38 絵本 建築/庭園 Architecture 建築 Kodansha Bilingual Children’s Classics Home Garden Ralph F. McCarthy Five of the best-loved stories All titles: Hardcover: 48 pages, 125 x 190 mm THE VERY SMALL HOME Japanese Ideas for Living Well in Limited Space Azby Brown with Foreword by Kengo Kuma 和英併記 講談社バイリンガル絵本 The Very Small Home showcases stunning advances in home design from Japan. Recent houses are examined in detail, with a special emphasis on their Big Ideas, particularly ingenious sources of natural light, well-thought-out loft spaces, and snug but functional kitchens, to name a few. ラルフ・マッカーシー 訳 バイリンガルで味わえる「日本昔ばなし」 。英 文は 和 文に基づ いて 詩 のように書 かれてあ り、巻末 Notes により、辞 書 なしで楽しく 読める絵本。 「日本昔ばなし」の絵はかつて の人気絵本「講談社の絵本」の中から厳選さ れた、一流画家が描いた原画からの復刻版。 Kintaro, the Nature Boy Illustrated by Suiho Yonai 和英併記 きんたろう 米内穂豊 絵 Boxed Set: ISBN 978-4-7700-2134-2 ISBN 978-4-7700-2102-1 The Adventure of Momotaro, the Peach Boy The Moon Princess Illustrated by Ioe Saito 和英併記 かぐやひめ 和英併記 ももたろう Illustrated by Kancho Oda Hardcover: 112 pages, 234 x 311 mm, 120 color photos, 50 line drawings and isometric sketches 織田観潮 絵 斎藤五百枝 絵 ISBN 978-4-7700-2099-4 スモールホーム ISBN 978-4-7700-2098-7 The Inch-High Samurai Urashima and the Kingdom Beneath the Sea Illustrated by Shiro Kasamatsu Illustrated by Shiro Kasamatsu 和英併記 いっすんぼうし 和英併記 うらしまたろう 笠松紫浪 絵 笠松紫浪 絵 ISBN 978-4-7700-2101-4 ISBN 978-4-7700-2100-7 アズビー・ブラウン 著 E 目も手も足もよくしゃべる Paperback: 264 pages, 196 x 196 mm, Territories; Japan only ISBN 978-4-7700-4056-5 素敵な漢字 ISBN 978-4-7700-4094-7 白鳥美雄 写真 柔軟な発想から狭さに挑戦し、より広くより快 適に住むための工夫とアイディアを紹介。 ISBN 978-4-7700-2084-0 Julian Worrall and Erez Golani Solomon Photographs by Joshua Lieberman ISBN 978-4-7700-4021-3 ステキナカタカナ スモールスペース A Guide to Contemporary Architecture すてきなひらがな 五味太郎初のユニークな手法で、ひらがな、カ タカナ、漢字を描きます。取り上げられている 単語はすべて日英 対 訳なので英単語も学べま す。自由な発想と卓越したデザインワークで子 どもも大人も楽しめる1冊。 Paperback: 96 pages, 230 x 277 mm, 44 color pages 21st Century Tokyo From award-winning children’s book author Taro Gomi comes an intelligent, brilliantly designed volume that introduces 126 Japanese “body part” idioms, from me kara hana ni nukeru (quick-witted) to fu ni ochiru (make sense). On each spread are the idiom, its literal English translation, its definition, its natural English equivalent, a short essay about its usage, and a humorous illustration. すてきなひらがな/ステキナカタカナ/素 敵な漢字 五味太郎 著 Imaginative and practical solutions to the problems of limited interior space. Illustrated with photographs and plans of actual living areas in contemporary homes, this idea book is a lifesaver for anyone with growing families, shrinking resources, and limited room to expand. ISBN 978-4-7700-2999-7 A Hardcover: each 108 pages, 235 x 208 mm, full color, Territories: Japan only Stylish Ideas for Making More of Less in the Home Azby Brown Photographs by Yoshio Shiratori アズビー・ブラウン 著 隈 研吾 序文 狭い敷地や建坪で、心地よく住めるビッグアイ ディア 20 例。現代日本の「小さな家」を実例 に、その知恵と工夫を紹介。 Taro Gomi’s BOoks visual feast for learners of all ages, these books present hiragana, katakana, and kanji together with charming illustrations and startling photographs—all in a spectacular, bilingual format. Fun, educational, witty, and brilliantly designed. Small Spaces 目も手も足もよくしゃべる 五味太郎 著 「鼻が 高い」から「 臍 で茶を沸かす」まで、身 体にまつわる言い回しがてんこ盛り! 軽妙な エッセイもトッピングされた、五味 流・カラダ 表現絵辞典。 ISBN 978-4-7700-4128-9 LULIE THE ICEBERG Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado Illustrated by Warabe Aska An enchanting tale of a brave little iceberg with the warmest of hearts, who makes an extraordinary voyage from the Arctic to the Antarctic, encountering dangers and making new friends along the way. Hardcover: 44 pages, 255 x 266 mm 氷山ルリの大航海 高円宮妃久子殿下 文 飛鳥 童 絵 氷山ルリが北極から大西洋を横断し、 出会った動 物たちに助けられながら南極へと旅する物語。 