THE GRAPEVINE THE NEWSLETTER OF OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH DECEMBER, 2014 In This Issue Birthdays/Anniversaries….10 Commemoration Profiles ….6 Council Notes/ Finance/ Attendance ..………….4 Ministries ……………………….3 News …………………….....2,8-9 OSLC-WELCA………………...5 Photos ….…………………....2,11 Prayer Requests...…………..10 Thank You ………………….….8 The Grapevine is a monthly newsletter published by the staff & members of Our Saviour Lutheran Church 1500 Sunset Blvd West Columbia, SC 29169 Phone: 803.794.8180 E-mail: [email protected] Website: The Rev. Lance Henderson—Pastor Brent Holcomb—Organist/Choirmaster Meredith Jones—Handbell Director A Message from the Pastor Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. I know you expect to read an Advent newsletter article where I urge you to read more scripture or be more diligent in your prayer life. And I know you would read an article like that and think, “yeah, I really should” and then get sidetracked with decisions about gifts, travel, guests, and meals. So I’m not doing that this year. You are free from my urging for such things (call it an early Christmas gift!). However, I am going to urge you—without taking a moment of extra time on your part—to use these weeks before Christmas to go on a little ADVENTure. (See what I did there?) Advent is a dual purpose season. It prepares us to celebrate that moment when God became man in Christ Jesus, but it is also a time when we remember that our Lord is coming again. And to that end, we are reminded to keep awake. So here is how the ADVENTure begins (see, I did it again!). It will cost you nothing. It won’t take a moment of your time. You will not have to lift an extra finger. Just be awake and share the hope, peace, joy and love that Christ brings. “That sounds like an awful lot,” you might be saying, but it is actually pretty easy. It goes like this—imagine you are stuck in traffic headed to the mall. It is bumper-to-bumper on Harbison and there is probably not a space available in the mall parking lot. You could say to yourself, “oh, this is awful” or you could say to yourself “even though many of these people out here may not fully realize it, look at the excitement the world makes to celebrate Jesus”. Being awake lets you change your attitude. cont’d on page 3 —> OSLC NEWS & NOTES DIRECTORY INFORMATION Take a moment to stop by the Cameron Hall and check your address and contact information and make any necessary corrections. If the information is correct place an OK next to the listing. NEW BANNER On All Saints’ Sunday, we were presented with a new All Saints banner from the Gary Raszewski Memorial Fund. Together, and with the consent of our congregational council and Caroline Raszewski, we dedicated this gift with joyous thanksgiving to the glory of God and in memory of Gary. STEWARDSHIP SUCCESS Another great stewardship Sunday this past November 16. A great breakfast and lots of people signed up to share their time and talents among God’s people. There are still opportunities available. Sign-up sheets for all the teams and various duties regarding Altar Guild, flowers, nursery attendants, Sunday School/VBS Teachers, tellers, Community Lunch, etc. all have available dates. It’s a great time to sign up to become an active member of the Women or Lutheran Men in Mission groups. Prayerfully consider serving as a team leader in the 2015 year. Visit the Cameron Hallway in early December to share YOUR gifts! WHERE’S MY PLEDGE CARD? MEMORIALS AND GIFTS The Memorial and Gifts Team will meet on December 9, 4:00-5:30 pm in the conference room. 2 Missing your pledge card this year? The Stewardship & Finance team has opted not to send out pledge cards this year. It is a bit of an experiment. Plus, we will be asking for commitments in early 2015 to pay off our building loan. Yes, it’s that close! More on that to come. If it is beneficial for you as a giver to make a formal pledge, please contact the pastor and he will happily accept your pledge and offer it up in prayer. Pastor’s Message (cont’d) Imagine you are in line at the grocery store and there are lines of people with baskets full of food for celebration and the woman next to you sneeringly says, “this is the WORST!” And you being a polite person, respond with nod and smile. But then be ADVENTurous, and sneakily pray—yes, right there in the store—that this woman might find a bit of peace and joy in her day. Being awake lets you see others as Jesus sees them. Imagine your