Portfolio - Elucitrans Translation

Jason Housley
Linguistics 580
Advanced Translation Studies
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Executive Summary
Translation has always been more than a hobby for me, and since I have had a little
experience doing freelance translation, I know it’s something I want to pursue further. That is the
attitude behind my decision to take the Linguistics 580 translation course. In my other portfolio
which is based on my experience in the Linguistics 480 class, I focused on using technology to
improve translation quality. However, this course focuses on translation theory, and the work
presented here represents a concerted effort to delve deeply into the possible meanings for
various texts.
The contents of this portfolio include seven shorter translations and one larger work all
presented within a framework of structured specifications. Some readers may feel that the size of
these works is too small to make them a significant representation of my skills as a translator,
and in some respects, I agree that they are not a perfect representation of my skills. Rather, the
focus of this work is on theory, so the time that could have been spent on translating more words
was instead spent on terminology research and the consideration of the specifications of
translation. In that regard, I have elected to include some previous drafts of the translations
where it seems appropriate. It is my hope that this focus on the process of translation exemplifies
greater quality in translation than otherwise working willy nilly to complete as many words as
This portfolio also contains a modest research project designed as an assessment of
machine translation for freelance translators and a brief description of my future aspirations in
translation. The research is by no means intended as an exhaustive treatment of the subject of
machine translation, but it does represent an attempt to narrow the gap between translators and
machine translation in practical terms. Ultimately, my conclusion for the research was that in
order to make machine translation truly effective as a tool for translators, the translator has to be
at least minimally familiar with programming in regards to whatever tool they are using. In other
words, although options may exist for users to improve machine translation, in order to be able to
really take advantage of it, one needs to become familiar with what is really going on inside the
black box. I don’t think that very many translators have the time or resources to devote to such
an enterprise.
As you review this portfolio, I hope you will take the time to consider the nature of
translation and the difficulty of the task of the translator. Translation is an art of communication
that often takes as much effort as that which was expended to create the original source text. In
some respects, translation may be more difficult than writing the original. More than simply
display of my skills as a translator, this portfolio documents an exploration into how structured
specifications can help to ease the burden of translation and facilitate communication.
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Table of Contents
Page 2
-- Executive Summary
Page 3
-- Table of Contents
Page 4
-- An Introduction to the Python Programming Language
(Japanese > English, Longer)
Page 11
-- Escaping from a Sinking Car
(English > Japanese, Shorter)
Page 13
-- Tunisian Prime Minister Abandons Party
(Japanese > English, Shorter)
Page 18
-- German Religious Festivals
(English > Japanese, Shorter)
Page 21
-- NHK Executive Committee
(Japanese > English, Shorter)
Page 24
-- Meeting at the Bank: A Riddle in Time
(English > Japanese, Shorter)
Page 27
-- The Christchurch Earthquake
(Japanese > English, Shorter)
Page 32
-- What Pills Work: A Summary Translation
(English > Japanese, Summary)
Page 36
-- Machine Translation: A Practical Comparison
Page 48
-- Future Plans
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An Introduction to the Python Programming Language
Parameters and Specifications:
Linguistic-1. Content Type – Introduction to a particular programming language
2. Subject Fields – Computer Science
3. Volume – 2056 Japanese characters
4. Complexity – Technical, computer science terminology
5. Origin – http://www.python.jp/doc/2.6/tutorial/appetite.html
6. Language –Japanese, Standard Tokyo (source), English Western American Dialect
7. Audience – American teen-agers and undergraduate students interested in Python and
programming for the Japanese
8. Purpose – to provide an introduction to Python
9. Content – The content should be intelligible to the target readers, but the translation will
not be localized
10. Usage – Semiformal
11. File Format – docx
12. Style – Style is not an issue. Paragraphs will be retained.
13. Layout Details – Translator will not layout text
14. Terminology – Computer Science terminology and webspeak
15. Additional tasks – None currently specified
Translation Environment16. Technology – Microsoft Word
17. Reference Materials – basic English Japanese dictionary, web browser
18. Workspace Location and Security – Password protected computer at translators home,
data will be saved for future reference and may be distributed to third parties
Deliverables, Deadlines and Restrictions19. Product to be delivered – A complete translation of the source text will be included as
part of a overall portfolio of my work during the course
20. Copyright – The copyright of the translation retained by the translator, without
confidentiality requirements
Compensation21. Compensation – 300 points of Ling 580 class credit at the end of the semester
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Submitted by komatsu on Fri, 12/24/2010 - 14:47
コンピュータを使って様々な作業をしていたら、自動化したい作業が出てくるでしょう。 たとえば、たくさんのテキストファイルで検
索-置換操作を行いたい、大量の写真ファイルを 込み入ったやりかたでリネームまたは整理したいといったものです。 ひょっとす
ると、小さなカスタムデータベースや、何かに特化した GUI アプリケーション、シンプルなゲームを作りたいかもしれません。
もしあなたがプロのソフト開発者なら、C/C++/Java ライブラリを扱う必要があって、 通常の
write/compile/test/re-compile サイクルが遅すぎると感じるかもしれません。 ひょっとするとそのようなライブラリのテスト
スイートを書いていて、 テスト用のコードを書くのにうんざりしているかもしれません。 拡張言語を使えるプログラムを書いてい
て、アプリケーションのために新しい 言語一式の設計と実装をしたくないと思っているかもしれません。
Python はそんなあなたのための言語です。
それらの作業の幾つかは、 Unix シェルスクリプトや Windows バッチファイルで 書くこともできますが、シェルスクリプトはファ
イル操作やテキストデータの操作には 向いているものの GUI アプリケーションやゲームにはむいていません。 C/C++/Java プ
ログラムを書くこともできますが、最初の試し書きにすらかなりの 時間がかかってしまいます。Python は簡単に利用でき、
Windows、 Mac OS X、 そして Unix オペレーティングシステムで動作し、あなたの作業を素早く行う助けになるでしょう。
Pyhon は簡単に利用できますが、本物のプログラミング言語であり、シェルスクリプトや バッチファイルで提供されるよりもたく
さんの、大規模プログラムむけの構造や支援を 提供しています。 一方、Python は C よりたくさんのエラーチェックを提供して
おり、 超高級言語(very-high-level language) であり、可変長配列や辞書などのハイレベルな 型を組込みで持っています。
そのような型は一般的なため、Python は Awk や Perl が扱うものより (多くの場合、 少なくともそれらの言語と同じくらい簡
Python ではプログラムをモジュールに分割して他の Python プログラムで再利用できます。 Python には膨大な標準モ
ジュールが付属していて、プログラムを作る上での基盤として、 あるいは Python プログラミングを学ぶために利用できます。
組み込みモジュールではまた、ファイル I/O 、システムコール、ソケットといった機能や、 Tk のようなグラフィカルユーザインタ
フェースツールキットを使うためのインタフェース なども提供しています。
Python はインタプリタ言語です。このため、コンパイルやリンクが必要ないので、プログラムを開発する際にかなりの時間を節
約できます。インタプリタ は対話的な使い方もできます。インタプリタは対話的にも使えるので、言語の様々な機能について実験
してみたり、やっつけ仕事のプログラムを書いたり、 ボトムアップでプログラムを開発する際に関数をテストしたりといったことが
Python では、とてもコンパクトで読みやすいプログラムを書けます。Python で書かれたプログラムは大抵、同じ機能を提供す
る C 言語, C++ 言語や Java のプログラムよりもはるかに短くなります。これには以下のようないくつかの理由があります:
Python は 拡張 できます: C 言語でプログラムを書く方法を知っているなら、新たな組み込み関数やモジュールを簡単にイン
タプリタに追加できま す。これによって、処理速度を決定的に左右する操作を最大速度で動作するように実現したり、(ベンダ特
有のグラフィクスライブラリのように) バイナリ 形式でしか手に入らないライブラリを Python にリンクしたりできます。その気に
なれば、Python インタプリタを C で書かれたアプリケーションにリンク して、アプリケーションに対する拡張言語や命令言語と
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ところで、この言語は BBC のショー番組、”モンティパイソンの空飛ぶサーカス (Monty Python’s Flying Circus)” から取っ
たもので、爬虫類とは関係ありません。このドキュメントにあるモンティパイソンの寸劇は、 参照してもかまわないというより、むし
さて、皆さんはもう Python にワクワクして、もうちょっと詳しく調べてみたくなったはずです。プログラミング言語を習得する最良
の方法は使ってみるこ とですから、このチュートリアルではみなさんが読んだ内容を Python インタプリタで試してみることをお
チュートリアルの残りの部分では、Python プログラム言語と実行システムの様々な機能を例題を交えて紹介します。単純な式、
実行文、データ型から始め て、関数とモジュールを経て、最後には例外処理やユーザ定義クラスといったやや高度な概念にも
(Let’s get excited) Getting Interested
Submitted by komatsu on Fri, 12/24/2010 - 14:47
If you use a computer for a variety of tasks, then you probably want to have some tasks done
automatically. For example, when you have a lot of text files that you want to search and replace
or when you have a large volume of image files that are complicated to rename or organize.
