Addicted PRE―READING l Check the correct definition for addicted in your dictionary. A You vvant something very lnuch′ but you can′ t havc it B You do something allthe tirlle′ and you can′ t stop it. C You don′ t likc something′so you stop doing it. Now look at this question and check(/)the boxes chocolatc? □ coffcc? □ hs or hcrjob? surnng the lnternct? cola? □ shopping? computcr gamcs? □ PRE‐READING 2 football? u wi:lread two newspaperstories aboutJenny and Tracy. Jenny is addicted to shoppingF TraCey is addicted to cola. Decide if the sentences are from the shopping story(5)or the cola story(C).USe a dictionary to check the keywords in boldi l lspend about s500 a wvcck. 2 1 drink 18 cans cvcry day. _ 3 1tstarted when lvvas on a diet. 4 Waiting for a parcel tO arrivc is very cxciting。 5 1somctimcs wake up in the night. _ _ 6 1flcan′ tgo out′ I do it online. 7 People telllne it′ s bad for your stolnach. 8 Sometimesl only wear whatlbuy once. 42 □ □ □ □ Do yOu knovv anybody who is addicted to.… s or no. Essential Rι′グfr2」Student Book l _ _ メ 爾 け、 書贖懲‡ 鐵辣購 會 鰺量鍮彬 魃 Jenny― the shopaholic A Sincc l was a littlc girll havc alwayslovcd shopping.I wvalkcd around ith my mom begging hcrto buy me everメ thc stores l∼ hing I Saw B Last ycar l inishcd college and started earning lllllonCy fOr the irst tilnc.I have a lot ofsparc cash no予 %and l spend it all on clothcs.I spend about$500a、 vcck on clothcs′handbags′ and shoes.Walking th a bag of new clothcsis the bestfeeling in thc world. out of a shop w7■ t go outto shop′I shop online. C I nccd to shop every day.If l can′ Keying in my credit card details and waiting for a parcel to arrive is very exciting. 14) but l ncver feel guilty.My D Sometimesl only wearlvhatl buy once′ ve already got a lotlfnore dad tells llne to stop spending.Hc says thatI′ but1love shopping and I′ In not going to stop yet. clothes than l need′ 71racey― the colaholic E I drink around 18 cans of cola every day.Ifl don′t drink it for lnorc than an houtt l feel terrible and l start shaking.It all started 6 years ago when l was on a diet and l drank cola instead of eating.After a few t live vvithout it. wecks′ I couldn′ F I have a bottle of cola beside rny bed and lsometimes wake llp in the night to drink it.The flrstthing l do wvhen l open my eyesin the morning is go to the fridge for a can of cola.I alvvays carry a can or tvvo in lny handbag.Ispend about S300 a rnonth on cola. butl knovv s the taste of the cola or the caffeine′ G I don′ t knowv ifit′ I′ rll addicted.Friends and peoplc l wvork vvith tell rne that drinking cola but l likc it too s bad for your stolllach′ isn′ t good for you.They say it′ much to stop. CC)AllPREHENSiON l 43 Read the text quickly and rnatch the three pictures to three of the paragraphs,Write the letter of the paragraph in the box. Essential R♂θJ′」 zβStudent Book l Now write(J)Jennyr(T)TraceyJ or(B)bOth ofthem into each space. l Who talks about being a child? _ 2 Who talks aboutthc cost of being addicted? _ 3 Who talks about hcr health? 