friend posts online about how they are ready to punch the next person who wishes him “Happy Holidays” rather than “Merry Christmas”. This happens right after you read about a lawsuit in California where some jackwagon is suing to have the nativity scene taken down from in front of the public library. And in the background, there is more news blaring about ISIS and whatever. And you start seething. Wake up and take a mini-ADVENTure. Turn off the TV (you can turn it on later), go look at the nativity scene in your house. Think about the faith of that young nervous woman named Mary following the promise of God two thousand years ago, and suddenly “Happy Holidays” sounds fine. Being awake lets you participate in hope, peace, joy and love. Now you only have twenty four days to be on this ADVENTure, so wake up and get going. Pastor Lance DECEMBER MINISTRIES FLOWERS Dec. 7 Ilmars & Faith Birznieks GREETERS Blenda & Kathy Rhoden 14 DeLeon & Jane Wallace Bill & Linda Hill 21 Pastor Lance & Robin Henderson 24 28 Bill Hill Isma Boland WORSHIP ASSISTANTS Bill Hill Alan Hunter Isma Boland Loleta Keitt Loleta Keitt LAY READERS Dec. 7 Wayne Lybrand Dec. 7 14 21 24 28 14 21 24 28 Barbara Hunter Bill Hill Loleta Keitt Linda Hill DECEMBER Barney & Loleta Keitt NURSERY KEEPERS Patsy Horton Sandra Hughes Robin Henderson Brenda Tisdale CHAT & SNACK Francis & Rebecca Fingerlin The Bolands Available None Heyward & Doris Wessinger JANUARY USHERS Wayne Lybrand, Chief Chris Boland Jason Powell NURSERY MONITOR Jean Hopkins ALTAR GUILD Isma Boland & Melba Murphy ACOLYTE Evan or Madison Dawkins CRUCIFER Alan Hunter OFFERING PICKUP Dec. 7, 24 David Griffith Dec. 14, 21 Jean Hopkins David Griffith Dec. 28 Available, Chief Jason Powell Bill Hill Mary Withrow Beth Boland & Karen Dawkins Claire Fingerlin Adam Fingerlin Open TELLERS Dec. 7, 14 Ben & Judy Lemons Open Horace Meetze & Doris Dec. 21 Wessinger Linda Griffith & Frank Yonce Dec. 28 PROPERTY COMMITTEE Open Albert Drafts 3 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS Ann Satterwhite, Council Secretary November 2014  Nominations for church Council were discussed.  The Kitchen/Fellowship team has purchased a new microwave for the kitchen. STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE REPORTS No Report This Month  The Council voted to approve the hanging of a wall mounted magazine/ brochure rack in the Cameron Building. This is a WELCA project.  The church will be helping with food delivery for God’s Helping Hands in September of 2015. ANNUAL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS November 16, 2014  AVERAGE ATTENDANCE From November 2 through November 23 Sunday School—30 Sunday Worship—84 Thanksgiving Worship— 36 ATTENDANCE NOTE Advent is the beginning of the church year. Make a New Year’s pledge to be more diligent in your attendance to worship 4   Elected to 2 year term for Congregational Council: Bill Aull, Pam Hanfland, Floyd Hanna, and Charles Nicholson . Proposed Constitutional amendments—PASSED Proposed Budget for 2015—PASSED LYDIA CIRCLE COMMUNITY PROJECT President—Caroline Raszewski Secretary—Helen Puckhaber Treasurer—Ann Satterwhite Circles Cameron first Tuesday evening Lib White inactive Lydia second Monday evening Rebekah third Monday evening 2015 WELCA RETREAT Cameron Circle is excited to announce that the 2015 retreat will be held April 24-26, 2015 at Lutheridge, NC. Deposit of $50.00 was due June 1, 2014. 2nd payment of $50 was due October 5, 2014 and last payment is due February 1, 2015. Please make your check payable to OSLC WELCA, mark "2015 Retreat" on the memo line and give to Doris Wessinger. Our community project this year is to assist a Lexington 2 school, Davis Elementary. In speaking with the school nurse, it was found that there is a need for new (or very gently used) clean T-shirts, elastic waist sweatpants, and athletic shorts in sizes from 3/4 to 15/16 for students in Pre-K to 5th grade. Please check your local clearance aisles and sales. You may donate clothing by putting it in the box by the adult Sunday School room. The box is labeled “Davis Clothes”. REBEKAH CIRCLE The ladies of the Rebekah Circle will be meeting at the home of Patsy Horton, 149 Cherokee Shores Drive, Lexington, for their annual ornament exchange. We will gather on Saturday December 13 at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Linda Griffith who is the new editor and circulation manager of The Ripple, the newsletter of the SC Women of the ELCA. 2014 