
平 成
年 度 アジア電子情報通信基盤整備に向けた情報収集・整備報告書 22
平 成
月 財団法人 国際情報化協力センター
平成 22 年度
平成 23 年 3 月
財団法人 国際情報化協力センター
これらの実情に鑑み、財団法人 国際情報化協力センター(略称 CICC)では、情報化を
平成 23 年 3 月
平成 22 年度
1.事業の概要 ······························································· 1
1-1.背景と目的·························································· 1
1-2.事業概要 ··························································· 1
2.アジア各国への調査員の派遣················································ 3
3.アジア各国関連 IT ニュース速報 ············································· 4
4.現地コレスポンダントの配置··············································· 33
4-1.中国 ······························································ 35
4-2.インド ···························································· 89
4-3.インドネシア······················································ 137
4-4.フィリピン························································ 193
4-5.タイ ····························································· 265
5.CICC からの海外向け情報発信「東京便り」 ································· 333
21 世紀に入り、情報技術(IT)はますます社会活動に浸透し、今や経済活動の基幹的位
こうした中、日本政府は一連の e-Japan 戦略・e-Japan 重点計画、そして最新のアジア等
このような状況下、アジアを中心とする国・地域に対し、設立以来、情報の提供、IT 人
(2)アジア各国関連 IT ニュース速報
象国における情報化関連の最新情報を随時収集し、「アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報」
(以下、IT ニュース)としてとりまとめ、毎月 1 回発信した。
(4)CICC からの海外(主にアジア諸国)向け情報発信「東京便り」
これまで CICC の各種事業により構築したアジア諸国とネットワーク等の維持し、アジ
ア諸国の関係機関に対する IT 推進上で有益な日本の IT に関わる情報提供の強化のため
に 2 ヵ月に 1 回、英文メルマガ「東京便り」を海外関係者へ送付した。
平成 22 年は、3 ヵ国へ述べ 5 名の調査員を派遣した。
2-1 インドネシア
平成 22 年 5 月 3 日~5 月 7 日
日立アジア、シンガポール IT 協会、
インドネシア CIO 向けワークショップ
インドネシア CIO ワークショップ講師として参画及び
インドネシアの IT 動向調査
2-2 シンガポール、インドネシア
平成 22 年 5 月 3 日~5 月 8 日
日立アジア、シンガポール IT 協会、
インドネシア CIO 向けワークショップ
インドネシア CIO ワークショップ講師として参画及び
インドネシア・シンガポールの IT 動向調査
2-3 インドネシア
平成 22 年 5 月 4 日~5 月 7 日
インドネシア CIO 向けワークショップ、PT NEC Indonesia
インドネシア CIO ワークショップ講師として参画及び
インドネシアの IT 動向調査
2-4 シンガポール、マレーシア
平成 22 年 5 月 22 日~25 日
CICC シンガポール事務所、マレーシア工科大学、Menara MSC Cyberport、
シンガポール IT 協会(SiTF)、JETRO シンガポール、Hitachi GST
・内 容
シンガポール・マレーシアの IT 動向調査
3.アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報
平成 22 年度は、256 号から 267 号まで 12 回ニュースを発行した。各号の国別ヘッドライ
4 月 14 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.256)配信
◆[電子商取引:オンライン決済「支付宝」のユーザ数 3 億人を突破]
◆[市場動向/企業動向: 2009 年、サーチエンジン「百度」の市場シェアは 76%]
◆[電子商取引:オンラインショッピング、取引総額が 2,670 億元に]
◆[IT 政策/技術動向:「三網融合」の試行案、6 月に実施]
◆[企業動向:華為、TD-LTE フィールド試験の第 1 段階を終了]
◆[市場動向:ネット TV に初の営業許可証を交付]
◆[市場動向:2013 年、中国スマートフォン市場、1 億台を越える]
◆[企業動向:中国電信、台湾 4G パートナ訪問]
◆[IT 政策:台湾、情報処理システムをクラウドコンピューティングで統合]
◆[企業動向:鴻海グループ、中国重慶に 1 万人規模の製造拠点を展開]
◆[企業動向: Arima Communications、米国ベンダより携帯電話大口受注]
◆[企業動向:TPV-Inventa 社、2010 年第 2 四半期から東芝に一体型 PC を出荷]
◆[企業動向:2010 年 FET 社、3G、WiMAX に NT$89 億の設備投資]
◆[企業動向: Acer、Asus がタブレット PC セグメントに参入]
◆[国際連携:タイ国政府、韓国 ODA で教育情報化政策について学ぶ]
◆[企業動向:KT とインテル、Wibro サービスを共同推進]
◆[IT 政策:ソフトウェア人材育成予算、大幅増額]
◆[OSS:韓国 OSS のメンテナンス契約率「世界最低」]
◆[IT 政策、IT インフラ:10 億リンギットのイニシアティブなどにより高速ブロードバン
◆[電子政府:腐敗防止委員会、MyProcurement は透明性確保に効果的]
◆[IT 政策:タイ中小企業 IT 導入キャンペーン]
◆[国際連携:タイ最北西部メーホーンソーン県に WiMAX ブロードバンドサービス導入]
◆[企業動向:NTT コム・フィリピン、オープニングセミナ開催]
◆[企業動向:アヤラランド社、イロイロ市に BPO ビル建設]
◆[市場動向:日本政府、地上デジタル TV の日本方式売り込み強化]
◆[市場動向:2010 年 1 月と 2 月、経済区庁(PEZA)の IT 投資 63%の大幅ダウン]
◆[IT 振興:インドネシア政府、輸入課税の免税措置に 1.53 兆ルピア拠出]
◆[企業動向/IT インフラ:Telkom 社、海底光ケーブル構築のため 1 億 7 千万ドルを拠出]
◆[企業動向:米ジュニパー、中部ダナンに 3 つ目のラボラトリ開設]
◆[セキュリティ:2009 年のウェブサイト攻撃件数は、前年の倍]
◆[企業動向:Viettel が 3G サービスの提供を正式に開始]
◆[企業動向:CMC Technology Group が Netnam 社の株主に]
◆[IT 政策:電話・インターネット普及状況全国調査を実施]
◆[IT 振興:ミャンマーICT 展示会開催、21 日に終了]
◆[IT 振興:ICT & Telecom World Expo の焦点は、通信法の整備]
◆[国際連携:中国の大学、ICT 教育に関する協力を約束]
◆[IT 振興:IT 産業の規模は、2、3 年後に 10 億ドルへ]
◆[IT 人材/国際連携:USAID、紛争地域の若者 500 人に奨学金を授与]
◆[IT インフラ:無線ブロードバンドサービス、農村地域で開始]
◆[IT 振興:WEF の ICT インデックスで 87 位に]
◆[IT インフラ:中国製低価格携帯電話が人気]
◆[IT 振興:WEF の ICT インデックスで 118 位に]
5 月 19 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.257)配信
◆[企業動向:華為、2009 年会計年度報告を発表]
◆[技術動向:中国初の 1 ペタ FLOPS スパコン、国産チップ搭載へ]
◆[IT 振興:中国、IOT 物聯網産業の発展を促進]
◆[セキュリティ:セキュリティの問題処理費用、昨年 153 億元に]
◆[市場動向:中国農村、インターネットユーザは 1 億を突破]
◆[市場動向:第 1 四半期、国内カラーTV 売上 44%増、液晶 99%増]
◆[IT インフラ :2011 年都市部、光ブロードバンド 8Mbps に]
◆[企業動向:東芝と台湾 Compal 社、タブレット PC 開発で提携]
◆[企業動向:台湾 Foxconn 社、Acer からノート PC のパイロット生産を受託]
◆[国際連携:中国移動、FarEasTone 社と TD-LTE サービスのトライアルに合意]
◆[IT 政策:台湾内閣、クラウドコンピューティング産業を後押しすること決定]
◆[企業情報:Asusteck、第 3 のノート PC 生産委託先候補に Flextronics と Quanta]
◆[IT 政策:台湾、WiMAX 生産、2010 年に US$4.79 億超]
◆[市場動向:HP、2010 年第 1 四半期、アジアパシフィックノート PC 市場シェア低下]
◆[企業情報:中国ベンダ、積極的にタブレット PC マーケットに参入]
◆[市場動向:第 1 四半期、韓国内のノート PC 販売量 70 万台突破]
◆[法制度:国会で審議中の IT 関連法案、却下で業界と市場はがっかり]
◆[IT インフラ:JARING 社、グリッドコンピューティングを開始]
◆[市場動向:2010 年の LED 製品輸出は 20%増を期待]
◆[IT 振興:クラウドを使ったソフトウェアハウス強化策]
◆[IT 市場:タイ、データセンタ事業者 Inet 社の紹介]
◆[IT 市場:タイ、データセンタ事業者 TCC Technology 社の紹介]
◆[その他:BPA/P International Outsourcing Summit の 10 月開催を発表]
◆[インフラ:PLDT 社電力線ブロードバンド発表を準備中]
◆[市場動向:フィリピン中央銀行(BSP)、2007-2008 IT サービス/IT 活用サービス業界調
◆[IT 人材:フィリピン大学セブ校がコンピュータ科学修士コースを強化]
◆[IT インフラ:Palapa Ring プロジェクト東部分の建設、2012 年に完成予定]
◆[市場動向:2010 年、PC 販売台数 360 万台の見込み]
◆[IT 振興:ローカル PC 産業の強化へ]
◆[IT 振興:ICT セクタ、今後 2 年で 33 億米ドルの投資見込み]
◆[IT インフラ:ホーチミンシティにバス乗車用電子地図設置計画]
◆[企業動向:Hanoi ICT Tower 建設計画]
◆[企業動向/国際連携:TMA Solutions、アイルランド企業と提携]
◆[IT 政策:ソフトウェア産業振興政策立案のための民間委員会発足]
◆[セキュリティ:インターネット上の悪意ある行為の実行割合、東南アジア地域第 2 位]
◆[IT 政策:Hanel 社がデータセンタ建設、マレーシア等と協力]
◆[IT 政策:農村地域における IT プロジェクト]
◆[IT 振興/企業動向:携帯電話のソリューション分野に注力]
◆[IT 振興:IT アウトソーシング、欧州の中小企業をターゲットに]
◆[IT 人材:国際市場に向けた IT 技術者の育成]
◆[[IT 政策/IT 振興:IT ビレッジ 6 ヵ所の設立計画]
6 月 17 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.258)配信
◆[企業動向:中国移動、今年の販売補助金は 150 億元]
◆[企業動向:華為の TD-LTE が上海万博に投入される]
◆[IT 振興:中国初の物聯網産業基金設立、総規模 50 億元]
◆[IT 振興:電子書籍市場振興、1 億米ドルの基金設立]
◆[市場動向:移動付加価値サービス、市場規模 1,792 億元]
◆[市場動向:中国の電子情報産業上位 100 社発表される]
◆[IT 政策:三網融合案通過、広電総局は IPTV 営業権取得]
◆[市場情報:Acer、広達とタブレット PC で提携]
◆[産業動向:台湾 WiMAX 産業]
◆[技術動向:韓国型移動通信モバイル WiMAX(WiBro)が危機]
◆[社会経済:第 10 次マレーシア計画を発表]
◆[IT 振興:マレーシアをソフトウェアテストの地域ハブに]
◆[IT 振興:ICT 開発のための新組織を設立]
◆[IT 市場:タイ e-Commerce ビジネス近況]
◆[IT 振興:オンラインビジネス振興]
◆[市場動向:2009 年フィリピンの海賊版ソフト比率は 69%、損害額は 2.2 億ドル]
◆[国際協力:日本政府、第 4 期「公立学校のためのパソコンプロジェクト」に対して 1 億
◆[企業動向:アヤラ系 BPO 企業 Integreon と英国 CMS が提携、10 年間の業務受託契約は総
額 8.5 憶ドル]
◆[IT インフラ:セブビジネスパークが PEZA の IT パークに認定]
◆[市場動向:第 1 四半期の ICT 関連投資認可額、前年同期比 10 倍の 247 億ペソ]
◆[企業動向:EasyCall が無線ブロードバンドサービス参入へ]
◆[市場動向:インドネシアのソフトウェア違法コピー率 86%、アジア域内でトップ]
◆[市場動向:ネットブック、ノートブック市場シェア全体の 20%へ成長見込み]◆[企業動
向:レノボ、インドネシア PC 市場に注力]
◆[IT 振興:Sao Khue 2010 にて政府ポータルサイトや検索エンジン等を表彰]
◆[企業動向/国際連携:光ケーブル製造で Viettel とミャンマー企業が提携]
◆[IT 政策:政府が CMMI 取得支援に 600 億ドン]
◆[企業動向/IT 人材:Microsoft が ICT 産業の発展と競争力の向上に協力]
◆[企業動向/国際連携:米 Cisco Systems とダナン市人民委員が IT で協力]
◆[企業動向:EVN Telecom、近々3G サービス開始]
◆[企業動向/IT インフラ:Viettel、FTTH と ADSL のスピード改善]
◆[IT 振興:国営 SNS 立ち上げへ]
◆[市場動向:2009 年ソフトウェアの違法コピー率 85%、3 年連続同率]
◆[企業動向:FPT がクラウドコンピューティングで Microsoft と提携]
◆[企業動向:FPT Information System がラオス・カンボジアに事務所開設]
◆[IT インフラ:ベトナム資本 Viettel 社、携帯電話のシェア拡大]
◆[企業動向:ベトナム FPT 社の進出]
◆[IT 振興/国際協力:USAID、東部州ソフトウェア開発センター設立を支援]
◆[IT 振興:南アジアモバイルコンテンツ会議の開催]
◆[IT 政策:IT Policy 2010 発表]
◆[IT インフラ:パンジャーブ州インターネット接続プロジェクト]
◆[市場動向:ICT 産業規模、120 億ドルに拡大]
◆[IT インフラ:携帯電話登録者数 146%の伸び]
◆[IT 振興:IT 産業界、コンピュータ機器への税免除を要求
7 月 14 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.259)配信
◆[市場動向/標準化:3D テレビ販売開始、標準化作業も開始]
◆[IT 政策:「三網融合」モデル事業、実施地域のリスト公表]
◆[市場動向:2010 年家電のネット販売、800 億元を突破]
◆[IT 政策:台湾、クラウドコンピューティング市場を狙う]
◆[IT 政策:INTEL、台湾 WiMAX プログラム事務所を閉鎖]
◆[市場動向:2010 年、台湾ネットワーク/通信機器生産額 30%増]
◆[市場動向:台湾通信機器メーカ、LTE ビジネスに群がる]
◆[市場動向:IOT は台湾・中国にとってドル箱になるだろう]
◆[企業動向:インド企業、Wipro 社、韓国へ直接進出]
◆[市場動向:2011 年に韓国では 5 人に 1 人がスマートフォンを使用]
◆[企業動向:LG U+社、2012 年 7 月に首都圏等に LTE サービス開始]
◆[セキュリティ:公共機関 DDoS セキュリティ対策責任者の任命を義務化]
◆[企業動向:MS の Windows Phone 7、三星・LG を通じて公開]
◆[IT 政策:グリーン技術市場 6 兆ウォン創出計画]
◆[企業動向:大学生 40 万人に 4G 技術を]
◆[企業動向:韓国 SK テレコムがマレーシア無線通信サービス会社の株主に]
◆[IT 政策:オープンソースで政府機関は 1.88 億リンギットを節減]
◆[IT 振興:脳卒中患者のための遠隔医療]
◆[IT 政策:新 ICT 大臣所信表明]
◆[IT 振興:バンコクソフトウェアサミット(BSS)2010 の開催]
◆[企業動向:クラウドコンピューティングへの取組み 2 社]
◆[企業動向/IT インフラ:大手外資企業がマカティからフォートボニファシオグローバル
◆[IT インフラ:フィリピンのモバイルインターネットアクセス、5%増加]
◆[国際連携/IT インフラ:フィリピン共和国がアジアで初めて地上デジタルテレビ放送に
◆[企業動向:韓国サムスン電子子会社がクラークに 1 億 3,500 万ドル投資して工場建設]
◆[IT インフラ/市場動向:2010 年版 Next Wave Cities]
◆[市場動向:インドネシア、世界で最も高い PC 市場の成長率を記録]
◆[市場動向:インドネシアの Facebook 利用者数、世界で 3 番目]
◆[市場動向:台湾企業、インドネシア ICT 市場に対する 3 年間の販売促進キャンペーン開
◆[IT 政策:IT 製品に対するインドネシア語の商品ラベル強制へ]
◆[IT インフラ:LTE ベースの 4G ネットワーク、ジャカルタなど都市部でテスト開始]
◆[市場動向:3G サービス利用者、実数は 700 万人程度]
◆[IT 振興:ダナン市にソフトウェア協会が新設]
◆[企業動向:地場ソフトウェア企業にて SaaS 型ビジネスが始動]
◆[国際連携:ASOCIO 会合がハノイで開催]
◆[企業動向:Intel Vietnam が情報化協力を強化]
◆[IT 振興:ホーチミンシティ投資貿易促進センターが「クリエイティブ産業」を支援]
◆[市場動向:Dell、Intel、FPT がオンラインゲームで戦略提携]
◆[IT 振興/国際連携:大メコン圏情報スーパーハイウェイに関するワークショップを開催]
◆[IT 政策:新ブロードバンド政策、間もなく発効]
◆[IT 振興/国際連携:マルチメディアに関する国際会議の開催]
◆[電子政府:5 年以内に電子投票システムを導入]
◆[IT インフラ:携帯電話加入者数、1 ヵ月で 200 万人増加]
◆[IT インフラ:通信業界、Telecommunication Act 2010 の見直しを要請]
8 月 25 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.260)配信
◆[市場動向:中国 3G ユーザ数、累計で 2,190 万人]
◆[IT 人材:2009 年北京市の平均給料、IT 業界は月平均 6,776 元]
◆[企業動向:中国電信、ブラックベリー3G 携帯を北京で発売]
◆[IT 政策:21 都市のオフショアアウトソーシング事業の営業税免除]
◆[IT 政策/企業動向:新華社と中国移動、検索エンジン会社を設立]
◆[IT 政策:国家発展改革委員会、低炭素化モデル事業をスタート]
◆[IT 振興:三網融合、12 モデル都市の試行案が出揃う]
◆[IT 政策/IT インフラ:広電総局、通信キャリアに対抗して国家級のネットワーク会社を
◆[企業動向:中国華為、Vodafone と LTE 機器契約]
◆[企業動向:Acer、7,000 万米ドルで中国方正のブランドを借用]
◆[企業動向:台湾 Media Tek 社、NTT ドコモと LTE 携帯技術ライセンス契約]
◆[企業動向:中華電信、5 年間のロードマップを公開]
◆[市場動向:2010 年第 2 四半期、台湾 Acer、世界 PC 市場シェア 2 位を維持]
◆[IT 政策:台湾政府、WiMAX 開発サポートを確認]
◆[市場動向:Intel 台湾、本社 CEO の訪台は未確認と説明]
◆[企業動向:ソニー、台湾 EMS 大手 Pegatron にノート PC の生産委託を検討]
◆[セキュリティ:インターネット侵害事故対応支援センター、7 年ぶりに再生]
◆[人材育成:「IT 強国」韓国でコンピュータ工学部の縮小現象、対応急務]
◆[IT 政策:デジタル教科書時代の幕開け]
◆[人材育成:政府統合電算センターの IT インターンシッププログラムが人気]
◆[IT 市場:インターネットバンキング 1 日平均利用額 30 兆ウォン]
◆[企業動向:LG 電子、第 2 四半期の営業利益が急落]
◆[企業動向:IT サービス企業、下半期の採用を拡大]
◆[IT 振興:CMMI 取得政策]
◆[IT 政策:国家 ICT 政策 ICT2020 の策定進行状況]
◆[企業動向:NTT ドコモとスマート社、フィリピン版「i チャネル」提供を開始]
◆[企業動向:アクセンチュア、セブの IT 技術教育プログラムに資金援助]
◆[企業動向:PhilWeb 社、カンボジア企業と合弁会社を設立]
◆[IT 振興:比貿易産業省、観光業と BPO を重視]
◆[企業動向:インド Cognizant 社、比での事業を拡大]
◆[企業動向:PLDT 社、初のクラウドサービス開始]
◆[IT 振興:フィリピンゲーム開発フェスティバル、フィリピン大学で 9 月に開催]
◆[市場動向:上半期の経済区輸出額 39.5%増の約 201 億ドル、うち IT サービス約 20.4 憶
◆[市場動向:インドネシアのポータブル PC 市場は急速に成長]
◆[IT 振興:コンピュータと携帯電話の展示会が開催]
◆[OSS/IT 振興:政府機関のコンピュータ、2011 年末までに OSS へ移行]
◆[企業動向:SK Telecom と SPT が合弁事業の形態へ変更申請]
◆[IT 政策:科学技術分野での外国の協力・投資に関する政令]
◆[企業動向:パソナテック、「IT/BPO センター」を開設]
◆[企業動向:Hoa Sen 大学、オラクルの大学管理ソフトを導入]
◆[IT 政策/電子商取引:2015 年までの電子商取引発展マスタープラン発表]
◆[企業動向:NTT コム、ベトナムに 2 つ目のデータセンタ開設へ]
◆[市場動向:「iPhone 4」が 9 月に発売予定]
◆[企業動向:FPT Telecom、カンボジアで携帯電話事業に参入]
◆[IT 政策:オンラインゲームの認可と広告を一時停止]
◆[企業動向:FPT City Danang 建設が認可]
◆[企業動向:ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団、IT スキル向上プロジェクト実施へ]
◆[市場動向:ベトナムのインターネット利用者数、世界第 20 位]
◆[企業動向:ベトナム FPT Telecom 社が地場 MekongNet 社へ出資か?]
◆[国際連携/IT 人材:インド Trigyn Technologies 社が人材育成支援]
◆[IT 政策:情報技術局、共通サービスセンタ 15 万ヵ所の追加を検討中]
◆[企業動向:Infosys、人件費増などにより第 1 四半期の利益率が減少]
◆[IT 人材:IT-BPO 業界の雇用は 2020 年に 4 倍の1千万人へ増加の予想]
◆[IT 政策:ICT 庁、起業家を対象とした補助金制度を開始]
◆[IT インフラ/企業動向:Nepal Telecom 社、CDMA 拡張プロジェクトを国際入札]
◆[IT インフラ:第 3 世代携帯電話サービス開始]
◆[企業動向:Samsung 社、ソフトウェア開発センタ設立を計画]
9 月 15 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.261)配信
◆[電子商取引:ネットショッピング、利用率 28.1%に達する]
◆[環境/リサイクル:中国は省エネ CO2 削減を強化]
◆[IT 政策:携帯電話、実名登録制の実施開始]
◆[企業動向:中興、TV 携帯戦略で TD-CMMB 携帯を打ち出す]
◆[企業動向:台湾 Global Mobile、Nokia Siemens Networks から WiMAX 基地局 1,000 式購
◆[中国華為の LTE 市場参入、台湾ネットワーク機器メーカを潤す]
◆[企業動向:東芝、ソニー、富士通、台湾メーカへのノート PC 委託生産を増加]
◆[情報化機関:韓国ソフトウェア企業向け日本 IT 市場進出セミナー開催]
◆[IT 政策:「ワールドベストソフトウェアプロジェクト」が本格化]
◆[IT 政策:李明博政府、IT アジェンダ「スマートコリア」の骨子発表]
◆[国際連携:韓国貿易協会、ソフトウェアと IT サービス企業の海外進出を支援]
◆[標準化/IT 政策:国際標準化外交が活発化]
◆[IT 振興:アジア・オセアニア地域ソフトウェア振興イベント]
◆[IT 振興:IBM、ソフトウェアパークタイランドとクラウド協力]
◆[IT 政策:ナショナルセキュリティ政策]
◆[市場調査:BPO 調査、比での事業リスクは「政治家の汚職」が上位に]
◆[情報化機関:新 CICT 委員長、技術改革目指す]
◆[企業動向:SPi Global 社、世界最大の比人所有 BPO 企業に]
◆[企業動向:Teradata 社、Taguig 市にコンサルティングセンタを開設予定]
◆[企業動向:アヤラランド、BPO ビルの増築を計画]
◆[IT 人材:フィリピンは高スキルの ICT 人材が未だ不足]
◆[市場動向:2010 年第 2 二四半期におけるインドネシアの PC および通信市場は二桁成長]
◆[IT インフラ:Indosat 社と Telkom 社が合同で衛星 Palapa C3 設置の準備]
◆[IT インフラ:4G、今後 2 年間で準備]
◆[市場動向:Twitter 利用の割合、インドネシアが世界トップ]
◆[その他:インドネシア、アジア域内で知的財産権の侵害がワースト 1 位]
◆[企業動向:Huawei Device 社、ハノイに小売店舗]
◆[企業動向:ホーチミン市での PHS 方式携帯電話、11 月でサービス終了]
◆[IT 人材/企業動向:インテルが電子・コンピュータ実験室建設を支援]
◆[企業動向:NTT ソルマーレ、モバイルコミック配信を開始]
◆[IT 政策:IT 産業発展計画の草案]
◆[国際連携:廃棄物管理に電子マニフェスト導入 韓国が支援]
◆[市場動向:中部ダナン市が ICT の発展と活用状況で国内トップに]
◆[市場動向:第 2 四半期パソコン販売台数は 46 万台
◆[市場動向:インターネット加入件数は 2,580 万件]
◆[企業動向:KDDI 合弁のデータセンタがハノイで稼働]
◆[IT 政策/企業動向:地場 5 社に 4G の試験運用許可]
◆[IT 政策:通信情報技術省、IT 企業への優遇税制の統一を目指す]
◆[市場動向/IT 人材育成:2010 年情報通信産業規模の増加と人材]
◆[IT 振興:e-Health Sri Lanka 2010 カンファレンスの開催]
◆[IT インフラ/企業動向:Nepal Telecom 社、2010-11 年度計画を発表]
◆[国際連携:インド IT 産業界との協力]
◆[電子政府/国際連携:UNDP 支援による Information and Service Centre の設置]
10 月 20 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.262)配信
◆[IT 政策:国務院、戦略的新興産業として 7 分野指定、1,000 億元規模の支援へ]
◆[市場動向:ソフトウェア産業規模、1 兆 2,000 億元を突破へ]
◆[産業動向:CNTV と中国電子商会、戦略的協力関係に向けて合意]
◆[環境リサイクル:CO2 削減認証制度の検討を開始]
◆[企業動向:中国電信、M&A でアジア太平洋地域の業務拡大へ]
◆[電子商取引/IT 政策:台湾政府、8つの電子商取引プラットフォーム開設を認可]
◆[企業動向:Far EasTone 社、中国で 4 つの付加価値サービスを立上げ]
◆[企業動向:台湾ノート PC ODM ベンダー情報]
◆[企業動向:Far EasTone 社と HTC 社、共同で TD-LTE の試験研究室を開設]
◆[IT 政策:台湾政府、通信キャリアの中台間海底ケーブルの敷設を認める]
◆[IT 政策:台湾経済部大臣、WiMAX を支持、LTE の将来性も勘案]
◆[企業動向:IT 業種「不振」、しばらく続く]
◆[市場動向:2010 年は 320 億ドルの貿易黒字、輸出 8 強に]
◆[法制度:個人情報保護法案 、法案小委員会を通過]
◆[標準化/国際連携:2014 年 ITU 総会の韓国誘致が確実に]
◆[企業動向:三星電子、第 3 四半期の売上が史上初 40 兆ウォン超え]
◆[IT 政策:韓国、2011 年各省庁別情報化予算]
◆[IT 政策:ナショナルブロードバンドネットワークプロジェクトの公表]
◆[IT 振興:地方中小企業(SME)振興策]
◆[市場動向:2008 年のフィリピン ICT 企業売上高上位 500 社の統計を発表]
◆[市場動向:今年の経済区、投資、最初の 8 ヵ月で前年同期 31%増]
◆[企業動向:Infosys BPO 社、1 年以内に比国内の従業員数を 2 倍に増員]
◆[企業動向:フィリピンの BPO 企業 SPi 社、世界のトップ 100 BPO 企業入り]
◆[IT インフラ:モバイルとブロードバンド市場は今後も拡大]
◆[企業動向:山一電機、フィリピンに 3 百万ドル追加投資]
◆[IT インフラ/市場動向:インドネシアのインターネット普及率は 2015 年 37%と予測]
◆[企業動向:Dell 社、中小企業向け PC 販売の増強]
◆[その他:インドネシア、世界競争力ランキング昨年比 10 位ランクアップの 44 位に]
◆[IT インフラ/企業動向:CDMA の 2 大通信サービス Flexi と Esia、今年末に統合へ]
◆[IT 振興:インドネシア、オンラインゲーム Ragnarok ワールドチャンピオンシップ 2010
◆[IT 振興:Urbanesia 社、Google と提携]
◆[国際連携/IT 振興:Japan ICT Day 2010 開催]
◆[企業動向:サムスン電子、操業 1 年半で輸出額 10 億ドル達成]
◆[国際連携:台湾、ICT ブランド普及プログラムを実施]
◆[電子政府:2015 年までの電子政府計画発表]
◆[国際連携:IPA と VINASA、IT スキル標準の相互協力協定を締結]
◆[環境・リサイクル:省エネ法が 2011 年から施行]
◆[IT 政策:シン首相、国民 ID プロジェクトで初の番号配布を開始
◆[IT 政策:情報技術局、IT の次期 5 ヵ年計画案への意見公募を開始]
◆[企業動向:米国 IT 企業が電子政府案件を大量受注]
◆[企業動向/国際連携:IBM 海外支援チーム、土地登記簿の電子化支援]
◆[企業動向:パキスタンの e パスポート技術]
◆[電子政府:人口・住宅センサスに GIS を活用]
◆[IT 振興:ハイテクパークの免税期間を 10 年間に]
11 月 17 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.263)配信
◆[IT 政策:国務院、知的財産権侵害の取締りを決定]
◆[IT 振興:電子カルテ、22 の省・区で試行]
◆[IT 政策:家電以旧換新、販売額 1,000 億元を突破]
◆[企業動向:聯想の成都(西部)産業基地、1 億米ドルの共同投資]
◆[企業動向:中国最大の国有 IT 企業、45 億元投じ東莞市に生産基地を建設]
◆[企業動向:3 大キャリアとアルカテルルーセント、総額 11 億ユーロの包括協議書に調印]
◆[IT 政策/電子商取引:台湾、中国を電子商取引最重要市場に位置づけ]
◆[市場動向:2011 年携帯端末 ODM 価格、コストアップで値上げ交渉]
◆[企業動向:広達、新たな利益有線戦略により 300~500 万台の PC 失注か]
◆[セキュリティ:NCC、中国製 3G 基地局に安全保障上の懸念]
◆[技術動向:馬総統、インテルの WiMAX サポート方針転換の可能性に懸念]
◆[市場動向:台湾スマートフォン ODM メーカ、コスト削減のためアンドロイドに注力]
◆[国際連携:中国移動、台湾パートナを「上海 TDD4G フォーラム」に招待]
◆[標準化/セキュリティ:韓国の情報セキュリティ指数、2012 年に国際標準採択を目指す]
◆[IT 政策:知識経済部、グリーン PC システムを構築]
◆[国際連携:日中韓局長会談、OSS 活性化で協力]
◆[企業動向/国際連携:中国、三星・LG ディスプレイの LCD 工場を承認]
◆[国際連携:日中韓、OSS 基盤のクラウド試験事業に協力]
◆[電子政府:行政サービス向上のため IT の利用推進を訴え]
◆[IT 振興:ソフトウェアパーク新所長の所信表明]
◆[IT 振興:NECTEC 所長の所信表明]
◆[企業動向:アヤラグループ、PSi テクノロジーズを買収]
◆[企業動向:IPVG の子会社、Google と再販売契約を締結]
◆[企業動向:San Miguel Corp、通信事業に参入]
◆[企業動向:PLDT、MEF 標準規格の認定取得]
◆[IT 振興:比 BPO 産業、英国の「アウトソーシング賞」3 度目の受賞]
◆[市場動向:Globe Telecom ブロードバンド加入者数、100 万人突破]
◆[市場動向:ブロードバンドインフラ、WiMAX vs. LTE]
◆[市場動向:インドネシア タブレット PC、ノート PC 市場]
◆[情報化機関:Vietnam Internet Association 創設]
◆[市場動向:アジアの IT 企業、ベトナム市場に注目]
◆[企業動向:ソフトサイン、ベトナムでモバイル SNS サービスを開始]
◆[企業動向:Samsung Electronics、携帯電話輸出額 20 億ドルを見込む]
◆[市場動向:「.vn」、リスクの高い Web ドメインとしてワースト 1 位]
◆[企業動向:FPT が EVN Telecom の株式 50%取得へ]
◆[企業動向/国際連携:情報通信省とマイクロソフトが IT 産業発展で協力]
◆[市場動向:周波数割当重複、各社の巨額 WiMAX 投資が宙に]
◆[企業動向:Unitel 社が 3G サービスを開始]
◆[IT 政策:通信情報技術担当大臣、ハードウェアへも注力すべきと]
◆[IT 政策:人材開発省、固有識別番号庁(UADAI)と学生登録で協力]
◆[企業動向:TCS、今年度の雇用予定者数を 5 万人へ上方修正]
◆[IT 振興:僻村を e-Village へ]
◆[企業動向/国際連携:DTS 株式会社、IT 分野に継続投資]
◆[IT 人材/国際連携:マイクロソフト、高等教育委員会と契約締結]
◆[IT 振興/国際連携:韓国、情報化ソリューション提供に意欲]
◆[IT 人材/国際連携:情報処理技術者試験コンテストの実施]
◆[電子政府:全ての district に e サービスセンタを設置]
◆[企業動向:国産ラップトップコンピュータ、携帯電話を 6 ヵ月以内に販売]
12 月 22 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.264)配信
◆[市場動向:ネットバンキングのユーザ数、1 億 6,500 万に達する]
◆[企業動向:新浪と MSN 中国が共同で複合型ネットプラットフォームを構築]
◆[企業動向:ウォルマート、中国 e コマースサイトを立上げ]
◆[IT 政策:番号ポータビリティ、天津と海南島で実験スタート]
◆[市場動向:第 12 次五ヵ年計画でスマートグリッドを発展]
◆[IT 振興:5 都市でクラウドのモデル事業を試行]
◆[企業動向:中国移動の TD-SCDMA/CMMB 携帯端末、600 万台を全て中国ベンダが落札]
◆[企業動向:広達、2010 年の売上 NT$1 兆を達成]
◆[企業情報:Acer、コンシューマ市場向けにクラウドデスクトップ PC を投入]
◆[市場動向:台湾、WiMAX 普及率 0.08%]
◆[市場動向:台湾携帯電話メーカ、2010 年第 4 四半期 2,600 万台を出荷]
◆[IT 政策:国家情報化戦略委員会、運用支援団を発足]
◆[IT 政策:行政安全部、知識経済部、安全なソフトウェア環境構築へ協力]
◆[企業動向:LG の来年の 3 つのキーワード]
◆[企業動向:LG グループ、新産業を中心に来年度 21 兆ウォン投資]
◆[市場動向:Thailand Post、eBay と協業]
◆[技術動向:港湾局、RFID 利用による e-Port サービス計画]
◆[市場動向: IT/BPO、「最適化」から「変化」へ]
◆[市場動向:2010 年第 3 四半期の ICT 投資、前年同期比 70.2%増の 47 億ペソ]
◆[IT 政策:情報通信技術委「汚職に IT で対抗せよ」]
◆[IT 政策:アキノ大統領、IT アウトソーシング業界への支援を表明]
◆[IT 政策:村落の情報化]
◆[市場動向: ジャカルタ以外で PC 出荷に大きな伸び]
◆[企業動向:VNPT とロシアの Alltech、4G サービスを展開]
◆[IT インフラ:カントーでノンストップ自動料金徴収システムが稼動]
◆[IT 政策:IT 特区開発計画、東南アジアのシリコンバレーが目標]
◆[企業動向:France Telecom、引き続き Mobifone 株式の取得に意欲]
◆[電子政府:インテル、電子通関手続き優遇適用の第 1 号]
◆[市場動向:ISP のシェア、VNPT が 7 割]
◆[IT 振興:Vietnam Telecomp 2010 開催]
◆[電子政府:電子納税、2011 年年初から開始へ]
◆[IT 人材:SBI 大学院大学、FPT 大学と包括提携に合意]
◆[IT 政策:ハノイ市、学校付近のネット店閉鎖を指示]
◆[企業動向:FPT、EVN テレコムの株式 50%を取得]
◆[企業動向:NTT 東日本、VNPT と光ファイバ事業で覚書を締結]
◆[企業動向:米 HP、大学生向け HP 認定プログラムを実施]
◆[市場動向:インターネット利用 12%、首都在住の裕福な若年層が主]
◆[企業動向:インド IT 企業、中国へ一部業務を移転]
◆[業界動向:インド IT 企業の雇用、過去最高を記録]
◆[市場動向:7-9 月期の PC 販売、279 万台で前年同期比 27%増]
◆[市場動向:データセンタサービス、2015 年には 11 億米ドル規模へ]
◆[市場動向:ノート PC 市場、2014 年には 2 億 2 千万ドルへ]
◆[企業動向:Nepal Telecom、一括請求システムを導入]
◆[IT インフラ:VOBS サービスの開始]
◆[市場動向:2010 年の IT 産業、3 年ぶりに回復]
◆[企業動向/国際連携:低価格ノート PC の現地生産]
◆[企業動向/IT インフラ:Huawei、次世代 SingleRAN ネットワークを受注]
◆[企業動向:Samsung、R&D センタを開設]
1 月 19 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.265)配信
◆[市場動向:電子情報産業、2010 年の売上高 6 兆元台に]
◆[企業動向:インド大手ソフトウェア会社 Wipro、成都で事業拡大]
◆[国際連携:中国と EU、インターネットと IPv6 での協力を推進]
◆[企業動向:米国で IPO した中国企業数、2010 年は過去最高]
◆[企業動向:中央政府直轄企業の上納金引上げ、電気通信分野の独占企業は 15%に]
◆[技術動向:2011 年第 1 四半期から 6 都市で TD-LTE 試験開始へ]
◆[IT 人材:2010 年は企業全体の 87.3%が賃上げ、2011 年はさらに拡大]
◆[IT 政策:中国から台湾ディスプレ産業への投資を開放せず]
◆[IT 政策:台湾政府、液晶パネルメーカの中国投資政策の見直しを約束]
◆[市場動向:2011 年第 1 四半期、Apple、RIM、HTC でグローバルスマートフォン市場の 50%
◆[IT 政策:中国の WiMAX パイロット運用、台湾サプライヤーに恩恵]
◆[企業動向:中国 Digital China、台湾広達とクラウドビジネスに参入]
◆[市場動向:VIA 社、SkyCloud 社、クラウドコンピューティングに参入]
◆[市場動向:PC 業界、年末需要冷え込む]
◆[企業動向:韓国 IT 企業の日本市場攻略計画]
◆[国際連携/企業動向:アンラボ社、アジア IT セキュリティ市場へ進出拡大]
◆[IT 政策:スマートコリア戦略 3 月に発表予定]
◆[セキュリティ:韓国セキュリティ業界、日本向け輸出が 63%で最大]
◆[セキュリティ/IT 政策:個人情報管理認定制、来年から本格化]
◆[市場動向:2010 年の IT 輸出、初めて 1,500 億ドルを突破]
◆[IT 政策:グローバルソフトウェア企業育成支援拡大]
◆[IT 政策:2011 年国家情報化予算 2 兆 1,562 億ウォン]
◆[IT 振興:2011 年度、SIPA ソフトウェア振興策]
◆[IT 振興:2011 年度ソフトウェアパークタイランド振興策]
◆[市場動向:比 BPO、インドを追い抜き世界のトップに]
◆[市場動向:XMG Global、アウトソーシングの 2010 年末利益予測を発表]
◆[企業動向:PLDT、DSL タッチスクリーン・タブレット TelPad を発表]
◆[IT 政策:LTE 関連政策及び開発]
◆[市場動向:2011 年の PC 市場]
◆[企業動向:IT インフラ:Palapa Ring の完成、2012 年に遅延の見込み]
◆[小学校向け無償 WiFi サービスの提供]
◆[企業動向:地場 ICT 企業の積極的な海外投資が顕著に]
◆[市場動向:2010 年のトップブランド調査、日本は家電に強み]
◆[市場動向:2011 年の通信サービス売上高 59 億ドル、07 年の 2 倍]
◆[市場動向:電話加入件数 1 億 7,010 万、インターネット加入件数 377 万]
◆[IT 振興:第 9 回 ICT Week 2011 開催へ]
◆[業界動向:インド IT 企業、世界経済回復により活況だが心配も]
◆[企業動向:TCS、ドイツ銀行より中枢業務ソフトウェアを 1 億米ドルで受注]
◆[市場動向:2011 年の IT と BPO 産業規模の見通し]
◆[IT インフラ:通信料の課税率引下げ]
◆[IT インフラ:ADB プロジェクトでインターネットを安価に]
◆[IT インフラ/国際連携:第 3 世代携帯電話サービスのセミナ実施]
◆[電子政府:土地登記電子化プロジェクトを PPP で開始]
2 月 17 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.266)配信
◆[IT 政策:国務院、ソフトウェアと集積回路に関する 6 項目の政策を発表]
◆[IT インフラ:北京市が無線都市宣言、年内に WiFi 環境を整備]
◆[IT 政策:コンピュータやデジカメ等の輸入品関税率引き下げ]
◆[企業動向:中国聯通、2010 年の純利益 50%以上減益]
◆[企業動向:華為と中興、2010 年業績ともに好調]
◆[技術動向:工業情報化部、4G 発展計画を発表、商用設備の研究開発 2012 年完了予定]
◆[市場動向:中国最初の第 8.5 世代液晶パネル量産ライン、2011 年第 3 四半期に稼働予定]
◆[IT 政策:経済部、スマート携帯デバイスの NT$1 兆産業化を目標に]
◆[IT 政策:IBM、台湾にクラウド医療レファレンスサイト]
◆[市場動向:台湾ノート PC ODM メーカ、ノート PC ベンダ挙って中国重慶に拠点]
◆[市場動向/国際連携:米クアルコム、中国移動、台湾 5 大通信キャリアと次世代通信機
◆[国際連携:中国移動、台湾ベンダと 4G 事業で連携]
◆[国際連携:WiMAX サミット、グローバル WiMAX オペレータを台湾に引き付ける]
◆[企業動向:韓国 MS と PC 房(インターネットカフェ)の対立深刻]
◆[IT 政策:韓国政府、2015 年にモバイル最強国目指す]
◆[IT 市場:スマートワークコンサルティング専門企業、初登場]
◆[企業動向:IT サービスの売上 1 兆ウォン企業続々]
◆[市場動向:韓国のインターネットバンキング利用者 6,666 万人]
◆[企業動向:Daum 社、売上 3,000 億ウォン突破で最大実績]
◆[国際連携:韓国の IT 技術、輸出主導権を失う]
◆[企業動向:九亀工業団地に LG が巨額投資]
◆[IT 政策:2012 年に第 4 世代携帯電話の周波数帯を入札]
◆[国際連携:通信省副次官、7 日間の日本訪問]
◆[IT 政策:e-Government 推進機関設立]
◆[IT 政策:省庁間連携医療システムの構築]
◆[市場動向:IT-BPO、今年の売上高 110 億ドル見込む]
◆[市場動向:IDC、2011 年にフィリピン IT 需要が伸びると予測]
◆[IT 振興:日本の援助で比公立学校でのパソコン普及進展]
◆[IT インフラ:PLDT、4 億ドルの海底光ケーブル敷設プロジェクトに参加]
◆[IT 市場:インドネシア IT 市場]
◆[IT 政策:RIM はインドネシアの規制を遵守しなければならない]
◆[企業動向:Chevron 社、オープンソース PC を学校に寄贈]
◆[IT 政策:ベトナム、IT 開発を重視]
◆[IT インフラ:ハノイにソフトウェアパークを建設]
◆[IT 政策:情報通信省、ICT 企業に「ICT 発展計画」の実行を要望
◆[IT 政策:携帯電話の周波数帯の譲渡が困難に]
◆[企業動向:EU 最大の IT 企業、ベトナム市場に参入]
◆[企業動向:ベトナム Asia Commercial Bank、IBM の協力を得てデータセンタを建設]
◆[技術動向:McWill 方式携帯電話によるインターネット接続開始]
◆[IT インフラ:ドメイン名を販売]
◆[企業動向:SMART、WiMAX インターネットサービスを提供]
◆[IT 政策:携帯電話ナンバーポータビリティ制度を導入]
◆[IT 政策:次年度に向けた国家ブロードバンド計画、新通信政策]
◆[企業動向:IT 産業の雇用増加]
◆[企業動向:日本企業、インド IT 企業買収に関心]
◆[電子政府:国際 e ヘルス会議の開催]
◆[電子政府:認証局として 6 社にライセンスを授与]
3 月 22 日
CICC アジア各国 IT 関連ニュース速報(vol.267)配信
◆[市場動向:2010 年の電子情報産業、特許出願件数 110 万件、売上高 29.5%増加]
◆[市場動向:2010 年中国のカラーTV・パソコン・デジカメ生産量は世界一]
◆[IT インフラ/企業動向:上海移動 TD-LTE 基地局、250 ヵ所建設]
◆[IT インフラ/企業動向:中国電信、3 年以内に中国南部の全都市で光ファイバー普及へ]
◆[企業動向: 台湾中華電信と本土の中国電信が協力文書に調印]
◆[市場動向:中国のネット動画ユーザ、2.84 億人に達する]
◆[環境・リサイクル:100 ヵ所の新エネルギーモデル都市を建設]
◆[企業動向:グーグル、元 Acer 幹部をクラウドプロジェクトトップに起用]
◆[企業動向:KDDI 子会社 UQ コミューニケーションズ、HTC WiMAX スマートフォンを採用]
◆[企業動向:台湾 Acer と Asustek、サムスンの攻撃的な出荷目標を警戒]
◆[市場動向:2011 年、台湾企業 IT 投資 5%増]
◆[情報機関:KOTRA 東京 IT 支援センタ、難攻不落の日本市場攻略]
◆[市場動向:インターネットショピングモール、10 代が活躍]
◆[セキュリティ:40 サイトが DDoS 攻撃、2009 年 7 月 7 日の「7.7DDos 攻撃」に類似]
◆[セキュリティ:金融業界、DDoS 攻撃に備えサイバー待避所を構築]
◆[電子政府:2015 年までに医療カルテのオンライン化]
◆[企業動向:セルコム社、最大 8 億リンギットのアップグレードを計画]
◆[IT 振興:SIPA の目指す新時代]
◆[IT 振興:教育省スクールコンピュータと IT インフラ]
◆[IT 振興:NECTEC と日本の研究機関(NICT)との共同研究]
◆[企業動向:PLDT、中小企業向けソリューションパッケージ「Negosyo Boost」を発表]
◆[企業動向:IP Converge Data Center、Microsoft と事業提携]
◆[市場動向:地場 Lintasarta 社と Cisco、クラウドコンピューティングで協業]
◆[市場動向:ジャカルタとスラバヤが、Android タブレット PC の主な市場]
◆[企業動向:ノキア、2012 年にベトナム工場建設]
◆[企業動向:IT 投資が最も安全]
◆[市場動向:企業が IT 投資を重視]
◆[IT 政策:ベトナム、2020 年までに IT トップ 10 入り目指す]
◆[市場動向:オンライン取引に 85 万人がアクセス]
◆[市場動向:銀行分野の成長とともに、ATM 急増]
◆[IT 人材:インド IT 企業、米国大学で現地人材を採用]
◆[IT 政策:2011‐2012 年度の国家予算案発表]
◆[IT インフラ:第 3 世代携帯電話加入者数、2015 年末までに 4 億人に拡大]
◆[企業動向/IT 人材:Edutor Technologies、タッチパネル型携帯学習用デバイスを販売]
◆[IT インフラ:Dialog 社、1.5 億米ドルの投資]
◆[IT 人材/国際連携:ソフトウェアサービス企業協会、金融分野の人材を育成]
◆[IT インフラ:VoIP サービスの合法化に向けて入札を実施]
◆[IT インフラ:通信サービスの普及について]
◆[企業動向:Microsoft、洪水被害に 500 万米ドル以上を支援]
◆[IT 政策:ノートパソコンとプロジェクタを教育機関 20,500 校に導入]
◆[IT 振興:マレーシア、ハイテクパークの開発と運用に協力]
平成 21 年度は、国別担当の意見、事業遂行上の必要性を加味して、必要性の高い国から、
役割を明確にし、フィリピン、タイ、インドネシア、中国の 4 カ国にコレスポンダントを
中国 IT NEWS(2010 年 8 月 5 日号)
応する管理や規範の規則となる。2.65 億人のネットゲームユーザーにとっては最も影響
広州日報 2010 年 8 月 2 日
メルケル首相は中国訪問で 44 億ドル契約を
7 月 15 日から 18 日の間、ドイツのメルケル首相は中国を正式訪問した。
両国の政府と企業は今回の訪問で 44 億ドル前後の契約を結んだ。この中で、シーメンス
株式有限公司は上海電気グループと蒸気タービン・ガスタービンに関する 35 億ドルの協
し、63.5 億人民元(9.37 億ドル相当)の予想である。
表した。コミュニケで中国は「EU の経済や金融を安定させる一連の措置を支持する」と
「EU は中国が完全市場経済での地位をできるだけ早く承認する
のを積極的支持し、これに関し、中国と EU の会合は続く」と初めて表明した。
また、中国・ドイツ政府の関連機関・企業は 16 日に財政・環境保護、文化など分野での
10 項目に渡る協力契約を結んだ。中には両国政府間 2009 年度財政協力協議、両国関連機
第一財経日報 2010 年 7 月 19 日
チャイナユニコムと蘇寧電気は 15 日に戦略協力を全面的に展開し、お互いは相手の中心
また、協議に基づき、双方はチェーン店建設、3G 端末販売、ネット通信業務、共同市場
3G 時代の到来により、携帯の販売方法も根本的に変化した。セットプランに加入すれば
新華ネット 2010 年 7 月 16 日
京華時報 2010 年 7 月 22 日
7 月 27 日のチャイナテレコム北京によると、中国初の 3G ブラックベリー携帯及び関連業
なったという。携帯端末の販売価格は 4560 元である。
北京テレコムの紹介では、今回の天翼ブラックベリー携帯 9530 にはブラックベリー携帯
実現したという。他に、無線でカレンダーの同期、アドレス帳、タスク、メモ帳、320 万
画素カメラ、GPS、16GBMicroSD カードなどの機能を持っているという。
クベリーとの最大の違いは 3G だという。今回の携帯は 800MHz、1900MHz などの多数の 3G
ネットを使うことができる。また、中国国内ではチャイナテレコムの 3G ネットを利用す
ることができ、海外にも世界 CDMA キャリアの 3G ネットを使うことができる。2100MHz の
UMTS/HSPA ネットも利用可能である。
Sina 科技 2010 年 7 月 27 日
宏達 HTC 携帯は大陸市場に進入
東方早報 2010 年 7 月 27 日
蘇寧は PC 攻略を発表
昨日午後、蘇寧電気主催の「2010 中国 PC 業界発展サミット」で、主流の PC メーカーは
中国が今年末に北米を超え、世界最大の IT 市場になり、三年後の PC 市場売り上げは 3500
蘇寧電気の総裁、CEO 金明氏によると、蘇寧電気はすでに PC を含めとする 3C 製品を未来
発展の柱にする予定で、3 年後の売り上げ目標を 350 億元に設定した。さらに、蘇寧電気
はこれからの 3 年間に PC 製品の経営面積を拡大し、展示スペースの最適化を図り、店舗
の 15%から 20%前後の展示面積を設けるとコメントした。また、3 年以内に 100 か所の
3C サービスセンターを開き、メンテナンス面での需要を満たすとも決めた。
B2C ネット販売では、蘇寧は昨年蘇寧易購を開き、自分のネットワークのブランド・調達
での優位性を頼りに、3 年以内に中国最大の 3C ネット販売フラットフォームになるとの
北京晩報 2010 年 7 月 29 日
の戦略を立てており、一つは PC 市場でのリード的な存在を貫くこと。もう一つはクラウ
ンド端末を早く広げることだという。クラウンド端末の普及計画には楽 Phone、年末に発
表予定のタブレット PC、来年発表のインタラクティブ・インターネットテレビを含めと
ネットイ―ズ 2010 年 7 月 29 日
<IT 振興>
表された一カ月後の 7 月 26 日に行われた深セン三網融合モデルサイト事業会議で、深セ
の方案によると、2012 年末まで、深センでのブロードバンドユーザーやデジタルテレビ
端末はそれぞれ 300 万を突破し(現在深センでのデジタルテレビユーザー数は 100 万とな
る)、ハイビジョン・インタラクティブテレビユーザー(IPTV を含む)は 180 万に達する
め、2012 年に 3000 億元の三網融合業務産業チェーンを実現するという。国家三網融合指
導チームの見積もりによると、これから 3 年間の三網融合は 6880 億元の投資と消費をけ
南方都市報 2010 年 7 月 29 日
国家新聞出版総署と上海市は「部市協力」モデルを実施してからの 2 年間、上海デジタル
出版産業は勢いよく発展していた。2009 年の上海新聞出版産業は 845 億元を実現し、そ
の中にはデジタル出版業は 185 億元
出版専属プロジェクトを計画している。これから 5 大分野から中国及び世界のデジタル出
は投資額 20 億元の「盛大虹城」プロジェクトや投資額 2.8 億元の上海方正デジタル出版
新華ネット 2010 年 8 月 1 日
年 9 月 1 日から、個人の海外からの郵送物品は輸入税 50 元(50 を含む)以下の物品にし
これまでは 500 元以上の物品にしか徴税せず、またオーバーの部分だけに絞っていたとい
解放日報 2010 年 7 月 16 日
中国 IT NEWS(2010 年 8 月 22 日号)
<IT 政策>
財政部、国家税務総局、商務部、21 都市のオフショアアウトソーシング事業における営
財務部が 8 月 11 日公式サイトにおいて対外公布したところによると、21 の都市でのオ
スアウトソーシング業務に対する営業税免除についての通知」によると、2010 年 7 月 1
日より 2013 年 12 月 31 日まで、北京、天津、大連、ハルピン、大慶、上海、南京、蘇州、
安などの 21 の中国サービスアウトソーシングモデル都市にてオフショアサービスアウト
21 世紀経済報道 2010-08-12
国家発展改革委員会は 18 日に北京で国家低炭素省及び低炭素都市モデル事業をスタート
州、南昌、貴陽、保定の八つの市で低炭素モデル事業を展開する予定だという。8 月 10
新華社 2010-08-19
蘇寧が日本小売業ラオックスへ 1 億6000万元の増資
昨夜、蘇寧電器が発表したところによると、その全出資子会社により20億円(約 1
億 5900 万元)にて第三者割当増資分の 2127 万 6600 株を引き受けることとなった。今回
の取引により、蘇寧電器はラオックスの発行する 33.8%の株式を取得、その筆頭株主とい
中国投資コンサルネット 2010-08-17
エイサーが 7000 万米ドルで7年間の方正(Founder)PC ブランド租借権を獲得
8 月 5 日午前の情報によると、エイサーと中国国内第二位の PC ブランドである方正科
ると、今後 7 年間において、7000 万米ドルを超えない範囲での権利金支払い方式により、
ブランドを含む)の営業収入目標は 15 億米ドルであり、中国市場でのシェアが 10%にま
で引き上げられることとなる。来年は 25 億米ドル、6 割以上の成長を見込んでいる。
エイサーは方正ライセンスを取得後、決められた PC プロダクトの範囲において、方正、
Founder ブランドを使用する予定である。エイサーはまた方正の販売チャネルリソースと
協業関係の締結後、エイサーは方正の PC 販売チャネルを利用し、農村部市場、ビジネ
新浪科技 2010-08-05 08-06
8 月 9 日の情報によると、IBM は浙江寧波国家高新区管理委員会と正式に契約を結び、寧
略称)を設立することを決めた。これと同時に、IBM はまた IBM 寧波開発センター及び IBM
寧波は中国の南方地域における物流の重点都市であり、2009 年 4 月に国務院は「物流業
IBM 副総裁兼中国開発センター総経理の王陽氏によると、IBM 寧波開発センターは知恵物
流ソフトウェアの開発を重点に置きたいという。これは IBM が北京、上海、西安に続く中
Sina 科技 2010-08-09
新華通信社と中国移動通信は 12 日枠組み協定を取り交わし、両社により検索エンジン
新華網 2010-08-12
<IT 振興>
12 の通信・放送・インターネットのネットワーク融合モデル都市のモデル案は完成
8 月 16 日まで、12 の通信・放送・インターネットのネットワーク融合(以下は三網融合
展改革委員会、市財政局、市通信管理局及び北京ラジオ・テレビなど 38 機関のリーダー
Sina 2010-08-17
<IT インフラ>
ラジオ・テレビ総局は 2010 年末までに有線ネットワーク省内統合の段階的な目標を掲げ
ている。ラジオ・テレビ総局科技司も既に NGB(次世代ラジオ・テレビ網)事業チームを
設立し、5 年以内に機能的にも性能的にも電信網に相当する全国的ネットワークを作りた
Sina 2010-08-18
銀行への接続検収テストを実施中である。中央銀行は試行銀行に9月、10 月に各省への
トレーニングを行うよう求めており、11 月末前にはシステム運用がスタートできるよう
南方都市報 2010-08-16
めており、毎年産出される電子廃棄物は 80 万トン、処理される量は 150 万トンにまで達
南方網 2010-08-16
中国 IT NEWS(2010 年 9 月 6 日号)
<IT 政策>
携帯電話 9 月 1 日より実名登録制を開始
9 月 1 日より電話ユーザーの実名性登録制度が正式に実施された。制度ではすべてのプ
キャリアによりシステムに保存される。2012 年末までに携帯実名登録はすべて完了する
予定であるが、二段階に分けて実施される。9 月 1 日からはまず新ユーザーの実名登録実
施が行われ、関連法規の公布を待って、3 年をかけ既存ユーザーの登録作業を行う予定で
録を行えていないプリペイド型ユーザー数は 3 億 2100 万としている。
中華工商時報 2010-09-03
工業情報部部長李毅中は 2 日、工業情報部は品質信用情報プラットフォームの構築スピ
大洋網-広州日報 2010-09-03
3G ユーザー2500 万人を突破
2010 年上半期、中国移動ユーザー数は 3176 万ユーザーの増加となり、ユーザー数は総
計 5 億 5400 万ユーザーとなった。そのうち TD ユーザーは 1046 万 1000 ユーザーとなって
いる。中国電信 CDMA ユーザーは 1843 万の伸びを見せ、総数は 7452 万ユーザーとなった。
3G ユーザーは昨年末から 311 万の純増加、718 万ユーザーに達している。中国聯通の GSM
ユーザーは 455 万 7000 の純増加であり、ユーザー総数は 1 億 4900 万に達した。3G ユー
ザー累計は 481 万 8000 ユーザーの純増加、ユーザー総数は 756 万ユーザーに達し、9 割
以上が 3G 携帯電話ユーザーである。三大キャリアの 3G ユーザーは既に 2500 万ユーザー
を突破している。網易 2010-08-27
昨日、盛大の電子ブック Bambook の小売価格が 999 元と確定し、ネットユーザーからの
注文が殺到している。よく似たスペックの製品価格は 3000 元以上する。
業界関係者によると、国内電子ブックの小売価格は 1000 元が臨界点であり、1000 元以
下であれば爆発的ヒットとなる。Bambook は 999 元という価格で、市場シェアを急激に拡
北京晩報 2010-08-24
中興、テレビ携帯戦略をスタート、TD-CMMB 携帯を大きくうちだす
9 月 3 日の情報によると、中興通信はテレビ携帯電話戦略を全面的にスタート、一挙に
5 種の TD-CMMB テレビ携帯電話をリリースした。同時に、今後 5 年間で毎年 30%以上の売
上量増加を維持、世界の携帯電話販売量トップ 3 となるいう壮大な目標を明らかにした。
中興通信の執行董事、執行副総裁である何士友は、昨年、中興は TD 携帯分野において
成功をおさめており、年間 300 万台の TD 端末の売上を達成、中国市場シェアの半分を獲
得したこと、そして今年は前半だけで TD 端末販売量が去年一年間のレベルにすでに達し
ていることを明らかにした。2010 年中興は国内においてスマートフォン、インターネッ
前期財務報告によると、中興通信の海外販売量は 1700 万台であり、全体の 6 割を占め、
前年同期に比べて 30%の増加となった。国内携帯電話の出荷量は 1100 万台であり、前年
同期と比べ 75%の増加となっており、国内携帯の出荷量は総量の 40%を占めている。
新浪科技 2010-09-03
華為、インドタタ電信の 3G 設備を受注
海外メディアが今日伝えたところによると、華為はインド企業の 3G 設備を受注、イン
ンド地区で 3G サービスの展開をサポートすると述べた。
インド通信部は去年 12 月と今年 7 月に二度にわたり、セキュリティー上の問題により、
新浪科技 2010-09-03
スーパーネットバンク 使い勝手は未だ初期段階
8 月 30 日、北京、天津、シンセン、広州は初回試行都市として、20 強の銀行が真っ先
第一経済日報 2010-09-02
商務部: ネットショッピングの使用率が 28.1%に達する
商務部は 8 月 30 日北京にて「中国 e コマース報告(2008-2009)」を発表した。この報告
書によると、2009 年の我が国のネットショッピングユーザー数は 1 億 800 万人となって
おり、ネットショッピングの使用率も引き続き上昇、現在すでに 28.1%にまで達した。商
2009 年のネットショッピング市場の取引規模はすでに 2586 億元にまで増加しており、
社会全体の消費品小売総額の 2.06%を占めている。「中国 e コマース報告」によると、今
後 3 年から 5 年でネットショッピングでの取引額が社会全体の消費品小売総額の 5%前後
にまで達すると予測している。iResearch コンサルの調査研究データによると 2008 年か
ら 2009 年まで、ネットショップが毎年約 30%前後増加している。ただし、「中国 e コマ
中国新聞網 2010-08-31
中国は省エネ Co2 削減を強化
2010 年前半、中国の GDP 単位当たりのエネルギー消費量は前期に比べ 0.09%の増加とな
エネ目標の達成は非常に困難となっている。2010 年 6 月から 7 月にかけ、複数の部、委
員会から構成される合同チームは「全国省エネ Co2 削減大検査」を実施、8 月末、国務院
は発展改革委員会、環境保護部などの 13 の部、委員会が全国 18 の重点地区において省エ
ネ Co2 排出量削減のための特別検査を行うよう再び取り決めた。年末の Co2 排出量削減目
標に対応するため、いくつかの地方政府はエネルギー消費量、Co2 排出量が大きい企業に
このような手段を用いたとしても「第十一次五カ年計画」の期間において GDP 単位当たり
消費エネルギー量を 20%下げるという目標を達成することは事実上困難である。
21 世紀経済報道 2010-08-31
反独占部門、図書割引制限令に介入:8 ヶ月に満たず中止へ
9 月 1 日、中国出版工作者協会、中国書刊発行業協会と中国新華書店協会は再び「図書取
店は新書を定価を 85%以下の価格にまで割引してはいけないという規定を厳格に実行し
毎日経済新聞 2010-09-03
中国 IT NEWS(2010 年 9 月 23 日号)
<IT 政策>
9 月 8 日、国務院総理温家宝は国務院常務会議を主催し、
科技日報 2010 年 09 月 09 日
発展改革委員会は 1000 億元の振興産業支援プランを推進へ
一連の関連支援策を検討中である。今後の 2、3 年において、中央財政より 100 億元を投
入し、同時に地方にも 100 億元の投資を要求している。また批准された 200 前後の産業フ
ァンドを通じて、約 1000 億元規模の資金を調達する予定である。これらの資金はすべて
経済観察網 2010 年 09 月 09 日
工業情報部:中国の RFID 産業収入は 2010 年に約 120 億元になると予測
9 月 8 日、工業情報部電子科学技術委員会副主任張琪は 2010 年中国戦略性新興産業と計
器機器発展シンポジウムにて、2009 年の中国 RFID 産業の収入は 85 億元を突破しており、
2010 年には 120 億元になるとした。中国の RFID 市場の需要と規模は世界第三位であり、
また、RFID 市場の絶え間ない拡大に従い、2009 年は万博、ITS、電力、物流、食の安全と
いった各方面にて新しい実用例が生まれており、この7年間、RFID 産業の成長は政府の
進によるものから市場ニーズによる牽引によるものへと変化を遂げており、中国の RFID
財経網 2010 年 09 月 09 日
我が国のソフトウェア業収入 1 兆 2000 億元を突破へ
工業情報部副部長楊学山は先日、今年の 1 月から 7 月における、我が国のソフトウェア業
務の収入累計は 7231 億元となり、前年同期比 29%の成長、今年全体では 1 兆 2000 億元を
新政策とは業界で「新 18 号文」と称されており、業界関係者によれば、現状の税制上優
また、「産業構造調整と指導目録(2010 年本)」(意見募集稿)もすでに完成しており、戦
上海証券報 2010 年 09 月 07 日
華為はじめてとなる低価格スマートフォン Ideos 発売へ
9 月 9 日の情報によると、華為は低価格スマートフォン Ideos を近日香港にて発売、まも
なく大陸地区でも発売すると発表した。このスマートフォンは世界初となる Android 2.2
プラットフォームを採用し、価格も 100-200 米ドルであるため業界で注目を集めている。
9 月 3 日、華為はロンドンにてこのスマートフォンをすでにリリースしている。Ideos は
るスマートフォンとなり、本体には”with Google”とロゴが刻まれている。この携帯電
話は WCDMA+Wi-fi の二つのネットワークをサポートしており、また同時に 5 つの Wi-Fi
機器を携帯電話の 3G ネットワークを使ってインターネットに接続させることができる。
新浪科技 2010 年 09 月 09 日
マイクロソフト(中国)社は 16 日、マイクロソフトが世界においてはじめてとなるクラ
現在 400 名近くの研究員がすでに研究室に配置されており、研究開発作業をスタートして
健康クラウド、文化クラウドといった 10 のモデルクラウドプロジェクトの構築が開始さ
ラ建設の支援のために、初期総投資額 30 億元超の 12 の重点プロジェクトも近々スタート
中国新聞網 2010 年 09 月 17 日
9 月 10 日、 北大方正ソフトウェア学院が廊坊の東方大学城にて開学式典、
2010 年、方正グループは 20 億元を投資、500 ムー(約 33 ヘクタール)の平谷サイエンス
北京晨報 2010 年 09 月 16 日
である。2010 年 8 月までに、海輝無錫のオフィス面積は 22000 平方メートルに達してお
り、1700 名の正社員と実習生を有している。また比較的レベルの高い訓練生をキープし
海輝グループは 2012 年までに、無錫は 6000 人規模までに拡大、営業額を一億米ドルを突
メリカ、日本、シンガポール、香港などの国家と地区に 16 のオフィスを有している。
新浪科技 2010 年 09 月 15 日
CNTV は電子商会と共に 3C ネットショッピングプラットフォームを計画
9 月 14 日、中国中央電視台の子会社である CNTV(中国ネットワークテレビ)と中国電子
ムを構築することとなった。このプラットフォームは 3C(コンピューター、通信と消費者
北京商報 2010 年 09 月 16 日
我が国が Co2 削減認証制度の検討を開始
おける Co2 削減認証制度検討」キックオフならびに第一回作業会議を開催した。これは我
が国での Co2 削減認証制度の検討が全面的に開始されたことを意味する。
このプロジェクトでは各国の Co2 削減認証制度の比較検討を通じ、我が国の国情と発展の
現状より、Co2 削減認証政策ならびに技術的ニーズを分析することとなった。また、その
上で Co2 削減認証制度のフレームワークの検討と構築を行い、試行地域での研究を通じて
整備を行い、関連部門が我が国の Co2 削減認証管理制度が制定するにあたり必要となる依
中国高新技術産業導報 2010 年 09 月 18 日
中国 IT NEWS(2010 年 10 月 13 日号)
中国 廃棄電気・電子製品の回収・処理規範化に踏み出す
7 日の環境保護部からの情報によると、国務院は「廃棄電気・電子製品回収・処理
(以下は「条例」と略称)を制定・発表し、2011 年 1 月 1 日から実施する
法制日報 2010-10-08
チャイナユニコム:iPhone4 契約予定ユーザーは 20 万超の見込み
チャイナユニコム販売部の于英涛総経理によると、9 月 25 日零時まで、チャイナユ
ニコム iPhone4 の契約予定ユーザーは既に 20 万を突破したという。それにはチャイ
ナユニコムのサービス窓口で契約したユーザー4 万人以外、直接配給の 1 万部も含め、
合計 6 万部を売り上げたという。全国の各都市では人気爆発という。
賽迪ネット 2010-09-26
チャイナユニコム 3G ユーザーは一千万を初めて突破、8 月に 101 万増加
チャイナユニコム 9 月 28 日に発表した情報によると、現在既に世界で最も大きい
WCDMA ネットワークを作り、3G ユーザーは初めて一千万を突破したという。
チャイナユニコムの最新データによると、8 月に 3G ユーザーは 101 万も増え、最近
4 カ月の間の 3 か月には、チャイナユニコムの新規ユーザーはいずれも 100 万を突破
工業情報部の最新データによると、中国の携帯使用者数は 8 億を突破し、8.05 憶に
達しており、その中インターネットにアクセスしている 3G ユーザーは 2520 万に達し
上海証券報 2010-09-29
チャイナテレコム 買収によりアジア太平洋地域業務を拡大する予定
9 月 29 日の情報によると、チャイナテレコム(香港)取締役兼 CEO の鄧小峰氏によ
今週木曜日に総投資額 2580 万ドル(2 億香港ドル)のチャイナテレコム香港とシンガ
アでデータセンターを作り、来年は香港で 2 か所目のデータセンターを作る予定であ
sohuIT 2010-09-29
チャイナモバイルは新たに 600 万部 TD 携帯を調達
慶節前後に新たに TD 携帯調達を始めたという。今回の「普及型 G3 携帯」だと名付け
た集中調達プロジェクトは普及型 G3 携帯約 600 万台を調達する予定である。その中
には初級携帯テレビ端末約 360 万台で、中級携帯テレビ端末は約 240 万台となる。
Sina 科技 2010-10-08
ルチャイナホールディングス有限公司(デジタルチャイナ)は 10 月 4 日に KGI(凱基
社は 2.6 億単位以下の台湾預託証券の発行に参与する予定であり、単位ごとの台湾預
託証券は会社株の 0.5 株に相当する。
人民ネット 2010-10-08
の 2000 万人ユーザーは内置きタイプの RFID の SIM カードに置き換えれば、物美グル
ープ傘下の物美及び美廉美の 300 軒スーパーで携帯ショッピングを実現することがで
新京報 2010-10-08
今日、AMD 中国は、北京市政府と戦略協力に関する覚書を交わし、今後数年をかけて、
北京を AMD アメリカ本社をサポートする第二のグローバルセンターを作り上げる。また、
AMD 中国はは OEM パートナーと一緒に、北京の三網融合、スーパーコンピューティングセ
Sina 科技 2010-10-12
10 月 9 日情報によると、アリババの傘下にある独立している検索サイト「一淘ネット」
コンピューター世界ネット 2010-10-09
オープンソース OS システム Ubuntu は来年 4 月に中国版をリリース
Canonical 社は本日北京で Linux デスクトップ OS システム最新版 Ubuntu10.10 は 10
月 10 日からダウンロードすることができるようになると発表した。新バージョンシ
などに適用する。当システムの中国版は遅くて来年 4 月にリリースする予定である。
レノボの揚天シリーズおよび農村での家電普及プロジェクトはすでに Ubuntu シス
テムをプリインストールしており、Canonical 社はレノボとの更なる協力に関して話
し合っている段階である。また、Ubuntu も Dell の数十の製品ラインと協力しており、
その Ubuntu プリインストールの最大市場も中国だという。
Sina 科技 2010-10-09
中国 IT NEWS(2010 年 10 月 25 日号)
<IT 政策>
国務院の温家宝総理は 19 日に国務院常務会議を主催し、2010 年 10 月末から全国で半年
南方都市報 2010-10-20
2010 年 8 月末まで、華為端末中国地域の売り上げは 70 億に達し、出荷総量は 1915 万台
であり、前年同期比 24.2%となる。その中には、携帯の出荷量は 1000 万台を超え、前年
同期比 20%以上であった。モバイルブロードバンド接続端末の全体出荷量は五百万台近
くもあり、引き続き業界で先頭を切っている。融合端末(converged terminal)及びビデオ
端末の累計出荷量はそれぞれ前年同期比 40%と 60%増を果たした。
Sina 科技 2010-10-11
チャイナモバイルは VIA と連携をとり、4G チップを研究開発
台湾メディアの報道によると、チャイナモバイルは 20 日に上海で「2010 年両岸 4G 技術
発展及び協力サミット」を開催し、チャイナモバイル王建宙取締役は VIA の王雪紅取締役
と協力備忘緑に調印し、連携して大陸独自の 4 代目モバイル通信(TD-LTE)チップ市場に
Sina 科技 2010-10-18
IBM は電子政府革新研究院を起動
IBM は近日北京で IBM 電子政府革新研究院を起動すると発表した。これは IBM がワシント
ン以外で作った二つ目の電子政府研究院になる。IBM によると、電子政府研究院の使命は
北京商報 2010-10-20
早くて来年夏に Android タブレット PC を公表
海外メディアの報道によると、レノボの Rory Read 総裁兼 chief operating officer は近
日の記者会見で、レノボは早くて来年の夏に Android タブレット PC を公表すると発表し
Tengxun 科技 2010-10-20
インドの現地メディアによると、インドの政府筋は華為が Tamil Nadu に五億ドルを投資
前の報道によると、華為は五億ドルを投入し、Chennai で工場を建設し、インドの中国
達し、投資は 5 年間に渡るという。
Sohu IT
<IT 振興>
(以下は「意見」だと略称)を発表した。意見には 20 条が盛り込まれ、電子書籍
東方早報 2010-10-11
4G と物聯網(物のインターネット)は国家戦略的新興産業に盛り込まれた
Sina 科技 2010-10-19
22 の省・区・市は電子カルテを試行
衛生部 10 月 14 日に「電子カルテモデルサイト事業案」を公表し、北京市などの 22 の省
2010 年 10 月からスタートし、2011 年 10 月までとなる。
陝西省、青海省、新疆ウイグル自治区など 22 の省をモデル地域に指定し、また、29 の病
現代快報 2010-10-15
<IT 人材>
賽迪顧問:パソコン業界平均年給 8 万に接近
るまで成長するには 7-8 年間かかる」という。パソコン、電子、ソフトウェア業界職員の
平均年給は 78952 元であり、年平均成長率は 8.4%にも達している。
賽迪顧問はサミットで「2009 年ハイテク業界給料調査研究結果」を発表した。当調査は
過去 4 年間のハイテク業界の給料水準に基づき、これからの三年間、IT サービス業及び
消費電子業の給料は年間 8%の成長を維持するだろうと予測した。
人民ネット 2010-10-20
中国共産党第 17 期中央委員会第 5 回全体会議(五中全会)で審議、採択された「十二
・五(第 12 次 5 カ年計画)」に関する提案で、「十二・五」計画の制定は科学的発展をテ
経済発展モデル転換の加速化の指針となる「5 つの堅持」
「五中全会」は、以上の「5 つの堅持」で経済発展モデルの転換加速に対し明確な取り決
ある。五中全会は、向こう 5 年の経済・社会の発展に対し明確な位置づけを行った。
五中全会は今後の発展動向と条件を総合的に考慮し、向こう 5 年の経済・社会の発展につ
「これまで強調されてきた 3 本柱の『投資、
資源・エネルギーに投下し、成長を一方的に強調し、大量の安い労働力に頼って GDP を追
中国網日本語版(チャイナネット) 2010-10-19
中国 IT NEWS(2010 年 11 月 8 日号)
<IT 政策>
「家電以旧換新」(家電下取り)での販売額が 1000 億元を突破
商務部関係者は、4 日までに「家電以旧換新」
(家電下取り)新政策により 2672 万台の家
電販売が行われ、その販売額は 1000 億元を突破したとした。
「家電以旧換新」新政策は 2009 年 6 月の実施より広く社会からの支
持を集めており、目に見える成果が得られたとした。この政策は、今年 6 月 1 日より、国
この担当者は、新家電は 20%-30%のエネルギー消費を節約ができるとしており、2500 万台
が新しい家電に置き換わったとして推計した場合、毎年 51 億 kWh の電力を節約できると
現在までに、全国で古い家電が 1405 万台分解され、44 万トン強の鉄やプラスチックなど
新京報 2010 年 11 月 05 日
れによると第三クォーターまでの我が国のソフトウェア業界の業務収入は 9682 億元を達
成、前年同期比 30.3%の成長、去年の同時期比で成長率が 10 ポイント増加したと発表し
第三クォーターまでの我が国の一定規模以上の電子情報製造業の成長率は 17.9%である。
今年の第一、第二クォーター電子情報産業の輸出増加率は 31%前後であったが、第三クォ
ーターでは 25.3%へと下落した。
中国証券網 2010 年 10 月 28 日
全国電話ユーザー総数は 11 億 3500 万に
3G ユーザーも 3499 万ユーザーに
ことが明らかとなった。また、9月までに、全国の電話ユーザー総数は 11 億 3500 万ユー
ザーに達し、そのうちの携帯電話ユーザーが占める割合は 73.4%であることがわかった。
3G ユーザーも 3499 万ユーザーにまで達しており、その内、TD-SCDMA ユーザーは 1528 万
ユーザーとなっている。すでに 27 の都市で TD ワイアレス都市建設での業務実用化が行わ
れている。ブロードバンドに接続しているユーザーは 1 億 2100 万ユーザーとなっている。
も進められている。すでに 20 の省にて IPTV とケーブルテレビインターネットの商業実用
化が進んでおり、IPTV ユーザーは 500 万を超え、ケーブルテレビインターネットユーザ
ーは 500 万に達した。
新浪科技 2010 年 10 月 28 日
聯想グループ 1 億米ドルを投資し成都に西部基地を建設へ
10 月 29 日、聯想グループと成都市政府は契約締結式を開催し、成都に聯想(西部)
資額は 1 億米ドルを超える。
聯想(西部)産業基地の生産センターは 2011 年末までに生産を開始したいとしており、
新浪科技 2010 年 10 月 29 日
中国最大の国有 IT 企業、45 億元を投じ東莞に生産基地を設立
広東省東莞市政府によると、中国最大の国有 IT 企業—中国電子情報産業集団有限公司
(略称 CEC)は 45 億元を投じ、東莞虎門に生産、研究開発、備蓄、原材料供給と配送、営
業販売を一体とした東莞産業基地を建設することとなった。建設後は、CEC のグループ企
CEC と東莞と協力プロジェクトのうち、現在までに実現が決定したプロジェクトは二
である。二つ目が 40 億元を投じて東莞市虎門に建設される「中国電子東莞産業基地」で
ある。愛華電子、長城開発、桑達電子、中電熊猫、中電器材などの CEC 傘下のグループ企
ップボックス、移動 POS、納税関連機器、インテリジェンス時計、携帯電話、LED 製品、
液晶モニターなどを生産することとなる。プロジェクトの総投資額は 45 億元、年生産額
は 150 億元強、売上収入は 250 億元強を見込んでいる。
企業であり、中国最大の国有 IT 企業である。グループ会社には中国有名 IT 企業を多く抱
え、50 社近くのメンバー企業をもち、14 のホールディング企業を上場させている。
中国新聞網 2010 年 11 月 04 日
三大キャリアとアルカテルルーセント、総額 11 億 7800 万ユーロの包括協議にサイン
アルカテルルーセントは中国移動、中国電信、中国聯通と総額 11 億 7800 万ユーロの
訪問中に、中国フランスの要人が見守る中、11 月 5 日にフランスパリにてサインが行わ
れる。捜狐 IT 2010 年 11 月 04 日
サムソンと LG、中国 LCD 工場の建設許可を取得
世界で1、2を争うモニタパネルメーカーであるサムソンと LG が5日に発表したとこ
ろによると、中国政府の批准を受けて、大陸に新たな LCD モニタ製造工場を建設すること
2009 年 10 月、サムソンは中国企業と合資で 7.5 世代 LCD パネル工場を建設すること
を発表、計画投資額を 26 兆ウォン(約 24 億米ドル)とした。サムソンは、合資工場での投
資額を 9252 億ウォンだとしている。LG は昨年、中国に合資で第 8 代 LCD 工場を建設する
新浪科技 2010 年 11 月 05 日
LG、新たに 35 のアフターサービスイメージショップを開店へ
昨日、LG 電子担当者が記者に明らかにしたところによると、2011 年末までに LG は 35
のアフターサービスイメージショップを開くことがわかった。これまでに LG は南京、沈
新たなモデルを採用した LG アフターサービスイメージショップは統一された店舗イ
る。LG が推し進めるサービス戦略にて、更に重視されているのはアフターサービスコー
ルセンターの構築である。LG はすでに整ったアフターサービスコールセンターを建設し
ており、近頃、LG は「2010 年中国(アジアパシフィック)最高コールセンター」の称号
を獲得した。LG は 5 年連続でこの権威あるコールセンター賞を獲得している。目下 LG は
2600 の特約サービスセンターを設けており、大陸の大部分の都市を基本カバーしている。
南方都市報 2010 年 11 月 06 日
商務部は昨日文書にて、3-5 年間で 50-70 社のネットショッププラットフォーム、業
商務部は、11 月 20 日までに省レベルの商務主管部門は企業の申請を受付け、商務部
に推薦を行うように規定した。11 月末までに、商務部は業界専門家のモデル創建規範に
新京報 2010 年 11 月 03 日
商務部スポークスマン姚堅は 3 日、
た。新華網 2010 年 11 月 05 日
中国 IT NEWS(2010 年 11 月 22 日号)
中国国家主席胡錦涛は 10 日午前、人民大会堂にてイギリスのキャメロン首相と会談し
イス社が中国東方航空のエアバス A330 機にエンジンを供給するもので、契約額は約 7.5
億ポンド(約 12 億米ドルに相当)に達し、同時に 3 億ポンドの対英投資も決定した。今
後 5 年間で、イギリス TESCO グループは 20 億ポンドを投じ中国にショッピングセンター
また、イギリス ゴーヴ教育相によると、両国政府は教育協力フレームワーク協議書に
新京報 2010 年 11 月 11 日
アクティブユーザー数が 1 億 6500 万に達する
中国のネットバンキング業務は急激な発展を遂げている。Enfodesk 社が先日公表した
「2010 年第三四半期中国ネットバンキング市場業界データベース」によると、2010 年第
三四半期において中国ネットバンキングアクティブユーザー数は 1 億 6500 万に達し、第
二四半期に比べ 14.5%の伸び、前年同期と比べ 61.3%の伸びとなり、急激な増加ペースを
たらした本質的要因は e コマース市場の勃興にある。
iReserch コンサル社の報告によると、
2010 年中国のネットバンキング市場取引額は 548
兆元に達すると予測されている。この金額との比較対象となる 2009 年の取引額は 368 兆
7000 億元、2008 年は 315 兆 3000 億元であった。CMIC 分析担当の予測によると、今後 3
年から 5 年においてネットバンキング業務は安定成長期を迎え、2015 年には、中国のネ
ットバンキング取引額は約 3500 兆元規模に達するとしている。
通信情報 2010 年 11 月 17 日
16 日中科三方社は第五回中国インターネットブランド認知度、消費行動と満足度調査
今回の調査報告におけるネットショッピング業界のデータは、2010 年の中国ネットシ
内ユーザーの主要ネットショッピングサイトへの総合満足度は比較的高く、B2C サイトの
総合満足度レベルは淘宝網などの C2C サイトに比べて高いこともわかった。またネットシ
中国新聞網 2010 年 11 月 17 日
新華社 2011 年 11 月 9 日
財務リポートによると、セキュリティー業務により毎年 2 億元を超える収入があった。
国際金融報 2010 年 11 月 12 日
海輝ソフト SAP サービスプロバイダー和誠普信の買収を発表
海輝ソフト(Nasdaq:HSFT)は本日、SAP サービスプロバイダーの和誠普信科技有限公司
和誠普信は北京が本部であり、140 名強の従業員を有し、SAP コンサル、運用とサポー
トのサービスを専門に行っている。今回の取引は 2010 年 10 月 1 日に完了しており、いく
つかの特定条件は 11 月 1 日にすでに満たしており、12 月 31 日までの 2010 年会計年度に
新浪科技 2010 年 11 月 18 日
は 2012 年から 2015 年にかけて建設ラッシュを迎えることが予測されており、2200 億元
電、変電、配電、電力使用、調整機能が含まれており、今後 5 年において建設投資のピー
クを迎え、6200 億元を超える電力設備需要をもたらすとされている。
中国スマートグリッド 2010 年 11 月 19 日
新浪と MSN 中国は強力タッグへ 複合型ネットプラットフォームを構築
本日新浪社と MSN 中国は共同で、新浪と MSN 中国は戦略的協力協議書に調印をし、正式
協力協議書によれば、新浪と MSN は多分野において全方位型戦略的協力を実施する。こ
新浪科技 2010 年 11 月 11 日
工業情報部 360 騰訊紛糾案調査結果を国務院に報告
先日発生した 360 と QQ の紛糾事案において、工業情報化部部長李毅中は 9 日記者のイ
11 月 3 日晩 18 時より、騰訊社は突然 360 をインストール済みのパソコンでの QQ を停
止させることを発表した。QQ は 6 億の登録ユーザーが、360 にも 3 億の登録ユーザーがお
り、中国の大多数のネットユーザーが否応無く 360 社と騰訊社の争いに巻き込まれること
「二者択一」を迫られることとなった。政府関連部門は素早く調整を行い、 騰訊
社にはソフト間での非互換行為を即刻停止する事、360 社には今回の争いの発端となった
10 日、政府関連部門の関与により、QQ と 360 のソフトウェア全ラインナップの互換性
新華網 2010 年 11 月 10 日
ウォルマート 中国 e コマースサイトをリリース
先日、ウォルマートシンセンの会員向け店舗 Sam's Club オンラインショップのリリー
国 e コマース市場参入への試行と準備を行っていることを意味する。
中国 e コマース運用はウォルマート中国 CFO が直接担当する独立部門で行われていると
いう。現在シンセンの会員向け店舗 Sam's Club を拠点とし中国での e コマースを試行し
ており、Sam's Club 店はネット販売のために在庫基地機能を提供している。Sam's Club
商業価値 2010-11-19
ただし、京東商城、一号店、当当網などの B2C ショッピングサイトの配送料金無料策は
この影響を受けていない。京東商城は独自の物流在庫システムを使って、今年 5 月より全
北京商報 2010-11-09
中国 IT NEWS(2010 年 12 月 5 日号)
<IT 政策>
中央企業 13 社 収益配当インセンティブ制度の導入へ
23 日、国務院国有資産監督管理委員会は中央政府が直轄する企業 13 社で収益配当イン
導入する 13 社以下の通り:中国核工業集団公司、中国航天科技集団公司、中国航天科
財経網 2010 年 11 月 24 日
3 年間にわたる準備期を経て、中国工業情報化部が 2010 年 11 月 22 日午前 0 時に天津、
中国電子報 2010 年 11 月 26 日
第 12 次五ヵ年計画で智能電網が発展し、年平均成長率 8%へ
中国国家電網会社智能電網部(スマートグリッド)の沈江副主任が 11 月 12 日、北京で
開催された「第 12 次五ヵ年計画への展望」をテ-マとする「第七回中国電気工業発展サ
ミット」で次のように述べた。今年度末まで全国発電機総出力量は速いスピードで 9.79
億 kw に、2015 年には 14.36 億 kw に達し、
「第 12 次五ヵ年計画」の間に(2010 年-2015
年)年平均増加率は 8%と予想されている。
また、発電方式も変わるという。まず、石炭による発電機のシェアは 70%から 64%へ
過程での監視・測定。中でも智能変電所の建設が鍵となっている。今後出力が 7 万 kw 以
上の変電所を 5100 ヶ所建設し、既存の変電所 1000 ヶ所で技術の更新を行う。配電につい
中国能源報 2010 年 11 月 26 日
デジタルチャイナ デジタルシティ産業連盟へ
2010 年 11 月、デジタルチャイナ株式会社(中国大手 IT サービス会社)が IBM、HP、
Cisco Systems、EMC 等 1500 社以上のデジタル関係企業とともに、「中国デジタルシティ
略の幕が既に 47 もの都市で開かれた。
ヤフー科技 2010 年 11 月 18 日
当当網は 11~13 米ドルの公開価格で 2 億融資へ
24 日、当当網(中国大手ネットショッピングサイト)が新規株式公開価格の幅を 11~
13 米ドルとし、約 2.04 億米ドルの融資を行うと発表した。公開価格の平均値からすれば、
当当網の市場価値は 9.35 億米ドルに昇る。
北京時間 11 月 18 日、当当網が米国証券取引委員会に新規公開の申請をし、ニュ-ヨ-
ク証券取引所で「DADA」との証券コードで上場するという。今回は合計 1700 万株の米
国預託株式を公開し(その内 1320 万株は新規公開で、残りの 380 万株は株主持分を減少
させたものである)、約 2 億米ドルの融資が予想されている。当当網は増やした資金を事
新浪科技 2010 年 11 月 24 日
大唐電信 中芯国際に 1 億米ドル増資へ
国際集積回路製造有限会社への増資を発表した。1.02 億米ドルで中芯国際による増資の株
を買い入れた結果、大唐ホールディング会社が中芯国際の株式 2 割を持つようになり、引
SINA 科技 2010 年 11 月 22 日
中国スーパーコンピューター 初の「中国製」チップ実装
2010 年 11 月、中国国家スーパー計算天津センターによると、中国でもっとも計算スピ
ードの速いスーパーコンピューター「天河一号」の CPU の七分の一には国防科技大学よ
輸入 CPU 以外に、重要な部品、プロセッサなど全部中国独自に研究開発されたものであ
新華網 2010 年 11 月 18 日
天河一号 HPC TOP 獲得
11 月 14 日、TOP500.org が世界スーパーコンピューターの最新の番付を発表した。その
中、中国の天河一号が HPC(高性能計算機)TOP500 の第一位を獲得した。天河一号は国
ドは実測 2570 兆回/秒に達するという。
中国電子報 2010 年 11 月 26 日
<IT 振興>
五つの都市で クラウドコンピューティング試行モデル事業を
10 月 18 日、中国工業情報化部と国家発展改革委員会が『クラウドコンピューティング
中国電子報 2010 年 11 月 26 日
中国ゲーム基準策定グループ 発足へ
11 月 22 日、全国情報技術標準化技術委員会が 12 月にゲーム基準策定グループを発足
証券時報網 2010 年 11 月 22 日
中国 IT NEWS(2010 年 12 月 19 日号)
<IT 政策>
中国は 2010 年 12 月より在中外資系投資企業、外資企業と外国籍個人に対して都市維持建
となった。過去 30 年近くに渡って「市場を技術に替える」方法で行われてきた外資系企
た。2010 年 4 月、中国は「さらに一歩進んだ外資系企業の活用に関する若干意見」を公
CCTV「環球視線」11 月 22 日 中国網 11 月 30 日
ブリックコメント募集版)によれば、2015 年までに上海の情報サービス業の売上高は 6000
億元へ伸びし、増加分が上海市 GDP の 6.6%を占めるようにとする。
最新の統計によると、今年 1 月から 9 月まで上海市情報サービス業の成長率が前年同期
比 1.8%増の 19.2%となったという。上海市経済情報化委員会の紹志清副主任が第十二次
五カ年計画期間中、上海の情報サービス業の目標は年平均成長率約 20%、即ち四年ごと
に倍増する。2020 年までには、情報サービス業の規模がさらに倍増し 1 兆 2000 万元に達
それを実現すべく計画では次のような対策が盛り込まれた。2015 年までに上海のソフ
トウエア産業における研究開発の支出は年平均増加率 30%で産業全体売上高の 10%以上
を占めるとする。様々な人材の獲得に一層力を入れ、今後五年間に新規従業員 60%以上
以内ソフトウエア産業における上場企業の数を 50%、年間売上高 1 億元を超える企業を
も 200 億元の規模に達するとする。
東方ネット―文匯報 2010 年 12 月 8 日
第十二次五カ年交通発展計画年末に発表かも ITS が主役に
ITS システムの発展に関する戦略研究と物聯網(モノのインターネット)の技術で近代交
通運輸の促進に関する戦略研究という二つのプロジェクトをスタートさせ、今後 5-10 年
るような 24 時間稼働の水上交通安全管理システムと海上情報システムの整備である。
安信証券では今後三年間、中国国内における ITS への資金投入が 1500 億元を超えると
現在、国内で ITS に参入した企業が約 2000 社あまり、主として道路交通状況の監視、
銀江株式会社によれば、今年 ITS に関する競売買が数においても規模においても大幅な
増加を示したという。しかし現在、ITS 産業はまだ成熟していないうえ参入企業も雑多で
のコスト上昇に繋ぎ、ITS の発展に支障をきたしている。
交通運輸部科技司情報化管理処邹力処長もモノのインターネット技術が ITS 分野での
中国証券報 2010 年 12 月 7 日
中国とタイ・ラオス・ミャンマを結ぶ高速鉄道 来年着工へ
一昨日、北京で行われた第 7 回世界高速鉄道大会でタイとラオスの政府関係者によると、
調印したという。鉄道が来年着工し、2015 年に完成する見込みである。中国-ASEAN 自
由貿易区の完成に伴い、中国と ASEAN 諸国が中国・タイ・ラオス・ミャンマ・シンガポ
し、ASEAN 諸国の経済を活性化させると期待している。
商務部オフィシャルサイト 2010 年 12 月 10 日
中国とインド 160 億米ドル契約締結へ
15 日、インド訪問中の中国温家宝総理がニューデリーで行われた中国―インドビジネ
スコラボレーションサミットにおいて、今回中国側が 300 人あまりの投資貿易促進団を結
成し、インド側の企業と総額 160 億米ドルを超える経済・貿易契約を締結すると述べた。
20 億米ドルをかけて研究センターの設立と現地生産の開始を発表した。
中国新聞網 2010 年 12 月 15 日
新民ネット 2010 年 12 月 16 日
今年電子情報産業の売上高 6 兆元台に
工業情報化電子情報司の肖華司長が昨日開催された「2010 年中国情報産業経済年次総
会」において、中国の電子情報産業は 2009 年下半期以来景気回復に向け伸びつつ、金融
今年 1-10 月、一定規模以上の電子情報製造企業が前年同期比 17.7%増と、製造業全体
の平均水準を 1.6%上回った。売上高は 24.7%増の 5 兆 589 億元に、輸出額は 16.0%増
の 2 兆 9651 億元に昇った。
また肖司長は今年中国の電子情報産業の売上高が 6 兆元台に達すると見込み、しかし金
北京日報 2010 年 12 月 5 日
売上高 10 年で 45 倍
れた年次総会において、今年中国の集積回路設計産業の売上高は 550 億元であり、世界市
場シェアの 12.3%を占め、10 年前の 45 倍以上となったと述べた。
長江デルタは長年の発展で全国トップとなり、売上高は昨年比 64.3%増の 220 億元に達
中国新聞ネット 2010 年 12 月 1 日
中国初 コア技術所有のレーザープリンター発売へ
昨日 SEINE(賽納)科技会社が北京で発表会を開き、
今回 SEINE 科技が公表したのは合計四種類であるという。その中で奔図 P1050/P2050
は安定した機能を誇るに対し、奔図 P1000/P2000 は値段の手頃さがポイントである。それ
また、奔図レーザープリンタは単面印刷のコストを 30%以上減らし、大幅な経費削減
中国新聞ネット 2010 年 12 月 7 日
インド大手ソフトウエア会社 Wipro 成都で事業拡大へ
昨日、インド大手ソフトウエア会社 Wipro の SambuddhaDeb チーフグローバルデリバー
事業拡大につき Wipro 社が人材の確保に力を入れ、今後一年、社員数は現在の 360 名か
ら 600 名へと増やし、成都で約 240 人を募集する予定であるという。
四川オンライン-華西都市報 2010 年 12 月 9 日
<IT 振興>
昨年中国 R&D 支出 5800 億元台突破
中国国家統計局によると、2009 年中国の研究開発(R&D)における支出は 5802.1 億元
も世界一の 318 万人に達したという。
2009 年政府による R&D 支出は 1358.3 億元、2000 年と比べ 4.5 倍になり年平均成長率
は 18.3%である。一方、企業による R&D 支出は 4248.6 億元であり、R&D 支出全体の
は 0.70%であり、2000 年に比べて 0.12 パーセントの増加となった。2009 年中国の GDP に
占める研究開発費比率は 1.7%に達したが,先進国の 3%と比べたらまだ差が大きい。
新華ネット 2010 年 12 月 1 日
中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 1 月 4 日号)
新華網 2010 年 12 月 21 日
王副総理によると、中国は EU の第二輸出先となっており、また EU は 6 年連続で、中国の
新華網 2010 年 12 月 22 日
中国、パキスタン、100億ドルの経済貿易協議を締結 自由貿易区建設を推進
温家宝・中国国務院総理は19 日にパキスタンへの正式訪問を終えて、南アジア訪問を
19 日、中国とパキスタンは「中華人民共和国・パキスタンイスラム共和国共同声明」
新華網 2010 年 12 月 18 日 第一財経日報 2010 年 12 月 20 日
家電買換え 3000 万台突破
工業部情報化部によると、2010 年 12 月 9 日まで家電買換えの数は 3002 万 6000 台にの
ぼり、売上高が 1126 億 9000 万元であった。リサイクルされた家電の数は 3110 万 9000 台
であり、いずれも 3000 万台を突破したという。
商業部の統計では今年 1 月から 11 月まで、毎月平均売上が 232 万 7000 台の 86 億 8000
万元であり、去年よりそれぞれ 285%と 267%増となった。全国家電買換え top5 の地域は
また、全国の家電リサイクル企業が実際に廃棄・中古家電を 2212 万 8000 台解体・処分
し、処分率が 71.7%であり、去年同期比 30%増となった。今年 6 月まで、家電買換え政
策の実施範囲が 24 の省・市へと拡大し、2011 年 12 月 31 日まで実施する予定である。
商業部陳徳銘部長が最近行われた「2010 年全国商務工作会議」において、来年から買
新京報 2010 年 12 月 24 日
今年米国で IPO を行う国内企業 記録刷新
ニューヨーク証券取引所北京代表所が昨日、2010 年に合計 34 社の国内会社が米国証券
市場で新規株式公開を行い(ニューヨーク取引所 22 社とナスダック 12 社)、融資金額 37.3
億米ドル、中国から米国で IPO する企業の数がもっとも多い年となったと発表した。ま
た、報告によると、上場企業の大半が TMT(科学技術・メディア・通信)、教育、医療衛
みれば、34 社のうち 14 社が TMT 企業であり、依然として上場企業の主力であることが
アや CAMELOT のような IT アウトソーシングと保利博納など映画制作会社もあるという。
2010 年 12 月 28 日
中央政府直轄企業の純利益徴収比率引き上げ:電気通信など独占企業 15%へ
石油化学、電気通信、電力など独占的企業では 10%から 15%へという。
益の 15%、10%と 5%を国に上納し、第四種類が国有資本による収益を上納しないという。
新しい比率が 2011 年 1 月 1 日より実行する予定である。
第一財経日報 2010 年 12 月 31 日
来年第一四半期に 6 都市で TD-LTE 大規模な実験開始へ
12 月 17 日に開かれた「TD-LTE 測定技術シンポジウム」において、工業情報部科学技術
司ハイテク技術処于生多処長が 2011 年第一四半期から六つの都市で TD-LTE の大規模な実
TD-LTE 測定技術の発展に対し、于処長が次のような要望を明かした。今回の実験に参
加するメーカーが「端末を重点として TD-LTE 測定についての研究開発を積極的に推進す
sina 科学技術 2010 年 12 月 17 日
<IT インフラ>
23 日、西部の主要ノードになっている甘粛省計算センターが本格的に中国国家グリッド
新華網 2010 年 12 月 24 日
<IT 人材>
51job:今年 87.3%企業昇給 来年増加幅さらに拡大
昨日、中国の大手人材総合サービス会社 51job(NASDAQ: JOBS)が公表した『2011 年
企業における離職と待遇に関する報告』によると、2010 年に 87.3%の企業が昇給を行っ
た。最近調査を受けた 7372 社の中で、来年すべての社員を対象に増給する予定のある企
業が全体の 89.0%を占めているという。また、物価の持続的な上昇により、2011 年の増
加率も引き続き上がり、平均水準は 2010 年の 7.9%を超える 8.4%に達し、2008 年以来最
一方、業種別からみると、エネルギー&化学工業、金融、生物製薬がそれぞれ 8.9%、
8.7%と 8.4%で 2010 年トップスリーの座を占め、平均水準 7.9%を越えた。
京華時報 2010 年 12 月 28 日
2010 年十大経済ニュース決定
経済参考報主催、江蘇省法尓勝泓昇グループ有限会社協賛、全国メディア 21 社、ポー
タブルサイトの編集者及び国内の経済専門家が 2010 年中国十大経済ニュースを選定した。
指数先物と証券信用取引を承認。3.GEELY が VOLVO を買収。4.上海万博の成功。5.国務
民工の権利保障の不足。8.GOME 電器量販店の主導権をめぐる争奪戦。9. 中国共産党第
17 期中央委員会第 5 回全体会議で「第 12 次 5 ヵ年計画」に関する提案を審議・採択。10.