4 Who talks about what othcr pcoplc think? CC)rⅥPREHENS10N 2 _ Read the text again and answerthe questions. l ln line 2′whcn」 cnny was ttι99ノ4′′ShC rncans that she was... a giving her lnother somcthing. b talking quietly. c asking for something in a strong way. 2 1nlinc 3′ ι ′rηノ πθ4`ノIneans.… 4′′ a vvorking for moncy. b flnding lnoney. c looking for moncy. 3 1nline 4′ s′αr``′s力Ineans.… a cxtra lllloncy. b more tllne. c more clothcs. 4 1nline 8′ た ′ 4 11neans.… 4θ′ `ノ a sending something in thc post. b putting vvords or numbersinto a computer. c trying to open a door. 5 1n line ル 10′ ι ′ ′ ′″′ ツmcans.… a to feel bad about somcthing aftcr you do it. b to fccl good aboutsomething beforc you do it. c to feel good about sOmcthing vvhile you arc doing it. 6 1n line 14′ if youル ι′″rr′ ι″′you.… a feel very good. b feel vcry bad. c fcel happy. 44 1 Esscntial Rι α′Jrra Student Book l In linc 14′if yOu are s/7α たノ ″′′you arc a drinking b asking for something. C moving without control ln line 18′θ ″″ノ ′ι CC)MPREHENSi《 〕N3 means.… `ノ“ a vvake up. b look carefully. C get out of bed. ln line 21′α項をブ 4ι iS.… a the price of the cola. b the color of the cola. C an ingredient in the cola. Complete the sentences with these verbs from the texti drink flnish wear earn carry spend I′ vc got a goodjob′ so I(1) mOre rnOney than l really need. I′ Ill young′so l don′t need to save llnoncy.I prcfcr to(2) on the good things in lifc.Whcn I(3) vvork′ it I usually go out for something to cat and a glass of winc.I somctimcs(4) champagne′ which is a bit expcnsive.I likc clothcs′ too.I(5) a suitto work′ so l buy a new one cvcry year and lbuy nevv shoes every lnonth.I change lny cellphone evcry 6 1nonths.I don′ (6) around a ccll that′ t vvant to s out of style. Now complete the sentences so they are true for you. 1 Ifl go outfor a drink′ I usually have 2 At the university/1 usually wvear 3 In lny free tilne′I usually wcar 4 I spend lnost of my lllloney On 5 1 alvvays carry 45 IEssential Rια′′ 注 9 student Book l and and with mc. To form present gmple queslons we use dOσ and οes To form past simp e quesjons w e u s e σd ′ Grammar Present and past s i m p l e q u e s l o n s T h e m a i n v e r b i s t h e b a s eh Oiuntiゎ n) l j v e ( w た Dο and ddare before the subleCt The main verb is afterthe sublect es′ ′d ο past present dol did l do you did you does he/she/it lnfin tlve?dld he/she/t do we did we do they did they infinitive? .COmplete the GRAMMARl A repOrter(R)is interviewing Tracey(■ questions. Fθrの 解′ι ι ′ `α R H o w m a n y c a n s o f c o l a a o Чo u ょ r 、K ( d r i n k ) e v e r y d a y ? T I drink around 18 cans. R How (feel)if you dOn′ t drink cola? T I fccl tcrriblc and l start shaking. R Whcn (Start)drinking cola? T Six ycars ago. R Why (deCidC)tO Start drinking it? T I vvas on a diet and l drank cola instead of eating。 (drink)itin the night? R T Ycs′I wake up and drink itin bed. R It must bc cxpcnsivc.Hovv rlluch T It costs about S300 a lnonth. (COSt)? SPEAKING Ta:k to a partnen 1 0ne ofyouisl■ interviewv. accy and thc other is thc rcportcr.Practicc thc ` 2 Covcr the intervicw and practice again.