appeared in this lecture whenever you want via odnet. Nothing particularly Textbook Reference books However, printed materials (handouts), slides, videos, internet will be used at each l ecturer's demand. My favorite books. However, these are written in Japanese. Try to find the original s. 1)ハーバード白熱教室講義録 +東大特別授業 (上下) マイケル・サンデル著(NHK 「ハーバード白熱教室」製作チーム,小林正弥・杉田晶子(訳) 早川書房 2)正しい大人化計画 ―若者が「難民」化する時代に― 小浜逸郎 著 ちくま新書 3)生活習慣病を防ぐ ―健康寿命をめざして― 香川靖雄 著 岩波新書 4)アメリカNIHの生命科学戦略 掛札 堅 著 講談社(Blue Backs) 5)医学・医療の品格 久道 茂 著 薬事日報社 6)歯周病と7つの病気 吉江弘正,高柴正悟 編著 永末書店 Others would be recommended by each lecturer. No written examination. Academic assessment However, you should report resume and opinion/comment at each lecture. The A4 sheet of paper will be distributed at each lecture. You should reports what you learned, what you questioned. The report should be your "showtime". https://gs.okayama-u.ac.jp/campusweb/campussquare.do?_flowEx…FE6-EE69-FD97B80F3D55_k5B7CA3D4-1D3C-77E3-284B-1F38BF69AB4B 2/3 ページ 2016/05/24 13:35 Number of attendance must fill full the requirement of Okayama University. For absence to be acknowledged as presence, have a look at the following site; http://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/tp/life/kouketsu_g.html (This site is in Japanese. If you need assistance, consult the officers at edu cational affairs section.) In this omnibus course, professors in the dentistry field of Graduate School of Me dicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences will present their research results fo Relation to research activity r undergraduate students with socially accepted words and phases as "showtime". These materials would include what you study, learn, and use daily in your near fut ure. Prerequisites Ability and motivation of self-learning Ability to obtain something new and suitable information by yourself Ability of logical statement to explain what you think to others at different generati on 1) Use your official e-mail address provided by Okayama University, when you send e-mail to Prof. Takashiba. Your ICT skill and manners will be also needed. Comments / Caution oncour se 2) Until 2nd lecture un-registered participants can attend. Then, you will consult t he officers at educational affairs section. However, the limit of number of participa nts depends on the number of seats. 3) Pay attention to number of attendance. Refer the last paragraph in the "Acade mic assessment" section. 4) Enjoy this omnibus course interactively by using ICT (information and Communi cation Technology). 別の条件でシラバスを参照する Copyright(c) 2001- NS Solutions Corporation All rights reserved. https://gs.okayama-u.ac.jp/campusweb/campussquare.do?_flowEx…FE6-EE69-FD97B80F3D55_k5B7CA3D4-1D3C-77E3-284B-1F38BF69AB4B 3/3 ページ
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