2016.7.29 EFC 日本の諺を英語でどういうかを一米国人が日本語学習者向けに著した一冊に見る Japanese proverb Similar proverb 1 馬子にも衣裳 馬子にも衣装髪かたち 2 膝とも談合 物は相談 Literal translation English equivalent Even a packhorse driver looks 1. Clothes make the man. fine in proper dress. 2. Fine feathers make fine birds. Consult anyone, even your 1. Two heads are better than one. knees. 2. Consult with your pillow. 河童の川流れ 3 猿も木から落ちる 弘法にも筆の誤り 紺屋の白袴 医者の不養生 遠きに行くは必ず近くより 5 千里の道も一歩から す 高きに登るには低きよりす 6 蟹は甲羅に似せて穴を掘る 7 人生は風前の灯 8 蛇の道はへび Remark 1. Anybody can make a mistake. Even monkeys fall from trees. 孔子の倒れ 4 安藤猛 2. A horse may stumble though it has four legs Dyers wear undyed trousers. Even a thousand-mile journey begins with the first step. Crabs dig holes according to the size of their shells. Life is a candle before the wind. Snakes follow the way of serpents. 1. Shoemakers' children go barefoot. 諺辞典になし、読み間 2. The tailor's wife is worst clad. 違い 1. You have to start somewhere. 2. Even the longest journey begins with the first step. 1&2. Cut your coat according to your cloth. 1. Our life is but a span. 馴染薄、諺辞典にな し、ネットにもなし 1&2. Set a thief to catch a thief. A padded jacket is an 9 戴くものは夏でも小袖 貰うものは夏も小袖 acceptable gift even in summer. 1 1. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. 意味取違い 10 11 People with the same disease 同病相憐れむ 仏の顔も三度 12 一文惜しみの百損 13 悪事千里を走る 14 郷に入っては郷に従え share sympathy. 兎も七日なぶれば噛みつく 2. Misery makes strange bed-fellows.(不 幸で寄り合う他人かな。) Budda's face when asked three times. 1. To try the patience of a saint. 2. When pot's full it will boil over.(鍋も一 杯になると吹きこぼれる) 一文惜しみの百失い One coin saved and a hundred 一文惜しみの百知らず losses. 好事門を出でず、悪事千里 An evil act runs a thousand を行く miles. 人の躍る時は踊れ 1. Misery loves company. Obey the customs of the village you enter. 1&2. Penny-wise, pound-foolish. 1&2. Bad news travels fast. 1&2. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 畑に蛤 15 畑から蛤はとれぬ 山に蛤を求む You can't get clams from a 1. You can't get blood from a stone. 水中に火を求む field. 2. There is no getting blood from a turnip. 木に縁りて魚を求む 16 船頭多くして船山に登る 17 裏には裏がある 18 多芸は無芸 19 口は禍の元 Too many boatmen will bring a boat up a mountain. 底に底あり The reverse side has its reverse side. 1&2. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 1. There are wheels within wheels. 何でも来いに名人なし Too many accomplishments 器用貧乏人宝 make no accomlishment. 口は禍の門 The mouth is the cause of 1. The mouth is the gate of evil. 舌は禍の根 calamity. 2. Out of the mouth comes evil. 2 1&2. Jack of all trades, master of none. 20 落花枝に帰らず、破鏡再び 照らさず 21 鬼の女房鬼神がなる 22 卵と誓いは砕けやすい 23 24 25 26 Fallen blossoms do not return 覆水盆に返らず does not again reflect. The wife of a devil grows worse than her mate. Eggs and vows are easily broken. 1. There's no use crying over spilt milk. 2. What is lost is lost. 1. The apprentice outstrips the master. 1. Actions speak louder than workds. then the drink takes a drink, 酒を飲み三杯は酒人を飲む 1. Wine is a mocker; strong drink is raging. The bean paste that smells like 味噌の味噌臭いは上味噌に bean paste is not the best あらず 1. All that gliters is not gold. quality. 痩せ腕にも骨 毛深い者は色深い 餅は餅屋 馴染薄、諺辞典にな し、意味取違い 馴染薄、諺辞典にな し、ネットにもなし 馴染薄、諺辞典になし then the drink takes the man. Even a one-inch insect has a half-inch soul. し、ネットにもなし 2. Even a worm will turn. (虫でも向かって くるものである。) A hairy person is sexy. 芸は道によって賢し 馴染薄、諺辞典にな 1. Everything has its place. 1. Bald and barren. 1. The right man for the ight job. 27 馴染薄 First the man takes a drink, 一杯は人酒を飲み二杯は酒 一寸の虫にも五分の魂 to branches: a broken mirror For rice cakes, go to the rice- 2. There is a mystery in the meanest cake maker. trade.(どんなつまらない仕事にも秘訣があ る。) 