Perhaps, you might want to make a simple game or some kind of specialized graphical user
interface application, or maybe a small custom database.
If you are a professional software developer, you might feel that the typical
write/compile/test/re-compile cycle that you have when you need to use a C/C++/java library is
too slow. Perhaps you might be tired of needing to write test code for test suites when you use
one of those libraries. When you are writing a program that can use an extensional language, you
might be thinking that you don’t want to have to use a new kind of programming language or a
particular implementation just for that application.
If you are someone in that kind of situation, then Python is the language for you.
Some kinds of tasks can be handled by writing a Unix shell script or a Windows patch file,
however, although a shell script is designed to handle text data manipulation or file processing, it
is not designed to handle games or graphical user interface applications. You can handle such
tasks with languages like C/C++/java, but it takes a long time to write even the first trial code
with such languages. Python is simple to use. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix
operating systems. It can prove to be a help in getting your tasks done quickly.
Python is simple to use, but it is a genuine programming language. It has a lot more support and
structure for large scale programs in comparison to a shell script or patch file. On the one hand,
Python supports a lot more error checking than C, it’s a very-high-level language, and it has high
level data types like dictionaries and lists (variable length arrays). That high level structure
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allows Python to be generally more useful for large scale problems than Awk or Perl (although
for most cases those languages are practically as simple to use as Python).
Because a Python program is broken down into modules, it’s possible to reuse the same code as
part of another Python program. Python includes many standard modules that can form the basis
of a program or they can be useful in learning Python programming. Along with the built-in
modules Python includes modules that provide different kinds of functionality like file i/o,
system calls, and sockets, and interfaces like a graphical user interface tool kit similar to Tk.
Python is an interpreted language. That means that there is no need to compile or link the code,
and because of that it’s very fast when the program first launches. Since the interpreter can be
used interactively, it’s easy to test its function in a variety of situations like when programming
from the bottom up, or when writing a program for a rush job, or when just exploring the ways in
which the language works. It starts up so fast that it even works as a convenient calculator.
With Python you can write extremely compact easy to read programs. Programs written in
Python are generally more concise and clearer than those with the same functionality written in
Java, C++, or C. This is the case for a number of reasons, some of which are given below:
Because Python has high level data types, it can encapsulate complex operations in a
single statement.
Grouping of statements into blocks of code can be done with indentation rather than
using parentheses at the beginning and ending of the block.
It is not necessary to specify variable types or arguments.
Python can be extended. If you know how to program in C, then you can make new built-in
functions and modules that can be easily added to the interpreter. Because of this you can use
Python to link in a library that is only available in binary (such as some specialized proprietary
graphics library) or you can maximize processing speed by gaining control over processing time
directly. If you are worried about that sort of thing, you can link an application written in C into
the Python interpreter, and you can use even imperative or extensional languages for that
Incidentally, the name of this programming language was actually taken from Monty Python’s
Flying Circus, a BBC television show, so it has nothing to do with snakes. I don’t mind—rather I
would even recommend that you take a look at the Monty Python show mentioned in this
So, everyone should be interested in Python and wanting to learn more details. Since the best
way to learn a programming language is to use it, I recommend that everyone who reads the
tutorial try out the code in the Python interpreter.
In the next chapter, I will first explain the fine points of using the interpreter. That’s not
especially interesting information, but it becomes indispensible when you go to try out the
examples I explain later.
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In the remaining chapters of the tutorial, I will provide an introduction to Python programming
by mixing examples of various functions of the language and execution system. I will first touch
on basic concepts starting with simple syntax, statements, and data types, then modules and
built-ins, and, finally I will turn to somewhat advanced concepts such as exception handling and
user defined classes.
Google Translation as comparison:
Enhance motivation
Submitted by komatsu on Fri, 12/24/2010 - 14:47
When I was working with a variety of computer, you come out you want to automate tasks. For
example, many search text - replace operations do, what did I want to organize or rename the
photo files in ways large complex. Who knows, custom databases and a small GUI application
to something specific, you may want to make a simple game.
Then if you are a professional software developer, C / C + + / Java libraries who need to deal
with the usual write / compile / test / re-compile cycle is too slow and may feel.If you are writing
a test with such libraries knows, may be tired of writing code for the test. If you are writing a
program to use the extended language, I might not want to complete the design and
implementation of new language for the application.
Python is a language that for you.
Some of these tasks, Unix shell scripts or Windows batch files that you can write shell scripts to
manipulate text data files, but is suitable for operations and a GUI is not suitable for applications
and games. C / C + + / Java programs can be written, would take considerable time to even
write the first trial. Python is easily available, Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix operating systems
running, will help you do your work quickly.
Pyhon is readily available, is a real programming language, rather than being offered a lot of
shell scripts and batch files, and provide assistance towards the structure of large programs. On
the other hand, Python, C provides a lot of error checking than the very-high-level language
(very-high-level language), which has a built-in high-level type variable length arrays and
dictionaries. Such a type is very common, Python or Perl, Awk than those handled by the (often
as simple as their language at least) can be used for large-scale problems.
Another Python program is divided into modules that Python programs can be reused. Python
has standard modules they come with a huge base in making a program or can be used to learn
Python programming. The built-in modules will also file I / O, system calls, and features such as
sockets, Tk also provides an interface to use as グラフィカルユーザインタフェースツールキット.
Python is an interpreted language. Therefore, I do not need to compile and link, you can save a
lot of time in developing the program. You can also use the interactive interpreter. Because the
interpreter can also be used interactively, or experiment with the various features of the
language, write a program once-over, and you can easily test the function and in developing the
program from the bottom up. Calculator will also be useful.
In Python, a program can write very compact and easy to read. Most programs written in
Python, that provides the same C language, C + + and Java language is much shorter than the
program. This has several reasons as follows:
The high level of data types •, can be expressed in complex operations in one executable
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A statement grouping •, at the start and end brackets can be done in groups rather than
Eliminating the need for the declaration of variables and parameters •.
Python can be extended: C If you know how to write programs in language, you could add a
built-in functions and modules easily interpreted new. This allows you to operate at speeds to
achieve maximum processing speed critical for operations (such as vendor-specific graphics
library) to enter the library only available in binary format and can be linked to Python Masu. If
someone were so inclined, Python interpreter linked to C applications written in languages can
be used as an extension language for applications and instructions.
By the way, this language shows BBC show "Monty Python's Flying Circus (Monty Python's
Flying Circus)" taken from in and is not related to reptiles. Monty Python skit in this document,
rather than see it's ok to recommend aggressive look instead!
Now, you no longer thrilled to Python, you should want to become a little closer look.The best
way to learn a programming language from this and try to use it, read what this tutorial is
recommended that everyone try Python interpreter.
The next chapter describes the subtleties of the first to use an interpreter. This is information
that is not a terribly interesting, is essential for those examples and try to explain later.
The rest of the tutorial, Python sprinkled with examples to introduce various functional
programming languages and execution systems. Simple expression, execution statements,
starting with data types, through functions and modules, and finally we look at a slightly more
advanced concepts such as exception handling and user-defined classes.
自動化 – Automation, 研究社新和英大辞典
検索 – Search, Google in Japanese/研究社新和英大辞典
開発者 – Developer, (can also mean pioneer as per the Hokkaido Pioneer Museum)/ 研究社新
拡張言語 – Extensional Language, 研究社新和英大辞典
可変長配列 – Variable Length Array, called “lists”, see the python documentation
大規模 – Large scale, 研究社新和英大辞典
電卓 -- Calculator, 研究社新和英大辞典
括弧 – Parentheses, 研究社新和英大辞典
左右する—Be concerned with, 研究社新和英大辞典
寸劇 – Skit comedy show, 研究社新和英大辞典
I selected this text partially because I use the Python programming language frequently,
and I am familiar with its documentation. In other words, as a translator, I am probably more
qualified to do this translation than someone without my Python background. It was really
amazing to me how much of this I understood not because I knew all of the Japanese but because
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I knew Python. I took the time to research terms, and even though I know Python, I still needed
to look up and make sure whether a term was refereeing to a function, a datatype, or something
about object oriented programming. Also, even though I knew the background, there were still
several tricky sentences that could bear multiple interpretations. And I did not want my
translation to be accessible to only those who were already familiar with Python. I believe that
the author does a good job of introducing Python with using an overwhelming number of new
concepts or Python specific terminology, and I tried to emulate that in my translation. One goal
of this translation was to try to see if there was a big difference between the way a Japanese
person views this programming language and how an American would view it. However, I found
that a lot of common phrases such as “The only way to learn a new programming language is to
use it” spanned this language barrier. In essence, because the domain is the same, the way people
treat Python is largely the same.
Escaping from a Sinking Car
1. Audience – Dr. Watabe
2. Purpose – To make clear acceptable practices for escaping from a submerged vehicle and
also present such details in an attention grabbing manner.
