Yumi 1 My boyfriend Yasunori had invited me to go fishing. periodically 定期的に To tell the truth, a long time had passed since he had tackle fishing gear [tools] invited me for the first time, but, you know, fishing… bait 釣りえさ monotonous 単調な、変化のない、 5 My impression of fishing was one of endlessly sitting 退屈な outside on a small stool, periodically checking the tackle to confirm what you knew would happen: the trifling unimportant, small, trivial fish being smarter than the fisherperson, running 10 away (swimming away) with nothing more than the 関 節 話 法 : you know that it will bait, leaving the sharp hook where it belonged. Or happen を過去形にすれば、 you even worse, after long, monotonous hours of waiting, knew that it would happen になる ultimately catching this small fellow, too young to 15 haul in or too trifling to even consider for a meal. … what my answer used to be と “Thanks, but no thanks!” was what my swift, 入れ替えてもOK。過去の習慣を表す quasi-preprogrammed reply would be. would quasi pre-programmed 前もって (pre) プ ロ グ ラ ム 化 さ れ た (programmed)かのように(quasi) This time, however, was different. One of Yasunori’s 20 friends had chartered a cabin cruiser on which they planned to sail offshore, which sounded like a lot of fun and an escapade from daily boredom I wouldn’t どうしても...しようとしない どうしても miss. この機会・経験・冒険 (escapade) を 逃したくなかった。別の言い方は、I didn’t want to miss this chance. 25 All five of us gathered early in the morning and left port. To be honest, I was surprised at the size of what they called “a cruiser”. The least I had expected would have been a deck to stretch my legs on. 30 Nothing comparable to what I’ve seen in Monaco. This … cruiser was nothing more than any average any average boat の any は「ど fishing boat. Deceived, misled, duped, fooled, れでもいいから」、「そこら辺にある」 tricked into their outing, that’s how I felt. Never, ever again! 35 Until the very moment we set out. WOW! Deep, low sounds reverberated from under our feet every time the boat hit a wave. Waves slashing over the sides created brilliant white sparkles Yumi 1/19 40 that shone like short-lived diamonds in the sunshine. The sun had never shown itself more gorgeous, appealing, stunning. I was ravished. Imagine me and I wouldn’t trade = I didn’t want to my ocean. Yes, it was definitely mine, and wouldn’t trade 誰と交換したくなかった trade it with anyone. I sat staring with disbelief of 45 what passed in front of my wide-open eyes: sheer beauty. A huge azure sky. A soft summer breeze. No crowds. 50 My idea of heaven! Why on earth hadn’t I tried this before? How come no one had ever invited me on a cruise like this? Why had they left me at home, at work, or all by 55 myself? Why? All of a sudden the boat start rocking. “Yumi!” … “Yumi!” 60 “Huh, yeah?” “Get into the harness!” “Harness? What harness?” As if they thought I harness ハーネス パラシュートから needed a life jacket to go angling. 落ちないように着る安全ヴェスト I turned my body toward the back of the boat and 65 ultimately realized why its aft deck was equipped with a sturdy steel bar: a whale of a brightly colored parachute was waiting for me to lift me up high into the sky. They had planned to remove me from their property, like a garbage bag, shoot me out like a 70 rocket, and drop me into the ocean where I was likely to never be found again. “キャー!” is what I shouted before jumping into the 75 parasailing suit. deadbeats 怠 け 者 、 無 責 任 な 人 “Why did you deadbeats conceal this from me?” ここでは、船に乗っている男性群と区別 “We didn’t. We just forgot to tell you.” をする、「自分は女性、一緒にしないで」 という感じ。喜んで誘いに飛びついたの で、本気でそう思っていないのが分か る。これから the boys などとも呼ん でいる Yumi 2/19 80 I love parasailing. I’ve parasailed all over the world. Name it: New Queensland, Waikiki, Miami, and of course in the Mediterranean, Rimini, Monaco … Oh, I was going to forget Okinawa, where I tried it for 85 the first time just over 10 years ago when I was still in junior high. 90 My mom claims it’s dangerous: “The water surface お母さんはパラセーリングが危険で、い turns into a block of concrete if you fall on it from くら水上でも、高所から落ちたら水はコ such a height.” ンクリートのように硬い She should try it first! Even if the boat stops while you’re drifting in the air, you just won’t fall down. You stay afloat, pushed up by the sea breeze, and only gently glide down. 95 It’s rather hard to call it “crashing into the water”. And there I went, pulled by this fishing boat, floating パラシュートで引っ張られて青空を飛ん into my own world. でいる由美は幸せを実感 A window to a second world had just opened. 