jS I- - "XS x. 1 r "it . fe;"s & j S-- , jwi OH- 4 LOGAH .STEMS. 1 - iV Judge Friesner is holding Court in New Lexington this week. Ti.at'Tell you Where lo get the Lizzie lfarq'iliar, of King r TIT V?nir.nK ston, is visiting li. I' i Miss Webb, of Vebbs Summit, ope of our oldest citizens on last Saturday. Obituary died Bev. Harl preached to "the convicts in the Penitentiary on last next week. Mr.-Benjami- 1 't 1?" ""fTL r- Sunday; - Mr. Homer Stires and family, Masonic Installation will take of Haydenville, left last Monday place" here on St. John's day, for Norfolk, Va., where Mr.Stiers - December 27th. has rented x large farnij and e PloJ8-"11- " -Mre Jehn Wehb, Vf Nortrowlietp-5 '.- weeks' with Home. "Kan4s-spcnrHtig--fe- her friends and relatives. 12 An appropriate obituary of Richard Walker, of Washington town ship, will be published nest week. JC BUSINESS ITEMS We regret to lose Mr. Stiers from our county. He is one of the most intelligent and enterprising: young farmers of the Valley, esteemed as a good citizen and popular as a Democrat. He takes with him our bpst wishes, ind the hope that he may find his new home a happy one, and attended by as prosperous results as rewarded his industrious life in tho Hocking Best Holiday Goods the Least Money. for Fine Candies at Hartmans, Dolls of all sizes and ages at .Rochesters. The best prepared Mince Meat at Geo. Hartman's. Miller & Case have a fine line of Christmas Goods. . 3t. Gents gloves and mittens at .Rochesters. Go to Prof. Johnson for the Achrouach Shampoo. ' TEACH EE'S A. sixty doltarbicyle 'ill be eh n -- : Harrington has his enmmodi vr .... v J ..nr 4ii ous rooms brilliant and attractive Price of ticket 50cb. Tickets limit- with tho handsomest stock of ed to 90 in number. Christmas goods to be found in !! Cull booh or the chances may all the city. In addition to all the be taken. usual articles kept in a well orWe show th largest and pret- dered and fully equipped Drug TheSohool Examiners of Hocking countiest Hit: of Siik Handkerchiefs Store, he keeps the best stationty, Ohio, will inert nt the; ery in store Hocking the Valiey. and Mufflers ever brought'to Logan, and remember this Prices For the Christmas season he has Union School House, finp assortment of Uo per cent, lower than last year. an unusual Books, Bibles. Slorv Books. Re Collins & Mooke. ON THE ligious Works. Pictures, Albums,? Miss D Matthews is now clos- Ciiromos. Paintings and Jov'orl,, and Third Saturdays oi ing out her entire stock of Mi- l- the nio&t beautilul designs. Call prime Goods at cost. linerv La and see them before you buv each Mnth, dies, now is your chance lo get a elsewhere. 9 at o'clock, a. in., 'except January. July bargain. Call before purchasing. nna August. Applicants pmst furnish Lo'-aManufacturing The Com en (Telopes by which illey will receive Store opposite Opera llotite. of the examination. puny have oue of the boot supplied the result " Jake Fox, the west emlcr. is pre- Furniture roonn in the Valley. TESTIMONIALS paring for ilie Holidays by adding will be reqmrid ca The stock of furniture is first of good niorl character those unknown to the Board. to his stotk of goods tor Christmas. class, and they have lots of it. The grading is represented on n scale of 100 , and six classes of certificates will Kverything to dress up a dinner Bed Room Sets in prices from to be issued, viz: found can tab'e at his grocery, 825,00 to $(55,00. Bureaus, tables, be. o itASKS. First Class, Five Wars. No blanch less and his Saloon department will be Rtands, chairs, in end'ess variety than Ooiuxl an experience of not less than found immense. and syles, at prices to suit the three consecutive years of teaching next eighteen precceiting the application, months of which experience shall have lanK oiccariny will be pre- times. place. one in Undertaking department is been Second Cl'ifcS, Threo Years. When the pared to especially entertain his in The competent, hands, and coffins, applicanth"sauuver.igcot 95, no branch patrons 'tiring the Holidays with aud twenty four n.onthsex-perieucei- n and all kinds of undert ik- lessMian 90,teaching. all the every day .staple drinks, caskets, Third Class. Twenty Four Months. An ing, goods on hand and furnished average and the specials of the season. of 90, no branch less than S3 and promptly on'order. eighteen months experience in teaching. He keeps