平成 28 年度( 2016 年度) 一般入学試験 (前期) SAB方式 2 月1日 2 時間目 問題冊子 英語Ⓐ ・英語Ⓑ ・数学Ⅲ ※ ※ 【SAB方式】 出題科目表:●=必須科目(選択必須),◎=選択科目 ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ 【注意事項】 2 時間目 1 .試験開始の合図があるまで,この冊子を開いてはいけません。 2 .試験時間は,11 時 30 分 ~ 12 時 30 分の 60 分間です。 3 .解答にあたっては,上記出題科目表の学科別出題科目および掲載ページを確認し,選択間違いのないように十分注意 してください。 4 .試験中に問題冊子の印刷不鮮明,ページの落丁・乱丁及び解答冊子の汚れ等に気づいた場合は,手を挙げて監督者に 知らせてください。 5 .解答冊子は切り離さないでください。解答冊子ごと回収します。 6 .試験開始の合図があったら,解答冊子の 1 ページ目(表紙)に受験地,受験番号を記入し,解答(選択)する科目の欄に ○をつけ,解答を始めてください。なお解答は,解答(選択)科目の該当するページに必ず記入してください。 7 .志望学科の出題科目以外の科目や 2 つ以上の科目に○をつけたり,○をつけていない場合は,無効となりますので,注意 してください。 8 .数学Ⅲを解答(選択)する場合は,大問 1 は 6 ページ,大問 2 は 8 ページ,大問 3 は 10 ページから解答を記入する ようになっていますので注意してください。 9 .試験終了の合図と同時に解答をやめてください。 1 数 学 Ⅲ ◎ ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ 現代社会 ◎ ◎ ◎ ● 地理 ◎ ◎ ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ◎ ◎ 日本史 ◎ ◎ Ⅰ·A 3 時間目 (90 分) 世界史 ◎ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ◎ ● ● ● ● ◎ ◎ ● ◎ 数学 総合情報 生物 地球教育学部 部 学部 学 ◎ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ◎ ● ● ● ● ◎ ◎ ● ◎ P. 2 P. 8 ~ ~ P. 12 P. 7 P. 11 ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ◎ ◎ ● ◎ ● 数学 工学部 ◎ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ◎ ● ● ● ● ◎ ◎ ● ◎ 数学Ⅲ 理学部 応用数学科 化学科 応用物理学科 物理科学専攻 応用物理学科 臨床工学専攻 基礎理学科 生物化学科 臨床生命科学科 動物学科 バイオ・応用化学科 機械システム工学科 電気電子システム学科 情報工学科 知能機械工学科 生命医療工学科 建築学科 工学プロジェクトコース 情報科学科 社会情報学科 生物地球学科 初等教育学科 小学校教育コース 中等教育学科 国語教育コース 中等教育学科 英語教育コース 英語Ⓑ 学科 2 時間目 (60 分) 英語Ⓐ 国語Ⓑ 国語Ⓐ 生物 化学 学部 物理 試験時間 試験科目 掲載ページ 1 時間目 (60 分) 英 語 Ⓑ SAB方式は,2 科目 200 点満点で判定します。学科別の出題科目は,下表の●および◎で示す通りで,学科の指定する 必須科目(選択必須含む)は●,選択科目は◎で示してあります。判定には,必須科目(選択必須含む)1 科目と選択 科目 1 科目以上の受験が必要で,3 時間とも受験した場合は必須科目(選択必須含む)1 科目と受験した選択科目 2 科目 のうち高得点の 1 科目で判定します。 それぞれの時間の中で複数科目に●または◎がついている場合は,そのうちから 1 科目のみ選択して解答してください。 解答にあたっては,当該科目の掲載ページを確認し,選択間違いのないように十分注意してください。 英 語 Ⓐ ※英語は,理学部・工学部・総合情報学部・生物地球学部(英語Ⓐ)と教育学部(英語Ⓑ)とで問題が異なります。 以下の注意事項をよく読んで間違いのないように十分注意してください。 [英Ⓐ- 1 ] 1 <英 語 Ⓐ> 次の英文を読み,後の問いに答えよ。 英 語 Ⓐ Gothic Cathedrals In the Middle Ages, a church was built in the center of almost every town in Europe, and extremely beautiful Gothic cathedrals* were created in the larger towns and cities. These cathedrals were designed to suggest the greatness of God and to inspire prayer. Outside, towers emphasize height and importance. Inside, tall ceilings create impressive spaces, 5 sometimes one hundred-feet high. Throughout the building, statues, paintings, and stained-glass windows describe stories from the Bible and the lives of the saints. One of the most beautiful Gothic cathedrals was built in Chartres, France. Walking into Chartres Cathedral is like walking inside a rainbow. Standing inside this large space, you feel very small, but the soft light and colorful windows make you feel warm and protected, too. Light 10 filters through large stained-glass windows, casting colors on the floor. ( ① )Gothic cathedrals are so tall and have such large windows, stone braces* called buttresses strengthen the walls. When they stick out beyond the wall, they are called flying buttresses. The skillful