3. Deadline – Initial draft January 10, 2011; final draft January 17, 2011
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4. Price – 100 points of academic credit
5. Subject Area/Type of Text – Internet help site excerpt
6. Source Language/Regional Variation – American English
7. Format of Source -- .doc file
8. Format of Delivery -- .docx file
9. Volume – 133 words per Microsoft Word count
10. Target Language/Regional Variation – Standard Tokyo Japanese
11. Production Steps – Ling 580 Standard Guidelines
Immediately upon impact, you have mere nanoseconds in which opening the door of your
sinking car is first possible, while most of the door is still above water level. Once the car has
started to sink into the water, it is not humanly possible to open the door again until the pressure
between the inside and the outside of the car has equalized. If the windows remain closed, the
equalization will take too long and you will drown as the interior fills with water. Try to remain
calm, and open a window by any means possible, as soon as possible. If you can't open the
window more than halfway manually, or if you have power windows that won't work in the
water, break the glass with your foot, shoulder, or a heavy object.
Revised Target:
Original Target:
衝突 = impact, found in 研究社新和英大辞典、第五版
圧力 = pressure, found in 研究社新和英大辞典、第五版
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パワーウィンドウ = found through Google Translate, and corroborated in 研究社新和英大辞典、
機能 = function, work, found in 研究社新和英大辞典、第五版
溺死 = drown, 渡部先生
水面 = water level, 渡部先生
わずか = mere, few, 渡部先生
Translating into my B language was very difficult and uncomfortable for me, but I was surprised
how close my original translation came. I would never recommend it as something to be used
without revision, but it seems that my initial attempt placed me in the relative ballpark of
meaning. Perhaps this sort of rough, inaccurate translation would be useful as an example of
gisting. I don’t know. However, in revising my translation, Dr. Watabe and I focused on accuracy
and clarity. I was surprised to find that, although Japanese cannot be said to pattern similarly to
English, in this case some very similar constructions could be obtained to render the translation
honest to the source while natural in the target language. However, in some cases, some of the
poetics of the original were lost in favor of less metaphorical language. For example, the source
reads “the door of your sinking car is first possible,” however, since in reality no human could
ever open a door in nanoseconds, it is actually the case that opening the door is impossible. I
wasn’t able to render the metaphor of “the first possibility is only nanoseconds long,” so with the
help of Dr. Watabe we went with the more direct and clear expression “不可能” (impossible)
and qualified it with a statement explaining this impossibility: “ドアが水面の上にあるのがわず
かナノ秒しかないので” (since you only have a few nanoseconds to open your door). My
original attempt to render this phrase was too literal, and sounded unnatural in Japanese. So, I
would have to say that one of the key things I learned from this exercise was that it takes an
excellent knowledge of the target language to know how closely a text can be translated and still
sound natural. The specifications for this translation required clarity, which has worked to create
a relatively close translation.
Tunisian Prime Minister Abandons Party
Parameters and Specifications:
Linguistic-1. Content Type -- Online News article
2. Subject Fields -- Politics, International affairs, Tunisia
3. Volume – 1746 Japanese characters
4. Complexity – Political party names and locations
5. Origin – Asahi Newspaper
6. Language – Japanese, standard Tokyo Dialect (source), English, Western American
Dialect (target)
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7. Audience – American college aged websurfer
8. Purpose – to inform people concerning the actions of officials in the Tunisian Interim
government in reaction to the people’s protests
9. Content – Localized (no trace of Japan in the target text, but quotations from Tunisians
can sound like translations)
10. Usage – Semiformal, internet regular
11. File Format – docx
12. Style – Style is not an issue. Paragraphs will be retained.
13. Layout Details – Translator will not layout text
14. Terminology – Translator will do background research into Tunisia in English, initial
translation will be Human translation. In-Process Quality Assurance and Control – Dr.
Watabe, a native speaker of Japanese, will review the initial translation
15. Additional tasks – None currently specified
Translation Environment16. Technology – Microsoft Word, Web Browser for terminology research
17. Reference Materials – Online newspapers in English
18. Workspace Location and Security – Password protected computer at translators home,
data will be saved for future reference and may be distributed to third parties
Deliverables, Deadlines and Restrictions19. Product to be delivered – roughly 100 words of English corresponding to the source text
will be delivered to Dr. Watabe for review on January 24, 2011, and the same in final
draft shall be delivered to Dr. Watabe January 31, 2011
20. Copyright – The copyright of the translation retained by the translator, without
confidentiality requirements
Compensation21. Compensation – 100 points of Ling 580 class credit on the date of delivery
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Final Target:
The minority parties and people of Tunisa are not satisfied with the decision of the current
interim government prime minister, Mohamed Ghannouchi, and acting president, Fouad
Mebazaa, to leave the old ruling party, the Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD). Starting on
the morning of the 19th, demonstrations have begun again in the city of Tunis calling for the
resignation of cabinet members affiliated with the RCD. There is no sign of the people
discontinuing their demands for reformation from the interim government.
The interim government has started to include members of the minority parties, but because
important positions are still being held by RCD members that supported the former government
of Ben Ali, the opposition parties and the people are pushing the argument that “Nothing has
changed.” Hundreds of citizens and labor union members gathered at about 11:00 AM in front
of the Tunisian Labor Federation Headquarters in the heart of Tunis to start a demonstration
march crying, “Bring an end to the RCD!”
Mohamed Difadla, a university professor, age 50, who joined the demonstration, said, “Even
though the prime minister has abandoned his party, the reality of RCD control remains
unchanged. Until there is a general resignation of cabinet members, the people will not consider
giving up this fight.”
When the demonstrators approached a busy thoroughfare, a police unit set up a barricade. A 33
year old shoe shop owner told a reporter as he closed his shutters, “In order to gain real reform,
we must pay a certain price. I haven’t been able to open my doors for a week, but I support the
With each demonstration, Ghannouchi has made some kind of concession; it’s possible that
after this he may make another compromise.
Initial Target:
The minority opposition partiesy and people of Tunisa are not satisfied with the decision of the
current interim government prime minister, Mohamed Ghannouchi, and acting president, Fouad
Mebazaa, to leave the old ruling party, the Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD). Starting on
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the morning of the 19th, demonstrations have begun again in the city of Tunis calling for the
resignation of cabinet members affiliated with the RCD. There is no sign of the people
discontinuing ceasing further demands for reformation from the interim government.
The interim government has started to include members of the minority parties opposition party,
but because important positions are still being held by RCD members that supported the former
government of Ben Ali, the opposition party and the people are pushing bolstering the argument
that “Nothing has changed.” Hundreds of citizens and labor union members city folk and
general workers gathered at about 11:00 AM in front of the Tunisian Labor Federation
Headquarters in the heart of Tunis to start a demonstration march crying, “Bring an end to the
Mohamed Difadla, a university professor, age 50, who joined the demonstration, said, “Even
though the prime minister has abandoned his party, the reality of RCD control remains
unchanged. Until there is a general resignation of cabinet members, the people will not consider
giving up this fight.”
When the demonstrators ting mob approached a busy thoroughfare, a police unit set up a
barricade. A 33 year old shoe shop owner told a reporter as he closed his shutters, , Hared Gorab
age 33, is reported saying, “In order to gain true reform, we must pay a certain price. I haven’t
been able to open my doors for a week, but I support the demonstrations.” After which, he closed
his shutters.
Every time the With each demonstrations start up, Ghannouchi has made makes some kind of
concession; it’s possible that after this he may make another compromise.
暫定連立政権 – Interim Government
ガンヌーシ首相 – prime minister Ghannouchi
ムバッザア暫定大統領 – acting president Mebazzaa
立憲民主連合(RCD )-- Constitutional Democratic Rally
離党 – to leave a party, 研究社新和英大辞典、第五版, 渡部先生
閣僚 – Cabinet, 研究社新和英大辞典、第五版, 渡部先生
チュニジア労働総連合本部 – Tunisian Labor Federation Headquarters 研究社新和英大辞典、
デモ行進 – demonstration march, 研究社新和英大辞典、第五版
妥協 – concession, 研究社新和英大辞典、第五版
Reference articles (used to find most of the terms)
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The hardest part of doing the initial translation was looking up the background information. For
example, finding out what RCD actually stands for in English was difficult because most articles
only listed it as RCD, rather than the full name.
I am really grateful for Dr. Watabe’s help in developing this translation. We faced some tough
decisions such as how to render phrases like “反発を強めている” which literally means
“strengthening an opposing argument.” I originally tried to translate it as “bolstering the
argument,” but this doesn’t fit the English idiom well. And making this translation sound like it
was done in English was very important because the specifications determined for the
assignment called for localization. In the regard, I feel I did well with this translation. I gave it to
my wife for a second opinion, and she said it sounds like an American reporter could have
written it. The translation here goes the extra mile, as requested by Dr. Watabe, and is not limited
to the first 100 words. In such cases where the client requests changes to the specifications
during the translation, I wonder what is the best approach to handling the changes? They should
probably be specified in writing, but this may prove tedious for the client. This translation also
got me thinking about who’s responsibility it should be that the standards are followed? Ideally, I
think that clients should be aggressive in requesting specifications because ultimately they are
the one’s ordering the translation. However, if the client is unaware of the standard, how can the
translator introduce it without sounding like they are making the client do extra work?
