Thomas Brauer

Thomas B rauer
Make Haste Slowly
Fro m Fri da y, April 9 th t hro ug h Ma y 8 th , 2 010
This current body of work, Make Haste Slowly, is composed of sixteen individual drawings that may be viewed individually,
or arranged together to create a sweeping perspective. In this show at Motus Fort, Tokyo, we are viewing the 5 remaining
drawings in a series that has traveled to Paris and Italy. Additional works will accompany these. The drawings are created
to exist and view separately, or to fit into a larger mapped diagram. It becomes the effects of disintegration and growth.
All sixteen drawings consist of the same subject matter, three buildings seen from different perspectives; “glass steeple
church”, an “A-frame hunting lodge cut in half” and a “pink third-world prefabricated residence”. The impetus behind the
work was to visually describe a contemporary Hell, inspired by Dante’s Inferno and Sandro Bottocelli’s drawings of the
same text.
These spaces are ravaged by conflict reflecting contemporary political situations in the U.S.A., the Middle East, Asia,
Africa and the Balkans. Conflict often stems from different religious, sexual or ethnic positions. Through these drawings I
isolated certain mark makings and spatial experimentation from my previous work to visually articulate a mapping of my
perspective in relation to experience.
Paper is cut, folded, stretched by string and encased in laminate to visually articulate a contemporary Hell. By viewing
these works, hopefully we may understand how we see each other and then to inspire communication, understanding and
growth, rather than foment death and suffering. Experiences of discovery, wonder, reflection, and trajectory surface. We
are invited to participate.
Tom Brauer was born in Queens, NYC on August 30th 1978. His family moved upstate in 1981 to a small town called
Norwich, NY, where he spent countless hours making imaginary maps based on his surroundings. After graduating from
HS he traveled through out Mexico for one year. He graduated from the New School, Eugene Lang, with a BA in poetry
and a BFA at Parson's in 2002. In 2005 he graduated with an MFA from The Yale School of Art, Painting. That same
summer he attended the prestigious Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. He has been showing in New York
and internationally for the past five years including Foundation Cartier’s J’en Reve and catalog, 2005.
Make Haste Slowly -ゆっくり急げ2010 年 4 月 9 日(金)∼5 月 8 日(土)
「Make Haste Slowly -ゆっくり急げ-」のシリーズは現在 16 のドローイングで構成されており、個別の作品でもあり、ま
た全体を見渡すために組み合わせられた作品でもありま す。今回、Motus Fort で 展示されるのは、パリとイタリアで
16 のドローイングはすべて同じ主題を扱い、「ガラスの尖塔のある教会」、「半分に切られた合掌造りの狩猟小屋」、
「ピンク色をした『第三世界』のプレハブ住居」の 3 つの建物を異なる視点から描いたものです。作品にひそむ動機は、
ダンテの地獄やサンドロ・ ボッティチェリによるその挿絵にインスピレーションを得て、現代の「地獄」を視覚的に描
トム・バウアーはニューヨークのクイーンズで 1978 年 8 月 30 日生まれる。1981 年、家族と共にニューヨークのノーウ
ィッチという小さな街に移り住み、彼の身の回りについての空想上の地図を作ってすごす。高校卒業後、1 年間メキシ
コを旅する。2002 年にニュースクール大学で詩の学位(ユージーン・ラング)と美術学士(パーソンズ)を取得。 2005
団「J’en Reve」に参加しカタログに掲載されるなど、過去 5 年間ニューヨークおよび国際的に活躍している。