■ questlons and answers. y to remcmbcrthe 3 0nc of you is a rcportcr and the otheris Jenny7 thc shopaholic.Ask and answer qucstions. 46 Essential Rι′″ル1′student Book l ACII :『 Ans、厳er the qLlestions. 丁1精ギi Tl・ 11)夕1彙 l Hovv lllany computers arc thcre in your housc? 2 ヤVho uses a computer lnostin your fanlily? 3 Whatdo you usca comp■ 4 ltcr for? ヤVhat do your parcnts llse a comptltcr for? 5 D()your grandparcnts kno予 v how to usc a colllputer? 6 1sit easier ior younger or oldcr pcoplc to lcarn how to llsc a plltCr? cc)1■ り111摯 酬町411イ 撃i'■11) 1(1ル1円LI`│ヽ 111 Read the text quickly and choose the best surnrnary. l Young」 apancsc pcoplc play computer games too llluch 2 01dcr」apancsc pcople want to bc like their children 3 01der Japanesc people want lo cxcrcisc tllcir brains 4 01dcr Japancsc pcoplc ind it difficult to LlSC COnlputers Jopanese gomers ore │ 十 in eenogers spend hours On their vide0 bUtt 90mes′ 響 はヽo‖know tthO十 」 opon′│十 seemstthott much Older peOple Ore o so becOming ooddicled十 computter gomes As」Opon′s birth rOfe fO‖ mony more people s Ond tthe popu10+lon oges′ in lheir fitties Ond sixlies ore looking fOr os十oy wOys十 octtive ond remOin 辮 縛 ∫ 灘ittV脱 畿担瞥穐 h凝爆i瀾 ‐ 僣 十 hem in」Opon ond∩ ow tthey Ore coming Of peOple hcve bOugh十 十 o Europe Over」opon older people cre going tto closses where+heyleOrn ohow十 he 90mes Mony oftthem hclve never used o compulers ond ploy十 e o stimulo十 hey use speciol soflwore tthclttis designed十 )r before.丁 十 he96品 ployel es′ broins ond exercise ttheir ingers.ln some ofthe 十 o like golf′ 10 sOlve mOtthemotticOl problems Ond in Otthers ploy sports′ o‐ eye coordinOlion. hond‐十 〃Shin, plcytthese gomes 6hd l w6nted i6 ibih in′ thildren con o‖ exp10ins. I YoshlmurO′ O bonk monOgerfrom Tokyo′ ‐″ ′ o′ Emiko Hi十 soys′ bul i十 s quitte eosy/〃 │十 hough十1+wos going tto be difficul十 O hOusewfe from(Dsoko. bu十 op tthe brOin frOm oging′ lhese 9omes S十 Docttors connott prove ttho十 seemstto be could help tthem.肝 o十ry onything tho十 peOple ore reody十 hos」opon hooked. something ttho十 READING FOR Read the text again and check(/)the sentences True or DETAIL False(F). l Thcre arc rnore babics in」 apan now. 3 Nobody lnakes computer games for oldcr pcoplc. T□ F□ T□ F□ T□ F□ 4 Peoplc think that playing computcr gamesis good for thcm. T□ F□ 2 Thcre arc rnore oldcr people in」 apan now. 5 The games help oldcr peoplc think and usc their hands. 6 Enliko flnds the gamcs very dificultto play. T□ F□ T□ F□ VOCABULARY IN Read again and match the words or phrasesin bold in the CONTEXI text to the definitions. l do an activity wvith pcople vvho are already doing it 2 addicted 3 becomes older 4 make something morc actlvc 5 the number of babies born 6 show thatsomething is truc 7 thc ability to control parts of your body togethcr 8 1cady to rcactto whatiS happening 48 ″′ Student Book l Essential R42α′′ US:NG PRONOUNS Underline the noun phrase that each pronoun refers to. l lnhnc8′ Tたι θ″′4グ″θ rι′ι θ 4r/4ι ガ r元ルプ ι S α4グSIxrノ ノrefcrs to″ ′″ノ `s/ ω″ ′4 ′ ι S励 ″ ノタ ω 夕″r ′′″ ′ ′ “ “ ・ ′ “ “ I n l i n e 9″ ′ l ι a n d ″ を r c f c r tω解 o ′夕″r ′′″ / ″ノ ′ ′ ノ θ4 s “ “ θ . `ノ グ′ι ノι 3 4 USING CONJUNCT:ONS In line ll′ refers to θlder′ ′″/ι′ ′∬ . `ο `″`ノ “ I n l i n e 1 9J′ ` r c f c r s t o b c i n力 gθ ´グs ι ″権 / ″I のi 4 ′ω″′夕″r ′ク″ ・ “ a‖ uses of and andわ sentences with and or bυ l. υtin the texti Complete the l ldon′ tlike computer games′_my brOthCrloves them. 2 My father sold his bicycle________b°ught a computcr. 