中華工商時報 2010 年 12 月 28 日
中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 1 月 24 日号)
<IT 政策>
なお同期間中、国内におけるソフトウエアサービス産業の年平均成長率が 25%と予測
され、2015 年には売上高が 3 兆億元を突破し、電子情報産業に占める割合が 2 割超、輸
出額が 600 億米ドルを超えるという。
創新地域を数カ所建設し、2015 年までにソフトウエア産業の売上高が一千億元を超える
都市を 10 ヶ所以上にのぼると予測される。重点企業を中心に、中小企業が協力するとい
工業情報化部ホームページ 2010 年 12 月 23 日
国務院がソフトウエアと集積回路に関する六つの措置 公表へ
国務院温家宝総理が 12 日に開かれた国務院常務会議において、ソフトウエア産業と集
東方早報 2011 年 1 月 13 日
中米 互恵のパートナーシップ構築に合意
中国胡錦濤国家主席がアメリカで正式訪問をする際、中米両国が 19 日ワシントンにて
中国新聞ネット 2011 年 1 月 20 日
Neusoft が医療情報化分野における最大の合併
1 月 11 日、Neusoft(東軟)グループが 1 億 1410 万元で望海康信科術有限会社 73.14%の
衛生分野における IT サービス提供会社であり、病院向けの総合管理システムと政府向け
の地域における衛生資源の情報管理システムを主力商品とし、中国の医療産業 ERP 領域
現在、中国の医療分野における IT 市場規模が百数億元とされる。2009 年国務院が公布
した医療改革に関する新法案が凡そ 8500 億元の投資をもたらすとされるため、発展の余
また、Neusoft グループの第三四半期決算報告書では、医療事業の売上高が 5 億 2300 億
元である。去年同期と比べ 19%増加となり、営業収入に占める比率が 17%に達したとい
2011 年 1 月 12 日
レノボがモバイルインターネットグループ設立へ 劉軍が CEO に
1 月 18 日、レノボ(聯想)研究院上海支院院長、モバイルインターネット応用・サー
ビスマネージャーの毛世傑が TencentQQ ミニブログで次のように述べた。聯想が今日、
ス・サービス・応用の市場拡大に注力する。レノボグループ副社長、Idea 製品グループ
CEO の劉軍が総裁に就任するという。TencentQQ テクノロジーの記者が即時にレノボグ
Tencent テクノロジー 2011 年 1 月 19 日
<IT 振興>
北京・「無線都市」宣言 年内 WIFI ネット環境全市整備へ
北京市人民代表大会代表、北京市モバイルチャイナ CEO の何寧が、
こでも無線ネットワークに接続できるという目標を実現するため、北京市内にある WIFI
ポイントをさらに増加させるという。現在、北京市にはモバイルチャイナによる WIFI ア
クセスポイントは 5 千箇所以上も設置されたが、市民がいつでもどこでも無線ネットワー
た、今年北京市内で 4GTD-LTE ネットワークの試行も行うかもしれない。
千竜網 2011 年 1 月 18 日
<IT インフラ>
通信業界:5 年間で 2 兆元投入 来年 3G 早期完成するかも
12 月 23 日、工業情報化部通信研究所産業発展部の胡珊主任が、第十二次五カ年計画の
間に、電気通信業における投資が 2 兆元の規模に昇り、第十一次五カ年計画より 36%増
ては、前期で 3G が主役となり、特に第十二次五カ年の始まりである 2011 年には 3G への
中財ネット 2010 年 12 月 27 日
TencentQQ が世界最大手共同購入サイト Groupon と資本提携へ
話によると、アメリカの大手共同購入サイト Groupon が間もなく TencentQQ と資本提携
し、新たな会社を設立し中国市場への進出を図り、なお新会社の CEO は TencentQQ より
任命されるという。先週より Groupon と TencentQQ がそれぞれ 50%の出資率で合資会社
新京報 2011 年 1 月 18 日
中国ネットユーザー4.57 億人へ 携帯端末からのアクセスも 3 億人突破
1 月 19 日、中国インターネット情報センター(CNNIC)が北京で公表した『第 27 回中
国におけるインターネットの発展状況に関する統計報告』では、2010 年 12 月末まで中国
ネットユーザーが 4 億 5700 万人に達し、前年同期と比らべ 7330 万人増加した。インター
ネットの普及率は 34.3%にも昇り 2009 年より 5.4 パーセント増となり、携帯端末による
ネットユーザーも 3.03 億人に達し、前年同期より 6930 万人増加したという。最も注目を
集めたのは、インターネットショッピングの利用者が年間 48.6%増加したことである。こ
SINA テクノロジー 2011 年 1 月 19 日
<IT 人材>
初任給 10%アップ
職先と就労契約を結び、初任給が去年より 10%増加したという。
学生の就職を担当する教職員によれば、就職先は外資系企業がメインで、IBM や Intel
のような大手企業では初任給を 2 千から 3 千元も増給した。
新民晩報 2011 年 1 月 19 日
中国 2010 年 GDP10.3%増加 CPI3.3%上昇へ
1 月 20 日、中国国家統計局が 2010 年中国のマクロ経済に関するデータを発表した。
2010 年中国国内総生産(GDP)は 39 兆 7983 億元であり、比較可能な価格にすれば、同期
比 10.3%増加した(去年の成長率より 1.1 パーセント多い)。
一定規模以上の工業系企業増加値は同期比 15.7%増加した(去年の成長率より 4.7 パ
全国固定資産に対する投資額は 27 兆 8140 億元であり、去年より 23.8%増加で、物価
変動の影響を除いた実質で 19.5%増加した。
全国消耗品売上高は 15 兆 4554 億元であり、去年より 18.4%増加で、物価変動の影響
を除いた実質で 14.8%増加した。
消費者価格指数(CPI)は前年同期比 3.3%増加した。
工業製品の出荷価格は前年同期比 5.5%増加した
輸出入総額は 2 兆 9728 億元であり、去年より 34.7%増加した。
中国都市部住民家庭一人当たりの収入は 21033 元であり、去年より 11.5%増加した。
チャイナネット 2011 年 1 月 20 日
中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 2 月 1 日号)
<IT 政策>
中国 コンピュータやデジタルカメラ等の輸入品関税率引き下げへ
1 月 27 日、中国財政部のホームページで『輸入品品目と税率の調整に関する通知』が
発表された。当通知では、コンピュータやビデオ等の製品がデジタルカメラとともに第 1
類に分類され、税率も 20%から 10%に引き下げた。
SINA テクノロジー 2011 年 1 月 27 日
工業情報化部 3G ユーザー4705 万人突破 2011 年 3G 発展を中心に
1 月 27 日、工業情報化部より国務院新聞弁公室で 2010 年中国工業と情報産業に関する
工業情報化部の朱宏任総括エンジニアが次にように述べた。2010 年電気通信の主要業
務による収入が前年同期比 6.4%増となり、12 月末まで全国電話ユーザー数が 11 億 5000
万人に、携帯電話ユーザーが 8 億 5900 万人に達し、前年同期比それぞれ 8.7%と 14.9%
なお通話料等が 2009 年に 9%の引き下げに続き、
2010 年に更に 11%下げた。
3G ネットワークも全国各地での設立を完成しつつありユーザー数も 4705 万人に昇った
ロードバンドの導入は 1 億 2600 万契約に達し、全年を通して 2236 新規契約となり、ブロ
同期比 30%増となったとともに、国家重大プロジェクトに指定される「両化融合実験地
り、行政村単位での電話開通率が 100%に、郷・鎮単位でのブロードバンド導入率が 98%
に達したほか、農村情報サービスステーションの設置率が 95%に達したという。
また、工業と情報化部発展司の張峰司長が「2011 年、3G ユーザー市場の開拓と
TD-SCDMA の建設が重点である」と表明した。
SINA テクノロジー 2011 年 1 月 27 日
網易 再度電子商取引参入へ
1 月 18 日、電子商取引参入するための重要なステップとして、中国国内三大ポータル
サイトの一つである網易(NetEase)による B2C ブランド品ネットショッピングモール「網
第一段階ではカバン、ジュエリー、服装、腕時計、靴という五つのジャンルに渡る 36
Sohu IT 2011 年 1 月 18 日
レノボと NEC
近日、レノボグループが NEC と合資協議を結び、パソコン合弁会社の設立を公表した。
出資比率はレノボ 51%、NEC49%となっている。両社の提携にあたり、レノボと NEC が
日本における各社の PC 事業を新合弁会社に移動・合併させると同時に、レノボグループ
が NEC に対し 1 億 7500 万米ドル相当の株式を新規発行するという。
SINA テクノロジー 2011 年 1 月 27 日
4900 万米ドルで重慶工場設立へ
台湾の報道によると、和硕 PEGATRON(中国大手コンピュータ関連製品製造会社)理
事会が重慶での工場設立を正式に議決したという。26 日 PEGATRON の発表では、4900
SINA テクノロジー 2011 年 1 月 27 日
上海市 クラウンドコンピューティング応用示範センター成立
解放日報 2011 年 1 月 26 日
中国聯合通信 2010 年純利益 50%以上減益へ
今日、中国聯合通信が国際財務報告基準に基づき作成した初期的な見積りで、2010 年
全年度の純利益が 50%以上も減益したと発表した。中国聯合通信によれば、2010 年度の
営業収入は速いスピードで増加したものの、新規 3G 事業はまだ初期段階にあることと、
に 3G 加入ユーザへの通話料手当て)が大幅に増えたことが純利益を圧迫したという。
SINA テクノロジー 2011 年 1 月 28 日
華為と中興 2010 年業績好調 中興増幅 32%も
績がともに大幅に増加した。最新の華為社内報では、2010 年全年度売上高未監査分は 280
億米ドル(1850 億元に相当する)に達し、去年と比べ 28%増となった。
は 3 月に発表するため、上記は見積り額である)
一方、中興通信 2010 年度営業収入は 703 億 3200 万元であり、去年同期比 16.69%増と
43 億 8500 元で、去年より 31.89%増となった。
第一財経日報 2011 年 1 月 31 日
工業情報化部が 4G 通信進捗状況を示す 2012 年に商用設備の研究開発が完了へ
中国工業情報化部担当者は 27 日、記者の質問に答え、中国における TD-LTE(4G 通信)
2010 年末、中国移動は上海、杭州、南京、広州、深圳、アモイの6都市で TD-LTE の大
ての TD-LTE 実験ネットワークを構築している。
工業通信部通信発展司司長張峰は、TD-LTE 技術テストは 2008 年からスタート、概念実
了し、2012 年には商用向け設備の研究開発を完了させる予定とした。
TD-LTE は中国が主導する 4G 技術であり、ノキアシーメンス、アルカテルルーセント、
する企業の TD-LTE 実用化研究開発への参画を歓迎すると述べた。
中国新聞網 2011 年 01 月 28 日
中国 創新力最も強い国に選出
近日、スイスのダボスでゼネラル・エレクトリック(GE)が発表した『GE 世界イノベ
ーショントレンド調査報告』によると、創新力最も強い国の上位 4 位はアメリカ、ドイツ、
GE 社の提唱により始まったこの報告は、12 カ国からの 1000 社以上もの企業トップを
験をもっており、その中の三割が企業の CEO、CIO、CTO である。調査の結果、アメリ
カは 67%の支持率で一位を獲得し、次はドイツ(44%)、日本(43%)と中国(35%)で
四川新聞網 2011 年 1 月 29 日
中国 IT NEWS(2011 年 2 月 22 日号)
北京 三年連続で中国最大の消費市場へ
12 日、北京市商務委員会の盧彦主任が 2010 年北京市における社会消費財小売総額は
6229 億 3000 万元に達し、北京市も三年連続で中国最大の消費市場となったと述べた。
2011 年北京市における商務工作の主要目標は、社会消費財小売総額が 10%程度増加さ
せ、対外貿易規模の安定的な発展を実現すると同時に、実際外資利用額が 50 億ドルに達
し、海外プロジェクト受注と労働力輸出による売上が 10%増加することである。
また、2010 年北京市で新たに登録された多国籍企業の地域本部が 24 社であり、累計 82
社に達し、その中で 62 社が世界 top500 社の地域本部である。新規設立の投資会社が 9 社
であり、累計 183 社に達した。研究開発を主とした外資系企業 28 社が新規設立されてお
り、累計 353 社に昇った。
中国ネット 2011 年 2 月 14 日
2010 年 情報特許出願 110 万件超 電子情報産業収入 29.5%増加
工業情報化部が発表した 2010 年電子情報産業統計データによると、2010 年末まで全国
情報技術特許出願が合計 110 万件を突破し、去年と比べ 10%以上も増加したという。
また、2010 年中国における一定規模以上の電子情報産業企業の売上高が 7.8 兆元に昇り、
去年同期比 29.5%増加となった。そのうち、ソフトウエア産業による売上高が 1.3 兆元、
去年より 31.3%増加となった。一定規模以上の電子情報製品製造業企業の売上高が 6 兆
3395 億元であり、去年同期比 25.5%増加となった。
京華時報 2011 年 2 月 14 日
中国 カラーテレビ、パソコン、デジタルカメラ生産量世界一へ
工業情報化部の統計によると、2010 年中国におけるカラーテレビ、パソコン、デジタ
ルカメラの生産量がそれぞれ 1.18 億台、2.46 億台、9000 千万台であり、三つとも世界一
10%以上も下がったという。2010 年末まで、中国一人当たりのカラーテレビ、パソコン
所有率が去年と比べ 2%増加した。カラーテレビに占める液晶テレビの割合が 75.5%に達
し、とりわけ LED テレビが 20%以上超過し、3D テレビへの注目度が高まっているとい
京華時報 2011 年 2 月 14 日
家電下卿(家電を農村へ) 累計販売台数 7718 万台へ
工業情報化部の統計によると、2010 年中国における家電下卿(家電を農村へ)による
累計販売台数は去年同期比 1.3 倍の 7718 万台であり、売上高は 1.7 倍の 1732 億元であっ
「家電製品の買い替え」は都市部の家電市場の発展に拍車をかけた。2010 年家電製品の
売上が大幅な増加を示した。買い替えによる販売台数と回収台数はともに 3000 万台を突
破し、去年より 2 倍以上も増えたという。
京華時報 2011 年 2 月 14 日
中興 2011 年スマートフォン販売台数 4 倍増加へ
中興ヨーロッパ携帯電話事業の林強総裁が、2011 年携帯電話の販売台数を 30%~40%
拡大させる(去年並みの成長率を維持)とともに、スマートフォンの販売台数を 4 倍も増
スマートフォン市場シェアを拡大するため、中興が 14 日に Android 搭載の新型携帯電
話とフラット PC を発表するという。
去年中興の売上は約 6000 万台であり、同期比 34%増加で世界四番目の携帯電話メーカ
また林総裁は、中興が高機能携帯電話市場におけるシェアを去年の 200 万から 1000 万
Sina テクノロジー 2011 年 2 月 14 日
上海移動 TD-LTE 第一弾基地局 250 ヶ所建設へ
第 12 次五カ年計画を公表した。それによると、今後五年間上海市が TD-LTE 技術をもと
に 2G、3G、WLAN、4G のネットワークを同時に発展させる無線都市へ転換するという。
第 12 次五カ年計画の末まで、上海市中心部及び人気エリアの室内無線ネットワークの通
信速度が五年前と比べると 100 倍増え、下りが 100Mbps にも達する。
また 4G(TD-LTE)実験ネットワークも今年全面的にスタートさせる。3 月末第一弾と
して基地局 200 ヶ所と室内無線ネットワーク 50 ヶ所を整備し、年内でビジネス地区、行
入れ、今年末までアクセスホットスポット 5000 ヶ所設置する。なお、第 12 次五カ年計画
の中期には上海市全域における 3G(TD-SCDMA)ネットワークを更に充実させ、平均的
に 1Mbps 以上、市中心部では 3 Mbps 以上の通信速度を実現する。従来の 2G ネットワー
クに関しては、上海市高層ビルの 9 割以上、地下鉄、高速鉄道、道路におけるモバイルネ
中国通信網 2011 年 2 月 14 日
中国電信 三年以内南部すべての都市を光ファイバー普及へ
中国電信が 16 日、「寛網中国・光網都市」(ブロードバンドチャイナ・光ファイバーシ
年以内で中国電信ブロードバンドの通信速度が 10 倍以上も上がるというとこである。
2011 年、中国電信が都市部で新規光ファイバーユーザーを「第 11 次五カ年計画」の三
倍に当たる 3000 万戸開通させ、累計で 4000 万世帯に達する見通し。同時に、県を含む南
部都市全域で通信速度が 8Mbps となる光ファイバーを整備し、20Mbps の整備率が 70%
へ、沿海発達地域及び中西部各省の首都では 20Mbps の整備率が 80%以上にするという。
なお 2013 年までに、中国電信が県を含むすべての南部都市部家庭ユーザー向けに
20Mbps の光ファイバーを整備し、8000 万世帯への提供を予定している。
Sina テクノロジー 2011 年 2 月 16 日
華為端末 2011 年販売台数 70%~80%増へ
華為端末の CEO 万ビョウによると、2010 年華為端末の業績が 30%も拡大したという。
45 億米ドルの売上高の中で、携帯端末の出荷台数は凡そ 3200 万台、そのうちスマートフ
ォンが 500 万台に達し、モバイルブロードバンド製品の出荷台数は 5000 万台強、家庭用
また 2011 年、携帯電話の販売が最低限で 70%~80%増加し、スマートフォンの割合が
第一財経日報 2011 年 2 月 17 日
<IT 振興>
「三網融合」試行都市リスト第二弾今年下半期に発表 12 箇所超かも
する可能性があり、しかも 12 ヶ所を超えるという。現在長春、天津、重慶、昆明、江蘇
通信世界網 2011 年 2 月 17 日
蘇波、劉利華 工業情報化部副部長へ
2011 年 2 月 1 日、中国国務院より蘇波氏と劉利華氏がともに工業情報化部副部長に任
蘇波、男性、1955 年生まれ、工学学士
劉利華、男性、1957 年生まれ、工学修士
中国電子情報産業ネット 2011 年 2 月 15 日
中国 IT NEWS(2010 年 3 月 24 日号)
第 12 次五カ年計画綱要 発表へ
3 月 17 日、中国国民経済及び社会の発展に関する第 12 次五カ年計画綱要が正式に発表
また、同計画『第三章 業務転換と高度化 業界コア競争力の向上』においては、情報
第 12 次五カ年計画期間中、中国は次世代情報インフラを整備し、一体かつ総合的な次
ごとの情報化推進も行っている。 積極的に電子商取引の発展に努めており、中小企業向
トフォームの構築を行っている。 一方、電子政府建設を全力で推進、重要政府情報シス
戦略的な新興産業による増加値が国内総生産に占める割合は 8%に達すると予測される。
『第四章 サービス業の更なる発展のための環境づくり 』において、同計画はサービ
2011 年 3 月 17 日
2010 年中国集積回路市場規模は 7349.5 億元に
2010 年中国の集積回路市場規模は 7349.5 億元に達し、市場成長率は 29.5%だった。これ
は 2005 年以来の成長がもっともはやい一年であるという。市場が上昇に転じたのは世界
半導体業界協会 2011-03-04
2010 年インターネットゲーム市場規模は 323 億元で 成長率は 25.2%に
近日、文化部は「2010 中国ネットゲーム市場年度報告」を発表した。2010 年中国インタ
インターネット及びモバイルネットワーク市場規模は合計 349 億元であり、成長率 26.2%
である。その中のインターネットゲームは 323 億元で、成長率が 25.2%だった。そして、
モバイルネットワークゲームは 26 億元で、成長率が 40.7%だった。それ以外に、ラジオ・
2010 年国産ネットワークゲームの輸出が引き続き好調で、海外市場の収入は 2.3 億ドル
近くに達し、2009 年より 116%増加した。輸出製品も 100 種類を超え、より多くの国産ゲ
新華ネット 2011-03-15
チャイナモバイル南方基地は情報港会社を設立し、200 億元を投資する予定
ャイナモバイルは当プロジェクトへの総投資は 200 億元を超えるという。
Sina 科技 2011-03-15
レノボ楽 Pad は三大オンラインショップで発売
今日レノボ初のタブレット PC である楽 Pad のレノボオンライン商城、レノボ淘宝フラッ
トホームが設立され、前売りする予定だ。さらに 27 日に正式に発売し、前売り価格を 3499
元に設定したという。3 月 16 日から 27 日の前売り期間中に予約するユーザーには 800 元
前売り予定の型式は楽 Pad Y1011 WLAN で、赤と白の二色があり、ハードディスクの容量
は 16GB、Wifi 内蔵、10.1 インチコンセンサ式タッチパネル、レノボ最新最適化された
Android オペレーティングシステム搭載、1.3GHz プロセッサ、1GB メモリ、200 万画素カ
情報筋によると、32GB バージョンは発売当日に姿を現すという。
Sina デジタル 2011-03-06
HP は中国投資を拡大
HP CEO Leo Apotheker へのインタービューによると、HP は中国で世界新戦略を推進する
HP は 6 月に WebOS に基づいたタブレット PC touchpad を発売し、その後また WebOS スマ
ートフォンを発売する予定であり、2012 年以降に WebOS をプリンター、PC、ノートパソ
HP が発表した計画によると、HP は毎年 WebOS をサポートする設備を 1 億部発売する予定
で、その中に PC、タブレット PC、携帯とプリンターが含まれるという。
Sohu IT 2011-03-16
CCTV、上海文広、杭州華数に続き、国家ラジオ・テレビ総局が許可した第 4 社インターネ
を終え、運営許可証を取得したと発表した。3 月 16 日に全国向けにインターネットテレ
南方メディアグループの張小棣総裁は「南方メディアが 5 年間でユーザー規模を 1000 万
に拡大させ、年間業務収入を 20 億元に引き上げ、国内で規模の最も大きい、内容運営と
南方都市報 2011-03-16
5 年間の赤字損失の後、2010 年中芯国際は初めて全年通しての利潤あげに成功した。これ
中芯国際 CEO の王寧国氏によると、2010 年 12 月 31 日までの第四四半期会計報告による
と、2010 年中芯国際の収入は 15.5 億ドルに達し、2009 年より 45.2%増加した。中芯国
際今までの史上最高売上高を実現したという。中芯国際の粗利率は 2009 年第三四半期の
0%に近いほどから 2010 年第三と第四四半期のそれぞれ 24.5%と 24%に増加したという。
Sina 科技 2011-03-16
<IT インフラ>
2014 年中国の 4G 投資は 13 億ドルに達する見込み
市場研究会社の iSuppli によると、これからの 4 年間、中国の 4G ネットワーク設備での
支出は毎年一倍以上も増加し、2014 年に 13 億ドルに達する見込みだという。
中国は世界で最も大きな携帯市場であり、iSuppli の予測によると、中国は今年六つの都
市で 4G ネットワークモデル建設を展開し、投資額は去年の 5000 万ドルから 1 億ドルまで
となり、2012 年、この数字はさらに 3 億ドルに達し、2013 年に 6 億ドルに、2014 年に 13
去年 12 月、中国工信部はチャイナモバイルの上海、杭州、南京、広州、深センとアモイ
で大規模 TD-LTE4G ネットワーク実証実験を許可した。iSuppli の予測によると、これら
の実証実験サイトは 1 億の 4G ユーザーと 100 の基地局をもたらすだろうという。
そのほか、チャイナユニコムとチャイナテレコムは 2012 年から 2013 年の間に 4G ネット
Sina 科技 2011-03-04
京東は 3 回に渡り 5 億ドルを融資
先週京東商城取締役会主席の劉強東氏によると、京東はすでに総額 5 億ドルを超える融資
を完成した。具体的な融資細則は 3 月末に公表する予定。現在、京東は 3 回の融資を経て
おり、ベンチャーキャピタルの持つ京東株式はすでに 40%-50%に達し、劉強東は経営支
情報によると、2007 年 8 月に京東商城は初めての 1000 万ドル融資を終えた。投資したの
は今日資本だった。2009 年、京東は二回目の 2100 万ドル融資を終え、投資したのは今日
資本、雄牛資本及びアジア著名投資バンカー梁伯韜氏の個人会社だった。2010 年 1 月、
京東は Tiger Fund 等による総額 1.5 億ドルの三回目 C1 の融資を終えた。2011 年 3 月末、
会社は第三回目 C2 の融資細則を発表する予定である。
易観分析師の陳寿氏によると、京東は以前 3G 電器販売をメインでやってきたが、この類
四川オンライン-華西都市報 2011-03-14
India ICT Report: July 2010
1 Dataquest survey results
Dataquest has released the results of the latest survey on 200 top IT firms on 23 July 2010.
200 IT firms had combined revenue of three thousand and seventy one billion rupees, during
financial year 2009-10 and reported a growth of 6.24 percent. Growth is quite low compared to
previous year as seen in table 1. However, the top 20 companies reported the growth rate of
7.8%, just matching the Indian GDP growth rate of 8.4 per cent in rupee terms. Fourteen
companies had a revenue of billion dollars and above during fiscal year 2009-10.
Table 1: Last three year’s results
Revenue of DQ200 firms in
billion rupees
Contribution by top
20 firms in %
Growth in %
Source: Dataquest
URL: http://dqindia.ciol.com/dqtop20/2010
Growth and revenue figures for top 10 IT firms for the last two financial years are presented
in table 2 below. Top three firms TCS, Wipro and Infosys, grew at 3, 5 and 5 percent (single
digit growth) after few years of double digit growth. HP India, Cognizant and HCL
Technologies registered high double digit growth and may be in near future will become top
Table 2: Top 10 IT firms
in %
Revenue in
billion rupees
3 Infosys
4 HP India
5 Cognizant
6 IBM India
7 HCL Infosystems
8 HCL Technologies
9 Ingram Micro
10 Radington
Source: Dataquest
URL: http://dqindia.ciol.com/dqtop20/2010
India ICT Report: July 2010
in %
Revenue in
billion rupees
Page 1
2 ICT Spending in India to Grow 14% in 2010
India's CFOs (chief financial officers) seem to be realizing the benefits of information
technology to the business as IT spending in country will reach USD 67 billion in 2010, an
increase of 14.1% from 2009. The Indian government's focus on infrastructure projects with
IT dimensions will be a strong driver for overall IT growth within the country. Meanwhile,
the IT security market is forecast to grow more than 20% in 2010. The focus of IT security
has shifted from single-point solutions, such as antivirus software, to more holistic suite
solutions such as intrusion prevention systems and endpoint security solutions. Security
solutions will include content-aware capabilities, which will enable the system to detect
which data is critical and sensitive and requires greater levels of protection.
Source: CFO innovation ASIA
URL: http://www.cfoinnovation.com/content/ict-spending-india-grow-14-2010
3 Best IT Implementations awards for 2010
PCQuest received over 200 IT projects nominations, from 150 unique companies. It was
reported that the slowdown was like a blessing in disguise, because many IT users were able
to negotiate much better rates with their vendors. While banks around the world were
affected by the economic downturn, Indian banks and financial services companies continued
on a strong growth path and 25% of the total projects received were from this segment. The
project categories are:
 Business Process Management and Automation
 ERP, CRM and SCM Projects
 Mobility and Field Force Automation Projects
 Green IT Projects
 e-Governance Projects
 BI, DSS and Information Systems Projects
 IT Infrastructure Projects
 Security Projects
 Cloud Computing and Web Based Solutions
 Other Projects
 IT Project Table
4 Industry news
Apollo Hospitals, Asia's largest health care provider, and Cisco announced an alliance to help
transform health care through information and communications technology (ICT). The joint
initiative will help drive inclusive growth and wellbeing by accelerating access to affordable
and high-quality health care.
Infosys is planning to hire 14,000 employees in the fiscal second quarter and reports on
problem of worker turnover. About 950 employees left for higher education and the rate of
attrition for BPO employees is about 35 percent. Infosys raised wages and incentives and
hired 8,859 workers in the June quarter, adding a net 1,000 workers. Infosys has to bring on
new workers and train them and these workers aren’t productive hurting profit margins. For
customers, there are also worries about project continuity, especially for high-end projects.
[Source: ZDNet on 14 July, 2010]
India ICT Report: July 2010
Page 2
5 SMB/SME News
Small and Midsize Businesses (SMBs) are defined as companies with up to 999 employees.
Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) sector in India, employs 59.7 million people spread
over 26 million enterprises and has been growing at a healthy phase.
Spending on Internet and Web site-related products and services will be the highest in 2010,
compared with other ICT costs, as per study by Access Markets International (AMI) Partners.
SMBs were still not satisfied with their connectivity infrastructure and had listed improving
Internet or networking bandwidth as their top priority. The India government's recent grant of
3G spectrum will also provide an alternative high-speed Internet access to SMBs. [Source:
ZDNet on 24 July, 2010]
Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) organized a conference in association with
IndiaMART.com titled “Free for SMEs” on 6 July 2010. The event provided a composite
platform to entrepreneurs and experts alike to discuss and deliberate the way forward. The
need of hour is to look at innovative methods and devise ways to maximize the use of
Internet and related technologies to ensure efficiency.
6 IT Security initiatives by Indian government
Home Minister P Chidambaram announced that the government of India has initiated safe
city plan. The government has just begun to install Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras
in important places which are frequented by large number of people, initiating urban policing.
Urban policing is very different from policing in rural India. Eventually urban policing will
have to depend largely on technology and swift response. The whitepaper urged the
government to launch a National Infrastructure Protection Plan, which will involve private
parties to participate in building a secure city. This implies new opportunities for technology
solution providers, consultants and system integrators working in close partnership with
government to solve security needs of homeland and infrastructure.
[Source: Dataquest, 11Jun 2010
URL: dqindia.ciol.com/content/egovernance/2010/110061105.asp]
There are reports that Research In Motion (RIM), Skype and Google must make customer
data accessible to local intelligence agencies. Senior officials of security agencies had voiced
concerns that data running through some networks could not be intercepted or decoded by
intelligence officers. Indian government will amend the country's IT laws to make it
mandatory for foreign companies to provide data required by Indian law enforcement
Source: ZDNet Asia on 8 July 2010
Recognizing the effect of damage that could be caused by disrupting the critical national
infrastructure, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Mumbai, has
developed three new innovative security products over a period of two and half years. CDACs security product line includes Revival 1000, a cost effective solution for critical data
protection and disaster recovery. Other two products are: Guard Your Network (GYN) 1000 a
network intrusion prevention appliance; and STARS a two factor authentication solution for
web based services such as e-commerce, e-shopping, e-banking, etc. These new products
follow open standards protocol, which enables them to be deployed on any existing systems
and networks. C-DAC wants more and more local companies to work with the government
India ICT Report: July 2010
Page 3
under the public private partnership (PPP) model in developing security regulations and
compliance standards to enhance the security of critical national infrastructure."
7 Web Ratna awards to boost e-gov initiatives
In a bid to promote innovative and effective e-governance initiatives across all government
departments, the Government of India held the first ever Web Ratna Awards. The Web Ratna
Awards have been instituted by National Informatics Center (NIC) under the Department of
Information Technology (DIT). The award has been introduced to promote exemplary
initiatives in e-governance using the medium of the world wide web.
Launched in 2005, the National Portal of India acts as the gateway to government websites,
portals and web enabled applications. Presently, the web space of the Indian government
includes 6,786 websites and 20 million documents and web pages and the number is growing.
This web space has a diverse set of government applications, both at the state and central
levels; right from information dissemination, downloading of application forms for
government services, online submission of applications, tracking the status of application to
end-to-end delivery of services online. Some of the projects who were awarded for Citizen
Centric Services, Public Participation Initiative, Outstanding Web Content and Innovative
Use of Technology for the year 2009 are given below:
1) Platinum Icon: Indian Railways Passenger Reservation Enquiry System (Indian
Railways); Central Information Commission (CIC) Online (filing of appeals and
complaints online with CIC); E-Press Publisher (Press Information Bureau); and
Indian Tsunami Early Warning System
2) Gold Icon: HIMPOL (Himachal Pradesh Police on web), Government of Himachal
Pradesh; SANJOG Helpline (integrated grievance redressal system), Government of
Orissa; India Post; and The M-governance Mantra, Madhya Pradesh Forest
3) Silver Icon: Bangalore One (integrated citizen services portal), Government of
Karnataka; Ideas for CM (open opportunity for the civil society), Government of
Madhya Pradesh; Gujarat Tourism; and Justice through ICT (videoconferencing
between court and jail), Government of Jharkhand
URL: http://www.webratna.india.gov.in/awards.php
8 UID project
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has awarded a contract to Accenture to
implement the core biometric identification system. The program is designed to confirm the
identity of the 1.2 billion residents of India, making it the largest identity management
program in the world. Under the terms of this initial contract, which will run up to two years
or until 200 million enrollments, Accenture will build a new system to help manage identityrelated de-duplication and verification requests from both public and private organizations.
Accenture will also assist UIDAI in performance benchmarking and management of data
quality for continuous improvement of the biometric solution, in addition to operating and
maintaining the system. [Source: CyberMedia News 29 July, 2010]
UIDAI plans to train over 100 thousand agents over the next four years. The scale of the UID
project is huge and calls for active participation of public and private sector agencies along
with central, state and local government. UIDAI has invited expression of interest from top
notch IT training institutes of the country for taking upon the responsibility of creating
trained workforce in a short span of time. This unique kind of project necessitates the creation
India ICT Report: July 2010
Page 4
of the courseware based on comprehensive instructional design approach. To train the
mission critical project personnel, the content has to be simple and interactive, supported by
multimedia tools and simulation based exercises in order to impart basic computer skills,
understanding of UID project, user information on UID client application software,
information on enrollment processes, soft skills and technical aspects for troubleshooting.
The content would be layered in the form of modules that would introduce the UID process,
basics of biometric devices and interaction with citizen. [Source: Dataquest 11 Jun 2010]
9 India's US$35 tablet
Kapil Sibal, Minister for Human Resource
Development unveiled a prototype tablet
computer that would sell for a mere 1,500
rupees or US$35. Sibal called the as-yetunnamed device India's answer to MIT's famed
OLPC laptop aimed at children in developing
nations. OLPC project started off five years ago
with a projected cost of US$100, but ended up
going for US$200.
This tablet also comes with a solar-power option that could make it more feasible for rural
areas. The Linux-based computer at first glance resembles an Apple iPad and features basic
functions one would expect to see in a tablet - a Web browser, multimedia player, PDF reader,
Wi-Fi, and video conferencing ability. It has 2GB of RAM (but no hard disk, instead using a
memory card) and USB ports and could be available to kids from primary school up to the
university level as early as next year. The tablet is part of a larger initiative aimed at
improving India's educational system through technology. [Source: CNET News.com 26 July,
Another development is an Android-based education tablet, named iProf, developed by iProf
Learning Solutions India. This 17.7-cm (7-inch) touch-screen based tablet PC is attempting to
help students prepare for competitive exams with a learning management system installed on
it. The system is bundled up with study material, hours of lectures, test papers, animations,
etc for professional exams and engineering and MBA entrance tests. It weighs only 800
grams and is equipped with 8GB memory. Priced at Rs 14,900 (Rs 8,900 for the tablet PC +
subject fees), iProf is one-fifth the cost of classroom learning courses for competitive exams.
[Source: efytimes.com 31July, 2010]
10 Open source in India
Windows is still the server platform of choice in India but enterprises, especially small and
midsize businesses (SMBs), are increasingly favoring the Linux operating system, according
to Springboard Research. Between April 2009 and May 2010, overall Linux server OS
adoption in India increased to 8.1 percent from 7 percent, and continues to rise. The study
was based on data compiled from 408,756 servers in the country.
By verticals, Linux installations in India were highest in the engineering, energy and
entertainment industries. Adoption has also picked up in the non-profit, education,
government, banking, financial services and insurance and telecom sectors. Enterprises look
for products and solutions specifically designed to meet both theirs and their customers' needs
and open source solutions offer that flexibility. [Source: ZDNet on 12 July, 2010]
India ICT Report: July 2010
Page 5
11 OECD report on Indian IT
OECD has released a report on first July 2010, “The ICT Sector in India: Performance,
Growth and Key Challenges”. Brief abstract is given below:
Rapid growth in globally competitive Indian information technology services has helped to
transform the Indian economy. A large skill pool, adequate telecommunication networks, and
an improving policy and regulatory environment have enabled domestic and foreign firms to
expand very rapidly. In contrast, the IT hardware segment has lagged, focuses very largely on
the domestic market, and remains heavily dependent on imports of components and finished
IT goods. This new report analyses recent growth of the ICT sector in India, and suggests
policies to underpin further growth
12 Selective news on Japanese firms in India
NEC India, as a part of its channel partner support campaign, recently concluded a series of
road shows in Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad respectively. The
objective of this campaign was to enhance the desirability, build awareness and create
visibility for NEC Private Network Solution suite of products. The road shows were also
successfully leveraged as a platform to strength partner relations and build a robust partner
ecosystem. [Source: DQ Week 30 July 2010]
Supporting the company's rapid growth, Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) has opened an office in
Pune. [Source: DQ Week 30 July 2010]
Exchange rates on 30 July 2010 [http://www.rbi.org.in/]
1 USD = 46.46 Indian rupees
100 Japanese Yen = 53.70 Indian rupees
India ICT Report: July 2010
Page 6
India ICT Report: August 2010
1 IT Industry & Market
A recent Nasscom-Evaluserve study estimates that in 2009 the US and European companies
saved $25 to $30 billion by outsourcing software development work to Indian companies.
Currently Indian companies operate at the top end of the value chain - IT consulting and
business transformation services. [Source: The Times of India, 27 August 2010]
Tata Consultancy Services maintained its number one position in the list of top IT services
exporters for 2009-10 (in revenue terms), while Infosys Technologies and Wipro held on to
the second and third slot, respectively. In the case of BPO companies, Genpact was the top
exporter for 2009-10 and TCS BPO occupied the second position. [Source: WNS & Hindu
Business Line]
The e-commerce business is growing at 30 per cent and eBay itself is growing at 60 per cent.
Ebay has about 2.5 million users in India. About 12,800 sellers use eBay India as a primary
or secondary source of income. Buying and selling of products over electronic systems such
as the Internet are poised to grow many times once 3G and mobile broadband services begin
in India. [Source: DNA 31 August 2010]
The National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) estimates that the
IT & BPO sector will provide direct employment of 10 million and indirect employment of
20 million by 2020. By 2020, the industry expects to have around 5 million women
employees on its rolls. Currently, the industry has around 37% women employees. In the
coming decade, the industry would witness multi-cultural workforce with 15-20% foreign
origin. “Employers would look for talent pool with multiple, specialized domain expertise.
[Source: The economic times 25 August 2010]
In spite of global economic crisis, HCL Infosystems posted 11 percent increase in its
consolidated net profit for the fourth-quarter ended June 2010 against the same period during
the last year. Its gross sales rose to Rs 32.34 billion from Rs 31.33 billion in the same period
previous year. [Source: MAIT 30 August 2010]
After Satyam scandal, revived Mahindra Satyam won the FIFA contract for ICT services. As
a result of its successful project execution, the company won a US bank’s contract the very
next day after the World Cup finale. [Source: khaleejtimes.com - 9 August 2010]
2 Emerging startup companies in India
The NASSCOM EMERGE 50 has identified 50 good companies not studied so far.
NASSCOM has helped to build an excellent dataset – covering funding, cash flows,
employees, markets and specializations for over 200 emerging companies. The top ten in the
EMERGE 50 list are:
1) Aetas Technologies Pvt. Ltd, a social photo sharing & printing services company
2) Cheese Corporate Care, a company focusing on providing usability, UI design, UI
development consulting services
3) CMO Axis Outsourcing Services Pvt. Ltd, a fast growing marketing process
outsourcing company
India ICT Report: August 2010
Page 1
4) CoCubes.com, a provider of an SMS enabled online platform for connecting colleges,
companies and students and serves as a student engagement & campus hiring platform
5) Eko India Financial Services, a financial transaction platform delivering basic
banking services through mobile access devices by connecting mobile and banking
6) Expert Voice tap Technologies P. Ltd., a company providing knowledge engine to
connect knowledge seekers with experts over various medium, including textual chat
or voice
7) Green Quotient Systems Pvt Ltd, focusing on green ICT, designs solutions for ICT
optimization and is also leveraging SaaS technologies to deliver these solutions to its
8) Gridbots Technologies Pvt. Ltd, a robotics company that makes robots for Indian
conditions for day to day domestic activities apart from industrial applications and
imparting education on robotics to students of schools and colleges across the country
9) HashCube Technologies Private Ltd, a social gaming company focused on creating
puzzle based games for social networking platforms such as Facebook and myspace
10) Highbar Technologies, an IT solution provider for the infrastructure industry with
focus on enterprise business solutions and process consulting
[Source: India Microfinance Business News ]
3 Hardware sales
Almost 100 per cent of desktops are manufactured in India whereas only 25% of the
notebooks are made locally. Manufacturers Association for Information Technology (MAIT)
works closely with the government to avail concessions to manufacturers for setting up plants
in the country. IDC India reports that personal computer sales in India touched 2.37 million
units during April-June 2010, recording a 34 percent year-on-year growth. The household
segment which contributed to the growth of sales of notebooks and laptops, accounts for 56
percent of the total sales. Even the business and corporate houses and companies seem to
prefer mobile PCs over the desktops.
Table 1: MAIT's Projections for financial year 2010-11
Sales in units
FY 2010-11
FY 2009-10
Total PC
[Source: EFY News Network & Hindu 1 August 2010]
4 Counterfeit software sales rampant
Taking a note of the rampant sales of counterfeit software, a Microsoft-PCAIT delegation
wanted the police to curb the sales of pirated computer software and illegal copies of CDs
and DVDs of movies and games that are being sold. There was a popular complaint that the
India ICT Report: August 2010
Page 2
police acts on only specific complaints. Original Software Initiative, Microsoft India plans to
educate and spread awareness in the reseller community on the perils of piracy, risks
associated with usage and distribution of pirated software through various events.
5 Oversea IT firms in India
Gigabyte Technology appointed Technocrat Infotech, one of the leading distributors of IT
products in India, as the national distributor for the entire range of Gigabyte's notebooks and
net books.
Extreme Networks, the converged Ethernet network infrastructure provider, is planning to
invest and inject more resources into the Indian market space. Taking cue from what's
happening around, the company is focusing on cloud computing space as well. Apparently, it
is targeting some of the early adopters of cloud in India, like, educational institutions,
universities, government sectors, and hospitals amongst other segments.
NEC India has reiterated its plans to increase its focus on the hospitality sector, with the
launch of UNIVERGE SV8500-a powerful enterprise communications solution. NEC offers a
wide range of solutions that are applicable for the hospitality sector. NEC India has strategic
partnerships with Enkay Technologies for targeting potential customers in the hospitality and
enterprise segment, with Intellicon for government and enterprise customers, and with
Arvind-Telecom division (Syntel) for the SME segment. [Source: dqweek.ciol.com]
Shenzhen CJC has recently launched a series of multimedia speakers, home theater systems,
headphones and DVDs in India. The company has chosen HT Impex for the distribution of
their products.
6 US visa and taxation issues
US President Barack Obama signed the US Border Security Bill on 13 August 2010, which
seeks to increase the application fee for H-1B and L visas by at least $2,000 for the next five
years. This nearly doubles the H-1B and L-1 visa application fee from the present level of
about $2,300 to about $4,300 per application and would cost Indian companies an extra $200
million a year.
The Indian software industry is trying to come out with alternate business models in which
new jobs can be created in India, than in the US to contain the impact of fee increase and
would reduce the dependency on H-1B visas. The US does not have a specific employment
visa and H-1B visa has been used in the last two decades to fill this gap. In 2009, the top 10
Indian companies had filed for 4,555 visas only, a mere 6 per cent of the total visas issued.
Indian government officials are also trying for exemption of around $1 billion every year
social security tax paid by top tech firms including TCS, Infosys and Wipro in the US.
[Source: THE TIMES OF INDIA, DNA India & Indian Express]
7 New Indian Telecom Rules
Huawei Technologies is willing to accept new Indian rules that will require
telecommunication equipment suppliers to give the government access to source code and
engineering designs for its equipment. Nokia will host an email server in India from
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Ericsson has objected to new rules and expressed that some of the clauses are unprecedented.
Ericsson has requested a dialogue to ensure that security concerns can be balanced with good
international practices. [Source: www.pcworld.com 6 August 2010]
Canada-based Research in Motion (RIM), the maker of BlackBerry, has provided certain
proposals for lawful access to its services by India's security agencies. The proposals would
be implemented immediately and the company would set up a server in India. The Ministry,
in a release, said it would review security issues related to BlackBerry in 60 days. Industry
experts say that the security concern over BlackBerry is not an isolated case and this could
blow up into a major concern for the telecom industry, especially with the advent of third
generation mobile services that will offer highly encrypted data services. [Source: Hindu 31
August 2010]
Data Security Council of India (DSCI), a unit under Nasscom, said that the Government
should not insist on getting encryption keys from any company as it could have a detrimental
impact on doing business in India. DSCI has already written to the Government that
encryption levels of up to 256 kbps should be permitted for applications like e-commerce.
8 Product launches
Delhi-based HCL Infosystems became the first Indian company to enter the hand held
gaming console market earlier this month. The move is part of the company’s plans to expand
its hardware, services and ICT systems integration and distribution business. HCL
Infosystems has launched its low-cost custom-made consoles for the children between the
age-group 4 to 15 years. The company has also launched two more brain-trainer consoles
which will be available at an affordable price and with a bouquet of mind training and brain
training games to enhance the analytical ability of the children. [Source: Business-Standard
20 August 2010 ]
Wipro has launched FluidState Data Centers, a predesigned, prefabricated Data Center which
can be setup in less than a week - almost 10 times faster than a conventional Data Center.
FluidState Data Center offers a contemporary modular design, optimized for efficiency,
cooling, power and space.
9 Government initiatives, regulations and major orders
India-sponsored project e-Network, developed to support tele-education, e-governance, ecommerce, infotainment and resource mapping, was inaugurated in 12 African countries.
India hopes the investment will help it sell more telecom gear to Africa. The project also
looks to develop Africa's ICT by eventually connecting all the African countries to eNetwork. The Indian government will spend more than US$125 million although whole
project is likely to cost over $1 billion. The Indian government will also fully finance the
establishment of centers for all African Union states including a learning center for
telemedicine, tele-education and a private communication network for all African Union
heads of state. [Source: IDG News Service 20 August 2010 & Computerworld Zambia]
The Special Economic Zones (SEZ) developers will be allowed profit-linked deductions for
all SEZs notified on or before March 31, 2012. Units in SEZs that commence commercial
operations by March 31, 2014, shall similarly be allowed profit-linked deductions permitted
under the Income Tax Act 1961. The SEZs have attracted an investment of about Rs 1,500
billion. [Source: Press Trust of India 30 August 2010]
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HCL Infosystems has secured a large order from Census of India. The company will be
collaborating with the Government of India to digitize the data generated from Census of
India project for the year 2010–11. This project will involve task of digitizing data collected
across the country including maintenance, indexing, scanning and storage at a central
repository. Specialized software and other tools like Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR)
will be deployed for extraction and cross verification. [Source: tmcnet.com 16 August 2010]
HCL Infosystems Ltd has been hired to set up Rs 10 billion coupon-based public distribution
system in Madhya Pradesh state. HCL will collect biometric information such as iris scans
and fingerprints of each beneficiary to be shared with the Unique Identification (UID) project.
HCL will set up and run a database of an estimated 50 million beneficiaries who will be
issued food coupons.
10 Training, seminars and awards
Manufacturers Association for Information Technology (MAIT) announced a series of free
seminars on Technology Opportunities for Emerging Enterprises to be held at ten places. The
seminars are aimed at updating heads of small and medium enterprises on the latest hardware,
and networking and telecom technologies and solutions. SMEs play a vital role for the
growth of the Indian economy by contributing 40 percent of exports, 42 million in
employment. and produce more than 8000 quality products for the Indian and international
markets. [Source: CRN Network 20 August 2010]
National Institute for Information Technology (NIIT), and Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd have
launched a global alliance to develop business software professionals with expertise in
Tally.ERP 9.0 product. This global alliance will cover India and international geographies
such as the Middle East, Africa, China and Asia-Pacific in a progressive manner, seeking to
make available talent to power the growth of Small and Medium Business (SMB) enterprises.
PK4 Software Technologies, a Bangalore based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) CRM company
has been selected as a winner in NASSCOM’s AppFAME Contest for its hand-held rural
healthcare and micro insurance application ‘ImpelCARE’. The hand-held device helps village
Healthcare Centers (VHCs) track patient info, provide primary healthcare, record vital
statistics and deliver health-related products. Working with CARE Foundation and other
stakeholders, ImpelCARE uses technological innovation to provide high-quality healthcare
services to patients in remote villages, simultaneously keeping costs low. The VHC can
interact with a remote CARE doctor who can recommend treatment through an SMS
prescription. The VHC also collects microinsurance premiums and records them on the handheld terminal. The AppFAME Contest is a special attraction at this year’s NASSCOM
EMERGEOUT Conclave, held on August 25, 2010, in New Delhi. [Source: International
Business Times 25 August 2010]
eINDIA 2010 (4 to 6 August 2010) attracted wider audience through its eGov, digital
learning , Telecentre Forum, eHealth and eAgriculture conferences. Andhra Pradesh released
the state IT Policy for 2010-15 at the e-India 2010. The policy was aimed at making the State
an attractive destination for IT companies by giving lot of subsidies like exemptions on stamp
duties and reimbursement of rentals for companies showcasing their products in select
national and international exhibitions. Over 150 exhibitors from professional service
providers, technology vendors, consulting firms, government agencies and
national/international development organizations participated in the exhibition.
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Virtusa has initiated a novel pilot program towards supporting the One Laptop per Child
(OLPC) program, a UN endorsed open-source project. Targeted at children from ages 5 to12,
the open-source software provides them an opportunity to fully own the laptop, which is an
open-source machine. Kerala and Manipur are the first Indian states to have initiated the
orders of the XO laptops. Manipur state government has ordered 75,000 XO laptops to
implement a wider One Laptop Per Child deployment in state schools. This is in addition to
the 1,000 laptops already bought and distributed to four schools. [Source: olpcnews.com]
NASSCOM Foundation, the social development arm of NASSCOM aims to channelize the
potential of the IT-BPO industry towards inclusive development of India. It was established
to transform the lives of the under served by leveraging the resources of the IT-BPO industry.
Exchange rates on 31 August 2010 [http://www.rbi.org.in/]
1 USD = 47.08 Indian rupees
100 Japanese Yen = 55.96 Indian rupees
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India ICT Report: September 2010
1 IT Market
Cloud Computing market
The country's nascent cloud computing market is expected to touch USD 1 billion in the next
five years as per Zinnov Management Consulting’s survey report. The cloud computing
platform is expected to mainly benefit enterprise SMB (small and medium business), SOHO
(small office, home office) and consumer segments. A recent study, sponsored by IT
infrastructure firm EMC, said that rising growth in the digital information space would create
a significant market opportunity for both the cloud computing and storage. The total
addressable opportunity for Cloud solutions in the Indian healthcare industry is estimated at
US$ 600 million by 2020. Cloud can potentially address close to 40 percent of the total
annual healthcare IT spending in India. [Source: Economic Times, 13 September 2010 &
SiliconIndia, 29 September 2010]
IT systems for logistics
India is losing $65 billion every year due to inefficient supply chain systems, according to a
report titled, 'Global competitiveness of retail supply chain-Challenges, Strategies and
Recommendations' published by industry body Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and
Amarthi Consulting. The supply chain costs in India are about 12 to 13% of the gross
domestic product (GDP) compared with 7 to 8% of GDP in developed countries. So there is a
good market for deployment of IT systems in logistics sector to improve efficiency. [Source:
SiliconIndia, 7 September 2010]
Security market
By 2020 about 6 percent of global procurement in the field of homeland security is expected
to be from India. [Source: SiliconIndia, 7 September 2010]
2 Government Sector
Strategy Plan
Draft Strategic Plan of DIT for the next five years has been released for public comments and
feed back. Theme is e-Development of India as the engine for transition into a developed
nation and an empowered society. e-Development of India is to be achieved through multi
pronged strategy of e-Infrastructure creation to facilitate and promote e-governance;
promotion of Electronics & IT-IT Enabled Services (IT-ITeS) Industry; providing support for
creation of Innovation /Research & Development (R&D); building Knowledge network; and
securing India's cyber space.
Renaming Department of IT
In an effort to redefine the priority given to manufacturing of electronic hardware, the
government is planning to rename the Department of Information Technology (DIT) as the
Department of Information Technology and Electronics (DITE). [Source: Business Standard,
7 September 2010].
US IT firms get E-governance deals
Over 50% of the budget in e-governance projects goes towards US IT companies. Microsoft
is involved with the Citizen Service Centre project, while Intel is involved with the WiMax
India ICT Report: August 2010
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program. The most strategic planning for e-governance in India is also done by US consulting
firms, though HCL. US IT companies get almost 80% of the consulting assignments. While
Ernst &Young is a consultant in the Unique ID (UID) project, PwC consults the central
government on the nation’s e-governance programs. Accenture has devised the strategy of
India’s department of posts program. IBM, along with Hewlett Packard, is also competing
with home-grown Indian service providers such as TCS and Wipro for another 20 billion
Rupees (USD 445 million) contract, which is part of the UID project. Accenture has secured
two billion Rupees biometric solutions contracts in the UID project. IBM is one of the
vendors in the 20 billion Rupees (USD 445 million) Income Tax Network project being
implemented by the Central Board of Direct Taxes. [Source: Economictimes, 13 September
Govt may ban import of e-waste
The government is considering banning the import of used computers and other electronic
waste - coming primarily from developed nations, after several cases of e-waste smuggling
The huge shipments of e-waste generated in developing countries are finding convenient
burial ground in India. The government had through a public notice on May 13, 2010
prohibited educational and other institutions from importing second hand computers, laptops
and computer peripherals, including printers, plotters, scanners, monitors, keyboards and
storage units. Environmental agencies worldwide estimate dumping of e-waste in India is
likely to go up by 500% in the next 10 years. India generates nearly 400 thousand tonnes of
e-waste annually which is likely to double in the next few years. The country, however, lacks
effective disposal mechanism. [Source: MAIT]
$35 Computer Project
HCL Technologies Ltd will help in manufacture of 100 thousand low-cost computers as a
part of government’s $35 Computer project. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Rajasthan will carry out intensive laboratory and field tests across the country using the
devices. Rupees 300 million (USD 6.67 million) has been allocated for this project. [Source:
livemint.com 2 September 2010]
Supreme Court e-notice
The Supreme Court of India decided to experiment with e-notice (email notices) to
respondents to cut the delay in the traditional method of serving notices.
Unique ID (UID) project
The world's first ID project where biometric data is used to provide unique identification
numbers for India's billion-plus citizens rolled out on 29 September 2010 with Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh and UPA chief Sonia Gandhi handing over the first set of 12-digit numbers
to 10 tribals. This initiative called 'Aadhaar'(base) will provide identity to every Indian citizen
and make delivery processes transparent. Biometric-based data including fingerprints and an
iris scan is being used to provide a cost-effective nationally valid and verifiable single source
of identity proof. The 'Aadhaar' number will be for lifetime and can be used anywhere in the
country. Unique Identification Authority of India chief Nandan Nilekani took over as chief of
the ambitious project in July 2009 and has rolled out the first set of UID numbers in a short
span of time available to him.
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Photograph taken at the UID Project Launch
3 Significant IT Deals
AGL contract
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has bagged a five-year IT services contract, worth more
than 2.18 billion Rupees (USD 49 million), from Australian renewable energy company,
AGL Energy. Prior to this contract, TCS has been executing a number of projects at AGL
with over 650 TCS consultants at AGL. [Source: SiliconIndia 29 September 2010]
TCS arm wins UK contracts
TCS’s UK subsidiary Diligenta has won two life and pension contracts, totaling 250 million
pounds in revenue in the UK. Diligenta, a BPO service provider has won major business from
Phoenix Group and Old Mutual International. [Source: Economictimes 7 September 2010]
ABN IT projects
ABN Amro is set to renew its contracts for managing the bank's software applications and
computer hardware systems worth US$1 billion to IBM, TCS and Infosys Technologies. The
earlier contract for US$2 billion was signed in 2005 with five software firms such as IBM,
Accenture, TCS, Infosys and Patni. By working with fewer vendors and consolidating its IT
infrastructure, ABN Amro aims to save nearly $250 million every year. It also plans to
integrate different banking systems through outsourcing. [Source: SiliconIndia, 6 September
New Zealand offshore deal
HCL Technologies has secured a three years contract with the government of New Zealand to
develop technology infrastructure for the country’s prison system. The deal will have a 60%
offshore component. HCL Technologies is partnering with Optimation, a New Zeland-based
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IT company to service the contract, which can be extended up to seven years. [Source:
Economictimes, 13 September 2010]
4 Oversea firms and expansion of Indian firms
Indian US firms face shortage of American engineers
Cognizant reports that it has 57 recruitment staff in the U.S. looking for local engineers but
due to unavailability of skilled workers in U.S., the company is forced to import Indians on
work visas. Although unemployment in the US today is high, IT unemployment is still very
low. [Source: SiliconIndia, 6 September 2010]
Wikipedia to open India office soon
Global Development Officer Barry Newstead reported that they will be launching the Wiki
Foundation’s India Chapter in Bangalore shortly and an India office soon. The top priority of
the Wikimedia Foundation is to support growth of communities of Wikimedians in India.
Progress Soft to expand India operations
Progress Software India (PSI) is set to expand its scale of operations in India by increasing its
staff strength and increasing investments over the next one year. The staff expansion will
mainly be at the R & D Centre at Hyderabad. At present, it employs around 260 and plans to
add about 20 per cent more. Interestingly, 30% of the total product development resource of
the US-based company is in India and will reach 50% shortly. [Source: Hindu Business Line,
4 September 2010]
Infosys to expand in Poland
Infosys Technologies is set to expand its back office operations in Poland in the next two
years to offer business process outsourcing (BPO) services to more European and global
5 New Projects and Products
E-Waste recycling project
Cerebra Integrated Technologies Ltd is tying up with three Singapore-based companies,
including Cimelia Resource Recovery Pte Ltd. It is investing Rupees 500 million in a
proposed e-waste recycling unit in Bangalore.
Delta India to set up EoU
Delta India, a part of the UPS and telecom power solution and green energy provider Delta
Energy Systems, is setting up a plant in Chennai and plans another in Kolkata. The Chennai
unit, which would be targeting the European market, could also at a later stage consider
catering to the Indian market. [Source: Financial Chronicle, 28 September 2010]
Ecommerce startups
With MakeMytrip’s IPO success and PlayGroundOnline, there seems to be lot of momentum
and interest from everyone (including VCs) in ecommerce area. Ecommerce will happen in
India and it is only a matter of time.
Indias first web browser, EPIC
The browser (epicbrowser.com) has been created by a team of six Indian engineers and is
built on open source Mozilla platform. Within a month, it has already seen a total of 450
India ICT Report: August 2010
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thousand downloads. An interesting feature of the web browser is an in-built anti-virus
engine and language support where users have the option to communicate in twelve different
regional languages. [Source: Dataquest, 27 September 2010]
India seems to be the worst affected nation online, with over three-quarters of Indian web
surfers having faced online credit card fraud and identity theft some time as per security
solutions provider Symantec. Wipro will partner with Oracle to offer an IT solution for
industries to reduce fraud-related losses. They will supply a warranty management and
analytics solution that will leverage Wipro's deep industry expertise and Oracle's Siebel CRM
applications to help streamline the warranty management process of companies, thereby
helping to reduce warranty expenses and fraudulent claims. [Source: The Hindu, 26
September 2010 & Economictimes, 7 September 2010]
6 Hardware news
MAIT leadership
Hardware association MAIT (Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology) has
announced new leadership. Mr Sandeep Nair, President, Emerson Network Power (India)
Pvt Ltd is taking over as the new President and Alok Bharadwaj, Senior Vice President,
Canon India Pvt Ltd as its Vice President for the term 2010-11. Both have contributed
immensely to the development of IT market in the country. With their vast experience, they
will add immense value towards augmenting and furthering the IT industry ecosystem in the
country. Ashwini Aggarwal is its new Executive Director.
ProLiant Micro servers
HP has unveiled new range of servers called 'ProLiant Micro servers' especially for SMB's.
The server is priced at Rupees 25,000 (USD 557) and comes with benefits like replacement,
one year warranty etc. and added features like low energy consumption, compact and
improved sharing of equipment. This has made the product affordable. [Source: Dataquest,
30 September 2010]
Lenovo PC C200
Lenovo C200 powered by Intel Atom D510 processor, has been introduced to Indian market
to provide an effective computing experience. The PC is priced at Rupees 20,190 (USD 449)
onwards. [Source: Financial Chronicle, 27 September 2010]
Samsung sees strong growth
Samsung’s IT business division is buoyant about 2010, having notched up robust growth
across segments so far. In the PC segment, the company expects netbooks to drive sales.
Samsung made its mark across categories by launching latest products in the
netbook/notebook, printer and monitor segments, and many more are in the pipeline.
[Source: Financial Chronicle, 24 September 2010]
AOC’s LED monitors
AOC's new 'Razor' series (with a thickness of 1.23 cm) are now available in the Indian
market in 18.5 inch and 20 inch sizes. [Source: Dataquest, 30 September 2010]
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Printer and copier market
The combined printer, copier and multi-functional product (MFP) market in India grew 39.9
per cent in the second quarter of 2010, totaling nearly 0.8 million units, according to research
firm Gartner. HP was the market leader with a share of 43.9 per cent (339,000 units), while
Canon, with 169.5 million units, had a market share of 21.9 per cent in the April-June quarter
of 2010. Epson had a share of 11.1%, followed by Samsung (9.4%), TVSE (4.6%) and other
smaller players (9.1%). [Source: MAIT]
7 HR development and Seminars
For tech firms, social media is serious biz investment
In-house versions of social networking platforms are used at companies such as Cognizant,
TCS and Wipro to reduce attrition rate by one third of the normal level.[Source:
Economictimes 13 September 2010]
Connect 2010
At 10th edition of 'Connect' held in Chennai, it was reported that, IT industry is developing
plans to extend its services to various sectors such as automobile, manufacturing,
communication in rural areas, health services, entertainment and improving urban
infrastructure. The industry plans to follow a holistic approach in developing an efficient
ecosystem. [Source: Dataquest, 28 September 2010]
Exchange rates on 29 September 2010 [http://www.rbi.org.in/]
1 USD = 44.92 Indian rupees
100 Japanese Yen = 53.70 Indian rupees
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India ICT Report: October 2010
1 IT Market
Recovery in IT industry growth has been fairly exceptional, solid and sustainable. It is not a
catch-up of the past demand. And lot of spending is discretionary, which again is not a catch
up of past demand. Lot of spending is on transformational projects, which are quite unique
that many companies did not do two years back. These are the observations made by Premji,
Chairman of Wipro.
Speaking at the 12th Annual DQ Week Awards night, R Chandrashekhar, Secretary, IT,
Ministry of Communications and Technology said that IT products and services are picking
up and the country is poised to fare better after the recessionary phase. He added that the
consumers in the rural areas are purchasing IT products and services, which is increasing the
business volume. Department of IT is discussing the issues of taxation and duties with the
department of revenue.
Multinational and larger firms are lining up for the Managed services and Portal development
opportunities that will emanate from UID (Unique IDentification) project. The nature of the
UID implementation will also provide significant opportunities for the smaller IT firms. So,
entrepreneurial opportunities will be created for thousands of professionals and small
businesses who will align their business ideas to the vision for a cloud based applications
community to support the spread and usage of UID.
IBM has announced a new financing programme, including buyback of used equipment, lease
terms and no payments until 2011, to help current Oracle-Sun and HP customers in India to
migrate to upgradeable systems of IBM's new Power family of workload optimised servers
and storage offerings. This new programme, provided by IBM Global Financing, also
includes IBM cash-back for new or used equipment.
Dell has begun an initiative “Take Your Own Path campaign” for SMBs (small and medium
businesses) to explore ways to make them adopt technology in order to enhance their
resources and business development.
2 Selected recent IT deals
IBM implemented the Core Banking solution for Canara Bank, one of the largest public
sector banks. IBM will also provide end-to-end support to the bank over the next 7 years.
Canara Bank had engaged IBM in August 2005 to implement the comprehensive Centralized
Banking solution constituting a suite of 14 satellite applications centered around the Core
Banking solution. IBM also helped the bank setting up and managing the data center and
disaster recovery infrastructure, establishing the Local Area Network in over 1,000 branches,
monitoring the Wide Area Network of the bank, and managing business continuity services to
be able to seamlessly switch from the data center to disaster recovery mode. Canara Bank's
Core Banking Solution supports 45 million customers across India. [Source: itnewsonline, 6
October 2010]
NEC India Pvt. Ltd. has been selected as a preferred vendor by The Indian Hotels Company
Limited known as the Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces, one of Asia's largest and finest hotel
companies. In addition to its selection, NEC also received orders for IP telephone systems for
India ICT Report: October 2010
Page 1
another eight new hotels being constructed by the Taj Group this year in India. [Source: ACN
Newswire, 18 October 2010]
Mahindra Satyam, has signed a large contract with the Commonwealth of Kentucky, USA for
design and delivery of a document management system for the child support system.
Mahindra Satyam's document management system will include scanning and imaging which
will enable child support staff to electronically store, view and send information such as
applications, court orders and insurance documentation received from case participants, the
courts and other agencies. This will help in assisting child support staff in their mission to
provide better customer service to custodial parents and non-custodial parents. Additionally,
it will also develop a new electronic forms database which will provide state-wide uniformity.
[Source: itnewsonline, 13 October 2010]
3 New projects
India's first Construction ERP lab was inaugurated by National Institute of Construction
Management and Research (NICMAR), Aurigo Software Technologies and Microsoft at the
NICMAR campus in Pune on October 28, 2010. After this, the Construction ERP lab will
soon be launched at NICMAR's Hyderabad and Goa campus shortly. The objective of
Aurigo's and Microsoft's generous software grant is to provide construction management
students of NICMAR access to the same best- in-class, powerful construction ready ERP
solution that is deployed in many global projects across the world.
4 Hardware news
Sachin Pilot, the minister of state for communications & information technology stressed the
importance of hardware industry at the inauguration of the IT.Biz in Bangalore. He suggested
that Indian IT companies should diversify the destination of the export portfolio and must not
limit their focus only to software. With enough talent, skills, raw material and knowhow, they
should make India a superpower in IT hardware manufacture. He added that the country’s
present hardware demand of $45 billion is projected to grow to $ 125 billion by 2014 and
$400 billion by 2020. [Source: Financial Express, 29 October 2010]
HCL Infosystems Ltd, introduced an initiative to provide HCL Desktops and Laptops at
special discounted prices exclusively for the paramilitary forces of India, with easy
installment facility. Moreover, the company would also provide 24x7 helpline and product
lifetime service support and doorstep delivery of the product at any locations in the country.
State Bank of India (SBI) will be supporting the project by providing easy finance options
and hassle-free documentation on purchase of HCL personal computers through express
credit loans. [Source: TMCnet, 12 October 2010]
5 International developments and alliances
U.S. is likely to ease its high tech export control policy against New Delhi. Burns, U.S. Under
Secretary of State told reporters that there was a "rich agenda" for Obama's meetings with
Indian leadership encompassing a whole range of issues from agriculture to expansion of
defence cooperation to counter-terrorism cooperation. [Source: Hindu, 21 October 2010]
HCL Technologies and Odessa Technologies have announced a strategic partnership, to
expand distribution channels, augment implementation capacity and increase speed-to-market
for select installations of Odessa's end-to-end lease management system, LeaseWave. The
partnership establishes HCL as a preferred implementation partner and enables Odessa and its
India ICT Report: October 2010
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customers to leverage HCL's 64,000 member workforce with over 450 professionals
experienced in implementing lending and leasing solutions throughout the world. [Source:
hcltech.com, 25 October 2010]
Xerox Corp.’s India Innovation Hub has launched three new projects with Indian Universities
which will explore various new concepts of collaborative work, through on-line platforms,
social networking and crowd sourcing. [Source: itnewsonline, 20 October 2010]
Patni Computer Systems Ltd. has opened a new ITO delivery (development and support)
center in Suzhou, China. Situated in the Suzhou Software and Technology Park (SSTP), the
state-of-the art facility with a planned capacity of 500 seats is Patni’s first center in China.
The center will focus on delivering development and support services to cater to Japanese,
U.S, European and local multi-national corporations. Patni said the center will systematically
build-up to full capacity, a majority of which will comprise local talent. [Source:
itnewsonline, 12 October 2010]
Facebook has begun its operations in India with the opening of its office in Hyderabad. The
office is being run with an initial landing team from its headquarters in Palo Alto, California
and a team of recent hires from India. Facebook said the office is headed by a dynamic
leadership team, including Kirthiga Reddy, Director of Online Operations and Head of Office
India, and Manoj Varghese, Director of User Operations. The office will support the
company’s growing number of users, advertisers and developers in India and around the
globe. [Source: itnewsonline, 4 October 2010]
6 Seminars and awards
India ranks second in the adoption of Web 2.0
According to the recent survey conducted by McAfee regarding the usage of Web 2.0
adoption at workplace, India leads the adoption of Web 2.0 for IT solutions. The survey was
conducted in 17 countries and more than 75 percent of organizations reported the use of Web
2.0 solutions for many business functions.
Indian e-voting researcher wins U.S. award
Hari Prasad Vemuru, a jailed Indian e-voting researcher, is one of the four winners of the
2010 Pioneer Awards of San Francisco headquartered Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF),
a leading civil liberties group. Vemuru, who was recently released on bail after being
imprisoned for his security work in India, is a security researcher who recently revealed
security flaws in India's paperless electronic voting machines. Past honourees include World
Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, security expert Bruce Schneier, and the Mozilla
Foundation and its chairman Mitchell Baker. [Source: Economictimes, 22 October 2010]
DQWeek Awards
More than 200 channel partners from across West India participated in the awards night that
was held in association with Sify. Other vendors who were also associated with the awards
included Touchmate, Unistal, Digilink, K7 Computing, BPE, Kingston, D-Link and Sai
Infosystem. The event was also supported by Mumbai-based Trade Association of
Information Technology (TAIT). Every year the awards are decided by an independent jury
which comprises of eminent people from the IT industry who are also closely associated with
the channel. Some of the award recipients are listed below: [Source: dqweek, 1 October
India ICT Report: October 2010
Page 3
Best SI (Computing)
 Pentagon System and Services (Gold)
 Orient Technologies (Silver)
Best SI (Software)
 Embee Software (Gold)
 Softcell Technologies (Silver)
Best SI (Networking)
 Nirmal Datacomm (Gold)
 Syndrome (Silver)
Best Sub Distributor
 Maxtone Electronics (Gold)
 Aar Vee Computers (Silver)
Best Reseller
 Pacific Infotech (Gold)
 Micropoint (Silver)
Best Media Reseller
 Bon Moyar Computers
Jury's Choice
 New Era Technologies
COM-IT eyes international market
COM-IT, Going by the theme, 'Synergies 2010' which means to work together by Trade
Association of Information Technology (TAIT), kicked off on 21 October in Mumbai. The
exhibitors are concentrating on the emerging technologies in the international market such as
telecom, security and surveillance.
Bangalore IT.biz
Bangalore IT.biz was opened by the Union Finance Minister, Pranab Mukherjee, on October
28. The three-day event focused on platform building and identifying the emerging
opportunities and comprised multi-track conferences and an international exhibition.