use of flying buttresses made it possible to build extremely tall, thin-walled buildings. Often Gothic cathedrals look symmetrical,* with each side a perfect copy of the other, but in Chartres Cathedral the two 15 main towers look very different. That is because it took so long to build this cathedral. The south tower of the cathedral was built in the thirteenth century, around 1200, but the north tower wasn’t finished until after 1400. Architectural styles had changed in those 200 years. The designer of the north tower wanted to be( ② )more than he wanted matching towers. In France’s capital city of Paris, there is another great medieval cathedral called Notre 20 Dame. Notre Dame provides many examples of the Gothic arch, an arching shape with a point on top that makes doorways and windows look tall and elegant. At the top of Notre Dame’s two large stone towers sit statues of imaginary demons called gargoyles. People hoped these frightening creatures would keep evil away from their church. Notre Dame’s gargoyles had another job, too. These sculptures sit at the ends of drain pipes. When it rains, water runs 25 through the roof gutters* and drains out through the mouths of gargoyles. Inside Notre Dame, the ceiling is made of tall pointed arches, crossed each other by stone spines. ( ③ )the buttresses on the outside of a cathedral, these rib vaults* were designed to help support the weight of all that stone in such a tall building. 出典 From What Your Fourth Grader Needs to Know, Copyright 2004 by Core Knowledge Foundation; used by permission of the Core KnowledgeⓇ Foundation, all rights reserved. * Gothic cathedral( 2 行目):ゴシック様式の大聖堂 * brace(11 行目):支柱,壁・柱に取り付ける支え * symmetrical(14 行目):対称的な * gutter(25 行目):(屋根の)とい * rib vault(27 行目):リブヴォールト(ゴシック様式によく見られる天井架構) 2 [英Ⓐ- 2 ] ( 1 ) 次の各英文について,本文の内容に合っていれば T,合っていなければ F と記号で答えよ。 1 .Gothic cathedrals were built even in a small town. 2 .The statues and paintings in the cathedrals are related to God. (b) 第 2 段落 1 .Inside Chartres Cathedral, the floor is painted in rainbow colors. 2 .Chartres Cathedral looked symmetrical when built around 1200. (c) 第 3 段落 1 .The gargoyles at the top of Notre Dame’s two towers were considered evil. 2 .Notre Dame’s gargoyles take in rainwater through their mouths. ( 2 ) 本文中の次の各語が表すものとして,最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から一つ選び,番号で答えよ。 (a) <they>(12 行目) 1 .Gothic cathedrals 2 .large windows 3 .stone braces called buttresses 4 .the walls (b) <it>(13 行目) 1 .Chartres Cathedral 2 .the wall 3 .the skillful use of flying buttresses 4 .to build extremely tall, thin-walled buildings ( 3 ) 本文中の( ① )~( ③ )に入るものとして,最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から一つ選び,番号 で答えよ。 ( ① ) 1 .If 2 .Because 3 .Unless 4 .Whether or not ( ② ) 1 .traditional 2 .old-fashioned 3 .out of date 4 .up to date ( ③ ) 1 .Like 2 .Unlike 3 .Owing to 4 .Because of 3 英 語 Ⓐ (a) 第 1 段落 [英Ⓐ- 3 ] ( 4 ) 次の各語の本文中での意味として,最も適切なものを 1 ~ 4 から一つ選び,番号で答えよ。 