企業分析イノベーションレポート No.R161220102 ARM 分析対象特許情報:米国(US) 2016年12月20日発行 イノベーションリサーチ株式会社 Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 1 本レポートとは 他社の研究開発動向を簡易的に探ることができる エンジニア向けの研究開発動向調査レポートです。 主に、特許情報を利用して執筆されています。 ◇こんな方に使ってほしい ◇作成工程 研究開発を行っていて、日々気になる事― それは、技術動向、競合企業動向ではないでしょうか。特許情報 を紐解けば、比較的正確にそれを掴む事が可能です。 しかし、特許情報分析には、検索式の作成や企業名のゆらぎの 処理等が必須であり、分析結果の解釈等に、一定の難しさがあ ることも確かです。 また、このような分析は、社内の知的財産部門等で行うことも可 能ですが、全ての分野、全ての企業の分析を行う事は非常に手 間がかかります。特に新規事業などのこれから事業化していく分 野については、社内リソース的に十分に知財分析をすることが 難しいと考えられます。 そこで、我々は、社内リソースとして十分に調べることが出来て いない分野・企業の動向調査レポートをご提供し、エンジニアの 皆様のお悩みを少しでも解消させて頂ければと考えております。 技術把握 検索式 作成 対象企業 • 技術内容を理解し、技術トレンドを把握します。 • 特許情報を収集するにあたり、できるだけ漏れ、ズレのない検索式 を作成します。 • 主要プレイヤーを10社程度抽出します。 抽出 • 特許DB上の名称ゆらぎ、社名変遷、企業買収、事業買収等の情報を 出願人 踏まえて分析を行います。(※子会社、関連会社については、親会 名寄せ 社のグループとして分析している場合があります。) 皆様の研究開発が実り多きものとなることを願っております。 • 次頁以降掲載のコンテンツ作成に必要な分析処理を行います。 分析 Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 2 -企業分析イノベーションレポート- 1 対象企業について 1-1 この1枚でわかる! サマリー 1-2 出願状況がわかる! 1-3 現在保有する重要特許の権利満了時期は? 1-4 グローバル戦略がわかる!~外国出願~ 1-5 パートナー戦略がわかる!~共同出願~ 1-6 キーパーソン発明者がわかる! 1-7 注力している技術内容がわかる! (別紙) □ 技術内容ごとの解決手段がわかる!~イノベーション・チャートTM~ □ 重要出願リスト(外国出願あり(各国)/共同出願) □ 注目度の高い特許出願リスト(被引用回数TOP10) Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 3 1.対象企業について Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 4 1-1 この1枚でわかる!サマリー ①ステータス ステータス ARM ②重要出願 件数 区分 登録記録あり 1,121 登録記録なし 0 ③外国出願 0 件数 外国出願あり(各国) 1,000 ④共同出願 2,000 No. 英国 1,119 中国 共同出願人 件数 1 GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY 19 2 NYSTAD JORN 17 3 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 17 4 THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 17 5 HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL 17 日本 合計(総出願件数) 1,121 欧州 台湾 2008年以前 (上記では、無効審判請求あり以外は出願人の 判断で放棄したと考えられるものを除外して算出 している。また、本レポートでは、上記の他共同 出願を重要出願として分析している。) ⑩ ⑨ ⑧ ⑥⑦ ⑤ ④ ③ 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 ② 1996 出願年 (共同出願人が多い場合、特許出願件数上位を抽出) ⑦技術内容構成比 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1998 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 (出願国が多い場合、特許出願件数上位を抽出) ⑥発明者数推移 発明者数 出願件数 ⑤出願件数推移 2009年以降 出願年 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ 対象企業 ① 電気的デジタルデータ処理 静的記憶 電気的変量の測定;磁気的変量の測定 パルス技術 イメージデータ処理または発生一般 デジタル情報の伝送,例.電信通信 静的手段を用いて可変情報を表示する表示装置の制御 半導体装置 符号化,復号化または符号変換一般 画像通信,例.テレビジョン (各特許出願に付与されている特許分類を基に作成) Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 5 (各特許出願に付与されている特許分類を基に作成) 1-2 出願状況がわかる! ARM 出願状況及び件数推移は、以下のとおりである。 ◇ステータス 件数 140 登録記録あり 1,121 登録記録なし 0 合計(総出願件数) 120 0% 100 出願件数 ステータス ◇出願件数推移 1,121 100% 80 60 40 20 0 登録記録あり 登録記録なし 出願年 ステータスについて ●「出願・審査・審判中」は、今後権利となりうるカテゴリである。 ●「不登録確定」は、出願をしたが、何らかの理由で権利とならなかったカテゴリである。 ●「権利存続中」は、現在保 有している特許であり、権利行使可能なカテゴリである。特許ライフは、原則最長20年であり、いずれ全権利が消滅する。 ●「権利消滅」は、かつて権利であったが、期間満了や放棄 等により権利を失ったカテゴリである。 出願件数推移について ●出願件数推移は、現在の、当技術のライフサイクル把握に有用である。 Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 6 1-3 現在保有する重要特許の権利満了時期は? ARM 重要出願、保有する重要特許の残存は以下のとおりである。 ◇重要出願 ◇現在保有する重要特許の残存件数 1,200 区分 件数 1,000 1,119 残存権利数 外国出願あり(各国) 800 600 400 200 0 各年末時点 重要出願について ●「外国出願あり」「拒絶査定不服審判あり」「分割出願」「早期審査」いずれも、シンプルな国内出願に比べ投資額がかさむことから、これらの出願は、出願人が重要視しているもので ある考えられる。 ●ここでいう外国出願とは、本分析対象の日本出願に関連した外国ファミリー出願を指す。本レポートでは、各ファミリーにおける国数ではなく、各ファミリーにおける 各国への全出願件数をカウントしている。ただし、本レポートの分析対象国に出願しないものもあることから、必ずしも全ての外国出願がカウントされているわけではない。なお、重複カ ウントとなる可能性が高いPCT出願、EPC出願等自体はカウントしていない。 ●「異議申立あり」「無効審判請求あり」は、他者により、邪魔な特許だとして、異議申立、無効審判請求 がなされたものである。 ●「異議申立あり」「無効審判請求あり」以外は、出願人自らの判断で放棄したと考えられるものを除外してカウントしている。 重要特許の残存件数について ●特許権のライフは、維持し続けた場合、最長20年である。現在有効な重要特許を、全て満了まで維持し続けた場合、いつごろどの程度の件数となるかを把握する。 ●将来取得す る権利は捨象している。 ●当技術における重要特許が、いつごろ切れるのかを俯瞰することができる。 ●重要特許とは、上記重要出願群 及び 共同出願となっているもののうち、権 利存続中のものをいう。 Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 7 1-4 グローバル戦略がわかる!~外国出願~ ARM 外国出願先は、以下のとおりである。 ◇出願先 国別ランキング 0 500 出願件数 1,000 1,500 2,000 英国 中国 日本 欧州 2008年以前 台湾 2009年以降 ドイツ イスラエル オーストラリア 韓国 マレーシア 外国出願について ●ここでいう外国出願とは、本分析対象の日本出願に関連した外国ファミリー出願を指す。本レポートでは、各ファミリーにおける国数ではなく、各ファミリーにおける各国への全出願 件数をカウントしている。ただし、本レポートの分析対象国に出願しないものもあることから、必ずしも全ての外国出願がカウントされているわけではない。●市場となりうる国、生産拠 点となる国等を把握することが可能である。 ●「欧州」とは、ヨーロッパ特許条約(EPC)に基づいてされる出願を指す。ヨーロッパ各国への出願には、①EPC出願(特許を付与するか 否かの審査を伴う)後、各国移行手続きする方法と、②直接国ごとに出願する方法がある。 Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 8 1-5 パートナー戦略がわかる!~共同出願~ ARM 以下の企業との共同出願が認められ、パートナーシップが推認される。 ◇共同出願人ランキング No. 共同出願人 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 出願件数 GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY NYSTAD JORN UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL ARM NORWAY AS CRASKE SIMON JOHN WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN BULL DAVID MICHAEL FLYNN DAVID WALTER ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH PENTON ANTONY JOHN DAS SHIDHARTHA LUTZ DAVID RAYMOND HUGOSSON OLA NYSTAD JøRN RIOCREUX PETER ANDREW MYERS JAMES EDWARD PERSSON ERIK 19 17 17 17 17 13 13 13 12 11 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 共同出願について ●共同出願の状況を確認することで、競合のパートナー戦略を読み解くことができる。 Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 9 1-6 キーパーソン発明者がわかる! ARM 発明者数推移と発明者別出願件数を以下に示す。 ◇発明者別出願件数ランキング ◇発明者数推移 <全期間> 10 0 2 20 30 出願件数 40 50 60 70 80 Grisenthwaite, Richard Roy Biles, Stuart David Bull, David Michael Rose, Andrew Christopher Flynn, David Walter Flautner, Krisztian Symes, Dominic Hugo Seal, David James Horley, John Michael Craske, Simon John 180 160 140 120 発明者数 0 100 80 <直近5年> 60 40 20 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 0 出願年 4 6 出願件数 8 10 12 14 16 18 Nystad, Jorn Grisenthwaite, Richard Roy Tune, Andrew David Chong, Yew Keong Yeung, Gus Scalabrino, Luca Burgess, Neil Lutz, David Raymond Hold, Betina Kumar, Nidhir 発明者数推移について ●発明者数の推移を見ることで、各社の開発予算感を推測することが可能である。 発明者別出願件数 ●歴代の功労者が確認でき、特に近年の出願に携わっている上位発明者が注目される。 Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 10 1-7 注力している技術内容がわかる! ARM 技術内容の全体構成比および年別構成比推移を示す。 ◇技術内容構成比/同推移 (参考情報) 100% ⑩ 80% ⑤ ④ ③ ② ⑨ ⑧⑨⑩ ⑥⑦ ⑧ 60% ⑦ 対象企業 ⑥ 40% ① ⑤ 20% ④ ③ 0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 出願年 2013 2014 ② ① ⑩ 画像通信,例.テレビジョン ⑨ 符号化,復号化または符号変換一般 ⑧ 半導体装置 ⑦ 静的手段を用いて可変情報を表示する表示装置の制 御 ⑥ デジタル情報の伝送,例.電信通信 ⑤ イメージデータ処理または発生一般 ④ パルス技術 ③ 電気的変量の測定;磁気的変量の測定 ② 静的記憶 ① 電気的デジタルデータ処理 (各特許出願に付与されている特許分類を基に作成) 技術内容構成比/同推移について ●トレンド技術を知る。 ●直近期は、必ずしも全てが公開されているわけではないため、参考情報となる。 ●複数の技術に係る出願については、それぞれの技術において1件とカウントして集計している。 ●「その他」には、最新技術のため、分類できないものを含む場合がある。 Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 11 ■お問合せ先■ イノベーションリサーチ株式会社 住所:〒115-0045 東京都北区赤羽1-59-9 ネスト赤羽1F 電話:03-6903-8489 URL:http://www.innovation-r.com/ (担当:武藤) 本レポートの著作権は、イノベーションリサーチ株式会社に帰属します。 Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 12 (別紙) □ 技術内容ごとの解決手段がわかる!~イノベーション・チャートTM~ □ 重要出願リスト(外国出願あり(各国)/共同出願) □ 注目度の高い特許出願リスト(被引用回数TOP10) あ Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 13 技術内容ごとの解決手段がわかる! ~イノベーション・チャートTM ~ 技術別の、手段に関するキーワードとそれに対応する重要出願番号 技術内容 キーワード 重要出願番号 US9454633B2 US9430419B2 US9383999B2 US9361112B2 US9286196B1 US9280675B2 US9218285B2 US9176737B2 US9146901B2 US9116711B2 data processing circuitry memory instruction one be at value access US9104425B2 apparatus least cache logic first plurality signal processor US9075622B2 instructions A provided control within operation second unit circuit US9032252B2 request program storage address values operable register associated US9009450B2 system device output mode input trace store such stored set state US8954715B2 電気的デジタルデータ execution method transaction clock predetermined result corresponding US8966494B2 ① 処理 secure operations requests between interrupt can registers level US8898430B2 comprising elements error domain response power number responsive write US8892923B2 configured operating generate information priority perform controller US8819309B1 bus storing portion 2 generated signals arranged interface whether read US8788887B2 performing performed stream