NASSCOM Product Conclave,
NASSCOM Product Conclave to be held at Bangalore during November 10 and 11 gets an
international flavor this year with Yahoo! CEO Carol Ann Batz as one of the keynote
speakers and the EMERGE Product showcase featuring CIOs from mature markets. The
agenda encompasses sessions for the startup entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs.
Thought leaders are going to brainstorm on lean startups, cloud computing, how to build
great products, how to find investors for your product, importance of having plan B,
transitioning from a founder to a CEO, marketing your product, using SaaS effectively, and
all those topics of relevance to a product entrepreneur.
Exchange rates on 29 October 2010 [http://www.rbi.org.in/]
1 USD = 44.54 Indian rupees
100 Japanese Yen = 55.21 Indian rupees
India ICT Report: October 2010
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India ICT Report: November 2010
1 IT Market
The India’s third party datacenter services market is estimated to be US$1.1 billion by 2015,
representing a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 29% over the five-year period
2010-2015, reports Springboard Research. The overall India datacenter services market was
estimated at US$244 million in 2009. [Source: Channel world, 29 November 2010]
Indian technology vendors have to compete with multinational rivals IBM and Accenture to
gain a share of the back-office outsourcing contracts worth US$12.2 billion, set to expire next
year. However, unlike IT services contracts where customers can switch vendors frequently,
disengagement in BPO is tougher. It takes six to nine months for a process to stabilize in a
BPO transaction.
As Indian economy will grow at 8-12% a year over the next decade, while the American
economy is stagnant, Indian entrepreneurs are creating business models that address the
domestic market.
2 IT Industry
Emerging IT giants
Cognizant, now a $4 billion tech startup was founded as the technology captive arm of the
Dun & Bradstreet Corp in 1994. Even as recently as eight years ago, no serious analyst would
have compared Cognizant with Infosys, Wipro or TCS. Cognizant posted revenue of $1.217
billion with a net profit of $204 million in the quarter ended September 2010. Revenue and
profit are up 43% and 49.1% respectively. The company also added 6,900 employees to take
its strength to a grand total of 95,600 of which over 70,000 are in India. [Source: The Times
of India, 6 November 2010]
Mphasis is the first among Indian mid-tier software services firms to achieve billion-dollar
Top IT firms sub-contract work to small companies
To cope with rising wages, worsening attrition and people-led growth, India's top technology
firms are for the first time beginning to explore sub-contracting of projects to smaller vendors.
Though they account for less than a per cent of the total projects delivered by TCS, Infosys
and Wipro, officials and experts tracking the sector say these companies could sub-contract
up to 5% of their work over the next five years.
3 Hardware
PC sales
The overall India PC market sales touched 2.79 million units during the July-September 2010
quarter, recording a 27% increase compared to same period last year.
Table 1: PC sales in million units
Apr-Jun 2010
Desktop PCs
Jul-Sep 2010
India ICT Report: November 2010
Page 1
Notebook PCs
Total PC
*Total does not add up due to rounding off errors.
Source: IDC's India Quarterly PC Tracker, Q3, 2010, November 2010
Tablet PC
Bangalore-based Lakshmi Access Communications Systems Pvt Ltd (LACS) has launched
Magnum, a pocket tablet PC in the Hyderabad. The UK based company Binatone has come
up with a tablet device running the Android OS that was launched in India, hoping to cash in
on the rising demand for tablet PCs in the country. Binatone plans to invest 500 million
Rupees in the next 12 months in technology product development and marketing.
4 Human Resources
Top Indian tech majors, including TCS, Infosys and Wipro, will alone recruit close to
100,000 engineers. TCS, which has a total employee headcount of 177,000 people plans to
add 50,000 persons. TCS follows a policy where it recruits 70% of its annual intake from
campuses. Infosys would recruit 40,000. As of March 2010, Infosys and its subsidiaries had
strength of approximately 113,800 employees, of which 106,900 are technology professionals,
including trainees. Cognizant added over 27,500 employees from October 2009 to September
2010. [Source: The Times of India, 16 November 2010]
5 Overseas expansion
Indian businesses create US jobs
Amit Mitra, secretary-general of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
Industry, said it was incorrect to believe that India was robbing the United States of jobs.
Indian companies are creating jobs in US in the thousands. Adding Indian investments in the
United States would generate even more employment in the future. India's investments in
new offices, plants and equipment in the United States between 2004 and 2009 totaled 5.5
billion dollars, while acquisitions account for 20 billion dollars. US is preferred destination
for Indian foreign direct investment, with the information technology, media and
entertainment sectors favored recipients. Indian companies are the second-fastest-growing
India ICT Report: November 2010
Page 2
investors in the United States after the United Arab Emirates, supporting some 57,000 jobs in
the country. [Source: Economic times, 3 November 2010]
Big IT firms subcontacts jobs to China
TCS, Infosys and Wipro plan to shift at least 10% of their new outsourcing projects to China,
for the first time. Top customers like GE and General Motors are demanding that Indian
vendors deliver some services from locations outside India because of geo-political risks and
location redundancy. By creating local jobs in China, they can gain a bigger share of the
China’s $10 billion-plus outsourcing market. While TCS plans to increase its existing 1,200employee base by over five times in the next few years, Infosys will invest $100 million to
build a 4,000-professional-strong team. Wipro, the third-biggest software exporter, will have
around 1,000 professionals in a year's time. [Source: The Times of India, 2 November 2010]
RPG group owned Zensar Technologies acquired US-based infrastructure management
company PSI Holding, which operates under the name Akibia. The company is also looking
at more acquisitions in strategic verticals like business intelligence and remote infrastructure
management. [Source: Economic times, 23 November 2010]
6 Foreign Firms in India
LG to set up a factory in Chennai
LG is in advanced stages of discussion with the state government to put up a factory near
Chennai, which is emerging as a hub for electronic hardware and automotive manufacturing.
LG is expected to make investments of 12 to 15 billion rupees in this project. LG has
indicated that it intends to develop and manufacture new range of India-specific products.
[Source: Financial Chronicle, 10 November 2010]
Google focus on SMEs
Google is planning to expand in nearly 30 cities across the country by offering services in
eight regional languages within a year to cater to the needs of over 35 million small and
medium enterprises (SMEs) in India. Currently, just a million are online and so there is a
huge untapped market. Google would offer customized services to small businesses that suit
their size and specific requirements. Google has launched a new learning and training
program called Google Engage, which is designed to help individuals and businesses engaged
in offering web-related services. [Source: Dataquest, 22 November 2010]
7 Japanese Firms in India
Panasonic felicitates country's best talent
Panasonic has felicitated students from IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur and PEC University of
Technology, by offering scholarship to study in the prestigious Universities of Japan, as a
part of Panasonic Scholarship Program 2011. This program offers financial assistance to
promising students who have the potential to contribute to the development of India and to
promote mutual friendship between India and Japan.
Toshiba launches Satellite L630
The Personal Computer Division of Toshiba India has announced the expansion of its range
of laptops with the introduction of Toshiba Satellite L630 for the young and trendy Indians.
The new offering is designed to function effectively under the tough Indian conditions.
India ICT Report: November 2010
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Indians use of laptops in moving vehicles and poor road condition poses a different set of
challenges for such road warriors and hard disk drives do not function well and crashes easily.
Keeping this concern in mind, the company has incorporated its innovative 3D hard drive
impact sensor to protect the laptop from the unexpected jolt or shock.
8 Government Sector
Microsoft is discussing with the governments of Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal to help
them roll out e-governance projects on cloud computing platform. Microsoft has already
facilitated launching of e-governance services like making death or birth certificates, trade
licenses in Jammu and Kashmir via cloud computing whereby it enabled the state to use
various IT applications developed by the state government of Madhya Pradesh. Microsoft has
also offered its services in developing State Data Centres under Private Cloud model.
[Source: Economic times, 19 November 2010]
Mindtree plans to tie up with educational institutions since the company is expecting 10 more
projects linked to the India's Unique Identification (UID) program for which they provided
the application services.
Government deals favor IT majors
Indian government is still following a procurement policy that favors bigger vendors with
proven track-record. Government officials would be more than willing to consider smaller
firms but the current procurement norms do not allow eligibility for companies without any
track record. Officials can not trust a start-up with revenues of less than one billion rupees for
a ten billion rupees project. E-governance and defence verticals were expected to generate
about 100 billion rupees of software sales and Indian software firms were expecting to get a
sizeable share of this. However, with majority of the mission-mode projects setting higher
qualification criteria in terms of turnover or number of deployments, many first-time software
product vendors are finding that entry is difficult and sales cycles are longer than they
expected. [Source: The Times of India, 9 November 2010]
9 Training and Seminars
Top 10 IT certifications in demand
There are a number of technology certification programs, but top 10 in demand are listed
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS)
Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE)
Cisco Certified Security Professional (CCSP)
Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)/Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA)
Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB)
Project Management Professional (PMP)
Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD)
India ICT Report: November 2010
Page 4
Sun certified system administrator (SCSA)
Oracle's Database administration (DBA)
India International Trade Fair
India Trade Promotion Organisation organized the 30th edition of its popular annual event,
the India International Trade Fair (IITF), in New Delhi from 14 to 27 November, 2010. IITF
offers participants from different segments of industry adequate visibility for their products
and services. There is a section for engineering, software and hardware, electronics and
telecom goods and services. The Department of IT Pavilion at IITF showcases various public
and social sector services such as Copy of Record of Rights and Telemedicine Application.
The visitors can view the process for collecting Biometric Data. One of the main attractions
of the Pavilion is the Model Common Services Centre (CSC) displaying various services
including e-learning and e-Education which can be accessed in the villages through CSCs
across the length and breadth of the country.
9.3 NASSCOM Product Conclave
NASSCOM Product Conclave was held at Bangalore during November 10 and 11 and the
agenda encompasses sessions for the startup entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs.
IT industry leaders form work group on professionalism, ethics
A group of senior professionals, including software icon Narayana Murthy has formed a work
group that would spearhead an initiative aimed at getting the IT industry to set higher
benchmarks in professionalism and ethics. The idea was formulated during a round table on
professionalism and ethics, organized by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
at Infosys campus here. To meet high expectations of global customers, IT industry have be
more productive, more trustworthy and it has to deliver on its promise. [Source: Economic
times, 26 November 2010]
Exchange rates on 30 November 2010 [http://www.rbi.org.in/]
1 USD = 46.04 Indian rupees
100 Japanese Yen = 54.77 Indian rupees
India ICT Report: November 2010
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India ICT Report: December 2010
1 IT Industry
Year 2010 has been good for the Indian IT industry with a healthy growth. Intel through its
Bangalore-based Omnesys Technologies, attempts to bring out affordable PCs for the Indian
market. In 2010, Wipro was featured in FinTech rankings on Top 25 Enterprise companies
published by the American Banker and Bank Technology News, and IDC Financial Insights.
2010 has also been the year of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) for India. The number of
deals has grown to 546 with a value of USD 42.8 billion, an increase of 43% compared to the
previous year. Banking, financial sectors, IT, ITES, Pharma, healthcare and biotech sectors
attracted the maximum number of deals. [Source: SiliconIndia, 31 December 2010].
Gujarat state situated in west of India has been attracting new IT investments and becoming a
cost effective IT hub. The economic growth indicators of Gujarat have been impressive with
an achievement of an average annual growth rate of 10.4 percent in the last five years.
[Source: DataQuest, 21 December 2010]
Indian BPO industry, which grew nine-fold in just a decade, has always tried to overcome
one of the major challenges addressing data security and privacy concerns of their clients. As
per KPMG-DSCI survey 2010, most BPO organizations are now familiar with the value of a
chief information security officer (CISO), who spends significant time on strategic initiatives
such as evaluating and mitigating security implications of new business initiatives.
HCL Infosystems will set up a research and development centre at the Technopark campus in
southern state of Kerala and it will provide employment for about 25,000 IT professionals.
[Source: Hindu Business Line, 7 December 2010]
Fabcity will be set up by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU)-Hyderabad in
collaboration with Standford University, US to create a chip designing and chip technique
developing belt. [Source: MAIT, 27 December 2010]
2 Government Sector
Almost three-fourth of all large domestic IT projects is from central or state governments. Six
major national IT projects are listed below:
1. Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reform Program (R-APDRP);
2. Unique ID Project;
3. Modernization of Postal Services;
4. State Portals/State Service Delivery Gateways;
5. Modernization of Indian Railways; and
6. Modernization of State Public Distribution Systems
Status of E-gov Projects
Out of the 27 Mission Mode Projects, under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), 14
MMPs have already started delivery of services while the remaining 13 are expected to begin
services from 2014. India portal and National e-Governance Services Delivery Gateway
India ICT Report: December 2010
Page 1
(NSDG) are the one-point contact for all e-governance projects. Unique ID (Aadhar) project
is running on time, having crossed the 100,000 enrolment mark recently.
e-Treasuries initiated during 2010-11, will be a 6.3 billion Rupees project encompasses
computerization of state treasuries in all 625 districts of the country, to be completed in three
years. The scheme includes installation of suitable hardware and application software systems
in networked environment on a wide area network basis and building interfaces for data
sharing among various stakeholders.
In order to do away with bureaucratic hurdles as well as for bringing down the number of
days to start the business from 30 to 3, the government in 2009 rolled out a 150 million
Rupees venture, the e-biz project. e-biz will be a one-stop portal to allow entrepreneurs to
obtain central, state, and even municipal clearances, licenses and permits and that too all
online. Infosys is implementing the e-biz project which is expected to reform the investor
environment and once the project goes live, the company will be paid a transaction fee on a
revenue sharing basis with the government.
Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D) entered the era of e-governance by
launching of e-bids for DGS&D rate contracts, computerizing all of DGS&Ds major
procurement and related activities. The project includes four components: e-purchase, etendering, e-inspection, and e-payment. The DGS&D has initiated e-tendering as one of the
components of its e-procurement platform to bring in transparency and to simplify tendering
process. The total value of supply orders based on DGS&D rate contracts is valued at
approximately 35 billion Rupees.
Banking industry has formed National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) under Reserve
Bank of India’s Payment Systems Vision 2009-12. It recently launched the Interbank Mobile
Payment Services (IMPS), India’s first instant, real-time, 24x7 fund transfer facility in the
retail payment sector. This provides an interoperable infrastructure for the banks to offer realtime money transfer facility to their customers through the mobile channel.
The Commercial Taxes project will put in place the IT infrastructure to ensure uniformity and
standards in commercial taxes administration. Tamil Nadu state currently seems to be the
only state to have initiated this 479 million Rupees project. The project cost is to be shared
between the Center and the State.
Source: DataQuest, 10 December 2010
Common Service Center (CSC) Scheme
Initiated in September 2006, 100,000 Internet-enabled centers under the CSC scheme were to
be built with an outlay of 57 billion Rupees over a period of four years. The government has
announced that by 2012 total number of CSCs will be increased to 250,000.
As on October 31, 2010, a total of 85,506 CSCs have been rolled out and it is expected that
the rollout of 100,000 would be completed by March 2011, after a delay of six months. The
scheme envisaged a substantial investment from the private sector. However one of the
biggest reasons for the failure of some centers was that a few companies were too aggressive
in bidding, some even quoting much below cost just for securing the tender. A few vendors
did not understand the business plan and overestimated the expected revenue. Moreover, the
arrival of the global economic crisis also affected their plans. All these are leading to delays
and project implementation problems.
Source: DataQuest 10 December 2010
India ICT Report: December 2010
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Tamil Nadu state creates sustainable E-gov Model
The technology infrastructure created by firms such as Electronics Corporation of Tamil
Nadu Limited (ELCOT) has made all e-gov initiatives possible in case of Tamil Nadu state.
ELCOT, in addition to creating IT infrastructure facilities in the state, has worked on other
aspects like change management strategies aimed at enabling government employees to use
IT in an effective way. ELCOT and Tamil Nadu e-Governace Agency (TNEGA), has
developed numerous applications for government departments. ELCOT has deployed a
custom-made ERP for in-house purpose and today it is a totally paperless office with all its
processes being computerized. Its e-tendering system has ushered in a high degree of
transparency and visibility in the IT procurement process. [Source: DataQuest 10 December
National Portal
National Portal by National Informatics Center (NIC) is an effort to bring together more than
5,000 websites of various Indian government entities like ministries, departments and
governments of states/Union Territories. Teams are formed within NIC from different fields
such as design, technology, content and quality assurance. These teams develop, maintain and
monitor the portal. Each of the ministry/department/state has nominated coordinators who are
responsible for their domain specific content contribution through a web-based content
management system. This system takes care of the entire life cycle from creation, review,
approval, moderation, publishing, archival to exit. This is entirely a collaborative effort and
NIC shares its views and experiences through regular workshops conducted at the national
and state level to emphasize on content quality. The national portal has been designed and
developed taking into view the common man’s perspective rather than that of the government.
User centric architecture of the portal is a salient feature. Universal accessibility by citizens
with various disabilities like visually challenged, hearing impaired and physically challenged
have taken the government a step closer to its citizens. Portal accessibility is in compliance
with international standards of quality and accessibility. [Source: DataQuest 10 December
Security issues
National Informatics Centre (NIC) has found that around 280 websites of Central and State
governments, are highly vulnerable to cyber attacks as they lack proper cyber security
protocol implementations. Websites on the vulnerability list include that of National Archives
and Food Corporation of India. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) website was hacked on
3rd December, 2010.
3 Foreign Firms in India
Hewlett-Packard (HP) India is betting on innovation in printing and imaging domain, to drive
its next phase of growth in the Indian market. The company aims to reach out to tier-III and
IV cities, such as Indore, Guwahati and Ranchi for its growth, as they contribute towards
50% of the overall revenue. [Source: Financial Chronicle, 3 December 2010]
Western Digital has done a good job in pushing its business in India from mere 4% to 35%in
the storage market in four years and it is still growing. Indian storage market is estimated to
be around USD 5 million. [Source: DataQuest, 20 December 2010]
Europe-based Kaspersky India has a market share of 12 percent in consumers segment and
five percent in the enterprise sector. It is expected to double its consumers sales revenue
within next two years. Kaspersky Lab undertakes R&D operations at six locations globally
India ICT Report: December 2010
Page 3
and is also expected to open one such center in India. [Source: DataQuest, 20 December
With 100 million unique users, Indians stood at 3rd position after Chinese and Americans in
terms of Google users. In India, 40 million users access the net through mobile phones. As
per Google report, most of the internet users in India search for songs. [Source: enewsz.com
14 December 2010]
4 Japanese Firms in India
Canon India expects the revenue to touch one billion Rupees in 2011 from managed
document services. The company has 18 large enterprise clients, including firms like
automaker Maruti. Out of the total 2.5 billion Rupees market, Canon wants to capture 30 per
cent business by next year. Canon sells its products like cameras and printers through 4,000
outlets within the country and expects a growth of 43% year-on-year, achieving a revenue of
12 billion Rupees by December 2010. [Source: Economic times, 12 December 2010]
Hitachi Data Systems Corporation announced a strategic partnership with Frontier Business
Systems, to leverage Frontier Business Systems integration skills and domain knowledge of
virtualization to strengthen its presence in the South and West regions. [Source: DataQuest,
10 December 2010]
5 Human Resources
The overall employment figure in the country rose by 1.29 million during the last one year
with the IT/BPO sector generating maximum employment opportunities. According to a
survey done by the Labour and Employment Ministry, IT/BPO sector generated 854 thousand
employment opportunities while the textiles sector generated the second highest employment
opportunity at 152 thousand jobs being created during this period.
Internet users in small towns have grown from 5% in 2000 to 36% in 2009 and have
exceeded top 8 metros in the Internet usage. Internet users in rural villages grew from 5.5
million in 2008 to 6.46 million in 2009, a 17% increase in a year. Currently, common service
centers and cyber cafes serve as the primary mode of accessing Internet in rural areas.
[Source: DataQuest 24 December 2010]
Dataquest IT Person of the Year award for 2010 has been conferred on Pramod Bhasin,
President and CEO of Genpact, India's largest BPO company. Pramod Bhasin is known for
his role in discovering the potential of India to provide business services to the world as the
head of GE Capital in India. As chairman of NASSCOM, Bhasin was instrumental in
building the value framework, driving the quality initiative and championed moving software
firms to smaller towns/cities. Shiv Nadar, founder of HCL and noted philanthropist was
conferred the Dataquest Lifetime Contribution award for his overall contribution to Indian IT.
Shantanu Prakash, founder and CEO of Educomp Solutions, was recognized as the Dataquest
Pathbreaker of the Year 2010 for bringing about significant change in quality of education in
Indian schools by effective use of IT. [Source: DataQuest]
6 Events
 Mitsubishi Electric has organized a dealer’s meet for its visual and imaging business
unit in Gurgaon. Tuesday, December 14, 2010.
India ICT Report: December 2010
Page 4
 The Baroda Information Technology Association (BITA) will be holding a three-day
BITA IT expo meet from January 23rd to 26th 2011. The theme for this year's expo is
'Go GREEN'. There will be around 268 stalls and companies like Intel, LG, Samsung,
Quick Heal, Kaspersky and Oracle will be participating in this event.
 Hyderabad will host www 2011 meet from March 28 to April 1, with the theme of
‘Web for All'. Scheduled in India for the first time, it is the fourth in an Asian city.
The event will witness the largest gathering with keynote addresses by speakers like
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world-wide web.
Exchange rates on 31 December 2010 [http://www.rbi.org.in/]
1 USD = 44.81 Indian rupees
100 Japanese Yen = 55.06 Indian rupees
India ICT Report: December 2010
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India ICT Report: January2011
1 IT Industry
Tata Consulting Services (TCS) posted consolidated net profit of 23.70 billion Rupees in the
October-December quarter of the current fiscal year (2010-11), registering about 30% yearon-year (YoY) growth. Total income rose to 96.63 billion Rupees, an increase of 26%. The
company also added 35 clients during the quarter under review. The company also declared
an interim dividend of 2 per equity share of Re.1 each, which is about 200%. [Source:
SiliconIndia, 17 January 2011]
Infosys Technologies posted a net profit of 17.8 billion Rupees for the third quarter,
registering 14.2% year-on-year growth. The revenue for the third quarter was 71.06 billion
Rupees, an increase of 24%. The company and its subsidiaries added 40 clients during the
quarter, taking the total number of active clients to 612 at the end of December, as against
568 a year ago. [Source: SiliconIndia, 12 January 2011]
Indian Healthcare sector will double its size to $100 billion by 2015 from the present $50
billion, according to ratings agency Fitch. Developments in Healthcare products and services,
will lead to demand for new IT products and systems, leading to higher growth in IT sector.
HCL Info systems, has announced, that it will sell the entire stake of its subsidiary HCL
Infinet to Tikona Digital Networks. [Source: DataQuest, 28 January 2011]
By 2012 IT industry in India is expected to be normal, but needs to be extra cautious. Macro
environment concerns might bring an impact on IT growth. There is a crisis in Europe and
the volatility is high. Repercussions could be global. Though recovery is happening and the
industry is benefitting, there is still possible something bad could happen. Infosys CEO and
MD Gopalakrishnan, after expressing above concerns, is confident that Infosys and the IT
industry as a whole could weather all odds. [Source: SiliconIndia, 13 January 2011,]
2 Oversea ventures
IT firm Cognizant will expand its delivery center in Phoenix, U.S. to accommodate over
1,000 employees from the existing 500. Cognizant will provide a full range of services from
the new center, including consulting, application services, IT infrastructure services, and
business and knowledge process services. In addition to the Phoenix center, Cognizant has an
enterprise analytics center in New Jersey, a global Network Operations Center (NOC) in
Massachusetts and other delivery centers in Arkansas and Illinois. Cognizant had recently
announced crossing the 100,000 employee mark and continues to hire aggressively within
North America as well as Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia. [Source: SiliconIndia,
12 January 2011]
HCL entered into a partnership with the Indonesia based Lippo Group to offer IT outsourcing
in that country. [Source: SiliconIndia, 27 January 2011]
3 Hardware
The domestic consumption of electronics is estimated to reach $400 billion by 2020 from $45
billion in financial year 2009. Country needs to scale up the domestic production significantly
to meet this demand, but the electronics production may reach only $104 billion by 2020
India ICT Report: January 2011
Page 1
requiring huge imports from companies in developed regions like US, Western Europe and
Japan. [Source: MAIT, 5 January 2011]
Wipro is building the country’s fastest supercomputer for the Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO) to crunch large volumes of data, as ISRO designs more complex launch
vehicles and sets out on ambitious space programs. The supercomputer, being built at the
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, will have a processing speed of 200-500 teraflops [Source:
MAIT, 4 January 2011]
Acer has decided to launch five tablets by March 2011. In terms of screen size, there will be
one 4.8-inch offering, two in the 7-inch segment and two in 10-inch segment. The 7-inch
tablet is expected to be priced around 24,000 Rupees [Source: The Times of India 27 January
Taiwan-based VIA Technologies and Simmtronics Semiconductors have launched a new
range of green computing products, including a personal computer below Rs.10,000 and a
range of power-efficient motherboards. Simmtronics will distribute these products through its
channel partners in a total of 15 other countries, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
Dubai, UAE, Turkey, Iraq, Algeria, and Ghana. [Source: MAIT, 20 January 2011]
The Indian government raised over 38.3 billion Rupees through the auction of Broadband
Wireless Access (BWA) spectrum. Reliance Infotel (the only company with a pan-India
license) is undertaking trials using TD-LTE technology and many other operators might also
opt for the same technology. [Source: SiliconIndia 17 January 2011
4 Human Resources
TCS vice-chairman Ramadorai has been appointed as an adviser to the Prime Minister on
skill development as part of a government-led initiative to impart more training to the
workforce. As an adviser, he will enjoy the rank equivalent to a Cabinet minister. The PM's
Council on National Skill Development has a mission of creating 500 million skilled people
by 2022. [Source: The Times of India, 30 January 2011]
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has hired 50,000 personnel in the nine-month period ended
December 2010, taking its total headcount to 186,914. TCS expects to add another 12,000 to
15,000 during Jan-Mar 2011. However, the company faces the major challenge of attrition.
At the end of December 2010, non-Indian nationals formed 6.8 per cent of the total employee
base and 31 per cent were women. [Source: Economic times, 17 January 2011]
Infosys Technologies during the October-December quarter, added 5,311 techies, as 5,756
left the company for various voluntary and involuntary reasons. [Source: SiliconIndia, 13
January 2011]
Mahindra Group which spans a wide range of businesses from aerospace to IT, plans to hire
around 25,000 professionals by end of 2011, which includes 10,000 professionals for the
overseas markets. Presently, Mahindra Group has around 112 thousand professionals in the
domestic and overseas markets. [Source: Economic times, 23 January 2011]
Top scientists from the field of computer science, electronics and communication at leading
Defence Research and Development Organizations are being hired by the IT Companies. So,
huge shortage of scientists is expected in near future.
Thirty years after the software boom, IT capital Bangalore is producing only 10 computer
science PhDs for the industry every year. The dismal numbers are a stark contrast, given that
India ICT Report: January 2011
Page 2
the city is home to more than 2,000 cutting-edge technology companies and 300 MNCs. The
shortage of computer science PhDs is a national one. Of nearly 500,000 engineering
graduates produced every year, around 250 would end up as computer science PhDs.
Students are not taking up PhD programs owing to the huge financial breaks they get from
companies soon after bachelors or masters degrees. [Source: The Times of India, 22 January
Indian companies seem to be one of the least favored employer by asians, as per survey by
global HR consulting and outsourcing firm Aon Hewitt. Though job seekers from India rated
Indian companies more positively, with a preference rating of 87%, preference rating by
foreigners for Indian companies drops to just 22 percent. The findings are based on a survey
of nearly 13,500 job seekers spread across five Asian nations, including India. The top Indian
companies would often customize their HR programs to align with the unique employee
needs in India. Faster economic growth helps companies located in India to offer faster career
track to their employees than elsewhere. Further foreigners are not aware of the latest
developments and advancements made by Indian IT firms. 78% of the respondents prefer to
work for Americans, while 73% favored British firms. [Source: SiliconIndia, 12 January
5 Foreign Firms in India
During President Barack Obama's visit to India in November 2010, trade deals exceeding
$14.9 billion in total value, with $9.5 billion in US export content were announced. This is
expected to create over 50,000 US jobs. [Source: SiliconIndia, 25 January 2011]
Honeywell, recorded sales of $550 million in India last year and expects a growth of 15% this
year. [Source: SiliconIndia, 23 January 2011]
Microsoft India announced the launch of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, the cloud
version of the new Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 release for customer relationship
management that delivers new levels of productivity to sales, service and marketing
organizations. The application was developed specifically to meet the requirements of the
local customers in India. [Source: MAIT, 25 January 2011]
Trade Association of Information Technology (TAIT) announced its plan to go international
and has joined hands with TAITRA (Taiwan External Trade development Council), which is
a trade promotion organization in Taiwan. TAITRA assists Taiwan businesses and
manufacturers to enhance their international competitiveness and has created trade
opportunities through effective promotion strategies. [Source: DataQuest, 3 January 2011]
Chinese acquired Lenovo computers, has gained 9% share in the Indian market against stiff
competition from HP, Dell and Acer. Chinese telecom equipment maker Huawei and ZTE
made big inroad into Indian market. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS), India's largest IT
services company by sales, is leading the effort to expand the presence of the Indian IT
industry in China. Indian government and industry is persuading China to give greater market
access to Indian IT and pharmaceutical products. But, Chinese companies are still used to the
traditional global brands. [Source: SiliconIndia, 17 January 2011]
Home to more than 600 million people and 128 million households, Indian villages have a
huge demand base, and with this they offer a huge opportunity for MNCs. Multinational
companies like Toyota Motors, General Electric, LG Electronics, Philips and many other
telecom companies have made their headway into the Indian rural market. Google is
India ICT Report: January 2011
Page 3
developing online bulletin boards that can be used by villagers, who do not know how to read
or use a computer. LG Electronics, uses vans and road shows to reach rural customers. Those
who have figured out the right products, price and distribution model, will reach these
consumers. [Source: SiliconIndia, 17 January 2011]
Panasonic is expecting to achieve the 50 billion Rupees consolidated revenue margin in FY
2011-12. Panasonic is on a move to diversify its products in the printer and scanner segment
besides targeting the IT and education verticals. Panasonic has a model of regional
distribution in India with state-wise focus. [Source: DataQuest, 10 January 2011]
6 Government Sector
India has planned to double its investments in infrastructure to USD one trillion during the
12th Five Year Plan (2012-17). Half of the investments is expected from the private sector.
This presents huge opportunities for companies in developed regions like US, Western
Europe and Japan to provide the goods and services needed to build its infrastructure.
[Source: The Economic Times, 28 January 2011].
Indian government’s spending on education will be increased to $100 billion in the 12th Five
Year Plan (2012-17) from the estimated $70 billion during the current plan period. This will
be in addition to around $20 billion investment on IT. [Source: The Economic Times, 7
January 2011]
Business process outsourcing and cloud-based services are predicted to be the key trends that
will drive efficiency in government IT for 2011. Government agencies will turn to their IT
vendors to guide them through the new technologies that can help them achieve this. The
technology analyst also predicts the emergence of a new approach to procurement by
government agencies. The agencies will be keen to ensure there is more visibility and
accountability of how tax payer’s money is spent, which will lead to new ways of procuring
services in 2011 . [Source: SiliconIndia, 11 January 2011]
According to the survey by Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, Indian
firms spend less than 1 percent of their net profit on Research and Development (R&D),
which continues to be lower than their global counterparts. Survey participants have indicated
that the Government should take an initiative of formulating policies that would help
companies to have more R&D centres and expand the existing ones, so as to enhance
research and Development activities in India. [Source: SiliconIndia, 17 January 2011]
E Commerce tech.com has signed a pact worth 3.5 billion Rupees with the state of Gujarat
for the development of IT infrastructure and IT hub in Gujarat. About 7,936 memorandums
of understanding (MoUs) were signed for 20,830 billion Rupees at the Vibrant Gujarat
Summit 2011. [Source: DataQuest, 17 January 2011]
The Karnataka Government has approved the new IT and Electronic Hardware policies to
further boost the growth of these sectors. The new IT Policy 2011 envisages promotion of the
information technology industries and innovative parks in Tier II and III cities. The state
plans to develop four Electronic Hardware parks in the clusters of Bangalore-Tumkur,
Shimoga-Hassan, Hubli-Dharwad and Mysore-Nanjangud. [Source: MAIT, 19 January 2011]
Government of India gains the trust of only 44% Indians. But, around 70% of Indians trust
business, according to 2011 Edelman Trust Barometer findings. Technology is the highest
trusted industry in India and half of the people trust media to do what is right. Indians have
India ICT Report: January 2011
Page 4
increased trust in multinational companies headquartered in India. [Source: SiliconIndia, 28
January 2011]
7 Events
The Computer Society of India will organize the International Conference on Software
Engineering (CONSEG 2011) during 17-19 February in Bangalore. The conference aims at
finding answers to all aspects of software engineering, which impacts the quality of processes
and products.
SiliconIndia has organized Software Testing Conference (SofTec2011) in Chennai on 31
January 2011.
Exchange rates on 31 January 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/]
1 USD = 45.95 Indian rupees
100 Japanese Yen = 56.02 Indian rupees
India ICT Report: January 2011
Page 5
India ICT Report: February 2011
1 IT Industry
National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) predicts that IT
industry will witness a flat growth at 18% in 2011 and has projected a 16-18 percent growth
for the industry in FY 2012. S Ramadorai, TCS Vice- Chairman and Advisor to the Prime
Minister on Skill Development, expects the growth to be better than NASSCOM's projection.
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) reported that budgets of its clients, including discretionary
spends, are expected to increase in the next financial year, 2011-12. TCS is interested in
acquisitions and looking for a strategic fit for the company. [Source: SiliconIndia, 8 February
India remains the favorite back-office because of its "first-mover advantage" and deep skill
base, as per global management consulting firm AT Kearney. The top three slots in AT
Kearney's 2011 Global Services Location Index (GSLI) are occupied by three Asian
countries: India, China and Malaysia. [Source: SiliconIndia, 7 February 2011]
Dexetra Friday launched what it claims to be the world's first life database application.
Named "Friday", the application automates the process of building a self-database by creating
a semantic map of activities that the users do on their phone and also identifying the places
they visit. [Source: SiliconIndia, 25 February 2011]
2 Oversea ventures
HCL Technologies, unveiled its Global Enterprise Mobility laboratory in Singapore. The
laboratory will spearhead HCL's global research and development efforts towards enterprise
mobile solutions. HCL has more than 1,000 engineers working at this 35,000 sq ft Jurong
facility [Source: Economic times, 15 February 2011]
TCS expects to double its revenue from its Canada operations to $500 million by 2014. TCS
had established an office in Canada in 1999 and now operates as a wholly-owned subsidiary.
TCS-Canada currently employs 3,200 consultants serving 90 clients. TCS-Canada operations
are profitable and have been recording a 50% compound growth each year for the last five
years [Source: livemint.com 6 February 2011]
3 Hardware
At the sixth Vision Summit of the Indian Semiconductor Association (ISA), importance of
nanotechnology was stressed. The Indian semi-conductor industry is planning to move up the
value chain from chip designing and embedded systems to fabrication, manufacturing and
value addition to increase its share of the domestic market, which continues to be import
dependent. The government is in the process of formulating major initiatives, including
setting up an electronics development fund (EDF) to help semi-conductor industry. The
three-year-old package (SIPS) was unveiled to address the disability costs faced by the
electronic manufacturing units due to higher costs of logistics, energy and transactions viz-aviz other competing destinations like China and Korea. As part of the scheme, the
government had also proposed to provide support up to 20% for units under SEZ (Special
Economic Zone) and 25% for units outside it, with threshold investments of 25 billion
India ICT Report: February 2011
Page 1
Rupees for fabrication units and 10 billion Rupees for the eco-system units. [Source:
efytimes.com & SiliconIndia February 2011]
4 Infrastructure
Housing Development and Infrastructure Limited announced a 23 billion Rupees Cyber City
project near Kochi which is expected to generate 60,000 jobs. The state government has
granted the necessary clearances to the project, which acquired a complete Special Economic
Zone status from the central government. [Source: SiliconIndia, 17 February 2011]
Science and Technology Innovation Centre at Kochi Infopark, will facilitate exchange of
knowledge between Emirates of Sharjah and Kerala. The centre will help businesses from
Sharjah and Kerala to actively engage and transfer science and technology from the
laboratory to a global community.
5 Major Orders
Indian IT Service firms are expecting major contracts from the U.S. government, which is
trying to save more than $61 billion from their current spending levels. Some of the recent
contracts secured by Indian firms (few selected examples only) are given below:
 HCL Infosystems has secured 2.5 billion Rupees project from state-run telecom firm
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL). HCL Infosystems will manage BSNL's billing
system process for North and West Zones over a period of seven years. CMS Info
Systems, another IT and outsourcing services provider, has also bagged three billion
Rupees contract from BSNL to centralize its billing efforts.
 TCS has been appointed as the official technology partner to pro-cycling team 'Team
Garmin-Cervelo' for the racing season 2011. TCS will put in place an expert team to work
with Team Garmin-Cervelo and determine how technology can be better leveraged to
enhance the performance of the team, working hand-in-hand with the team's internal
Sport Science group.
 MindTree has bagged two deals totaling $70 million to be spread over the period of next
5 years from one Information and communication technology service-provider in Europe
and a US-based bank.
IBS Software Services, has successfully implemented its next generation air cargo
management solution suite for South African Airways (SAA). The iCargo solution now
manages the entire cargo movement of the South African flag carrier over its network of 48
stations, including 39 international locations, five self-handled warehouse facilities and its
global cargo headquarters at Johannesburg.
[Source for above: SiliconIndia, February 2011]
6 Human Resources
Finance Minister has proposed an allocation of 520 billion Rupees for education on 28
February 2011, a 24% increase. National Knowledge Network, proposed at the budget
session aims at connecting 1,500 institutes of higher learning and research across the country.
It will connect 190 institutes by March 2011, while the rest will be brought into the network
India ICT Report: February 2011
Page 2
by March 2012. National Skill Development Council is well on course to achieve its mandate
of creating 150 million skilled workforce, two years ahead of the target year 2022.
The job market in the country is improving, making India the most optimistic nation in terms
of hiring plans. Corporates are expected to invest $250 billion over the two years and one
million new jobs are likely to be added in 2011-12. In January, job opportunities in the
country improved across most sectors and it is expected to gain momentum in the coming
months. [Source: SiliconIndia, 8 February 2011]
TCS has announced that fresh engineering graduates with a good academic record can
directly appear for interviews, skipping the entrance test and other formalities.
IT training company NIIT and California-based Zend Technologies announced a partnership
to develop a skilled workforce within the country on hypertext preprocessor (PHP) web
technology. There is a huge gap in demand and supply of PHP programmers and there are
only 6,000 certified PHP programmers across the world. [Source: SiliconIndia, 14 February
National Council for Educational Research and Training - has installed a 'lab-in-a-box' on its
campus, which is a computer laboratory or a cyber cafe made in the shape of a shipping
container. This can be lifted and transported to rural areas where computers are still to make
inroads into school education. The lab-in-a-box, also called 'Tatkal Kaksha' (instant
classroom) has 20 computers with Internet connectivity, printer and electricity supply.
[Source: The Times of India, 3 February 2011]
Tata Industries plans to invest one billion Rupees in integrated learning solutions for schools,
called CLASSEDGE. CLASSEDGE is an innovative and comprehensive educational solution,
designed to help teachers deliver high quality instruction, with an effective blend of
classroom activities and interactive multimedia demonstrations.
7 Foreign Firms in India
Accenture's new technology delivery center has been opened in Kolkata at Unitech Infospace
increasing the total number of centers to 25 in India. A full range of IT services including
application development and management and infrastructure support will be provided in the
new technology center.
With focus on the small and medium business (SMB) segment, IT giant IBM plans to have
47 branch offices in India by 2013. The company expanded from three branches in 2000 to a
network of 12 in India by end of 2010. The company aims to accelerate sales by opening
more branch offices in Tier-II and Tier-III cities.
California-based IT services company UST Global unveiled its new facility in Leela Infopark
at Kochi in Kerala. UST Global headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California, has emerged as the
biggest employer in the IT sector in the state and has now over 3,000 workers.
Panasonic will set up an eco-friendly factory in the state of Haryana with an investment of
over $220 million. [Source: SiliconIndia, 20 February 2011]
Epson India, has completed their 20 years of presence in Indian market.
India ICT Report: February 2011
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8 Government Sector
2G Scam
The 2G spectrum scam involved officials and ministers in the Government of India illegally
undercharging mobile telephony companies for frequency allocation licenses, which they
would use to create 2G subscriptions for cell phones. According to a report submitted by the
Comptroller and Auditor General based on money collected from 3G licenses, the loss to the
government was 1.76 trillion Rupees. The issuing of the 2G licenses occurred in 2008, but the
scam came to public notice recently.
India signs free trade agreement with Japan
Japan and India signed a bilateral free trade agreement that would abolish duties on more
than 90% of trade for 10 years, until 2021. With the accord, the government seeking
infrastructure technologies from Japan, can support Japanese firms doing business in India.
[Source: The Times of India, 16 February 2011]
UID Project
India’s ambitious plan to give a unique identity ('Aadhaar' number) to every citizen, was
launched just two years ago. So far 2 million Aadhaar numbers have been given and from
October 2011, India will start issuing Aadhaar numbers to one million citizens every day.
UID Mission has taken off and Aadhaar numbers are being generated in large numbers. It is
one of the largest exercise of its kind by handing out biometric IDs to over 600 million
EU visas
Indians may get up to 20,000 U.K. visas a year, under a deal, it is negotiating with the
European Union. In return India has put forward an annual 4 billion pounds trade with the EU.
Only highly-skilled workers would be eligible for the visas. Under the deal, Britain is
predicted to win about half of the proposed 4 billion pounds trade, providing a significant
boost to exports. [Source: SiliconIndia, 20 February 2011]
9 Events
NASSCOM conducted its 19th edition of three days annual India Leadership Forum 2011
from 7th February in Mumbai where 1600 delegates from 32 countries attended. NASSCOM
encouraged innovation landscape in India, with the announcement of 7th Innovation Award
Winners 2011during the event.
Organised by Technology Review magazine and DuPont, leading technologists were
honoured for bringing out innovative solution to address the challenges that India faces. The
solutions included an advisory application for farmers for crop protection, internet-based
education delivery system for schools, smart power management, a smart chip that can
identify energy wastage, rural healthcare, traffic management, clean drinking water and
communication tool for hearing impaired. [Source: indiatalkies.com 5 February 2011]
Exchange rates on 28 February 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/]
1 USD = 45.18 Indian rupees
100 Japanese Yen = 55.32 Indian rupees
India ICT Report: February 2011
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India ICT Report: March 2011
1 IT Industry
Worldwide IT spending is forecast to be 3.6 trillion USD in 2011 and Indian IT industry
revenue is predicted to be 71.7 billion USD. Indian IT-BPO industry size is estimated at 12.3
billion USD in 2011 and employs over 440 thousand employees. [Source: The Economic
Indian e-commerce market will be over 10 billion USD in 2011, 47% growth compared to
2010, as per Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI). This growth is primarily
driven by the online travel industry, which contributes 76%.
The US healthcare sector has a huge business proposition lined up for Indian IT providers. It
has extended a multi-billion dollar IT and back-office services opportunity, much bigger than
the earlier Y2K opportunity. Recent regulatory changes mandating more inclusive healthcare
and standardization in patient records in the US have made the opportunity more attractive
and immediate. [Source: SiliconIndia, 24 March 2011]
1.1 TCS
TCS is now a 6 billion USD revenue company and derives 27% of its revenues from Europe.
TCS plans to concentrate more on the European market [Source: SiliconIndia, 29 March
TCS is set to accelerate growth through non-linear initiatives, including new software product
iON cloud computing solution for small and medium businesses (SMBs). 'iON' has already
got 200 customers since its launch, catering to manufacturing, retail, education and wellness
sectors. SMB Market (in India) is highly untapped, as 60%of SMBs do not have IT
infrastructure. TCS plans to increase its customer base for its product to more than 1,000 by
the end of current year. This is in line with its plans to generate one billion USD revenue in
next five years from 'iON'. [Source: SiliconIndia, 21 March 2011].
TCS is investing about 15 billion Rupees in its Thiruvananthapuram facility in Kerala to train
about 10,000 fresh graduates at a time.
1.2 Cognizant
Cognizant, one of the fast growing IT firms, which grew 40% last year is planning a major
expansion programme in various cities at a budgeted 285 million USD. The company is also
embarking on a globalisation programme as a continuous process and the recruitment drive
along with campus interviews in leading higher education institutes. [Source: SiliconIndia, 6
March 2011]
1.3 Acer
Acer India, is aiming to achieve a turnover of $600 million from India in 2011 an increase of
20% from $500 million in 2010. The company had covered all metros and major cities in the
country over the last five years and presently focusing on expanding its presence in B, C and
D-class towns through its "outreach programme". [Source: SiliconIndia, 15 March 2011]
India ICT Report: 31 March 2011
Page 1
1.4 Dell
Dell is approaching 2 billion USD in annual revenue and has 23,000 employees in India. It
plans to add "a few thousand" people. Revenues from India, which is an important market for
Dell, grew by 37%. [Source: SiliconIndia, 23 March 2011]
2 Government
Indian government has released the Union Budget 2011-12. The ID card implementation,
National Knowledge Network and projects like Central Electronic Registry are to get top
priority and expected to improve the system efficiency as well as boost demand for IT in the
country. Broadband connectivity will be provided to 250 thousand villages in three years.
The electronics industry will continue to pay for the Special Additional Duty (SAD). This
duty promotes imports.
Some of the other outcomes of this budget for electronics industry are:
 No change in peak customs duty rate
 Cut in import duties of raw material and full exemption from SAD for mobile phones
 Central excise duty rate unchanged at 10%
 Rate of service tax continues at 10%
 New scheme to be introduced for refund of service tax on lines of drawback of duties.
 Concessional import duty structure of 5% CVD and nil SAD on prescribed parts for
manufacture of DVD writers, combo drives and CD drives. An increase in excise duty to
5% for microprocessors, DVD writers, CD writers, Floppy Disk Drives, and Flash drives.
Telecom Ministry is expected to submit the national broadband policy, aimed at setting up
networks at a cost of 600 billion Rupees to facilitate high-speed data and e-governance.
[Source: SiliconIndia, 4 & 30 March 2011]
The Bihar government admitted that over 6,000 data centres set up in Bihar state till date, are
just catering to recharge of coupons for mobile and train e-ticketing. Regarding, e-governance,
they were not much useful, because of the failure to link them with block offices and other
units. So, the state government through its own resources had formulated projects worth 4
billion Rupees for attaining true e-governance. [Source: SiliconIndia, 27 March 2011]
3 Hardware
Lenovo India has introduced a range of high-performance PCs based on 2nd-generation Intel
Core Processors. The latest series include new version IdeaPad Z570, Lenovo G570, and
ThinkPads L420 and T420. With this launch, Lenovo becomes one of the first PC makers in
India to introduce PCs powered by Intel's "Huron River" platform.
HCL Infosystems is all set to launch its range of made-in-India tablet PCs. The Androidbased HCL ME Tablets will be available in 7-inch and 10-inch screen sizes and at three
prices, Rs 14,990, Rs 25,790, and Rs 32,990. The entry-level HCL ME AE7 comes with 800
MHz processor, 7-inch display, 256MB DDR2; NAND Flash 2GB (in-built), Micro SD card
for expandability up to 8GB besides 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi support.
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), which is working on climate change issues, has
acquired supercomputer from Wipro to enhance understanding of climate variability and
climate change at different spatial and temporal scales. [Source: SiliconIndia, 15 March
India ICT Report: 31 March 2011
Page 2
4 Deals
Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank in China selected TCS core banking solution Bancs,
because of its advanced open architecture and ability to reduce cost of ownership. [Source:
SiliconIndia, 24 March 2011]
Infosys closed three big transformational deals worth $50 million to $200 million. The deals
are said to expire only after 4 to 5 years. The clients are based in U.S.and Europe, involved in
banking, insurance, financial services and manufacturing. [Source: SiliconIndia, 10 March
Infosys Technologies implemented "utilities network management system" developed by the
US-based Oracle, at Seattle City Light, the 10th largest public electric utility in the U.S. The
application is to improve customer service by real-time sharing of information. [Source:
SiliconIndia, 2 March 2011]
IBM has bagged a 10 year outsourcing deal from Caparo India to provide enterprise resource
planning and data centre infrastructure services. Caparo India offers solutions in designing,
developing and manufacturing automotive systems, assemblies, modules and components for
Indian automotive original equipment manufacturers. [Source: SiliconIndia, 17 March 2011]
HCL Infosystems has bagged a 3 billion Rupees order from the Indian Air Force to deploy a
portable wireless network covering many air force stations across India. [Source: SiliconIndia,
17 March 2011]
Morpho's latest-generation technology for de-duplication of the biometric records for
enabling issuance of unique identification numbers, is deployed by the Mahindra Satyam.
[Source: SiliconIndia, 17 March 2011]
Cognizant has been selected to provide finance and accounting services for Volvo Car
Corporation. Cognizant would participate in entire value chain of Finance and Accounting
services. [Source: SiliconIndia, 31 March 2011]
Tata Consultancy Services has announced a large, multiyear, multimillion dollar IT
infrastructure deal from Dutch technical consultancy firm Royal Haskoning. The scope of the
project covers end-to-end IT infrastructure services, which will be provided from TCS' global
delivery centres in the Netherlands, Hungary and India. The services include a multi-lingual
service desk, data centre hosting and management, end-user computing services, application
support services and transformation solutions. [Source: SiliconIndia, 15 March 2011]
Mahindra Satyam bagged a deal from Aspire Zone, Qatar, one of the leading sports institutes
in the world. As part of the contract, Mahindra Satyam will provide onsite and offshore
support to Aspire on various application development and infrastructure services projects.
[Source: SiliconIndia, 15 March 2011]
5 Investment & Acquisition
Software company Pitney Bowes Business Insight (PBBI) has plans to invest 5 billion
Rupees over the next three years in India to strengthen its product development centre, and
sales and marketing team in the country. PBBI is a software arm of 90 year old postage and
mailing solution provider Pitney Bowes and is now helping companies move from physical
mailing system to digital mailing. [Source: Economic times, 27 March 2011]
Bangalore-based IT firm, Acropetal Technologies, has acquired two US based companies
100% of LineBeyond and 70% of Optech Consulting for 4.9 million USD each. These
acquisitions will expand Acropetal's reach in IT and healthcare and help the company to offer
niche solutions to healthcare customers. [Source: SiliconIndia, 24 March 2011]
India ICT Report: 31 March 2011
Page 3
Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has approved the 1.22
billion USD takeover of Patni Computer by US-based iGate. [Source: SiliconIndia, 28 March
IBM has announced a $38 million investment to set up a data centre in Singapore that will
provide businesses in India with solutions and services for cloud computing. This data centre
will provide Indian organizations with the best available set of Cloud options to achieve their
IT infrastructure ambitions in order to become successful businesses. [Source: Economic
times, 31 March 2011]
6 Human Resources
The government has constituted a National Skill Development Corporation with the aim of
training 500 million people by 2020.
The total number of employees working in the IT/ITeS (IT enabled services) sector will grow
to 2.23 million in 2011, and an additional 8 million people will get employment indirectly
from this sector. [Source: consulting firm Deloitte]
Top five IT companies TCS, Infosys, Wipro, HCL and Cognizant have hired 114,038 from
the quarter March 31, 2010 to December 31, 2010, as compared to 47,462 additions in the
previous year [Source: SiliconIndia, 28 March 2011]
As many as nine out of ten Indians, that is 89%employees surveyed are willing to relocate for
the right job. 49% are ready to relocate to another country or continent, according to a survey
by workforce solutions provider Kelly Services. Regarding overseas, 36% prefer Europe,
followed by Asia Pacific (20%), North America (19%) and the Middle East (7%).
IT Dealers Associations in various states are active in creating skilled manpower for using
and servicing IT products. For example, All Kerala IT Dealers Association will be opening
three new training centers in three districts of Kerala. The objective of this training center
will be to offer technical skills to local diploma holder students, who will undergo a six
months duration course and will be equipped to service and handle the maintenance of
desktop, notebooks, printers, hard drives etc. The association feels that, this step will bring up
new service engineering talent, which in turn will provide the local dealers with good service
support resources.
7 Events
National Association of Software and Services Companies, (NASSCOM) inaugurated the
two day Global Captive Conclave 2011 on 23 March 2011. Decision makers from global
captives in India, business strategists, thought leaders, analysts, as well as IT and BPO
professionals attended the event.
At Spark IT 2011 conference held on 17-18 March, presentations were made by experts in the
domains of .NET, Java, Project Management, Cloud Computing, Software Testing, Mobile,
Web and Database Technologies.
The future of the web will be under discussion at the 20th international World Wide Web
Conference (WWW2011) in Hyderabad. India, one of the world's fastest growing population
of internet users, will host this event for the first time. The five-day event, beginning on
March 28, will be attended by 800 delegates from 49 countries.
The theme is "web for all" and participants will debate technical challenges in overcoming
the digital divide and ways to bring the web to underserved populations. The event will be
addressed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the WWW Conference director and inventor of the web.
India ICT Report: 31 March 2011
Page 4
World wide web currently has two billion users. Tim Berners-Lee will deliver a visionary
keynote address on "designing the web for an open society".
The conference is focusing on new developments in the principles and practices related to
www, including e-medicine, e-governance, agriculture, traffic management, route finding,
citizenship services, security and education.
8 Misc
Exchange rates on 31 March 2011 [http://www.rbi.org.in/]
1 USD = 44.65 Indian rupees
100 Japanese Yen = 54.02 Indian rupees
India ICT Report: 31 March 2011
Page 5
Report on Indonesia
Information and Communication Technology
Chief Editor
Agus Wicaksono
Antonius Mardjuki
Purwanto Makbul
July 2010
This report summarizes monthly developments, updates, and events
on information and communication technology in Indonesia. The
information is sourced and processed from various contact points,
publication media, online news, and other authoritative sources.
Migration to Open Source by End of 2011
All computers belong to government institutions are to be migrated into
Open Source system with the target completion by end of 2011. This
would result in cost saving of Rp. 4.32 trillion (~US$ 432 million) in
state’s expenditure.
Kemal Prihatman, Assistant to Deputy of IT Development and
Application, Ministry of Research and Technology, estimated that there
would be 800,000 computers whose spending can be reduced if at least
20% of 4 (four) million public service officers use Open Source system
(OSS). At minimum, one computer would spend US$ 600 for software
license under proprietary system.
Plan to migrate to OSS has been addressed to in a letter issued by
Ministry of State Office Empowerment (Surat Edaran – Kementrian
PAN) in 2009.
When all of the computers in government agencies completed a
migration to Open Source at the end of 2011, the government also plans
to migrate all important documents of the country using open document
formats (Open Document Format / ODF).
“We choose to switch to open formats like ODF because no dependence
with a vendor," said Ashwin Sasongko, Director General of Applications
and Telematics, Ministry of Communications and Information at the
event of Indonesia Open Source Awards 2010 in Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta,
Wednesday, 28 July 2010.
(Source: www.detikinet.com , 28thJuly 2010)
Currently, the ODF format is being standardized in accordance with
Indonesian National Standard (SNI) regulation. Once the SNI format
compliance is completed by this year, the campaign to socialize would
start in 2011. All important state documents will then be migrated to
Portable PC Market is Aggressively Growing
IDC (International Data Corporation) is positioning Indonesia as an
aggressively growing market for portable PC in Q2 2010, along with
Penetration of media tablet and mobile internet device (MID) are not
(yet) affecting portable PC market, either Notebook or Netbook.
According to Bryan Ma, Associate VP Devices and Peripheral Research
IDC Asia Pacific, Notebook is still a key market driver for the year. This
is in light of a growing competition from media tablet such as iPad.
PC Market in Asia Pacific
(exclude Japan)
Rank Vendor Market
In its preliminary result, IDC reported that
Asia Pacific PC market (excluding Japan) on
Q2 2010 is growing 15% by quarter and 36%
as compared to the same period last year. At
Q1 2010, portable PC market in Indonesia
was growing by 139% compared to Q1 2009.
On tablet PC market, IDC estimates shipment
in Asia Pacific would grow from 1.3 million
units in 2009 to 9.6 million units by 2014.
This indicates a 65% annual growth.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 8thJuly, 21stJuly 2010)
Meanwhile, the Indonesia Association of
5.2% Computer Businessmen is optimistic that the
market of desktop and notebook (local
businesspersons focus) would not be
Source: IDC July 2010 (by Q2 adversely impacted by tablet PC. They
consider that tablet would compete with
smartphone and netbook only. Tablet PC,
currently imported by brand holders and big principals would go to
different and specific segments
IT Infrastructure for Islands at the Outer Part of Indonesia
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk (Telkom) re-affirmed its
commitment to developing and providing voice and data services for
islands at the outer part of Indonesia.
Natuna is the first outer island that has a high-speed internet access, as
Telkom Speedy is already present since 2007, according to Eddy Kurnia,
VP Public and Marketing Communication. Telkom is determined to be
the leader in managing USO (Universal Service Obligation) and in
developing telecommunication infrastructure at outer points of
Indonesia. It serves as well to symbolize the sovereignty of Indonesia, as
it sometimes becomes a (political) issue at the borderline with other
At least 12 points at the outer islands are the target for Telkom to
develop the infrastructure. Those areas are at the border with the
Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Timor Leste, and Australia.
In Sebatik Island, East Kalimantan, bordering with Sabah, Malaysia,
Telkom is establishing Sebatik Broadband Village (SBV) based on TIME
Edutainment) that involve local government, and Telkom Politeknik
(Source: www.telkom.co.id , 20thJuly, 2ndAugust 2010)
SBV consists of three main components: Sebatik Broadband Center,
Sebatik Broadband Area, and Sebatik Melek Internet (website designed
to build an ICT-based community). Sebatik Island covers 4 (four)
villages with a total population of 20+ thousand people. It produces,
among other things, banana, rice, cocoa, anchovy, and shrimp along with
a tourism potential. Pantai Batu Lumampu (beach) offers a beautiful
panoramic view facing the ocean where the (oil-rich potential) Ambalat
Block lies.
Kabila – Train Applications for Mobile Users
Cellular operator, PT Indosat Tbk signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with PT Kereta Api Indonesia (the Indonesia
Railway Company) to launch Kabila (kereta api mobile application) for
mobile users. The application contains various features related to
railway train. Currently, the state-owned PT KAI operates the only train
network in Indonesia.
Commercial Director PT KAI, Sulistyo Wimbo Widodo, and Director and
Chief Wholesale Infrastructure PT Indosat, Fadzrie Santosa, at JCC
Plenary Hall Jakarta during Indonesian Cellular Show, signed the MoU
on July 18, 2010.
Kabila is accessible thru BlackBerry or other cell phones to tap in
information about train schedules, ticketing, mileage reward, hot offer,
games, chatting room, sales agents, and meal menu at the train
restaurants. It is being further developed to support online transactions
such as ticket purchase (e-payment).
According to Sulistyo Wimbo Widodo, Kabila is a means for PT KAI to
improve its train-related information services to the public. In line with
its vision and mission, PT KAI is transforming its posture from product
oriented toward customer oriented by capturing all aspects of
customers’ needs thru interaction with Kabila.
This application also adds more variety to the existing Indosat Go and
WAP access applications available 24 hours for all Indosat customers.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 20thJuly 2010,
portal.bumn.go.id/keretaapi 19thJuly 2010)
Computers and Mobile Phone Exhibitions
The Indonesian Computer Festival (ICF) and Indonesia Cellular Show
(ICS) in 2010 were held simultaneously at the Jakarta Convention
Center (JCC) on July 14-18, 2010.
The event, organized by PT Dyandra Promosindo, attracted more than
200,000 visitors during the 5-day exhibition. ICF was held in Jakarta
only, while Indonesia Cellular Show was held simultaneously in seven
cities namely Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang,
Malang, and Makassar.
Exhibitors were keen to attracting consumers by offering their products
with big discounts and bonuses. They launched a variety of marketing
programs; mobile phone vendors bundled product offering with
promotions and competitive prices causing a long line-up for people
interested to buy since early morning.
Around 500 people attended the Cellular Users Gathering, conducted on
the 2nd day, that have the opportunity to discuss directly with
representatives of six telecommunications operators, and address their
concerns as well.
ICF has been held 13 times while ICS 7 times. There are vendors that
regularly participate in this exhibition, while several new ones
participated in this year event.
(Source: http://tekno.kompas.com, 16thJuly 2010)
Report on Indonesia
Information and Communication Technology
Chief Editor
Agus Wicaksono
Antonius Mardjuki
Purwanto Makbul
Aug 2010
This report summarizes monthly developments, updates, and events
on information and communication technology in Indonesia. The
information is sourced and processed from various contact points,
publication media, online news, and other authoritative sources.
USO Broadband Program Is Being Prepared
Government and regulators plan to lay out USO Broadband Program
(Universal Service Obligation) for all villages across Indonesia in order
to have an integrated telecommunication system towards e-Indonesia.
Nonot Harsono, member of Indonesia Telecommunication Regulation
Agency (BRTI), said that it requires an established government
regulation to serve as a legal umbrella to carry out and implement USO
broadband program and activities.
Government regulation PP No. 7/2009 imposes USO fees to Internet and
Telco providers for 1.25% of gross revenue. Annually, It accumulates a
fund of Rp 1.2 trillion (~US$ 120 million) as non-tax state revenue. Yet,
according to Nonot, there is no financial instrument to manage the fund,
and no detailed technical execution program. This contributes to slow
progress of USO adoption such as Palapa Ring project.
USO Execution Management Plan
General Service Agency
USO Execution Agency
Main Tasks
Provide public paid services
Develop ICT infrastructure
Source of
State Budget + USO operator
All network elements that take benefit of
the established connectivity
USO Paradigm
Provide information access
Provide broadband network
Access level to core network
Core network to access level
Low, backbone constraints
High, compete on building the access
Conducting business practices
Focus on obligation to organize broadband
access facility services within USO areas
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 20thAugust 2010)
USO Broadband Program would focus on developing connectivity and
infrastructure at ‘user terminal’ to provide public access to information
Source: BRTI, Bisnis Indonesia
PC Market and Telco Industry Are Estimated to Grow by 2 Digits
PC Market, desktop, notebook, and netbook, is estimated to grow by
30% for Q2 2010. Sandy Lumy, Country Manager Key Account Business
Lenovo Indonesia, is optimistic that it would be within 20%-30%
growth by December 2010.
According to IDC data, Dell
is leading the market by Q2
2010, with Lenovo on the
2nd position. Many projects
in the government and
private sectors are not yet
executed, that contributes
to this market growth. A
number of vendors are to start penetrating the netbook market with the
new Intel dual core Atom. Intel records that they would be used by Acer,
ASUS, Fujitsu, Lenovo, LG, Samsung, MSI and Toshiba to go to market.
Meanwhile, telecommunication industry records a 7.83% growth by Q2
2010 (compared to the same period last year), according to Central
Statistics Bureau. With the growing consumer market, it is estimated to
grow by 2 digits at the end of the year. President Director PT XL Axiata
Tbk, Hasnul Suhaimi, estimated it would reach 10%-11% growth.
Q3 2010 market is growing more, as people are celebrating Lebaran
holiday (end of Ramadan fasting month), getting salary allowances,
coming to hometown (27.25 million home-bound travelers last year),
and spending more on Telco services. XL recorded an increase of 45%,
10%, and 13% for SMS, voice, and data respectively on the 1st day of
Ramadan. Indosat is anticipating for 900 million SMS / day on Lebaran.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 12th, 13th, 30thAugust 2010,
www.antaranews.com 5th Sept 2010, www.bisnis.com 9th Sept 2010)
Indonesia economic growth is estimated at 5.5%.
Indosat-Telkom Is Preparing for Palapa C3 Satellite
PT Indosat Tbk and PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk are allocating at
least Rp. 2 trillion (~US$ 200 million) to have Palapa C3 satellite ready
by 2014.
Director and Chief Wholesale & Infrastructure Officer Indosat, Fadzri
Santosa, said that the joint project on this infrastructure would take 2
(two) years for preparation. The existing Palapa C2 would be at the end
of its life by 2014. The procurement for Palapa C3 would start by 2013
and ready for operation by 2014.
Rinaldi Firmansyah, President Director Telkom, explained that the
agreement with Indosat to jointly acquire Palapa C3 is to ease the
burden on capital expenditure. Telkom and Indosat will be establishing
a joint project team to address the plan and technical specifications for
Palapa C3.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 19thAugust2010)
4G Technology Is Ready for the Next Two Years
Indosat is in the process of evaluating and conducting trial test on 4G
technology. According to Harry Sasongko, President Director and CEO
PT Indosat Tbk, no commitment yet to build the 4G infrastructure, as
Indosat is still observing the future of 4G. He asserted, however, that the
4G technology improves the performance of broadband based services.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 19thAugust 2010)
Ministry of Information and Communication stated that the
telecommunication technology evolution from 3.5G to 4G for broadband
based services would be implemented within two years time.
RIM Server and Super Apps in Indonesia
RIM (Research In Motion), producer of smart phone Blackberry, is
evaluating the need to build data center or install its server in Indonesia.
There have been concerns from the government for RIM to establish its
service center or data center in country.
Gregory Wade, Managing Director RIM South Asia, said that RIM
respects and would comply with regulations in countries where they are
operating, including Indonesia. RIM is continuing its long-term
investment in Indonesia to grow its business.
Ministry of Information and Communication issues a letter to RIM
asking to establish data center in Indonesia. The Minister concerns
about this Canada-based company selling services in Indonesia, gaining
profits, yet no taxes are paid to Indonesia.
For quite a while, there have been several concerns and discussions
about data security and control (including lawful interception) in some
countries over information traffic within Black Berry that are fully
managed and kept by RIM. United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and
India are putting deadlines for RIM to provide some access control and
solution for them for security reasons, with the consequences of
banning or blocking Black Berry services if RIM fails to comply.
Indonesia is urging RIM more on service tariffs, protection, and security,
and would not go to monitor Black Berry messages, email traffics, or
other services.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 13th, 18th August 2010)
Meanwhile, RIM is introducing a new concept called super apps, aimed
at increasing local participations in developing applications under
BlackBerry platform. This would also be a differentiating strategy for its
businesses in Indonesia. The super apps is developed to integrate
various different applications to run on Black Berry.
Healthy Internet Program Is Launched
Regulator, telecommunication operators, and Internet service providers
agreed to conduct campaigns on Healthy Internet Program. It is the use
of web sites with no contents of pornography, violence, and other
negative information.
Aswin Sasongko, Director General of Applications and Telematics,
Ministry of Information and Communication, said that the policy on real
world and cyber world is similar. Negative contents are blocked out,
including things related to crime and gambling. Internet service
providers are obligated to observe this ban. Failing to do so could be
considered as violating the regulation and subject to punishment.
The Internet users in Indonesia are increasing, to reach 30 million or
12.5% of the total population. As such, the government considers it
necessary to pay attention and ‘watch’ over the use of Internet.
Tifatul Sembiring, Minister of Information and Communication,
mentioned about the need of having concerns on Internet use, and
having technology, legal, and socio cultural strategy to address it.
Among other things, the government is working with all concerned
parties to establish and socialize healthy and trusted Internet use.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 12th, 19thAugust 2010)
Meanwhile, Indosat, both as operator and ISP (thru IM2), already
blocked all its negative contents. The additional cost to do so, such for
applying filtering, is already spread over 2008-2010. According to
Teguh Prasetya, Group Head Brand Marketing Indosat, after the recent
filter (following the order from the Minister), no complaints received
from customers. The impact is yet to be evaluated, especially on
possibility of any decrease in number of customers.
Report on Indonesia
Information and Communication Technology
Chief Editor
Agus Wicaksono
Antonius Mardjuki
Purwanto Makbul
Sep 2010
This report summarizes monthly developments, updates, and events
on information and communication technology in Indonesia. The
information is sourced and processed from various contact points,
publication media, online news, and other authoritative sources.
Concerns over Policy on Frequency Allocation for BWA
Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) tendered out last year is allocated at
2.3 GHz frequency for WiMax (worldwide interoperability for
microwave access). WiMax is a prospective technology alternative to lay
out BWA, that could transmit with a speed of up to 260 Mbps.
Frequency allocation for WiMax is critical as it would have significant
impact on the economies of scale of WiMax devices and equipment to be
produced. A total of 15 MHz is allocated for 15 zones at 2.3 GHz for
WiMax 16d. Indonesia uses channel 3.75 MHz and 7.5 MHz, while the
world is in 2.5 MHz and 5 MHz channel.
Sylvia Sumarlin, CEO of Xirka, complained to Vice President, Republic of
Indonesia about the current channel restriction. She proposed to add
more channels to be in sync with the world. Xirka produces local WiMax
chipset to operate at 5 MHz and 10 MHz
BRTI (Indonesian Telecommunication Regulation Agency) is now
evaluating adding 5 MHz and 10 MHz channels for WiMax. The
recommendation, along with legal aspects consideration, would be
given to Ministry of Information and Communication. Gatot S. Dewa
Broto, the Ministry’s Head of Public Affairs, explained that the 3.5 MHz
and 7.5 MHz are intended to protect the existing local components.
There is no uniform global licensed spectrum for WiMax yet. The most
recent versions of both WiMax standards in 802.16 cover spectrum
ranges from at least the 2 GHz range through the 66 GHz range.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 16th, 17th, 24th September 2010,
http://www.xirkachipset.com, www.wimax.com)
Meanwhile, the vendors winning the last year BWA tender is not yet
implementing WiMax 6d until now (one year already). The Ministry is
now preparing the policy to set a possible 2-year deadline. If the
winning bidders do not realize the project, the government will revoke
the license, and the money already paid to the state could not be
claimed back.
Flexi-Esia Merger is Getting Closer
Two compteting CDMA (code division multiple access) based services,
Flexi and Esia, are confirmed to getting closer to a final merger. Flexi is a
business unit whitin PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, while Esia is with PT
Bakrie Telecom, both are operating at 800 MHz.
It is highly most likely that the operation and management of Flexi
would be transferred to Esia by compensating with some shares given
to Telkom. Telkom appointed UBS Securities to evauate assets of both
companies. All of the proceses are expected to complete by December
2010. Telkom would not spend any money for this asset transfer. Yet,
Telkom does not know how much share of PT Bakrie Telecom that it
would own as result of this transfer.
Flexi and Esia Comparison
(Rp billion)
Telecom (Esia)
Flexi of PT
(~US$ 843
(~US$ 1,212
2009, total CDMA
customers were 35 million.
It is predicted to become 41
million in 2010. By 2011,
2012, 2013, and 2014, it
would become 47, 53, 57,
and 61 million respectively.
Meanwhile, in light of
concerns over anti-trust (the
merger would create a 80%Source: Danareksa Research as of June 2010. * estimated.
90% market domination in
CDMA services, a potential
for market monopoly), BRTI (Indonesian Telecommunication
Regulation Agency) neither approves nor disapprove this proposed
consolidation, as it is still waiting for the written proposal. The other
two (small) players in CDMA-based fixed wireless access (FWA)
services are Indosat ‘StarOne’ and Mobile-8 Telecom ‘Hepi’.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 17thSeptember 2010,
www.detik.com 21xt Sept 2010)
Fiber Optic Construction in Eastern Indonesia is Hampered
Administrative matters have been hampering the construction and
development of fiber optic network in Eastern Indonesia. Muhamad
Budi Setiawan, Director General Post and Telecommunication, Ministry
of Information and Communication, stated that there is about 40%
remaining to complete due to ‘field administration’.
Ministry of Interior issued a letter to stop temporarily the construction
project in Maluku, Papua, and Bali. This was due to the lack of
coordination, no one knew of the fiber optic construction at ‘Kecamatan’
level (county).
The development of fiber optic in Eastern Indonesia is for 10,812 km,
connecting Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua, as part of
mega-project Palapa Ring. The project covers 35,280 km of submarine
fiber optic and 21,708 km of underground fiber optic. Palapa Ring is one
of the seven programs established under National IT Council. This is a
commitment from the government to reduce the gap of information
access to about 25 thousand villages by end of January 2009 or 31,800
villages by end of 2010.
According to Mr. Setiawan, Indonesia is quite late in developing fiber
optic network. However, by 2015, the project expects to complete 70%
of fiber optic network development. This year, investment in the project
reaches Rp. 2 trillion (~US$ 200 million). Next year, the government
would tender out for another Rp. 2 trillion for fiber optic development.
(Source: Koran Tempo, 28thSeptember 2010)
He expected that the fiber optic development would boost the growth
of household Internet connection up to 10%. This is still relatively small
as compared to that of ASEAN countries that reach up to 50%. With
several non-technical problems this year, the Ministry could not be able
to target for 50%.
Microsoft Action against Software Piracy
Jonathan Selvasegaram, Legal Advisor for Intellectual Property
Microsoft, said that Microsoft felt the need to take firm action against
software piracy. This is to protect consumers from security problems,
virus, and cyber threat.
In the last three years, Microsoft spent the time to educate dealers about
computer software piracy. Anti-piracy campaign was conducted for 6
Microsoft anti-piracy action is to identify the seller of PCs with pirated
software. Dealers offering computers with pirated software will be dealt
with by the authorities.
(Source: www.inilah.com , 10th September 2010)
Urbanesia is Partnering with Google
A local start-up company, Urbanesia, is partnering with Google to utilize
Google Maps API in publishing information in Urbanesia for its
customers. Urbanesia is an online lifestyle portal with a mission to
making urban life more comfortable and enjoyable. The tagline is a
lifestyle directory where you can share experiences about your city &
business. It has been serving around 220,000 local companies.
Andrew McGlinchey, Head of Product Management Google South East
Asia, considered Urbanesia is their biggest partner in Indonesia so far.
(Source: www.detik.com , 6th October 2010, www.urbanesia.com)
Meanwhile, Google is now focusing on mapping out big cities in
Indonesia. Yet, Andrew could not provide any clue as to when Google
Street View would be available for Indonesia. Google Maps Indonesia
was just launched on October 6, 2010.
Indosat is Conducting IWIC 2010
Indosat is conducting IWIC 2010 (Indosat Wireless Innovation Center)
partnering with top universities in Indonesia to run a series of activities,
seminars, and road shows in various cities across the country.
It is its 5th annual event to socialize wireless technology and encourage
the youth to produce creative works by joining IWIC competition. A
total prize of million rupiah, BlackBerry, Android, and Notebooks are
available for the winners. The contest is divided into two categories: 1)
wireless application development, and 2) paper writing.
(Source: www.detik.com , 6th October 2010)
Indonesia Hosted Ragnarok World Championship 2010
Gamers from 11 countries came to Mangga Dua Square, Jakarta to
participate in the annual Ragnarok World Championship 2010. One
team represents one country, coming from Indonesia, Korea, Japan, USA,
Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, France, Malaysia, Taiwan, and China.
PT Lyto Datarindo Fortuna (Lyto) hosted this International game
competition on October 2-3, 2010, one of the biggest online game
tournaments. Ragnarok is one of the oldest online games in Indonesia,
with more than 50 million users.
RWC 2010 provides the first winner with US$ 15,000, 2nd winner
US$ 7,000 and 3rd US$ 3,000.
(Source: www.detik.com Oct 2, 4, 2010, Wikipedia)
Ragnarok online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game,
created by Gravity Co., Ltd. It was first released in South Korea on
August 31, 2002 for Microsoft Windows and has since been released in
many other locales around the world.
Report on Indonesia
Information and Communication Technology
Chief Editor
Agus Wicaksono
Antonius Mardjuki
Purwanto Makbul
Oct 2010
This report summarizes monthly developments, updates, and events
on information and communication technology in Indonesia. The
information is sourced and processed from various contact points,
publication media, online news, and other authoritative sources.
Telematics Convergence Bill is Ready for Parliament
The Government is finalizing the draft on Telematics (or Multimedia)
Convergence Bill that addresses regulation on both telecommunications
and informatics. The draft would be submitted to the Parliament by end
of 2010.
The bill is designed as a regulation umbrella of all aspects of legal
references for telecommunication and information technology.
Telematics in the bill is broadly defined as ‘integration of technology and
supply chain over the supply and services for telecommunication,
information technology, IP-based broadcasting, and contents’. Further, it
ascertains that Telematics is ‘held by the State and its development
supervision is done by the Government’.
The broad scope-definition and the need to obtain government
permission and to pay BHP fee (Biaya Hak Penyelenggaraan– the cost of
provisioning right) for Telematics (service) providers have been causing
big concerns among the industry and business players. The Minister of
Information and Communication (Kominfo) was surprised to learn
some public reaction that consider the draft enforce a sort of illegal
taxation thru BHP fees, as he does not intend to do so.
Feedbacks from public are being gathered to refine the draft. BRTI
(Indonesian Telecommunication Regulation Body) is having two more
opportunities for public consultation to address the draft before it is
submitted to the Parliament. The Bill is also to clearly segregate the
accountability and authority between Kominfo (from infrastructure to
product certification) and KPI (Indonesian Broadcasting Commission)
for content distribution thru either air or Internet.
(Source: www.detik.com 7th, 21st October 2010, 4th November 2010,
Bisnis Indonesia, 21st October 2010)
The Kominfo Office is optimistic that the draft would be passed,
approved and become a Bill by 2011. It would be replacing the
Telecommunication Bill No. 36/1999.
Tablet, Notebook and PC: Market Growth and Competition
Penetration of Notebook to Indonesian market is estimated to reach 6
million units by 2011, according to IDC (International Data Corporation).
Asistant GM Toshiba Company Singapore, Masanabu Honda, saw
Indonesia as the fast growing market in South East Asia. The last
quarter of 2010 is to see a 1.4 millon unit of Notebook sales.
The market for PC Tablet starts growing with more product offerings.
According to MarkPlus Inc, the market is open for 8 million potential
users. Samsung is launching Galaxy Tab with 7-inch screen and Android
2.2 for IDR 6.99 million (US$ 700) to challenge Apple iPAD 9.7-inch.
Dell is launching 10,000 units Streak, a 5-inch, Android-based PC Tablet
to Indonesia market for the next 3 months. Sold at IDR 6-million range
(US$ 600), Dell Streak comes with GPS features, and does not require a
special SIM card, in contrast with others that requires a micro-SIM card.
This is the 1st launch in South East Asia, and the 5th in the world.
World wide, iPAD sales are below target of 5 million units, yet an
increasing sale growth is estmated by 2011 when it is marketed to many
more countries and through more retail channels. Steve Jobs, Apple CEO,
branded a 7-inch tablet as DOA – dead on arrival. A critic considered to
be targeted to Samsumg, Dell, Google and RIM.
PC Tablet has been putting pressure to e-Reader devices that enjoyed
big sales and popularity last year. Attempts to target lower end market
segments for e-Reader are faced with low-price PC Tablet from China.
(Source: Koran Tempo, 20th October 2010,
Bisnis Indonesia, 15th, 20th, 21st, 25th, 31st Oct 2010, 1st Nov 2010)
Meanwhile, Apkomindo (Indonesia Association of Computer
Businessman) is urging the government to build broadband wireless
infrastcuture in rural areas that currently abosorb around 60% of PC
Laying out Broadband Infrastructure: WiMax vs. LTE
Indonesia is considered as still behind other countries in providing
Internet broadband access. Out of 230 population, only around 230
thousands (0.2%) are subscribers to fixed broadband network.
Chairman MASTEL (Indonesia Telematics Society), Setyanto P Santosa,
said that Indonesia is too much dependent upon wireless broadband,
while others use cables, fixed broadband as the main connect. Normally,
the fixed-wireless broadband ratio is 60%-40%, while Indonesia is at
about 10%-90%. He encourages Telco operators to build fiber-to-thehome (FTTH) access with support and incentives from the government.
Meanwhile, industry players are concerns about standard and direction
on wireless broadband access (BWA). It relates to the adoption of
WiMax (worldwide interoperability for microwave access) and LTE
(Long Term Evolution) technology for the future roadmap. WiMax and
LTE are a generation next to 3G network. Some consider it as 4G, but
ITU (International Telecommunication Union) recently disqualified it.
Frequency for WiMax BWA was already allocated and tendered out in
2009, while LTE is emerging as new promising technology – either
competing or complementing. Berca Global Access and First Media, two
of the winners of the BWA tender, were behind schedule at laying out
BWA network due to administrative reasons. Berca allocates US$ 500
million to build WiMax network in 24 cities for 5 years. First Media
allocates US$ 350 million for 10 years.
(Source: www.detik.com 23th Sep 2010, 26th, 27th, 28th October 2010)
Telkomsel, Indosat, and XL are preparing for LTE. Telkomsel has been
conducting trial test on LTE since several months ago. It intends to
deploy LTE at 2.5 GHz, currently still being used by Indovision.
Telkomsel has still to wait until 2012 to get it commercialized, hoping
for the auction on the targeted bandwidth.
Cloud Computing: Market Potentials and Service Readiness
Cloud computing services are on the rise, as it offers many benefits for
companies looking for a reduced IT cost, freeing them from paying a
high capital investment for hardware and software at the beginning.
Some vendors are closely watching the growing demand on
infrastructure required to support cloud computing services. VMware is
currently one of the leading players dominating the market on cloud
computing infrastructure in Asia Pacific. Ed Lenta, GM VMware South
East Asia, predicting a big demand for cloud computing services in
Indonesia, is establishing local partnership to offer the services.
The increasing adoption of virtualization technology by Small Medium
Businesses (SMB) contributes to the growth of cloud computing
demand. Starting with e-mail and domain name server (DNS) hosting, it
is now demanded for critical business applications.
Biznet Networks, an Internet service provider, is introducing cloud
computing to SMB by offering virtual data storage solution. The rented
services at affordable monthly price include Cloud Server for IDR 2.5
million (US$ 250), Cloud Hosting for IDR 7 million (US$ 700), and Cloud
Storage for IDR 3 million (US$ 300)
However, according to Halim D. Mangunjudo of PT Multipolar
Technology Tbk, cloud computing is still on its early stage and would be
ready in the next 2-3 years time. It requires a process that could not just
be deployed right away. Multipolar is preparing infrastructure, platform,
and services to anticipate this unstoppable demand.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 22nd, 26th, 27thOctober 2010,
www.inilah.com, 28th October 2010)
Ovum, a consulting-research firm, predicted cloud computing would be
adopted by 2011 with service offering from vendors and readiness from
the companies to use. The government sectors would still need some
time to adopt as it would have to deal with the regulations.
Pesta Blogger+ 2010
A national annual gathering of bloggers is conducted on 30th October
2010 at the Epicentrum Walk, Jakarta. This year, the participants are
extended to include all other online social media users. It is the reason
to put in the “+” on the Blogger Party (pesta) headline, explained Irayani
Queencyputri, the Organizing Committee.
The users of blog in Indonesia reach around 2 (two) millions. Facebook
users are more than 25 millions. Twitters users are on the 6th in the
world, constituting 2.41% of the total users in the world.
Minister of National Education, Muhammad Nuh, was giving a keynote
speech to the opening of Pesta Blogger+ 2010. He highlighted 4 (four)
contributing components to the education delivered thru online media:
connectivity, transaction, collaboration, and transformation.
Internet and online media have made it easy to do transaction by online
community, including educational transactions. Taking advantage of this
connectivity, a more integrated collaboration can be established to
transform social and cultural community. Muhammad Nuh was before
as the Minister of Information and Communication present at the first
Pesta Blogger 2007 to declare 27th October as the National Blogger Day.
Acer was becoming the official sponsor for this 2010 gathering.
Meanwhile, Microsoft was taking this opportunity to introduce
Windows Live 4. This is a platform claimed by Microsoft as making
easier for people to get connect to online social media network. Upload
to Facebook, YouTube and others would not require opening up
browser with a new windows
(Source: www.detik.com , 26th, 30th Oct 2010, 1st November 2010)
Windows Live is still on beta version and can be downloaded free at
Report on Indonesia
Information and Communication Technology
Chief Editor
Agus Wicaksono
Antonius Mardjuki
Purwanto Makbul
Nov 2010
This report summarizes monthly developments, updates, and events
on information and communication technology in Indonesia. The
information is sourced and processed from various contact points,
publication media, online news, and other authoritative sources.
Information Village: Program for the Indonesia Outer Part Areas
The Ministry of Information and Communication is proceeding with an
integrated program, called Information Village, to give equal
information access to the outer part regions of Indonesia. The program
aims at empowering the people with information and communication in
to better develop as society in a more integrated and sustainable way.
The Information Village (‘Desa Informasi’) comprises, among other
things, Community Radio, telecommunication services with Ringing
Village (‘Desa Berdering’) program, Internet access (Smart Village
program), and cable TV facility and services.
With the program, information access and distribution are open equally
to people in city centers (urban areas) and in the (mostly isolated)
Tifatul Sembiring, Minister of Information and Communication,
inaugurated the 14th Information Village at the remote village of Jagoi,
Jagoibabang County, Bengkayang, West Kalimantan. The target is, since
its initial launch in 2009, to have 500 Information Villages by 2014.
The Ministry is also to establish Internet Service Centers for 5,748
Counties (PLIK – Pusat Layanan Internet Kecamatan). A tender is open
for providing information system management and monitoring of PLIK
with a total package of IDR 210 billion (~US$ 21 million) for 4 (four)
years. Participated by 19 bidders (only one winner would be selected),
PLIK is to be operationally starting by end of this year.
(Source: www.detik.com 12th December 2010,
Bisnis Indonesia, 16th November 2010)
Meanwhile, the infrastructure development is progressing on target
with more than 36% completion. A number of operators are still laying
out the infrastructure in various areas: PT Jastrindo Dinamika (1,592
points), PT Telkom Tbk (1,396 points), PT Sarana Insan Muda Selaras
(1,245 points), and PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta (1,515 points).
2011 PC Market Outlook: Big Growth for Areas outside Jakarta
Processor and PC vendors are optimistic about the national computer
market of 2011, particularly outside Jakarta, predicted to be the regions
with rapid growth.
Navin Shenoy, Vice President of Intel Semiconductor Ltd. Asia Pacific,
said the PC market in Indonesia is projected to grow more than 30%
this year and next year is predicted to be even growing more. At least 6
(six) cities are identified as higher growth that include: Surabaya,
Yogyakarta, Medan, Balikpapan and Makassar.
A number of driving factors cosidered as contributing to the market
growth: higher gross domestic product, increasing use of Internet and
social network. PC market will grow with the increasing penetration of
broadband Internet, although currently still in the range of 5% -6%,
that will induce the economy and industry.
