Final Announcement 第 24 回日韓国際セラミックスセミナー 参 加 の 御 案 内 The 24th International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics 2007 年 11 月 20 日(火)〜11 月 22 日(木) 20th‑22nd, November, 2007 ヤマハ リゾート「つま恋」 (静岡県・掛川市) YAMAHA Resort “Tsumagoi” (Kakegawa, Shizuoka, Japan) たまり 〒436-0011 静岡県掛川市満水2000 番地 TEL: +81-(0)537-24-1111/ FAX: +81-(0)537-62-0349 主 催 : 第24回日韓国際セラミックスセミナー組織委員会 第24回日韓国際セラミックスセミナー実行委員会 後 援 : 経済産業省(申請中)、文部科学省(申請中)、静岡県、掛川市、袋井市、 (社)日本セラミックス協会、(社)日本ファインセラミックス協会、 (独)産業技術総合研究所、(財)ファインセラミックスセンター (順不同) 協 賛 : 静岡県新材料技術研究会、(財)はましん地域振興財団、 (財)村田学術振興財団、昭栄化学工業株式会社 (順不同) 日韓セラミックスセミナーは日本と韓国との両国間で長い歴史的関係をもつセラミックス分野に おいて、日韓の科学技術交流、人的交流を図ることを目的として、1984年より両国で交互に毎 年開催されて参りました。第14回(1997年)からは東アジアの国々もセミナーの対象国として、 名称も日韓国際セラミックスセミナーと改め、より国際的な展開を図りつつあります。 本セミナーにおいては伝統的セラミックスから構造セラミックス、機能性セラミックス、薄膜など の先進セラミックスにおける最新の研究成果が発表され、討論されます。また、研究発表に対す る奨励賞を設け、若手研究者の優秀な研究を表彰します。さらに、今回は新たに Invited Talk に 加え、「最近の話題(No.12)」に Materials Direct Writing/ Structure Induced Giant Nature セッシ ョンを設けました。セラミックス分野における幅広い技術交流の場である本セミナーへの多数の 方のご参加をお願い申し上げます。 セ ミ ナ ー 開 催 概 要 Overview 場 所 : ヤマハリゾート つま恋 (YAMAHA Resort “Tsumagoi”) 〒436-0011 静岡県掛川市満水 2000 番地 (Tamari 2000, Kakegawa, Shizuoka, 436-0011 Japan) 期 日: 9:30 開会式・特別講演 (C 会場) 13:30 研究発表(口頭) (A, B, C 会場) 2007 年 11 月 20 日(火) 16:20 研究発表(ポスター)(M 会場) ききょう 18:30 懇親会 (桔梗) 11 月 21 日(水) 9:00 研究発表(口頭) (A, B, C 会場) 11 月 22 日(木) 8:30 見学会 特別講演 (Invited Lectures) : 3 名 (韓国 1 名,台湾 1 名,日本 1 名) 1. “Korean-Japanese Economic Relations in the Age of Globalization” 金 喆壽 Dr. Chul Su KIM Chairman of Institute for Trade and Investment (Seoul, Korea) 2. “Electrical Ceramics in Taiwan - Current Topics on Zirconia Material Studies -” 周 振嘉(国立台湾科技大学 教授) Prof. Chen Chia CHOU National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taipei, Taiwan) 3. “Industrial Development for Electronic Ceramics Parts on Heart of Murata” 村田 治 (㈱村田製作所 元会長) Mr. Osamu MURATA Former Chairman of Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Kyoto, Japan) 研究発表 (Presentations) : 196 件(日本側 116 件,韓国側 80 件) Session 1. Raw Materials & Powder 2. Traditional Ceramics 3. Synthesis & Processing 4. Electronic Ceramics 5. Structural Ceramics 6. Glass & Opto-Electronic Materials 7. Thin Films & Layers 8. Bio Materials 9. Nano-Materials 10. Energy & Ecological Materials 11. Evaluation & Standardization 12. Recent Topics Total Oral (Japan/Korea) 3(0/3) 4(2/2) 8(2/6) 12(5/7) 7(6/1) 3(0/3) 11(4/7) 3(3/0) 8(1/7) 12(9/3) 3(2/1) 19(18/1) 93(52/41) Poster (Japan/Korea) 1(1/0) 2(1/1) 15(5/10) 15(12/3) 5(4/1) 2(0/2) 14(4/10) 5(3/2) 5(1/4) 15(11/4) 2(0/2) 22(22/0) 103(64/39) Total 4(1/3) 6(3/3) 23(7/16) 27(17/10) 12(10/2) 5(0/5) 25(8/17) 8(6/2) 13(2/11) 27(20/7) 5(2/3) 41(40/1) 196(116/80) 若手研究者への「奨励賞」(Presentation Awards for Young Ceramists) 優秀な若手研究発表者(登壇日で 40 才未満)を表彰します。 セミナーに関する問い合わせ先: (日本側) 静岡理工科大学電気電子情報工学科/ 〒437-8555 静岡県袋井市豊沢 2200-2 TEL: +81-(0)538-45-0111, FAX: +81-(0)538-45-0110/ e-mail: [email protected] (韓国側) 大韓窯業総協会/ 〒120-808 Seoul 市西大門区大峴洞 53-20 窯業会館(2F) TEL: +82-(0)2-362-6749, FAX: +82-(0)2-362-4951 宿泊案内 (Accommodation) : 11 月 19 日(月)〜11 月 23 日(金) ヤマハリゾート つま恋 YAMAHA Resort “Tsumagoi” 〒436-0011 静岡県掛川市満水 2000 TEL: 0537-24-1111, FAX: 0537-62-0349 Single Twin 客室料金 Room Rates* 2 beds (one night, one person, 1 bed -1 person -2 people including tax) Hotel South Wing ¥10,000.¥ 8,000.Hotel North Wing None ¥10,000.*朝食込み Breakfast Included Triple 3 beds -3 people None ¥8,000.- Fourth 4 beds -4 people None ¥7,000.- 【参考】 ①ビュッフェ昼食クーポン Buffet Lunch Coupon ¥1,500.- (混雑防止のため事前購入をお勧 めします Recommend in advance) ②Restraint “Join” (9:00-24:00) 気軽なメニューがあります ③デ ィナーバイキング Dinner Viking ¥3,675.- ④ディナー和洋食コース Dinner for Japanese and Western-style Foods ~¥5,775.- より (予約要) --- 詳しくはhttp://tsumagoi.netでご確認下さい。 ※ 本セミナー参加者用に約150室を確保しております。10月20日(土)までに直接お申し込み下さい。 We secure about 150 rooms for participants. Please contact directly the hotels until 20th October. 参 加 案 内 セミナー 日 時 : 2007 年 11 月 20 日(火) 9:30〜 11 月 21 日(水) 9:00〜 11 月 22 日(木) 8:30〜 受付 (Reception) : 2007 年 11 月 20 日(火) 8:30〜 ヤマハリゾート つま恋 カンファラ ンスセンター入口 Entrance of “Coference Center” Seminar 場 所 : ヤマハリゾート つま恋 カンファランスセンター “Coference Center” 参 加 費 : (Participation fee including a set of proceedings) 日本側参加者 外国からの参加者 (Oversea Participant) 一般 学生 一般(General) ¥ 15,000.¥ 10,000.¥ 15,000.- 学生(Students) ¥ 10,000.- 懇親会 日 時 : 2007 年 11 月 21 日(水) 18:30〜20:30 Banquet 場 所 : ヤマハリゾート つま恋 「桔梗」 “Kikyou” (Lower Floor) 参 加 費 : ¥ 8,000.見学会 Tour 日 時 : 2007 年 11 月 22 日(木) 8:30〜17:30 集合場所 : つま恋 SMC (Sportsman’s Club) 正面玄関前駐車場(8:15) コ ー ス : つま恋駐車場(8:30)→コーニングジャパン→日本平ホテル(昼食)→ 久能山東照宮→わさび漬けの見る工場→焼津さかなセンター→つま恋駐車場 (17:30) 参 加 費 : ¥ 2,000.- (バス代、昼食代を含む) 定 員 : 先着 100 名まで 申込方法 How to make a registration for the seminar 所定の「参加申込書 Registration Form」に必要事項をご記入の上、10月20日まで に、下記申込先あて E-mail(推奨 Recommend/ The word file is in our Homepage.)または FAX でお送り下さい。 Please send “Registration Form” in our Homepage by E-mail to the secretary until 20th October. 申込先 Please send registration form and the registration fee 参加申込先:〒437-8555 静岡県袋井市豊沢 2200-2 静岡理工科大学 電気電子情報工学科内 第 24 回日韓国際セラミックスセミナー事務局 E-mail: [email protected], Fax: +81-(0)538-45-0110 参加費支払方法 How to pay the registration fee (See “Registration Form”.) セミナー・ 懇親会・ 見学会の参加費の支払い方法として、会場での現金払い,銀行 振込を用意しております。当日会場では混雑が予想されますので、日本側参加者はで きるだけ 10 月 25 日までに払い込んでいただきますようお願いいたします。 参加費振込先 : 静岡銀行 袋井支店 普通 0733983 (日本側参加者) 第 24 回日韓国際セラミックスセミナー 実行委員長 小川 敏夫 (オガワ トシオ) (振込手数料は、各自でご負担下さいますようお願い申し上げます。) 登録確認 Receipt 「参加申込書」の受付および参加費の受領後、E-mail(場合によっては FAX)で「確認 のための連絡」を致します。但し、領収証についてはセミナー当日、会場受付でお渡し します。 参加取消 Cancel 申込者のご都合による参加取り消しの場合は、参加費の返金は致しかねます。 ご出席いただけない場合は、後日プロシーディングスをお送りいたします。 日韓国際セラミックスセミナーホームページ( にて、随時最新情報をお知らせしています。 