心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 1 心理学一般 【心理学の理論問題・第 3 版】 1. Bem, Sacha & Huib Looren de Jong Theoretical Issues in Psychology: An Introduction Third Edition. May 2013, 416pp. Hardcover (SAGE) 9780857029782 ¥21,240 (Paperback ISBN: 9780857029799 ¥7,240) The 3rd edition of Theoretical Issues in Psychology provides an authoritative overview of the conceptual issues in psychology which introduces the underlying philosophies that underpin them. It includes new insights across the philosophy of science combined with increased psychological coverage to show clearly how these two communities interrelate, ensuring an integrative understanding of the fundamental debates and how they link to your wider studies. 2. Campbell, A. A Mind of Hew Own: The Evolutionary Psychology of Women, 2nd Edition. June 2013, 448pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P.) ISBN:9780199609543 ¥7,480 【新しい診断基準を導入した DSM-III の創造】 Theory and Psychometrics. 5. Test Scores as Samples: Behavior Domain Theory. 6. Causality in Measurement. 7. Causation, Correlation, and Reflective Measurement Models. 8. Problems in Causation and Validity: Formative Measurement, Networks, and Individual Differences. 9. Interpreting Test Responses: Validity, Values, and Evaluation. 10. A Model of Test Score Interpretation. 11. Open Questions About Test Score Meaning. 12. An Integrative View of Test Validity. 13. Epilogue as Dialog: The Future of Test Validity Theory. 【宗教およびスピリチュアリティの心理学・第 2 版】 6. Paloutzian, R.F. & C.L. Park (eds) Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 2nd Edition. May 2013, 682pp., Hardback (Guilford) ISBN:9781462510061 ¥15,260 Widely regarded as the definitive reference, this volume comprehensively examines the psychological processes associated with religion and spirituality. Leading scholars from multiple psychological subdisciplines present developmental, cognitive, social psychological, cultural, and clinical perspectives on this core aspect of human experience. The forms and functions of religious practices and rituals, conversion experiences, and spiritual struggles are explored. Other key topics include religion as a meaning system, religious influences on prosocial and antisocial behavior, and connections to health, coping, and psychotherapy. 3. Decker, H. The Making of DSM-III: A Diagnostic Manual’s Conquest of American Psychiatry. June 2013, 432pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN:9780195382235 ¥8,830 This book chronicles how American psychiatry went from its psychoanalytic heyday in the 1940s and ‘50s, through the virulent anti-psychiatry of the 1960s and ‘70s, into the late 20th-century descriptive, criteria-grounded model of mental disorders. 7. Sassenroth, D. The Impact of Personality on Participation Decisions in Surveys: A Contribution to the Discussion on Unit Nonresponse. May 2013, 191pp., Softcover (Springer) ISBN:9783658017804 ¥7,800 8. Shimamura, A.P. (ed) Psychocinematics: Exploring Cognition at the Movies. April 2013, 416pp., Hardback 【心理学の世紀】 4. Fuller, R. et al. A Century of Psychology: Progress, Paradigms and Prospects for the New Millennium. March 2013, 354pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415828895 ¥19,990 Psychology has influence in almost every walk of life. Originally published in 1997, A Century of Psychology is a review of where the discipline came from, where it had reached and where the editors anticipated it may go. (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN:9780199862139 ¥12,850 How do movies engage us so thoroughly, capturing our sensations, thoughts, and emotions? This edited volume introduces the discipline of psychocinematics, which brings together film theorists, philosophers, psychologists, and neuroscientists to consider the viability of a scientific approach to our movie experience. 9. Shimamura, A.P. Experiencing Art: Exploration in Aesthetics, Mind, and Brain. May 2013, 256pp., Hardback 【検査の信頼性と妥当性の理論 – その最前線】 5. Markus, K.A. & D. Borsboom Frontiers in Test Validity Theory: Measurement, Causation, and Meaning. (Multivariate Applications Series) April 2013, 368pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9781841692197 ¥23,740 (Paperback ISBN 9781841692203 ¥8,730) CONTENTS: 1. Introduction: Surveying the Field of Test Validity Theory. 2. Philosophical Theories of Measurement. 3. Psychometric Models. 4. Open Issues in Measurement (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN:9780199936939 ¥8,020 How do we appreciate a work of art? Awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship to explore connections between art, mind, and brain in this work, Authur Shimamura takes findings from psychological and brain sciences to address ways of understanding our aesthetic responses. 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 2 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 【ウェブ調査の方法】 10. Tourangeau, R. et al. The Science of Web Surveys. June 2013, 224pp., Hardback (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN:9780199747047 ¥10,910 havioral sciences to help researchers assess the predictive value of different combinations of variables in large data sets. Methodological findings and conceptual models that explain reliable EDM techniques for predicting and understanding various risk mechanisms are integrated throughout. Numerous examples illustrate the use of these techniques in practice. Provides a comprehensive resource for the design of Web surveys. Presents a thorough review of methods for adjusting Web survey estimates, of studies on grids, definitions in surveys, and of mode experiments. Presents a new model for mode effects. 生理・神経心理学 【クラスター分析の神経心理学への応用】 13. Allen, D.N. & G. Goldstein (eds) Cluster Analysis in Neuropsychological Research: Recent Applications. April 2013, 136pp., 数理・統計心理学 Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461467434 ¥12,530 Heck, R.H. et al. Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling with IBM SPSS, 2nd Edition. Sept 2013, 480pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN: 9780415817103 ¥24,990 (Paperback ISBN 9780415817110 ¥7,740) This book demonstrates how to use multilevel and longitudinal modeling techniques available in the IBM SPSS mixed-effects program (MIXED). Annotated screen shots provide readers with a step-by-step understanding of each technique and navigating the program. Readers learn how to set up, run, and interpret a variety of models. Diagnostic tools, data management issues, and related graphics are introduced throughout. Cluster analysis is a multivariate classification technique that allows for identification of homogenous subgroups within diverse samples based on shared characteristics. In recent years, cluster analysis has been increasingly applied to psychological and neuropsychological variables to address a number of empirical questions. This book provides an overview of cluster analysis, including statistical and methodological considerations in its application to neurobehavioral variables. 14. Apostolou, M. Sexual Selection under Parental Choice: The Evolution of Human Mating Behavior. July 【縦断的構造方程式モデリング】 2013, 224pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848721814 ¥19,990 11. Little, T.D. (Paperback ISBN 9781848721821 ¥6,240) Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling. May 2013, 374pp., Hardback (Guilford) ISBN:9781462510160 ¥11,240 Featuring actual datasets as illustrative examples, this book reveals numerous ways to apply structural equation modeling (SEM) to any repeated-measures study. Initial chapters lay the groundwork for modeling a longitudinal change process, from measurement, design, and specification issues to model evaluation and interpretation. Covering both big-picture ideas and technical "how-to-do-it" details, the author deftly walks through when and how to use longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis, longitudinal panel models (including the multiple-group case), multilevel models, growth curve models, and complex factor models, as well as models for mediation and moderation. 【芸術と感覚】 15. Bacci, F. & D. Melcher (eds) Art and the Senses. April 2013, 676pp., Hardback (Oxford U.P.) ISBN:9780199230600 ¥8,740 This book provides a unique interdisciplinary overview of the senses, ranging from the neuroscience of sensory processing in the body, to cultural influences on how the senses are used in society, to the role of the senses in the arts. 【てんかんの神経心理学ハンドブック】 16. Barr, W.B. & C. Morrison (eds) Handbook on the Neuropsychology of Epilepsy. Aug 2013, ca.450pp., Hardcover (Springer) 【行動科学における探索的データマイニング】 12. McArdle, J.J. & G.A. Ritschard (eds) Contemporary Issues in Exploratory Data Mining in the Behavioral Sciences. (Quantitative Methodology Series) Nov 2013, 528pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415817066 ¥28,730 ISBN:9780387928258 ¥40,060 Epilepsy is a prevalent condition affecting approximately 1% of the general population. Its behavioral effects on cognition and memory can be as debilitating as the physical aspects caused by ongoing seizures. (Paperback ISBN 9780415817097 ¥11,740) This book reviews the latest techniques in exploratory data mining (EDM) for the analysis of data in the social and be- 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 3 of recent research and its practical applications, the book will be of great interest to psychologists, speech pathologists and therapists, and linguists. 