レッスン 77 - cloudfront.net

レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材
Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Lesson 77 (レッスン 77) (14-20 min)
Today’s Topic (今日のトピック): Food (食べ物)
Here or To Go?
(店内でお召し上がりですか? お持ち帰りですか?)
Good day! Today, we are going to talk about how to ORDER IN A
FAST FOOD RESTAURANT! In this lesson, you are going to learn
common words, phrases and expressions used to express yourself in
this area. Enjoy your lesson!
Exercise 1 (エクササイズ 1): PICTURE DESCRIPTION (画像描写)
(1-2 min)
Directions: Please describe the picture shown below.
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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材
Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Exercise 2 (エクササイズ 2): VOCABULARY BUILDING (語彙構築)
(5-6 min)
Directions: Repeat after your tutor. Read the words, phrases or sentences aloud.
Vocabulary (語彙)
Example sentence (例文)
French fries
I would like to order two large French fries, please.
(フライドポテトの L を 2 つお願いします。)
Maya ordered the famous cheeseburger in the restaurant.
She ordered burger and cola for take-out.
value meal
Is it cheaper to buy the value meal?
Your change is ¥ 150. Thank you and come again!
(150 ドルのおつりになります。ありがとうございました。また
Some fast food restaurants are open 24/7.
(24 時間年中無休で)
(ファーストフード店の中には、24 時間年中無休のものもあり
apple pie
Maria ordered an apple pie for dessert.
I want extra cheese on my burger, please.
What toppings do you like on your pizza?
Useful Expressions (役立つ表現)
Welcome, how may I help you? - I would like to order the breakfast meal, please.
Please upsize my drink.
Activity 1:
Using the expressions you have learned, describe the picture in Page1
(習った表現を使い、1 ページ目の絵についてもう一度説明してみましょう。)
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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材
Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Exercise 3 (エクササイズ 3): SEQUENCING STORY (文章並びかえ)
(3-6 min)
Directions: Arrange the following sequence of story depending on how it happens.
Read aloud the sentences in proper order from the first to the last event.
A mother is describing the food preference of her two children named Max and Mario.
(マックスとマリオという名の 2 人の息子の食べ物の好みについて、お母さんが説明してい
3-1. _________
While Mario always orders the pizza meal which includes his favorite
pepperoni pizza, a slice of apple pie and regular coke.
切れと M サイズのコカコーラがついたピザセットをいつも注文します。)
3-2. _________
My two children order different kinds of food when we go out and eat
at a fast food restaurant.
(私の 2 人の息子たちは、外出してファーストフード店で食事をすると、
3-3. _________
Max always orders the value meal which includes a cheese burger,
large French fries and regular coke.
(マックスはいつも、チーズバーガーに L サイズのフライドポテト、M サ
3-4. __________ Max loves to eat burger while Mario loves pizza.
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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材
Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Exercise 4 (エクササイズ 4): FREE TALK (フリートーク)
(5-6 min)
Directions: Practice and enjoy a free talk with your tutor.
Guide Questions from the tutor: (講師は次の質問で会話を始めます)
What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
What kind of food do you usually order there?
Which do you prefer: fast food or home-cooked food? Why?
(ファーストフードと家庭料理のどちらが好きですか? それはなぜですか?)
What was your most memorable experience in a fast food restaurant?
Ask your tutor about his/her experiences in ordering in a fast food restaurant.
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