週間情報、第 31~32 週(05 年 8 月 8 日) http://www.irc.nl/page

週間情報、第 31~32 週(05 年 8 月 8 日)
8 月 21 日~27 日にストックホルムで開催された毎年恒例の「世界水週間」では、貧困、
G8 諸国が推進している官民パートナーシップという構想は限界に達している。最終的に
ナイジェリアは、日本からの援助 4 億 5360 万ナイラ(270 万ユーロ)を得て、カノ州で、
水採取に向けたボーリングを 240 カ所で行った。またカノ州政府自体も、原油収入の州政
バグダッドで 2 回目の妨害活動が行われ、数千名が水供給を絶たれている。
最近の報告によれば、アジア及び中東地域における瓶詰め水の売上高は、2004 年に 11%増
大し、510 億リットルに達した。
アジア開発銀行とインド 5 州の上級官僚は、インドの水供給・衛生分野の改革における民
間部門の役割について、2 日間にわたって円卓会議を行った。
●ジャマイカ:NSWMA に対して汚職の告発
調達庁長官(Contractor General)の最近 2 回の報告によれば、固形廃棄物処理庁
マケドニア政府は、2005 年~2007 年の投資プログラムについて合意に達した。投資対象分
●カナダ:水・排水関連に 340 億米ドルを投資する必要性
オンタリオの上下水道システムに関しては、今後 15 年間で 340 億米ドル(275 億ユーロ)
マラウィのビング・ワ・ムタリカ大統領は 2005 年 7 月 31 日、内閣改造に伴い、カシム・
●中国:新規プロジェクト 2 件に対し ADB が融資
アジア開発銀行(ADB)は、中国福建省・吉林省における水関連プロジェクトに対する 2
ノルウェーは 2005 年 7 月 21 日、メラムチ水供給プロジェクトへの資金援助の中止を発表
した。ノルウェーは、2 月 1 日以降のネパール情勢は、複数政党による民主制から大きく
、2005 年 9 月 24 日~30 日
ニューメディア・スクールが、2005 年 9 月 24 日~30 日、シチリア島エトナ(イタリア)
「今週の言葉」で紹介された D.チャンドラシカラム「我々科学者たちは皆、ハイテクが整
「第 1 巻:政策報告」では、第 2 巻の主なメッセージを要約し、砒素汚染緩和の政策的な
「第 2 巻:技術報告」は、専門家による論文 4 編をまとめたものであ
このモノクロ線画集は、低所得国における水供給・衛生に関する 200 点以上の画像を収録
2004 年 10 月に開催された学際的シンポジウム「水と持続可能な開発」の成果を記録した
●ネパール:水 1 滴のために働く女性たち
12 点の写真を含むアジア開発銀行によるフォト・エッセイ。
●第 3 回「水資源統合管理に関する国際シンポジウム」
ボーフム(ドイツ)、2006 年 9 月 26 日~28 日
Latest issue: Source Weekly, 31-32 (8 Aug 05)
Water and sanitation key entry points for development
The annual World Water Week in Stockholm from 21-27 August will present concrete
examples of how problems of poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental
degradation and gender inequality can in large measure be solved with water and
sanitation as the key entry points.
Quote of the week
Robin Wiseman, acting editor WorldWater, UK
The public-private partnerships idea, as promoted by the G8 countries, is reaching its
limit. Governments, in the end, need to control a country’s basic resources, of which
water is the most important
Tom Standage, technology editor of The Economist, UK
“I have no objections to people drinking bottled water in the developing world; it is
often the only safe supply. But it would surely be better if they had access to safe tap
water instead. The logical response, for those of us in the developed world, is to stop
spending money on bottled water and to give the money to water charities.”
Africa South of Sahara
Nigeria, Kano State: water projects financed by Japan and oil revenues
Nigeria has benefited from a Japanese grant worth NGN 453,6 million (EUR 2,7
million) to construct 240 water boreholes in Kano State. The state government of Kano
itself is spending its share of profits from the crude oil industry on projects to relieve
water shortages.