3 Children learn very casily_______° ldCr pcople are slower. 4 Too much coffcc isn′t good for you′ _I drink it evcry day. 5 People are lucky ifthcy arc clever_____― ――beautiful. 6 People are living longcL_______thcy will have to work longeL too. LINKING IDEAS Complete this story with and orわ the box. head feet addicted read games brain confuscd play υf and some ofthe wvordsin flngcrs stop My father bought a computer last rnonth (1) start α″″/多夕r nOwv he′ s to it.He′ s on it when l wakc up in thc lnorning ′″″/多夕′still on it when l go to bcd.He says the(2) and hclp hiln to lnove he plays stimulate his(3) his(4) morc quickly. Ⅳly rnothcr tricd to(5) the games′ too′′η″/多夕 ` she found it too difflcult.Shc says shc wvill go to classes α″グ/多夕′learn. They think all this vvill(6) ι夕′I think a sport like golf or tennis is better. 49 Essential Rι′′fη ′ student Book l thcir brains aging′ 4グ / 魃 Look atthe sentenccs below irst.Then read the text without a dictionary and I had llly ttrst cigarcttc whcn l vvas 16 In andstill I′ a smokcr lsand tilncsやVhcn l got 2 5 ycars latcr.I′ vc tricd to stop a tho■ myn.stjOb′ I stoppcd f()rtwo wccks Whcn l was prcgnant but thc wcck aftcr shc vvith my daughtcr l gavc up sllloking′ ing rcduccs was born′I startcd again l prctcnd that smolく colnpletc the exercisc as quickly as you can. Write your starting and inishing tilne. strcss and thatl do it to kccp llly wcight down Rcally′ sll■ will bc a though′ I know that for lllc givillg up()king lifclong battlc. Timc startcd: 肺‖粧 1 胸《1 1 鱗 鮮1 瀞 輩‖││「 111サ ■11■ Underlinc thc correct option in each scntcncc. Complctc the scntences with thc words.Usc cach word only oncc. l The spcakcris now 25/4ヱ 2 Shc has tttcd to stop smoking ycars old rゴ l17`∫ / α′ θr ar‐ 7 17`S θ 夕 sή′rブ a′ι ′rヵ `ク 3 /as r′ /srο She sF′ ′′ιグsmoking vvhcn shc、 へ `″ expccting a baby θ ′′ ′′ 多 ノ ′thal ′ 4 Sherι′′ クι `s″ ケ `′ `ノ `ν̀ s/グ `ν sl■ oking reduces stress`″ 5 l()king lnakes hcr She tries to believe that sΠ ′ ′ r/`カ ノ η″ι 4 ル′ 6 S h c t h i n k s t h a t i n t h e f u t u r c i t v vν ill bc `ll た ッ f()r hcr to slop 〃lffε グル/′′ゴ `′ Timc inlshcd: thcy one them it thcrc My brothcr thinks about nothillg but f()otball Hc talks about all thc tilllc A fricnd()f lnine drinks eight cups or coffcc a are LIStlally big ctlps! day― and________― ly boyfriend′s addicted lo,vorking out at the ∼ gym Hc gOcs______― ――― CVCry day bclorc /cck 、 vork and f■vc cvcnings a、 へ Parcnts shouldn′ t snl()kc ill front of thcir children They havc to tcach_______― ― that smoking is vcry dangcroし ls 5 1′m trying to rcducc thc numberof cigarcttcs before l slnlokc l ncvcr havc noon now 58 1●11:″Ⅲ St呼 嵯彗■:多 幸●≒ 毛
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