exception element pipeline sequence nonUS8719555B2 secure integrated multiple order buffer line US8707106B2 US8661225B2 US8607006B2 US8589927B2 US8549199B2 US8478947B2 US8448251B2 US8458532B2 US8397193B2 US8352794B2 US8321861B2 US9449717B2 US9142266B2 memory data circuitry signal voltage access at line bit first control US9042188B2 value one least cells read cell second plurality output circuit write US8918700B2 level operation device associated lines storage be A processing provided US8638622B2 error array address column supply power word input logic state node US8386890B2 within such mode comprising stored clock configured signals between US8230277B2 ② 静的記憶 operable selected request cache strobe test arranged two apparatus US8045402B2 portion predetermined path responsive response group method values US7948816B2 storing integrated coupled controller units result provides addressed US7805645B2 delay timing precharge generate reference latch transition assist US7558104B2 switching columns row dependence An corresponding can region register US7324368B2 enable store record operations pulse sequence US7185159B2 US6366978B1 data circuit signal circuitry processing at test one integrated functional scan value diagnostic output least be first plurality input voltage clock error operable memory provided chain serial within latch US9404966B2 circuits control controller second apparatus delay associated time units US8555124B2 mode An communication operation debug logic interface A operating block US8145958B2 電気的変量の測定;磁 ③ 2 path comprising such bus predetermined testing register between US7770078B2 気的変量の測定 provides device storage can unit signals digital 6 parameter 4 wrapper US7444271B2 power ring reference configuration instruction transaction response US7293212B2 values access 18 configured stage domain sequence portion via master it US6708317B2 internal self-test provide detection supply generated perform captured controlling system non-delayed generating performance method US9454451B2 US9430381B2 US9378113B2 US9361111B2 US9286222B2 US9256466B2 US9213828B2 US9201816B2 US9170979B2 US9122890B2 US9087017B2 US9075621B2 US9059726B2 US9015719B2 US8966282B2 US8966323B2 US8922572B2 US8892801B2 US8819378B2 US8775824B2 US8719553B2 US8713375B2 US8650470B2 US8621242B2 US8583897B2 US8548962B2 US8479033B2 US8443170B2 US8451026B2 US8386754B2 US8347131B2 US8307138B2 US9407265B2 US9171594B2 US9036427B2 US8885429B1 US8611172B2 US8355293B2 US8228745B2 US8045401B2 US7940546B2 US7729185B2 US7533226B2 US7308623B2 US7068545B1 US6172530B1 US9454397B2 US9454313B2 US9449717B2 US9448875B2 US9424045B2 US9417877B2 US9405939B2 US9411362B2 US9355014B2 US9378186B2 US9378175B2 US9378162B2 US9355061B2 US9348688B2 US9348598B2 US9330035B2 US9304926B2 US9304923B2 US9299126B2 US9300716B2 US9268942B2 US9269418B2 US9262123B2 US9256732B2 US9229908B2 US9223701B2 US9223677B2 US9213650B2 US9201651B2 US9176856B2 US9202071B2 US9189881B2 US9164842B2 US9170819B2 US9146870B2 US9164910B2 US9104400B2 US9104479B2 US9122613B2 US9128531B2 US9092215B2 US9081564B2 US9092345B2 US9070200B2 US9042188B2 US9052909B2 US9021233B2 US9037835B1 US9058179B2 US9047184B2 US9021298B2 US9009208B2 US9015424B2 US9003123B2 US8995191B2 US8990518B2 US8965945B2 US8966309B2 US8935592B2 US8959318B2 US8966228B2 US8965946B2 US8959304B2 US8949547B2 US8924615B2 US8892623B2 US8930601B2 US8924766B2 US8856408B2 US8874975B2 US8874883B2 US8881078B2 US8803898B2 US8812997B2 US8838929B2 US8826097B2 US8762744B2 US8769251B2 US8769307B2 US8799621B2 US8725953B2 US8756377B2 US8751833B2 US8738971B2 US8706936B2 US8706965B2 US8677104B2 US8713292B2 US8656078B2 US8667199B2 US8661232B2 US8639987B2 US8621272B2 US8621336B2 US8615687B2 US8601167B2 US8578136B2 US8595280B2 US8572329B2 US8601485B2 US8533505B2 US8549325B2 US8549633B2 US8549257B2 US8510356B2 US8509015B2 US8504961B2 US8499106B2 US8463958B2 US8463966B2 US8429457B2 US8423752B2 US8418187B2 US8418175B2 US8417923B2 US8417920B2 US8381162B2 US8381083B2 US8375196B2 US8375170B2 US8347067B2 US8335908B2 US8332660B2 US8332564B2 US8305825B2 US8301932B2 US8301856B2 US8296538B2 US9404966B2 US9324392B1 US9281027B1 US9269418B2 US9147451B2 US9105315B2 US9105327B2 US9111596B2 US8977820B2 US9007855B2 US8995191B2 US8988954B2 US8848412B1 US8824215B2 US8839057B2 US8830783B2 US8599626B2 US8582389B2 US8582340B2 US8493810B2 US8339876B2 US8363484B2 US8358551B2 US8355276B2 US8164964B2 US8190951B2 US8145960B2 US8103918B2 US8014226B2 US8050114B2 US7987407B2 US8006147B2 US7936578B2 US7924638B2 US7920411B2 US7843760B2 US7706172B2 US7650551B2 US7688668B2 US7660186B2 US7495976B2 US7449922B1 US7447099B2 US7434119B2 US7289373B1 US7293212B2 US7260694B2 US7263015B2 US7072229B2 US7085874B2 US7062689B2 US7055007B2 US6101573A US6018794A US5917771A US5905684A US9442878B2 US9411774B2 US9372811B2 US9311244B2 US9292298B2 US9251378B2 US9213547B2 US9201656B2 US9158941B2 US9122646B2 US9069652B2 US9047092B2 US8977837B2 US8978038B2 US8959472B1 US8935485B2 US8924686B2 US8887001B2 US8826079B2 US8782378B2 US8732523B2 US8694862B2 US8639975B2 US8578139B2 US8601324B2 US8484497B2 US8499017B2 US8452907B2 US8417915B2 USRE43248E1 US8345051B2 US8291244B2 US9208839B2 US9069652B2 US8971133B1 US8826097B2 US8509015B2 US8321726B2 US8112681B2 US8004913B2 US7859937B2 US7613053B2 US7420859B2 US7260001B2 US7002258B2 US9442856B2 US9411662B2 US9372798B2 US9323536B2 US9292036B2 US9207937B2 US9213359B2 US9195426B2 US9171594B2 US9116844B2 US9098265B2 US9043522B2 US8977815B2 US8954711B2 US8943118B2 US8914616B2 US8924612B2 US8868962B2 US8775754B2 US8769344B2 US8707056B2 US8675006B2 US8635411B2 US8566563B2 US8589638B2 US8468394B2 US8490107B2 US8463834B2 US8407537B2 US8339409B2 US8327034B2 US8291002B2 US9218285B2 US9064561B2 US8935592B2 US8780655B1 US8488369B2 US8315123B2 US8145958B2 US8000156B2 US7873896B2 US7613052B2 US7379347B1 US7269759B2 US6999354B2 US9436473B2 US9400655B2 US9361236B2 US9311088B2 US9288258B2 US9218302B2 US9189432B2 US9189646B2 US9158574B2 US9116790B2 US9081685B2 US9032188B2 US8990282B2 US8971133B1 US8959131B2 US8922568B2 US8918700B2 US8862935B2 US8788775B2 US8732400B2 US8713371B2 US8645893B1 US8635406B2 US8589934B2 US8561169B2 US8468393B2 US8484508B2 US8453073B1 US8407529B2 US8359588B2 US8285767B2 US8285912B2 US9214204B2 US9070431B2 US8941428B2 US8694862B2 US8422262B2 US8305825B2 US8116165B2 US8006144B2 US7876634B2 US7606108B2 US7389459B2 US7269766B2 US6785179B1 US9430421B2 US9384091B2 US9361204B2 US9311087B2 US9286069B2 US9213660B2 US9201749B2 US9182934B2 US9141338B2 US9110643B2 US9081581B2 US9021172B2 US8977820B2 US8949844B2 US8972701B2 US8922247B2 US8914615B2 US8839038B2 US8766991B2 US8732499B2 US8677107B2 US8639960B2 US8634440B2 US8589631B2 US8533685B2 US8505002B2 US8473717B2 US8463960B2 US8407025B2 US8356119B2 US8327118B2 US8275579B2 US9171634B2 US9064559B2 US8947968B2 US8665009B2 US8456939B2 US8218391B2 US8103922B2 US7961490B2 US7855924B2 US7606057B2 US7339842B1 US7248508B1 US6552949B1 US9170282B2 US8468405B2 US8036854B2 US7743294B2 US7444257B2 US7269766B2 US6691270B2 US9032252B2 US8433961B2 US8006144B2 US7734974B2 US7412633B2 US7206982B1 US6343358B1 US8839057B2 US8330478B2 US7913131B2 US7627462B2 US7310755B2 US7124274B2 US8779787B2 US8275579B2 US7856346B2 US7574314B2 US7330798B2 US7085978B2 US8619554B2 US8185791B2 US7793181B2 US7496813B1 US7308631B2 US7080299B2 US8615687B2 US8112681B2 US7809972B2 US7449922B1 US7278073B2 US6779143B2 US9057761B2 US8407540B2 US7949914B2 US7701240B2 US7401273B2 US7228457B2 US5809037A イノベーション・チャートTMについて ●各技術内容において、どんな手段で解決しようとしているかを把握し、技術開発動向を知る。●手段キーワードとは、特許要約書の【解決手 段】に記載された各単語のことを指す。(「イノベーション・チャート」は、イノベーションリサーチ㈱のトレードマークです。) Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation US9021298B2 US8407025B2 US7898278B2 US7650551B2 US7389459B2 US7197680B2 US8862935B2 US8352815B2 US7893722B2 US7603605B2 US7363176B2 US7142996B2 技術内容ごとの解決手段がわかる! ~イノベーション・チャートTM ~ 技術別の、手段に関するキーワードとそれに対応する重要出願番号 技術内容 ④ パルス技術 ⑤ イメージデータ処理ま たは発生一般 デジタル情報の伝送, ⑥ 例.電信通信 静的手段を用いて可変 ⑦ 情報を表示する表示装 置の制御 ⑧ 半導体装置 キーワード signal voltage data circuit clock value circuitry power input output mode level retention device latch first one at second control switching path storage transistor be least provided operable high low sleep plurality rail processing A logic supply integrated such transition operation source comprising current response trace within between stage virtual state devices 14 signals An normal gating elements bus 2 configured forward gate portion circuits two provides powered receive difference scan speed 16 predetermined arranged slave change controlled intermediate flip-flop operational responsive 12 leakage feedback via tuning higher ring block node generating oscillator tristateable domain driver it pulse can clocked data processing texture graphics be values block rendering memory tile fragment value set shader depth pipeline circuitry system stored output A generated frame curve buffer unit primitive at operation one pixel elements blocks encoded input display it image generate within plurality cache processor stroked operations program sampling 4 least can provided use space individual two fragments determined indicating tiles corresponding processed thread function compression received 3 up 1 color renderer accumulated primitives texels whether rendered 2 different occlusion local hardware points order information other 5 12 point path execution associated comparison array position portion buffers colors state vertex mode determine data processing secure processor mode non-secure domain logic device one apparatus plurality storage access memory at operable least unit be first buffer trace signal second control clock slave within provided master program operating circuitry between circuit packets transfer elements method A interface core comprising system value bus test multiple operation engine request exception instruction communication stream predetermined dependence invention such configuration values file associated transfers table input transaction storing output accessible monitor receiving corresponding present modes element FIFO provides signals stored generate main single network priority coupling sequence shared store can executing whether number via arbitration initiator order switching controller data texture values be graphics processing block memory pixel frame tile value set output generated surface pipeline system buffer region stored within encoded blocks A circuitry colors rendering compression operation fragment elements tiles can table 2 it display color one new local occlusion generate regions curve primitive second shader two at program pixels base processed order corresponding 6 surfaces plurality determined video input encoding 1 processor 80 respective comparison texels threshold individual first written performance level 4 provided 3 whether logic palette indicating rendered error position image parameters main method alpha Table coded render font version positions representing In read circuit cell be provided gate standard voltage diffusion first diagnostic between one second elements signal layers integrated functional circuitry region layer connection core A cells plurality electrode associated at routing scan within power transaction data interface method row operation least two component connected 18 chain storage such 4 layout formed providing An supply can gated test model processing input 20 area reset value bit 16 components 36 level line circuits static type conductivity source substrate path via opening memory grid apparatus protection 12 columns required conductor both block controller blocks forming 34 28 regions steps vias over speed 38 bypass 重要出願番号 US9450571B2 US8941428B2 US8427214B2 US8154353B2 US7325168B2 US6779143B2 US9432009B2 US8922247B2 US8421513B2 US8067971B2 US7262631B2 US6278334B1 US9407265B2 US8742827B2 US8456199B2 US7924056B2 US7221205B2 US6218879B1 US9391614B2 US9379710B2 US9374072B2 US8717084B1 US8717078B2 US8519775B2 US8456223B2 US8427198B1 US8456214B2 US7893722B2 US7830176B2 US7737720B2 US7180348B2 US7154317B2 US7149933B2 US6043698A US6034545A US5918042A US9306545B2 US8493120B2 US8451039B2 US7616041B2 US7117277B2 US9170282B2 US8497702B2 US8407540B2 US7617409B2 US7005910B2 US9110643B2 US8502561B2 US8390328B2 US7514975B2 US7005913B2 US8957703B2 US8421501B1 US8319518B2 US7310755B2 US7005889B2 US9454844B2 US9286714B2 US9070200B2 US8928667B2 US8477148B2 US7920139B2 US9430381B2 US9256975B2 US9041723B2 US8891886B2 US8421821B2 US7426320B2 US9406155B2 US9218793B2 US9058637B2 US8803898B2 US8339409B2 US6259459B1 US9367953B2 US9214006B2 US8976177B2 US8766991B2 US8345051B2 US9349210B2 US9177415B2 US9014496B2 US8717366B2 US8289343B2 US9349209B2 US9189881B2 US8988443B2 US8743135B2 US8199146B2 US9349156B2 US9153070B2 US8978038B2 US8698828B2 US8159491B2 US9317948B2 US9142037B2 US8922568B2 US8681168B2 US8102402B2 US9324163B2 US9122646B2 US8922572B2 US8698820B2 US8106921B2 US9299126B2 US9092345B2 US8928668B2 US8675006B2 US8059144B2 US9405939B2 US8347131B2 US7661104B2 US7370210B2 US7134117B2 US9300716B2 US8171311B2 US7661105B2 US7305712B2 US7085874B2 US9294301B2 US8161367B2 US7630388B2 US7315600B2 US7031337B2 US9292036B2 US8082589B2 US7627807B2 US7290075B2 US7016370B2 US9288258B2 US8045573B2 US7509502B2 US7219179B2 US7003699B2 US9280675B2 US7949866B2 US7508836B2 US7269759B2 US6876941B2 US9226127B2 US7924858B2 US7549059B2 US7240268B2 US9104400B2 US7886098B2 US7489752B2 US7181556B2 US8966282B2 US7920584B2 US7487367B2 US7197671B2 US8630358B2 US7849310B2 US7383587B2 US7143221B2 US9430381B2 US9041723B2 US8421821B2 US6304198B1 US9406155B2 US8988443B2 US8339409B2 US6236342B1 US9349210B2 US9349156B2 US9218793B2 US9177415B2 US9189881B2 US9195426B2 US9182934B2 US9070200B2 US8922572B2 US8831341B2 US8803898B2 US8766991B2 US8743135B2 US8698828B2 US8681168B2 US8477148B2 US8339414B2 US8289343B2 US8102402B2 US8144167B2 US8115783B2 US8106921B2 US8059144B2 US8044971B2 US6069611A US9454633B2 US8873209B2 US8648654B1 US8451026B2 US8024690B2 US7960759B2 US7863733B2 US7745275B2 US7706172B2 US7366650B2 US7228457B2 US7069376B2 US7002258B2 US6779143B2 US6708317B2 イノベーション・チャートTMについて ●各技術内容において、どんな手段で解決しようとしているかを把握し、技術開発動向を知る。●手段キーワードとは、特許要約書の【解決手 段】に記載された各単語のことを指す。(「イノベーション・チャート」は、イノベーションリサーチ㈱のトレードマークです。) Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 技術内容ごとの解決手段がわかる! ~イノベーション・チャートTM ~ 技術別の、手段に関するキーワードとそれに対応する重要出願番号 技術内容 キーワード 重要出願番号 data value processing error circuitry values within signal apparatus be code control table bit number device stored second operation first A plurality arranged memory group one provided digital symbols stream unit symbol least instruction two generate bits operations new select list at 2 state floating-point can store blocks cache operable frequency US9384091B2 US9059726B2 US9047184B2 US8826097B2 US8694862B2 US8640008B2 US8473819B2 US8423752B2 US8378861B2 US8374098B2 符号化,復号化または ⑨ generator associated codes fixed-point conversion corrupted between US8352819B2 US8145960B2 US7945607B2 US7934029B2 US7936290B2 US7328391B2 US7269759B2 US7236995B2 US7145480B2 US6958718B2 符号変換一般 perform storage representation compression 6 comprising generated US6831952B2 US6504495B1 US6411958B1 US6304198B1 US6236342B1 configured detection responsive elements ordering lane size pixel font Table process coded reference corresponding Error retention method selector registers scores such errors predetermined timing circuits instructions selected parallel 8 N index lookup input via stabilisation data values processing video texture circuitry set input at block one least generate frame elements encoded first output be processor stage encoding plurality apparatus signal image filter second method luminance base indicating color stored internal secure configured reference logical value A sample computation between fragment M representing 画像通信,例.