Akachan ni Kanpai! Celebrating the Baby WAIMH Board of Directors Table of Contents President Congress Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Tuula Tamminen, MD FINLAND Vice President & President Elect Antoine Guedeney, MD FRANCE Secretary Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Plenaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Elizabeth Tuters, MSW CANADA Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Treasurer Congress Scientific Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Massimo Ammaniti, MD ITALY Executive-at-Large Kai von Klitzing, MD, PhD GERMANY Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Exhibitors & Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 WAIMH History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Past President Peter de Chateau, MD SWEDEN Local Organizing Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Member-at-Large Abstract Review Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Neil Boris, MD USA WAIMH Affiliates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Affiliates Representative Mark Tomlinson , PhD SOUTH AFRICA International Advisor for Scientific Issues Robert N. Emde, MD USA International Advisor for Clinical Issues Rachel F. Schiffman, PhD, RN USA Executive Director Hiram E. Fitzgerald, PhD USA Associate Executive Director Palvi Kaukonen, MD FINLAND WAIMH’s mission involves promoting education, research, and study of the effects of mental, emotional and social development during infancy on later normal and psychopathological development through international and interdisciplinary cooperation, publications, affiliate associations, and through regional and biennial congresses devoted to scientific, educational, and clinical work with infants and their caregivers. Cover phot courtesy of Rika Gruenbaum Artwork on pages 9, 58, 67, 70, and 71 by Arai Chiaki General Information Tour Desk Tour desks are situated at 2nd Floor Congress Center Entrance during the Congress Poster Presentation Check-In The poster presentation desk is on the 3rd floor. Please come to the desk with your poster number between 10:00 and 12:00 and receive tools to put up your posters. Please take down your posters between 14:20 and 16:00. FRIDAY AUG. 1 SATURDAY AUG. 2 SUNDAY AUG. 3 MONDAY AUG. 4 TUESDAY AUG. 5 09:00 10:00 Lunch 11:00 12:00 Precongress Symposium 2 13:00 Plenary Session 2 Workshop Session 1 Symposia Session 1 Plenary Session 4 Streamed Clinical Presentation Workshop Session 2 Plenary Session 5 Workshop Session 3 Symposia Session 3 Lunch Master Lecture Session 5 Plenary Sessions 7&8 WAIMH Awards & Business Meeting Workshop Session 4 Symposia Session 4 Lunch THEME: STRENGTH BASED PREVENTIVE INTERVENTIONS Master Lecture Session 4 Clinical Teach-In Session 1 Poster Workshop Session 1 Clinical Teach-In Session 3 Workshop Session 5 Poster Workshop Session 2 Clinical Teach-In Session 2 Video Session 2 Poster Session 2 Plenary Session 6 Lunch Plenary Session 3 Video Session 1 Public Forum Poster Session 1 Symposia Session 2 Lunch THEME: NORMATIVE REPRESENTATIONAL MODELS Master Lecture Session 3 THEME: INFANCY IN CULTURAL CONTEXT Master Lecture Session 2 Panel Symposium Plenary Interface 3 Plenary Interface 2 Plenary Interface 1 17:00 18:00 WAIMH Affiliate Meetings Affiliates Council Consortium Symposium Reception & Fireworks Closing Ceremonies and Departure Plenary Session 1 16:00 Congress Opening Ceremony 15:00 Master Lecture Session 1 14:00 THEME: RESILIENCE: INNER STRENGTHS AND REGULATORY PROCESSES Precongress Symposium 1 CONGRESS REGISTRATION 08:00 Gala Cruise 19:00 Congress Schedule Welcome! On behalf of professionals working with infants and families in Japan, I wish to welcome you to the 11th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, to be held in my home city of Yokohama in August 1-5, 2008. This is the first world congress of the WAIMH ever to be held in Asia. Despite the distance to travel, a world congress in Asia will expand your horizon. While in Asia, infants and families suffer from many obvious and hidden repression, deprivation and natural disasters, it is also an area where the spirit of interdependence and peaceful coexistence still prevails. We have a lot to learn from the warmth and resilience of families struggling in their predicaments. Year 2008 is the eve of the 150th Anniversary of the Port of Yokohama and the 150th Anniversary of Keio University, the oldest university in Japan. Though Japan has achieved the world’s lowest infant mortality rate, our birth rate is declining and postnatal depression and infant abuse are on the rise. Also, current ongoing increase in diverse emotional and behavioral problems in children and adolescents alerts us even more to the importance of psychological well-being during infancy. The Japanese government is vigorously promoting a supportive nurturing environment for the next generation. We must strive to create a society where all infants, regardless of having disease or not, are cherished from the very beginning of life. Thus our theme for this congress is “Celebrating the Baby: Baby, Family and Culture: Akachan ni Kanpai!” 乳幼児精神保健とは赤ちゃんのこころの健康を守る営みで す。 それには何よりもまず、赤ちゃんちゃんのお母さん、そして 家族一人一人の幸せを守ることが必要です。無力にみえる赤 ちゃんは、実は家族を励まし、希望を与え、私たち大人のここ ろを動かす、大きな力を持つことにも気づきます。 世界乳幼児精神保健学会は、乳幼児研究者・医師・看護師・ 助産師・保健師・保育士・療法師・教師・ソーシャルワーカー・ 心理士ら多職種の専門家が、職域のバリアーを越えて赤ちゃ んのために力を出し合う会です。最先端の研究と、目の前の 家族と赤ちゃんとの生きた臨床の関わりが、車の両輪となり、 相互に響きあい、赤ちゃんと家族の「生きる喜び」 を支えてい きます。未来を生きるおさなごのこころを育むには、大人のま ごころのハーモニーが必要です。 アジアで初めて開催される世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大 会(WAIMH2008 in YOKOHAMA) には、赤ちゃん時代の困 難を生き延びて大人になった人々も参加し 皆さんをお待ち もうしあげます。是非起こしください! 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 日本組織委員 会 会長 渡辺久子 Over the past ten years, we have created an open forum for professionals working with infants throughout Japan. Now the time is ripe for us to meet our colleagues from all over the world. I wish this congress will be a joyful meeting for us all! Chair, Local Organizing Committee 2008 Program Committee Hiram Fitzgerald, Ph.D. Program Committee Chair and Executive Director, WAIMH (米国) プログラム委員会会長) Kaija Puura, M.D. Program Committee Co-Chair, WAIMH (フィンランド) プログラム委員会副会長) Elisabeth Fivaz-Depeursinge, Ph.D. (スイス) Neil Boris, M.D. (米国) Hisako Watanabe, M.D. (日本) 2 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health ようこそ Akachan ni Kanpai! For the first time, WAIMH members have gathered in Asia for a world congress. Yokohama presents a wonderful opportunity to bring East and West together to enrich the diversity of cultural perspectives about infants and their families. The program committee was committed to produce a meeting that would intermingle scientific and clinical studies of infants and their families, as well as address important policy issues related to early development. Congress events are organized around four sub-themes: Resilience: Inner Strengths and Regulatory Processes; Infancy in Cultural Context; Normative Representational Models, and Strength-based Preventive Intervention. Scientists, clinicians, and policy makers from 43 countries will attend the World Congress.We are especially pleased that colleagues from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Latvia, Macao, Malaysia, Nepal, and Pakistan will be attending for the first time. The program committee was challenged to craft an integrated program, but four October days of intense work at the WAIMH Central Office in East Lansing produced a program that distributes 8 plenary sessions, 3 plenary interfaces, 23 master lectures, 20 symposia, 37 workshops, 24 clinical teach-ins, 9 poster workshops, 9 video presentations, 190 posters, and WAIMH’s newest innovation, a video streamed conversation (with Kathryn Barnard). Plenary speakers include: Hisako Watanabe (Japan), Peter Fonagy (United Kingdom), Robert N. Emde (United States), Mechthild Papousek (Germany), Dieter Burgin (Switzerland), Marc Bornstein (United States), Tuula Tamminen (Finland), and Clair Vallotton (the 2006 New Investigator Awardee). Precongress events include special conversations with Daniel Stern (Switzerland), Arnold Sameroff, and David Olds (United States) on “Perspectives on Infant Mental Health”, and Bertrand Cramer (Switzerland) and Colwyn Trevarthen (United Kingdom) on “Early Interventions for Infant Abuse.” In addition, participants will be treated to one really enormous fireworks in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the port of Yokohama!! The World Congress theme, Akachan ni Kanpai, Celebrating the Baby: Baby, Family and Culture, focuses attention to the full continuum of infant mental health: from the inner strengths of the baby and the joys of parenthood and grandparenthood, to all of the individual, familial, and societal resources that enrich the celebration. Although many presentations address factors that compromise the celebration, it is within the spirit of joy and celebration that WAIMH World Congress participants have gathered in Yokohama to greet the baby, to celebrate the baby, and one another. There is a place for you at Yokohama, whether as a presenter or as a participant. We hope that your experience at the congress and in Japan is exciting, rewarding, and challenging and that you sample deeply the rich cultural diversity afforded by the program. 赤ちゃんに乾杯 WAIMHメンバーが、はじめてアジアで開かれる世界大会に 集います。横浜は、東洋と西洋がともに、乳幼児と家族につい ての文化的視点の多様性を豊かにする、素晴らしい機会を 提供するでしょう。 プログラム委員会は、早期の発達に関する 重要な政策に言及するのはもちろん、乳幼児と家族につい ての科学と臨床が交わりあう大会を創ろうと考えました。大 会行事は、1) レジリエンス:内的強さと調節過程、2) 文化と いうコンテクストにおける乳児期、3) 標準的表象モデル、4) 強さに根ざした予防的介入という、4つのサブテーマに沿っ て組み立てられています。43カ国から、研究者や臨床家、政 策立案者が、世界大会に出席します。特に、 カンボジア、 イン ドネシア、 ラオス、 ラトビア、マカオ、マレイシア、 ネパール、パ キスタンの仲間たちが初めて参加することは喜ばしいことで す。 プログラム委員会には、統合されたプログラムを手作り することが求められました。10月の4日間、 イースト・ランシン グのWAIMH中央オフィスで行われた濃密な作業によって、 8つのプレナリー・セッション、3つのプレナリー・インターフ ェース、23のマスター・レクチャー、20のシンポジウム、37の ワークショップ、24の臨床ティーチ・イン、9つのポスター・ワ ークショップ、9つのビデオ・プレゼンテーション、190のポス ター、 そしてWAIMH最新の革新的なインターネット・レクチ ャー(K.バーナード)から成るプログラムができあがりました。 プレナリーの演者は、渡辺久子(日本)・P.フォナギー(英国)、 R.N.エムディ(米国)、M.パプシェク(ドイツ)、D.ビュルギン( スイス)、M.ボーンシュタイン(米国)、T.タミネン(フィンランド) 、C.バロトン(2006年ニュー・インベスティゲーター受賞者)で す。 プレコングレスには、 「乳幼児精神保健についての展望」 と題して、D.スターン(スイス)、A.ザメロフ、D.オルズ(米国)に よる特別な鼎談と、 「乳幼児虐待への早期介入」に関する、B. クラメール(スイス)とC.トレバーサン(英国)の対談が行われ ます。 その後に、参加者は、横浜開港150周年を祝う盛大な 花火大会を楽しむことができるでしょう。 世界大会のテーマ 「赤ちゃんに乾杯!Celebrating the Baby: Baby, Family and Culture」は、乳幼児精神保健の連続体全 体、すなわち赤ちゃんの内的強さと親であること、祖父母であ ることの歓びから、祝福を豊かにするための個人的・家族的・ 社会的資源のすべてにまで、注意を向けています。 たとえ多 くの発表が祝福を損なう要因に取り組むものであったとして も、それはWAIMH世界大会の参加者が、赤ちゃんを迎え入 れ、赤ちゃんを祝福し、互いに祝福しあうために横浜に集ま ったという、歓びと祝福の精神の内にあります。発表者あるい は参加者として、 あなたのための場所が、横浜にはあります。 大会での、 そして日本でのあなたの経験が、エキサイティング で、有益で、魅力的なものでありますように、 また、 プログラム がもたらす豊かな文化的多様性を、 あなたが深く肌で知るこ とができますように、私たちは望んでいます。 Program Committee Chair and Executive Director, WAIMH Program Committee Chair and Executive Director, WAIMH 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 3 地図 escalator Cloak stairs PC Center Drink Corner Bookstall Travel Desk Registration Desk escalator WAIMH escalators Main Office Desk Secretariat WAIMH Main Office 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 5 Maps Posters Drink Corner Poster Desk ᵑᵎᵐᴾ ᵑᵎᵒᴾ Exhibits & Family Association Booths Social Leipzig Desk Program ᵑᵎᵑᴾ ᵑᵎᵏᴾ escalators elevator Press Room escalators Drink Corner Interpreters Room Preparation rooms 6 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Babysitting Room 地図 Drink Corner escalators 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 7 Plenaries WAIMH Presidential Distinguished Lecture Irving B. Harris Distinguished Lecture Hisako Watanabe Mechthild Papousek Celebrating the Baby Infants’ Self-Regulatory Capacities: A Hidden Resource in Developmental Disorders of Infant Mental Health 赤ちゃんに乾杯 乳幼児の自己調節能力:乳幼児精神保 健における発達障害の隠された資源 Invited Distinguished Lecture Decade of Behavior Distinguished Lecture Peter Fonagy Marc Bornstein (photo not available) Infancy and Borderline Personality Disorder 特別招待講演―乳幼児期と境界性人 格障害 CULTURE↔PARENT↔INFANT: Transactional, Behavioral, and Emotional Relationships 文化↔親↔乳幼児:交流的、行動的、情 緒的関係 Serge Lebovici Distinguished Lecture Réne Spitz Distinguished Lecture Dieter Bürgin Robert N. Emde From Outside to Inside to Outside: Comments on Intrapsychic Representations and Interpersonal Interactions The Potentials for Infant Mental Health 乳幼児精神保健に潜在する力 内的表象と対人的相互交流への考察 2006 New Investigator Address Presidential Address Claire DeAnne Vallotton Infant Mental Health Around the World Opening our Minds to the Baby’s Mind 会長講演―世界の乳幼児精神保健 Tuula Tamminen 赤ちゃんのこころに私たちのこころを 開く 8 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Awards WAIMH Award Serge Lebovici Award Given in recognition of significant contributions to the World Association for Infant Mental Health, either directly or through one of the WAIMH Affiliate Associations. 2008 Recipients Given in recognition of significant contributions to the international development of infant mental health. Nominees typically are individuals who have been actively involved in collaborative efforts that have cross-national implications for infant mental health. Campbell Paul Brigid Jordan 2008 Recipient Daniel Stern Past Recipients Serge Lebovici (1996) Justin Call (1996) Eleanor Galenson (1996) Robert Emde (1996) Hiram Fitzgerald (1996) Sonya Bemporad (1996) Joy Osofsky (2000) Dilys Daws (2002) Sam Tyano (2006) Sonya Bemporad Award Past Recipients Myriam David (2002) Michel Soule (2006) Réne Spitz Award Given in recognition of significant lifetime contributions to clinical and/or experimental research on topics related to infant mental health. Nominees typically are individuals who have made substantive scientific contributions to the interdisciplinary field of infant mental health. Given in recognition of significant contributions to the advancement of social and public policies that contribute to the mental health and overall benefit of infants, toddlers, and their families. Nominees typically are not involved in service delivery or scientific or clinical studies of infants. Legislators, officials, advocates, media representatives, foundation directors, and concerned citizens may qualify for the award. 2008 Recipient 2008 Recipient New Investigator Award Matthew Melmed Past Recipients Paul Steinhauer (2000) Salvador Celia (2002) Betty Tableman (2002) Pam Linke (2006) Honorary President Conferred to honor a distinguished person who has made an outstanding contribution to the interdisciplinary field of Infant Mental Health. Takeo Doi Past Recipients T. Berry Brazelton (2002) Robert Emde (2006) The purpose of the WAIMH New Investigator Award is to recognize and encourage promising new investigators in infant mental health. The applicant must be a member of WAIMH or must be sponsored by a member of WAIMH. The applicant must have earned a university degree no more than eight years prior to the application deadline. The individual selected as new investigator receives a cash award, a plaque, and acceptance of his/her paper for publication in the Infant Mental Health Journal (this involves exposure to the peer review process as a way of assisting the investigator’s professional development). In addition, the new investigator must be prepared to present his or her work at the following world congress. 2008 Recipient 2008 Recipient Wakako Sanefuji Robert Emd Ro Emde de Past Recipients Ann A nn McDonald McD Donald ld Culp Culp l (1996) (199 (1 996) 6) Laurie Laur La urie ie A A. Va Van n Egeren Eger Eg eren en (2000) ((20 2000 00)) Kaija Puura (2002) Claire Clai Cl aire r Vallotton (2006) re 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 第 第11回 第1 1回 回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 回 世界乳幼児精 世界 乳幼児精 乳幼 児精神保健学 神保健学 神保 健学会世 会世 会世界大 世界大会 界大会 界大 9 Friday, August 1 Congress Scientific Program 08:00 - 17:00 CONGRESS REGISTRATION 09:30 - 11:20 PRECONGRESS SYMPOSIUM I 2 Moderator Robert N. Emde (United States) 3 Perspectives on Infant Mental Health 乳幼児精神保健の展望 Arnold Sameroff (United States), Daniel Stern (Switzerland), David Olds (United States) 11:30 - 12:20 LUNCH BREAK 12:30 - 14:20 PRECONGRESS SYMPOSIUM II 5 Moderator Kaija Puura (Finland) 6 Early Intervention for Infant Abuse 乳幼児虐待への早期介入 Bertrand Cramer (Switzerland), Colwyn Trevarthen (United Kingdom) Main Hall On Own Main Hall 14:30 - 15:20 DISTINGUISHED MASTER LECTURE 7 Moderator J. Kevin Nugent (United States) Main Hall Master Lecture 01: Stresses and Supports for Families in the 21st Century 21世紀の家族のストレスとサポート T. Berry Brazelton (United States) 15:30 - 16:20 CONGRESS OPENING CEREMONIES 8 Co-Hosts Hisako Watanabe (Japan), Tuula Tamminen (Finland) Main Hall 16:30 - 17:20 PLENARY SESSION I 9 Moderator Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 10 WAIMH Presidential Distinguished Lecture: Celebrating the Baby 世界乳幼児精神保健学会特別会長講演:赤ちゃんに乾杯 Hisako Watanabe (Japan) Main Hall 17:30 - 19:00 RECEPTION and Celebration Fireworks: 150th Anniversary, Port of Yokohama 11 Hosts Tuula Tamminen (Finland), Hisako Watanabe (Japan) 10 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 301-304 8月2日 (土) Saturday’s Theme: Resilience: Inner Strengths and Regulatory Processes 08:00 - 08:50 MASTER LECTURE SESSION I 13 Master Lecture 02: Triangular Communication between Infant, Father, and Mother in the Context of Parental Mental Illness 親の精神疾患というコンテクストにおける、乳幼児・父・母の三者間コミュニケー ション Elisabeth Fivaz-Depeursinge (Switzerland) 14 Master Lecture 03: Building Capacity in the Infant and Family through Competency-Based Endorsement Promoting Infant Mental Health 能力に基づく認定による乳幼児精神保健の資質向上を通して、乳幼児と家族の キャパシティーを構築する Deborah Weatherston (United States) 15 Master Lecture 04: The NBAS is the Essential Tool for the Infant Psychiatrist NBAS(ブラゼルトン新生児行動評価):乳幼児精神科医の不可欠のツール Nadia Bruschweiler-Stern (Switzerland) 301 16 Master Lecture 05: Society’s Responsibility for Very Young Children 幼い子どもへの社会の責任 Peter de Chateau (Sweden) 302 17 Master Lecture 06: Infant Mental Health as a Public Health Issue 公衆衛生としての乳幼児精神保健 Mark Tomlinson (South Africa) 303 Main Hall Small Auditorium 09:00 - 09:50 PLENARY SESSION II 18 19 Moderator Susan McDonough (United States) Irving B. Harris Distinguished Lecture: Infants’ Self-Regulatory Capacities: A Hidden Resource in Developmental Disorders of Infant Mental Health Irving B. Harris特別講演:乳幼児の自己調節能力:乳幼児精神保健における発 達障害の隠された資源 Mechthild Papousek (Germany) Foyer (All floors) Symposium 01: Emerging Conflicts in the Modern Family: Social, Clinical, and Research Perspectives on the Family System 現代家族に生じる葛藤:社会的、臨床的、研究的視点からの家族シ ステム 21 22 23 Main Hall Moderator Kai von Klitzing (Germany) Mothers, Fathers, Roles, and Regulations: Parents’ Attempts to Influence Each Other in the Family System 母親、父親、役割と規則:家族システム内で互いに影響を与え合うという親の試み Laurie Van Egeren (United States) Considering the Family System in Clinical Work with Children with Psychiatric Problems 精神的問題を持つ子どもとの臨床治療における家族システムの考察 Kaija Puura (Finland) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 10:00 - 10:20 BREAK 10:30 - 11:50 SYMPOSIA SESSION I Main Hall 11 Saturday, August 2 24 25 Clinical Assessment of Family Interactions: Dyadic or Triadic Ports of Entry 家族の相互交流の臨床評価:二者関係あるいは三者関係の入り口 Elisabeth Fivaz-Depeursinge (Switzerland) Discussant Hisako Watanabe (Japan) Congress Scientific Program Symposium 02: Early Interaction between Infants and Mothers with Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems 薬物乱用と精神保健的問題を持つ母親と乳幼児との間の早期の相 互交流 26 27 28 29 30 31 Moderator Hiram E. Fitzgerald (United States) The Relation Between a Cumulative Optimality Index and the Quality of MotherInfant Interaction at Age 3 Months: Mothers with or without a History of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems 累積最適化インデックスと生後3ヶ月時の母親−乳児相互交流の質との間の関 係:薬物乱用および精神保健的問題の病歴がある母親、 あるいは無い母親 Vibeke Moe, Lars Smith, Hanne Cecilie Braarud (Norway) Regulatory Problems and Cognitive Deficits in Children Prenatally Exposed to Opiates and other Substances. Outcome and Prediction from Infancy to Age 4-1/2 胎児期に麻薬その他の物質にさらされたこどもたちの調節障害と認知欠陥。