fine wines and whisKightcen Months. An avFourth They are also Contractors and erage of Class, 85, no branch les than 75 and keys, and will have the best Builders, the handsomest houses in twelve months experience in teaching. mixed drinks in the city.' ; -- Ayer;s pro-pa- :m:e:ts STJIT3 id nr ". R Thc-orya- com-mittee- Buck and Kid Gloves, Mat stp9 nts Collars & Cnifs, f&aadkerefciefs9 ISarinuffs, JSTeckwear. r LIVER ov-er- SHIRTS, WOdLKST Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, EruBtion and Eruptive disease of the skin, Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, Pimples, Pustules, Boils. Blotches, Tumors, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Ringworm, ulcers, Sorei. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Pain in the Bones, Side and Heau,Feiuale "Weakness, Sterility, Leucorrheea, arising from internal ulceration, and uterine i disease,Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, .macia-tioGeneral" Debility, and for Purifying the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of vegetable alteratives Stillingia,Man-dnike,YelIoDock with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine vet known for the diseases it is intended to cure-It- s ingredients are so skilfully combined that the full alterative effect of each is assured, and whila it is so mild as to be harmless even to children, it is still so effectual m to purge out from the system thoe impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it enjoys is derived from its cures, and the confidence which prominent physicians all over the country repose in it pioves their experience of its usefulness. Certificates attesting its virtues have accumulated, and are constantly beiug received, and as many of these cases are publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of tliis Sarsaparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally i its superiority to any other medicine known that we need io no more than to assure thcTpublic that the best qualities it has' ever possessed are strictly maintained. PRBPAUED QT 1 issVibs.1,h ia?i2 M m ! LJ K4I E?5:Jf5 2-- lIS!" 1 & Vj-- fp& yv m f&& k&& rl m r - L5. :iir ? fcT '.fe-- l"" BWOiiilrf' engine-turnin- g. l .m -l- l. LZSf-- km& &m i "3.. t- lillbiJ h -- have-nee- second-han- d y I rael" ssiS ?ih i 1. I!l f Kl Omr-wm- "fiaW, im .'a vl -l i Trsde-Mars- , K-iT, - r- taei -- Tkl r?m 111 -- ls vTTI iKSriT C---1 n Jil t & VV.J Yfi Zu s. ijUhe-ebeapfc- ts. Hand-boo- ks T -- s t- THE TEUHER, VIC Bffll, ous-hearfe- ? tazr iS 1 x 2le fc43CN "VJ :ANim-B- e -- -- V UF. jp g0f c-upl- e mii-c'- la-In- ng a Fine Writing Paper, a c.iunttrf,-Hlnrl- Furniture Upholstered VZmie -- -- 1U"-- 1 Stesl Pens, &c Suits, Parlor T&!!SSI " MILLER & CASE ,c. J.J&J2?. Bed Springs, Matrasses and Parlor MMllluML Be? T0TTS EG1MAI m tllP th-- Stands. ltllajsf:e-oTtatoMeflc-- IT 1- - - coa-r- aT The Logan Woolen Mills, TUTT'S n, TO MECEITf WO o mm'C ?jf ILLS -- . s c-- t . botl-ti- i : jr rM3(J vi ' ssias, uans ,fe : .- i&A r - 8t mmu FUHS.EL3, iLSriKETS, polls-refu- sed e &QG -i Mill! Bfl?'tsa mmiim . K ' N tT I i-- KIl Plain and Fancy Cassi meres' &r.? I t- -- a- T.-- it. i ti!-- te - Aj-n- I Pre-den- biu.O. Ao Uoii aii .. li-z- &??-- s r -- S v W "Ur, Z r 72l , vf r mspTatsaKs-- l -- EECM TONSO UNDERTAKER. d rs eit IS 3S35. fS&&l TON -- . . -Ci. ,n"-5- i J.l Kr'l -- SI uz. K I :v T Clothing Made to Order, fc 'C ."l v--l I 1 i -- .- i I ;&l -- Orr's Overalls-- fi-.-- -. 21 5a- "yj s- wool-stocking- tl w 4. ss -- i- u, nd - I I A new line of silk handker chiefs at Rochesters. Bargains in Coffees and Sugars Mr. Rodehaver lias sold his Hartman's. at Grocery to W. H. Guthrie, who s A nice line of fancy goods at will consolidate the two stores, Rcchesters. occupying the Trilsch Building: the city being built by them. Mr. Rodehaver contemplates go-iLumber id bought at the factory. to Tennessee. Ladies, gents and chi.'drqns Parson O'Galh who is an orn- Vallev- underwear very cheap at Rochesters. ithologist as will a theologian Zanes-vill- e Democrats young of The us proves lo Beans, Hominy, Buckwheat Flour that a Barn Owl is Firth Class, Twelve Months. When In no tithere is less than 70. branch Christmas the organized at Hurt mans. are under Presents for sale ? at aBarn Owlv and not a AVhite Sunday The high winds of night Collins & Sixth Class, six months When in no Moore.. is This year a nuieh there is less than GO. This is atrial The rare specimen at Flave tle of the Jefferson Club, and Ladies and childrens mittens phyed havoc with the Flair on the when.