英 語 Ⓐ (a) <emphasize>( 4 行目) 1 .make something more noticeable 2 .make something more beautiful 3 .make something look religious 4 .make something look old ( b ) <ceiling>( 4 行目) 1 .the top inside surface of a room 2 .a glass tube protecting the flame of a lamp 3 .an upright side of a building or room 4 .a tall upright round post used as a support for a roof ( c ) <imaginary>(22 行目) 2 1 .no longer in existence 2 .made to appear on a computer 3 .existing only in the imagination 4 .actually existing as a thing 次の( )内の語(語句)を並べ替えて,日本文とほぼ同じ意味を表す英文を作れ。 (1) その塔は,風を受けたら少し曲がるように設計されているから,折れにくいのです。 . The tower is designed to( less likely / with the wind, / break / so / bend a little / it is / to ) しっくい (2) 彼らは建物の壁を漆喰で滑らかにし,漆喰が乾く前にそれらの上に図柄を描いた。 They smoothed the walls of buildings( and drew designs / plaster / on / it dried / before / with / them ). 4 [英Ⓐ- 4 ] 3 次の各問いに答えよ。 えよ。 (a) How many( )do you have? 1 .baggage 2 .baggages 3 .of baggages 4 .pieces of baggage (b) Mary can run( )Linda. 1 .twice faster as 2 .as twice fast as 3 .twice as fast as 4 .as fast twice as (c) This is the gift( )I bought for my sister-in-law. 1 .where 2 .what 3 .that 4 .when 3 .Am 4 .Were (d) ( )I you, I would study harder. 1 .Had 2 .Should ( 2 ) 次の各英文は,一箇所訂正することによって,与えられた日本文とほぼ同じ意味の正しい文 となる。訂正すべき箇所を 1 ~ 4 から一つ選び,番号で答えよ。 (a) 「どうかしましたか」「ジョンを探しています。昼前には,ここに着いたに違いないので す」 “What’s the trouble?” “I’m looking for John. He must arrive here before noon.” 1 2 3 4 (b) 体に良い食事は病気になるのを防ぎ,病気の時には回復するのに役立つ。 A good diet keeps us from get sick and helps us recover when we are sick. 1 2 3 4 (c) 言い伝えによると,イースター・バニーが色つきの卵を隠し,子供たちはその卵をみつ ける必要がある。 According to tradition, the Easter Bunny hides painted eggs and children need find them. 1 2 3 4 (d) 彼女の音楽は私をリラックスした気持ちにさせ,ぐっすり眠らせてくれる。 Her music makes me feel relaxing and leads me to a good sleep . 1 2 3 4 5 英 語 Ⓐ ( 1 ) 次の各英文の( )にあてはまる最も適切な語(語句)を 1 ~ 4 から一つ選び,番号で答 [英Ⓐ- 5 ] 4 次の A と B が最も自然な対話となるには, ( )にどの文を入れるのがよいか。 1 ~ 4 から一つ 選び,番号で答えよ。 英 語 Ⓐ ( 1 ) A:Hi, Jackie. How about driving to Lanikai Beach this weekend? B :Great! I’ll go to buy a swimsuit from now. A:( ) 1 .Can I go with you? 2 .I don’t need it, either. 3 .You need to wear a jacket and a tie. 4 .I like your swimsuit, too. ( 2 ) A:Hello, this is J & J Corporation. May I help you? B :Yes, I’m calling from Japan. May I speak to Mr. Peter Smith? A:Sure. ( ) 1 .Answer the phone, please. 2 .Hold on, please. 3 .Hang up, please. 4 .Help yourself, please. ( 3 ) A:How many brothers and sisters do you have? B :I have two brothers. A:( ) 1 .Is that so? 2 .I agree. 3 .Neither do I. 4 .So am I. ( 4 ) A:Excuse me, Sally. Can I use your phone? The battery on my phone is dead. B :( ) A:Thanks a lot. 1 .Where does it come from? 2 .She doesn’t know how to use the phone. 3 .Sure. I can use it. 4 .OK. Here you are. 6 [英Ⓐ- 6 ] ( 5 ) A:Don’t you think Professor Jones looks at things very objectively? B :Absolutely! I’m sure objectivity is necessary for science. 1 .I agree. He is a good scientist. 2 .I took science at university, too. 3 .It’s a scientific theory, isn’t it? 4 .I like science, too. 7 英 語 Ⓐ A:( ) <英 語 Ⓑ> [英Ⓑ- 1 ] 1 次の英文を読み,後の問いに答えよ。 