せいかちょう いちご 5 Seika Town English News and Events Guide No. 169 Contents May 2009 もくじ 目次 International Understanding Festival こくさい り か い General Information, Notice くらしのじょうほう, ちゅうい 2 Upcoming Events こんげつのイベント 3 3, 4 2009 Seika International Understanding Festival. The program consisted of four between people from different cultural backgrounds and their unique customs. In total, 125 people came to enjoy the various events of the day. Important Information おもなじょうほう On Sunday, April 19th, Seika Town, along with Seika Global Network held the different presentations, all structured around the theme of mutual understanding Courses and Classes きょうしつ・こうざ 国際理解フェスティバル 4, 5, 6 The festival started off with a bang as the curtains opened to the sound of a 25 member Latin jazz band. For nearly an hour the packed audience was treated to a Nihongo Corner Crossword Puzzle にほんごコーナー・クロスワード 7 concert of familiar and classic big-band jazz tunes. Next, Seika Town Coordinator for International Relations, Jonathan Dougherty, and Assistant Language Teacher, Joel Note from the Editor へんしゅうしゃのことば McCain gave presentations about their personal and work related experiences in 7 Recycling Corner リサイクルコーナー 7 education and dating were discussed. Next up was a performance by the English and International Club from Seika Minami Middle School. Festivals & National Holidays さいじつ・ぎょうじ America and Japan, including the similarities and differences in education systems. Following their presentations, a Q&A session was held where the topics of higher 8 The young ladies performed a play of Titanic, followed by a speech about the civil rights movement in the United States, conveying the inspiring stories of such American heroes as Martin Places To Visit おもしろいところ Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, all in English. It was great to see young people 8 world view in the process. Seika Growth Watch じんこうのうごき enthusiastic about learning and speaking a foreign language, all while expanding their 8 To wrap it all up, Seika Global Network and Seika Town introduced the various international activities and events that they hold throughout the year, and afterwards a Ichigo Corner/Aim いちごコーナー/もくてき 8 participant from last years Japanese Speech Contest spoke about her experience as a participant in Seika’s homestay program. It seemed like the audience of all ages enjoyed the festival from beginning to end. Hope to see you there next year! Published By: Seika Town Office General Affairs Department, Planning and Coordinating Division 〒619-0285 70 Kitajiri Minamiinayazuma Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto-fu せ い か ちょうやくば そ う む ぶ き か く ちょうせいか 精華町役場総務部企画調整課 〒619-0285 きょうとふ そうらくぐん せいかちょう みなみいなやづま 京都府 相楽郡 精華町 南稲八妻 きたじり 北尻70 Tel: 0774-95-1900 Fax: 0774-95-3971 Email: [email protected] Performance by the Yamazaki Orchestra いちご May 2009 General Information くらしのじょうほう May When 1 (Fri) Time 10:00 - 16:00 What Where Silver Salon Silver Talent Center Fire Prevention Day 3 (Sun / Hol) 10:00 - 11:30 Library, Child Raising Center Course: Municipal Library Assembly Room (Ghibli Animation and Children) 9 (Sat) Seika Sports Festival (Gateball) Uchikoshidai Grounds 10 (Sun) Seika Sports Festival (Badminton, Tennis, Kids Soft Ball, Nanshiki Baseball) Mukunoki Center, etc. 11 (Mon) 13:30 - 15:00 Training Room Counseling Mukunoki Center 10:00 - 16:00 Silver Salon Silver Talent Center 13 (Wed) 13:00 Health Check-up for 3 and a half year olds Health Center 14 (Thu) 13:30 - 15:30 Parenting Class (birthing course) Health Center 16 (Sat) 14:00 - 16:30 Soraku Physicians Committee Open Public Forum Keihanna Plaza (3F, Nile) 17 (Sun) Seika Sports Festival (Soft Tennis, Table Tennis) Seika Nishi Middle School, Mukunoki Center 130th Walking Event Towards Kamo 9:00 - 12:00 Volunteer Firefighter Leadership and Fire Engine Training Seika Fire House 10:00 - 12:00 Fire Department Flood Drill Seika Fire House 19 (Tue) 13:00 Dental Check-up for 2 year olds Health