-usefucertificate and will not be IssHcdto an appresents l ap will be pole at Win. Waner's Saloon ; but who has taught, after Sept. 1, 1882. have recently opened a Reading at Rochesters. Oase's is a Barn Owl. preciated. You will find just plicant A satisfactory examination in the will he for the Christmas have a Room, where all tho prominent Practlceofl aching and a good deGiven away, no ticket for a draw you want at our Store. gree of success is teaching anil governing a or no Flag, and has pre- what The "Executive and other Demociatic papers of the State ing, but a Good Square Meal at the boys, Flaggive school will be favorably considered. your wife Don't your or daughthe boys a cood time are required o furnish testimoon the Sth of January and country are received and Rempel House by Jno, W. Work pared to nials of good moral character. to make him a Christ- ter need a new Dress? forget Don't FRANK GORDON, celebralion'are requested to meet kept on tile. t A Silk Dress price lower ban Picture Books of the finest style mas call. J.L. BK1UHT ever before known. A nice Dress in the Auditor's office ou next The Sentinel will visit them for children presents at HarringJ. P. II.STEDM. 1K70 .Tnnnaryl, now Examiners has as comforta Pat tern of Black or Colored Cash AI. Elliot Monday evening. weekly, and we hope help in its tons. ble rooms as can be found in the mere or good quality Tricot ; or Business of importance will feeble way, to keep the (ires Fancy, pl.:in and plush slip- city. His accommodations arj ex a Lace Collar, Hemstitched Hand Wrights Indian Vegetable Pills be considered. pers, cheapest and best in the collent, and Will Coursoii, bis kerchief, Bandana Haukerchief. burn.ingin the Democratic hearts ' -- s..-. FOB THE - agree right hand man, obliging and city at Bowl by & son s. Crepe de Chene Handkerchief i This is the season of tbe year of the boys in the Capital on the y is supplied with ah'e. The bit' A good warm and beautiful 2futs, Confectioner', etc. when the strife is, to have the Muskingu'm. desired refreshment. Cloak, and we here mention thati Geo. Hartmans. at we will from this day oiler Cloaks Andall Bilious Complaints biggest and fattest hog. Arthur John Fraseh has one of tho nicest Dr. i. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass Christlarge assortment young of gentlemen of A Tha Point prices at never before heard of Sate to take, being purely vegetable; nognp-3-ctGrocery Stores in' our city. He McOourtneyis ahead to date.. Druggists. All trices & Case's Miller goods at mas Practical and Analytical ChmmtsU. is. ANDsupplies his customers with the very in Logan. Don't forget thk He sold a pigJast week to Geo. Pleasant" will give a Calico Bail Drug and Book Store. 3t HX AU. P&UCOI8XS KVa&YWBZXS. SPLD Our Cloaks are all fresh and new. articles in the Grocery line. Fox, ten months old old, that on the evening of December 30. Smoke "Andy Holl'a" choice 5ct besi week.) not (Continued latt from one carried over from last He manages his own business. His weighed $10 lbs, kept in a pen to which we have been invited, cignr year. , &. Mooke. Collins How Watch Cases mre Made. and light, are expenses consequentTC MME KAOT IK UWI MMT K TOT W MKS. and never fed any corn. Let some for which courtesy the brethern at nartinans. wib He have ly he can sell cheap. vM I u fill DirrnvM 14 our have Irti V. thanks. The karats plate cards III! A of gold of sous body beat that u he can. Don't yon believe that the fine is soldered on each side of a plate of Roches- something extra for his customers mufflers at silk Those ra09ZAUIWyil4UJJ s checkinvitation are printed on during the Holidays. friend you desire to give Christ- hard nickel composition metal, and &e We publfeb elsewhere an adver- ered calico, and. are as handsome ter? would make a nice present r mas presents to would prefer o three arc then passed between polished gentleman. a for pub McCracken invites Cap. the Kl S1! tisement's! lets for sale in Thorn in style aud design as they are receive : steel rollers. From this plate- - the various School Books, Standard work of lie to call aud see him. He miin ; pair A ton, a pleasftat suburb of Chicago, appropriate. nice