エルゼビアから書籍のご案内 医療経済学百科事典 全4巻 Encyclopedia of Health Economics 4-Volume Set Editor-in-Chief Anthony J. Culyer University of York, Heslington, York, UK 2014年 ISBN:9780123756787 Page:約1,664頁 装丁:Hardcover 2014年4月刊行好評発売中 4月刊行 好評発売中 出版記念特価: US$1,035.00(2014年7月末日迄有効) 定価:US$1,295.00 *出版時期及び価格につきましては、予告なく変更となる場合がございます。 予めご了承ください。 超高齢社会を迎える日本にとって、医療経済学研究はさらに重要性を増し、医療サービス提供の場での経営・管理・ サービスの質の向上における高度な専門性が求められています。本書は、医療経済学の権威A.J. Culyerをチーフ・ エディターに迎え、医療経済学について客観的かつ詳細な実証研究、最新理論や必要な情報がわかり易くまとめられた レファレンスです。医療制度、政策、財源、経済評価や医療機関の管理・経営に加え医療関連産業 (医薬品・医療機器他) の分析など医療経済に関する重要なテーマが広く網羅されています。研究者や政策立案者はもちろん、病院やその他 医療サービスに従事する全ての専門家、 さらに本分野を学ぶ学生の皆様にとって必携の情報源としてお薦めいたします。 2014-2-A Meet the Editors Editor-in-Chief Anthony J. Culyer, University of York, Heslington, York, UK Anthony Culyer is Ontario Research Professor of Health Policy & System Design in the faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto (Canada) and a professor of economics at the University of York (England). He is a founding father of health economics. He was founding co-editor of the Journal of Health Economics and the founding Organiser of the (UK) Health Economists’ Study Group, the first of its kind anywhere). His Canadian connections include having been Chief Scientist at the Institute for Work & Health in Toronto and chair of the Toronto-based Workplace Safety & Insurance Board’s Research Advisory Council. He is a board member of the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) and has served on several Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care committees. He is a founding Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. His honours include Commander of the British Empire, Hon DEcon (Stockholm School of Economics) and Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Brief Content and Section Editors Demand for Health and Health Care Health Econometrics Thomas G McGuire, Harvard Medical School, USA John Mullahy, University of Wisconsin, USA Anirban Basu, University of Washington, USA Determinants of Health and Ill-Health John Cawley, Cornell University, USA Kosali Simon, Cornell University, USA Health Insurance Economic Evaluation Human Resources Mark Sculpher, University of York, UK, John Brazier, University of Sheffield, UK Anirban Basu, University of Washington, USA Martin Gaynor, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Sean Nicholson, Cornell University, USA Efficiency and Equity Pau Olivella, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelon. Spain Pedro Pita Barros, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Aki Tsuchiya, University of Sheffield, UK John Wildman, Newcastle University, UK Global Health Karen Grépin, New York University, USA William G. Jack, Georgetown University, USA John A. Nyman, University of Minnesota, USA Markets in Health Care Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Industries Patricia Danzon, University of Pennsylvania, USA Public Health Health and its Value Erik Nord, Norwegian Institute of Public Health Richard Cookson, University of York, USA Marc Suhrcke, University of East Anglia, USA Health and the Macroeconomy Richard Smith, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK より詳しいコンテンツは下記サイトにてご覧いただけます http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/referenceworks/9780123756794 内容に関するご照会、資料のご請求は下記弊社へご用命ください。 〒106-0044 東京都港区東麻布 1-9-15 東麻布1丁目ビル4階 ◆ 冊子体 S&T Books http://www.elsevier.com/jp/books/home Tel. 03-5561-1051 Fax. 03-5561-0451 E-mail: [email protected] ※ご注文は洋書籍取扱書店にお願いいたします。 2014-2-A
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