100 A world of freedom. Freedom, something only those who know the meaning of the word busy can fully appreciate. No restrictions. No worries about time. 105 Or about patients. No phone calls. Seemingly Seemingly weightless. weightless 無重力の様 Birth of a small star in the firmament. the firmament = the sky Looking down on earth. look down on = disdain, regard (= apparently) with contempt 見下ろす、見下す。 110 実際に空の高いところから足元や地 面、海と風景を味わっている “I should have brought my camera up here”, I 115 thought, “so I could boast to the other nurses about boast = brag, show off 自慢する、 my experience.” On second thoughts, no, better 見せびらかす not. It was just a bit too close to home. Anyway, the boys were taking evidence from far below my feet. take evidence 証拠(写真)を撮る They were waving at me. Why? Yumi 3/19 120 Did they think it was time for me to put both feet on the ground? To come back to earth? To come back to hard reality? harsh reality 厳しい現実(に戻る) = …To start fishing? hard reality 125 Obviously, yes. 130 They started winching me in. winch in ウィンチで巻き上げる 風の “You’ve been up there for more than half an hour!”, 抵抗で、中々パラシュートは降りてこな they claimed. At first, this was hard to believe, but I いので、電動ウィンチで船まで引っ張る realized they were right as soon as I looked at Yasunori’s watch: 11:30. 135 “It’s not fair”, I said, “Time is not what it is supposed to 「時間は一定のものではない」 好きな be, ことをやっていると、あっという間に時 a constant, uniform concept, applicable anywhere, anytime.” 間が経過する They didn’t seem to understand what I meant, or maybe they were just impatient to start fishing. That was their ulterior motive anyway. 140 It took more time than I had thought to stow away the parachute. It had to be carefully folded without tangling it up. It was so big that it didn’t even seem to fit into its bag. Eventually, it did. 145 The boys started fishing. 150 The boat started rocking with the waves. And I started to get hungry. Very hungry. 160 Yumi 4/19 165 Each of us had brought something for lunch. 食べ物の話ばかり。ゆうきくんの美味し My mom had made rice balls for Yasunori and me. そうなお弁当を由美が残さずに食べて I won’t say they didn’t look delicious – they were しまったらしい。 delicious – but, you know, sometimes you just want a change. The boys didn’t seem to be interested in 170 anything but fishing, so I opened one of the other more attractive-looking lunch boxes, and … WOW! What a surprise! What I found inside looked soooo delicious I couldn’t keep my hands off it. It didn’t only look delicious, it WAS delicious! Heaven 175 on earth! Some avocado salad with matching green, orange, red and white colors, not just tightly packed but beautifully arranged. Green pepper filled with minced meat. My mom cooks this too, but this recipe was completely different. The green 180 pepper was still green, not brown or wrinkled or burnt, and its sauce! You could see the various ingredients inside, it was half transparent and tasted 185 ethnic, a far cry from the ordinary soy-sauce based A far cry = completely different dressing we have at home. 