of para ofthe cases backs, centers, bezels,etc. literature, Bibles, Hymn Books, tains that be deeps the best liquors tan- - A pair of Kid Gloves ; The opportunity k now offered to iu the city. Be makes no mistake are cut and shaped by dies and formers. Among the committee on ar- for sale at Harringtons. , Or a dozen good Handkerchiefs The gold is thick enough to admit of all in the bottles, and gives full measmake investment, which in the rangements we find our Logan AT Or set of Table Damask A large variety of fancy goods ures ot beer. The Captaiu 'is a 3 kinds of chasingt engraving, and. very naturo of things, must soon boys, Smith. Reckteuwald, Judy s'lilable for Holiday l"" Or a pair Damask Towels ; presents' at pleasant gentleman and deserves The composition metal gives it prove very profi'ab'e. Call on J. and Shively. Or an Embroidered liable needed strength, stiffness and solidity, while Rochester's the iiberatpataonagc ho has secur' E-- Butin for particulars. Cover ; Iase3nrarIlMrCalabiadinaensdft7sTtiMea. We hope the boys maj' have a tho 'xrittcn guarantee of thetaanufacturers A pair of those nice Slippers at ed. dlllonor thaLlTer.u DrpepU, CbMOpUoa, THIniii. ..- -. pair warm a Or wool icarranting each case to wear twenty years nice Jaandie.Hadci.lblaiia,Rbeamatlin,r ItRfnlalr Works, would be pleasant W. just girls and John time, a the that tluboweli. pariai tbsblnod. and atruictlleas tk jmtcnw Wait until t!e day before Blankets ; Mr, J. K. fal vert, one of our proves that it contains all the gold that .lalantatM FISHY JUMOTK rbtnmtaammrammn-h- i Christmas splendid present. Us any ptsTC Christmas before call you for in nuili. their calico dresses may not drscclu ul Or a doxen white or colored can possibly be needed. This guarantee old and esteemed subscriber.-fro- m your pictures at. John McLains Napkins only in of capture. as hulk results, many Fresh and captivate actual cans from but 0'sters is given ; to Door House, NexU Court Logan, O. r the Rock House, called to Gallery, and the chances are r-Fruit-Disduring the Uoiidnys thete cases have been worn perfectly smooth May 29,:iiM ly. a glass Or nice ; you I" see us on Tuesday, and encour can not get room in his Hall by years of use without wearing through at (Jen. Hartmaus Or a Cake Stand; We regret to learn that Mr. on nocouut of the number of aged us substantially for the dcdoque, Ia Dec. u, lsn. Or a decorated Water Pitcher; the gold. ono yonr the firm of J. N. Kes customers. The best way is to James Boss' Gold, Watch of I Through a Lloyd Myers has concluded to re- pierRemember coming campaign. some Or present other found at Cases for ecu enteen years. I bought it & Son. for the best styles and go the first fair day, aud thus bsvistj: used before I got it, been and krawof its Collins & Moore? neighbor he brought with him move from Logan and make his fu- lowest prices in Silverware. but do not know liow long; It looks good for ten avoid rush. the TQ most yCew tvmnlar Mrautblv Banc. And remember, we sell them years longer. Did not suspect it was filled case we were ilso allowed the happi- ture business headquarters in Clevei.T! . Cstwr darotMl t un.fim bimwim Buy yonr child a jersey cap. informed by a Jereler a short time Bince. The Shop Marble of & Mc at the LOWEST price they can until socheerfully Eisle Cineerinjr. rtjsooirlssv isrMBtioas sad osxect : your to cases bo all recommend most I ness of subscribing to a church land. pawishsd. eTsr Rowith (he Xntrnmmim all they are style now Hltwssl they are represented to be, and more. Liin is always supplied with all be bought for. splendid enTinMTniipSkeiMom. 6sBiah O. JIcCltANcr. Dtp. CbU Int. Ra. 3d VU. loica. M. Myers is one of our most es- chesters have them. Marperson grades Vermont of and no Italian & Moohe has-our Collins should vftkaat: b YMBmmJ Bnlin thanks for teemed citizens.. Ho is a generous, .Jess S.T.I S font ,Ut.p to K.jtlona TTatth (u Factories PkUa. tne BdEsrmo Axxsbcax is SBcb i,i .r- 4 dvlphla, Ta far hftaliome Ulastratnl Paaphlet kbowlag ho eolation nearly ennaJs that of sji n Bowlby & Son have the finest ble. Scotch and American Granite. of coal on subscription. During our warm dajSfnTrtin4 its TiatJ ad Kj.toa natch Caw are Ba4a CSanseu's order, Stoues Tomb lo and made ivf Qucewore. headed man, foremost in e stock of ladies hand turned wrans. aoid bjr an iratndeslers. MUBH A