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Action Community Growth Outreach Rebekah Lydia Cameron Lib White DATES TO REMEMBER:  December 11, 2014—Executive Committee Meeting, 6:00 pm  April 24-15, 2015— WELCA Retreat, Lutheridge, Arden, NC. 5 COMMEMORATION PROFILES Ruth Nicholson The Lutheran Church, as part of its worship, celebrates the lives of notable Christians of the past. Our hymnal provides a calendar (pp. 15–17) for us to follow which recognizes these individuals on the anniversary of their deaths. Ambrose agreed; his baptism, ordination and consecration (on December 7) soon followed. As bishop, Ambrose faced heresies as well as a flood of recent converts needing instruction. He was a skillful preacher, teacher, and hymn writer (see ELW 263, 559, 571) and possibly the author of the Athanasian Creed. December 14 John of the Cross, renewer of the church (1542-1591) December 3 Francis Xavier, missionary to Asia (1506-1552) Francis Xavier has been called the Apostle of the Indies and Japan. He was born into a prosperous Spanish-Basque family and studied in Paris. In 1534, Xavier, Ignatius Loyola, and five others took vows of poverty and chastity, dedicating themselves to preaching to non-Christian peoples. These men formed the nucleus of the new Jesuit order. After his ordination, Xavier traveled to India and preached there and in Ceylon for seven years. In 1549, he went to Japan to set up missions. He fell ill and died before he could enter mainland China on yet another missionary journey. In all his evangelizing endeavors, Xavier’s attention to local languages and customs contributed to his success in making converts, as did his efforts to train a native clergy. John was born into a poor family with roots in nobility. He joined a Carmelite monastery and became a priest in 1567. Because he favored stricter adherence to the rules of the order, John urged reform similar to that being undertaken with the women of the order by Teresa of Avila. His superiors had him imprisoned, but he escaped. John is remembered as a founder of the reformed Carmelites and also as a poet and Christian mystic. ELCA PRESS RELEASES The ELCA issues several news releases every month. Below is a partial listing of the releases issued during the last month. The full story may be read at No web access? Contact the church office if a story interests you. December 7 Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (c. 339-397) Son of a Roman official, Ambrose began his professional life in government. His steadiness, modesty, and skill in public speaking made him popular with his subjects. When the local Christian bishop died in 374, the people of Milan requested Ambrose as his successor. Even though he was only a catechumen at the time, 6 11/04 ELCA malaria campaign reaches 13 million milestone 11/12 ELCA Church Council implements youth and young adult, disability ministries to campaign 11/21 ELCA bishops support Obama’s immigration reform announcement 11/24 International women leaders discuss Lutheran identity, leadership 11/25 ELCA presiding bishop offers prayer, hope in wake of Ferguson decision. GRAPEVINE QUIZ Answers on page 10 A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM THE QUIZMASTER In a recent conversation, the quizmaster discovered that some people take the quiz while never looking at their bibles. So while they enjoy the quiz, their scores are often low. The quizmaster wants you to know that he certainly uses the bible to make the quiz and gives you the chapters so that you can use your bible as you solve. Merry Christmas and Happy puzzling! --QM Celebrating Christmas wouldn’t be the same without giving gifts. Here are some biblical stories about gift giving. 1. In Genesis 32, we read that Jacob sends an enormous gift of livestock to his brother Esau before they meet for the first time in many years. Jacob was trying to appease Esau because he imagined Esau was mad at him for something that transpired back in Genesis 27. What was it? A. Jacob had run off with Esau’s fiance B. Jacob had refused to work 7 years for Esau C. Jacob had tricked Esau and their father Isaac out of Esau’s birthright D. Jacob hadn’t let Esau join in any reindeer games 2. In Judges 14, there is the gross little story where Samson comes to his wedding intending to bring gifts for all the attendants. Instead, he offers to give the attendants the gift only if they can solve a riddle he created after witnessing this disturbing roadside scene. What did