kodansha America ISBN 978-1-56836-272-4 The Genius of Japanese Carpentry The Secrets of a Craft Azby Brown A rare and intimate view of master carpenters at work on the reconstruction of an eighth-century temple in Nara. Captures the technical side of traditional Japanese techniques as well as the spirit of the craft. ighty-three outstanding expamples of contemporary architecture in Tokyo are introduced in an accessible style with maps and access information for each building, appealing to both visitors to Tokyo and professional architects. What is Japanese Architecture? A Survey of Traditional Japanese Architecture Kazuo Nishi, Kazuo Hozumi Translated, adapted, and with an Introduction by H. Mack Horton Paperback: 240 pages, 146 x 226 mm, 83 buildings all with b/w photos Featuring beautiful line drawings, this overview of the construction, design, and background of Japanese architecture is packed with information on building methods, use of gardens and the relation between social change and architectural styles. Paperback: 160 pages, 185 x 264 mm, 4 color pages, 80 b/w photos, 80 line drawings Paperback: 144 pages, 182 x 257 mm, 350 line drawings 寺社建築の秘密 東京現代建築ガイド アズビー・ブラウン 著 エレズ・ゴラニ・ソロモン/ジュリアン・ウォラル 共著 薬師寺三蔵院絵殿の再 構築の全建 築 工程とそ の伝統工法を克明に記録した一冊。 ISBN 978-4-7700-1978-3 日本建築ガイド ジョシュア・リーバーマン 写真 西 和夫/穂積和夫 共著 マック・ホートン 訳 1990 年代以降に東京に建てられた代表的な建築物 83 棟を、簡潔な解説と ともに紹介。アクセス・マップつき。 法隆 寺や金閣寺など日本の代 表的建 築 物を詳 細な図版を用いて解説したガイドブック。 ISBN 978-4-7700-3054-2 ISBN 978-4-7700-1992-9 Architecture / Home / Garden from the Kodansha Children’s Classics series, printed in a smaller format with the original Japanese beside the English translation—and all with the same delightful illustrations. Available separately or in a special boxed set. ■ 絵本 Children’s BOoks Children’s Books 39 40 建築/庭園 建築/庭園 Japanese Country Style Atsushi Ueda In an exploration of the inner workings of the houses in which we live, the author explains the use of space and light in Japanese homes. Paperback: 204 pages, 190 x 258 mm, 100 b/w illustrations 日本人とすまい 上田 篤 著 日本の住 居の特質を屋根・柱・壁・障子・畳な ど 24 の構成要素から語った古典的住居論。 ISBN 978-4-7700-2353-7 With over 200 photographs and illustrations of beautifully refurbished folk homes, this volume presents a portrait of a sublime yet simple way of life that will give anyone interested in design and architecture a host of useful ideas. Hardcover: 168 pages, 238 x 284 mm, 136 color pages [バイリンガル版] 民家移築:合掌造りに暮らす 瀧下嘉弘 著 ピーター・M・グリリ/甘糟幸子 序文 著者の手がけた移築民家の中から16 軒を選び、 200 点以上の美しい写真や図版に簡潔な解説 を添え、鮮やかに甦った家を紹介。 ISBN 978-4-7700-2761-0 Secret Teachings in the Art of Japanese Gardens The Gardens of Japan A Practical Guide Motomi Oguchi and Joseph Cali Design Principles Aesthetic Values David A. Slawson Teiji Itoh Translated by Richard Gage In this book, renowned garden designer Motomi Oguchi offers the reader a step-by-step, practical approach to Japanese garden design, drawn from a wealth of experience that covers thirty years and has overseen the design of more than 400 gardens. In clear and concise demonstrations of gardening techniques, the author uses real examples from gardens he has designed, constructed, and photographed to cover the key points of garden making. A unique approach to practical, hands-on gardening, completely explained and illustrated. One of the most beautifully illustrated and wide-ranging discussions of the Japanese garden ever presented in one volume. Over ninety pages of color photographs and numerous maps, plans, and sketches. CREATE YOUR OWN JAPANESE GARDEN “Truly a remarkable book; nominally a garden book, it is also a design manual, a study of Japanese —Choice aesthetic.” Paperback: 220 pages, 178 x 254 mm, 31 b/w photos, 62 line drawings, index 日本の作庭芸術 デビット・A・スローソン 著 作庭の秘伝書「作庭記」と「山水並野形図」を 基に伝統的庭園意匠とその美学を究明。 ISBN 978-4-7700-1541-9 Hardcover: 128 pages, 190 x 260 mm, 500 photos and 100 illustrations “Not only a lesson in Japanese gardening, but also . . . some of the best gardens Japan has to offer.” — American Horticulturist Standard Edition Hardcover: 244 pages, 222 x 305 mm, 78 color and 150 b/w photos, 30 plans and drawings 日本の庭園 伊藤ていじ 著 日本庭園の作り方 リチャード・ゲイジ 訳 豊富な写真と図版を用いて多方面から日本庭園 の魅力のすべてに迫った決定版。 小口基實/ジョセフ・キャリ 共著 日本庭園の作庭家が、アプローチとエントラン ス、坪庭、枯山水、茶庭、雑木の庭、室内庭園 などの具体的な作り方を、豊富な写真と図版を 用いてステップ・バイ・ステップに解説。 COURTYARD GARDENS OF KYOTO’S MERCHANT HOUSES Photographs and text by Katsuhiko Mizuno Translated by Lucy North Photographer and author Katsu hiko Mizuno reveals the world of Kyoto’s tsuboniwa or courtyard gardens—compact hidden urban oases. This authoritative and lovingly photographed guide presents each garden as a unique aesthetic treasure. Hardcover: 152 pages, 228 x 300 mm, 150 color photos 京町家の坪庭 水野克比古 写真・文 ルーシー・ノース 訳 鰻の寝床と呼ばれる京都の町家にみられる坪庭 を紹介。