せいかちょう いちご 1 Town of Seika English News and Events Guide No. 165 Contents もくじ 目次 January 2009 New Year’s Message from Seika Mayor Kimura き む ら ちょうちょう しんねん 木村 町 長 の新 年 あいさつ General Information, Notice 2, 3 くらしのじょうほう、ちゅうい Upcoming Events こんげつのイベント 3, 4 Courses and Classes 5 きょうしつ・こうざ Important Information おもなじょうほう 5, 6 Cooking クッキング 7 Nihongo Tip にほんごコーナー 7 Editor’s Note へんしゅうしゃのことば 7 Recycling Corner リサイクルコーナー 7 Festivals & National Holidays さいじつ・ぎょうじ 8 Seika Growth Watch じんこうのうごき 8 Ichigo Corner/Aim いちごコーナー/もくてき 8 Published By: Seika Town Office General Affairs Department, Planning and Coordinating Division. 〒619-0285 70 Kitajiri Minamiinayazuma Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto-fu せ い か ちょうやくば そ う む ぶ き か く ちょうせいか 精華町役場総務部企画調整課 〒619-0285 きょうとふ そうらくぐん せいかちょう みなみいなやづま 京都府 相楽郡 精華町 南稲八妻 きたじり 北尻70 Tel. 0774-95-1900 Fax. 0774-95-3971 Email: [email protected] Happy New Year, and best wishes for the coming year. In 2008, we were witness to grim news of natural disasters, tainted rice, and incomprehensible acts of violence. As we face the new year, anxieties regarding the “later-stage senior medical program” and the existing national pension issue still loom over the heads of senior citizens. These people have worked hard their whole lives towards retirement only to have their pension chipped away at. As a result we should listen carefully to their concerned voice and seek immediate improvement of the matter at hand. It seems like scandals involving civil servants are never ending, and unfortunately our town is no exception. I would like to take the time here to formally and deeply apologize for the deplorable actions of the public employee here in Seika involved in the theft scandal, and reassure you that as the mayor, I will work hard to prevent a reoccurrence as well as regain the trust of the community. Looking back on our town over the past year, the first thing that comes to mind is the successful closure to the civil rehabilitation preceding for the Keihanna Corporation. This closure ensures that the facility will continue to be an epicenter of exchange in the Kansai Science City. I would like to express my honor and respect for the current administrative personnel in the Kansai Economic Federation and Kyoto Prefecture for allowing the town to utilize the facility. Along with the continued cooperation of Kyotanabe and Kizugawa cities, I wish to escalate the promotion of Keihanna Plaza in the New Year with the goal of revitalizing the Kansai Science City in mind. The vocational museum, watashi no shigotokan, which opened in September of last year by private consignment, is in danger of losing national funding. Despite its importance to the town, the national government has decided to discontinue funding after September of 2010. Watashi no shigotokan has become yet another epicenter of the Kansai Science City, and as such is a key component to the development of the town of Seika. In order to maximize the efficacy of the facility to attract visitors and businesses to the area, it is crucial that the facility continue to receive national funding. Last year marked the 30 year anniversary of the conception of the Kansai Science City. As a result of embracing a town philosophy which placed the Kansai Science City at the center, today 27 individual research and development companies on the cutting edge of technology call the town of Seika home. Newly established enterprises have brought in roughly 570 employees and 80 residents to our town. Little by little, companies are establishing a name for themselves in Seika, and jobs are being created. Despite the current fiscal pressures, we have worked hard to cut annual expenditures while raising and securing financial resources through taxes and the attraction of businesses. As a result of these efforts, we were able to remain within the criteria of the Municipal Fiscal Health Act, all while setting a new standard for business administration. I, along with all the other municipal servants will push forward with the current fiscal reforms for the well-being of the citizens of