Information on the seminar is renewed on the home page of "24th International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics . PROGRAM - Opening Ceremony & Invited Lectures 20 November (Tuesday), 9:30-12:15 at Hall C (Conference Center) 9:30 Opening Ceremony Invited Lectures Chairperson: Prof. Toshio OGAWA, Dr. Byong Sik JEON 10:00 1. Korean-Japanese Economic Relations in the Age of Globalization Dr. Chul Su KIM, Chairman of Institute for Trade and Investment (Korea) 10:45 2. Electrical Ceramics in Taiwan ‐ Current Topics on Zirconia Material Studies Prof. Chen Chia CHOU, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) 11:30 3. Industrial Development for Electronic Ceramics Parts on Heart of Murata Mr. Osamu MURATA, Former Chairman of Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Japan) 12:15 - Technical Presentation 20 November (Tuesday), 13:30-16:10 Oral Session at Hall A-C Hall A Hall B Nano-Materials 13:3016:10 Ch : Sunao SUGIHARA, Jeong Ho CHANG Poster Session at Hall M 20 November (Tuesday), 18:30-20:30 Oral Session at Hall A-C (Conference Center) Hall A Hall B Glass & Opto-Electronic Materials A9〜A12 Energy & Ecological Materials II Electronic Ceramics I B9〜B13 Ch: Tetsuya KAMEYAMA, Dong Sik BAE C13 Ch: Hajime HANEDA, Yoon Soo CHO Energy & Ecological Materials III, Evaluation & Standardization Electronic Ceramics II Ch: Hiroki HASUYAMA, Kyoung Ho LEE Recent Topics I A13〜A17 Ch: Kazuo SHINOZAKI, Hyung Ho PARK 21 November (Wednesday), 13:40-18:20 Oral Session at Hall A-C Recent Topics II A18〜A23 Ch: Hisao SUZUKI, Sang Yeup PARK Recent Topics III Hall C B14〜B18 Ch: Naoki WAKIA, Young Jei OH Hall A 16:1018:20 「桔梗」 (Lower Floor) Kikyou 「桔梗」 Banquet 21 November (Wednesday), 9:00-12:30 13:4016:00 C1 〜C8 Ch: Wataru SAKAMOTO, Jong Hee KIM (Convention Hall) Seminar Banquet at Kikyou 18:30-20:30 10:5012:30 Synthesis & Processing Convention Hall M Poster P1〜P103 16:20-18:30 9:0010:40 Hall C Bio Materials, Energy & Ecological Materials I B1〜B8 A1〜A8 Ch : Jun AKEDO, Doh Hyung RIU 20 November (Tuesday), 16:20-18:20 (Conference Center) A24〜A30 Ch: Masayuki FUJIMOTO, In Hyuck SONG C9〜 C14〜 C17 Ch: Takashi YAMAMOTO, Seung Chul CHOI (Conference Center) Hall B Hall C Raw Materials & Powder, Traditional Ceramics B19〜B25 Electronic Ceramics III, Thin Films & LayersⅠ C18〜C24 Ch: Yoko SUYAMA, Gun Eik JANG Ch: Hitoshi OHSATO, Soon Gil YOON Structural Ceramics Ch: Yasuo UCHIYAMA, Dae Yong SHIN B26〜B32 Thin Films & Layers II C25〜 C31 Ch: Hiroshi MAIWA, Jo Woong Ha - Technical Tour 22 November (Thursday), 8:30-17:30 8:3017:30 Time to meet (8:15): Tsumagoi SMC Front Parking (8:30) → Corning Japan Co. (9:20/11:00) → Nippondaira Hotel (Lunch: 12:00/13:00) --- Ropeway --- Tosyougu (14:00) → Wasabi Factory (14:40/15:20) → Yaizu Fisherman Market (15:50/16:50) → SMC Front Parking (17:30) Oral Presentation * No. : Entry into Best Presentation Award A8 Direct Human DNA Separation with Functionalized Silica-coated Magnetic Nanoparticles (KICET) Jeong Ho CHANG - Hall A Nano-Materials 20 Nov. (Tue.) 13:30-16:10 Ch : Jun AKEDO, Doh Hyung RIU A1 The Incorporation of Ag and SiO2 Nanoparticles in Poly (p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) for PPV Nanohybrid (Yonsei Univ.) Cho Young LEE, Sook YOON, Hyung Ho PARK A2* Electrical Property of Single Crystalline SnO2 Nanowire Gas Sensor (Hanyang Univ.) Hye Jung PARK, Yun Ki BYEUN, Sang Hoon LEE, Sung Churl CHOI (KIST) Kyong Sop HAN A3 Luminescence and Compositional Analysis of TAG : Ce3+ Nanoparticles Fabricated by Pulsed-laser Ablation in Deionized Water (Hanyang Univ.) Kang Min KIM, Bong Geun CHOI, Kwang Bo SHIM (AIST) Naoto KOSHIZAKI A4 Fabrication of SU-8 and Carbon Nanotube Composite Photoresist with Electrical Conductivity Glass & Opto-Electronic Materials 21 Nov. (Wed.) 9:00-10:40 Ch : Hiroki HASUYAMA, Kyoung Ho LEE A9 Wet-chemical Synthesis and Properties of Electrolyte and Cathode Materials for SOFC Operated at Intermediate Temperature (Invited Talk) (Chonbuk Nat l Univ.) Bok Hee KIM, Min CHEM, Byung Kuk AHN (Wuhan Univ. of Tech.) Qing XU A10 ZnO/MgO Multi-quantum Wells Prepared by Sol-gel Technique (Yonsei Univ.) In June KIM, Hyo Jin KIM, Se Young CHOI A11 Sintering Mechanism of Glass in Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (Samsung Electro-Mechanics) Soon Mo SONG, Sung Bum SOHN, Chang Hoon KIM, Young Tae KIM, Kang Heon HUR A12 Characterization of Thick GaN Layer Grown by HVPE : Comparison of Horizontal between Vertical Growth (Hanyang Uviv.) Dong Keun OH, Seong Kuk LEE, Jong Won YOON , Kwang Bo SHIM (Hanyang Univ.) Woo Sik KIM, Sin Young BANG, Jong Won YOON, Bong Geun CHOI, Tranvan KHAI, Recent Topics Ⅰ Kwang Bo SHIM (Osaka Univ.) Tohru SEKINO 21 Nov. (Wed.) 10:50-12:30 Ch : Kazuo SHINOZAKI, Hyung Ho PARK A5 Molecular Simulation of Catalytic Reaction on Metal/Metal Oxide Surface :Theory to Experiment (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.) Kei KURAMOTO A6 Electrical Property of 1-dimensional Single Crystalline AlN Nanowire A13 Fundamental Study on Material Direct Writing Technology with Inkjet Printing (AIST) Akito ENDO, Yoshie NAGATSUMA, Jun AKEDO A14 Mn-dope Effect on Optical Absorption of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Films Prepared by Aerosol Deposition (Hanyang Univ.) Sanggu KWON, Yun Ki BYEUN, (AIST) Hiroki TSUDA, Jun AKEDO Sang Hoon LEE, Sung Churl CHOI (NEC Corp.) M. NAKADA, K. OHASHI (KIST) Kyong Sop HAN A7 Fabrication of Nanoparticle YAG : Ce3+ Yellow Phosphors by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Deionized Water (Hanyang Univ.) Gyeong Seon PARK, Bong Geun CHOI, Jong Won YOON, Kawng Bo SHIM (AIST) Naoto KOSHIZAKI A15 Formation of Hard Color Film by Aerosol Deposition Method at Room Temperature (Ryukoku Univ.) Masakazu MORI, Masashi SHISHIDO (AIST) Jun AKEDO A16 Thickness Uniformity and Surface Roughness of Films Made by Aerosol Deposition (AIST) Atsushi IWATA, Jun AKEDO A17 Recovery of Ferroelectricity and Piezoelectricity for PZT Thick Films on Metal Substrates by Laser-assisted Aerosol Deposition (AIST) So BABA, Jun AKEDO Recent Topics Ⅱ 21 Nov. (Wed.) 13:40-16:00 Ch : Hisao SUZUKI, Sang Yeup PARK A18 Microstructure Control for Structure Induced Giant Properties of Ceramics (Invited Talk) (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Kiyoshi OKADA, Yoshikazu KAMESHIMA, Akira NAKAJIMA A19 Thermal Plasma Processing and Magnetic Properties of Iron or Cobalt-doped TiO2 Nanoparticles (NIMS) Takamasa ISHIGAKI, Ji Guang LI A20 Defect-induced Polarization Switching in Ferroelectric PbTiO3 and BiFeO3 Single Crystals A25 Crystal Structure and Properties of Chemically Synthesized Intergrowth Bi4Ti3O12-based Thin Films (Nagoya Univ.) W. SAKAMOTO, K. IMADA, T. SHIMURA, T. YOGO A26 Ultrahigh Piezoelectric Properties of [110] Grain Oriented Barium Titanate Ceramics Prepared by Templated Grain Growth Method (Univ. of Yamanashi) Satoshi WADA (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Kotaro