Recently, IDC (International
Data Corporation) mentioned
Indonesia as the second
largest consumer notebook
market in the region, under
China, which means that
Indonesia is Intel's largest
market in Asia Pacific. IDC research indicates that shipment of notebook,
netbook, and desktop to Indonesia in 2010 reach 1.99 million units,
460,000 units, and 1.36 million units respectively.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 16thNovember 2010)
Data from the Association of Computer Businessmen shows a computer
penetration (desktop and laptop) of only 4% of the total population, or
about 9.2 million units. This is below the average of penetration rate in
other Asia Pacific countries.
BTS Goes Green with Biogas Fuel
The Ministry of Information and Communication is pushing its initiative
to implementation about building environment-friendly, green BTS
(base transceiver station) using fuel from biomass, replacing electrical
power and fossil fuel.
According to Tifatul Sembiring, Minister of Information and
Communication, Telkomsel, among other operators, is ready to
implement it. By end of 2010, this program should be operational, after
about one year since it was announced.
The BTS would use cow dung to be processed as biomass & biogas to
power up the BTS operation, reducing the dependency upon fossilbased fuel. The program, that has been coordinated with the Ministry of
Agriculture, would provide a group of farmers with 10-20 cows, whose
waste is enough for the biomass energy to operate one BTS. Ministry of
Agriculture is to supply tens of cows to support the program.
The utilization of biogas is for the remote areas that are still difficult to
get electrical power. Tifatul Sembiring is also in support of other
environment-friendly BTS initiatives such as solar energy and wind
power that several telecommunication operators are starting
Some expressed concerns about the program, pessimistic in term of
commercial mass deployment; some urged the Ministry to focus more
on other telecommunications / IT infrastructure development and
better regulations.
(Source: Kompas, 4th Nov 2010, Bisnis Indonesia, 3rd Nov 2010
www.detik.com 4th November 2010)
Currently, there are about 100,000 telecommunication tower / BTS in
Indonesia. By possibly sharing towers among operators, it is estimated
that 35,000 – 45,000 units are enough to cover the whole country,
Smart Office Concept is Introduced to Indonesia Market
In partnership with Cisco and Azbil, Fujitsu is offering applications of
Smart Office concept to Indonesia market. The integrated solution is
introduced during the recent Cisco Indonesia Summit 2010 in Jakarta on
23 November 2010.
On Smart Office partnership, Fujitsu provides consulting services,
hardware, and software, while Cisco provides IP-based infrastructure
and Azbil for the censors, controllers, and Building Automation System
(BAS). Azbil Yamatake Corporation is a Japanese company specializing
in ‘measurement and control’ technologies for office buildings, plants
and factories, and health care market.
According to Achmad S. Sofwan, Chief Operating Officer Fujitsu
Indonesia, the close integration of real estate facility technology and IT
solutions would change the way office building is designed, developed,
managed, and used as a one smart convergent environment. Thru a
combination of technology and IT services that Fujitsu is offering,
customers can implement Smart Office that always stay connected with
low-energy consumption.
The approach Fujitsu takes is by integrating all components of
communication connectivity – data and voice with building
management that was before separated isolated, generating costly
islands of systems.
(Source: Kompas, 29thNovember 2010)
Fujitsu is amongst the few Cisco’s partners in Indonesia that is focusing
on Smart Connected Community (S+CC) solutions. Cisco Indonesia
Summit 2010 is a full day conference with showcase to build borderless
enterprise with the right technology.
The integrated solutions create a convergence of data, voice, video,
intercom, video monitoring, early warning, alarm ad various kinds of
building control functions.
AVAR 2010 Conference in Bali
The Association of anti-Virus Asia Researchers conducted its conference
(AVAR 2010) in Bali on 17-19 November 2010. This is the 13th AVAR
conference, a biggest antimalware gathering event in Asia Pacific region.
Seiji Murakami, who found AVAR, stated that this conference is not only
for anti-virus experts, but is also open to IT professionals, students,
university teachers, and law enforcement officers.
AVAR 2010 addressed the trend of virus attacks and other cyber crime
issues. Social media network is identified as one of the modus operandi
of new virus attacks, along with cloud-based services.
Stuxnet, a virus worm attacking nuclear-based facility, is one of hot
topics being discussed in the conference. Stuxnet is becoming popular,
as it has recently been crippling thousands of computers around the
(Source: www.detik.com , 18th, 30th November 2010)
According to M. Salahuddien, Vice Chairman of ID-SIRTII (Indonesia
Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure) said that
Indonesia is on the third rank of the biggest countries infected by
Stuxnet as per the data from antivirus companies Sophos and Symantec.
Yet the impact is not that significant, as this virus is more for a targeted
attack for nuclear facilities thru SCADA (supervisory control and data
acquisition) systems.
Some suspected that Stuxnet is designed to sabotage Iran’s nuclear
facilities (Bushehr and Natanz). A Belorussia-based security company
first found the virus in June 2010. This is one of the most highly complex,
sophisticated virus that took million dollars to develop. Eugene
Kaspersky, founder of Kaspersky Lab, an antivirus company, thought it
is most likely that some parties (certain country) is behind this worm
Report on Indonesia
Information and Communication Technology
Chief Editor
Agus Wicaksono
Antonius Mardjuki
Purwanto Makbul
Dec 2010
This report summarizes monthly developments, updates, and events
on information and communication technology in Indonesia. The
information is sourced and processed from various contact points,
publication media, online news, and other authoritative sources.
LTE Network: Regulation and Development
Wireless Intelligence projected, in its report Global LTE Network
Forecasts and Assumptions 2010-1015, more than 1 million connections
in 2011 and up to 300 million in 2015 of LTE (Long Term Evolution)
network globally. This is a 4% of total mobile connection in the next 5
Development in Indonesia indicates a need for building LTE network.
According to Nonot Harsono, member of Indonesia Telecommunication
Regulation Agency (BRTI - Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia),
the choice for the future would be either LTE or WiMax for mobile
services. CDMA would be eventually shutdown, discontinued to join LTE.
It requires a big re-investment as the network has to be built from
scratch for either LTE or WiMax 6m.
Several Frequencies Being Assessed for LTE
700 MHz
TV Station (transition to digital)
900 MHz
5 GSM Operators (2G/Voice)
1800 MHz
5 GSM Operator (DCS)
2.3 GHz
WiMax 16d Operators (some)
2.6 GHz
Satellite Operators
The government is now preparing
regulations relating to LTE, in order
for the players to develop and
implement LTE. Tulus Rahardjo,
Director of Radio Spectrum
Frequency, Ministry of Information
and Communication, said that his
office is still assessing the right
frequency allocation for LTE, while
maintaining technology neutrality.
Source: Ditjen Postel, Bisnis Indonesia
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 15th, 21stDecember 2010)
Another item being regulated is
about local content for LTE device components, or TKDN (tingkat
komponen dalam negeri). It is a general effort to protect and develop
local industries, amidst current estimate that local contribution is only
3% for telecommunication sector. Waiting for the comprehensive
regulations, Indonesia would see a 1-2 year delay of full LTE
The Landscape of PC Market in 2011: Portable is Dominating
The Indonesia Association of Computer Businessmen (Apkomindo –
Asosiasi Pengusaha Komputer Indonesia) estimated a PC market of 5.3
million units in 2011. Portable PC (laptops, netbooks, and tablet) would
dominate by 70% share or 3.7 million units.
Merry Harun, Vice Chairman Apkomindo, further elaborated the
portable PC market that would be shared by 65% notebook, 28%
netbook, and 7% tablet PCs. Penetrating the market since the beginning
of the year with Apple iPad, tablet PC is estimated to reach 371,000
units in 2011. This is in light of about 20% growth of Internet users in
2011 to reach around 58 million.
Meanwhile, Lenovo – producer of laptop from China – is targeting a 10%
market share in 2011. It reached 6.2% market share in November 2010,
which ranked the top four after Acer, Hewlett-Packard, and Asus. Irene
Santosa, Country Manager for Home and Small Businesses, Lenovo
Indonesia, would grow its market by adding more distributors and
Acer booked a PC market share of 26.71% by Q3 2010, according to
International Data Corporation (IDC) data. Acer is expanding its
customer service center (ACSC) network throughout Indonesia to more
than 20 cities to support and grow its market. ACSC provides one-stop
service, located in provincial capitals, district / municipality and
supported by an integrated online system, spare parts warehouse,
customer service, team of technicians and customer waiting room.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 29th, 31st December 2010,
Kompas Tekno, 25th November 2010)
Overall, spending on information and communication technology is
estimated to reach IDR 325 trillion (~US$ 33 billion) in 2011, according
to Tifatul Sembiring, Minister of Information and Communication.
Spend in 2010 is estimated at IDR 300 trillion (~US$ 30 billion).
Palapa Ring to Complete by 2012 after Some Delays
Palapa Ring Project, building fiber optic network in eastern part of
Indonesia, is experiencing some delays. PT Telkom, constructing the
first part of the network for a 1,041 km Mataram-Kupang link, is
targeting for February 2011 completion, behind the original schedule of
September 2010 or end of 2010.
Information and Communications Minister Tifatul Sembiring is aiming
for the Palapa Ring fiber-optic project to complete by 2012, saying the
project delay is due to financing difficulties. The project will be financed
by state revenue obtained from the information and communication
technology (ICT) industry. He said that the government aimed to raise
Rp 1 trillion (US$111 million) in annual revenue from the ICT industry.
The Palapa Ring is an ambitious project that aims to link Sumatra, Java,
Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua and eight
existing network connections or backhauls through an estimated total
35,280 kilometers of undersea and 21,870 kilometers of underground
fiber-optic cables.
The government has created a consortium for the project involving PT
Telkom, PT Indosat, PT Exelcomindo Pratama, PT Bakrie Telecom, PT
Infokom Elektrindo and PT Powertek Utama Internusa.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 31stDecember 2010,
www.thejakartapost.com 29th December 2010,
www.antaranews.com 6th January 2010)
Early this year, Tifatul indicated that the Indonesian government would
involve Japan in the Palapa Ring project. After a meeting with
Matsamitsu Naito, Senior Vice Minister for Internal and
Communications affairs at Japan`s Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Communications, Tifatul said that ‘We cannot deal with information and
communication technology (ICT) on our own, we must connect ourselves
with other countries, and one of them is Japan’.
e-Money Applications in Internet Kiosks
Irwin Day, Chairman of the Association of Indonesia Internet Kiosks
(Awari), is targeting at providing e-Money services to expand the
business. This would require partnership with telecommunication
operators to offer electronic money transfers at Internet kiosks,
including payment of bills, telephone card top-up, and cash remittance.
It is a big opportunity for Internet Kiosks to enter into digital money
transaction business by serving as payment points as a start. It would
eventually become cash withdrawal points for customers. Telkomsel,
Indosat, and Telkom Flexi have been offering mobile wallet services
whereby customer can make a money transfer up to Rp. 5 million
(~US$ 500). Telkomsel T-Cash allows money transfer of maximum Rp. 1
million (~US$ 100) per day and Rp. 20 million (~US$ 2,000) per month.
Fee for one transaction is only Rp. 1,000 (~US$ 0.10).
For Internet Kiosks to provide this new service, it is required to have a
reliable, highly trusted system: safe, easy, and clear along with adequate
support in case of disputes.
Previously, Awari and one of PT Telkom subsidiaries had put together
this concept of empowering Internet Kiosks. However, for some reasons,
it did not come to an optimal implementation. Awari expects to reinvoke this kind of partnership and cooperation in 2011.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 13th, 17th December 2010)
In big cities such as Jakarta, customers of Internet Kiosks are declining,
but not for smaller cities. Previously, majority of customers are
university students and employees, now mostly are high school
There are around 20,000 Internet Kiosks in the country (10,000 in
2009). It would later have to compete with County Internet Service
Centers (PLIK - Pusat Layanan Internet Kecamatan). The government is
targeting to establish 5,748 PLIK and is now putting into tender.
Pilot Project at SD Besuki 01 Elementary: Free WiFi for Schools
First Media, an Internet service provider, is launching a pilot project at
Besuki 01 Menteng Elementary School (SD Besuki), Jakarta to establish
free WiFi for schools. SD Besuki is the school that US President Barrack
Obama went to during his childhood time in Jakarta.
Hengki Liwanto, President Director First Media, is hoping that free
hotspot, the high-speed broadband Internet access, could help better
learning experience and development in schools, such as searching for
information and references thru Internet and communicating thru
Alongside, First Media is introducing its FastNet Kids, an Internet
service for kids that come with filters to block negative contents.
According to data from the Indonesia Association of Internet Service
Providers (APJII), only one out of three parents use special software to
filter and block negative sites their kids are visiting.
Dicky Moechtar, Corporate Sales Director First Media, said that with
FastNet Kids parents and teachers would not need to worry about kids’
activities in surfing the virtual world. The service can be used to prevent
access to negative sites containing pornography, violence, gambling, and
other negative contents.
Meanwhile, First Media has been spending US$ 50 million for
establishing 4G WiMax network and estimating about US$ 350 million
investment for the next 10 years.
(Source: www.detik.com , 20thDecember 2010)
.detik OF
Report on Indonesia
Information and Communication Technology
Chief Editor
Agus Wicaksono
Antonius Mardjuki
Purwanto Makbul
Jan 2010
This report summarizes monthly developments, updates, and events
on information and communication technology in Indonesia. The
information is sourced and processed from various contact points,
publication media, online news, and other authoritative sources.
RIM is to Comply with Indonesia Regulations
On January 17, 2011, Research in Motion (RIM, BlackBerry provider)
and Ministry of Information, and Communication (Kominfo) conducted
a meeting to address demands from the Government to RIM. Previously,
Kominfo issued a deadline of January 21, 2011 for RIM to comply with
the regulations that otherwise the Government would block and stop
BlackBerry access and services in Indonesia.
RIM then committed to delivering four points to fulfill the demand:
1. Establish After-Sales-Service Centers in Indonesia (there are
currently 40 BlackBerry Authorized Customer Care Centers)
2. Conduct assessment on access facilitation to lawful interception for
the Indonesia law enforcement officials
3. Filters the access to negative contents such as pornography
4. Set up a Regional Network Aggregator at the location yet to be
The threat to stop RIM BB services in Indonesia, based on seven items
Kominfo demanded, has been hot topics of controversial debates for the
past several months. The other three points demanded are for RIM to:
1. Respect and obey the laws and regulations applicable in Indonesia (a.
Law No. 3/1989 Telecommunications, b. Law No. 11/2008 Information
and Electronic Transactions, c. Law No. 44/2008 Pornography)
The three laws mentioned in fact cover the details in other points and
the ones RIM committed to comply. BlackBerry customers in Indonesia
are estimated around 2+ millions and RIM collects profit of US$ 15
million per month.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 21st January 2011,
www.detik.com , 20thJan 2011, www.indonesiafirst.com , 9th Jan 2011)
2. Recruit local employment appropriately and proportionally
3. Install as much as possible using local content in Indonesia,
particularly about the software
ICT Industry in 2011: Market Size, Trend, and Spending
Aspiluki (the Asosication of Indonesia Software) estimated an increase
of 7.5% of software market and implementation services this year to
reach IDR 8.6 trillion (~US$ 868 million).
The Indonesia software market is big that
industry players in China and India are
interested to get in. However, IT spend that
Aspiluki estimated this year for IDR 82 trillion
(~US$ 8.2 billion) is dominated 90% by
hardware. The software market growth could
increase up to 20% provided all stakeholders
work together with the same vision, supported
by good and integrated regulatins and policy.
Indonesia IT Spend (H/W,
S/W) – IDR Trillion
Source: Aspiluki 2011; * Estimate.
On gadget, mobile Internet devices (MID) with low-price Android
operating system and tablet PCs would dominate the 2011 trend. The
number of smart phones is to reach 50% of the total mobile phones by
2014. With affordable price, 5-10 inch tablet PCs would be booming this
year, with sales reaching 200,000 units and revenue of IDR 30 billion
(~US$ 3 million). Cellular operators play significant roles in providing
boradband access to support market penetration of tablet PCs.
Meanwhile, IT outsourcing market is projected to reach US$ 100 million
for the next five years. Server market is growing by 36% per year, and
printer market is to reach 2.6 million unit this year, a 18.2% growth.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 7th, 12th, 21st, 24th, January 2010,
www.idc.com )
Overall in 2011, IDC predicted a year-over-year growth of 15% and
9.2% for IT and telecommunication respectively. IDC expects cloud
computing and cloud services to become increasingly visible in both
small and large enterprises in 2011. Mobility and social media are also
expected to play a significant role in the market.
Icon+ is Urged to Complete USO “Desa Berdering” Project
BPPPTI (The Agency for the Provision and Management of Funding
Telecommunication and Informatics) is urging Indonesia Comnet Plus
(Icon+) to complete the “Desa Berdering” project by June 2011. Works
start progressing after previous slow development.
“Desa Berdering” Project is to provide telephone access into all villages,
(target of 33,180 villages), funded under Universal Service Obligation
(USO) Program. Telkomsel and Icon+ won the tender to carry out the
project. Telkomsel has completed the work for about 25 thousand
villages, and about 8 thousand villages are for Icon+ to complete.
According to Santoso Sirad, Head of BPPPTI Ministry of Information and
Communication, Icon+ has completed almost 2,000 villages with interconnection supported by PT Telkom Tbk. As per the contract, it has yet
to complete more than 4,000 villages by March 2011 in Sulawesi areas,
and the rest, covering Maluku and Papua areas, is to complete until
September 2011.
USO covers two programs. Program I, “Desa Berdering” is to reach
villages far from urban and located in very remote regions, therefore
telecommunications access are required by providing at least one phone
line in each village.
Program II, “Desa Pinter“, is to increase quality and quantity of
communication services for telecenters with more phone lines and
equipped with information (Internet) access capability by 2025.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 5thJan 2011, www.republica.co.id 29th Dec 2010,
USO implementation is funded by the state budget and contributions
from Telco operators (USO fund) at the amount of 0.75% of the adjusted
annual gross revenue (deducted by interconnection and bad debts).
Microsoft is to Establish Market Place for Local Applications
Microsoft intends to build a market place, a kind of e-shop or e-store to
accommodate application systems made in Indonesia for local needs.
Microsoft estimates that each dollar generated by Microsoft would
create a domino effect of US$ 7 for the local industry.
Sutanto Harsono, President Director Microsoft Indonesia, asserted that
Microsoft is taking the roles of supporting the local capabilities of
software industry covering systems integrators and independent
software developers.
Microsoft Indonesia and USAID (US Agency for International
Development) just announced a national competition for business
innovation, called Imulasi 3.0 to encourage and help start-up companies
coming up with innovative ideas and getting them materialized as
business solutions. Imulasi 3.0 Program is open from January 25, 2011
until March 20, 2011.
Meanwhile, a number of local web developers recently set up Merah
Putih Incubator (MPI), an umbrella organization to manage incubation
process and encourage investment for local products and start-up
companies or beginners.
The fast growth of Internet and portable devices in Indonesia would
make more people get interested in doing transactions online. However,
only 0.5% of the total population is currently shopping online, according
to Antonny Liem, CEO Merah Putih Inc.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 26th, 28th January 2011)
Open Source PCs Donated to Schools
Chevron, in cooperation with the Indonesia Association of Open Source
(AOSI), donated 625 PCs, installed with open source systems, to schools
in Jakarta and West Java. They have been equipped with various office
applications, multimedia, graphs, games and Internet.
Yanto Sianipar, VP Policy, Government & Public Affairs, Chevron
Indonesia, expected the PC donation could help reducing digital gap in
the receiving schools.
Betti Alisjahbana, Chairwoman of AOSI, stated that the open source
philosophy fit very much to education domain. By encouraging the use
of open source systems in education, the local capability development
and use of local products and services are expected to grow.
In conjunction with PC distribution, the Computer Laboratory, Faculty
of Physics Engineering, ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology),
conducted training sessions for teachers of the receiving schools.
Syamsu Dharma, Chairman of Awliya Foundation, one of the receiving
parties, said that the donation would help his foundation to improve
education and prosperity, not only for his students but also for the
surrounding community.
Each school received four units of HP Compac DC 7600 Minitower PC
with LCD monitor, while the notebook was Lenovo ThinkPad T60.
Previously, Chevron and AOSI have distributed more than 3,100 PCs to
hundreds of schools and educational institutions in Riau and other areas.
(Source: www.detik.com , 19thJanuary 2011)
.detik OF
Report on Indonesia
Information and Communication Technology
Chief Editor
Agus Wicaksono
Antonius Mardjuki
Purwanto Makbul
Feb 2011
This report summarizes monthly developments, updates, and events
on information and communication technology in Indonesia. The
information is sourced and processed from various contact points,
publication media, online news, and other authoritative sources.
RPP PITE Mandates In-Country Data Centers
The government is drafting regulation about Provision of Information
and Electronic Transactions or RPP PITE (Rancangan Peraturan
Pemerintah tentang Penyelenggaraan Informasi dan Transaksi
Elektronik). Both government and private institutions would be
required to have data centers in Indonesia as addressed to in the RPP
According to Director General of Informatics Applications, Ministry of
Information and Communications (Kominfo) Aswin Sasongko, incountry Data Center and Data Recovery Center are required for the
authority and law enforcement officers to get access. The access is
granted with regard to law enforcement activities.
UU ITE (Information and Electronic Transaction Bill) has been passed in
2008 and mandated three government regulations be developed to
clarify and avoid any ambiguity on the providers of electronic system.
The three-targeted regulations are 1) RPP PTE, 2) RPP Strategic Data,
and 3) RPP e-Government.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 23rd, 25thFebruary 2011)
Meanwhile RUU Konvergensi (Draft Bill on Convergence) is still on
public expose and academic evaluation that is now addressing business
model of future services. The bill would regulate broadcasting, on-line
media in integration with telecommunication and Internet services. The
government would soon submit this RUU to DPR (Parliament) for
approval. The naming of the bill is still under discussion as well for a
more proper title. Some suggested changing it to RUU TIK (Teknologi
Informasi and Komunikasi) – Draft Bill on Information and
Communication Technology. Chairman of Mastel (Indonesia Telematics
Society), Setyanto P. Santosa, already proposed to DPR and Kominfo
about this proper naming.
Jakarta and Surabaya are for Android Tablet PC and iPad
Mobile users in Jakarta and Surabaya become major adopters for
Android Tablet PC Indonesia, with a market demand of about 200,000
Riadi Sugihtani, Huawei Device Marketing Director of PT Huawei Tech
Investment, said demand for tablet PCs is mostly from these two cities,
although it is later gradually extended to other cities in accordance with
its populationhe base. Huawei just launched a series of high-end
Android Tablet PC Ideos S7 Huawei today. Bandung Yogyakarta, and
Medan are considerd the next market potentials.
According to Riadi, tablet PC market will grow rapidly even though the
volume is still below the volume of PCs that reach between 4 and 5
million units per year.
Huawei is targeting a market segment of the 19-25 years youth. Series
with 7-inch are marketed for IDR 3 million (~US$ 300) per unit, It
supports Android Eclair, WiFi and HSDPA connectivity, resistive touch
screen, navigation convenient for entertainment and productivity.
Following the success of iPad introdction (one of Apple’s biggest
success), computer makers such as RIM, Dell, HP, and Samsung, are
rushing to come up with their own tablets. Samsung’s Galaxy was
launched in Indonesia with two models, 16 GN and 32 GB. Both use the
1 GHz Arm Cortex A8 processors, which has the same speed as the
processor found inside the iPad.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia 24th Feb 2011, Jakarta Post 28th Feb 2011)
Unlike the iPad — but like the Streak — the Tab also runs on Google
Android 2.2. This version of Android is also known as Froyo. Like the
Streak, the Tab also has cellular telephony functionality, while the iPad
is not designed to be used as a phone.
Satellite Roadmap is under Preparation and Open to Public
The government is preparing an updated roadmap on communication
satellite that would project out the needs and availability until 2021.
Gatot S. Dewa Broto, Head of Public Affair and Information Center,
Ministry of Information and Communication (Kominfo), said that the
roadmap would give access to public to transparent information about
satellite infrastructure. Public expose was not done in the past.
Kominfo is addressing this official information release as part of
Rancangan Praturan Menteri (RPM – Draft of Minister Regulation) about
Roadmap Infrastruktur Satelit Indonesia (ISI – Indonesia Satellite
Infrastructure). All stakeholders (including foreign players) would have
access to the latest information about the satellite infrastructure.
In detail, the roadmap outlines satellite position, infrastructure, and the
demand and capability of national satellites in conjunction with the
development and application technology in the future. The information
would also include about satellite transponders: which ones are already
in used and which ones are still available.
Muharzi Hasril, member of Regulation Department, ASSI (Asosiasi Satelit
Seluruh Indonesia – Indonesia Satellite Association) said that RPM ISI
Roadmap is a positive development as it had been long delay without
clear moving forward in the past. Kominfo and industry players had
addressed draft RPM Satellite Filling Management in 2007. With the
latest development, he believed that it would benefit the industry and
all stakeholders.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 7thFebruary 2011)
Lintasarta and Cisco are in Joint-Effort for Cloud Computing
PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta and Cisco Systems agreed to develop the
infrastructure and cloud computing services this year. President
Director of PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta Samsriyono Nugroho said such
cooperation would be a good start for optimal relations between
Lintasarta and partners.
Doug Farndale, Sales Operations Director, Data Center, Cisco Systems
Asia Pacific, said Cisco would support infrastructure development
through comprehensive solutions and new ways of doing business in
Indonesia, both in the provision of services or in the user side. Cisco is
working with NetApp and VMware as a facilitator storage, virtualization,
and cloud management, to build infrastructure and cloud services.
Cloud services claimed to provide convenience and flexibility for its
users to focus on its core business as well as cost efficient. It is predicted
to become one of technology trends in 2011 and able to assist
acceleration business acceleration various industrial sectors.
The cooperation of Cisco, NetApp, and VMware would provide an
integrated architecture that allows Lintasarta to offer features and
multi-tenancy shared IT infrastructure to support cloud-computing
services delivering application optimization and yet is safe. All that is
required by the market in expanding their businesses.
Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 10th, 28th February 2011)
In conjunction with cloud services, VMware estimated a 60% cost
optimization by going to data center virtualization. According to
Country Manager VMware Indonesia, Andreas Kagawa, data center
virtualization is mainly dealing with consolidation and physical
reduction of the number of servers by establishing multiple virtual
machines at several physical hosts with shared network and data
Mega Bazaar is Launched in Six Cities
Exhibition on IT products, Mega Bazaar Computer (MBC) 2011, is
simultaneously launched in six cities on March 9-13, 2011. It is the 17th
annual MBC exhibition.
Sri Vista Limbong, IT Division Manager of Dyandra Promosindo, the
MBC organizer, said that the development of information and
communication technology is growing fast. As such, people need
information about the latest gadget.
MBC is a complete IT displays holding exhibition in Jakarta, Bandung,
Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Makassar this year. The leading
information and communication technology providers would
participate in MBC to exhibit their products and services.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 19thJanuary 2011)
.detik OF
Report on Indonesia
Information and Communication Technology
Chief Editor
Agus Wicaksono
Antonius Mardjuki
Purwanto Makbul
Mar 2011
This report summarizes monthly developments, updates, and events
on information and communication technology in Indonesia. The
information is sourced and processed from various contact points,
publication media, online news, and other authoritative sources.
ICT Fund Concept is Ready by This Year
Discussions and works are in progress to conceptualize the ICT
(Information and Communications Technology) Fund. Director General
Post and Informatics, Ministry of Information and Communications
(Kominfo), Syukri Batubara, asserted that the concept of ICT Fund
would be final by this year.
The concept is, first initiated by the former Director General Basuki
Yusuf Iskandar, to allocate 1.25% of gross income from all
telecommunication operators to fund the development of ICT
supporting infrastructure.
According to Syukri, this scheme is strategic and beneficial as all parties
could take advantage strategically, effectively, and efficiently of the
lucrative fund to speed up infrastructure development, including
Universal Service Obligation (USO) and Palapa Ring programs. The
target this year is to finalize the ICT Fund concept and to start its
implementation by next year.
Kominfo is discussing the concept with Ministry of Finance and
Bappenas (The National Development Planning Agency), taking inputs
and feedbacks from telecommunication operators. Some of the
proposals are to give a sort of tax incentives, in conjunction with ICT
Fund, to telecommunications operators that already developed and
invested in the ICT infrastructure in the eastern part of Indonesia.
Minister of Information and Communications, Tifatul Sembiring,
previously mentioned about the needs to stimulate the development of
ICT infrastructure in the eastern part of Indonesia by, among other
things, providing incentives allocated from 10%-15% of ICT Fund.
www.detik.com, 16thMarch 2011)
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 21stMarch 2011,
Software Market Could Reach Over US$ 1 Billion
The sales of software packages and their implementaion-consulting
services are forecasted to reach US$ 1.02 billion this year, a 20%
increase of previous year sales of US% 851 million.
According to Chairman of Aspiluki (Asscociation of Telematics Software
Indonesia), Djarot Subiantoro, the 2010 sale of software is US$ 292
million (3% growth) while the implementaion-consulting services
reached US$ 559 million (26.5% increase). Low growth of software
sales was due to the growing avaibaility and use of mobile devices with
the embbeded application software inside.
This year, the overall growth could reach 20% with the increasing
exports to several countries such as Malaysia and Middle East. However,
the domestic needs for software are still relatively low, with a 5%
penetration to over 230 million of population. It is due to, according to G.
Hidayat Tjokrodjojo of Aspiluki, inability of the market to reach all level
of society (only government, industry, and modern society), and limited
Internet access. With various programs and efforts on the plate, he
expected a penetration of 20%-30% in the near future.
Overall, the Indonesia ICT industry expects year-over-year growth of
15% and 9.2% for IT and telecom respectively. Cloud computing and
cloud services are expected to become increasingly visible in both small
and large enterprises this year.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 29th March 2011,
Yahoo! Finance, 9th March 2011)
According to Rizki Muhammad Ridwan, senior market analyst, IDC
Indonesia, mobility, social media, and cloud services are expected to be
the key solutions for businesses to upgrade their value proposition and
results in the coming years. However, it is not about following the
trends and just implementing those solutions, it is rather about
choosing the right solutions that will align with the business values.
Fiber Optic Network to Connect Sulawesi to Philippines
PT Global Telekomunikasi Prima (Telprim) is planning to build
broadband fiber optic network in eastern part of Indonesia connecting
Sulawesi to Philippines starting Q2 2011.
Arif Basuki, Director of Planning and Development Telprim said that the
project would complete within six years and would then be open for use
by telecommunication operators, internet service providers, and
The construction would start from the inner city
Manado-Mindanao (Philippines). This Sulawesi
Broadband Project is estimated to cost US$ 95
million. Telprim already obtained a ‘principal
permit to operate’ (Izin Prinsip Penyelenggaraan)
from Ministry of Information and Communications No. 458/2010.
Internet users need infrastructure that connects the whole areas in
Sulawesi that this project would provide. At the same time, it could
serve as an alternate route to Tier-1 international backbone thru
Philippines. As per the plan, it would also connect to Palapa Ring at the
Manado-Papua link.
(Source: www.bisnis.com, 14th March 2011,
www.detik.com, 16th March 2011)
Meanwhile, the Mataram-Kupang link (1,041 km undersea fiber optic)
of the Palapa Ring project has just been completed and is ready for
commercialization by April 2011. This link segment is built by PT
Telkom Tbk, with an investment of US$ 50 million. This is more than
half of the total investment of US$ 90 million that Telkom committed for
Palapa Ring project. Overall, Palapa Ring project would cost US$ 150
million that a consortium of companies would provide and build. The
other two companies are Indosat and Bakrie Telecom.
Google Voice Search in ‘Bahasa Indonesia’
Online search by voice is now available in Google in ‘Bahasa Indonesia’.
This is the first online voice search service in South East Asia using a
local language.
The Google Voice Search feature has been around quite a while, but this
is the first time for using ‘Bahasa Indonesia’. The service is available for
Android 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, iPhone, and Blackberry.
There are many reasons to choose Indonesia. Derek Callow, Head of
Marketing Google South East Asia, saw a high mobile penetration in
Indonesia, with many more people doing online mobile search. Of the 10
search done in desktop, there are 6 to 8 search done thru mobile.
According to Google, Indonesia has 225 million cellular users, and 80%
of which could access Internet.
Indonesia as a promising
market, a potential target for
Google to offer its innovative
solutions. Indonesia consumers
are sophisticated enough as to
use their cellular phones as the
main device to access Internet.
(Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 22ndMarch 2011,
www.detik.com, 16thMarch 2011)
Meanwhile, telecommunication
operators, having their own
network infrastructure, are considering going into creative industry
business and information technology services. Rinaldi Firmansyah,
President Director PT Telkom Tbk, said that telecommunication
operators are insofar not considered as competitor to Google.
Depok is Preparing to be Cyber City
In cooperation with some universities, the government is preparing and
developing Depok as Cyber City. All Cyber Cities in the world considered
to having characteristics of hard work, high entrepreneurship, solid
information network, and funding system that supports the growth of
new firms doing IT businesses. They sit on top of good technical and
non-technical infrastructure that the cities offer.
The Ministry of Industry thru its Telematics Industry Corridor program
is pushing several cities to go toward Cyber City. The development and
utilization of IT industry could and would contribute to increasing the
regional income. The regional government would also take advantage of
the IT development for better public services and good governance.
Depok is considered ideal to be the chosen one for the Cyber City
program with its fast growth and having the following supporting
MoU to develop and utilize IT in Depok was signed off by Depok Mayor,
Dr. Ir. H. Nur Mahmudi MSc, and Rector Gunadarma University Prof. Dr.
E.S. Margianti, following a talk show on ‘Developing Community-based
Cyber City” on March 4, 2011 at Gunadarma Campus. Minister of
Information and Communications, Tifatul Sembiring, delivered his
keynote speech to the session.
Several universities are located around Depok
Accesses to research centers in universities and research institutions
Infrastructure that facilitate ‘a lifestyle of IT developers’
Location that enables exchanges of information and ideas
Accesses to business centers in Jakarta
Accesses to industry centers that use IT services
High work spirit, diligence, and endurance of the students/alumnae
and businessperson
(Source: www.detik.com , 5thMarch 2011)
CICC ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢥࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢲࣥࢺ᭶ḟሗ࿌
2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶
1. NTT ࢻࢥࣔ࡜ࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ∧ࠕ㹧ࢳࣕࢿࣝࠖᥦ౪㛤ጞ
NTT ࢻࢥࣔࡀ 2006 ᖺ 3 ᭶࠿ࡽ㈨ᮏᥦᦠࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅛᐃ㏻ಙ஦ᴗ⪅ Philippine Long
Distance Telephone Company㸦௨ୗ PLDT㸧ࡢ 100%Ꮚ఍♫࡛ྠᅜ᭱኱ࡢຍධ⪅ࢆ㄂ࡿ⛣ື
㏻ಙ஦ᴗ⪅ Smart Commnications, Inc.㸦ࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࢬ㸧
L. Nazareno㸦ࢼ࣏ࣞ࢜ࣥ L ࢼࢨࣞࣀ㸧
ࠊᮏ♫㸸ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ ࣐ࢽࣛᕷࠊ௨ୗࢫ࣐࣮ࢺ♫㹛ࡀࠊ
ࢻࢥࣔࡢ i ࢳࣕࢿࣝ®࡟┦ᙜࡍࡿࣉࢵࢩࣗᆺ᝟ሗ㓄ಙࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࠕHot Pressࠖࢆ 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶
5 ᪥ࡼࡾᥦ౪㛤ጞࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 1 ᪥࡟ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ࡟࡚Ⓨ⾲ࡋࡓࠋ
ࠕHot Pressࠖࡣࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢ࣮ࣟ࢝ࣝࢽ࣮ࣗࢫࠊ඲ᅜࢽ࣮ࣗࢫࠊࢫ࣏࣮ࢶࠊ࢚ࣥࢱ࣮ࢸ࢖
ࠕHot Pressࠖᑐᛂ➃ᮎࡢᚅཷ⏬㠃࡟᝟ሗ᭦᪂ࡈ࡜࡟⮬ືⓗ࡟ࢸࣟࢵࣉ
ࠕHot Pressࠖᑐᛂ࣎ࢱࣥࢆᢲࡍࡔࡅ࡛᭱᪂᝟ሗࡀ୍ぴ⾲♧ࡉ
ࡇࡢࡓࡧࡢࢫ࣐࣮ࢺ♫࡟ࡼࡿࠕHot Pressࠖࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ㛤ጞࡣࠊࢻࢥࣔࡀ PLDT ࠾ࡼࡧࢫ࣐࣮
ࢺ࡜᥎㐍ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ BCC㸦Business Co-operation Committee*㸧࡟࠾࠸࡚ࠊࢫ࣐࣮ࢺ♫࡜ྲྀࡾ
* BCC㸦Business Co-operation Committee㸧ࡣࠊࢻࢥࣔ࡜ PLDT㸭ࢫ࣐࣮ࢺ♫ࡀࠊ୧♫ࡢ༠
ࠕHot Pressࠖࡢᴫせࡣ௨ୗࡢ㏻ࡾࠋ
ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ㛤ጞ᪥㸦ணᐃ㸧: 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 5 ᪥
ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ౑⏝ᩱ㸸㸦ࡓࡔࡋࠊࣉ࣮ࣟࣔࢩࣙࣥᮇ㛫࡜ࡋ࡚ 7 ᭶ 5 ᪥࠿ࡽ 1 ࣨ᭶㛫ࡣ↓ᩱࠊ2 ࣨ
᭶┠࠿ࡽ 4 ࣨ᭶┠ࡢ㛫ࡣ 1 ᪥࠶ࡓࡾ 10 ࣌ࢯ㸧
ᚅཷ⏬㠃࡟ ࢸࣟࢵࣉࡀ⾲♧ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ
㸦NTT ࢻࢥࣔⓎ⾲ 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 1 ᪥㸧
2. ࢢ࣮ࣟࣈ࡜ PLDTࠊẚࢲࣂ࢜ᕷෆࡢ㏻ಙࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆ㐃ᦠ
ࢢ࣮ࣟࣈࡢ Froilan Castelo ἲேἲົࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ㒊㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࢢ࣮ࣟࣈࣛ࢖ࣥ฼⏝⪅࡜
PLDT ฼⏝⪅ࡣࠊ7 ᱆ࡢ㟁ヰ␒ྕࢆධຊࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟ࡼࡾࠊ࠾஫࠸࡟┤᥋㏻ヰࡀྍ⬟࡟࡞ࡿ࡜
࠸࠺ࠋྠẶࡣࠕ㸦PLDT ࡜ࡢ㸧㏻ಙ㐃ᦠࡣබ┈࡟ࡘ࡞ࡀࡿࠋࡇࢀ࠿ࡽࡣࢢ࣮ࣟࣈࣛ࢖ࣥ࡜ PLDT
ྠẶ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ௒ࡲ࡛ࢲࣂ࢜ᕷ࡛ࡣ PLDT㸫ࢢ࣮ࣟࣈࣛ࢖ࣥ㛫࡛㏻ヰࢆ⾜ࡗࡓሙྜࠊ㏻ヰẖ
࡟ 1 ศᙜࡓࡾ 3 ࣌ࢯࡢ࢔ࢡࢭࢫᩱ㔠ࡀㄢ㔠ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊಶே฼⏝⪅ࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃᕷෆ㏻ヰ࡟
ඹ㏻ಙᴗ⪅࡟ᑐࡋ࡚㏻ಙ㐃ᦠࢆ⩏ົ௜ࡅࡿඹ࿴ᅜἲ➨ 7925 ྕ࡟ᚑ࠸ࠊ㐃ᦠࢆせㄳࡋࡓࡢࡔ
(The Philippine Star 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 6 ᪥)
3. ࢔ࢡࢭࣥࢳࣗ࢔ࠊࢭࣈࡢ IT ᢏ⾡ᩍ⫱ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ࡟㈨㔠᥼ຓ
⥲ྜࢥࣥࢧࣝࢸ࢕ࣥࢢ᭱኱ᡭ࢔ࢡࢭࣥࢳࣗ࢔ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊࢭࣈࡢ IT ᢏ⾡⪅ࡢᢏ⾡ྥୖࢆᅗ
࡟࠾ࡅࡿࢩࢫࢸ࣒⟶⌮⪅࣭ࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ⟶⌮⪅⫱ᡂࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ࡟㈶ྠࠊ126 ୓ࢻࣝ㸦⣙
5,800 ୓࣌ࢯ㸧ࡢ㈨㔠᥼ຓࢆ⾜ࡗࡓࠋ4 ᖺ㛫࡟ࢃࡓࡗ࡚ศ๭࡛ᨭᡶࢃࢀࡿࡇࡢ᥼ຓ㈨㔠ࡣࠊ
ࣅࢧࣖㅖᓥෆ࡟࠸ࡿ⤒῭ⓗ࡟ᜨࡲࢀ࡞࠸ⱝᖺ⪅ࡽࡢ IT 㛵㐃ࢫ࢟ࣝ⩦ᚓࢆᨭ᥼ࡍࡿ┠ⓗ࡟౑
PN ࡢ Benoit Genuini ௦⾲࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࢭࣈ࡛ࡣࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱᢏᖌ࡞࡝ࣁ࣮ࢻ࢙࢘࢔⣔ IT ᢏ
㸦USC㸧࡜ᥦᦠ㛵ಀࢆ⤖ࢇ࡛࠾ࡾࠊྠ኱Ꮫࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱᕤᏛࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢୗ࡛ PN ࡢዡᏛ
PN ࡢዡᏛ⏕ 69 ே࡟↓ൾ࡛ࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢࢆᥦ౪ࠋྠ♫ࡀᥦ౪ࡍࡿ 5,800 ୓࣌ࢯࡢ᥼ຓ㈨㔠
ࡣࠊࡇࡢ 4 ᖺࢥ࣮ࢫࡢேᮦ⫱ᡂࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ࡟඘࡚ࡽࢀࡿࠋ
ࢪ࢙ࢾ࢖ࢽ♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊPN ࡣ࢔ࢡࢭࣥࢳࣗ࢔ࡢ࡯࠿࡟ࡶࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ࡟㈶ྠࡍࡿᢏ⾡㛵㐃
௻ᴗࡢᨭ᥼ࢆཷࡅ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡇ࠺ࡋࡓ㈶ྠ௻ᴗࡽࡢᨭ᥼ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࠊᖺ㛫 100 ே௨ୖࡢ༞ᴗ⏕
ࢆ㍮ฟࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ┠ᶆ࡟ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ࡞࠾ࠊPN ࡢዡᏛ⏕ࡽࡣᤵᴗᩱࢆࡣࡌࡵࠊᐟἩ㈝ࠊ
࣮ࢺ࣭ࢩࢳࢬࣥࢩࢵࣉࡢ୍⎔࡜ࡋ࡚⾜ࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋPN ࡢタ❧࡟ྠ♫ࣇࣛࣥࢫᨭ㒊ࡢࢫࢱࢵ
ࣇࡀ༠ຊࡋࡓ⫼ᬒࡶ࠶ࡾࠊ࢔ࢡࢭࣥࢳࣗ࢔ᇶ㔠࠿ࡽ 100 ୓ࢻࣝ௨ୖࡶࡢ㈨㔠᥼ຓࢆཷࡅ࡚
࠸ࡿ PN ࡣࠊ࢝ࣥ࣎ࢪ࢔࡟ࢩࢫࢸ࣒࣭ࢺ࣮ࣞࢽࣥࢢ࣭ࢭࣥࢱ࣮㸦CIST㸧ࢆタ❧ࠊྠࡌࡃ⤒
῭ⓗ࡟ᜨࡲࢀ࡞࠸Ꮫ⏕ࡽࡀ IT 㛵㐃ࡢ⫋ᴗ࡟ᑵࡃࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿࡼ࠺ࠊᚲせ࡞ࢫ࢟ࣝ⩦ᚓ࡟ྥ
PN ࡢᨭ᥼ᑐ㇟࡜࡞ࡗࡓᏛ⏕ࡽࡣ 3 ᖺ㛫ࡢᩍ⫱ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ࡟⤌ࡳ㎸ࡲࢀࠊUSC ࡛ࡢᶆ‽࢝
࢔ࢡࢭࣥࢳࣗ࢔࣭ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡣ 2007 ᖺࠊࢭࣈ࡟ 500 ᖍつᶍࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣂ࣭ࣝࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮࣭
ࢹࣜࣂ࣮࣭ࣜࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࢆ㛤タࡋࡓࠋᙜึࡣྠ♫ࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ IT ࢥࣥࢧࣝࢸ࢕ࣥࢢᴗົࡢࡳ
(The Philippine Star 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 7 ᪥)
4. ࢖࣮ࢫࢱ࣭ࣥࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࠊ୰ᑠ௻ᴗᕷሙ࡛ࡢࢩ࢙࢔ᣑ኱≺࠺
࡟ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆ㛤ጞࡋࡓ 10 ൨࣌ࢯ┦ᙜࡢගࣇ࢓࢖ࣂ࣮ᅇ⥺࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࠊ୰ᑠ௻ᴗࢆࢱ࣮ࢤࢵࢺ
5,000 ♫ࡢ᪂つ㢳ᐈ㛤ᣅࢆᅗࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ྠ♫࣐࣮ࢣࢸ࢕ࣥࢢ࣭ࣅࢪࢿࢫ㛤Ⓨ㒊ࡢ Edwin A. Domingo 㒊㛗ࡣࠊ࣐࢝ࢸ࢕ᕷ࡛⾜ࢃࢀࡓ
グ⪅఍ぢ࡛ࠕ⌧ᅾࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆ࡟୰ᑠ௻ᴗࡣⓏ㘓ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡶࡢࡔࡅ࡛ࡶ 81 ୓♫࠶ࡾࠊ
ᙼࡽࡣ᥋⥆ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡟᭶ 5,000㹼6 ୓ 5,000 ࣌ࢯࢆ㈝ࡸࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠖ࡜ㄒࡗࡓࠋ
ྠẶ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ࢖࣮ࢫࢱࣥࡣ㤳㒔ᅪ࣐࢝ࢸ࢕ᕷ㸫ࣂࢱࣥ࢞ࢫᕞࢼࢫࣈ㛫ࡢ 240 ࢟ࣟ࡟ග㏻
ಙࣜࣥࢢࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࢆᵓ⠏ࠊ600 ᆅᇦ௨ୖࡢᕤᴗᅋᆅ࡟᥋⥆ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊྠࢧ
࣮ࣅࢫ࢚ࣜ࢔࡟࠶ࡿ௻ᴗࡢ 4 ศࡢ 1 ࡀ୰ᑠ௻ᴗࡔ࡜࠸࠺ࡇ࡜࡟Ẽ࡙࠸ࡓ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ࡞࠾ࠊྠ
ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡣ 2009 ᖺ 9 ᭶࡟ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆ㛤ጞࡋ࡚࠿ࡽ⌧ᅾࡲ࡛ࡢ㛫࡟ࠊᢞ㈨㢠ࡢ 10㸣ࡲ
ࢺࢆ㛤Ⓨࡍࡿࡓࡵ࡟ࢩ࣏࣮ࣥ࢞ࣝ⣔ࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔఍♫ EStorm Technologies ࡜ᥦᦠ㛵ಀࢆ
࢖࣮ࢫࢱࣥࡣ⌧≧ࠊ୰ᑠ௻ᴗᕷሙࡢ 10㸣ࢆ༨ࡵࡿࡔࡅ࡟࡜࡝ࡲࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊྥࡇ࠺ 18 ࣨ᭶
ࡢ㛫࡟ 16㸣ࡲ࡛ࢩ࢙࢔ࢆᗈࡆࡓ࠸࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
Domingo Ặࡣࠕ࢙࢘ࣈ࣮࣋ࢫࡢ࣮࢜ࣉࣥࢯ࣮ࢫ㈍኎ᅾᗜ⟶⌮࣭ศᯒࢶ࣮ࣝࡣᕷ㈍ရࡼࡾࡶ
EStorm Technologies ♫ࡢ Scott Sproule ྲྀ⥾ᙺ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡢ฼⏝
ᩱ㔠ࡣ㏻ᖖ 1 ࣛ࢖ࢭࣥࢫ࡟ࡘࡁ᭶㢠 500 ࣌ࢯࡔࡀࠊ࢖࣮ࢫࢱࣥࡢ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ᥋⥆ࢧ࣮
࢕ࣜࣆࣥ࡜ୡ⏺ྛᅜ࡜ࡢ㛫ࢆᾏ୰ࢣ࣮ࣈ࡛ࣝ⤖ࢇ࡛࠸ࡓࠋ⌧ᅾࠊᐇᴗᐙ Roberto V. Ongpin
Ặࡀ⤒Ⴀࡍࡿ㏻ಙ఍♫ ISM ࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࢬࡀᰴᘧࡢ㐣༙ᩘࢆᡤ᭷ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(Business World 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶㸶᪥)
5. PLDT ePLDT ࢆ㸰ࡘࡢ஦ᴗࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ࡟ศ๭ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࢆⓎ⾲
PLDT ࡢྲྀ⥾ᙺ఍ࡣࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊྠ♫ࡢ 100%Ꮚ఍♫࡛࠶ࡿ ePLDT ♫ࢆ㸰ࡘࡢ஦ᴗࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ
(1) ICT ࣅࢪࢿࢫࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ
(࢖) ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ࠾ࡼࡧ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺࢤ࣮࣒ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ
(iPlus Intelligent Network, Inc., Infocom Technologies, Inc., Digital Paradise,
Inc./Netopia, Level-Up! Inc./Netgames, Inc.)
ࣅࢪࢿࢫࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥ࡜࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥ(Bayantrade, Inc.)
(2) BPO ࣅࢪࢿࢫࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ
ePLDT Ventus, Inc. ചୗࡢࢥ࣮ࣝࢭࣥࢱ࣮஦ᴗ
SPi Technologiesi, Inc. ചୗࡢࢥࣥࢸࣥࢶࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢯࣥࠊ་⒪ㄳồࠊ࣓ࢹ࢕࢝ࣝ
PLDT ࡣศ๭ࡢ⌮⏤ࢆ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋ࡚࠸࡞࠸ࡀࠊ࣓ࢹ࢕࢔ࡣ཰┈ຊࡢ࠶ࡿ(1)࠿ࡽⱞᡓࡋ࡚࠸
(PLDT ࡟ࡼࡿドๆྲྀᘬᡤ࡬ࡢ Disclosure ➼ࡼࡾ 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 7 ᪥)
6. ẚᏛ⏕௦⾲ࢳ࣮࣒ࠊᅜ㝿 IT ኱఍࡛ぢ஦ඃ຾
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ௦⾲ࡢᏛ⏕ࢳ࣮࣒ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊᅜ㝿 IT ኱఍࡛㈋ᅔࠊ⎔ቃởᰁࡑࡢ௚ࡢ♫఍ၥ㢟
ࡗࡓ 400 ேࡶࡢᙉ㇦ࢆ㏥ࡅࠊぢ஦ඃ຾㔠 25,000 ⡿ࢻࣝࢆ⋓ᚓࡋࡓࠋ
ྠࢳ࣮࣒࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ᫖ᖺ 9 ᭶࡟ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ࡟⏒኱࡞⿕ᐖࢆ୚࠼ࡓྎ㢼ࠕ࢜ࣥࢻ࢖㸦ᅜ㝿ྡ
࣐࢖ࢡࣟࢯࣇࢺ࣭ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥᏛ⏕࡟ࡼࡿ㛤Ⓨ᥎㐍ࢆᢸᙜࡍࡿࠊTim Vergel de Dios,Ặࡣࠕࢳ
IT ࢳࣕࣞࣥࢪࠊࢹࢪࢱ࣓ࣝࢹ࢕࢔ࡢ 5 ࡘࡢศ㔝ࢆ➇࠸ྜࡗࡓࠋ
᮶ᖺࡢࠕ࢖࣐ࢪ࣭ࣥ࢝ࢵࣉ 2011 ୡ⏺Ỵ຾኱఍ࠖࡣ⡿ࢽ࣮࣮ࣗࣚࢡ࡛㛤ദࡉࢀࡿணᐃࠋ࢖࣐
ࢪ࣭ࣥ࢝ࢵࣉ 2011 ࡟㛵ࡍࡿヲ⣽ࡣ http://www.imaginecup.com ࡲ࡛ࠋ
(Inquirer 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 13 ᪥)
7. ⡿ Morph Labsࠊ࣋ࣥࢳ࣮ࣕ࢟ࣕࣆࢱࣝࡼࡾ 550 ୓ࢻࣝࡢ㈨㔠ㄪ㐩
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥேࡀ๰タࡋࠊ⡿࢝ࣜࣇ࢛ࣝࢽ࢔ᕞ࡟ᣐⅬࢆ⨨ࡃ Morph Labs ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ஦ᴗᣑ
࡜᪥ᮏ࡛ࡢ〇ရࡢ㟂せቑຍ࡟ᑐᛂࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊGlobal Gateway Investment Group㸦G2iG㸧୺
ᑟࡢ࣋ࣥࢳ࣮ࣕ࢟ࣕࣆࢱࣝࡼࡾ㈨㔠 550 ୓ࢻࣝࢆㄪ㐩ࡋࡓࠋ
G2iG ࢆ࣮ࣜࢻᢞ㈨ᐙ࡜ࡋࡓ㈨㔠ㄪ㐩ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬ B ࣛ࢘ࣥࢻ࡛ࡣࠊ᪤Ꮡࡢ CSK ࣋ࣥࢳ࣮ࣕ࢟
ࣕࣆࢱࣝ࡜ AO ࢟ࣕࣆࢱ࣭ࣝࣃ࣮ࢺࢼ࣮ࢬ࡟ຍ࠼ࠊ᪂ࡓ࡟⡿࢝ࣜࣇ࢛ࣝࢽ࢔ᕞࡢ Frontera
Morph Labs ࡛ࡣࠊ௻ᴗࡸࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲ࡟ᴗ⏺ึࡢ᏶඲⮬ື໬ࡉࢀࡓࢡࣛ࢘ࢻ࣭ࢥࣥ
ྠ♫ Winston Dmarillo ♫㛗ࡣࠊ᪥ᮏᕷሙ࡛ࡢ㊊ሙࢆᅛࡵࡿࡓࡵࠊ᪥ᮏᨭ㒊࡛࠶ࡿᰴᘧ఍♫
࣮ࣔࣇ࣭ࣛ࣎ࡢ௦⾲ྲྀ⥾ᙺ♫㛗࡟㔠㔝 ㅍ㸦ࡇࢇࡢ࣭ࡉ࡜ࡋ㸧Ặࢆ௵࿨ࠋDmarillo ♫㛗ࡣࠕ௒
ᅇࡢᢞ㈨఍♫࠿ࡽࡢ㈨㔠ᥦ౪࡜஦ᴗᨭ᥼ࡣࠊMorph Labs ࡟࡜ࡗ࡚㔜せ࡞࣐࢖ࣝࢫࢺ࣮࡛ࣥ
Morph Labs ࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥே࡛࠶ࡿ Dmarillo ♫㛗ࡀタ❧ࡋࡓᣢᰴ఍♫ Global Gateway
Innovation Exchange㸦G2iX㸧ࡀᡤ᭷ࡍࡿ఍♫ࡢࡦ࡜ࡘࠋྠ♫㛗ࡣ௚࡟ࡶඃࢀࡓ௻ᴗࢆᩘ♫
ࡤࠊ2005 ᖺ࡟ IBM ࡀ࣮࢜ࣉࣥࢯ࣮ࢫࡢ࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥ࢖ࣥࣇࣛ㛤Ⓨ఍♫ Glucode
Software ࢆࠊ2007 ᖺ࡟ࢼࢫࢲࢵࢡୖሙ௻ᴗ Iona Technologies ࡟ Logicblaze ࢆࠊࡑࡋ࡚ྠ
ࡌࡃ 2007 ᖺ࡟ࡣ Intalio ࡀ Webtide ࢆࡑࢀࡒࢀ㈙཰ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(Manila Bulletin 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 14 ᪥ )
8. PhilWeb ࢝ࣥ࣎ࢪ࢔௻ᴗ࡜ྜᘚ఍♫ࢆタ❧
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ᭱኱ࡢୖሙ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ௻ᴗ PhilWeb ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ࢝ࣥ࣎ࢪ࢔௻ᴗ 5P Corp.
ྜᘚዎ⣙ࢆ⥾⤖ࡋࡓ୧♫ࡣࠊ௒ᚋ 5 ᖺ㛫࡛ 500 ୓ࢻࣝࢆඹྠฟ㈨ࡋࠊ࢝ࣥ࣎ࢪ࢔࡟ྜᘚ఍
♫ࢆタ❧ࡍࡿணᐃࠋྜᘚ఍♫ࡢᡤ᭷ᰴࡢෆヂࡣࠊPhilWeb ࡀ 100㸣ᡤ᭷ࡍࡿ PhilWeb࣭࢝ࣥ
࣎ࢪ࢔ࡀ 80㸣ࠊྠᅜࣇ࣭ࣥࢭࣥ㤳┦ࡢጜጒ࣐ࢲ࣒࣭ࣇ࣭ࣥࢭ࣭ࣥࢽ(Madam Hun Sen Ny)
Ặࡀ⤫ᣓࡋ࡚࠸ࡿከゅ⤒Ⴀ௻ᴗ 5P Corp. Ltd.ࡀ 20㸣࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
PhilWeb ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ௒ᅇࡢྜᘚ஦ᴗࡣྠ♫ࡢᾏእ㐍ฟᡓ␎ࡢ୍⎔࡛࠶ࡾࠊ࢝ࣥ࣎ࢪ࢔ࡢ௚࡟
ྠ♫࡛ࡣ୺ຊࡢࢤ࣮࣒㐠Ⴀ஦ᴗࡀዲㄪ࡞኎ୖࢆグ㘓ࡋࠊ௒ᖺࡢ๓༙ᮇ࡟ 3 ൨ 2,200 ୓࣌ࢯ
ࡢ⣧┈ࢆィୖ㸦๓ᖺྠᮇ 41㸣ቑ㸧
ࠊ཰┈ࢆ 3 ൨ 6,200 ୓࣌ࢯ࠿ࡽ୍Ẽ࡟ 40㸣ቑࡢ 5 ൨ 800
PhilWeb ࡣࠊᨻᗓࡀ⟶⌮㐠Ⴀࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥፗᴦࢤ࣮࣒බ♫㸦Pagcor㸧ࡢ୺せ࡞ࢸࢡ
ࣀࣟࢪ࣮௻ᴗ࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊ୺࡟ e ࢤ࣮࣒࢝ࣇ࢙ࠊ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺࢫ࣏࣮ࢶ㉃༤ࢫࢸ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࠊ
௒ᖺ࡟ධࡗ࡚඲ᅜࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜẸࡀ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ⤒⏤࡛ Pagcor ࡟࢔ࢡࢭࢫࡋࠊ
ࣈࣛࢵࢡࢪࣕࢵࢡࠊࣂ࢝ࣛࠊ࣮ࣝࣞࢵࢺ࡞࡝ࡢࢤ࣮࣒ࢆᴦࡋࡴࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿ᪂〇ရࠕe ࢤ࣮
㸦Ꮚ఍♫ࡢ PhilWeb࣭࣮࣒࣍ࣉࣞ࢖ࡀ㐠Ⴀ㸧ࢆ࣮ࣜࣜࢫࠋྠ〇ရ࡟ᮇᚅࡋࠊ
௒ᖺࡣ 10 ൨࣌ࢯ௨ୖࡢ⣧┈ࢆぢ㎸ࢇ࡛࠸ࡿࠋ
PhilWeb ࡢ᫖ᖺᗘࡢ⣧┈ࡣ 5 ൨ 5,200 ୓࣌ࢯ㸦๓ᖺẚ 89㸣ቑ㸧
ࠋෆ 5 ൨ 2,300 ୓࣌ࢯࡀ୺ຊ
ࡢࢤ࣮࣒㐠Ⴀ஦ᴗ࠿ࡽࡁ࡚࠾ࡾࠊྠ஦ᴗࡢ኎ୖࡣ๓ᖺẚ 126㸣ቑ࡜࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ࡞࠾ࠊṧࡾ
ࡢ 2,900 ୓࣌ࢯࡣ ISM ࢥ࣮࣏࣮ࣞࢩࣙࣥ࡬ࡢᰴᘧᢞ㈨㸦6 ൨ 3,300 ୓࣌ࢯ㸧࠿ࡽ࡜࡞ࡗ࡚
( Philippine Star 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 15 ᪥)
9. ẚࣅࢪࢿࢫ⏺࡛⡿ࢯ࣮ࢩࣕࣝࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࡀேẼ
࠺ࡔࠋ௻ᴗࡢ 51㸣ࡀࢯ࣮ࢩࣕࣝࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࡢ฼⏝ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚᪂つ஦ᴗ㛤ᣅ࡟ᡂຌࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ
ྠㄪᰝ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊୡ⏺ࡢࣅࢪࢿࢫࡢ࠾ࡼࡑ 27㸣ࡀ࣐࣮ࢣࢸ࢕ࣥࢢάື⏝ࡢண⟬ࢆ≉࡟ࢯ࣮
࡜ࡾࢃࡅࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࡣࠊᅜෆࡢࣅࢪࢿࢫࡢ 38㸣ࡀ࣐࣮ࢣࢸ࢕ࣥࢢάື⏝ࡢண⟬ࢆ✚ᴟⓗ
ᅇ⟅⪅ࡢ 77㸣ࡀࠊࢯ࣮ࢩࣕࣝࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࡢ୺࡞᭷⏝ᛶ࡟㢳ᐈᒙ࡬ࡢ᥋ゐࡢྍ⬟ᛶࢆᣲࡆ
࡚࠾ࡾࠊ67㸣㸦ୡ⏺ⓗ࡟ࡣ 44㸣㸧ࡀ఍♫ᴫせࡢど⫈ぬ࢔ࢽ࣓࣮ࢩࣙࣥ࡟ዲ༳㇟ࢆᣢࡗࡓ࡜
(Manila Bulletin 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 19 ᪥)
10. ẚ㈠᫆⏘ᴗ┬ࠊほගᴗ࡜ BPO ࢆ㔜ど
Gregory Domingo ㈠᫆⏘ᴗ┦ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊᅜෆ࡛ࡶ᭱኱⣭ࡢ஦ᴗᅋయࡽ࡟ࡼࡿྜྠ఍㆟ࡢ
Domingo ㈠᫆⏘ᴗ┦ࡣࠊ᭱㏆㛤ദࡉࢀࡓࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥၟᕤ఍㆟ᡤ㸦PCCI㸧ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ㍺ฟ
⪃࠼ࢆ㏙࡭ࡓࠋ⥆࠸࡚ 2 ␒┠࡟ࣅࢪࢿࢫ࣭ࣉࣟࢭࢫ࣭࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㸦BPO㸧ࠊ3 ␒┠࡟
㟁Ꮚࠊ4 ␒┠࡟㖔ᴗࠊࡑࡋ࡚ 5 ␒┠࡟㎰⏘ᴗ㸦ࡓࡔࡋࠊ㍺ฟ࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃ㣗⣊☜ಖ㸧ࢆᣲࡆࡓࠋ
ඖᢞ㈨ጤဨ఍㸦BOI㸧ᖿ㒊࡛ࡶ࠶ࡿྠ┦ࡣࠊPCCI ᖿ㒊ࡽࡢᢞ㈨ㄏ⮴ࡢಁ㐍࡟㛵ࡍࡿ㉁ၥ࡟
PCCI ࡣ఍㆟࡟ඛ❧ࡕࠊ࢔࢟ࣀ᪂ᨻᶒ࡟ᑐࡋ࡚᭱ึࡢ 100 ᪥㛫࡟ྲྀࡾ⤌ࢇࡔࡶࡽ࠸ࡓ࠸ㄢ㢟
ࢆ࿧ࡧᡠࡍࡓࡵࡢ✚ᴟⓗ࡞ㄏ⮴ಁ㐍ᨻ⟇ࢆᣲࡆ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡇࢀࡣ㏆ᖺࡢ㟁Ꮚ࣭BPO ୧⏘ᴗࡢ
୍᪉࡛ྠ┦ࡣࠊ๓௵⪅࡛࠶ࡿࢪ࢙ࢫ࣭ࣜࣛࣉࢫ๓㈠᫆⏘ᴗ┦ࡀᥥ࠸࡚࠸ࡓᅜᐙᢞ㈨ಁ㐍 5
఍㆟࡟ཧຍࡋࡓࣅࢪࢿࢫ⏺ࡢࢺࢵࣉࡢ୍ேࡀࠊྠ┬ࡢᣲࡆࡓ 5 ࡘࡢඃඛㄢ㢟ࡢ୰࡟〇㐀ᴗ
(The Philippine Star 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 28 ᪥ )
11. JP ࣔࣝ࢞ࣥࠊẚ࡛ࡢ஦ᴗࢆᣑ኱
ᅜ㝿㔠⼥௻ᴗ JP ࣭ࣔࣝ࢞ࣥࢳ࢙࣮ࢫࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࡢ஦ᴗࢆᣑᙇࡋࠊᅜෆእࡢ
ྠ♫࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࢱࢠࢵࢢᕷࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࢩࢸ࢕࣮ࡢ e ࢫࢡ࢚࢔ࢰ࣮ࣥ࡟㛤タࡍࡿ᪂஦ົᡤ࡟
ࡣࠊᛂᑐࢹࢫࢡ 6,100 ᖍࢆタࡅࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋྠ♫ࡣࡍ࡛࡟ࢱࢠࢵࢢࠊ࣐࢝ࢸ࢕ࠊࢭࣈྛᕷ࡟
JP ࣔࣝ࢞ࣥࡣࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ࡟ 9,000 ே௨ୖࠊୡ⏺୰࡟࠾ࡼࡑ 24 ୓ேࡢᚑᴗဨࢆ᧦ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ
௒ᅇ᪂ࡓ࡟㛤タࡍࡿ஦ົᡤࡣࠊୡ⏺࡟࠾ࡼࡑ 9,000 ୓ே࠸ࡿ࡜ࡉࢀࡿ㢳ᐈ࡬ࡢᛂᑐࡀྍ⬟
ྠ♫ࡣ 2009 ᖺ࡟ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࡢ஦ᴗ࡛๓ᖺࡢ 2 ൨ 1,100 ୓࣌ࢯࢆ 2 ಸ௨ୖୖᅇࡿ 5 ൨ 7,900
(Philippine Inquirer 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 28 ᪥)
12. ࢔࢟ࣀ᪂ᨻᶒୗ࡛ࡢ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡ጤဨ఍(CICT)ጤဨ㛗ࡀỴࡲࡿ
᭱㧗⿢ุᡤࡢ᝟ሗ⤫ᣓ㈐௵⪅㸦CIO㸧Ivan Uy ᘚㆤኈࡀ௵࿨ࡉࢀࡓ࡜ࡢ᝟ሗࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ධࡗ
ࡑࢀࡲ࡛ CICT ࡢ㐠Ⴀࢆ௦⾜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡓ Monchito Ibrahim ࢥ࣑ࢵࢩࣙࢼ࣮ࡣࠊࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱ
࣮࣮࣡ࣝࢻ⣬ࡢၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏ࡟ᑐࡋࠊUy Ặࡀྠጤဨ఍ࡢ㛗ᐁ࡟㑅௵ࡉࢀࡓ஦ᐇࢆㄆࡵࡓୖ࡛ࠊ
ࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱ࣮࣮࣡ࣝࢻ⣬ࡢࢥ࣒ࣛࢽࢫࢺ࡛ࡶ࠶ࡿ Uy Ặࡣࠊᨻᗓࡢ IT 㛵㐃ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ
ࢆ᥎㐍ࡋ࡚ࡁࡓ CIO ࣇ࢛࣮࣒࣭ࣛࣇ࢓ࣥࢹ࣮ࢩࣙࣥ㸦CIOFF㸧ࡢඖ఍㛗ࠋ๓⫋ࡣࠊ᭱㧗⿢
ุᡤࡢ CIO ࡜ࡋ࡚᭱㧗⿢ุᡤࡢ᝟ሗ⤫ᣓ㈐௵⪅ࢆດࡵࠊከࡃࡢ⿢ุ㛗ࡽ࡜ඹ࡟ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ
Uy Ặࡢ CICT 㛗ᐁ⫋╔௵ࢆཷࡅࠊᨻᗓ࡟᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡┬㸦DICT㸧ࡢタ❧ࢆ࿧ࡧ࠿ࡅ࡚࠸ࡿ
ྛᅋయࡢάືࡀࡉࡽ࡟άⓎ໬ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀண᝿ࡉࢀࡿࠋCIOFF ࡣ㛗ᖺࡢ㛫ࠊྛᨻᗓᶵ㛵ࡀᑟ
CICT ࡣࠊࡶ࡜ࡶ࡜ DICT ࡀṇᘧ࡟タ❧ࡉࢀࡿࡲ࡛ࡢ㛫ࢆᇙࡵࡿࠕᬻᐃⓗ࡞⤌⧊ࠖ࡜ࡋ࡚ 2004
ᖺᗘ⾜ᨻ࿨௧➨ 269 ྕ࡟ࡼࡾタ❧ࡉࢀࡓࡶࡢ࡛ࠊ
࡜ࡇࢁࡀࠊඛࡢ➨ 14 ᅇ㆟఍࡛ DICT タ❧ࢆไᐃࡍࡿἲ᱌ࡀ↓どࡉࢀࠊヰࡀὀ࡟ᾋ࠸࡚ࡋࡲ
୍᪉ࠊ࢔࢟ࣀ᪂ᨻᶒࡣ௒ᚋࡢ CICT ࡢᢅ࠸࡟ࡘ࠸ཱྀ࡚ࢆ㛢ࡊࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊIbrahim ࢥ࣑ࢵࢩࣙ
ࢼ࣮ࡣࠕࡓ࡜࠼⌧ᙺ⫋ࢆ㞳ࢀࡓ࡜ࡋ࡚ࡶࠊ௒ᚋࡶ DICT ࡢ⤌⧊໬࡟ྥࡅ࡚㆟఍࡟ാࡁ࠿ࡅ࡚
(Computerworld Philippines 2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶ 30 ᪥)
13. ࢢ࣮ࣟࣈ࣭ࢸࣞࢥ࣒ࠊ
ࢆⓎ⾲ࡋࡓࠋࢸࣞࣈࣞࢮࣥࢫ࡟౑ࢃࢀࡿࣃࣈࣜࢵࢡ࣭࣮࣒ࣝࡣࠊ65 ࢖ࣥࢳࡢ㉸㧗⏬㉁ࣉࣛ
ࢬ࣐ࢫࢡ࣮ࣜࣥ 3 ྎ࡜ࠊ┦ᡭ࡟┤࡟఍ࡗ࡚ヰࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࠿ࡢࡼ࠺࡞㞺ᅖẼࡀయឤ࡛ࡁࡿ㡢㡪
ྠ♫ࡢࢸࣞࣉࣞࢮࣥࢫࡣࠊୡ⏺ 75 ࢝ᅜ࡟ࣃࣈࣜࢵࢡ࡜ࣉࣛ࢖࣮࣋ࢺྜࢃࡏ࡚ 1,100 ࣮࣒ࣝ
௨ୖࢆ㓄ഛࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ AT&T ࡢࠕࢸࣞࣉࣞࢮࣥࢫ࣭ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࠖࢆᑟධࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡓࡵࠊୡ
ࢆ୰ᚰ࡟ 12 ேࡲ࡛཰ᐜྍ⬟࡞సࡾ࡟࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
࡟ 72 ேࡲ࡛఍㆟࡬ࡢཧຍࡀྍ⬟ࡔࠋ࣮࣒ࣝࡢ୰࡟ࡣ᭱㧗 18 ேࡲ࡛཰ᐜྍ⬟࡞ࡶࡢࡶ࠶ࡿ
(Businessworld 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 3 ᪥)
࢖ࣥࢻ㈨ᮏࡢࣅࢪࢿࢫ࣭ࣉࣟࢭࢫ࣭࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㸦BPO㸧௻ᴗ Cognizant ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ
ྠ♫ࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣂ࣭ࣝࢹࣜࣂ࣮ࣜ㒊㛛ࢆᢸᙜࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ Chandrasekaran ♫㛗ࡀሗ㐨㝕࡟ㄒࡗࡓ
࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࡣ᪤Ꮡࡢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࢆ 200 ᖍ࠿ࡽ 600 ᖍ࡟ᣑᙇࡍࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
ぢ㎸ࡳᐈ࡟ࡼࡿྠ♫ࢧ࢖ࢺ࡬ࡢ࢔ࢡࢭࢫᩘࡀዲㄪ࡞ఙࡧࢆぢࡏ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜࠿ࡽࠊ♫ဨ 900
㸦ᅜෆࡢ㸧௚ࡢᆅᇦ࡬ࡶ㐍ฟࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡣ㛫㐪࠸࡞࠸ࠖ࡜ࠊ1 ᖺ௨ෆ࡟෌ࡧ஦ᴗࢆ
ࢼࢫࢲࢵࢡ㸦NASDAQ㸧ୖሙ௻ᴗࡢ Cognizant ࡣࠊᙜึࢱࢠࢵࢢᕷ࣐ࢵ࣮࢟ࣥࣜࣄࣝ࡟ 200
ࡵࠊ௒ᅇ 600 ᖍ࡟ࡲ࡛ᣑᙇࡍࡿ┠ⓗ࡛ྠࣅࣝෆࡢ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࢫ࣮࣌ࢫࢆ㏣ຍ࣮ࣜࢫࡋࡓࡢࡔ
Cognizant ࡣࢥࣥࢧࣝࢸ࢕ࣥࢢࠊᢏ⾡ࠊBPO ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ௻ᴗࠋୡ⏺ 54
⟠ᡤ࡟ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫᣐⅬࢆᣢࡕࠊ♫ဨࡣ 8 ୓ 8,700 ேࢆ㉸࠼ࡿࠋ2009 ᖺࡢ཰┈ࡣ 32 ൨ 7,900
୓ࢻࣝࠊ௒ᖺࡣࡉࡽ࡟ 36㸣ቑࡢ 44 ൨ 6,000 ୓ࢻࣝࡀぢ㎸ࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
Chandrasekaran ♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࡣࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥேࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࢚࣮ࢪ࢙ࣥࢺࡽ࡟ᑐࡋࠊ᭱ప
࡛ࡶᖺ཰ 24 ୓࣌ࢯࡢሗ㓘ࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
(Outsource2Philippines 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 4 ᪥)
15. PLDTࠊ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ㛗㊥㞳㟁ヰ㸦PLDT㸧ࡣ 8 ᭶ 6 ᪥࡟ࠊ
ࠕPLDT AppFarmࠖ࡜࠸࠺ࣈࣛࣥࢻ࡛ࠊࣇ
PLDT APPFarm ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧ࢖ࢺ http://appfarm.pldtcorporate.com ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊᥦ౪ࡉࢀࡿ࢔
ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࡣ PLDT AppFarm Organizer (ᩥ᭩⟶⌮ࢩࢫࢸ࣒)࡜ PLDT AppFarm Protect
(2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 6 ᪥ ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥドๆྲྀᘬᡤᅇぴ 5403-2010 ྕཬࡧ PLDT ࢙࢘ࣈࢧ࢖ࢺ)
16. ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢤ࣮࣒㛤Ⓨࣇ࢙ࢫࢸ࢕ࣂࣝࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ኱Ꮫ࡛㸷᭶࡟㛤ദ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢤ࣮࣒㛤Ⓨ⪅༠఍ (Game Developers Association of the Philippines :GDAP)ࡣࠊ
2010 ᖺ 9 ᭶ 14 ᪥࠿ࡽ 18 ᪥ࡲ࡛ࠊ࣐ࢽࣛ㤳㒔ᅪࢣࢯࣥᕷ࡟࠶ࡿࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ኱Ꮫࢹ࢕࣐ࣜࣥ
඲ᅜࡢ኱Ꮫ࠿ࡽࠊ⣙ 18,000 ே࡯࡝ࡢᏛ⏕࡜ࠊ⣙ 500 ྡࡢࢤ࣮࣒㛤Ⓨ⪅ࡀཧຍࡍࡿ࡜ぢ㎸ࡲ
God of War IIIࠊGears of WarࠊFar Cry 2ࠊTomb Raider ࡞࡝ࡢ㛤Ⓨ࡟ᦠࢃࡗࡓ㛵ಀ⪅ࢆࢫ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࢤ࣮࣒㛤Ⓨ࡟ᦠࢃࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠊGDAP ఍ဨ௻ᴗࡣୗグࡢ㏻ࡾ࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
· Animation Vertigo Asia
· Anino Games
· CheQ Systems
· Digital Art Chefs
· Fun Guy Studios
· Gameloft Philippines
· Glyph Studios
· Komikasi Enterprise
· MoAnima
· PODD Corp.
· SunGame S.A.E.