座敷から眺める庭の風情や玄関から垣 間見えるなごみの空間など、和風庭園の真髄に 触れる。 ISBN 978-4-7700-3023-8 THE HIDDEN GARDENS OF KYOTO Landscapes for Small Spaces Japanese Courtyard Gardens Photographs and text by Katsuhiko Mizuno Translated by John Bester According to the aesthetic principles long prevailing in Kyoto, even two rocks arranged in a tiny, enclosed space can be considered a garden. This type of garden is called a tsuboniwa. The highlight of the book is the 100 photographs of these tsuboniwa. Photographs by Katsuhiko Mizuno Text by Masaaki Ono Translated by Lynne E. Riggs and Chikako Imoto This stunning collection of photographs showcases more than sixty gardens, from private dwellings to Imperial Palaces and Villas, temples, tea schools and shrines. Hardcover: 136 pages, 235 x 308 mm, 100 color photos, 10 b/w illustrations 京都秘蔵の庭 水野克比古 写真 小埜雅章 文 リン・リッグス/井元智香子 共訳 Hardcover: 132 pages, 235 x 308 mm, 100 color photos, index 一般には非公開の約 60 の名庭を美しい写真と 解説で紹介。造園家・建築家などの専門家にも おすすめの1冊。 坪庭 ISBN 978-4-7700-2937-9 水野克比古 写真・文 ジョン・ベスター 訳 一坪に満たない空間を、庭園へと昇華する京の 美意識。季節の移ろいとともに表情を変える坪 庭の魅力を収めた珠玉の写真集。 ISBN 978-4-7700-2874-7 ISBN 978-4-7700-2321-6 ISBN 978-4-7700-2804-4 The Contemporary Tea House A Japanese Touch for Your Garden Japan’s Top Architects Redefine a Tradition Revised and Expanded Edition A Japanese Touch for Your Home Koji Yagi Photographs by Ryo Hata An authentic and practical book on how to incorporate Japanese design elements into Western homes, including tatami floors, shoji screens, and even a Japanese bath. Paperback: 88 pages, 220 x 297 mm, 121 color photos, 200 b/w illustrations 日本の住まい 八木幸ニ 著 畑 亮夫 写真 伝統ある日本家屋の美しさと合理性を解説し、 外国の住まいにも取り入れられるよう紹介。 ISBN 978-4-7700-1662-1 Kiyoshi Seike, Masanobu Kudo, and David H. Engel Photographs by Sadao Hibi Arata Isozaki, Tadao Ando, Terunobu Fujimori Translated by Glenn Rich A J fter 27 years in print, this popular book has been revised, re-designed, and expanded to included more gardens and now has twice as many color pages. With nearly 200 photographs of Japanese gardens, old and new, it offers ideas for endless variety and gives step-by-step instructions to help you create an intimate tranquil oasis in or outside your home. Hardcover: 96 pages, 228 x 304 mm, 80 color pages, 150 photos, 180 Illustrations [改訂版]日本の作庭入門 清家 清/工藤昌伸/ディビット・エンゲル 著 日 貞夫 写真 27年間にわたりロングセラーを続けている作庭入門書。写真を刷新し、 カラーページも倍増。日本の庭作りがさらに見やすくなった。 ISBN 978-4-7700-3079-5 A Japanese Touch for Your Garden Kiyoshi Seike Masanobu Kudo David H. Engel Color photographs and step-by-step instructions help you create an intimate, tranquil oasis suited to your personal taste—in or outside your home. Includes layout plans and notes on plant care. apan’s most famous architects bring a contemporary aesthetic to the traditional tea house—one of Japan’s great contributions to world architecture. Features twenty projects, essays by the architects, stunning photos and informative drawings. Hardcover: 136 pages, 228 x 304 mm, 128 color pages, 120 color photos, 100 sketches and schematics, architect profiles, glossary, architectural specifications 清家 清/工藤昌伸/デイビット・エンゲル 共著 “作る庭”の例を豊富な図版とカラー写真から わかりやすく解説した作庭入門書。 ISBN 978-4-7700-1661-4 Designing Quiet Spaces Joseph Cali A thousand years of tradition comes to life in the contemporary gardens showcased in The New Zen Garden. It introduces the contemplative Japanese space in all its varied forms, then guides you through the basics of theory, design, and construction, blending age-old techniques with modern innovation. Power and Beauty Jennifer Mitchelhill Photographs by David Green The book, which is a visually exciting overview of the castles of Japan, gives not only their historical background, but also the essential elements of castle construction, such as location, layout, walls, moats, towers, and more. The also contains a wealth of practical information for tourists who plan to visit the site. Hardcover: 88 pages, 235 x 311 mm, 106 photos, 120 line drawings and diagrams Hardcover: 112 pages, 198 x 267 mm, 56 color pages, map, list of castles to visit 現代の茶室 新しい和の庭 日本の城郭 磯崎新/安藤忠雄/藤森照信 編著 グレン・リッチ 訳 ジョセフ・キャリ 著 ジェニファー・ミッチェルヒル 著 デヴィッド・グリーン 写真 Paperback: 80 pages, 220 x 297 mm, 139 color photos 日本の作庭入門 CASTLES OF THE SAMURAI THE NEW ZEN GARDEN 現代日本を代表する建築界の巨匠が手がけた茶室を豊富な写真と図面 で紹介。