乳児 期から4歳半までの結果と予測 Kari Slinning, Vibeke Moe, Lars Smith (Norway) Early Motherhood and Substance Dependency: Individual Differences in Outcome of Residential Treatment 早期の母性と薬物依存:入所型施設での治療の結果における個人差 Marjaterttu Pajulo, Mirjam Kalland (Finland) Residential Treatment Intervention for Substance-Abusing Mother-Baby-Pairs: Step by Step Enhancing Maternal Reflective Functioning 薬物を乱用する母親と赤ちゃんのペアのための入所型施設の治療的介入:段階 的に母親の思考機能を増強する Mirjam Kalland (Finland) Discussant Vibeke Moe (Norway) Symposium 03: Maternal Depression and Anxiety: Effects on Fetal and Infant Behavior and Development シンポジウム3:母親のうつ病と不安:胎児と乳児の行動と発達へ の影響 32 33 Moderator Antoine Guedeney (France) Growth and Activity in Fetus of Depressed, Anxious, Non-Depressed and NonAnxious Mothers during Pregnancy 妊娠中にうつ病、不安を持つ女性とそうでない母親の胎児におけ る、発育と活動性 34 Small Auditorium Ana Conde, Barbara Figueiredo, Iva Tendais, Cesar Teixeira, Maria do Ceu Rodrigues, Raúl Nogueira (Portugal) Mother Versus Stranger Preferences in Infants of Depressed and Non-Depressed Mothers during Pregnancy and in Delivery 妊娠中と分娩時にうつ病のある母親とうつ病のない母親の乳児における、母親と 見知らぬ人への選好性 Alexandra Pacheco, Barbara Figueiredo, Cesar Teixeira, Ana Conde (Portugal) 12 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 301 8月2日 (土) 35 Neurobehavioral Organization in Two-Day-Old Infants of Depressed and Anxious Infants of Non-Depressed and Non-Anxious Women during Pregnancy 妊娠中にうつ病、不安を持つ女性とそうでない女性の、生後2日目の乳児の神経 行動機構 Raquel Costa, Barbara Figueiredo, Alexandra Pacheco, Cesar Teixeira, Ana Conde (Portugal) 36 Social Withdrawal in Infants of Postpartum Depressed and Non-Depressed Mothers 産後うつ病のある母親とうつ病のない母親の乳児の、社会的引きこもり Barbara Figueiredo, Raquel Costa (Portugal) Discussant Barbara Figueiredo (Portugal) 37 Symposium 04: Learning from Infants in Child Care: How Peers and Caregivers Gain Knowledge through Relationships in Everyday Practice 保育における乳幼児からの学び:日々の実践から保育者と子ども同 士はどのようにお互いを知りあうか 38 Moderator Deborah Weatherston (United States) 39 The Communicative Worlds of Infant Friends 乳幼児の友人関係におけるコミュニケーション世界 Min sun Shin (United States) 40 Listening to Babies: Giving Voice to New Ideas 赤ちゃんに耳を傾けること:新しいアイディアを声に出す Susan L. Recchia (United States) 41 Exploring Infant Caregivers’ Beliefs and Practices in Infant Play 乳幼児のプレイにおける保育者の信念と実践についての調査 Jeesun Jung (United States) The Effects of the Development of Infant-Caregiver Relationships in Caregiver Education 保育者の教育における乳幼児と保育者の関係性の発達の影響 Seung Yeon Lee (Korean Republic (South)) 42 43 Amazing Babies: Caregivers’ New Understanding of Infants’ Social Competence 驚くべき赤ちゃん:保育者による乳幼児の社会的コンピテンスの新しい理解 Hye Jun Park (Korean Republic (South)) Discussant Yoon-Joo Lee (United States) Symposium 05: Parenting Under Stress: Recent Studies on Child and Parent Trauma シンポジウム6:ストレス下の育児:子どもと親のトラウマについて の最近の研究 45 46 47 303 Moderator Kaija Puura (Finland) Children’s and Parents’ Exposure to Stress during the Neonatal Period: Implications on Later Stress Responses during Separations 新生児期における子どもと親のストレスへの接触:後の母子分離の際のストレス 反応への影響 Blaise Pierrehumbert, Carole Muller-Nix, Margarita Forcada-Guex, Ayala Borghini, Francois Ansermet (Switzerland) Transgenerational Effects of Maternal Violent Trauma as Mediated by Maternal Capacity to Engage in Mutual Emotion Regulation and Joint Attention during Play プレイの中で相互の情緒調節と共同注意に関わる母親の能力によって媒介され るものとしての、暴力による母親のトラウマの世代間の影響 Daniel S. Schechter (United States) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 44 302 13 Saturday, August 2 48 Congress Scientific Program 49 50 51 Parental Psychological Functioning, Child Development and Mother-InfantInteraction at 12 Months in Term and Very Preterm Infants 満期産児と極早期産児における、生後12ヶ月時の親の心理的な機能、子どもの 発達と母・乳幼児相互交流 Carola Bindt, Axel Von der Wense, Nadine Helle (Germany) Longitudinal Study on Postnatal Neurobiological Risk and Attachment, Neurological, and Cognitive Outcome in Very Low Birthweight Preterm Infants up to the Age of Six Years 極低出生体重の早期産児の6歳までの、出生後の神経生物学的リスクと愛着、神 経学的および認知的な結果についての縦断的研究 Karl Heinz Brisch, Ch. Kern, S. Luber, L. Speer (Germany) Stress and Coping Styles in Mothers of Prematurely Born Infants 早期産児で生まれた乳児の母親のストレスと対処スタイル Joy V. Browne (United States) Discussant Blaise Pierrehumbert (Switzerland) 10:30 - 11:50 WORKSHOP SESSION I Integrative Workshop 01: Detection of Risk in Infancy: Running Programs at Barcelona and Catalonia 乳児のリスクの発見:バルセロナとカタロニアの実践プログラム 52 53 54 55 Analysis of At-Risk Factors in the Neonatal Period with the NBAS NBASを用いた新生児期のリスク因子の分析研究 Carme Costas-Moragas (Spain) Psychosocial Risk Determination using ADBB-ARBB in a Cohort of Newborns of Catalan Quarter with Risk Factor Accumulation リスク因子累積を持つカタロニア地域新生児グループへのADBB-ARBBを使用し ての心理社会的リスク測定 Laia Catala, Jorge Luis Tizon, Magdalena Delgado (Spain) Risk Factors for Psychoses: Their Detection with LISMEN (Mental Health Items List for Preschool and School Ages) 精神病のリスク因子:LISMEN (就学前と学童期の精神保健の項目リスト)による 検出 Jordi Artigue, Belen Parra (Spain) Workshop 02: Benefits of Appropriate Environmental Design on Infant Mental Health and Early Childhood Development 乳幼児の精神保健と幼児期発達への適切な環境デザインの利点 Carrie Lynn Mori, Keith M. Christensen, John C. Ellsworth, Issa Hamud (United States) 415 416 56 Workshop 03: Parenting and Caregiving: How Hard Can This Be? 養育行動 その困難性 Rosa Sousa Amaral, Mafalda Correia, Ester Santos (Portugal) 417 57 Workshop 04: Comorbid Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing: The Experience of Ste-Justine’s Specialized Clinic for 0- to 5-Year-Olds 感覚処理における統合調節障害:0歳∼5歳児対象の聖ジャステーン専門クリニ ックにおける症例 Mutsuko Emond-Nakamura, Martin St-André, Sylvain Palardy, Louise Boisjoly, Julie Dupont, Louise Fleurent (Canada) 411 58 Workshop 05: Why Teach Babies and Children their Native Language? どうして赤ちゃんや子どもに母国語を教えるのか? Dalila Rezzoug (France) 412 14 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 8月2日 (土) Integrative Workshop 06: The Baby and Others: Celebrating and Holding the Baby in Family, Community, and Culture within a Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Program 赤ちゃんとその他の人たち:協働的かつ学際的な乳幼児期の精神保健プログラ ムにおいて、家族、地域、文化の中の赤ちゃんに乾杯と抱っこを 59 60 61 62 The Integration of a Community Capacity Building Framework with Clinical Interventions to Deliver Collaborative Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services コミュニティの力を構築する枠組みと、協働的な乳幼児期精神保健サービスを提 供するための臨床的介入との統合 Elisabeth Gudrun Hoehn (Australia) Building Capacity: Community Development within an Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Program 潜在的な可能性を構築すること―乳幼児期精神保健プログラムにおけるコミュ ニティ・ディベロップメント― Elizabeth Ann Morton (Australia) Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Practice within an Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Program 乳幼児期精神保健プログラムの中の、協働的で学際的な実践 Andrea Murray (Australia) Workshop 07: Supporting Security: A Preventive Group Intervention to Promote Adaptive Attachment Relationships in Caregivers with Young Babies 安全を支援する:養育者と乳児との適応性のある愛着関係を促進させる予防的 な集団介入 Jean-Victor Wittenberg (Canada) 12:00 - 12:50 LUNCH BREAK 12:30 - 14:20 POSTER SESSION I ADOLESCENT PARENTING 413 414 On Own Lounge Experience with Infants Develops the Parenting Brain of the Adolescents - A Functional Brain Imaging Study of First-Hand Learning about Infants 乳幼児との体験学習が青年期における養育的脳機能を育てる ―乳幼児との触 れあい体験学習に関する脳機能イメージング研究― ―乳幼児との触れあい体 験学習に関する脳機能イメージング研究― Akio Nakai, Ayako Sasaki, Hirotaka Kosaska, Ken-Ichi Matsuki, Michiko Tanabe (Japan) 66 Quality of Interaction between Adolescent Parents and their Babies 青年期の若い親とその乳児との相互交流の質 Eva Lehmann, Michael Kroll, Annette M. Klein, Kai von Klitzing (Germany) 67 What Accounts for the Quality of Mother-Infant Interaction? A Longitudinal Study with Adolescent Mothers and their Three-Month-Old Infants 母と乳児の相互交流の質を説明する要因は何か? 青年期の母親と3ヶ月の乳 児を対象とした縦断研究 Carla Martins, Barbara Figueiredo, Isabel Soares, Ines Jongenelen, Maria Joao Carvalho (Portugal) 68 Adolescent Mothers Providing Massage to their Zero to Three Month-Old Infants 青年期の母親による月齢0∼3ヵ月の乳児へのベビーマッサージについて Mariana Sousa Amaral Bianchi De Aguiar, Barbara Figueiredo (Portugal) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 65 15 Saturday, August 2 Congress Scientific Program ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS 69 The Use of the DC: 0-3R Diagnostic System in Alcohol-Exposed Children アルコールの影響を受けた子どもたちへのDC:0-3R診断システムの使用につい て Mary Motz, Patricia A. Freeman, Margaret Leslie (Canada) 70 Stress, Coping, and Mental Health among Substance-Abusing Women in Transition to Motherhood 母性への移行期に薬物乱用する女性のストレスとコーピング, および精神的健康 Ritva Belt, Raija-Leena Punamaki, Marjaterttu Pajulo, Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 71 Regulation in Three-Month Old Infants Exposed to Methadone or Buprenorphine in Utero 子宮内でメタドンまたはブプレノルフィンに影響を受けた生後3ヶ月児の調節 Monica Sarfi (Norway) ASSESSMENT: FAMILY LAW ISSUES, INCLUDING CHILD ABUSE AND CUSTODY 72 A Study on the Influence of Different Types of Abuse on a Child’s Behavioral Characteristics 虐待状況が子どもの行動特性に与える影響に関する研究 Taro Fukue, Kako Inoue (Japan) 73 Promoting Permanence and Well-Being for Infants and Toddlers in Foster Care: The Role of Placement Decisions and Childrearing Environment 里親養育における乳幼児の永続性およびウェルビーイングを促進する:養育先 の決定と育児環境が果たす役割 Ann Michele Stacks, Ty Partridge (United States) 74 The Prevention of Infant Abuse in the Perinatal Period and Beyond: Interventions in Families by Health Visitors and Hospital Staff 周産期からの虐待予防=保健師、病院スタッフの親介入と地域での連帯= Tomo Sawada, Miho Kawashima, Tae Abe, Tae Sukemura, Yoshihiro Kikuchi, Keiichi Okamoto, Setsuko Okada, Yukiko Sawada, Noriko Dalrymple, Kei Sawada (Japan) 75 Pre-Assessment for Child Abuse Prevention (PACAP) こども虐待予防のためのプレアセスメント(PACAP) Reiko Ueda (Japan) ASSESSMENT: DIAGNOSTIC AND CLINICAL ISSUES 76 Chronic Stress in Infants and Young Children 乳幼児および年少の子ども達の慢性的ストレス Barbara McCarroll (United States) 77 Mother-Report Questionnaires of Infant Social-Emotional Functioning: What Do They Actually Measure? 母親の自己記入式質問票による乳幼児の社会−情緒的機能の評価:実際には、 何を測定しているのか? Michelle Sleed (Great Britain), Bjorn Salomonsson (Sweden) 78 When There is No Celebration: Postpartum Depression - A Frequent Disorder Infrequently Diagnosed 祝福できない状況で:産後うつ病−頻度は高いが見過ごされている障害 Barbara Kalckreuth, Wolfgang Kalckreuth, Christiane Wiesler (Germany) 16 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 8月2日 (土) What Can 350 Infant Cases Tell Us? Clinical Evaluation, Parent-Infant Relationships, and the DC Zero to Three Classification 350例の乳幼児症例が教えてくれること 臨床評価、親・乳幼児の関係、およ びDC0∼3診断分類 Martin Maldonado-Duran, Charles Millhuff, Pamelyn Macdonald (United States) 80 The ADBB Scale: What’s New? Recent Applications ADBBスケールについて:新たな応用に関する最新情報 Antoine Guedeney (France) 81 Drawing as an Indicator of Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Children 子どものうつ病および自殺念慮の指標としての描画について Heikki Juhani Merimaa (Finland) 82 A Basic Study on the Relationship between Perception of Emotions in the Pictures of Infants’ Facial Expressions (The Japanese IFEEL Picture) and Style of Defense 乳幼児表情写真による情緒読み取りと防衛スタイルとの関係の基礎研究:日本 版 IFEEL PicturesとThe Defense Style Questionnaire日本語版(DSQ42)を用 いて Atsuko Uchida, Yoko Hamada, Chiyo Chiba (Japan) 83 Play of Children Referred to Therapy: A Comparison of Free Play Characteristics between Referred and Non-Referred Preschool Children with their Mother and Father 治療のために紹介されてきた子どもたちの遊びについて:就学前の子どもたちが 母親および父親との自由遊び場面で見せる、紹介例とそうでない子どもたちの遊 びの特徴の比較 Judith Harel, Mor Shapira, Yochanan Eshel (Israel), Saralea Chazan (United States) 84 Parental Assessment after Laparoscopic Surgery in Children: Improvement in the Quality of Life and Lasting Satisfaction 小児における腹腔鏡下手術後の評価:QOLの改善と満足度に関して Atsuyuki Yamataka, Tadaharu Okazaki, Tsubasa Takahashi, Yoshifumi Kato, Geoffrey J. Lane, Kazuhiro Kaneyama (Japan) 85 Play Narratives in Diagnostic Assessment of Young Children 幼児の診断的評価におけるプレイ・ナラティブ Tarja Sorvali, Reija Latva, Palvi Kaukonen, Raili Salmelin, Ilona Luoma (Finland) 86 Mother-Child Emotional Availability in Autism Spectrum Disorders 自閉症スペクトラム障害 (ASD) における母子の情緒応答性 Simona deFalco, Gianluca Esposito, Paola Venuti (Italy) 87 A Comparison Study of Screening Instruments for Detecting Depression during Pregnancy 妊娠中のうつ病発見のためのスクリーニング検査法の比較研究 Linda Emilie Jensen, Glen A. Palmer, Tanya Rasher-Miller (United States), Camilo Charron (France) ATTACHMENT STUDIES AND CLINICAL DISORDERS 88 Relationship between a Wife’s Consciousness of Fatigue and a Husband’s Cooperation in Infant-Rearing 乳幼児を持つ母親の疲労自覚と夫の育児協力の関連 Chieko Tazaki, Kyoko Kubo, Saori Hoshino, Kaoru Sakanashi (Japan) 89 The Impact of War on Children: A Survey of War Orphans in East Timor 戦乱が子どもに及ぼす影響―東ティモールにおける戦乱孤児の調査― Kikuno Monju, Mikio Monju (Japan) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 79 17 Congress Scientific Program Saturday, August 2 90 Clinical Support for Children with Attachment Problems: The Present Situation and Issues at Child Welfare Institutions in Japan 愛着形成不全の子どもへの心理臨床的援助(1) :児童福祉施設における現状と 課題 Kyoko Minamiyama, Kikuyo Aoki, Eri Kimura, Reiko Baba, Susumu Hanta, Yoko Yomo, Takashi Masuzawa, Saori Ota (Japan) 91 Clinical Support for Children with Attachment Problems: The Present Situation and Issues Regarding Problem Behaviors and the Approach Adopted Toward Them in Japan 愛着形成不全の子どもへの心理臨床的援助(2) :問題となる行動と取り組みに 関する日本の現状と課題 Eri Kimura, Kikuyo Aoki, Kyoko Minamiyama, Reiko Baba, Susumu Hanta, Yoko Yomo, Takashi Masuzawa, Saori Ota (Japan) 92 A Newly-Developed Projective Method Assessing Adult Attachment in Japan: Reliability Examined by Relations with AAI and the Japanese Version of ECR アタッチメントの投影的測定方法開発に関する基礎的研究:AAIならびに日本語 版ECRとの関連についての検討 Megumi Kitagawa, Hiromi Matsuura, Miyuki Kazui, Yuko Motoshima (Japan) 93 AMAE Nursing at Kochi Misono Baby Home 聖園乳児院でのあまえ子育て Kei Sawada, Kazuo Shingu, Kuriki Kazue, Kyoko Tanimoto, Noriko Dalrymple, Koju Uemura (Japan) 94 Experience of a Reattachment Therapy: AMAE Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa in Childhood 小児神経性食欲不振症への育て直し療法(あまえ療法) の試み Ichiro Fujita, Yoshiyasu Ogata, Yuhei Hamasaki, Noriko Dalrymple, Kei Sawada (Japan) 95 The Meaning of Primitive Gesture in Infancy 乳幼児期における原初的身振りの発達的意味 Ryuji Kobayashi (Japan) 96 Long-Term Prognosis Concerning Children Who had Trauma in Infancy 周産期からの虐待予防=保健師、病院スタッフによる家庭への介入= Kazue Kuriki, Kyoko Tanimoto, Kazuo Shingu, Tomo Sawada, Noriko Dalrymple, Kei Sawada (Japan) 97 Mother-Child Relationship in a Child with an Elimination Problem: A Case Study 排泄の問題をもつ児童における母子関係―症例研究 Anneke Rachmat, Ika Widyawati, Adeline Saulinggi (Indonesia) 98 A Case of a Girl with Serious Acute Stress Disorder Treated with AMAE Therapy and Sand Play あまえ療法・箱庭療法が著効を示した急性ストレス障害の6歳女児例 Yuka Okamoto, Kei Sawada, Noriko Dalrymple, Tomo Sawada (Japan) 99 Mothers’ Representations of their Infants during Pregnancy and their 18-MonthOld Infants Attachment Security: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study in Japan 妊娠期の母親の子ども表象と生後18ヶ月の子どものアタッチメント安定性:日本 における短期縦断研究 Yuko Motoshima, Megumi Kitagawa, Toshihiko Endo (Japan) 100 Supporting the Growth of Children and Mothers in Preschool 保育園での児童と母親の成長を援助 Yuko Yamaoki, Tomo Sawada, Noriko Dalrymple, Kei Sawada (Japan) 18 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 8月2日 (土) 101 Supporting Parents and Children in Preschool: How Talking can open Mothers’ minds 保育園での親子介入=登園・降園時の母親への声かけ・雑談が母親の心を開く =保育園での親子介入=登園・降園時の母親への声かけ・雑談が母親の心を開 く= Tomiko Maeno, Tomo Sawada, Noriko Dalrymple, Kei Sawada (Japan) CAREGIVING CONTEXTS 102 The Infant Health Examination in Japan わが国の乳幼児健診のあり方 Chigusa Masumura, Sachiko Saito, Akira Takano (Japan) 103 Parent-Infant Psychotherapy in the Situations of Exile and Migration: How to Build a Therapeutic Alliance 亡命および移住の状況下の親と乳幼児の心理療法:治療同盟の構築方法 Taieb Ferradji, Marie Rose Moro (France) 104 Development of Action Understanding in the First Year of Life 生後1年目の乳児における他者の行為の理解の発達 Annette M. Klein, Claudia Beckert-Zieglschmid (Germany) 105 The Baby Signs Program: Applications in Child Care Settings Across Cultures ベビーサインプログラム:異文化間の異なる養育環境での応用 Chamarrita Farkas (Chile), Claire DeAnne Vallotton (United States) 106 Are Abusive Caregiving Tendencies Related to Mother-Child Bonding or Caregiver’s Anger Trait? 虐待傾向は、養育者の怒りの特性とボンディングのどちらにより関連が深いのか Saeko Sakai (Japan) 107 Responding to the Needs of Siblings and Parents of Children in Palliative Care: A Retrospective Analysis 緩和ケアを受けている子どもの兄弟と親に対するケアのニーズへの対応:後方視 的検討 Lynette Barbara Joubert, Frances Salo, Jinsu Lee (Australia) 109 Breastfeeding and a Cooperative Partner Promote Maternal Bonding 母乳哺育と協力的な夫の存在が母子の結びつきを強める Kazuo Sato, Etsuko Sakai, Norio Kubo (Japan) 110 Groups for Parents of Children with Regulation Disorders and Sensory Problems 調節障害と感覚の問題をもつ児童(RDSP)の親のためのサポートグループ Pratibha Nitin Reebye, Annie Wolverton, Nicole Bruce (Canada) 111 Child-Raising Information for Parents with Children Three Years of Age and Under: Survey Results in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo 0∼3歳児をもつ保護者のための育児情報の現状−東京都新宿区における調査 結果 Naoko Tomita (Japan) 112 Mothers’ Responsive Behavior to their Children’s Diseases 乳幼児期の子どもの病気に対する母親の対処行動 Izumi Takahashi, Hiroko Tanaka, Masako Yoneyama, Hideko Kitaoka, Junko Nonaka (Japan) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 108 Reviving Play and Companionship in Japanese Families 日本の家族に遊びと仲間作りを蘇らせる Takashi Hayakawa, Hisako Watanabe (Japan) 19 Saturday, August 2 113 Perception of Mothers during Feeding and Mother-Infant Interaction 授乳場面における母親の認識と母子相互作用 Masami Usui, Mami Sonobe, Taiko Hirose, Aki Kawamura (Japan) 114 Creating Strong Foundations through Loving Touch: Providing Positive Experiences for Promoting Social-Emotional-Cognitive Development of Infants ラヴィング・タッチ (Loving Touch) を通した強固な基盤づくり―乳児の社会性と 感情, 認知の発達を促進する肯定的経験を提供する Robin Theresa Cozzolino, Dianna Moore (United States) Congress Scientific Program CANCELLED 115 Infants Impact on Changing Identities in Becoming Mothers for Bangladeshi, White, African and African Caribbean Mothers in an Inner London Borough アイデンティティの変化への乳児の影響―バングラデシュ人と白人,アフリカ系黒 人の母になる Cathy Urwin (Great Britain) 116 The Transition in the Early Years: The Effects of Transition Preschool Program on Childrens’ Behavior 早期の移行―幼稚園移行プログラムが子どもの行動に与える効果 Anna Kienig, Elwira Krynska (Poland) CROSS CULTURAL STUDIES 117 The Migration: A Risk for Identity? 