「うちで食べているものと大 Mango cubes for dessert! If you know how hard it is 違い」、「うちで食べているものからかけ to cut a mango… 離れた」 “Hey guys, whose mom made this? It’s great! You You could sell it 「売れるかも」 could sell it!” “Oh, Yuuki did. He’s a cook.” 190 That explained a lot. “What restaurant do you work at?” “I don’t work here, but in Kobe. I’m on vacation here for a couple of days.” “What a pity!”, I thought, and I felt ever more 195 200 convinced not to leave this a treat to my eyes only. The mere awareness of not being able to enjoy a The mere awareness… 「近いうちに similar lunch in the not too distant future made it only こんなに美味しいものを食べられない more appetizing. A banquet fit for a queen … like のが分かって、より一層美味しそうに感 me! じた」 I tried various other picnic lunches, but Yuuki’s was banquet 宴会、ごちそう definitely number 1. Yumi 5/19 205 “Why don’t you try fishing?”, said Yasunori. “Yeah, why not?” was my reply, although I didn’t really feel like kicking off a new hobby. How mistaken I was! The boys had been waiting in vain for more than an 210 hour for the fish to bite, but the fish started to come alive as soon as I threw my line into the lake. They must have been waiting for my turn. It was unbelievable: I pulled in one fish in less than a minute after throwing the hook into the water. I was 215 kept busy reeling in the line, taking the fish off the hook, putting some new bait on the hook and throwing it out of the boat into the water. Again. And again. 220 Over and over again. This was fun, the more since I felt superior to the (all) the more because だからいっ “experienced ones”. Had only the fish been a bit そう、だからこそ 由美は自分を「経験 bigger… 者」=the boys より上に思っている 225 Had only… = If the fish had only be bigger 魚もう少しでも大きければ よかったのに 230 I must have murmured it, or maybe they could have read it from my face, but one of them said “The earlier in the morning, the bigger the fish.” “Really?” “Veterans start around 4:00 AM.” 235 “4:00 AM…” an idea struck me (strike-struck-stricken) = I struck 240 A brilliant idea struck me like a bolt out of the blue. upon a good idea ある考えが突然 Our hospital has three 8-hour shifts, starting at 8:00, 浮かぶ 4:00 PM and midnight. I could take a 3-and-a-half like a bolt out of the blue hour nap in the nurse station after finishing at lightning 稲妻 midnight and get to the pier in time for the big 晴天の霹靂(へきれき)のように the blue = the sky catch. Yumi bolt = 6/19 245 line 糸 “I know what you’re thinking”, said Yasunori, “You’re つり用語は様々:rod 釣竿 looking for someone to borrow fishing tackle from!” tackle = gear 釣り道具 “No, I’m not!” hook “Yes, you are!” fisherperson to angle = to fish 釣 り 針 bait えさ angler = “So, you’re willing to lend me your gear?” 250 pier 桟橋、埠頭 “Only if you ask me.” “You’re asking me to borrow your gear, aren’t you?” “All right, all right.” lend “Where can I get the bait?” る 貸す borrow (無料で)借り rent (有料で)借りる “Many shops near here open early in the morning, 255 260 when it’s still dark. When are you planning to go?” pets ペット、釣りえさを冷蔵庫で冷や “I finish at midnight on Wednesday.” しておく。仕事帰りに早朝釣りに行こう “We won’t use all the bait today. If you keep it in a としている由美は病院の冷蔵庫に入れ fridge, it’ll last for a week or so.” るつもり。 “I wonder what the other nurses will say if they find it 二人の会話の展開は長年結婚してい in the hospital fridge!” る夫婦かと思わせる。普段気配りする “Just say you brought your pets to work!” 由美はボイフレンドに対して意志の固 いところも隠せない。 265 It didn’t take long for the other nurses to guess I’d had a good time: my tan revealed more than words tan 日焼け 「言葉で説明するよりも、 could ever explain. They didn’t seem to mind my 日焼けが休日の満足を明かした」 new pets either, “As long as they don’t escape from their container!”, as the head nurse warned with a 270 275 smile. I checked in at work on Tuesday afternoon, only to dilemma face a dilemma. There were three women about to problem, 二者択一のジレンマ、難し give birth, and, you know, I just can’t walk out of the い選択肢 difficulty, conflict, maternity ward at night, when the staff is reduced to a minimum and new life is about to show its face. I made up my mind to stay on duty, but luck was on my side. Whereas many births take place around midnight or early in the morning, this time two 280 healthy boys and one girl were delivered before 8 o’clock. There were no complications, and I got a complications 併発 well-deserved sleep – in one of the beds in the nurse station. It is common practice for us, nurses, to take a nap there and recommended by the hospital; it can Yumi 7/19 285 be dangerous to drive home after midnight if you feel sleepy. I got up around 3:30 AM, washed my face, went straight to my pets in the fridge, and we went for a we went = my pets and I went … drive. 