Seika. With the themes of peace and safety, health and longevity, and local production for local consumption in mind, I aim to actively support a town with traditional family values where people are proud to declare Seika as their hometown. I humbly ask for your understanding and support of my vision. -Mayor Kaname Kimura いちご January 2009 General Information くらしのじょうほう January When Time 6 (Tue) 13:00 - Health Check up for 3 and a half year olds Health Center 7 (Wed) 10:20 - 10:30 11 (Sun) 14 (Wed) What Where Collection of unwanted pets * Public Health Division 9:30 - New Year firefighters' event Seika-Dai Elem. School 9:30 - 11:00 Dietary Counseling Health Center 13:00 - Health Check up for 3 to 4 month olds Health Center 13:30 - 14:30 BCG Vaccination Health Center 15 (Thu) 13:00 - Dental Check up for 2 year olds Health Center 10:00 - 16:00 Silver Salon Special New Year’s Plan Silver Talent Center 16 (Fri) 13:00 - Health Check up for 1 and a half year olds Health Center 128th Walk and Talk Kizugawadai Corner Pat Kringle Concert Seika Exchange Hall 18 (Sun) 14:00 20 (Tue) 13:30 - 15:30 14:00 - 21 (Wed) Dietary Counseling for Parents Kashinokien Silver Talent Center Admission Information Meeting Silver Talent Center 13:00 - Health Check up for 9 to 10 month olds Health Center 10:20 - 10:30 Collection of unwanted pets * Public Health Division 25 (Sun) 9:00 - 12:00 Smile Sports Arena Mukunoki Center 26 (Mon) 13:30 - 15:00 Training Counseling Mukunoki Center 28 (Wed) Mukonoki Center Closed 31 (Sat) 9:30 - 11:30 When Time Sports Day Seihoku Elem. School February 2 (Mon) 4 (Wed) What Where 10:00 - 16:00 Silver Salon Silver Talent Center 13:30 - 15:00 Training Counseling Mukunoki Center 10:20 - 10:30 Collection of unwanted pets * Public Health Division 13:50 - 15:30 Birthing class for expecting parents Kashinokien Silver Salon Silver Talent Center Dietary Counseling Health Center 10 (Tue) 10:00 - 16:00 12 (Thu) 9:30 - 11:00 13:00 - Health Check up for 3 to 4 month olds Health Center 13:30 - 14:30 BCG Vaccination Health Center * If you can no longer keep or care for your dog or cat, the Public Health and Environmental Sanitation Division of the Town Office will collect it at this time. If the pet is young, an attempt to find a new home will be made. If old, the pet will be delivered to a Kyoto pound to be humanely disposed of. A fee of ¥1000 is charged. Bring your personal stamp (inkan) if you have one. Please Note! ちゅうい 注意 Most of the events or classes in this newsletter, as well as inquiries through phone and fax will be in Japanese and no interpreter will be available. If you need an interpreter with registering or obtaining information, call Jonathan Dougherty, Coordinator for International Relations. TEL: 95-1900 [email protected] FAX: 95-3971 E-mail: [email protected] or (Planning and Coordinating Division) 2 いちご January 2009 International Exchange through Homestay じぎょう おこな 「ホームステイ事業が行われました 」 Over the weekend of November 14th, the second of the three homestay events coordinated by the town of Seika took place. This time, eight foreign residents and four host families participated in the event. The homestay program is just one of many internationally themed events that the town of Seika and the volunteer organization Seika Global Network plans each year. Above being able to experience everyday Japanese home life, the homestay weekends are coordinated to coincide with cultural events taking place in town in order to give the participants and the community members as many opportunities as possible to meet, interact and exchange ideas. On this weekend, the participants were able to experience the Seika town festival and a sweet potato harvesting event at Seika Global Network’s farm plot among other things. The Participants and host families had a busy day with some participants visiting Toudai Temple, others the National Diet Library to soak up some Japanese culture, and others gathered at Seika Global Network’s farm plot bright and early. All in all, 20 people attended the agriculture experience, five of who were homestay participants, and