移住について:アイデンティティ確立のリスクか? Taieb Ferradji (France) 118 A Comparative Study of Maternal Awareness Regarding Child Care in China, Japan, United States, and Sweden 日本・中国・アメリカ・スウェーデンを対象とした、保育における母性意識の国際 比較 Masako Saito, Toshiko Kaneda, Yoko Ito (Japan), Satomi Izumi Taylor (United States), Keiko Mizuno, Mariko Ichimi (Japan) 119 Every Child Can Learn 全ての子どもは学ぶことができる Katrin Stroh, Thelma Robinson (United Kingdom) EMOTION REGULATION AND DISORDERS OF TEMPERAMENT 120 Korean Clinical Preschoolers Temperament and Dysfunctional Emotion Regulation 韓国における臨床的観察に基づく就学前児の気質と感情制御の機能不全 Jinah Park, Kyung-Sook Lee, Yee-Jin Shin (Korean Republic (South)) 121 Mental Representation and Dysfunctional Emotion Regulation of Korean Institutionalized Preschoolers 韓国の施設に収容された就学前児の心的表象と感情制御機能の不全 Kyung-Sook Lee, Jinah Park, Hyun-Sook Kim, Ji Soung Lee (Korean Republic (South)) 122 Stress Regulation in Children of Clinically Depressed Mothers 臨床的なうつ病の母親をもつ子どものストレス制御 Schale Azak (Norway) 123 Is a Gender Differentiation Needed in the Association between Prenatal Maternal Emotional Complaints and Child Behavioral Problems? 母親の出産前の情緒的訴えと子どもの行動上の問題との関連における性差の影 響について Anouk De Bruijn, Hedwig Van Bakel, Anneloes Van Baar (Netherlands) 20 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 8月2日 (土) 124 Self-Regulation in Young Boys and Girls 幼児期の男子および女子における自己制御 Pratibha Nitin Reebye, Marlene M. Moretti (Canada) 125 Groups for Parents of Children with Regulation Disorders 統制障害児の両親たちのためのグループ活動について Pratibha Reebye, Annie Wolverton, Nicole Bruce (Canada) 126 A Longitudinal Study of Maternal Problem Perceptions 母親の問題認識に関する縦断的研究について Ilona Luoma, Marie-Kaarin Korhonen, Raili K. Salmelin, Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 127 Review of Toddler Temperament Questionnaire 幼児気質質問紙についての検討 Yuko Takei, Masaharu Terasaki, Masako Kadota (Japan) 128 Maternal Anxiety during Pregnancy and Temperament Predict Internalizing Problems in Childhood and Adolescence 妊娠中の母親の不安と気質は児童期と青年期の内在化問題を予測する Bea R.H. Van den Bergh (Netherlands), Wim Van den Noortgate, Marijke Braeken (Belgium) 129 The Multiple Impacts of Parenting Distress on Children’s Self Regulation and Language Development 親の育児苦痛が子どもの自己調節と言語発達に与えるさまざまな影響 Catherine Cook Ayoub, Claire DeAnne Vallotton (United States) 130 Does the Regulation Disorders and Sensory Processing Parent Support Group Facilitate Measurable Changes in a Population of Children Diagnosed with Regulation Disorders and Sensory Processing Problems? 調節障害や感覚処理障害と診断される児童に、親サポートグループは測定でき る変化をもたらすか? Pratibha Reebye, Annie Wolverton (Canada) EVALUATING PARENT-INFANT PSYCHOTHERAPY 132 Activities of Clinical Psychologists Carried Out at a Mother-and-Child Support Facility 母子生活支援施設における臨床心理士の取り組み Hironori Kusajima, Sawako Nagaya (Japan) 133 Mental Health Conditions of Caregivers of Infants with Mucopolysaccharidoses ムコ多糖症児を持つ養育者の精神健康状態 Kyoko Kubo, Oikawa Yuko, Tazaki Chieko (Japan) 134 Parent-Infant Communication Enhancement Project: Playing with a Combination of Real Toys and Virtual Toys 遊びながら、心のキャッチボール。親子のコミュニケーションプロジェクト Chiaki Arai, Toru Arai (Japan) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 131 Working with Children of Immigrant Parents: Clinical Viewpoints and Research Orientations 移民の親をもつ子どもへの治療的関与:臨床的視点と研究の方向性 Taieb Ferradji (France) 21 Saturday, August 2 FATHER-INFANT INTERACTION Congress Scientific Program 135 Longitudinal Study of Parent-Child interaction in Japanese Families: Comparison of a Normal Family and a Clinical Family with a Depressed Mother 日本の家族における父-母-子三者相互作用に関する縦断研究:うつ病症状を示 す母親を含む家族と健常な家族の比較 Yukari Hibino, Satomi Murase, Minoko Oba, Kaori Okada, Nobuaki Tanaka, Natsumi Ueshima, Noriko Hamaie, Hitoshi Kaneko, Shuji Honjo (Japan) 136 Paternal Depression and Father-Infant Interaction: The Influence of Child Difficult Temperament 父親のうつ病と父と乳児の相互交流―子どもの困難な気質の影響 Lamprini Psychogiou, Vaheshta Sethna, Paul Ramchandani (Great Britain) 137 Parent-Infant Interactions at Three Months: The Role of Paternal Depression and the Family System 3ヵ月時における親子の相互交流:父親のうつ病の関与と家族システム Vaheshta Sethna, Lamprini Psychogiou, Paul Ramchandani (Great Britain) INFANT DEPRESSION AND EARLY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 138 Predicting Emotional and Behavioral Problems at Five Years by Child and Parental Factors in Infancy and Toddlerhood 乳児期および幼児期における子どもと親の要因から、5歳児での情緒的問題およ び行動上の問題を予測する Mirjami Mantymaa, Kaija Puura, Raili Salmelin, Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 139 Correlations between Infant Withdrawal and Maternal Pathology using the Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB) 乳幼児の引きこもりと母親の病理との相関―ADBB ( Alarm Distress Baby Scale :苦痛警告赤ちゃん尺度) を用いて Silvia Maulucci, Emilia De Rosa, Maria Lucia Maulucci, Vincenzo Currò, Riccardo Cocchi (Italy) 140 Infant Withdrawal, Mourning Process and Primary Maternal Preoccupation: Reflections about Two Clinical Cases 乳児の引きこもり, 喪の過程と原初の母性的没頭に関する2臨床例の考察 Maria Lucia Maulucci, Silvia Maulucci, Riccardo Cocchi, Emilia De Rosa (Italy) 141 A Psychobiological Framework to Examine Relational Trauma during Infancy 乳幼児期の対人関係外傷を診断するための心理生物学的枠組み Aparna Rao (United States) 142 World Health Organization (WHO) Care for Children with Developmental Difficulties Survey: Implications for Infant Mental Health around the World 発達上の問題を抱える子どものケアに関する世界保健機関(WHO)の調査―各 国の乳幼児精神保健への含意 Ilgi Ozturk Ertem (Turkey), Meena Cabral de Mello (Switzerland), Ozlem Unal, Derya Gumus Dogan, Bahar Bingoler Pekcici (Turkey) INFANT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES AND TRAINING 143 Activity and Challenge of “Four Winds” 「FOUR WINDS」の歩みと今後の課題 Yuji Kawabata, Kazuo Shingu (Japan) 144 Beyond Crying: Pain, Trauma, and Stress in Early Childhood 泣きの向こう側に見えること:早期児童期における痛み、外傷、 ストレス Suzi Tortora (United States) 22 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 8月2日 (土) 145 Collaboration with Nursery Specialists and Psychologists on Child-Care Support Service in Japan: The Effect of Training of Nursery Specialists with Psychologists on Noticeable Children 日本の子育て支援における保育士と心理士の協働:保育研修会の効果の検討 Chiyo Mori, Kikuyo Aoki, Kazuo Shimamoto, Kiyoko Tomita, Masako Yatsuda (Japan) 146 Collaboration with Nursery Specialists and Psychologists on Child Care Support Service in Japan: Analysis of Continuous Visits at Nursery Schools to Follow up Children who require Individual Support 日本の子育て支援における保育士と心理士の協働:気になる子のフォローアップ を目的とした訪問観察の検討 Yukako Yano, Kikuyo Aoki, Chiyo Mori, Kazuo Shimamoto, Reiko Baba (Japan) 147 Collaboration with Nursery Specialists and Psychologists on Child-Care Support Service in Japan: Based on the Results of the Questionnaire on Parents and Children who require Special Care in Nursery Schools 日本の子育て支援における保育士と心理士の協働∼保育所を利用している特別 な配慮を必要とする親子に関する質問紙調査の結果を基に∼ Yukiko Kurokawa, Kikuyo Aoki, Shozi Hiiragisawa (Japan) 148 Collaboration with Nursery Specialists and Psychologists on Child-Care Support Service in Japan: An Analysis of Typical Cases of Parents and Children who require Special Care in Nursery Schools 日本の子育て支援における保育士と心理士の協働∼保育所を利用している特別 な配慮を必要とする親子に関する典型事例の分析を通して∼ Shozi Hiiragisawa, Kikuyo Aoki, Yukiko Kurokawa (Japan) 149 Collaboration with Nursery Specialists and Psychologists on Child-Care Support Service in Japan: The Mental Health of Mothers of Young Children 日本の子育て支援における保育士と心理士の協働∼乳幼児を持つ母親のメンタ ルヘルス∼ Reiko Takagi, Kikuyo Aoki (Japan) 150 Collaboration with Nursery Specialists and Psychologists on Child-Care Support Service in Japan: Enhancing Skills of Nursery Specialists by Training 日本の子育て支援における保育士と心理士の協働 保育研修を通した保育士 の成長 Kazuo Shimamoto, Kikuyo Aoki, Chiyo Mori, Kiyoko Tomita (Japan) 152 Promising Practices to Promote Responsive Caregiving: Three Studies on the Effects of Reflective Caregiver Training Methods 応答的な養育を促進するための有益な実践:省察的な養育者トレーニング法の 効果についての3つの研究 Elita Amini Virmani, Claire DeAnne Vallotton, Lisa Bohne (United States) 153 Solihull Approach Training: Delivering Training and Sustaining Change ソリハル アプローチの訓練: 訓練の実施と変化の維持 Mary Rheeston, Hazel Douglas, Angela Sweet, Gianna Daly (Great Britain) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 151 Enhancing Early Emotional Development in Infants and Toddlers: The Building Early Emotion Skills (BEES) Curriculum 乳幼児の早期情緒的発達を促す:BEES (Building Early Emotion Skills) カリキュ ラムの構築 Holly E. Brophy Herb, Rachel Schiffman, Esther Onaga, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Laurie Van Egeren, Sara DuPuis, Erika London Bocknek, Mildred Horodynski, Lorraine McKelvey, Shelley Hawver, MaDonna Adkins, Mary Cunningham-DeLuca (United States) 23 Saturday, August 2 154 Celebrating the Baby and Changing Health Culture: A National Plan 赤ちゃんを祝福し保健文化を変えていく: 国家の取り組み Nicholas Kowalenko, Bryanne Barnett, Marie-Paule Austin (Australia) Congress Scientific Program 155 Parent Training Program Encouraging Child’s Healthy Emotional Development in Latvia: Impact on Mother’s Sense of Competence, Child’s Behavior and Mother Child Interaction ラトビアにおける親訓練プログラム「子どもの健全な情緒発達促進」―母親のコ ンピテンス感、子どもの行動、母子の相互交流に与える影響 Inga Skreitule-Pikse, Anika Miltuze, Sandra Sebre (Latvia) 156 About Children’s Rainbow Center 子どもの虹情報研修センターの事業について Hiroaki Okawa, Takashi Masuzawa (Japan) 157 Early Identification and Intervention of Behavioral Problems in Day Care and at School 保育園(幼稚園)と学校における行動上の問題の早期発見と介入 Merja-Maaria Turunen, Paivi Kontiola, Maija Von Fieandt (Finland) 158 The Death of the Partial Self: Mothers’ Views on the Death of their own Young Children 子どもを失った親の1.5人称の関係性 Hiroko Sakashita, Kayoko Kurokawa (Japan) 159 New Approach toward Infant Mental Health using Psychological Profile as Key プロファイルを手掛りに乳幼児精神保健領域への新たな取り組み Junichi Saeki (Japan) 13:00 - 13:50 PLENARY SESSION III 160 Moderator Massimo Ammaniti (Italy) 161 Invited Distinguished Lecture: Infancy and Borderline Personality Disorder 特別招待講演: 乳幼児期と境界性人格障害 Peter Fonagy (United Kingdom) Small Auditorium 13:00 - 14:50 PUBLIC FORUM 162 Moderator Hisako Watanabe (Japan) 163 Building a Friendly Society for Infants and Families: A Perspective from Finland 子どもと家族に優しい社会つくり:フィンランドからの展望 Tuula Tamminen (Finland) Main Hall 14:00 - 14:45 VIDEO SESSION I 164 Video 01: Different Styles of Father-Infant Interaction with Infants of Clinically Depressed Mothers うつ病状態の母親を持つ乳幼児と父親のさまざまなスタイルの相互作用 Schale Azak (Norway) 411 165 Video 02: Using Theraplay Therapy to Treat Reactive Attachment Disorder 反応性愛着障害の治療のためのセラプレイ (感覚運動遊びによる治療)の利用 Paivi Korkeaoja, Raija Niemi (Finland) 413 166 Video 03: Practice on Early Child Devlopment (ECD) Programs in the Philippines: Exploring the Collaboration of Neighboring Countries アジアにおける乳幼児の養育環境支援の実際 ∼ フィリピン セブ島における 草の根援助の挑戦 ∼ Kikuyo Aoki, Yoshie Nakano, Saori Ota, Kiyoko Tomita (Japan) 414 24 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 8月2日 (土) 167 Video 04: Babies and Young Children with Each Other 乳幼児の相互作用 Julianna Vamos (France) 15:00 - 15:20 BREAK 15:30 - 17:00 PLENARY INTERFACE I 412 Foyer (All floors) 169 Coordinator Mechthild Papousek (Germany) 170 A Multi-Faceted Look at Self-Regulatory Capacities in the Etiology and Treatment of Early Persistent Crying 泣きやまない赤ちゃんの原因・治療における自己調節能力を多面的に検討する Miri Keren (Israel), Sandra Rusconi-Serpa (Switzerland) Main Hall 18:00 - 19:30 CONSORTIUM SYMPOSIUM International Perspectives: Promoting Infant, Child, and Adolescent Mental Health through Science-Based Advocacy 国際的展望:科学を基礎においた擁護をとおしての乳幼児・子ど も・思春期の精神保健の促進 Main Hall/Small Auditorium 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 171 Chair Myron Belfer (United States) 172 President, International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions 国際児童青年精神医学会会長 Myron Belfer (United States) 173 President, International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions 国際児童青年精神医学会会長 Per-Anders Rydelius (Sweden) 174 President, World Association for Infant Mental Health 世界乳幼児精神保健学会会長 Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 175 President, International Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology 国際思春期青年期精神医学・心理学会会長 Patricia Garel (Canada) 176 Secretary General, World Federation for Mental Health 世界精神保健連盟事務局長 Preston Garrison (United States) 177 Executive Director, ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families ZERO TO THREE(国立乳幼児家族センター)常任理事 Matthew Melmed (United States) 178 Discussant Myron Belfer (United States) 25 Sunday, August 3 Sunday’s Theme: Infancy in Cultural Context 08:00 - 08:50 MASTER LECTURE SESSION II Congress Scientific Program 180 Master Lecture 07: The Sense of Self and the Sick Baby: Direct Therapeutic Work with the Infant in the Hospital 自己感と病気の赤ちゃん:入院中の乳児に直接治療的に関わること Campbell Paul (Australia) 181 Master Lecture 08: Maternal Insightfulness into the Emotional Experience of the Child: Its Significance for Children’s Development in Normative High-Risk Conditions 子どもの情緒体験への母親の洞察力:正常とハイリスク状況での子どもの発達へ の意義 David Oppenheim (Israel) Main Hall Small Auditorium 182 Master Lecture 09: Assessing Withdrawal Behavior in Infancy: The ADBB Scale 乳幼児期の引きこもり行動を評価する:ADBBスケール Antoine Guedeney (France) 301 183 Master Lecture 10: In the Mother’s Mind: Investigations during Pregnancy 母親のこころの中に:妊娠中の調査から Massimo Ammaniti (Italy) 302 184 Master Lecture 11: Ghosts and Gods in the Nursery: Transgenerational Transmission in Japanese Families 赤ちゃん部屋のおばけと神々:日本の家族における世代間伝達 Hisako Watanabe (Japan) 303 185 Master Lecture 12: Development of Infant Mental Health in a former Soviet Unicultural Context 旧ソビエトという単一文化のコンテクストでの乳幼児精神保健の発展 Kasper Tuters (Canada) 304 09:00 - 09:50 PLENARY SESSION IV 186 Moderator Hiram E. Fitzgerald (United States) 187 Decade of Behavior Distinguished Lecture: CULTURE↔PARENT↔INFANT: Transactional, Behavioral, and Emotional Relationships 行動の10年特別講演:文化↔親↔乳幼児:交流的、行動的、情緒的関係 Marc Bornstein (United States) 10:00 - 10:20 BREAK 10:30 - 11:50 SYMPOSIA SESSION II Symposium 06: Reevaluation of AMAE: Its Universal and Cultural Significance in Early Development and Later Life シンポジウム07:甘えの再評価:早期の発達とその後の人生にわた る普遍的そして文化的意義 189 Moderator Robert N. Emde (United States) 190 Songs of Innocence and Experience In Communication: The Motives for Companionship 無垢の歌とコミュニケーションの経験:仲間作りへの動機 Colwyn Trevarthen (United Kingdom) 191 AMAE, Dependence, and Identification 甘え、依存そして同一化 Takeo Doi, Kiyoshi Ogura (Japan) 26 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Main Hall Foyer (All floors) Main Hall 8月3日 (日) 192 Some Considerations on the Culture-Specific Patterns in Maternal Speech of Japanese and American Mothers at one and three Months of Infants’ Age 乳児の生後1ヶ月と3ヶ月時の母親の話しかけについての、 日本と米国の母親 の文化特異的パターンについての考察 Yorio Kosawa (Japan) 193 Disruption of AMAE in Japanese Families 日本の家族における甘えの障害 Hisako Watanabe (Japan) 194 Discussant Robert N. Emde (United States), Daniel Stern, Bertrand Cramer (Switzerland) Symposium 07: Babies Signing around the World: The Effects of Using Infant Sign Language as a Parent-Infant Communication Intervention in Four Countries 世界中でサインをしている赤ちゃん:四カ国における親と乳幼児の 間のコミュニケーション介入としての乳幼児サイン言語の使用の効 果 413 195 Moderator Elizabeth Tuters (Canada) 196 Signing and Language Development of Two-Year-Old Twins: A Case Study Conducted in Macau 2歳の双生児におけるサインすることと言語発達:マカオで行われた症例研究 Kim Hughes-Wilhelm, Lucia Lo (Macao) 197 Effects of a Gestural Communication Program with Chilean Babies チリの赤ちゃんのジェスチャーによるコミュニケーションプログラムの効果 Chamarrita Farkas (Chile) 198 A Longitudinal Study Investigating the Early Use of Gestures with Infants 乳幼児の早期のジェスチャーの使用を調査する縦断的研究 Karen J. Pine, Elizabeth Kirk (Great Britain) 199 Overcoming the Terrible Twos: Babies Change Their Caregivers’ Minds and Behaviors by Using Symbolic Gestures to Communicate 恐るべき2歳児を克服する:赤ちゃんは象徴的ジェスチャーをコミュニケーション に使用することによって養育者のこころと行動を変える Claire DeAnne Vallotton (United States) 301 200 Moderator Campbell Paul (Australia) 201 Psychoanalytic Work with Infants and Mothers 乳幼児と母親との精神分析的作業 Bjorn Salomonsson (Sweden) 202 Play and Words in Infant Parent Psychotherapy in a Pediatric Hospital Context 小児科病院というコンテクストにおける乳幼児親精神療法のプレイと言葉 Brigid Jordan (Australia) 203 Understanding Responses to Videofeedback Intervention for Traumatized Mothers and Their Relationship with Their Toddlers 三者関係化と三角化の過程としての親乳児治療 Daniel S. Schechter, Aaron Reliford (United States) 204 Parent-Infant Therapy as a Process of Triadification and Triangulation 三者関係化triadificationと三角化triangulationの過程としての親乳児治療 Kai von Klitzing (Germany) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム Symposium 08: Psychodynamic Parent Infant Psychotherapy in Diverse Cultural and Institutional Contexts 多様な文化と施設のコンテクストにおける精神力動的親乳幼児精 神療法 27 Sunday, August 3 205 Discussant Mark Tomlinson (South Africa) Congress Scientific Program Symposium 09: Infant Observation with the Alarm Distress Baby Scale in Different Countries さまざまな国における警告苦痛ベビースケールを用いた乳幼児観 察 303 206 Moderator Kasper Tuters (Canada) 207 The Alarm Distress Baby (ADBB) Scale Comes of Age: Developments and Limitations 成人に達した警告苦痛ベビー(ADBB)スケール:発達と限界 Antoine Guedeney (France) 208 Comparison of Self-Reports of Mothers with Socially Withdrawn and Normally Behaving Infants 社会的引きこもりの乳児を持つ母親と正常な行動をとっている乳児を持つ母親 との自己報告の比較 Kaija Leena Puura, Mirjami Mantymaa, Ilona Luoma, Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 209 Project of Validation of Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB) in an Argentine Children Sample アルゼンチンの子どものサンプルにおける警告苦痛ベビースケール(ADBB)の妥 当性研究プロジェクト Monica Oliver (Argentina) 210 Family Stress Factors and the Infant’s Social Withdrawal 家族のストレス指数と乳幼児の社会的引きこもり Mirjami Mantymaa, Kaija Leena Puura, Ilona Luoma, Raili Salmelin, Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 211 Discussant Antoine Guedeney (France) Symposium 10: Adverse Conditions in Infancy and Children’s Representations of Attachment and of Separation in the Preschool Years 乳幼児期の悪条件と就学前の年代の子どもの愛着と分離の表象 212 Moderator Joy V. Browne (United States) 213 Posttraumatic Stress of Parents of Premature Infants: Implications on Transmission of Attachment Representations 未熟児の親の外傷後ストレス:愛着表象の伝達に対して持つ意味 Blaise Pierrehumbert, Carole Muller-Nix, Margarita Forcada-Guex, Ayala Borghini, Francois Ansermet (Switzerland) 214 Effect of Prematurity and Early Separation on Children’s Play Narratives 未熟性と早期の分離が子どものプレイ物語(children s play narratives)に与える 影響 Reija Latva, Liisa Lehtonen, Raili Salmelin, Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 215 Early Risk Factors and Child Narratives: The Resolution of Attachment Stories 早期のリスク要因と子どもの物語:愛着のお話しの解決 Margarita Ibanez, Maika Alberdi (Spain) 216 Maternal Responsiveness at 18 Months and Attachment at 48 Months 18ヶ月においての母親の反応性と48ヶ月における愛着 Keumjoo Kwak (Korean Republic (South)) 28 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Small Auditorium 8月3日 (日) 10:30 - 11:50 WORKSHOP SESSION II 217 Workshop 08: Transcultural Issues in Parenting Infants: Implications for Clinical Interventions 臨床介入における育児の異文化の問題の影響 Martin Maldonado-Duran (United States), Marie Rose Moro (France), Clara Aisenstein (United States), Dalila Rezzoug, Olivier Taieb, Thierry Baubet (France), Pamelyn Macdonald, Charles Millhuff (United States) CANCELLED 412 218 Workshop 09: Seeing is Believing: Using Videotaping and Guided Self-Observation to Promote Parental Sensitivity 親の感受性を促進するためのビデオ録画と指導に基づいた自己観察の利用 Martha Farrell Erickson, Byron R. Egeland (United States) 303 219 Workshop 10: Attachment-Based Intervention Programs: Safe Attachment Formation for Educators (SAFE) and Babywatching in Kindergarten (BASE): Aims, Methods, and Implementation in Germany and New Zealand 愛着に基づいた介入プログラム:教育者向けの安全な愛着形成と幼稚園での行 動観察:ドイツとニュージーランドでの目的・方法・実施 Karl Heinz Brisch (Germany), Augustina Driessen (New Zealand) 304 220 Workshop 11: Buddhism and Infancy 仏教と乳幼児期 Stephen Malloch (Australia), Vimala Inoue (Japan), Maria Pozzi-Monzo (Great Britain) 411 Integrative Workshop 12: Infant Mental Health in Norway - Plans and Scope for a Newly formed Nationwide Network ノルウェーにおける乳幼児精神保健−全国的なネットワークの新たな構築のた めの計画と見通し 227 Integrative Workshop 14: Impact of Trauma トラウマの影響 302 414 228 Babies’ and Children’s Post-Traumatic Syndromes: Evaluation and Care 乳児と子どもたちの心的外傷後の症状:評価と配慮 Taieb Ferradji, Dalila Rezzoug (France) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 221 Establishing a Nationwide Network for Infant Mental Health in Norway ノルウェーにおける乳幼児精神保健全国ネットワークの創設にあたって Marit Bergum-Hansen (Norway) 222 Training Health Practitioners in Infant Mental Health, a Two-Year Postgraduate Program Implemented in Norway 乳幼児精神保健における保健専門家訓練-ノルウェーにおける大学院2年課程 Vibeke Moe, Lars Smith (Norway) 223 A Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) Study of Marte Meo Intervention of ParentInfant Interaction 親−乳幼児相互作用のMarteMeo介入の無作為臨床試験(RCT)研究 Turid Suzanne Berg-Nielsen (Norway) 224 A Planned Longitudinal Epidemiological Study of Children from Age One to Two 1歳から2歳の縦断的に計画された疫学的研究 Lars Smith (Norway) 225 Sustained Withdrawal - An Early Warning Signal? 