Uganda: loan to develop public-private water and wastewater model
The Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment is going to examine the feasibility of a
public-private partnership model for common-use water and wastewater facilities in
Middle East and North Africa
Iraq: sabotage adds to Baghdad’s water supply shortages
A second sabotage attack in Baghdad has left thousands without water supplies.
Asia and Middle East: bottled water consumption up
Bottled water sales in Asia and the Middle East rose by 11 percent to reach 51 billion
litres in 2004, according to a recent report.
Asia & Pacific
Nepal: call to harvest rainwater to meet demand Kathmandu Valley
Water shortage in Kathmandu Valley could be partly met through rain water harvesting.
India: ADB pursuing private sector participation
Asian Development Bank and senior officials from five states in India met for two days
of round table discussions on the private sector's role in reforming the country's water
supply and sanitation.
Latin America and the Caribbean
Jamaica: NSWMA faces charges of corruption
In two recent reports of the Contractor General, the National Solid Waste Management
Authority is accusedof corruption and mismanagement.
Peru: rural water program gathers momentum
Rural water program Mi Agua Rural is underway to bring safe drinking water to Peru's
rural areas
Central & Eastern Europe
Macedonia: water quality and waste management part of investment programme
The government of Macedonia has agreed upon an investment programme for 2005 –
2007. One of the areas covered is water quality and waste management.
Western Europe & North America
Canada: report warns US$34 billion must be spent on water, wastewater
Ontario’s water and wastewater systems need US$ 34 billion (EUR 27,5 bn) in
investment over the next 15 years, as well as major organisational and management
changes. These are the conclusions of the independent Water Strategy Expert panel
Malawi: water minister dismissed
Malawi's President Bingu wa Mutharika on 31 July 2005 dismissed his second vice
president, Cassim Chilumpha, who was also Minister of Water Development, in a
cabinet reshuffle.
Senegal: new national rainwater harvesting association
Four Senegalese NGO’s – RADI, ENDA, ACAPES and GREEN SENEGAL have
created a new rainwater harvesting association.
China: ADB loans for two new projects
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved two new loans for water projects in
Fujan Province and in Jilin Province, China.
Nepal: Norway stops Melamchi water project
Norway announced on 21 July 2005 termination of its financial assistance to the
Melamchi Water Supply Project, as it considers the developments in Nepal after
February 1 as a serious setback to multi-party democracy.
Water and Life
Etna, Sicily, Italy, 24 Sep 05 - 30 Sep 05
The New Media School is organising a European In-service training course entitled
'Water and Life' from 24 to 30 September 2005, in Etna, Sicily, Italy.
Readers React
The complete scientific community
On the "Quote of the Week" of D. Chandrasekharam: "All of us in the scientific
community sit in high-tech labs and develop technologies that poor people cannot
afford to maintain", reacts Prof. Dr. Willem Van Cotthem, Honorary Professor
University of Ghent, Belgium.
Lessons Learned
Senegal: successful innovation in urban water sector
The Senegal public-private partnership in urban water management is regarded as a
model in Sub-Saharan Africa and was replicated successfully in Niger.
Viet Nam: successful private sector sanitation delivery
Implementation experience and a recently completed project evaluation suggest that a
market-based model was an appropriate strategy for bringing about rapid increases in
rural household access to safer latrines and improved hygiene practices in the selected
provinces in Vietnam.
Source - New Publications
Arsenic contamination of groundwater in South and East Asian countries
Volume I: Policy Report, summarizes the main messages of Volume II, and highlights
the policy implications of arsenic mitigation. Volume II: Technical Report, comprises
four specialist papers.
Drawing water : a resource book of illustrations
This book of black and white line illustrations contains over 200 images concerning
water supply and sanitation in low-income countries.
Water and sustainable development
This book documents the results of the interdisciplinary symposium Water and
Sustainable Development, held in October 2004.
New on the Net
Nepal: women working for every drop
Photo essay by the Asian Development Bank covering 12 photographs.
Health Education to Villages
Programme forums set up to promote the exchange of ideas, best practices and solutions
to health, water, hygiene and sanitation issues facing the village communities
Conferences & Events
3rd International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management
Bochum, Germany, 26 Sep 06 - 28 Sep 06
Reducing the vulnerability of societies against water related risks at the basin scale