17. Boivin, M. & B. Giordani (eds) Neuropsychology of Children in Africa: Perspectives on Risk and Resilience. (Specialty Topics in Pediatric Neuropsychology) May 2013, 520pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461468332 ¥27,160 18. Caporael, L.R. et al. (eds) Developing Scaffolds in Evolution, Culture, and Cognition. Nov 2013, 448pp., Cloth (The 23. Pessoa, L. The Cognitive-Emotional Brain: From Interactions to Integration. Sept 2013, 336pp., Cloth (The MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019569 ¥6,420 A study that goes beyond the debate over functional sp0ecialization to describe the ways that emotion and cognition interact and are integrated in the brain. MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019552 ¥9,630 Empirical and philosophical perspectives on scaffolding that highlight the role of temporal and temporary resources in development across concepts of culture, cognition, and evolution. 24. Sherman, S.M. & R.W. Guillery Functional Connections of Cortical Areas: A New View3 from the Thalamus. Sept 2013, 304pp., Cloth (The MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019309 ¥6,420 Two leading authorities on thalamocortical connections consider how the neural circuit of the brain relate to our actions and perceptions. 【精神神経免疫学ハンドブック】 19. Kusnecov, A.W. & H. Anisman (eds) The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Psychoneuroimmunology. Aug 2013, 512pp., Cloth (Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN:9781119979517 ¥31,320 This comprehensive resource details the history, methodology and development of research into psychoneuroimmunology, balancing it with a meticulous treatment of traditional and emerging research topics in this field - which covers clinical and practical perspectives alike. 25. Starr, G.G. Feeling Beauty: The Neuroscience of Aesthetic Experience. Aug 2013, 280pp., (The MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019316 ¥4,010 A theory of the neural bases of aesthetic experience across the arts, which draws on the tools of both cognitive neuroscience and traditional humanist inquiry. 26. Vartanian, O. et al. (eds) 【脳のイメージング】 20. Lebby, P.C. Brain Imaging: A Guide for Clinicians. April 2013, 384pp., Hardback (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN:9780199764679 ¥28,110 A novel color-coded system is used throughout this guide to assist the reader in identifying slice locations and orientations. The crosshairs formed by the color-coded reference lines optimize the reader's ability to identify primary anatomical structures or pathological markers and processes. Many images are presented in 2D and 3D formats. Neuroscience of Creativity. Oct 2013, 320pp., Cloth (The MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019583 ¥7,220 Experts describe current perspectives and experimental approaches to understanding the neural bases of creativity. 27. Waldstein, S.R. & M.F. Elias (eds) Neuropsychology of Cardiovascular Disease. Oct 2013, 500pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848728790 ¥23,740 (Paperback ISBN 9781848726567 ¥9,990) 21. MacKillop, J. & M.R. Munafo (eds) Genetic Influences on Addiction: An Intermediate Phenotype Approach. Jan 2014, 344pp., Cloth (The MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019699 ¥7,220 【新しい視覚の神経科学】 28. Werner, J.S. & L.M. Chalupa (eds) The New Visual Neurosciences. Nov 2013, 1792pp., Cloth (The MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019163 ¥40,160 【外傷性脳損傷後の社会的コミュニケーション障害】 22. McDonald, S. (ed) Social and Communication Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury, 2nd Edition. Sept 2013, 360pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848721296 ¥19,990 (Paperback ISBN 9781848721357 ¥7,490) This book provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art overview of the communication problems which can be experienced following Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). With coverage Sections: Retinal Mechanisms and Processes. Organization of Visual Pathways. Subcortical Processing. Processing in Primary Visual Cortex. Brightness and Color. Pattern, Surface, and Shape. Objects and Scenes. Time, Motion, and Depth. Eye Movements. Cortical Mechanisms of Attention, Cognition, and Multimodal Integration. Invertebrate Vision. Theoretical Perspectives. Molecular and Developmental Processes. Translational Visual Neuroscience 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 4 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 【脳損傷後の生活】 【霊長類の神経動物行動学】 29. Wilson, B. et al. 33. Platt, M.J. & A.A. Chazanfar (eds) Primate Neuroethology. June 2013, 704pp., Hardcover (Oxford U.P.) ISBN:9780199338900 ¥20,080 Life After Brain Injury: Survivors’ Stories. Sept 2013, 280pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848721111 ¥19,990 (Paperback ISBN 9781848721128 ¥6,240) This is the first book of its kind to include the personal accounts of people who have survived injury to the brain, along with professional therapists' reports of their progress through rehabilitation. The paintings and stories of survivors combine with experts' discussions of the theory and practice of brain injury rehabilitation to illustrate the ups and downs that survivors encounter in their journey from pre-injury status to insult and post-injury rehabilitation. This volume collects, for the first time in a single book, information on primate behavior and cognition, neurobiology, and the emerging discipline of neuroethology. Here leading scientists in several fields review work ranging from primate foraging behavior to the neurophysiology of motor control, from vocal communication to the functions of the auditory cortex. The resulting synthesis of cognitive, ethological, and neurobiological approaches to primate behavior yields a richer understanding of our primate cousins that also sheds light on the evolutionary development of human behavior and cognition. 動物心理学 34. Tuttle, R.H. 【霊長類の性 – 比較研究・第 2 版】 30. Dixson, A.F. Primate Sexuality: Comparative Studies of the Prosimians, Monkeys, Apes, and Humans. March 2013, 808pp., Paperback (Ox- Apes and Human Evolution. Feb 2014, 934pp. (Harvard U.P.) ISBN:9780674073166 ¥9,630 ford U.P.) ISBN:9780199544646 ¥13,740 A comprehensive synthesis of current knowledge of the evolution and physiological control of sexual behaviour in the primates – the prosimians, monkeys, apes, and humans. No other book written on the subject exhibits such comparative breadth or technical depth. 発達・教育心理学 【幼児研究における子供との話合い関係】 35. Albon, D. & R. Rosen Negotiating Adult-Child Relationships in Early Childhood Research. July 2013, 184pp., 31. Leblanc, Michel-Antoine The Mind of the Horse: An Introduction to Equine Cognition. Translated by Giselle Weiss. Nov 2013, 436pp., (Harvard U.P.) ISBN:9780674724969 ¥6,410 【動物の行動 – 概念、方法、応用】 32. Nordell, S. & T. Valone Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415633277 ¥22,490 (Paperback ISBN:9780415633314 £23.99) Drawing upon data from their own research, the authors propose and develop a relational ethics of answerability and social justice, inspired by the work of Bakhtin, and in addition explore the way material bodies come to matter, the ambiguity of consent in education-research, and the risks and possibilities of research relationships. Chapters include innovative formulations of reciprocity, ‘sensing practices’, and political-ethical responsibility. Animal Behavior: Concepts, Methods, and Applications. Aug 2013, 608pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN:9780199737598 ¥15,250 Animal Behavior: Concepts, Methods, and Applications uses a conceptual approach that puts the process of science and applications front and center. This approach immerses students in the process of animal behavior research and helps them understand how we know what we know. In addition, the text highlights real-world applications and helps students see how the science of animal behavior connects to their everyday lives. 36. Bailey, S. Exploring ADHD: An Ethnography of Disorder in Early Childhood. Aug 2013, 192pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415525817 ¥22,490 (Paperback ISBN 9780415525824 ¥6,740) 【反抗的な子供への 8 段階の対応・第 2 版】 37. Barkley, R.A. & C.M. Benton ご注文・お問合せは [email protected] へ Your Defiant Child: Eight Steps to Better Behavior, 2nd Edition. Aug 2013, 242pp., Hardback (Guilford) 9781462510436 ¥6,420 (Paperback ISBN 9781462510078 ¥2,720) 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 5 42. Drake, J. 【心を込めたペアレンティング】 38. Bögels, S. & K. Restifo Mindful Parenting: A Guide for Mental Health Practitioners. (Mindfulness in Behavioral Health) June 2013, 296pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461474050 ¥12,530 Planning for Children’s Play and Learning: Meeting Children’s Needs in the Later Stages of the EYFS, 4th Edition. Sept 2013, 256pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415632751 ¥23,740 (Paperback ISBN 9780415632768 ¥5,490) Offers an evidence-based eight-week mindful parenting program. Systematically trains psychotherapists in mindfulness techniques to help families cope more effectively with day-to-day stresses. Includes psychoeducational information on how parental and child stress and psychopathology affect the family dynamic. Discusses how to prevent the transmission of maladaptive parenting patterns. 