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German Religious Festivals
Parameters and Specifications:
Linguistic-1. Content Type -- Online News article
2. Subject Fields --International affairs, Religion, Culture, Germany
3. Volume – 149 English words
4. Complexity – Medium level, with words like “ecumenical”
5. Origin – Deutsche Welle’s website
a. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,3871235,00.html
6. Language – English (maybe translated from German or German English Dialect)
(source), Japanese, Standard Tokyo (target)
7. Audience – average Japanese citizen, adults
8. Purpose – to introduce German cultural religious activities among young people
9. Content – Localized, should sound like a Japanese newspaper
10. Usage – Semiformal, internet regular
11. File Format – docx
12. Style – Style is not an issue. Paragraphs will be retained.
13. Layout Details – Translator will not layout text
14. Terminology –Religious denominations. In-Process Quality Assurance and Control – Dr.
Watabe, a native speaker of Japanese, will review the initial translation
15. Additional tasks – None currently specified
Translation Environment-
P a g e | 18
16. Technology – Microsoft Word
17. Reference Materials – basic English Japanese dictionary, web browser
18. Workspace Location and Security – Password protected computer at translators home,
data will be saved for future reference and may be distributed to third parties
Deliverables, Deadlines and Restrictions19. Product to be delivered – roughly 300-400 Japanese characters corresponding to the
source text will be delivered to Dr. Watabe for review on February 7, 2011, and the same
in final draft shall be delivered to Dr. Watabe February 14, 2011
20. Copyright – The copyright of the translation retained by the translator, without
confidentiality requirements
Compensation21. Compensation – 100 points of Ling 580 class credit on the date of delivery
Source: Grassroots movements (excerpt from In Germany, Churches Still Central, but Slipping)
In religion as elsewhere, like seems to stick with like. Every year, some 20,000 to 30,000 people
attend either the German Protestant Kirchentag (Protestant Church Day) or the Catholicism Day.
These colorful, multicultural festivals take place in alternating years around Pentecost.
The events grew out of grassroots movements and are not run by the churches themselves. They
focus on intercultural and inter-religious understanding, and often have a political bent, offering
a platform for discussion mixed with music and cultural events.
The rock festival atmosphere is a far cry from the image of staid, old-fashioned church services.
The events take an ecumenical standpoint, and try and open direct dialog with smaller churches
or with Muslims. Meeting over a film panel discussion or political debate -- say on religion and
environmentalism -- appeals to young people more than attending church services, which many
see as an old-fashioned way of practicing religion.
Final Target:
P a g e | 19
Initial Target:
Pentecost-聖霊降臨日 (研究社新和英大辞典)
“alternating years”- 隔年(研究社新和英大辞典)
“old fashioned”- 古風 ((研究社新和英大辞典), 渡部先生
The initial translation of this excerpt was very difficult, and I expect the refining process to be
difficult too. The English source used a number of less common words such as “ecumenical” or
“staid.” Also, the context of this was hard to convey to a Japanese audience because the author of
the text seems to assume that the reader is from a more orthodox or regularized religious
background. This sort of text is very difficult to translate for a Japanese audience as the Japanese
tend to have a little antipathy towards organized religion. Another difficult word was “colorful”
because in this case it probably doesn’t actually mean simply that there were lots of colors at the
gatherings. More likely it is meant to convey an energetic, festival like feeling. How can the idea
of a festival be translated to the Japanese? I think it’s possible considering that the Japanese have
many wonderful “matsuri” or festivals, however, does the concept of a “matsuri” have the right
P a g e | 20
kind of feeling for these events? These are just some of the problems presented by the non-text
context and the non-equivalence of words. Overall, the chrontext factors little in this translation,
however in improving it I do plan to look at some related texts in source and target languages.
NHK Executive Committee
Parameters and Specifications:
Linguistic-1. Content Type – Japanese Business
2. Subject Fields – Business
3. Volume – 540 Japanese characters
4. Complexity – Technical business terms
5. Origin – NHK http://www.nhk.or.jp/keiei-iinkai/about/index.html
6. Language –Japanese, Standard Tokyo (source), English Western American Dialect
7. Audience – American college graduates interested in Japanese business practices
8. Purpose – to explain what the NHK management committee is
9. Content – Not localized
10. Usage – Semiformal
11. File Format – docx
12. Style – Style is not an issue. Paragraphs will be retained.
13. Layout Details – Translator will not layout text
14. Terminology –Business terminology. In-Process Quality Assurance and Control – Dr.
Watabe, a native speaker of Japanese, will review the initial translation
15. Additional tasks – None currently specified
Translation Environment16. Technology – Microsoft Word
17. Reference Materials – basic English Japanese dictionary, web browser
18. Workspace Location and Security – Password protected computer at translators home,
data will be saved for future reference and may be distributed to third parties
Deliverables, Deadlines and Restrictions19. Product to be delivered – roughly 100 English words corresponding to the source text
will be delivered to Dr. Watabe for review on February 14, 2011, and the same in final
draft shall be delivered to Dr. Watabe February 21, 2011
20. Copyright – The copyright of the translation retained by the translator, without
confidentiality requirements
P a g e | 21
21. Compensation – 100 points of Ling 580 class credit on the date of delivery
経営委員会とは (excerpt)
Final Target:
The management committee was established as part of the NHK as a body to oversee how
officers execute their duty, and it approves matters such as program scheduling and editing ,or
budget estimates and business plans for each year. The committee maintains the fundamental
policy of management and a system of internal control for the company. The foundation,
authority, organization, appointment and dismissal of members, operation, method of decision
making, and the presentation of minutes for the management committee are stipulated in the Act
on Broadcasting, and the committee is expected to render fair judgment for the well being of the
Edited Target:
“What is the management committee?”
Management committee operations
TThe management committee was established as part of the NHK as a body to oversee means of
overseeing how officers execute their duty, and it approves things like program scheduling and
editing the basic plans for a series or budget estimates and business plans for each year. The
committee maintains the fundamental policy of management and the regulatory infrastructure of
the company. The foundation, authority, organization, appointment and dismissal of members,
operation, method of decision making, and the presentation of minutes for the management
committee are stipulated in the Act on Broadcasting, and the committee is expected to render
capable of rendering fair judgment for the well being of the public.
P a g e | 22
経営委員会 – Management committee; a compound of management and committee, another
translation might be “Executive Committee” 研究社新和英大辞典
基本方針 – Guiding principle, fundamental policy, 研究社新和英大辞典
内部統制 – Internal control, 研究社新和英大辞典
議事録 – Minutes, 研究社新和英大辞典
The source text for this translation is very formulaic, and that seemed to help with the
terminology. However, Dr. Watabe and I found an interesting example of the non-equivalence of
grammatical forms. The text has the word “できる” (dekiru) which generally--and in as many
cases as I can think of, off the top of my head—means to be able to do something. That is to say
that it indicates that some subject has the potential for something specified as the object of the
verb. However, in this case, it seems a little strange to translated “できる” as meaning that the
management committee is able to do something, rather it seems more appropriate to translate it
as the management committee being required or expected to do something. However, this is not
entirely correct since the verb “できる” doesn’t really mean it. In this case we have a situation
where the law is empowering the committee, but it is not simply empowering; it is also
stipulating. In English, this middle ground between what is required and what someone is able to
do is not readily accessible. At least, that is my feeling on the subject of translating this verb.
P a g e | 23
Meeting at the Bank: A Riddle in Time
Parameters and Specifications:
Linguistic-1. Content Type – Riddle
2. Subject Fields – General
3. Volume – 137 English Words
4. Complexity – Simple terminology, complex idea
5. Origin – Mind Trap, Drew Egan
6. Language – English (Source), Standard Tokyo Japanese (target)
7. Audience – Japanese teenagers age 12-18
8. Purpose –to present an interesting puzzle
9. Content – localized
10. Usage – informal
11. File Format – docx
12. Style – Style is not an issue. Paragraphs will be retained.
13. Layout Details – Translator will not layout text
Production— The translator will include a rough transfer text
14. Terminology – General. In-Process Quality Assurance and Control – Dr. Watabe, a native
speaker of Japanese, will review the initial translation
15. Additional tasks – None currently specified
Translation Environment- Home computer
16. Technology – Microsoft Word
17. Reference Materials – basic English Japanese dictionary, web browser
18. Workspace Location and Security – Password protected computer at translators home,
data will be saved for future reference and may be distributed to third parties
19. Product to be delivered – a brief Japanese text corresponding to the source English puzzle
text. Initial draft due February, 28, 2011. Final draft due March, 7, 2011.
20. Copyright – The copyright of the translation retained by the translator, without
confidentiality requirements
Compensation21. Compensation – 100 points of Ling 580 class credit on the date of delivery
P a g e | 24
Mr. Greenwich and his wife were shopping when they decided to go their separate
ways to speed things up. They agreed to meet at the bank at 2:00 p.m. Mr.
Greenwich realized several minutes later that he had forgotten his watch. He asked
a lady walking by for the correct time. Her watch was five minutes fast, but she
thought it was ten minutes slow. Mrs. Greenwich had also forgotten her watch so
she asked a gentleman passing by for the correct time. The man’s watch was ten
minutes slow, but he thought it was 15 minutes fast. Taking into account the errors
in the watches, who was at the bank first and at what time did they arrive?