テレビ portion transform pipeline pixel domain rendering array node filtered N US9407931B2 US9378186B2 US9177415B2 US9142037B2 US9041723B2 US9058637B2 US9014496B2 US8831341B2 US8773593B2 US8594177B2 ⑩ ジョン use frames operations mode control required colors blocks stream down- US8532192B2 US8421821B2 US8332660B2 US8106921B2 US8082589B2 US7426320B2 US7315875B2 US6895056B2 sampled provided performance space comparison operation filtering parameter non-secure item perform determined current other performing comprising compare generated buffer sets derived performs function sum decoding pixels indicator 30 predetermined two term portions quadtree compressed イノベーション・チャートTMについて ●各技術内容において、どんな手段で解決しようとしているかを把握し、技術開発動向を知る。●手段キーワードとは、特許要約書の【解決手 段】に記載された各単語のことを指す。(「イノベーション・チャート」は、イノベーションリサーチ㈱のトレードマークです。) Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 1 US9454844B2 2014/10/2 Early depth testing in graphics processing 2 US9454633B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ US9454397B2 2014/6/18 Via placement within an integrated circuit ARM Apparatus and method for performing data scrubbing on a 2013/2/11 ARM memory device 2015/4/9 Data processing systems ARM 3 US9454451B2 4 5 登録記録あり 0 ○ US9454313B2 2014/6/10 Dynamic selection of memory management algorithm ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 6 US9450571B2 2014/6/3 Data and clock signal voltages within an integrated circuit ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 7 US9449717B2 2014/6/20 Memory built-in self-test for a data processing apparatus ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;JONES SIMON;TAPPLY JOE 登録記録あり DOMINIC MICHAEL 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;FORD SIMON ANDREW;STYLES CHRISTOPHER 登録記録あり JAMES 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 8 US9448875B2 2013/12/6 Error recovery within integrated circuit 9 US9419551B2 10 US9442878B2 11 US9442856B2 12 US9436473B2 13 US9432009B2 14 US9430421B2 15 US9430419B2 16 US9430381B2 17 US9424045B2 18 US9417877B2 19 US9405939B2 2008/10/7 Data processing on a non-volatile mass storage device 20 US9411362B2 2014/2/28 21 US9411774B2 22 US9411662B2 2014/9/17 Motor driver and a method of operating thereof Parallel snoop and hazard checking with interconnect 2014/4/17 circuitry Data processing apparatus and method for handling 2015/6/5 performance of a cache maintenance operation Scheduling program instructions with a runner-up 2013/10/8 execution position 2013/11/15 Circuit delay monitoring apparatus and method 2014/3/12 Interrupt signal arbitration Synchronizing exception control in a multiprocessor 2011/10/13 system using processing unit exception states and group exception states Processing order with integer inputs and floating point 2014/4/21 inputs Data processing apparatus and method for controlling 2013/1/29 use of an issue queue to represent an instruction suitable for execution by a wide operand execution unit Switching between dedicated function hardware and use 2014/6/9 of a software routine to generate result data ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM Storage circuitry and method for propagating data values ARM across a clock boundary 2013/4/23 Memory access control ARM Controlling priority levels of pending threads awaiting 2013/7/16 ARM processing Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 23 公報番号 US9407931B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;ANDERSSON PATRIK;EDSö 登録記録あり TOMAS 2010/6/25 Motion vector estimator 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD 登録記録あり ROY;CRASKE SIMON JOHN 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ Integrated circuit with signal assist circuitry and method 2013/11/25 ARM of operating the circuit ARM;OTERHALS JON ERIK;CROXFORD 2010/9/24 Graphics processing systems DAREN;ERICSSON LARS;NYSTAD JøRN;LILAND EIVIND Performance characteristic monitoring circuit and ARM;DWIVEDI SANDEEP;HOLD 2012/7/13 method BETINA 2013/3/20 Technique for freeing renamed registers ARM Clock state control for power saving in an integrated 2014/7/29 ARM circuit Error code management in systems permitting partial 2014/5/21 ARM writes ARM;SEAL DAVID 2012/11/21 Conditional compare instruction JAMES;CRASKE SIMON JOHN 2013/12/12 Tracing of a data processing apparatus ARM ARM;NYSTAD JøRN;LJOSLAND 2009/6/3 Graphics processing systems BORGAR;SøRGåRD EDVARD 24 US9407265B2 25 US9406155B2 26 US9404966B2 27 US9400655B2 28 US9391614B2 29 US9384091B2 30 US9383999B2 31 US9378113B2 32 US9367953B2 33 US9355014B2 2011/8/10 34 US9379710B2 35 US9378186B2 2014/2/27 Level conversion circuit and method Data processing apparatus and method for performing a 2014/3/26 transform between spatial and frequency domains when processing video data 36 US9378175B2 2007/11/1 Data transfer between a master and slave 37 US9378162B2 2013/5/21 Handling and routing interrupts to virtual processors 38 US9374072B2 39 US9372811B2 Debug instruction set allocation according to processor operating state 2014/5/2 Post fabrication tuning of an integrated circuit 2012/12/13 Retention priority based cache replacement policy ARM;CHAUSSADE NICOLAS;BROYER PIERRE MICHEL;LUC PHILLIPE ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Data processing apparatus having first and second 2014/8/21 protocol domains, and method for the data processing apparatus 40 US9372798B2 41 US9361236B2 42 US9361204B2 43 US9361112B2 44 US9361111B2 45 US9355061B2 46 US9349210B2 47 US9349209B2 48 US9349156B2 49 US9348688B2 50 US9348598B2 2013/4/23 51 US9324392B1 2014/10/23 52 US9330035B2 Memory device and method of performing a write operation in a memory device 2013/5/23 Method and apparatus for interrupt handling 53 US9317948B2 54 US9324163B2 55 US9311244B2 56 US9323536B2 57 US9311088B2 58 US9311087B2 59 US9281027B1 60 US9286196B1 ARM;FLANDERS WILLIAM HENRY;PRASADH RAMAMOORTHY GURU;TUMMALA ASHOK KUMAR;JALAL JAMSHED;MANNAVA PHANINDRA KUMAR ARM 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;MERRY BRUCE 登録記録あり 0 ○ 2013/5/21 Adaptive frame buffer compression ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 2014/2/20 Correlating trace data streams ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ Data processing apparatus and method for pre-decoding ARM instructions to be executed by processing circuitry 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 2012/11/16 Method of and apparatus for processing graphics ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 2013/5/30 Methods of and apparatus for compressing depth data Enforcing ordering of snoop transactions in an 2014/8/25 interconnect for an integrated circuit Identification of missing call and return instructions for 2013/5/2 management of a return address stack Apparatus and method for mapping architectural registers 2013/6/26 to physical registers Sticky bit update within a speculative execution 2012/12/21 processing environment 2014/10/10 Test techniques in memory devices Program execution optimization using uniform variable 2015/1/8 identification ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 2013/6/18 Handling write requests for a data array Generating trace data including a lockup identifier 2013/2/19 indicating occurrence of a lockup state 2013/4/18 Return address prediction Tracking speculative execution of instructions for a 2013/1/9 register renaming data store Data processing apparatus and method for performing 2014/1/28 