TAKEDA, Tomomitsu MURAISHI, Hirofumi KAKEMOTO, Takaaki TSURUMI (Keio Univ.) Toshio Kimura A27 Fabrication of Bulk Glass from the Eutectic Melt in Y2O3-CaO-Al2O3 System (Shizuoka Univ. /Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Naonori SAKAMOTO (Meiji Univ.) Tomoaki WATANABE (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Masahiro YOSHIMURA A28 Preparation of Three-dimensional Photonic Crystal using Self-assembled Silica Colloid (Univ. of Tokyo) Yuji NOGUCHI, Minoru TAMADA, (Shizuoka Univ.) M. MARUYAMA, M. IWASHITA, Yuji CHISHIMA, Masaru MIYAYAMA D. IWASAKI, N. WAKIYA, H. SUZUKI A21 Design and Consideration of Multiferroic Properties in PZT-ferrite System (Shizuoka Univ.) Naoki WAKIYA, Naonori SAKAMOTO, Hisao SUZUKI (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Kazuo SHINOZAKI A22 Measurement Method of Dielectric Properties of Ferroelectric Fine Particles (AIST) Hisato OGISO, Mikiko YOSHIDA, Jun AKEDO A23 Highly Enhanced Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Transparent Nanocomposite System Prepared by Aerosol Deposition Method (AIST) Jae Hyuk PARK, Jun AKEDO (NEC Co.) Masafumi NAKADA (Kitami Inst. of Tech.) T. OHNO, T. MATSUDA A29 Formation of Magnetic Thin Film on Si-MOSFET Gate and its Electrical Properties (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Kazuo SHINOZAKI, Masahiro MACHI, Takanori KIGUCHI, Tomohiko YOSHIOKA, Junzo TANAKA, (Shizuoka Univ.) Hisao SUZUKI, Naoki WAKIYA A30 Surface Modification of Quartz Crystal Microbalance by Self Assembled Monolayer Technique (Industrial Research Inst. of Shizuoka Pref.) Shouichi MIYAHARA, Susumu TANAKA (Shizuoka Univ.) Tatsuo FUJINAMI, Hisao SUZUKI, Yasutaka TANAKA Recent Topics Ⅲ 21 Nov. (Wed.) 16:10-18:20 Ch : Masayuki FUJIMOTO, In Hyuck SONG A24 Crystal Orientation Control of Epitaxial SrRuO3 Thin Film Deposited on CeO2/YSZ/Si Substrate by Introducing Atomic Layer Buffer (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Hyun Young GO, Tomohiko YOSHIOKA, Junzo TANAKA, Kazuo SHINOZAKI, Takanori KIGUCHI (Shizuoka Univ.) Naoki WAKIYA - Hall B Bio Materials and Energy & Ecological Materials Ⅰ 20 Nov. (Tue.) 13:30-16:10 Ch : Sunao SUGIHARA, Jeong Ho CHANG B1 Mechanical and Bioactive Behaviors of PMMA/TiO2 Bone Cement (JFCC) Masami HASHIMOTO, Mineo MIZUNO, Satoshi KITAOKA (Chubu Univ.) Tadashi KOKUBO (Kyoto Univ.) Koji GOTO, Takashi NAKAMURA B2 Preparation and Characterization of Inorganic-organic Hybrid Nanoparticles with Hollow Structure (Okayama Univ.) Song CHEN, Kanji TSURU, Satoshi B10 Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Electrochemical Properties of Hollandite-type MnO2 Free from any Stabilizing Cations in its Tunnel Cavity HAYAKAWA, Akiyoshi OSAKA (Industrial Tech. Center (AIST) Norihito KIJIMA, Yasuhiko TAKAHASHI, of Okayama Pref.) Eiji FUJII, Koji KAWABATA Hiroshi HAYAKAWA, Junji AWAKA, Junji AKIMOTO B3 Fabrication of Textured Hydroxyapatite Ceramics by Colloidal Processing in a High Magnetic Field (NIMS) Yoshio SAKKA, Kazuya TAKAHASHI, Tohru SUZUKI, Tetsuo UCHIKOSHI, Byung Koog JANG B4 Optical, Electrical and Structural Properties of Boron Doped nc-Si:H Thin Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering (Yonsei Univ.) Do Yun KIM, Hyo Jin KIM, In Soo KIM, Se Young CHOI B5 Influence of Surface Activity of CeO2 Particle and Pt Content in Pt-CeO2 Composite Electrodes on Anode Properties for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Application B11 Preparation of Porous Carbon from Bio-treated Orange Waste (Saga Univ.) Takanori WATARI B12 Influence of Sintering Processes on Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Yttrium-doped Ceria (NIMS) Ding Rong OU, Toshiyuki MORI, Fei YE (Univ. of Queensland) Jin ZOU, John DRENNAN B13 Densification of M0.25Ce0.75O1.875 (M=Dy, Gd) Ceramics with Simultaneous Grain Growth and Conducting Properties in the Specimens with Homogeneous Microstructure (NIMS/Saitama Univ.) Hirokazu SUGA (NIMS) Toshiyuki (NIMS/Kitami Inst. of Tech.) Hirotaka TOGASAKI MORI, Fei YE, Ding Rong OU, Toshiyuki NISHIMURA (NIMS) Toshiyuki MORI, Motoi TAKAHASHI (Kitami Inst. (Univ. of Queensland) John DRENNAN of Tech.) Akio TADA (Charles Univ.) Vladimir MATOLIN (Saitama Univ.) Hidehiko KOBAYASHI (Univ. of Queensland) John DRENNAN B6 Nanocrystalline Ni-Mn Hydroxides as Electrode for Electrochemical Supercapacitors (KIST) Young Jei OH, O. A. SHLYAKHTIN B7 First-principles Theoretical Study on Lithium Storage Materials (Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Shin ichi HIGAI, Atsushi HONDA, Keisuke KAGEYAMA, Hiroshi TAKAGI, Yukio SAKABE B8 Preparation and Dissolution Property of Water Soluble Eco-glass with Adding Miner Elements (Dankook Univ.) Won Ho KANG Energy & Ecological Materials Ⅱ 21 Nov. (Wed.) 9:00-10:40 Ch : Tetsuya KAMEYAMA, Dong Sik BAE B9 Grain Boundary Structure on Magnetically Aligned Al Doped ZnO Ceramics (AIST) Hisashi KAGA, Yoshiaki KINEMUCHI, Koji WATARI (Ryukoku Univ.) Hiromi NAKANO (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.) Satoshi TANAKA, Keizo UEMATSU Energy & Ecological Materials Ⅲ and Evaluation & Standardization 21 Nov. (Wed.) 10:50-12:30 Ch : Naoki WAKIYA, Young Jei OH B14 Crystal Structure Dependence of Thermoelectric Properties of Rare Earth-doped Ruddlesden-popper Phase SrO(SrTiO3)2 Ceramics (Nagoya Univ.) Yifeng WANG (CREST-JST) Kyu Hyoung LEE, Hiromichi OHTA, (Nagoya Univ./CREST-JST) Kunihito KOUMOTO B15 Fabrication and Characterization of Cubic Bundles with Micro Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (FCRA/NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd.) Yoshihiro FUNAHASHI (AIST) Toshio SUZUKI, Yoshinobu FUJISHIRO, Masanobu AWANO (Toho Gas Co., Ltd.) Kohki NAGAI, Takanori OTAKE (NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd.) Toru SHIMAMORI B16 Strength and Thermal Shock Properties of Sc-doped Zirconia for Thin Electrolyte Sheet of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell B25 Synthesis and Properties of Tantalum Powder Produced by Ammonolysis (KICET) Jong Chul PARK, Jae Hwan PEE, Ung Soo KIM, (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) Sawao HONDA, Satoru Eui Seok CHOI MIZUNO, Shinobu HASHIMOTO, Yuji IWAMOTO, (SHC) Jae Soo SHIN, Hyeon BAE Hideo AWAJI (Toho Gas Co., Ltd.) Jun SHIMANO, Kenji