Center Seika Sports Festival (Golf) Mikanohara Country Club 20 (Wed) 10:00 - 16:00 Silver Salon Silver Talent Center 10:20 - 10:30 Collection of unwanted pets ① Public Health Division 14:00 Silver Talent Center New Membership Explanation Meeting Silver Talent Center 22 (Fri) 13:00 Health Check-up for 9 to 10 month olds Health Center 24 (Sun) 9:00 - 12:00 Smile Sports Arena Mukunoki Center Seika Sports Festival (Softball) Uchikoshidai Field 25 (Mon) 13:00 Health Check-up for 3 to 4 month olds Health Center 13:30 - 14:30 BCG Vaccination Health Center Municipal Library Closed (until 29th) 27 (Wed) Mukunoki Center Closed 28 (Thu) 13:00 Health Check-up for 1 and a half year olds Health Center 30 (Sat) 9:30 - 16:00 Seika Fureai Festival Kashinokien June When 1 (Mon) Time 10:00 - 16:00 13:00 - 16:00 3 (Wed) 7 (Sun) 8 (Mon) 10 (Wed) 12 (Fri) 10:20 - 10:30 13:00 10:00 - 16:00 13:00 - What Silver Salon Human Rights Consultation Services Fire Prevention Day Collection of unwanted pets① Seika Sports Festival (Volleyball) Health Check-up for 3 and a half year olds Silver Salon Health Check-up for 1 and a half year olds Where Silver Talent Center Town Hall, room 201 Public Health Division Mukunoki Center Health Center Silver Talent Center Health Center. ① If you can no longer keep or care for your dog or cat, the Public Health and Environmental Sanitation Division of the Town Office will collect it at this time. If the pet is young, an attempt to find a new home will be made. If old, the pet will be delivered to a Kyoto pound to be humanely disposed of. A fee of ¥1000 is charged. Bring your personal stamp (inkan) if you have one. ちゅうい Please Note! 注意 * Most of the events or classes in this newsletter, as well as inquiries through phone and fax will be in Japanese and no interpreter will be available. * If you need an interpreter with registering or obtaining information, call Jonathan Dougherty, Coordinator for International Relations. TEL: 95-1900 [email protected] FAX: 95-3971 E-mail: [email protected] or (Planning and Coordinating Division) 2 いちご May 2009 Upcoming Events こんげつのイベント Keihanna Plaza Events Keihanna Movies もよお けいはんな映画 劇 場 あお もの けいはんなプラザの催し物 え い が げきじょう Petit Concert プチコンサート Every Wednesday 12:15 - 12:45 @ the Atrium Lobby とり 青い鳥 Free Parking for less than an hour “The Blue Bird” Sister Exhibition: WHEN: Photography and Ink Painting (suiboku-ga) Display May 8 (Fri) 10;30, 14;00, 19:00 May 9 (Sat), 10 (Sun) 10:30, しゃしん すいぼくがしまいてん 写真と水墨画姉妹展 13:15, 16:00 WHEN: May 22 (Fri) - 24 (Sun), 9:30 - 16:30, (Sun until 15:00) WHAT: Various styles and genres of photography and ウォーリー Japanese watercolor paintings on exhibit by siblings. “Wall-E” WHERE: Keihanna Plaza 2nd floor gallery (Japanese Dubbed) INQUIRIES: Kiritani, TEL: 94-5419 (Japanese only) WHEN: May 16 (Sat), 17 (Sun): 10:30, 13:30, 16:00 あさひやまどうぶつえんものがたり 旭 山 動物園 物 語 そら ペンギンが空をとぶ Classes and Courses きょうしつ・こうざ “Penguins in the Sky Asahiyama Zoo” WHEN: FREE Japanese Language Classes Jun 5 (Fri) 10:30, 14:00, 19:00 に ほ ん ご きょうしつ Jun 6 (Sat), 7 (Sun) 10:30, 日本語 教 室 13:30, 16:15 Seika Global Network volunteers teach Japanese to foreigners for free. You can sign up any time, but there may be a waiting period if the classes are full. WHERE: Keihanna Plaza Main Hall, Free Parking WHEN: Every Tuesday 19:00 - 21:00 General Admission:……………………………………¥1,000 WHERE: Seika Town Office Exchange Hall, etc J.H.S. students or younger…………………….………..¥700 FEE: Lessons are free, however a cost of ¥2,000 is required for insurance and materials fees. Lessons are usually one Senior citizens aged 60 or older………………………..¥700 on one. Application forms are available at the Planning and Keihanna Tomonokai Members………………….……..