one American who resides in Kamocho. After working up an appetite unearthing the potatoes, the participants wasted no time by grilling them over an open fire then feasting on the fresh autumn roasted sweet potatoes and hand-picked persimmons together. While working on the farm plot was familiar territory for the locals, this was the first experience of being in a potato field for the homestay participants. With their shovels in their hands and smiles on their faces, everyone chatted together, creating lasting memories. The event was a success at providing an entertaining environment for international exchange to flourish through agriculture, an important cultural staple of this town. On the third and final day of the homestay visit, the participants helped out at the international corner where they presented a fun quiz about their own culture. Here, they were able to interact with lots of people who were interested in learning more about the world outside of Japan. The homestay event gave foreign residents of Japan an opportunity to stay with a family and experience Japanese culture through home life. If interested, please be sure to participate next time. INQUIRIES: Seika Global Network, Sachiko Kitano email: [email protected] TEL/FAX: 0774-72-5896 Upcoming Events こんげつのイベント Keihanna Plaza Events もよお Keihanna Movies えいが げきじょう もの けいはんな映画 劇 場 けいはんなプラザの催し物 January’s Movies: Petit Concert じ ろ う ちょうさんごくし “次郎長三国志” プチコンサート (Samurai Gangsters) WHEN: Every Wednesday, 12:15 - 12:45 at the Atrium Lobby. Jan 16 (Fri) 10:30, 14:00, 19:00 Jan 17 (Sat) -Jan 18 (Sun) Free parking for less than an hour. 10:30, 13:30, 16:15 Jan 7: Glitter of the New Year, E.H. Grieg さいご そうけいせん “ラストゲーム最後の早慶戦” Jan 14: Unscheduled (The Last Game : Jan 21: Romantic Scent of Winter, Mendelssohn Waseda-Keio Final Battle) Jan 28: Early Afternoon Solo Clarinet Concert WHEN: Feb 4: Piano Concert Jan 23 (Fri) 10:30, 14:00, 19:00 Jan 24 (Sat) -Jan 25 (Sun) 10:30, 13:00, 15:30 3 いちご January 2009 International Understanding Lecture The 5th Cross Cultural Forum こくさい り か い こ う ざ 国際理解講座 だい “Aiming for Multiculturalism” かい た ぶ ん か きょうせい め ざ 「第5回クロスカルチュラル・フォーラム」∼多文化 共 生 を目指して∼ This year’s Cross Cultural Forum is a lecture and discussion revolving around the topic of life in the Kansai Science City. Come to listen and discuss the benefits and challenges of living in the Kansai Science City from a multicultural perspective. WHEN: February 7 (Sat) 14:00 - 17:00 WHERE: Seika Exchange Hall (Seika Town Office 2nd Floor) WHAT: Speeches and discussion in Japanese SPEAKERS: Shanmugam Saravanan of ATR, Obien Marie Engelene and Manguilimotan Erlyn of the Nara Institue of Science and Technology Doctoral Program, and Kim Yurim, a 3rd law student at Doshisha University. WHO: Anyone (first come first seated) LIMIT: 100 people (no advance registration necessary) FEE: Free SPONSORS: Seika Town, Keihanna Culture & Science Association, and Seika Global Network き か く ちょうせいか INQUIRIES: Planning and Coordinating Division 企画調整課 TEL: 95-1900 10th Annual Seika Beautification Contest だい FAX: 95-3971 Finalists Photo and Art Exhibition かい じゅしょうしゃはっぴょう 「第10回きれいなまちづくりコンクール」 受賞者発 表 Two different comities that work toward the beautification of Seika gathered and carefully looked over each entry for the 10th annual beautification project. In the end, photos, paintings, and drawings by 14 people were chosen as winners. Like last year, this year there were a lot of entries portraying flowering and trash collecting efforts throughout town, as well as posters by children depicting the importance of keeping the town and the whole earth clean and beautiful. We would like to thank everyone for their hard work; there were so many entrants this year that the screening process required two passes, but we would like to offer our congratulations to the 14 winners, some of whose entries can be seen below. In addition to the winners, beautification efforts from various organizations in Seika’s sister city, Norman, Oklahoma, will also be on display. In order to share their efforts with the rest of the townspeople, three exhibitions