· Suspended Animation Media
· Techfactors
· The Studio of Secret 6
· Zeenoh Games
(GDAP ࠿ࡽࡢ᱌ෆ≧ 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 8 ᪥)
17. Amadeus ࡀࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⯟✵ࡢ஌ᐈࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡢ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ࡛ᛂᮐ
⯟✵ᴗ⏺ྥࡅࡢ IT ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲ࡜ࡋ࡚ୡ⏺᭱኱ᡭࡢ Amadeus ࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ
ࣥ⯟✵(PAL)࡜ࡢ㛫࡛ࡢ PPS (Passenger Service System)ዎ⣙ࢆ≺ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋྠዎ⣙ࢆᕠࡗ
࡚ࡣࠊSITA ࢆྵࡴ 2 ♫ࡀ➇ྜࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ✌ാᚋ 40 ᖺ࡜࠸ࢃࢀࡿ᝟ሗࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࢆ㐠⏝ࡋ࡚
࠸ࡿ PAL ࡟ࡼࡿ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢࡢືࡁࡣࠊࣞ࢞ࢩ࣮⯟✵఍♫࡟࡜ࡗ࡚኱ࡁ࡞Ỵ᩿࡟࡞ࡿ
Amadeus ࡢ࢔ࢪ࢔ኴᖹὒᆅ༊⯟✵ᴗ⏺ᢸᙜࡢ John Chapman 㒊㛗ࡣሗ㐨㝕࡟ᑐࡋࠊࡇࡢዎ
⣙࡟㛵ࡍࡿධᮐ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚௒㐌ࡶ PAL ᖿ㒊࡜఍ࡗࡓࡇ࡜ࢆ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋࡓࠋPAL ഃࡣ᫖ᖺ PSS
(Manila Bulletin
2010 ᖺ㸶᭶ 11 ᪥)
18. ୖ༙ᮇࡢ⤒῭༊㍺ฟ㢠 39.5%ቑࡢ 201 ൨ࢻࣝ - 〇ရ㍺ฟ 180 ൨ࢻࣝࠊIT ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ 20.4 ᠈
ࢻࣝ㸸PEZA -
8 ᭶ 16 ᪥௜ࡅྛ⣬㟁Ꮚ∧࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭༊ᗇ㸦PEZA)ࡀ 2010 ᖺୖ༙ᮇࡢ⤒῭
༊㍺ฟ⤫ィࢆබ⾲ࡋࡓࠋࡑࢀ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊୖ༙ᮇࡢ⤒῭༊࠿ࡽࡢ㍺ฟ㢠ࡣ๓ᖺྠᮇẚ 39.5%
ቑࡢ 200 ൨ 8200 ୓ࢻࣝ࡜ᛴቑࠊᙜึᖺ㛫┠ᶆࡢ 10%ቑࢆ኱ᖜ࡟ୖᅇࡿ࡮࣮ࢫ࡛᥎⛣ࡋ࡚
࠸ࡿࠋୖ༙ᮇࡢ⤒῭༊㍺ฟ㢠ࡢ࠺ࡕࠊ⣙ 90%࡟┦ᙜࡍࡿ 180 ൨ 3800 ୓ࢻࣝࡀ〇㐀ᴗ࡟ࡼ
ࡿ࡜ࡢࡇ࡜ࠋ୍᪉ࠊIT ⤒῭༊࣭ࣅࣝ࠿ࡽࡢ㍺ฟ㢠ࡣྠ 21.8%ቑࡢ 20 ൨ 4000 ୓ࢻ࡛ࣝ࠶ࡗ
2010 ᖺୖ༙ᮇ㸦1ࠥ6 ᭶㸧ࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ඲యࡢ⣼ィ㍺ฟ㢠㸦㏿ሗ್㸧ࡣ๓ᖺྠᮇẚ 37.6%ቑ
ࡢ 237 ൨ 1,068 ୓ࢻࣝࠋ඲㍺ฟࡢ 8 ๭㉸ࢆ༨ࡵࡿ〇ရ㍺ฟࡣ 40.1%ቑࡢ 206 ൨ 5,368 ୓ࢻ
ࣝ㸦ᵓᡂẚ 87.1%㸧ࠋ
ရ┠ู࡛ࡣࠊࢲࣥࢺࢶ 1 ఩ࡢ࢚ࣞࢡࢺࣟࢽࢡࢫ〇ရࡀ๓ᖺྠᮇẚ 45.2%ቑࡢ 141 ൨ 7,285
୓ࢻࣝ㸦ᵓᡂẚ 59.8%㸧࡜኱ᖜቑຍࡋࡓࠋࡑࡢ࠺ࡕ༙ᑟయࡣ 51.5%ቑࡢ 105 ൨ 0867 ୓ࢻ
ࣝ㸦44.3%㸧ࠊ㟁Ꮚࢹ࣮ࢱฎ⌮⿦⨨ࡣ 38.7%ቑࡢ 27 ൨ 0650 ୓ࢻࣝ㸦11.4%㸧ࠋ➨ 2 ఩ࡣ࢔
ࣃ࣭ࣞࣝ⾰ᩱ࡛ 5.6%ቑࡢ 8 ൨ 0748 ୓ࢻࣝ㸦3.4%㸧ࡔࡗࡓࠋ➨ 3 ఩ࡣࢥࢥࢼࢶἜ࡛ 184.5%
ቑࡢ 5 ൨ 7,246 ୓ࢻࣝ㸦2.4%㸧ࠋ
(2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 16 ᪥ ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭㔠⼥᝟ሗ )
CICC ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢥࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢲࣥࢺ᭶ḟሗ࿌
2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶
1. ࣑ࣥࢲࢼ࢜ᆅᙧᅗࠊ༙ୡ⣖ࡪࡾ࡟᭦᪂࡬ — JICAࡢᨭ᥼࡛1/5୓ࡢࢹࢪࢱࣝᆅᅗᩚഛ —
ࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࢆᐇ᪋ࡍࡿࠋ ࣑ࣥࢲࢼ࢜ᆅ᪉඲ᇦࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡍࡿ⦰ᑻ5୓ศࡢ1ࡢᆅᙧᅗࢆ205㠃స〇ࡋ᭱᪂᝟ሗ࡟
2. ChikkaࠊOFWྥࡅ࡟࠾ᚓ࡞᪂ࣂ࣮ࢪࣙࣥࢆⓎ⾲
P2P ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲࡢ Chikka࣭ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊFacebook ࡸ Twitter ࡞࡝ேẼࡢࢯ࣮ࢩࣕࣝࢿ
ࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࢧ࢖ࢺ࡟ᑐᢠࡋࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥேᾏእᑵປ⪅㸦OFW㸧ྥࡅ࡟ప౯᱁࡛ PC ࡲࡓࡣᦠᖏ㟁ヰ࠿ࡽࢸ
Chikka ࡢ๰❧⪅ Dennis B. Mendiola Ặ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ↓ᩱ SMS ㏦ཷಙࢯࣇࢺࠕChikkaࠖ࠿ࡽᦠᖏ㟁ヰ࡟㏦ಙ
ࡉࢀࡓ࣓ࢵࢭ࣮ࢪ࡟㏉ಙࡍࡿሙྜࠊ฼⏝⪅ࡢከ࠸᫬㛫ᖏ࡛ࡣ 1 ࣓ࢵࢭ࣮ࢪ࡟ࡘࡁ 2.5 ࣌ࢯࡀ㏉ಙഃ࡟ㄢ㔠ࡉ
ࢀࡿࡀࠊ8 ᭶ 25 ᪥࠿ࡽ㐠⏝ࢆ㛤ጞࡍࡿ᪂ࣂ࣮ࢪ࡛ࣙࣥࡣ฼⏝⪅ࡢᑡ࡞࠸᫬㛫ᖏࡲࡓࡣ᪩ᮅ᫬࡛ࡢ฼⏝ᩱ㔠
ࢆ 1 ࣓ࢵࢭ࣮ࢪ࡟ࡘࡁ 1 ࣌ࢯ࡟タᐃࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
ࠕChikka ࡢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆ฼⏝ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ OFW ࡢ๭ྜࡣ඲
యࡢ 22㹼30㸣ࠋ༙ᖺ௨ෆ࡟⡿ᅜࠊ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࠊ᪥ᮏࡢ฼⏝⪅ᩘࢆቑࡸࡋࡓ࠸ࠖ࡜ࠊ᪂ࣂ࣮ࢪࣙࣥࡢຠᯝ࡟
Chikka ࡢබᘧࢧ࢖ࢺ࡟ࡣᖺ㛫ᖹᆒ 1,600 ୓ேࡢ࢔ࢡࢭࢫࡀ࠶ࡾࠊẖ᭶ࡢࣘࢽ࣮ࢡ࣮ࣘࢨ࢔ࢡࢭࢫᩘࡣ 5.5
ேࠋChikka ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥ࡬ࡢ࢔ࢡࢭࢫࡣ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ⤒⏤ࡀ 100 ୓ேࠊᦠᖏ㟁ヰ⤒⏤ࡀ 4,500 ୓ேࡔ
࡜࠸࠺ࠋChikka ⤒⏤࡛㏦ಙࡉࢀࡓ࣓ࢵࢭ࣮ࢪ࡟ᦠᖏ㟁ヰ࠿ࡽ㏉ಙࡍࡿሙྜࡢࡳㄢ㔠ࡀⓎ⏕ࡍࡿࢩࢫࢸ࣒࡟
࡞ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ฼⏝⪅࠿ࡽᚩ཰ࡋࡓᩱ㔠ࡢ 30㹼50㸣ࡀྠ♫ࡢ཰ධࠊṧࡾࡀዎ⣙ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㏻ಙ఍♫࡬ᨭᡶࢃࢀ
Mendiola Ặ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ฼⏝⪅ࡢ୰࡟ࡣ Chikka ⤒⏤࡛ཷಙࡋࡓ࣓ࢵࢭ࣮ࢪࢆ㏉ಙࡏࡎࠊ┦ᡭࡢᦠᖏ㟁ヰ࡟┤
᥋㏉஦ࢆ㏦ಙࡍࡿ⪅ࡶ࠾ࡾࠊ1 ᪥ࡢ㏻ಙ࡛ᐇ㝿ࡢ཰ධ࡟⤖ࡧࡘࡃ࣓ࢵࢭ࣮ࢪࡣ඲యࡢࢃࡎ࠿ 3 ศࡢ 1 ࡞ࡢࡔ
ྠ♫ࡣ௒ᅇࡢ᪂ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡛༙ᖺ௨ෆ࡟࣓ࢵࢭ࣮ࢪᩘࡢ 30㸣࢔ࢵࣉࢆぢ㎸ࢇ࡛࠾ࡾࠊᖺෆ࡟ iPhoneࠊ
BlackBerryࠊAndroid ➃ᮎ࣮ࣘࢨ࡟ࡶᑐᛂࡍࡿணᐃ࡛ࠊᑗ᮶ⓗ࡟ࡣ඲࡚ࡢ㏻ಙࣉࣛࢵࢺ࣮࣒࣍࡬ࡢᑐᛂࢆ┠
ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥࡀேẼࡔࡀࠊࢯ࣮ࢩࣕࣝࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࢧ࢖ࢺࡢฟ⌧࡟ࡼࡾࠊ᭱㏆࡛ࡣ Facebook ࡸ Twitter ࡞࡝࡟
Mendiola Ặࡣࠊ2000 ᖺ࡟ Chikka ࡢ㐠⏝ࢆጞࡵࡓᙜ᫬ࢆ᣺ࡾ㏉ࡾࠊ
ཱྀࡀ඲ேཱྀࡢࢃࡎ࠿ 2㸣࡟ࡍࡂࡎࠊࢸ࢟ࢫࢺ࣓ࢵࢭ࣮ࢪࢆᦠᖏ㟁ヰ࠿ࡽ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ SMS ࡟㏦ಙࡍࡿࡢ
ࡀᙜࡓࡾ๓ࡔࡗࡓࠋࢹࢪࢱࣝୡ௦ࡀ⌧ࢀࡓ௒ࠊ඲ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥேࡢ 30㸣ࡀ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࢯ࣮ࢩࣕ
6,800 ୓ே௨ୖࡢ࣮ࣘࢨ࡟ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚ࡁࡓ࡜࠸࠺ Chikkaࠋ᫖ᖺ࡟ࡣ Chikka࣭ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢᣢᰴ఍
♫ Chikka࣭࣮࣍ࣝࢹ࢕ࣥࢢࢫࡀ㏻ಙ኱ᡭࢫ࣐࣮ࢺ࣭ࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࢬ࡟㈙཰ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(Business World 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 18 ᪥)
3. 㟁Ꮚ⏘ᴗᅋయࠊࢯ࣮࣮࢚ࣛࣞࢡࢺࣟࢽࢡࢫ㒊㛛࡟ᮇᚅ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢ༙ᑟయ࣭࢚ࣞࢡࢺࣟࢽࢡࢫᴗ⏺ᅋయ࡛࠶ࡿ Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the
Philippines, Inc.㸦SEIPI㸧࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ┠ୗᛴᡂ㛗୰ࡢࢯ࣮࣮࢚ࣛࣞࢡࢺࣟࢽࢡࢫ㒊㛛ࡣࠊ௒ᖺ 10 ᭶࡟᏶ᡂ
ࡀணᐃࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㟁Ꮚ⏘ᴗࡢ࣮ࣟࢻ࣐ࢵࣉ࡛ᨻᗓ࡟ᨭ᥼ࢆ㐍ゝࡍࡿ᪂ࡋ࠸ࢽࢵࢳ㒊㛛ࡢ୍ࡘࠋLopez ㈈㛸ࡀ
ᡤ᭷ࡍࡿࢯ࣮࣮࢙ࣛ࢘ࣁ࣮〇㐀ᴗ⪅ First Philippine Electric Corp.ࡢᖖົ࡛ࡶ࠶ࡿ Dan C. Lachica SEIPI ఍
௒ࡢ࡜ࡇࢁࢯ࣮࣮࢚ࣛࣞࢡࢺࣟࢽࢡࢫ㒊㛛ࡢ኎ୖࡣ㟁Ꮚ⏘ᴗࡢ 2009 ᖺᗘྜィ኎ୖ㧗 22 ൨ࢻࣝࡢ࠺ࡕࡢࢃ
ࡎ࠿ 4㸣㸦8,000 ୓ࢻࣝ㸧࡟ࡍࡂࡎࠊ஦ᴗࡶ୰㛫〇ရ࡛࠶ࡿ࢙࢘ࣁ࣮ษ᩿࡜ኴ㝧㟁ụࡢ⤌ࡳ❧࡚࡟ࡍࡂ࡞࠸
ࢽࢡࢫ఍♫ 2 ♫ࡔࡅ࡛ࡇࡇ 1㹼2 ᖺࡢ㛫࡟࠾ࡼࡑ 10 ൨ࢻࣝࡢ኎ୖࢆࡶࡓࡽࡍ₯ᅾⓗྍ⬟ᛶࢆ⛎ࡵ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜
SEIPI ఍㛗ࡢ Ernesto B. Santiago Ặ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊSEIPI ࡣ⌧ᅾࠊ୺࡟㟁Ꮚ⏘ᴗࢆⓎᒎࡉࡏࡿ᪂ࡋ࠸ࢽࢵࢳ㒊
ㄒࡿྠ♫㛗ࡣࠊྠ࣮ࣟࢻ࣐ࢵࣉࢆ௒ᖺ 10 ᭶࡟ࡣᨻᗓ࡟ᥦฟࡋࡓ࠸࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
SEIPI ࡣࠊ௒ᖺࡢ┠ᶆ࡟᫖ᖺࡢ㍺ฟ኎ୖ㧗 22 ൨ࢻࣝࡢ 25㹼30㸣࢔ࢵࣉࢆᥖࡆ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡲࡓࠊᨻᗓࡢᢞ㈨ᐙ
᫖ᖺࡢ 4 ൨ 6,900 ࢻࣝ࡟ᑐࡋ࡚௒ᖺࡣ 10 ൨ࢻࣝ┦ᙜࡢㄏ⮴ࢆᮇᚅࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ࢧࣥࢳࣕࢦ♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ௒ᖺ 1㹼7 ᭶ࡢᢞ㈨㢠ࡣྜィ࡛ 5 ൨ 1,079 ୓ࢻࣝࠋ
(Business World 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 18 ᪥)
4. BPO ㄪᰝ㸸ẚ࡛ࡢ஦ᴗࣜࢫࢡࠊ
BPO ௻ᴗࡢᖿ㒊ࡽࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥ஦ᴗࢆᒎ㛤ࡍࡿୖ࡛ࠕᨻ἞ᐙ࡟ࡼࡿở⫋ࠖࢆ୺࡞ࣜࢫࢡせᅉ࡜⪃࠼࡚
ㄪᰝࢆ⾜ࡗࡓࡢࡣࠊBusiness Processing Association of the Philippines㸦BPAP㸧࡜ Outsource2Philippines
(O2P)ࠋ ࣎࢖ࢫࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࠊࣂࢵࢡ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࠊITࠊ㈈ົࠊἲᚊࠊ་⒪ࠊࢡ࢚ࣜ࢖ࢸ࢕ࣈ࡜࠸ࡗࡓྛศ㔝ࡢ BPO
⤒Ⴀ⪅ࡽ 685 ேࢆᑐ㇟࡟௒ᖺ 6 ᭶ 20 ᪥㹼7 ᭶ 29 ᪥࡟⾜ࡗࡓ࢜ࣥࣛ࢖ࣥㄪᰝ࡛ࠊㄪᰝ⚊ࢆ㏦௜ࡋࡓ 685 ே
ࡢ࠺ࡕࡢ 26㸣࠿ࡽᅇ⟅ࡀᚓࡽࢀࡓ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
ྠㄪᰝ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊᅇ⟅⪅ࡢ 35㸣ࡀ஦ᴗᒎ㛤࡛ࡢ୺࡞ࣜࢫࢡせᅉ࡟ࠕở⫋ࠖࢆᣲࡆࠊ40㸣㏆ࡃࡀࡑࡢ௚ࡢࣜ
ᅜ࡞࡝ࡢ࢔ࢪ࢔ㅖᅜࡀ BPO ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࢆ⥆ࠎ࡜タ❧ࡋ࡚✚ᴟⓗ࡞࣐࣮ࢣࢸ࢕ࣥࢢᡓ␎ࢆᒎ㛤ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡇࢀ
ࡽ᪂ཧࡢ BPO ࢭࣥࢱ࣮࡟ᑐࡍࡿࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢ➇தຊࡀᠱᛕࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
BPAP ᝟ሗㄪᰝ㒊ࡢ Gillian Joyce Virata ⌮஦ࡣࠊ
ࠕぢ㏻ࡋࡣ᫂ࡿ࠸࡜ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊBPO ⏘ᴗࡣ₯ᅾⓗ࡞⬣
⟅⪅ࡢ 60㸣㏆ࡃࡀࠕཝࡋ࠸ேᮦᕷሙࠖࢆᣲࡆࡓࠋ
ࡋ࠿ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊྥࡇ࠺ 1 ᖺ㛫ࡢぢ㏻ࡋ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣᅇ⟅⪅ࡢ 80㸣㏆ࡃࡀ஦ᴗᣑᙇࢆ⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿ࡜⟅࠼ࠊBPO
BPO ᅋయࡀࡑࡢᚋ⾜ࡗࡓࢺࣞࣥࢻㄪᰝ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊBPO ௻ᴗࡀࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿศ㔝ࡣ௒ࡸ 20 ศ㔝
BPO ⏘ᴗࡢࢺࢵࣉࡽࡣࡲࡓࠊ௒ᚋࡢぢ㏻ࡋࢆࠕ᫂ࡿ࠸ࠖ࡜ࡍࡿ᰿ᣐ࡟௒ᖺ 5 ᭶࡟⾜ࢃࢀࡓ⤫୍㑅ᣲࡢᡂຌ
ࢆᣲࡆ࡚࠸ࡿࠋᢞ㈨ᐙࡽ࡜㢳ᐈࡽࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ࡟ᑐࡍࡿ༳㇟ࡢᨵၿ࡟㈉⊩ࡋࡓせᅉ࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊᅇ⟅⪅ࡢ 90㸣
BPAP ࡣࠕ㑅ᣲᚋࡢ⾜ᨻ⎔ቃ࠾ࡼࡧࣅࢪࢿࢫ⎔ቃ࡟ᑐࡍࡿ࣏ࢪࢸ࢕ࣈ࡞ぢ㏻ࡋࡀࠊࠗᢞ㈨࡟㐺ࡋࡓᏳᐃࡋࡓ
ᅜࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ࠘ࡢ༳㇟ࢆᢞ㈨ᐙࡓࡕ࡟୚࠼࡚ࡃࢀࡿࡔࢁ࠺ࠖ࡜ㄒࡿࠋᅇ⟅⪅ࡢ 30㸣௨ୖࡀࠊ๓ᨻᶒࡼࡾࡶ
(Philippine Star 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 18 ᪥)
5. ᪂ CICT ጤဨ㛗ࠊᢏ⾡ᨵ㠉┠ᣦࡍ
㞴⯟ࡋࡓ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡ጤဨ఍㸦CICT㸧ጤဨ㛗ࡢᚋ௵⪅ࡢ㑅ᐃࠋ᪂࢔࢟ࣀᨻᶒࡣ௒ᖺ 7 ᭶ୗ᪪࡟ࡼ࠺ࡸࡃ Ivan
John E. Uy Ặࢆ௵࿨ࡋࠊࡇࢀ࡟ࡼࡾშࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡓ CICT ࡢᗫṆࡣ஦ᐇୖ࡞ࡃ࡞ࡗࡓࠋ
ࡇࢀࡲ࡛࢔࢟ࣀ኱⤫㡿ࡣ CICT ࡢᢅ࠸࡟ࡘ࠸࡚᫂ゝࢆ㑊ࡅ࡚ࡁࡓࠋ᪂ᨻᶒ࡟࡜ࡗ࡚ࠊ኱⤫㡿ᗓ┤㎄ᶵ㛵࡜ࡋ
࡚ࠊ2004 ᖺ࡟Ⓨ⾜ࡉࢀࡓ኱⤫㡿௧ࡢࡳ࡟ࡼࡾᏑ⥆ࢆチࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ CICT ࢆᗫṆࡍࡿࡢࡣ⡆༢ࡔࠋྠጤဨ఍
ࡣ௒ࡢ࡜ࡇࢁࠊ10 ᖺ㏆ࡃࡶᲴୖࡆࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡┬㸦DICT㸧ࡢタ❧᱌ࡀྍỴࡉࢀࡿࡲ࡛ࡢᬻᐃᶵ
Uy ጤဨ㛗ࡣ࢖ࣥࢱࣅ࣮࡛ࣗࠕ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ኱Ꮫἲᚊ㒊ฟ㌟ࡢ Uy ጤဨ㛗ࡣࠊඖ᭱㧗⿢ุᡤࡢ᝟ሗ⤫ᣓ㈐௵⪅(CIO)ࠋ㈨㔠୙㊊࡟ᝎࡲࡉࢀ࡞
ࢵࣉ࣮ࣟࢻࡍࡿ e ࣛ࢖ࣈࣛࣜ࡞࡝ࠊࡼࡾ㧗ᗘ࡞ࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱ࣮ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡢᑟධ࡟ᡂຌࠋࡑࡋ࡚ 1994 ᖺ࡟㟁
Ꮚ࣓࣮ࣝࠊ1996 ᖺ࡟࣮࣒࣮࣍࣌ࢪࡢసᡂ࡜ࠊἲᘐࡢ㏆௦໬࡟ྥࡅ࡚ඛ㥑ⓗ࡞ᙺ๭ࢆᯝࡓࡋ࡚ࡁࡓࠋ
኱ኚࡔࡗࡓࠋ࡞࡟ࡋࢁ 1989 ᖺ࡟⿢ุᡤ࡟໅ࡵጞࡵࡓࡤ࠿ࡾࡢ㡭ࠊᙜ᫬ἲᘐ୍࡛␒㏆௦ⓗ࡞タഛ࡜࠸࠼ࡤࠊ
IBM ♫〇ࡢࢱ࢖ࣉࣛ࢖ࢱ࣮ࡄࡽ࠸ࡔࡗࡓࡢࡔ࠿ࡽࠋࡋ࠿ࡋ⤖ᒁኚ໬ࢆࡶࡓࡽࡍࡇ࡜࡟ᡂຌࡋࡓࠋ࠶ࡢ㡭ࡀ௒
ࡲ୍࡛␒ᅔ㞴࡛ࠊ࠿ࡘ඘ᐇࡋ࡚࠸ࡓࠖᙜ᫬ࢆ᣺ࡾ㏉ࡾ࡞ࡀࡽࠊUy ጤဨ㛗ࡣㄒࡗࡓࠋ
ୡ㛫ࢆ㦁ࡀࡏࡓ୰ᅜࡢ⥲ྜ㏻ಙ࣓࣮࣮࢝ZTE ࡜ࡢ 3 ൨ 2,900 ୓ࢻࣝࡢᅜᐙࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻ⥙㸦NBN㸧ᵓ᝿
࡟ࡘ࠸࡚⪺࠿ࢀࡿ࡜ࠊUy ጤဨ㛗ࡣࠕࢃࡀᅜ࡟ᚲせ࠿࡝࠺࠿ࡣ᳨ウࡍࡿࠋ௬࡟ NBN ࡟ࢱ࢖ࣉࡀఝ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᶵ
⬟ࡶࡲࡗࡓࡃྠࡌࡢࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࡀ 2,000 ୓ࢻ࡛ࣝᵓ⠏࡛ࡁࡿ࡜ࡋࡓࡽࠊࡸࡽ࡞࠸⌮⏤ࡣ࡞࠸ࡔࢁ࠺ࠖ࡜ᛂ
࠼ࡓࠋNBN ᵓ᝿ࡣࠊCICT ࡀ࠿ࡡ࡚࠿ࡽᥦၐࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠕࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࢆ㏻ࡋࡓ඲ᅜᨻᗓᶵ㛵
CICT ࡛ࡣ௚ࡢᨻᗓᶵ㛵࡜༠ຊࡋࠊ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡⏘ᴗࡢ 2011㹼2015 ᖺࡢࣅࢪࣙࣥ࡜᪉ྥᛶࢆᐃࡵࡓ 5 ࢝ᖺ
Uy ጤဨ㛗ࡀ௵ᮇ୰ࡢᐇ⌧ࢆ┠ᣦࡋ࡚ィ⏬ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿከࡃࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢ୍ࡘ࡟ࠊ㒑౽ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡢᨵ㠉ࡀ࠶
ྠጤဨ㛗ࡣࠊ㐠㍺㏻ಙ┬(DOTC)ࡢ㏻ಙ㒊㛛࡜࠸࠺఩⨨࡙ࡅ࡛ࠊไᗘୖࡣ CICT ࡢ⟶㎄ୗ࡟࠶ࡿࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ
㒑౽බ♫㸦PHILPOST㸧ࡀ⌧ᅾ 1 ୓ 7,000 ேࡶࡢᚑᴗဨࢆᢪ࠼࡚࠾ࡾࠊᖺ㛫 10 ൨࣌ࢯࡢண⟬ࢆཷࡅ࡚࠸ࡿ
ࡢ౛࡟ೌ࠸ࠊPHILPOST ࡢయไᨵ㠉࡜⫋ဨࡢ෌⫱ᡂࢆ㐍ࡵࡿ࡭ࡁࠖ࡜ᣦ᦬ࠊྠ♫ࡢ⟶㎄ୗ࡟࠶ࡿࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ
Uy ጤဨ㛗ࡣࡲࡓࠊᨻᗓ࡟ࡼࡿࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡢ㎿㏿໬ࢆᅗࡿࡓࡵࠊIT ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ࡟⤡ࡴở⫋ࡸᐁ൉ⓗᙧᘧ୺⩏
㸦Uy ጤဨ㛗㸧
Uy ጤဨ㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊCICT ࡛ࡣ⌧ᅾࠊᨻᗓᶵ㛵ࡀᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿබඹࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡬ࡢᨭᡶ࠸ࢆ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺୖ
ࠕe ࣂࣖࢵࢻࠖࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡢᐇ⌧࡟ྥࡅࡓࣉࣛࢵࢺ࣮࣒࣍ࡢ⤫୍໬ࢆ㐍ࡵ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋࡲࡓࠊBPO
ࡇ࠺ࡋࡓ≧ἣ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ Uy ጤဨ㛗ࡣࠕ┳ㆤᖌࡢ㟂せࡣ㸳㹼6 ᖺ๓࡟ࡍ࡛࡟ࣆ࣮ࢡࢆ㏄࠼ࡓࠋୡ⏺⤒῭ࡢ⛣ࡾ
(Business World 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 16 ᪥)
6. ໭Ḣ㏻ಙ኱ᡭࢸࣜ࢔ࢯࢿࣛࠊࢹ࢕ࢪࢸࣝಖ᭷ẚ⋡పୗ
ࢫ࢙࣮࢘ࢹࣥ࡜ࣇ࢕ࣥࣛࣥࢻ࡟ᣐⅬࢆ⨨ࡃࢸࣜ࢔࣭ࢯࢿࣛ (TeliaSonera) ࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢ᭷ຊ㏻ಙ௻ᴗࢹ
ࢸࣜ࢔࣭ࢯࢿࣛࡣࠊ1995 ᖺ࡟ࢹ࢕ࢪࢸࣝᰴᘧ 6 ൨ᰴ㸦Ⓨ⾜῭ࡳᰴᘧࡢ 9.44%㸧ࢆྲྀᚓࡋࡓࠋࡋ࠿ࡋࠊࢸࣜ
࢔࣭ࢯࢿࣛࡣࠊ᭱㏆ࢹ࢕ࢪࢸࣝᰴᘧࡢ኎༷ࢆ㛤ጞࠊ2010 ᖺ 6 ᭶ 14 ᪥࡟ 5400 ୓ᰴ(0.9%㸧ࢆ኎༷ࠊಖ᭷ẚ
⋡ࡣ 8.59%࡟పୗࠋࡑࡢᚋࡶ᩿⥆ⓗ࡟኎༷ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ8 ᭶ 13 ᪥⌧ᅾ࡛ಖ᭷ẚ⋡ࡣ 4.28%࡟ࡲ࡛పୗࡋ࡚࠸
㹎LDT ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉࡢࢫ࣐࣮ࢺ࣭ࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࠊࢢ࣮ࣟࣈ࣭ࢸࣞࢥ࣒࡟ḟࡄ➨ 3 ఩௻ᴗ࡜࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
2010 ᖺୖ༙ᮇᮎࡢຍධ⪅ᩘࡣࢫ࣐࣮ࢺ࣭ࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࡀ 4530 ୓ேࠊ࢔ࣖࣛചୗࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣈ࣭ࢸࣞ
ࢥ࣒ࡢຍධ⥲ᩘ(SIM ࣮࣋ࢫ)ࡣ 2462 ୓ேࠊࢹ࢕ࢪࢸࣝࡶ 1400 ୓ேࢆ✺◚ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥドๆྲྀᘬᡤᅇぴ 5728-2010 ྕࢆࡶ࡜࡟ࡋࡓࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭㔠⼥᝟ሗ 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 23 ᪥)
7. SPi ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࠊୡ⏺᭱኱ࡢẚேᡤ᭷ BPO ௻ᴗ࡟
㏻ಙ኱ᡭ PLDT㸧ࡀ 24 ᪥ࠊBPO ௻ᴗ SPi Technologies ࡜㹣PLDT Ventus ࢆྜేࡋࠕSPi Global Holdingsࠖ
࡜ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࢆⓎ⾲ࡋࡓࠋࡇࢀ࡟ࡼࡾࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ㈨ᮏࡢ BPO ௻ᴗ࡜ࡋ࡚ࡣୡ⏺᭱኱ࡢ௻ᴗࡀㄌ⏕ࡍࡿࡇ࡜
SPi Global ࡢ CEOࠊMaulik Parekh Ặࡣࠊ
ࠕ௒ᅇࡢྜేࡣࠊ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢศ㔝࡟࠾ࡅࡿ SPi Global ࡢࢥ
୍᪉ࠊྠ♫ࡢ఍㛗ࢆົࡵࡿ Manuel V. Pangilinan PLDT ఍㛗ࡣࠊ
ࡢࡳ࡞ࡽࡎࠊᅜෆࡢ BPO ⏘ᴗ࡟࡜ࡗ࡚⏬ᮇⓗ࡜࠸࠼ࡿฟ᮶஦ࠖ࡜ㄒࡗࡓࠋ
ࠕSPi ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࡣࠊఱ༑ᖺࡶࡢ⤒㦂ࢆ✚ࡳࠊࢼࣞࢵࢪࣉࣟࢭࢫ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㸦KPO㸧࡜ CRM ࢔࢘ࢺ
ࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢࡢศ㔝࡛ᵝࠎ࡞௻ᴗ࡟ୡ⏺⣭ࡢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡋ⥆ࡅ࡚ࡁࡓ PLDT ⣔ิ௻ᴗ 2 ♫ࡀᣢࡘຊ࡜㉁ࡢ
㸦Pangilinan ఍㛗㸧
SPi Global ࡣࠊSPi CRMࠊSPi ࢥࣥࢸࣥࢶࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࠊSPi ࣊ࣝࢫࢣ࢔ࡢ 3 ࡘࡢࣅࢪࢿࢫࣘࢽࢵࢺࢆ୰
᰾࡜ࡋࡓ⥲ྜ BPO ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲ࣮ࡔࠋࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡣࡶࡕࢁࢇࠊ໭⡿ࠊ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࠊ
࢔ࢪ࢔ࡢ 24 ᣐⅬ࡟ 1 ୓ 4,000 ே௨ୖࡢᚑᴗဨࡀ࠾ࡾࠊ500 ♫௨ୖ࡜ྲྀᘬࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ࡜ࡾࢃࡅࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ
࡛ࡣ㤳㒔ᅪ 11 ᣐⅬࠊᆅ᪉ 3 ᣐⅬ࡟ᚑᴗဨ࠾ࡼࡑ 1 ୓ 1,000 ேࢆ㓄⨨ࡋࠊ㡰ㄪ࡟ᡂ㛗ࢆ⥆ࡅ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ࠕSPi Global ࡣࠊୡ⏺᭱኱⣭ࡢ᭷ྡ࡞እᅜࡢ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ௻ᴗ࡜஫ゅ࡟➇தࡋᚓࡿࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ㈨ᮏࡢ
BPO ௻ᴗ࡟࡞ࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ┠ᶆ࡜ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ௒ᅇࡢྜేࡣࡑࡢࣅࢪࣙࣥ࡟㏆࡙ࡃࡓࡵࡢ➨୍Ṍࠋᡃࠎࡣࠊぶ఍
♫࡛࠶ࡿ PLDT ࡢ඲㠃ⓗ࡞ࢧ࣏࣮ࢺ࡜ࢃࡀ♫ࡢᴗ⏺࡟࠾ࡅࡿᐇ⦼ࢆ࡚ࡇ࡟ SPi ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࢆࡉࡽ࡟㐍໬ࡉࡏࠊ
㸦Parekh ♫㛗㸧
ࡲࡓࠊPangilinan ఍㛗ࡶࠕSPi ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࡣᛴᡂ㛗ࢆ⥆ࡅࡿ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢫ⏘ᴗ࡟ᑐࡍࡿ PLDT ࡢ⩏ົࢆ௦⾜
ࡍࡿ௻ᴗࠋPLDT ࡣ SPi ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥே▱㆑ປാ⪅࡜ᅜᐙࡢⓎᒎࢆಁ㐍ࡋࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥே
ࡢ⏕άྥୖࢆ┠ᣦࡍࠖ࡜ㄒࡾࠊ⣔ิ఍♫࡛࠶ࡿ SPi Global ࢆ௚ࡢ BPO 㛵㐃⣔ิ఍♫ࡽ࡜ඹ࡟඲㠃ⓗ࡟ࢧ࣏
SPi Global ࡣࠊ1980 ᖺ࡟タ❧ࡉࢀ࡚௨᮶ࠊࣇ࢛࣮ࢳࣗࣥ 500 ࡟ࣛࣥࢡ࢖ࣥࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ௻ᴗࡽ࡟ᑐࡋ࡚ࢥࣥࢸ
ࣥࢶ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠊୡ⏺࡛ࡶ᭱ึࡢ BPO ௻ᴗࡢ୍ࡘࠋࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ⠊ᅖࡣฟ∧ࠊ
࣊ࣝࢫࢣ࢔ࠊ㈈ົࠊ࢚ࣥࢱ࣮ࢸ࢖࣓ࣥࢺࠊ࣓ࢹ࢕࢔ࠊᨻᗓࠊࢺࣛ࣋ࣝࠊ༺኎ࠊ㏻ಙࠊISP ࡞࡝ከᒱ࡟ࢃࡓࡿ
(Team Asia Client News 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 24 ᪥)
8. TeradataࠊTaguig ᕷ࡟ࢥࣥࢧࣝࢸ࢕ࣥࢢࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࢆ㛤タணᐃ
ࢹ࣮ࢱ࢙࢘࢔ࣁ࢘ࢪࣥࢢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡢ Teradata Philippines Corp.ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࡢ஦ᴗᣑᙇ࡟క࠸ࠊ
࢔࣓ࣜ࢝ᆅᇦࡢࣉࣟࣇ࢙ࢵࢩࣙࢼࣝࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ㒊㛗 Robert Cromer Ặࡣࠊྠࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢ㛤タሙᡤ࡟ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ
ࠕ㈝⏝ᑐຠᯝࡀ㧗࠸ࠖࡢ 2 Ⅼࢆᣲࡆࠊྠࢭࣥࢱ࣮࡟ࡘ࠸࡚
ྠ♫࢝ࣥࢺ࣮࣐ࣜࢿ࣮ࢪ࣮ࣕࡢ Lyndon Lacanienta Ặ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࢸࣛࢹ࣮ࢱࡀࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࡢႠᴗάືࢆ㛤
ጞࡋࡓࡢࡣ 2008 ᖺࠋᙜึࡣ Makati ᕷ࡟ࢧࢸࣛ࢖ࢺ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࢆタ⨨ࡋ࡚࠸ࡓࠋྲྀᘬඛࡣ୺࡟㏻ಙ኱ᡭࢫ࣐
(BusinessWorld 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 26 ᪥)
9. ࢔ࣖࣛࣛࣥࢻࠊBPO ࣅࣝࡢቑ⠏ࢆィ⏬
ࣅࢪࢿࢫࣉࣟࢭࢫ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㸦BPO㸧࡬ࡢ㟂せࡀ㧗ࡲࡿ୰ࠊ୙ື⏘᭱኱ᡭ Ayala Land ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ
ྥࡇ࠺ᩘᖺࡢෆ࡟ BPO ௻ᴗྥࡅ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࣅࣝࢆቑ⠏ࡍࡿ⪃࠼ࢆ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋࡓࠋ
Ayala Land ♫ࡢ Antonio T. Aquino ♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫࡛ࡣࡍ࡛࡟ Iloilo ᕞࠊす Negros ᕞ Bacolod ᕷ࡞࡝ࡢ
ᆅ᪉㒔ᕷ࡛ BPO ࣅࣝࡢᘓタࢆ㐍ࡵ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
ྠ♫ࡀ࣮ࣜࢫࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࢫ࣮࣌ࢫࡣࠊ2009 ᖺᮎࡢ᫬Ⅼ࡛ 34 ୓ 7,000 ᖹ⡿ࠋ௒ᖺ 6 ᭶ᮎࡢ᫬Ⅼ࡛᪤
࡟ࡑࡢ 67㸣࡟೉ࡾᡭࡀࡘࡁࠊୡ⏺ⓗ࡞⤒῭୙ἣࡢ↽ࡾࢆཷࡅ࡚࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࣅࣝࡢ㟂せ࡟ࣈ࣮ࣞ࢟ࡀ࠿࠿ࡗࡓ
๓ᖺྠᮇࡢࣅࣝ༨᭷⋡ࡢ 58㸣ࢆୖᅇࡗ࡚ዲㄪ࡞ఙࡧࢆぢࡏ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ྠ♫ࡣ௒ᖺึ᪪ࠊLaguna ᕞࡢ Evotechࠊࢭࣈᕞࡢ Cebu Peak A ࢆࡣࡌࡵࠊIloilo ᕷࠊBacolod ᕷࠊBaguio
ᕷࠊCavite ᕞ࡞࡝ࠊࢺ࣮ࢱ࡛ࣝ 5 ୓ 6,000 ᖹ⡿ࡢ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࢫ࣮࣌ࢫࡢᘓタ࡟╔ᡭࡍࡿ࡜Ⓨ⾲ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊෆ
Bacolod ᕷࠊTaguig ᕷࢢ࣮ࣟࣂ࣭ࣝࢩࢸ࢕࣮ࠊUP-Ayala TechnohubࠊQuezon ᕷ Vertis ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࠊPanpanga
ᕞࡢྛ BPO ࣅࣝࡀ㛫ࡶ࡞ࡃ᏶ᡂࡍࡿぢ㎸ࡳࡔࠋAquino ♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࡣࡍ࡛࡟ Baguio ᕷࡸ Manila
ᕷ࡟ BPO ࣅࣝࢆ᪂タࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡉࡽ࡟ Makati ᕷෆࡢࢩࣙࢵࣆࣥࢢ࣮ࣔࣝࠕGlorietta 2ࠖ࡟ࡶ BPO ࣅࣝࢆ
ྠ♫ࡢ௒ᖺ๓༙ᮇࡢ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࣅ࣮ࣝࣜࢫࡢ኎ୖࡣ 8 ൨ 4,400 ୓࣌ࢯࠋ⥲࣮ࣜࢫ㠃✚ࡀ 5 ୓ 859 ᖹ⡿ቑຍࡋ
ࡓࡇ࡜࡟ࡼࡾࠊ๓ᖺྠᮇẚ 7㸣ቑ࡜࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(Business World 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 31 ᪥)
10. ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡣ㧗ࢫ࢟ࣝࡢ ICT ேᮦࡀࡲࡔࡲࡔ୙㊊ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ – TESD 㛗ᐁࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢᢏ⾡ᩍ⫱ᢏ⬟㛤Ⓨᗇ㸦TESDA㸧ࡢ Joel Villanueva 㛗ᐁࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㧗࠸ࢫ࢟ࣝࢆ
᭷ࡋࡓ ICT ேᮦࡢ୙㊊ࡣ῝้࡞≧ἣ࡛࠶ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ㄆ㆑ࢆ♧ࡋࡓࠋྠ㛗ᐁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊᅜෆእࡢ㟂せࢆ‶ࡓࡍ࡟
ࡣࠊẖᖺᑡ࡞ࡃ࡜ࡶ㸱ⓒ୓ேࡢ ICT ேᮦࡀᚲせࡔ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
Villanueva 㛗ᐁࡣࠊICT 㛵㐃ࡢࢥ࣮ࢫࡢཷㅮ⏕ᩘࡣቑ࠼ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀண᝿ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡶࡢࡢࠊቑຍࡋ࡚࠸ࡿᅜෆ
ࠕTESDA ࡣࠊᩍ⫱ࡢࢥࣥࢸࣥࢶ࡜◊ಟᐇ᪋㠃ࢆᨵၿࡋࠊࢫ࢟ࣝࡢ㉁ࡢ㠃࡛ࡢࢠࣕࢵࣉࡢ⦰ᑠ࡟⧅ࡆࡓ࠸ࠋ
ྠ㛗ᐁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊICT ࡢᛂ⏝ຊࠊࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕ࠊࢢࣛࣇ࢕ࢵࢡࠊ࢔ࢽ࣓࣮ࢩࣙࣥࠊICT 㛵㐃ࡢࣜࢧ࣮ࢳࠊ࢜
CICC ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢥࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢲࣥࢺ᭶ḟሗ࿌
2010 ᖺ 9 ᭶
1. 2008ᖺࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥICT௻ᴗ኎ୖ㧗ୖ఩500♫ࡢ⤫ィࡀⓎ⾲ࡉࢀࡿ
ẖᖺࠊMediaG8Way♫ࡀⓎ⾜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ IT Resources Philippinesࡢ2009-2010∧ࡀ㏻ᖖࡢᖺࡼࡾ༙ᖺ㏆ࡃ㐜ࢀ
1. TI (Phis), Inc. 1,143൨࣌ࢯ (⣙26൨ࢻࣝ)
2. Smart Communications, Inc. 710൨࣌ࢯ (⣙16൨ࢻࣝ)
3. Toshiba Information Equipment (Phils.), Inc. 591൨࣌ࢯ 㸦⣙13.3൨ࢻࣝ㸧
4. Globe Telecom, Inc. 562൨࣌ࢯ㸦⣙12.8൨ࢻࣝ㸧
5. PhilippineLong Distance Telephone Co. 484൨࣌ࢯ (⣙11൨ࢻࣝ)
⾲1: ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥICT௻ᴗ ኎ୖ㧗ୖ఩500♫ࡢࢭࢢ࣓ࣥࢺู኎ୖ㧗ࡢ᥎⛣(൨࣌ࢯ)
኎ୖ㻌 (൨䝨䝋䠅㻌
IT ᴗ⏺䛾䝉䜾䝯䞁䝖
ICT ά⏝䝃䞊䝡䝇
ୖ఩ 㻡㻜㻜 ♫ྜィ㻌
⾲2: ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥICT௻ᴗ ኎ୖ㧗ୖ఩500♫ࡢࢭࢢ࣓ࣥࢺู኎ୖ㧗ࡢ᥎⛣(ⓒ୓⡿ࢻࣝ)
኎ୖ㻌 (ⓒ୓䝗䝹䠅㻌
ICT ά⏝䝃䞊䝡䝇
ୖ఩ 500 ♫ྜィ㻌㻌
⾲3: ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥICT௻ᴗ ኎ୖ㧗ୖ఩500♫ࡢࢭࢢ࣓ࣥࢺู኎ୖ㧗(⡿ࢻࣝᘓ)ࡢ
ICT ά⏝ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ
ୖ఩ 500 ♫ྜィ
(2010ᖺ8᭶࡟ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓIT Resources Philippines 2009-2010 Editionཬࡧ㐣ཤࡢIT
Resources Philippinesࡢࢹ࣮ࢱࢆ⥲ྜ)
࡞࠾ࠊIT Resources Philippinesࡢୖ఩500♫ࡢ⤫ィ࡟ࡣࠊドๆྲྀᘬጤဨ఍(SEC)࡬ࡢ㈈ົㅖ⾲ᮍᥦฟ௻ᴗࡣ
2. ௒ᖺࡢ⤒῭༊࡛ࡢᢞ㈨ࠊ᭱ึࡢ8ࣧ᭶࡛๓ᖺྠᮇ31㸣ቑࡢ709൨6,000୓࣌ࢯ࡟
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭༊ᗇ㸦PEZA㸧ࡀ 8 ᪥ࠊ௒ᖺ 1㹼8 ᭶ࡢᢞ㈨㢠ࡀ᫖ᖺྠᮇẚ 31.17㸣ቑࡢ 709 ൨ 6,000 ୓࣌
ࢯ࡟㐩ࡋࡓ࡜ሗ࿌ࡋࡓࠋྠᗇ Lilia B. De Lima 㛗ᐁࡀሗ࿌ࡋࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ௒ᖺ 1㹼8 ᭶ࡢྠ⤒῭༊࡬ࡢ
ᢞ㈨㢠ࡣ 709 ൨ 5,800 ୓࣌ࢯࠋ๓ᖺྠᮇࡢ 540 ൨ 9,800 ୓࣌ࢯࢆ 31.17㸣ୖᅇࡗࡓࠋ
୍᪉ࠊ㞠⏝ᶵ఍ࡢ๰ฟ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊ๓ᖺྠᮇ 5 ୓ 2,421 ேࢆ 11.14㸣ୖᅇࡿ 5 ୓ 8,260 ேศࡢ┤᥋㞠⏝ࢆぢ
ྠᗇ࡛ࡣࠊ⤒῭༊ෆ࡛᧯ᴗ୰ࡢ〇㐀ᴗ⪅ཬࡧ IT 㛵㐃஦ᴗ⪅ࡽ࡟ࡼࡿࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ 293 ௳࡜ࠊ⤒῭༊ࡢ㛤Ⓨ
ᴗ⪅ཬࡧ㐠⏝ᴗ⪅ࡽ࡟ࡼࡿࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ 39 ௳ࡢࠊィ 332 ௳ࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࢆㄆྍࡋࡓ
De Lima 㛗ᐁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊᢞ㈨ࡢෆヂࡣ᪤Ꮡࡢ〇㐀ᴗ⪅ཬࡧ IT ௻ᴗࡢ஦ᴗᣑᙇࠊ㎰ᴗ⤒῭༊ࠊほග㒊㛛ࠊ᪂
୍᪉ࠊD&B Business Optimism Survey ࡢㄪᰝ⤖ᯝࢆぢࡿ࡜ࠊྠ༊ෆࡢ௻ᴗࡽࡣ༊እࡢ௻ᴗࡽ࡟ẚ࡭ࠊ௒ᚋ
ࡢぢ㏻ࡋ࡟ᑐࡋ࡚ᝒほⓗࡔࠋ⤒῭࢔ࢼࣜࢫࢺ Victor A. Abola Ặࡣࠕྠ༊እࡢ௻ᴗࡽࡀᅜෆᕷሙࢆᑐ㇟࡟ࡋ࡚
≉࡟㞵Ꮨ࡟ࡼࡿᘓ⠏ᴗ࡜〇㐀ᴗࡢᅾᗜᩘࡢῶᑡࡢᙳ㡪࡛ᅾᗜᩘࡀ࣐࢖ࢼࢫ 13㸣࡟ࡲ࡛ⴠࡕ㎸ࢇ࡛࠾ࡾࠊ
ᅄ༙ᮇ࡟ࡣࡉࡽ࡞ࡿᅾᗜᩘ࡜᪂つⓎὀ௳ᩘࡢῶᑡࡀண ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
(Philippine Star 2010 ᖺ 9 ᭶ 9 ᪥)
3. Infosys BPOࠕ1ᖺ௨ෆ࡟ẚᅜෆࡢᚑᴗဨᩘࢆ2ಸ࡟ቑဨࠖ
Infosys BPO ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊἲᚊࣉࣟࢭࢫ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ࡜㈈ົࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ᭷ᮃ࡞ேᮦ☜ಖࢆぢ㎸ࡳࠊ
ྥࡇ࠺ 12 ࣧ᭶࡛ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆࡢᚑᴗဨᩘࢆ 2 ಸ࡟ቑဨࡍࡿィ⏬ࡀ࠶ࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋࡓࠋ
㸦Infosys BPO ♫ Ritesh Idnani ᭱㧗ᇳ⾜㈐௵⪅㸧
2007 ᖺ 6 ᭶࡟ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࡢ᧯ᴗࢆ㛤ጞࡋࡓ Infosys BPO ࡣࠊྥࡇ࠺ 18㹼24 ࣧ᭶ࡢ㛫࡟ྠ♫ࡢ཰ධ㈉⊩
ࢆ⥲฼┈ࡢ 5㹼6㸣࠿ࡽ 8㹼10㸣࡟ࡲ࡛ఙࡤࡋࡓ࠸࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋIdnani ẶࡣࠕᣐⅬࢆ᪂つ㛤ᣅࡍࡿࡼࡾࡶࠊ
Infosys BPO ࡣ௒ᖺ࡟ධࡗ࡚ᅜෆ࡟ࢥ࣮ࣝࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࢆ 3 ࣨᡤ࠾ w ㏣ຍࡍࡿ࡜Ⓨ⾲ࠋྠࣅࢪࢿࢫࡢ₯ᅾⓗྍ⬟
1 ᖺ௨ෆ࡟࣏࣮ࣛࣥࢻࡢࣂࢵࢡ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫ஦ᴗࢆᣑᙇࡋࠊᚑᴗဨࡶ⌧ᅾࡢ 950 ே࠿ࡽ 1,500 ே࡟ቑဨࡍࡿ⪃࠼
㐃⤖኎ୖ㧗 48 ൨ࢻࣝࢆ㄂ࡿୡ⏺᭷ᩘࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ IT ௻ᴗ Infosys Technologies ࡢᏊ఍♫࡛࠶ࡿ Infosys
BPO ࡣࠊ2 ࡘࡢࣂࢵࢡ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫᣐⅬࢆ࣏࣮ࣛࣥࢻ࡜ࢳ࢙ࢥඹ࿴ᅜ࡟㓄⨨ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ྠ♫ࡣୡ⏺ྛᅜ࡟ࢭࣥࢱ࣮12 ᒁ㸦࢔ࢪ࢔ኴᖹὒ 7 ᒁࠊ࢖ࣥࢻࠊ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࠊ༡࢔࣓ࣜ࢝㸦ࣈࣛࢪࣝྵࡴ㸧
࣓࢟ࢩࢥ 5 ᒁ㸧ࢆ㓄⨨ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᚑᴗဨ 19,000 ே௨ୖࢆ᧦ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋBPO ௻ᴗ࡜ࡋ࡚ࡣ〇㐀㒊㛛ࡀ⥲฼┈
ࡢ 38%ࠊBFSI 㒊㛛ࡀ⥲฼┈ࡢ 30%ࠊ㏻ಙ㒊㛛ࡀ⥲฼┈ࡢ 22%ࢆࡑࢀࡒࢀ༨ࡵ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࡢ௚࡟ࡶ࣓ࢹ࢕
(Financial Express 2010 ᖺ 9 ᭶ 13 ᪥)
4. ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢ BPO ௻ᴗ SPi ♫ࡀୡ⏺ࡢࢺࢵࣉ 100BPO ௻ᴗࡢ 1 ♫࡟㑅ࡤࢀࡿ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࣭࣐ࣥࢽࣛ – ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢆᣐⅬ࡜ࡍࡿࢼࣞࢵࢪࣉࣟࢭࢫ࣭CRM࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ኱ᡭSPi
Globalࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊGlobal ServicesࡀⓎ⾜ࡍࡿ㞧ㄅࠕ2010 Global Services 100ࠖࡢୖ఩100♫࡟ࣛࣥࢡ࢖
2010 GS100ࣜࢫࢺࡣࠊGlobal Servicesࡀࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ໬࡜ࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢࡢࢥࣥࢧࣝࢱࣥࢺ఍♫NeoAdvisory࡜
ࠕSPi GlobalࡀࢺࢵࣉBPOࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲࡢ୍ࡘ࡟㑅ࡤࢀࡿࡢࡣ௒ᖺ࡛㐃⥆5ᖺ┠ࠋᙜ♫ࡣGS 100ࡢࣜ
ࡿࢺࢵࣉࢡࣛࢫࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ௻ᴗࢆ┠ᣦࡍᙜ♫ࡢࣅࢪࣙࣥࢆ᫂☜࡟♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠖ㸦ྠ♫Maulik Parekh௦⾲
1980ᖺ࡟タ❧ࡉࢀࡓSPi Globalࡣୡ⏺࡛ࡶBPO௻ᴗࡢࣃ࢖࢜ࢽ࢔ࡢ୍ࡘ࡟ᩘ࠼ࡽࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊFortune 500࡟
(Manila Bulletin 2010 ᖺ 9 ᭶ 18 ᪥)
5. Morphlabsࠊ௻ᴗྥࡅmCloudࢆ࣮ࣜࣜࢫ
〇ရmCloud Controllerࢆ኱ᖜ࡟ࢢ࣮ࣞࢻ࢔ࢵࣉࡋࡓࣂ࣮ࢪࣙࣥࢆⓎ⾲ࡋࡓࠋ
ࢆ⡆⣲໬ࡍࡿEnterprise Cloud Architecture (ECA)ࢆ᪂ࡓ࡟ᑟධࠋࡇࢀ࡟ࡼࡾࠊྛ฼⏝௻ᴗࡀ⊂⮬࡟ࣉࣛ࢖࣋
ࡲࡓࠊMorphlabsࡣྠ〇ရࡢⓎ⾲࡜ඹ࡟Zend Technologies Ltd.࡜ࡢᥦᦠࡶⓎ⾲ࡋࡓࠋ௒ᚋࡣྠ♫ࡢZend
Server ࡀmCloud Enterprise࡟⤌ࡳ㎸ࡲࢀࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
MorphlabsࡢmCloud Controllerࡣࠊࢥࣔࢹ࢕ࢸ࢕࣮࣭ࣁ࣮ࢻ࢙࢘࢔ࢆࢡࣛ࢘ࢻ⎔ቃ࡟ኚ᥮ࡍࡿ⥲ྜࢡࣛ࢘ࢻ
ࣉࣛࢵࢺࣇ࢛࣮࣒࡛ࠊ࢔ࣉࣛ࢖࢔ࣥࢫ࡜ࡋ࡚ᥦ౪ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ᪂ࡓ࡟ECAࢆᑟධࡋࡓmCloud Controller 2.5
ࡓࠊ୺せࣉࣛࢵࢺࣇ࢛࣮࣒ࢆࢧ࣏࣮ࢺࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊmCloud Controller࡛ࡣJavaࠊRuby on RailࠊPHPࢆࢧ࣏࣮
International Data Corp. (IDC)ࡣࠊ௒ᚋࣃࣈࣜࢵࢡ࣭ࢡࣛ࢘ࢻ࣭ࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢸ࢕ࣥࢢࡢࢧ࣮ࣂ࣭ࣁ࣮ࢻ࢙࢘
࡟࠾ࡅࡿࢧ࣮ࣂ኎ୖ㧗ࡀ᫖ᖺࡢ26൨ࢻࣝ࠿ࡽ2014ᖺ࡟ࡣಸ௨ୖࡢ57൨ࢻࣝ࡟ࡑࢀࡒࢀቑຍࡍࡿ࡜ண ࡋ࡚
ࠕmCloud Controller 2.5࡛ࡣࠊIT௻ᴗ࡟ࡼࡿ࢚ࣥࢱ࣮ࣉࣛ࢖ࢬ࣭ࣉࣛ࢖࣮࣋ࢺ࣭ࢡࣛ࢘ࢻࢆ㎿㏿࡟ࢹࣉࣟ࢖
౪ࡍࡿࠖ㸦Morphlabs♫Winston Damarillo௦⾲ྲྀ⥾ᙺ㸧
mCloud Controller 2.5ࡣ⌧ᅾࠊ⡿ᅜࠊ᪥ᮏࠊᮾ༡࢔ࢪ࢔࡛Ⓨ኎ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(Philippine Star 2010 ᖺ 9 ᭶ 22 ᪥)
6. ᅜᐙ㏻ಙጤࠕࣔࣂ࢖ࣝ࡜ࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻᕷሙࡣ௒ᚋࡶᣑ኱ࠖ
୍᪉ࠊᅛᐃ㟁ヰࡢ฼⏝⪅ᩘ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊྠጤဨ఍ࡢGamaliel Cordobaࢥ࣑ࢵࢩࣙࢼ࣮ࡀ2nd Annual
Philippines Telecoms International Summit࡛ࠕ᫖ᖺᮎ᫬Ⅼ࡛グ㘓ࡋࡓ385୓ே௨㝆ࠊቑ࠼ࡿࡇ࡜ࡣ࡞࠸ࠖ࡜
ண ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ྠࢥ࣑ࢵࢩࣙࢼ࣮ࡣࠊFrost & Sullivanࡀ୺ദࡋࡓ఍㆟ࡢᖍୖ࡛ࠕ㸦ࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡣ㸧௒ᚋᩘᖺ㛫
ྠጤဨ఍ࡢDouglas Michael Mallilin๪ࢥ࣑ࢵࢩࣙࢼ࣮࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ㟁Ἴ฼⏝ᩱ㔠࡟ࡼࡿ཰ධ※ࡣࠊࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂ
ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊᩱ㔠⟬ฟࡢ࣮࣋ࢫ࡜ࡋ࡚ᡶ࠸㎸ࡳ㈨ᮏ㔠100࣌ࢯ࡟ࡘࡁ୍ᚊ50ࢭࣥࢱ࣎࡜ࡍࡿPublic Service Act
(Philippine Star 2010 ᖺ 9 ᭶ 22 ᪥)
7. ᒣ୍㟁ᶵࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ࡟3ⓒ୓ࢻࣝ㏣ຍᢞ㈨
ࢡࣇࣝࢺࡢᒣ୍࢚ࣞࢡࢺࣟࢽࢡࢫ࣭ࢻ࢖ࢳ࢙ࣛࣥࢻ࣭࣐ࢽࣗࣇ࢓ࢡࢳࣕࣜࣥࢢ GmbHࠋ
㸦ᒣ୍㟁ᶵᰴᘧ఍♫ࣉࣞࢫ࣮ࣜࣜࢫ 2010ᖺ9᭶24᪥࡟ᇶ࡙ࡃࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭㔠⼥᝟ሗグ஦㸧
8. ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࡶiPhone4Ⓨ኎
Globe Telecom ࡣ9᭶24᪥࡟ࠊ࢔ࢵࣉࣝ♫ࡢࢫ࣐࣮ࢺ࣭ࣇ࢛ࣥiPhone4ࢆⓎ኎ࡋࡓࠋiPhone4ࡣ⏬㠃ࢆࢱࢵ
ࡀྍ⬟ࠋWi-Fiࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࢆ⤒⏤ࡋࡓiPhone 4ྠኈࠊࡲࡓࡣ᪂ࡋ࠸iPod touch࡜ࡢࣅࢹ࢜㏻ヰࡣࠊ≉ู࡞タ
(ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭㔠⼥᝟ሗ 2010ᖺ9᭶27᪥࡞࡝)
iPhone 4㸯ࣨ᭶࠶ࡓࡾࡢዎ⣙㔠㢠ูࡢ㟁ヰᶵᮏయ㉎ධ౯᱁
iPhone 4 16GB
iPhone 4 32GB
250 - 499
500 -799
800 - 1199
P 29,199
P 34,599
P 27,399
P 32,899
P 25,199
P 30,599
1200 -1798
P 21,599
P 26,999
P 8,399
P 13,799
P 6,399
1799 - 2498
P 9,899
P 15,399
9. ᮾⰪࡢẚ⣔ิ௻ᴗࠊ᪂ᆺࣁ࣮ࢻࢹ࢕ࢫࢡ⿦⨨⏕⏘࡛⛯ඃ㐝ồࡵࡿ
㟁Ꮚ⏘ᴗࡢᅇ᚟ࡀண ࡉࢀࡿ୰ࠊᰴᘧ఍♫ᮾⰪࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⣔ิ௻ᴗࡀࠊ᪂ᆺࣁ࣮ࢻࢹ࢕ࢫࢡ〇ရࡢ⏕⏘࡟
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭༊ᗇ㸦PEZA㸧ࡀ27᪥࡟ሗ࿌ࡋࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊToshiba Information Equipment Philippines,
Toshiba Information Equipment Philippines, Inc.ࡣ2009ᖺ2᭶ࠊ⤒῭୙ἣࡢ↽ࡾࢆཷࡅ࡚ྠᴗ⪅ࡀḟࠎ࡟ᚑᴗ
ဨࡢゎ㞠࡜⏕⏘ࣛ࢖ࣥࡢ๐ῶࢆవ൤࡞ࡃࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡓ୰࡛Laguna Techno-parkෆࡢྠ♫ᕤሙ࡟1൨953୓
(Business World 2010ᖺ9᭶28᪥)
10. 㸺᪥ᮏࠊẚ㈈ົ┬ࡢ㈨㔠⟶⌮⬟ຊྥୖࢆᨭ᥼㸼 ᩥ᭩⟶⌮ࡢ㟁Ꮚ໬ࡸࢹ࣮ࢱ࣮࣋ࢫ⤫ྜ࡞࡝
(ᅾࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ᪥ᮏ኱౑㤋Ⓨ⾲ 2010ᖺ9᭶27᪥࡟ᇶ࡙ࡃࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭㔠⼥᝟ሗグ஦)
11. ிࢭ࣑ࣛࢱࠊ࢚ࣉࢯࣥ⣔ࢯࣇࢺ㛤Ⓨ఍♫ࢆ㈙཰
ிࢭ࣑ࣛࢱᰴᘧ఍♫㸦♫㛗㸸㥖ཱྀඞᕫ㸧ࡣࠊ࢚ࣉࢯࣥࢢ࣮ࣝࣉചୗࡢࢯࣇࢺ㛤Ⓨ఍♫࡛࠶ࡿࠊ ࢚ࣉࢯࣥ ࢯ
ࣇࢺ࢚࢘࢔ ࢚ࣥࢪࢽ࢔ࣜࣥࢢ ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ ࢖ࣥࢡ㸦♫㛗㸸ஂಖ⏣ྖࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ ࢭࣈᕷࠊ௨ୗESEP
඲ᰴᘧㆡཷࡅᚋࡢ᪂఍♫ྡࡣࠊிࢭ࣑ࣛࢱ ࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮ ࢹ࣋ࣟࢵࣉ࣓ࣥࢺ ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ ࢖ࣥࢡ 㸦♫
࡜࡞ࡿࢯࣇࢺ࢚࢘࢔ࡢ㛤ⓎᣐⅬࡣࠊ኱㜰ᕷ࡟࠶ࡿR&D ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࠊᮾிR&Dࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࠊ⡿ᅜ࢝ࣜࣇ࢛ࣝࢽ࢔
ᕞ㸦2ᣐⅬ㸧࡟࠶ࡿKTD㸦ிࢭࣛ ࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮ ࢹ࣋ࣟࢵࣉ࣓ࣥࢺ ࢖ࣥࢡ㸧ࡢ5ᣐⅬ࡜࡞ࡿࠋ
௒ᚋࡣࠊ2010ᖺ7᭶࡟㤶 ࡟タ❧ࡋࡓ࢔ࢪ࢔㈍኎⤫ᣓ఍♫࡜ᐦ᥋࡟㐃ᦠࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡛ࠊ┤㎄ࡢ㸵㈍኎఍♫㸦୰
ᅜࠊ࢖ࣥࢻࠊ㡑ᅜࠊࢩ࣏࣮ࣥ࢞ࣝࠊ㤶 ࠊྎ‴ࠊࢱ࢖㸧࡜ࡑࡢ௚ࡢᅜࠎࡢ⊂❧⣔ࢹ࢕ࢫࢺࣜࣅ࣮ࣗࢱ࣮࡟ᑐ
(௨ୖࠊிࢭ࣑ࣛࢱࡢሗ㐨Ⓨ⾲ 2010ᖺ9᭶30᪥)
(᪥⤒᪂⪺ 2010ᖺ10᭶1᪥)
12. ⡿⣔ITࢥࣥࢧࣝࢸ࢕ࣥࢢ௻ᴗUST Globalࡀࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᣐⅬᣑ኱
⡿ᅜ࢝ࣜࣇ࢛ࣝࢽ࢔ࡀᮏ♫ࡢITࢥࣥࢧࣝࢸ࢕ࣥࢢ௻ᴗUST Global♫ࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᣐⅬᖿ㒊࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࡣ
᮶ᖺࡲ࡛࡟ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥேᚑᴗဨࢆ1,000ேቑᙉࡍࡿࠋྠ♫ࡢ࣐ࢽࣛᣐⅬࢆ⤫ᣓࡍࡿBudi UtamaẶ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ
ྠ♫ࡣ⌧ᅾTaguigᕷࡢFort Bonifacioࡢ⣙250ྡࡢᚑᴗဨࢆせࡍࡿᣐⅬࡀ࠶ࡿࠋྠ♫ࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ஦ᴗ኎ୖ㧗
(Business World 2010ᖺ10᭶4᪥ࡼࡾ)
13. Ayala Landࡀすࢿࢢࣟࢫᕞࢱࣜࢧ࢖ᕷ࡟4୓ᖹ⡿ࡢBPO࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫ㛤Ⓨ
୙ື⏘㛤Ⓨ኱ᡭࡢAyala Land♫ࡣඛࡈࢁࠊすࢿࢢࣟࢫᕞࢱࣜࢧ࢖ᕷ࡟㛤ⓎࡍࡿBPO࢟ࣕࣥࣃࢫࡢ㘵ධࢀࢆ⾜
Ayala North Point TechnoHubࡀ᏶ᡂࡍࡿ࡜ࠊBPO㛵㐃௻ᴗࡸ㛵㐃⏘ᴗࠊᑠ኎ᴗ࡞࡝࡛⣙15,000ࡢ㞠⏝ࢆ๰
Ayala North Point TechnoHubࡣࠊ215࣊ࢡࢱ࣮ࣝࡢᅵᆅ࡟」ᩘࡢపᒙࣅࣝࢆᘓタணᐃ࡛ࠊ࣮ࣜࢫྍ⬟࡞ᗋ㠃
(Inquirer 2010ᖺ10᭶6᪥)
CICC ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢥࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢲࣥࢺ᭶ḟሗ࿌
2010 ᖺ 10 ᭶
1. ࢔ࣖࣛࢢ࣮ࣝࣉࡢ࢚ࣞࢡࢺࣟࢽࢡࢫ௻ᴗIMIࡀPSiࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮ࢬࢆ㈙཰
࢔ࣖࣛࢢ࣮ࣝࣉࡢ࢚ࣞࢡࢺࣟࢽࢡࢫ௻ᴗIntegrated Microelectronics (IMI)ࡣࠊ௒ᖺ6᭶࡟ࠊࠕ࢔ࣖࣛࡀฟ㈨ࡍ
Psi ࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮ࢬࡣࠊᙜᆅࡢ኱ᡭ㣗ရ௻ᴗRFMࢢ࣮ࣝࣉࡢ⣔ิ௻ᴗ࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊ1988ᖺ2᭶࡟タ❧ࡉࢀࡓࠋ༙
(2010ᖺ10᭶㸵᪥௜ࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥドๆྲྀᘬᡤᅇぴ6624-2010ྕ࡟ᇶ࡙ࡃࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭㔠⼥᝟ሗ 10᭶8᪥)
2. Globe Telecomࠊᅜ㝿࣮࣑ࣟࣥࢢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᣑ኱
Ayala Corp.࡜Singapore Telecommunications Ltd.ࡢྜᘚ௻ᴗ࡛࠶ࡿ㏻ಙ኱ᡭGLOBE TELECOM, INC.ࡀࡇ
ࠕGlobe Telecom Businessࡣࠊ฼⏝⪅ࡀ࡝ࡇ࡟࠸ࡼ࠺࡜ࠊࡑࡇࡀࡓ࡜࠼ࢥࣔࣟㅖᓥࠊ࢘ࢬ࣋࢟ࢫࢱࣥࠊ㉥㐨
ࢠࢽ࢔࡜࠸ࡗࡓሙᡤ࡛࠶ࢁ࠺࡜㏻ಙࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿࠖ㸦ྠ♫Globe Businessࣘࢽࢵࢺࡢ
Jesus C. Romero࢚ࣥࢱ࣮ࣉࣛ࢖ࢬ㒊㛗㸧
Globe Telecom࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ฼⏝⪅ࡀ࢖ࣜࢪ࣒࢘ᦠᖏ➃ᮎࢆ౑⏝ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿሙྜࠊྠ♫࡜ᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿIridium
Communications, Inc.ࡢ⾨ᫍ㏻ಙࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆ౑࠸ࠊ໭ᴟࡸ༡ᴟ࠿ࡽ࡛ࡶࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡಙྕࢆཷಙࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ
(2010ᖺ10᭶12᪥ Business World)
3. IPVGࡢᏊ఍♫ࠊGoogle࡜෌㈍኎ዎ⣙ࢆ⥾⤖
ᙜᆅୖሙ௻ᴗIPVGࡢIT࣭㏻ಙᏊ఍♫ࠊIP Converge Data Center Inc. (IP-Converge)ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊୡ⏺᭱኱ᡭ
ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈ࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥ௻ᴗGoogle࡜ࠊ㟁Ꮚ࣓࣮ࣝࡢࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࢔ࣉࣜࠕGoogle Message
Securityࠖ࡜࢔࣮࢝࢖ࣈࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࢔ࣉࣜࠕGoogle Message Discoveryࠖࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆ࡛ࡢ෌㈍኎ዎ⣙ࢆ
ࢡࣛ࢘ࢻࡲࡓࡣࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ࣭࢖ࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛࢡࢳࣕࢆ࣮࣋ࢫ࡜ࡍࡿGoogle Message Security࡜Google
Message Discoveryࡣࠊࢫࣃ࣒ࠊ࣐࢙ࣝ࢘࢔ࠊࣇ࢕ࢵࢩࣥࢢࠊࢫࣃ࢖࢙࢘࢔࡜࠸ࡗࡓ㟁Ꮚ࣓࣮ࣝ㛵㐃ࡢ⬣ጾ
࡟ᑐࡍࡿᙉຊ࡞ࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ≉࡟Google Message Discovery ࡛ࡣ௻ᴗࡢ㟁Ꮚ࣓
(2010ᖺ10᭶15᪥ Philippine Star)
4. San Miguel Corpࠊ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࣭࣐ࣥࢽࣛ - San Miguel Corp. (SMC)ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊྠ♫ࡀ᪂ࡓ࡟㈙཰ࡋࡓBell Telecommunication
Philippines Inc. (BellTel)ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚➇தࡢ⃭ࡋ࠸ᦠᖏ㟁ヰ㏻ಙࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ㸦CMTS㸧஦ᴗ࡬ࡢཧධࢆᅗࡿࠋ
BellTelࡣࠊPuyat-Reyes࡜Ortigasࡢ୧ᐙࡀTwo Cassandra-CCI Conglomerates Inc.ࠊPerchpoint Holdings
Corp.ࠊPower Smart Capital Ltd.ࡢ3♫ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ᡤ᭷ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊྠ3♫ࡀSMCࡢᏊ఍♫Vega Telecom Inc.
SMC♫࡜ྠ♫ࣃ࣮ࢺࢼ࣮௻ᴗQatar Telecom (Q-Tel)ࡣࠊࡍ࡛࡟Liberty Telecommunication Holdings Inc.ࡢ
㐣༙ᩘᰴᘧࢆྲྀᚓࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊඖ㈠᫆⏘ᴗ┦࡛஦ᴗᐙࡢRoberto OngpinẶࡀᡤ᭷ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㏻ಙ఍♫Express
Telecommunications Co. (Extelcom)ࡢ㈙཰ࡶ㐍ࡵ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸ࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡉࡽ࡟OngpinẶ࡜SMCࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ
ࡢ㛫࡛ࡣࠊOngpinẶࡀᡤ᭷ࡍࡿEastern Telecommunications Phils. Inc. 㸦ETPI㸧ࢆSMC࡟኎༷ࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟
ࣥࢿࣝ࡟㞄᥋ࡍࡿ10࣓࢞࣊ࣝࢶ┦ᙜࡢGSM㸦Global System for Mobile Communications㸧ࢳࣕࣥࢿࣝࢆᣢ
exchange carrier – LEC㸧ࠊᅜ㝿ࢤ࣮ࢺ࢙࢘࢖᪋タ㸦international gateway facility - IGF㸧ࠊ㛗㊥㞳㏻ಙᴗ⪅
㸦inter-exchange carrier - IXC㸧ࠊᑠᆺ⾨ᫍ㏻ಙᆅ⌫ᒁ㸦very small aperture terminal - VSAT㸧ࠊ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆࡢCMTSᕷሙࡣࠊ⌧≧Connectivity Unlimited Resources Enterprise (CURE)ࢆᡤ᭷ࡍࡿSmart
CommunicationsࠊGlobe Telecomࠊࡑࡋ࡚ᐇᴗᐙGokongweiẶࡀᡤ᭷ࡍࡿDigital Telecommunications Phils.