¥700 INQUIRIES: Keihanna Convention Department Coordinating Division at the Seika Town Office. しゃかい (For かいぎ English assistance, refer to the notice on page 2) きたの さちこ ク会議、北野 幸子 Seika Global Network, Sachiko Kitano じぎょうぶ けいはんなコンベンション事業部 すいしん INQUIRIES: せいかグローバル社会を推進するネットワー TEL: 95-5115 email: [email protected] FAX: 0774-72-5896 3 いちご May 2009 Important Information おもなじょうほう Agricultural Experience Tour Experience the Blessings of Nature Under the Shinning Sun Counseling for Foreigners living in Kyoto らくのうたいけん 楽農体験ツアー かがや たいよう した しぜん めぐ じっかん ∼ 輝 く 太陽の下で自然の恵みを実感∼ がいこくじんせいかつそうだん 外国人生活相談 Come out to experience traditional rice planting procedures. Stick your bare feet in the mud and see how the rice you eat everyday was traditionally planted. Then come The Kyoto Prefectural International Center which is back in fall to harvest the fruits of your labor and receive a located on the ninth floor of Kyoto station has a counseling bag of locally grown rice and sweet potatoes. window for foreigners living in Kyoto. Their counselors provide services in a number of foreign languages. They will give you the latest information for your needs, and can WHEN: ① June 13(Sat) 9:30 ~ 12:00 introduce you to other specialists and services. All ② October 18 (Sun) 9:30 - 12:00 * There will also be weeding operations on a different time and date counseling sessions are strictly confidential and free of WHERE: Inuidani wet rice paddy charge. LIMIT: 30 people (lottery in the event of too many Language English Spanish Portuguese Chinese Korean applications) * Parents and children, couples or individuals all welcome WHAT: ① Rice planting, Sweet potato seedling planting ② Rice harvesting, Sweet potato picking, eating freshly harvested rice, sampling food and exchange meet. FEE: ¥3,000 per person * Fee will be collected on June Day Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Hours 13:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 17:00 INQUIRIES: Kyoto Prefectural International Center 13th ざいだんほうじん き ょ う と ふ こくさい 財団法人京都府国際センター DEADLINE: May 29 (Fri) TEL: 075-342-0088 APPLY: By phone to the following: FAX: 075-342-5050 OTHER: All participants will receive a 6kg bag of local white Merges within the Public Welfare Division rice and some sweet potatoes after the second class on Oct 18th. Further details will be provided to applicants at a later date. ふくし か がかり とうごう 福祉課2 係 を統合 INQUIRIES: (For English assistance, refer to the notice on Along with the start of the new fiscal year on April 1st, the second page) Industry Promotion Division (Japanese さんぎょう し ん こ う か only) 産 業 振興課 TEL: 95-1903 two sections within the Public Welfare Division at the town hall were integrated into one. The Social Welfare Section, and the Elderly and Disabled Welfare Section have merged to form a new Social Welfare Section. For the most part, duties undertaken within the former sections will continue to take place under the newly merged section. However, welfare for the elderly, which was formerly under the responsibility of the Elderly and Disabled Section will now be handled by the Care Insurance Section. INQUIRIES: Planning Section, Planning and Coordinating き か く ちょうせい か き か く が か り Division 企画 調 整 課企画係 4 TEL: 95-1900 いちご May 2009 Have you Filed your Fixed-sum, Child-rearing Assistance Benefit Package forms? しんせい す ていがくきゅうふきん こ そだ おうえんとくべつ て あ て 「申請はお済みですか」 定額給付金・子育て応援特別手当 Have you filled out and submitted the application form for the fixed-sum benefit and child-rearing assistance benefit packages? Seika Town is currently accepting completed applications via mail or in person at the town hall. We would like to remind residents who have not yet completed the application form to please do so at your earliest convenience. For those who submitted incomplete forms Seika Town has mailed out notices to those who submitted incomplete application forms, such as forms without photocopies of identification cards or bank account passbooks which halted the processing of the application. Please make the appropriate corrections and resubmit your application form. For those who have not received an application form yet Seika Town has mailed out application forms to the addresses of registered residents, however, if you have