3 馴染薄、諺辞典にな し、ネットにもなし 28 捕らぬ狸の皮算用 飛ぶ鳥の献立 Don't estimate the value of a 沖な物あて badger skin before catching 穴の狢を値段する the badger. 泣く子と地頭には勝てぬ crying child or government officials. 30 31 32 花より団子 塵も積もれば山となる 33 泣きっ面に蜂 34 無理が通れば道理引っ込む find a stick. 花の下より鼻の下 大遣いより小遣い 弱り目に祟り目 こけた上を踏まれる 2. To sell the bear's skin before one has 1. You can't fight City Hall. 2. The crying child and my lord will have their own ways.(泣く子と領主(夫)は思 いを通す) A dog that walks around will 犬も歩けば棒に当たる they're hatched. caught the bear. It is impossible to win over a 29 1, 2. Don't count your chikens before 1. Never go for looking for trouble. Seek and ye shall find. 2. The dog that trots about finds a bone. Dumplings are better than flowers. Even dust amassed will grow into a mountain. 1&2. Pudding before praise. 1. Great oaks from little acorns grow. 2. Many a little makes a mickle. Every little bit helps. Stinging a crying face. 1. Adding insult to injury. 2. Misfortunes never come singly. 勝てば官軍負ければ賊軍 When illogic prevails, reason 1. Might makes right. 無理も通れば道理になる gives away. 2. When might is master, justice is servant. 1. Don't wash dirty linen in public. 35 臭い物に蓋 Put a lid on what smells bad. 2. To sweep a troublesome problem under the carpet. 36 貧乏暇なし Poor people have no leisure. 4 1. There is no rest for the weary. 2. Poverty leaves no leisure. 1. Self-preservation is the first law of 37 背に腹は代えられぬ 背より腹 The back cannot take the nature. place of the belly. 2. Necessity knows no law.(必要の前に法 はない。) 38 藪をつついて蛇を出す 藪蛇 By poking at a bamboo thicket, one drives out a snake. 1&2. Let sleeping dogs lie. 1. Familiality breeds contempt. 39 親しき中にも礼儀あり There are formalities between 2. A hedge between keeps friendship the closest of friends. green.(間に垣根があると友情は生き生きと 保たれる。) 40 41 42 犬の喧嘩に子供が出、子供 Dog fights draw children: の喧嘩に親が出る children's fights draw parents. 絵に描いた餅は食えぬ 蛙の子は蛙 画餅 You can't eat the rice cake in a 1. Never confuse art with life. 机上の空論 picture. 2. Pie in the sky. 瓜の蔓に茄子はならぬ 鳶の子は鷹にならず 出る釘は打たれる The child of a frog is a frog. 馬鹿も一芸 2. A chip off the old block.(古木の木っ端-父親そっくりの息子) 出る杭は打たれる hammered. 高木は風におらる The stake that sticks up will be pounded down. 44 馴染薄、諺辞典になし、 意味取違い 1. Like father, like son. The protruding nail will be 43 1. One thing leads to another. 1. Don't make waves. 2. Envy is the companion of honor. 3. Excellence is shot down by mediocrity; Doing better than others evokes jealousy; Difference is forced into conformity. Even a fool has one talent. 5 1. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. 馴染薄、諺辞典にな し、ネットにもなし 1. The race is not to the swift. 45 負けるが勝ち 逃げるが勝ち To lose is to win. 2. To stoop to conquer.(勝つために屈服す る--屈辱をしのんで目的を達する) 1. There is no accounting for tastes. 46 十人十色 人の心は面のごとし Ten men, ten tastes. 2. So many men, so many minds. Every man has his humor(気質). 47 去る者は日々にに疎し 48 地震・雷・火事・親父 49 爪の垢を煎じて飲む 50 京の夢大阪の夢 遠くなれば薄くなる Those who depart are forgotten, day by day. Earthquakes, thunderbolts, fires, fathers. Boil and drink anotheer's fingernail dirt. Dreams in the capital, dreams in Osaka. 1&2. Out of sight, out of mind. 1. Fear those greater than yourself. 1. Follow in someone's footsteps. 1. Wishing will make it so. 馴染薄 1. A friend in need is a friend in deed. 51 旅は道連れ世は情け In traveling, a companion, in 2. An agreeable companion on the road is life, sympathy. as good as a coach.(よい道連れは馬車も 同然) 52 53 54 There is no use scrunching up 屁を放って尻つぼめ your buttocks after a fart. 1. No use shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted. 2. After death, the doctor. 葦の髄から天井を見る(覗 管を以って天を窺う One sees the sky through a く) 貝殻で海を量る hollow reed. 