Inc. 㸦Digitel㸧ࡢ୕኱㏻ಙᴗ⪅ࡀ⊂༨ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠋᴗ⏺㛵ಀ⪅ࡣࠊࠕᕷሙࡣࡍ࡛࡟㣬࿴≧ែࠖ࡜ࡳ࡚࠸ࡿࡶ
ࡲࡓࠊ⌧ᅾࠊSMCࡣVega Telecom⤒⏤࡛Liberty Telecom Holdingsࡢᰴᘧࡢ32.7㸣ࢆྲྀᚓࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊྠࡌ
ࡃLibertyࡢᰴࢆᡤ᭷ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿQuatar Telecom࡜ࡢ㛫࡛࣡࢖ࣖࣞࢫ࣭ࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻ࡜ࣔࣂ࢖ࣝ㏻ಙࣉࣟࢪ
࢙ࢡࢺࡢ㛤ᣅ࡟㛵ࡍࡿྜពࢆྲྀࡾ஺ࢃࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜࠿ࡽࠊ୧♫ࡀࠕLiberty Telecom Holdingsࡢᰴᘧࢆ49㸣
୍᪉ࠊExtelcom࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊྠ♫ࡢᰴᘧࢆᡤ᭷ࡍࡿBayan Telecommunications㸦BayanTel㸧ࡢᰴᘧᕼⷧ໬
࡟ࡼࡗ࡚⤖ᯝⓗ࡟Extelcomࡢ୺せᰴ୺Trans Digital Excel Inc. (TDE)㸦OngpinẶᡤ᭷௻ᴗ㸧ࡢᰴᡤ᭷⋡ࡀୖ
≉࡟voice over the Internet 㸦VoIP㸧࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥ࡟⯆࿡ࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋࡓࡔࡋࠊᦠᖏ㟁ヰࢧ࣮
(2010ᖺ10᭶20᪥ Philippine Star)
5. IPVGࠊ
ࠊ㤶 PCCWࡼࡾ1,150୓ࢻࣝࡢ㏣ຍᨭᡶ࠸ࢆཷࡅࡿ
ୖሙIT௻ᴗIPVG Corp.ࡢྲྀ⥾ᙺ఍ࡣࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊྠ♫ࡢࢥ࣮ࣝࢭࣥࢱ࣮㒊㛛IP BPO Holdings Pte. Ltd.ࡢ㤶 
㏻ಙ኱ᡭPCCW Ltd.ࡢᏊ఍♫PCCW Teleservices࡬ࡢ኎༷࡟ྥࡅࠊPPCW Teleservices♫࡟ࡼࡿ➨㸰ࢺࣛࣥ
౯᱁࡟ࡋ࡚1,150୓ࢻࣝ࡜ࡉࢀࡿ➨㸰ࢺࣛࣥࢩ࢙ࡣࠊ2008ᖺ10᭶28᪥࡟IPVG Corp.ࠊIPVG Investment
Holdings Inc.࠾ࡼࡧPCCW Hong Kongࡢ㛫࡛⥾⤖ࡉࢀࡓ኎㈙ዎ⣙࡟ᇶ࡙࠸࡚࠸ࡿࠋ࡞࠾ࠊྠዎ⣙᭩ࡣ2009
ᖺ8᭶4᪥࡟IP BPO HoldingsࡢⓎ⾜῭㈨ᮏ࡟㛵ࡍࡿ⿵㊊ዎ⣙࡟ࡼࡾಟṇࡀຍ࠼ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
IPVGࡣࠊ⡿Interactive Teleservices Corp.࡜ẚBPO Teleservices Inc.ྛ♫ࡢᰴᘧࢆࡑࢀࡒࢀ70㸣ᡤ᭷ࡋ࡚࠸
ࡿIP BPO Holdingsࡢ㈙཰࡟ᙜࡓࡾࠊ2009ᖺ8᭶࡟᭱ึࡢᨭᡶ࠸࡜ࡋ࡚ࡍ࡛࡟1,000୓ࢻࣝࢆཷࡅྲྀࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
Interactive Teleservicesࡣࠊ⡿࢜ࣁ࢖࢜ᕞ࡜ࢿࣈࣛࢫ࢝ᕞ࡟࠶ࡿࢭࣥࢱ㸦ⱥㄒ㸧6♫࡜ࣃࢼ࣐࡟࠶ࡿࢭࣥࢱ㸦ࢫ
࣌࢖ࣥㄒ㸧2♫ࡢࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࢆ౑ࡗࡓࢥࣥࢱࢡࢺࢭࣥࢱࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࠿ࡓࡸBPO Teleservices
ᘧ㓄ศ࡟ᙳ㡪ࢆ୚࠼࡞࠸ᙧ࡛PCCW Teleservices (Philippines) Inc. (PCCWP)ࡢᰴᘧ㈨ᮏ࡟⤌ࡳධࢀࡿࡇ࡜
(2010ᖺ10᭶22᪥ Philippine Star)
6. PLDTࡢࠕ࢟ࣕࣜ࢔࣭࢖࣮ࢧࢿࢵࢺࠖࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࠊMEF9࡜MEF14ᶆ‽つ᱁‽ᣐࡢㄆᐃ
࢖࣮ࢧࢿࢵࢺ ࡣࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࡢつ᱁ࡢࡦ࡜ࡘ࡛ࠊୡ⏺୰ࡢ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࡸᐙᗞ୍࡛⯡ⓗ࡟౑⏝ࡉ
ࢀ࡚࠸ࡿLAN㸦ࣛࣥࠊ࣮࢚ࣟ࢝ࣝࣜ࢔࣭ࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ㸧࡛᭱ࡶ౑⏝ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿᢏ⾡つ᱁࡛࠶ࡿࠋLAN ࡛᥋
⥆ࡉࢀࡓከᩘࡢࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱࡀࠊ ຠ⋡ࡼࡃ㏻ಙᅇ⥺ࢆ฼⏝࡛ࡁࡿࡼ࠺࡟⪃࠼ࡽࢀࡓ㏻ಙ᪉ἲࡢ୍ࡘ
7. Globe࡜
㏻ಙ኱ᡭGLOBE TELECOM, INC.࡜Digital Telecommunications Philippines Inc. (Digitel)ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ໭࣐࢝
ࣜࢿࢫ (Camarines Norte)ࠊࣂࢱ࢔ࣥ(Bataan)ࠊࢯࣝࢯࢦࣥ(Sorsogon)ࡢྛᕞ࡛ࡢ୧♫㛫ࡢ㏻ಙ┦஫᥋⥆ᕤ
Globe Telecomࡀሗ࿌ࡋࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࡀ໭࣐࢝ࣜࢿࢫᕞ࡛Globelines࡜Digitel࡜ࡢ┦஫᥋⥆ࢆ㛤
ጞࡋࡓࡢࡣ10᭶18᪥ࠋྠ♫ࡢMelvin Santos඲ᅜ࢟ࣕࣜ࢔࣮ࣜࣞࢩࣙࣥ㒊㛗ࡣࠊࠕ௒ࡲ࡛ࡇࢀࡽࡢᕞ࡛ࡣ
Digitel – Globeline㛫ࡢ㏻ヰ࡟㛗㊥㞳㏻ヰᩱ㔠ࡀㄢ㔠ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡓࡀࠊ௒ᚋࡣ๭Ᏻࡢᕷෆ㏻ヰᩱ㔠࡛㏻ヰࢆᴦࡋ
ࡴࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿࡼ࠺࡟࡞ࡿࠖ࡜ㄒࡗࡓࠋྠ㒊㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ⌧ᅾGlobe Telecom࡛ࡣDigitel࡜໭࣐࢝ࣜࢿࢫࠊ
♫ࡣࡉࡽ࡟༡࢖ࣟࢥࢫ (locos Sur)ࠊࢾ࢚ࣂ࣭ࣅࢬ࢝ࣖ (Noeva Viscaya)ࠊࣝࢭࢼ(Lucena)࡛ࡢ┦஫᥋⥆ࡶ
Globe Telecomࡣࠕࡼࡾከࡃࡢ฼⏝⪅ࢆ⋓ᚓࡋࠊࡼࡾప౯᱁ࡢ㏻ಙᡭẁࢆᥦ౪ࡋࠊ㤳㒔ᅪእࡢ୺せ࡞ᆅᇦࡢ
(2010ᖺ10᭶25᪥ Philippine Star)
8. ẚBPO⏘ᴗࠊⱥᅜࠕ௒ᖺࡢ࢜ࣇࢩࣙ࢔ඛ㈹ࠖ3ᗘ┠ࡢཷ㈹
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢBPO⏘ᴗࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ඲ᅜ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ༠఍㸦National Outsourcing Association - NOA㸧
ࡢࠕ௒ᖺࡢ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢඛ㈹㸦Offshoring Destination of the Year Award㸧ࠖࢆཷ㈹ࡋࡓࠋྠᴗ⏺ࡀྠ
(2010ᖺ10᭶26᪥ Outsource2Philippines)
9. ᪥୰௻ᴗࠊẚ࡛ࡢBPO஦ᴗࢆ᳨ウ
Cristino L. Panlilio㈠᫆⏘ᴗ┬㸦DTI㸧ḟᐁࡀሗ㐨グ⪅࡟ㄒࡗࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ๓ᅇ㈠᫆ᢞ㈨ಁ㐍௵ົ࡛᪥
(2010ᖺ10᭶27᪥ Manila Bulletin)
10. ẚドๆྲྀᘬᡤࠊIP-Convergeࡢ᪂つබ㛤ࢆチྍ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥドๆྲྀᘬᡤ㸦PSE㸧ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊୖሙ」ྜ௻ᴗIPVG Corp.ࡢIT࣭㏻ಙ㒊㛛IP Converge Data Center
ྠ♫ࡣBDO Capital and Investments Corp.ࢆ୺ᘬཷ఍♫වⓎ⾜㈐௵⪅࡟ࠊUnicapital Inc.ࢆ๪ᘬཷ఍♫වྲྀ
(2010ᖺ10᭶27᪥ The Philippine Star)
11. ࢖࣮࣭ࣔࣂ࢖ࣝࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࡢࢹ࣮ࢱ㏻ಙࢧ࣮ࣅࢫᥦ౪஦ᴗ⪅㏣ຍ
(2010ᖺ10᭶26᪥ ࢖࣮࣭ࣔࣂ࢖ࣝᰴᘧ఍♫ࣉࣞࢫ࣮ࣜࣜࢫ)
12. Globeࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻຍධ⪅ᩘࠊ100୓ே✺◚
㏻ಙ኱ᡭGLOBE TELECOM, Inc.ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊྠ♫ࡢࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻ࣭࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺຍධ⪅ᩘࡀ㐣ཤ9ࣨ
᭶ ࡢ 㛫 ࡟ ๓ ᖺ ẚ 95 㸣 ቑ ࡜ ᛴ ⃭ ࡞ ቑ ຍ ࢆ ぢ ࡏ ࠊ ᕷ ሙ ࡛ 㤳 ఩ ࢆ ⥔ ᣢ ࡋ ࡚ ࠸ ࡿ ࣛ ࢖ ࣂ ࣝ ௻ ᴗ Smart
Communications, Inc.࡟㏕ࡿໃ࠸ࢆぢࡏ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜Ⓨ⾲ࡋࡓࠋ
Globe Telecomࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ఏ࠼ࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻ฼⏝⪅ᩘࡣ๓ᖺྠᮇ51୓7,355ேࡢ2
ಸ㏆࠸100୓6,460ே㸦ࣔࣂ࢖ࣝࢧ࣮ࣇ࢕࣭ࣥࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ฼⏝⪅ྵࡲࡎ㸧ࠋྠ♫Ernest L. Cu♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ
ࠕ≉࡟ᆅ᪉࡛Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)ࠊBroadband TattooࠊWorldwide Interoperability for Microwave
Access (WiMAX)ࡢ฼⏝⪅ࡀᛴ⃭࡟ቑ࠼࡚࠸ࡿࠖ㸦ྠ♫㛗㸧
Cu♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࡢ2006ᖺ௨㝆ࡢࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻ฼⏝⪅⥲ᖺ㛫ᡂ㛗⋡ࡣ123㸣ࠋࠕGlobe WiMAXࡢ฼
ጞࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ୰ࠊGlobe Telecomࡣ௒ࡸᮾ༡࢔ࢪ࢔᭱኱ࡢWiMAXᬑཬᴗ⪅ࡢࡦ࡜ࡘ࡟ᩘ࠼ࡽࢀࡿࡲ࡛࡟࡞ࡗ࡚
୍᪉ࠊSmart Communicationsࡢࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻ฼⏝⪅ᩘࡣ130୓ேࠋࡲࡓࠊ࠾ࡼࡑ700୓ேࡀᦠᖏ㟁ヰ⤒⏤
Smart CommunicationsࡢNapoleon L. Nazareno♫㛗ࡣࠊሗ㐨㛵ಀ⪅ࡽࡢ࢖ࣥࢱࣅ࣮ࣗ࡟ᑐࡋࠕᡃࡀ♫ࡢ࣐
(2010ᖺ11᭶2᪥ Business World)
CICC ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢥࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢲࣥࢺ᭶ḟሗ࿌
2010 ᖺ 11 ᭶
1. 㸺ᨻᗓࠊබົဨࡢ஺ὶࢧ࢖ࢺ฼⏝ᣦ㔪ᥦ♧࡬㸼 - ࣇ࢙࣮ࢫࣈࢵࢡࡸࢶ࢖ࢵࢱ࣮࡞࡝ࡢ฼⏝࡟㛵ࡋ࡚
(2010ᖺ11᭶9᪥௜ࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ኱⤫㡿ᗓ᝟ሗᴗົᐊⓎ⾲࡟ᇶ࡙ࡃࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭㔠⼥᝟ሗ 11᭶10᪥)
2. IT/ BPOࠊࠕ᭱㐺໬ࠖ࠿ࡽࠕኚ໬ࠖ࡬
ࡅࡿࡇ࡜ࡀண ࡉࢀ࡚ࡣ࠸ࡿࡶࡢࡢࠊᴗ⏺ࡢᖿ㒊ࡽࡣࠊ㢳ᐈ࡟࡜ࡗ࡚ᴗົࣉࣟࢭࢫࡢࠕ᭱㐺໬ࠖࡀᙜࡓࡾ๓࡟࡞
Infosys BPOࡢ᭱㧗⤒Ⴀ㈐௵⪅㸦CEO㸧ව࣐ࢿ࣮ࢪࣥࢢ࣭ࢹ࢕ࣞࢡࢱ࣮࡛࠶ࡿSwaminathan DandapaniẶࡣࠊ᭱
Limited㸧ࡢ࣐ࢿ࣮ࢪࣥࢢ࣭ࢹ࢕ࣞࢡࢱ࣮ව᭱㧗⤒Ⴀ㈐௵⪅㸦CEO㸧Aparup SenguptaẶࡶࠕᙜ♫࡟࡜ࡗ࡚ࠊࣅ
࡚ࡳࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡿࠋ࢚࣋ࣞࢫࢺ࣭ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ㸦Everest Group㸧࣐ࢿ࣮ࢪࣥࢢ࣭ࣃ࣮ࢺࢼ࣮㸦࢖ࣥࢻ㸧ࡢGaurav Gupta
࢚࣋ࣞࢫࢺ࣭ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ࡜Outsource2Philippines (O2P)ࡣ௒ᖺึ᪪ࠊ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡ጤဨ఍㸦CICT㸧ࡢᨭ᥼ࡢୗ࡛
BPA/P࡟ࡼࡾᴗ⏺ࡢ5ࣧᖺィ⏬ࠕ2011㹼2016ᖺIT-BPO࣮ࣟࢻ࣐ࢵࣉ㸸Driving to Global Leadership㸦ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂ࣭ࣝ
(2010ᖺ11᭶9᪥ Computerworld Philippines)
3. ࢔ࢡࢭࣥࢳࣗ࢔ࡀࢱࢠࢵࢢࠊࢣࢯࣥࠊࢭࣈྛᕷ࡟࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࢆ᪂タ
ྠ♫ࡢ஦ᴗᣑᙇィ⏬ࢆ࣓ࢹ࢕࢔࡟ㄝ᫂ࡋࡓ࢔ࢡࢭࣥࢳࣗ࢔࣭ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢManolito Tayag࢝ࣥࢺ࣮࣭࣐ࣜࢿ࣮ࢪ
ࡔ࡜࠸࠺ࠋㄝ᫂఍࡟ࡣྠ♫ᙺဨࡽ࡜Jejomar Binay๪኱⤫㡿ࡀྠᖍࡋࡓࠋ
ࡲࡓࠊྠ♫ࡢWilliam Green఍㛗ව᭱㧗⤒Ⴀ㈐௵⪅㸦CEO㸧ࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢᑗ᮶࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࠕ↓㝈ࡢྍ⬟ᛶࢆ⛎
⫱ࢆ᪋ࡍࠕSkills to Succeed㸦ᡂຌ࡬ࡢࢫ࢟ࣝ㸧ࠖࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࢆࢫࢱ࣮ࢺࡉࡏࡓ࡜ㄒࡗࡓࠋࢭࣈᕷࢧ࣭ࣥ࢝ࣝࣟ
(2010ᖺ11᭶11᪥ Philippine Daily Inquirer)
4. ࣞ࢞ࣝࢲୖ㝔㆟ဨࠕ୰ᑠ௻ᴗ࡟ITᇶ㔠ࢆࠖ
Loren Legardaୖ㝔㆟ဨࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊࡼࡾከࡃࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥே㉳ᴗᐙࡀ᝟ሗᢏ⾡㸦IT㸧ᴗ⏺࡟㐍ฟ࡛ࡁࡿࡼ࠺ࠊ
(2010ᖺ11᭶15᪥ Philippine Star)
5. ࢔ࣖࣛࣛࣥࢻࠊࣛࢢࢼ࡟BPO௻ᴗྥࡅࡢ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࢫ࣮࣌ࢫࢆቑタ
࢔ࣖࣛࣛࣥࢻ(Ayala Land Inc. - ALI)ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊྠ♫ࡀ࣐ࢽࣛ㤳㒔ᅪࡢ༡᪉ࡢࣛࢢࢼᕞ࡛ྠ♫ࡀ㛤Ⓨࢆ㐍ࡵࡿ
Nuvaliᩜᆅෆ࡟ᘓタࡋࡓ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࣅࣝࠕTwo Evotechࠖࡢⴠᡂᘧࢆ⾜ࡗࡓࠋྠ♫ࡀNuvaliᩜᆅෆ࡟ᘓタࡋࡓBPO
ྥࡅ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࣅࣝࡣࠊOne Evotech࡟⥆࠸࡚2Ჷ┠ࠋ
Two Evotechࡣࠊࣅࢪࢿࢫ࣭ࣉࣟࢭࢫ࣭࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㸦BPO㸧ࡸITࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ/ITά⏝ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ㸦IT/IT-ES㸧௻
ࠕOne Evotechࡢᡂຌ࡟⥆࠸࡚ࠊTwo Evotech࡛ࡉࡽ࡟㤳㒔ᅪ༡᪉ࡢBPOᕷሙ࡛ࡢᆅ఩ࡢᙉ໬ࢆ┠ᣦࡋࠊᅜෆࡢ
୺࡞Ⓨᒎᆅᇦ࡛⏕⏘ᛶࡀ㧗ࡃ௙஦࡜⏕άࡢࣂࣛࣥࢫࡢྲྀࢀࡓ⎔ቃࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࠖ㸦ྠ♫Marivic Añonuevo๪♫㛗ව
࢔ࣖࣛࣛࣥࢻ࣭ࣅࢪࢿࢫࢫࢣ࣮ࣉ㸦AyalaLand Businesscapes㸧ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ㛗㸧
(2010ᖺ11᭶15᪥ Philippine Star)
6. ࣂࢥࣟࢻᕞࠊBPO㒔ᕷࡢୖ఩100఩࡟ࣛࣥࢡ࢖ࣥ
࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㒔ᕷୖ఩100఩࡟ࣛࣥࢡ࢖ࣥࡋࡓࠋࣂࢥࣟࢻすࢿࢢࣟࢫᕞICT㐃┕㸦Bacolod-Negros Occidental
Federation for Information and Communications Technology - BNeFIT㸧ࡢJocelle Batapa-Sigue఍㛗ࡀఏ࠼ࡓࠋ
Segue఍㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࣛࣥ࢟ࣥࢢࡢⓎ⾲ࡣୡ⏺ྛᅜࡢ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡㸦ICT㸧㛵ಀ⪅ࡀཧຍࡍࡿGlobal Shore
Webinar 2010࡛࡞ࡉࢀࡓ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ࡞࠾ࠊྠ఍㛗ࡣࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜᐙ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡㐃┕㸦National ICT Confederation
of the Philippines – NICP㸧ࡢ఍㛗ࡶົࡵ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
Global Shore 2010ࡣࠊᑓ㛛ᐙࡸࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲ࣮࡟ᑐࡋ࡚࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢹࣜࣂ࣮ࣜࣟࢣ࣮ࢩ
ࢯࣟࣥࢬ㸦Tholons㸧♫࡟ࡼࡿୡ⏺ྛᅜࡢ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㒔ᕷࡢࣛࣥ࢟ࣥࢢ㸦ᙜึࠕTop 50 Emerging
Outsourcing Cities㸦᪂⯆࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㒔ᕷୖ఩50఩㸧ࠖ࡜࠸࠺ࢱ࢖ࢺࣝࡔࡗࡓ㸧ࡣࠊ2010ᖺ∧࠿ࡽࠕTop 100
Outsourcing Cities㸦࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㒔ᕷୖ఩100఩㸧ࠖ࡟ᣑᙇࠊࡉࡽ࡟⣽࠿ࡃࠕEmerged㸦ඛ㐍㸧ࠖୖ఩10
఩㸦1㹼10఩㸧ࠊࠕEmerging㸦᪂⯆㸧ࠖୖ఩50఩㸦11㹼60఩㸧ࠊࠕNext Wave or Aspiring㸦᭷ᮃ㸧ࠖୖ఩40఩
᪉ࠊࠕNext Wave or Aspiring㸦᭷ᮃ㸧࡛ࠖࡣࠊࢲࣂ࢜69఩ࠊࢧࣥࢱࣟࢧ㸦ࣛࢢࢼᕞ㸧28఩ࠊ࢖ࣟ࢖ࣟ88఩ࠊࣂ
National ICT Summit㸧ࠖࡢ㛤ദᆅ࡟ࣂࢥࣟࢻᕷࡀணᐃࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࡇ࡜ࡶ࠶ࡾࠊࢩࢤ఍㛗ࡣྠᕷࡢ᭱㏆ࡢ
(2010ᖺ11᭶15᪥ Philippine Star)
7. ẚCeCࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࠊFutureGov 2010ࢹࢪࢱࣝ࢖ࣥࢡ࣮ࣝࢪࣙࣥ㒊㛛࡛㈹ࢆ⋓ᚓ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡ጤဨ఍㸦CICT㸧ࡢࠕPhilippine Community eCenter㸦CeC㸧ࠖࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ
௒ᖺ10᭶15᪥࡟࣐࣮ࣞࢩ࢔ࡢࢥࢼ࢟ࢱࣂ࡛ࣝ㛤࠿ࢀࡓFutureGov Awards 2010ࡢࢹࢪࢱࣝ࢖ࣥࢡ࣮ࣝࢪࣙࣥ㒊
㛛࡛1఩ࢆ⋓ᚓࡋࡓࠋFutureGov Awards 2010ࡣࠊ࢔ࢪ࢔ࡢẸ㛫௻ᴗ࡟ࡼࡿ㠉᪂ⓗ࡞ࣅࢪࢿࢫ⠊౛ࢆ⾲ᙲࡍࡿ࢖
௒ᖺ࡛4ᖺ┠ࢆ㏄࠼ࡓFutureGov Awardsࠋ௒ᅇࠊ16࢝ᅜࡢẸ㛫⤌⧊࠿ࡽ869஦౛࡜࠸࠺␗౛࡜ࡶ࠸࠼ࡿᩘࡢ஦౛
┠ᣦࡍᅜෆࢹࢪࢱࣝ࢖ࣥࢡ࣮ࣝࢪࣙࣥࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࠕPhilippine CeCࠖࡀ᭱⤊㑅ᢤೃ⿵࡟㑅ࡤࢀࡓࠋࢹࢪࢱࣝ࢖ࣥ
FutureGov AwardsࡣࠊẸ㛫㒊㛛ࡢ㏆௦໬ࢆᑓ㛛࡟ྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡿ⊂❧ࢺ࣮ࣞࢻࢪ࣮ࣕࢼࣝㄅFutureGov Asia
Pacificㄅ୺ദࡢ࢖࣋ࣥࢺࠋ௒ᖺࡣྠㄅࡢ⦅㞟⪅࡛ඖࢽ࣮ࣗࢪ࣮ࣛࣥࢻᨻᗓࡢ᝟ሗ୺௵Laurence MillarẶࡀ఍㛗ࢆ
(2010ᖺ11᭶17᪥ Computerworld Philippines)
8. 2010ᖺ
ࡓࠋࢡ࣮ࣛࢡ㛤Ⓨබ♫㸦CDC㸧⤒⏤ࡀ඲యࡢ70.1% ࠊPEZA⤒⏤ࡣ29.8% ࡔࡗࡓࠋᖺึ9࢝᭶㛫ࡢICTᢞ㈨ㄆྍ
9. ㇦ᨻᗓࠊẚᨻᗓ࡟᥼ຓ㈨㔠ࢆᥦ౪ ẚࡢ㜵⅏⬟ຊᙉ໬ᅗࡿ
ࡋࠊ᭱ඛ➃ᢏ⾡ࠕࣛ࢖ࢲ࣮㸦Light Detection and Ranging㸦LiDAR㸧-࣮ࣞࢨ࣮ࢆග※࡜ࡍࡿ࣮ࣞࢲ࣮ᡭἲ㸧ࠖ࡟
ࡼࡿ࣐ࢽࣛ㤳㒔ᅪࡢィ ࣭ࢹࢪࢱࣝ໬࣭ᆅᅗ⏕ᡂࡢࡓࡵࡢ᥼ຓ㈨㔠2൨6,000୓࣌ࢯࡢᥦ౪ࢆ☜⣙ࠋࣛ࢖ࢲ࣮ࡢィ
(Manila Bulletin 2010ᖺ11᭶19᪥)
10. ࢔࢟ࣀ኱⤫㡿ࠊࢩ࣏࣮ࣥ࢞ࣝࢸࣞࢥ࣒࡟BPO⏘ᴗᡂ㛗ࡢࡓࡵࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ᝟ሗ㏻ಙ㒊㛛ᨭ᥼ࢆ౫㢗
⤒Ⴀ㈐௵⪅㸦CEO㸧Chua Sock KoongẶࢆࡣࡌࡵ࡜ࡍࡿ⤒Ⴀᖿ㒊ࠊཬࡧ࢔࣭ࣖࣛࢥ࣮࣏࣮ࣞࢩࣙࣥࡢJaime
Augusto Zobel De Ayala఍㛗වCEOࠊ࢔ࣖࣛࡢᏊ఍♫࡛ࢩࣥࢢࢸࣝ࡜ᥦᦠࡋ࡚࠸ࡿẚ㏻ಙࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ኱ᡭࢢ࣮ࣟ
ࣈ࣭ࢸࣞࢥ࣒ࡢErnest Cu♫㛗වCEOࡢ⾲ᩗゼၥࢆཷࡅࡓࠋ኱⤫㡿ࡣ఍ぢ࡛ࢩࣥࢢࢸࣝ࡜ࢢ࣮ࣟࣈ࣭ࢸࣞࢥ࣒࡟
ࢱ࣮࣒࣭࢚࣮࣎ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥ㸧ࢆヨ㦂୰࡛࠶ࡿࠋLTEࡣ➨3ୡ௦ᦠᖏ㟁ヰ㸦3G 㸧ࡢᣑᙇ∧࡛ࠊࡼࡾ㧗㏿࡞㏻ಙࡀ
11. 㸺PLDTฟ㈨ࡢࣇ࢕࢙ࣝ࢘ࣈࠊࣛ࢜ࢫ࡛ࢤ࣮࣑ࣥࢢ஦ᴗ㸼 ࡭ࢺࢼ࣒SMG࡜ࡢᥦᦠ࡛
12. ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡ጤࠕở⫋࡟IT࡛ᑐᢠࡏࡼࠖ
࢔࢖ࣂ࣭ࣥࢪ࣭ࣙࣥ࢘࢖(Ivan John Uy)᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡ጤဨ఍㸦CICT㸧㛗ᐁࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊࣃࣛ࣡ࣥᕞࢥࣟࣥᓥ࡛
㛤࠿ࢀࡓHewlett Packard-Intel Synergy 2010఍㆟ࠕInnovating for the Enabled Digital Communityࠖࡢᖍୖ࡛ࠊở
ࣔࢪ࣮ࣗࣝࠊႠᴗチྍドⓎ⾜ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡸ࢙࢘ࣈࢧ࢖ࢺࡢࢸࣥࣉ࣮ࣞࢺࢆᨭ⤥ࡍࡿࠕe-Local Government Unitࠖࣉ
(Manila Bulletin 2010ᖺ11᭶29᪥)
13. ᮶ᖺࡢẚᅜෆICT࣭㟁Ꮚ࣭࢚ࣥࢪࢽ࢔ࣜࣥࢢᴗ⏺ࡢά㌍࡟ᮇᚅ
ࡇ࠺ࡋࡓືࡁࡣࠊᐁẸ㐃ᦠ㸦public-private partnerships - PPP㸧ࢆ㏻ࡋࡓᢞ㈨࡟ࡼࡿࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆࡢ᝟ሗ㏻
ୡ⏺᝟ሗࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ⏘ᴗᶵᵓ㸦World Information Technology and Services Alliance - WITSA㸧ࡢሗ࿌࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ
ࡲࡓࠊInternational Data Corp. (IDC)࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆࡢICTᨭฟࡢቑຍ⋡ࡣ2010ᖺࡀ7.6%㸦31൨4,000
୓ࢻࣝ㸧ࠋ2011ᖺࡣ9.1㸣࡜ண᝿ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ㐨㊰࡞࡝ࡢ࢖ࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛࢡࢳࣕ㛤Ⓨࠊ✵ ࡸᾏ ࡢ᪂つᘓタࠊ
(Philippine Star 2010ᖺ11᭶29᪥)
14. 㸺UPѸ࢔࣭ࣖࣛࢸࢡࣀࣁࣈෆ࡟IBM᪂タഛ㸼 ᐁẸᥦᦠࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࠊᨻᗓ⣙6༓୓࣌ࢯᨭฟ
15. 㸺PLDTࠊගࣇ࢓࢖ࣂ࣮⥙ᣑ඘࡟ὀຊ㸼28൨࣌ࢯࡢᣑ඘ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ᏶஢
16. ࢔࢟ࣀ኱⤫㡿ࠊIT࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢᴗ⏺࡬ࡢᨭ᥼ࢆ⾲᫂
ࡢⓎᒎ࡟ྥࡅࠊᐁẸ㐃ᦠ㸦public-private partnerships - PPP㸧࡟ᇶ㔠6,200୓࣌ࢯ㸦140୓⡿ࢻࣝ㸧ࢆ๭ࡾᙜ࡚ࡓ
(Manila Bulletin 2010ᖺ12᭶2᪥)
CICC ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢥࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢲࣥࢺ᭶ḟሗ࿌
2010 ᖺ 12 ᭶
1. ẚ BPOࠊ࢖ࣥࢻࢆ㏣࠸ᢤࡁୡ⏺ࡢࢺࢵࣉ࡟
IBM ࡀ⡿ࢽ࣮࣮ࣗࣚࢡ࡛᭱㏆Ⓨ⾲ࡋࡓࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࣟࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥືྥᖺḟሗ࿌㸦Global Locations Trend Annual
௒ᖺ 10 ᭶࡟Ⓨ⾲ࡉࢀࠊ11 ᭶࡟࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺୖ࡛බ㛤ࡉࢀࡓྠሗ࿌࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡣᅜ㝿ࣅࢪࢿࢫᨭ᥼
ᅜ㝿ປാᶵ㛵㸦ILO㸧ࡀ௒ᖺ 7 ᭶࡟ࢪࣗࢿ࣮ࣈ࡛Ⓨ⾲ࡋࡓሗ࿌᭩ࠕOffshoring and Working Conditions in Remote
Workࠖ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊBPO ᴗ⏺ࡣ኱ࡁࡃࢥ࣮ࣝ/ࢥࣥࢱࢡࢺࢭࣥࢱ࣮࡞࡝ࡢࠕ㡢ኌࠖࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡜ࠊ㈈ົࠊ఍ィࠊࢹ࣮
ࢱฎ⨨࣭⟶⌮ࠊேⓗ㈨※㛤Ⓨ࡞࡝ࡢࠕࣂࢵࢡ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࠖࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡢ 2 ࡘ࡟ศࡅࡽࢀࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ࡞࠾ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ
ࡢ BPO ᴗ⏺࡛ࡣࠊࢥ࣮ࣝࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡀ඲యࡢ 70㸣ࢆ༨ࡵ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
⌧ᅾࡢ㡰఩ࡣࠊ1 ఩ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࠊ2 ఩࢖ࣥࢻࠊ3 ఩⡿ᅜࠊ4 ఩࣏࣮ࣛࣥࢻࠊ5 ఩୰ᅜࠊ6 ఩ⱥᅜࠊ7 ఩ࢥࣟࣥࣅ࢔ࠊ
8 ఩ࢥࢫࢱࣜ࢝ࠊ9 ఩ࣇ࢕ࢪ࣮ࠊ10 ఩࢔࢖ࣝࣛࣥࢻࠊ11 ఩໭࢔ࣇࣜ࢝ࠊ12 ఩ࢫࣜࣛࣥ࢝ࠊ13 ఩ࣁ࣮ࣥ࢞ࣜࠊ14
఩࣮࢜ࢫࢺࣛࣜ࢔ࠊ15 ఩࢚ࢪࣉࢺࠊ16 ఩ࢳࣜࠊ17 ఩ࣇࣛࣥࢫࠊ18 ఩࢝ࢼࢲࠊ19 ఩ࢩ࣏࣮ࣥ࢞ࣝࠊ20 ఩࢜ࣛ
ࡢୖ఩ 10 ఩௨ෆ࡟ྡࢆ㐃ࡡ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ᭱ᚋ࡟ࣇ࢕ࢪ࣮ࡔࡀࠊ኱つᶍ⥲ྜࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࢆᣢࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࡓࡵࠊ㠀
IBM Global Business Services ࡣࠊẖᖺ 10 ᭶࡟࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢඛೃ⿵࡟㛵ࡍࡿୡ⏺ືྥࢆศᯒࡋࡓᖺḟሗ࿌
㛵࡟ࡼࡿࣅࢪࢿࢫࡢㄏ⮴࡜⥔ᣢ࠾ࡼࡧࣅࢪࢿࢫ⎔ቃࡢᨵၿࢆࢧ࣏࣮ࢺࡋ࡚࠸ࡿྠ♫ࡢ㒊㛛 PLI-Global Location
Strategies ࡀሗ࿌᭩ࢆసᡂࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
௒ᖺࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࣟࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥືྥᖺḟሗ࿌㸦Global Locations Trend Annual Report㸧ࡣࠊ⤒῭ኚື࡜ࡑࢀࡽࡢ
ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫάື㸦ᆅᇦᣐⅬࠊඹ᭷ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࠊࣅࢪࢿࢫࢧ࣏࣮ࢺᶵ⬟㸧࡬ࡢᢞ㈨ࡣࠊ2009 ᖺ࡟ᅇ᚟ࡋࠊྠ
ᖺࡣୡ⏺つᶍ࡛ 11 ୓ 5,000 ே௨ୖࡢ㞠⏝ࢆ๰ฟ㸦2008 ᖺࡣ 10 ୓ேᙉ㸧ࡋࡓࠋ⌧ᅾ㐍ࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ௻ᴗ෌ᵓ⠏
(Philippine Daily Inquirer 2010/12/03)
2. XMG Globalࠊ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢࡢ 2010 ᖺᮎ฼┈ண ࢆⓎ⾲
࢝ࢼࢲࡢ ICT ㄪᰝࢥࣥࢧࣝࢸ࢕ࣥࢢ఍♫ XMG Global ࡣ 2010 ᖺᮎண ࣏࣮ࣞࢺ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࠊࠕୡ⏺⤒῭ࡢᅇ᚟ࡀ
ࠖ࡜ண ࡋࡓࠋ
XMG ࡢࢳ࣮ࣇ࢔ࢼࣜࢫࢺ Lauro Vives Ặ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊୡ⏺࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢᴗ⏺ࡣ 2010 ᖺᮎࡲ࡛࡟᫖ᖺࡢ 3,731
൨ࢻࣝࢆ 13.9㸣ୖᅇࡿ 4,250 ൨ࢻࣝࡢ኎ୖ㧗ࡀぢ㎸ࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
ࠕ௒ᖺࡣ 2 ᱆ྎࡢ኎ୖቑᡂ㛗⋡ࡀぢ㎸ࡵࡿࡶࡢࡢࠊ࢜ࣇࢩࣙ࢔ඛࡢᢞ㈨ᣑ኱ࡢ࣮࣌ࢫࡀ㐜࠸ࡇ࡜࡜ࠊ⡿ᅜࡸ࣮ࣚ
ࣟࢵࣃᆅᇦ࡛ࡢ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㟂せࡢఙࡧࡀ⦆ࡸ࠿࡞ࡇ࡜࠿ࡽࠊᐇ⦼ࡢ㠃࡛ࡣ᫖ᖺࡢᡂ㛗⋡ 14.4㸣࡜ẚ࡭࡚
ฟጞࡵࡓࡓࡵ࡛ࠊ࠶ࡿ⛬ᗘண ࡣࡋ࡚࠸ࡓࠖ
㸦Vives Ặ㸧
ࡲࡓࠊሗ࿌࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ࢜ࣇࢩࣙ࢔ࣜࣥࢢ㒊㛛ࡢ⥲኎ୖ㧗ࡣ 1,244 ൨ 1,000 ୓ࢻࣝ㸦࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢᴗ⏺඲యࡢ
⥲⏕⏘㧗ࡢ 29.3㸣࡟┦ᙜ㸧࡟㐩ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀぢ㎸ࡲࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࢖ࣥࢻࠊ୰ᅜࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡣ௒ᚋࡶ࢜ࣇࢩࣙ࢔ඛ
ࡢࢺࢵࣉ 3 ࡢᗙࢆ⥔ᣢࡍࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ࢖ࣥࢻࡣ඲యࡢ฼┈ࡢ 43.7㸣࡟┦ᙜࡍࡿ 543 ൨ 3,000 ୓ࢻࣝࢆ⋓ᚓࡋ࡚ྛ
ᅜࢆ࣮ࣜࢻࡋࠊḟ࠸࡛୰ᅜࡣ 357 ൨ 6,000 ୓ࢻࣝ㸦඲యࡢ 28.7㸣㸧
ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡣ 88 ൨ 5,000 ୓ࢻࣝ㸦඲యࡢ
ᴗ⏺ࡢᐇ⦼ู࡟ぢ࡚ࡳࡿ࡜ࠊ୰ᅜࡢᡂ㛗⋡ࡣ࢖ࣥࢻࡢ 14㸣࡜ẚ࡭࡚ 30㸣࡜㣕㌍ⓗ࡟ఙࡧ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࢖ࣥࢻ࡜ࡢ኎
ୖ㧗ࡢᕪࢆᚎࠎ࡟⦰ࡵ࡚ࡁ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡲࡓࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡶ᫖ᖺࡢᡂ㛗⋡ 20㸣ࢆୖᅇࡿ 23㸣ࡢᡂ㛗ࢆ࣐࣮ࢡࡍࡿ࡞
࡝ࠊ╔ᐇ࡟ᡂ㛗ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋVives Ặࡣࠕ࢖ࣥࢻࡢໃຊࡀᙅࡲࡗ࡚ࡁ࡚࠸ࡿ⌮⏤࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊ୰ᅜࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡸࡑࡢ
2011 ᖺ࡟ྥࡅ࡚ྛᅜࡀ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ࣭ࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲ࣮ࡢᗙࢆ➇࠸ྜ࠸ࠊ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢫඛࡢೃ⿵࡟ྡࢆ㐃ࡡࡿ
ࡓࡵ࡟⊂⮬ࡢᡓ␎ࢆᒎ㛤ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ୰࡛ࡶ XMG Global ࡣࠊ⡿ᅜᕷሙ࡟↔Ⅼࢆྜࢃࡏ࡚ࢽ࢔ࢩࣙ࢔࣭࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮
ࢸࣥ࢔࣓ࣜ࢝ㅖᅜࡢ௒ᖺ 80 ൨ࢻࣝࡢ⥲኎ୖ㧗ࢆฟࡋࠊ2011 ᖺࡶ 19㹼23㸣ࡢᡂ㛗⋡ࢆグ㘓ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀぢ㎸ࡲࢀ
㸦Vives Ặ㸧
ࡿࠋXMG Global ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ2011 ᖺࡢ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㛵㐃஦ᴗዎ⣙㔠㢠つᶍ㸦Total Contract Value㸧ࡣࠊ௒ᖺ
ࡢ 120 ൨ࢻࣝࢆ 42㸣ୖᅇࡿ 170 ൨ࢻࣝ࡟㐩ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀぢ㎸ࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋࡲࡓࠊࡇ࠺ࡋࡓዎ⣙ࡣᑠつᶍࡢ
▷ᮇࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡀࡑࡢ࡯࡜ࢇ࡝ࢆ༨ࡵࡿࡇ࡜ࡀண᝿ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋVives Ặࡣሗ࿌ࡢ୰࡛ࠕ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢࡢ
(Computerworld Philippines 2010/12/07)
3. ẚᢏ⾡カ⦎ᢏ⬟㛤Ⓨᗇ(TESDA)ࠊIT ᩍ⫱࡟ 2,000 ୓࣌ࢯࢆ๭ࡾᙜ࡚
ᴗ⏺࡟࠾ࡅࡿ near-hires (௻ᴗࡢ᥇⏝ᇶ‽ࡲ࡛ⱝᖸ㊊ࡾ࡞࠸ࣞ࣋ࣝࡢேᮦ)ࡢᩍ⫱ࢆᙉ໬ࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊ2,000 ୓࣌ࢯ
ྠᗇࡢ Joel Villanueva 㛗ᐁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࡇࡢᅇ㌿㈨㔠ࡣᑗ᮶ࡢ᝟ሗᢏ⾡ዡᏛ⏕࡟ᑵ⫋๓ࡢᩍ⫱ࠊタഛ᭦᪂ࠊࢫ࢟
ྠ㛗ᐁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ࡟ࡣዡᏛ⏕ࡽ࡟㉁ࡢ㧗࠸ IT ᩍ⫱ࢥ࣮ࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟ࡼࡾࠊྠᗇ༞ᴗ⏕ࡢ┠
ᶆ㞠⏝⋡㸦᭱ప 60㸣㸧ࢆ࣮࢟ࣉࡍࡿ࡜࠸࠺┠ⓗࡶ࠶ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࣅࢪࢿࢫࣉࣟࢭࢵࢩࣥࢢ༠఍㸦BPA/P㸧
࡜༠ຊࡋྜ࠸࡞ࡀࡽྠᅇ㌿㈨㔠࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ᑵ⫋๓ࡢ᭷ᮃ࡞ேᮦ࡟ዡᏛไᗘࢆᥦ౪ࡋࠊ༞ᴗ⏕ࢆ BPO ຍධ௻ᴗ࡟᥎
⸀ࡋ࡚࠸ࡃ⪃࠼ࡔࠋࡇ࠺ࡋ࡚᥎⸀ࡉࢀࡓ༞ᴗ⏕ࢆ᥇⏝ࡋࡓ௻ᴗࡀ BPA/P ࡟ᩍ⫱⟶⌮㈝⏝ࢆᡶ࠸ᡠࡋࠊࡑࢀࡀᅇ
Villanueva 㛗ᐁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊୡ⏺ࢺࢵࣉࢡࣛࢫࡢ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢫඛࡢ୍ࡘ࡜ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢ BPO ᴗ⏺࡛ࡣࠊ
2015 ᖺࡲ࡛࡟ᖺ㛫኎ୖ㧗 250 ൨ࢻࣝࢆᚓࡿࡇ࡜ࡀぢ㎸ࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋྠ㛗ᐁࡣࠕࡇࡢࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࠊ᝟ሗ
(Manila Bulletin 2010/12/09)
4. PLDTࠊ
ࠊࢸࣝࣂࢵࢻ㸦Te㹪Pad㸧Ⓨ⾲ DSL ࢱࢵࢳࢫࢡ࣮࣭ࣜࣥࢱࣈࣞࢵࢺ
ᙜᆅ᭱኱ࡢ㏻ಙࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ஦ᴗ⪅ PLDT ࡣࠊᅛᐃ㟁ヰᅇ⥺஦ᴗࡢ᪂ࡓ࡞ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊࢱࢵࢳࢫࢡ࣮࣭ࣜࣥࢱ
ࣈࣞࢵࢺࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱ࡜㧗㏿ DSL ࢆ⼥ྜࡉࡏࡓࢸࣝࣂࢵࢻ㸦Tel Pad㸧ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆ㛤ጞࡍࡿ࡜Ⓨ⾲ࡋࡓࠋ
TelPad ࡢࣘࢽࢵࢺࡣ 7 ࢖ࣥࢳࢫࢡ࣮ࣜࣥࡢࢱࣈࣞࢵࢺ࣭ࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱ࡛࠶ࡾࠊ㟁ヰཷಙ࡜࡜ࡶ࡟ 10 ୓✀௨ୖ
1 ࢠ࢞࣊ࣝࢶ CORTEXA8 ࣉࣟࢭࢵࢧ࣮ࡀᦚ㍕ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࢸࣝࣂࢵࢻࡢ࣮ࣘࢨ࣮ࡣࠊ࢔ࣥࢻࣟ࢖ࢻ࣭࣐࣮ࢣࢵ
PLDT ࡢ myDSL ຍධ⪅ࡣࠊ᭶㢠 500 ࣌ࢯࡢ㏣ຍ࡛ࠊࢸࣝࣃࢵࢻࣉࣛࣥ࡬ࡢ࢔ࢵࣉࢢ࣮ࣞࢻࡀྍ⬟࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
(2010 ᖺ 12 ᭶ 13 ᪥௜ࡢࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥドๆྲྀᘬᡤᅇぴ 8035-2010 ྕ࡟ᇶ࡙ࡃࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭㔠⼥᝟ሗ 12 ᭶ 14
᪥࠾ࡼࡧ 12 ᭶ 13 ᪥௜ࡅࡢ PLDT ♫ࣉࣞࢫ࣮ࣜࣜࢫࡼࡾ)
5. ࢔ࢪ࢔ㄪᰝ㸸ICT ࡬ࡢᨭฟࡀቑຍഴྥ
࢔ࢪ࢔ኴᖹὒࡢ⤒Ⴀ⪅ࡽࢆᑐ㇟࡟⾜ࢃࢀࡓㄪᰝ࡛ࠊ௒ᖺ 2010 ᖺࡢ IT ࡬ࡢᨭฟࡀ 2 ᖺࡪࡾ࡟ቑຍࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜
Emerson Network Power ࡀ⾜ࡗࡓㄪᰝ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ
ࠕ㐣ཤ 4 ᅇࡢሗ࿌୍࡛ᵝ࡟ୗⴠഴྥࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡓࠖணᐃࣉࣟࢪ
࢙ࢡࢺⓎ⏕௳ᩘࡀࠊ௒ᖺ࡟ධࡗ࡚ 12㸣ቑຍࡋࡓ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
௒ᖺ 10 ᭶࡟࣮ࣜࣜࢫࡉࢀࡓྠㄪᰝࡣࠊ2008 ᖺ࡟ࢫࢱ࣮ࢺࡋ࡚௨᮶ᖺ 2 ᅇࡢ࣮࣌ࢫ࡛Ⓨ⾲ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ௒ᅇ࡛ 5
ࡋ࠿ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊㄪᰝࡣᅇ⟅⪅ࡽࢆ Emerson ࡜ࡢ㛵ಀ㸦ྠ♫ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡜⿦⨨ࡢ࣮ࣘࢨࠊྠ♫ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢࢹࢨ
࢖࣭ࣥᘓタ㒊㛛㸦ࢥࣥࢧࣝࢸ࢕ࣥࢢ࣭࢚ࣥࢪࢽ࢔ࡀከᩘࢆ༨ࡵࡿ㸧࡛ࡣࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢ 30㸣ቑࡀண᝿ࡉࢀ࡚࠾
ࡾࠊ6 ᖺ௨ෆ࡟ணᐃࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡀ 8㸣ቑຍࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀぢ㎸ࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
Emerson Network Power ࢔ࢪ࢔ᨭ㒊࣐࣮ࢣࢸ࢕ࣥࢢ࣭࢝ࢫࢱ࣐࣮࣭࢖ࣥࢧ࢖ࢺ࣭ࢹ࢕ࣞࢡࢱ࣮ࡢ Russell Perry
ࡲࡓࠊ௒ᅇࡢㄪᰝ⤖ᯝ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ࠊ௻ᴗࡀ༢࡞ࡿ IT ⿦⨨ࡢ㉎ධࡼࡾࡶ⊂⮬ࡢ࢖ࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛࢡࢳࣕࡢᵓ⠏࡟ຊࢆ
࡯࡜ࢇ࡝ࡢᅇ⟅⪅ࡀྥࡇ࠺ 12 ࣧ᭶௨ෆ࡟ࡇࢀࡽࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ࡟╔ᡭࡍࡿ࡜⟅࠼࡚࠾ࡾࠊ᮶ᖺࡣ IT ࡬ࡢᢞ㈨ࡀ
ቑ࠼ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀண ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
㸦Perry Ặ㸧
(Computerworld Philippines 2010/12/13)
6. ᅜෆࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔ᴗ⏺ࠊୡ⏺ᡂ⇍ᗘࣛࣥ࢟ࣥࢢ࡛ୗ఩࡟
ୡ⏺ 52 ࣧᅜࢆᑐ㇟࡜ࡋࡓᖺḟᴗ⏺ᣦᶆ࡛ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔ᴗ⏺ࡀࠕᡂ⇍ᗘࠖࡢ㠃࡛ᮾ༡࢔ࢪ࢔ࡢ୰
࡛ࡣ 3 ఩࡟࡞ࡗࡓࡶࡢࡢࠊࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔㒊㛛࡜ࡋ࡚ࡣྠᆅᇦࡢ࡯࡜ࢇ࡝ࡢᅜ࡜ඹ࡟࡯ࡰ᭱ୗ఩࡟࡜࡝ࡲࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ
ୡ⏺つᶍࡢ㠀Ⴀ฼ㄪᰝࢥࣥࢧࣝࢸ࢕ࣥࢢ⤌⧊ International Institute of Software Economics, Innovation and
Entrepreneurship (IISEIE)ࡀ௒ᖺⓎ⾲ࡋࡓᅜෆࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔⤒῭ᡂ⇍ᗘᣦᶆ Local Software Economy Maturity
Index ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡣ 3.99 ࡢ 48 ఩࡛ࠊ᫖ᖺ࡜ྠࡌ㡰఩࡟࡜࡝ࡲࡗࡓࠋ
ࢫ࢖ࢫࡀ 10.46 ࡛ 1 ఩࡜࡞ࡾࠊḟ࠸࡛⡿ᅜࡀ 10.19 ࡛࢖ࢫ࢚ࣛࣝࢆ㏣࠸㉺ࡋࠊ2 ఩࡟ᾋୖࡋࡓࠋ
ࡲࡓࠊ㡑ᅜࡀ࢔ࢪ࢔ㅖᅜ୰᭱㧗ࡢ 22 ఩㸦7.07㸧
ࠊࢩ࣏࣮ࣥ࢞ࣝ࡜࣐࣮ࣞࢩ࢔ࡀࡑࢀࡒࢀ 29 ఩㸦6.47㸧࡜ 39 ఩
୍᪉ࠊࢱ࢖ࠊ࣋ࢺࢼ࣒ࠊ࢖ࣥࢻࢿࢩ࢔ࡣࡑࢀࡒࢀ 49 ఩ࠊ51 ఩ࠊ52 ఩࡛᫖ᖺ࡜ྠࡌ㡰఩࡜࡞ࡾࠊప㏞ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ྠᣦᶆࡣ ᅜෆ⥲⏕⏘㸦GDP㸧࡟ᑐࡍࡿ᝟ሗᢏ⾡㸦IT㸧㒊㛛ࡢẚ⋡ࠊ⥲ IT ௻ᴗᩘ࡟ᑐࡍࡿࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔௻ᴗᩘ
ࡢ๭ྜࠊ⥲ᚑᴗဨᩘ࡟ᑐࡍࡿࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔せဨࡢ๭ྜࠊࡑࡋ࡚⥲ IT ኎ୖ㧗࡟ᑐࡍࡿࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔኎ୖ㧗ࡢ๭ྜ
ࡇ࠺ࡋ࡚⟬ฟࡉࢀࡓ IISEIE ࡢࢹ࣮ࢱ⤖ᯝ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ୰ᅜࡣ࢖ࣥࢻ㸦35 ఩㸧࡟኱ᖜ࡟ᘬࡁ㞳ࡉࢀࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡼ
ࡾࡶୗ఩ࡢ 50 ఩࡟ⴠࡕ㎸ࢇ࡛࠸ࡿࠋ
࡚ヰࡋྜ࠺ࠊMicrosoft ୺ദࡢ Accelerating Asia Pacific 2010 ఍㆟ࡢᖍୖ࡛Ⓨ⾲ࡉࢀࡓࠋ
IISEIE ࡢ᭱㧗⤒Ⴀ㈐௵⪅ Malcolm Fraser Ặࡣ BusinessWorld ⣬࡟ᑐࡋࠕࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔ᴗ⏺ࡢᡂ⇍ᗘࡣ➇தຊ࡟
ྠᣦᶆࡣ GDP ࡢᡂ㛗࡜┦஫㛵ಀ࡟࠶ࡾࠊ
ྥࠖࢆ ࡿୡ⏺⤒῭ࣇ࢛࣮࣒ࣛ㸦World Economic Forum㸧ࡢࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ໬‽ഛᗘᣦᶆ㸦NRI㸧࡟ᚑࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
࡞࠾ࠊNRI ࡣᅜෆࡢ ICT ⎔ቃࡸಶேࠊ஦ᴗཬࡧᨻᗓࡢ ICT ฼⏝࡟ᑐࡍࡿ‽ഛᗘࠊࡑࡋ࡚ ICT ࡢ฼⏝ࢆᇶ࡟⟬ฟ
௒ᖺࡢ IISEIE ࡢሗ࿌࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊICT ࡢ〇㐀ࡀ⏕⏘㧗ࠊ㞠⏝ཬࡧ㍺ฟ཰┈࡟㈉⊩ࡋࡓ୍᪉࡛ࠊICT ࡢ฼⏝ࡀ⏕⏘ᛶࠊ
➇தຊཬࡧᡂ㛗ࢆྥୖࡉࡏࡓ࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡲࡓࠊICT ࡢ୰࡛ࡶࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔㒊㛛ࡀ᭱ࡶᛴᡂ㛗ࢆ㐙ࡆ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸
఍♫ࡀ࠾ࡼࡑ 400 ♫Ꮡᅾࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡲࡓࠊPhilippine Software Industry Association ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧ࢖ࢺ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ
ᅜෆ࡟ࡣࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔㛤Ⓨ⪅ࡀ 8 ୓ே࠾ࡾࠊෆ 3 ୓ 5,000 ேࡀ㍺ฟ㒊㛛࡟ᚑ஦ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
Microsoft ࢔ࢪ࢔ኴᖹὒᨭ㒊࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ࣭࣏ࣜࢩ࣮࣭ࢹ࢕ࣞࢡࢱ࣮ࡢ John Galligan Ặࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥᛴᡂ
Microsoft ࡢᖿ㒊ࡽ࡜ᴗ⏺ᑓ㛛ᐙࡽࡣࠊࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮ࡀከ኱࡞⟶⌮࣭⤫ไ㈇ᢸࡢ㍍ῶࠊ㒔ᕷ໬ࠊ⅏ᐖᑐ⟇ࠊಶே
࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢࡼ࠺࡞Ⓨᒎ㏵ୖᅜࡀ➇தຊࢆྥୖࡉࡏࡿࡓࡵ࡟ࡣ ICT 㛵㐃ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ࡬ࡢᢞ㈨ࡀᚲせࡔ࡜ࡋ࡚࠸
Microsoft ࢔ࢪ࢔ኴᖹὒᨻᗓᶵ㛵㒊ࡢᆅᇦࢹ࢕ࣞࢡࢱ࣮࡛࠶ࡿ Seng Heng Chuah Ặࡣࠊ
᪂ࡋ࠸ᇶ‽ࢆồࡵ࡚࠸ࡿࠖ࡜ㄒࡗࡓࠋMicrosoft ࡣ 2008 ᖺ࡟ᨻᗓࡢࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥ࡜ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫᥦ౪ࡢᨵၿࢆ
2 ᪥㛫࡟Ώࡗ࡚㛤ദࡉࢀࡓ Microsoft ఍㆟ࡢ᭱⤊᪥࡛࠶ࡿ 11 ᪥ࠊChuah Ặࡣ BusinessWorld ⣬࡟ࠕ㸦ᨻᗓ⫋ဨࡽ
(Business World 2010/12/16)
ࠊBayantel ࡜ࡢ㏻ಙᥦᦠࢆ᏶஢
7. Globe Telecomࠊ
㏻ಙ኱ᡭ GLOBE TELECOM, INC.ࡀ 15 ᪥ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆࡢ඲ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫᆅᇦ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㏻ಙᴗ⪅ Bayan
Telecommunications, Inc. (Bayantel)࡜ࡢ㏻ಙᥦᦠᕤ஦ࡀ 100㸣᏶஢ࡋࡓ࡜Ⓨ⾲ࡋࡓࠋ
Globe Telecom ࡣྠ♫࣡࢖ࣖࣞࢫࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࠕGlobelinesࠖ࡜ Bayantel ࡜ࡢᅜෆ㏻ಙᥦᦠࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆ 12 ᭶ 10 ᪥
࡟㛤ጞࠋࡇࢀ࡟ࡼࡾࠊ໭ࢧ࣐࣮ࣝᕞ࡜すࢧ࣐࣮ࣝᕞ࡟࠸ࡿ Globelines ࡜ Bayantel ࡢ฼⏝⪅ࡣࠊ୧ᕞ㛫࡛㏻ヰࡋ
ࡓሙྜ࡟㛗㊥㞳㏻ヰᩱ㔠࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃ㏻ᖖࡢᕷෆ㏻ヰᩱ㔠ࡀㄢ㔠ࡉࢀࡿࡇ࡜࡜࡞ࡗࡓࠋࡲࡓࠊGlobe Telecom ࡜
Bayantel ࡣ࣐ࢽࣛ㤳㒔ᅪ࠾ࡼࡧ࢖ࣟ࢖ࣟࠊࢭࣈࠊすࢧ࣐࣮ࣝࠊすࢿࢢࣟࢫࠊࣞ࢖ࢸࠊ༡ࣞ࢖ࢸࠊᮾ࣑ࢧ࣑ࢫࠊ
Globe Telecom ᅜෆ࢟ࣕࣜ࢔࣭࣮ࣜࣞࢩࣙࣥ㒊㛗ࡢ Melvin Santos Ặࡣࠊሗ࿌ࡢ୰࡛ࠕ㏻ಙᥦᦠࡣ㸦ᬑẁࡣၟ኎
Globe Telecom ࡣࠊ⮬♫ࡢࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࢆᣑ኱ࡋࠊࡼࡾከࡃࡢ฼⏝⪅ࢆ⋓ᚓ࡛ࡁࡿࡼ࠺࡟ࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊ௒ᚋࡶ✚ᴟ
➨ 7925 ྕࢆᐃࡵࠊㄆᐃබඹ㟁ヰ㏻ಙᴗ⪅ࡽ࡟ᑐࡋ࡚㏻ಙࡢ㐃ᦠࢆ⩏ົ௜ࡅ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(Business World 2010/12/16)
8. PLDTࠊ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ࣭࢝ࣇ࢙ࠕࢿࢵࢺࣆ࢔ࠖࢆ኎༷࡬
PLDT ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ࡛ IT ஦ᴗࢆᢸᙜࡍࡿ ePLDT ࡣࠊಖ᭷ࡍࡿࢹ࢕ࢪࢱ࣭ࣝࣃࣛࢲ࢖ࢫᰴᘧ 75%ࢆࠊ IP E-ࢤ࣮࣒࣋
ࣥࢳ࣮ࣕ㸦EG㸧࡬኎༷ࡍࡿពྥࠋePLDT ࡜ EG ࡣ 12 ᭶ 20 ᪥࡟ᰴᘧ኎㈙ྜព᭩࡟⨫ྡࡋࡓࠋ
ࢹ࢕ࢪࢱ࣭ࣝࣃࣛࢲ࢖ࢫࡣ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ࣭࢝ࣇ࢙ࠕࢿࢵࢺࣆ࢔ࠖࢆ㐠Ⴀࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡲࡓࠊEG ࡣ௒ᖺ 1 ᭶࡟
(2010 ᖺ 12 ᭶ 13 ᪥௜ࡢࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥドๆྲྀᘬᡤᅇぴ 8035-2010 ྕ࡟ᇶ࡙ࡃࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭㔠⼥᝟ሗ 12 ᭶ 14
9. ఫ཭ၟ஦ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥ⯟✵⟶ไࢩࢫࢸ࣒ཷὀ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ ࢽࣀ࢖࣭࢔࢟ࣀᅜ㝿✵ ෆ࡟᪂⯟✵⟶ไࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࣅࣝࡢᘓタࠊ᪂⯟✵⟶ไࢭࣥࢱ࣮࠾ࡼࡧࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ
ࣥᅜෆࡢ୺せ✵ 㸦⣙㸰㸳⟠ᡤ㸧࡟タ⨨ࡉࢀࡿ⯟✵⟶ไࢩࢫࢸ࣒㸦㏻ಙࠊ⯟✵᝟ሗฎ⌮ࠊ⾨ᫍಙྕ┘どࠊẼ㇟ࡢ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆࡢ୺せ✵ 㸦⣙㸯㸮⟠ᡤ㸧࡬ࡢ࣮ࣞࢲ࣮タ⨨࠾ࡼࡧࣃࢵࢣ࣮ࢪ㸯࡛ᑟධࡉࢀࡿ⟶ไࢭࣥࢱ࣮࡜
ᆅ᪉୺せ✵ ࢆ⤖ࡪ㏻ಙタഛ⣡ධ
࣒࠿ࡽࠊ㹅㹎㹑⾨ᫍ࡞࡝ࡢ ఩᝟ሗ⾨ᫍࢆά⏝ࡍࡿࢹࢪࢱࣝࢹ࣮ࢱࢆ୺࡜ࡋࡓ᪂ࢩࢫࢸ࣒࡬ࡢ⛣⾜ࢆ᥎ዡࡋ࡚ࡁ
㄂ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡌࡘ࡟ୡ⏺ࢆ㣕ࡪ㣕⾜ᶵࡢ⣙༙ศࡀࢱࣞࢫ〇ࡢ⟶ไࢩࢫࢸ࣒࡟ࡼࡾ⟶ไࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ௒ᚋࠊ ఫ཭
(ఫ཭ၟ஦ࣉࣞࢫ࣮ࣜࣜࢫ 2010 ᖺ 12 ᭶ 23 ᪥)
8. ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᨻᗓࠊࣞ࢖ࢸᕞ࡬ࡢ IT ᢞ㈨ㄏ⮴ࢆᨭ᥼
⛉Ꮫᢏ⾡┬(DoST) ࡢᆅ᪉ᢸᙜࢹ࢕ࣞࢡࢱ࣮ Edgardo M. Esperancilla Ặࡀሗ㐨㝕࡟ヰࡋࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡛ࡣࠊDoST
ࡣࣞ࢖ࢸᕞ࡬ࡢ IT 㛵㐃ᢞ㈨ㄏ⮴࡟ࡴࡅࡓ᪋⟇࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊIT ࣉࣟࢢ࣐ࣛࡢ⫱ᡂࡢࡓࡵࠊ2011 ᖺ࠿ࡽ 2013 ᖺࡢ㛫ࣞ
࢖ࢸᕞᨻᗓࢆᨭ᥼ࡍࡿࠋ◊ಟࡣᕞᨻᗓࡀ 2008 ᖺ࡟タ❧ࡋࡓࢹ࣮ࢱࢭࣥࢱ࣮࡛ᐇ᪋ࡉࢀࠊDoST ࡣ◊ಟෆᐜࡢ࢔
ࢵࣉࢹ࣮ࢺࡸࠊ◊ಟཧຍ⪅ࡢ㈝⏝ࡸㅮᖌቑဨ㈝⏝ࢆ㈇ᢸࡍࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋᮾ㒊ࣅࢧࣖᆅ᪉࡬ࡢ኱ᆺࡢ IT 㛵㐃ᢞ㈨ࡣ
ࣞ࢖ࢸ ICT ࣃ࣮ࢡ࡟⣙ 1,000 ᖍࡢࢥ࣮ࣝࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࢆ㐠Ⴀࡍࡿ NASDAQ ୖሙࡢ APAC ࢝
(Business World 2010ᖺ12᭶28᪥)
9. 㛵⛯ᒁࠊ㍺ฟ㛵㐃ࡢ⛯⏦࿌ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࢆᑟධ
㛵⛯ᒁ䛜䛣䛾䜋䛹䚸㈠᫆ᴗ⪅ྥ䛡䛾ฎ⌮⮬ື໬䝅䝇䝔䝮䛂㼑㼘㼑㼏㼠㼞㼛㼚㼕㼏㻙㼠㼛㻙㼙㼛㼎㼕㼘㼑㻌㻔㼑㻞㼙㻌㻯㼡㼟㼠㼛㼙㼟㻕䛃䜢 㻞㻜㻝㻝 ᖺ 㻝 ᭶ 㻝㻟 ᪥䛛
᫖ᖺ 㻝㻞 ᭶ 㻝 ᪥䛻㛵⛯ᒁ 㻭㼚㼓㼑㼘㼕㼠㼛㻌㻭㻚㻌㻭㼘㼢㼍㼞㼑㼦㻌 䝁䝭䝑䝅䝵䝘䞊䛜⨫ྡ䛧䛯ᅇሗ௧➨ 㻯㻹㻻㻌㻡㻠㻙㻞㻜㻝㻜 ྕ䛿䚸඲䛶䛾㍺ฟᴗ⪅
䛻ᑐ䛧䛶㍺ฟ⏦࿌䠄㻱㻰䠅ฎ⌮᫬䛻 㼑㻞㼙㻌㻯㼡㼟㼠㼛㼙㼟 䝅䝇䝔䝮䛾฼⏝䜢⩏ົ௜䛡䛶䛔䜛䚹䜎䛯䚸ྠ䝅䝇䝔䝮䜢฼⏝䛩䜛䛻䛿≉
㼑㻞㼙㻌㻯㼡㼟㼠㼛㼙㼟 䝅䝇䝔䝮䛜Ⓨ⾲䛥䜜䛯䛾䛿 㻞㻜㻜㻡 ᖺ䚹ᙜึ䛿㍺ධᴗ⪅䛾䜏䜢ᑐ㇟䛸䛧䛶䛔䛯䛜䚸௒ᅇ䛾ᅇሗ௧䛷㍺ฟᴗ
䛸䛜ྍ⬟䚹䜎䛯䚸ᥦฟ䛥䜜䛯᭩㢮䛾ฎ⌮≧ἣ䜢 㻿㻹㻿 ⤒⏤䛷⮬ືⓗ䛻㏻▱䛩䜛ᶵ⬟䜒ഛ䜟䛳䛶䛔䜛䛸䛔䛖䚹㻌
㛵⛯ᒁ 㻭㼘㼑㼤㼍㼚㼐㼑㼞㻌㻺㻚㻌㻭㼞㼑㼢㼍㼘㼛 䝁䝭䝑䝅䝵䝘䞊௦⌮䛻䜘䜛䛸䚸ྠ䝅䝇䝔䝮䜢ᑟධ䛩䜛䛣䛸䛻䜘䜚䚸௒䜎䛷 㻝䡚㻞 ᪥㛫䜢せ䛧䛶䛔
䛯㍺ฟ⏦࿌ฎ⌮䛜䜟䛪䛛 㻟㻜 ศ䛻▷⦰䛥䜜䜛䛸䛔䛖䚹㻌
䛂㛵⛯䛿㍺ฟရ䚸≉䛻ච⛯ᑐ㇟䛸䛺䛳䛶䛔䜛ཎᩱ䜢౑⏝䛧䛯㍺ฟရ䜢グ㘓䛧䛶䛔䜛䚹㼑㻞㼙㻌㻯㼡㼟㼠㼛㼙㼟 䝅䝇䝔䝮䛻䜘䜛ฎ⌮
ྠᅇሗ௧䛻䜘䜛䛸䚸㍺ฟᴗ⪅䛚䜘䜃䛭䛾௰௓ᴗ⪅䛿䚸ྠ䝅䝇䝔䝮䛾䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹䜢⏦ㄳ䛩䜛๓䛻䜎䛪㛵⛯ᒁ䛾 㻯㼘㼕㼑㼚㼠㻌
㻿㼑㼞㼢㼕㼏㼑㼟㻌㻔㼣㼣㼣㻚㼕㼚㼠㼑㼞㼏㼛㼙㼙㼑㼞㼏㼑㻚㼏㼛㼙㻚㼜㼔㻕䛾 㻟 ♫䚹㍺ฟᴗ⪅䛿䚸䛭䛾ෆ䛾 㻝 ♫䛻䝅䝇䝔䝮ᑟධసᴗ䜢౫㢗䛩䜛䛣䛸䛻䛺䜛䛸
䛺䛚䚸ᅇሗ௧➨㻯㻹㻻㻌 㻡㻠㻙㻞㻜㻝㻜ྕ䛿㍺ฟᴗ⪅䛻ᑐ䛧䚸䛂㍺ฟ⏦࿌䠄㻱㻰䠅㟁Ꮚฎ⌮໬䛻ྥ䛡䛯タഛᑟධ䛾⩏ົ䜢ᛰ䛳䛯ሙ
(Business World 2010ᖺ12᭶30᪥)
CICC ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢥࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢲࣥࢺ᭶ḟሗ࿌
2011 ᖺ 1 ᭶
1. ẚ IT-BPOࠊ௒ᖺࡢ኎ୖ㧗 110 ൨ࢻࣝぢ㎸ࡴ
ࣅࢪࢿࢫ࣭ࣉࣟࢭࢵࢩࣥࢢ༠఍㸦BPAP㸧࡜᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡ጤဨ఍㸦CICT㸧࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ IT-BPO㸦᝟
ሗᢏ⾡࣭ࣅࢪࢿࢫ࣭ࣉࣟࢭࢫ࣭࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㸧ᴗ⏺ࡢ 2011 ᖺࡢ኎ୖ㧗࡜ࡋ࡚๓ᖺࡢ 90 ൨ࢻࣝࢆ 20㸣
ୖᅇࡿ 110 ൨ࢻࣝ㸦๓ᖺẚ㸧ࢆぢ㎸ࡳࠊ8 ୓ 4,000 ேศࡢ㞠⏝ࢆ᪂つ࡟๰ฟࡋ࡚ IT-BPO ᴗ⏺ࡢ㞠⏝⥲ᩘࢆ
61 ୓ே࡟ࡍࡿぢ㏻ࡋ࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
BPAP ࡜ CICT ࡢࡇ࠺ࡋࡓண ࡟ඛ❧ࡕࠊᅜ㝿ⓗࢥࣥࢧࣝࢱࣥࢺ఍♫ Everest Research ࡟ࡼࡿ 2010 ᖺᗘࡢ
ㄪᰝ࡛ࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡀ BPO 㡢ኌࢧ࣮ࣅࢫศ㔝࡟࠾࠸࡚࢖ࣥࢻࡢ኎ୖ㧗 55 ൨ 8,000 ୓ࢻࣝࢆୖᅇࡿ 57 ൨
ࢻࣝࢆグ㘓ࡋࠊୡ⏺➨ 1 ఩ࡢᗙࢆᡭ࡟ධࢀࡓ࡜࠸࠺⤖ᯝࡀฟࡓࠋ
BPAP CEO ࡢ Oscar Sanez Ặࡣࠊ
㸦኎ୖ㧗㸧110 ൨ࢻࣝ㐩ᡂࡢ㘽ࡣࠊᅜෆእ࡛ࡢ✚ᴟⓗ࡞࣐࣮ࢣࢸ࢕ࣥ
ኌ BPO ศ㔝ࢆྵࡴ IT࣭BPO ௻ᴗ࡟ࡶࡗ࡜ចࡁࡘࡅࡿࡓࡵࡢດຊࡀᚲせࠋࡲࡓࠊྠ᫬࡟ᾏእᕷሙࡢ᪂つ㛤ᣅ
BPO ᴗ⏺ࡣࠊ࢔࢟ࣀ኱⤫㡿ࡀྠᴗ⏺࡬ࡢᇶ㔠࡜ࡋ࡚᪂つ࡟ 6,200 ୓࣌ࢯࢆ๭ࡾᙜ࡚ࡿ࡜බ⣙ࡋࡓࡇ࡜࡟ࠊ
Ⓨ࡞࡝㸧ࡣࠊྥࡇ࠺ 5 ᖺ㛫࡛᭱㧗ᖺ⋡ 25㸣࡛ࡢᡂ㛗ࡀྍ⬟࡜ぢ㎸ࡲࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ୍᪉㡢ኌ BPO ᕷሙྠࡌࡃ㸳
ᖺ㛫࡛ࡣ௒ࡲ࡛ࡢ 2 ಸࡢ 500 ൨ࢻࣝ࡟ᡂ㛗ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀண᝿ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
CICT ࡢ Ivan Uy 㛗ᐁࡣࠊ
ࠕᐁẸࡀ୍⮴ᅋ⤖ࡋ࡚༠ຊࡋྜ࠼ࡤࠊ2011 ᖺࡢ┠ᶆࢆ㐩ᡂࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡣࡓࡸࡍ࠸ࠖ
ࠕCICT ࡣࠊBPAP ࡸᴗ⏺ࡢ௻ᴗࡽ࡜㐃ᦠࡋࠊ6,200 ୓࣌ࢯࡢࣉ࣮ࣟࣔࢩࣙࣥண⟬࡟ᑐࡍࡿ࢔࢟ࣀ኱⤫㡿ࡢ
CICT ࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆࡢ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡㸦ICT㸧㛤Ⓨࡢ⚟♴ࢆᢸᙜࡍࡿᨻᗓᶵ㛵ࠋ୍᪉ࠊBPAP ࡣຍධ௻ᴗ
300 ♫࡜ᥦᦠ༠఍ 4 ᅋయࢆചୗ࡟ᣢࡘᴗ⏺ᅋయ࡛ࠊຍ┕ࡍࡿ ITࠊ㡢ኌ࣭㠀㡢ኌ BPOࠊ࣓ࢹ࢕࢔࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮
(Manila Bulletin 2011/1/2)
2. ẚ㆙ᐹࠊᑐࢧ࢖ࣂ࣮≢⨥ࡢ◊ಟࢆᐇ᪋
ᐇ᪋ࡍࡿࡢࡣࠊ㆙ᐹᐁࢆᑐ㇟࡜ࡋࡓࢧ࢖ࣂ࣮≢⨥ᑐ⟇ࢭ࣑ࢼ࣮ࠕCyber Security Awareness Seminarsࠖࠋ
PNP᝟ሗᢏ⾡⟶⌮ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ㸦Information Technology Management Service – ITMS㸧ࡢ୺ദ࡛⾜ࢃࢀࡿࠋ◊
9᭶࡟ࢯࣇࢺ࢙࢘࢔ࡢⴭసᶒ౵ᐖၥ㢟ࡸ࢙࢘࢔࣮ࢬ㸦warez - ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ࡞࡝ࢆ⏝࠸࡚㠀ྜἲ࡟㓄ᕸ࣭
PNPᗈሗᢸᙜࡢAgrimero Cruz㆙ど㛗ࡣࠊྠ◊ಟࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࣁࢵ࢟ࣥࢢࠊࣇ࢕ࢵࢩࣥࢢࠊࢧ࢖ࣂ࣮
(Philippine Daily Inquirer 2011/1/12)
ࠊ2011ᖺ࡟ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥICTᾘ㈝ࡀᡂ㛗ࡍࡿ࡜ண 3. IDCࠊ
International Data Corporation㸦IDC㸧ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊྠ♫ࡀసᡂࡋࡓࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡㸦ICT㸧ᕷሙࡢ
ᖺ㛫ண ሗ࿌࡛ࠊ2011ᖺࢆࠕICTᨭฟࡢ᭦࡞ࡿ෌⏕ࠊᣢ⥆ⓗᡂ㛗ࡢᖺ࠿ࡘࠊ᫖ᖺ࠿ࡽࡢICTᾘ㈝ࡢᅇ᚟࡟⥆
࠸࡚ICTࡢ୺ᑟᶒ࡜ᵓ᝿ࡀኚ㠉ࢆ㐙ࡆࡿᖺࠖ࡜ண ࡋࡓࠋ
IDC PhilippinesࡢIT Spending Research㒊㛛࣐ࢿ࣮ࢪ࡛ࣕ࠶ࡿJubert Daniel AlbertoẶࡣࠊࠕ2011ᖺ࡟ࡣࠊ
IDCࡀ௒ᖺࡢᅜෆICTᴗ⏺ࡢၟᴗάື࡟᭱ࡶᙳ㡪ࢆ୚࠼ࡿ࡜ࡳ࡚࠸ࡿண ࡢ࠺ࡕࠊୖ఩10఩࡟ᣲࡀࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ
1. ᅜෆIT㛵㐃ᨭฟࡢᡂ㛗ࡀᣢ⥆
2. ㏻ಙ㛵㐃ࡢᨭฟࡀ᭱ప࡛ࡶ๓ᖺẚ6㸣ࡢᡂ㛗⋡ࢆグ㘓
ࡿ࡜ண ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ㏻ಙᴗ⪅ࡣ኱⾗ᕷሙࡸ඲ᅜࡢᮍᣅᆅᇦࡢ㟂せࢆᢕᥱࡍࡿࡓࡵ࡟⤯࠼ࡎ࢔ࣥࢸࢼࢆᙇࡾࠊ
ᅛᐃ㟁ヰᴗ⪅ࡽࡣ༠ຊྜ࠸࡞ࡀࡽ཰ධ※ࡢ᪂つ㛤ᣅ࡟ຊࢆධࢀࡿࡇ࡜ࡀண ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
3. ࣓ࢹ࢕࢔࣭ࢱࣈࣞࢵࢺࡢฟ⌧ࡀᦠᖏᛶ࡜ࢹ࣮ࢱᾘ㈝㔞ࡢቑຍࢆຍ㏿
௨ୖࡀฟⲴࡉࢀࡿࡇ࡜ࡀண ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋᅜෆⓗ࡟ࡣࠊ࣓ࢹ࢕࢔࣭ࢱࣈࣞࢵࢺ࡜ࡑࢀࢆྲྀࡾᕳࡃ㦁ࡂࡣࠊ࣑
4. ࢭ࣮࢜ࣜ࠿ࡽ⌧ᐇ࡬ – ࢡࣛ࢘ࢻ᫬௦ࡢ฿᮶
࡟࡞ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀண ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࢡࣛ࢘ࢻ࣭ࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢸ࢕ࣥࢢࡣ୍㒊ࡢ୰ᑠ௻ᴗࡸከᅜ⡠௻ᴗࡢ㛫࡛ὶ⾜ㄒ
5. ࢖ࣥࢸࣜࢪ࢙ࣥࢺSMB㸸ࢯ࣮ࢩ࣭࣓ࣕࣝࢹ࢕࢔࡜ᾘ㈝⪅ྥࡅᢏ⾡ࡀSMB࡛ά㌍
6. ࣔࣂ࢖ࣝᴗ⏺࡛࢖ࣥࢺࣛࢿࢵࢺ࡜࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺࡢ౯᱁ࡢ⥺ᘬࡁࡀ᭕᫕࡟
ࡽࡣࠊேẼࡢࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥ࠾ࡼࡧFacebookࡸTwitter࡜࠸ࡗࡓWeb 2.0࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࢆ㏻ࡌࡓࢹ࣮ࢱᾘ
7. ࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥࡢ㟂せቑຍ࡛᪂ࡓ࡞ࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕ࣔࢹࣝࡀㄌ⏕
࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥࡢ㟂せࡀቑ࠼ࠊITࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕ᶵ⬟ࢆഛ࠼ࡓ᪂ࣔࢹࣝࡀㄌ⏕ࡍࡿ࡜ண ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
8. ࢯ࣮ࢩ࣭ࣕࣝ࢔ࢼࣜࢸ࢕ࢡࢫࡀࢯ࣮ࢩ࣭࣓ࣕࣝࢹ࢕࢔ࡢࠕḟ࡞ࡿ኱≀ࠖ࡟
ࢯ࣮ࢩ࣭࣓ࣕࣝࢹ࢕࢔ᢏ⾡ࡢ฼⏝ࡀቑຍࡍࡿ୰ࠊ௻ᴗࡀࢹ࣮ࢱ᳨⣴ࡢ㔜せᛶ࡜ᑗ᮶ࡢពᛮỴᐃ࣭ᕷሙண ࢆ
9. ࢙࢘ࣈ࣭࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥ࡜ࢯ࣮ࢩ࣭࣓ࣕࣝࢹ࢕࢔ࡀࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥᕷሙࡢዲᬒẼ࡛ຍ㏿
ࢸ࢕ࣥࢢ࣭ࢩࢫࢸ࣒࡞࡝࡟ኚ໬ࢆࡶࡓࡽࡍࡔࢁ࠺ࠋWeb 2.0࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊࡑࡢ⏝㏵ࡀࢯ࣮ࢩࣕࣝᣦ
10. ᅜෆࡢࣅࢪࢿࢫ࣭ࣉࣟࢭࢫ࣭࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ㸦BPO㸧ࡀᘬࡁ⥆ࡁᡂ㛗
IDCࡢᖺ㛫ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥICTᕷሙண ୖ఩10఩ࡣࠊIDCࡀ2011ᖺᗘࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥICTᕷሙ࡟ᙳ㡪ࢆ୚࠼ࡿᢏ⾡ⓗ
(IDC Press Release 2011/1/13)
4. ẚࠊୡ⏺ICTᴗ⏺ࡢ࣮ࣜࢲ࣮ࢆ┠ᣦࡋ࡚๓㐍୰
᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡ጤဨ఍㸦Commission on Information and Communications Technology - CICT㸧ࡣࠊ⾜ᨻ௧➨
ྠጤဨ఍ࡢ㤳ᖍ⿵బᐁවCyberservices Groupࢹ࢕ࣞࢡࢱ࣮ࡢPatricia AbejoẶ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊᨻᗓࡣᅜ࡙ࡃࡾ࡟
e-SkwelaࡣࠊBureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS)࡜ᢏ⾡カ⦎ᢏ⬟㛤Ⓨᗇ㸦TESDA㸧ࡢ㟁Ꮚࣔࢪࣗ
㸦1㸧2007ᖺ࡜2009ᖺ࡟ⱥࣟࣥࢻ࡛ࣥ㛤ദࡉࢀࡓ➨2ᅇ࣭➨4ᅇNational Outsourcing Association (NOA)
Awards࡛ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡀୡ⏺᭱㧗ࡢBPOࢹࢫࢸ࢕ࢿ࣮ࢩࣙࣥᅜ࡟㑅ࡤࢀࡿ㸦2㸧Education Innovation
2007-2008 ࡢNon-Formal Education㒊㛛࡛ࠊeSkwelaࡀUNESCO ICTࡼࡾ⾲ᙲࢆཷࡅࡿ㸦3㸧2009ᖺ9᭶ࠊ
࢖ࣥࢻࢿࢩ࢔ࡢࣂࣜᓥ࡛㛤ദࡉࢀࡓ➨3ᅇGovernment Technology Awards࡛ࠊiSCHOOLS Digital Inclusion
Awardࡀඃ຾㸦4㸧2009ᖺᗘ➨11ᅇPhilippine Web Awards 2008ࡢCommunity and Portal Category࡛ࠊ
PhilCeCNet.phࡀ‽Ỵ຾࡟㐍ฟ㸦5㸧2009ᖺ7᭶ࠊPhilippine Web Accessibility Group࡜National Council on
Disability AffairsࡼࡾࠊDisabled-Friendly Website Awardࢆཷ㈹
(Philippine Information Agency 2011/1/15)
5. Ḣᕞၟᕤ఍㆟ᡤࠊୖ㝔࡟᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡┬ࡢタ❧ࢆせㄳ
ᅾࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥḢᕞၟᴗ఍㆟ᡤ㸦European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines - ECCP㸧ࡣኌ᫂ᩥ࡛ࠊ
࡞ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋECCPࡣࠕDICT⤌⧊໬ࡢἲ᱌ࡀ㸦ୗ㝔ࡢ㸧CICT࡜ᨻᗓ෌⦅ጤဨ఍㸦Committee on Government
(Business World 2011/1/20)
6. Globe Telecomࠊࠕ㐠⏝⟶⌮௦⾜ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡛ࠖ௻ᴗᕷሙࡢࢩ࢙࢔ᣑ኱≺࠺
㏻ಙ኱ᡭGLOBE TELECOM, Inc.ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊࠕ㏻ಙ࡟ࡣ⥅⥆ⓗ㐍໬ࡀᚲせࠖࡔ࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊ௻ᴗྥࡅࠕ࣐ࢩ
Global Positioning System (GPS)ࠖ࡟ຍ࠼ࠊ௒ᅇࡢ᪂ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟ࡼࡾࠊGlobe Telecom
ࠕGlobe Business࡛ࡣ௒ࡸ᪂ࡋ࠸ྍ⬟ᛶ࡬ࡢᑐᛂࡀྍ⬟࡜࡞ࡗࡓࠋ㈨⏘⟶⌮ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡛ࡣ ᗘࠊ㟁ຊࠊࣔ
Globe Busness㈐௵⪅ࡢGil GenioẶ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࡣࢥࣥࢧࣝࢸ࢕ࣥࢢࠊࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕ࠊ࣍ࢫࢸ࢕ࣥࢢ࣭
ࠕࢡࣛ࢘ࢻ࣭ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡬ࡢ஦ᴗ㐍ฟ࡟࠶ࡓࡾࠊGlobe Telecom࡛ࡣ㧗ᛶ⬟࡞ࣉࣛࢵࢺࣇ࢛࣮࣒࡜㧗ᗘ࡞ࢭ
ࣥࡢᥦ౪ࡀྍ⬟࡞Hosted Contact Center (HCC)ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࢆ࣮ࣜࣜࢫࡋࡓࠖ㸦GenioẶ㸧
୍᪉ࠊྠ♫ࣅࢪࢿࢫ௻ᴗ㒊㛛㈐௵⪅ࡢJesus RomeroẶࡣྠࡌⓎ⾲ࡢ୰࡛ࠊ᭱ඛ➃ᢏ⾡ࢆ฼⏝ࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟
ࡼ ࡾ ࢥ ࢫ ࢺ๐ ῶ ࢆྍ ⬟ ࡟ࡍࡿ ࠕ Managed Security and Managed Internet Protocol Private Branch
Globe Telecom ࡣ ࠊ ᅜ ෆ ᭱ ኱ ࡢ ㈈ 㛸 ௻ ᴗ Ayala Corp. ࡜ ࢩ ࣥ ࢞ ࣏ ࣮ ࣝ ࡢ ㏻ ಙ ኱ ᡭ Singapore
Telecommunications Ltd.ࡢྜᘚ఍♫ࠋ⌧ᅾࣔࣂ࢖ࣝ㒊㛛࡛2,500୓ேࠊࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻ࣭࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ
(Business World 2011/1/24)
7. HPࠊ
Hewlett-Packard (HP) Enterpriseࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ௻ᴗ࡟ࡼࡿࢡࣛ࢘ࢻ࣭ࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢸ࢕ࣥࢢࡢ᭱኱㝈ࡢά⏝ࢆ
ࠕHP Hybrid Delivery service solutionsࠖࢆ᪂ࡓ࡟࣮ࣜࣜࢫࡋࡓࠋ
ྠ♫Enterprise Business Development managerࡢJonathan QueẶࡣࠊࠕHPࡣ௻ᴗ࡛ࣞ࣋ࣝ⥲ྜⓗ࡞ࣃࢵࢣ
ࢆࢧ࣏࣮ࢺࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ┠ⓗ࡜ࡋࡓࠊ1㹼2᪥㛫⛬ᗘࡢࢭ࣑ࢼ࣮ࠕCloud Discovery Workshopࠖࢆཷࡅࡿᚲせ
Hybrid Deliver Systemࡢᇶᮏࢥ࣏࣮ࣥࢿࣥࢺࡣࠊࢯ࣮ࢫࡸつᶍࡢไ⣙ࡀ࡞࠸᭱ࡶᖜᗈ࠸࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࢧ
ࠕCloud Service Automation (CSA)ࠖࢆ㏻ࡌࡓ㢳ᐈࡢࢡࣛ࢘ࢻࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡢ⟶⌮࣭ࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡶᥦ
Hybrid DeliveryࡣࠊHP Enterprisesࡀᥦ౪ࡍࡿࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮࣭࢚ࢼ࣮ࣈ࣭ࣝࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡢ୍ࡘ࡛ࠊඃࢀࡓࢿࢵ
ࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ࣭ࢥࢿࢡࢸ࢕ࣅࢸ࢕ࢆᐇ⌧ࡍࡿࠋྠ♫Enterprise Business Country managerࡢ㹐yan Guadalquiver
(Philippine Daily Inquirer 2011/1/27)
8. ᪥ᮏࡢ᥼ຓ࡛ẚබ❧Ꮫᰯ࡛ࡢࣃࢯࢥࣥᬑཬ㐍ᒎ
㸦2011/1/26 ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ㈠᫆⏘ᴗ┬Ⓨ⾲࡞࡝ࢆᇶ࡟ࡋࡓࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⤒῭㔠⼥᝟ሗࡼࡾ㸧
9. PLDTࠊ
㏻ಙ኱ᡭPhilippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PLDT) ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ᪥ᮏ࡜ࢩ࣏࣮ࣥ࢞ࣝࡢ኱ᡭ㏻ಙ஦ᴗ
⪅࡜ࡢ㛫࡛4൨3,000୓ࢻࣝ┦ᙜࡢḟୡ௦㧗ᖏᇦගࣇ࢓࢖ࣂ࣮ᾏᗏࢣ࣮ࣈࣝࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࠕAsia Submarine-cable
Express (ASE)ࠖࡢᘓタ࣭ಖᏲዎ⣙ࢆ⥾⤖ࡋࡓࡇ࡜ࢆ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋࡓࠋ
඲㛗7,200࢟ࣟࡢASEࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡣࠊ᪥ᮏࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࠊ㤶 ࠊࢩ࣏࣮ࣥ࢞ࣝࡢ௚ࠊ࣐࣮ࣞࢩ࢔ࠊ୰ᅜᮏᅵ㸦୍
ࡲࡓࠊྠ♫Network Planning and Engineering and International Network OperationsࡢGenaro Sanchez๪♫
(Manila Bulletin 2011/2/2)
10. ẚࠊICT㍺ฟ࡛ࢩ࢙࢔ᣑ኱
ᅜ㐃㈠᫆㛤Ⓨ఍㆟㸦UN Commission on Trade and Development – UNCTAD㸧ࡢሗ࿌ࢹ࣮ࢱ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ2009
Semiconductor and Electronics Industries of the Philippines, Inc.㸦SEIPI㸧࡛ࡣࡇࡢഴྥࡀᙜศࡢ㛫⥅⥆ࡍࡿ
SEIPIࡢErnesto Santiago఍㛗ࡀ3᪥࡟ㄒࡗࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡣ 2010ᖺ࡟㟁Ꮚᴗ⏺ࡢ㍺ฟ኎ୖ
(Business World 2011/2/4)
11. SM Landࠊ
SM Investment CorporationࡢᏊ఍♫SM Landࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ㤳㒔ᅪࣃࢧ࢖ᕷෆࡢࢩࣙࢵࣆࣥࢢ࣮ࣔࣝMall of
Asia㸦MOA㸧࡟࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࣅࣝTwoE-comCenter ࢆᘓタࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋࡓࠋMOAෆࡢྠ♫ࡢ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫ
᭱ୖ㝵࡛㐃⤖ࡉࢀࡿࣘࢽ࣮ࢡ࡞ࢶ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮࣡ᙧᘧࡢࢹࢨ࢖ࣥࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࡣྠࣅࣝࡀึࡵ࡚ࠋSM Mall
of Asia࡜ࡶ㐃⤖ࡉࡏࡿணᐃࡔ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
SM LandࡢCommercial Properties Groupࡀ㛤Ⓨࢆᢸᙜࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㏆௦ⓗ࡞E-comࣅࣝࡣࠊࢽࣀ࢖࣭࢔࢟ࣀᅜ
㝿✵ 㸦NAIA㸧ࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊNorth HarborࡸSouth Harbor࡜࠸ࡗࡓᾏ ࡟ࡶ㏆࠸㊥㞳࡟࠶ࡿ⥲ྜ᪋タෆ࡟ᘓ
2007ᖺ࡟࣮ࣟࣥࢳࡉࢀࡓOneE-comCenterࡣࠊ⌧ᅾBPOᴗ⪅ࡢAffiliated Computer Services (ACS)ࠊEXLࠊ
Legisproࠊ⯪⯧ᴗ⪅ࡢMaerskࠊAmerican President Lines (APL)ࠊ⯪ဨὴ㐵ᴗ⪅ࡢMOF CompanyࠊOSTE
(Manila Bulletin 2011/2/4)
CICC ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢥࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢲࣥࢺ᭶ḟሗ࿌
2011 ᖺ 2 ᭶
Tae Abe-Abion
1. Globe බ❧Ꮫᰯ࡛ࡢ ICT ά⏝࡬ࡢࢥ࣑ࢵࢺ࣓ࣥࢺࢆ⣙᮰
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࣭࣐ࣥࢽࣛ – ㏻ಙ᭱኱ᡭ Globe Telecom ࡀᩥ㒊┬㸦DepEd㸧࡜ Microsoft Philippines ࡜ᥦᦠࡋࠊ
ྠ♫ࡣࠊ௒ᖺ 2 ᭶ 3㹼4 ᪥࡟ࣃࢧ࢖ᕷ SM Mall of Asia Complex ෆࡢ SMX Convention Center ࡛㛤ദࡉࢀ
ࡿ Innovative Education Forum㸦㠉᪂ⓗᩍ⫱ࣇ࢛࣮࣒ࣛ㸧ࢆࢧ࣏࣮ࢺࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋྠࣇ࢛࣮࣒ࣛࡣࠊᩍ⫱࡜
⩦ࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ┠ⓗ࡜ࡋࡓࠊᩍ⫱㛵㐃ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࡢᒎ♧఍ࠋ඲ᅜ࠿ࡽ 500 ே௨ୖࡢᩍᖌࡽࡀཧ
ྠࣇ࢛࣮࣒࡛ࣛࡣࠊᏛᰯࡢ㐠Ⴀ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ ICT ࡢ࣮ࣜࢲ࣮ࢩࢵࣉࠊᩍ⫱ศ㔝࡛ࡢ ICT ࡢ᭱Ⰻࡢά⏝ἲࠊᩍ
ᐊෆࡢᏛ⩦ࠊࢥ࣮ࣛ࣎ࣞࢩࣙࣥ࠾ࡼࡧࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥ࡬ࡢ ICT ࡢᑟධࠊᏛᰯࡢ㐠Ⴀ㈐௵⪅ࡽࡸᩍᖌࡽ
࡟ồࡵࡽࢀࡿ 21 ୡ⣖ࡢࢫ࢟ࣝ࡟㛵ࡍࡿࢭࢵࢩࣙࣥࡀ⾜ࢃࢀࡿࠋ
Globe ࡢ CSR㸦Corporate Social Responsibility – ௻ᴗࡢ♫఍ⓗ㈐௵㸧㒊㛗࡛࠶ࡿ Jeffrey Tarayao Ặࡣࠊ
ᅜෆࡢᩍ⫱యไࡢᨵၿࡀྍ⬟ࠋᩥ㒊┬࡜ Microsoft Philippines ࡜ඹ࡟ࡇ࠺ࡋࡓྲྀࡾ⤌ࡳ࡟ཧຍ࡛ࡁࡿࡇ࡜
Innovative Education Forum ࡢࣁ࢖ࣛ࢖ࢺ࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊICT ࢆ౑ࡗ࡚඲ᅜࡢබ❧ᰯࡢ୰࠿ࡽ㑅ูࡋࡓ≉ᐃࡢᏛ
ᰯࡢᏛ⏕ࠊᩍᖌࠊᏛᰯ㐠Ⴀ㈐௵⪅ࡽ࡟ᨭ᥼ࢆᥦ౪ࡋࠊ➇தຊࡢᙉ໬ࢆᅗࡿ Global Filipino Schools㸦GFS㸧
ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ㛤ጞࡢṇᘧⓎ⾲ࡸࠊᏛ⩦࡟ ICT ࢆ᭱኱㝈ά⏝ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿබ❧ᰯࡢᩍᖌࡽࢆᤵ㈹ࡍࡿ Innovative
Teachers Leadership Awards ࡞࡝ࡀ࠶ࡿࠋ
(Philippine Star 2011 ᖺ 2 ᭶ 7 ᪥)
2. Ayala Landࠊࢣࢯࣥᕷ࡟ 30 ൨࣌ࢯࡢ BPO ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࢆᘓタ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ኱Ꮫ㸦University of the Philippines - UP㸧⌮஦఍ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊྠᕷ Katipunan Avenue ἢ࠸࡟
࠶ࡿ UP Integrated School (UPIS)ࡢᩜᆅෆ࡟ BPO ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࢆྵࡴࠕ኱Ꮫࢱ࢘ࣥࠖࢆᘓタࡍࡿࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡ
ࢺ࡟㛵ࡋࠊᘓ⠏᭱኱ᡭ Ayala Land ࡜࣮ࣜࢫዎ⣙ࢆ⤖ࢇࡔࠋྠ♫ࡣࢣࢯࣥᕷ Commonwealth Avenue ἢ࠸
࡟㏆௦ⓗࣅࣝ UP-Ayala Techno Hub ࢆᘓタࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࡢᐇ⦼ࢆホ౯ࡉࢀࡓࡶࡢ࡜ᛮࢃࢀࡿࠋ
ྠ♫ࡀࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥドๆྲྀᘬᡤ㸦Philippine Stock Exchange - PSE㸧࡟බ㛤ࡋࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ
ࣕࣥࣃࢫࠖ࡜ࡋ࡚▱ࡽࢀࡿ 7.4 ࣊ࢡࢱ࣮ࣝࡢᩜᆅࡢ㛤Ⓨ㈝⏝࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊ࠾ࡼࡑ 30 ൨࣌ࢯࡀぢ✚ࡶࡽࢀ࡚࠸
UP ࡣ᫖ᖺ 11 ᭶ࠊྠᰯࡢᮏᰯ࡛࠶ࡿ Diliman ᰯࡢᩜᆅෆ࡟ UPIS ࢆ⛣㌿࣭᪂⠏ࡍࡿࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢධᮐࢆ
Ayala Land ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ࣮ࣜࢫዎ⣙ࡢዎ⣙ᮇ㛫ࡣ 25 ᖺࠋ┦஫ࡢྜពࡢୗ࡟ࠊࡉࡽ࡟ 25 ᖺ㛫ࡢ᭦᪂ࡀྍ⬟
㸦Ayala Land㸧
ࠕᮏ㒊࡜ BPO ࢜ࣇ࢕ࢫࢆ⤌ࡳྜࢃࡏࡓࣅࣝࠖ࡟࡞
ࡿ࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ௒ᖺ୰࡟ᘓタࢆ㛤ጞࡋࠊ2013 ᖺᮎࡲ࡛࡟᏶ᡂࡉࡏࡿணᐃࡔ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
(GMA News Online 2011 ᖺ 2 ᭶ 11 ᪥)
3. ࢸࣞࣅᨺ㏦ࢹࢪࢱࣝ໬㸸ᅜᐙ㏻ಙጤࠊ᪥ᮏ᪉ᘧ᥇⏝ࡢ᪉㔪ᅛࡵࡿ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜᐙ㏻ಙጤဨ఍㸦NTC)ࡀ 10 ᪥ࠊ௒ᖺ 4 ᭶ࡲ࡛࡟ࢸࣞࣅᨺ㏦ࢆ࢔ࢼࣟࢢ᪉ᘧ࠿ࡽࢹࢪࢱࣝ᪉
ྠጤဨ఍ Gamaliel Cordoba ࢥ࣑ࢵࢩࣙࢼ࣮ࡀ Business World ࡢ㟁ヰ࢖ࣥࢱࣅ࣮ࣗ࡟⟅࠼ࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼ
ࠕඛ㐌ࡢ㔠᭙᪥࡟ࠊᢏ⾡ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉࡀ➨ 1 ᅇ┠ࡢᡴࡕྜࢃࡏࢆ⾜ࡗࡓࠋࢹࢪࢱࣝ໬࡟⤡ࢇࡔἲᚊࠊᢏ⾡ࠊ
⌧᫬Ⅼ࡛ࡣ࡯࡜ࢇ࡝ࡢᐙᗞࡀࢸࣞࣅᨺ㏦ࢆ↓ᩱ࡛ཷಙࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡓࡵࠊSTB ࡢ㈝⏝ࢆᨺ㏦ᒁ࡟㈇ᢸࡉࡏ
⪅ࡀຍධ⪅࡟ STB ࢆ↓ᩱᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
௒᭶ࡢึࡵ࡟Ẹᨺ᭱኱ᡭࡢ GMA Network, Inc.ࡀࠊ2015 ᖺ࠿ࡽᮏ᱁໬ࡍࡿᅜෆࢸࣞࣅᨺ㏦ࡢࢹࢪࢱࣝ໬
࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ᪥ᮏ᪉ᘧࡼࡾࡶḢᕞ࡛᥇⏝ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ DVB2 ᪉ᘧࡢ࡯࠺ࡀࠊရ㉁ࡢ㠃࡛᱁ẁ࡟ඃࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜
(Business World 2011 ᖺ 2 ᭶ 11 ᪥)
4. ẚᨻᗓࠊᜏ౛ࡢ IT ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࢖࣋ࣥࢺࡢ㛤ദࢆᘏᮇ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ㈠᫆⏘ᴗ┬ࡀࠊ㍺ฟάືࡢせ࡜ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿᨻᗓ㐠Ⴀࡢ IT ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࢖࣋ࣥࢺࢆࠕ኱ᖜ࡞ኚ᭦ࢆ
ྠ┬ Gregory L. Domingo 㛗ᐁࡀ 16 ᪥࡟ఏ࠼ࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ┬࡛ࡣ㍺ฟᴗ⏺࠿ࡽཷࡅࡓࣇ࢕࣮ࢻࣂ
ࢵࢡ࡟ᇶ࡙ࡁࠊ㐣ཤ 10 ᖺ㛫࡟ࢃࡓࡗ࡚ẖᖺ㛤ദࡉࢀ࡚ࡁࡓᅜ㝿఍㆟㸭ᒎ♧఍࢖࣋ࣥࢺࠕe-Services Global
Sourcing Conference and Exhibitionࠖࡢᨵ㠉ࢆ᳨ウࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
ẖᖺ 2 ᭶࡟㛤ദࡉࢀࡿྠ࢖࣋ࣥࢺࡣ௒ᖺ࡛ 11 ᖺ┠ࢆ㏄࠼ࡿࡀࠊCenter for International Trade Expositions
and Missions (CITEM)ࡣྠࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧ࢖ࢺ࡛ࠊ௒ᖺࡢ㛤ദࢆぢ㏦ࡿ࡜ఏ࠼ࡓࠋ
ᨻᗓࡣࠊ2016 ᖺࡲ࡛࡟ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ㍺ฟ኎ୖ㧗 250 ൨ࢻࣝࡢ㐩ᡂࢆ┠ᣦࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ┠ᶆ㐩ᡂࡢࡓࡵࡢᡭẁࡢ
୍᪉ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࣅࢪࢿࢫࣉࣟࢭࢵࢩࣥࢢ༠఍㸦BPAP㸧࡛ࡣࠊ௒ᖺࡢ኎ୖ㧗࡜ࡋ࡚๓ᖺẚ 20㸣ቑࡢ 110
ྠ༠఍ CEO ࡢ Oscar R. Sañez Ặࡣࠕᨻᗓ࡜Ẹ㛫㒊㛛ࡀඹྠ࡛ᅜ㝿఍㆟ࢆ㛤ദࡋࡓ࡯࠺ࡀࠊࡼࡾ኱つᶍ
࡛࢖ࣥࣃࢡࢺࡀ࠶ࡿࠖ࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊCITEM ࡟ᑐࡋࠊe-ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ఍㆟ࢆ BPAP ࡀ୺ദࡋ࡚࠸ࡿᅜ㝿࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮
ࢩࣥࢢ఍㆟ CEO㸧࡜⤫ྜࡋࠊ୍ࡘࡢ኱つᶍ࡞ᅜ㝿఍㆟࡟ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ౫㢗ࡋࡓ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
(Business World 2011 ᖺ 2 ᭶ 18 ᪥)
5. PLDTࠊ
ࠊ୰ᑠ௻ᴗྥࡅࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࣃࢵࢣ࣮ࢪࠕNegosyo BoostࠖࢆⓎ⾲
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co.㸦PLDT㸧୰ᑠ௻ᴗ㸦SME㸧ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ
ᅜෆ࡟ 8 ୓㹼10 ୓♫࡜ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ୰ᑠ௻ᴗࢆᑐ㇟࡜ࡋࡓ᪂ࡋ࠸ࣅࢪࢿࢫ㛵㐃㏻ಙࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࣃࢵ
ࢣ࣮ࢪࠕNegosyo BoostࠖࢆⓎ⾲ࡋࡓࠋ
ྠ♫ࡢ Eric Alberto ๪♫㛗ࡣࠊࠕ୰ᑠ௻ᴗࡢᡂ㛗࡟ࡣ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺࡸࡑࡢ௚ࡢ㏻ಙᢏ⾡ࡀᚲせࠋ
Negosyo Boost ࣃࢵࢣ࣮ࢪࡣࠊ୰ᑠ௻ᴗࡢࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢᡂ㛗ࡢࣞ࣋ࣝ࡟ᑐᛂ࡛ࡁࡿࡼ࠺࡟タィࡉࢀ࡚࠸
᭱㧗 2Mbps ࡢ DSL ᥋⥆⎔ቃ࡜ࣅࢪࢿࢫྥࡅࡢᅛᐃ㟁ヰࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆྵࡴྠࣃࢵࢣ࣮ࢪࡣࠊ
᭶࠶ࡓࡾ 2,600
1Mbps ࡢ DSL ᥋⥆⎔ቃࠊࣅࢪࢿࢫྥࡅࡢᅛᐃ㟁ヰࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࠊࢿࢵࢺࣈࢵࢡࠊࣉࣜࣥࢱࢆྵࢇࡔࣃࢵࢣ
࣮ࢪࡶ⏝ពࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡇࡕࡽࡣ᭶࠶ࡓࡾ 3,000 ࣌ࢯ࡛฼⏝ྍ⬟ࡔࠋ
㧗 1Mbps ࡢ DSL ᥋⥆⎔ቃ࡜ᗑ⯒㛫ࡢ㏻ಙࢆྍ⬟࡟ࡍࡿ㟼ⓗ IP ࢔ࢻࣞࢫࢆྵࡴࣃࢵࢣ࣮ࢪࡶ⏝ពࡉࢀ
࡚࠸ࡿࠋᩱ㔠ࡣ᭶࠶ࡓࡾ 1,300 ࣌ࢯࠋ
ࣞࢫࢺࣛࣥࠊほගࣂࢫ఍♫ࠊࣜࢰ࣮ࢺᆅ࡞࡝ࠊ㐲㝸ᆅ࡟ᨭ♫ࢆᣢࡘ୰ᑠ௻ᴗ࡟ࡣࠊ᭱㧗 3.6Mbps ࡢ㧗
㏿࣡࢖ࣖࣞࢫ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ᥋⥆⎔ቃ࡜࣡࢖ࣖࣞࢫ 3G ࣮ࣝࢱ࣮ࢆྵࡴ↓⥺㏻ಙࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࡀ⏝ព
ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋᩱ㔠ࡣ᭶࠶ࡓࡾ 1,800 ࣌ࢯࠋ
(Manila Bulletin 2011 ᖺ 2 ᭶ 20 ᪥)
6. ᢞ㈨ጤࠊBPO/IT 㒊㛛࡜ࢡ࢚ࣜ࢖ࢸ࢕ࣈ㒊㛛ࢆ㍺ฟᴗ⪅ᢅ࠸࡟
ᢞ㈨ጤဨ఍㸦Board of Investments – BoI㸧ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊࢡ࢚ࣜ࢖ࢸ࢕ࣈ⏘ᴗ࡜ BPO/IT ά⏝⏘ᴗࢆඹ࡟
2011 ᖺᗘᢞ㈨ඃඛࣉࣛࣥ㸦Investment Priorities Plan - IPP㸧ࡢ㍺ฟࣜࢫࢺ࡟ྵࡵࡿࡇ࡜ࢆỴᐃࡋࡓࠋ
ᙜึࡢᥦ᱌࡛ࡣࠊࢡ࢚ࣜ࢖ࢸ࢕ࣈ⏘ᴗࡣྠィ⏬ࡢඃඛࣜࢫࢺ㸦Preferred List㸧࡟ྵࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡓࡀࠊྠጤ
௒ࡲ࡛ࡢ IPP ࡛ࡣࠊBPO ࡜ࢡ࢚ࣜ࢖ࢸ࢕ࣈࡢ୧㒊㛛ࡣඹ࡟ඃඛࣜࢫࢺ࡟ྵࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡓࡓࡵࠊ㍺ฟࢆࡋ
ࢡ࢚ࣜ࢖ࢸ࢕ࣈ⏘ᴗࡣࠊ㠀 BPO/IT ࢚ࢼ࣮ࣈࣝࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡢᥦ౪࡜ᫎ⏬ࠊࢸࣞࣅ␒⤌ࠊ₇๻ࡢไసࢆ⾜ࡗ
BPO/IT ࡜ࢡ࢚ࣜ࢖ࢸ࢕ࣈࡢ୧㒊㛛ࢆ㍺ฟࣜࢫࢺ࡟ྵࡵࡓࡇ࡜࡟ࡼࡾࠊ௒ᖺࡢ IPP ࡢඃඛ஦ᴗࡣ⮬ື㌴
㛤Ⓨࠊ⎔ቃಖㆤ㛵㐃஦ᴗࠊほගࠊᡓ␎ⓗࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࠊࡑࡋ࡚ᐁẸ㐃ᦠ㸦Public-Private Partnership - PPP㸧
ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢୗ࡟⾜ࢃࢀࡿ஦ᴗࡢ 12 ஦ᴗ࡟㝈ᐃࡉࢀࡿࡇ࡜࡜࡞ࡗࡓࠋ
ྠጤဨ఍ࡢ Corazon Dichoso ᨻ⟇ィ⏬㒊㛗ࡀሗ㐨㝕࡟ఏ࠼ࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠጤဨ఍ࡣ௒㐌ࡶࡋࡃ
IPP ࡣࠊ୍ᖺ࡟୍ᗘసᡂࡉࢀࡿඃඛ஦ᴗࡢࣜࢫࢺࠋྠࣜࢫࢺ࡟グ㍕ࡉࢀࡓ஦ᴗࡣᅜෆࡢ⤒῭ᡂ㛗ࢆಁ㐍
ࡇ࠺ࡋࡓඃඛ஦ᴗ࡟ᑐࡋ࡚୚࠼ࡽࢀࡿඃ㐝ᥐ⨨࡜ࡋ࡚ࡣࠊ᭱㧗 6 ࣨ᭶㛫ࡢ⣡⛯ච㝖ࠊ㈨ᮏⓗタഛ࡟࠿࠿
(Manila Bulletin 2011 ᖺ 2 ᭶ 23 ᪥)
7. ㏻ಙ኱ᡭࠊẚ࣮ࣘࢨࡢᦠᖏ㟁ヰ࠿ࡽࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥ࡬ࡢ⛣⾜ࢆண ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿࢵࢺ࡟᥋⥆ྍ⬟࡞ࠕࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥࠖࡀୡ⏺ⓗ࡞ᬑཬࢆぢࡏ࡚࠸ࡿ୰ࠊ㏻ಙ᭱኱ᡭ PLDT
࡜ Smart Communications, Inc.㸦Smart㸧ࡢ Napoleon Nazareno ♫㛗ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊྥࡇ࠺ 2㹼3 ᖺࡢ࠺
ࡕ࡟ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࡶከࡃࡢᦠᖏ㟁ヰ࣮ࣘࢨࡀࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥ࡟⛣⾜ࡍࡿ࡜ண ࡋࡓࠋ
Smart ࡛ࡣ௒ᖺࠊࣔࣂ࢖࣭ࣝࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻࢆྵࡴᦠᖏࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡᙉ໬ࡢࡓࡵࠊࡍ࡛࡟ 300 ൨࣌ࢯࢆ
㉸࠼ࡿ PLDT ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉࡢタഛᢞ㈨ࡢ኱༙ࢆཷࡅ࡚࠸ࡿࠋྠ♫ࡣ⌧ᅾࠊ඲ᅜ 830 ୓ே௨ୖࡢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫຍ
኱ᡭࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ IT ㄪᰝࢥࣥࢧࣝࢱࣥࢺ఍♫ Gartner ࡢㄪᰝ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥࡣ 2010 ᖺ࡟ୡ⏺
୰࡛ 3 ൨ࣘࢽࢵࢺ௨ୖࡀ㈍኎ࡉࢀࠊ኎ୖ㧗ࡀ 72㸣ቑຍࠋᦠᖏ㟁ヰࡢ⥲኎ୖ㧗ࡢ࠾ࡼࡑ 20㸣ࢆ༨ࡵ࡚࠸
ࡲࡓࠊㄪᰝ఍♫ IDC ࡢ᭱㏆ࡢㄪᰝ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ࣋ࣥࢲࡽࡀ୰㹼పࣞ࣋ࣝࣘࢽࢵࢺࢆప౯᱁࡛ᥦ౪ࡋጞࡵ
࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜࠿ࡽࠊ2011 ᖺ࡟ࡣࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥࡢ኎ୖ㧗ࡢᛴቑࡀண ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
ࠕඛ㐌ࣂࣝࢭࣟࢼ㸦ࢫ࣌࢖ࣥ㸧࡛㛤ദࡉࢀࡓ Mobile World Congress ࡛ࡣࠊࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥࠊࢱࣈࣞࢵ
㸦Nazareno ♫㛗㸧
Smart ࡣࠊࣂࣝࢭࣟࢼ࡛ୡ⏺ึࡢప౯᱁ࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥࠕNetphoneࠖࢆⓎ⾲ࠋྠࣘࢽࢵࢺࡣࠊ࢖ࣥࢱ
ࡣ௒ᖺࡢึࡵ࡟ࡶࠕୡ⏺ึࡢప౯᱁ Android ࢫ࣐࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣥࠖIDEOS ࢆⓎ⾲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
୍᪉ࠊSmart ࡛ࡣᑗ᮶ࡢࣔࣂ࢖ࣝࢹ࣮ࢱࡢࢺࣛࣄࢵࢡቑຍ࡟ഛ࠼ࠊ3G/HSPA ࣔࣂ࢖ࣝࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻࠊ
WiMax ࡜࠸ࡗࡓྠ♫ࡢࣈ࣮ࣟࢻࣂࣥࢻ࠾ࡼࡧᦠᖏࡢ୧ࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࡢᣑᙇ࣭࢔ࢵࣉࢢ࣮ࣞࢻࢆ㐍ࡵ࡚
ྠ♫ࡢ Nazareno ♫㛗ࡣࠊ
Manila Bulletin 2011 ᖺ 2 ᭶ 27 ᪥
8. IP Converge Data CenterࠊMicrosoft ࡜஦ᴗᥦᦠ
ୖሙ IT ㏻ಙ௻ᴗ IP Converge Data Center, Inc.ࡀ 27 ᪥ࠊ
ඃࢀࡓࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮࡜ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆ㢳ᐈ࡟ᥦ౪ࡍࡿࠖࡓࡵࠊMicrosoft Philippines, Inc.࡜ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࣉࣟࣂ
ྠ♫ࡀࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥドๆྲྀᘬᡤ㸦PSE㸧࡟Ⓨ⾲ࡋࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊዎ⣙ࡣ Microsoft Philippines ࡀ࢙࢘
ࠕࡇࡢዎ⣙࡟ࡼࡾࠊIP Converge Data ࡣ Windows Server ࢆ౑ࡗࡓ࣍ࢫࢸࢵࢻ࣭ࣂ࣮ࢳ࣐ࣕࣝࢩࣥࠊ
Microsoft Exchange Server ࢆ౑ࡗࡓ㟁Ꮚ࣓࣮ࣝࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࠊSQL Server ࢆ౑ࡗࡓࢹ࣮ࢱ࣮࣋ࢫ࣭࣍ࢫࢸ
࢕ࣥࢢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࠊMicrosoft DynamicsࠊLyncࠊSharePointࠊInformation Technology Systems Management
࡜࠸ࡗࡓ Microsoft Philippines ࡢࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࢆࠊࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࢭࣥࢱ࣮⤒⏤࡛ᥦ౪ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿࡼ
ྠ♫ࡢ Reynaldo Huergas ♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ฼⏝⪅ࡣ౑ࡗࡓ〇ရศ࡟ᑐࡋ࡚ᩱ㔠ࢆᨭᡶ࠺ࡔࡅ࡛ࡼࡃࠊ㛗
ᮇዎ⣙ࢆ⤖ࡪᚲせࡣ࡞࠸࡜࠸࠺ࠋ࡞࠾ࠊྠ♫ࡢᰴ౯ࡣ 27 ᪥ࡢ᫬Ⅼ୍࡛ᰴ 2.48%ῶࡢ 2.75 ࣌ࢯࠋ
(Business World 2011 ᖺ 2 ᭶ 28 ᪥)
9. Smartࠊ
㏻ಙ᭱኱ᡭ Smart Communications, Inc.ࡀࠊ㟁ຊ఍♫ࠊ୰ᑠ௻ᴗ㸦SME㸧ࠊఫᏯᆅࢆᑐ㇟࡜ࡋࡓࠊࣔࣂ
࢖ࣝ㏻ಙ஦ᴗࡢᯟࢆ㉸࠼ࡿࠕḟୡ௦ࠖࡢ M2M㸦࣐ࢩ࣭ࣥࢶ࣮࣭࣐ࢩࣥ㸧ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࡢᥦ౪࡟ྥࡅ
࡚ᮏ᱁ⓗ࡟ືࡁฟࡋࡓࠋࢭࣈ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࠕTollway Passࠖࠊ
ࠕSmart Meterࠖ
࣮ࣟࣥࢳࡋࠊM2M ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡢศ㔝ࢆ✚ᴟⓗ࡟࣮ࣜࢻࡋ࡚࠸ࡃጼໃࢆぢࡏ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
Smart Communications Enterprise ㈐௵⪅ࡢ Juan Victor Hernandez Ặࡣࠊ
㸦Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co.㸧ࡣࠊḟୡ௦ M2M ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࢆ࣮ࣜࢻࡍࡿ‽ഛࡀ࡛ࡁ࡚࠸ࡿࠖ
࡜ㄒࡗࡓࠋM2M ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊྠ♫ࡢ Smart Enterprise ࣅࢪࢿࢫ㒊㛛ࡀᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ྠ♫ࡣ௒ᖺ 3 ᭶࡟ࢭࣈࡢ㟁ຊ఍♫࡟㉱ࡁࠊ㟁Ẽ࣓࣮ࢱ࣮ࡢ☜ㄆࠊ㟁⥺ࡢ᥋⥆࣭ษ᩿࡜࠸ࡗࡓ୍㐃ࡢฎ⌮
ࢆྜ⌮໬ࡍࡿࠕSmart Metersࠖࡢᴫせㄝ᫂ࢆ⾜࠺ணᐃࡔ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
ࠕSmart Metersࠖࡣࠊ௒ᖺᮎࡲ࡛࡟ྠ♫ࡢᥦᦠ఍♫ Manila Electric Co. 㸦Meralco㸧࡟ࡼࡿࣃ࢖ࣟࢵࢺ
ヨ㦂ࡀ᏶஢ࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟࡞ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊつไ࡞࡝࡟ᑐࡍࡿᠱᛕࡣ࠶ࡿࡶࡢࡢࠊPLDT ࣅࢧ࣭࣑ࣖࣥࢲࢼ࢜㒊
㛛㈐௵⪅ࡢ Jimmy Chua Ặࡣࠊ
ࠕࢭࣈࡢ㟁ຊ఍♫ࡀ Smart Meters ࡟⯆࿡ࢆ♧ࡏࡤࠊࢭࣈ࡛ࡢࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ㛤
ࠕVECO㸦Visayan Electric Co., Inc.㸧࡟ࡣ᫖ᖺࡍ࡛࡟ㄝ᫂ࢆࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ3 ᭶࡟ VECO ࡸࡑࡢ௚ࡢ㟁ຊ఍
㸦Chua Ặ㸧
ྠ♫࡛ࡣࠊ໭ࣝࢯࣥ㧗㏿㐨㊰㸦North Luzon Expressway㸧࡛ࡍ࡛࡟౑⏝ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠕTollway Passࠖࢆ
ࢩࣙࣥࢆ㛤Ⓨࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊྠ࢔ࣉࣜࢣ࣮ࢩ࡛ࣙࣥᑟධࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ RFID ࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮ࢆᏛᰯࡸఫᏯᆅ࡛ࡢ㌟
࡞࠾ࠊPLDT ࡢಙク㒊㛛 Mediaquest Holdings ࡣࠊBusinessWorld ࡢᰴ୺࡜࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(Business World 2011 ᖺ 2 ᭶ 28 ᪥)
CICC ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࢥࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢲࣥࢺ᭶ḟሗ࿌
2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶
Tae Abe-Abion
1. IBMࠊᖺෆ࡟ᆅ᪉⮬἞యྥࡅࠕSmarter Citiesࠖࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࡢ࣮ࣜࣜࢫ≺࠺
⡿ࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱ࣮኱ᡭ IBM ࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ⌧ᆅἲே IBM Philippines, Inc.ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊྠ♫ࡢࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙ
ࣥࠕSmarter Citiesࠖࢆᖺෆ࡟ᅜෆ࣮ࣜࣜࢫࡋࡓ࠸⪃࠼ࢆ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋࡓࠋIBM ୺௵⛉Ꮫᢏ⾡⪅ࡢ Lope A.