維持された引きこもり―早期の警告のシグナル? Mikael Heimann (Sweden), Unni Vannebo Tranaas, Lars Smith (Norway) 226 Workshop 13: Helping Babies from the Bench: Using the Science of Early Childhood Development in Court 法廷から赤ちゃんを救う 法廷における乳幼児発達学の使用 Joy D. Osofsky, Cindy Lederman (United States) 415 29 Sunday, August 3 229 Separation and Reunification Experienced by Young Children (Birth to Five) and their Caregivers Due to War and Geopolitical Conflicts 戦争および国政の紛争のために,生後5歳までの子どもおよびその養育者が経 験した,分離と再統合について Zohreh Zarnegar (United States) 12:00 - 13:30 LUNCH BREAK 12:00 - 13:30 VIDEO STREAMED CLINICAL PRESENTATION Congress Scientific Program 231 Moderator Rachel Schiffman (United States) On Own Main Hall Perinatal Depression: Prevention and Treatment and the Significance for Infant Wellbeing and Health 周産期うつ病−予防と治療、乳幼児が健やかであるための重要性(このセッショ ンはインターネットで行われる) Kathryn Barnard (United States) 13:00 - 14:50 POSTER SESSION II MOTHER-INFANT INTERACTION 233 Dyadic Emotion Regulation and Temperament at 10 Months as Predictors of Attachment Quality at 12/16 Months 月齢12/16ヵ月での愛着の質の予測因子としての、生後10ヵ月における二者関 係の感情制御と気質 Eva Costa Martins, Isabel Soares (Portugal) 234 A Study of the Emotional Availability Patterns of Mothers of Infants: Analysis of Mothers’ Responses to the Japanese IFEEL Pictures 乳幼児の母親の情緒応答性パターンの検討:日本版IFEEL Pictures に対する母 親反応の分析 Sawako Nagaya, Chikako Fukatsu, Yoko Hamada, Kako Inoue (Japan) 235 “Ayashiuta:” Native Japanese Baby Songs and Emotional Mutuality 日本の伝統的育児法 あやしうた が初期の親子関係に及ぼす影響について Yoko Nagata (Japan) 236 Individual Differences in Mother-Child Relationships through Emotional Availability 感情的アベイラビリティから捉えた母子関係性の個人差 Tomomi Kanamaru (Japan) 237 Subjective Exchanges of Pregnant Women with their Infants as seen from the IFEEL Story Method IFEEL Story Methodを通してみた乳児との妊婦の主観的交流 Naoki Hirano, Aki Mantoku (Japan) 238 Mother-Father-Child Relationships and Child Temperament and Behavior Problems 父−母−子 三者の相互作用と子どもの気質、問題行動との関連 Kaori Okada, Satomi Murase, Minoko Oba, Hitoshi Kaneko, Shuji Honjo (Japan) 239 The Stability of a Mother’s Tendency to Focus on a Child’s Inner World 母親の「子どもの内的世界に目を向ける傾向」の時間的安定性の検討 Ikuko Shinohara (Japan) 240 Development of the Relationship among Mothers and Preterm Infants in Kangaroo-Care カンガルーケアが早期産児母子の関係性進展に及ぼす影響 Kuniko Nagayama, Yuri Kita, Tomomi Hasegawa (Japan) 30 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Lounge 8月3日 (日) 241 Intergenerational Transmission of Love in the Nursery: Conviction of Being Loved at the Bottom of Babies’ Hearts 乳児院における、愛情の世代間伝達―愛されたことが心の底に残るようにー Kazuo Shingu, Kazue Kuriki, Kyoko Tanimoto, Kei Sawada (Japan) 242 Mother-Child Interaction in Feeding Situation at Two-Years Predicts Child’s Behavioral Symptoms at Five Years 2歳時における摂食場面での母子相互交流から、5歳時における子どもの行動上 の症状を予測する Mirjami Mantymaa, Kaija Puura, Vilja Vihtonen, Raili Salmelin, Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 243 Mother-Infant Conflict and Mother-Infant “Holding” 母子の抱きをめぐる身体接触の葛藤について Naoko Kyouno (Japan) 244 The Relationship between Maternal Depression and Parenting Stress and Social Adjustment during Infancy 母親のうつ病, 育児ストレスと乳幼児期の社会適応との関係 Keumjoo Kwak, Yeonsoo Kim (Korean Republic (South)) 245 A New Measure for Assessing the Dyadic Emotion Regulation at 10 Months: Psychometric Qualities 10ヶ月児の二者関係における感情調節を測定する新尺度―心理測定の質 Isabel Soares, Eva Costa Martins, Susana Tereno (Portugal) 246 The Relationship among Mother-Toddler Relationship, Maternal Depression, and Toddler Outcome in a Peer Play 母子関係と母親のうつ病と集団場面における2歳児の情緒発達との関連:エジン バラ産後うつ尺度を用いて Kuniko Kato (Japan) 247 Maternal Sensitivity and Child Behavior: Does Low Maternal Sensitivity Hinder Identification of Behavioral Problems? 母親の感受性と子どもの行動―母親の感受性の低さは行動上の問題の識別を 妨げるか? Kaarina Kemppinen, Kirsti Kumpulainen, Jutta Raita-Hasu (Finland) CANCELLED 249 Mother-Infant Relationships in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants under 400 Grams 出生体重400グラム未満の超低出生体重児における母児関係 Hidekazu Homma, Takeshi Arimtsu, Masayuki Miwa, Gen Kuratsuji, Ryousuke Kusano, Isao Hokuto, Hisako Watanabe, Kazushige Ikeda (Japan) 250 Attunement of Rhythms in Early Non-Verbal Mother-Infant Communication 母子の早期の非言語的コミュニケーションにおけるリズムの同調 Mette Vaever, Susanne Harder (Denmark) 251 Scan Softmakers during Prenatal Diagnosis 出生前診断期間の超音波スキャン Sylvie Viaux-Savelon, Ouriel Rosenblum, Philippe Mazet, Marc Dommergues, David Cohen (France) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 248 Developmental Processes of Maternal Infant-Directed-Speech during the First Three Months 生後3ヶ月間における母親の対乳児発話の発達過程 Shigeru Nakano (Japan) 31 Sunday, August 3 252 Prospective Control in Communicative Musicality as Possible Early Diagnosis コミュニケーションの音楽性における前向きの統制―早期診断に利用可能 Jonathan Thomas Delafield-Butt (Great Britain) Congress Scientific Program 253 Mothers’ Separation Anxiety and their Parenting Competence 母親の分離不安と育児コンピテンス Hui-Chin Hsu (United States) 254 The Transactional Model and Insights from Basic Neurobiological Research as a Basis for Early Intervention in an Institutional Setting 施設環境における早期介入の基盤としての相互交流モデル―基礎神経生物学 的研究からの洞察 Gro Vatne Brean, Are Brean (Norway) CANCELLED 255 Using the BOS-BLIND to Investigate Dyadic Behavior BOS-BLIND尺度を用いて二者関係行動を調べる Grace Lappin (United States) 256 Effects of Baby Massage on Mothers after Childbirth 産後の女性におけるベビーマッサージの効果 Hiroko Kotani, Hidenori Nakagawa (Japan) 257 Development of Japanese Version of NCATS (Nursing Child Assessment Teaching Scale) 日本語版NCATS(Nursing Child Assessment Teaching Scale) の開発に関する 研究 Taeko Teramoto, Taiko Hirose, Miho Kusanagi, Kayoko Suzuki, Sonoko Shirakawa, Izumi Takahashi, Mami Sonobe, Motoko Okamitsu, Hiromi Kawasaki, Miwako Okamoto, Michiko Yamazaki, Mayumi Hiramatsu, Yukiko Ohashi, Kimiko Murase, Keiko Komoto, Kayoko Hiroi, Aki Kawamura, Takahide Omori (Japan) 258 Attempts to Perform Japanese Version of the IFEEL Pictures, using the Questionnaire Sheet Technique 質問紙法による日本版IFEEL Pictures施行の試み Masashi Tanaka (Japan) 259 Progress Report on Treatment for Postpartum Depression of Mother who Showed Strong Reaction against Second Girl Baby after Giving Birth to Dizygotic Twins 二卵性双生児出産後、次女に対する拒否感を訴えた産後うつ病症例の治療的経 過 Hiroko Suzuki (Japan) 260 Effect of Postpartum Depression on Maternal Cognition of Infants’ Facial Expressions Measured by the Japanese Version of IFEELPictures 日本語版IFEELPicturesによる産後うつ状態が母親の乳児の表情認知に与える 影響の検討 Yukiko Morioka, Yumiko Kurihara, Tetsuji Sawa, Arata Oiji, Katuso Inoue (Japan) 261 Sound Characteristics of Infant Crying Arousing Unpleasant Emotions in Mothers 母親の不快な情動を生じさせる乳児の音声特徴に関する検討 YeounJung Kim, Shinya Miyamoto (Japan) 262 Depression and Maternal Attachment in Japanese Women during Pregnancy and Postpartum: A Longitudinal Study うつ病と母親愛着に関する縦断研究:妊娠期から産褥期まで Hitoshi Kaneko, Shuji Honjo, Kenji Nomura, Haya Sechiyama, Yasuko Takahashi, Satomi Murase (Japan) 32 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 8月3日 (日) 263 Baby Problems - A Treatment Study 乳児の問題―ある治療研究 Bjorn Salomonsson (Sweden) PARENTING AND FAMILY PROCESS 264 Exploring the Wellbeing of Breastfeeding Japanese Mothers 母乳育児における日本人母親の健康感に関する調査 Namiko Kawamura, Hiroko Matsumura, Mayumi Yamauchi (Japan) 265 Relation between Self-Esteem and Child-Rearing Attitudes and Behaviors in Mothers with Infants 乳児を持つ母親の自尊感情と養育意識・行動との関連 Kimie Tanimoto, Kayo Ogawa (Japan) 266 The Effect of a Municipal Health Service System for Mothers and Children: Examining the Importance of a Long-Term Mother-Centered Support 乳幼児発達支援事業における母子関係への支援の効果:母親支援の意義の探 究 Emiko Satoh, Mineko Kashima (Japan) 267 A Study of the Mental Health Status of Parents with Infants 乳幼児を持つ親の精神健康状態に関する研究 Yuka Kataoka, Yuko Oikawa, Husako Odagiri, Kyoko Kubo (Japan) 268 A Study on the State of Mental Health of Mothers with Infants 乳幼児を持つ母親の精神健康状態に関する研究(第2報)−精神健康状態と自 我状態との関連 Yuko Oikawa, Husako Odagiri, Yuka Kataoka, Kyoko Kubo (Japan) 269 Maternal Scaffolding for Infant Motor Development by Longitudinal Naturalistic Observation 自然観察による縦断調査にもとづく乳児の運動発達への母親の足場づくり Keisuke Shiraga (Japan) 271 Report of the Support for Mothers Suffering from Postpartum Depression using the Internet and the Offline Mutual Self-Help Group インターネットや自助グループを利用した、産後うつ病の自助グループ活動の実 態についての報告 Hiromi Miyazaki (Japan) 272 Understanding Early Emotional Development in Infants and Toddlers: Perspectives of Early Head Start Staff and Parents 乳幼児における早期情緒的発達の理解について:早期ヘッド・スタート のスタッ フおよび両親の視点 Holly E. Brophy Herb, Rachel Schiffman, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Erika London Bocknek, Sara DuPuis, Mildred Horodynski, MaDonna Adkins, Shelley Hawver, Mary Cunningham-DeLuca, Lorraine McKelvey (United States) 273 A Developmental Study on “Telling” in Open Adoptive Families オープン・アダプション家族におけるテリングについての発達心理学的検討 Yorio Kosawa (Japan) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 270 Family Functioning, Parental Relationship, and Mental Health: The Intergenerational Transmission and Associations with Child Development 家族機能、親の関係性、 および精神保健について:世代間伝達および子どもの発 育の関連 Hannele Raiha, Niina Junttila, Minna Aromaa, Sari Ahlqvist-Björkroth (Finland) 33 Sunday, August 3 274 Transition of Consultation Activity in Kakogawa City Child-Nurturing 加古川市子育て相談センター Ritsuko Ohgami, Atsuko Inoue, Yuka Hayashi, Kayo Hoshiba, Nao Takayanagi (Japan) Congress Scientific Program 275 The Actual Condition of Depressive Symptom and its Associated Factors among Husbands and Wives around the Birth of their First Baby 第一子誕生前後の夫婦のうつ病状態とその関連要因 Chihiro Murayama, Hiroshi Murayama, Toshiro Henmi (Japan) 276 Examination of Differences in Determinants of Parenting: Does Ethnicity Moderate the Relationships? 養育に作用する要因の差異についての考察:民族性は関係に影響を及ぼすの か? Toko Oshio, Ann Michele Stacks (United States) 277 Re-Growth in Adolescence: The Practice of Group of Seeds 思春期・青年期の育ち直し <種の会>の実践 Mana Matsukura (Japan) 278 Forming Partnerships with Mothers: A Case Study on Parenting Support for a Mother who had Problems with Own Mother 実母との母子関係に問題がある母親とその児への育児支援の検討―母親との パートナーシップの形成について― Motoko Okamitsu, Taiko Hirose, Taeko Teramoto, Miho Kusanagi (Japan) 279 Gender Identity and Child Rearing: Mental Disorder and Cultural Issues 性同一性と育児―精神障害と文化の問題 Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti (Indonesia) 280 How Can Private Pediatric Clinics Contribute to Support Japanese Single-Parent Mothers who Raise Children with or without a Handicap? 小児科開業医は、障害の有無に関わらず、如何にしてこども達の成育支援をする か? Kouki Oguchi (Japan) 281 The Baby and His Majesties: Some Considerations on Human Helplessness 赤ちゃんと王様:人間の無力感についての検討 Nara Amalia Caron (Brazil) 282 Yokohama: A Multicultural Society 横浜:多文化共生社会 Masako Maeda (Japan) PREVENTIVE-INTERVENTION AND COMMUNITY CONTEXT 283 A Study on Mothers’ “Nurturing Power” with a Focus on Children’s Acquisition of Life Skills 幼児が生活習慣を習得するために必要な母親の「子育て力」に関する研究 Hiromi Kawasaki, Mika Nishiyama, Pete D’Angelo, Morihiro Fujita (Japan) 284 The Actual Situation Survey of Community Centers to Support Child Care and Support Centers in Aomori Prefecture in Japan Consultations Regarding the Anxiety of Child-Rearing 日本の青森県における子育て支援センターの実態について―育児不安への対 応― Tohru Takizawa (Japan) 285 Family Resource Center Network: Its Goals, Objectives, and Roles ファミリーリソースセンターのネットワーク:その目標、目的および役割について Zohreh Zarnegar (United States) 34 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 8月3日 (日) 286 Study on Early Childhood Development Program in the Philippines: Evaluating Psycho-Educational Program for Parents to Support the Children’s Life and Education フィリピンにおけるECDプログラムに関する研究−子どもの生活と教育を支える、 親教育プログラムの効果の個別的検討−−子どもの生活と教育を支える、親教 育プログラムの効果の個別的検討− Saori Ota, Kikuyo Aoki, Kiyoko Tomita, Yoshie Nakano (Japan) 287 Study on Early Childhood Development Program in the Philippines: The Effect of the Development and Mental Health Promotion Program in the Nursery School フィリピンにおけるECDプログラムに関する研究−保育施設における子どもの発 達とメンタルヘルスプログラムの効果− Kiyoko Tomita, Kikuyo Aoki, Saori Ota, Yoshie Nakano (Japan) 288 Tuned in Parenting (TIP) in a Western Australian Early Parenting Unit 西オーストラリアの早期養育ユニットにおける 「Tuned in Parenting (TIP、新感 覚子育て) 」 Lynn Priddis, Gail Wells (Australia) 289 An Urgent Need for a 24-Hour Crisis Center for Sexually-Abused Infants, Young Children, and Disabled People in Japan 緊急課題:性被害を受けた乳幼児や障害者のための24時間危機介入センター の必要性 Michiko Sakai, Hisako Watanabe, Catherine Umehara (Japan) 290 Construction of a Community-Based Support Network for Parenting in Japan: The Current Situation Regarding Consultation for Parents and Children in ChildRearing Plazas 日本における地域をベースにした子育て支援ネットワークの構築:子育てひろば の親子の相談事業に関する現状 Masako Yatsuda, Kikuyo Aoki, Hideo Jingu, Kiyoko Tomita, Chiyo Mori (Japan) 291 Construction of a Community-Based Support Network for Parenting in Japan: The Formation of a Network of Parents by the Internet 日本における地域をベースにした子育て支援ネットワークの構築:インターネッ トをもちいた親ネットワークの形成 Atsuko Hirayama, Hiroko Muraki, Hideo Jingu, Kikuyo Aoki, Kiyoko Tomita, Masako Yatsuda, Chiyo Mori (Japan) 293 Construction of a Community-Based Support Network for Parenting in Japan: Development of a Parenting Peer Support Program 日本における地域をベースにした子育て支援ネットワークの構築:子育てピアサ ポートプログラムの開発 Masuyo Tsukada, Kikuyo Aoki, Chiyo Mori, Kiyoko Tomita, Masako Yatsuda, Hideo Jingu (Japan) 294 CAPEDP: A French Prevention Study for High Risk Mothers CAPEDP:ハイリスクの母親を対象にしたフランスにおける予防研究について Romain Dugravier, Thomas Saias, Antoine Guedeney, Tim Greacen, Florence Tubach (France) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 292 Construction of a Community-Based Support Network for Parenting in Japan: The Process of a Mother’s Child-Rearing Plaza Participation Experience, as seen from the Empowerment Perspective 日本における地域をベースにした子育て支援ネットワークの構築:エンパワメン トの観点からみた子育てひろばの参加体験過程 Hiroko Muraki, Kikuyo Aoki, Masako Yatsuda, Chiyo Mori, Kiyoko Tomita, Atsuko Hirayama, Hideo Jingu (Japan) 35 Sunday, August 3 295 The Early Promotion Project in the Network of Professions (The Trial of the Ishikawa System Supported by the Rural Government) 専門家ネットワークによる早期促進介入事業(石川県方式 Naoko Numata (Japan) Congress Scientific Program 296 Maternal and Child Health Services by Nursing Professionals in Japan: Comparisons with Finland and Denmark 日本における看護職による早期母子保健サービスの現状と課題−フィンランド・ デンマークの母子保健サービスとの比較より Kayoko Suzuki, Yukiko Ohashi, Taiko Hirose, Kimiko Murase (Japan) 297 Solihull Approach: Antenatal Resource Pack and Parenting Group Solihullアプローチ: 出産前 Resource Packと Parenting Group(養育グルー プ) Mary Rheeston, Hazel Douglas, Tracy Mansbridge, Lorraine Mattocks (Great Britain) 298 Becoming Parents Together: A Reflective Relationship-Based Program to Support First Time Parents in Becoming an Emotionally Secure Base for Each Other and for their Newborn 共に親となること:: 初めて親となる人たちが相互にそして赤ちゃんにとって情 緒的安全基地となることをサポートする反映的関係性に基づくプログラム Holly Nichole Hatton-Pong, Donis Eichhorn (United States) 299 Analysis of Insecurity among Mothers in the Home for Mothers and Children - A Comparative Study of Domestic Violence (DV) Victims and Non-DV Victims 母子生活支援施設入所の母親に見られる不安感の検討 ―DV被害者と非D V入所者の比較― Hiroko Arizono (Japan) 300 Current Status of Early Preventive Intervention Program in Japan Strategy for Recognizing and Treating Postnatal Depression in the Community 日本における虐待予防のための早期介入プログラム: 地域で産後うつ病に気 づき支援するための手立て Hiroshi Yamashita (Japan) 301 Clinical Perspectives on Early Predictors of Developmental Problems (0-7 months) Obtained from an Instrument for Continuous Screening of Children by Health Care Workers and Information from Parents 保健師による継続的なスクリーニングと親からの情報という方法から得られた発 達上の問題の早期予測因子(0-7ヶ月) に関する臨床的展望 Anne Margrethe Rostad (Norway) 302 A Study of Parenting Support for Premature Infants and their Mothers 低出生体重児の地域における継続的な育児支援の検討 Miho Kusanagi, Taiko Hirose, Kumi Mikuni (Japan) 303 Intervention to Improve Infant Sleep and Parent Well-Being after Discharge from the NICU 介入によってNICU(新生児治療室)退院後の乳児の睡眠と両親の福利を改善す る Arna Skuladottir, Rakel B. Jonsdottir (Iceland) 304 The Effect of Workshops for Preschool-Aged Siblings of Children with Special Needs 特殊なニーズのある子どものきょうだい(未就学期) を対象にしたワークショップ の効果 Yayoi Kitamura, Reiko Ueda (Japan) 36 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 8月3日 (日) 305 Trauma, Resilience and Trauma Relapse: A Report of the 9th year follow up Child Supportive Program for Children At-Risk of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after the Earthquake in Taiwan トラウマと回復、 トラウマの再発―台湾での地震の後で行われたPTSD(外傷後ス トレス障害)のリスクをもつ子どもたちへの児童サポートプログラムの9年目の 追跡報告 Kuo, Huang-Tsung (Taiwan) 306 Child Care as Centerpiece to Protect Isolated Children 孤立した子どもを守る軸としての保育活動 Emiko Sakita, Tukiko Shibata (Japan) 307 Examination of Care for a Young Child and Family with Selective Mutism in a Community without a Pediatric Psychiatrist 小児精神科医不在地域における選択性緘黙症の幼児と家族のケアの試みの検 討 Hiroko Hanada (Japan) 308 Shifting the Way We Think: From the Traditional, Dyadic Intervention to a Family Coaching Approach in Supporting Families with Developmentally Delayed Infants 発想の転換:発達のおくれを示す乳幼児をもつ家族への支援を、従来の一対一 介入から家族全体への丸ごと支援アプローチに変えていくこと Haruko Watanabe Choosakul, Melissa Bickford (United States) 309 Activities of the Trisomy 18 Support Group: Mental Care for the Parents of Infants with Trisomy 18 「18トリソミーの会」の活動:18トリソミー児の親のためのメンタルケア Sakurai Hiroko (Japan) PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY 310 Psychotherapy with a Woman who had Suffered Serious Domestic Violence by Her Husband: The Process of Recovery and the Change of Her Child who had been Suspected of Developmental Disorder 夫から深刻なドメスティック・バイオレンスを受けていた女性の心理療法 ―回復 の過程と発達障害を疑われた子どもの変容― Mie Sasaki (Japan) 13:30 - 15:00 POSTER WORKSHOP SESSION I Poster Workshop 01: Autism Spectrum Disorders I 自閉症スペクトラムⅠ 414 313 Facilitator David Oppenheim (Israel) 314 The Comparisons of Mental Representation in Korean Preschoolers with Asperger Disorders and Preschoolers with ADHD アスペルガー障害とAD/HDの韓国人未就学児における心的表象の比較 Kyung-Sook Lee, Yee-Jin Shin, Jinah Park, Boram Kim (Korean Republic (South)) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 311 Psychoanalytic COT Group Psychotherapy for Children - A New Chance for Children with Early Deprivation or Trauma 子どもたちに行われる精神分析療法Cot Group Therapyについて - 早期に愛 情はく奪や外傷を受けた子どもたちへの新たな機会 Sirpa Behm-Kostiainen, Ulla Maunu-Koskinen, Heikki Aitalaakso, Ritva Kajamaa (Finland) 37 Sunday, August 3 315 Resolution with the Diagnosis of Autism among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders 自閉性スペクトラム障害という診断についての両親の受容決意 Shahaf Salomon, Nurit Yirmiya, David Oppenheim, Nina Koren-Karie, Shlomit Levi (Israel) Congress Scientific Program 316 Atelier Autos and a Case of an Autistic Boy アトリエ・アウトスと自閉症少年 Tetsuo Ishii, Hisako Watanabe (Japan) 317 How is Crying Perceived in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder? A Study on Early Communication Signals 自閉性スペクトラム障害の子どもの 泣き はどのように知覚されるのか?