雀百まで踊り忘れず The spirit of a three year old 1.The child is the father of the man. 噛む馬はしまいまで噛む lasts a hundred years. 2. As the boy, so the man. 三つ子の魂百まで 6 1. You can't see the forest for the trees. 1.は意味取違い? 55 A boy living near a Buddhist 1. Experience is the best teacher. temple can learn an untaught 2. A saint's maid quotes Latin.(聖人の家 sutra by heart. のお手伝いはラテン語を引用する) 急いては事を仕損じる When in a hurry, take the 1. The more haste, the less speed. 走れば躓く roundabout route. 2. Make haste slowly. Add caution to caution. 1&2. Look before you leap. 門前の小僧習わぬ経を読む 近道は遠道 56 急がば回れ 急ぎの文は静かに書け 57 念には念を入れよ 石橋を叩いて渡る 浅い川も深く渡れ 馬耳東風 58 馬の耳に念仏 馬の耳に風 犬に論語 1. Preaching to deaf ears. A sutra in a horse's ear. horse. (頷こうが目配しようが同じこと) 蛙の面に水 59 吝ん坊の柿の種 2. A nod is as good as a wink to a blind 金持ちと灰吹きはたまるほ A miser and his persimmon ど汚い seeds. 1. A penny pincher will pick up anything. 2. He will make nineteen bites of a bilberry. (こけもも1個を19回齧る奴) 1. Protect yourself at all points. 60 頭隠して尻隠さず One hides the head and leaves 2. Ostrich policy.(駝鳥の策---駝鳥は追い詰 the rear end uncovered. められると砂に頭を突っ込んで隠れたつも りになるということから) 61 62 善は急げ、 年寄りの冷や水 悪は延べよ 思い立ったが吉日 Do quickly what is good. An old man dips into cold water. 1. Strike while the iron is hot. 2. Make hay while the sun shines. 1. There's no fool like an old fool. 2. An old sack asketh much patching.(古 い袋は大いに継ぎの要あり) 7 63 64 65 66 67 身から出た錆 body. pond. Love and a cough cannot be hidden. 果報は寝て待て 柳の下に鰌はいない The skill of using a mortar and pestle never leaves one. 1.A great ship must have deep water. 1. Love conquers all. 1. Fortune favors the brave. 1. You never forget your own trade. 2. Utilizing one's experience of former days. 1. Much pain, little gain. only exhaustion. 2. Great pains but all in vain. 待てば海路の日和あり Sleep and wait for good luck. 1&2. Everything comes to him who waits 株を守りて兎を待つ One cannot always find a fish 朔ごとに餅は食えぬ under a willow. 1. No one's luck lasts forever. 2. A fox is not taken twice in the same snare. When you grow old, obey your children. 上手の猫は爪を隠す 馴染薄、諺辞典になし 馴染薄、諺辞典にな Break your bones and earn 老いては子に従え 能ある鷹は爪を隠す in it. し、ネットにもなし、 意味取違い? Fate aids the courageous. 昔取った杵柄 1. As you make your bed, so you must lie 2. An ill life, an ill end. Big fish don't live in small 運は勇者を助く 69 72 因果応報 恋と咳とは隠されぬ 骨折り損のくたびれ儲け 71 Rust comes from within the 大魚は小池に棲まず 68 70 自業自得 1. The old generation must make way for the new. 2. Let old people obey their children. A clever hawk hides its claws. 8 1. He who knows most speaks least. 2. Cats hide their claws. 馴染薄、諺辞典にな し、ネットにもなし 73 74 Even a welcome guest 珍客も長座に過ぎれば厭わ becomes tiresome by る 八十の手習い 1. Fish and visitors stink in three days. 馴染薄、諺辞典になし, overstaying. 六十の手習い One may study calligraphy at eighty. 1&2. It is never too late to learn. 1. The last but not least. 75 残り物に福があり あまり茶に福あり The leftover piece is lucky. 2. Good luck lies in odd numbers.(半端物 に幸運あり) 1. Children are burden to their parents. 76 Children yoke parents to the 子は三界の首枷 past, present and future. 2. Children suck the mother when they are young, and the father when they are old.(子供は幼にして母を吸い、長じて父を 齧る) 77 良薬は口に苦し 78 腐れ縄も役に立つ 79 八方美人は薄情 80 身を殺して仁をなす 81 他人の疝気を頭痛に病む 忠言耳に逆らう Good medicine tastes bitter in the mouth. heeded. 2. Good medicine is bitter to the mouth. Even a rotting rope can be put to use. An eight-sided beauty is coldhearted. One becomes virtuous by subduing the body. 踵で頭痛を病む 1. Advice when most needed is least 1. Necessity is the mother of invention. ネットにもなし 1. Fair and fickle. 馴染薄、諺辞典になし 1. The world, the flesh, and the devil. 