43. Easterbrooks, S.R. & J.Beal-Alvarez Literacy Instruction for Students Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. June 2013, 224pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN:9780199838554 ¥6,410 44. Fernando, C. & M. Ferrari (eds) 【幼児発達に関する決定版的教科書】 Handbook of Resilience in Children of War. 39. Bornstein, M.H. et al. April 2013, 311pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461463740 ¥27,160 Development in Infancy: A Contemporary Introduction. Aug 2013, 576pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848726581 ¥33,730 (Paperback ISBN 9780805863635 ¥14,990) This topically-organized text provides a comprehensive overview of infant development with a strong theoretical and research base. Readers gain a clear understanding of infant development and issues that will be the focus of significant advances in infancy studies in the future. The new fifth edition reflects the enormous changes in the field that have occurred over the past decade. The thoroughly revised chapters emphasize work from the 21st century, although classic references are retained, and explore contextual, methodological, neurological, physical, perceptual, cognitive, communicative, emotional, and social facets of infant development. The fifth edition features a more accessible style and enhanced pedagogical and teaching resource program. 【世界各国における幼児期の捉え方 – 比較研究】 40. Brown, M.-A. & J. White (eds) Exploring Childhood in a Comparative Context: An introductory Guide for Students. 【ピアジェ入門 – 早期教育実践ガイド】 45. Halpenny, A.M. & J. Pettersen Introducing Piaget: A Guide for Practitioners and Students in Early Years Education. Aug 2013, 184pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415525268 ¥22,490 (Paperback ISBN 9780415525275 ¥4,740) Throughout the book, the consequences of these developments for children’s social, emotional and intellectual development are discussed. Updates on Piaget’s theory are also outlined with reference to more recent work on cognitive development in childhood. Each chapter provides a concise summary of material presented through a consideration of the implications for practice in working with children. A glossary of key Piagetian terms is also included. With a particular focus on how Piaget’s principles and concepts can be applied to children in early childhood, this exciting new book is an invaluable resource for teachers, practitioners and students with an interest in learning and development in the early years. July 2013, 208pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415696517 ¥23,740 (Paperback ISBN 9780415696524 ¥5,740) Providing a ready made source of information about a wide range of countries including Denmark, New Zealand, the United States, the Neterlands and many more, this essential text clearly describes the wasy each country understands and conceptualises childhood. Including vignettes from practitioners working in each country to illustrate practice, the chapters explore key themes. 41. Davies, A. Using Festivals to Inspire and Engage Young Children: Celebrate and Create. July 2013, 144pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415815826 ¥22,490 (Paperback ISBN:9780415815833 ¥4,740) 【落ちこぼれの恐れのある学生に対する放課後予防プ ログラム】 46. Harpine, E. Clanton After-School Prevention Programs for At-Risk Students: Promoting Engagement and Academic Success. April 2013, 278pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461474159 ¥20,890 Provides theoretical and research bases for designing after-school programs that ensure academic success for at-risk students. Features instructive case examples and evidence-based group-centered interventions. Offers observational exercises to assist readers in gaining a deeper understanding of how group process works. Shows how after-school gains translate into improved classroom performance and reduced dropout rates. 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 6 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 【学校における双極性障害の同定、評価、治療】 47. Hart, S.R. et al. Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Bipolar Disorder at School. (Developmental Psychopathology at School) June 2013, 168pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461475842 ¥7,240 influence across 5 countries. Cultural norms and programming differences are investigated as well as age and gender and other factors. What is offered overall is a psychological model in which TV violence is both a precursor and a consequence of aggression. 【道徳発達ハンドブック・第 2 版】 52. Killen, M. & J.G. Smetana (eds) Handbook of Moral Development, 2nd Edition. Sept 2013, 816pp., Hardback (Psychology 48. Hazlitt, Victoria Ability: A Psychological Study. (Psychology Revivals) June 2013, 162pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9781848722507 ¥14,990 【幼児の心理学】 49. Hazlitt, Victoria The Psychology of Infancy. (Psychology Revivals) June 2013, 164pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9781848722484 ¥14,990 Originally published in 1933, this volume was the result of many years’ careful first-hand study of child psychology enriched by the author’s unusually wide experience in dealing with the subject with students. It was intended to follow the development of children from infancy to adolescence, but was cut short due to the author’s untimely death. The book makes available the results of modern experimental work of the time, much of which was published in scattered journals. Pr.) ISBN:9781848729599 ¥46,230 (Paperback ISBN 9780415818445 ¥17,490) The Handbook of Moral Development is the definitive source of theory and research on the development of morality. Since the publication of the first edition, ground-breaking approaches to studying the development of morality have re-invigorated debates about what it means to conceptualize and measure morality in early childhood, how children understand fairness and equality, what the evolutionary basis is for morality, and the role of culture. The contributors of this new edition grapple with these questions and provide answers for how morality originates, changes, evolves, and develops during childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood. 【子供向けの文学、文化、認知に関する新シリーズ】 53. Kokkola, L. Fictions of Adolescent Carnality: Sexy Sinners and Delinquent Deviants. 〈Children’s Literature, Culture, and Cognition, 1〉 2013, 232pp., Hardback (John Benjamins) ISBN:9789027201553 ¥22,970 【革命的科学者 – ヴィゴツキー】 50. Holzman, L. & F. Newman Lev Vygotsky: Revolutionary Scientist. (Classic Edition) Oct 2013, 256pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848726796 ¥19,990 (Paperback ISBN 9781848726802 ¥7,490) The Introduction to this Classic Edition will summarize what has transpired in the years since Lev Vygotsky first published. It will answer who and where is Vygotsky now? What place does he have in scholarship in psychology, education, and other fields? How are practitioners making use of him—to address the challenges of our times, solve seemingly intractable social problems, revolutionize psychology, and develop skilled and worldly citizens? What have the authors accomplished since they first articulated their view of Vygotsky as a revolutionary scientist? 54. LePage, P. & S. Courey Teaching Children with High-Level Autism: Evidence from Families. Oct 2013, 256pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415630825 ¥19,990 (Paperback ISBN 9780415630832 ¥6,240) Combines the perspectives of families and children with disabilities and frames these personal experiences in the context of evidence-based practice, providing pre- and in-service teachers and professionals with vital information on how they can help children with high-level autism reach their full potential. This book is essential reading for anyone who works with or plans to work with children on the upper range of the autism spectrum. 【テレビと児童の攻撃的行動 – 各国比較研究】 51. Huesmann, L.R. & L.D. Eron (eds9 Television and the Aggressive Child: A Cross-National Comparison. (Series: Routledge Library Editions: Television) May 2013, 332pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415837187 ¥19,990 The research presented in this book, originally published in 1986, looks to pinpoint the psychological processes involved in the media violence-aggression relation. Expanding on earlier studies, the compilation of essays here delves deeply into aggression study and compares results about media 【自伝で綴る青年発達心理学】 55. Lerner, R.M. et al. (eds) The Developmental Science of Adolescence: History Through Autobiography. Sept 2013, 624pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848729315 ¥29,980 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 7 【児童および家族の権利擁護】 56. McDonald Culp, A. (ed) Child and Family Advocacy: Bridging the Gaps Between Research, Practice, and policy. (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology) June 2013, 293pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461474555 ¥20,890 Establishes a model integrating research and advocacy practice and policy for children, youth, families, and communities. Provides a substantive knowledge base for effective social policy with training tools for professional advocacy. Describes a range of advocacy skills, from grassroots efforts to testifying before legislative bodies. Details how research informs advocacy efforts at the community, state, and federal levels. 57. McGrady, A. & D. Moss Patheways to Illness, Pathways to Health. 2013, 263pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781441913784 ¥20,880 vignettes illustrate discussions of such topics as differentiated instruction, response to intervention, the Common Core standards, social and emotional learning, assessment, and teaching across the curriculum. Each chapter links cutting-edge research to practical applications, examples, and professional development activities. 