初期の コミュニケションスタイルに関する研究 Gianluca Esposito, Simona deFalco, Paola Venuti (Italy) 318 A Language Learning Program for All Children 幼児に対する言語学習プログラム Simon Chaza Sakala (Japan) 319 Psychodrama-Based Play Therapy with a Young Child: Parent-Child Relationships and a Child Group Involving Very Young Children 子ども達との心理劇的遊戯療法:親子と乳幼児期の子どもたち Fumiko Yabuki, Teruko Shibata (Japan) 320 Psychotherapy using Video Home Training Method for a Mother and Her Child with Autism 自閉症児とその母親へのビデオ・ホーム・トレーニングを用いた心理療法 Megumi Sekine (Japan) Poster Workshop 02: International Training and System of Care 国際的トレーニングとケアシステム 321 Facilitator Ann Michele Stacks (United States) 322 A Training Program to Promote Child and Adolescent Mental Health (PCAMH) from Pediatric Primary Care in Catalonia (Spain) カタロニア地方(スペイン)の主治医による児童青年の精神保健(PCAMH) を促 進するトレーニングプログラム Jorge Luis Tizon, Belen Parra, Lefa S. Eddy, Margarita Ibanez (Spain) 323 Early Parenting Centers: Current Models and Future Directions 早期養育センター: 現在のモデルと今度の方向性 Megan Galbally, Dirk Schurink (Australia) 324 From Patchy to Patchwork: Weaving Services Together to Increase Infant Mental Health Services 資源を繋ぎ合わせる試み:乳幼児精神保健サービスを高めるために Jenny Howard, Anne Holland, Toni Cantwell (Australia) 325 Three in One: A Three Part Group Intervention for High Risk Mothers and Babies ハイリスクの母親と赤ちゃんのための3回シリーズのグループ介入 Annette Murphy, Karen Asgill, Bernardine McDonald (Australia) 326 Building Infant Mental Health Capacity within the Irish Health Services アイルランドの保健事業による乳幼児精神保健の力の構築 Rochelle Anne Matacz, Catherine Mary Maguire (Ireland) 38 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 415 8月3日 (日) 327 The Role of Infant Observation and the Role of Fathers in Early Intervention - A Danish Model 乳幼児観察の役割と早期介入における父親の役割−デンマークの例 Hanne Munck (Denmark) Poster Workshop 03: Psychological Support in NICU by Clinical Psychologists in Japan 日本における臨床心理士によるNICU内での心理的支援 311 Poster Workshop 04: Parenting and Family Process 育児と家族形成のプロセス 312 337 Facilitator Neil Boris (United States) 338 Correlations of Attitude Toward Child-Raising and Behavior of Mothers Raising Infants with Family Functioning 乳児を育てている母親の養育意識や行動と家族機能の関連 Kayo Ogawa, Kimie Tanimoto (Japan) 339 Characteristics of Mutual Support between Parents of Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs 乳幼児期の障害児を育てる両親の育児における相互協力の特徴 Naho Sato, Akiko Araki, Nobue Nakamura (Japan) 340 Family Health Over Time: Risks and Resilience in Child and Family Outcomes 時間軸を超えた家族の健康: 子どもと家族におけるリスクと回復力 Erika Beth London Bocknek, Holly E. Brophy Herb, Rachel Schiffman, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Lorraine McKelvey, Mary Cunningham-DeLuca, Shelley Hawver (United States) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 328 Facilitator Taiko Hirose (Japan) 329 Psychological Support during Perinatal Period in Japan 日本における周産期の心理的支援について Mariko Iwayama (Japan) 330 Necessity of Psychological Support in NICU (from Case Review) NICUにおける心理的支援の必要性について∼事例から∼ Miyuki Maekawa (Japan) 331 Psychological Support in NICU for Low Birth Weight Baby and Parents NICU入院中の低出生体重児と親の心理支援 Yumiko Okada (Japan) 332 Developmental Follow-Ups after Discharge from NICU NICU退院後のフォローアップについて Tomoko Uno Noda (Japan) 333 Psychological Support in NICU for Families of Infant with Severe Disease NICUにおける重篤な疾患をもつ児の家族への心理的サポート Emiko Inamori (Japan) 334 Psychological Support for Dying Babies and Their Families 死に逝く赤ちゃんと家族への心理的支援 Yoko Hashimoto (Japan) 335 Survey on Roles of Psychologists in NICU NICUにおける心理士の役割に関する調査 Emi Imai (Japan) 336 Influence of Psychological Care in Perinatal Period on Maternity Blues and Postpartum Maternal Attachment 周産期領域における心理的ケアがマタニティブルーズおよび母親愛着に及ぼす 影響 Masako Nagata (Japan) 39 Sunday, August 3 341 Solihull Approach: Parenting Group Research ソーリハルでのアプローチ: 親グループに関する研究 Mary Rheeston, Hazel Douglas, Jill Delaney, Emma Strahan (Great Britain) Congress Scientific Program 342 Examining the Psychometric Properties of the Family Crisis Oriented Personal Scale for Mothers of Toddlers in Low-Income Families 低収入家族で幼児の母親を対象とした自己評定式家族危機志向尺度(Family Crisis Oriented Personal Scale) の検討 Lorraine M. McKelvey, Rachel F. Schiffman, Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Lori A. Roggman, Holly E. Brophy Herb, Gina A. Cook, Danya Johnson (United States) 343 Maternal Mind-Mindedness and Parenting Stress in Mothers of Four-Year-Old Children 4歳児の母親のMind-Mindednessと養育ストレス Catherine McMahon (Australia) 344 Inter-Country Adoption of Infants and Toddlers: Design of Psychological Support Services that Celebrate the New Family Constellation 乳幼児の国を超えた養子縁組:新しい家族の集まりを祝福する心理学的支援サ ービス Aparna Rao (United States) Poster Workshop 05: Prematurity and High-Risk Infants 低出生体重児とハイリスク児 345 Facilitator J. Kevin Nugent (United States) 346 NIDCAP Neurobehavioral Observations in Premature Newborns: Detection of Stress and Well-Beings Signals 早期産児に対するNIDCAP神経行動学的観察:ストレスと精神的健康のサインを 察知するために Carme Costas-Moragas, Frances Botet-Mussons, Angela Arranz-Betegan, Marta LopezGuardia, Albert Fornieles-Deu (Spain) 347 Comparison of Sleep Pattern and Neurodevelopmental Outcome at 1-2 Years of Age of Preterm Infants Exposed to Different Duration of Lighting during their NICU Stay NICUの早期産児への電気点灯時間の影響:1-2歳時での睡眠パターンと神経発 達の比較 Juriza Ismail, V. Chandran, Nem-yun Boo (Malaysia) 348 Preterm and Full-Term Infants Response to Social Stimulation at Term Age 早期産児と満期産児の出産予定日における社会的刺激への反応 Hui-Chin Hsu (United States), Suh-Fang Jeng (Taiwan), Pei-Fen Li (United States) 349 Consideration of Psychological Support for Parents of Children Admitted to NICU NICUにおける両親の心理的サポートの検討 ―両親の気持ちの過程に着目し て― Rena Sakai (Japan) 350 Are Female Nurses’ Utterances Special Stimuli for Premature Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit? The Approach to the Frontal Cerebral Blood Flow Changes Using NIRS NICU入院児にとって女性看護師の声は特別な刺激であるのか?−NIRSによる 脳血流変化の検討− Yuri Saito, Rie Fukuhara, Shiori Aoyama, Tamotsu Toshima (Japan) 40 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 313 8月3日 (日) 351 Nursing Care for an Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant and Family: A Girl Born 265 grams 極低出生体重児(ELBW) と家族へのケア:265gで生まれた女児 Mami Takatou, Eriko Hayashi, Naoko Hayashi, Rumiko Ueda, Sumiko Tsukioka, Kazushige Ikeda, Hisako Watanabe (Japan) 352 Kangaroo Care and “Dependence” Found in the NICU in Japan 日本のNICU(Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)におけるカンガルーケアと あまえ について Yuka Sasamoto, Tomomi Takagi, Mayumi Nishizaka, Yujun Ito, Ryoko Yoshinare, Miho Aikyo, Masashi Taki (Japan) 353 Timing of Diagnosis in Infants with Severe Congenital Heart Disease - Does it Impact on Parent Adjustment and Parent-Infant Relationships? 重度の先天性心疾患を持つ乳幼児の診断のタイミング‐そのことが親の適応, 親子間の関係に影響を与えるか? Candice Franich-Ray, Vicki Anderson, Samuel Menahem, Andrew Cochrane, Elisabeth Northam, Abdullah Al-Farqani, Brigid Jordan (Australia) 354 Clinical Use of the NBAS in Supporting Parents of At-Risk Infants 発達障害のリスクを持つ新生児と家族を援助するためのNBASの臨床的利用 Shohei Ohgi, Tomitaro Akiyama (Japan) 355 The Impact of a few days Referral to the NICU on Parents NICUへの短期入院が親に与える影響 Rakel B. Jonsdottir, Arna Skuladottir (Iceland) 356 From Dyadic Co-Regulation to the Development of Self-Regulatory Processes in Preterm Infants: A Preliminary Report 早期産児の二者関係の共調節から自己調節過程の発達に関する予備的報告 Grazyna Kmita, Eliza Kiepura, Aleksandra Budniak (Poland) 357 Evaluation of the Respiratory Tract Clearance Method for Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants 極低出生体重児における気道クリアランス法の評価に関する文献的考察 Yoshie Kondoh, Rika Fukui, Yoko Sato (Japan) Poster Workshop 06: Fathers 父親 314 360 Factors Influencing a Father’s Child-Rearing of a Low Birth Weight Infant 低出生体重児の父親の育児に影響する要因 Sakae Saitoh, Yoko Emori, Fimie Murai, Mikiko Nonoyama, Taiko Hirose, Miho Kusanagi (Japan) 361 The Father’s Role in the Play of their Down Syndrome Children ダウン症児の遊びにおける父親の役割 Paola Venuti, Simona deFalco, Gianluca Esposito (Italy), Marc Bornstein (United States) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 358 Facilitator Marc Bornstein (United States) 359 Fathers Trait that Affect Follow-Up Support after The Diagnosis of a Child’s Congenital Limb Defect 子どもの先天性四肢障害の診断後のフォローアップ・サポートに影響を与える父 親の特性 Akiko Ashino (Japan) 41 Sunday, August 3 362 Emotional Availability in Down Syndrome: A Study on Mother-Child and FatherChild Dyads ダウン症児の情緒的応答性―母−子,父−子のペアに着目して Simona deFalco, Gianluca Esposito, Paola Venuti (Italy), Marc Bornstein (United States) Congress Scientific Program 363 Fathers in Neonatal Units in the United Kingdom: Observations of their Baby’s Behavior and Use of the NBAS イギリスにおける新生児ユニットの父親に関する研究:乳児の行動観察とNBAS の使用に関して Joanna Hawthorne Amick, Margaret Killen (Great Britain) 364 Father-Mother-Infant Dyad and Triad Interaction in Japanese Families: The Association between Parents’ Marital Relationships and their Parenting 日本の家族における,父―母―子三者相互作用―夫婦の愛情関係と,子どもへ の対応との関連から Minoko Oba, Satomi Murase, Kaori Okada, Hitoshi Kaneko, Shuji Honjo (Japan) 365 Creation of a Theory of Paternal Attachment Applicable to Fathers and their Preterm Infants 父親の早期産児との『Paternal Attachment』の理論の生成 Miyuki Sekimori (Japan) 13:30 - 15:00 CLINICAL TEACH-IN SESSION I Integrative Clinical Teach-In 01: Psychotherapeutic Treatment of the Baby and Its Parents, with Sleeping Disorders - As Understood by Different Psychoanalytic Schools of Thought 睡眠障害の赤ちゃんとその親の心理療法的治療:異なる精神分析学派によって 理解された場合 366 Sleep Disorder of an Eight Month Old Boy 8ヶ月の男児の睡眠障害 Francoise Moggio (France) 367 Does Your Baby Need Therapy? あなたの赤ちゃんにはセラピーが必要か? Elizabeth Tuters (Canada) 368 Discussion of the Two Clinical Cases 2つの臨床論文についての討論 Sandra Maestro (Italy) 369 Clinical Teach-In 02: Family Play Therapy: A New Approach to Treat Infants and their Families 「家族−遊戯療法」 という乳幼児家族治療の試み Yuji Kawabata (Japan) Main Hall 301 370 Clinical Teach-In 03: Home Visiting Intervention with Video Guidance for Mothers with Persistent Postnatal Depression 長期例の産後うつの母親に対するビデオガイダンスを使用した家庭訪問による 介入 Nicholas Kowalenko, Cathrine Fowler, Karen Saint, Catherine McMahon, Baillie Andrew (Australia), Martha Farrell Erickson (United States) 302 371 Clinical Teach-In 04: Abnormalities in Development of Sleep-Wake Rhythm and Locomotion are Early Signs of Psychomental Developmental Features 睡眠・覚醒リズムとロコモーションの発達障害は、精神、知能の発達障害の早期 徴候である Masaya Segawa, Yoshiko Nomura (Japan) 303 42 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 8月3日 (日) 372 Clinical Teach-In 05: Stability and Change in Syndrome Expression in Infants’ Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Second Year of Life 2歳で自閉症圏障害と診断された幼児における症状発現の安定性と変化 Kasia Chawarska (United States) 304 373 Clinical Teach-In 06: Clinical Challenges of Early Adoption: Views from Montreal and Tel Aviv 早期の養子の臨床的問題:モントリオールとテルアビブからの考察 Martin St-André (Canada), Miri Keren (Israel) 413 374 Clinical Teach-In 07: Babies, Mothers, Cultures and Migrations: A Clinical Perspective Clinical Teach-In 07: 赤ちゃん・母親・文化・移民:その臨床的視点 Taieb Ferradji, Marie Rose Moro (France) Small Auditorium 375 Clinical Teach-In 08: Brief Therapeutic Interventions with Parents, Infants and Young Children: A Psychodynamic Approach 親・乳幼児への短期治療介入:心理力動的アプローチ Louise Sharon Emanuel (Great Britain) 412 376 Clinical Teach-In 09: “Why Are Parents Rewarded for Bad Behavior in this Unit?” なぜ親はこのNICUでは悪い行動が報われるのか Andrew Mark Watkins, Megan Galbally (Australia) 411 15:00 - 15:20 BREAK 15:30 - 17:00 PLENARY INTERFACE II Foyer (All floors) 378 Coordinator Neil Boris (United States) 379 HIV Mother-to-Child Transmission in South Africa: Stigma, Grief, and Culture 南アフリカにおけるHIV母子感染:スティグマ、悲しみと文化 Campbell Paul (Australia), Astrid Berg (South Africa) Main Hall 17:30 - 18:15 AFFILIATES MEETINGS 380 WAIMH Affiliate Council Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 421 18:15 - 19:30 AFFILIATES MEETINGS 421 382 North American Affiliates Deborah Weatherston (United States) 422 383 South America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia Mark Tomlinson (South Africa) 423 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 381 European Affiliates Massimo Ammaniti (Italy) 43 Monday, August 4 Monday’s Theme: Normative Representational Models 08:00 - 08:50 MASTER LECTURE SESSION III Congress Scientific Program 385 Master Lecture 13: Exploring the Circle of Security: A Standardized AttachmentBased Intervention 安全圏の探索:アタッチメントに基礎を置く標準化された介入 Neil Boris (United States) 386 Master Lecture 14: Infant Mental Health: A Clinical Application of the New Biology of the Mind 乳幼児精神保健:新しい「こころの生物学」の臨床的応用 Miri Keren (Israel) Main Hall Small Auditorium 387 Master Lecture 15: From Parent-Infant Therapy to the Individual Therapy of the Child 親-乳幼児療法から子どもの個人療法へ Kai von Klitzing (Germany) 301 388 Master Lecture 16: Dilemmas Facing Clinical Work and Training in Parent-Infant Psychotherapy 親・乳幼児心理療法におけるジレンマ:臨床と研修のはざまで Elizabeth Tuters (Canada) 302 389 Master Lecture 17: Fathers Matter: Father Impacts on Early Childhood Development 父親の問題:早期の子どもの発達に及ぼす父親の影響 Hiram E. Fitzgerald (United States) 303 09:00 - 09:50 PLENARY SESSION V 390 Moderator Peter de Chateau (Sweden) 391 Serge Lebovici Distinguished Lecture: From Outside to Inside to Outside: Comments on Intrapsychic Representations and Interpersonal Interactions Serge Lebovici特別講演―外から内へ、 そして外へ:内的表象と対人的相互交流 への考察 Dieter Bürgin (Switzerland) Main Hall 10:00 - 10:20 BREAK - Foyer (All Floors) 10:30 - 11:50 SYMPOSIA SESSION III Symposium 11: The Irving B. Harris Symposium on PreventiveIntervention: Aggression in Small Children; A Big Problem 予防的介入についての Irving B. Harris シンポジウム:小さな子ど も達における攻撃性;重大な問題 393 Moderator Palvi Kaukonen (Finland) 394 Violence in Infancy: Developmental, Relational and Pathological Significance 乳幼児期における暴力:発達上の、関係性の、そして病理学的重要性 Miri Keren (Israel) 395 Aggressive Behaviors in Young Children in Response to Trauma and Disasters トラウマや大災害への反応としての幼児の攻撃的行動 Joy Osofsky, Howard Osofsky (United States) 396 Toddler Aggression and Distress: Diagnostic Comorbidity and Research Guide Understanding and Treatment 幼児の攻撃性と苦痛:併存障害の診断と研究指針の理解と治療 Jean Thomas (United States) 44 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Main Hall 8月4日 (月) 397 SET-PC: A Brief Integrated Therapy for Parent-Child Relationship Difficulties SET-PC: 親子関係の困難のための短期の統合的治療 Jean-Victor Wittenberg (Canada) 398 Discussant Jean-Victor Wittenberg (Canada) Symposium 12: Eye Gaze Behavior in Autism: Bridging Experimental Approaches and Intervention 自閉症における視線行動:実験的アプローチから臨床的介入への 架け橋 Small Auditorium 399 Moderator Peter de Chateau (Sweden) 400 Find the Eyes in the Face: Characteristics of Eye Gaze Processing in Autism 顔の中に目を探す:自閉症者における視線処理の特徴 Atsushi Senju (United Kingdom) 401 Atypical EEG Response to Eye Gaze in Infants At-Risk for Autism 自閉症ハイリスク乳児における視線刺激への非定型なEEG反応 Mayada Elsabbagh (United Kingdom) 402 Communicative Gaze Behaviors in Children with Autism are Facilitated by Imitation: A Comparison with Contingent Behaviors 模倣によって自閉症児が示した他者への関心の増大:随伴行動との比較から Wakako Sanefuji, Hidehiro Ohgami (Japan) 403 Discussant Mayada Elsabbagh (United Kingdom) Symposium 13: MSSB Story Stem Narratives as Part of Clinical Assessment 臨床査定の一部としてのMSSB Story Stem Narratives 301 Symposium 14: Maternal Depression and Culture: Reports from Three Countries 母親のうつ病と文化:3カ国からの報告 413 410 Moderator Kasper Tuters (Canada) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 404 Moderator Rachel Schiffman (United States) 405 A New Clinical Coding Manual for Story Stem Narratives Story Stem Narrativesのための新たな臨床コード化マニュアル Reija Latva, Palvi Kaukonen, Tarja Sorvali, Raili Salmelin, Ilona Luoma (Finland) 406 Story Stem Narratives as a Part of Clinical Assessment in a Family Ward 家族病棟における臨床査定の一部としてのStory Stem Narrative Ilona Luoma, Reija Latva, Tarja Sorvali, Raili Salmelin, Palvi Kaukonen (Finland) 407 Story Stem Narratives with Young Children in Clinical Research and Practice 年少の子どもたちのStory Stem Narrativesに関する臨床研究と実践 JoAnn Robinson (United States) 408 Story Stem Narratives and Young Children’s Social Competence Story Stem Narrativesと年少の子どもたちの社会的コンピテンス Kai von Klitzing (Germany), Stephanie Stadelmann, Sonja Perren (Switzerland) 409 Discussant Robert N. Emde (United States) 45 Congress Scientific Program Monday, August 4 411 Universal Interventional Approach for the Prevention and Treatment of Postnatal Depression in Japan 日本における産後うつ病の予防と治療のための包括的な介入アプローチについ て Saya Kikuchi, Hiroaki Honma (Japan) 412 Maternal Depression and Child Development from Infancy to Adolescence 母親のうつ病と幼児期から青年期までの発達について Tuula Tamminen, Ilona Luoma, Palvi Kaukonen, Marie-Kaarin Korhonen, Raili Salmelin (Finland) 413 Strategies for the Integration of Preventive Services and the Treatment of Maternal Psychopathology within the Systems of Care for Infants and Children: A Japanese Perspective 日本における乳幼児と子どものシステム・オブ・ケアの中での統合的な予防サー ビスと母親の精神病理の治療の方策 Yoshiro Ono, H. Yoshida, Hiroaki Honma (Japan) 414 Maternal Depression, the Mother-Infant Relationship, and Infant Outcome in a South African Peri-Urban Settlement: A Controlled Treatment Trial 南アフリカ都市周辺部での、母親のうつ病、母子関係、乳幼児の調査結果:対照 治療臨床試験から Mark Tomlinson, Peter Cooper, Mireille Landman, Leslie Swartz, Chris Molteno (South Africa), Alan Stein (Great Britain), Lynne Murray (South Africa) Symposium 15: New Perspectives on Parenting: Psychoanalytical, Psychopathological and Neurobiological Advances 育児への新しい視点:精神分析学、精神病理学、神経生物学の進歩 415 Moderator Elizabeth Tuters (Canada) 416 Parental Capacities for Triadic Relationships during Pregnancy: Early Predictors of Children’s Behavioral and Representational Functioning 妊娠中の親の三者関係を作る能力:子どもの行動機能と表象機能の早期予測因 子 Kai von Klitzing (Germany) 417 Affective Mirroring in Normal and Depressed Mother: Attachment, Reflective Functioning and Neurobiological Basis 正常とうつ病状態の母親の感情ミラーリング:愛着、 リフレクティブな機能と神経 生物学の基礎 Massimo Ammaniti, Cristina Trentini, Delia Lenzi, Gian Luigi Lenzi, Patrizia Pantano, Emiliano Macaluso (Italy) 418 Parent-Infant Synchrony: Biological Foundations, Developmental Outcomes, and Risk Conditions 親と乳児の同調性Synchrony:生物学的基礎、発達の結果、そしてリスク状況に ついて Ruth Feldman (Israel) 419 Primary Parental Preoccupation: Reorganization of Circuits Involved in Worry, Reward and Habit Formation 原初の親らしい没頭:心配、報酬と習癖形成にかかわる回路の再編成 James F. Leckman, James E. Swain, Linda C. Mayes (United States), Ruth Feldman (Israel), Robert T. Schultz (United States) 420 Discussant Massimo Ammaniti (Italy) 46 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 511/512 8月4日 (月) 10:30 - 11:50 WORKSHOP SESSION III 421 Workshop 15: Bringing an Attachment Perspective using Circle of Security Concepts in Working with Women with Postnatal Depression 産後うつ母親の診療においてCircle of Security概念を用いながら愛着の観点を 導入する Caroline A. Zanetti, Anne Clifford (Australia) 302 422 Workshop 16: Is it Possible Today to Think of a Father’s Postpartum Blues? 