UKAI, Yasunobu MIZUTANI B17 Evaluation of Phase Transition Behavior of Si Doped Sb2Te3 Thin Film by In-situ Reflectance Measurement Method (Yonsei Univ.) Jun Hyun BAE, Jun Ho CHA, Kyung Ho KIM, Hong Lim LEE B18 Precision Evaluation of Optical Properties of Transparent Ceramics (Covalent Materials Co.) Yoshihata YANASE, Mitsuhiro FUJITA, Masaki Irie Structural Ceramics 21 Nov. (Wed.) 16:10 - 18:20 Ch : Yasuo UCHIYAMA, Dae Yong SHIN B26 Doping Effect on High Temperature Matter Transport Phenomena in Oxide Ceramics (NIMS) Hidehiro YOSHIDA, Koji MORITA, Byung Nam KIM, Keijiro HIRAGA B27 Effect of Carbon Addition on Polishing Rate of Al2O3-TiC Composite Substrates (TDK Co.) Kei SUGIURA, Keiko KUBO, Yukio KAWAGUCHI, Atsushi HITOMI Raw Materials & Powder and Traditional Ceramics 21 Nov. (Wed.) 13:40 - 16:00 Ch : Yoko SUYAMA, Gun Eik JANG B19 Characteristics of Calcium Oxide and Calcium Hydroxide according to Crystal Size of Limestone (KIGAM) Jungah KIM, Kwangsuk YOU, Jiwhan AHN B20 Synthesis of Nano Size α-Zirconium Phosphate by Hydrothermal Method for Deodorization (KICET) Dong Wook LEE, Jae Hwan PEE, Ung Soo KIM, Eui Seok CHOI B21 Surface Modification of Calcium Carbonate with Amino Acids (Seoul Nat’l Univ.) Mi Young RYU, Hwan KIM (KIGAM) Kwang Suk YOU, Ji Whan AHN B22 Effect on Frost Resistance of Structure Control of a Water-retainable Brick (Fukuoka Industrial Tech. Center) Naotaka SAKAMOTO, Yumeko OYAKAWA (Araki Yogyo Co., Ltd.) Hiroshi TANAKA, Tatsuhiro NAKANO B23 Effect of Inorganic Sols on the Mechanical Properties of a Porcelain Body (KICET) Ungsoo KIM, Duckkyeom KIM, Euiseok CHOI B24 Fractographic Analysis of Alumina Reinforced Porcelain Tableware after Impact Test (Saga Ceramics Research Lab.) Nobuaki KAMOCHI (Saga Univ.) Takanori WATARI B28 High-strain-rate Superplasticity in ZrO2-30 vol% MgAl2O4 Spinel Composite (NIMS) K. MORITA, K. HIRAGA, B. N. KIM, H. YOSHIDA B29 The Effect of Oxygen Introduction into Crystals and Boundaries of Si3N4 Ceramics on Oxidation Resistance and Cutting Performance (Nippon Tungsten Co., Ltd.) Mituyoshi NAGANO, Shigeya SAKAGUCHI (Nagasaki Univ.) Hideaki SANO, Guo Bin ZHENG, Yasuo UCHIYAMA B30 Evaluation of Thermal Conductivity of EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings by Laser Flash Method (NIMS) Byung Koog JANG, Yoshio SAKKA (JFCC) Hideaki MATSUBARA B31 Development of ZrO2-HfO2-Y2O3-La2O3 Thermal Barrier Coatings (JFCC) Mineaki MATSUMOTO, Takeharu KATO, Norio YAMAGUCHI, Hideaki MATSUBARA B32 Fabrication of Controlled Pore Structure of RBSN and Sintered RBSN (KIMS) Young Jo PARK, Hai Doo KIM - Hall C Synthesis & Processing 20 Nov. (Tue.) 13:30 - 16:10 Ch : Wataru SAKAMOTO, Jong Hee KIM C1 Synthesis and Characterization of Fe Doped SiO2 Nanoparticles by a Reverse Micelle and Sol-gel Processing (Changwon Nat l Univ.) J. H. SON, Dong Sik BAE (KIST) Kyong Sop HAN C2 Synthesis of Bismuth Sodium Titanate Fine Particles with Different Shapes by the Gel-sol Method (Tohoku Univ.) Kiyoshi KANIE, Hiroshi SAKAI, Junji TANI, Atsushi MURAMATSU (Fuji Ceramics Co.) Yoshiki NUMAMOTO, Hirofumi TAKAHASHI C3 The Shape and Size Control of Nano-sized Silica Particle Synthesized by using Sodium Silicate Solution (Hanyang Univ.) Sang Wook UI, Se Hyuk JUNG, Jung Hun KIM, Sang Hoon LEE, Sung Churl CHOI C4 Solid State Synthesis of Ultrafine Tetragonal BaTiO3 Powder using the Mixture by High Energy Ball Milling Electronic Ceramics Ⅰ 21 Nov. (Wed.) 9:00-10:40 Ch : Hajime HANEDA, Yong Soo CHO C9 Electrical Properties of Transition Metal Doped ZnO Films (Yonsei Univ.) Jin Yong KIM, Hyuncheol KIM, A. Sivasankar REDDY, Hyung Ho PARK, Se Yong CHOI C10 Superplasticity Foaming of Titania Based Ceramics and their Properties (Okayama Univ.) Akira KISHIMOTO, Mako OBATA, Hidataka HAYASHI C11 Electric Properties of Bi5Nb3O15 Thin Films Grown on Pt/SiO2/Si Substrate (Korea Univ.) Kyung Hoon CHO Kyoung Pyo HONG, Seok Jung PARK, Sahn NAHM C12 Integration of Passive Components by Aerosol Deposition Method (KICET) Jong Hee KIM, Hyotae KIM, Donghun YEO, Hyosun SHIN (Kwangwoon Univ.) Song Min NAM C13 The Effect of HMDS Treatment in Ordered Mesoporous Silica Film using MTES/TEOS Mixed Precursor (Yonsei Univ.) Tae Jung HA, Sun Gyo CHOI, Hyung Ho PARK (KICET) Sung Soo RYU, Hyung Tae KIM C5 Investigation on the Duplex Pore Structure of the Microcellular SiC Ceramics using Preceramic Polymer (KIMS) In Hyuck SONG , Young Mi KIM, Hai Doo KIM (Univ. of Seoul.) Young Wook KIM C6 Characterization of Hexagonal Boron Carbonitride (h-BCN) Films Prepared by RF Plasma Enhanced CVD (Saga Univ.) Md. Abdul MANNAN, Masamitsu NAGANO (JAEA) Norie HIRAO, Yuji BABA C7 High Specific Surface Area TEOS Based Aerogels with Large Pore Volume Prepared at an Ambient Pressure (Hanyang Univ.) Pradip B. SARAWADE, Jong Kil KIM, Hee Taek KIM, Ho Kun KIM C8 Study of the Colour Development of Fe2O3‐ CoO-Cr2O3-MnO2 Pigments (Myongjii Univ.) Kyung Hyun SHIN, Byung Ha LEE Electronic Ceramics Ⅱ 21 Nov. (Wed.) 10:50-12:30 Ch : Takashi YAMAMOTO, Seung Chul CHOI C14 Past, Present and Future of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors (Invited Talk) (TDK Co.) Takeshi NOMURA C15 Microstructure and Piezoelectric Properties of Lead-free (1-x)(Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-xCaTiO3 Ceramics (Korea Univ.) Sahn NAHM C16 Alkaline Niobate-based Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramics (TDK Co.) Masahito FURUKAWA, Daisuke TANAKA, Takeo TSUKADA, Norimasa SAKAMOTO C17 Evaluation of BZN Dielectric for High-k Embedded Layer with a Commercial Low-k LTCC Substrate (Soonchunhyang Univ.) Seungjin KANG, Kwangwon CHOI, Kyoungho LEE Electronic Ceramics Ⅲ and Thin Films & Layers Ⅰ 21 Nov. (Wed.) 13:40-16:00 Ch : Hitoshi OSATO, Soon Gil YOON C18 Technical Issues and Features of Multilayered Chip PTC Thermistors with Ni Internal Electrodes (Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.) Yukio HIGUCHI, Akinori NAKAYAMA, Hideaki NIIMI, Hiroshi TAKAGI C19 Post-annealing Effect on Dielectric Properties of Ba4.2Sm9.2Ti18O54 Thick Films Fabricated by Aerosol Deposition Method (Kwangwoon Univ.) Song Min NAM (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Takaaki TSURUMI (AIST) Jun AKEDO C20 Fabrication of Microwave Absorber for Wireless LAN and their Evaluation