Mr. Greenwich was shopping with his wife. In order to find food faster they decided to split up.
At 2:00 pm at the bank they agreed to meet, but a few minutes after separating, Mr. Greenwich
realized he had forgotten his watch. A lady walking by he asked. That lady’s watch was five
minutes fast, but she thought it was ten minutes slow. Mrs. Greenwich also had forgotten her
watch, and a gentleman walking past she asked for the correct time. This man’s watch was ten
minutes slow, but he thought it was 15 minutes fast. Taking into account the errors of the
watches, who arrived at the bank first? When did they arrive?
Final Target:
Edited Target:
P a g e | 25
This translation was not particularly terminology heavy. However I was surprised to find that my
guess in the dark that the phrase “x minutes fast/slow” could be translated with words similar to
fast and slow was actually correct. “十五分早い”, which literally means “five minutes fast”, is
an appropriate translation.
通行人 – Passerby, 研究社新和英大辞典
This was a really fun text to try translating because I needed to understand and solve the riddle in
order to be sure I was getting it right. After doing the initial translation, I can say that the
terminology of this text was not particularly difficult. However, it has a lot of idiomatic phrases
like “five minutes fast” and “speed things up.” The strategy I used for translating these was to
generally avoid them and instead translate the meaning based on the context rather than the
words. However, I was not able to find Japanese corresponding to a clock being fast or slow. I
hope that Dr. Watabe will be able to direct me in this regard.
An interesting change between the original and the final was using 男性/女性 rather than 男/女.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the tendency for Kanji compounds to have two
characters? Anyway, it sounds unnatural to simply use the characters for man or woman in
Christchurch Earthquake
Parameters and Specifications:
P a g e | 26
Linguistic-Content Type – Japanese News Article
Subject Fields – Business
Volume – 2250 Japanese characters
Complexity – Technical business terms
Origin – Asahi Newspaper
6. Language –Japanese, Standard Tokyo (source), English Western American Dialect
7. Audience – American’s with less than a college age education
8. Purpose – to inform about the economic situation in New Zealand after the earthquake
9. Content – Localized to sound like American news
10. Usage – Semiformal
11. File Format – docx
12. Style – Style is not an issue. Paragraphs will be retained.
13. Layout Details – Translator will not layout text
14. Terminology – General news terminology and some economic and political terms
15. Additional tasks – None currently specified
Translation Environment- Word
16. Technology – Microsoft Word
17. Reference Materials – basic English Japanese dictionary, web browser
18. Workspace Location and Security – Password protected computer at translators home,
data will be saved for future reference and may be distributed to third parties
Deliverables, Deadlines and Restrictions19. Product to be delivered – roughly 100 English words corresponding to the source text
will be delivered to Dr. Watabe for review on March 14, 2011, and the same in final draft
shall be delivered to Dr. Watabe March 21, 2011
20. Copyright – The copyright of the translation retained by the translator, without
confidentiality requirements
Compensation21. Compensation – 100 points of Ling 580 class credit on the date of delivery
NZ地震、経済損失9千億円 失業・賃金未払いが深刻
2011 年 3 月 1 日 1 時 5 分
P a g e | 27
Final Target:
New Zealand Earthquake, 9 Billion Dollars in Damage to the Economy, Severe Unemployment
and Wage Delays
March 1, 2011 1:05, printed for blog usage
[Christchurch] The prime minister of New Zealand, Mr. Key, announced that damage
calculations for the Christchurch earthquake, which occurred in the southern part of the country
on February 28, indicate an economic loss of as much as 10 to 15 billion New Zealand dollars
(6-9 billion US dollars).
P a g e | 28
Most of the damage, particularly structural damage occurred in Christchruch, which is the
second largest city in New Zealand. Because the city center received a severe amount of damage,
the economy of Christchurch has shut down, and problems like a delay in worker’s wages and
unemployment have arisen. Mr. Key’s administration has focused on establishing emergency
economic countermeasures that target employment issues.
According to Mr. Key in a press conference in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, there was
another earthquake in the area of Christchurch in September of last year, and estimates for the
damage of that earthquake range around 5 billion New Zealand dollars. When combined with
this earthquake, estimates reach 5 – 20 billion New Zealand dollars, which is roughly equivalent
to 7-8% of New Zealand’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The impact on buildings like hotels and offices was severe in Christchurch’s central area, which
was a hub of business and tourism. Local authorities responded quickly after the earthquake by
restricting access to certain areas in order to avoid further damage from aftershocks. For that
reason, business men and restaurant staff who work in the region have not been able to go back
to work. Also, two major supermarkets in the city have taken substantial damage and have
decided to stay closed leaving a total of 236 people out of work.
Mr. Key’s administration has announced a support plan that would set aside assistance funds on a
scale of 100 million to 120 million New Zealand dollars for the economy so that business can
continue to pay wages to a total of 42,000 affected persons for the next 6 weeks. For full time
employees the plan would provide 400 New Zealand dollars weekly, and for part time employees
it would provide 240 New Zealand dollars weekly.
Mr. Key expects that full recovery may take between five to ten years, totaling upwards of 14
billion New Zealand dollars.
Edited Target:
New Zealand Earthquake, 9 Billion Dollars in Damage to the Economy, Severe Unemployment
and Wage Delays
March 1, 2011 1:05, printed for blog usage
[Christchurch] The prime minister of New Zealand, Mr. Key, announced that damage
calculations for the Christchurch earthquake, which occurred in the southern part of the country
on February 28, indicate an economic loss of as much as 10 to 15 billion New Zealand dollars
(6-9 billion US dollars).
P a g e | 29
Most of the damage, particularly structural damage occurred in Christchruch, which is the
second largest city in New Zealand. Christchurch is the second largest city in New Zealand, and
it was the city where most of the damage, particularly structural damage was concentrated.
Because the city center received a severe amount of damage, the economy of Christchurch has
shut down, and problems like delay in worker’s wages and unemployment have arisen. Mr. Key’s
administration has focused on gone in the direction of establishing emergency economic
countermeasures that target focus on employment issues.
According to Mr. Key in an press conference in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, there
was another earthquake in the area of Christchurch in September of last year, and estimates for
the damage of that earthquake range around 5 billion New Zealand dollars. When combined with
this earthquake, estimates reach 5 – 20 billion New Zealand dollars, which is and that is roughly
equivalent to 7-8% of New Zealand’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The impact on trauma was incredible for buildings like hotels and offices was severe in
Christchurch’s central area, which was a hub of business and tourism. Local authorities
responded quickly after the earthquake event and restricted by restricting access to certain areas
in order to avoid further damage from aftershocks. For that reason, business men and restaurant
staff who work in the region have not been able to go back to work. Also, two major
supermarkets in the city have taken substantial damage and have decided to stay closed leaving a
total of 236 people out of work.
Mr. Key’s administration has announced a support plan policy that would set aside provide
assistance funds onf a scale of 100 million to 120 million New Zealand dollars for the economy
so that business can continue to pay wages to a total of 42,000 affected persons for the next 6
weeks. For full time employees the plan would provide 400 New Zealand dollars weekly, and for
part time employees it would provide 240 New Zealand dollars weekly.
Mr. Key expects that full recovery may take between five5 toand ten years, totaling and
furthermore he expects upwards of 14 billion New Zealand dollars. to be necessary for that
損失 – loss, 研究社新和英大辞典
賃金未払い – delay in wages, 研究社新和英大辞典
深刻 – severe, 研究社新和英大辞典
緊急経済対策 – emergency measures, 研究社新和英大辞典
雇用 – employment, 研究社新和英大辞典
地元当局 – local authorities, 研究社新和英大辞典
P a g e | 30
When doing the initial translation, I found myself following the Japanese syntax pretty closely,
which I think is probably the largest contributor to the awkwardness of this draft translation.
However, it seems that to gain a more fluid, natural translation I am going to have to break up
and or combine certain ideas within the Japanese. For example, a lot of my English sentences
end in verbs, which, although not ungrammatical for English, sounds strange when it occurs
What Pills Work: A Summary Translation
Parameters and Specifications:
Linguistic-1. Content Type – Magazine Article
2. Subject Fields – Medicine
3. Volume – 464 English Words
4. Complexity – Relatively complex, some medical terms and measurements
5. Origin – Melinda Moyer (Dr. Melby picked out this article)
6. Language – English (Source), Standard Tokyo Japanese (target)
7. Audience – Japanese business men
8. Purpose – To inform people concerning a conflict of professional opinions concerning
vitamin D
P a g e | 31
9. Content – localized as a “popular science magazine” like publication in Japan
10. Usage – Semiformal
11. File Format – docx
12. Style – The summary translation will consist of a single paragraph.
13. Layout Details – Translator will not layout text
14. Terminology – General. In-Process Quality Assurance and Control – Dr. Watabe, a native
speaker of Japanese, will review the initial translation
15. Additional tasks – None currently specified
Translation Environment- Home computer
16. Technology – Microsoft Word
17. Reference Materials – basic English Japanese dictionary, web browser
18. Workspace Location and Security – Password protected computer at translators home,
data will be saved for future reference and may be distributed to third parties
19. Product to be delivered – a brief Japanese text corresponding to a summary of the source
text. Initial draft due March, 21, 2011. Final draft due March, 28, 2011.