CO.. jo (Jo be Continued.) -Publishers, Ko. 3a Broadway. M. Y. distress, pendingthe contrariness ery work of charity, and public en slippers in the city. Prices cheap. in the highes style of art, and so'd Hansen is only special Queens-war- e MonnCo.haTB Si ore in U e cily, and one of. Ike Conf tier's Republican terprtse. We are sorry to lose him Special bargains in Boots and at pi ices that defy competition. ATENTS. XJkryQ&G&I-a J? oSS.3 a J Lime. Plaster ot Paris, Cement, of the best equipped in ihe Val Mugwump-gre:? ""sssssssssssssbbss- practice befort 7. mare, Jess fur- to Logan, tho Patent Office, asst bate prepared but in his departure, ex shoes at etc, for sale in any quantity desired ley. In addition to a full stock 1ho-ancl morethaa On Hundrml P nished us twobuckets of coal at teud to him our best wishes i?W U a sppliestions for patents uatcu J ft John W. Works. for a all the staple goods iu the of foreign and conntries. States United selec fine Kessler, has Francis a 1.00 per bucjieh which has been CoornxB-- . Caveats. and Queeuswurn line, the decl8 3t. happy home and the best of businA..ir'nmntj- - and all otMfe Ttpars frr tion of ladies' and gent's Gold Glass is" jcjiled ortyiMibsoription. This ess mvontors to tneir ncnis ta iaa sennns ore now supplied w?Mi a Lit JUiSiasu, Remember when buying, gro Watches aud Jewelry, which are si succee' Ullltea Dtates, camua, .'" foreign countries. Germany other Holspecialties, and coal of the sea of he fort ana on reamnnuiaw Mr. M. will continue iu the In ceries that- - Roehesteis have ev- suitable for Holiday presents, and iday seaon. We mrt;on pareuatsnoic noticenhtAiTiinp 1n natente es fnfnnnittmi a few which will be sold at small margin son! of fnllr eiren without charce. eh ranee business, having general erything in that line as cheap as infnmntinn mnt five. Patents obtauMd above cost. Also, a general varie facts of business interest : cheapest. the Co. are noticed in thi Ecentifia iiunn thronnh charge in some Cleveland of Dinner ets from 67lo$25; Mr. O. E. Bowen, Bank Cashof the American free. Tho advantage of rrch notice la in a firai class. well nndentoodbyaUpersonstthowuhtodisposo all sizes ty of all goods kept of Boots and shoes Tea sets to $3 $15 from Embel; best the companies of theirpatenta country. of Jiad distressing a on First-clasaccident Store. Jewelry ier. repair Address MTfTK 4 COl. Offco HcaatBilB qualities and styles at Bowlby & iug done promptly by experienced lished vases, 10 rents to $5 00; A3ZESIC1K, 361 inoadwaj, Jw Vorlt. on He Monday left night. ot Bis lump large Sunday. A, last Son's, the cheap and popular Wine Sets from 75 cents to $2 00; coal fell on his'fhand, crushing business here will be in charge of Boot and shoe dealers of Logan. workmen and at reasonable rates. Lamps from 20 cents to $10 00; The okl reliable Stove and Tin Water Sets Irom 75 cents to $3: his Angers, but luckily not frac- Mr.,T. P. Johnston. A box of Fine Mixed Candies to of Work & Baker is now furn Uhudrens lea ami Dinner eU store turing any bones. Mr. Bowen is everybody buying a pair of Hoots bargaiuH in their line. All from 1 5 een Is t o .$2 00; G I assware ishing Photographed. abfe for duty, however, and Santa Clause or Shoes at the Rock Bottom Shoe of Stoves, sizes and paterns in endless variety and cheap. kinds cheerful to cash checks from any The enterprising firm of Reber & Store of John W. Work, on hand and for sale. Majolica, Bohemian, French constantly THBOHLYTRUB Mens Slippers of all izes and of our snbsciibeis who choose Co. have succeeded in securing an Machine, Their 'i iu department is complete and China Wares of all latest Sewing that method of paying subscrip advance copy, the picture of Santa styles at Bowlby .t Son's. The in a'l articles needed in a well regu patterns. Call here when you LIKE THE Clause as he appears on the chim lnigesl. Stock and cheapest pri luted household. go on your rounds of Christ inn1 tion. city. in ces the of espea-allgoods nico lot A for shopping, see and the usefu. and ncy tops on Chtristmas Night. pretty things for sale. Mr. E. S. Culver, of Gore, and EMINGTON On a Three Dol ar purchase or the Holiday trade. The old fellow is unusually geuer tickWorks, W. Logan. at upwards a Jno 'jMiss Uettie Bennet, of Mr. J. A, Chidisfer, who has this j'car, and proposes a for dinner et fiee Rempel the at UNEXCELLED BY ANY, bought