not yet received an application form in the mail, please contact the Fixed-sum Benefit Section. Fixed-sum Benefit Package Those enlisted in the Basic Resident Register, as well as foreigners who have completed their alien registration with the town of Seika before February 1st, 2009 (illegal residents, short-term residents are not included) are eligible for the fixed-sum benefit package. Those eligible who are 65 and up or 18 and under will receive 20,000 each, all others will receive 12,000 each. Special Child-rearing Assistance Package Those households which have two or more children between the ages of three and 18, and whose 2nd or subsequent child or children are between the age of three and five are eligible under to receive the special child-rearing assistance package. Households will receive 36,000 for each eligible child between the ages of three and five. The registered head of the household is responsible for applying for the package(s). Application Deadline September 19th, 2009 Distribution Status As of the end of April, 80% of eligible Future Distribution Time Table households have received the fixed-sum 4th distribution via bank transfer: mid-May 5th distribution via bank transfer: end of May benefit. Be aware of bank transfer fraud and identity theft related to fixed-sum benefit scams Upon payment of the benefit package, local municipalities or the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will never ask for your ATM security information. Local municipalities or the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will never request a bank transfer for a fixed-sum benefit handling fee. At present time, local municipalities or the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will not ask for information about the members of your household or bank information over the phone. If you opt to receive the benefit via bank transfer, you are not required to input any data at an ATM in order to receive it; the benefit will be transferred automatically by the municipality. If you receive a suspicious mail or phone call at your workplace or home from someone claiming to be from the local municipality or the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, please alert the local authorities by dialing #9110. INQUIRIES: (For English assistance, refer to the notice on page 2) Planning and Coordinating Division, Fixed-sum Benefit き か く ちょうせいかていがくきゅうふきんがかり Section 企画調整課定額 給 付 金 係 (Japanese only) TEL: 95-1921 FAX: 95-1922 5 いちご May 2009 Tax Information Regarding your Identification Confirmation ぜいきん 税金について ほんにんかくにん きょうりょく 本人確認にご 協 力 を st Those who live in Seika town as of January 1 , 2009, are taxed according to their income earned in the time period Identification confirmation and the protection of private extending from January 1st, 2008 to December 31st, 2008. information is used to prevent the misuse and falsifications of Those who lived in Seika town as of January 1st, 2007, such information. When visiting the Citizen’s Affairs Division, were taxed according to their income earned in the time period make sure you provide personal identification. extending from January 1st, 2007 to December 31st, 2007. In the case of salaried employees, your employer pays Types of identification needed for various services your tax to the town from your monthly salary, 12 times a year from June through to the next May. If the contract with your employer terminates, you must pay the resident’s tax before • Family Register related (marital status forms) • House moving related (transfer forms) • you leave the country. Creating identification (Personal Information forms that prove your identity) How to Provide Identification Confirmation INQUIRIES: (For English assistance, please refer to the notice Please bring your passport, a drivers license, your Alien ぜ い む か on page 2) Taxation Division (Japanese only) 税務課 Registration Card, or similar photo identification. Regarding TEL: 95-1916 non-photo identification, please provide two or more forms of identification, where at such times your may be asked some questions to confirm your private information. Even if you Message From the Kizu Police き cannot provide the above identification, identification can still づ けいさつしょ be made. Future notifications will be made regarding this. 