290 pitch dark 真っ暗 In pitch dark. To the pier. 295 [line 300-359: 日本語版は p15-17] I was alone now. 300 All by myself. eerie, other-worldly, freakish ほぼ It was eerie. Other-worldly. Freakish. 同意語:奇妙な、不気味な、ぞっとする 305 I had no Yasunori around me to help me with the ような gear. I had no Yasunori… やすのりのよう I hadn’t even thought of bringing a flashlight. な(助けてくれる)人はいなかった The light from the lighthouse nearby proved a great, lighthouse 灯台 though intermittent, help. 310 A couple of minutes and my eyes adjusted to the A couple of minutes and… 数分し darkness. I managed to recognize the surroundings たら...、数分してから... and off I went. ここから多少難しくなるかもしれない が、とりあえず最後まで読んでみよう。 315 320 Yumi 8/19 325 Surprisingly, there were quite a few people of all generations on the pier, men and women. What brought them here, at this time of day (night)? Until 330 335 this very moment, nightlife had meant nightlife 夜 の 娯 楽 彼 女 の something quite different to me, something more nightlife のイメージと違ったらしい exciting or even noisy yet relaxing at the same time. 最初は奇妙な雰囲気に思ったが、段々 My first impression of them – isolated individuals 暗さや灯台の光に慣れてきて、自分の surrounded by a freakish, bizarre, queer atmosphere 中の未踏の境を切り開いて、他の釣り - gradually evolved into one of unspoken unity. 師と暗黙 (unspoken, unvoiced) の Something unvoiced hung in the air among us, 絆を感じた anglers. By setting foot onto this last stretch of firm soil the last stretch of firm soil 海に入る I had all of a sudden become one of them. I had までの最後の土・確かなところ crossed an unmapped perimeter, a border within 340 myself. Unwittingly, I had climbed over some unwittingly… 知らないうち、心理的な psychological fence and wandered into a world of 柵を乗り越え、情熱の世界に踏み入れ passion. た An unmistakable smell of summer nights drifted with each sea breeze. A light wind seemingly playing with my hair lifted it up behind my ears, as if it thought I needed a dryer 345 to blow my hair. Waves, with bubbles white enough to reveal themselves through darkness, splashing onto the shore, reminded me of my limits, of the difference 350 between humankind and fish: the first walks the the first walks これは humankind earth, the latter populate the oceans. (U) 不 加 算 名 詞 な の で 三 人 称 単 数 Fishing boats had left port and their faint lights walks decorated the coastline, twinkling like starlets on the the latter populate (住む) 一見 waves. fish も単数のようだが、複数は2つあ Container 355 ships further offshore reshaped the る: fish – fish = 複数の 魚; fish – horizon. fishes は多くの種類の魚。ここでは種 Love at first sight. 類は関係ない。 Something to get hooked on. container ships… 水平線に浮かぶ 大型コンテーナー船はその水平線を砕 Hooks! Yes, it was high time I started fishing! く、変形させる get hooked on 好きになる 360 [line 365-404: 日本語版 p18-19] Yumi 9/19 365 Assembling the rod and line, and next the reel took more time than expected, but what else could be anticipated from a newcomer? anticipate I attached one of my “pets” to the hook and threw it predict expect, foresee, out, letting it fall into the ocean with a splash that 370 could hardly be heard over the roaring waves. Waiting. 375 The more you envision, the harsher the reality you envision imagine, envisage wake up to, the deeper you’re likely to sink into sink into depression depression. depressed [sad, unhappy] Had I duped myself into a case of over-optimism? dupe oneself into… become deceive oneself, become the victim one’s 380 … Had beginner’s luck proven fatal to me? over-optimism 385 390 being to hopeful Just as I was pondering fate a medium-sized fish [confident, positive] pulled the float. It must have liked my bait. I reeled it prove fatal in, only to find myself eye to eye with a grotesque disastrous [catastrophic] turn out to be blowfish. Why on earth did I have to catch a blowfish? grotesque Wait a minute! They’re delicious, even expensive … [monstrous, shocking] globefish but dangerous, requiring special culinary skills. Would (フグ) I be able to prepare one without running the risk of require special culinary skills getting poisoned? What should I do? Should I take it な料理法を必要とする home anyway, or return it to its roots? No matter return (the fish) to its roots what time it was, I had to call Yasunori and ask him. 