20. Copyright – The copyright of the translation retained by the translator, without
confidentiality requirements
Compensation21. Compensation – 100 points of Ling 580 class credit on the date of delivery
Which Pills work?
The recent finding that vitamin D supplements are largely unnecessary exposes a
rift among nutrition researchers
Physicians have recommended vitamin D supplements to their patients for a
decade, with good reason: dozens of studies have shown a correlation between high
intake of vitamin D–far higher than most people would get in a typical diet and from
exposure to the sun–and lower rates of chronic diseases, such as cancer and type 1
diabetes. So when the Institute of Medicine, which advises the government on
health policy, concluded in November that vitamin D supplements were
unnecessary for most Americans and potentially harmful, patients were
understandably confused.
The issue exposes a rift among experts over what constitutes valid proof
when it comes to nutrition and could affect medical advice on many other
P a g e | 32
supplements. On the one hand are scientists who insist that the only acceptable
standard is the randomized clinical trial, which often compares the effects of a
medical intervention, such as high intake of vitamin D, with those of a placebo. The
scientists who reviewed the vitamin D findings fall heavily into this camp: trials
“typically provide the highest level of scientific evidence relevant for dietary
reference intake development,” they wrote. Their report set intake levels based only
on clinical trial data.
The institute panel, however, discarded a raft of observational studies, in
which researchers compare the health of populations who take vitamin D
supplements with those who do not. In theory, such epidemiological studies are
inferior to clinical studies because they rely on observations out in the real world,
where it is impossible to control for the variables scientists seek to understand.
Researchers compensate for the lack of control by using large sample sizes–some
vitamin D studies track 50,000 people–and applying statistical techniques.
According to these studies, high levels of vitamin D are generally beneficial.
In the aftermath of the institute report, some physicians are now taking
potshots at clinical studies. In nutrition, they say, true placebo groups are hard to
maintain–how do you prevent people in a control group from, say, picking up extra
vitamin D from sunlight and food, which can lead to underestimating the vitamin’s
benefits? It is also tough to single out the effect of one vitamin or mineral from
others, because many work in tandem. “It is wrong-headed thinking that the only
kind of evidence that is reliable is a randomized controlled trial,” says Jeffrey
Blumberg, a Tufts University pharmacologist.
The next chapter in this debate may come in the spring, when the Endocrine
Society releases its own vitamin D guidelines. The organization now recommends
higher blood levels of the vitamin than the institute suggested–30 nanograms per
milliliter as opposed to 20–which would require supplements. Stay tuned.
-Melinda Wennner Moyer
Transfer (summary in English):
Doctors have recommended vitamin D for over a decade, but recently researchers are starting to
disagree about whether vitamin D supplementation is really beneficial for people’s health.
Clinical studies have failed to show significant benefits, however, studies of larger populations
have shown that people who get extra vitamin D have better health. So, it depends on which type
of study the researchers feel is more valid, and that has left a rift among scientists with different
groups recommending different guidelines.
Final Target:
P a g e | 33
ビタミン D は、医者が今まで十年以上人々に勧めていましたが、最近、ある研究者が栄養補助
要な利益見つかりませんでしたが、ビタミン D を摂る人口と摂らない人口を比べると、ビタミン
D を摂る人口はより健康であることが分かりました。つまり、研究者の意見は、とちらの調査によ
り信頼性が置けるかによって、二分されています。ですから、医者の間にはビタミン D を勧める
栄養補助食品 -Dietary supplement
個体数 -Population
研究者 -Researchers
医者 -Doctors
利益 -Profit, benefit
臨床実験 -Clinical Study
信頼性 -Reliability
After doing this translation, I feel that cohesion in a text is more than simply the repetition of
previously introduced concepts. The type of transition between sentences also matters, and I
think for English and Japanese, the breakdown of sentences may affect coherence as well as
cohesion. With this draft the only thing I can safely say is that it needs some serious revision in
order to sound natural in Japanese and to guarantee strong cohesion and coherence. However, I
feel that I have done a good job initially in playing around with Japanese methods of linking
between sentences, such as the use of つまり and それより.
Dr. Watabe confirmed that the use of つまり helped with the cohesion of the translation,
but rather than それより, I ended up using other techniques. In particular, the use of は and わけ
helped to tie the piece together. Japanese tends to leave out what is required in English, but at the
same time English seems to leave out things that are required in Japanese. In many ways this
translation was about finding implications and either presenting them in the text or hiding them
depending on the circumstances.
P a g e | 34
Machine Translation: A Practical Comparison
In a recent ATA (the American Translators Association) conference a very skilled
presenter from AMTA (the Assosication for Machine Translation in the Americas) talked about
how machine translation can become a powerful tool for translators. In particular, he focused on
the fact that it is possible to train a machine translation system to work more effectively within a
particular domain or for a particular audience (in other words, even those working with the
fabled black box of machine translation can see the value in some kind of specifications
translation projects). He showed several examples of how training can be used to achieve largely
understandable, if not grammatical, machine translation using a rule based system. However, as
far as I was able to ascertain, such “trainable” systems are generally not available for free.
For example, although Google Translate welcomes additional translations to help update
its extensive databases, individuals, even researchers, cannot directly access the information that
P a g e | 35
is being used to generate the translations that the system returns. Yes, I have tried to obtain
access to even a part of the Google system, and although Google allows researchers to gain
access to a slightly more low level API (Application Programming Interface) for the system, it
remains ultimately a black box program. With that in mind I left the AMTA speaker’s
presentation wondering if machine translation has any real benefit for the small-time or freelance
translator. Translation Service Providers may have enough capital to invest in buying and
training a machine translation system, but can the individual translator benefit from such an
investment? As a freelance translator just starting out, that’s a question of more significance than
how quality a machine translation may or may not be.
In order to try to address these concerns, I have attempted a practical comparison of some
of the machine translation resources that are available for free. Although there are several paid
for resources available for machine translation, since there are serious questions about the quality
of these systems and even those involved argue that it’s best to train the system yourself,
spending money on machine translation does not seem like the best option for those on a tight
budget. Moreover, since I did not want to have to buy multiple systems just to run my
experiment, I chose to go with free machine translation options. Therefore, I am operative under
the premise that if it’s possible to generate workable, although not perfect, machine translation
from a free source (with or without training), then, perhaps, this is an area that should be of
interest to new translators.
The sources of free machine translation that I reviewed for this project include: Moses,
Google Translate, Babelfish (Systran through Yahoo), Systransoft.com (Systran through Systran),
SDL Freetranslation.com. Two of these systems are examples of statistical machine translation
(Google and Moses), while the remainder of these systems use rules to some extent or another.
While searching online, Moses was the only free machine translation system that allowed users
the direct capability to train the system. So, the impact of trainability was not a factor that I could
test in a comparison between the systems.
Also, as part of this experiment I chose to use my own student translations to compare
these systems to non-professional human translation. Naturally, this study makes no claims of
objectivity, and that is rightly so. The quality of a translation is not something that can be
measured by a case independent standard. What counts as an excellent translation for one
situation, audience, or person may be largely unacceptable for another. So, rather than try to rate
how good each translation is, this research will describe the ways in which they are different and
how those differences may be more or less beneficial for particular goals. In that regard, it is not
necessary that there be a “Gold Standard” correct translation as a reference. Instead, translations
using these various systems (and the student translation) are analyzed in two ways. One is a
qualitative analysis of the meaning of each translation and how easy it is to obtain that meaning
by reading the translation. The second is an analysis grammatical validity of each translation by
comparing the results of parsers (computer programs that guess at the sentence structure of
P a g e | 36
The Moses translation system showed the greatest promise for a free trainable solution
for freelance translators. However, it suffers from several major hurdles that became apparent
through the course of this study. The first is the fact that in order to run the system one has to be
at least somewhat familiar with a Unix work environment. The process of installing Moses on a
computer running Linux is by no means simple, and although the documentation is decent, it
seems that every different computer has its own peculiarities that make Moses a test of the
translator’s patience. Unless you are already quite fluent in computers (which most translators
are probably not on the level required) Moses may be out of your reach. Yet that is only the first
hurdle in front of training Moses to generate workable machine translation output. The second is
the fact that it is a statistical machine translation system, which means that in order to run
effectively, the user is required to obtain a large quantity of bitext translations. Although
translators are in the unique position of being able to create bitexts of their own, the huge volume
required to make Moses feasible is probably enough to make it unusable for individual
contractors. For example, Moses (like most machine translation programs) cannot translate
words for which it has no reference. It cannot even guess at the meaning based on context. One
might think that in a corpus of laws containing over 1 million words aligned between Japanese
and English that all of the words people use in writing a law would have at least one example.
However, with a modest corpus of 1 million words, Moses still could not find references for
several words when given a test sentence from the same domain. Moreover, when given a test
sentence from a news article, it lacked references for about half of the words in the sentence.
This fact made it ultimately impossible to compare results from Moses as part of this study. This
should be a warning to those thinking of trying to improve the quality of a statistical machine
translation system. The task is by no means a small one.