How to Grow Your Brain with Language Learning Researchers have studied the way that the brain processes and understands language, as well as the way that language is formed within the brain. Thanks (A) to their efforts, it has 英 語 Ⓑ become clear that language acquisition can have a very big impact on the brain. It is believed that by learning a new language while a child is young, individuals( ① )show an improvement 5 in cognitive skills, but they are also able to show a much higher achievement in other areas of learning. This alone should show the positive impact of language acquisition on the brain, but researchers have now found that learning a new language can actually help the brain grow. A study conducted at the Swedish Armed Forces Interpreter Academy has shown the potential for language acquisition and brain growth. At this academy, young recruits* are 10 actually taught a completely new language such as Arabic and Russian within 13 months. From morning to evening, weekdays and weekends, the recruits study their target language very hard. By the end of these 13 months, these students should be able to speak the language of their choice fluently. ( ② )make sure that the results of the study were accurate, the researchers obtained a control group,* which consisted of students from a local university. The students were 15 completing courses at the same time,( ③ )their focus wasn’t on language. Both groups were given MRI* scans before and after their intensive courses. The results of the study found that while the students of the control group showed no difference in the size of their brains, specific parts of the brain of the language learners grew. The parts that developed in size were the hippocampus,* and three areas in the cerebral cortex* which are related to language learning. 20 (B)Many researchers suggest that〔 “fit” / individuals / active / their brain / it / keeping / keep / by 〕 . This means that individuals would benefit from attempting puzzles or learning new things every day. Learning a new language presents individuals with challenges that they can face and overcome, and this not only allows the brain to grow, but also activates the reward-processing center in the brain that could improve a person’s overall mood. The brain 25 needs to be exercised,( ④ )any other muscle within the body. Learning a new language just happens to be one of the most effective methods of giving your brain very good exercise indeed. 出典 How To Grow Your Brain With Language Learning by Ann Steele, Masters in TESOL.net., April 07, 2014 * recruit( 9 行目):新兵 * control group(14 行目):対照群(同一実験で実験要件を加えないグループ) * MRI(16 行目) :磁気共鳴画像法(核磁気共鳴の物理現象を応用し,人体の断層撮影を行う 方法) * hippocampus(19 行目):海馬(大脳古皮質の一部分) * cerebral cortex(19 行目):大脳皮質 8 [英Ⓑ- 2 ] (1) 本文中の( ① )~( ④ )に入れるものとして,それぞれ最も適切な語(語句)を 1 ~ 4 から一つ選び,番号で答えよ。ただし,文頭に来る語も小文字で始まっている。 1 .just like 2 .not only 3 .in order to 4 .although ( 2 ) 下線部(A)を和訳せよ。 どのような変化が見られたか」を,それぞれ 30 字以内の日本語で述べよ。ただし,句読点 けたすう も 1 字に数える。なお,算用数字を用いる場合は,桁数にかかわらず, 1 マス内に収めよ。 (4) 下線部(B)が,「脳を活発に働かせ続けることによって,個人個人が脳の『健康』を維持 するよう,多くの研究者が勧めている」とほぼ同じ意味になるように, 〔 〕内の語(語句) を並べ替えよ。 9 英 語 Ⓑ (3) 第 2 段落を読み,「若い新兵はどのようなことを行ったか」,また,その結果,「彼らの脳に [英Ⓑ- 3 ] 2 次の各問いに答えよ。 ( 1 ) 次の各 2 文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )にあてはまる最も適切な一語を書け。 (a) We had a lot of snow last night. ( )snowed a lot last night. 英 語 Ⓑ (b) He had no more than 500 yen when I met him yesterday. He had( )500 yen when I met him yesterday. (c) Whenever she goes out, she wears makeup. She never goes out( )wearing makeup. (d) Where did the accident happen? Where did the accident( )place? (e) It is impossible to tell when she will come home. ( )is no telling when she will come home. ( 2 ) 次の各英文の( )にあてはまる最も適切な語(語句)を, 1 ~ 4 から一つ選び,番号で 答えよ。 (a) He enjoyed( )the piano yesterday evening. 1 .play 2 .playing 3 .to play 4 .played (b) Please call me when you( )at Okayama Station. 1 .arrive 2 .arrived 3 .will arrive 4 .are arrived (c) Had it not been for his advice, you( )in business. 1 .failed 2 .had failed 3 .will fail 4 .would have failed (d) This book is( )little importance to them. 1 .at 2 .of 3 .by 4 .with (e) Weather( ),we’ll go swimming. 1 .permit 2 .permits 3 .permitting 4 .permitted 10 [英Ⓑ- 4 ] 3 次の A と B が最も自然な対話となるには,( ① )~( ③ )にどの文を入れるのがよいか。 それぞれ 1 ~ 4 から一つ選び,番号で答えよ。 ( 1 ) A:What’s the matter, Kate? B :Something’s wrong with my radio. It has a lot of noise, and I can’t hear anything. A:( ① ) It looks quite old. A:Is it all right if I take it apart? B :Sure. Go ahead. Are you good at working with machines? A :( ② ) But, yes . . . . Here, the wire isn’t working properly. Apparently it’s too old. B :Oh, I see. A:I think you should buy a new one after all. B :I guess so. ( ③ ) 1 .No, not really. 2 .Of course you are. 3 .Thanks, anyway. 4 .Let me see. ( 2 ) A:I hear Mary is leaving our club. Do you know why? B :Yes, I think I do. ( ① )she’s not interested in archery. Have you ever seen her practicing it? A:( ② ) B :Mary joined us because she wanted to be friends with Tom. But he doesn’t feel anything for her. They are too different, you know. A:Really? I didn’t know that. B :Well, most members do. Just leave her alone. ( ③ ) A:Oh, I really hope so. 1 .For the first time, 2 .In the first place, 3 .She’ll get over it. 4 .No, but she was always present at the meetings. 11 英 語 Ⓑ B :Actually it was my grandmother’s. So, it’s more than 60 years old. <数 学 Ⅲ> [数Ⅲ- 1 ] 1 次の問いに答えよ。 (1) 関数 y = # ₁ - cos x を微分せよ。 ₁ + cos x ₁ (2) 定積分 (e x + e-x )dx を求めよ。 ₀ (3) 方程式 ₂ z - ₃i = z - ₆i を満たす点 z 全体を複素数平面上に図示せよ。 2 = 関数 ( f x) x ₂ + ₄x - ₂ について,次の問いに答えよ。 x₂ + ₁ = ₀ となる x の値を求めよ。 l x) (1) f( f x)を求めよ。 ( 2 ) 極限値 lim ( f x)および lim ( x "-3 x "3 (3) 関数 y = ( f x)のグラフをかけ。ただし,曲線の凹凸,変曲点は調べなくてよい。 数 学 Ⅲ 3 各項が正の数である数列 "a n, に対して, An = n ₁ a n k=₁ k ! とおくとき,次の問いに答えよ。 (1) 不等式 e x F ₁ + x が成り立つことを証明せよ。 a₁ (2) e A n -₁ a₂ #eA n -₁ an # gg # e A n -₁ の値を求めよ。 (3) A n F a ₁ # a ₂ # gg # a n を証明せよ。 n (4) # ₀ ₁ ₁ e x dx F e ₃ を証明せよ。 ₂ 12 このページには問題はありません。 13 このページには問題はありません。 14 このページには問題はありません。 15 16
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