Samson see? A. A beehive made in a lion’s carcass B. The head of a man that still had a hat on it C. A man set upon by thieves D. A miniature sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer 3. In Mark 6, who gives the head of John the Baptist on a platter to his young dancing stepdaughter as a gift? A. B. C. D. King Herod Pontius Pilate The High Priest Ananias The Grinch 4. In John 12, as a gift of love, Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with something. What is it? A. B. C. D. Myrrh Olive Oil Nard or ointment Mistletoe and holly 5. In 1 Peter 4, we read that we have all been given gifts which are to be used for ______? A. B. C. D. The glory of God One another The exaltation of Jesus Stuffing stockings BONUS Three famous biblical gifts were interpreted to correspond with Christ’s role as King of All, his role as priest who stands between humanity and God, and his atoning sacrifice on the cross. What are those three famous biblical gifts? Dear Pastor Henderson, You led a beautiful Memorial Service for Jesse! Our prayers are for Julie now and the family. God’s Peace, Rod & Elaine Krome 7 CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP NEW TIME FOR 2014 DECEMBER 24, 6:00 pm Special music starts at 5:45 IT’S COMING SOON! SIGN UP TODAY! CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA Everyone is invited to our Church family’s Christmas celebration, complete with music, stories, plays, a few surprises, and even a visit from a familiar old favorite festive fellow from the WAY UP NORTH! And to make our celebration even more like a down-home family Christmas party, we’ll sit down to a good old-fashioned Christmas covered dish dinner, showcasing the incredible culinary skills of the many talented cooks that grace our covered dish dinners at Our Saviour. Festive, holiday baked ham will be provided by our extraordinary Kitchen and Fellowship crew, so be sure to bring all of your Christmas finest side salads, side dishes, and festive desserts for this Yuletide FEAST! 8 Our Christmas festivities will begin promptly at 5:00 pm. Be sure to get there early to get a good seat…you won’t want to miss a minute of the incredible entertainment in store for you at the 4th ANNUAL OUR SAVIOUR CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA! MORE OSLC NEWS & NOTES RAZBERRIES The December Razberries will meet at Don and Patsy Horton's home, 149 Cherokee Shores Drive, Lexington 29072 on December 13 at 7:00 pm. We will be serving pork loin and ask for sides and desserts to accompany the guests. We will also be hosting our nearly annual white elephant gift exchange. We are certain there are many delightful items just waiting to be discovered, or is that rediscovered? To find us follow Old Cherokee Road from its beginning between Publix Shopping Center an5d Wal-Mart Plaza in Lexington. You will go about 5 or 6 miles to St. Peter's Church Road and make a right and then IMMEDIATELY make a left onto the continuation of Old Cherokee Road. In another approximately mile and a half you will pass CAMOPLAST and then turn right into Cherokee Shores and you will be on Cherokee Shores Drive. Our home is the eighth one on your left (149). If you get lost contact us at 803-606-1514. You may want to carpool with two or more couples per car as parking is very tight. LUTHERAN MEN IN MISSION This month Our Saviour's Lutheran Men in Mission will host its annual Ladies Night to be held on Monday December 8 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 for one and $25 per couple. They may be purchased from Don Horton, Bill Hill or Barney Keitt this Sunday at the church or call any of them to arrange to purchase. Due to this event there will be no LMM meeting on the third Monday of the month. COMMUNITY LUNCH There will December. be no community lunch in HEALTHY SNACKS We continue to support SRAA's Healthy Snack in Pack Program. This program provides weekend snacks put in backpacks for needy children such as individually packed fruit cups, dried fruit, jello, crackers, Granola bars, and juice boxes. Snacks are collected on the first Sunday of each month at Our Saviour as part of our Community Outreach. A box will be in the Narthex on that Sunday; if you bring them at another time during the month the box is kept in the handbell room against the wall. Just place your items in there and they will be taken the next month. Thank you for your support. GOD’S HELPING HANDS Pantry needs are for spaghetti sauce and canned fruit. Items