Tresize's Photographic , tiai luaiuu ctciiiiij; to have Fomelhing for tho stock- House. YOU WHEN arGallery, is omplished an ac lat the residence of the brides ings and Chi istmas Trees of all the ISure to Give Satisfaction. If you want In get a bargain in tist and is giving exellent satisL iuothrr, on Nqrjh Market street, good little boys and gir's ot Loiian. FACTS RECMRISS to his faction many customers. Rockers Parlor suitsr ortry Platform U Y. X. OfHco, n Cfouoral t llev. Burns, of the M JE. Church, He has already let a part ot the fni Illon, " ttt fotitisfrlm nn v u UMiscner vj uo., in He i anxious to furnish pictures Holidays, aid ac prtwjnt-vforthifficiatiui tlic BLOOD, rcpilato. stTjci of presents at itebers, so as to Roller Block, Main stTeoW-Ltmaiami cirlili Trill nnrifr It Broadway. Office, Meir York 283 A FINE kinds all Undertakin of complete Stock of most anil KISMEYS. and fCESTOi:!'. TUB The inFinest'and aie He will special give rates. pleasant the ceremony a Alter 2t be handy for hi in when he loads up Ohio. 'V Jiit eac'e'it lOAIU vites the public to call at his Photograph.. Autograph or Scrap Goods ever bromrhtto Logan. Prices Low and guaranteed .ieeIallrITspcpl.i.VantorAiietltc.lndzes- inception wss held, the happy his reindeer sleigh. The Httlo folks Buv your Boots and Shoes at Gallary in Block Murphy and the To Give Satisfaction, ft Album, a Hair, Cloth, Tooth or Buying Agents Wanted. left for Cjncinnatti and and old folks arc invited to call Jno. W. Work's Rock Bottom Shoe examine his work. ami nerves recclie I r forrt. Ijil.vviu Brush, Nail a Book promptly attended to Day or Box or calls of All mind and siiiiull? liraln fi.wer. the store, get and a Free ticket lor a oiher cities. on a brjdal lour, iiillTin? from all complaints here now, and see the pretty things pk3A tjcrtiliar Rebel's have just received-- contothelrsfS wlUJind lit Manufacturers Also tho Dinner Rempel Night. House. at with them hearty congratu- for the Holidays. 5aT hStER-- IBON TCMC a afc and Ieely f: signment ol the celebrated Forestclire. and Iicalll.r coniiICT.lniu. It pnet a of ail kinds of Boxes upon boxes of Florida or- er's IJiesling wine, manufactured lations, and good wishes for a ' 1'V; Tlic stronir..st tiilniony l tlie &&--. lliatfreiiiicntaltenipU ! Hi:TK:ts litov Toniconly added ii.t!irpopular- anges and fine Mixed Candies giv- in California, and w trrauled pure. WiTS long and happy life. i.i,,.. irvi.ii A Why We Shiver. en awav at John W. Work's Rock This wine is not "doctored" with A Mirror or Fine Dressing Case. do not cxiMriinfiit--f t llio OimilN At. .IN1 BKT. of Bottle Box A f Perf'ime of y of We publish on the first page of We Lave been out of coal for a Bottom Slue Store. fSend .or addrestoThoPr. HjrtjrMed.ro.' sugars and alcohol. It is the pure Toilet Powder, a Bottle " " r,rrrr.,-Ink of or i.ull"t strancenau ranuiiiu'wi,i- iz.this issue the report of ti.e visit week, and cluster, shivering about Harrington has a fine assortment product of the grape and is especIbom is roit Sale bt alu Twic Db. Hartes's OHUGaSTSANO DEALEK3 EVEBVWHEKS. ing committee, on our Infirmary, one stove, feeb'y wanned by begg- of Vases and Toilet Sets, rare and ially adopted to the sick, needing a Gold or and children's Home. The com- ed aud borrowed coal and'bcrapiug beautiful in design and finish. Call light Btimuiant. The wine is put up in quart botmittee is composed of persons of slack from the empty coal house. and see them. tles and is sold at reasonable rates. A Christmas. New Year or Birththe Gimble Cordisinterested, and appointed unIt is all Ike Kontner's fault if J. N. Alltop in stock day Card, Call at the Store of The Schoolmaster will bo abroad of to3s and - EMM der law by the Judge, serving we Ireeze. Col. Ike, before the el ner has an elegant during the Holidays, looking after without pay. Hence their sug- eclion, made a bet with "Parson"' Notions, exactly suited for Holi a treat for thj schn'ars, and thus I day presents. Tho prices are cheap, gestions and criticisms aie enli Gould, for sundry supplies of cojI based save being '"barred out.'' Choice To see their Stock and get prices. new. And Dealer in all Kinds ot on 49 and 99 centn. euudioR etriktrthe" lads and lassies, tied to consideration, made as for the Sentinel CoL Ike lost'his the iJronctual 1.ubc;uaiuaatfc t tbjtiitccui.i decll-7t. --Present for relieve Ike