61. Shek, D.T. & R. Sun C.F. (eds) Development and Evaluation of Positive Adolescent Training through Holistic Social Programs (PATHS). (Quality of Life in Asia, Vol 3) June 2013, 358pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9789814451536 ¥20,890 Offers a scientific evaluation of a landmark positive youth development project conducted in Hong Kong between 2005 and 2012 that had more than 210,000 participants. Evaluates the overall effectiveness of the P.A.T.H.S. school-based programme and reveals that stakeholders had positive perceptions of the project, its implementers and benefits. Details lessons learned, emergent issues, future directions, as well as insights into the development of positive youth development programs particularly in Chinese communities. 58. McKinnon, E. (ed) Developing Outstanding Early Years Practice through Practitioner and Parent-led Research. (Series: Pen Green Books for Early Years Educators) Sept 2013, 128pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415816434 ¥23,740 (Paperback ISBN 9780415816441 ¥6,240) 【健康および福祉の統合的視点】 59. Morandi, A. & A. Nambi (eds) An Integrated View of Health and Well-Being: Bridging Indian and Western Knowledge. (Cross-Cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology, Vol 5) June 2013, 198pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9789400766884 ¥20,890 Identifies links between the modern conceptualization of health and well-being and the approach proposed by Indian tradition knowledge. Describes the culture of India and the realization of the self in society. Brings together contributions of scholars in various scientific domains, such as physics, medicine and psychology. 【イジメ、サイバーイジメに関連した情動および行動上 の諸問題】 62. Smith, P.K. (ed) Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Associated with Bullying and Cyberbulling. Sept 2013, 144pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415634984 ¥21,240 This book considers the effects of bullying and cyberbullying. It looks at different roles present within bullying and the different effects that it can have on a child’s development of psychosomatic problems, self-esteem, friends and loneliness, school satisfaction, and family relations. It focuses on several key aspects of intimidation and considers topics including traditional bullying, the situation of immigrant children in relation to victimization, cyberbullying in young people, and emotional and behavioural correlates of cyberbullying. 63. White, J. Playing and Learning Outdoors: Making Provision for High Quality Experiences in the Outdoor Environment with Chldren 3-7. Aug 2013, 144pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415623148 ¥22,490 (Paperback ISBN 9780415623155 ¥4,490) 【早期教育における研究に基づく実践ハンドブック】 60. Reutzel, D.R. Handbook of Research-Based Practice in Early Education. June 2013, 470pp., Hardback (Guilford) ISBN:9781462510184 ¥12,040 Written expressly for early childhood educators, and those who support their professional development, this handbook distills essential knowledge about how to help all PreK–3 learners succeed. Leading experts describe doable ways to create effective learning environments and implement instructional practices with a strong evidence base. Engaging 64. Wilkerson, K.L. et al. Promoting Social Skills in the Inclusive Classroom. Sept 2013, 198pp., Hardback (Guilford) ISBN:9781462511716 ¥8,830 (Paperback ISBN 9781462511488 ¥4,810) 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 8 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 【グッデイル&ミルナー著・もうひとつの視覚―〈見えな い視覚〉はどのように発見されたか 第 2 版】 認知・知覚・記憶 69. Goodale, M. & D. Milner 【実験現象学ハンドブック – 形状、空間、外観の視知 覚】 65. Albertazzi, L. (ed) Handbook of Experimental Phenomenology: Visual Perception of Shape, Space and Appearance. May 2013, 560pp., Cloth (Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN:9781119954682 ¥33,730 While the scientific study of vision is well-advanced, a universal theory of qualitative visual appearances (texture, shape, colour and so on) is still lacking. This interdisciplinary handbook presents the work of leading researchers around the world who have taken up the challenge of defining and formalizing the field of 2018experimental phenomenology'. Sight Unseen, 2nd Edition. June 2013, 216pp., Hardback (Oxford U.P.) ISBN:9780199596966 ¥8,740 In this updated and extended new edition, Goodale and Milner explore one of the most extraordinary neurological cases of recent years—one that profoundly changed scientific views on the visual brain. Taking us ona journey into the unconscious brain, this book is a fascinating illustration of the power of the unconscious mind. 【神経現象学とその心理学への応用】 70. Gordon, S. (ed) Neurophenomenology and Its Applications to Psychology. May 2013, 236pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461472384 ¥20,890 【人間の記憶の基本】 66. Baddeley, A. Essentials of Human Memory. (Series: Psychology Press Classic Editions) July 2013, 368pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848721401 ¥21,240 (Paperback ISBN 9781848721418 ¥6,240) This classic edition of the best-selling textbook offers an in-depth overview of approach to the study of memory. This book explores the meaning and import of neurophenomenology and the philosophy of enactive or embodied cognition for psychology. It introduces the psychologist to an experiential, non-reductive, holistic, theoretical, and practical framework that integrates the approaches of natural and human science to consciousness. In integrating phenomenology with cognitive science, neurophenomenology provides a bridge between the natural and human sciences that opens an interdisciplinary dialogue on the nature of awareness, the ontological primacy of experience, the perception of the observer, and the mindbrain relationship, which will shape the future of psychological theory, research, and practice. 【発話習得に関する理論的・実証的研究】 67. Davis, B.L. & L.M. Bedore 【人間および動物におけるコミュニケーション】 An Emergence Approach to Speech Acquisition: Doing and Knowing. July 2013, 208pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9780805849639 ¥21,240 (Paperback ISBN 9781848726543 ¥9,990) This volume takes a comprehensive look at the theoretical and empirical research on early phonetic and phonological acquisition in the context of typical and atypical development. It explores processes that operate in acquisition, such as memory, learning, and self-organization. It will interest cognitive psychologists, linguistics, and speech pathologists. 【人間の認知神経心理学】 68. Ellis, A.W. & A.W. Young 71. Hakansson, G. & J. Westander Communication in Humans and Other Animals. (Advances in Interaction Studies, 4) 2013, 239pp., Hardback (John Benjamins) ISBN:9789027204578 ¥23,930 (Paperback ISBN 9789027204585 ¥8,670) A core topic is how young individuals proceed from not being able to communicate to reaching a state of competent communicators, and the role of adults in this developmental process. Evolutionary aspects are also taken into consideration, and ideas about the evolution of human language are examined. The cross-disciplinary nature of the book makes it useful for courses in linguistics, biology, sociology and psychology, but it is also valuable reading for anyone interested in understanding communicative behaviour. Human Cognitive Neuropsychology. (Series: Psychology Press Classic Editions) July 2013, 360pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848721951 ¥19,990 (Paperback ISBN 9781848721944 ¥6,990) This classic edition marks 25 years in print for this seminal work, first published in 1988. Including a brand new introduction written by the authors, it will be important reading for students of cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and neuropsychology. 72. Herman, D. Storytelling and the Science of Mind. Sept 2013, 440pp., Cloth (The MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019187 ¥7,220 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 9 77. MacArthur, F. et al. (eds) 【ヘリオット著・記憶における帰属】 73. Herriot, P. Attributes of Memory. (psychology Revivals) Metaphor in Use: Context, Culture, and Communication. (Human Cognitive Processing, March 2013, 220pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9781848721708 ¥17,490 38) 2012, 379pp., Hardback (John Benjamins) ISBN:9789027223920 ¥22,970 CONTENTS: Preface 1 Introduction 2 Surface forms of coding 3 Deeper forms of coding 4 Conditions of coding 5 Organizational coding 6 Semantic memory 7 Past, present and future Appendix Bibliography Index 78. Malafouris, L. How Things Shape the Mind: A Theory of Material Engagement. Aug 2013, 336pp., Cloth (The MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019194 ¥6,420 【時間 – 言語、認知、現実】 74. Jaszczolt, K.M. & L. de Saussure (eds) Time: Language, Cognition and Reality. (Ox- 79. Mischler, J.J., III ford Studies of Time in Language and Thought No 1) June 2013, 304pp., Hardback (Oxford U.P.) ISBN:9780199589876 ¥16,240 Metaphor across Time and Conceptual Space: The Interplay of Embodiment and Cultural Models. (Cognitive Linguistic Studies in Linguists and philosophers examine the representation of temporal reference; the interaction of the temporal information from tense, aspect, modality, and context; and the representation of the temporal relations between facts, events, states, propositions, and utterances. They link this to current research in psychology and anthropology. Cultural Contexts, 3) 2013, Hardback (John Benjamins) ISBN:9789027204066 ca.¥22,970 【空間と時間の認知分析】 80. Panther, K.