may be brought to the church and placed in the boxes, which are located in the Cameron Hallway. As you are considering your end of the year donations, please remember God’s Helping Hands. If you would like to give a monetary donation for heating assistance, please note that on the “memo” line on your check. Checks may be given to Virginia Morris, Anne Moye or sent in directly to God’s Helping Hands. ELDERBERRIES Since plans to join the Community Lunch with the Saluda River Kids happened in November, we'll not meet in December. Plans are to go to the Fairgrounds for the Annual Palmetto Health's Health Fair in January. Please watch the bulletin for updates and specifics. Merry Christmas everyone. Linda Hill and Linda Griffith have enjoyed working with you ALL this year and appreciate all your support and dedication. 9 PRAYER REQUESTS Those listed below have special prayers needs at this time. We keep the entire congregation in our prayers at all times, but sometimes special prayers are needed. If your name is on the list or you have added someone’s name and they no longer need to be on the list, please contact the church secretary so the name cam be removed. Ilmars & Faith Birznieks Robin Blocker Julie Corbett Katie Doble Raymond Eargle Margaret Ford (Oakleaf Village, Apt. 335) Mickey Golden (cousin of Linda Yonce) Clara Gregory (Harbor Chase, #203) Kelly Hallman (friend of Steven & Kathy Hutto) Louvenia Hendrix (sister of Jane Wallace) DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Lisa Sawyer Wayne Lybrand David Yonce Kay Kester Kay Black Jerry Marcum . Sonya Urban Linda Hill 12/07 12/08 12/08 12/10 12/16 12/25 12/29 12/31 Evelyn Lybrand (Presbyterian Communities, Room 217) Savannah McRae Bunny Richardson (friend of the Hughes and Tisdale families) Pearl Richardson (The Heritage at Lowman) Janice Satterfield (friend of the Hughes family) Marie Shealy (Morningside Ret Ctr Apt 131) Vera Summer (Oakleaf Village, Room 214) Mae Wicker DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Pastor Lance & Robin Henderson Cody & Meredith Jones Frances & Rebecca Fingerlin 12/19 12/19 12/28 Please Note: if there are any errors or omissions in birthdays or anniversaries, notify the church office. We want to make sure our records are GRAPEVINE ARTICLES If you have articles, reports and/or pictures that you or your group would like printed in the August Grapevine, please send them to the Church Office on or before Monday December 29. Answers: 1. C. Jacob had tricked Esau and their father Isaac out of Esau’s birthright; 2. A. A beehive made in a lion’s carcass; 3. A. King Herod; 4. C. Nard or ointment; 5. B. One another; BONUS The gifts of the magi in Matthew 2: Gold--a symbol of royalty; frankincense--a incense used in temple worship; and myrrh--an embalming spice 10 GRAPEVINE PICTURES! Look at Virginia Morris signing up at Stewardship Sunday to give of her time! Look below at Mark and Ann giving of their talents! Be like Virginia! Be like Mark & Ann! Details on page 2! OSLC was the site of this year’s West Columbia-Cayce Chamber of Commerce Holiday Expo. Santa and the Grinch were there and, apparently, a really BIG chair. Either that or someone stuck Jane Wallace and Loleta Keitt in the dryer when they were supposed to line dry. You know the holidays are approaching when the SRAA singers come and practice their winter concert for our Wednesday Community Lunch. GREAT JOB, KIDS! 11 Our Saviour Lutheran Church 1500 Sunset Blvd. West Columbia, SC 29169 x NON-PROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE P-A-I-D COLUMBIA, SC 29292 PERMIT NO. 160 Address Service Requested living in the light of our Saviour x POINSETTIAS FOR CHRISTMAS The Worship and Music Committee would like to request your assistance this year by asking you to lend a poinsettia for our Christmas Services at a cost of $13.00 (includes tax). Your check should be made payable to the church and marked for POINSETTIA. Please indicate in the space below the information you would want printed in the Christmas bulletin. Please place in offering plate or mail to the church with your check BEFORE December 15. I desire the Worship and Music Committee to order _____ poinsettia(s). I desire the following information printed in the bulletin: Given ___ IN MEMORY OF or ___ IN HONOR OF or ___ OTHER ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By ___________________________________________ Please attach check. 12 x
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