laaiiinf-for- -n coating, winch ln is well prepared Geo. Fraseh and J ; cough. It clemBS i bet, but hoping to make up this loss vour friend, remember that noth- ?j- -. they are in the spirit of conscien that cio-'eto fill all order.. For Candies, irapnriiieo, stretliej. i thelnnycrall cnfserjled tious discharger-u- f a .not. yery Jrom his bad political judgement, ing would be more useful or Fruits, and Notions, suitableNuts. liciawra for IF YOU ARE KILLED ? ihe circulation of Ue blood, and braces tit went to tradiug horses for his coal pleasing than a selection from R. gifts, don't fail to call at Geo. J. pleasant duly. system. SllajUt colds. oftea ea ta nervous a year, Within the proprietors of the Ohio W. Chamberlain's display of Hol- Fiasch'a establishment. eoninmpUon. wagon. State Journal guarantee "a. them. Apply tlxe remadytLopromptly, assertion that Toirs trirr.ints tistoftwe-itHere is a challenge to Butter He met with various, and unex- iday Goods. The Misses Rfery und Kate Kes $100 CASH! Salesroom in Roller noreaiedyIit ever lieea fbmsfithat lr--i IfdP- - I Guarantee my Work and Prices. Weiland & Fox at feir popular sler are piopared for the Holiday To your estate, to be paid promptly upon EXPECTOIUfc Mrs. Green's pected returns, and got his wagon week prompt in l seffccatTUTT'SpMesm.suUluLast makers. 9May -tf. House. Opera of west doors i Building, three l- - e AsSngle doae rclscs tJio notification. of will Saloon have Beer variety a ; and can season, in all supply want avIpeeilllycnrethelo produced Jersey, cow, half infimmation,aa4tts 8J as badly wreckeJ, as was his party refreshing -for their custo- of choice articles for suitable gifts in This guarantee is backed by more than eklj cordial, drinks A obstinate p!es:st $1,000,000! pouuds of butter. The family by its kickers. He got in a trade mers during the HolidaX. Fir Crra? it K drei tofcc itm readily. 1 ho'i:d in every family. the Millinery department Beau No medical examination. lnvalBablc g."t.and f 1 consists of nine persons, and an old grey that balked, reared and BiS2iitTT In Schooners of Beer when called titul Silk Hundeikcliiefs, Fine L-- i No restrictions. milk and cream as needed were kicked. She broke the wagon for. No humlmjr. ces, Ilandsomo Ribbons. Guy Feath50 cents. used atevery meal. Celia Bur-goo- tongue rearing, and destroved the John Uckerjhe popular butch- ers and Flowers, rich in qu:rity and Costs For apply to any postmaster, who is the challenging but- wagon bed kicking. Col. Ike pro- er, will have Holiday beef, es- cheip in price are offered during the or dropparticulars, a postal card to the Holidays. a For tuiiablejgift give ter maker lor town and county, posed to re duce.his political knowl- - pecially obtained for the occaOHIO STATE JOURNAL CO., ARE NOW READY- the Jlisses Kessler a call sion. turkeys Also dressed and Columbus. Ohio. ACT DIRECTLY OH TlrtE LIVE, is sure she could make ten edee for refarctory Republicans Leave chickens. orders once at Dyapepslc, Mrs. Haines, Cnretf Vralli and of the Fiist ea9t r pounds every weeks, if all the to an application on his unruley an Colic?Vonstlpa-BIck.IIeadai-je.MlllouN tice. will Probate sell R Bank, Ribbons. Laes, Palpitation tioclthcarnatUm.JPlles. Bill Waner, the Starr Saloon cream was used. Let us hea iraal. He fastened a rope to tho Aaver,as-i Uieireart,ltzukeas.Xorplil Flowers, Feathers, &c, until mid west man of the is all end, at jijumiuuu Is hereby given end-tcmsie Notice following irr:tpuanu:i. mouth and tied the other that the t her from the butter makers. of less January die than cost. at eiimutarestha very wellasinL-I-iBilla- t times prepared to accommodate accnnnisanu voucnurs nave ueen nieu in TO MANVFAOTUIIE INTO stom.ich,rtorvsthonpretite.iEipart-ri(rorfotVCourt of IIoukiiiK County, Ohio.for The girl whose cow can beat heels. This contrivance kept the his cus omers, and will have sev- HatS from oUctS up, and all Other Probateanu Ht . JiiX. 3" Murray ..tlVl IfiKrai taaffslK! Iticc.2.c. secoim :.. nniii 'WRITE FOra VJTT'S MAKITAL m Willisim Armstrong BE this will get a haudsome Christ- beast from rearing up before, and en star attractions for the Holi- articles in the Millinery line at Joseph Steel anilsemcincni. t -me jvuiie jonn oi low AumiuiMnuur en oi very rates. The glad days of Williainsou .ni kicking up behind, but old grey, days. mas present. the year arc