利休が大成させた茶室建築に、あえて挑戦した 20 例を収録。 現代的でありながら日本の伝統を踏まえた日本 の庭園について、海外でも人気のある「石の庭」 を中心に英文で紹介。 ISBN 978- 4-7700-3046-7 ISBN 978-4-7700-2981-2 日本建築を代表する「城」の魅力を天守閣から 石垣、櫓、門まで、豊富な図版とともに紹介。 ISBN 978-4-7700-2954-6 Architecture / Home / Garden Architecture / Home / Garden The Inner Harmony of the Japanese House Putting New Life into Old Houses Yoshihiro Takishita Foreword by Peter M. Grilli, Sachiko Amakasu 41 42 盆栽/生け花 料理 A Guide to Displaying and Viewing Nature’s Exquisite Sculpture Junsun Yamamoto Preface by Masahiko Kimura Translated by Kirsten McIvor T ■ his is the first book in English to cover all the key points and techniques that will allow the reader to get the most out of their bonsai displays. Readers will learn how to properly create and display bonsai, as well as learn the subtle and exquisite themes of bonsai, and develop a true appreciation of these elegant trees. Food& Drink 料理 盆栽 Bonsai Ikebana The Beauty of Bonsai Hardcover: 104 pages 190 x 260 mm, 96 color pages, 205 photos 山本順三 著 木村正彦 序文 カースティン・マカイヴァー 訳 T op sushi master Kikuo Shimizu reveals the secrets of Edomae sushi, the traditional sushi of Tokyo and shows how real sushi in Tokyo is made by a true artist. It includes dozens of types of sushi, with large pictures and instructive text on each page, explaining the ingredients and techniques and the essential accompaniments —wasabi, nori, and rice across the four seasons. 4 江戸前鮨 清水喜久男 著 齋藤 明 写真 伝 統 的な江 戸 前 鮨 30 種を 56 年間の 経 験を 持つ職 人である著 者が 紹 介。シャリの 握り方、 ネタである魚介の旬の時期などを解説。 Bonsai / Ikebana ISBN 978-4-7700-3145-7 The Vegetable Sushi Cookbook POP BONSAI Fun with Arranging Small Trees and Plants Lisa Tajima Photographs by Hisayoshi Osawa Translated by Kirsten Mclvor Izumi Shoji THE SECRET TECHNIQUES OF BONSAI T A Guide to Starting, Raising, and Shaping Bonsai Masakuni Kawasumi II Masakuni Kawasumi III Classic Bonsai of Japan Nippon Bonsai Association Translated by John Bester This large-format, deluxe volume illustrates the finest bonsai in Japan—some priceless specimens as old as 1,000 years—and each with detailed captions. “This beautiful book focuses on examples of classic bonsai that will inspire growers and collectors.” — Library Journal 田嶋リサ 著 大沢尚芳 写真 カースティン・マカイヴァー 訳 Hardcover: 188 pages, 240 x 310 mm 新しいスタイルのスモール盆栽(POP BONSAI) をインテリア、ポップアートとして写 真で紹介 しながら、作り方、ケアの仕方なども簡単にわ かりやすく解説。初めてでも楽しく MY POP BONSAI が作れます。 日本盆栽名品集 ISBN 978-4-7700-2980-5 The author Masakuni Kawasumi II teams up with his son, Masakuni III, to offer not only the basics for creating perfect bonsai but secret techniques he has developed over years of careful work and observation. Masakuni III, the first qualified tree doctor for bonsai in Japan, adds his unique insights to make this an invaluable book for beginners and experienced enthusiasts alike. Hardcover: 112 pages, 197 x 267 mm, approx. 130 photos, 40 in color, index, appendix of bonsai tools, 16 color pages THE FLOWERS OF JAPAN AND THE ART OF FLORAL ARRANGEMENT Josiah Conder This landmark treatise was the first glimpse for Westerners into the Japanese art of ikebana. A fascinating inspiration for contemporary floral artists, it sheds light on the sensibilities and customs that helped form the art. Hardcover: 184 pages, 197 x 267 mm, 16 color pages, 75 b/w illustrations his book covers the entire range of sushi dishes, from nigiri-zushi to maki-zushi (rolled sushi), and chirashi-zushi (scattered sushi), including the oshi-zushi style. Also explained, in detail with many photographs. There are additional chapters on making sushi bento, the popular lunch boxes. The Vegetable Sushi Cookbook is a unique and flavorful way to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Hardcover: 112 pages, 190 x 250 mm, 96 color pages, 100 color photos Japanese Family-Style Recipes Japanese Cooking: A Simple Art Hiroko Urakami 25th Anniversary Edition Shizuo Tsuji, Introduction by M.F.K. Fisher Prefaces by Yoshiki Tsuji and Ruth Reichl A beautifully illustrated collection of 53 recipes representing the best of Japanese home cooking, ranging from soups and main dishes to snacks and desserts. Wholesome, low-calorie dishes easily prepared in Western kitchens. Hardcover: 120 pages, 235 x 209 mm, 60 color pages, 日本の家庭料理 浦上裕子 著 SEE PAGE 6 ヘルシーで気軽に作れる日本家庭の味「おふく ろの味」54 品のレシピを紹介。 