will be held at the following time and places, so please stop by and have a look!: Jan 7 (Wed) - 19 (Mon): Mukunoki Center Jan 21 (Wed) - Feb 2 (Mon): Municipal Library Exchange Space (Located on the 2nd floor in the Town Hall) Feb 4 (Wed) - 16 (Mon): Kashinokien き か く ちょうせいか INQUIRIES: Planning and Coordinating Division 企画調整課 TEL: 95-1900 4 FAX: 95-3971 いちご January 2009 Courses and Classes きょうしつ・こうざ Counseling for Foreigners living in Kyoto FREE Japanese Language Classes 外国人生活相談 がいこくじんせいかつそうだん に ほ ん ご きょうしつ The Kyoto Prefectural International Center, which is 日本語 教 室 located on the ninth floor of Kyoto station, has a counseling Seika Global Network volunteers teach Japanese to window for foreigners living in Kyoto. Their counselors foreigners for free. You can sign up any time, but there may provide services in a number of foreign languages. They will be a waiting period if the classes are full. give you the latest information for your needs, introduce you to other specialists and services. All counseling sessions WHEN: Every Tuesday 19:00 - 21:00 are strictly confidential and free of charge. WHERE: Seika Town Office Exchange Hall, etc for insurance and materials fees. Lessons are usually one on one. Application forms are available at the Planning and Coordinating Division at the Seika Town Office. しゃかい すいしん INQUIRIES: せいかグローバル社会を推進するネットワー かいぎ きたの さちこ ク会議、北野 幸子 Day Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Language English Spanish Portuguese Chinese Korean FEE: Lessons are free, however a cost of ¥2,000 is required Hours 13:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 17:00 QUESTIONS: Kyoto Prefectural International Center Seika Global Network, Sachiko Kitano ざいだんほうじん き ょ う と ふ こくさい 財団法人京都府国際センター email: [email protected] TEL: 075-342-0088 FAX: 0774-72-5896 FAX: 075-342-5050 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.kpic.or.jp/5lang.html Regarding your Identification Confirmation Important Information おもなじょうほう ほんにんかくにん きょうりょく 本人確認にご 協 力 を Identification confirmation and the protection of private Kansai Airport Bus information is used to prevent the misuse and falsifications of such information. When visiting the Citizen’s Affairs かんさいくうこうゆき 関西空港行エアポートリムジンバス Division, make sure you provide personal identification. Take the Nara Kotsuu Airport Bus to Kansai International Airport from Keihanna Plaza, available seven days a week (one way fare¥1800). Bookings are available. See the below telephone number to reserve a seat: Types of identification needed for various services Family Register related (marital status forms) • House moving related (transfer forms) • Creating identification (Personal Information forms that prove your identity) Departing Keihanna Plaza: 5:50 6:50 7:50 9:50 10:50 11:50 12:40 15:40 16:40 17:40 18:40 How to Provide Identification Confirmation Please bring your passport, a drivers license, your Alien Registration Card, or similar photo identification. Arriving Kansai International Airport: 7:30 8:25 9:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:20 17:20 18:20 19:20 20:20 Regarding non-photo identification, please provide two or more forms of identification, where at such times your may be asked some questions to confirm your private For more information or to reserve a seat: information. Even if you cannot provide the above Nara Kotsu Bus Reservation Center ならこうつう • identification, identification can still be made. Future よやく 奈良交通バス予約センター TEL: 0742−22−5110 notifications will be made regarding this. QUESTIONS: (For English assistance, refer to the notice on page 2) Citizens Affairs’ Division (Japanese only) じゅうみんか 住民課 5 TEL: 95-1915 いちご January 2009 Message From the Kizu Police き Holidays for Town Facilities づ けいさつしょ 木津警察署ホットメッセージコーナー し ご と ねんまつ ね ん し やす まちの仕事年末年始の休み Dial 110 for Emergency Assistance The following will be closed on these days Seika Town Hall, Citizen’s Affairs Division Service Area: 110 is the number to call in the event of an emergency accident or criminal incident. In the past years calls to 110 have Dec 27 (Sat) ~ Jan 4 (Sun) increased which puts strain on the