scan operations Methods of and apparatus for using textures in graphics 2012/11/30 processing systems 2011/5/27 Graphics processing systems Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Data processing apparatus and method for transferring 2013/4/30 workload between source and destination processing ARM circuitry Master-slave flip-flop circuit and method of operating the 2014/1/14 ARM master-slave flip-flop circuit 2013/7/23 Coherency control message flow ARM 61 US9286222B2 62 US9306545B2 63 US9304926B2 64 US9304923B2 65 US9299126B2 66 US9300716B2 2013/3/12 Data coherency management Image processing apparatus and a method of storing 2013/9/12 encoded data blocks generated by such an image processing apparatus 2012/9/20 Modelling dependencies in data traffic 67 US9294301B2 2012/9/20 68 US9292298B2 69 US9292036B2 70 US9288258B2 71 US9286714B2 72 US9286069B2 73 US9280675B2 2012/2/27 Encrypting and storing confidential data 74 US9256466B2 75 US9268942B2 2013/6/7 Data processing systems Providing a trustworthy indication of the current state of 2013/6/12 ARM a multi-processor data processing apparatus 76 US9256975B2 77 US9269418B2 78 US9262123B2 Selecting between contending data packets to limit latency differences between sources Data processing apparatus having SIMD processing circuitry Data processing apparatus and method for 2013/5/24 communicating between a master device and an asynchronous slave device via an interface 2013/7/8 2013/5/3 Communication using integrated circuit interconnect circuitry 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;TUNE ANDREW DAVID 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;TUNE ANDREW DAVID;SALISBURY SEAN 登録記録あり JAMES;BRUCE ALISTAIR CRONE 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM;MACE TIMOTHY CHARLES;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;HEGGELUND 登録記録あり FRODE;GJERMUNDNES OYSTEIN 0 ○ ARM;FELTON DONALD;ÖZER EMRE;IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 2013/6/20 Apparatus and method for processing graphics primitives ARM 2012/12/21 Dynamic write port re-arbitration 2010/12/15 Graphics processing systems Apparatus and method for controlling refreshing of data in a DRAM Data processing apparatus and method for performing a 2013/7/31 narrowing-and-rounding arithmetic operation 2012/2/6 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM ARM;BRELOT JEANBAPTISTE;AIRAUD CEDRIC DENIS ROBERT ARM Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 Processing efficiency on secure systems having a host processor and smart card ARM;HARRIS PETER WILLIAM;WILSON PETER BRIAN;THORNTON TIMOTHY CHARLES;MARTIN DAVID PAUL 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり ARM;SEAL DAVID Apparatus and method for processing a bitfield JAMES;GRISENTHWAITE 2011/9/22 manipulation instruction having a control value indicating 登録記録あり RICHARD ROY;STEPHENS NIGEL insertion or extraction form JOHN 2013/12/13 Electric motor with plural stator components ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 2013/6/25 Page table management ARM Receiver based communication permission token 2013/6/14 ARM allocation Variable mapping of memory accesses to regions within a 2012/11/26 ARM memory 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 79 US9256732B2 2007/11/1 80 US9251378B2 2014/3/20 81 US9208839B2 82 US9207937B2 83 US9214837B2 84 US9218302B2 85 US9213660B2 86 US9218285B2 87 US9213828B2 88 US9229908B2 89 US9226127B2 2011/9/29 90 US9223701B2 2013/4/12 91 US9223677B2 2008/6/11 92 US9218793B2 2012/10/24 93 US9214204B2 2014/3/19 94 US9214006B2 95 US9213650B2 Security protection of software libraries in a data processing apparatus 2014/3/20 Predicting saturation in a shift operation Data processing apparatus and method for protecting 2012/11/19 secure data and program code from non-secure access ARM when switching between secure and less secure domains 2013/7/3 Identifier selection 2013/6/4 ARM GIESECKE & Method for provisioning of a network access for a mobile DEVRIENT;ARM;SPITZ communication device using the mobile communication STEPHAN;STERZINGER device HERMANN;BROWN ROBERT JOHN Data processing apparatus and method for performing ARM load-exclusive and store-exclusive operations ARM;SWAINE ANDREW BROOKFIELD;WILLIAMS Generation of trace data in a multi-processor system MICHAEL JOHN;HART DAVID KEVIN;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER Intermediate value storage within a graphics processing ARM apparatus Wordline pulse duration adaptation in a data storage ARM apparatus Hidden surface removal in graphics processing systems ARM 2014/12/4 Memory management unit ARM Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 96 US9213547B2 97 US9213359B2 98 US9189432B2 99 US9201749B2 100 US9176737B2 101 US9201816B2 102 US9201651B2 103 US9177415B2 104 US9176856B2 105 US9202071B2 106 US9189881B2 107 US9201656B2 108 US9195426B2 109 US9189646B2 110 US9182934B2 111 US9146901B2 112 US9170282B2 113 US9170979B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) Processor and method for processing instructions using 2013/3/14 at least one processing pipeline Interface for controlling the phase alignment of clock 2012/12/24 signals for a recipient device 2010/11/15 Apparatus and method for predicting target storage unit 2014/7/31 Diagnosing code using single step execution Controlling the execution of adjacent instructions that 2011/2/7 are dependent upon a same data condition Data processing apparatus and a method for setting 2013/8/14 priority levels for transactions Data processing apparatus and method having integer 2010/5/3 state preservation function and floating point state preservation function Methods of and apparatus for encoding and decoding 2013/1/30 data Data store and method of allocating data to the data 2013/7/8 store Exception handling in a data processing apparatus having 2013/1/15 a secure domain and a less secure domain 2013/5/30 Graphics processing Data processing apparatus and method for performing 2011/12/2 register renaming for certain data processing operations without additional registers Method and apparatus for generating an output surface 2014/4/17 from one or more input surfaces in data processing systems Protection circuity and method for controlling access by 2014/2/5 plural processes to a memory Method and apparatus for generating an output surface 2013/9/20 from one or more input surfaces in data processing systems 2011/8/26 Vector floating point argument reduction 2013/5/16 Controlling voltage generation and voltage comparison Converging interconnect node controlling operation related to associated future item in dependence upon 2012/3/23 data predicted based on current transaction data item passing through 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;REID ALASTAIR DAVID 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;CRASKE SIMON JOHN 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM ARM;BRELOT JEANBAPTISTE;AIRAUD CéDRIC DENIS ROBERT 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;NYSTAD JORN 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;SALISBURY SEAN JAMES;TUNE ANDREW DAVID 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;TEYSSIER MELANIE EMANUELLE LUCIE;BEGON FLORENT;JAUBERT JOCELYN FRANCOIS ORION;HUOT NICOLAS JEAN PHILLIPPE ARM Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 114 公報番号 US9164842B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 2013/6/25 Error recovery within integrated circuit Memory device and method of controlling leakage current within such a memory device Forwarding condition information from first processing circuitry to second processing circuitry Performance of accesses from multiple processors to a same