C26 Study about Properties Change of Chemical Vapor Deposited ZrC on the SiC/Graphite (Yonsei Univ.) Jun Gyu KIM, Doo Jin CHOI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst.) Young Woo LEE, Ji Yeon PARK C27 Characterization of Bi2O3-MgO-Nb2O5 Thin Films with Different Compositions Deposited by RF Sputtering (Chungnam Nat l Univ.) Jun Ku AHN, Sung Gi HUR, Hae Won KIM, Nak Jin SEONG, Soon Gil YOON C28 Ion-beam-induced Titanium Oxide Thin Films and their Photocatalytic Effects (Kurume inst. of Tech.) Mitsuo KASAHARA, Toshimasa NOGUCHI, Misa NAKAMURA, Hiroki HASUYAMA C29 Photo-conductive Properties of Cadmium Sulfide Thin Film Deposited by RF-sputtering (NDA) Youngjoon AN, Ken NISHIDA, Takashi (Chungnam Nat l Univ.) Sung Gi HUR, Nguyen Mai YAMAMOTO (New Microwave Solutions Inc.) Satoshi PHUONG, Eui Tae KIM, Ji Hong LEE, Geun Hong KIM OGINO (Yuseong Univ.) Soon Gil YOON C21 PZT-based Thin Film Embedded Capacitors for High Density Printed Circuit Boards (Inostek Inc.) Seung Hyun KIM, Jo Woong HA (Samsung Electro-Mechanics) Yul Kyo CHUNG C22 Structural Properties of (Mg,Zn)O Heterostructures Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition (NIMS) Yutaka ADACHI, Isao SAKAGUCHI, Naoki OHASHI, Hajime HANEDA C23 A Study on Phase Change Characteristics of Sb Based Phase Change Materials (Yonsei Univ.) Sung Jin PARK, In Soo KIM, Se Young CHOI C24 La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Ferromagnetic Channel Thickness Dependence of the Magneto- transport Properties of Magneto-electric FETs (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) Takeshi YOKOTA, Takaaki KURIBAYASHI, Shotaro MURATA, Manabu GOMI Thin Films & Layers Ⅱ 21 Nov. (Wed.) 16:10-18:20 Ch : Hiroshi MAIWA, Jo Woong HA C25 Thin Film Embedded Capacitor for PCB Applications (Samsung Electro-Mechanics) Yul Kyo CHUNG C30 Switching Characteristics of Copper DopedGexTe1-x Solid Electrolyte Films Incorporated by Nitrogen for Programmable Metallization Cell Memory Applications (Chungnam Nat l Univ.) Soo Jin LEE, Soon Gil YOON C31 Ca-ordering and Thermoelectric Properties of CaxCoO2 Epitaxial Films Fabricated by Topotactic Ion-exchange Method (Nagoya Univ.) Kenji SUGIURA (Nagoya Univ./CREST, JST) Hiromichi OHTA, Kunihito KOUMOTO (RIKEN/SPring-8) Yukiaki ISHIDA (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Kenji NOMURA, Masahiro HIRANO, Hideo HOSONO Poster Presentation P10 Bioinspired Synthesis of TiO2 Crystals using Digestive Enzymes (Nagoya Univ.) Tomohide ISHIKAWA, Raw Materials & Powder P1 Application to Ferrite Core of Dry-celll Battery Recycling Materials (FDK Co.) Rei HANAMURA, Yoshio MATSUO Traditional Ceramics P2 Strength Improvement of Roof Tile Body using Ceramics Fibers (Ceramics Lab. of Ehime Pref.) Masahiko KAN (Ehime Univ.) Masayuki YATOMI, Toshiro TANAKA P3 Study on Crack Free Celadon Controlled by Physical Properties of Alumina - Silicate System (KICET) Bo Kyung SHIM, Kwang Sung PARK, Ung Soo KIM, Jae Hwan PEE, Eui Seok CHOI Synthesis and Processing P4 Synthesis of Fe2O3-CoO-Cr2O3-MnO2 System Pigment by Coprecipiation (Myongji Univ.) Soo Nyong CHOI , Byung Ha LEE (KICET) Joo Seok Park P5 Morphology Control of the Starting Power for Preferred Orientation in Bi Substituted Co Base Layered Oxide Thermoelectrics Kiyofumi KATAGIRI, Kunihito KOUMOTO P11 Preparation of Oxide Films by Surface Discharge Technique (Shizuoka Univ.) Yosuke SONOHARA, Katsuya KUSAMA, Yoshihiro SHIBAYAMA, Masayuki OKUYA P12 ITO Thin Film Prepared by Microwave Heating (Shizuoka Univ.) Katsuki SHINOHARA, Msayuki OKUYA, Katsuyuki SHIOZAKI P13 Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-TiO2 by Combustion Method using Carbon Black (KIER) Chi Hwan HAN, Sang Do HAN, Ji Hye GWAK, Sang Hyun PARK, Il Su CHUN P14 Electrical and Ferroelectric Properties of BLT Thin Films Formed by Photochemical Metal-organic Deposition (Yonsei Univ.) Yong June CHOI, Hyeong Ho PARK, Hyung Ho PARK P15 Synthesis of Ceramic 12CaO・7Al2O3 (C12A7) Powder by using Combustion Method with Microwave-assistance and Fabrication of C12A7 : H (Hanyang Univ.) Jun Ho CHUNG, Jong Won EUN, (Ajou Univ.) Sun Ho YOON, Dong Ha KWAK, Bong Geun CHOI, Jong Won YOON, Kwang Bo SHIM Seung Chul CHOI (Osaka Univ.) Tohru SEKONO P6 Mg2+ and Organic Additives on Aragonite Precipitated Calcium Carbonate P16 Ultrasonic Effects on Synthesis of Functional Ceramic Particles (KIGAM) Woon Kyoung PARK, Seung Woo LEE, (Kyushu Univ.) Naoya ENOMOTO, Feng DANG, Kye Hong CHO, Ji Whan AHN Kai KAMADA, Junichi HOJO P7 Colloidal Consolidation of Al2O3-ITO Particles under Electric Field P17 Property Control of Sanitary Ware Slip with Polymer Additives (Kagoshima Univ.) Hiroyuki UCHIMA, Yoshihiro HIRATA, (KICET/Yonsei Univ.) Duck Kyeom KIM (KICET) Ung Soichiro SAMESHIMA, Naoki MATSUNAGA Soo KIM, Eui Seok CHOI (Yonsei Univ.) Heon Jin CHOI P8 A study on the Restoration of the Extinct Black Pigment of Kyeryongsan Buncheong Ware (Myongji Univ.) Soung Ho LIM, Byung Ha LEE P9 Effect of Drying Methods for Synthesized Yttria-Doped Ceria by Co-precipitation (Hanyang Univ.) Se Hyuk JUNG, Yun Ki BYEUN, Sang Hoon LEE, Sung Churl CHOI P18 Structural Characteristics of Hexagonal ZnO Micro-cages Synthesised by Metal-vapor Deposition (Hanyang Univ.) Sin Young BANG, Woo Sik KIM, Bong Geun CHOI, Jee Hun LIM, Van Thi Ha HAI, Jong Won YOON, Kwang Bo SHIM Electronic Ceramics P19 Superior Mechanical Properties of Multilayer Ferrite P28 The Property Sensitivity Driven by Alkali Oxides in Calcium Alumino-borosilicate-based Dielectrics (FDK Co.) Juji KATO, Masayuki INAGAKI, (Yonsei Univ.) V. J. SAJI, J. H. JEONG, D. W. SHIN Yoshio MATSUO (KETI) Y. S. CHO, J. C. KIM, N. K. KANG P20 Structural and Electrical Properties of Ferroelectric Eu-substituted Bismuth Titanate Thin Films Prepared by Sol-gel Method (Korea Univ.) Byong Ho KIM, Dong Kyun KANG P21 Effect of Alkoxyl Group on the Formation of Strontium Niobates from Metal Alkoxides (Shimane Univ.) Norikazu FUJII, Yoko SUYAMA P22 Preparation and Dielectric Properties of YBaMn2O6 Ceramics (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) I. KAGOMIYA, H. YOSHIDA, H. OHSATO P23 The Aging Effect in (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 Family Ceramics with Point Defects (Univ. of Tsukuba) Y. HIDAKA, S. TSUKADA, J. KANO, S. KOJIMA