at hand, and Mrs. And thcsniuc will oomp on for hearing mrJk like stubborn Republicans, who theSGlhiKy of Perember.ut lDo'clock.a Don't delay! for the Holiday Haines with her large stock of Fan- on MiW-vPiMfcm.orassoon thorealter a.smav be conveni l Dr. Farquhar, of Putnam has were tied by party harness refused stocks of J. N. Bossier fcSon is now cy Goods and her excellent taste, ent, W. T. ACKKK, 4 3w. Dec. Probate Judge. published a brochure intended for to go to the to budge a ready and the' advise those want- can make the lightest pursed custoand BJlXii !!' Pmm Wnnna-Cbranlin feel ing anything to a Queen line mer as as or that happy a come .i.ii iioirt irrrtli)lls.Vmal Li the consideration of the General PCS- Biii. m -' j t t7 W I "T t i ' I trIXl soon before the rush begins, which "Plumed Knight." Xcrvn Debility. Brofcsi awieCi ' AST Assembly, in which he shows the ' Col. Ike is on the street with his always occurs close" rccT&irilGULAR, b- -1 YJ to Christmas. eler Oc. Crlaary OrKansask j our trugtrlt tor The Hardware Establishment of absurdity and injustice of an official free load of coal for the Sentinel, WilUJ KHJ'.Y.iiD SPeeiflQ NO. 13, P Phil Slisher will have a hand- Comly & Higgins is one of the' SCHOOL R. recognition of one system of medi- and can neither go back nor come Hock'ng -T lot of Christmas goods. His mol extensive in the cJAS NO EHence we sit and shiver, some OOCA.BE EFiSRON cine. The Doctor, who is one of the forward. MEETINGS. cakes and candies can not be ex- Valley. They keep a full line of We would call special altcuion to our full line of new lljflflc most accomplished physicians of the and censure his skill in horse trad- celled. Geo. Bright will accom- Guns,Pov(ler, Shot and HardiTLT7l.li XlioaTborna,) The Board of School Examiners of Loiran I.Ies-- r; BllAIS & KERTE TOXIC ware" A descriptions. ing as much as he deplores his modate the customers BL001, all & State, nnd a gentlema n of broad of Village will hold regular metitiugs for the with NEWY0RK. SQUARE UNION 30 & teachers' applicants for Iliggiif: are pleasant Examination of and finished culture, ar- knowledge in betting on elections. drinks suitable for the weather. Comly certilleute,as'follows, viz : la tha OreHte-- t Medical Disci. vry ot raode.n . rais. "JSi 0AN? any gentlemen and &M0o deal with, lo GA. Lathi; The coal has come. Old MASS. (Jard gues against a hide oound legislaor ami ILL. Kolls ready Wool to Card lo in Merry Also gjffaF w. Scott m.d.,i ansa. city, Ma A receive Christmas and a Happy ono waiting anything in their On Ihe Third Wednesday of Febo FOR SALE BY r- - scoxrszzmm tion that discriminates against in- grey is subdued. Ike is glad, and Kew Ye..r J. N. Kesslcr & Son ex- lino should consult, them before in workmanlike a Spin ior Customers. Fulling and Dressing done ruary. April, June, August, LEZ1EK & STOKES, hey telligence in the pronessinn, and we aro thawing out, and old gre3', tend to all with a cordial invitation buying elsewhere, becan-- e A'fober and December, manner. A full stock of Goods suitable for Farmers, ilerci ants or! to call and' examine THE COMPLETE HQME.i,? immense Dealers, Cleveland, O their not Wholesale only a have first tha in stock cla at the office of the Suporlntendant, success in rhe Divine art of curing t like the Republican party, has ac men of anv profession, which we will sell jgSrCIiPap for Cash or I boo. New eiliunn. JJl bmctracs. Xi ,lrjj School iSuildiii-- of said Village, cowmen stock of Fine Jcv.t-lr-- , LUTZ. Watches, to choose UENRi' from, sei! their but c111j5.it lo o'clock, a. in., of each day. i. and alleviating the infirmities ot t cepted the situation and followed Clocks, Silverware. JS'ovelties, etc. goods Aoi?;eti - 1.1 li3. sU - shc JACOB E. TKXTSt-'il-. Ag't. Logan, O. Exchange" for Woo'!. XSe Oiacsuu By order of Exam inei h, uorfc. EXCEIiEXTTSSXS. at rock bottom prices, and t. now. ereApiy procession. he sssi J. U.;D"E, Give us a call. nankmd. Logan, .Xlay 1, 18S4-3- m. j May 22, 18Sl-H- m. don't you forget it. Ca.0d.--l FeUos B GAnRsrso' A- - H. Wilson, Clcik. juno Ulv o Xtt gtaad new Bi Knit Jackets TJ ti der wear, 2l --- iirJJS" IJij 15 rL - I KifT.! For Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseaseSjEi-v-sipelas- , n cele-brate- p Ik I J Sarsaparilla EXAMINATION l j4. L ZS3S3SE33 ' - 3? l
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