木津警察署ホットメッセージコーナー INQUIRIES: (For English assistance, refer to the notice on Know Your Rights: Consumer Protection Law じゅうみんか page 2) Citizens Affairs’ Division (Japanese only) Throughout the month of May, an awareness initiative for consumer protection is being put into action. TEL: 95-1915 Arm yourself with knowledge regarding the rights you have as a consumer. 住民課 The following are examples of things you are protected from by the Consumer Protection Law あくしつしょうほう (悪質 商 法 ): Irresponsibly selling inferior products and marking up prices through high-pressure salesmanship is illegal. For instance, Kansai Airport Bus the consumer is protected if a contractor comes to inspect your かんさいくうこうゆき roof, pressures you into a contract by telling you that it will leak 関西空港行エアポートリムジンバス without extensive repair, only to carry out minor repairs yet still Take the Nara Kotsuu Airport Bus to Kansai International Airport from Keihanna Plaza, available seven days a week (one way fare¥2000). Bookings are available. See the below telephone number to reserve a seat: demand a large sum of money. Consumers are also protected from pyramid and money making schemes where parties falsely guarantee a certain profit percentile per monthly contribution, as well as falsely guaranteeing higher profitability than banks. Departing Keihanna Plaza: 5:50 6:50 7:50 9:50 10:50 11:50 12:40 15:40 16:40 17:40 18:40 5 cautionary steps for dealing with malicious salesmen 1) Ask them to clearly state their purpose of business 2) Be cautious of the word “profitable” (もうかります) 3) State with fortitude that you are not interested Arriving Kansai International Airport: 7:30 8:25 9:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:20 17:20 18:20 19:20 20:20 4) Dial 110 if the salesman remains persistent after refusing For more information or to reserve a seat: 5) If you are concerned about a situation, consult someone Nara Kotsu Bus Reservation Center ならこうつう き INQUIRIES: Kizu Police 木津警察署 よやく 奈良交通バス予約センター TEL: 0742−22−5110 づ けいさつしょ TEL: 72-0110 6 いちご May 2009 Nihongo Corner Note from the Editor Crossword Puzzle 編集者の言葉 へんしゅうしゃ こ と ば に ほ ん ご 日本語コーナー・クロスワード Recently I have been adding a crossword puzzle This crossword puzzle will challenge your knowledge of Japanese pop culture, history and geography. Answers are to be written in Roman alphabet. The answers are located at the bottom of the back cover. Good luck! to Ichigo in attempts to give the newsletter some flair. I am always trying to think of new ways to make Ichigo a newsletter that is enjoyable to read, so if any of the readers have any comments, questions, or ideas, please do not hesitate to send me an email, your input and feedback would be greatly appreciated! Please refer to the notice on the bottom of page 2 for contact information. -Jonathan Check out pictures and stories about my life in Seika in my blog “Living and Working in Seika, Japan” http://seikatown.blogspot.com/ Recycling Corner リサイクルコーナー Available ・ Shogi Set (board and pieces) ・ Go set (board and pieces) ・ Study desk (without book shelf) ・ Wooden bed frame ・ Japanese style cushion (zabuton) ・ Kids’ Bicycle (16 inch) Requested ・ Sewing Machine ・ Mah-Jong Set and Table ・ Komada Nursery Gym Uniform (short sleeve shirt, shorts, 110cm) ・ Bicycle with seat for infant ・ Mortar and stone set for making mochi (sticky rice cake) ・ St. Maria Kindergarten Uniform (Boys’ top and bottom, 130cm) ACROSS 1 An apprentice Geisha 4 Japanese form of poetry with metrical lines of 5-7-5 syllables 5 Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional Japanese swordmanship 6 Traditional Japanese Archery 7 Temple