-U. & L.L. Thornburg (eds) From Space to Time: A Cognitive Analysis of the Cora Locative System and Its Temporal Extensions. (Human Cognitive Processing, 39) 【認知発達 – 精神および脳からのアプローチ】 75. Landau, B. (ed) Understanding Cognitive Development: Approaches from Mind and Brain. (Series: Speical issues of Cognitive Neuropsychology) April 2013, 248pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848727762 ¥21,240 The papers in this volume examine the state of the art in key areas of developmental cognitive neuroscience, focusing on theoretically driven research on cognition and its development. The past decade has seen an increasing number of empirical papers on the relationship between brain and cognitive development. But despite the clearly burgeoning interest in this topic, there is a relative paucity of work motivated by deep theoretical questions about the nature of cognition and its development. The papers in this special issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology consider a number of domains and mechanisms in cognition, including language, number, space, faces, reading, memory, and attention, and represent the wealth of approaches and techniques that can be used to shed light on the nature of cognitive development in brain and mind. 2012, 263pp., Hardback (John Benjamins) ISBN:9789027223937 ¥22,970 The author provides an introduction to Cora speakers and their history, and traces the evolution of Cora locative expressions, comparing them with cognate or corresponding expressions in other Uto-Aztecan languages, e.g. Huichol, to reconstruct the development of Cora temporal meanings. Based on a meticulous analysis of synchronic and diachronic data, Casad postulates distinct Cora models of time, grammatical aspect, and event structure, among which the topographically based model of time is especially prominent. This important book can be regarded as the opus magnum of the author. It should be of interest to scholars working in conceptual metaphor theory, grammaticalization, and the history and typology of Uto-Aztecan languages. 【認知心理学の基本】 81. Parkin, A.J. 【視覚の精神物理学 – 実験から理論へ】 Essential Cognitive Psychology. (Series: Psychology Press Classic Editions) July 2013, 368p., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848722460 ¥23,740 76. Lu, Zhong-Lin & B. Dosher (Paperback ISBN 9781848722477 ¥6,240) Visual Psychophysics: From Laboratory to Theory. Oct 2013, 528pp., Cloth (The MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019453 ¥9,630 A comprehensive treatment of the skills and techniques needed for visual psychophysics, from basic tools to sophisticated data analysis. 82. Richarson, P.J. & M.H. Christiansen (eds) Cultural Evolution: Society, Technology, Language, and Religion. Aug 2013, 456pp., Cloth (The MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019750 ¥7,220 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 10 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 人格・情動・社会心理学 【認知と情動に関するハンドブック】 83. Robinson, M.D. et al. (eds) Handbook of Cognition and Emotion. May 2013, 594pp., Hardback (Guilford) ISBN:9781462509997 ¥20,080 【アーガイル著/協力 – 社交性の基礎】 88. Argyle, Michael Comprehensively examining the relationship between cognition and emotion, this authoritative handbook brings together leading investigators from multiple psychological subdisciplines. Biological underpinnings of the cognition–emotion interface are reviewed, including the role of neurotransmitters and hormones. Contributors explore how key cognitive processes—such as attention, learning, and memory—shape emotional phenomena, and vice versa. Individual differences in areas where cognition and emotion interact—such as agreeableness and emotional intelligence—are addressed. 84. Rutherford, M.D. & V.A. Kuhlmeier (eds) Social Perception: Detection and Interpretation of Animacy, Agency, and Intention. Sept 2013, 424pp., Cloth (The MIT Pr.) ISBN:9780262019279 ¥8,830 An interdisciplinary exploration of perceptual and cognitive processes underlying the ability to perceive social information, drawing on current research and new experimental techniques. Cooperation: The Basis of Sociability. (Psychology Revivals) April 2013, 292pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415838122 ¥17,490 In this book, originally published in 1991, the author showed he was critical of earlier approaches, and put forward a new and extended understanding of what cooperation consists of, showing the form it took in different relationships and its origins in evolution and socialisation. He offered new solutions to intergroup and other social problems and took a new look at language and communication as a cooperative enterprise. 【アーガイル著/心理学と社会問題】 89. Argyle, Michael Psychology and Social Problems. (Psychology Revivals) April 2013, 236pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415838238 ¥17,490 First published in 1964, Psychology and Social Problems looks at a changing society and research into problems of the time. Many of the themes in the book, such as delinquency, mental health and racial conflict, are still familiar and current topics of discussion today. 85. Schalley, A.C. (ed) Practical Theories and Empirical Practice: A Linguistic Perspective. (Human Cognitive Processing, 40) 2012, 338pp., Hardback (John Benjamins) ISBN:9789027223944 ¥22,970 【認知心理学教科書・第 5 版】 86. Smilek, D., S. Sinnett & A. Kingstone Cognition, 5th Edition. May 2013, 544pp., Hardback (Oxford, U.P., Canada) ISBN:9780195447491 ¥22,490 This is a comprehensive introduction to the field of cognitive psychology. It examines the mental processes behind how we come to know about the world in which we live. Covering a wide range of topics such as perception, memory, attention, and language, and the common cognitive disorders associated with each, this text applies real-life examples to the key theories in order to create an accessible yet comprehensive primer to the field. 87. Tomasello, M. A Natural History of Human Thinking. Feb 【社会的行動の科学的研究】 90. Argyle, M. The Scientific Study of Social Behaviour. (Psychology Revivals) April 2013, 258pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415838740 ¥17,490 社会心理学の巨人マイケル・アーガイルの名著の再刊です。 CONTENTS: Preface Acknowledgements 1 Introduction Part I. Methodology 2 Methods of studying social behaviour 3 The explanation of social behaviour Part II. Generalisations and theories 4 Interaction between two people 5 Small social groups 6 Human relations in industry and other social organisations References Author index Subject index 【アーガイル編/社会的技能と健康】 91. Argyle, Michael (ed) Social Skills and Health. (Psychology Revivals) April 2013, 242pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415837729 ¥17,490 Originally published in 1981, this volume, edited by the foremost authority in the field, presents a wealth of ideas and information on how best to employ social skills training in health and welfare agencies that are still relevant today. 2014, 174pp., (Harvard U.P.) ISBN:9780674724778 ¥5,620 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 11 rent psychological research related to the construct of solitude. 【宗教の社会心理学】 92. Argyle, M. & B. Beit-Hallahmi The Social Psychology of Religion. (Psychology Revivals) April 2013, 260pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415837750 ¥17,490 社会心理学の巨人マイケル・アーガイルの名著の再刊です。 CONTENTS: Preface 1 Introduction 2 Religious activity in Great Britain and the USA, 1900-73 3 Environmental and situational factors 4 Age and religion 5 Sex differences 6 Personality and religion 7 Social and political attitudes 8 Religion and personal adjustment 9 Sex and marriage 10 Social and economic factors 11 Theories of religious behaviour Bibliographical index Subject index 93. Burrell, N. et al. (eds) Managing Interpersonal Conflict: Advances through Meta-Analysis. Oct 2013, 424pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415999175 ¥23,740 (Paperback ISBN 9780415999182 ¥8,480) 【赤面(恥ずかしさ)の心理学的意味】 98. Crozier, W.R. & P.J. de Jong (eds) The Psychological Significance of the Blush. Jan 2013, 361pp., Hardback (Cambridge U.P.) ISBN:9781107013933 ¥15,900 The blush is a ubiquitous yet little understood phenomenon which can be triggered by a number of self-conscious emotions such as shame, embarrassment, shyness, pride and guilt. The field of psychology has seen a recent surge in the research of such emotions, yet blushing remains a relatively neglected area. This unique volume brings together leading researchers from a variety of disciplines to review emerging research on the blush, discussing in depth issues that have arisen and stimulating new theorizing to indicate future directions for research. Topics covered include: the psychophysiology of the blush; developmental aspects; measurement issues; its evolutionary significance and the role of similar colour signals in the social life of other species; its relation to embarrassment, shame and social anxiety; and the rationale for, and clinical trials of, interventions to help people suffering from blushing phobia. 94. Canter, D. & D. Turner (eds) Biologising the Social Sciences: Challenging Darwinian and Neuroscience Explanation. Aug 2013, 160pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415824804 ¥21,240 【暴力の心理学に関するワイリー・ブラックウェルハンド ブック】 99. Cuevas, C.A. (ed) The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook on the Psychology of Violence. Sept 2013, 600pp., Cloth 95. Chaudhary, N. et al. (eds9 Cultural Realities of Being: Abstract Ideas within Everyday Lives. (Series: Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation) Sept 2013, 280pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415600637 ¥19,990 (Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN:9781118303153 ¥32,120 The Wiley Handbook on the Psychology of Violence features a collection of original readings, from an international cast of experts, that explore all major issues relating to the psychology of violence, aggression, and other criminal behaviors. 