P24 Raman Scattering Study of the Phase Transitions in PbTiO3-based Ferroelectrics (Univ. of Tsukuba) Kihiro KATO, Shinya TSUKADA, Jun KANO, Seiji KOJIMA P25 Realtime Dust Detector in Space Using a Piezoelectric Material (Honda Electronics Co., Ltd.) N. OKADA (Waseda Univ.) T. MIYACHI, M. FUJII, N. HASEBE (NAOJ) S. SASAKI (Univ. of Tokyo) T. IWAI (Dokkyo Univ. School of Med.) K. NOGAMI (JAXA) H. MATSUMOTO (Tokyo Univ. of Marine Sci. & Tech.) H. OHASHI (Kyoto Univ.) H. SHIBATA (Osaka City Univ.) S. MINAMI, S. TAKECHI, P29 Formation Conditions of Silicate Ceramics for Microwave/Millimeterwave Dielectrics (Nagoya I.nst. of Tech.) Hitoshi OHSATO, Minato ANDO, Mio TERADA , Nur Ismarrubie ZAHARI, Tsutomu TSUNOOKA P30 Oxygen Defect Characterization in Barium Titanate Ceramics by a Nano-SIMS (NIMS) H. HANEDA, I. SAKAGUCHI, N. OHASHI, T. OHGAKI (Univ. of Tokyo) T. NAKAGAWA, Y. IKUHARA P31 Dielectric and Electromechnical Properties of Ba(ZrxTi1-x)O3 (x=0.1 and 0.2) Ceramics Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering (Shonan Inst. of Tech.) Hiroshi MAIWA P32 Impedance Response Analysis of Relaxor Single Crystal-Plates with Giant Piezoelectricity on k31 Mode (Shizuoka Inst. of Sci. & Tech.) Rakuko KATO, Toshio OGAWA P33 Improved Temperature Coefficient of Capacitance in CaCu3Ti4O12-Driven Low Temperature Thick Film Dielectrics (Yonsei Univ.) Deuk Ho YEON, Byeong Kon KIM, Yong Soo CHO (Korea Testing Lab.) Jun Kwang SONG (Samsung Electro-Mechanics) Jung Won LEE Structural Ceramics P34 Effect of Carbon Fiber Addition on Electrical Resistivity of Aluminum Nitride Ceramics T. ONISHI (Max-Planck-Institut fur Kernphysik) (NGK Insulators, Ltd.,) Hiroaki SAKAI, E. Gruni, R. SRAMA Jun YOSHIKAWA, Yuji KATSUDA, Naohito YAMADA P26 Dielectric Dispersion in CaCu3Ti4O12 Ceramics (Shizuoka Inst. of Sci. & Tech.) Kiyoshi DEGUCHI, Shinichi MOCHIZUKI P27 Phase Transition of 0.8(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3・0.2BaTiO3 Ceramics (Taiyo Yuden Co., Ltd.) Tomomi KOBAYASHI, Koichiro TSUZUKU (Gunma Univ.) Shin-ichi KURODA P35 Preparation of Poreless SiC Ceramics using Nanoparticle (Covalent Materials Co.) Yoshio KOBAYASHI, Tadashi OHASHI P36 The Morphology and the Oxidation Resistance of SiC Coating Prepared by Pack Cementation Method in the Presence of Boron Source (KICET) H. J. HONG, D. H. RIU, D. K. SHIN, K. Y. CHO (Hanyang Univ.) J. S. LEE P37 Effect of TiC and SiC Addition on the Oxidation Behavior of WC-TiC-TaC Binderless Cemented Carbide P46 The Electrical Properties of Metal-ferroelectricsemiconductor Structures using Ferroelectric Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) (Nagasaki Univ.) Yasuo UCHIYAMA, Hideaki SANO, (Univ. of Seoul) Jeong Hwan KIM, Dong Won KIM, Guo Bin ZHENG (Nippon Tungsten Co., Ltd.) Ho Seung JEON, Byung Eun PARK Shuji UENO, Hiroki TANAKA, Osamu NAKANO P38 Carbide Ceramics Powder Formation from Organic Precursors (NIMS) Toshiyuki NISHIMURA, Satoru ISHIHARA, Hidehiko TANAKA Glass & Opto-Electronic Materials P39 Reliability Improvement of Silicate Phosphors for UV and Blue LED by Silica Coating (Ajou Univ./KRICT) Hyun Goo KANG (KRICT) Joung Kyu PARK, Chang Hea KIM, Hyun Ju JANG (Ajou Univ.) Seung Chul CHOI P40 ZnO Band Gap Engineering by Incorporation of Sb (Yonsei Univ.) In June KIM, Do Yun KIM, Se Young CHOI Thin Films & Layers P41 Electrical Properties of Al2O3/La2O3/Al2O3 Multi-layer Film for Charge Trap Flash Memory Device Application (Yonsei Univ.) Hyo June KIM, Sung Hyuk CHO, Doo Jin CHOI P42 The Dielectric Constant Change of a-SiOC : H Thin Films Deposited by Remote PECVD System using HMDS Precursor and C2H2 Dilution Gas (Yonsei Univ.) Sung Hyuk CHO, Doo Jin CHOI P43 An Experiment of Magnetoresistive Sensor for High Magnetic Field (FDK Co.) T. KIYOMIYA, T. FUJISAWA, Y. MATSUO (FDK Mechatronics Co., Ltd.) H. KOMURA P44 The Optical Properties of ZnS/CaF2/ZnS/Cr Multi-layered Thin Films with Different Optical Thickness (Chungbuk Nat l Univ.) Kang Jae JANG, Gun Eik JANG P45 Characterization of Metal-ferroelectric -semiconductor (MFS) Structure using Ferroelectric Polymer PVDF-TrFE Film (Univ. of Seoul) Dong Won KIM, Jeong Hwan KIM, Joo Nam KIM, Ho Seung JEON, Byung Eun PARK P47 Electrical Properties of Lanthanum-substituted Bismuth Titanate on Lanthanum Zirconium Oxide (Univ. of Seoul) Ho Seung JEON, Joo Nam KIM, Gwang Geun LEE, Hui Seong HAN, Byung Eun PARK P48 Direct Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxide Coating Films via Aqueous Solution Reaction with Al2O3 Gel Films (Nagoya Univ.) Midori NOZAWA, Kiyofumi KATAGIRI, Kunihito KOUMOTO P49 Nuclei and Grain Growth of Alkoxy-derived Lead-free Piezoelectric Thin Films (AIST) Kiyotaka TANAKA, Kazuyuki SUZUKI, Kazumi KATO (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) Ken-ichi KAKIMOTO, Hitoshi OHSATO P50 Zinc Oxide Thin Films on Polycrystalline AlN Substrates (Yonsei Univ.) Yeon Hwa JO, Yong Soo CHO P51 Effects of Metal (Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba) Dopants on Direct-patternable ZnO Thin Film Formed by Photochemical Solution Deposition (Yonsei Univ.) Hyuncheol KIM, A. Sivasankar REDDY, Hyung Ho PARK, Se Yong CHOI P52 Hybridization of PEDOT : PSS with Surfacetreated CdSe Nanocrystals (Yonsei Univ.) Seok Joo WANG, Sun Gyu CHOI, Hyung Ho PARK P53 Ultraviolet Ray Shielding ZnO-ZrO2 Films Prepared by Sol-gel Spin Coating (Tsuchiya Co., Ltd.) Hiroaki HAYASHI, Osamu YOSHIDA (Shizuoka Univ.) Hisao SUZUKI P54 Chemical States and Electrical Properties of La1-XSrxMnO3 Thin Film Obtained by RF Sputtering for Infrared Sensor (Yonsei Univ.) Sun Gyu CHOI, Tae Jung HA, A. Sivasankar REDDY, Hyung Ho PARK (Electronics & Telecommunications Research Inst.) Byoung Gon YU Bio Materials P55 Computer Simulation of Heat Generation Ability in AC Magnetic Field for Ti Tube Filled with Ferrite Powder (Ehime Univ.) Hideyuki HIRAZAWA, Kodai UCHIHARA, Hiromichi AONO, Takashi NAOHARA, Koichi HIRAOKA, Shinfuku NOMURA, Tsunehiro MAEHARA P56 Effect of Compacting Pressure and Sintering Atmospheres on the Phase Transformation Behavior of Hydroxyapatite (Kangnung Nat l Univ.) Hee Gon BANG, Young Jin JO, Sang Yeup PARK P57 Crystal Growth Behavior of Hydroxyapatite in the Presence of Ethylamine during Hydrothermal Treatment P63 