今日、父親の出産後の憂うつを考えることは可能か? Pietat Fuster, Jorge Luis Tizon (Spain) 303 423 Workshop 17: Infants and Children and the Earthquake in Kobe (Jan. 17, 1995) 神戸大震災(1995.1.17) と子どもたち Masayuki Shimizu, C.G. Seijisuwa (Japan) 304 424 Workshop 18: Facilitating Positive Mother-Child Relations in Ex-Incarcerated Mothers: A Pilot Study 投獄された母親の建設的な関係を促進する:予備的研究 Judith Harel, Anat Heimberg (Israel) 411 425 Workshop 19: Looking for Home - Working with Families Seeking Asylum Looking for Home保護施設を求める家族と共に住居と仕事を求める Louise Newman (Australia) 417 426 Integrative Workshop 20: Approaches to Early Intervention 早期介入のためのアプローチ 414 427 Using the Circle of Security Intervention with High Risk Australian Preschool and Toddler Parent Child Dyads: Our Experience with Two Cohorts in a Community Agency オーストラリアにおける,ハイリスクな就学前児童および親に対するthe Circle of Securityの利用:地域機関における二つのコホートを対象に Anna Huber (Australia) 428 Attachment-Based Intervention and the Children of Mothers Exposed to Violence 暴力にさらされた母親の子どもに対する愛着を基盤とした介入 Stig Torsteinson, Lars Smith, Ida Brandtzaeg (Norway) 415 430 Workshop 22: Solihull Approach: Promoting Infant and Parental Mental Health Cross Culturally in Iceland, Russia and United Kingdom ソーリハルアプローチ:アイスランド・ロシア・イギリスにおける、親と乳幼児精神 保健の促進 Mary Rheeston, Hazel Douglas (Great Britain), Marga Thome (Iceland), Svyatoslava V. Dovbnya, Tatiana U. Morozova (Russian Federation) 416 Integrative Workshop 23: The Rights of Infants and Children Born by Assistive Reproductive Technology 生殖補助医療によって出生した子どもたちの権利 412 431 Attitudes of DI Adults and Wish to Find their Donor 非配偶者間人工授精によって出生した成人の意識と精子提供者を知りたいとい う願い Bill Cordray (United States) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 429 Workshop 21: Creating Supportive Environments to Nurture and Protect Young Children 乳幼児を守り育てるための暖かい環境づくり Hisako Watanabe, Michiko Sakai, Hiroko Suzuki, Catherine J. Umehara (Japan), Campbell Paul (Australia) 47 Monday, August 4 432 Japanese DI Adults Claim their Basic Rights to Know their Genetic Origin 日本の成人したDIの出自を知る権利の必要性の要求 Mari Saimura, Jun Miyajima, Hideaki Katou (Japan) 433 Donor Anonymity: An Abuse of Human Rights 提供者の匿名性:人権侵害 Mari Saimura (Japan), Eric Blyth (Great Britain) Congress Scientific Program 12:00 - 12:50 LUNCH BREAK 13:00 - 13:50 PLENARY SESSION VI 435 Moderator Elisabeth Fivaz-Depeursinge (Switzerland) 436 Rene Spitz Distinguished Lecture: The Potentials for Infant Mental Health Rene Spitz 特別講演:乳幼児精神保健に潜在する力 Robert N. Emde (United States) On Own Main Hall 14:00 - 14:45 VIDEO SESSION II 437 Video 05: Free to Move, Free to Be. A Film on a Baby-Parent Group Meeting with the Pikler Loczy Approach 自由に動く、 自由にする、Pikler Loczyアプローチによる乳幼児・親グループミー ティングの映像 Julianna Vamos (France) 411 438 Video 06: Childcare Experience and Pregnant Women-Simulated Experience in Elementary and Junior High School in Hamamatsu City, Japan 小・中学校における素敵なパパ・ママ (妊婦・育児)未来体験 Kazuhisa Inukai (Japan) 412 439 Video 07: Primitive Perception, Attachment, and Emotional Communication: Early Intervention for Infants with Autistic Spectrum Disorders 原初的知覚、愛着、そして情動的コミュニケーション:自閉症圏障害をもつ乳幼児 に対する早期介入 Ryuji Kobayashi (Japan) 414 440 Video 08: Neurobehavioral Assessment of Kangaroo Care (Skin to Skin Contact) Effects of the Reaction to Pain in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled within-Subject Trial 早産児の痛みに対する反応へのカンガルーケアの影響についての神経行動学 的評価:ランダム化比較試験 Sari Goldstein Ferber, Imad R. Mahoul (Israel) 414 441 Video 09: Preterm Infant Brain Development and Care 早期産児の脳発達とケア Heidelise Als (United States), Shohei Ohgi (Japan) 311 CANCELLED 14:00 - 15:20 CLINICAL TEACH-IN SESSION II 442 Clinical Teach-In 10: Mother-Child Psychotherapy and Sandplay in Psychological Trauma Treatment 心的外傷における母子心理療法と箱庭療法 Elizabeth Batista Wiese (Netherlands) 301 443 Clinical Teach-In 11: Models for Working with Infants from Transnational Immigrant Families: Questions, Dilemmas and Case Illustrations 文化を超えて移住した家族の乳幼児のための支援モデル:問題、 ジレンマ、事例 検討 Yvonne Bohr, Natasha Mullen-Whitfield (Canada) 302 48 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 8月4日 (月) Integrative Clinical Teach-In 12: Psychotherapeutic Treatment of a Baby with Feeding Disorders as Understood by Different Psychoanalytic Schools of Thought 様々な精神分析学派の見解から理解されている摂食障害の赤ちゃんの精神療法 的治療 444 Treatment of a Baby with Feeding Disorder Together with His Parents - The Tavistock Clinic Under Fives Service 親と共に行う摂食障害の赤ちゃんの治療 − タビストック・クリニック5歳以下 の子どもサービス Louise Emanuel (Great Britain) 445 Joint Treatment of Mother and Baby with Feeding Problems 母親と摂食障害をもつ赤ちゃんの共同治療 Marie-Christine Laznik (France) 446 Discussion of the Two Clinical Cases 二つの臨床例の考察 Elizabeth Tuters (Canada) 447 Clinical Teach-In 13: Autism: An Emerging Model of Prevention 自閉症:新たな予防モデル 304 CANCELLED 417 448 Clinical Teach-In 14: Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Services: A Service which Reflects and Works 周産期および乳幼児精神保健医療:自己内省と作業 Anne Sved- Williams, Ros Powrie, Neil Underwood, Mandy Seyfang, Lynly Mader (Australia) 416 449 Clinical Teach-In 15: Looking at Autism from the Inside Out: A Psychodynamic Parent-Child Treatment Approach 自閉症を徹底的に考察する:精神力動的母子心理療法アプローチ K. Mark Sossin, Jan Charone-Sossin (United States) 303 450 Clinical Teach-In 16: Attachment Therapy: Psychopathology And Treatment of Attachment Disorders 愛着治療:愛着障害の精神病理と治療 Karl Heinz Brisch (Germany) 415 Hanna Alonim, Barbara Schipper (Israel) Main Hall 452 Clinical Teach-In 18: Autism Unfolded: Following a Young Child’s Journey from Object to Relationship 自閉症の拡大:幼児の物から関係性への推移を追う Suzi Tortora (United States) 413 453 Clinical Teach-In 19: Research, Practice, and Policy on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FAS) 胎児のアルコール・スペクトル障害(FAS)に関する研究・実践・方針 Zohreh Zarnegar (United States) 417 14:00 - 15:20 POSTER WORKSHOP SESSION II Poster Workshop 07: Feeding and Sleeping 摂食行動と睡眠 313 455 Facilitator Yoko Hamada (Japan) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 451 Clinical Teach-In 17: Bonding Disorder among Mothers without Postnatal Depression 産後うつ病を伴わない子どもへの情緒的絆の障害をもつ母親のケース検討育児 サポートのための理論と実際 Keiko Yoshida (Japan) 49 Monday, August 4 456 Sleep Interventions and Mother-Infant Well-Being 睡眠への介入と母子のウェルビーイング Wendy Middlemiss, Wendy Ann Goldberg, Meret Keller, Macall Gordon (United States), Lauren L. Porter (New Zealand) Congress Scientific Program 457 They Won’t Eat! Observing the Infant’s Contribution as the Driver of Change 食事を食べない!動因の変化としての乳幼児の関わりの観察 Michele Meehan (Australia) 458 Family Sleep-Onset Time Correlation during Infancy in Japan 乳幼児期における日本の家族の入眠時刻 Michio Fukumizu (Japan), Marie J. Hayes (United States), Makiko Kaga, Jun Kohyama (Japan) 459 The Understanding of Mothers Regarding the Sleeping Habits of Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers in Ibaraki Prefecture 茨城県の乳幼児の睡眠に関する母親の認識 Kafumi Komuro, Reiko Kato, Chieko Numaguchi, Mariko Tamura (Japan) 460 Wake-Up Times and Bedtimes for Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers in Ibaraki Prefecture 茨城県の乳幼児の起床就寝時間 Reiko Kato, Chieko Numaguchi, Kafumi Komuro, Mariko Tamura (Japan) 461 Influence of Mother-Infant Interaction on Complementary Feeding 離乳食における母子相互作用の影響 Julie Bordet (Switzerland) 462 Pediatric Feeding Clinic: A Malaysian Experience 小児科摂食クリニック:マレーシアでの実践 Juriza Ismail, Ruzana Abdullah, Nor Shahrina M. Nawawi (Malaysia) 463 Co-Sleeping: Infant Sleep Development in the First 12 Weeks 添い寝における生後12週までの乳児の睡眠発達 Hiromi Eto, Shigeko Horiuchi (Japan) Poster Workshop 08: NICU Follow-Up NICUフォローアップ 464 Facilitator Toshihiko Maruta (Japan) 465 Follow-Up Study and Cognitive Development of Very-Low-Birth Weight Infants on WISC Intelligence Test and Draw-A-Man Test at One and One-quarter Years of Age 極低出生体重児の生後15ヶ月におけるWISC-Ⅲと人物画検査による認知機能 の発達と追跡調査研究 Hisae Matsuo-Muto, Masahide Futamura, Michiko Ishikawa, Yasumasa Yamada (Japan) 466 The Critical Moment in the NICU: It Lasts for Life 生涯にわたる心の傷をきたし得るNICUにおける危機的な時に Toyoko Watanabe, Mitsumasa Shimizu, Isaku Ohmori, Tomoko Uno Noda, Noriko Sakurai (Japan) 467 Tad Pole Meeting: Child Rearing Support Network in the NICU 育児サポートネットワーク:おたまじゃくしの会 Kazue Wakayama, Mayumi Osanai, Noriko Sakurai, Tomoko Uno Noda, Isaku Ohmori, Mitsumasa Shimizu, Toyoko Watanabe (Japan) 50 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 314 8月4日 (月) 468 Mother-Infant Interaction and Developmental Outcome in Children Born Preterm 早期産児における母子相互作用と発達の結果 Pia Risholm Mothander, Birgitta Bohm, Aiko Lundequist, Ann-Charlotte Smedler (Sweden) 469 Regulation Difficulties after Moderate Preterm Birth 中程度の早期産児の調整の困難さ Anneloes Van Baar, Guy Couturier, Paul Soons, John Vermaas, Sandra Veenstra, Aafke Van der Hoop, Lilian Dekkers, Ineke Hoek (Netherlands) 470 Cultivating Secure Attachment Relationship in Mothers and Infants with Trisomy 18: Two Cases of Prolonged Hospitalization 18トリソミーをもつ乳児と母親に安定した愛着関係を育くむこと:入院の長引い た2症例 Masayuki Miwa, Ryosuke Kusano, Hidekazu Homma, Isamu Hokuto, Kazushige Ikeda, Hisako Watanabe (Japan) 471 The Properties of Mental Development in Low Birth Weight Infants 極低出生体重児のフォローアップ Yasue Ochi (Japan) 472 Mother’s Insightfulness Regarding Her Child’s Internal Experience: Relations with Very Low Birth Weight and Attachment 子ども内的経験に対する母親の洞察力:極低出生体重児と愛着に関連して Triinu Tanavsuu, Tiia Tulviste, Liis Toome, Tiina Valvas (Estonia) Poster Workshop 09: Autism Spectrum Disorders II 自閉症スペクトラム II 312 473 Facilitator Laurie Van Egeren (United States) 474 Childhood Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Model for Improving Family Functioning and Coping 子どもの自閉症スペクトラム障害:家族機能とコーピングを改善するモデル Shivani Sharma, Ben C. Fletcher, Karen J. Pine (Great Britain) 476 Motivational Conflict, Ambivalence and AMAE in Autistic Spectrum Disorders 自閉症圏障碍にみられる動因的葛藤、 アンビバレンス、甘え Ryuji Kobayashi (Japan) 477 A Child with Neuropsychiatric Disorder-Based Approach to Prevent Negative Cycles in the Family 家族のネガティブなサイクルを防止するために、神経精神医学的障害に基礎づ けられたアプローチを持つ子ども Tarja Reunavuori (Finland) 478 Between Necessity and Possibility: From a Dyadic-Contained System to a (Triadic) Intersubjective Dialogue in Parent-Child with Autism Psychotherapy 必要性と可能性の間:自閉症児を持つ家族の心理療法−二者関係のシステムか ら三者関係の間主観的なやりとりへ Michal Shalev, Yaniv Dolev-Edelstein (Israel) 15:00 - 15:20 BREAK Foyer (All floors) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 475 Parent-Child Interaction in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 自閉症スペクトラム障害の子どもとその親の相互作用について Pratibha Reebye, Annie Wolverton (Canada) 51 Monday, August 4 15:30 - 17:00 PLENARY INTERFACE III Congress Scientific Program 480 Coordinator David Oppenheim (Israel) 481 Interfaces between the Internal Worlds of Mother and Child and the Observable Interaction: The Case of a Young Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder 母子の内的世界と観察しうる相互交流とのインターフェイス:自閉症スペクトラム 障害の乳幼児のケースより Smadar Dolev (Israel), Jean-Victor Wittenberg (Canada) 19:00 GALA CRUISE 52 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Main Hall 8月5日 (火) Tuesday’s Theme: Strength Based Preventive Interventions 08:00 - 08:50 MASTER LECTURE SESSION IV 484 Master Lecture 18: Meeting the Needs of Young Children and Families Exposed to Trauma トラウマを受けた子どもと家族のニーズにこたえる Joy Osofsky (United States) 485 Master Lecture 19: Engaging and Treating Overburdened Families through Interactive Guidance マスターレクチャー19:相互作用ガイダンスによる、重荷を負う家族への関わり と治療 Susan McDonough (United States) Main Hall Small Auditorium 486 Master Lecture 20: Technique of Mother-Infant Brief Psychotherapy and the Impact of Interaction on Interventions マスターレクチャー20:母−乳幼児短期心理療法の技法と、相互作用が介入に およぼす影響 Bertrand Cramer (Switzerland) 301 487 Master Lecture 21: Attachment Disorders, Psychopathology, Attachment Therapy, and Prevention アタッチメント障害、精神病理、 アタッチメント療法と予防 Karl Heinz Brisch (Germany) 302 488 Master Lecture 22: Health and Nutrition in Toddler and Preschool Children: The Family Context 幼児と幼稚園児の健康と栄養:家族のコンテクスト Rachel Schiffman (United States) 303 489 Master Lecture 23: The Infant as Catalyst: Promoting Early Parent-Infant Relationships through the Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) System 触媒者としての乳幼児:新生児行動観察 the Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO)を通して早期の親‐乳幼児関係を促進する J. Kevin Nugent (United States) 304 09:00 - 09:20 PRESIDENTIAL SYMPOSIUM - PLENARY SESSION VII Main Hall 09:20 - 10:10 PLENARY SESSION VIII 492 Moderator Antoine Guedeney (France) 493 Presidential Address: Infant Mental Health Around the World 会長講演―世界の乳幼児精神保健 Tuula Tamminen (Finland) Main Hall 10:15 - 10:30 WAIMH AWARD PRESENTATIONS 494 WAIMH Award Presentations Peter de Chateau (Sweden) Main Hall 10:30 - 10:50 WAIMH Membership Meeting 495 Chair Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 学術プログラム 490 Moderator Hiram E. Fitzgerald (United States) 491 2006 New Investigator Address: Opening our Minds to the Baby’s Mind 2006 New Investigator Address:2006奨励賞受賞講演:赤ちゃんのこころに 私たちのこころを開く Claire DeAnne Vallotton (United States) Main Hall 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 53 Tuesday, August 5 11:00 - 12:20 SYMPOSIA SESSION VI Congress Scientific Program Symposium 16: Uses of the NBAS as a Form of Intervention in Different Cultural Settings 異なった文化圏におけるNBASの母子介入への利用 Main Hall 496 Moderator J. Kevin Nugent (United States) 497 The Uses of the NBAS with At-Risk Infants: Japan リスクを持つ新生児のNBASの利用 Tomitaro Akiyama (Japan) 498 The Uses of the NBAS in Diagnosis and Intervention and in Pediatric Training: Portugal 診断と介入, および小児科医トレーニングのNBASの利用 Joao Gomes-Pedro (Portugal) 499 The Uses of the NBAS in Catalonia: Spain スペイン, カタロニアにおけるNBASの利用 Carme Costas-Moragas (Spain) 500 Training and Use of the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale in Australia オーストラリアにおけるNBASの利用とトレーニング Beulah Warren (Australia) 501 The NBAS in the United Kingdom: Meeting a Need for Health Professionals and Parents イギリスにおけるNBASの利用:ヘルスプロフェッションと両親の出会い Joanna Hawthorne (Great Britain) 502 The Use of NBAS in Denmark: The Influence of a Research Tool on Practice and Early Interventions in Infancy デンマークにおけるNBASの利用:乳児期の教育と早期介入の研究ツール Hanne Munck (Denmark) 503 Discussant Shohei Ohgi (Japan) Symposium 17: Growing up in the Hospital: Experiences of Infants with Chronic Illness and Disability, their Parents and the Systems that Support Them 病院で成長すること:慢性疾患と障害を持つ乳幼児、その親の体験 と彼らを支えるシステム 504 Moderator Antoine Guedeney (France) 505 The Subjective World of the Very Sick Baby 重い病気をもつ赤ちゃんの主観的世界 Campbell Paul (Australia) 506 Experiences with Ventilator Dependent Babies and Their Families 人口呼吸器に依存する赤ちゃんとその家族の経験 Joy V. Browne (United States) 507 Growing up in the Hospital: Impact on an Infant, Family and Hospital System 病院で育つこと:乳児、家族、病院システムへの影響 Sue Wilson (Australia) 508 Discussant Frank Oberklaid (Australia) 54 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Small Auditorium 8月5日 (火) Symposium 18: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Post-Discharge Neurobehavioral Intervention Program for Preterm Infants: Content of the Program and Outcomes at Six Months. 早期産児に対する退院後の神経行動学的な介入プログラムの無作 為比較での試み:プログラムの内容と6ヶ月時点での成果 304 509 Moderator Martin Maldonado-Duran (United States) 510 A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Post-Discharge Neurobehavioral Intervention Program for Preterm Infants: Content of the Program 早期産児に対する退院後の神経行動学的な介入プログラムの無作為比較での 試み:プログラムの内容 Karen Koldewijn, Marie-Jeanne Wolf, Dominique Meijssen, Aleid Van Wassenaer, Joke Kok, Anneloes Van Baar (Netherlands) 511 A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Post-Discharge Neurobehavioral Intervention Program for Preterm Infants: Neurobehavioral and Developmental Outcome at Six Month 早期産児に対する退院後の神経行動学的な介入プログラムの無作為比較での 試み:6ヶ月時点での神経行動学的および発達的成果 Marie-Jeanne Wolf, Karen Koldewijn, Dominique Meijssen, Aleid Van Wassenaer, Frans Nollet, Joke Kok (Netherlands) 512 A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Post-Discharge Developmental Intervention Program for Preterm Infants: Mother-Infant Interaction Outcome 早期産児に対する退院後の発達的介入プログラムの無作為比較での試み:親− 乳幼児相互作用の結果 Dominique Meijssen, Marie-Jeanne Wolf, Karen Koldewijn, Bregje Houtzager, Aleid Van Wassenaer, Joke Kok, Anneloes Van Baar (Netherlands) 513 Discussant Anneloes Van Baar (Netherlands) Symposium 19: Container-Contained Relations in Early Family and Nursery Care 早期の家庭と保育施設での養育におけるコンテイナー/コンテイ ンドContainer-Contained 関係 413 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 514 Moderator Pia Risholm Mothander (Sweden) 515 From Relationships to Learning: A Description and Evaluation of Layered Support for Reflective Practice at Child Care 関係性から学習へ:保育でのリフレクティブな実践のための階層的支援の描写と 評価 Robyn Dolby (Australia) 516 Evaluation of a Professional Development Program to Enhance Nursery Staff’s Capacity to Attend to Children’s Emotional States 保育施設スタッフの子どもの情緒状態に注意を向ける能力を高めるための専門 性開発プログラムの評価 Peter Maurice Elfer, Katy Dearnley (Great Britain) 517 A Scrutiny of the Relationship between Parents and Professionals in the Early Years: How Can Effective Partnership be Achieved? 幼い年代における親と専門家の関係性の吟味:どのように効果的なパートナーシ ップが達成できるか Sue Greenfield (Great Britain) 518 Keeping the Baby in Mind: Early Family Support 赤ちゃんを心に留めておくこと:早期家族支援 Angela Underdown (Great Britain) 519 Discussant Denis Mellier (France) 55 Tuesday, August 5 Congress Scientific Program 11:00 - 12:20 WORKSHOP SESSION IV 520 Workshop 24: The Heart of the Matter: Attachment Experiences between Mothers and Infants Following Diagnosis of the Infant’s Congenital Heart Disease 問題の核心:乳児の先天性心疾患の診断後の母子間の愛着経験 Jennifer Meryl Re, Samuel Menahem, Suzanne Dean, Andrew Cochrane, Campbell Paul, James Grimwade (Australia) 301 521 Workshop 25: The Growing Together Study: The Effects of an Early Intervention Program on Three High-Risk Communities 育ち合う研究:早期介入プログラムが3つの高いリスクを持つ集団に与える影響 Jean Hughes, Elizabeth Kay-Rainingbird, Denise Sommerfeld (Canada) 302 522 Workshop 26: Changing the Frame: Flexibility or Folly? 