海に返す Oh no, why did I pay for a cellphone that was out of (cellphone) out of range blowfish ugly 特別 フグを 圏外 range at such an important moment? It was just not 395 400 fair! The couple fishing next to me urged me to release it, welcome advice which was welcome advice. (反対は unwelcome advice) To be honest, I was ready to call it quits, but if I had call it quits = call it a day 「止めよう given up, it would have implied defeat. Read: かと思った」 ありがたい助言 victory for the boys, who would have considered and pronounced - themselves superior in skill. As if I I can stick to nothing 三日坊主で could stick to nothing… ある Yumi 10/19 405 I gave it a second try. dawn breaks 夜が明ける Dawn was breaking over the ocean. I remembered my junior high school days, when my family and I used to go to the beach on New Year’s Day to watch the first sunrise. How cold it was! Brrr… 410 The mere thought of it made my hands shake … No, it was my catch that made the rod vibrate! my catch 捕獲物 Quick, reel it in! vibrate ゆれる、振動する It was heavy, much heavier than the ones I had caught before. 415 I was afraid the rod would have broken under the weight of the yield. 420 My eyes popped out of my head when this wobbling wobbling whopper popped out whopper popped out of the water. of…震える(=wobbling) とてつもなく It was a giant monster of a red sea bream that had で か い も の (=whopper) 現 れ た probably lost its way underwater. It became even (=popped) heavier out of the water and gave me so much red sea bream 鯛 trouble lifting it on the pier that I had to ask the couple near me for help with the net. 425 WOW! It was beautiful in that it was so sizeable. sizeable big, large Its scales were the size of human nails. scales うろこ Its frightened eyes stared at me; a single shake of its tail fin and its whole body moved alongside. I couldn’t believe my eyes. 430 I took a picture with my cellphone so that I could prove it to Yasunori and the other nurses, who were probably eager to know the result of my new “pet be eager to 熱望する power”. “Why don’t you take a print of it?”, said the man 435 nearby, sounding impressed. “Taking a print?” “Yeah, never heard of ‘gyotaku’, black fish on white paper?” “Oh, I see!”, I replied, without being sure about how 440 to make such a print. No less had I ever seen one. No less had I… = all the more since I had never seen one 本物 This single fish was more than I had hoped for, so I の魚拓を見たことがないので余計に steered for home. (迷った) steer for home drive home Yumi 11/19 445 That man’s words kept reverberating through my keep reverberating mind on the way to the parking space: “gyotaku” … の言った言葉が)頭の中で反響する(何 How on earth am I supposed to make a “gyotaku”? 度も聞こえる) (隣の釣り人 Aha! My cellphone was no longer out of range, so I called Yasunori, even though I didn’t expect him to 450 answer the phone. Of course he didn’t. I found myself once again all by myself, with this I found myself… 再び一人になって enormous いた fish shouldering my big “gyotaku” shoulder one’s problem 問題を負う problem. 455 “Wait a minute”, I thought as I neared a 魚が抱えている問題(釣った魚とともに convenience store, “Gyotaku is nothing more than a 現れた魚拓の撮り方という問題)を背負 copy, is it?” う From there everything went really fast. 460 I stopped in front of the convenience store. There were no customers inside – remember, it was only 5:30 in the morning. I rolled the bream in a newspaper and took it with me into the store. 465 The clerk must have been asleep, there was no one, only me and my fish. And the copy machine. I inserted a 10 Yen coin. 470 It was in sleep mode, so I had to wait before I could sleep mode use it, which took too long! 