馴染薄、諺辞典になし Don't get a headache over 1. Don't meddle in others' affairs. another's lumbago. 2. Meddle not another man's matter. 9 馴染薄、諺辞典になし, 82 柳に風 83 短気は損気 84 手が入れば足も入る 馬耳東風 A willow before the wind. 1. Follow the path of least resistance. 2. No reply is best. A short temper is a 1. Be slow to anger, quick to befriend. disadvantage. 2. Out of temper, out of money. When the hand is put in, the foot follow. 1. Draw back while there is still time. 馴染薄、諺辞典になし 1. Like a one-eyed man in the kingdom of the blind. 85 鳥なき里の蝙蝠 鼬なき間の貂誇り Like a bat in a birdless village. 2.For want of someone wise a fool is set in 馴染薄 the chair.(賢者がいないと愚者が議長席に 着く) 86 87 88 89 弁慶の泣き所 ず 香を盗むものは香に現る 1. Everyone has his Achilles' heel. warrior Benkei cry. 2. Achilles' heel. Childbirth is easier than the 案ずるより産むが易し 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得 The spot that makes the worrying beforehand. 1. It's always darkest before the dawn. 2. An attempt is sometimes easier than expected. You cannot catch a tiger cub 危ない橋も一度は渡れ unless you enter the tiger's 1&2. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. den. He who steals incense smells of it. 1. Guilt will out. 馴染薄、諺辞典になし, ネットにもなし There are as many ways of 90 商売は草の種 making a living as seeds of 1. Each to his own trade. grass. 91 大食腹に満つれば学問腹に A full belly is not the stomach 入らず of a scholar. 10 1. Hunger sharpens the mind. 馴染薄、諺辞典になし 92 93 94 A red lacquer dish needs no 丹漆飾らず decoration. 臍を噛めども及ばぬ It's no good trying to bite your 1. Don't cut off your nose to spite your navel. face. Crude military tactics are the 生兵法は大怪我の基 1. Beauty alone is sufficient. cause of severe casualties. 1&2. A little learning is a dangerous thing. Kyoto people ruin themselves 95 京の着倒れ大阪の食い倒れ for clothing, Osaka people for 1. Each goes to hell in his own way. food. 1. One must put on a brave display even in 96 武士は食わねど高楊枝 鷹は飢えても穂を摘まず Even when a samurai has not adversity. eaten, he holds his toothpick 2. Better go to bed supperless than to rise high. in debt.(借金を背負って起きるくらいなら晩 飯抜きで寝る) 97 98 天に向かって唾を吐く 国滅びて山河あり The spit aimed at the sky comes back to one. Destroy a country, but its mountains and rivers remain. 1. Don't spit into the wind. 2. Who spits against Heaven spits in his own face. 1. The land outlast the king. 2. The mountains and rivers are good neighbors. 1. No man knows his own future. 99 一寸先は闇 Darkness lies one inch ahead. 2. Nobody knows what tomorrow might bring. 11 馴染薄、諺辞典になし 諺辞典になし,ネットに もなし、読み間違い、 意味勘違い 100 七転び八起き Fall down seven times, get up eight. 1. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. 2. Walking is a succession of falls. (注1) 原本の書名:"Even Monkeys Fall From Trees"and Other Japanese Proverbs, 1987. 著者:David Galef 序文:Edward G. Seidensticker (注2) 第1欄の番号は原本で各日本の諺に振られている番号。 (注3) 第2欄の「Japanese Proverb」は漢字も読みも含め原本の通り。 (注4) 第3欄の「Similar proverb」は学研の「ことわざ辞典第二版」に依る類似乃至関連の諺。 (注5) 第4欄のLiteral translation」は原本に依る。 (注6 ) 第5欄の「English equivalent」の「1.」は原本、「2.」は学研の「ことわざ辞典」、「3」は別の本「101 Japanese Idioms」夫々に依る。. (注7)第7欄の「Remark」はAndo's remarks。「諺辞典にない」の諺辞典は学研の「ことわざ辞典第2版」のこと。「ネットにもない」は下記(注8)に述べる3サイ トで探しても該当するものが見付からなかったの意。 (注8) 依拠した資料は基本的には学研教育出版の「ことわざ辞典第2版」だが、インターネット上の下記サイトも参考にした。 (i)くろご式ことわざ辞典 / 慣用句辞典 黒子知視(くろごともみ)なる人物が運営するサイト。どこからどうやって資料を集めているのか不思議だがその網羅度は高い。相当にマニアックな人物と思われる。 http://www.geocities.jp/tomomi965/index.html (ii)故事ことわざ辞典 (株)ルックバイス(英文表記:Lookvise,Inc.)が運営する諺・故事成語・慣用句・四字熟語の無料辞書サイト。 http://kotowaza-allguide.com/ (iii)コトバンク 朝日新聞社が主体となってとりまとめたインターネット百科事典サイト。運営はVoyage Group。様々な辞書・辞典を横断検索して呉れる。 https://kotobank.jp/ 12
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