memory location Memory circuitry using write assist voltage boost 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり ARM;CHAUSSADE NICOLAS;BROCHIER STEPHANE 登録記録あり ERIC SEBASTIEN 0 ○ 0 ○ 115 US9171634B2 2013/3/14 116 US9170819B2 2013/1/9 117 US9146870B2 2013/7/24 118 US9142266B2 2013/11/19 119 US9164910B2 2008/2/21 Managing the storage of data in coherent data stores 120 US9158941B2 2006/3/16 Managing access to content in a data processing apparatus ARM;CROXFORD DAREN;FELTON DONALD;KERSHAW 登録記録あり DANIEL;WILSON PETER BRIAN 0 ○ 121 US9171594B2 2012/7/19 Handling collisions between accesses in multiport memories ARM;DHOGALE VIVEK 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;NYSTAD JORN 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 122 US9158574B2 2011/11/18 Handling interrupts in data processing 123 US9153070B2 124 US9147451B2 125 US9142037B2 126 US9141338B2 127 US9116711B2 128 US9130433B2 129 US9122890B2 130 US9104400B2 2012/12/17 Hidden surface removal in graphics processing systems Memory device and method of controlling leakage current 2013/3/20 within such a memory device Methods of and apparatus for encoding and decoding 2013/7/2 data 2012/11/16 Storage circuit with random number generation mode Exception handling in a data processing apparatus having 2012/11/19 a secure domain and a less secure domain 2013/11/14 Electronically controlled universal motor Secure mechanism to switch between different domains 2013/9/6 of operation in a data processor 2014/12/30 Cryptographic support instructions 131 US9104479B2 132 US9105315B2 ARM;MANSELL DAVID HENNAH;GLAUERT TIMOTHY HOLROYD ARM ARM ARM;LUTZ DAVID Apparatus and method for rounding a floating-point value 2011/12/7 RAYMOND;BURGESS to an integral floating-point value NEIL;ROMERO SABRINA MARIE ARM;HOLD Controlling the voltage level on the word line to maintain BETINA;CHARAFEDDINE 2012/7/23 performance and reduce access disturbs KENZA;LAPLANCHE YVES THOMAS Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 133 US9105327B2 2013/4/12 134 US9111596B2 135 US9122613B2 136 US9128531B2 137 US9122646B2 138 US9116844B2 2013/8/15 Memory access control in a memory device ARM Prefetching of data and instructions in a data processing 2013/3/7 ARM apparatus ARM;ELLIS SEAN 2012/2/22 Operand special case handling for multi-lane processing TRISTRAM;CHARLES SIMON ALEX;BURDASS ANDREW 2012/9/20 Graphics processing systems ARM Data processing apparatus and method for analysing 2014/4/7 transient faults occurring within storage elements of the ARM data processing apparatus 139 US9116790B2 140 US9110643B2 141 US9104425B2 2014/1/7 Apparatus and method for handling exception events 142 US9087017B2 2011/10/13 Controlling latency and power consumption in a memory 143 US9092215B2 144 US9081564B2 145 US9092345B2 146 US9070200B2 147 US9069652B2 148 US9098265B2 149 US9081685B2 150 US9081581B2 151 US9075622B2 出願日 2012/8/3 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Memory controller using a data strobe signal and method ARM of calibrating data strobe signal in a memory controller Methods of and apparatus for storing data in memory in data processing systems 2012/6/11 Leakage current reduction in an integrated circuit Mapping between registers used by multiple instruction sets Converting scalar operation to specific type of vector 2012/4/4 operation using modifier instruction 2013/8/8 Data processing systems 2011/2/22 2013/5/2 Graphics processing systems Integrated level shifting latch circuit and method of 2013/3/1 operation of such a latch circuit Controlling an order for processing data elements during 2012/7/11 vector processing Data processing apparatus and method for handling 2013/1/15 performance of a cache maintenance operation 2010/11/16 Size mis-match hazard detection 2008/1/23 Reducing errors in pre-decode caches 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;NYSTAD JORN;HUGOSSON 登録記録あり OLA;FLORDAL OSKAR 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;REID ALASTAIR DAVID 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM;REID ALASTAIR DAVID 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH;SANDHU BAL S ARM ARM;MACE TIMOTHY CHARLES;CRAWFORD ASHLEY JOHN ARM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY;SEAL DAVID JAMES ARM;HARDAGE JAMES NOLAN;BLASCO ALLUE CONRADO;HARRIS GLEN ANDREW ARM;GREENHALGH PETER RICHARD;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Error recovery upon reaching oldest instruction marked with error or upon timed expiration by flushing 2011/12/23 instructions in pipeline pending queue and restarting execution 152 US9075621B2 153 US9064561B2 2012/4/2 Handling of write operations within a memory device 154 US9070431B2 155 US9064559B2 156 US9042188B2 2013/10/25 Memory circuitry with write assist Memory device and method of performing access 2013/8/15 operations within such a memory device Memory controller and method of calibrating a memory 2013/4/1 controller 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;SCHON GUILLAUME;TEYSSIER MéLANIE EMANUELLE LUCIE;PIRY 登録記録あり FREDERIC CLAUDE MARIE;SCALABRINO LUCA;BULL DAVID MICHAEL ARM;HOLD BETINA 登録記録あり 4 ○ 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;PIRY FREDERIC CLAUDE MARIE;SCALABRINO LUCA;SCHON 登録記録あり GUILLAUME;TEYSSIER MELANIE EMANUELLE LUCIE 0 ○ ARM;REID ALASTAIR DAVID 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 157 US9052909B2 2011/12/7 Recovering from exceptions and timing errors 158 US9021233B2 2011/9/28 159 US9041723B2 160 US9037835B1 2013/10/24 Data processing method and apparatus for prefetching ARM;NYSTAD JORN;LASSEN ANDERS ARM 161 US9047092B2 2012/12/21 Resource management within a load store unit ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 162 US9043522B2 ○ US9032188B2 ARM 登録記録あり ARM;ÖZER EMRE;BILES STUART 登録記録あり DAVID 0 163 2012/10/17 Handling interrupts in a multi-processor system Issue policy control within a multi-threaded in-order 2008/3/27 superscalar processor 0 ○ 164 US9021172B2 0 ○ 165 US9032252B2 0 ○ 166 US9058637B2 0 ○ 167 US9059726B2 0 ○ 168 US9058179B2 0 ○ Interleaving data accesses issued in response to vector access instructions 2012/5/4 Method of and apparatus for encoding and decoding data Data processing apparatus and method and method for ARM;HORSNELL MATTHEW 2012/7/6 generating performance monitoring interrupt signal based JAMES;EMMONS CHRISTOPHER 登録記録あり on first event counter and second event counter DANIEL ARM;KALKUNTE SHESHADRI;WILLIAMS MICHAEL 登録記録あり JOHN ARM;NYSTAD JORN;LASSEN 2012/5/4 Method of and apparatus for encoding and decoding data 登録記録あり ANDERS Apparatus and method for performing a convert-toARM;LUTZ DAVID 2012/5/11 登録記録あり integer operation RAYMOND;BURGESS NEIL Retirement serialisation of status register access 2010/11/12 ARM;HARDAGE JAMES NOLAN 登録記録あり operations 2012/8/2 Debug barrier transactions Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 169 US9057761B2 2011/12/30 170 US9047184B2 2012/7/13 171 US9036427B2 2013/7/16 172 US9021298B2 2013/12/30 173 US8976177B2 2012/2/28 174 US9009208B2 2012/6/28 175 US9014496B2 2012/8/3 176 US8977837B2 2009/5/27 177 US8977815B2 2010/11/29 178 US8990282B2 2009/9/21 179 US8988443B2 2010/9/24 180 US8977820B2 2007/12/21 181 US9009450B2 2012/1/19 182 US9015719B2 2012/2/27 183 US9015424B2 2012/8/15 184 US9007855B2 2012/12/24 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;WHATMOUGH PAUL Sensing supply voltage swings within an integrated circuit NICHOLAS;BULL DAVID 登録記録あり MICHAEL;DAS SHIDHARTHA ARM;BULL DAVID MICHAEL;DAS Processing error detection within pipeline circuitry 登録記録あり SHIDHARTHA;WHATMOUGH PAUL NICHOLAS Apparatus and a method for erasing data stored in a ARM 登録記録あり memory device Integrated circuit