The 25th Anniversary Edition of Tsuji’s groundbreaking “bible” of Japanese cooking contains over 220 recipes illustrated by more than 500 sketches, and eight pages of new color photos. Still the most authoritative work on Japanese cooking. Hardcover: 508 pages, 182 x 257 mm, 8 color photos, 510 sketches 辻静雄の日本料理 盆栽・秘密のテクニック 日本のいけばな 野菜のおすし 川澄昌国2代目/川澄昌国3代目 共著 ジョサイア・コンドル 著 庄司いずみ 著 厳 選した名品 約 180 点を 作 品 の由 来・魅 力・ 鑑賞のポイントと美しいカラー写真で解説。 多くの盆栽道具を考案・開発した2代目昌国と 樹木医でもある3代目昌国が、盆栽作りの知ら れざる知恵と技術を紹介。 自然や 生 活と融 和した日本の「いけばな」を、 西洋の目で解説。いけばなの真髄に迫る古典的 名著の完全復刻版。 握りからちらしまで様々なスタイルを網羅した、 野菜で作るおすしのレシピブック。豊富な写真 とシンプルなレシピが初心者にもうれしい。 日本最大の料理学校長が編んだ日本料理百科。 食材・器具・技術・歴史と共に 220 以上のレシ ピを収録。 ISBN 978-4-7700-2992-8 ISBN 978-4-7700-2943-0 ISBN 978-4-7700-2984-3 ISBN 978-4-7700-3150-1 ISBN 978-4-7700-3049-8 日本盆栽協会 著 ジョン・ベスター 訳 山口規子 写真 ISBN 978-4-7700-1583-9 辻静雄 著 M.F.K. フィッシャー/辻 芳樹/ ルース・ライクル 序文 Food / Drink POP BONSAI Kikuo Shimizu Photographs by Akira Saito SEE PAGE 15 ISBN 978-4-7700-3126-6 Paperback: 96 pages, 228 x 201 mm, 48 color pages, 60 color and 50 b/w photos Art, Tradition, Simplicity Hardcover: 112 pages, 190 x 250 mm, 96 color pages 盆栽鑑賞法、飾り方、美のツボ、その本質に迫る一冊。第 1 章 盆栽を 知る/第 2 章 盆栽を鑑賞する/第 3 章 小品盆栽を楽しむ/第 4 章 木 村正彦の創作盆栽 Pop Bonsai is a new, freestyle approach to the traditional art of growing small trees and plants— one that gives free rein to the imagination. Heavily illustrated throughout with color photos of bonsai in Western interiors, and black-and-white process photos and illustrations, Pop Bonsai will be of interest to both armchair enthusiasts and people who really do want to get started. Edomae Sushi SEE PAGE 盆栽・美の極意 43 44 料理 料理 Kitcho KAISEKI Japan’s Ultimate Dining Experience The Exquisite Cuisine of Kyoto’s Kikunoi Restaurant Kunio Tokuoka and Nobuko Sugimoto Photographs by Kenji Miura Foreword by Thomas Keller 7 Practical Japanese Cooking Easy and Elegant Shizuo Tsuji and Koichiro Hata Photographs by Yoshikatsu Saeki The directions are crystal clear. The superb photographs, inspiring. Gives tips on crucial points that most cookbooks don’t explain. All your favorites plus a wealth of other gems. Japanese Home Cooking with Master Chef Murata Yoshihiro Murata Photographs by Akira Saito One of Japan’s most prominent chefs and owner of the Michelin 3-star kaiseki restaurant Kikunoi in Kyoto offers sixty recipes for quick, easy, healthy, and delicious dishes that any home cook can master. Paperback: 112 pages, 190 x 250mm, 96 color pages, approximately, 100 photos Hardcover: 152 pages, 220 x 297 mm, 152 color pages, index 楽しく簡単 和のおかず 初めての日本料理 京都の料亭「菊乃井」の主人が提案する和のお かず 60 点。海外にある食材で、出汁をとらな くてもおいしい和食が作れる画期的な 1 冊。 辻 静雄/畑耕一郎 共著 佐伯義勝 写真 100 以 上のレシピを写 真で紹介し、海 外で入 手可能な材料を使った実践的日本料理の本。 村田吉弘 著 齋藤 明 写真 ISBN 978-4-7700-3132-7 ISBN 978-0-87011-762-6 ISBN in Japan 978-4-7700-1262-3 THE ENLIGHTENED KITCHEN The Quick and Easy Japanese Cookbook Great Recipes from Japan’s Favorite TV Cooking Show Host Katsuyo Kobayashi From one of Japan’s most popular TV cooking personalities, this extremely practical cookbook covers a range of everyday Japanese cooking today, including the Japanese versions of Chinese, Korean, and Western dishes commonly served in Japanese homes. Hardcover: 104 pages, 197 x 265 mm, full color, process steps photos and illustrations, glossary, index 小林カツ代のホームクッキング 小林カツ代 著 オムライス、和風ハンバーグ、煮物、餃子など 簡単でおいしい小林カツ代の家庭料理を紹介。 