定 居眠りモード、節電設 I pretended to copy the newspaper, a big, fat newspaper! I rolled the bream out ouf the newspaper, put it on the glass, tried to close the cover, selected A3 475 paper, single color, black only, START! The machine buzzed. My bream came out, but only part of it was clearly photocopied: it was too big, even for A3-size paper. I had to do something. 480 I put my fish diagonally on the glass, and took a diagonally 斜めに、対角線的に second chance. Oops! I needed another 10-yen coin. Yumi 12/19 Perfect! 485 I dashed out of the store with my fish under my arm and the copies in my other hand, said good-bye to a surprised clerk, jumped into my car and headed home. Mission accomplished! mission accomplished! Good job! よくやった! 490 Ever since, people have changed the way they unbecoming judge me. 当な 反 suitable ふさわしくない、不適 lock me up in jail [behind the 495 500 505 The other nurses were delighted at the sight and the bars] 私 を 刑 務 所 に 入 れ る taste of my fish. は何を指すかはっきり言わないが、警 The head nurse, however, considered my behavior 察、刑事、裁判官など unbecoming a nurse, and thought they should lock destroy … property 他人の所有物 me up in jail. に損害を与え破壊した訳でもない “What for?”, I asked. “I didn’t destroy or even criminal conduct 犯罪行為 damage anyone’s property! I paid for my copies! Do amount to 結局~になる、~同然で you call that criminal conduct?” ある、~等しい “It amounts to delinquency so it must be illegal.”, she delinquency 非行、犯罪 insisted, “Think of how the next person will feel after illegal his or her book begins to smell like fish!” constitute … copyright “Doesn’t that constitute an infringement of they 違法の、不法の に相当する 版権侵害 この that は印刷物を無 copyright?”, I replied, but she nevertheless banned 断で複写すること;前文文末の book me formally from using the copy machine at the begins to smell like fish 「コピーした hospital “for private purposes”. 本が魚くさくなる」で分かる 510 that の 斜体は強調を表す for private purposes 私的な目的で 515 Yasunori and his gang, none of whom had ever gang 仲間 thought I’d dare to go fishing alone at night, were dare to go 行く勇気はないと思い込 absolutely astonished, all the more because of my んでいた catch. He stressed that such fish only eat the quality bait they had provided and even went through the trouble of showing me in detail how to take such a fishing print. 520 Other friends have become unduly cautious when unduly cautious 過度に用心深い、 using copy machines at convenience stores: they 慎重でありすぎる scan the glass plate and the cover carefully before scan 細かく調べる、入念に調べる、探 Yumi 13/19 putting any books on it. One even uses a spray-type 525 る window cleaner every time he makes a copy. You never can tell… Oh, and me? 530 My shift hasn’t matched Yasunori’s, so we couldn’t can’t make it 間に合わない、スケジ make it together. The autumn wind is cold near the ュールが合わない ocean, and, well, you know, ultimately, I have to confess that I’m not really an avid fan of fishing! confess 白状する、打ち明ける an avid fan 大ファン END Yumi 14/19 Yumi 11b Japanese version I was alone now. 今一人でやりくりしなければならなかった。 All by myself. まったく一人で。 It was eerie. Other-wordly. Freakish. 奇妙で、不気味で、ぞっとするようだった。 I had no Yasunori around me to help me with the gear. つりの道具を手伝ってくれるようなやすのりくんはいなかって。 I hadn’t even thought of bringing a flashlight. 懐中電灯を持ってくるさえ忘れてた。 The light from the lighthouse nearby proved a great, though intermittent, help. 近くの灯台が照らす明かりは助けてくれたが、明るくなったり、また暗くなったりした。 A couple of minutes and my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I managed to recognize the surroundings and off I went. 数分したら、目が暗闇にに慣れた。周辺にどんなものがあるかが分かったとき出発した。 Surprisingly, there were quite a few people of all generations on the pier, men and women. What brought them here, at this time of day (night)? 驚いたことに、埠頭に様々な年代の人々が集まっていた。こんな時に(こんな真夜中に)、いったい 何のため来ていたの? Until this very moment, nightlife had meant something quite different to me, something more exciting or even noisy yet relaxing at the same time. 今まで、ナイトライフ(夜の生活、夜遊び)は全く違う意味を持っていた。もっと興奮させる、にぎや か(うるさい)しかもリラックスさせるものだった。 My first impression of them – isolated individuals surrounded by a freakish, bizarre, queer atmosphere - gradually evolved into one of unspoken unity. 彼らを見て、最初の印象は(=妙な、奇妙な、変な雰囲気に囲まれた孤独の個人個人)少しづつ 他の釣り師と暗黙の絆に展開した。 