ability of the emergency Seika Town Library: services to respond effectively. Please call 110 only if it is truly Dec 28 (Sun) ~ Jan 5 (Mon) an emergency. Certificate Delivery Machine (2nd floor of Town Office): Dec 29 (Mon) ~ Jan 3 (Sat) 110 should only be used in the event of an emergency accident of incident, this number should not be called for Shimokoma Post Office Certificates: complaints or requests. If you have a non emergency related Dec 27 (Sat) ~ Jan 4 (Sun) incident or question please call the police advice line at 9110. Kashinokien: If you are calling from a cell phone or a pay phone, please dial Dec 28 (Sun) ~ Jan 5 (Mon) 9110. Seika Exchange Hall: Dec 29 (Mon) ~ Jan 3 (Sat) If you need to call 110 please be prepared to provide the following information: Type of accident or incident, when it Seika National Insurance Hospital occurred, where it occurred, which direction the perpetrator (except for emergencies): fled (if a criminal incident), what the current situation is Dec 30 (Tue) ~ Jan 4 (Sun) (injuries, etc), your address, name and telephone number. *Dec 31 (Wed) 9:00 - 12:00 special examinations Mukunoki Center: き づ けいさつしょ QUESTIONS: Kizu Police 木津 警 察 署 TEL: 72-0110 Dec 27 (Sat) ~ Jan 4 (Sun) Uchikoshidai Grounds, Tennis Courts: Dec 26 (Fri) ~ Jan 5 (Mon) Iketani Tennis Court: Dec 26 (Fri) ~ Jan 5 (Mon) Seika Nishi J. H. S. Grounds/Tennis Courts/GYM: Dec 27 (Sat) ~ Jan 4 (Sun) Septic Tank Pumping Services: Dec 29 (Mon) (afternoons) ~ Jan 4 (Sun) Tax Information QUESTIONS: (For English assistance, refer to the notice ぜいきん on page 2) Seika Town Office (Japanese only) 税金について せいかちょうやくば 精華町役場 TEL: 94-2004 st Those who live in Seika town as of January 1 , 2009, are taxed according to their income earned in the time period 2009 Year of the Cow extending from January 1st, 2008 to December 31st, 2008. Those who lived in Seika town as of January 1st, 2008, う 牛 し were taxed according to their income earned in the time period extending from January 1st, 2007 to December 31st, 2007. In the case of salaried employees, your employer pays your tax to the town from your monthly salary, 12 times a year from June through to the next May. If the contract with your employer terminates, you must pay the resident’s tax before you leave the country. INQUIRIES: (For English assistance, please refer to the notice ぜ い む か on page 2) Taxation Division (Japanese only) 税務課 TEL: 95-1916 6 いちご Cooking January 2009 Note From the Editor クッキング へんしゅうしゃ こ と ば 編集者の言葉 Taro Root with Miso Dressing あ サトイモのみそ和え Around the middle of December each year, a Directions: Buddhist monk at Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto City reveals ① Wash and put the root in hot water, then peel while still hot. a Japanese kanji which is meant to reflect upon the social ② Place the peeled roots in a pot with enough water to cover them. conditions of the past year. The Kanji for 2008 has been Add the Konbu and boil until the roots become soft. ③ Mix “A” in a bowl, add a third of the prepared Taro Root and revealed as 変 ( read as へん, or か as in 変わる), mash. which means strange, or change. This kanji was selected to represent the devastating ④ Dice the remaining root into bite sized pieces, and add to step three. financial crises around the world, the rapid and sporadic Ingredients: serves 6 alternation of the Prime Minister’s seat, and the Taro Root…..……..600g Konbu………………15g ubiquitous catch phrase “Change we can believe in” that lead President Elect Barack Obama to victory. A: Suri Goma………….24g Miso Paste…………24g Sugar……………….24g -Jonathan Check out pictures and stories about the Town of Seika in my blog: “Living and Working in Seika, Japan” http://seikatown.blogspot.com/ に ほ ん ご Nihongo Tip Recycling Corner 日本語コーナー リサイクルコーナー あかはな Rudolph in Japanese 赤鼻のトナカイ Just in case you didn’t get your fill of Christmas tunes throughout the month of December, here is the Japanese language version of the classic Christmas song “Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer” Available Makka na ohana no tonakai-san wa ま か ・ Hosono Nursery School yellow smock and