ISBN 978-4-7700-2504-3 Fresh Vegetable Dishes from the Temples of Japan Mari Fujii Photographs by Tae Hamamura Translated by Richard Jeffery Brimming over with delicious recipes based on the centuries-old vegetarian cuisine of Japan’s Buddhist temples, this book is a must for vegetarians, vegans, and anyone with an interest in healthy eating. Lavish full-color photographs, easy-to-follow instructions, and a wealth of information about the ingredients make it easy to bring the magic of Japan’s temple cuisine into your own kitchen. Hardcover: 112 pages, 198 x 258 mm, 85 color photos, glossary (50 ingredients) he first behind-the-scenes look at Kicho, arguably Japan’s finest restaurant. by its owner, the grandson of the creator of contemporary Kaiseki haute cuisine. This book reveals every aspect of entertaining in the Japanese mode on cooking, food arrangement, Japanese aesthetics, food philosophy, and the exquisite Japanese art of entertaining at the table. Hardcover, 192 pages, 228 x 289 mm, 160 color pages, food notes, 250 photos, glossary, index SEE PAGE 2 有元葉子 著 渡邉文彦 写真 海外でも簡単につくれておいしい!有元葉子が提 案する、シンプルでヘルシーに食べる日本料理、 60 のレシピ。 English Version: ISBN 978-4-7700-3102-0 Japanese Version: ISBN 978-7700-4133-3 JAPANESE DISHES FOR WINE LOVERS Machiko Chiba with wine pairing adviced by J. K. Whelehan Photographs by Tae Hamamura At last a book that will tell you how to pair wine with Japanese food, presenting easy-to-follow mouthwatering recipes each with a recommended wine. Hardcover: 120 pages, 198 x 258 mm, 96 color pages Hardcover: 104 pages, 190 x 250 mm 鳩山 幸 著 半田広徳 写真 もてなしは肩ひじはらずにいつものおかずで、 がモットーの鳩山家。来客の多い家庭ならでは の実践的おいしいレシピ。 ISBN 978-4-7700-3131-0 村田吉弘 著 久間 昌史 写真 フェラン・アドリア/松久信幸 序文 京都の老舗料亭『菊乃井』 。京都の風 雅を四季 の情感にうつす芸術的な『菊乃井』の京懐石を、 美しいビジュアルで紹介。 English Version: ISBN 978-4-7700-3022-1 Japanese Version: ISBN 978-4-7700-4038-1 Nobuyuki Matsuhisa Preface by Robert De Niro Foreword by Martha Stewart Photographs by Fumihiko Watanabe Yuji Wakiya Photographs by Masashi Kuma Forewords by David Bouley and Nobuyuki Matsuhisa Home Cooking with Japan’s First Lady ようこそ「鳩山レストラン」へ ISBN 978-4-7700-3122-8 菊乃井[英文版/日本語版] ワインと楽しむ和のレシピ 千葉真知子 著 ワイン・コメンテーター J. K. ウィラハン 浜村多恵 写真 和風料理をワインで楽しむレシピ集。NY で料 理教室をもつ著者とワイン専門家がアドバイス。 ISBN 978-4-7700-3003-0 In this artistically photographed cookbook, Yuji Wakiya, a pioneer chef of Haute Chinese Cuisine shows his creative talent, his deep knowledge of authentic Chinese food and culture, and his Japanese aesthetic for refined presentation. Over seventy dishes are presented with detailed recipes and commentary. Hardcover: 192 pages, 228 x 280 mm, 160 color pages, 120 photos WAKIYA[英文版/日本語版] 脇屋友詞 著 久間昌史 写真 デイビッド・ブーレー(「Bouley」シェフ)/松久信 幸(「NOBU」シェフ)序文 日本人ならではの 繊 細さと大 胆さで、世界 の チャイニーズ料理に新風をもたらす日本人シェ フ、脇屋友詞。ニューヨークに出店を果たした 彼が、美しい料理と高度な技を惜しみなく披露 する。 English Version: ISBN 978-4-7700-3072-6 Japanese Version: ISBN 978-4-7700-4083-1 With exquisite color photographs and intimately styled text, Nobu: The Cookbook serves up the culinary creations of Nobuyuki Matsuhisa, one of the most talked-about international restaurateurs. In his first, longawaited cookbook, Nobu reveals the secrets to his food and the essence of all Japanese cuisine: the art of using simple techniques to enhance the flavor of the very best ingredients. English Version Hardcover: 200 pages, 219 x 267 mm, 192 color pages, index Territories: Not available in B.C. Japanese Version Hardcover: 216 pages, 219 x 267 mm, 208 color and 8 b/w pages, index NOBU: ザ・クックブック [英文版/日本語版] 松久信幸 著 渡邉文彦 写真 ロバート・デニーロ 序文 世界で 最もスタイリッシュな日本人シェフ、 ノブ・マツヒサ。彼の人生とその料理の秘密。 日本語版ではさらに丼もの、デザートなどの レシピを追加。 English Version: ISBN 978-4-7700-2533-3 Japanese Version: ISBN 978-4-7700-2467-1 Nobu Miami The Party Cookbook Nobuyuki Matsuhisa and Thomas Buckley Photographs by Masashi Kuma Forewords by Daniel Boulud and Ferran Adrià A party cookbook featuring a beautiful, festive Latin atmosphere and fresh ideas. More than 70 dishes from popular finger foods to Nobu’s classic dinner dishes are colorfully introduced with recipes and chefs’ commentary. Hardcover: 200 pages, 192 color pages, 100 photos, 210 x 260 mm NOBU マイアミ 松久信幸/トーマス・バックリー 著 ダニエル・ブルー(「Daniel」シェフ)/ フェラン・アドリア(「elBulli」シェフ)序文 柚子香るサルサ、ハラペーニョをきかせた刺 身、バ ナ ナ・キャラメル の 春 巻 き。