with error repair and fault tolerance ARM 登録記録あり ARM;NYSTAD Graphics processing 登録記録あり JORN;CHRISTENSEN ASKE SIMON Floating-point adder ARM;NYSTAD JORN 登録記録あり ARM;NYSTAD JORN;FLORDAL Methods of and apparatus for encoding and decoding 登録記録あり OSKAR;DAVIES data in data processing systems JEREMY;HUGOSSON OLA ARM;MCDONALD ROBERT Apparatus and method for early issue and recovery for a 登録記録あり GREGORY;MEYER PAUL conditional load instruction having multiple outcomes GILBERT ARM;HEGGELUND FRODE;HOLM Control of entry of program instructions to a fetch stage RUNE;ENGH-HALSTVEDT 登録記録あり within a processing pipepline ANDREAS DUE;FEILDING EDVARD Apparatus and method for performing fused multiply add ARM;LUTZ DAVID RAYMOND 登録記録あり floating point operation ARM;CROXFORD Methods of and apparatus for controlling the reading of 登録記録あり DAREN;ERICSSON arrays of data from memory LARS;OTERHALS JON ERIK ARM;PENTON ANTONY JOHN;WAUGH ALEX Handling of hard errors in a cache of a data processing JAMES;ROSE ANDREW 登録記録あり apparatus CHRISTOPHER;HUGHES PAUL STANLEY Mixed operand size instruction processing for execution ARM;STEPHENS NIGEL 登録記録あり of indirect addressing load instruction specifying JOHN;SEAL DAVID JAMES registers for different size operands Scheduling of tasks to be performed by a non-coherent ARM;ELLIOTT ROBERT 登録記録あり device Write transaction management within a memory ARM;MACE TIMOTHY CHARLES 登録記録あり interconnect Data signal receiver and method of calibrating a data ARM 登録記録あり signal receiver Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 1 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 2 ○ 1 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 185 US9003123B2 2012/6/26 186 US8995191B2 2013/9/13 187 US8990518B2 2011/8/4 188 US8988954B2 2012/9/13 189 US8978038B2 2013/6/4 190 US8954711B2 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 Data processing apparatus and method for reducing storage requirements for temporary storage of data Memory device and a method of operating such a memory device in a speculative read mode Methods of and apparatus for storing data in memory in data processing systems Memory device and method of performing a read operation within such a memory device Data processing apparatus and method for processing a received workload in order to generate result data ARM;WAUGH ALEX JAMES;WINROW MATTHEW LEE 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 0 ○ 1 ○ 2012/1/30 Address generation in a data processing apparatus US8971133B1 192 US8949844B2 193 US8954715B2 2012/3/16 Thread selection for multithreaded processing 194 US8966282B2 195 US8965945B2 2012/9/26 Cryptographic support instructions Apparatus and method for performing floating point 2011/2/17 addition 197 US8966309B2 US8935592B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;STEPHENS NIGEL JOHN;SEAL DAVID JAMES 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;VASEKIN VLADIMIR;ROSE ANDREW 登録記録あり CHRISTOPHER;SKILLMAN ALLAN JOHN;PENTON ANTONY JOHN 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;LUTZ DAVID RAYMOND 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;SWAINE ANDREW BROOKFIELD 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 1 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ Memory device and method of operation of such a 2013/9/26 ARM memory device Hardware resource management within a data processing ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL 2010/9/13 system JOHN;BILES STUART DAVID 191 196 ARM;NYSTAD JORN;HUGOSSON 登録記録あり OLA ARM;CHONG YEW K;MANGAL 登録記録あり SANJAY 2011/6/28 Distribution of an incrementing count value Apparatus and method for correcting errors in data 2012/11/20 accessed from a memory device 198 US8959318B2 2011/6/28 199 US8957703B2 2010/4/5 200 US8959472B1 2013/9/27 201 US8943118B2 2012/7/31 202 US8963609B2 2013/3/1 ARM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD Illegal mode change handling 登録記録あり ROY ARM;RIEN MIKAEL;DUBY JEANProtecting lower voltage domain devices during operation CLAUDE;LEYMARIE 登録記録あり in a higher voltage domain FLORA;BLANC FABRICE;PADILLA THIERRY Considering compatibility of adjacent boundary regions ARM 登録記録あり for standard cells placement and routing Data processing apparatus and method for reducing the ARM;BURGESS NEIL;LUTZ DAVID 登録記録あり size of a lookup table RAYMOND Combinatorial circuit and method of operation of such a ARM 登録記録あり combinatorial circuit Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 203 US8959131B2 2011/9/22 204 US8941428B2 2014/4/9 205 US8972701B2 2011/12/6 206 US8966494B2 2012/3/16 207 US8966323B2 2010/12/23 208 US8966228B2 2009/3/20 209 US8965946B2 2011/7/19 210 US8959304B2 2013/2/26 211 US8949547B2 2011/8/8 212 US8947968B2 2013/7/8 213 US8935485B2 2011/8/8 214 US8914616B2 2011/12/2 215 US8922568B2 2011/6/9 216 US8922247B2 2010/11/22 217 US8898430B2 2012/12/5 タイトル (英語) 出願人 ARM;NYSTAD JORN;ENGHNumber format pre-conversion instructions HALSTVEDT ANDREAS DUE;CHARLES SIMON ALEX Low power latching circuits ARM Setting zero bits in architectural register for storing ARM;HARDAGE JAMES destination operand of smaller size based on NOLAN;HARRIS GLEN corresponding zero flag attached to renamed physical ANDREW;GLASS MARK register CARPENTER ARM;MAKLJENOVIC Apparatus and method for processing threads requiring NEBOJSA;JAMES BENJAMIN resources CHARLES Monitoring multiple data transfers ARM;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL ARM;CRASKE SIMON Instruction fetching following changes in program flow JOHN;PATHIRANE CHILODA ASHAN SENERATH Data processing apparatus and method for performing a ARM;LUTZ DAVID reciprocal operation on an input value to produce a result RAYMOND;HINDS CHRISTOPHER value NEAL Management of data processing security in a secondary ARM processor ARM;MANNAVA PHANINDRA KUMAR;JALAL Coherency controller and method for data hazard JAMSHED;PRASADH handling for copending data access requests RAMAMOORTHY GURU;FILIPPO MICHAEL ALAN Memory having power saving mode ARM ARM;JALAL JAMSHED;FEERO BRETT STANLEY;WERKHEISER Snoop filter and non-inclusive shared cache memory MARK DAVID;FILIPPO MICHAEL ALAN Exchanging physical to logical register mapping for obfuscation purpose when instruction of no operational ARM;CRASKE SIMON JOHN impact is executed ARM;JONES SIMON;ENGHSwitching between dedicated function hardware and use HALSTVEDT of a software routine to generate result data ANDREAS;CHRISTENSEN ASKE SIMON ARM;MYERS JAMES Power controlling integrated circuit and retention EDWARD;FLYNN DAVID switching circuit WALTER;BIGGS JOHN PHILIP Fault handling in address translation transactions ARM Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 218 US8922572B2 2012/9/20 Occlusion queries in graphics processing 登録記録あり 0 ○ 219 US8928668B2 2009/10/6 登録記録あり 1 ○ 220 US8928667B2 2009/10/6 登録記録あり 1 ○ 221 US8924615B2 2012/10/26 登録記録あり 0 ○ 222 US8892623B2 2012/6/14 登録記録あり 0 ○ 223 US8930601B2 2012/2/27 登録記録あり 2 ○ 224 US8924766B2 2012/2/28 ARM;PELLOIE JEAN 登録記録あり LUC;LAPLANCHE YVES THOMAS 0 ○ 225 US8924686B2 2009/10/8 Memory management unit ARM;PERSSON ERIK;HUGOSSON 登録記録あり OLA;BJöRKLUND ANDREAS 0 ○ 226 US8924612B2 ARM;MAJI PARTHA PRASUN;MELLOR STEVEN RICHARD 登録記録あり 0 ○ 227 US8918700B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;HARRIS GLEN ANDREW;HARDAGE JAMES NOLAN;GLASS MARK CARPENTER 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;HUGHES PAUL STANLEY;PARKER JASON 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;TUNE ANDREW DAVID 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM;RIOCREUX PETER ANDREW;MATHEWSON BRUCE JAMES;LAYCOCK CHRISTOPHER 登録記録あり WILLIAM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY 2 ○ 228 US8914615B2 229 US8892923B2 230 US8892801B2 231 US8891886B2 