枠組みを変える 「愚行の柔軟性」 Caron E. Harrang (United States) 303 523 Workshop 27: Modifying Risky Parental Attributions: A Brief Cognitive Approach to the Prevention of Relationship Ruptures and Infant Maltreatment (the MAP method) リスクのある親の属性の修正:関係性の崩壊及び乳幼児虐待を予防する短期認 知療法(MAP法) Yvonne Bohr, Norma Sockett diMarco, Leigh Armour (Canada) 411 524 Workshop 28: A Preventive Intervention and Research Program for Adolescent Mothers to Promote Secure Attachment 安定した愛着タイプを促進するための若年の母親に対する予防的な介入と研究 のプログラム Magaly Noblega (Peru) 412 525 Workshop 29: Characteristics of Mother-Child Interactions by Teenage Mothers with Infants: Analysis based on Mother’s Self-Esteem 10代の母親の乳幼児に対する母子関係の特徴:母親の自尊心に基づく分析 Keiko Koumoto, Taiko Hirose, Mitsue Maru (Japan) 414 12:30 - 13:20 LUNCH BREAK 13:30 - 14:50 WORKSHOP SESSION V 527 Workshop 30: Minimally Invasive Repair of Pectus Excavatum Improves Psychosocial Behavior in Children 漏斗胸に対するNuss手術後の心理社会面の改善に関する検討 Tadaharu Okazaki, Manabu Okawada, Akihiro Shimotakahara, Geoffrey J. Lane, Atsuyuki Yamataka (Japan) 528 Workshop 31: The ADBB Scale in Well Baby Clinics in France, Italy, and Norway フランス・イタリア・ノルウェーのウエルベビークリニックでのADBB スケール Antoine Guedeney, Denis Mellier (France), Mikael Heimann (Sweden), Emilia De Rosa (Italy) Integrative Workshop 32: Communicative Musicality with Neonates: High Risk Cases and Cultural Issues 新生児のコミュニケーション的音楽性:ハイリスクケースと文化的問題 529 Communicative Musicality and Synrhythmia コミュニケーション的音楽性とシンリズミア Stephen Noel Malloch (Australia) 530 How Early Life is Shared with Rhythm and Sympathy: University Needs and Intuitions and Different Rituals 人生のはじめにはどのようにリズムと共感が共有されるのであろうか:普遍的要 求、直観といろいろな儀式 Colwyn Trevarthen (United Kingdom) 56 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health On Own Main Hall Small Auditorium 301 8月5日 (火) 531 Prospective Control in the Neonatal Unit in Communicative Musicality 新生児室におけるコミュニケーション的音楽性のコントロールとなりうるもの Jonathan Thomas Delafield-Butt (Great Britain) 532 AMAE and CM in Japanese Infants 日本の乳幼児における甘えとコミュニケーション的音楽性 Hisako Watanabe (Japan) 533 Workshop 33: Infant Mental Health Team Collaboration among Japanese Health Care Professionals 日本の複合専門職による乳幼児精神保健チームの活動 Taiko Hirose, Sonoko Shirakawa, Mayumi Hiramatsu, Kimiko Murase, Taeko Teramoto, Takahide Omori (Japan) 302 534 Workshop 34: Conducting Child-Parent Psychotherapy with Mothers and their Infants Affected by Domestic Violence 家庭内暴力を受けている母子の親子心理療法 Talia Hatzor, Patricia Stern (United States) 303 535 Workshop 35: Forming Vital Bonds - Singing and Rhyming as Psychotherapeutical Intervention to Promote the Relationship between Infants and their Parents 重要なきずなを形成する−乳幼児と親との関係を促進する心理療法的介入とし て歌ったり詩を作ったりする Eva Norling Bergdahl (Sweden) 304 13:30 - 14:50 CLINCIAL TEACH-IN SESSION III 411 537 Clinical Teach-In 21: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Training - Treating Infant-Parent Problems (IPP) with Case Presentations 症例提示による力動的精神療法と親・乳幼児問題の訓練と治療 Elizabeth Tuters, Sally Doulis (Canada) 413 538 Clinical Teach-In 22: Reconsidering Parental Sexuality, and Infant Excitement and Greed: What is Lost in Infant Mental Health without These Concepts? 親の性意識と乳児の興奮と貪欲さを再考する:これらの概念がなければ乳児の 精神保健では何を失うのか。 Frances Thomson-Salo, Campbell Paul (Australia) 412 Integrative Clinical Teach-In 23: Support the Discharge of a Premature Baby by Working with His Parents 親とともにワークする未熟児の退院サポート 414 539 Words for Touching (Les Mots Pour Toucher) 触れるための言葉 Catherine Barbier, Gerard Schmit (France) 540 The Effect of Information only vs. Therapeutic Playgroups vs. Both on Mothers and Their Preterm Infants in the First Year of Life 生後1年目の早期産児とその母親に対する、情報のみvs.治療的プレイグループ のみvs.両方を行う介入の効果 Carol Newnham, Bronwyn Leigh, Nisha Brown, Jeannette Milgrom (Australia) 541 From the Medical-Nursing Object to the Baby-Object: Assist the Parenting by Joint Observation of the Infant’s Competencies 医療看護対象から赤ちゃん対象へ:乳児の能力の共同観察によって養育を手助 けする Anne-Catherine Rolland, Franciska Lempp, Patrice Morville (France) 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 学術プログラム 536 Clinical Teach-In 20: Dancing in Space: Closeness, Distance, and Space in the Mother-Baby Couple 空間のダンス:母子における接近、距離、そして空間 Zippy Kalish, Irit Kushilevitz, Ruty Orenstein, Anat Raviv (Israel) 57 Tuesday, August 5 15:00 - 15:20 BREAK 15:30 - 16:20 PANEL SYMPOSIUM Congress Scientific Program Infant Mental Health in Asia: Perspectives for Today and Tomorrow アジアにおける乳幼児の精神保健―今日と明日の視点― Foyer (All floors) Main Hall 543 Moderator Tuula Tamminen (Finland) 544 Infant Mental Health in Asia アジアにおける乳幼児精神保健 To be Announced (Japan) 545 Infant Mental Health in Vietnam ベトナムにおける乳幼児精神保健 To be Announced 546 Infant Mental Health in Laos ラオスにおける乳幼児精神保健 To be Announced 547 Infant Mental Health in Cambodia カンボジアにおける乳幼児精神保健 To be Announced 548 Infant Mental Health in Nepal ネパールにおける乳幼児精神保健 To be Announced 549 Infant Mental Health in Bangladesh バングラデシュにおける乳幼児精神保健 To be Announced 550 Infant Mental Health in Pakistan パキスタンにおける乳幼児精神保健 To be Announced 16:30 - 17:00 CLOSING CEREMONIES 551 Host: WAIMH President (2008-2012) Antoine Guedeney (France) 552 WAIMH CONGRESS 2010 - Leipzig, Germany Kai von Klitzing, Karl Heinz Brisch (Germany) 58 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Main Hall Author Index Abdullah, Ruzana 462 Asgill, Karen 325 Bornstein, Marc 186, 187, 358, 361, 362 Abe, Tae 74 Ashino, Akiko 359 Botet-Mussons, Frances 346 Adkins, MaDonna 151, 272 Austin, Marie-Paule 154 Braarud, Hanne Cecilie 27 Ahlqvist-Björkroth, Sari 270 Ayoub, Catherine Cook 129 Braeken, Marijke 128 Aikyo, Miho 352 Azak, Schale 122, 164 Brandtzaeg, Ida 428 Aisenstein, Clara 217 Baba, Reiko 90, 91, 146 Brazelton, T. Berry 7 Aitalaakso, Heikki 311 Barbier, Catherine 539 Brean, Are 254 Akiyama, Tomitaro 354, 497 Barnard, Kathryn 231 Brean, Gro Vatne 254 Al-Farqani, Abdullah 353 Barnett, Bryanne 154 Brisch, Karl Heinz 49, 219, 450, 487, 552 Alberdi, Maika 215 Baubet, Thierry 217 Brophy Herb, Holly E. 151, 272, 340, 342 Alonim, Hanna 447 Beckert-Zieglschmid, Claudia 104 Brown, Nisha 540 Als, Heidelise 441 Behm-Kostiainen, Sirpa 311 Amaral, Rosa Sousa 56 Belfer, Myron 171, 172, 178 Browne, Joy V. 50, 212, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508 Amick, Joanna Hawthorne 363 Belt, Ritva 70 Ammaniti, Massimo 160, 183, 381, 417, 420 Berg, Astrid 378, 379 Anderson, Vicki 353 Andrew, Baillie 370 Ansermet, Francois 46, 213 Aoki, Kikuyo 90, 91, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 166, 286, 287, 290, 291, 292, 293 Aoyama, Shiori 350 Arai, Chiaki 134 Arai, Toru 134 Araki, Akiko 339 Arimtsu, Takeshi 249 Arizono, Hiroko 299 Armour, Leigh 523 Aromaa, Minna 270 Arranz-Betegan, Angela 346 Artigue, Jordi 54 Bruce, Nicole 110, 125 Bruschweiler-Stern, Nadia 15 Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne 223 Bergum-Hansen, Marit 221 Bianchi De Aguiar, Mariana Sousa Amaral 68 Budniak, Aleksandra 356 Bürgin, Dieter 390, 391 Cabral de Mello, Meena 142 Cantwell, Toni 324 Bickford, Melissa 308 Caron, Nara Amalia 281 Bindt, Carola 48 Carvalho, Maria Joao 67 Blyth, Eric 431, 432, 433 Catala, Laia 53 Bocknek, Erika London 151, 272 Chandran, V. 347 Bohm, Birgitta 468 Charone-Sossin, Jan 449 Bohne, Lisa 152 Charron, Camilo 87 Bohr, Yvonne 443, 523 Chawarska, Kasia 372 Boisjoly, Louise 57 Chazan, Saralea 83 Boo, Nem-yun 347 Chiba, Chiyo 82 Bordet, Julie 461 Chieko, Tazaki 133 Borghini, Ayala 46, 213 Choosakul, Haruko Watanabe 308 Boris, Neil 337, 378, 385 Christensen, Keith M. 55 Aryal, Prakash 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 59 Author Index Clifford, Anne 421 Doi, Takeo 191 Ferradji, Taieb 103, 117, 131, 228, 374 Cocchi, Riccardo 139, 140 Dolby, Robyn 515 Cochrane, Andrew 353, 520 Dolev, Smadar null 480, 481 Figueiredo, Barbara 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 67, 68 Cohen, David 251 Dolev-Edelstein, Yaniv 478 Fitzgerald, Hiram E. 26, 151, 186, 272, 340, 342, 389, 490 Conde, Ana 33, 34, 35 Dommergues, Marc 251 Fivaz-Depeursinge, Elisabeth 13, 24, 435 Cook, Gina A. 342 Douglas, Hazel 153, 297, 341, 430 Fletcher, Ben C. 474 Cooper, Peter 414 Doulis, Sally 537 Fleurent, Louise 57 Cordray, Bill 431 Dovbnya, Svyatoslava V. 430 Fonagy, Peter 160, 161 Correia, Mafalda 56 Driessen, Augustina 219 Forcada-Guex, Margarita 46, 213 Costa, Raquel 35, 36 Dugravier, Romain 294 Fornieles-Deu, Albert 346 Costas-Moragas, Carme 52, 53, 54, 346, 499 Dupont, Julie 57 Fowler, Cathrine 370 DuPuis, Sara 151, 272 Franich-Ray, Candice 353 Eddy, Lefa S. 322 Freeman, Patricia A. 69 Egeland, Byron R. 218 Fujita, Ichiro 94 Eichhorn, Donis 298 Fujita, Morihiro 283 Currò, Vincenzo 139 Elfer, Peter Maurice 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519 Fukatsu, Chikako 234 D’Angelo, Pete 283 Ellsworth, John C. 55 Dalrymple, Noriko 74, 93, 94, 96, 98, 100, 101 Elsabbagh, Mayada 399, 400, 401, 402, 403 Couturier, Guy 469 Cozzolino, Robin Theresa 114 Cramer, Bertrand 6, 194, 486 Cunningham-DeLuca, Mary 151, 272, 340 Daly, Gianna 153 Emanuel, Louise Sharon 375, 444 Fukue, Taro 72 Fukuhara, Rie 350 Fukui, Rika 357 Fukumizu, Michio 458 De Bruijn, Anouk 123 Emde, Robert N. 2, 189, 194, 409, 435, 436 de Chateau, Peter 16, 390, 399, 494 Emond-Nakamura, Mutsuko 57 Futamura, Masahide 465 De Rosa, Emilia 139, 140, 528 Emori, Yoko 360 Galbally, Megan 323, 376 Dean, Suzanne 520 Endo, Toshihiko 99 Garel, Patricia 175 Dearnley, Katy 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519 Erickson, Martha Farrell 218, 370 Garrison, Preston 176 Ertem, Ilgi Ozturk 142 Goldberg, Wendy Ann 456 Eshel, Yochanan 83 Goldstein Ferber, Sari 440 Esposito, Gianluca 86, 317, 361, 362 Gomes-Pedro, Joao 498 Eto, Hiromi 463 Gordon, Macall 456 Farkas, Chamarrita 105, 197 Greacen, Tim 294 Feldman, Ruth 418, 419 Greenfield, Sue 517 deFalco, Simona 86, 317, 361, 362 Dekkers, Lilian 469 Delafield-Butt, Jonathan Thomas 252, 531 Delaney, Jill 341 Delgado, Magdalena 52, 53, 54 60 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Fuster, Pietat 422 発表者一覧 Grimwade, James 520 Hiramatsu, Mayumi 257, 533 Inoue, Kako 72, 234 Guedeney, Antoine 32, 80, 182, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 294, 492, 504, 528, 551 Hirano, Naoki 237 Inoue, Katuso 260 Hirayama, Atsuko 291, 292 Inoue, Vimala 220 Hiroi, Kayoko 257 Inukai, Kazuhisa 438 Hiroko, Sakurai 309 Ishii, Tetsuo 316 Hirose, Taiko 113, 257, 278, 296, 302, 328, 360, 525, 533 Ishikawa, Michiko 465 Hamasaki, Yuhei 94 Hamud, Issa 55 Hoehn, Elisabeth Gudrun 59, 60, 61 Hanada, Hiroko 307 Hoek, Ineke 469 Hanta, Susumu 90, 91 Hokuto, Isamu 470 Harder, Susanne 250 Hokuto, Isao 249 Iwayama, Mariko 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336 Harel, Judith 83, 424 Holland, Anne 324 Jeng, Suh-Fang 348 Harrang, Caron E. 522 Homma, Hidekazu 249, 470 Jensen, Linda Emilie 87 Hasegawa, Tomomi 240 Honjo, Shuji 135, 238, 262, 364 Jingu, Hideo 290, 291, 292, 293 Hashimoto, Yoko 334 Honma, Hiroaki 411, 413 Johnson, Danya 342 Hatton-Pong, Holly Nichole 298 Horiuchi, Shigeko 463 Jongenelen, Ines 67 Hatzor, Talia 534 Horodynski, Mildred 151, 272 Jonsdottir, Rakel B. 303, 355 Hawthorne, Joanna 501 Hoshiba, Kayo 274 Hawver, Shelley 151, 272, 340 Hoshino, Saori 88 Jordan, Brigid 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 353 Hayakawa, Takashi 108 Houtzager, Bregje 512 Hayashi, Eriko 351, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550 Howard, Jenny 324 Gumus Dogan, Derya 142 Hamada, Yoko 82, 234, 455 Hamaie, Noriko 135 Hayashi, Naoko 351 Hayashi, Yuka 274 Hayes, Marie J. 458 Ito, Yoko 118 Ito, Yujun 352 Joubert, Lynette Barbara 107 Jung, Jeesun 41 Hsu, Hui-Chin 253, 348 Huang-Tsung, Kuo, 305 Junttila, Niina 270 Kadota, Masako 127 Kaga, Makiko 458 Huber, Anna 427 Kajamaa, Ritva 311 Hughes, Jean 521 Heimann, Mikael 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 528 Hughes-Wilhelm, Kim 196 Heimberg, Anat 424 Ibanez, Margarita 215, 322 Helle, Nadine 48 Ichimi, Mariko 118 Henmi, Toshiro 275 Ikeda, Kazushige 249, 351, 470 Hibino, Yukari 135 Imai, Emi 335 Hiiragisawa, Shozi 147, 148 Inamori, Emiko 333 Inoue, Atsuko 274 Ismail, Juriza 347, 462 Kalckreuth, Barbara 78 Kalckreuth, Wolfgang 78 Kalish, Zippy 536 Kalland, Mirjam 29, 30 Kanamaru, Tomomi 236 Kaneda, Toshiko 118 Kaneko, Hitoshi 135, 238, 262, 364 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 61 Author Index Kaneyama, Kazuhiro 84 Kirk, Elizabeth 198 Kuriki, Kazue 96, 241 Kashima, Mineko 266 Kita, Yuri 240 Kurniasanti, Kristiana Siste 279 Kataoka, Yuka 267, 268 Kitagawa, Megumi 92, 99 Kurokawa, Kayoko 158 Kato, Kuniko 246 Kitamura, Yayoi 304 Kurokawa, Yukiko 147, 148 Kato, Reiko 459, 460 Kitaoka, Hideko 112 Kusajima, Hironori 132 Kato, Yoshifumi 84 Klein, Annette M. 66, 104 Kusanagi, Miho 257, 278, 302, 360 Katou, Hideaki 432 Kmita, Grazyna 356 Kusano, Ryosuke 470 Kaukonen, Palvi 85, 393, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 412 Kobayashi, Ryuji 95, 439, 476 Kusano, Ryousuke 249 Kohyama, Jun 458 Kushilevitz, Irit 536 Kok, Joke 510, 511, 512 Kwak, Keumjoo 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 244 Kawabata, Yuji 143, 369 Kawamura, Aki 113, 257 Kawamura, Namiko 264 Kawasaki, Hiromi 257, 283 Kawashima, Miho 74 Kay-Rainingbird, Elizabeth 521 Kazue, Kuriki 93 Kazui, Miyuki 92 Keller, Meret 456 Kemppinen, Kaarina 247 Keren, Miri 169, 170, 373, 386, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398 Kern, Ch. 49 Kienig, Anna 116 Kiepura, Eliza 356 Kikuchi, Saya 411 Kikuchi, Yoshihiro 74 Killen, Margaret 363 Kim, Boram 314 Kim, Hyun-Sook 121 Kim, Yeonsoo 244 Kim, YeounJung 261 Koldewijn, Karen 509, 510, 511, 512, 513 Komoto, Keiko 257 Komuro, Kafumi 459, 460 Kondoh, Yoshie 357 Kontiola, Paivi 157 Koren-Karie, Nina 315 Korhonen, Marie-Kaarin 126, 412 Korkeaoja, Paivi 165 Kosaska, Hirotaka 65 Kosawa, Yorio 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 273 Kyouno, Naoko 243 Landman, Mireille 414 Lane, Geoffrey J. 84, 527 Lappin, Grace 255 Latva, Reija 85, 214, 405, 406 Laznik, Marie-Christine 445 Leckman, James F. 419 Lederman, Cindy 226 Lee, Ji Soung 121 Lee, Jinsu 107 Kotani, Hiroko 256 Lee, Kyung-Sook 120, 121, 314 Koumoto, Keiko 525 Lee, Seung Yeon 42 Kowalenko, Nicholas 154, 370 Lee, Yoon-Joo 44 Kroll, Michael 66 Lehmann, Eva 66 Krynska, Elwira 116 Lehtonen, Liisa 214 Kubo, Kyoko 88, 133, 267, 268 Leigh, Bronwyn 540 Kubo, Norio 109 Lempp, Franciska 541 Kumpulainen, Kirsti 247 Lenzi, Delia 417 Kuratsuji, Gen 249 Lenzi, Gian Luigi 417 Kurihara, Yumiko 260 Leslie, Margaret 69 Kimura, Eri 90, 91 62 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 発表者一覧 Levi, Shlomit 315 Matsuki, Ken-Ichi 65 Miyazaki, Hiromi 271 Li, Pei-Fen 348 Matsukura, Mana 277 Mizuno, Keiko 118 Lo, Lucia 196 Matsumura, Hiroko 264 Moe, Vibeke 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 222 London Bocknek, Erika Beth 340 Matsuo-Muto, Hisae 465 Moggio, Francoise 366 Lopez-Guardia, Marta 346 Matsuura, Hiromi 92 Molteno, Chris 414 Luber, S. 49 Mattocks, Lorraine 297 Monju, Kikuno 89 Lundequist, Aiko 468 Maulucci, Maria Lucia 139, 140 Monju, Mikio 89 Luoma, Ilona 85, 126, 208, 210, 405, 406, 412 Maulucci, Silvia 139, 140 Moore, Dianna 114 Maunu-Koskinen, Ulla 311 Moretti, Marlene M. 124 Mayes, Linda C. 419 Mori, Carrie Lynn 55 Mazet, Philippe 251 Mori, Chiyo 145, 146, 150, 290, 291, 292, 293 M. Nawawi, Nor Shahrina 462 Macaluso, Emiliano 417 Macdonald, Pamelyn 79, 217 Mader, Lynly 448 Maeda, Masako 282 Maekawa, Miyuki 330 Maeno, Tomiko 101 Maestro, Sandra 368 Maguire, Catherine Mary 326 Mahoul, Imad R. 440 Maldonado-Duran, Martin 79, 217, 509 Malloch, Stephen 220, 529, 530, 531, 532 Mansbridge, Tracy 297 Mantoku, Aki 237 Mantymaa, Mirjami 138, 208, 210, 242 Martins, Carla 67 Martins, Eva Costa 233, 245 Maru, Mitsue 525 Maruta, Toshihiko 464 Masumura, Chigusa 102 Masuzawa, Takashi 90, 91, 156 Matacz, Rochelle Anne 326 McCarroll, Barbara 76 McDonald, Bernardine 325 McDonough, Susan 18, 485 McKelvey, Lorraine 151, 272, 340, 342 McMahon, Catherine 343, 370 Morioka, Yukiko 260 Moro, Marie Rose 103, 217, 374 Morozova, Tatiana U. 430 Morville, Patrice 541 Morton, Elizabeth Ann 60 Meehan, Michele 457 Meijssen, Dominique 510, 511, 512 Mellier, Denis 519, 528 Melmed, Matthew 177 Menahem, Samuel 353, 520 Merimaa, Heikki Juhani 81 Middlemiss, Wendy 456 Motoshima, Yuko 92, 99 Motz, Mary 69 Mullen-Whitfield, Natasha 443 Muller-Nix, Carole 46, 213 Munck, Hanne 327, 502 Murai, Fimie 360 Muraki, Hiroko 291, 292 Mikuni, Kumi 302 Milgrom, Jeannette 540 Millhuff, Charles 79, 217 Murase, Kimiko 257, 296, 533 Murase, Satomi 135, 238, 262, 364 Murayama, Chihiro 275 Miltuze, Anika 155 Minamiyama, Kyoko 90, 91 Miwa, Masayuki 249, 470 Murayama, Hiroshi 275 Murphy, Annette 325 Murray, Andrea 61 Miyajima, Jun 432 Miyamoto, Shinya 261 Murray, Lynne 414 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 63 Author Index Nagata, Masako 336 Ogata, Yoshiyasu 94 Osofsky, Howard 395 Nagata, Yoko 235 Ogawa, Kayo 265, 338 Osofsky, Joy D. 226, 395, 484 Nagaya, Sawako 132, 234 Oguchi, Kouki 280 Ota, Saori 90, 91, 166, 286, 287 Nagayama, Kuniko 240 Ogura, Kiyoshi 191 Pacheco, Alexandra 34, 35 Nakagawa, Hidenori 256 Ohashi, Yukiko 257, 296 Pajulo, Marjaterttu 29, 70 Nakai, Akio 65 Ohgami, Hidehiro 402 Palardy, Sylvain 57 Nakamura, Nobue 339 Ohgami, Ritsuko 274 Palmer, Glen A. 87 Nakano, Shigeru 248 Ohgi, Shohei 354, 441, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503 Pantano, Patrizia 417 Nakano, Yoshie 166, 286, 287 Newman, Louise 425 Newnham, Carol 540 Niemi, Raija 165 Nishiyama, Mika 283 Nishizaka, Mayumi 352 Noblega, Magaly 524 Noda, Tomoko Uno 332, 466, 467 Nogueira, Raúl 33 Nollet, Frans 511 Nomura, Kenji 262 Nomura, Yoshiko 371 Nonaka, Junko 112 Nonoyama, Mikiko 360 Norling Bergdahl, Eva 535 Northam, Elisabeth 353 Nugent, J. Kevin 7, 345, 489, 496 Numaguchi, Chieko 459, 460 Numata, Naoko 295 Oba, Minoko 135, 238, 364 Oberklaid, Frank 508 Ochi, Yasue 471 Odagiri, Husako 267, 268 Ohmori, Isaku 466, 467 Oiji, Arata 260 Oikawa, Yuko 267, 268 Okada, Kaori 135, 238, 364 Okada, Setsuko 74 Papousek, Mechthild 18, 19, 169 Park, Hye Jun 43 Park, Jinah 120, 121, 314 Parra, Belen 54, 322 Partridge, Ty 73 Okada, Yumiko 331 Paul, Campbell 180, 200, 378, 379, 429, 505, 520, 538 Okamitsu, Motoko 257, 278 Pekcici, Bahar Bingoler 142 Okamoto, Keiichi 74 Perren, Sonja 408 Okamoto, Miwako 257 Pierrehumbert, Blaise 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 213 Okamoto, Yuka 98 Okawa, Hiroaki 156 Okawada, Manabu 527 Okazaki, Tadaharu 84, 527 Olds, David 2, 3 Oliver, Monica 209 Omori, Takahide 257, 533 Onaga, Esther 151 Pine, Karen J. 198, 474 Porter, Lauren L. 456 Powrie, Ros 448 Pozzi-Monzo, Maria 220 Priddis, Lynn 288 Psychogiou, Lamprini 136, 137 Punamaki, Raija-Leena 70 Ono, Yoshiro 413 Puura, Kaija 5, 23, 45, 138, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 242 Oppenheim, David 181, 313, 315, 480 Rachmat, Anneke 97 Orenstein, Ruty 536 Raiha, Hannele 270 Osanai, Mayumi 467 Raita-Hasu, Jutta 247 Oshio, Toko 276 Ramchandani, Paul 136, 137 64 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 発表者一覧 Rao, Aparna 141, 344 Sakai, Rena 349 Schmit, Gerard 539 Rasher-Miller, Tanya 87 Sakai, Saeko 106 Schultz, Robert T. 419 Raviv, Anat 536 Sakala, Simon Chaza 318 Schurink, Dirk 323 Re, Jennifer Meryl 520 Sakanashi, Kaoru 88 Sebre, Sandra 155 Recchia, Susan L. 