【職場の社会心理学】 【親密な関係のダークサイド・第 2 版】 96. Collett, P. & A. Furnham (eds) 100. Social Psychology at Work: Essays in Honour of Michael Argyle. (Psychology Revivals) April 2013, 288pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415829120 ¥17,490 Cupach, W.R. & B.H. Spitzberg The Dark Side of Relationship Pursuit: From Attraction to Obsession and Stalking, 2nd Edition. Sept 2013, 352pp., Hardback (Routledge) iSBN:9780415896726 ¥23,740 Social psychology has much to offer real world problems, especially in industrial and organizational settings. Originally published in 1995, in Social Psychology at Work leading researchers in their respective fields discuss recent findings and their implications for the commercial world of work. 【社会的孤立、引きこもりの心理学】 97. Coplan, R.J. & J.C. Bowker (eds) The Handbook of Solitude: Psychological Perspectives on Social Isolation, Social Withdrawal, and Being Alone. Oct 2013, 500pp., (Paperback ISBN 9780415896733 ¥9,490) Authors William R. Cupach and Brian H. Spitzberg synthesize the expanding multidisciplinary base of knowledge about obsessive relational intrusion (ORI) and stalking, presenting a comprehensive scholarly consideration of these behaviors. Their inclusive approach is reflected in the breadth of research represented, including social, clinical and forensic psychology, psychiatry, counseling, communication, criminal justice, law enforcement, sociology, social work, threat assessment and management, and family studies. The work also draws upon the multidisciplinary scholarship on social and personal relationships. Cloth (Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN:9781118427361 ¥31,320 This handbook offers a comprehensive compilation of cur- 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 12 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 【アイゼンク著/犯罪とパーソナリティ】 【アイゼンク著/パーソナリティーの構造と測定】 101. 104. Eysenck, H.J. Eysenck, H.J. & S.B.G. Eysenck Crime and Personality. (Psychology Revivals) Personality Structure and Measurement. May 2013, 226pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415842112 ¥17,490 (psychology Revivals) May 2013, 384pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415840873 ¥19,990 When Crime and Personality was first published in 1964, J.A.C. Brown, writing in the New Statesman, commented: ‘There can be no doubt of the importance of Professor Eysenck’s book on the nature and treatment of criminal behaviour.’ This third edition, originally published in 1977, had been completely revised and brought up to date, and although the major theory linking personality and crime has been retained, many of the details have been changed in conformity with recent research of the time. Originally published in 1969, this book deals extensively with the description and measurement of personality. 【アイゼンク編/パーソナリティ実験・全 2 巻】 102. Eysenck, H.J. (ed) Experiments in Personality. (Psychology Revivals) Vol 1: Psychogenetics and Psychopharmacology. May 2013, 278pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415842433 ¥17,490 Vol 2: Psychodiagnostics and Psychodynamics. May 2013, 346pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415844369 ¥19,990 Originally published in 1960, the two volumes of Experiments in Personality report a number of experiments in psychogenetics, psychopharmacology, psychodiagnostics, psychometrics and psychodynamics, all of which formed part of the programme of research which had been developing from the late 1940s at the Maudsley Hospital. Presenting the studies together in a book, rather than the more usual route of journal articles, was itself felt to be an experiment at the time, especially given the wide area covered. The decision was deliberate because all the studies reported formed part of a larger whole, which would have been lost if published separately. 【アイゼンク著/パーソナリティの構造】 105. Eysenck, H.J. The Structure of Human Personality. (Psychology Revival) May 2013, 500pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415844413 ¥24,990 Originally published in 1953, this third edition was first published in 1970. It was one of the early attempts at bringing together theories of personality organisation and finding empirical evidence to test their hypotheses. This third edition includes additional chapters and updated references to current research of the time. It is a particular feature of this book that a large number of figures are reproduced in the text; this is essentially a consequence of the writer’s belief that diagrammatic representations are better suited to the transmitting and remembering of information than are words or numbers. 【社会的認知とコミュニケーション】 106. Forgas, J.P. et al. (eds) Social Cognition and Communication. (Series: Sydney Symposium in Social Psychology) Aug 2013, 416pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848726635 ¥23,740 This volume presents cutting-edge research from leading international scholars investigating the how language shapes our thinking, and how social cognitive processes, in turn, influence language production and communication. The diverse approaches include evolutionary, linguistic, cognitive and affective, as well as the empirical analysis of written and spoken narratives. 【アイゼンク他編/フロイト理論の実証的研究】 103. Eysenck, H.J. & G.D. Wilson The Experimental Study of Freudian Theories. (Psychology Revivals) May 2013, 426pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415841320 ¥22,490 Originally published in 1973 the editors of this book collected together those studies which had been considered at the time to yield the best evidence in support of Freudian theory, and found on close examination that they failed to provide any such proof. Each paper is printed in full and is followed by a critical discussion which raises questions of statistical treatment, sufficiency of controls and alternative interpretations. The particular usefulness of this format is that it allows readers to form their own opinions while providing helpful suggestions and guidelines on how to approach experimental studies with a critical mind. 【ワイリー・ブラックウェル社のトランスパーソナル心理 学ハンドブック】 107. Friedman, H. & G. Hartelius (eds) The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Transpersonal Psychology. Sept 2013, 760pp., Cloth (Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN:9781119967552 ¥31,320 Features the work of more than fifty leading voices in the field, creating the most comprehensive survey of transpersonal psychology yet published. Includes emerging and established perspectives. Charts the breadth and diversity of the transpersonal landscape. Covers topics including shamanism, neurobiology, holotropic states, transpersonal experiences, and more. 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 13 112. 【文化および心理学の進歩・第 3 巻】 108. Gelfand, M.J. et al. Advances in Culture and Psychology, Volume 3. Feb 2013, 358pp., Hardcover (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN: 9780199930449 ¥12,840 Part of the first annual series presenting new research in the burgeoning field of culture and psychology. Comprised of specially commissioned chapters from leading international scholars in culture and psychology. Reflects theoretical, methodological, and epistemological diversity in the study of culture and psychology. Also available: Advances in Culture and Psychology: Volume 4 July 2013, Hardback, 328pp, 9780299336708 ¥12,850 Advances in Culture and Psychology, Volume 1. 1999, Hardcover ISBN: 9780195380392 ¥14,450 Advances in Culture and psychology, Volume 2. 1999, Hardcover ISBN: 9780199840694 ¥13,650 【動機づけに関する第 60 回ネブラスカシンポジウム】 109. Gervais, S.J. (ed) Objectification and (De) Humanization: 60th Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. May 2013, 359pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461469582 ¥20,890 【絆 – 愛情に基づく人間の結びつき】 110. Hazan, C. & M.I. Campa (eds) Human Bonding: The Science of Affectional Ties. Aug 2013, 388pp., Hardback (Guilford) L’Abate, L. Beyond the Systems Paradigm: Emerging Constructs in Family and Personality Psychology. (SpringerBriefs in Psychology) May 2013, 94pp., Softcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461474432 ¥10,440 113. Maass, A. et al. Living in an Asymmetrical World: How Writing Direction Affects Thought and Action. (Series: Routledge Monographs in Behavioural Science) July 2013, 184pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415521987 ¥21,240 114. Macek, I. (ed) Engaging Violence: Trauma, Memory and Representation. (Series: Cultural Synamics of Social Representation) Sept 2013, 224pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415831697 ¥19,990 【オペラント条件付けおよび古典的条件付けに関する ワイリー・ブラックウェルハンドブック】 115. McSweeney, F.K. et al. The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Operant and Classical Conditioning. Dec 2013, 750pp., Cloth (Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN:9781118468180 ¥31,320 This combined survey of operant and classical conditioning provides professional and academic readers with an up-to-date, inclusive account of a core field of psychology research, with in-depth coverage of the basic theory, its applications, and current topics including behavioral economics. ISBN:9781462510672 ¥10,440 Topics include infant–caregiver attachment, human social nature, child and adolescent social development, mate selection, love and sexual desire, hooking up and online dating, keys to relationship success, predictors and consequences of relationship dissolution, and the role of social connectedness in psychological adjustment and physical health. Readers get a solid grounding in the concepts, theories, and methods that define contemporary relationship science. 