For the other systems, I tested the Japanese to English capabilities of each system by
submitting Japanese news article online and retrieving the results. All examples for this part of
the study are included in the appendix one, and only a few example sentences will be directly
discussed here. The source text for the Japanese to English comes from an online news article
concerning the recent political upheaval in Tunisia. Here is the first sentence of the translation of
the article for each system:
The ruling Democratic Constitutional Mubazzaa interim president
and prime minister of the interim coalition government Gannushi
Tunisia (RCD) for the decision to withdrawal from the opposition and
civil society is not convinced, in the city of Tunis from 19 RCD ministers
from North Korea demonstrations seeking the resignation of resumes.
P a g e | 37
The opposition party and the citizen do not agree upon vis-a-vis
gannushi prime minister and mubatsuzaa provisional president of the
provisional coalition government of Tunisia deciding the secession from
of ruling party constitutional democracy combination (RCD), in Tunis
city the demonstration which requests the resignation of the Cabinet
minister of RCD graduate from 19th morning reopens.
SDL Freetranslation.com:
To that the ムバッザア provision president decided the secession
from a party from the ruling party/constitutionalism Democratic Party
union (RCD) with the ガンヌーシ prime minister of the provision coalition
government of Tunisia as for an/the opposition party and citizen the
demonstration that requests the resignation of the minister of a/the
RCD graduate from 19 day morning in the Tunis city resumes, without
The opposition party and the citizen do not agree upon
[gannushi] prime minister and [mubatsuzaa] provisional president of
the provisional coalition government of Tunisia ruling party
constitutional democracy combination (RCD) from vis-a-vis deciding
secession, in Tunis city the demonstration which requests the
resignation of the Cabinet minister of RCD graduate from 19th morning
Student Translation:
The minority parties and people of Tunisa are not satisfied with
the decision of the current interim government prime minister,
Mohamed Ghannouchi, and acting president, Fouad Mebazaa, to leave
the old ruling party, the Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD). Starting
on the morning of the 19th, demonstrations have begun again in the
city of Tunis calling for the resignation of cabinet members affiliated
with the RCD.
It is the opinion of the author that the student translation sounds the most natural,
however it breaks up this first sentence into two sentences in order to accomplish this feat. If
having the sentence level correspondence remain precisely intact, then even though the student
version sounds good, it would still be a poor translation. The SDL and Google systems each have
trouble obtaining a clear subject, while the Systran based systems select the same subjects as the
student translation, namely “The opposition party and the citizens.” The unnaturalness of the
P a g e | 38
machine translation highlights a key characteristic of Japanese that may not have been
adequately built into these systems. That is the fact that Japanese has no plural morphology and
little concept of number realized overtly in the language. Most of the machine translation
systems default to the singular interpretation without regard to the surrounding context.
However, Google translate strangely realizes what is essentially “citizens” as “civil society,”
which from a certain perspective may be closer to the original Japanese concept of the words.
However, if this translation is intended for actual publication to a monolingual English audience,
“civil society” does not convey the correct idea of citizens rising up against their government.
It is interesting to note the way each system approaches unknown words and/or specific
terms. Babelfish brackets such words and provides a transcription within the brackets, while
Google essentially hopes that a transcription is correct for names and capitalizes them (in other
words it assumes that the names in Japanese are Japanese and not actually from another
language). The Systransoft.com system provides a transcription without any indication that it’s a
name or term, and the SDL system simply leaves the name in Japanese. This is evidence for a
trend between these systems, that is the SDL system goes for a much more light handed
approach, trying only to translate what it knows. This shows a system that is in essence designed
as a tool for translators rather than a solution unto itself. The other systems generally try to
provide the “correct” translation for a text. SDL also marks syntactic information with a tag like
《主語なし》, which means “no subject” because Japanese sentences very often have no overt
subjects. This marking shows that the SDL system is trying not to make incorrect judgments,
whereas the other systems are trying to make the right judgments. But ultimately they all seem to
end up at the same place because the decisions that need to be made are not actually dependent
so much on the text itself.
One common goal of translation is to convey some sort of meaning. Some readers might
think it is silly of me to say that it is only “one common goal,” but the truth is that the mistakes
generated by machine translations systems like those tested in this project help to point to
differences between languages. For example, the lack of plurals in the machine translation helps
to highlight the fact that English depends on number information in ways that Japanese does not.
This could be a purpose for machine translation. However, if meaning is the ultimate goal, then it
is probably a requirement that the translation be at least mostly grammatical. In order to assure
grammaticality, rule based systems, in theory, don’t use rules that create ungrammaticality. And
for many researchers there is a sense that if we can make the translation grammatical, then it will
have meaning in the target language. However, I hold that most of the translations provided
above are decidedly lacking in any clearly discernable meaning without reliance on significant
prior knowledge of the facts of the Tunisian tumult.
Despite the seemingly ungrammatical nature of most of these Japanese to English
machine translations, only the Google Translate statistical approach failed to pass an HPSG
(Head Phrase Structure Grammar) parser of English. And the Stanford parser was able to make
sense of all of the translations. In other words, these machine translations (and probably most
P a g e | 39
machine translation) are deemed largely grammatical by computational implementations of
syntactic theory. The fact that parsers find machine translation grammatical may be a sign that
using grammar to determine quality in machine translation is not feasible, or it may mean that
the parsers themselves are not correct. Ultimately, most means of evaluating machine translation
rely on a “Gold Standard” translation rather than a concept of meaning, hence the
computationally best translation may be totally useless.
The question is, can a trained translator overcome these issues with machine translation
to make it a viable tool? The answer based on the research provided here is ultimately, it
depends. Knowledge about a language, such as grammatical knowledge can be described in
terms of rules. For example, in examining translation from English to Japanese (I didn’t want to
focus too much on this direction because I am not a native Japanese speaker) I noticed that
cataphoric references don’t occur overtly in Japanese, however all of the machine translation
systems carried the English cataphoric pronouns over into the Japanese. It should be possible to
write a rule for a machine translation system that says not to translate pronouns except in very
specific situations. Such a rule will not instantly create excellent translations in all cases, but it is
a step a translator could make in improving the system. However, the skills required to write
such a rule are probably well beyond most freelance translators. In essence, in order to truly
make use of machine translation, one needs to be a programmer. So, although machine
translation can get better, and will get better, and although it’s possible to train these systems, it
makes more sense for individual translators to train themselves to do the best translations they
can. Translation companies may be able to take real advantage of advances in machine
translation, but the comparisons provided in this project suggest that machine translation is not
yet a truly viable tool for freelance translators at least as a substitute for doing the entire
translation oneself.
Appendix One
Japanese > English
Source チュニジアの暫定連立政権のガンヌーシ首相とムバッザア暫定大統領が与党・立憲民
P a g e | 40
Google Translate The ruling Democratic Constitutional Mubazzaa interim president and prime minister of
the interim coalition government Gannushi Tunisia (RCD) for the decision to withdrawal from
the opposition and civil society is not convinced, in the city of Tunis from 19 RCD ministers
from North Korea demonstrations seeking the resignation of resumes. How to stop further
reforms to public demand for an interim government is not.
Interim coalition government was established in the form of capturing the opposition
supported the previous government of Ben Ali for the RCD while holding key posts, the
opposition parties and civil society "has not changed anything," are increasingly repelled.
Confederation of Labor headquarters in front of the center of Tunis, Tunisia, hundreds of union
members gathered at around 11 am and the public from 19, "RCD will depart," began marching
and shouting.
P a g e | 41
Professor Muhammad joined the demonstration Difarra's (50) "Even the prime minister to
leave the party, RCD has not changed realities of domination. Until the resignation of the
Cabinet, citizens can not think of a fist down ".
Close to main street protesters, the police barricaded. Golub's owner Khaled Shoes (33) is
"for real change needs to pay some costs. I do not shop the sales week, I will support the
demonstration," he said, closing the shutter.
Prime Gannushi demonstration is repeated every time out any compromise, a concession
may continue in the future.
Systran.net The opposition party and the citizen do not agree upon vis-a-vis gannushi prime minister
and mubatsuzaa provisional president of the provisional coalition government of Tunisia
deciding the secession from of ruling party constitutional democracy combination (RCD), in
Tunis city the demonstration which requests the resignation of the Cabinet minister of RCD
graduate from 19th morning reopens. There are no circumstances where request of the citizen
who requests further reformation from provisional administration stops. Provisional coalition
government started in the form which takes in the opposition party, but the principal post because
while RCD which supports the administration before the Venn ant grasps, the opposition party
and the citizen “nothing has changed”, that strengthen rally. Before the Tunisia work entire
combined headquarters of the Tunis center 19th the citizen and union member several hundred
people got together from around 11 o'clock in the morning, “RCD while shouting that go away”,
began demonstration march. As for university professor muhanmado deihuatsura (50) which
joins to demonstration “the prime minister leaving a party, the actual condition of RCD control
has not changed. Until the Cabinet resigns in a body, you cannot think that the citizen lowers the
fist”. When demonstrators get near to prado, police force built the barricade. As for shoes
storekeeper haredo gorabu (33) “for true reform it is necessary to pay some cost. As for the store
however there is no 1 weekly sale, as for me demonstration is supported”, you said, closed the
shutter. At each time demonstration is repeated gannushi prime minister has put out a some
compromise step, there is a possibility in the future of continuing concession.
freetranslation.com (SDL) -
P a g e | 42
To that the ムバッザア provision president decided the secession from a party from the
ruling party/constitutionalism Democratic Party union (RCD) with the ガンヌーシ prime minister
of the provision coalition government of Tunisia as for an/the opposition party and citizen the
demonstration that requests the resignation of the minister of a/the RCD graduate from 19 day
morning in the Tunis city resumes, without understanding. The demand of the citizen that
requests further reform to provisional government seems to stop.