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 Sakashita, Hiroko 158 Sechiyama, Haya 262 Reebye, Pratibha Nitin 110, 124, 125, 130, 475 Sakita, Emiko 306 Segawa, Masaya 371 Sakurai, Noriko 466, 467 Seijisuwa, C.G. 423 Salmelin, Raili 85, 126, 138, 210, 214, 242, 405, 406, 412 Sekimori, Miyuki 365 Reunavuori, Tarja 477 Rezzoug, Dalila 58, 217, 228 Salo, Frances 107 Rheeston, Mary 153, 297, 341, 430 Salomon, Shahaf 315 Risholm Mothander, Pia 468, 514 Salomonsson, Bjorn 77, 201, 263 Robinson, JoAnn 407 Sameroff, Arnold 2, 3 Robinson, Thelma 119 Sanefuji, Wakako 402 Rodrigues, Maria do Ceu 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Santos, Ester 56 Reliford, Aaron 203 Roggman, Lori A. 342 Rolland, Anne-Catherine 539, 540, 541 Rosenblum, Ouriel 251 Rostad, Anne Margrethe 301 Rusconi-Serpa, Sandra 169, 170 Rydelius, Per-Anders 173 Saeki, Junichi 159 Saias, Thomas 294 Saimura, Mari 431, 432, 433 Saint, Karen 370 Sekine, Megumi 320 Senju, Atsushi 400 Sethna, Vaheshta 136, 137 Seyfang, Mandy 448 Shalev, Michal 478 Shapira, Mor 83 Sharma, Shivani 474 Sarfi, Monica 71 Shibata, Teruko 319 Sasaki, Ayako 65 Shibata, Tukiko 306 Sasaki, Mie 310 Shimamoto, Kazuo 145, 146, 150 Sasamoto, Yuka 352 Shimizu, Masayuki 423 Sato, Kazuo 109 Shimizu, Mitsumasa 466, 467 Sato, Naho 339 Shimotakahara, Akihiro 527 Sato, Yoko 357 Shin, Min sun 39 Satoh, Emiko 266 Shin, Yee-Jin 120, 314 Saulinggi, Adeline 97 Shingu, Kazuo 93, 96, 143, 241 Sawa, Tetsuji 260 Shinohara, Ikuko 239 Saito, Masako 118 Sawada, Kei 74, 93, 94, 96, 98, 100, 101, 241 Shiraga, Keisuke 269 Saito, Sachiko 102 Sawada, Tomo 74, 96, 98, 100, 101 Shirakawa, Sonoko 257, 533 Saito, Yuri 350 Sawada, Yukiko 74 Skreitule-Pikse, Inga 155 Saitoh, Sakae 360 Schechter, Daniel S. 47, 203 Skuladottir, Arna 303, 355 Sakai, Etsuko 109 Schiffman, Rachel 151, 231, 272, 340, 342, 404, 488 Sleed, Michelle 77 Sakai, Michiko 289, 429 Slinning, Kari 28 Schipper, Barbara 447 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 65 Author Index Smedler, Ann-Charlotte 468 Takano, Akira 102 Smith, Lars 27, 28, 222, 224, 225, 428 Takatou, Mami 351 Soares, Isabel 67, 233, 245 Takayanagi, Nao 274 Sockett diMarco, Norma 523 Takei, Yuko 127 Sommerfeld, Denise 521 Taki, Masashi 352 Sonobe, Mami 113, 257 Takizawa, Tohru 284 Soons, Paul 469 Tamminen, Tuula 8, 9, 11, 70, 126, 138, 162, 163, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 208, 210, 214, 242, 380, 412, 492, 493, 495, 543 Sorvali, Tarja 85, 405, 406 Sossin, K. Mark 449 Speer, L. 49 St-André, Martin 57, 373 Stacks, Ann Michele 73, 276, 321 Stadelmann, Stephanie 408 Stein, Alan 414 Stern, Daniel 3, 194 Stern, Patricia 534 Strahan, Emma 341 Stroh, Katrin 119 Sukemura, Tae 74 Suzuki, Hiroko 259, 429 Suzuki, Kayoko 257, 296 Sved- Williams, Anne 448 Swain, James E. 419 Swartz, Leslie 414 Sweet, Angela 153 Taieb, Olivier 217 Takagi, Reiko 149 Takagi, Tomomi 352 Tomlinson, Mark 17, 205, 383, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414 Toome, Liis 472 Torsteinson, Stig 428 Tortora, Suzi 144, 452 Toshima, Tamotsu 350 Trentini, Cristina 417 Trevarthen, Colwyn 5, 6, 190, 530 Tsukada, Masuyo 293 Tamura, Mariko 459, 460 Tsukioka, Sumiko 351 Tanabe, Michiko 65 Tubach, Florence 294 Tanaka, Hiroko 112 Tulviste, Tiia 472 Tanaka, Masashi 258 Turunen, Merja-Maaria 157 Tanaka, Nobuaki 135 Tuters, Elizabeth 195, 366, 367, 368, 388, 415, 444, 445, 446, 537 Tanavsuu, Triinu 472 Tanimoto, Kimie 265, 338 Tanimoto, Kyoko 93, 96, 241 Taylor, Satomi Izumi 118 Tazaki, Chieko 88 Teixeira, Cesar 33, 34, 35 Tendais, Iva 33 Teramoto, Taeko 257, 278, 533 Terasaki, Masaharu 127 Tereno, Susana 245 Thomas, Jean 396 Thome, Marga 430 Thomson-Salo, Frances 538 Tizon, Jorge Luis 52, 53, 54, 322, 422 Takahashi, Izumi 112, 257 Tomita, Kiyoko 145, 150, 166, 286, 287, 290, 291, 292, 293 Takahashi, Tsubasa 84 Tomita, Naoko 111 Takahashi, Yasuko 262 66 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Tuters, Kasper 185, 206, 410 Uchida, Atsuko 82 Ueda, Reiko 75, 304 Ueda, Rumiko 351 Uemura, Koju 93 Ueshima, Natsumi 135 Umehara, Catherine 289, 429 Unal, Ozlem 142 Underdown, Angela 518 Underwood, Neil 448 Urwin, Cathy 115 Usui, Masami 113 Vaever, Mette 250 Vallotton, Claire DeAnne 105, 129, 152, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 490, 491 Valvas, Tiina 472 Vamos, Julianna 167, 437 発表者一覧 Van Baar, Anneloes 123, 469, 510, 512, 513 Wakayama, Kazue 467 Yamashita, Hiroshi 300 Warren, Beulah 500 Yamataka, Atsuyuki 84, 527 Watanabe, Hisako 8, 9, 10, 11, 25, 108, 162, 184, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 249, 289, 316, 351, 429, 470, 529, 530, 531, 532 Yamauchi, Mayumi 264 Watanabe, Toyoko 466, 467 Yano, Yukako 146 Watkins, Andrew Mark 376 Yatsuda, Masako 145, 290, 291, 292, 293 Weatherston, Deborah 14, 38, 382 Yirmiya, Nurit 315 Van Wassenaer, Aleid 510, 511, 512 Wells, Gail 288 Yomo, Yoko 90, 91 Vannebo Tranaas, Unni 225 Widyawati, Ika 97 Yoneyama, Masako 112 Veenstra, Sandra 469 Wiese, Elizabeth Batista 442 Yoshida, H. 413 Venuti, Paola 86, 317, 361, 362 Wiesler, Christiane 78 Yoshida, Keiko 451 Vermaas, John 469 Wilson, Sue 507 Yoshinare, Ryoko 352 Viaux-Savelon, Sylvie 251 Wittenberg, Jean-Victor 62, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 480, 481 Yuko, Oikawa 133 Van Bakel, Hedwig 123 Van den Bergh, Bea R.H. 128 Van den Noortgate, Wim 128 Van der Hoop, Aafke 469 Van Egeren, Laurie 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 151, 473 Vihtonen, Vilja 242 Virmani, Elita Amini 152 Von der Wense, Axel 48 Von Fieandt, Maija 157 von Klitzing, Kai 21, 66, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 387, 408, 416, 552 Wolf, Marie-Jeanne 510, 511, 512 Yamazaki, Michiko 257 Zanetti, Caroline A. 421 Zarnegar, Zohreh 229, 285, 453 Wolverton, Annie 110, 125, 130, 475 Yabuki, Fumiko 319 Yamada, Yasumasa 465 Yamaoki, Yuko 100 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 667 Exhibitors & Sponsors Supporting Organizations The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare The Ministry of Science and Culture City of Yokohama Kanagawa Prefectural Government Tokyo Metropolitan Government Japan Society of Developmental Psychology Japan Society of Research on Early Childhood Care and Education Japan Society of Maternal Health Japan Society for Premature and Newborn Medicine Japan Society of Certified Clinical Psychologists Keio University The Japan Society for Care and Education in Pediatrics FOUR WINDS for Infant Mental Health Japan National Council of Social Welfare Japanese Association for Infant Health Japanese Federation Licensed Childcare Centers Japan Medical Association Yokohama Medical Association Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Japan Association of Obstetricians & Gynecologists Japan Pediatric Association Japan Pediatric Society The Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons Japanese Society of Child Health Nursing Japanese Society of Emergency Pediatrics Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Pediatrics The Japanese Society of Child Health The Society of Ambulatory and General Pediatrics of Japan Japan Academy of Nursing Science Society of Public Health The Japanese Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Japan Society of Perinatal and Neonatal Medicine Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau JTB Tokyo Metropolitan Corp. Corporate Sales Office, Yokohama Exhibitors Hours: 9:00 - 17:00 FOUR WINDS for Infant Mental Health 3rd Floor Foyer, Aug. 2-5 Japanese Association for Infant Health Children’s Rainbow Center MIND CLUB: Yokohama Citizens’ Forum for Mental Health (NPO) Network for Infant Health and Development Japan Breast Feeding Association Mother’s and Children’s Health and Welfare Association Japanese Kantoh Area Society of Child Mental Health The Kanagawa Medical & Welfare Foundation for Children SIDS Family Association Japan Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Biophysical System Engineering Sponsoring Organizations Japan National Tourist Organization The Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association of Japan Commemorative Organization for the Japan World Exposition ‘70 City of Yokohama The KIRIN Foundation Japan Academy of Midwifery Kawano Masanori Memorial Foundation for Promotion of Pediatrics Japanese Midwives Association Terumo Lifescience Foundation Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing The Kao Foundation for Arts and Sciences The Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology Situated at 2nd Floor Congress Center Entrance during the congress Imperial Gift Foundation Boshi Aiiku Kai Japanese Society of Child Neurology Japanese Society of Pediatric Psychiatry and Neurology Tour desks Japan Psychoanalytical Association The Japanese Association for Medical and Psychological Study of Infants 68 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health 3rd Floor near Elevator, Aug. 2-5 BoruneLund Corporation 3rd Floor near Elevator, Aug. 2-5 Bookstall & Book launch by Yurindo Co., LTD Ground Floor Aug. 1-5 Wiley-Blackwell 3rd Floor Foyer (Land Side), Aug. 2-5 Grassroots, parental associations for NICU, Perinatal bereavement, Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Trisomy 18, Cerebral Palsy, Congenital anomalies, Foster Parents, Artificial Insemination with Donor’s semen (AID), Parental organization for Child rearing 3rd Floor Foyer (Land Side), Aug. 2-4 Art exhibition by Atelier AUTOS (Institution for Autism) 5th Floor Foyer, Aug. 2-3 ITAZURAMURA (Naughty Children’s Village) To be Announced, Aug. 2-3 Children’s Book Corner by MIDORI KUMON, MIKA ABE & KUNIO YANAGIDA 3rd Floor Foyer (Land Side), Aug. 2-4 Desk by Leipzig, Germany, the 12th World Congress of WAIMH 3rd Floor Foyer (Land Side), Aug. 2-5 WAIMH History WAIMH Presidents International Association for Infant Mental Health Michael Trout, USA B. Kay Campbell, USA Hiram E. Fitzgerald, USA Richard Barthel, USA Maria Barrera, Canada Barry M. Lester, USA Sonja Bemporad, USA 1979-1980 1981-1982 1983-1984 1985-1986 1987-1988 1989-1990 1991-1992 World Association for Infant Psychiatry Justin D. Call, USA Eleanor Galenson, USA E. James Anthony, USA Regional Vice Presidents 1983-1986 Peter de Chateau, Northern Europe Yvon Gauthier, Canada Stanley Greenspan, USA John Kirkland, Australia Keigo Okonogi, Japan Carlos H. Robles, Latin America Michel Soule, Southern Europe Annette Yaker, Northern Africa 1986-1989 1989-1992 Joy D. Osofsky, USA 1992-1996 Yvon Gauthier, Canada 1996-2000 Peter de Chateau, Netherlands 2000-2004 Tuula Tamminen, Finland 2004-2008 Antoine Guedeney, France 2008-2012 Executive Directors Hiram E. Fitzgerald, USA 1985-2008 Palvi Kaukkonnen, Finland 2008- Administrative Assistants IAIMH 1989-1992 Mario Bertolini, Italy M. Boucebsi, Tunisia Peter de Chateau, Sweden Hiram E. Fitzgerald, United States Yvon Gauthier, Canada David Lonie, Australia Keigo Okonogi, Japan Carlos Robles, Argentina 1992-1996 Miguel Charro-Aguerre, South America Peter de Chateau, Europe David Lonie, Australia Keigo Okonogi, Japan Michael Trout, United States Elizabeth Tuters, Canada 1996-2000 Hisako Watanabe, Asia Campbell Paul, Australia/New Zealand Pia Risholm Motander, Northern Europe Massimo Ammaniti, Southern Europe Deborah Weatherston, North America Miguel Cherro Aguerre, South America World Congresses 1980 1983 1984 1986 1988 1989 1992 1996 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 WA Estoril, Portugal WAIP Cannes, France IAIMH Monterrey, Mexico WAIP Stockholm, Sweden IAIMH Providence, USA WAIPAD Lugano, Switzerland WAIPAD Chicago, Illinois IAIMH Chicago, Illinois WAIMH Tampere, Finland Montreal, Canada Amsterdam, Netherlands Melbourne, Australia Paris, France Yokohama, Japan Leipzig, Germany Introducing WAIMH’s New Executive Management Team, Finland Office WAIMH Executive Director 1979-1982 1983-1984 1985-1992 WAIMH Melanie Smith Tina Houghton Dolores K. Fitzgerald Minna Soursa Justin D. Call, WAIPAD, Chair Sonja Bemporad IAIMH Serge Lebovici, WAIPAD Hiram E. Fitzgerald, IAIMH Robert N. Emde, WAIPAD Yvon Gauthier, WAIPAD Joy D. Osofsky, WAIPAD 1986-1989 World Association for Infant Mental Health Judy Karandjeff Dolores K. Fitzgerald Suzy Pavick 1986-1992 1980-1983 World Association of Infant Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines Robert N. Emde, USA Serge Lebovici, France By-Laws Committee on the Organization of WAIMH 1992-2000 2000-2008 2005-2008 2008 - Palvi Kaukkonnen Associate Executive Director and Congress Organizer Kaija Puura WAIMH Administrative Assistant Minna Soursa 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 69 Local Organizing Committee Chair Asian Society Office Supervisory Committee Dr. Hisako Watanabe Prof. Shuji Honjo Vice-Chair Regional Office Prof. Takeshi Horiuchi Prof. Shunpei Yokota Planning Office Publication Office Dr. Toyoko Watanabe Dr. Hiroaki Honma Secretary General Public Relations Office Kiyoshi Ogura Yorio Kosawa Noboru Kobayashi Toru Takeuchi Makoto Tsumori Takeo Doi Yoshiko Niwa Reiko Baba Toshi Fujii Kihei Maekawa Nobutake Matsuo Kazuo Miyake Kosuke Yamazaki Ms. Yoko Hashimoto Prof. Taiko Hirose Vice Secretary General Social Relations Office Ms. Michiko Sakai Dr. Kikuyo Aoki International Organizing Bureau Academic Office Ms. Mariko Iwayama Ms. Haruko Watanabe Choosakul Ms. Noriko Dalrymple Prof. Toshihiko Maruta Interpretation Office Prof. Yoko Hamada Auditors Prof. Masayoshi Yanagisawa Dr. Masaya Segawa Exhibition Office Dr. Kazushige Ikeda Program Office Site Office Dr. Keiko Yoshida Dr. Kei Sawada Financial Office Secretarial Officers Prof. Ryuji Kobayashi Ms. Tomoko Noda Ms. Masako Samejima Ms. Keiko Koumoto Fundraising Office Prof. P rof. Hiroshi Nishida 70 11th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health Honorary Members Tetsuo Ishii Hironobu Ichikawa Reiko Ueda Haruo Kashima Soichiro Katsushima Tetsuo Kato Rikihachiro Kano Osamu Kitayama Akiko Goto Michiko Kobayashi Kazuhiko Saito Mari Saimura Masayuki Shimizu Sadaaki Shirataki Koichiro Shirahashi Takao Takahashi Toshiko Takiguchi Hiroshi Tada Mitsuyo Tsuru Masafumi Nakakuki Hitoo Nakano Haruo Nanbu Chikako Fukatsu Hideo Matsumoto Shota Miyake Kayoko Murase Abstract Review Panels Adolescent Parenting Caregiving Contexts Massimo Ammaniti, Chair Nadia Bruschweiler-Stern Karlen Lyons-Ruth Anna Maria Speranza Michel Botbol Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Chair Jay Belsky Catherine Rabouam Alcohol and Other Drugs Mark Tomlinson, Chair Marie Rose Moro Christine Anzieu-Premmereeur David Lonie Vibeke Moe, Chair Rina Das Eiden Lars Smith Alexandra Loukas Marjatettu Pajulo Assessment for Family Law Issues, including Child Abuse and Custody Charley Zeanah, Chair Yvon Gauthier Maurice Berger Marisa Malagoli Assessment: Diagnostic and Clinical Issues Miri Keren, Chair Robert Emde Nicolas Favez Alessandra Simonelli Elisabeth Aidane Attachment Studies and Clinical Disorders Neil Boris, Chair Yutaka Aoki Raphaelle Miljkovitch Tom O’Conner Bob Marvin Autistic Spectrum Disorders Kaija Puura, Chair Sylvia Tordjman Laurence Robel Pascale Isnard Anna-Kaarina Roto Cross Cultural Studies Emotion Regulation and Disorders of Temperament Miguel Cherro Aguerre, Chair Marina Altmann Megan Gunnar Denise Defey Lisa Ouss Marina Constant Evaluating Parent-Infant Psychotherapy Susan McDonough, Chair Francisco Palacio Espasa Juan Manzano Christiane Robert-Tissot M.J. Herve Infant Mental Health Services and Training Tammy Mann, Chair Tami Leonhardt Deborah Weatherston Fredrik Almqvist Nicole Guedeney Mother-Infant Interaction Joy Osofsky, Chair Gisele Danon Heidi Simoni Parenting and Family Process James McHale, Chair Laurie Van Egeren Silvia Mazzoni France Frascarolo Micheme Maury Prematurity and High Risk Infants Katherine Karraker, Chair Sybil Hart Rachel Levy-Shiff Ruth Feldman Marilyn Stern Father-Infant Interaction Natasha Cabrera, Chair Sandra Serpa-Rusconi Jean LeCamus Lorraine McKelvey Infant Depression and Early Psychopathology Antoine Guedeney, Chair Regis Brunod Campbell Paul Helen Egger Preventive-Intervention and Community Context Pia Mothander, Chair Michel Dugnat Jessica Barnes Robin Balbernie Lene Lindberg Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Kai von Klitzing, Chair Sabine Fiala-Preinsberger Denis Mellier Judith Harel Helen Stein 第11回世界乳幼児精神保健学会世界大会 71 Argentina Association for Infant Mental Health • Arizo Australian Association for Infant Mental Health -- New Health -- Queensland • Australian Association for Infant for Infant Mental Health -- Victoria • Belgium - WAIMH-VL Luxembourgeoise) • Brazil Association for Infant Mental H Health • Dutch Association for Infant Mental Health Hea (DAIM Finland) • Florida Association for Infant Mental Health • Fra Mental Health (Provisional) • German Speaking Associa Mental Health • Illinois Association for Infant Mental He Health • Israeli Association for Infant Mental Health • Italia Association for Infant Mental Health • Latvia Association Association • Maine Association for Infant Mental Health • • Minnesota Association for Infant Mental Health • Nebr Association for Infant Mental Health • New Zealand Associa for Infant Mental Health • Nordic (Denmark) Association fo Infant Mental Health • Ohio Association for Infant Mental Ontario Association for Infant Development • Pennsylvania Mental Health • Quebec Association for Infant Mental Hea Association for Infant Mental Health (ASMI) • Texas Assoc Association for Infant Mental Health (AIMH UK) • Utah A for Infant Mental Health • Washington Association for In Infant nt M Mental ental Health Healtth • Western Cape Association for Infa Infant ntt M Mental ental Health Health • Arizona Infant Toddler Mental Hea Mental ntal Health Health --- New New South Wales • Australian Associa Association ociation for fo Infant I f t Mental Health -- South Aust Belgium giium - WAIMH-VLAANDEREN W • Belgo-Luxe for Inf Infant fant Me Mental e Health (ABEBE) • Blank world map © 2008 Keisuke Inoue under a Creative Commons License Mental ntal Health Health (DAIMH) (DAIMH • Finnish Association for Infant M Infant Mental Health • France Group Francophone • Ga na Infant Toddler Mental Health Coalition (ITMHCA) • South Wales • Australian Association for Infant Mental Mental Health -- South Australia • Australian Association LAANDEREN • Belgo-Luxembourgeoise (WAIMH BelgoHealth (ABEBE) • Colorado Association for Infant Mental H) • Finnish Association for Infant Mental Health (Pirpana/ ance Group Francophone • Gauteng Association for Infant ation for Infant Mental Health • Greek Society for Infant alth • Indiana Association for Infant and Toddler Mental an Association for Infant Mental Health (AISMI) • Kansas for Infant Mental Health • Louisiana Infant Mental Health Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health (MI-AIMH) raska Association for Infant Mental Health • New Jersey ation for Infant Mental Health • Nordic (Norway) Association or Infant Mental Health • Nordic (Sweden) Association for Health • Oklahoma Association for Infant Mental Health • a - Delaware Valley Group • Portugal Association for Infant alth (AQSMN) • Rhode Island Infant Mental Health • Spain ciation for Infant Mental Health (TAIMH) • United Kingdom Association for Infant Mental Health • Virginia Association nfant Mental Health • Western Canadian Association for nt Mental Health South Africa • Argentina Association for lth Coalition (ITMHCA) • Australian Association for Infant tion for Infant Mental Health -- Queensland • Australian Australian Association for Infant Mental Health -- Victoria • WAIMH Affiliates: • Brazil Association oise (WAIMH Belgo-Luxembourgeoise) n for InfantSpanning Mental Healththe • Dutch Association for Infant Globe Mental Health (Pirpana/Finland) • Florida Association for auteng Association for Infant Mental Health (Provisional) 12th World Congress of World Association for Infant Mental Health June 30 – July 3, 2010 Leipzig, Germany www.waimh-leipzig2010.org
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