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Nat. Cancer Inst., 101, pp.1670-1681 (2009), C. Kojima, D. Ramirez, E. Tokar, S. Himeno, Z. Drobna, M. Styblo, R. Mason, M. Waalkes 2 Involvement of DNA hypermethylation in down-regulation of the zinc transporter ZIP8 in cadmium-resistant metallothionein-null cells, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 241, pp.195-201 (2009), H. Fujishiro, S. Okugaki, S. Yasumitsu, S. Enomoto and S. Himeno 3 The role of zinc transporters in cadmium and manganese transport in mammalian cells, J. Appl. Toxicol., 29(5), pp.367-373 (2009), H. Fujishiro, S. Okugaki, K. Kubota, T. Fujiyama, H. Miyataka and S. Himeno 4 Dichotomous effects of lead acetate on the expression of metallothionein in the liver and kidney of mice, Biol. Pharm. Bull., 32(6), pp.1037-1042 (2009), J. Yu, H. Fujishiro, H. Miyataka, M.T. Oyama, T. Hasegawa, Y. Seko, N. Miura and S. Himeno 5 The role of zinc transporters in cadmium and manganese transport in mammalian cells, Biochimie., 91(10), pp.1218-1222 (2009), S. Himeno, T. Yanagiya and H. 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(Editor’s Summary), Makoto Iwata, Laboratory of Biodefense Research, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Kagawa Campus, Tokushima Bunri University, Kagawa 769-2193, Japan (岩田は同特集号の The Guest Editor を勤めた) 3 4 組織特異的リンパ球ホーミング,炎症・再生医学事典,pp.195-197(2009),岩田 誠,香川薬学部 ビタミンAによるリンパ球のホーミングと分化の制御,ビタミン 83(8),pp.441-452(2009),岩田 誠,香川薬学部 〈衛生薬学講座〉 [原著論文] 1 Enhanced bioavailability of probucol following the administration of solid dispersion system of probucol-polyvinylpyrrolidone in rabbits, Biol. Pharm. Bull. 32, pp.1880-1884 (2009), Y. Kubo, Y. Terashima, N. Yagi, H. Nochi, K. Tamoto and H. Sekikawa ― 81 ― 〈生物物理学講座〉 [原著論文] 1 Dual involvement of G-substrate in motor learning revealed by gene deletion, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106(9), pp.3525-3530 (2009), S. Endo, F. Shutoh, T.-L. Dinh, T. Okamoto, T. Ikeda, M. Suzuki, S. Kawahara, D. Yanagihara, Y. Sato, K. Yamada, T. Sakamoto, Y. Kirino, N. A. Hartell, K. Yamaguchi, S. Itohara, A. Nairn, P. Greengard, S. Nagao and M. 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