【グローバル時代の心理学の社会的責任】 116. Mustakova-Possardt, E. et al. (eds) Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era. (International and Cultural Psychology) June 2013, 427pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461473909 ¥27,160 Defines the concept of socially-responsible psychology. Provides a multi-layer analysis of social health, as separate from peace psychology. Basic issues for creating social responsibility & ethics courses in psychology. 【対人関係に関する教科書】 111. Jackson-Dwyer, D. Interpersonal Relationships. (Series: Foundations of Psychology) Sept 2013, 192pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415429153 ¥21,240 (Paperback ISBN 9780415429160 ¥4,240) This book surveys classic studies and recent research on relationships. Topics covered include rising divorce rates, consequences of multiple marriage on heath, and processes involved in relationship breakdown. It will be essential for undergraduate and pre-undergraduate students of psychology. 【憧れ、親密さ、孤独感】 117. Rokach, A. (ed) Longing, Intimacy and Loneliness. Sept 2013, 160pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415842181 ¥21,240 This book examines the very basic human need to belong. It looks at the intimacy that is a cornerstone of such belonging and closeness, romantic relationships, which signify belonging in the Western world, and loneliness and love, which are inextricably linked to the subject. The book examines these constructs and considers other issues such as the basic human need to belong; the different love styles and how are they expressed; empathy, social support and 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 14 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> humour and their influence on looseness and romantic elations; loneliness and marital adjustment; the influence of culture on relationships and the loneliness felt by the partner. groups. An excellent summary of the various conceptual, substantive and methodological issues around television’s influence. 【文化と集団過程】 122. 【宗教、パーソナリティ、社会的行動】 118. Saroglou, V. (ed) Yuki, M. & M. Brewer (eds) Culture and Group Processes. (Frontiers in Cul- Religion, Personality, and Social Behavior. ture and Pyschology) May 2013, 288pp., Hardcover Aug 2013, 480pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9781848729841 ¥23,740 (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN: 9780199985463 ¥15,820 (Paperback ISBN 9781848726659 ¥9,990) This volume reviews research and theory on aspects of personality and social psychology as applied to religion, using methodologies that include social experiments, priming techniques, meta-analyses, longitudinal data, behavioural genetic analysis, neuroimaging, and cross-cultural studies. The volume provides a rigorous review for social psychologists, and those in sociology, political sciences, and anthropology. Culture and groups are inherently inseparable. Patterns of group behavior and underlying psychological processes are shaped within specific cultural contexts, and cultures emerge in groupbased interactions. Culture and Group Processes, the inaugural volume of the Frontiers of Culture and Psychology series, is the first edited book on this rapidly emerging topic. 臨床心理学 119. Seiter, E. et al. (eds) Remote Control: Television, Audiences, and Cultural Power. (Series: Routledge Library Editions: Television) May 2013, 272pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415839525 ¥17,490 123. Arean, P.A. & H.C. Kraemer High Quality Psychotherapy Research: From conception to Piloting to National Trials. May 2013, 224pp., Hardback (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN:9780199782468 ¥9,630 【アイデンティティおよび文化の多様性】 120. Verkuyten, M. Identity and Cultural Diversity: What Social Psychology Can Tech Us. Aug 2013, 320pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9781848721203 ¥22,490 (Paperback ISBN 9781848721210 ¥7,490) This book examines questions of identity and cultural diversity from a social psychological perspective. It provides an introduction to this area which will be useful for psychologists, and will also be accessible to academics from other disciplines and the interested reader. 【テレビと社会的行動】 121. Withey, S.B. & R.P. Abeles (eds) Television and Social Behavior: Beyond Violence and Children / A Report of the Committee on Television and Social Behavior, Social Science Research Council. (Seires: Routledge Library Editions: Television) May 2013, 370pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415842129 ¥19,990 This book, published originally in 1980, addressed the needs for a profile of televised violence which considered the advantages and disadvantages of various measures and for a furthering of research directions beyond the then-popular emphasis on children. The Committee on Television and Social Behavior was formed in1972 and stimulated new research in order to provide a multidimensional profile of the social effects of television programming. Chapters here look at the effect of television on adults as well as children, particularly special audiences such as the elderly and minority 【コミュニケーション障害の質的研究に関するハンドブ ック】 124. Ball, M.J. et al. (eds) Handbook of Qualitative Research in Communication Disorders. (Series: Language and Speech Disorders) Sept 2013, 288pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.l) ISBN:9781848726420 ¥23,740 (Paperback ISBN 9781848726437 ¥9,990) 本書は、コミュニケーション障害の分野における質的研究に関す る包括的で詳細な初めてのハンドブックです。 コミュニケーション障害の広範囲にわたる諸相を調査研究するた めに、特に近年駆使されている質的研究法の新しいパラダイムを 詳細に解説しております。 SELECTED CONTENTS: Part 1: Qualitative Approaches to Research. Why Case Studies? Micro and Macro Traditions. Ethnography. Conversation Analysis. Phenomenology. Grounded Theory. Pragmatics as Interaction. Functional Linguistics. Part 2: Case Studies in Qualitative Research. Critical Discourse. Speakership in Interaction with Aphasics. Families Pathologists Serve. Intercultural Communication. Study of the Onset of Stuttering. Meaning Construction and Writing with Children. Grounded Theory of Caring. A 20-year Case Study . Part 3: Epilogue. Ethics. Qualitative Research Revisited. 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 125. 15 Barlow, S. 【自閉症スペクトラム障害者への力動的芸術療法】 Specialty Competencies in Group Psychology. (Specialty Competencies in Professional psychology) May 2013, 304pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN:9780195388558 ¥8,830 【境界性人格障害】 126. Bateman, A.W. & R. Krawitz Borderline Personality Disorder: An Evidence-Based Guide for Generalist Mental Health Professionals. May 2013, 240pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P.) ISBN:9780199644209 ¥6,240 Though much progress has been made in developing specialist psychosocial treatments for borderline personality disorder (BPD), the majority of people with BPD receive treatment within generalist mental health services. This is a practical evidence based guide on how to help people with BPD with advice based on research evidence. 130. Dolphin, M. et al. (eds) Psychodynamic Art Therapy Practice with People on the Autistic Spectrum. Aug 2013, 200pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:978041523936 ¥21,240 (Paperback ISBN 9780415523943 ¥5,740) CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Dolphin, Frozen in Headlights: Working with Loss in Art Therapy with a Man with Asperger’s Syndrome. Ginsberg, Emptiness and Silence: Art Therapy with a Child with Autism. Wilson, A Group of Five Autistic Young Adults. Byers, Rhythm and Flow: Re-Thinking Art Therapy with an Autistic Young Man. Goldsmith, Images and Imagination: a Jungian Approach to Art Therapy with an Autistic Woman. Ashby, A Collaborative Art Therapy Approach. Jones, It is Joy to be Hidden but Disaster Not to be Found: Art Therapy with a Girl Diagnosed with Autism. Moore, Adolescence and Autonomy: Art Therapy with a Young Adult with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Conclusion. 【精神、脳、幸福への道】 131. 127. Brambilla, P. & A. Marini (eds) Brain Evolution, Language and Psychopathology in Schizophrenia. Sept 2013, 224pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9780415537643 ¥21,240 Dorjee, D. Mind, Brain, and the Path to Happiness: A Guide to Buddhist Mind Training and the Neuroscience of Meditation. Sept 2013, 192pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415626132 ¥19,990 (Paperback ISBN 9780415626149 ¥4,990) 【自殺予防研究に関するラウトリッジ国際ハンドブック】 128. 【マインドフルネスと心理療法・第 2 版】 Cutcliffe, J.R. et al. (eds) Routledge International Handbook of Clinical Suicide Research. Aug 2013, 496pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415530125 ¥31,230 This important reference work collects together a wide range of research around suicide and suicide prevention, in order to guide future research and provide guidance for professionals about the best way to respond meaningfully to suicidal patients. 