Aminofunctionalized Mesoporous Silicas for Selective Bioseparation (KICET) Jeong Ho CHANG, Sang Hwa KANG P64 Synthesis of Titania Nanopowders by the Combustion Method and their Semiconducting Characteristics (Yonsei Univ.) Jong Won LEE, Deuk Ho YEON, Yong Soo CHO Energy & Ecological Materials P65 Grain Growth Behavior and Conductivity Property of Ca-doped CeO2 (NIMS) Ming YAN, Toshiyuki MORI, Fei YE, Ding Rong OU (Univ. of Queensland) Jin ZOU, John DRENNAN P66 Development of Anode Material using Stainless Steel for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (AIST) Fukue NAGATA, Tatsuya MIYAJIMA, (Kagoshima Univ.) Toshimasa MIWA, Yoshihiro HIRATA, Katsuya KATO, Tetsuya KAMEYAMA Soichiro SAMESHIMA, Naoki MATSUNAGA P58 Protein Adsorption of Plasma-sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coating with c-face Dominant Characteristics P67 Anode Property of Pt-CeO2-SnO2 Composite Electrode for Methanol Oxidation Reaction (NIMS) Motoi TAKAHASHI, Toshiyuki MORI, (NIMS/ (AIST) Masahiko INAGAKI, Takao SAITO, Kitami Inst. of Tech.) Hirotaka TOGASAKI (Kitami Inst. Tetsuya KAMEYAMA of Tech.) Akio TADA (Charles Univ.) Vladimir MATOLIN P59 The Influence of Bioactive Inorganic Materials on Osteopontin Expression in Rat Calvarial Osteoblast Culture (Univ. of Queensland) John DRENNAN P68 Water Permeable Concretes as the Ceramic Substrates (Hanyang Univ.) Byung Bae MUN, Ho Kun KIM (Gyeongsang Nat'l Univ.) Na Ra HA, Kyu Hong HWANG, Nano-Materials Jung Bae YOON (Hwanam Co.) Min Chul KIM P60 Fabrication of MgO Coated TiO2 Nanotubes and their Application to Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (KAIST) Hun PARK, Dae Jin YANG, Jin Seong YOO, Ho Gi KIM (Kangnung Nat l Univ.) Won Youl CHOI (Bio Alpha Inc.) Seong Je CHO (KIST) Su Chul YANG, Hyun Jung LEE P61 Cobalt Aluminate Spinel Nano Particles for Ceramic Pigment via Sol-gel Process : Crystallization and Optical Properties (Kangwon Nat l Univ.) Dae Yong SHIN, Kyung Nam KIM, Sang Mok HAN P62 Heat Generation Ability under AC Magnetic Field of Sized Nano MgFe2O4 Ferrite Powder Prepared by Bead Milling (Ehime Univ.) Hideyuki HIRAZAWA, Satoshi KUSAMOTO, Hiromichi AONO, Takashi NAOHARA, Tsunehiro MAEHARA (AdMeTech Co., Ltd.) Mitsunori SATO P69 Water Retentivity of Recycling Ceramic Bricks (AIST) Yong Seok LEE, Hajime NAGAE, Kazuo SUZUKI, Masayoshi OHASHI, Toyohiko SUGIYAMA P70 Synthesis and Photocatalytic Acitivity of Brookite-type Titania (Ehime Univ.) Satoshi OKANO, Hideki SENOO, Toshiro TANAKA P71 Deposition of TiO2 Particles from Peroxo-titanium Complex in Agueous Solutions (Nagoya Univ.) Norimichi KOBAYASHI, Kiyofumi KATAGIRI, Kunihito KOUMOTO P72 Steam Electrolysis Using Zirconia-based Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (KIER) Ji Haeng YU, Hee Lak LEE, Shiwoo LEE, Sang Kuk WOO P73 Effect of Local Distortion on Thermoelectric Performance of Ti-based Oxides (CREST, JST) Kyu Hyoung LEE (Nagoya Univ.) P84 Evaluation of Residual Stress in CSD-derived Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3 Thin Films with Different Orientations Daisuke KURITA, Akihiro ISHIZAKI, Shingo OHTA, (Shizuoka Univ.) Hiroaki FUKAZAWA, Naoki WAKIYA, Takasi NOMURA (CREST, JST/Nagoya Univ.) Hisao SUZUKI (Kitami Inst. of Tech.) Tomoya OHNO, Hiromichi OHTA, Kunihito KOUMOTO Takeshi MATSUDA P74 Electronic Structures and Thermoelectricity of (Fe1-xTix )2O3 (Shonan Inst. of Tech.) Sunao SUGIHARA, Koujiroh NISHIYAMA P75 Gas Permeation Behaviors through Faujasite Zeolite Membrane under Humid Conditions (KIER) Churl Hee CHO, Jong Soo PARK, Bo Yoon JANG, Jeong Goo YEO, Young Soo AHN P76 Improvement of Solid-type Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (Shizuoka Univ.) Takahiko KAWAI, Masayuki OKUYA P77 Light Confinement Effect of FTO Layer for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (Shizuoka Univ.) Kenji OHASHI, Masayuki OKUYA P78 Optimization of Working Electrode for Solid-state Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (Shizuoka Univ.) Yoshihide OKAWA, Masayuki OKUYA P79 Fabrication and Physical Properties of Cordierite/Zirconia Honeycomb (Kangnung Nat l Univ.) Sung Jin KIM, Jun Ho SONG, Sang Yeup PARK Evaluation & Standardization P80 Phase Change and Electrical Behavior of Sb2Te3 Thin Film (Yonsei Univ.) Jun Hyun BAE, Jun Ho CHA, Kyung Ho KIM, Hong Lim LEE P81 The Effect of Lubricant Addition on the Cutting Performance and Mechanical Properties of Micro Blades (Kangwon Nat l Univ.) Song Hee KIM Recent Topics P82 Processing Parameters of (K,Na)NbO3-based Thin Films by Chemical Solution Deposition (Shizuoka Univ.) Koushi IMAI, Wataru SUGAWARA, Hisao SUZUKI, Naoki WAKIYA P83 Effect of Substrate on Electrical Properties of PZT Thin Films by CSD (Shizuoka Univ.) Youhei MATSUBAYASHI, Hisao SUZUKI, Naoki WAKIYA P85 Effect of Film Thickness and Composition on Electrical Properties of PZT/LNO/Si Capacitor by Chemical Solution Deposition (Shizuoka Univ.) Yoshihiro SAKAMAKI, Hiroaki FUKAZAWA, Naoki WAKIYA, Hisao SUZUKI (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Kazuo SHINOZAKI (Jožef Stefan Inst.) Tomoya OHNO and Marija KOSEC P86 3D Temperature Distribution Measurement Based on Fan-Beam Projection Data by Using Ultrasonic CT (Shizuoka Inst. of Sci. & Tech.) Daitoku NANAMI, Ning ZHU P87 On-demand MEMS Factory System Consists of Metal Press Forming and Aerosol Deposition (AIST) Shizuka NAKANO, Kiwamu ASHIDA, Jae Hyuk PARK, Jun AKEDO P88 Electrical Properties of Nano-porous Mullite Thin Films for Direct Material Writing (Shizuoka Univ.) A. YUSAHRIZAL, Y. TAKAI, N. WAKIYA, N. SAKAMOTO, H. SUZUKI P89 Direct Domain Writing of PZT Thin Films for AFM Memory (Shizuoka Univ.) H. SUZUKI, N. WAKIYA, N. SAKAMOTO, Y. HOSHI (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) K. SHINOZAKI P90 Structure Induced Giant Piezoelectricity of PZT Thin Films on Back-etched Si Wafer (Shizuoka Univ.) H. SUZUKI, N. WAKIYA, N. SAKAMOTO, H. ISSIKI (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) K. SHINOZAKI P91 Evaluation of Piezoelectric Properties of Sol-gel PZT Film with Substrate (Gifu Univ.) Yutaka OHYA, Yuki YAHATA, Takayuki BAN P92 Microscopic Operation System using Piezo based Micro Robots (Shizuoka Inst. of Sci. & Tech.) Atsushi OGURI, Daigo MISAKI, Ning ZHU, Fucihwaki OHMI, Hisayuki AOYAMA