backpack ・ Hikarigaoka Kindergarden uniform (boys, 120cm) ・ Study desk (with chair) Requested はな 真っ赤なお鼻のトナカイさんは ・ Itsumo minna no waraimono わら Piano pedal extension for children Items for which prices are not included are いつもみんなの笑いもの inexpensive or free. Agriculture Commerce and Industry Demo sono toshi no kurisumasu no hi でもその年のクリスマスの日 Division serves only as an intermediary between parties Santa no ojisan wa iimashita interested. とし ひ サンタのおじさんは言いました CONTACT: (For English assistance, refer to the notice on Kurai yomichi wa pika pika no くら page 2) Industry Promotion Division (Japanese only) よみち 暗い夜道はぴかぴかの Omae no hana ga yaku ni tatsu no sa はな やく た おまえの鼻が役 に 立 つ のさ Itsumo naiteta tonakai-san wa な いつも泣いてたトナカイさんは Koyoi koso wa to yorokobimashita こよい Negotiations are to be carried out by the parties themselves. For more information: い よろこ 今宵こそはと 喜 びました 7 さんぎょう し ん こ う か しょうこうしんこうがかり 産 業 振興課 商 工振興係 TEL 95-1903 いちご January 2009 Festivals and National Holidays さいじつ・ぎょうじ Seika Population Growth じんこう うご 人口の動き January 12th Coming-of-Age Day: せ い じ ん ひ 成人の日 January 12th is the day for congratulating those who have reached their adulthood (age 20) and are now ready to make their own way in the world. Each city, town, and village holds a congratulatory ceremony for those who come of age in that particular year. Seika will hold its Coming-of-Age ceremony this year at the Keihanna Plaza Main Hall. December’s population stats: Total: 35,942 (+64) Male: 17,459 (+31) Female 18,483 (+33) Households 12,779 (+29) Ichigo Corner いちごコーナー The Ichigo Corner is a place for February 3rd Setsubun: readers to express their opinions on せ つ ぶ ん Seika, life in Japan, or anything else 節分 The day before the beginning of spring according to the lunar calendar. On the evening of this day, people open the doors of their houses and drive the demons (i.e. bad luck) out of their homes and gardens by throwing handfuls of beans and peanuts shouting “Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi”! (Demons out! Good luck in!) (The above information was taken in part from 'Nippon, The Land and Its People,' 1988.) Anyone wishes to say. Submissions can be sent in either by mail or e-mail. Ichigo’s Aim もくてき いちごの目 的 Since the advent of Kansai Science January 15th 16th 17th - Seika Igomori Festival せ い か ち ょ う まつり 精華町いごもり祭 City, the town of Seika, along with its foreign population, growing rapidly. An ancient festival which started as a means to drive off an evil spirit haunting the residents of an old village in Seika Town. has been In an effort to make the lives of foreign residents easier, the Seika Town Office The highlight of the festival is in the evening of the 16th starting at 7pm, when produces this newsletter monthly. a huge torch, made a month earlier from 12 young bamboo trees, is set afire after The newsletter’s nickname, “Ichigo,” dark at Hosono Shrine. From there many able-bodied men from the town help to parade the over 75 kilogram heavy torch through the streets of Seika. Many food stalls are set up around the shrine to add to the festive atmosphere. Residents from different areas around Hosono Shrine also form two teams and have a means strawberry, Seika’s most famous product. かんさいぶんかがくじゅつけんきゅうとし けんせつ tug-of-war, with the winning team being assured of a good harvest that year. 関西文化学術研究都市 の 建設 が Directions: 進み、精華町にすむ人が 増え、 すす せいかちょう なか ひと がいこくじん じんこう ふ ふ From Kintetsu Shin-Hosono/JR Hosono Station go out the east exit, head その 中で 外国人の 人口も増えて straight down the street (east) and then turn left (north) at the end of the road. Turn います。 精華町内に 住む 外国人 right again (east) at the first stoplight, and follow the road as it winds northeast towards the Kizu River. Hosono Shrine will be at the end of the road, 20-min walk. せいかちょうない みな す がいこくじん く の皆さんが暮らしやすいよう せいかちょう まいつき じょうほうし に、 精華町は 毎月この 情報紙を はっこう じょうほうし 発行しています。この 情報紙の いちご ニックネーム「いちご」( 苺 、 せいかちょう いちばんゆうめい とくさんぶつ 精華町の一番有名な特産物)は、 みんな 皆 がわかるようにひらがなで つけました。 Ichigo on the Internet http://www-e.town.seika.kyoto.jp /htmls/frame.asp?file=english しょしゅん 初春 Turn of the year 8
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