Doromal Ặࡀ 3 ᪥࡟ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆ࡛⾜ࢃࢀࡓグ⪅఍ぢ࡛ఏ࠼ࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫࡛ࡣ᫖ᖺ 12 ᭶࡟
࣐ࢽࣛᕷ࡛ Smarter Cities Summit ࡀ㛤ദࡉࢀ࡚௨᮶ࠊᆅ᪉⮬἞యࡽ࡜୺࡟࣐ࢽࣛ㤳㒔ᅪෆࡢ஺㏻῰ࡸ
ྠ♫ James G. Velasquez ࢪ࢙ࢿ࣭࣐ࣛࣝࢿ࣮ࢪࣕ࡜ᖿ㒊ࡽࡣ 3 ᪥ࠊࢭࣈᕷ࡛ᆅ᪉ᨻᗓࡢࢺࢵࣉࡸྠᆅࡢ
ࣅࢪࢿࢫ࣐ࣥࢆᣍࡁࠊSmarter Cities ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛ࡜ Lotus Connections 3 ࢆⓎ⾲ࠋྠࢪ࢙ࢿ࣭࣐ࣛࣝࢿ࣮
ࢪࣕࡣࠕᕷࢆ⟶⌮ࡍࡿഃ࡟࡜ࡗ࡚ࠊᨻ⟇ࡢᨵၿ࡜ᛴ㏿࡟㐍ࡴ㒔఍໬࡬ࡢᑐᛂ࡟ IT㸦᝟ሗᢏ⾡㸧ࢆ฼⏝ࡍ
ࡿࡇ࡜ࡣᛴົࠋIT ࢆ࠺ࡲࡃά⏝ࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟ࡼࡾࠊࢭࣈᕷࢆ㏆௦ⓗ࡞᝟ሗ♫఍࡟Ⓨᒎࡉࡏࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿࠖ
࡜ࠊᕷᨻ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ IT ࡢ㔜せᛶࢆᙉㄪࡋࡓࠋ
Doromal Ặ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫࡛ࡣࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆࡢᆅ᪉ᨻᗓࡽࡀ㒔఍໬࡜ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ໬࡟┠ࢆྥࡅࠊࡇࢀࡽ
ࡢ㛗ᡤ࡜▷ᡤࡢ᳨ウࢆಁࡍࡓࡵࠊSmarter Cities ࡟㛵ࡍࡿࣇ࢛࣮࣒ࣛࢆᐇ᪋ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡲࡓࠊ2050 ᖺࡲ࡛
࡟ࡣୡ⏺ேཱྀࡢ 70㸣ࡀ㒔఍࡛⏕άࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀண᝿ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
Smarter Cities ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡣࠊᕷࢆ㍺㏦ࠊ࢚ࢿࣝࢠ࣮ࠊ㈠᫆ࠊ㏻ಙࠊỈ※࡞࡝ࢆ⟶⌮ࡍࡿ」ᩘࡢࢧࣈࢩࢫ
IBM ࡣࠊྠࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚஺㏻῰ࡢ⦆࿴㸦Smarter Transportation㸧ࠊデ᩿グ㘓ࡢࢹࢪࢱࣝ໬
㸦Smarter Healthcare㸧ࠊỈ㉁࡜⤥Ỉ⬟ຊࡢᨵၿ㸦Smarter Water㸧ࠊ㟁ຊ㈨※ࡢ☜ಖ࡜⟶⌮ࡢຠ⋡໬
㸦Smarter Grid㸧
ࠊᩍ⫱㛵㐃᝟ሗ࡬ࡢ࢔ࢡࢭࢫྥୖ࡜ᩍ⫱ࡢ㉁ࡢᨵၿ㸦Smarter Education㸧
ࢫࢸ࣒ࡢᙉ໬ࢆ㏻ࡋࡓ≢⨥Ⓨ⏕⋡ࡢపῶ㸦Smarter Public Safety㸧ࡀᮇᚅ࡛ࡁࡿ࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(Business World 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 4 ᪥)
2. BankNetࠊSafeNet ࡜ᥦᦠ ATM ࢹ࣮ࢱࡢࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕ࢆᙉ໬
᝟ሗࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕ࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲ SafeNet, Inc.ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊᅜෆ᭱኱ࡢ⌧㔠⮬ື㡸ᡶᶵ㸦ATM㸧⤌ྜ BancNet
࡜ࡢᥦᦠࢆⓎ⾲ࡋࡓࠋྠ♫ࡢࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕࣭ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥ Luna EFT Hardware Security Module (HSM)
ࢆ౑࠸ࠊྠ⤌ྜࡢ ATM ࡢ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢᴗົࢆࣁࢵ࣮࢝࡞࡝እ㒊࠿ࡽࡢᝏពࡢ࠶ࡿᨷᧁ࠿ࡽ㜵ᚚࡍࡿ
Luna EFT ࡣࠊ㖟⾜㛫 ATM ྲྀᘬ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡ㛫ࢆ⾜ࡁ᮶ࡍࡿᴟ⛎ࢹ࣮ࢱࡢ࢖ࣥࢸࢢࣜࢸ࢕㸦ᩚ
SafeNet ࢔ࢪ࢔ኴᖹὒᆅᇦࡢ Humphrey Chan ๪♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࡢࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕ᢏ⾡࡟ࡼࡾࠊBanknet
ࡢ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ஦ᴗࡢ⡆⣲໬ࡀྍ⬟࡟࡞ࡗࡓ࡜࠸࠺ࠋࡲࡓࠊSafeNet ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࠕᡃࡀ♫ࡣࠊࣅࢪࢿࢫ
SafeNet ࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆ࡛ࡣ Micro Resources International Inc.ࢆ௦⌮ᗑ࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(Business World 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 7 ᪥)
3. PLDTࠊ
㏻ಙ᭱኱ᡭ Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co.㸦PLDT㸧ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊᅜෆึ࡜࡞ࡿࢡࣛ࢘ࢻ࣮࣋ࢫ
ࠕPLDT WeRoam PROTECTࠖ࡜ྡ࡙ࡅࡽࢀࡓࡇࡢࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊࢭ࢟ࣗ࢔࡞࣡࢖ࣖࣞࢫ࢖ࣥࢱ࣮ࢿ
PLDT Corporate Business ㈐௵⪅ࡢ Jovy Hernandez ๪♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࡣᚑᴗဨࡽ࡟ࢭ
ࡽࡣࠊᴗົ࡟㛵ಀࡢ࡞࠸ࢿࢵࢺࢧ࣮ࣇ࢕ࣥ࡟୍᪥ᖹᆒ 2㹼3 ᫬㛫ࢆ㈝ࡸࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ኱௻ᴗࡣࠊࡇ࠺ࡋࡓ⾜
ࡇ࠺ࡋࡓ኱௻ᴗࡢࢹ࣮ࢱࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕☜ಖ࡜⏕⏘ᛶྥୖࡢࢽ࣮ࢬ࡟ᑐࡋࠊPLDT WeRoam PROTECT ࡛
୍᪉ࠊPLDT Corporate Business Solutions ㈐௵⪅ࡢ Vic Tria ๪♫㛗ࡣࠊ
ࢵࢡࡢ⟶⌮ࡣࠊ࡯࡜ࢇ࡝ࡢ௻ᴗ࡟࡜ࡗ࡚௒ࡲ࡛ࠗIT ࡢᝏክ࠘࡜ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡓࠋࣔࣂ࢖ࣝࣘࢽࢵࢺࢆ౑⏝ࡍ
ࢻ࢙࢘࢔࡟⭾኱࡞㢠ࢆᢞ㈨ࡍࡿᚲせࡀ࠶ࡗࡓ࠿ࡽࡔࡀࠊPLDT WeRoam PROTECT ࡛ࡣࢡࣛ࢘ࢻࡢ୰࡛
ୡ⏺ࢺࢵࣉࢡࣛࢫࡢࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲ Zscaler ࡢᢏ⾡ຊࡀ⏕ࢇࡔ PLDT WeRoam
PROTECT ࡣࠊୡ⏺࡛㏻⏝ࡍࡿከᶵ⬟࢙࢘ࣈࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࢕࣭ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥ࡜࠸࠼ࡿࡔࢁ࠺ࠋ
(Philippine Star 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 9 ᪥)
4. Globe Businessࠊࢭࣈ࡟ 2 ࡘ┠ࡢࢸࣞࣉࣞࢮࣥࢫ᪋タࢆ࣮࢜ࣉࣥ
Globe Business ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊࢭࣈᕷෆ࡟ࣇࣝࢫࢡ࣮ࣜࣥࣔࢽࢱ 3 ྎ࡟ࡼࡿࢸࣞࣉࣞࢮࣥࢫ࣭࣮࣒ࣝࢆ࢜
࣮ࣉࣥࡋࡓࠋྠ♫ࡢࢸࣞࣉࣞࢮࣥࢫ࣭࣮࣒ࣝࡣࠊ2010 ᖺ 7 ᭶࡟㤳㒔ᅪ࣐࢝ࢸ࢕ᕷ࡟࣮࢜ࣉࣥࡋࡓᅜෆ➨
1 ྕ࡟⥆ࡁࠊࡇࢀ࡛ 2 ᪋タ┠ࠋ
Globe Telepresence ࡣࠊୡ⏺ྛᅜࡢ㐲㝸ᆅ࡟࠸ࡿ」ᩘࡢ┦ᡭࢆᐇ≀኱ࡢࢧ࢖ࢬ࡛⏬㠃࡟ᫎࡋฟࡋࠊࣜ࢔
௒ᅇࢭࣈ࡟᪂タࡋࡓࢸࣞࣉࣞࢮࣥࢫ࣭ࣃࣈࣜࢵࢡ࣮࣒ࣝࡣࠊྠᕷࣛࣇࢵࢢᆅ༊ Asiatown IT Park ࡢ Globe
Telecom IT Plaza ෆ࡟タ⨨ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(Philippine Star 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 15 ᪥)
5. ㏻ಙࡢ PLDTࠊ࢖࣮ࢧࢿࢵࢺࡢ CENX ࡜ᥦᦠ
Ethernet Forum – MEF㸧9 ࠾ࡼࡧ 14 ࡢㄆドࢆྲྀᚓࡋࡓ㏻ಙ᭱኱ᡭ Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co.
㸦PLDT㸧ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ࢖࣮ࢧࢿࢵࢺ࣭࢚ࢡࢫࢳ࢙ࣥࢪศ㔝ࢺࢵࣉࢡࣛࢫࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ௻ᴗ CENX㸦Carrier
Ethernet Neutral Exchange㸧࡜ᥦᦠࢆ⤖ࢇࡔࡇ࡜ࢆ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋࡓࠋ
ྠ♫ Eric Alberto ୖ⣭๪♫㛗ࡣࠊ௒ᅇࡢ CENX ࡜ࡢᥦᦠ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࠕ࢖࣮ࢧࢿࢵࢺᴗ⏺࡟࠾࠸࡚ୡ⏺つᶍࡢ
CENX ࡣࠊྛ✀ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࣭ࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲࠊࢢ࣮ࣟࣂ࣭ࣝ࢟ࣕࣜ࢔࠾ࡼࡧ࣮࣭ࣟ࢝ࣝ࢟ࣕࣜ࢔ࡢ㎿㏿࠿ࡘపࢥ
㤶 ࡞࡝࡟஺᥮ᒁࢆᣢࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
CENX ࡣࠊPLDT ࡢ࢖࣮ࢧࢿࢵࢺ࣭ࢿࢵࢺ࣮࣡ࢡࢆ௚ࡢᅜ㝿࢖࣮ࢧࢿࢵࢺ࣭ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࣭ࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲ࡜ࣜࣥ
ࢡࡉࡏࡿࡇ࡜࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ୡ⏺ⓗໃຊࡢᣑ኱ࢆᅗࡿ࡜ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᡭጞࡵ࡟ PLDT ࡢ Asia-America Gateway ࢣ
࣮ࣈࣝࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࢆ⤒⏤ࡋࡓ CENX 㤶 ࡛ࡢ⤫ྜࢆ⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
୍᪉ࠊPLDT Corporate Business Group ࠾ࡼࡧ Smart Enterprise Sales and Marketing ㈐௵⪅ࡢ Jovy
Hernandez ๪♫㛗ࡣࠊ࢖࣮ࢧࢿࢵࢺࡢቑタࢆࠕࢹ࣮ࢱ㏻ಙࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸ᇶ‽ࠖ࡜ㄒࡗࡓࠋ
ࡲࡓࠊPLDT Corporate Business Solutions ㈐௵⪅ࡢ Vic Tria ๪♫㛗ࡶࠕ
㸦ᑂᰝࡢ㸧ཝࡋ࠸ MEF9 ࠾ࡼࡧ 14
(Philippine Star 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 15 ᪥)
6. PLDT ࡢ BPO 㒊㛛ࠊ୰༡⡿࡜୰ᅜ࡟㐍ฟ࠿
㏻ಙ᭱኱ᡭ Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co.㸦PLDT㸧ࡢࣅࢪࢿࢫ࣭ࣉࣟࢭࢫ࣭࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ
㸦BPO㸧㒊㛛 SPi Global ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊࣛࢸ࣭ࣥ࢔࣓ࣜ࢝࡜୰ᅜ࡬ࡢ㐍ฟࢆ⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋ
ྠ♫ Maulik Parekh ♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫࡛ࡣ⡿ᅜ௻ᴗࡢࢽ࢔ࢩࣙ࢔ࡢࢽ࣮ࢬ࡟ᑐᛂࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊࡴࡇ࠺ 3
㹼6 ᖺࡢ㛫࡟ࣛࢸ࣭ࣥ࢔࣓ࣜ࢝࡟ 200 ேయไࡢႠᴗᣐⅬࢆタ⨨ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ᳨ウࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
ࡲࡓࠊ୰ᅜ࡟ BPO ᣐⅬࢆタ⨨ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡶ⪃࠼࡚࠾ࡾࠊྠᅜෆ࣮ࣟ࢝ࣝ௻ᴗ࡜ࡢᥦᦠ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣྠᅜ࡬ࡢ┤
⌧ᅾࠊSPi Global ࡣᅜෆ࡛ࡣ 10 ࣨᡤࠊᾏእ࡛ࡣ⡿ᅜࠊ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࠊ࢖ࣥࢻࠊ࣋ࢺࢼ࣒࡟ࡑࢀࡒࢀᣐⅬࢆ
Parekh ♫㛗ࡣࠊ௒ᖺᮎࡲ࡛࡟⌧ᅾࡢᚑᴗဨᩘ 1 ୓ 4,000 ேࢆ 15㸣ቑࡸࡋࡓ࠸࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ ࡲࡓࠊSPi
Global ඲♫ⓗ࡟ࡣ 2011 ᖺ࡟᭱ప࡛ࡶ 14㸣ࡢᡂ㛗ࡀぢ㎸ࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
SPi Global ࡣࠊᅜෆ᭱኱ࡢࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ㈨ᮏ࡟ࡼࡿࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ BPO ௻ᴗࠋ᭱㏆࡛ࡣࢻ࣐ࢗࢤࢸᕷ࡟࠾ࡼࡑ
900 ᖍࡢᣐⅬࢆ㛤タࡋࠊࡉࡽ࡟࢖ࣟ࢖ࣟᕷ࡟࠾ࡼࡑ 200 ᖍࡢᣐⅬࢆቑタࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
Parekh ♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࡣ⌧ᅾࠊ౯್࡜฼┈⋡ࡀ㧗࠸࡜ࡉࢀࡿฟ∧ࠊ࣊ࣝࢫࢣ࢔ࠊ࢖ࣥࢱࣛࢡࢸ࢕ࣈ
ࡢྛศ㔝࡟ຊࢆධࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡲࡓࠊୡ⏺ࡢ BPO ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡢ୺ὶࡀ௒ᚋ㡢ኌࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࠿ࡽ㠀㡢ኌࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ
࡬࡜⛣⾜ࡍࡿഴྥ࡟࠶ࡾࠊ㠀㡢ኌࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡢ๭ྜࡀ 2011 ᖺࡢ 43㸣࠿ࡽ 2016 ᖺ࡟ࡣ 58㸣࡜㡢ኌࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ
ࢆୖᅇࡿࡇ࡜ࡀぢ㎸ࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ୰ࠊྠ♫࡛ࡣࡍ࡛࡟ᴗົࡢ 67㸣ࡀ㠀㡢ኌࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡛༨ࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸
(Philippine Star 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 16 ᪥)
7. Microsoftࠊ
ࠊẚᨻᗓ࡟ࠕࢧ࣮ࣅࢫຠ⋡࢔ࢵࣉࠖࡢྛ✀ IT ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࢆᥦ᱌
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᨻᗓࡀ IT 㛵㐃⤒㈝ࡢ๐ῶࢆ㐍ࡵ࡚࠸ࡿ୰ࠊMICROSOFT PHILIPPINES, Inc.ࡀ 17 ᪥ࠊᨻᗓࢆ
ᑐ㇟࡜ࡋࡓࠕ㝈ࡽࢀࡓண⟬࡛᭱኱㝈ࡢຠ⋡ᛶࢆⓎ᥹ࡍࡿࠖྛ✀ IT 㛵㐃ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࢆⓎ⾲ࡋࡓࠋ
ࠕGovernment Solutions Day㸦ᨻᗓࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥࡢ᪥㸧
ࠖࢆ㛤ദࡋࡓࠋࡇࢀࡣࠊ2010 ᖺᮎ
࡟ International Business Machines Corp.㸦IBM㸧ࡀୡ⏺ⓗ࡞⤒῭༴ᶵ࠿ࡽࡢ஦ᴗᅇ᚟࡟ᨻᗓᇶ㔠ࢆά⏝
ࡍࡿ┠ⓗ࡛⾜ࡗࡓ࢖࣋ࣥࢺ࡜ྠ➼ࡢ௻⏬࡛࠶ࡿࠋ ྠ♫Ẹ㛫㒊㛛㈐௵⪅ࡢ Arsenio M. Bartolome Ặࡣ࢖࣋
㸦ᨻᗓᶵ㛵ࡢ㸧࡯࡜ࢇ࡝ࡀ㸦Microsoft ࡢ㸧ࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮ࢆ฼⏝ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋᨻᗓࡀ IT 㛵㐃
ࠕGovernment Solutions Dayࠖࡣࠊᨻᗓ࣭ᅜẸ㛫ࡢࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࡢ෇⁥໬ࠊ⛣ື⤒㈝ࢆ๐ῶࡍࡿᅾ
ྠ♫࢔ࢪ࢔ኴᖹὒᆅᇦ බඹ㒊㛛㈐௵⪅ࡢ Seng Heng Chuah Ặࡣࠊྠࡌࡃ࢖࣋ࣥࢺࡢᖍୖ࡛ࠕᨻᗓ࡜ࡢ
ࡲࡓࠊྠ♫࢔ࢪ࢔ኴᖹὒᆅᇦᆅ᪉⮬἞య࣭ᆅ᪉ᨻᗓ㒊㛛㈐௵⪅ࡢ Andrew Hodges Ặࡣࠕ௻ᴗ࡜ࡋ࡚ࡢᡃ
(Business World 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 18 ᪥)
8. Accentureࠊ኱Ꮫ࡜ࡢࣃ࣮ࢺࢼ࣮ࢩࢵࣉࢆ෌㛤࠿
IT ࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩ࣭ࣙࣥࣉࣟࣂ࢖ࢲ኱ᡭ Accenture ࡀࠊIT ᴗ⏺࡟ᚲせ࡞ேⓗ㈨※ࢆᩍ⫱ࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊ኱Ꮫ࡜ᑓ
ྠ♫ Delivery Center Network for Technology in the Philippines ㈐௵⪅ࡢ George Son Keng Po Ặࡀ 16 ᪥
࡟ሗ㐨㛵ಀ⪅ࡽ࡟ఏ࠼ࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫࡛ࡣࠕᩍ⫱ᶵ㛵ࡽ࡟ IT ᴗ⏺࡟࠾ࡅࡿᵝࠎ࡞㞠⏝ᶵ఍ࢆ⌮
Accenture ࡣࠊ⤒Ⴀࢥࣥࢧࣝࢸ࢕ࣥࢢࠊᢏ⾡ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࠊ࢔࢘ࢺࢯ࣮ࢩࣥࢢ࡞࡝ࢆᴗົ࡜ࡍࡿࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ௻
ᴗࠋୡ⏺ 120 ࢝ᅜ௨ୖ࡟ᚑᴗဨ࠾ࡼࡑ 21 ୓ 1,000 ேࢆ㞠⏝ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ࡟ࡣ 1985 ᖺ࡟㐍ฟࡋ
࡚࠾ࡾࠊᅜෆࡢᚑᴗဨᩘࡣ⌧᫬Ⅼ࡛࠾ࡼࡑ 2 ୓ 1,000 ேࠋྠ♫ᢏ⾡ᡂ㛗ࣉࣛࢵࢺࣇ࢛࣮࣒ࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣂ࣭ࣝ
ࢹࣜ࣋ࣜ㈐௵⪅ Keith Haviland Ặ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ♫ࡣ௒ᖺ 8 ᭶ᮎࡲ࡛࡟ࡇࡢேᩘࢆࡉࡽ࡟ 2 ୓ 5,000 ே࡟
Accenture ࡣ๓ᅇࠊLa Salle ࡸ Mapua Institute of Technology ࡞࡝ࡢ኱Ꮫ࡜ᥦᦠࡋࠊIT ⛉ࡢᏛ⏕ࡽ࡬ࡢᩍ
⫱ࢆᐇ᪋ࠊྠ♫ࡢ᭷⬟࡞ IT ᢏ⾡⪅ࡽࡢ୰࠿ࡽᣦᑟဨࢆᥦ౪ࡋࡓࠋ
ྠ♫ࡣᅜෆࡢ᭷ྡᰯࡸ௒ᚋ᭷ᮃ࡞኱Ꮫࡶど㔝࡟ධࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊPo Ặࡣ
ࠕࢭࣈᕷࡢ San Carlos University
Accenture ࡛ࡣࠊᣦᑟဨࡢᥦ౪࡟ຍ࠼࡚ࠊᩍ⫱ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡀୡ⏺Ỉ‽࡟ἢࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ࠿࡝࠺࠿ࢆ☜ㄆࡍࡿࡓ
ࠕ኱Ꮫࡸᑓ㛛Ꮫᰯ࡜ࡢᥦᦠ࡛㔜せ࡞ࡢࡣࠊIT ᴗ⏺࡛ᚲせ࡜ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࢫ࢟ࣝࢆࠊIT Ꮫ⛉ࡢ༞ᴗ⏕ࡸ IT ௻
㸦Po Ặ㸧
ࡲࡓࠊྠẶࡣ Accenture ࡜௚ࡢ BPO ᴗ⪅࡜ࡢ㐪࠸࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࠊ26 ᖺࡶࡢ㛫ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆ࡛᧯ᴗࢆ⥆ࡅ࡚
࠸ࡿྠ♫ࡢࠕᡂ⇍ᛶࠖ࡜ࠊᚑᴗဨࡢ㉁ࡢྥୖࢆᅗࡿࠕ⥅⥆ⓗ࡞ᩍ⫱ࠖࢆᣲࡆࠊAccenture ࡀୡ㛫࡛ㄗㄆࡉ
ࠕAccenture ࡣࠊே࡟ᢞ㈨ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ㢳ᐈ࡟ᑐࡋ࡚ࠊ〇ရ࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃࠗࢸࢡࣀࣟࢪ࣮࣭ࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࠘࡜࠸࠺㔜
㸦Po Ặ㸧
ࡉࡽ࡟ Haviland ẶࡶࠕAccenture ࡀᚑᴗဨ࡟୚࠼࡚࠸ࡿࡢࡣࠊ༢࡞ࡿࠗ㞠⏝࡛࠘ࡣ࡞ࡃࠗ࢟ࣕࣜ࢔࠘
ᑐࡍࡿ⪃࠼᪉ࢆ㏙࡭ࠊ᭱ᚋࡣ Po Ặࡀࠕ
㸦Accenture ࡣ㸧ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥᢏ⾡㠃࡛ࡢ࢟ࣕࣜ࢔ࢆ✚ࡴ࡟ࡣ⌮᝿
(Inquirer 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 18 ᪥)
9. ࢢ࣮ࣟࣈࠊ㟁Ꮚ࣐ࢿ࣮࡛࢚ࣜࢡࢯࣥ࡜ᥦᦠ
ᅜෆ㏻ಙ 2 ఩ࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣈࢸࣞࢥ࣒ࡣࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ㏻ಙࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ኱ᡭ࢚ࣜࢡࢯࣥ࡜㟁Ꮚ࣐ࢿ࣮஦ᴗ࡛ᥦᦠࡍ
Ⓨ⾲ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ௒ᅇࡢᥦᦠ࡟ࡼࡾྠࢧ࣮ࣅࢫࡢࣉࣛࢵࢺࣇ࢛࣮࣒࡛ࠊࢢ࣮ࣟࣈࡢ㟁Ꮚ࣐ࢿ࣮ࠕG ࢟ࣕࢵ
ࢢ࣮ࣟࣈࡢᏊ఍♫࡛㟁Ꮚ࣐ࢿ࣮஦ᴗࢆᒎ㛤ࡍࡿ G-Xchange, Inc. (GXI)ࡢ Paolo Baltao ♫㛗ࡣࠊ
ࠕG ࢟ࣕࢵ
ࠖ࡜ࢥ࣓ࣥࢺࠋG ࢟ࣕࢵࢩࣗࡢ฼⏝ࡀᗈࡀ
G ࢟ࣕࢵࢩࣗࢆ㏻ࡌ࡚ᾏእ࠿ࡽ㏦ࡽࢀࡓ⌧㔠ࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆࡢၟᴗ᪋タࡸ㉁ᗑ࡞࡝࡟タ⨨ࡉࢀࡓ❆
ཱྀࡸ㖟⾜ࡢ ATM ࡛ཷྲྀࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿࠋ
(NNA ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ∧ 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 18 ᪥) – GLOBE TELECOM ♫ࡢ࢙࢘ࣈࢧ࢖ࢺࡢࢽ࣮ࣗࢫ࣮࣌ࢪ࡟ࡶ࡯
10. ᪥ᮏ᪉ᘧࢹࢪࢱࣝࢸࣞࣅ࡬ࡢ⛣⾜࡟㐜ࢀ㸽
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜᐙ㏻ಙጤဨ఍㸦NTC㸧ࡣඛ᭶ 10 ᪥ࠊ௒ᖺ 4 ᭶ࡲ࡛࡟ࢸࣞࣅᨺ㏦ࢆ࢔ࢼࣟࢢ᪉ᘧ࠿ࡽࢹࢪࢱࣝ
᪉ᘧ࡟⛣⾜ࡍࡿつ๎ࢆ᏶ᡂࡉࡏࡿ࡜Ⓨ⾲࡚࠸ࡓࡀࠊࡇࢀࡀ㸲᭶࡟ࡣỴࡲࡽ࡞࠸ྍ⬟ᛶࡀฟ࡚ࡁࡓࠋNTC ࡣ
ࡇࡢ⫼ᬒ࡟ࡣࠊᨺ㏦ᒁ GMA Network ࡜ࠊୗ㝔ࡢ᝟ሗ㏻ಙᢏ⾡ጤဨ఍ࡀ NTC ࡟ᑐࡋ࡚᪥ᮏ᪉ᘧ࡜Ḣᕞ᪉ᘧ
ࡢ࠸ࡎࢀࢆ᥇⏝ࡍࡿ࠿࡟ࡘ࠸࡚෌ᗘࣞࣅ࣮ࣗࡍࡿࡼ࠺࡟࡜⸀ࡵࡓࡇ࡜ࡀ࠶ࡿ࡜ NTC ࢥ࣑ࢵࢩࣙࢼ࣮ࡢ
Gamaliel A. Cordoba Ặࡀࢸ࢟ࢫࢺ࣓ࢵࢭ࣮ࢪ࡛ఏ࠼ࡓࠋྠẶࡣࠊ௒ᚋ 2 㐌㛫௨ෆ࡟ࠊ෌ᗘࡢࣞࣅ࣮ࣗࢆ⾜
࠺ࡢ࠿࡝࠺࠿ࢆⓎ⾲ࡍࡿࠊ⾜࠺ࡇ࡜࡟࡞ࡗࡓሙྜࡣࠊ᭱኱ 2 ࣨ᭶ࡢ▷ᮇ㛫࡛ࡢࣞࣅ࣮ࣗ࡟࡞ࡿࡔࢁ࠺ࠊ࡜ࡶ
ࡇࢀࡣࠊ᫖ᖺ㸴᭶ࡀᴗ⏺࠿ࡽࡢᙉ࠸ᨭᣢࢆཷࡅ࡚ࠊḢᕞ᪉ᘧࡢ DVB ࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃ ISDB-T ࡜࠸࠺᪥ᮏ᪉ᘧࢆ᥇
⏝ࡍࡿ࡜ࡋࡓỴᐃࢆそࡍྍ⬟ᛶࢆ⛎ࡵ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ᫖ᖺࡣࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᨺ㏦஦ᴗ⪅ᩍ఍(KBP)ࠊGMA Network, Inc.,
ABS-CBN Corp., RPN Channel 9, and Vanguard Radio Network Co., Inc.࡞࡝ࡢฟᖍࡢࡶ࡜࡛ ISDB-T ᥇⏝ࡀ
᪥ᮏ኱౑㤋ࡢ௦⾲⪅࡜ NTC ࡢᙺဨࡀ༠ຊぬ᭩࡟⨫ྡࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࢹࢪࢱࣝᮍᑐᛂࡢࢸࣞࣅ࡛ࡶࢹࢪࢱࣝᨺ㏦
ࡑࡇ࡬᮶࡚ࠊඛ᭶ GMA Network ࡢ Gilberto R. Duavit Jr. ♫㛗ࡀሗ㐨㝕࡟ᑐࡋḢᕞ᪉ᘧࡢ DVB2 ࡀࡼࡾඃࢀ
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࡛ࣥࡣࠊࢸࣞࣅᨺ㏦ࡢࢹࢪࢱࣝ໬ࢆ 2015 ᖺࡲ࡛࡟᏶஢ࡋࡓ࠸࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋISDB-T ᪉ᘧࡣࠊ᪥ᮏ
(Business World, 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 21 ᪥)
11. ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥࡢࢧ࣮ࣂᕷሙࢩ࢙࢔㸯఩ࡣ IBM ࡀ⥔ᣢ (IDC)
IDC Asia Pacific ࡀ㸲༙ᮇẖ࡟⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿㄪᰝ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ2010 ᖺࠊࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥ࡟࠾ࡅࡿࢧ࣮ࣂ࣮ᕷሙࡢ኎ୖ
㧗㤳఩ࡣ IBM ࡛ࠊᕷሙࢩ࢙࢔ࡣ 47%࡛࠶ࡗࡓࠋ
㠀 x86 ⣔ࡢࣘࢽࢵࢡࢫࢧ࣮ࣂᕷሙ(ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆ)࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡣࠊ๓ᖺẚ 78.5%ቑ࡛ࢩ࢙࢔ 63.3%ࡢࢺࢵࣉ࡟
ࡓࡕࠊࡲࡓ㠀 x86 ⣔ࣘࢽࢵࢡࢫࢧ࣮ࣂᕷሙࡢࣁ࢖࢚ࣥࢻ࢚ࣥࢱ࣮ࣉࣛ࢖ࢬࢡࣛࢫ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ኎ୖ㧗࡛ࡶࢩ࢙࢔
(NewsBytes Philippines 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 28 ᪥)
11. BPAP ࡢ๓ CEO Sanez Ặࡀࢧ࣑ࣥࢤࣝ࡟
ࣇ࢕ࣜࣆ࣭ࣥࣅࢪࢿࢫࣉࣟࢭࢵࢩࣥࢢ༠఍(BPAP)ࡢ CEO ࢆ 4 ᖺ㛫ົࡵ࡚᮶ࡓ Oscar Sanez Ặࡣࠊ2011
ᖺ 2 ᭶ᮎࡢዎ⣙ࢆ᭦᪂ࡏࡎࠊBPAP ࢆ㏥⫋ࡋࠊ㣗ရ኱ᡭࡢࢧ࣑ࣥࢤࣝ♫࡟⛣⡠ࡋࡓࠋࢧ࣑ࣥࢤࣝ♫࡛ࡣࠊ
Purefoods ࣈࣛࣥࢻࡢᅜ㝿஦ᴗࢆ⤫ᣓࡍࡿࠋBPAP ࡛ࡣࠊᚋ௵⪅ࡀỴࡲࡿࡲ࡛ࡢᮇ㛫ࠊࣜࢧ࣮ࢳ࣭ࢹ࢕ࣞࢡ
ࢱ࣮ࡢ Gigi Virata Ặࡀ௦⾜ᙺ࡜࡞ࡿࠋ
(NewsBytes Philippines 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 29 ᪥)
12. PLDT ࡀᦠᖏ㏻ಙ㸱఩ࡢ Digital ࢆ 741 ൨ࢻ࡛ࣝ㈙཰࡬
㏻ಙ᭱኱ᡭ PLDT ࡀࡇࡢ࡯࡝ࠊ᱁Ᏻᦠᖏ㟁ヰࣈࣛࣥࢻࠕSun Cellular࡛ࠖ▱ࡽࢀࡿ Digital Communications
Philippines, Inc.㸦Digitel㸧ࡢᰴࡢ 51.55㸣㸦692 ൨࣌ࢯ┦ᙜ㸧ࢆ JG Summit Holdings, Inc.࠿ࡽྲྀᚓࡍࡿ⪃࠼
ࢆ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋࡓࠋṧࡾࡢᰴࢆᡤ᭷ࡍࡿᑡᩘᰴ୺ࡽ࡬ࡢ࢜ࣇ࢓࣮ࡶධࢀࡿ࡜ࠊ㈙཰㔠㢠ࡣ⥲㢠 741 ൨࣌ࢯ࡟
୍᪉ࠊJG Summit ഃ࡛ࡣ௦ࢃࡾ࡟ PLDT ࡢᣢᰴ 12.8㸣ࢆྲྀᚓࡍࡿ࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
PLDT ࡢ Napoleon Nazareno ♫㛗ࡀグ⪅఍ぢ࡛ఏ࠼ࡓ࡜ࡇࢁ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ௒ᅇࡢ㈙཰࡟ࡣ 32 ൨ 8,000 ୓ᰴࡢ
Digitel ᰴࡢ㉎ධࡢ࡯࠿࡟ࠊJG Summit ࡟ᑐࡍࡿࢮࣟࢡ࣮࣏ࣥ㌿᥮♫മ࡜♫㛫๓ᡶ㔠➼ࡢ㈇മࡀྵࡲࢀ࡚࠸
PLDT ࡣ Digitel ࡢ㈨⏘ 2,500 ࣌ࢯ┦ᙜ࡟ࡘࡁ PLDT ࡢ᪂ᰴ 1 ᰴ࡜஺᥮ࠋᑡᩘᰴ୺ࡽ࡟ࡣࠊᣢᰴࢆ 1 ᰴ࡟ࡘ
ࡁ 1.6 ࣌ࢯ್ᘬࡁࡋࡓ㢠࡛኎༷ࡍࡿ࠿ࠊࡲࡓࡣ 1 ᰴ࡟ࡘࡁࣉ࣑ࣞ࢔࣒౯᱁ 2,500 ࣌ࢯ࡛ PLDT ࡢᰴ࡜஺᥮ࡍ
PLDT ࡜ JG Summit ࡣࠊ௒ᅇࡢྲྀᘬࢆ௒ᖺ 6 ᭶ᮎࡲ࡛࡟⤊஢ࡉࡏࡿ࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋPLDT ࡢᖿ㒊࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊྠ
♫ࡣ௒ᅇࡢྲྀᘬ࡛ PLDTࠊSun Cellular ྜࢃࡏ࡚ᦠᖏࢧ࣮ࣅࢫᕷሙࢩ࢙࢔ࡢ࠾ࡼࡑ 67㸣ࢆ⋓ᚓࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟࡞
ࠕSun Cellularࠖࡣ௒ᚋࡶྠ♫ࡢࠕSmartࠖࡢᦠᖏࢧ࣮ࣅࢫ࡜ࡣูࣈࣛࣥࢻ࡜ࡋ࡚ṧࡋ࡚࠸ࡃ
ࡽࡋ࠸ࠋࡓࡔࡋࠊDigitel ࡢᅛᐃ㟁ヰᴗົࡣ PLDT ࡢᅛᐃ㟁ヰᴗົࡢ⿵඘࡟౑࠺ࡇ࡜ࢆ⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
ࡲࡓࠊNazareno ♫㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ
௒ᅇࡢྲྀᘬ࡟ࡼࡾ JG Summit ࡟ࡣ PLDT ࡢྲྀ⥾ᙺ఍࡛ࡢᖍࡀ㸯ᖍ୚࠼ࡽࢀࠊ
JG Summit ఍㛗ࡢ James L. Go Ặࡀᙺဨ࡟╔௵ࡍࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
୍᪉ࠊPLDT ࡢࡇ࠺ࡋࡓືࡁ࡟ᑐࡋࠊࣛ࢖ࣂࣝ Globe Telecom, Inc.ࡢ Ernest Cu ♫㛗ࡣࠕDigitel ࡜ PLDT
㸦Cu ♫㛗㸧
Lanuza & Co., Inc.ࡢ࢔ࢼࣜࢫࢺ Jose Mari Lacson Ặࡣࠊ
ࠕPLDT ࡀᕷሙࢆ⊂༨ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡣ࡞࠸ࡀࠊGlobe ࡢ
Digitel ࡣ᱁Ᏻࡢᩱ㔠࡛㏻ಙᕷሙ࡟ཧධࡋࠊ⥲ேཱྀ࠾ࡼࡑ 1 ൨ே࡟㏕ࡿ࡜ࡉࢀࡿࣇ࢕ࣜࣆࣥᅜෆ࡛ࡢᦠᖏ㟁ヰ
ᬑཬ⋡ࢆ⣙ 90㸣࡟ࡲ࡛㧗ࡵࡿࡇ࡜࡟㈉⊩ࡋࡓࠋ୍᪉࡛౯᱁➇தࡢ⃭໬ࢆᣍࡁࠊ㏻ಙᴗ⪅ࡢ฼┈ࡀῶᑡࡋ࡚
PLDT ࡢ Manuel Pangilinan ఍㛗࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊ௒ᅇࡢྲྀᘬ࡟ࡼࡾ㤶 ࡢ First Pacific Co., Ltd.࡜᪥ᮏࡢ NTT ࢥ
࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࢬࡢ PLDT ᰴᘧಖ᭷⋡ࡣୗࡀࡿࡇ࡜࡟࡞ࡿࠋFirst Pacific ᰴࡀ 26㸣࠿ࡽ 22㸣࡟ࠊNTT ᰴ
ࡀ 21㸣࠿ࡽ 18㸣࡟ࡑࢀࡒࢀୗⴠࡍࡿࠋ
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JG Summit ࡜ Digitel㸦᫬౯⥲㢠 2 ൨ 6,900 ࢻࣝ㸧ࡣ᭶᭙᪥ࠊ1 ᰴࡑࢀࡒࢀ 24.5 ࣌ࢯ࡜ 1.83 ࣌ࢯ࡛ྲྀᘬࢆ⤊
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࡞࠾ࠊPLDT ചୗࡢ Beneficial Trust Fund ࡢ୍㒊㛛࡛࠶ࡿ Mediaquest Holdings, Inc.ࡣࠊBusinessWorld ࡢ
(Business World 2011 ᖺ 3 ᭶ 29 ᪥)
2010 July Report
Revolutionising the cash card
Pre-paid credit to boost payment convenience
Bangkok Post
Published on July 14, 2010
After a few years of quiet growth, TrueMoney hopes to tap into the growing trend for ecommerce and convenient bill payment for growth, while also launching an automated payment
kiosk along with a few other high-technology solutions it already has up its sleeve.
Piyachart Ratanaprasartporn, GM of True Money
Piyachart Ratanaprasartporn, general manager of True Money, explained that the company
currently offers five services. Payment services, e-Money, Touch Sim for offline near-field
communications, TrueMoney cash card and ticketing services.
Most are self-explanatory, but the TrueMoney cash card is a bit different. It is a prepaid card for
any number of services in the True group, including mobile phone top-ups and Wi-Fi hotspot
access, as well as online games.
The mobile component uses Sim Toolkit technology. All TrueMove Sim cards have a True
Money application pre-installed on them, which Piyachart says does make them a bit more
expensive. But this also means that there are now over six million phone users out there capable
of using TrueMoney in an encrypted, watertight solution. Only recently is he extending
payments to the Internet though an SSL-encrypted website.
Adding money is as easy as pressing register, entering one's ID number and password and then
walking into any 7-Eleven to add money. From then on, the money in the account can be used to
pay mobile top-ups in TrueMove or pay any True group bill without any fees. Other fees outside
the True conglomerate are charged at between 5 to 15 baht. Processing a payment costs one SMS.
Aside from the connected normal Sim, TrueMoney and TrueMove offer the Touch Sim. This is a
MiFare (wireless) based smartcard integrated with a Sim Toolkit menu to offer more features and
control than a contactless smartcard.
Auntie Anne's and Mr Donut now accept True TouchSim near-field payments but it is still a
chicken-and-egg problem until more vendors accept it. Universities are one promising area, with
Bangkok University now requiring a True Touch Sim for everything on campus, including class
attendance. True helps and provides attendance reports for the teachers.
A lot of interest has also been from the Academy Fantasia TV talent show voting. One voter
loaded up his Touch Sim with lots of money and touched his phone on the voting console 30,000
times to buy 30,000 votes.
Online shopping is another major focus for TrueMoney.
"Two years ago, the market was estimated at 60 billion baht. Last year, it was 80 billion and this
year it is expected to make up about 100 billion. However, online payments only account for 20
percent. Eighty percent of purchases are still completed by the bank transfer and fax the payment
slip model," he said.
Piyachart cited a Nectec survey that said most people are still scared of using a credit card online.
This is where he hopes TrueMoney can play a major role. A buyer can make a purchase, load up
an account and transfer the money immediately. If afterwards the account is compromised,
unlike a credit card account, it poses no risk as it will not have any money lying in it.
TrueMoney partners with WeLoveShopping to provide escrow and reputation services. The
money will be held in escrow until a received-safely notification is received from the buyer, or
for 15 days. If there is a dispute, the money will be frozen.
Admittedly, the vast majority of TrueMoney's transactions are for topping up its TrueMove
phone service. Second is for payments for online gaming, which already exceeds one billion baht
a year, and third is the bill payment market. He said that the number for games is just for the
game fees, not for electronic content within the games, which is separate.
TrueMoney is also launching a pilot TrueMoney Machine at Siam Square's Digital Gateway and
at Fortune IT Mall. This fully automated machine can take cash and scan barcodes for bill
payments, as well as link to all TrueMoney services without requiring staff. Piyachart said he got
the idea from the security guard at his office who complained to him that it would be nice to be
able to top up his phone with 10 baht credit a day instead of a big 50 baht credit. The machine
can do that and more (and please the security guard at True Tower).
True Money has the most flexible class of licence from the Bank of Thailand - an e-Money
licence for electronic money in any form (card or in a phone system). The BoT offers licenses for
use in a specific group (such as a food court), under licence (where receipts can be issued on
behalf of a third party) and the top class is without restrictions. He said that essentially, the only
things that the BoT does not allow TrueMoney to do that banks can do are loans, interest paying
accounts and foreign remittances.
Last year, True Money's total transaction volume was 28 billion baht.
Payments at point of payments have slowed down a little bit as of late and e-payments have
increased. The recent protests have seen an increase as people go online to pay their bills, having
to balance the extra costs of the bill payment fees against personal safety.
Piyachart hopes to upgrade 500 to 600 CP Freshmart mini-supermarket to provide a TrueMoney
Express point.
Another venue is for agents to provide easier electronic top-ups via the phone in remote rural
Today, when rural people top up, they often have to buy pre-paid top-up cards at higher-than
face value. Fifty baht top-ups often retail for as much as 55 baht. By simplifying the top-up
process so that handsets can be used as terminals, topping up will be made easier for all. Today
they can pay 10 baht and get a 10 baht top-up and this creates more jobs too.
Piyachart says that the CP group may have over 10,000 branches of its own, but that is not
enough to provide the level of service he wants. He wants to make that number tens of thousands
this year. He mentioned a revenue share figure of 10 percent for his agents, which he said was
"very generous".
True Money has around 6.5 to 7 million users. He wishes to get them to use the service more
rather than increasing the number of users.
Remittance is not a big market in Thailand. Unlike other countries such as the Philippines or
Kenya, banks are everywhere and most people have bank accounts.
"We talked to the GSM Association about this. In Kenya, they do not have the financial
infrastructure and remittances are sent to relatives upcountry via trusted bus drivers. Now Kenya
has implemented mobile transfers, which are more reliable and charges less," he said.
Asked about how he sees TrueMoney competing with the big players such as Paypal, iTunes,
Google Checkout or Nokia's Ovi Pay, he said that TrueMoney will win through localisation.
All the others require a credit card account and often in US dollars. Many people might want to
buy a 99c (32 baht) iTunes song but cannot. Piyachart himself has an iPad but cannot buy apps
for it with his Thai-issued credit card as it says the iPad has not been officially launched in the
"I am talking with Apple. Paypal has talked to me, but nothing has been finalised yet," he said.
Finally, the General Manager of True Money said that he would like the Bank of Thailand to be
more active in this area by offering a seal of approval to engender trust in the system.
Today, TrueMoney uses its own logo as a seal of approval to inspect verified websites and ecommerce partners, but without something international or from government, many people are
still afraid of spending money online.
ICT 2020 initiative to be drafted by end of year
Working group to hold public hearings
Bangkok Post
Published on July 14, 2010
ICT for public service, one of the seven strategies of the National ICT policy framework 20112020 (ICT 2020), has been addressed with the target to transform e-government to i-government
by 2020.
Nectec deputy executive director, Chadamas Thuvasethakul
The ICT 2020 policy framework is now en route for drafting by the ICT Ministry and the
National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec).
I-government embraces intelligence, integration and inclusion, according to the joint-working
committee of the ICT Ministry and Nectec.
The goals of i-government are to improve the quality of life of Thai people under good
governance and make Thai businesses competitive in the world with widespread public service
facilitation by 2020. Meanwhile, the electronics industry of the public sector will become more
environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient.
Chadamas Thuvasethakul, Nectec's deputy executive director, said that the aim of ICT 2020 is to
have the i-government of Thailand placed in the top 20 percent based on the ranking by the
United Nations.
I-government is effectively based on the principles of open government, and satisfaction of the
people and business sector with e-service higher than 90 percent, along with increasing the
quantity of electronic transactions of the public sector.
Chadamas noted that the key principle of i-government is to have open government - a
government that must be transparent, responsive and with information accessible to the public. It
must be open for public participation and collaborate with every party. Also, the government
must comply with i-government that supports social networking technology.
According to the draft, the strategies of the smart government 2020 are to have a neutral
organisation responsible for i-government policy development; promote the service innovation
based on the open government approach by utilising Web 2.0 technology, social networking and
service science; promote software designs that are reusable, especially Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA); promote the universal design of ICT that serves every group of people,
including people with disabilities; set up the government CIO council; develop the human
resources of the public sector in line with the trend of technology and develop research in service
The government's CIO council will coordinate and undertake integration between the
organisations, in which the council partakes in considering the ICT budget allocation of the
public sector.
Recently, the working team held a brainstorming session on the draft for ICT for smart
government 2020 as part of the ICT 2020 policy framework.
Pravit Chattalada, the Association of Thai ICT Industry (ATCI) executive director, suggested
that the visions of ICT 2020 should be stronger because Thailand must be transformed one way
or another over the next 10 years.
The problem for Thailand is the effectiveness of the operation because of political intervention
and inefficient management. "How to have the ICT plan that is unhindered by the politicians is a
key concern," he said.
Pravit said that e-government so far has not been successful because there are too many
organisations without integration, inter-operability and fixed standards and which are not be
"The ICT Ministry must take collaboration seriously," he said, adding that it must have the CIOs
at the government level who have the right to drive the effort.
Jantima Sirisaengtaksin, principal advisor on information and communication technology at the
Revenue Department, pointed out that each public organisation must take one step back and not
think that they own the data. The data used by the various organisations should be shared and it
should have a neutral body to take care of it.
Microsoft (Thailand) National Technology director, Prasopchoke Pramongkit, pointed out that
the plan should look ahead to the year 2030 because the infrastructure constructed today must
also be usable in the year 2030. "Thailand has to buy technology from abroad, as we are not
inventors," he said, adding that the point is how to make Thai people smarter and gain more
Apart from smart government, Prasopchoke noted that it should have a smart grid and smart
metering to control whatever is happening. Smart cards should have more applications than this.
"If we look at Japan, their ICT responds to all that the Japanese people want," he said.
According to Phairash Thajchayapong, National Science and Technology Development Agency
(NSTDA) chairman of the board, the e-government of Thailand needs to be monitored. The egovernment readiness index of Thailand has been dropping year by year because e-government
did not coincide with the requirements of the people and there is no organisation to oversee it.
Strategies and measures are crucial, but there should be a body to carry them out. "We cannot
only rely on the government budget," he said.
Bongchan Kanchasasat, the ICT Ministry's director of policy and strategic planning, said that the
organisation to carry out e-government is probably the one that the ICT Minister Chuti Krairiksh
recently announced to set up as the public organisation, the e-government office.
After the brainstorming, the working group will hold a public hearing and then submit the
findings to the National IT Committee (NITC) in order to make proposals to the cabinet. It's
expected that the ICT 2020 draft will be completed by the end of this year.
DLT offers RFID technology
Program provided on a voluntary basis
Bangkok Post
Published on July 28, 2010
The Department of Land Transport (DLT) has applied Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
technology offered as an option of the new system of annual tax payment badge and it's expected
that the number of lost vehicle will decline.
According to DLT director-general Chairat Sanguansue, the department has offered the smart
RFID technology as an option on the annual tax payment badge to pave the way for connecting
vehicle data with other organisations.
"The RFID program is not compulsory, but the department will provide it to the public on a
voluntary basis. The vehicle owners are required to pay an additional 120 baht for tax if they
prefer to have the annual tax payment badge with the RFID system," he said.
The RFID system comprises two parts: the smart tag which is the RFID chip to attach on the
front mirror of the vehicle, and the smart pass which is the RFID chip to attach to the front light
of the vehicle.
The RFID system will function once the reader transceiver the data from the tag via radio
frequency and sends the data to the computer centre. The data will then decode the vehicle's tax
mark which is attached on the vehicle's mirror.
The director-general noted that the department is now connecting the data system with the Royal
Thai Police and in the future it will be linked with other organisations such as the Department of
Corrections so that there will be data of criminal records and drivers' records.
The smart RFID will be officially provided to the public on August 11, and the department will
offer the service free of charge from August 11-30.
Chairat said that the DLT did not spend the budget for the project, but it was invested by the
private sector company, Kolakorn Co, Ltd.
The company plans to install at least 450 chip readers in the first phase, within September 2011,
which will cover the main roads including state highways, provincial highways and the
expressway and will then expand into the districts, tambons and villages if the requirement is
complete to 100 percent.
The director-general added that car-leasing companies and insurance firms will benefit from the
project. "We expect that there will be some 15-20 percent of the total number of vehicles and all
of the new cars to apply for the RFID tag because more than 90 percent of new cars are paid for
by credit payment and this new kind of technology is very helpful to the financial institutes as
they just pay 120 baht, but get better security in pursuing the vehicles," he said.
According to Somapa Information Technology managing director, Namchoke Somapa, as the
RFID project's system developer, the RFID reader can function at a distance of 200 km per hour.
With a capability to contain some 60 letters, the smart tag encompasses the vehicle's data
including the colour, brand, plate number, machine number and the expired date of tax.
This project is going to create the logistics standard of the country, he said, noting that this
project has been developed with open standard technology in order to have other organisations
integrate with the system in the future.
Apart from the leasing companies and insurance firms, Namchoke said the organisations
associated with transportation can more systematically manage the traffic, the security agencies
will be able to examine the vehicle use in cases of crime, while those involved with the logistics
can precisely check the transportation procedure.
Namchoke noted that the project targets to have some 1-2 million cars, in the mass transport
group, to apply the RFID system. "We would like to have a collaboration of the public and
private sectors on this project and acknowledge that this technology will help the country to do
better planning on logistics," he said.
The insurance companies will be the first target of the project and then it will expand the benefits
to other groups including individuals and real estate developers as they can apply the RFID tag
instead of the authorised passing card.
The smart RFID project can be applied for a variety of purposes including smart parking, access
control, authorised access, electronic-claim, e-toll collection, tracking, real-time traffic
monitoring and vehicle identification
September 3G auction confirmed
Bangkok Post
Published on July 31, 2010
The long-delayed auction for 3G mobile broadband licences is scheduled for Sept 22-28,
according to an official announcement published late Thursday in the Royal Gazette.
Bidders must submit proposals to the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) by Aug
30 for screening. Those that pass will be invited to take part in the auctions.
Col Natee Sukonrat, an NTC member, acknowledged that the process could be disrupted if
opponents seek a court order to put it on hold.
Attempts to bring 3G services to Thailand have been held up for nearly five years because of
frequent changes in government and also because of questions about the NTC's legal authority to
award licences.
The NTC aims to award three licences with a starting bid price of 12.8 billion baht each.
The regulator will use a so-called N-1 approach, meaning that if there are no more than three
bidders, the number of licences would be equal to the number of bidders minus one. It says this
approach will ensure higher competition and potentially raise prices.
Questions remain, however, about the NTC's legal authority, since the law to create a new superregulator, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), has not
received final approval.
As a result, a director of TOT Plc warned earlier, the Radio Frequency Allocation Act 2000 and
the Telecom Business Law remain in force and limit what the NTC can do.
The first act separates telecoms under the NTC and broadcasting under the National
Broadcasting Commission (NBC). However, years of repeated attempts to create the NBC
collapsed amid political wrangling.
The Telecom Business Law was an organic law under the 1997 Constitution but it was later
rescinded under the 2007 Constitution, which calls for the formation of the NBTC.
Consequently, the TOT executive said, any activity that the Frequency Allocation Act defines as
the joint responsibility of the NTC and the non-existent NBC cannot be undertaken by the NTC
He warned that if the NTC awarded 3G licences under existing rules, private mobile operators
such as AIS, DTAC and True Move could establish new companies to bid for licences. They
would then migrate their customers to new 3G networks so that they would no longer have to
pay concession fees, which would severely hurt TOT and its state sibling, CAT Telecom.
Advanced Info Service, the country's largest operator, is already preparing to jump onto the 3G
mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) bandwagon in partnership with TOT, with a planned
commercial launch by September.
The strategic move is intended to reduce the risk of further delays in 3G services due to existing
legal wrangles, said CEO Wichian Mektrakarn.
Currently, five MVNO companies provide 3G services under contracts with TOT. The state
enterprise has only 548 3G base stations in Bangkok, with a capacity to serve 500,000 numbers.
Mr Wichian said AIS, through a new wholly owned subsidiary Advanced Mobile Broadband,
plans to initially spend 5 million baht on setting up its MVNO service within 60 days.
The company has also set up a wholly owned subsidiary, Mimo Technology Co, to handle the
3G content business and mobile software platforms. Another new subsidiary, Advanced Wireless
Network, will bid for a 3G licence and operate the service.
Mr Wichian said AIS was in talks with TOT on a quota of MVNO numbers and tariff costs.
Details including co-marketing plans, the number of customers and amount of data roaming, and
service conditions would be settled next month.
"Given our nationwide distribution networks and after-sales service outlets, backup systems and
possible roaming network agreement with TOT in the future, we have several advantages over
the other MVNO companies," he said.
2010 August Report
ICT cited as key to stronger, more unified Thailand
Kingdom sets out seven-step vision
Bangkok Post
Published on August 11, 2010
Thailand has defined its vision to increase and improve its use of ICT to help develop a stronger economy
as well as boost social equality and environmental friendliness by 2020, as part of the Smart Thailand
Speaking at a public hearing hosted by Ministry of Information and Communication Technology,
Chadamas Thuvasethakul, Nectec's deputy executive director , said ICT can be used to strengthen the
kingdom's economy and reduce the social gap by boosting the public's knowledge and the quantity of
smart human capital through increasing the availability of high-speed Internet.
There are seven strategies of development to drive this vision, starting with building a next-generation
infrastructure to allow equal access to high-speed Internet, with a target to reach 80 percent of the
population by 2015, up from 3.4 percent today.
The second strategy is to build a more advanced ICT professional workforce and increase hiring so that
the field represents at least three percent of the country's overall workforce, up from 1.09 percent today.
The kingdom will build more highly skilled professionals and new skill capabilities, especially in
multidisciplines that are necessary for creativity and innovation in ICT services.
The third approach is to build the ICT industry to become more competitive at Asean level and uplift
Thailand's ICT benchmarking industry competitiveness.
Furthermore, the use of domestic products will be encouraged, especially in software, ICT services and
digital content.
'Smart Government' is the fourth strategy, providing intelligent and integrated services open to all
Currently e-Government services are still not yet widely used or accessible to citizens, causing Thailand's
rank in the e-Government index to slip from 64 in 2008 down to 76, from a total of 183 countries, in 2010.
Software Park Thailand board chairman Manoo Oradeedolchest said the government should adopt social
networking as a tool to reach their citizens and encourage them to become e-Participants, and as a tool to
recruit a talented workforce.
"Free trade and investment liberisation represents an opportunity to recruit talented people, but it is also a
challenge to retain existing talent," he explained.
"The government should be aware of this and leverage use of social media to reach global specialised
talent and the young generation."
Chadamas continued that using ICT to build a stronger economy is the fifth strategy, which can be
achieved by enabling the use of ICT in agriculture and encouraging the use of wireless sensors with
embedded systems and creating innovation in the service industry.
The use of ICT to encourage social equality is the sixth strategy, with the aim that all citizens should gain
greater IT literacy through improved access to and utilisation of telecommunications and information
Using ICT to sustain environmentally friendly practices is the final strategy, with research and
development of green ICT to be encouraged alongside the use of an intelligent transportation system and
Smart Grid.
Moreover, Chadamas plans to propose some pilot projects for key initiatives such as Smart Grid, Green
Data Center, e-Waste and the second phase of the Intelligent Transportation System.
"The success of this vision will depend on a strong political and a strong leadership and governance
structure, together with an effective coordinating mechanism across ministries," she said.
A representative from the Royal Thai Police said the draft should promote the use of domestic security
ICT, such as CCTV, to reduce costs from imported technologies and open opportunities for domestic
"Currently, any incident related to domestic security affairs needs CCTV footage as evidence," said the
police source.
"It is estimated that 10 million CCTV cameras are needed to cover all critical areas."
Meanwhile, a representative from the Royal Thai Navy said the draft concentrates only on cyber security,
but it should consider using ICT more to strengthen national security issues such as protecting the country
and tackling cyber crime.
Methini Thepmani, executive director, Policy and Strategy Bureau, Ministry of Information and
Communication Technology, said the draft will be proposed to the National Information Technology
Commission (NITC), of which Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is the chairman, and submit to cabinet a
solution by next month.
Currently, there are discussions to establish a sub committee with the Labour Ministry to endorse national
IT professional certification for project managers, system analysts and security experts.
How ICT will change Thailand
The Nation
Published on August 12, 2010
Plans drawn for decade-long development strategy
Public hearings are under way in Bangkok and elsewhere in Thailand to consider a draft framework for
national policy on information and communications technology covering the next decade.
The draft framework, called ICT 2020, has been developed by the Information and Communications
Technology Ministry and the National Electronic and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec). It aims to
establish the directions in which information and communications technologies (ICT) will develop in
Thailand from 2011 to 2020. It has the concept and goal "Smart Government 2020".
The draft is expected to be submitted to the National Information and Communications Technology
Committee by the end of this month, following the end of public hearings, and later to be forwarded to the
Cabinet for approval.
Nectec's deputy executive director Chadamas Thuvasethakul said the framework set out to create
strategies that would ensure the continued development of ICT to support and enhance the quality of life
for all Thai people. It will also create opportunities for Thai people to access knowledge and information
via broadband access by ensuring "last mile" [remote rural] access around the country.
The current public hearings both invite public opinions on the draft and promote awareness of ICT 2020,
which will come into effect next year. The hearings are expected to be complete by the end of this month.
After Cabinet approval, work is expected to begin in October on developing ICT plans for government
agencies, according to the provisions of ICT 2020.
The draft framework consists of seven strategies:
1. Providing and developing ICT and broadband infrastructure to allow access to information via
broadband Internet for about 95 per cent of Thailand's population by 2020. This will include "last mile"
access to remote areas. While about 50 per cent of students in the country currently have computers and
can access information from their homes, this will increase to 75 per cent by 2020. Aspects of this
strategy also aim to reduce by at least 25 per cent the importing of telecommunications peripherals from
international suppliers.
2. Developing ICT human capital and general IT literacy. The draft focuses on three areas: ICT
professionals, ICT-competent workers or the general workforce and individual ICT users. The latter aims
to reduce the problem of the "digital divide", with the hope that by 2020 at least 75 per cent of Thai
people will benefit from IT literacy with ability to access information. At present, only half of the Thai
people realise the important role ICT has in the economy, social development and environment issues.
The workforce-related goal is to produce people with a capacity for productivity and international
standards. ICT experts will be developed to support both the domestic and international markets.
This strategy also encourages the government to spend much more on research and development, which
will help to improve Thailand's competitiveness.
3. Enhancing and creating competitiveness for Thailand's ICT industry. The overall aim is to increase the
industry's value to the economy by bringing revenue into the country and supporting the Asean
community after 2015. The strategy aims for a domestic ICT industry that represents at least 6.5 per cent
of gross domestic product by 2015, increasing to 7 per cent by 2020. It also aims for exports of ICT
products, digital content and services with a compound annual growth rate of at least 10 per cent.
4. Developing ICT for good governance and smart government. The draft foresees government agencies
being able to provide information, knowledge and communication. This "intelligent government" will
feature integration, open government data and e-participation, and government e-services portals will
provide services to all Thai people with equal quality.
5. Developing and applying ICT in order to lift the productivity of manufacturing and agricultural
industries. This strategy will promote smart services and smart agricultural practices that are expected to
increase national productivity and reduce logistics costs.
6. Developing ICT for "life-long learning". This strategy will promote the development of low-cost ICT
devices for Thai people by local researchers and developers. It will also encourage people to access
knowledge online as a form of life-long learning and promote ICT use by all Thai people.
7. Developing ICT for a green economy and society. This strategy will support moves towards the
development of green cities and promote the use of ICT to support a green environment.
Chadamas said public hearings in Bangkok and upcountry were gathering information and directions
from the public that would help ICT 2020 to enhance Thailand's ICT productivity in the future.
Some people have suggested at the public hearings that the ICT 2020 draft should also cover national
security, privacy, network security and the arrival of next-generation networks, in order that these issues,
as they may affect Thai people, can be addressed, she said.
Ministry sets up ICT security committee
The Nation,
Published on August 17, 2010
Concerns grows as careless Internet use escalates
In an attempt to tackle online fraud and prepare for "cyber warfare", the Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) Ministry has set up a high-level committee to oversee cyber security in Thailand and
initiate moves to combat online crime.
Called the ICT Security Committee, the new body has been assigned to oversee five key security-related
areas: the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), critical infrastructure, information warfare,
public security and public awareness of the need for cyber security.
The move follows the recent establishment of similar organisations in the United States and the United
Kingdom, following fears of what is now called "cyber warfare" - action taken by one country to
penetrate the computers or networks of another country in order to cause damage or disruption.
Thailand's new ICT Security Committee consists of 18 experts on information security from both private
and government organisations. The ICT Ministry's permanent secretary is its president.
Rom Hiranpruk, an adviser to the ICT Minister, is also an adviser to the new committee. He said the
committee's five areas of responsibility were settled at its first meeting.
The establishment of the committee demonstrates the ICT Ministry's growing concern for Thailand's
cyber and information-technology security. Its formation is intended to pave the way for the eventual
establishment of a National Cyber Security Agency, he said.
"In the past, these kinds of jobs have been separated into several departments of the ICT Ministry. This is
the first time that all the tasks related to cyber security have been gathered into one place and the experts
allowed to work together," Rom said.
He said the committee was a first step towards to the formation of a National Cyber Security Agency.
However, creating such an agency will require cooperation from several other ministries. The ICT
Ministry plans to submit a proposal to the Cabinet some time in the future for the formation of a national
agency, after the newly-created Cyber Security Committee has been operating for a while and has
produced tangible results.
"Upgrading the committee to become a National Cyber Security Agency would supposedly be the
responsibility of the National Information and Communication Technology Committee, whose president
is the prime minister, in order to effectively execute the plan and the agency's mission," Rom said.
He said the government and the ICT Ministry were concerned about cyber security because it was a part
of national security.
However, the government has allowed a serious gap to develop between the adoption of ICT and
awareness of the need for security in its use. The rapid growth in popularity of social-networking sites and
the increase of Internet usage in both work and daily life is expected to result in escalating cases of online
ACIS Professional Centre president and founder Prinya Hom-anek, who is a cyber security expert, is a
member of the new committee. He said the priority for the government was to increase public awareness
of cyber or ICT security, rather than continuing to promote the use and adoption of technology without
warning users about the dangers that came with it.
"The government should regulate for ICT security, to help prevent fraud. It should also develop
guidelines, or a manual, for people who are spending time online, explaining the things they should be
concerned about, and where they should be careful. This would be better than letting people enjoy the
Internet and the cyber world without awareness of the need for security," Prinya said.
He said the top five trends in cyber-security threats this year were vulnerabilities of Web 2.0; mobile
Malware; next-generation hacking (on behalf of criminals); insider threats and organised crime; and
insecure infrastructure and the pressures that brought to the growing business of outsourcing.
Security company Symantec has forecast that attacks against individual reputations will be a key security
issue this year, and says the need for protection is becoming imperative. Social networks have been
involved in very high-profile attacks.
Meanwhile, PTT's ICT solutions chief security officer Chaiyakorn Apiwathanokul said that online threats
were rising along with rapid increases in use of the Internet, ICT and mobile phones.
The government has been quite successful in encouraging both individuals and businesses to enhance
their operations and life by using technology and the Internet, he said. But a lot of people who are now
using these technologies are not concerned about, or not aware of, the security issues. They lack
knowledge about cyber security and online threats. The gap between Internet use and this knowledge is
getting bigger, and it is the duty of the government to take action and protect people and the country from
new forms of cyber attack.
"The danger is that more people are using technology and the Internet without concern for security. Their
online behaviour is leading them to be attacked by hackers. They are not aware, they do not have the
knowledge, and they do not have the technology tools such as Internet security software to protect
themselves at the first hand.
"These are urgent issues that the government must be concerned about. Cyber security must become a
part of the national agenda," Chaiyakorn said.
Changes at Software Park, Sipa
Bangkok Post
Published on August 18, 2010
Two Thailand software organisations have coincidentally shuffled their executives.
The Software Industry Promotion Agency (Sipa) board of directors resigned last week and their
resignations will be effective from Aug 20, while Software Park Thailand has selected Thanachart
Numnonda as its new director to replace Suwipa Wanasathop, who will be promoted to assistant president
of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (Nstda).
The appointment of Sipa vice president Wuttipong Pongsuwan as the president is one of the reasons why
the Sipa directors resigned. A source said the procedure of selecting a new president has been going on
for several months, but it's obvious that no contract has been signed between the board and the new
president, as the board pointed out that negotiations about the key performance indicator (KPI) and salary
has yet to be finalised.
The board, which was appointed by former ICT minister, Ranongruk Suwunchwee, quit once the minister
was changed.
Sipa chairman Jeerasak Pongpisnupichit told Database that it was the right time to resign as the board has
fulfilled all the jobs according to the process.
Asked about the appointment of Wuttipong as president of Sipa, the chairman said the board has not
ignored what have been said in the media. In June, the Bangkok Post reported that Wuttipong may have a
conflict of interest as he is the founder of a software company, Software Park Ltd, which his wife is
managing director of, and he had appointed the general manager of Software Park as the manager of
Sipa's Digital Media Asia (DMA) project.
"We have checked the information so that there will be no problem in the future, that's why we have spent
time on the president's appointment", Jeerasak said, noting that the board has carried out everything based
on principle and last week the board submitted documents concerning the Sipa president's appointment to
the ICT minister for approval.
If the document cannot be endorsed by the ICT minister by Aug 20, it will be the task of the new board of
directors, the chairman said.
The source said that the board will have a final meeting on Aug 19 to conclude the idea proposed for the
new board of directors. The present board suggested Dr Rom Hiranpruk as the chairman of the new board
of directors.
The source added that there are some critical issues including focusing more on upcountry areas to help
reduce overall costs.
Wuttipong said he knows nothing about the progress of his appointment, unless there is an announcement.
Anything can happen before Aug 20, he said.
Meanwhile, Software Park director Suwipa Wanasathop will work as the assistant president at Nstda in
October. Her role at Nstda covers marketing, training and developing technopreneurs as well as finding
sources of funding for Nstda and other government incentives to facilitate business, including Software
In this role, she will help bring science, technology and innovation to enable businesses to become more
Thanachart Numnonda will follow Suwipa at Software Park, becoming the third director of this
In the beginning, Rom Hiranpruk founded Software Park to build supply software houses while the
second director emphasised creating demand for software and marketing, setting CMMI standards as well
creating collaborative networks both domestically and regionally. The third director can leverage and
expand Software Park around the country to strengthen the industry.
Thanachart Numnonda said he will combine his skills in technology and business development in his new
role while his experience as the assistant dean at Khon Kaen University and six years at Sun
Microsystems will enable him to do his job more smoothly.
2010 September Report
Court upholds 3G auction freeze
Bangkok Post
Published: 23/09/2010
The Supreme Administrative Court on Thursday morning upheld the Central
Administrative Court's injunction ordering the National Telecommunications Commission
(NTC) put its 3G licence auction on hold, reports said.
“The NTC must put on hold the 3G licence auction until this court case is over or the
court’s order is otherwise changed,” the judge of the Supreme Administrative Court said.
Originally, the 3G licence auction was scheduled for Monday this week.
The lower Administative Court issued a temporary injunction freezing the auction, after
CAT Telecom submitted the NTC does not have the authority to sell the licences.
The NTC appealed. The Supreme Administrative Court today upheld the order
suspending the bidding.
Telecoms master plan unveiled by Juti
Bangkok Post
Published: 30/09/2010
The government has told the two state telecom enterprises and private operators to get
behind a national low-cost broadband project instead of worrying about when or if 3G
licences will become a reality.
The goal should be to make broadband internet available for as little as 150 to 200 baht
a month to as many people as possible in all parts of the country, said Juti Krairiksh,
the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) minister.