世 界 の セレブリティが集まるフロリダのレストラン 「NOBU マイアミ」で人気のパーティー・レ シピを大公開! ISBN 978-4-7700- 3080-1 Food / Drink Food / Drink [英文版]シンプルに食べる本 [日本語版]有元葉子のシンプル和食 三浦健司 写真 NOBU: THE COOKBOOK Haute Chinese Cuisine from the Kitchen of Wakiya Yoko Arimoto Photographs by Fumihiko Watanabe Hardcover: 160 pages, 128 pages in 4/c, 190 x 260 mm, approximately 300 color and 20 b/w pictures 京都吉兆 藤井まり 著 浜村多恵 写真 リチャード・ジェフリー 訳 Modern Cooking for the Healthy Home In Home Cooking with Japan’s former first lady, Miyuki presents over forty recipes for all occasions that are both easy and fun to prepare. This book will be an essential addition to the kitchen of anybody who is looking for quick, easy, and fun recipes with that inimitable Hatoyama touch. Hardcover: 192 pages, 228 x 289 mm, 100 color photos 家庭で楽しむ精進料理 Simply Japanese Family Dishes from the Hatoyama Kitchen Miyuki Hatoyama Photographs by Hironori Handa hef Yoshihiro Murata’s Kaiseki is at once a cookbook and a sumptuously photographed work of art. With candor and insight, Murata shares his thoughts on ingredients, preparation methods, and the philosophy behind his dishes. “Cuisine born of an intimate communion between the work of man and the gifts of nature .” —Ferran Adrià, elBulli 日本を代表する料亭「京都 吉兆」の、料理、し つらい、もてなしをフルカラーで紹介。伝統を ふまえながらも革新に挑む三代目・徳岡邦夫の 斬新で芸術的な世界が展開する。 ISBN 978-4-7700-2493-0 S C 徳岡邦夫 著 家庭でも簡単につくれる精進料理風ベジタブル メニュー 61 点を掲載。巻末に、使用素材の基 本的な使い方、保存方法等を紹介。 imple, healthy Japanese casual meals that everybody can cook easily at home 60 unique recipes gives you full of ideas to eat healthy without straining yourself by using plenty of vegetables, fish and low-fat meat accessible at local food stores in the West. Yoshihiro Murata Photographs by Masashi Kuma Foreword by Ferran Adrià and Nobuyuki Matsuhisa T SEE PAGE 45 46 料理 料理 IZAKAYA The Book of Sake Mayumi’s Kitchen The Japanese Pub Cookbook A Connoisseur’s Guide Macrobiotic Cooking for Body and Soul Mark Robinson Photographs by Masashi Kuma Philip Harper Mayumi Nishimura Forewords by Madonna Photographs by Akira Saito H arper, the only nonJapanese to rise to the official rank of “master brewer,” clears the mystery surrounding Japan’s national tipple with an authoritative insider’s look at all aspects of sake. With consummate expertise Harper tells you how to find a sake’s sweet spot, how to match sake with food, what makes a great sake, and much much more. T he Japanese pub or, izakaya serves mouth-watering and inexpensive dishes along with free-flowing drinks. It is a vital venue for socializing, and an increasingly innovative culinary influence. Readers will learn what makes izakaya so irresistible and how to cook many delicious standards and specialties. Hardcover: 160 pages, 190 x 250 mm, 80 color pages, 300 photos (150 in color), Includes index, glossary M adonna’s private chef introduces more than 100 delicious, healthy microbiotic recipes. Everybody can enjoy these easy-to-make dishes, which are good for the mind and body. ASIAN FLAVORS Unlock Culinary Secrets with Spices, Sauces and Other Exotic Ingredients Wendy Sweetser Hardcover: 160 pages, 128 pages in 4/c, 190 x 250 mm, 150 color photos, index It takes a new and exciting approach to exploring the many different cuisines of the Far East. The book identifies the main flavors used throughout the region—ginger, chilies, lemon grass, coconut, sesame, lime, soy and herbs—and offers some 120 authentic recipes. Hardcover: 96 pages, 198 x 267 mm, full color, glossary, index, charts, list of sakes マユミのプチマクロレシピ 居酒屋料理帖 マーク・ロビンソン 著 久間昌史 写真 新・酒の本 西邨マユミ 著 齋藤 明 写真 フィリップ・ハーパー 著 マドンナのプライベートシェフによる、心と体が きれいになるマクロビオティックレシピ。 外国人初の杜氏(とうじ)が贈る究極の日本酒 ガイド。●味や飲み方がわかるフレイバーチャー ト ●銘酒紹介 ●種類と味の違い、飲み方、好 みの酒の見つけ方を解説 老 舗からニューウェーブの立 呑 みバールまで。 居酒屋文化を愛してやまない著者が選んだ繁盛 店8店の魅力を、初公開の貴重なレシピと共に 紹介。 マドンナ、久司道夫 序文 Paperback: 192 pages, 192 x 228 mm アジアン・フレーバー ISBN 978-4-7700-3110-5 The Asian Vegan Kitchen Authentic and Appetizing Dishes from a Continent of Rich Flavors Hema Parekh Photographs by Tae Hamamura A delicious collection of fullflavored vegan recipes from nine Asian countries. Japan, India, China, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Over 200 quick and easy recipes. Paperback: 192 pages, 190 x 250 mm, 32 color pages, 50 color photos, Index, glossaries 究極のエイジャン・ベジタリアン・レシピ ヘーマ・パレック 著 ウェンディ・スウィーツァー 著 アジア各地で使われている香辛料・食材を使っ た、料理 ガイド。家 庭 で 楽しめるレシピ 120 点を収録。 ISBN 978-4-7700-2998-0 ISBN 978-4-7700-3065-8 47 浜村多恵 写真 インドと日本をメインに、韓国、中国、東南ア ジアまで 200 品。各国のバリエーションあふ れる料理と豊かな風味が食卓をにぎわす、ビー ガン(絶対菜食主義)のためのレシピ集。 