《主語なし》Although the provision coalition government was inaugurated with the
form that takes an/the opposition party while RCD that supported administration before ベンアリ
held a main post for, opposition party and citizen are not changing even "what" and it has
strengthened repulsion. 《主語なし》While shouting that a/the citizen and member of an
association several hundreds person gather from about 19 day 11 o'clock a.m. before the Tunisia
labor total combination headquarters of a/the Tunis central part and "RCD able to leave I started
a/the demonstration parade.
As for university professor ムハンマド Mr./ Ms. ディーファッラー (50) that joined to a/the
demonstration, the actual condition of RCD control is not changing, even if "the prime minister
leaves a party it. It is not conceivable that a/the citizen unloads a/the fist, until Cabinet resigns
When the demonstrators approach as importance a/the policeman party built a/the
barricade. Shoes storekeeper ハレド Mr./ Ms. Golub (33) need to pay a little cost for "a real
reform. 《主語なし》As for a/the store, I support a/the demonstration, although the sales go な
for 1 week" and I closed a/the talk, shutter.
There is the possibility that the ガンヌーシ prime minister is taking out some compromise
plans and continue a/the concession from now on whenever the demonstration is repeated.
Babelfish The opposition party and the citizen do not agree upon [gannushi] prime minister and
[mubatsuzaa] provisional president of the provisional coalition government of Tunisia ruling
party constitutional democracy combination (RCD) from vis-a-vis deciding secession, in Tunis
city the demonstration which requests the resignation of the Cabinet minister of RCD graduate
P a g e | 43
from 19th morning reopens. There are no circumstances where request of the citizen who
requests further reformation from provisional administration stops. Provisional coalition
government started in the form which takes in the opposition party, but the principal post because
while RCD which supports the administration before the Venn ant grasps, the opposition party
and the citizen “nothing has changed”, that strengthen rally. Before the Tunisia work entire
combined headquarters of the Tunis center 19th the citizen and union member several hundred
people got together from around 11 o'clock in the morning, “RCD while shouting that go away”,
began demonstration march. University professor [muhanmado] [deihuatsura] which joins to
demonstration (50) “the prime minister leaving a party, the actual condition of RCD control has
not changed. Until the Cabinet resigns in a body, you cannot think that the citizen lowers the
fist”. When demonstrators get near to prado, police force built the barricade. Shoes storekeeper
[haredo] [gorabu] (33) “for true reform it is necessary to pay some cost. As for the store however
there is no 1 weekly sale, as for me demonstration is supported”, you said, closed the shutter. At
each time demonstration is repeated [gannushi] prime minister has put out a some compromise
step, there is a possibility in the future of continuing concession.
Student Translation The minority parties and people of Tunisa are not satisfied with the decision of the
current interim government prime minister, Mohamed Ghannouchi, and acting president, Fouad
Mebazaa, to leave the old ruling party, the Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD). Starting on
the morning of the 19th, demonstrations have begun again in the city of Tunis calling for the
resignation of cabinet members affiliated with the RCD. There is no sign of the people
discontinuing their demands for reformation from the interim government.
The interim government has started to include members of the minority parties, but
because important positions are still being held by RCD members that supported the former
government of Ben Ali, the opposition parties and the people are pushing the argument that
“Nothing has changed.” Hundreds of citizens and labor union members gathered at about 11:00
AM in front of the Tunisian Labor Federation Headquarters in the heart of Tunis to start a
demonstration march crying, “Bring an end to the RCD!”
Mohamed Difadla, a university professor, age 50, who joined the demonstration, said,
“Even though the prime minister has abandoned his party, the reality of RCD control remains
unchanged. Until there is a general resignation of cabinet members, the people will not consider
giving up this fight.”
P a g e | 44
When the demonstrators approached a busy thoroughfare, a police unit set up a barricade.
A 33 year old shoe shop owner told a reporter as he closed his shutters, “In order to gain real
reform, we must pay a certain price. I haven’t been able to open my doors for a week, but I
support the demonstrations.”
With each demonstration, Ghannouchi has made some kind of concession; it’s possible
that after this he may make another compromise.
Appendix Two
English > Japanese
Source Mr. Greenwich and his wife were shopping when they decided to go their separate ways
to speed things up. They agreed to meet at the bank at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Greenwich realized several
minutes later that he had forgotten his watch. He asked a lady walking by for the correct time.
Her watch was five minutes fast, but she thought it was ten minutes slow. Mrs. Greenwich had
also forgotten her watch so she asked a gentleman passing by for the correct time. The man’s
watch was ten minutes slow, but he thought it was 15 minutes fast. Taking into account the
errors in the watches, who was at the bank first and at what time did they arrive?
Google Translate 彼らは物事をスピードアップするための別々の道を行くことに決めたとき氏はグリニッジ
現午後 2 時、銀行で会うことに合意した。彼は正しい時間を歩いて女性に尋ねた。彼女の時計
は 5 分だったが、彼女はそれが 10 分は遅いと思いました。彼女が正しい時刻に渡し紳士に尋
ねたので、夫人グリニッジはまた彼女の時計を忘れていた。男の時計は 10 分遅かったが、彼は
それが 15 分、高速だと思った。彼らが到着した何時銀行最初とでていた時計の誤差を考慮し
Systran.net -
P a g e | 45
していました。 彼らは彼が彼の腕時計を忘れていたこと数分後で実現された 2:00 p.m.の氏で
グリニッジ銀行で会うことに同意しました。 彼は正しい時刻を歩いている女性に頼みました。
彼女の腕時計は 5 分速かったですが、それが 10 分遅かったことを彼女は考えました。 グリ
頼みました。 メンズウォッチは 10 分遅かったですが、それが速く 15 分だったことを彼は考えまし
た。 腕時計の間違いを考慮に入れて、銀行にだれが最初にあり、何時に着きましたか。
freetranslation.com (SDL) 事〔物〕の速度を上げる彼らの別々の方法〔道〕彼らが行くことを決心した時グリニッジ
氏と彼の妻が買物でした。 それらが午後 2:00 に銀行で会うことに同意してグリニッジ氏が数
分あとで時計〔見張り〕を忘れていたことに気付きました。 彼は、正しい時間通り過ぎて歩いて
いる女性に尋ねました。 彼女はそれが 10 分緩慢であると思いました 彼女の時計は速度が
数個の 5 分の でした しかし。 グリニッジ夫人は同様に時計〔見張り〕を忘れていました、
それで、正しい時間通り過ぎて紳士に尋ねました。 彼はそれは速度が数個の 15 分のである思
いました 男性の時計は 10 分緩慢でした、 しかし。 時計のエラー〔誤り〕を考慮に入れて、
Babelfish 事を促進する彼らが別の方法行くことにしたときに氏グリニッジおよび彼の妻は買物を
していた。 彼らは彼が彼の腕時計を忘れていたこと数分後で実現された 2:00 p.m.の氏でグリ
ニッジ銀行で会うことに同意した。 彼は正しい時刻を歩いている女性に頼んだ。 彼女の腕時計
は 5 分速かったが、それが 10 分遅かったことを彼女は考えた。 グリニッジ夫人はまた彼女の腕
時計を忘れていた従って彼女は正しい時刻を渡っている紳士に頼んだ。 メンズウォッチは 10 分
遅かったが、それが速く 15 分だったことを彼は考えた。 腕時計の間違いを考慮に入れて、銀行
Student Translation 妻と一緒に買い物をしていたグリーンウィチさんが、より早く買い物を終えるために、二
P a g e | 46
Future Plans
My primary goal for the future is to improve my language abilities. This is my primary
goal for two reasons. First, I enjoy learning language. There is an old Japanese saying that
roughly translates to “If you enjoy something, you will become a master of that thing.” I want to
master Japanese. The second reason why my language abilities are my primary goal for the
future is the fact that language skills will help me in more areas than simply translation. Even
having the somewhat different few of the world that language brings may help me in solving
future problems. I expect that what I know about Japanese, Latin, and other languages will help
me in areas such as computer programming, writing, and editing. Other than my primary goal, I
have other occupational goals that I would like to detail here:
Continue to work as a freelance translator so long as other economic and educational
concerns allow
Obtain an advanced degree in relation to language studies
Spend time living in Japanese to improve my language skills and cultural awareness
P a g e | 47
Join professional organizations like the JAT and the ATA
Continue to experiment with machine translation technology to see how far it can go in
becoming a tool for translation