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CT RM¹ 4. ©ª«¬®>< ; CT' ¯SC ; J air bronchogram A ' _°J t`±u 4V ' 5. CT 79 h ; HRCT t¯<,²³´u' 56 t)u f' ,-J454 =$4V t`±u A ' )0J)µ t`±¶ ·¸u ' !"#"#$%&"#' ( CT R9:;<=>?@:#4V )* +,-.,- ,-.)J45" t #/01*%2"34' 5678 5u' 56.oJ8o"rs^Jkf 9:;<=>?@:56 89 CT ,-45:;`< (air bronchogram) A ' ,=$V {\;*3qJk 4BCD >^' ?@4)A E%F4 bulging fissure sign kB8J air bronchogram ' k ' GHI#789:;<=>?@ B8JC DE# * :J GJ KL"M fF;*%G ,-.)J454 N>O (Swiss cheese appear- f56%2' ance) %4' N>O ! )0J 4(#H PQM"#JRS$T"UV WX " HI56.J@44045 #YZ%[%&4' yK0J `4#' ] ῎῍῏ῑῌ JyL0#' 5656QJ 2. 56\]YZJ"^_' 56 `a56'()bcde*fV Q Y C( MJNz4OIf' ῑῐῒ 34a5678ghi 3. +G ' `",j)-JQ PQHP*vJYVJV kV #lm)%^_4' nQ PQ`R%4*f' S]vw I#56`a56f *56 f(# io`J?@4T .oJp/"/0%123qJkrsJ .Uf' 56.V $TkV t,-45u %4' 56 R%^_4' R*WIJX YZJ,-%2#vw" Gf#!Pf' J Y¡¢# (xyz#( a56{ %v 78QJ|}6ghQ3%7 [¥\J¦]%,j t^ ##(~' §¨4' PQ GZ`£¤ abcºdV»¼ Vol. 19 u PQ No. 2 2009. 13 o³vw´Pxµy¶P·z{|P}¸¹~º 80 6. « CT ¬l® ¯m°n ±o 0&'( !Oi8'9pq67 ( 7. >cdeRf>C « HRCT ¯m° rs)t Bsu$52 L²T$2&'( Fqrstu)CGHvchRcw34Q CT C6%01) 6 u)C]^,I4x; CT JK yL0z{|w} >cdeRf>C~ o CT GMSRghij ! "#$ %& '( RC klmnRC-.x;NO% )*+,)-.'(/ 70<o0GM8 b !"01#234$5 90 FPklmnRC 2%%67( &8'9 834QC6 -.% ()* ):+,; feeding ves- sel sign -./00< 1. "=$>?@A (pneumatocele) B,C Mycoplasma pneumoniae ? lipoprotein D 1 E : F G H : F I check Q(BR80B, STUVW valve JKLM;&NOP2NO XY BRZ[SVW\] I ?8^_O`; SVW\]?8^_;6 :Fa IV ; 34QC (atypical pneumonia) b-RST 9)*So7S+,/0C8] UVW,56X0 Y/Z7[%; \ :F):dGHw8C RU89]^,_L'(0 B,`a^: BReo7:FC8%; >cdeRf> ;bC<= Mycoplasma pneumo- C(,af/0ghg niae C >cdeRf>C Chlamydophila f/g %Oi'( 7(% pneumoniae C SRghijRC >?/ 9af/g,O`¡¢'( @0C8];A7( Legionella £¤¥jk¦ 17) f/ pneumophila C klmnRC b-RSTU g,? lipoprotein >S§i¨$l VW,56X \RU89]^,_L' Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 8©;/ (0 -./0BC8D;o7MpE hg 18ª20) 14 EFBC:;s»¼ Vol. 19 No. 2 2009. b c8C8]; CT [v H 8. )*+,-.) HRCT D° ¦ G ± ² @F MNO"PMNO8J ! S DS³F MN8& &bc-d +C^<_>`aC 1 DS³´ µ¶F H 9. 81 w-;xyz- 66 ·T CT DUMF 23 DS³F != DS³´ µ ¶F 1 V¸ 8 Vb¹W b13, 14) -.{)*+,-.)8 X CT 9|/0Q )*+,-.)}1 CT ~88'qw-;xyz- COPD QR 2$3485& 67 08 !" !#$ %&'( )*+,-.)/01 2 345 678 ! !8 CT 9 EF 4 G41 DH 7F : I J 6 K 9 L 1 8) DH 9F &bc-de+C^<_>`a 7, 8, 21) MNO PMNOQR Cj\]<& !:S 23" 88n1)*+,-.);q !=)*+, !UVW -.)'>?@ !X#$IYZ$ 8) qqw-;xyz- COPD QR 7K9 L1 !S !$& Reid 92:;<=>?@AB>C D 7, 8, 21) DH 8F TJ 2$A&~8]Bqe&q )*+,-.)V:Q !" !'([\] +C^<_>`aC @b #$CDE " 25n <CA k! 33n1 5 K 8 L & b c - d 7 K 8 L 1 3. 7, 8, 21) 1 2eMN8& Legionella pneumophila FGfG4 \]fMN$gJh$&\] 2i)*+,-.)AB>C 2$A& 2K5 mm - Ht +t$@ I8V k!e"#$%lm b8JK& )wy¡>¢8VL£ 82n, 73n &o'pq(1 ¤M¥ )wy¡>¢UVW II {¦NO 22) § Ds*F q$¨& 67 08 j <CA 2. Chlamydophila pneumoniae Dr Chlamydia pneumoniaeF $JQ)s*t !+'( # yz©<CQ Rª«P¬j di#use alveolar damage (DAD) $& +,8Uuv%)*+,-.) 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Assist. Tomogr. 31: 125ῌ131. Understanding of Community-acquired Pneumonia on the basis of chest computed tomography imaging Hirotsugu Ohkubo, Yuki Togashi, Yuta Kono, Yasuhiro Setoguchi First Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Medical University, 6ῌ7ῌ1 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160ῌ0023, Japan Computed tomographic (CT) scans are now working in many general hospitals in Japan. Most of the Japanese clinicians can use CT scans as one of the useful tool of the examination of community-acquired pneumonia. Chest CT imaging plays an important role in the accurate interpretation of pulmonary anatomy and pathology. Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia and Chlamydophila pneumoniae pneumonia demonstrate centrilobular or acinar shadows, and thickening of bronchivascular bundles on CT imaging. Characteristic findings of Legionella pneumophila pneumonia on CT are sharply demarcated peribronchovascular foci of consolidation intermingled with ground glass opacity. It is possible to estimate the pathogenic bacteria, if there are characteristic features on CT imaging on the basis of clinical information. Vol. 19 No. 2 2009. 17
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