ISBN 978-47700-3069-6 kodansha America ISBN 978-1-56836-359-2 The Just Bento Cookbook Everyday Lunches to Go Makiko Itoh Photographs by Makiko Doi T THE INSIDER’S GUIDE TO SakÉ Philip Harper The consummate handbook to the diverse world of sake, listing over 100 brands and labels, appreciation tips for beginners and connoisseurs alike, and a knowledgeable explanation of the brewmaster’s skills. “A lively, clear guide to a subject just waiting to be discovered by the inscrutable West.” — New York Times Paperback: 256 pages, 96 x 182 mm, appendix, glossary, index 日本の銘酒ガイド A Novel Flavor for Familiar Drinks, Dishes, and Desserts Mutsuko Tokunaga Foreword by Jane Pettigrew Translated by Yoko Toyozaki and Stuart Atkin WINNER OF THE GOURMAND WORLD COOKBOOK AWARDS The perfect guide to green tea for the health-conscious person. After showing the reader how to make the perfect cup of tea, the book provides a number of innovative tea-based recipes—Green Tea, Smoothies, Matcha au lait, Tea Brend, Matcha Ice Cream, and more. Hardcover: 128 pages, 153 x 233 mm, 66 color photos, 40 b/w photos 日本茶。——新しい魅力と愉しみ方 フィリップ・ハーパー 著 徳永睦子 著 ジェーン・ペティグルー 前書き ステュウット・アットキン/とよざき ようこ 共訳 外国人初の杜氏となった著者が日本酒の特色や その種別をわかりやすく解説したハンディーな 銘酒ガイド。 伝統的な日本茶の種類から、日本茶を使ったヘ ルシーでおいしい料理、デザートのレシピまで。 日本茶の新しい愉しみ方、活用法を紹介。 ISBN 978-4-7700-2076-5 ISBN 978-4-7700-2986-7 ジャスト・弁当: 世界に届ける、毎日のお弁当 伊藤牧子 著 土居麻紀子 写真 世界中で大 人 気のお弁当ブログ Justbento.com のブ ロガーが紹介する、ヘルシーで経済的な 150 のレシピ と 25 のお弁当メニュー。 ISBN 978-4-7700-3124-2 Elegant Garnishes for All Occasions Japanese Kitchen Knives Hiroshi Nagashima Photographs by Kenji Miura Essential Techniques and Recipes Hiromitsu Nozaki with Kate Klippensteen Photographs by Yasuo Konishi The first book showcases the Japanese approach to creating 60 edible garnishes for home, party, or professional use. It is More than a practical handbook with full of ideas to enhance and transform the way you cook. Paperback: 128 pages, 190 x 250 mm, 64 color pages, 100 photos, 25 bento menus, more than 150 recipes SEE PAGE Hardcover: 112 pages, 96 pages in 4/ c, 190 x 250 mm, list of tools, recipe notes, hundreds of step-by-step photos. 8 むきもの入門 長島 博 著 三浦建司 写真 初心者からプロの料理人まで幅広く使える。 日 本独自のむきものの技術と盛り付けを、豊富な プロセス写真とともにわかりやすく解説。 ISBN 978-4-7700-3087-0 SEE PAGE 16 COOL TOOLS The Decorative Art of Japanese Food Carving A master chef in Japanese cuisine, Hiromitsu Nozaki, shows the basic techniques of single-bladed Japanese kitchen knives with detailed photographs in full color. About 15 simple recipes utilizing the techniques are included. Hardcover: 160 pages, 190 x 250 mm, 128 color pages 野崎洋光が教える「やさしい和包丁」 野崎洋光/ケイト・クリッペンスティーン 著 小西康夫 写真 「分とく山」野崎洋光氏が、豊富なプロセス写 真とともに和包丁の使い方をわかりやすく説明 する、片刃包丁初心者のための本。家庭ででき るレシピ付き。 ISBN 978-4-7700-3076-4 Cooking Utensils from the Japanese Kitchen Kate Klippensteen Photographs by Yasuo Konishi Styling by Ori Koyama A graphic and informative, yet entertaining look at the myriad fascinating tools that stock typical (and some not-so-typical) Japanese kitchens. For food buffs, designers and the endlessly curious—a perfect addition to the well-stocked cookbook library. Hardcover: 112 pages, 198 x 257 mm, over 100 color photos, full color クール・ツール ケイト・クリッペンスティーン 著 小山 織 スタイリスト 小西康夫 写真 日本特有の台所道具。伝統がはぐくんだその機 能美とエキゾチズムを、美しいカラー写真とシ ンプルなテキストで紹介するビジュアル本。 ISBN 978-4-7700-3016-0 What’s What in Japanese Restaurants 3rd Edition, Revised and Updated A Guide to Ordering, Eating, and Enjoying Robb Satterwhite This is a revised version of the long-selling Kodansha International title, updated in many places to include all the new areas of interest in Japanese food. The first and only guide of its kind offering practical tips on what to order and how to enjoy it. Paperback: 256 pages, 132 x 188 mm, 40 photos [改訂第 3 版 ] 日本料理ガイド ロブ・サタホワイト 著 日本のレストランの利用方法からメニューの読 み方、料理の種類、お店での会話までをガイド。 ISBN 978-4-7700-3144-0 Food / Drink Food / Drink NEW TASTES IN GREEN TEA his book contains 25 bento menus and over 150 delicious recipes, both Japanese and Western. Itoh includes sections on bentomaking equipment, bento staples to make and stock, basic cooking techniques, and a glossary. This is the perfect book for the bento beginner.
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