Something unvoiced hung in the air among us, anglers. 我々釣り人の間に口にしない(暗黙の)「何か」が空中に潜んでいた。(hang in the air = 問題な どが未解決である。ここは、由美にとって不思議な雰囲気、不気味な環境に慣れようとしているが、 Yumi 15/19 「解決」できない。それと同時に実際に海の空気や海風をイメージしてみてくださいね「その雰囲気 は空気に運ばれた」) By setting foot onto this last stretch of firm soil I had all of a sudden become one of them. 確かな地面の最後の範囲(=桟橋は陸と海の途中にある、陸でも海でもない中途半端なところ) に足を踏み入れたことによって、突然(知らないうちに)彼ら(=釣り人)の仲間になってしまった。 I had crossed an unmapped perimeter, a border within myself. 地図に載っていない境界、自分自身の心の中の境を越えた。 Unwittingly, I had climbed over some psychological fence and wandered into a world of passion. 知らぬ間、心理的な(精神的な)柵(塀)を飛び越えて(乗り越えて)、情熱の世界に入った(放浪し た)。 An unmistakable smell of summer nights drifted with each sea breeze. 夏の夜を思い浮かばせる まぎれもない香りが 海風とともに浮いてきた。 A light wind seemingly playing with my hair lifted it up behind my ears, as if it thought I needed a dryer to blow my hair. そよ風が髪の毛を耳の後ろまで持ち上げた。ドライヤーが必要かと思っていたのかな? Waves, with bubbles white enough to reveal themselves through darkness, splashing onto the shore, reminded me of my limits, of the difference between humankind and fish: the first walks the earth, the latter populate the oceans. 暗闇の中で 自分を明かすほど真っ白い泡がいっぱいの波が足元まで飛び散り、自分の限界、 人間と魚の違いを思い出させた。前者は地球を歩く、後者は海に住む。 Fishing boats had left port and their faint lights decorated the coastline, twinkling like starlets on the waves. 釣り船は出港し、(船の)かすかな明かりが海岸線を飾りつけた。波の上の小さな星かのように。 Container ships further offshore reshaped the horizon. もっと離れたところで、コンテナ船が水平線の形を変えた。(水平線の乗っているかのように、水平 線に凸凹を加えていた) Love at first sight. 一目ぼれ。 Yumi 16/19 Something to get hooked on. 病み付きになりそう。 Hooks! Yes, it was high time I started fishing! 釣り針!(英語で前文にある動詞 hook に引っ掛けて) 釣りをやらなきゃ! Yumi 17/19 Yumi 12b Japanese version Assembling the rod and line, and next the reel took more time than expected, but what else could be anticipated from a newcomer? 釣竿の組み立ては想像以上時間がかかったが、新人はそんなもんだろう。(新人をあまり期待で きないよね;素人は失敗するだろうと予期するのが当たり前のことだ) I attached one of my “pets” to the hook and threw it out, letting it fall into the ocean with a splash that could hardly be heard over the roaring waves. 「ペット」(=釣りえさ)を釣り針に付けて、海に投げた。波の音がでかくて、えさと錘が海に落ちるこ とをほとんど聞こえなかった。 Waiting. 待つ。 The more you envision, the harsher the reality you wake up to, the deeper you’re likely to sink into depression. 期待すればするほど、後で落ち込む。色々期待すれば、後で現実に戻れば、期待外れだと分かっ て、落ち込む一方。 Had I duped myself into a case of over-optimism? 超楽天主義の実例に自分をだましたのか?期待しすぎたのか? Had beginner’s luck proven fatal to me? 初心者によくある幸運(ビギナーズラック)は私にとって避けられないこと(命取り)となったのか? ビギナーズラックであまりにも喜んで、今厳しい現実と向かい合わせになっていたのか? Just as I was pondering fate a medium-sized fish pulled the float. (こんな)考え事をしていたら、中くらいの魚が浮きを引っ張った。 It must have liked my bait. I reeled it in, only to find myself eye to eye with a grotesque blowfish. 私のえさが好みだったかしら?巻き上げて、見苦しいフグと目を合わせていた。 Why on earth did I have to catch a blowfish? いったいなぜ私はフグを釣らなければならなかった?なんでワザワザフグか? Yumi 18/19 Wait a minute! They’re delicious, even expensive … but dangerous, requiring special culinary skills. ちょっと待ってよ。美味しいじゃん、高級だし...でも有毒。危険。格別の調理法を必要とする肴 だ。 Would I be able to prepare one without running the risk of getting poisoned? 自分を毒殺せず、この私が調理できるのかな? What should I do? Should I take it home anyway, or return it to its roots? No matter what time it was, I had to call Yasunori and ask him. こういう場合、どうしたらいい?とりあえず家に持ち帰るべきか?それとも海(=もともといたとこ ろ)に返すべきか?今の時間は関係ない。(早朝であっても、気にしない)やすのりくんに電話をし て、聞くしかなかった。 Oh no, why did I pay for a cellphone that was out of range at such an important moment? It was just not fair! もう!こんな時に限って、携帯電話は圏外になる!許せない! The couple fishing next to me urged me to release it, which was welcome advice. 隣で釣りをやっているカップルは放すように言ってくれた。こんな提案は大歓迎! To be honest, I was ready to call it quits, but if I had given up, it would have implied defeat. Read: victory for the boys, who would have considered - and pronounced themselves superior in skill. As if I could stick to nothing… 実を言うと、止めようかと思っていた。でも、すると、負けたことになっただろう。別な言い方をする と、男子組みの勝利。あいつら絶対に自分らの腕が良いと思うだろう。それに、そう言っただろう。 まるで私は三日坊主かのように... Yumi 19/19
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