132. Germer, C.K. & R.S. Siegel (eds) Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition. Aug 2013, 382pp., Hardback (Guilford) ISBN:9781462511372 ¥7,220 133. Gumley, A. et al. (eds) Psychosis and Emotion: The Role of Emotions in Understanding Psychosis, Therapy and Recovery. June 2013, 216pp., Hardback 【成人のメンタルヘルスにおける愛着理論】 (Routledge) ISBN:9780415570404 ¥22,490 129. (Paperback ISBN 9780415570428 ¥6,240) Danquah, A.N. & K. Berry (eds) Attachment Theory in Adult Mental Health: A Guide to Clinical Practice. Aug 2013, 256pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415687409 ¥23,740 134. (Paperback ISBN 9780415687416 ¥7,490) Attachment theory has witnessed a surge in interest in mental health circles. The new book describes the application of attachment theory to assessment, formulation, and intervention with adults presenting with depression, anxiety, psychosis, personality disorders, eating disorders, and medically unesplained symptoms. Katz, M.M. Depression and Drugs: The Neurobehavioral Structure of a Psychological Storm. (SpringerBriefs in Psychology) May 2013, 206pp., Softcover (Springer) ISBN:9783319003887 ¥10,440 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 16 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 年への認知行動療法】 140. 【レジリエンスハンドブック】 135. Kent, M. et al. (eds) The Resilience Handbook: Approaches to Stress and Trauma. Sept 2013, 512pp., Hard- Scarpa, A. et al. CBT for Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders. July 2013, 318pp., Hardback (Guilford) back (Routledge) ISBN:9780415699877 ¥22,490 ISBN:9781462510481 ¥7,220 (Paperback ISBN 9780415818834 ¥7,990) In The Resilience Handbook, experts in the science of resilience draw on human and animal research to describe the process of resilience and follow its course as it unfolds both within individuals and in social networks. Contributors also highlight the promise of new interventions that apply what we know about resilience processes to bolster positive health, and raise some of the pressing questions and issues for the field as it matures. This book helps clinicians harness the benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for children and adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Leading treatment developers describe promising approaches for treating common challenges faced by young people with ASD—anxiety and behavior problems, social competence issues, and adolescent concerns around sexuality and intimacy. Chapters present session-by-session overviews of each intervention program, review its evidence base, and address practical considerations in treatment. 136. Mair, M. 【笑いと健康管理】 Between Psychology and Psychotherapy: A Poetics of Experience. (Psychology Revivals) June 2013, 312pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415859226 ¥19,990 Patel, V. et al. (eds) Global Mental Health: Principles and Practice. Sept 2013, 480pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN: 9780199920181 ¥9,630 (Paperback ISBN 9780415505154 ¥5,740) The role of humour and play in healthcare is a hot topic. This is a practical handbook aimed primarily at healthcare professionals and those working in healthcare settings who wish to bring play and humour into their work. This is the definitive textbook on global mental health, an emerging priority discipline within global health, which places priority on improving mental health and achieving equity in mental health for all people worldwide. Power, M. The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Mood Disorders, 2nd Edition. July 2013, 512pp., Hardback (Wiley-Blackwell) ISBN:9781119978923 ¥29,720 Every chapter is updated to reflect the very latest developments in theory and practice in unipolar and bipolar mood disorders. Includes additional chapters which cover marital and family therapy, medical disorders and depression, and cross-cultural issues. Contributions are from the world's leading authorities, and include psychiatrists and clinical psychologists with experience in both research and practice. Focuses on innovations in science and clinical practice, and considers new pharmacological treatments as well as psychological therapies. 139. 応用心理学 142. 【ワイリー・ブラックウェル気分障害ハンドブック】 138. Warren, B. & . Spitzer Smiles are Everywhere: Integrating Clown-Play into Healthcare Practice. July 2013, 168pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415505147 ¥21,240 【メンタルヘルス – グローバルな視点から】 137. 141. Rowe, D. Living with the Bomb: Can We Live without Enemies? (Psychology Revivals) April 2013, 260pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415831901 ¥17,490 Bauer, G.F. & G.J. Jenny (eds) Solutogenic Organizations and Change: The Concepts behind Organizational Health Intervention Research. April 2013, ca.350pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9789400764699 ¥20,880 【電気自動車の心理学 – ドライバーの経験】 143. Burgess, M. et al. (eds) The Psychology of the Electric Car: Experiences of Drivers from Electric Vehicle Trials. July 2013, 224pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9780415816410 ¥21,240 CONTENTS: The Electric Vehicle: Research in Context. Keinath, Vilicek, Introduction to the BMW MINI E International Trials. Burgess, Mansbridge, Charting the Course of Drivers' Adaptation over Time. Franke, Krems, Drivers' Expectations and Experiences of Range. Bunce, Harris, Charging the MINI E and Using the Charging Infrastructure. Cocron, Krems, The Impact of Regenerative Braking and Low Vehicle Noise. King, Mansbridge, Burgess, Turrentine, Garas, The Meaning of the MINI E – The Car, The Driver, and the Environment. 【高機能自閉症スペクトラム障害をもつ児童および青 洋書ニュース・ブックマン 心理学編 K-147 <July 2013> 17 【職場のパーソナリティ心理学】 【オックスフォード政治心理学ハンドブック・第 2 版】 144. 148. Christiansen, N. & R. Tett (eds) Handbook of Personality at Work. July 2013, 928pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9781848729421 ¥25,980 Personality has emerged as a key factor when trying to understand why people think, feel, and behave the way they do at work. Recent research has linked personality to important aspects of work such as job performance, employee attitudes, leadership, eamwork, stress, and turnover. This handbook brings together into a single volume the diverse areas of work psychology where personality constructs have been applied and investigated, providing expert review and analysis based on the latest advances in the field. The Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology, 2nd Edition. Aug 2013, 1008pp., Paperback (Oxford U.P., USA) ¥8,830 Political psychology applies what is known about human psychology to the study of politics. It examines how, for example, people reach political decisions on topics such as voting, party identification, and political attitudes as well as how leaders mediate political conflicts and make foreign policy decisions. 149. Coovert, M. & L.F. Thompson (eds) The Psychology of Workplace Technology. (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series) Sept 2013, 320pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9781848729643 ¥14,990 Recent advances in technology have dramatically altered the manner in which organizations function, transforming the way people think about and perform their work. This edited volume brings together top scholars within and outside of the field of industrial and organizational (I-O) psychology to explore the psychological and organizational effects of contemporary workplace technologies. A special section is included at the end of the book by four experts in the field entitled Reflections and Future Directions. Briefs in Innovations in Poverty Reduction) May 2013, 62pp., Softcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461472261 ¥10,440 150. Koh, K.B. Somatization and Psychosomatic Symptoms. June 2013, 410pp., Hardcover (Springer) ISBN:9781461471189 ¥20,890 【オックスフォード認知工学ハンドブック】 151. 146. Klinger, B. et al. Enterprising Psychometrics and Pover Reduction. (SpringerBriefs in Psychology / Springer- 【職場の技術と産業・組織心理学】 145. Huddy, Leonie et al. (eds) Lee, J.D. & A. Kirlik (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Engineering. (Oxford Library of Psychology) April 2013, Ehrhart, M.E. et al. Organizational Climate and Culture. (Series in Organization and Management) Sept 2013, 220pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415879804 ¥7,990 688pp., Hardback (Oxford U.P., USA) ISBN:9780199757183 ¥28,110 First handbook of its kind in this recently emerging and rapidly growing research area. Represents the work of more than 60 contributing authors, each an authority in the discipline. 【仕事における判断と意思決定】 147. Highhouse, S. et al. (eds) 【サイバー心理学とニューメディア】 Judgment and Decision Making at Work. (SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series) Aug 2013, 368pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9780415886864 ¥13,240 Employees are constantly making decisions and judgments that have the potential to affect themselves, their families, their work organizations, and on some occasion even the broader societies in which they live. A few examples include: deciding which job applicant to hire, setting a production goal, judging one’s level of job satisfaction, deciding to steal from the cash register, agreeing to help organize the company’s holiday party, forecasting corporate tax rates two years later, deciding to report a coworker for sexual harassment, and predicting the level of risk inherent in a new business venture. In other words, a great many topics of interest to organizational researchers ultimately reduce to decisions made by employees. 152. Power, A. & G. Kirwan Cyberpsychology and New Media: A Thematic Reader. Sept 2013, 248pp., Hardback (Routledge) ISBN:9781848721654 ¥19,990 (Paperback ISBN 9781848721661 ¥6,240) 153. Van Trijp, H.C.M. (ed) Encouraging Sustainable Behavior: Psychology and the Environment. Sept 2013, 304pp., Hardback (Psychology Pr.) ISBN:9781848729889 ¥23,740 (Paperback ISBN 9781848726499 ¥9,990) 洋書ニュース・ブックマン
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