P93 Three-dimensional Nano-level Polishing using MCF P98 Relaxor Type Piezoelectric Thick Film Prepared by Aerosol Deposition Method for Micro Actuator (FDK Co.) Y. MATSUO, K. YAMAMOTO (AIST) Jun AKEDO (Fukushima Univ.) K. SHIMADA (NEC Tokin Co.) Yoshihiro KAWAKAMI P94 High-speed Resistive Switching of Nanoelectronics Ceramics P99 Alkali-catalyzed Transesterification of Vegetable Oil by using Sonochemistry Effect (Shizuoka Univ./ Innovative Joint Research Center) Masayuki FUJIMOTO (Shizuoka Univ.) Hiroshi KOYAMA, Masashi KONAGAI P95 Nano-complexity of Wurzeit-Bixbyte/Antibixbyte Structure in Zn3N2/ZnO and InN/In2O3 and its Resultant Optical Properties (Shizuoka Inst. of Sci. & Tech.) Ning ZHU P100 Effect of the Stainless Steel Mesh in RF Plasma on Low-temperature Crystallization of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Films using SrTiO3 Seed Layer Prepared by Plasma Enhanced Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (Shizuoka Univ./ Innovative Joint Research Center) (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Ji Won MOON, Takanori KIGUCHI, Masayuki FUJIMOTO (Fukui Univ. of Tech.) Tomohiko YOSHIOKA, Junzo TANAKA, Naoyuki TAKAHASHI, (NIMS) Naoki OHASHI, Kazuo SHINOZAKI (Shizuoka Univ.) Naoki WAKIYA Takashi SEKIGUCHI, Hajime HANEDA P96 Micropatterning of Ceramic Thick Films Prepared by Aerosol Deposition Method P101 Characteristics of Resistive Film Fabricated by Aerosol Deposition Method at Room Temperature (AIST) Jae Hyuk PARK, Hiroki TSUDA, Jun AKEDO P97 Transparent Nanocomposite Films Exhibiting Simultaneous Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric Characteristics Prepared by Aerosol Deposition Method (AIST) Jae Hyuk PARK, Jun AKEDO (Ryukoku Univ.) Masakazu MORI (AIST) Jun AKEDO P102 Barium Titanate Thin Film Capacitors Fabricated by Aerosol Deposition for Embedded Applications (AIST) Hiroki TSUDA , Daniel POPOVICI, Jun AKEDO P103 Wear-resistant Ceramic Thick Films Prepared by Aerosol Deposition Method (AIST) Sewoong OH, Jae Hyuk PARK, Jun AKEDO General Information for the Seminar Invited Lecture : 45 min with discussion* Invited Talk : 40 min with discussion* Oral Presentation : 20 min with discussion* Poster Presentation : 2 hr** * Projector with “Power Point” ONLY! You must prepare your Note PC or USB memory! ** Poster board size is 90 cm (width) and 180 cm (height). Important Information to Session Chairperson In the cases of the Oral Presentation to make an entry of “Best Presentation Award”, the session chairpersons both of Japanese and Korean sides must examine the presentations according to the “Inspection Sheet”! 日本側 組織委員会 [委員長] 加藤昭夫 九州大学名誉教授 [副委員長] 神崎修三 産業技術総合研究所中部センター所長 [委員] 請川孝治 産業技術総合研究所関西センター所長 立山 博 産業技術総合研究所九州センター所長 吉田 忠 産業技術総合研究所東北センター所長 矢部 彰 産業技術総合研究所中国センター所長 三留秀人 産業技術総合研究所 先進製造プロセス研究部門長 中村 守 産業技術総合研究所 サステナブルマテリアル研究部門長 亀山哲也 産業技術総合研究所産学官連携コーディネータ 室町英治 物質材料研究機構 ナノスケール物質領域コーディネータ 羽田 肇 物質材料研究機構センサ材料センター長 安間 守 静岡県工業技術研究所長 久米道之 名古屋市工業研究所長 種村 栄 JFCC材料技術研究所長 安田栄一 日本セラミックス協会会長、 東京工業大学教授 内村理史 日本ファインセラミックス協会専務理事 中園徳斗士 (財)九州産業技術センター常務理事 平井敏雄 東北大学名誉教授 吉村昌弘 東京工業大学教授 岡田 清 東京工業大学教授 桑原 誠 九州大学教授 米屋勝利 横浜国立大学特任教授 小川敏夫 鈴木久男 河本邦仁 大柳満之 新原皓一 陶山容子 尾坂明義 福永秀春 山中昭司 北條純一 内山休男 蓮山寛機 平田好洋 正木孝樹 成井和雄 小倉伸一 阪井博明 千成篤博 坂部行雄 静岡理工科大学教授 静岡大学教授 名古屋大学教授 龍谷大学教授 長岡技術科学大学教授 島根大学教授 岡山大学教授 元呉工業高等専門学校長 広島大学教授 九州大学教授 長崎大学教授 久留米工業大学教授 鹿児島大学教授 漢拏大学教授 東陶機器㈱執行役員衛陶生産本部長 日本タングステン㈱専務取締役 日本ガイシ㈱執行役員基盤材料研究所長 日本特殊陶業㈱常務取締役総合研究所長 ㈱村田製作所取締役常務執行役員 研究開発センター長 北村憲男 ケー・エフ通商(株)代表取締役社長 古賀和憲 京セラ㈱部品研究開発本部企画部長 鷹取一雅 ㈱豊田中央研究所材料分野総括室GM主監 長谷部悦弘 東芝セラミックス㈱ 事業開発本部技術戦略部長 [顧問] 小林和夫 元九州工業技術研究所長、元長崎大学教授 猪股吉三 元無機材質研究所長、 物質材料研究機構名誉顧問 韓国側 組織委員会 [名誉委員長] 南 基棟 韓国 Ceramic 総協会名誉会長 [委員長] 全 炳植 韓国 Ceramic 総協会会長 [委員] 金 昊源 産業資源部未來生活産業本部長 吳 姜 鄭 金 崔 李 金 韓 朴 李 有根 元浩 武秀 煥 成哲 秉夏 炳扈 相穆 熙讃 弘林 窯業技術院院長(実行委員長) 韓国 Ceramic 学会会長、檀国大学校教授 韓国精密窯業協会会長 Seoul 大学校教授 漢陽大学校教授 明知大学校教授 高麗大学校教授 江原大学校教授 釜山大学校教授 延世大学校教授 吳 白 李 朴 在熙 聖基 秀完 商嘩 仁荷大学校教授 浦項工科大学校教授 鮮文大学校教授 江陵大学校教授 趙 相煕 宋 宗澤 金 昊起 李 載道 金 海斗 韓 慶燮 安 芝煥 李 鍾敏 柳 景烈 盧 永仁 李 錫宰 李 和一 洪 思昇 金 容柱 金 英信 [顧問] 金 基衡 河 二永 張 性道 朴 順子 慶北大学校名誉教授 檀国大学校教授 韓国科学技術院教授 韓国化学研究院院長 韓国機械研究院 Ceramic 室長 韓国科学技術研究院責任研究員 韓国地質資源研究院責任研究員 窯業技術院諮問委員 浦港産業科学研究院院長 東洋 Cement㈱社長 三星 Corning㈱社長 朝鮮耐火㈱会長 雙龍洋灰工業㈱社長 ㈱杏南磁器社長 韓国陶磁器㈱社長 韓国陶磁文化協会会長 大原通商㈱顧問 ㈱東一 Ceramics 顧問 Seoul 大学校名誉教授 実行委員会 [委員長] 小川敏夫 静岡理工科大学教授 [副委員長] 安間 守 静岡県工業技術研究所長 鈴木久男 静岡大学教授 [委員] 亀山哲也 産業技術総合研究所産学官連携コーディネータ 羽田 肇 物質材料研究機構センサ材料センター長 河本邦仁 名古屋大学教授 山本 孝 防衛大学校教授 出口 潔 静岡理工科大学教授 小林久理真 静岡理工科大学教授 土肥 稔 静岡理工科大学准教授 笠谷祐史 静岡理工科大学准教授 十朱 寧 静岡理工科大学講師 藤本正之 静岡大学教授 脇谷尚樹 奥谷昌之 真岩宏司 坂本 渉 兼子知行 杉山 治 鷹取一雄 高橋弘文 岡田長也 松尾良夫 静岡大学准教授 静岡大学准教授 湘南工科大学准教授 名古屋大学准教授 静岡県工業技術研究所材料科長 静岡県工業技術研究所企画調整部企画調整スタッフ 研究主幹 ㈱豊田中央研究所材料分野統括室 ジェネラルマネージャ ㈱富士セラミックス開発部課長 本多電子㈱研究部チームリーダー FDK㈱技術開発本部本部長代理 [特別顧問] 加藤昭夫 九州大学名誉教授 神崎修三 産業技術総合研究所中部センター所長 後援・協賛 [後援] 経済産業省(申請中)、文部科学省(申請中)、静岡県、掛川市、袋井市、(社)日本セラミックス協会、(社)日本ファインセラミックス協会、(独)産業技 術総合研究所、(財)ファインセラミックスセンター [協賛] 静岡県新材料技術研究会、(財)はましん地域振興財団、(財)村田学術振興財団、昭栄化学 工業株式会社 (順不同) 第24回日韓国際セラミックスセミナー事務局 〒437-8555 袋井市豊沢 2200-2 静岡理工科大学 電気電子情報工学科 TEL:0538-45-0111 FAX:0538-45-0110 E-mail: [email protected] Seminar Hall Map Information on Access 1. By Shinkansen or Highway Bus (Entetsu Bus/ e-wing): 110 min Tokyo Shizuoka Kodama Hikari* Kakegawa Kodama only 60 min Hamamatsu Kodama Hikari* Nagoya 135 min (¥3,400) 120 min (¥3,000) 60 min Highway Bus/ e-wing** Central Japan International Airport “Centrair” *One Hikari stops at Shizuoka every hour and at Hamamatsu every two hours. Please confirm by JR timetable. **Entetsu Bus “e-wing” timetable: Access connection from Korea, for example; (2) Direct Bus to Hamamatsu (every 30 min) (1) Direct Bus to Kakegawa (Flight & Arrival) / Centrair OZ122 OZ9122 OZ124 KE757 KE5751 KE751 Kakegawa*** 16:00/ 17:15 --- 19:25 (◎) 19:50/ 20:45 --- 22:55 21:20/ 22:15 --- 24:25 14:50/ 17:15 --- 19:25 20:35/ 22:15 --- 24:25 20:45/ 22:15 --- 24:25 Centrair Hamamatsu 16:45 --- 18:45 15:45 --- 17:45 21:45 --- 23:45 21:45 --- 23:45 *** Kakegawa bus-stop of “e-wing” is located at the parking of Kakegawa Interchange, Tomei Highway, not located at JR Kakegawa Station. 2. From Hamamatsu to Kakegawa, you can use local train (30 min). 3. From Kakegawa Station to “Tsumagoi”: (1) Taxi/ 15 min (¥2,000) 4. Seminar Hotel Information on YAMAHA Resort “Tsumagoi”: TEL: +81-(0)-537-24-1111/ FAX: +81-(0)-537-62-0349
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