is to buddhism as Shrine is to _______ 8 Traditional Japanese 3-stringed instrument Items for which prices are not included are inexpensive or free. The Industry Promotion Division serves only as an intermediary between parties interested. Negotiations are to be carried out by the parties themselves. For more information: DOWN 1 American officer who is credited with opening Japan to the outside world in 1854 (first, last name) 2 Japanese word meaning "rainy season" 3 The smallest of the 4 main islands of Japan 6 Acclaimed Japanese director of The Seven Samurai (last name) CONTACT: (For English assistance, refer to the notice on page 2) Industry Promotion Division (Japanese only) 7 さんぎょう し ん こ う か しょうこうしんこうがかり 産 業 振興課 商 工振興係 TEL 95-1903 いちご May 2009 Festivals and National Holidays さいじつ・ぎょうじ Seika Population Growth じんこう うご 人口の動き May 3rd Constitution Memorial Day け ん ぽ う き ね ん び 憲法記念日 Day for commemorating the promulgation of the constitution on May 3, 1947, April’s population stats: Total: 35,950 (-3) Male: 17,442 (-9) Female: 18,508 (+6) Households: 12,852 (+43) and reaffirming hope in the growth of the nation. May 5th Tango no Sekku・ Children’s Day たんご せっく ひ 端午の節句・こどもの日 The day on which wishes are expressed that children will grow up good and find happiness. The Boys’ Festival for expressing the hope that each boy in the family will grow up healthy and strong. Warrior figures are set up in the house during this festival, iris leaves are placed under the eaves to fend off evil, and koi nobori (huge carp-like streamers) are fastened to poles. Special rice cakes wrapped in oak leaves Ichigo Corner いちごコーナー The Ichigo Corner is a place for readers to express their opinions on Seika, life in Japan, or anything else anyone wishes to say. Submissions can be sent in either by mail or e-mail. are eaten on this day. Ichigo’s Aim *The above information was taken in part from ‘Nippon, the Land and its People,’ 1988 Places to Visit おもしろいところ もくてき いちごの目 的 Since the advent of Kansai Science City, the town of Seika, along with its foreign May 15 th Aoi Fesitival population, growing rapidly. has been In an effort to make the lives of foreign residents あおいまつり 葵 祭 easier, the Seika Town Office The Aoi Festival is one of the three major Kyoto festivals. Believed to have produces this newsletter monthly. begun in the year 544 of the Heian Period (794-1191), it was held in order to pray for The newsletter’s nickname, “Ichigo,” a good harvest. The festival is called the Aoi festival because its participants and means strawberry, Seika’s most animals are decorated with aoi, or hollyhock, leaves. famous product. Currently, the festival procession begins at 10:30 at the imperial palace and heads for Shimogamo shrine before ending at Kamigamo at 15:30. Seating かんさいぶんかがくじゅつけんきゅうとし reservations can be made in order to get the best possible view. すす けんせつ 関西文化学術研究都市 の 建設 が せいかちょう ひと ふ 進み、精華町にすむ人が 増え、 なか May 17 th Mifune Matsuri Festival がいこくじん じんこう ふ その 中で 外国人の 人口も増えて せいかちょうない す がいこくじん みふねまつり います。 精華町内に 住む 外国人 三船祭 の皆さんが暮らしやすいよう On the third Sunday of May starting around 2 in the afternoon, thirty boats に、 精華町は 毎月この 情報紙を みな く せいかちょう carrying participants dressed in imperial costumes move up the Oi River in Arashiyama. The Imperial houseboat leads the way, carrying players chanting Noh じょうほうし 発行しています。この 情報紙の いちご ニックネーム「いちご」( 苺 、 せいかちょう gagaku court music. The Phoenix Boat follows with several miko (shrine maidens) みんな art or entertainment. Small rowboats and pedal boats can be rented from the じょうほうし はっこう dramas and reading poetry. Next, the Dragon Boat carries musicians playing bearing traditional Shinto offerings. The other thirty boats feature some other form of まいつき いちばんゆうめい とくさんぶつ 精華町の一番有名な特産物)は、 皆 がわかるようにひらがなで つけました。 Arashiyama bridge area, allowing you to see the procession of boats up close. Ichigo on the Internet http://www-e.town.seika.kyoto.jp /htmls/left.asp?file=english 8
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