Mr Juti made his pitch yesterday at a press conference attended by the heads of TOT
Plc and CAT Telecom, saying all parties involved in planning for 3G should now shift
their focus to a single broadband network.
He said third-generation wireless services were only part of the national broadband
project to expand high-speed internet services nationwide.
"We're pushing for this policy as we don't want to get stuck with the 3G thing [that
didn't happen]," said Mr Juti, referring to the court-ordered suspension of a 3G licence
auction pending clarification of regulatory authority.
The ministry envisions combining the telecom networks of the three state electricity
enterprises, TOT and CAT and the top three private mobile operators into a single
network national telecom highway.
The goal is to expand broadband network coverage to 80% of population by 2015 and
95% in 2020. Monthly fees should be no more than 2% of people's incomes or around
150-200 baht, compared with the current service fees of 599 baht a month or 6%.
Mr Juti said his ministry was drafting a master plan to propose to a broadband
committee headed by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva before submitting it to the cabinet
for approval.
To support the broadband project, Mr Juti said the two state telecom enterprises would
push their 13-billion-baht next generation network (NGN) project, submarine cable
infrastructure, and a 6-billion-baht fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) network expansion to
accommodate multimedia data usage.
TOT president Varut Suvakorn said TOT planned to introduce NGN services in 100 areas
in Trang, Nakhon Si Thammarat and Phitsanulok provinces as a pilot project. Speeds
would be 2 megabits per second at 200 baht a month, he said.
CAT president Jirayuth Roongsrithong said CAT was preparing to expand its broadband
capacity by 20% in industrial zones in eastern and western provinces. It is also
increasing the number of its WiFi locations to 35,000 nationwide.
He said the broadband project was part of Thailand's ICT master plan II to develop the
industry, covering broadband, conversion of mobile-phone concessions and wireless
communications industry development.
The ministry will present a draft national broadband policy to the cabinet in October.
It is proposing to extend broadband coverage across the nation within two years via the
services of TOT and CAT, he said.
TOT: 3G by April 2011
Bangkok Post
Published: 30/09/2010
State-run TOT Plc plans to provide 3G broadband services by April next year, TOT
managing director Warut Suwakorn said on Thursday.
"TOT is now procuring the network equipment and the setup is expected to be
complete within three months," Mr Warut said.
He said the service should be launched within six months, as set by the Information
and Communication Technology Ministry.
Krung Thai Bank had initially offered to provide financial consulting services to TOT,
while Kasikornbank had offered to provide loans to the state telecom enterprise.
TOT was also considering obtaining foreign loans from Standard Charter, Barclay and
Ericson State banks.
"A positive thing about getting foreigns loans is that they are low interest and the
payment period is seven years. However, the baht's value is always changing," Mr
Warut said.
The managing director said his company would welcome an alliance with Advance Info
Service (AIS) in the 3G project and take part in the marketing strategy as a virtual
network operator (VNO).
ICT Minister Juti Krairiksh said TOT's 3G project had immense benefits and the
procurement needed to be examined thoroughly while the auction must be open to all
"The first 3G base station must be operational before April next year," Mr Juti said.
He said the ministry wanted TOT to allow foreign firms that do not have offices in
Thailand to take part in the auction, so foreign investors can bring in their money to the
country immediately.
On CAT Telecom Plc's 7.5 billion baht plan for Hutchison CAT Wireless Multimedia Ltd,
Mr Juti said he had instructed CAT Telecom chief executive officer Jirayuth
Rungsrithong to hold talks with Hutchison and submit a proposal to the cabinet within
one month.
NTC presses state telecoms for 3G help
Bangkok Post
Published: 30/09/2010
The National Telecommunications Commission is pressing the two state telecom
enterprises to speed up work to allow the three private operators to offer commercial
3G services on their existing 2G networks.
NTC commissioner Col Natee Sukolrat said that TOT Plc and CAT Telecom had held 3G
wireless broadband licences since 2008 but they still did not allow private operators
under their concessions to provide 3G on their existing frequencies.
The private operators have had to rethink their business plans since the collapse of an
attempt by the NTC to auction 3G licences, which the courts said it lacked the
constitutional authority to do.
Meanwhile, the cabinet has approved a plan by TOT to develop its own nationwide 3G
network worth 19 billion baht, although TOT has admitted it will need to hire
consultants to advise it on how to run the business. TOT has had a mobile service for
years but it has only around 20,000 customers.
Col Natee said that so far the three operators had been allowed to upgrade only a few
base stations to use high-speed packet access (HSPA) technology that could
accommodate rudimentary 3G services.
Advanced Info Service has upgraded 130 of the 1,885 base stations for which it had
sought approval, DTAC only 54 out of 1,220, and True Move 180 out of the 656
He said the NTC wanted consumers to have access to some form of 3G services now
that its licensing plan has been stalled.
The 2G network upgrades for DTAC and True Move have been delayed because they
require approval by a government committee under Section 22 of the private-public
joint venture law, he said.
But for AIS, he said TOT could not allow the market leader to provide 3G service
because of limited spectrum resources. AIS operates mobile service on the 900 MHz
spectrum which cannot support heavy data traffic.
2010 October Report
TOT's 3G investment gets green light
Bangkok Post
October 2, 2010
The cabinet approved TOT Plc's 19.98 billion baht 3G investment submitted by the Information and
Communications Technology Ministry on Tuesday. However, Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij said the
ministry would not guarantee TOT's loan as it was a commercial investment decision, according to
various news reports.
Juti Kririksh has come under fire in recent weeks from the TOT Plc union for his claimed criticism of TOT
and the other state telecom operation, CAT Telecom. But this week he has added his support to TOT’s
own 3G proposal.
Meanwhile, other cabinet ministries queried ICT Minister Juti Kririksh on whether TOT's proposed
investment would trespass on the authority of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications
Commission (NBTC) which is now in the final stage of joint deliberations between the House of
Representatives and the Senate. Mr Juti replied that TOT had implemented the first phase 3G network in
Bangkok last year and received a 3G operating licence in 2002 under the 1900 Mhz frequency, according
to the reports.
Mr Juti said the second phase expansion would be implemented quickly and before the emergence of
NBTC as TOT would adopt a domestic bidding method instead of an international one. This would
shorten the time frame by at least 60 days, which meant TOT would be able to implement 3G
infrastructure faster than any other mobile company.
Even though TOT has been given the green light, it was instructed by the cabinet to submit an
organisation risk management plan due to the nature of the investment which may fail if there is intense
Mr Juti told the media TOT's 3G investment was timely in that the National Telecommunications
Commission's 3G licence auction on the 2100 MHz frequency was stopped by the Supreme
Administrative Court on Sept 23. So the TOT's investment would take advantage of the vacuum by
building and expanding 3G infrastructure in Bangkok and 12 provinces nearby to cover about 50% of
mobile users in six to nine months.
Mr Juti said the TOT's operational plan was to be a network operator by renting its network infrastructure
to private firms, the so-called MVNOs (mobile virtual network operators), to sell the services to their
respective clients. In the future, TOT Plc may have to establish a subsidiary to operate the 3G network to
increase its revenue as income from the existing network concessions would begin to decline over the
coming years.
"Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has long pushed for 3G in Thailand but the issue faces protracted
problems. Now that the cabinet has given the go-ahead, TOT can fill the void," Mr Juti said.
The TOT's 3G investment was originally proposed to the cabinet in 2008 with a price tag of about 29
billion baht. In November 2009, the cabinet instructed the TOT to reduce its investment to 19billion baht
to maintain and expand its 3G network in Bangkok and the surrounding provinces. The TOT resubmitted
its plan on Tuesday and received the green light.
Mr Juti said TOT's 3G infrastructure investment was part of the government's plan for a NGN (next
generation network) in which it would like to combine all existing network infrastructure, including cable
and satellites, that belongs to government units to work together and not duplicate network investments.
Meanwhile, Wichien Mektrakarn, CEO of Advanced Info Services, said AIS's subsidiaries, Advance
Mobile Data Ltd and Device Supply Ltd, were both granted five-year MVNO licences by the NTC two
months ago. One subsidiary is negotiating with the TOT to rent the 3G network to expand 3G services to
AIS clients throughout the country. This hinges on the TOT's willingness to accept more MVNOs in
addition to its existing five MVNOs: Samart I-Mobile, 365 Communications, Loxley, M Concept Asia and
IEC International.
"As is well-known, the NTC's 3G licence auction is stopped. Therefore, AIS has to find every means to
enable its clients to use 3G. I believe that if TOT accepts new MVNOs after the completion of its network
expansion, AIS should be eligible as AIS is a good business partner with TOT and AIS has a network
infrastructure throughout the country [that can accommodate TOT 3G clients to roam on the AIS 2G
network]," he said.
Sipa's new chairman and board of director
The Nation
October 5, 2010
The Cabinet has approved the new chairman and board of director of the Software Industry
Promotion Agency (Sipa) last week.
Supachai Tangwongsan former vice president for Infrastructures and Facilitations at Mahidol University is
the new Sipa's chairman.
The new seven members of Sipa's board of director are Pramot Pongthong, Ramade Silapapom,
Chalermpon Punnotok, Sanpat Sopon, Wiwat Wongwarawipat, Siwa Saengmanee, and Rungrat
The board had the first unofficially meeting last week (Sep 29). It is expected that the board will have the
first officially meeting sometime this week (Sep4-8). The first meeting will be discussion among board
members in order to come out the Sipa's director and policy guideline as well as the information about the
new Sipa's director.
They said that it is too early to unveil that what the priority for the new board but they will lead Sipa to
provide help, to collaborate with private sectors and even governmental sector in order to drive the
country's software industry to move forward with the sustain growth.
New director sees need for collaboration
The Nation
October 5, 2010
Park to lead industry through technology changes
The new director of Software Park Thailand, who stepped into the post on Friday, has revealed that the
park's future direction will place greater emphasis on collaboration through the "virtual park" model.
The new director, Thanachart Numnonda, sees a future social need for greater collaboration, while the
physical park gives rise to few concerns. Thus, under his direction, Software Park Thailand will focus on
helping the industry to prepare for technology infrastructure that is changing to the era of "Web as a
He said the park would work more with stakeholders in the industry in order to lead and guide them to
catch up with the latest technology trends, which were more complex and were rapidly changing and
This time is both a threat and an opportunity for local software companies, he said. As the whole
technology industry changes and moves towards Web as a platform, there is a need to change the
mindset of software developers; to make them understand the changes in order to create the right
software for the market.
"This is our role, to help the local software industry to be aware and to catch up with the dynamic changes
in technology. My boss is the industry. My job is to drive the industry towards fast and sustainable
growth," Thanachart said.
The park will execute its support through collaboration with others rather than doing it on its own. It will
also support the software industry through its policy, match funding, technology transfer and marketing
However, a reorganisation of Software Park Thailand's parent body, the National Science and
Technology Development Agency, is expected to lead to minor changes in the park's organisational
Some matters will remain among the park's main services, but others will be moved to be directly
overseen by the NSTDA's new assistant president Suwipa Wanasathop, who was Software Park
Thailand's former director. These matters will include incubation and marketing, as well as the "Go to
Markets Abroad" scheme.
"I will continue most of the projects of the park and will add more support on the side of technology
transfers, in order to make the industry aware of new technologies and to guide them towards the
technologies they should adopt without wasting time," Thanachart said.
He mentioned technology trends that will change the paradigm of software development, including cloud
computing, social networks and software-as-a-service. All of them fall under the umbrella of "Web as a
"Technologies today are totally changed and more complex, and software developers need to know and
understand these changes. They must know what technologies they have to focus on," Thanachart said.
With the Web-platform and social-network concept, the park will expand its support and services through
the "virtual park".
Thanachart said he would blend 15 years of knowledge and experience from working in universities, for
government agencies and the private sector to develop the best policies to support the software industry.
Thanachart gained a bachelor's degree in electronic engineering from Khon Kaen University and later
graduated with master's and doctoral degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from the University
of Auckland, in New Zealand.
Returning home in 1995, he worked at Khon Kaen University. He was first a lecturer, then deputy dean of
the university's Engineering Faculty and finally vice president of the university.
Moreover, he initiated the establishment of E-Saan Software Park, located at Khon Kaen University.
Meanwhile, he was also an adviser to Software Park Thailand.
In 2004 he left the university to work for Sun Microsystems (Thailand). His role was to oversee the
company's business development, and this allowed him to work closely with the local software industry for
six years.
"Working at Sun, I worked with all stakeholders in the industry, from hardware firms and software houses
to local system integrators, independent software vendors and international IT vendors. I can see through
and understand the whole ecosystem of the software industry," he said.
During this period, he also contributed to the industry by working as a board member of the Association of
Thai ICT Industry, as well as being a judge for many software development contests, both national and
local, including the Thailand ICT Awards, national software content, the DTAC Dot Awards and the
Samart Innovation Awards.
He also established the "master of java technology" certification course at Khon Kaen University five
years ago and lectured to six generations of students.
Hutch stall prompts CAT rethink on mobile and 3G strategy
Bangkok Post
October 6, 2010
CAT Telecom is considering a U-turn in its mobile strategy, focusing on upgrading its own network to
provide fast 3G service, because its attempt to take over the Hutch network, in which it is a partner, has
been stalled.
The state telecom enterprise now wants to invest as much as 3.2 billion baht to upgrade the CDMA
mobile network it operates in 51 provinces to high-speed downlink packet access technology, said a CAT
board member who asked not to be named.
CAT would use roaming service with other operators for areas in which it had no network infrastructure,
he added.
CAT has been proposing for more than two years to buy the Hutch network in 25 provinces in the Central
region for 7.5 billion baht.
But ICT Minister Juti Kririksh and the State Enterprise Policy Office oppose the plan, saying the network is
worth only 4 billion baht.
Mr Juti has given CAT one month to negotiate with Hong Kong-based Hutchison to bring the price down
before seeking cabinet approval.
"It is an acknowledged fact that the Hutch takeover deal can't be settled, as it depends on Hutch whether
to accept the offer or not," said the director.
The alternative upgrade plan is seen as more reliable and easier to manage in terms of CAT's business
development strategy. It would also speed up 3G technology development to take advantage of the
vacuum created by the delay in 3G licence auctions.
"If CAT can move ahead with the HSPA upgrade to 14 Mbps speed, it will mark a major technology
change with an affordable budget," he said.
CAT could immediately provide commercial 3G services on its existing 850 MHz frequency in the 51
provinces served by the network it owns. But it would be able to provide only HSPA trial services on the
Hutch system in the 25 Central provinces on the 5 MHz of bandwidth available.
For those areas without CAT CDMA coverage, he said the agency would use a roaming approach with
the three major mobile operators - AIS, DTAC and True Move.
"If our upgrade plan could get an approval, we could start providing 3G service faster than TOT based on
the fact that CAT already has 1,600 base stations," he said, adding that CAT would also become a
network provider.
The cabinet had agreed with the 7.5-billion-baht Hutch takeover deal in late April. But no contract has
been signed as the Office of the Attorney-General has not completed the draft.
CAT president Jirayuth Rungsrithong says he still supports the takeover plan as it would immediately add
the 700,000 Hutch subscribers to the CAT network and generate 4 billion baht in revenue per year,
compared with 800 million baht a year CAT earns from a revenue-sharing deal for Hutch.
He also said the planned purchase would be a better investment than TOT's 19.9-billion-baht 3G
nationwide expansion project, which would be starting from scratch with no customers.
In a related development, Wichian Mektrakarn, the chief executive of AIS, said the mobile market leader
was prepared to become a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) for both TOT and CAT to provide 3G
service in a complementary approach to its existing 2G services.
But he said AIS would prefer a joint-venture partnership with its concession provider TOT for mutual
business development.Suroj Lamsam, senior executive vice-president of Loxley Plc, said his company
also wanted to be an MVNO for CAT in order to maximise the utilisation of its facilities.
Loxley is already an MVNO for 3G services on behalf of TOT.
2010 November Report
broadband policy approved
The Nation
Published on November 10, 2010
The Cabinet yesterday approved the investment of Bt20 billion by TOT and CAT Telecom on a
nationwide broadband network rollout over five years.
The network is expected to cover at least 80 per cent of the population by 2015 and at least 95 per cent
by 2020.
Information and Communications Technology Minister Chuti Krairiksh said his ministry’s national
broadband policy also includes linking up 30,000 schools and 15,000 tambon-level hospitals to the
Internet highway by 2015.
Another target is to deploy a fibre-optic broadband network with a connection speed of at least 100
megabits per second in major economic provinces by 2020.
Chuti will meet with TOT and CAT next week to discuss the policy. Both will sign an agreement soon on
avoiding overlapping fibre-optic broadband services in Bangkok.
Thailand still has less than 10 million broadband Internet users, due to limited telecom and Internet
infrastructure and high service fees compared to neighbouring countries.
The national broadband policy calls for an average monthly broadband fee of not more than 2 per cent of
per capita income in 2015 and not more than 1 per cent in 2020, down from 6 per cent in 2008.
The government wants broadband service to be used, just like other public utilities, which are available
nationwide at a fair price. This would bridge the digital divide and improve the quality of life for most
people as well as strengthen the country’s competitiveness.
The state will focus on facility expansion, which will be accessible to all telecom operators on a nondiscriminatory basis, and will not monopolise the service. It will promote the creation of more wireless and
fixed-line telecom operators, content providers and e-commerce channels.
Chuti attended the Eighth Apec Telecommunications and Industry Ministers Meeting, or TELMIN 8, in
Japan from October 30-31, where the 2010-15 Strategic Action Plan was approved.
The action plan aims to develop ICT policy and regulatory frameworks to facilitate free and open trade
arrangement within the Apec region and provide capacity-building for Apec policymakers and regulators
to promote competition and transparency in areas such as interconnection and international mobile
roaming markets.
Frequency allocation bill receives Senate nod
Published: 16/11/2010
Bangkok Post
The Senate has passed the national radio frequency allocation bill, setting in motion the establishment of
a body to regulate the broadcasting and telecom sectors.
Eighty-two senators voted in favour of the bill yesterday with four opposing it. The bill, which had been
vetted by a joint parliamentary panel, cleared the House of Representatives last week.
The bill is based largely on the lower house's version of the draft, with some minor changes. It prohibits
any banned politicians from being members of the regulatory body and allows CAT Telecom and TOT Plc
to transfer their concession revenue to the state within three years.
The selection process for the members of the National Broadcasting and Telecom Commission must be
completed within 180 days of the bill being published in the Royal Gazette.
The Senate will select the 11 commissioners.
The NBTC will comprise two telecom specialists, two legal experts, two economists, and one member
each from the radio business, television business, a telecom-oriented consumer protection organisation,
a broadcasting-oriented consumer protection organisation, and an education, cultural or social affairs
The bill provides for there to be two parallel processes to select the candidates for the Senate to endorse.
The first track allows for concerned educational institutes, organisations and non-governmental
organisations to nominate their own candidates _ two from each agency. These people will propose 22
final candidates from among themselves.
The other track calls for a 15-member selection committee to be formed to select the 22 candidates. The
panel will be made up of senior state officials and representatives from non-profit organisations and
professional associations.
The two lists, comprising 44 candidates, will then be submitted to the Senate, which is required to cast a
secret vote for the 11 finalists. The upper house must make its choice within 60 days of receiving the lists.
The NBTC's first job will be to draft a master plan on the management of national radio frequencies. It will
also be in charge of issuing new licences for the use of telecom and broadcasting frequencies, leading to
the long-overdue issuing of 3G mobile phone licences in Thailand.
TOT wins backing for 3G launch
Published: 16/11/2010
Bangkok Post
TOT's 19.98-billion baht nationwide 3G network project, fully backed by the government, is progressing
smoothly with the latest assurance from the Information and Communications Technology Minister Juthi
Krairiksh that bidding will be open and called within the next two weeks and service can start in six
The nod came after the minister met executives of TOT and CAT Telecom about accelerating their
projects to meet the government's timetable.
Mr Juthi said he was assured by the TOT boss that it will start selling bidding documents for the
construction of its 3G network on Nov 28 to meet the government's timetable for the construction of the
first station, allowing actual service within six months.
He said TOT eased several tight conditions under the ministry's advice to pave the way for free
competition in the bidding. One of these is that any bidder can join a Thai company to enter a bid, as
previously a bidder had to be registered in the country for at least one year.
Another change is previously TOT required a bidder to have worked with a Thai government agency on
projects in excess of 1 billion baht, he said. That value has been lowered to 500 million baht and can
include overseas projects if it is certified by the embassy of the country the work was conducted in.
The ICT minister said he was confident the bidding would be more competitive and would encourage
more small companies to enter the bidding.
He said TOT earlier claimed its tight conditions would screen only credible and potential bidders, making
sure work was completed smoothly and on time. He said he would await TOT's final terms of reference to
decide on whether he would suggest further changes.
"If TOT attempts to defer the issuance of its terms of reference and further delays the project, it could be
interpreted that they wanted a new minister to change the conditions," he said.
TOT plans to finish in phases the construction of 4,772 base stations and roll out service within six
months after signing the network procurement and installation contracts.
Electronic Port' to speed export and import
The Nation
Published on November 22, 2010
RFID, online services to lift waterfront efficiency
The Port Authority of Thailand (PAT) is to use innovation and radio frequency identification (RFID)
technology next year to provide e-Port services, in order to increase its efficiency and to support logistics
service providers.
The administrator of PAT's director-general's office, Som Chansuthirangkool, said that e-Port status
would enable easier communication between logistics service providers and the port authority, along with
real-time transfers of electronic documents (e-documents) and e-forms between service providers and the
authority. This will help to reduce the business processes involved in importing and exporting and enable
estimated times of arrival at the port of service providers' vehicles.
The e-Port will have four main information-technology functions: e-Gate, a Container-Terminal
Management System (CTMS), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and a Vessel-Cargo Management
System (VCMS).
The system aims to increase the port authority's capacity to exchange information with logistics service
providers before containers or products arrive at the port.
Using RFID technology, an electronic labeling system that increases the efficiency of government
services and the movement of cargo and goods, both drivers and trucks belonging to logistics service
providers will be instantly recognised at port gates.
By registering a cargo delivery or pickup via the Internet beforehand, the e-Gate system will read RFID
tags and microchips and automatically allow recognised vehicles and drivers into the port area.
It will also recheck the authority of the driver and his vehicle with CTMS, VCMS and e-Customs,
substantially reducing time taken in identifying vehicles and drivers.
The system will identify the driver and vehicle via closed-circuit television and identify the cargo container
via Optical Character Recognition. The e-Gate system will receive authority for movement of the container
from the CTMS by using paperless customs. All details, including the container information, vehicle
registration and time the vehicle entered the port will be recorded.
The system also has an automatic identification system to manage marine traffic.
"I think that there are three factors that will drive the capabilities of the e-Port system," Som said. "These
are developments in technology, improvements in people and business processes that will enable
logistics service providers to save time by receiving more convenient services from the port authority,
thereby reducing logistics costs, and finally improvements in the management of inventory, operational
costs and supply chains for import and export products."
He said the PAT had already piloted the project with logistics service providers and expected to announce
the new services early next year.
2010 December Report
Smart phones, broadband dominate Thai Internet profile
The Nation
Published on December 28, 2010
The behaviour of Thai Internet users this year has been dominated by smart phones and highspeed broadband Internet access.
So says the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), which conducted its
Internet User Profile of Thailand 2010 survey in the period from August to October this year,
NSTDA vice president Chadamas Thuvasethakul said the online survey involved 14,067 Internet users.
Of these, 50.4 per cent were men and 49.6 per cent, women. Most of them were aged between 30 and 39
and most of them accessed the Internet in the hours from 8pm to midnight.
Most of the respondents (54.3 per cent) accessed the Internet from home, and 39.8 per cent from their
offices. Of the total, 69.8 per cent used high-speed broadband. Nearly one-third of respondents said they
were unable to use broadband because it was too expensive or the broadband infrastructure did not
cover their location.
Four activities were popular among Internet users who took part in the survey: accessing e-mail (27.2 per
cent); information and knowledge (26.1 per cent); news (14.1 per cent); and e-learning (8.2 per cent).
The survey also found that around 40.2 per cent of Internet users were concerned about viruses, 36.4 per
cent about delays in communication networks and 24.2 per cent about spam mail. Most of them were also
concerned about services related to the Internet and Internet access, intellectual property rights and
cyber crime.
In questions related to e-commerce, the survey found that about 57.2 per cent of Internet users had
purchased products over the Internet. Of these, 34.7 per cent purchased books, 31.3 per cent reserved
hospitality services and 26.7 per cent bought fashion products.
Chadamas said smart-phone users were now beginning to access the Internet, and 42 per cent of mobile
users had accessed mobile applications. Moreover, most mobile Internet users want to make use of
mobile applications to improve their productivity, access knowledge and news and do business.
She said the survey had found that mobile-phone applications were popular for communication and
Internet access. However, national broadband services will promote the use of high-speed networks and
provide Internet access around the country in order to reduce the gap between those who can and those
who cannot access the Internet.
Meanwhile, online statistics website www.turehits.net reports that there are now 21 million Internet users
in Thailand.
IT hardware market to show 15% growth
The Nation
Published on December 28, 2010
Vendors say 2010 not a bad year, despite all
Thailand's market for information technology (IT) hardware, including desktop and laptop computers, has
continued to grow this year despite economic and political problems that prompted customers to set aside
the purchase of new products.
The associate director of Acer Computer's Consumer Product Management Division, Boonchai
Ngouvisitkul, predicted that the overall computer market in 2010 would show growth of about 15 per cent.
Global market research firm IDC has estimated that sales of desktop PCs and notebooks in Thailand will
reach 1.4 million units and 1.7 million units respectively this year, supporting Boonchai's growth forecast
of about 15 per cent.
IDC says Acer held a 26-per-cent share of this overall computer market in the third quarter of 2010. Acer
was leader of the notebook market, with a 35-per-cent share, and held 14 per cent of the desktop market.
Acer is aiming to lift its overall market share to 28 per cent.
"I think there was a hiccup in the overall IT market this year because of the political situation, which led to
consumer hesitation to purchase," Boonchai said. "However with confidence in the brand, Acer has not
been badly affected. Our desktop sales in the commercial market have grown by as much as 28 per cent,
while growth in the consumer market is smaller."
He said home users were paying greater attention to "all-in-one" PC products, or "multi-function" desktops
that could do anything from surfing the Internet to watching movies, listening to songs or events or
watching TV programmes, while all the time appearing as pleasant decorative items in the home.
DCom Group's managing director Vikorn Vivitkunaporn said the total PC market in Thailand in 2010
would reach 1.2 million to 1.5 million units. Of these, between 800,000 and 1.2 million units would be
original-equipment manufacture or do-it-yourself computers, while international PC brands would account
for 300,000 to 500,000 units.
The general manager of Hewlett-Packard (Thailand)'s Personal Systems Group, Prasert Charoonpaisal,
said the Thai IT market had continued to grow this year despite many issues that affected broader
consumer sentiment.
The Thai economy had been seriously impacted by political issues, resulting in slower market growth as
well as decreasing consumer-purchasing intent. However, proactive marketing plans, including
promotions and various activities that began in the middle of the year had created confidence and this
had led to market recovery.
"HP believes that the way to serve consumers is to offer them differentiated options with distinct value
propositions based on different usage patterns. This guides their purchase decisions and ensures that
they get their 'HP PC experience'," Prasert said.
However, the company also introduced high-end PC products last week to support hardcore users, such
as gamers and high-end users.
"We believe that computer technology will help reshape the way we feel, connect and communicate with
each other. The mobile market opportunity is tremendous, yet complex. Today, the value in mobility lies
beyond portability. Consumers tell us that their mobile-computing devices are central to their digitalentertainment experience - whether it's watching TV, creating and sharing digital media, or staying
connected to family and friends. Our next-generation notebooks will connect consumers to the world
around them," Prasert said.
Dell Corporation (Thailand)'s managing director Anothai Wettayakorn - whose territory also covers
Indochina - said Dell's revenue grew by 19 per cent in the three months that ended on October 30. It was
up by 21 per cent for the year to date.
All in all, 2010 has been a positive year for Dell, he said. Its revenue in Asia Pacific and Japan grew by 29
per cent, led by India with a 55-per-cent increase.
"We deliver innovative solutions to customers the way they want them - in business-ready configurations
or via cloud-as-a-service," Anothai said. "The firm is also focusing on the customer by leveraging the
millions of conversations it has with them every day, allowing Dell to target and tailor its offerings to
specific groups who are looking for technology solutions, like gamers and families."
He said the company had entered new areas and new markets - going where the next billion online users
were. It had expanded beyond the direct Dell.com model, and mobility was also a big bet in 2010.
Dell is also refreshing its consumer-product line-up with new high-performance notebooks, tablets, smart
phones and the Inspiron Duo convertible tablet. It is reshaping its product portfolio to offer stylish,
innovative and high-performance products that appeal to a broad range of customers, he said.
Acer's Boonchai said the hardware market next year would see new technologies that included
performance, speed and graphics. Both Intel and AMD will announce new technology platforms to
support PCs and laptops. Meanwhile, new gadgets such as tablet computers and smart phones will ignite
market excitement as e-book and e-magazine contents increase in Thailand, despite fact that 3G
technology is not yet fully deployed.
He said Acer would also introduce new products and advanced technologies such as longer-lasting
batteries and more eye-catching designs.
"We anticipate more intense competition, especially from the growth of 'second computer' demand. Users
will want more mobile computers and the devices will have to be social-network ready," Boonchai said.
Hewlett-Packard's Prasert said his company expected continued market growth next year, because there
would always be demand for PCs, especially those that respond well to consumers' ever-changing
Meanwhile, tablet computers will grab the attention of enterprises that are focused on specific verticals
and need applications to conduct targeted business functions.
"The IT market in Thailand will show continuous growth, especially in the commercial segment. IDC
expects that the overall IT market will continue to grow at a rate of 10 to 15 per cent in 2011," he said.
Picking NBTC on time viewed as uphill struggle
Bangkok Post
Published on December 29, 2010
The formation of a new telecommunications industry regulator faces many hurdles, not least the
possibility of an early election next year derailing the entire process, say telecom industry executives and
legal experts.
The 11-member National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) board is supposed
to be formed by mid-June 2011, or 180 days after the effective date of the new NBTC law, which was
published in the Royal Gazette on Dec 19.
The highest-profile job awaiting the NBTC will be the awarding of commercial licences for 3G wireless
broadband services, something the industry has been awaiting for five years.
But legal experts say many challenges still lie ahead. Among them is a provision in the new law which
calls into question the validity of the business model chosen by TOT Plc to operate its 3G business.
Section 46 of the law states that a licence to use radio spectrum for telecommunications services is the
exclusive right of the holder and cannot be transferred to others. TOT has given five private companies
the right to lease its 3G network and market the service under a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO)
business model.
A legal expert who asked not to be named suggested that TOT should seek to have the law amended in
order to ensure that its business was in compliance.
"The amendment process takes more than a year and this will surely delay the selection process of the
NBTC board," said the source.
Questions have also been raise about the process of choosing people for the 15-member selection
committee that will pick the NBTC candidates, and the qualifications of the selectors.
It should be remembered that years of attempts to form the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), as
called for under the now-defunct 1997 Constitution, failed completely.
The NBC issue was in the Administrative Court for more than a decade because of legal disputes
between the selection committee and failed contenders who cried foul about the lack of fairness and
transparency of the process.
The NBTC law stipulates that choosing the selection committee is the duty of the Secretariat of the
Senate. The Secretariat has no experience in the area and lacks knowledgeable staff to recruit qualified
people, which might delay the selection process, said the source.
Disathat Hotrakit, a legal expert with the Council of State, said the lack of experience of the Secretariat
left him concerned that the NBTC board might not be ready within 180 days.
However, he said that the members of the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), which the
NBTC will replace, could help the secretariat to do the job.
The NTC Secretariat should propose a selection model to the Senate to help speed up the process, he
Mobile phone operators, meanwhile, are worried that 3G development will continue to be stalled.
True Corp chef executive Supachai Chearavanont said he would like former NTC board to work in the
NBTC for the sake of consistency.
The clock is ticking, he said, since True's existing mobile concession will expire in three years and those
of its two larger rivals, AIS and DTAC, not long afterward.
A resolution of concession questions would be essential in the next year in order to create confidence in
the industry and among consumers, he said.
"Nobody knows what will happen when concessions expire," he said.
Wichian Mektrakarn, chief executive of Advanced Info Service, said AIS was concerned about a
stipulation that members of the NBTC must not have had any connections with the telecom industry for at
least one year prior to taking office.
This could leave the NBTC board filled with academics rather than people who had real telecom industry
knowledge, he said. As a consequence, the board would lack understanding and its decisions would not
contribute to the industry.
DTAC vice-president Thana Thienachariya observed that the NBTC members needed to be highly skilled
since they would be dealing not only with telecommunications issues but also with broadcasting.
"Amending the law is time consuming, and may take years, but if there are no amendments, it is certain
that the NBTC will not dare make any decision on the MVNO issue, and this would also affect other
licence holders which could not provide service as well," he said.
NBTC Timeline
The 11-member NBTC board is supposed to be selected within 180 days after the NBTC Lawtook effect
on Dec19, 2010:
- March: Applications open for interested candidates to apply to sit on the 15-member NBTC selection
- April-May: Selection committee selects 44 candidates and proposes them to the Senate for further
- June: Senate recommends 11 qualified candidates to become NBTC board members.
True-Hutch deal inches closer after CAT pulls out
Bangkok Post
Published on December 29, 2010
The cabinet yesterday endorsed the cancellation of a plan by the state enterprise CAT Telecom to take
over the small Hutch mobile network in which it is a partner.
The decision is seen as clearing the way for the third-ranked mobile operator True Move to buy the Hong
Kong company's CDMA business in Thailand.
The news helped push up shares in parent True Corp Plc on the Stock Exchange of Thailand by 6.9% to
7.00 baht yesterday, in heavy trade worth 2.11 billion baht.
The shares accounted for 12% of total turnover of 17.72 billion baht on an otherwise slow day for the SET.
"This news, in our view, brings True closer to acquiring Hutch and becoming the only nationwide 3G
service provider," said Kasikorn Securities.
True shares have risen 43% in the past three months on speculation that buying the CDMA business
could speed up the rollout of lucrative and long-delayed 3G data services.
Information and Communications Technology Minister Juti Krairiksh said the cancellation would help the
government save 7.5 billion baht.
The figure represents the amount that CAT had offered to Hong Kong-based Hutchison
Telecommunications International Ltd, which earlier rejected the offer as too low.
CAT and Hutchison are partners in Hutchison-CAT Wireless Multimedia Co, whose Hutch mobile network
serves about 600,000 customers in 25 central provinces including Bangkok.
The cabinet in April had approved CAT's proposal to buy out its partner but the National Economic and
Social Development Board suggested that CAT needed to consider the real value of the asset.
Mr Juti said the cancellation of CAT's plan to take over Hutch would allow the state enterprise to focus
instead on speeding up development of 3G wireless broadband services.
CAT aims for role as wholesale
The Nation
Published on December 30, 2010
CAT Telecom plans to position itself as wholesale network provider and set up a joint venture to
expand and manage the assets of the 3G (third-generation) telecom network.
CAT will own 25 per cent of the partnership, chief executive officer Jirayuth Rungsrithong said yesterday.
The Cabinet on Tuesday approved the proposal by CAT to scrap its plan to buy Hutchison Telecom's
business interests and CDMA (code division multiple access) network.
Hutch wholly owns BFKT, which owns the CDMA 2000 1-x cellular network in 25 provinces. It also
operates Hutchison-CAT Wireless Multimedia, which leases the BFKT network to market its Hutch cellular
service under contract to CAT.
Hutch-CAT has 700,000-800,000 users.
CAT recently aborted acquisition talks with Hutch after failing to agree on a price. Then True Corp, parent
of TrueMove, stepped in to negotiate with Hutch about taking over its Thai operations. Jirayuth said both
were close to striking a deal.
After the deal, CAT will cancel the Hutch-CAT marketing contract and BFKT contract, which both end in
2015. It will draw up a contract for its concession holder TrueMove to provide customer service to HutchCAT subscribers for two years.
During that time, the network will be switched from CDMA to 3G-HSPA (high-speed packet access)
technology, which Jirayuth said was much more commercially viable.
The Hutch brand will fade away, leaving only the CAT CDMA brand.
CAT has separated the CDMA network in 51 provinces it has used to provide service under the CAT
CDMA brand, which has about 350,000 subscribers. All subscribers of both CDMA networks legally
belong to CAT.
CAT could terminate the BFKT and Hutch marketing contracts on its own, as recommended by the
Council of State, since the two contracts have not complied with the Public-Private Joint Venture Act of
1992 from Day 1.
CAT will allow TrueMove to resell its planned HSPA service for the 14 and a half years remaining on
CAT's business licence, but any other party can also request a resale deal.
CAT is also interested in owning stakes in the resellers.
CAT intends to buy the Hutch network from True if True can buy into Hutch's business. This would serve
CAT's plan to become a wholesale network provider. The state enterprise wants to merge both CDMA
networks so it can offer its service more effectively nationwide, Jirayuth said.
CAT needs to seek ways to improve revenue, as CAT and TOT have to start transferring their concession
revenues to the upcoming National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission in three years in
line with the new Frequency Allocation Law.
2011 January Report
'One-stop' e-government website launched
The Nation
Published on January 20, 2011
E-government services in Thailand have taken a major step forward with the launch of
a new website that will be a one-stop portal through which people can access all
available electronic services offered by government organisations, with a single sign-on.
The Cabinet has also approved a name change for Government Information Technology
Services (GITS). Before the end of the current quarter, it will become the e-Government
Agency (eGA), with the aim of driving the creation and adoption of e-government
The manager of GITS' Government Application Management Department, Ponpiboon
Satangput, said the e-government portal, at www.egov.go.th and
www.egovernment.go.th, will offer all the e-services of government agencies, as a
means of simplifying equal and universal access to information and services.
The website will also enable access for disabled people, according to the Thai Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines 2010.
Importantly, the website will operate under a single sign-on system using a username
and password to authenticate the identity of visitors, who will then be able to contact
all government agencies or access their e-services without need for further proof of
Users of the system will be divided into four groups: the general Thai public, businesses,
government staff and foreigners.
GITS' director of Government Application Development Asis Unyapoth said there were
now about 10 government agencies that provided e-services to Thai users through a
single sign-on system, including the departments of employment, highways and
religious affairs. Overall, 24 government organisations provide e-services to the public.
Information and Communications Technology Ministry deputy permanent secretary
Thaneerat Siriphachana said the new e-government portal would be a one-stop centre
for government services, allowing Thai people all over the country to make online use
of government-agency e-services.
It will create a network of information and knowledge linking the government and the
people, he said. It will also accept suggestions from Thai users aimed at improving the
portal and extending e-government services.
A Thailand e-government fan page has also been established on the social-networking
site Facebook, allowing a free exchange of information, photos and videos between
government agencies and Facebook members. It represents an "alternative choice for
new-generation Thais" to contact government agencies and access information,
Thaneerat said.
In October last year, Thailand had about 5.4 million Facebook users, and the number
was growing rapidly.
The Facebook page will also allow government agencies to communicate with the public
and transfer both information and knowledge. A number of government agencies are
already involved with social media, including the Prime Minister's Office and the
Commerce, Agriculture and Cooperatives and Tourism and Sports ministries.
Thaneerat said the ICT ministry was also planning to lay down the government
information network (GIN) infrastructure, connecting about 1,004 government offices,
including links between agencies in Bangkok and those upcountry, before the end of
this year.
GITS director Sak Segkhoonthod said the Cabinet had recently approved the
establishment by the ICT ministry of a public organisation to be called the eGovernment Agency. Its job will be to offer consultancy services among government
agencies, to drive the expansion of e-government services and to operate these
services on behalf of government agencies.
Taking on these responsibilities, Government Information Technology Services will soon
change its name to the e-Government Agency (eGA), he said.
Sak said the eGA would follow the e-government roadmap detailed in Thailand's ICT
Master Plan 2009-2013. The agency is now planning to establish "m-Government" - or
mobile government - enabling government agencies to provide services to people via
mobile phones.
In 2013, the eGA will provide "u-government" - or ubiquitous government - enabling
government agencies to provide e-services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In 2014, it will be "t-government" - or transformed government - enabling government
agencies to connect and transfer information through a variety of channels and devices.
Sipa to work in industry clusters
The Nation
Published on January 25, 2011
The agency's board executive Chalermpon Punnotok said software firms and developers
would be divided into six clusters according to the industries in which they operated.
These were tourism, healthcare, logistics and retail, food, jewellery and digital content
and entertainment.
The concept aims to develop new software entrepreneurs while at the same time
strengthening existing software firms.
Sipa plans to extend its support through four main activities. The first will be a series of
software expos to be held at the agency's office called SoftEx @Sipa. They will gather
local software firms in each cluster to meet and discus business matters, rather than
issues of software and development techniques.
"This will aim to develop new business ideas for software firms. We arranged a
workshop late last year for the logistics and retail cluster and we hope that in the
course of this year, this activity will create 10 new business ideas. We also hope that
each new business idea will be capable of helping to generate about Bt100 million in
revenue, so this activity alone will help to generate revenue or about Bt1 billion for the
software industry," Chalermpon said.
Second, Sipa will provide funding for local software development projects. It plans to
support 84 projects this year with a total budget of Bt50 million. The funding will be
offered at three levels: up to Bt300,000 for small projects; Bt300,000 to Bt5 million for
medium-sized projects, and more than Bt5 million for large projects.
"They will have to show us prototypes of software developments," Chalermpon said. "If
they have only conceptual ideas they will not qualify for support as the aim of this fund
is to accelerate software development into commercial products."
The third supporting activity will be at international trade fairs, and this year Sipa will
focus on business domains related to the six clusters.
"We will offer to help local software firms to take part in international trade fairs, but
not in general-software trade fairs. We will support firms in each cluster to join trade
fairs that are relevant to their particular cluster," Chalermpon said.
In March, Sipa will help Thai software companies in the tourism cluster to take part in
the Asean e-Travel Mart, to be organised in Bangkok by the Tourism Technology
Association and the Asean Tourism Association.
The e-Travel Mart is being held for Asean travel-industry operators such as hotels, tour
operators and hospitality companies that want to find additional channels for their
business in the tourism industry, whether as buyers or sellers. Other target groups for
the mart are travel buyers from around the world and IT experts specialising in the
travel industry.
The fourth supporting activity will be Sipa's annual software trade fair called SoftEx.
This event is scheduled to be held in the last quarter of this year, and will gather all six
SoftEx@Sipa clusters into one event.
With the new support model, Sipa expects the local software industry to have more
strength and sustainability.
Sipa normally receives between Bt300 million and Bt400 million for its
supporting activities each year. It is expected that the value of Thailand's
software industry will grow by more than 30 per cent this year from Bt60
billion in 2010.
NEC urges 3G projects
Bangkok Post
Published on January 25, 2011
The Japanese IT company NEC Corporation is aiming for 3G and 4G bidding projects in
Thailand in order to increase its revenue to 4.5 billion baht by 2012.
Shin Sakaoto, the president of NEC (Thailand), said the company planned to urge the
government to invest in and auction licences for 3G wireless broadband and long-term
evolution (LTE) technologies.
NEC plans to focus more on the enterprise network segment and communication
solutions including telephony systems, a major revenue earner.
According to the research firm Frost and Sullivan, the enterprise telephony market in
Asia-Pacific was worth US$2.5 billion in 2009, representing 25% of the global market.
The value in Thailand was $30 million.
NEC is introducing a new Smart Communication Server SL 1000, an internet protocol
PBX product for small and medium-sized companies.
Mr Sakaoto said the product was expected to open new market opportunities as well as
help it maintain its leadership with a 20% share.
It also plans to tap into hybrid cloud computing for IP telephony, allowing companies to
have their own IP telephony equipment in order to unify communication systems
through the cloud environment.
The company expects to grow by at least 10% this year, outpacing predictions for IT
and telecom industry growth of 6%.
ZTE petitions court to block 3G auction
Bangkok Post
Published on January 26, 2011
ZTE Corporation will petition the Administrative Court for a temporary halt to TOT Plc's
auction for a 20-billion-baht nationwide expansion of Thailand's 3G network after the
state-owned Chinese enterprise was dropped from the bidding.
The auction is scheduled for Friday.
TOT yesterday formally announced the names of the two qualifying bidders - the SL
consortium of Samart Corporation and Loxley Plc, with Huawei Technology supplying
the network and equipment; and the AU consortium of Advanced Information
Technology and United Communications.
ZTE - a consortium of ZTE and Forth Corporation - and the Ericsson-A.S. Associate
Engineering (1964) consortium were ruled out in a screening process.
Ericsson of Sweden will announce its action plan against TOT today.
Zhang Xiao-ke, the managing director of ZTE (Thailand), said TOT's announcement
disqualifying the company for providing unrealistic financial calculations was completely
unfair based on the fact that its submitted bid proposed a higher core network capacity
than the state telecom enterprise required.
"We fully complied with the state enterprise's TOR," he said. "We believe it should not
be considered a mistake if we provide equipment specs that are higher than the initial
Last Friday, ZTE petitioned Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, Information and
Communications Technology Minister Chuti Krairiksh and both the chairman and the
president of TOT.
Mr Zhang said since TOT's 3G expansion would be ZTE's largest bidding project, the
company is truly eager to participate and guarantees it can shave five billion baht off
the price of the 3G project if it wins the bidding.
An industry source has disclosed that the real cost of TOT's nationwide 3G network
expansion should be only 10 billion baht, which has prompted convincing companies to
race to bid.
ZTE had revenue of US$55 million from its local operations last year, and it expects
$160 million this year.
Djitt Laowattana, a TOT board director, said the board will allow management to decide
whether to proceed with the 3G auction this Friday as scheduled.
The board only has to endorse the auction results, said Mr Djitt.
TOT's plan is for an e-auction on Friday, with a contract to be signed with the winner
sometime from Feb 15-18.
ICT Minister Chuti earlier said he could not guarantee the auction would take place on
Friday as scheduled.
Tom Kruesophon, the managing director of Tune Talk Thailand, a mobile virtual
network operator providing 3G wireless broadband service on behalf of TOT, said he
doubted ZTE could take legal action against TOT.
"As a buyer, TOT has the right to choose or not choose any of the companies as it
wants," he said.
However, experts say action by the Chinese firm could have a severe effect on 3G
expansion and Thailand's wireless broadband development.
True, CAT sign 3G deal
Bangkok Post
Published on January 27, 2011
True Move, the country's third-largest mobile phone operator, and state-owned CAT
Telecom on Thursday morning signed a deal to develop a Code Division Multiple Access
(CDMA) network into a High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) network.
Reports said both firms wanted to provide 3G (third-generation) mobile services quickly
by turning 3,000 CDMA base stations nationwide to HSPA base stations by the end of
this year.
Under the deal, True Move will install HSPA equipment in 1,400 CDMA base stations in
25 provinces and then allow CAT Telecom to buy or lease the network.
CAT Telecom will lease HSPA equipment from True Move and it will be installed at
1,600 CDMA base stations in 51 provinces. The network will be open for rent or
purchase to cell phone operators or mobile virtual network operators.
Reports said the deal was done in secret. The two companies did not notify the press
about the signing.
CAT Telecom's labour union leader Sukhum Chuenmana said the union supported the
deal as working with True Move would bring in more benefits to CAT Telecom.
Meanwhile, the Administrative Court this afternoon will rule whether to accept a petition
to halt an auction planned by TOT Plc for tomorrow for its 20-billion-baht 3G wireless
broadband network expansion.
True Move wins Hutch contract
Complex deal gives True another 14 years
Bangkok Post
Published on January 28, 2011
True Move, the country's third-largest mobile operator, says it is now in a "more
comfortable" position after its concession holder CAT Telecom granted it what others
see as a complicated new marketing contract to operate the Hutch business.
The contract could extend True Move's life by 14 years past the 2013 expiry of its
present mobile concession. It also appears to give the company an edge over its bigger
rivals in 3G wireless broadband services pending the formation of a new industry
Top-ranked rival AIS's concession will end in 2015 and DTAC's in 2018.
The sudden move by CAT caught the industry by surprise, as True Move's takeover of
Hutch was complicated by the 1992 Public-Private Joint Investment Act, which requires
extra government scrutiny of any ventures worth more than one billion baht.
The heads of both companies said they could wait no longer, and the deal was a winwin solution for both parties after four months of negotiations.
CAT president Jirayuth Rungsrithong said the agreement comprised four contracts. The
first two, each with a two-year life, cover businesses on the Code Division Multiple
Access (CDMA) 2000 1-X network. The other two contracts, for 14 years each, cover
services on the third-generation (3G) high-speed packet access (HSPA) network.
Under the CDMA contracts, True Move will handle the existing 800,000 Hutch
customers in 25 provinces, with a plan to migrate them to True Move's 3G HSPA
network within two years.
True Move is required to share 20% of the service revenue with CAT, similar to the old
Hutch old contract.
For the HSPA contracts, CAT will lease the CDMA network in 25 provinces from True
Move for 14 years, while True Move will lease the CDMA network in 51 provinces from
CAT. CAT will award a contract to True to resell the 3G HSPA service for 14 years.
"This new co-business model will help CAT to escape annual losses of one billion baht
under the previous agreement with Hutch," said Mr Jirayuth. "In turn, the model will
help us earn up to two billion baht within one year of operation."
He said the CAT board had already approved the agreement. The issue will be raised
again at today's board's meeting, with no need to submit it for cabinet approval, as it
had no relationship to the concession contract or the private-public joint venture
CAT will become a network provider for transmission as well as a wholesaler and
reseller, said Mr Jirayuth.
True Move, meanwhile, will do co-branded marketing and persuade Hutch customers to
shift to its 3G service.
Suphachai Chearavanont, the president and chief executive of True Corporation, called
the agreement a win-win solution, in which CAT can break the deadlock with Hutch and
move forward with its HSPA upgrade plan.
True Move, meanwhile, will have an additional 14 years to continue providing mobile
"We expect to earn annual revenue of 4.3 billion baht from Hutch. Operating expenses
at Hutch will be 3.5 billion to 3.7 billion baht," said Mr Suphachai.
He said 5-6 billion baht would be spent to upgrade the HSPA network via another 3,000
base stations. True Move will be ready to provide nationwide 3G service within two
That amount does not include 6.3 billion baht in debt by the Hong Kong-based
Hutchison Group that True Move is committed to repay.
Mr Suphachai pledged that none of the existing 600 Hutch employees would be laid off,
nor would the 400 staff at BFKT, the owner of the Hutch network that serves the 25
central provinces.
BFKT had leased the network to Hutchison CAT Wireless Multimedia, a 74:26 joint
venture between Hutchison and CAT Telecom, to provide service under the Hutch brand.
Its marketing contract with CAT ends in 2015.
Mr Suphachai also said True Move would continue leasing its existing network from CAT
for at least five years after its concession ends in order to support its 2G customers.
"We believe 2G will not become obsolete. It will take another eight years for operators
to complete the migration period," he said.
New NBTC selection panel chairman
Bangkok Post
Published on January 28, 2011
The meeting of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission
Selection Committee on Friday selected Jaturong Panyadilok, permanent secretary at
the Prime Minister’s Office, as the committee’s chairman, reports said.
The meeting also made Okas Teparakul, chairman of the National Economic and Social
Development Advisory Council, the deputy chairman, the reports said.
Associate Prof Yubol Benjarongkij, chair of the Association of Academics in Field of
Journalism and Mass communications of Thailand, was appointed secretary-general,
according to the reports.
Samart wins 3G auction
Bangkok Post
Published on January 28, 2011
Samart Corporation won today's TOT Plc auction for a 20-billion-baht 3G (third
generation) wireless broadband network expansion.
The e-auction was held on Friday morning after the Administrative Court last night
rejected Ericsson's petition to halt the bidding.
The reserve bid price was set at 17.440 billion baht. There were 17 bids.
The SL consortium of Samart, Loxley, Nokia Siemens Networks and Huawei
Technologies won the auction with a minimum bid of 16.29 billion baht, which was 6.59
per cent less than the reserve price. The contract is scheduled to be signed next month.
The AU consortium of Advanced Information Technology and United Communications
submitted a bid of 16.77 billion baht.
True Move, the country's third-largest mobile phone operator, and state-owned CAT
Telecom yesterday signed a deal to develop a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
network into a High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) network.
Both firms wanted to provide 3G mobile services quickly by turning 3,000 CDMA base
stations nationwide to HSPA base stations by the end of this year.
Meanwhile, a meeting of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications
Commission selection committee today chsose Jaturong Panyadilok, permanent
secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office, as the committee’s chairman.
Reports said the meeting also made Okas Teparakul, chairman of the National
Economic and Social Development Advisory Council, the deputy chairman.
Assoc Prof Yubol Benjarongkij, chair of the Association of Academics in the Field of
Journalism and Mass Communications of Thailand, was appointed secretary-general.
3G network takes step forward
ANALYSIS: TOT gives telecom giants a head start in developing 3G
infrastructure as state regulator takes shape
Bangkok Post
Published on January 29, 2011
Thailand's mobile phone sector has taken a small step forward after state-owned TOT
Plc awarded a group led by Samart Telecom and Loxley a 16.29 billion baht contract to
build a third-generation wireless network.
High-speed telecom services are expected to be available in 13 provinces within six
months, and nationwide within one year.
The move came a day after True Move, the country's third-largest mobile operator,
signed contracts with CAT Telecom to extend the term of its own concession agreement
as well as expand into 3G services. True Move, a unit of True Corp, expects to offer
nationwide 3G services within two years.
Demand for 3G has jumped sharply in recent years thanks to the popularity of
smartphones such as Apple's iPhone or Research in Motion's BlackBerry handsets. New
tablet PCs such as the iPad have also raised customer expectations for high-speed
networks to gain access to the internet for multimedia and data applications.
But efforts to launch 3G networks that can transmit data several times faster than
today's GSM systems have been delayed for years due to political and regulatory
infighting. The three major telecom providers _ Advanced Info Service, Dtac and True
Move _ currently offer 3G services in limited areas under trial arrangements but cannot
begin full commercial services without a licence.
But efforts to sell off 3G licences must wait until the formation of the National
Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, a body that will replace the
National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) as the primary regulator of the
telecom sector. A planned auction of 3G licences by the NTC was scrapped at the last
dhmoment late last year after a court challenge over the bid's legality.
But operators may still seek the right to sell 3G services by forming partnerships with
the state-owned TOT Corp and CAT Telecom as so-called mobile virtual network
operators. Under an MVNO arrangement, a company can market services under its own
brand while using a network owned by either state enterprise.
The TOT contract awarded yesterday aims to give the state enterprise a headstart in
developing 3G infrastructure as AIS and Dtac wait for the country's new regulator to be
The winning SL Consortium won with a bid of 16.29 billion baht, or 6.59% lower than
the reserve price and beating out competitors such as Ericsson, China's ZTE Corporation
and a group comprising Advanced dhInformation Technology and United
SL Consortium is 65% owned by Samart Communications Services, a unit of Samart
Telecom, and 35% by Loxley Wireless, a unit of Loxley Plc. Shares of Samart Telecom
on the Stock Exchange of Thailand rose 2.46% yesterday while Loxley gained 5.34%
even as the main market closed down 0.49%.
The bid was held by the TOT yesterday morning after the Administrative Court late
Thursday rejected petitions by Ericsson and ZTE Corp to halt the contract auction due
to irregularities. The TOT board is due to formally approve the contract with SL
Consortium on Feb 11.
The 3G contract specifications call for three elements _ 17.44 billion baht for the
procurement of network equipment, 2 billion for network upgrades for TOT's existing
3G network in Bangkok and 540 million baht as a reserve.
Within 180 days of the contract, 3G services are to be available in 13 provinces: Chon
Buri, Rayong, Songkhla, Surat Thani, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang,
Phitsanulok, Udon Thani, Nakhon Ratchasima, Khon Kaen and Nong Khai. The
remaining provinces in the country would be covered within 12 months.
Once TOT's 3G network is fully in place, it would give the state enterprise the ability to
either roll out its own mobile service or offer bandwidth to a private operator under an
MVNO arrangement.
A number of MVNO providers are already in operation, though most of them are limited
in scale to providing 3G wireless internet access aimed at laptop users in urban areas.
In any case, industry experts say the MVNO system also operates under a regulatory
cloud because of different interpretations of the Frequency Allocation Act.
Section 46 of the act says a radio frequency licence is an exclusive right awarded to a
licensee and may not be transferred or assigned to others, raising questions about
whether TOT Plc can allow others to use its network under the MVNO system.
Tom Kruesophon, head of virtual network operator Tune Talk Thailand, said the
government should clarify the wording, to prevent problems for TOT and MVNOs. The
business model for MVNOs also was impractical, he said. The TOT charges MVNOs 70
baht for a 3G SIM card even though the card itself costs just 10 baht.
2011 February Report
Green light for e-government body
The Nation
Published on February 10, 2011
Organisation to steer state agencies into electronic era
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Ministry has been given Cabinet
approval to set up an e-government agency as an operational body to drive the establishment
of e-government services and pursue the Smart Thailand policy.
The director of Government Information Technology Services (GITS), Sak Segkhoonthod, said
GITS would be transformed into the new agency. The change will be official in the near future.
To drive and support e-government services, the agency will have threeresponsibilities: laying
down an e-government infrastructure network (GIN),establishing information-technology
standards for government agencies and providingconsulting services to government agencies.
He said the agency planned to rent network infrastructure from TOT and CAT to provide the
GIN to government agencies around the country.
Service infrastructure will be provided to government organisations under the termsof servicelevel agreements in order to ensure that they receive quality services.
The agency is also planning to provide access to the GIN to districts andcommunities around
the country, in order to reduce the present gap in information-technology access between
people in metropolitan and remote areas. It aims to have all government agencies covered by
the GIN within four years.
Meanwhile, it will set up a common e-mail service for e-government agencies and their staff.
"We will provide a quality of infrastructure services such that it will create confidence among
officials and government agencies in entering the e-governmentnetwork. It will provide an egovernment mail system as well as supplyingapplications-as-a-service to the public via egovernment cloud computing," Sak said.
Moreover, the agency will provide common applications such as video conferencingand data
back-up based on a national broadband network for government agencies, in order to reduce
agency budgets and lessen the complexity of information among government organisations.
"I think that when the agency provides video conferencing, it will help officials toreduce the
time they spend at meetings and reduce the costs of travel. Government officials working in
remote areas will no longer need to go to meetings in Bangkok. Instead, they can meet in a
video conference," he said.
Meanwhile, the agency will utilise best practices in establishing standards for e-government
architecture. Within this year, it plans to announce five back-office standards for government
agencies, such as human-resources and budgeting systems and e-documents. It also plans to
develop e-government service standards for government agencies so that in the future Thai
people will be able to access all e-government services via a single sign-on.
Sak said the next steps, over the next several years, would include the provision of mobile
government services, or m-government, and a "one-stop" system covering all government
Throughout the establishment of e-government services, the new agency will provide consulting
advice to all government agencies and will also train government staff to enhance the level of
IT literacy among officials. This will include training in IT and security management.
Sipa outlines 'new era'
The Nation
Published on February 15, 2011
The Software Industry Promotion Agency (Sipa) has officially announced its
strategy for making Thailand a global player in the software industry, and has
unveiled a policy for 2011 that is built on four main projects.
The projects are funding 84 software projects (to mark the anniversary of His Majesty the
King's 84th Birthday this year); a series of "SoftEx@Sipa" conventions to drive software
business in six industry clusters, including tourism, healthcare, food, education, logistics and
jewellery; a project to develop software human resources; and promoting the use of local
software among government organisations.
The chairman of Sipa's executive board, Supachai Tangwongsan, said that the agency, in its
"new era" would be an organisation with new core values, including S for service mindedness, I
for integrity, P for performance and A for accountability.
"From now on, all of Sipa's projects will be realisable, implementable and achievable. All
projects will be transparent and traceable. Sipa will be a promoter and facilitator to encourage
the local software industry," Supachai said.
He said the Thai software industry was currently worth about Bt120 billion, but only one baht in
five of this value, or around Bt24 billion, was attributable to Thai software.
Sipa's vice president Santi Suraratana said that the agency's key performance indicator this year
was its aim to create international software business worth between Bt1.8 billion and Bt2 billion.
The figure was Bt1.6 billion last year.
"Since our mission is to bring Thai software to global industry, the key performance indicator
will be how much business value we can create from overseas deals," Santi said.
The agency aims to increase the value of Thai software, as a proportion of the full value of the
Thai software industry, from Bt24 billion last year to between Bt28 billion and Bt30 billion by the
end of this year. It also aims to increase the amount of Thai software used in Thailand from 20
per cent last year to 50 per cent of all software in use within the next six years.
By the time Thai software is claiming half of the local market, Sipa aims to have
increased the local industry's value to around Bt200 billion. However, to achieve a
value of Bt200 billion within six years, the software industry must have about
200,000 software developers. This is based on rule of thumb that in developing
countries, one software developer is capable of creating revenue of about Bt1
million per year. Consequently, Sipa's human-resources development project aims
to fill that need within that time frame.
CAT gives DTAC green light for commercial 3G
Bangkok Post
Published on February 16, 2011
CAT Telecom has surprisingly given approval to DTAC to start providing commercial thirdgeneration (3G) wireless broadband services, something the second-ranked mobile operator has
been seeking for almost three years.
The management of the state telecom enterprise would submit the proposal to the board for
approval in mid-March, said president Jirayuth Roongsrithong.
The decision is also seen as an attempt to defuse criticism of CAT for a hastily arranged 14-year
agreement with third-ranked True Move to market 3G services after it acquired the small Hutch
mobile business.
Rival operators claimed True Move had gained an unfair advantage in 3G development and was
essentially getting an extension of its concession, which is due to expire in 2013.
Mr Jirayuth said CAT had full authority to allow DTAC to provide 3G commercial services on a
high-speed packet access (HSPA) network. The approval did not require screening under the
1992 Public-Private Joint Venture Act, he said.
"We have clarified that CAT has the right to allow private operators to upgrade their existing
spectrums to HSPA, similar to past network developments of operators upgrading from GPRS to
Edge technology services," he said, citing an interpretation by Council of State, the
government's legal adviser.
The CAT board in December said DTAC could upgrade its 850 MHz spectrum to HSPA for 1,220
base stations to provide non-commercial 3G trials.
The company had been seeking approval for almost three years but had received approval for
only 36 sites so far. True Move won approval two years ago to upgrade 656 cell sites.
Mr Jirayuth also said CAT was ready to provide 3G service in Bangkok and surrounding areas in
April. It plans to upgrade its CDMA network to HSPA with another 600 base stations over the
next six months.
He also reiterated that the True-CAT agreement for the Hutch business provided major benefits
to CAT in areas of service quality and network expansion.
Bt4.1bn for school computers, IT infrastructure
The Nation
Published on February 17, 2011
School network, e-courseware to boost quality of learning
The Office of The Basic Education Commission (OBEC) is to spend Bt4.1 billion to buy
computers and provide network infrastructure to schools around the country.
At the same time, in an effort to improve the overall quality of education, the Education Ministry
will develop e-courseware and provide online training to teachers.
The secretary-general of the ministry's Office of The Education Council, Chinapat Phumirat, said
the OBEC would buy about 120,000 desktop computers and software for 6,900 schools this year.
This follows the ministry's plan to achieve a ratio of one PC for every 15 students this year, and
with future purchases, a ratio of one PC for every 10 school students in 2012.
He said the Education Ministry had divided the needs of the country's education system for
information and communications technology (ICT) usage and development into two sectors:
providing a network for education and developing content to support the learning process
The OBEC will provide a National Education network, which will be integrated with the existing
Ministry of Education network (MOENet) and the Inter-University network (UniNet), in order not
only to increase the system's productivity and quality of Internet access, but also to boost the
knowledge of schools and students in remote areas.
Moreover, it will also invest in the development of multimedia, such as courseware and training
materials, in an effort to improve the standard of human resources in education and increase
the efficiency of ICT teaching.
A senior advisor to the Education Ministry's ICT Office, Keartisak Sensai, said the National
Education network infrastructure would cover 34,000 schools around the country, allowing
Internet access via the Inter- University Network (UniNet) at speeds between 512 Kbps and
In its development of teaching "content", the ministry will focus on supporting students in
remote areas, with the aim of providing access to knowledge and e-learning courseware to
make up for a lack of teachers.
The ministry will develop e-courseware for students covering 12 levels, from level 1 (Prathom 1)
to level 12 (Mathayom 6). These levels currently cater for about 12 million students, for which
there are presently 400,000 teachers. E-courseware at present under development includes
English, science and mathematics for students from level 7 (Mathayom 1) to level 9 (Mathayom
The ministry is also developing online training to support school directors, executives, lecturers
and teachers in an effort to improve the efficiency and literacy of human resources in education.
The ministry plans to provide online training for around 100,000 education personnel per year.
"We will provide opportunities for teachers and other human resources in the education system
to develop their knowledge and skills via online training. This will help to reduce the cost and
time involved in them accessing new knowledge. It will also offer an alternative means by which
teachers can develop their ICT literacy and skills," Keartisak said.
Nectec, Japanese counterpart, offer free
The Nation
Published on February 22, 2011
Move to boost developments based on Nectec platforms
The National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (Nectec) has launched the first
virtual market place of technology research and development, in collaboration with the National
Institute of Information and Communications Technology of Japan (NITC) and Kyoto University.
A wide variety of technologies developed by the two agencies are now being offered free of
charge to government and private-sector researchers and education institutes for development
of their own products and services.
In Nectec's case, about 20 technologies are being offered, representing 25 years of research
effort and considerable expenditure. It is hoped that, through the new virtual market place,
Nectec's existing technologies will multiply and grow exponentially.
Two centres are to be established in Thailand: the Language-Grid Bangkok Operation Centre
and the Service-Grid Bangkok Operation Centre. These will be linked with two similarly named
centres in the Japanese city of Kyoto.
Under the terms of the collaboration, government- and private-sector researchers, and those in
education institutes in both Thailand and Japan, can access these online technology market
places to look for technologies they want to use to develop applications and services for endusers.
According to senior Nectec researcher Virach Sornlertlamvanich, about 20 technologies
developed by Nectec and other 94 developed by NITC and Kyoto University are now available
free of charge, including all technology tools, components and services.
The beauty of the technology market place is the sharp reduction in time-to-market it offers for
new end products and services. It will also help to encourage a wide range of new
developments that are able to begin from matching with freely available technologies, Virach
"It is a part of Nectec's Digitized Thailand flagship, and it aims to gather not only digital
information infrastructure, but also Nectec's existing research and development, and provide it
for public use under a platform-as-a-service model. All technologies and services are under the
same standard of information management," he said.
Language-Grid Bangkok Operation Centre and Service-Grid Bangkok Operation Centre are
separate, but are linked. Both are located at Nectec. Language-Grid Bangkok Operation Centre
will be dedicated to language-related technologies, while Service-Grid Bangkok Operation
Centre will handle all others.
The concept of the two centres is to bring Nectec's existing research and development into
wider public use. About 20 Nectec technologies are available, including everything from basic
tools to core engines and applied systems.
They include BEST, short for benchmark for enhancing the standard for Thai language
processing, which provides a large word-boundary annotated Thai text corpus with around 10
million words in at least 12 genres.
Others are Lexitron Pro, a Thai pronunciation dictionary with 120,000 words, and G2P, short for
grapheme to phoneme, a text-to-speech conversion service. Parsit is an English-to-Thai general
rule-based translator service that has been available since 2004 at www.suparsit.com, and
currently has around 500,000 users per year.
Another two distinguished services are called Abdul and Vaja. Abdul is a universal information
agent that is currently available on MSN, Web-service and Windows mobile, and has around
30,000 hits per day.
"Initial technology tools that will be available at the centres include speech recognition, speech
synthesis, word segmentation, keyword extraction, translation, search engine, summarisation
and opinion mining," Virach said.
A human-language technology laboratory researcher at Nectec, Chai Wutiwiwatchai, said many
of technologies that would be available at the Language- or Service-Grid Bangkok Operation
Centres were applications and services that were already available over the Internet.
Development of next-generation versions was also continuing on most of them.
For example, Vaja, a high-quality Thai to English text-to-speech synthesizer, is in the process of
development into a next-generation version that will make it a completely bilingual Thai-English
synthesizer, complete with expressive-speech synthesis.
Parsit is also being customised for the travel domain.
Chai said that to be a member of service grid, people could apply as both service providers and
service users. Service providers must contact Nectec's Digitized Thailand office to sign an
agreement and then they can register their resources into the service grid. Service users also
have to sign an agreement with Nectec before beginning to develop applications based on the
resources available at the service-grid centre.
Virach said service-level standards at both the Language- and Service-Grid Bangkok Operation
Centres were not guaranteed because they offered free services. The servers of both market
places are located at Nectec.
In the future, Nectec plans to have partners joining the project - including Internet and datacentre service providers - who will become commercial hosts to the new market place. At that
time, service levels will be guaranteed, Virach said.
2011 March Report
Ministry pushes R&D investment
The Nation
March 1, 2011
Thailand is steering more investment into research and development in the
agro-industrial and renewable-energies sectors, as well as into global
warming, according to Science and Technology Ministry permanent secretary
Pornchai Rujiprapra.
The Ministry's aim is to raise spending on R&D from its current level of 0.21 per cent of
gross domestic product (GDP) to 1 per cent, so as to foster innovation and support the
Thai economy as it moves into higher value-added production.
"The government is seeking to catalyse more private sector investment in two types of
R&D: research in existing types of industries in Thailand as well as towards industries of
the future, such as renewable energies," Pornchai said.
Speaking exclusively to the global publishing, research and consultancy firm Oxford
Business Group (OBG), Pornchai said he was confident in the prospects for commercial
innovations in Thailand because of the quality of human resources and the competitive
advantages of the country's existing industrial base.
Specifically, the national strategy for enhancing human resources in science and
technology includes a scholarship programme that supports more than 3,000 students
who are undertaking overseas studies. Most of them attend leading universities like
Oxford and Cambridge in the United Kingdom and Ivy League universities in the United
States such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford and Caltech.
Besides absorbing advanced knowledge from abroad, local manpower development is
also driven by placing those with overseas training in national research agencies and
universities, and through collaboration between public and private universities, including
Chulalongkorn, Thammasat, the Asian Institute of Technology, Kasetsart, Mahidol, King
Mongkut's Universities of Technology at Thong Buri and North Bangkok and King
Mongkut's Institute of Technology Lat Krabang.
As well, the ministry provides a stimulus package to promote innovation that includes
policy support, grants and soft loans.
"We must capitalise on our competitive advantages by investing in R&D. It is our goal
that we invest in research and innovation in the advanced-industrial clusters, including
the food and agricultural sector, and for example, rice, rubber and bioplastics," Pornchai
"The outcomes of these innovative projects will not only strengthen the global
competitiveness of Thai industries, but also benefit the rural economy by improving
agricultural productivity and increasing farm-product prices. Combined with innovative
projects aimed at improving the living standards of the rural population, dual-track
development using science and technology will pave a sustainable path to future
economic growth" he said.
Oxford Business Group is working with the Science and Technology Ministry on the
production of a chapter dedicated to research and innovation in "The Report: Thailand
2011", OBG's guide to the country's economic activity and investment opportunities, to
be published in partnership with the Board of Investment (BoI).
Pornchai said that strong tax incentives offered by the BoI for investment in research
were attractive to both local and foreign investors. Working alongside the BoI and the
Ministry of Finance in promoting R&D in Thailand, the permanent secretary identified a
number of high-profile international companies, including Michelin and Toshiba, who
have located certain R&D activities in Thailand.
He said the combination of incentives for regional operating headquarters and for R&D
was crucial to the attractiveness of Thailand as a research base.
"We realise that to escape the middle-income trap, Thailand must invest in research to
stay ahead in the international economy. We plan to become an innovation hub in
Southeast Asia, capitalising on a well-trained science-and-technology workforce,
science-and-technology training services, cost effectiveness in R&D, a foreign-directinvestment-friendly policy, government support and incentives for investment and our
well-known hospitable culture," Pornchai said.
3G auction planned by year-end ... maybe
Bangkok Post
March 4, 2011
The country's new telecommunications regulator officially has no members yet but it
has begun work on two master plans for the industry and national frequency
If all goes well, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)
believes it might be ready to auction licences for 3G wireless broadband services by the
end of this year _ about five years behind schedule.
Drafts of the five-year master plans are expected to be finished in May and
implementation could start within three months of the 11-member NBTC board taking
office, said Col Natee Sukolrat, a deputy head of the acting NBTC.
"The NBTC could start an auction for 3G licences on the 2.1 GHz spectrum by the end
of this year if the publication of the master plans has been announced," he said.
Col Natee said the master plans would provide guidance for developing the country's
telecommunications industry.
The ultimate goal is to provide broadband internet service of at least 100 Mbps for
people living in big cities, representing 15% of the total population, and 10 Mbps for
people in rural areas covering at least 50% of the population.
Nationwide, everyone should have access to speeds of at least 2 Mbps over the next
five years.
Basic telecom voice services should cover 99% of the population and data service 90%
under the plans.
Telecom service fees should be lowered by at least 28% from the current rates while
data service charges should fall by 65% from now, said Col Natee.
Two members of the acting NBTC tendered their resignations yesterday as part of the
normal selection process for the new 11 members. They are Buntoon Suphakvanich and
Suchart Suchartvejjapoom.
The NBTC on Wednesday opened applications for candidates to apply for the 11
positions on its board.
The selection process involves two lists of 22 names each. The first will be proposed by
qualified organisations and the second by a panel of 15 representatives of state
agencies and ministries.
Juti to propose fresh bids
Bangkok Post
March 7, 2011
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) minister says he is prepared to
submit his proposal to the cabinet to invite foreign telecom firms to take over the
concessions of local mobile operators if they fail to pay compensation for past
concession amendments.
Juti Kraikrish said the proposal would apply to all three mobile operators _ Advanced
Info Service (AIS), DTAC and True Move _ if compensation negotiations fail.
The minister and executives of TOT Plc met in Spain last month with executives of eight
international telecom companies to discuss the possibility of selling the concession of
mobile leader AIS to them.
The eight are Telecom Italia of Italy, China Mobile, NTT DoCoMo of Japan, SK Telecom
of South Korea, Axiata of Malaysia, and three US operators.
The minister has not explained the financial, legal or regulatory details of how a sale
might work.
Mr Juti insisted the ministry would not intervene in continuing negotiations between an
ICT Ministry committee, private operators and state enterprises on compensation
However, he acknowledged that negotiations were unlikely to be settled amicably given
the wide gap in the stances of TOT and CAT Telecom and the private operators.
TOT and CAT, despite having approved the concession amendments _ some made as
long as 15 years ago _ are seeking tens of billions of baht to cover losses from deals
that they say favoured the operators.
"If concession negotiations cannot be settled, the matter reverts to the ICT ministry, so
I will submit the proposal [to sell concessions] to the cabinet for consideration," Mr Juti
"Then I will announce the opportunity for prospective foreign operators to submit their
proposals to take over the mobile concessions from operators that could not settle with
the state."
Suphachai: Meet True Move H
Bangkok Post
March 9, 2011
True Move, the country's third-largest mobile operator, is rebranding its recently
acquired Hutch mobile business to True Move H and plans to launch commercial thirdgeneration (3G) service this month.
The company has set aside 9 billion baht as a budget for network expansion this year.
Of the total, 5 billion baht will go to building 1,200 2G base stations and the remaining
4 billion for building a high-speed packet access (HSPA) network with a capacity to
accommodate one million 3G subscribers.
True also planned to spend 3 billion baht on broadband network expansion.
Under the contract between True and CAT Telecom, the local telecom conglomerate
has committed a total investment of 13 billion baht to build 4,500 3G base stations over
the next three years - 3,000 sites for CDMA and 1,500 sites using HSPA. The capacity
will serve 4 million users.
"We, through Real Move, plan to launch the True Move H brand this month to provide
3G HSPA commercial service," said Suphachai Chearavanont, chief executive of True
The "H" in the name stands for "high-speed" and "Hutch".
True Move will focus on providing 2G service plus 3G HSPA wireless broadband trials on
600 base stations until its concession expires in 2013. The company then shift all its
customers to Real Move, which has a new 14-year pact with CAT.
True Move is upgrading its code division multiple access (CDMA) network in the 25
central provinces to HSPA technology, with the planned commercial service launch this
True Corporation, through subsidiaries Real Move and Real Future, signed a wholesalereseller contract with the state telecom enterprise on Jan 27, after it acquired the Hutch
business from Hutchison of Hong Kong.
Under the four major deals, BFKT (Thailand) of Real Future will lease the HSPA network
to CAT; Real Move will resell the planned HSPA service; BFKT will lease its CDMA
network in 25 central provinces to CAT; and Hutchison-CAT Wireless Multimedia of Real
Move will market the service on the CDMA network in 25 provinces.
CAT remains the owner of Hutch's CDMA frequency.
Mr Suphachai said the introduction of True Move H on the 850-MHz spectrum would be
the alternative service for the existing 800,000 CDMA users. Customers can migrate to
3G service on the HSPA network within two years, and can retain their old mobile
However, they will need to buy new handsets which the company plans to offer at
affordable prices in a special campaign.
The True-CAT contract says True must serve CDMA customers for two years before
shifting to the HSPA platform.
"Our HSPA network is expected to accommodate up to one million subscribers within
the first year of operations," Mr Suphachai said, adding that the company would use
True Move's network capacity of 100,00 numbers at the first stage.
He also said conclusions to a strategic partnership and recapitalisation plan of True
Move are expected by midyear.
True Corp shares (TRUE) closed yesterday on the Stock Exchange of Thailand at 6.35
baht, up 10 satang, in trade worth 783.2 million baht.
New department to create legal infrastructure
The Nation
March 21, 2011
Concern over laws left ineffective despite growing e-transactions
The Information and Communications Technology Ministry is to set up a new
department with responsibility for establishing a legal infrastructure and taking care of
laws related to the electronic environment.
The move follows growing concern over delays in creating an ICT legal infrastructure
following the passage of the Electronic Transaction Act, B.E. 2544 (2001), and the
Electronic Transaction Act of April 2002.
Increasingly, business executives have been urging government attention to supporting
the ICT laws, particularly with the rising number of business transactions over the
Internet and wider adoption of e-commerce.
At present, a draft Data Protection Law remains in the approval process. It aims to
protect against the collection and processing of information owned by individuals, and
its use by private-sector organisations.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Ministry inspector-general Methini
Thepmani said that in the past her ministry had stood back from contributing to law
enforcement because it was not a host organisation with responsibility for taking care of,
or facilitating, an ICT legal infrastructure.
However, the new department will enable existing laws to come into effect.
"I think that [enforcement of the] ICT laws will create confidence among customers and
businesses to provide and purchase products and services via online transactions. It will
also encourage customers and businesses to promote e-commerce and online business
as a whole," Methini said.
The director of the National Science and Technology Development Agency's Legal
Department, Surangkana Wayuparb, said that delays in enforcement of the ICT laws in
Thailand arose from recent frequent changes in government. This affected approval as
well as the announcement of new laws related to the electronic environment and law
She said that laws such as the Electronic Transaction Law would create an atmosphere
of confidence among businesses and customers about buying and delivering products
and services over the Internet.
Prinya Hom-Anek, the president of leading IT-security consultancy ACIS Professional
Centre, said Thailand had announced delays in enforcing electronic laws with
neighbouring countries.
She said the country should renovate or adjust its ICT laws so that they were
modernised, to support the real and dynamic use of information technology, and so that
enforcement could be employed to stop illegal activities on the Web.
Thailand currently has seven ICT laws to form an ICT legal infrastructure. They are the
Electronic Transaction Act, the Electronic Transaction Amendment (Electronic
Transaction Agency & e-Document) Act, the Computer-related Crime Law, a Royal
Decree on Exemptions from the Electronic Transaction Act, a Royal Decree on Electronic
Transactions in the Public Sector, a Royal Decree to Regulate e-Business Services
relating to e-Transactions under the Electronic Transaction Act B.E. 2544 (2001), and a
Decree on Security Policy for Electronic Transactions.
The Electronic Transaction Act aims to promote electronic transactions by giving them
the same legal effect as that given to transactions conducted by traditional means.
The Electronic Transaction Amendment (Electronic Transaction Agency & e-Document)
Act is objective and provides for the setting up of an Electronic Transaction Agency to
promote the legal status of electronic documents, including the setting of acceptable
standards for their generation and retention.
The Computer-related Crime Law criminalises offences against computer systems and
computer data, and the Royal Decree on Exemptions from the Electronic Transaction
Act says that the Act will not apply to family matters.
The Royal Decree on Electronic Transactions in the Public Sector provides for proper
standards for electronic transactions between the public and private sectors.
The Royal Decree to regulate e-Business Services relating to e-Transactions under the
Electronic Transaction Act B.E. 2544 (2001) aims to maintain financial and commercial
stability, strengthen the credibility and acceptance of e-transactions and to prevent
damage to the public. An associated Royal Decree Regulating e-Payment Service
Providers became effective in 2008, while the draft of another associated Royal Decree
seeking to regulate certification authority is currently under consideration by the Council
of State.
Finally, the Royal Decree on Security Policy for Electronic Transactions aims to provide
acceptable standards for security measures protecting and creating reliability in
electronic transactions.
The director of the ICT Ministry's Electronic Transaction Bureau Ladda Jaengkasemsuk
said that creation of an ICT-law infrastructure would create confidence, trust and
security for e-business, e-transactions and e-commerce.
It will also enable Thailand to create an environment facilitating online business
transactions comparable to those in other countries, he said.
Technology spending to surge
The Nation
March 21, 2011
Users warned mindset must change for effective investment
Thailand's spending on information and communications technology (ICT) will grow by
about 11.7 per cent this year, to Bt678.64 billion, according to a group of government
The forecast was developed from an official survey of Thailand's ICT market in 2010
and the outlook for 2011 - a collaborative effort involving the National Science and
Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), the Software Industry Promotion Agency
(Sipa), the National Computer and Electronics Technology Centre (Nectec), and the
Telecommunications Research and Industrial Development Institute (TRIDI).
The growth forecast is the consequence of several positive influences, including the
expectation of economic growth of between 3 and 5 per cent, the national broadbandinfrastructure scheme and the transforming of business models to digital technologies.
Within the overall ICT market this year, the information-technology (IT) market is
expected to grow by 15.6 per cent to reach Bt293.24 billion and the
telecommunications market by 9.2 per cent to Bt418.34 billion.
Thailand's software market is expected to grow by 16.3 per cent to reach a value of
about Bt84.23 billion this year.
The IT market consists of computer hardware and software, computer services and
data-communication equipment, both wire and wireless.
Within this group, the high-growth market is expected to be that for computer services
and software, with growth of 25.1 per cent and 16.3 per cent respectively, while the
market for computer hardware will see growth of only 9.7 per cent, down from last
year's growth rate of 13.3 per cent. The market for data-communication equipment is
expected to grow at 12.5 per cent in 2011 - double last year's rate of 6.3 per cent.
The personal-computer (PC) market, including desktop PCs, notebooks and netbooks, is
expected to grow by 10.7 per cent from 3.18 million units last year to 3.52 million units.
Growth momentum is expected to return to desktop PCs, with a forecast growth rate of
4.7 per cent to around 1.35 million units, following last year's marginal growth of only
0.8 per cent to about 1.29 million units.
Notebook sales are expected to grow this year by 16.9 per cent to about 2.08 million
units - a slightly slower growth than 27.1 per cent in 2010, reaching 1.78 million units.
The boom in tablet devices is expected to continue taking its toll on netbook sales, with
a decline of minus 19.1 per cent this year, following last year's minus 15.4 per cent.
The total number of netbooks sold last year was 110,000 units. Sales are expected to
reach only about 89,000 units this year.
Within the overall software market, embedded software and mobile applications are
expected to see high growth this year, of 96.1 per cent and 54.8 per cent respectively.
However, enterprise software will remain the largest contributor, representing 63.5 per
cent of the software market.
It is expected that total spending on software-as-a-service in Thailand this year will be
around Bt2.56 billion, representing growth of 22.9 per cent.
The overall telecommunications market, which is expected to grow by 9.2 per cent to a
value of Bt418.34 billion in 2011, consists of communications equipment and services,
with values of about Bt149.45 billion and Bt268.89 billion respectively.
The mobile-handset market is expected to grow at a rate of 9.3 per cent this year to
reach about Bt61.08 billion. Of this, sales of conventional handsets are expected to
decline at a rate of minus 3.2 per cent to a value of Bt29.99 billion, while the smartphone market will grow by 24.9 per cent to reach Bt31.09 billion.
The mobile-services market is expected to grow at a rate of about 6 per cent this year,
to reach a value of Bt162.48 billion. Mobile-voice services are expected to grow by only
1.2 per cent, while mobile non-voice services are expected to continue growing, at a
rate of about 28.6 per cent. Despite this, mobile-voice services will still contribute the
major portion of mobile-service revenue, amounting to about Bt127.83 billion.
A member of the NSTDA board, Manoo Ordedolchest, who was also an adviser to the
survey project, said government and business would be the first two big spenders on
ICT, followed by the consumer sector.
He said that when ICT spending was compared to the country's gross domestic product
(GDP), Thailand would have a higher ratio of ICT spending per GDP in 2011 than the
world average.
This year, Thailand's ICT spending is expected to be around 11.7 per cent of GDP,
increasing from 9.2 per cent in 2010 and 6 per cent in 2009. The average ratio of ICT
spending per GDP around the world is expected to be 8.7 per cent this year, increasing
from 7.4 per cent in 2010. The world average is expected to fall to about 6 per cent
next year.
However, while Thailand's ICT spending has been increasing every year, its ranking on
a country-competitiveness index compiled by global technology firm IMC has been
slipping backwards. This implies ineffectiveness in ICT spending, Manoo said.
In fact, most of Thailand's ICT spending is in hardware rather than in software and
services, and this is different from developed countries where the biggest portion of ICT
spending is in software and services.
"Many ICT users in Thailand do not realise that software and services are the key
factors in helping them to increase their business efficiency and competitiveness. They
do not have in mind the idea that software and services are an investment. They think
software and services are free and complimentary to investment in hardware. This
mindset has to change. Technology changes, models of ICT investment change and
mindset must also change," Manoo said.
5.CICC からの海外向け情報発信「東京便り」
平成 20 年度より、送信を開始した「東京便り」であるが、これまで CICC の各種事業に
より構築したアジア諸国とネットワーク等の維持し、アジア諸国の関係機関に対する IT 推
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