232 US8885429B1 233 US8856408B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 ARM ARM;NYSTAD JORN;HOLM Method and apparatus for rendering a stroked curve for RUNE;CHRISTENSEN ASKE display in a graphics processing system SIMON ARM;NYSTAD JORN;HOLM Rendering stroked curves in graphics processing systems RUNE;CHRISTENSEN ASKE SIMON Communication of message signalled interrupts ARM ARM;BURGESS NEIL;LUTZ DAVID Data processing apparatus and method RAYMOND Transaction routing device and method for routing ARM;LAUGHTON ARTHUR transactions in an integrated circuit Analysing timing paths for circuits formed of standard cells Apparatus and method for providing a bidirectional 2012/4/4 communications link between a master device and a slave device Apparatus and method for controlling access to a 2013/2/11 memory device Mapping same logical register specifier for different 2011/12/2 instruction sets with divergent association to architectural register file using common address format Data processing apparatus and method for maintaining a 2011/12/20 time count value in normal and power saving modes of operation Arbitration circuity and method for arbitrating between a 2012/5/23 plurality of requests for access to a shared resource 2012/9/28 Method of and apparatus for encoding data Memory device and a method for erasing data stored in 2013/6/12 the memory device 2010/10/5 Reduced latency barrier transaction requests in interconnects Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 234 US8874975B2 235 US8874883B2 236 US8881078B2 237 US8873209B2 238 US8848412B1 239 US8887001B2 240 US8868962B2 241 US8862935B2 2013/12/30 Integrated circuit with error repair and fault tolerance 242 US8831341B2 2011/10/5 Image encoding using base colors on luminance line 243 US8839038B2 2012/2/14 Diagnosing code using single step execution 244 US8819309B1 245 US8819378B2 2011/10/13 Tracing of a data processing apparatus 2011/7/28 Debugging of a data processing apparatus 2013/2/6 Proprietary circuit layout identification Integrated circuit and method of providing electrostatic 2011/12/19 discharge protection within such an integrated circuit 2013/7/5 Ternary content addressable memory 2011/2/14 Trace data priority selection 2012/2/8 Monitoring circuit and method 2013/6/14 Low latency bypass buffer Data processing apparatus and method for performing 2011/11/14 memory transactions within such a data processing apparatus 246 US8803898B2 2009/12/17 Forming a windowing display in a frame buffer 247 US8812997B2 2011/5/18 Structural feature formation within an integrated circuit 248 US8824215B2 2012/2/1 Data storage circuit that retains state during precharge 249 US8839057B2 2011/2/3 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;GILKERSON PAUL ANTHONY;HORLEY JOHN 登録記録あり MICHAEL;GIBBS MICHAEL JOHN 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;BERENT ANTHONY NEIL 登録記録あり ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD 登録記録あり ROY ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 2 ○ 4 ○ ARM;CRASKE SIMON JOHN 0 ○ 4 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 1 ○ ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY ARM ARM;BLANC FABRICE;PAULY MATTHIEU;POTTIER FLORA ARM ARM;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN;KNEEBONE KATHERINE ELIZABETH;REID ALASTAIR DAVID ARM;MYERS JAMES EDWARD;FLYNN DAVID WALTER;SANDHU BAL S ARM 登録記録あり ARM;SHREINER DAVID ROBERT;DEVEREUX IAN VICTOR;SøRG{DOT OVER (A)}RD 登録記録あり EDVARD;OLSON THOMAS JEREMY ARM;YERIC GREGORY MUNSON 登録記録あり ARM;FREDERICK JR. MARLIN 登録記録あり WAYNE;ALAM AKHTAR WASEEM;PAL SUMANA Integrated circuit and method for testing memory on the ARM;HUGHES PAUL STANLEY integrated circuit Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 登録記録あり これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 250 公報番号 US8838929B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) Allocation and deallocation of bounded time relative 2011/10/5 portions of a graphics memory 251 US8830783B2 2011/1/3 Improving read stability of a semiconductor memory 252 US8826097B2 253 US8826079B2 254 US8817433B2 255 US8775754B2 256 US8788775B2 257 US8766991B2 258 US8788887B2 259 US8775824B2 260 US8762744B2 261 US8769251B2 262 US8769307B2 2005/6/1 Secure operation indicator 263 US8799621B2 2013/8/8 Translation table control 264 US8782378B2 2011/3/30 Memory scrubbing 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;FELL ROBIN 登録記録あり 0 ○ 2 ○ 0 ○ 4 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;LUC PHILIPPE;LATAILLE NORBERT BERNARD EUGé 登録記録あり NE;BEGON FLORENT;CHAUSSADE NICOLAS 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ ARM;IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH;GAJJEWAR HEMANGI UMAKANT;SCHUPPE VINCENT 登録記録あり PHILLIPE;CHONG YEW KEONG;CHEN HSIN-YU ARM;ÖZER EMRE;IDGUNJI 登録記録あり SACHIN SATISH ARM;GILDAY DAVID 登録記録あり MICHAEL;CRASKE SIMON JOHN Data processing apparatus and method for identifying debug events Electrostatic discharge protection device having an ARM;PADILLA THIERRY;BLANC 2011/7/28 intermediate voltage supply for limiting voltage stress on FABRICE;DUBY JEAN-CLAUDE components ARM;CAMPBELL MICHAEL Memory controller and method of selecting a transaction ANDREW;WRIGLEY 2011/6/24 using a plurality of ordered lists CHRISTOPHER EDWIN;FEERO BRETT STANLEY Memory access control using redundant and nonARM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD 2011/6/28 redundant encoding ROY Processing order with integer inputs and floating point ARM;ENGH-HALSTVEDT 2011/5/25 inputs ANDREAS DUE;NYSTAD JøRN ARM;GILKERSON PAUL Data processing apparatus, trace unit and diagnostic 2011/8/3 ANTHONY;HORLEY JOHN apparatus MICHAEL Protecting the security of secure data sent from a ARM;KERSHAW DANIEL;PAVER 2008/1/2 central processor for processing by a further processing NIGEL CHARLES device ARM;FORD SIMON Energy management system configured to generate ANDREW;BRADLEY DARYL 2008/6/3 energy management information indicative of an energy WAYNE;MILNE GEORGE state of processing elements JAMES;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL 2011/12/16 2006/12/13 Data processing apparatus and method for converting data values between endian formats 2010/9/14 Dynamic instruction splitting ARM;FELTON DONALD;MCNIVEN 登録記録あり JAMES I ARM 登録記録あり ARM;CHAUSSADE 登録記録あり NICOLAS;TEYSSIER RéMI Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 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重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 282 US8717084B1 2012/12/6 Post fabrication tuning of an integrated circuit 登録記録あり 0 ○ 283 US8717078B2 2012/6/13 登録記録あり 4 ○ 284 US8707056B2 2011/9/21 登録記録あり 34 ○ 285 US8713371B2 2011/11/15 登録記録あり 0 ○ 286 US8677107B2 2011/3/7 登録記録あり 2 ○ 287 US8698828B2 2009/6/3 登録記録あり 0 ○ 288 US8707106B2 2011/6/9 登録記録あり 0 ○ 289 US8713375B2 2011/5/13 登録記録あり 0 ○ 290 US8706936B2 2011/11/14 登録記録あり 3 ○ 291 US8706965B2 Apparatus and method for handling access operations ARM;PIRY FREDERIC 2011/6/3 issued to local cache structures within a data processing CLAUDE;MOUTON LOUIS-MARIE 登録記録あり apparatus VINCENT;SCALABRINO LUCA 0 ○ 0 ○ 4 ○ 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;SAZEIDES YIANNAKIS;ÖZER EMRE;KERSHAW DANIEL;BRELOT 登録記録あり JEAN-BAPTISTE 3 ○ ARM ARM;IDGUNJI SACHIN Sequential latching device with elements to increase hold SATISH;AITKEN ROBERT times on the diagnostic data path CAMPBELL;IQBAL IMRAN Security provision for a subject image displayed in a nonARM;FELTON DONALD secure domain ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL Controlling generation of debug exceptions JOHN;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY ARM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD Apparatus and method for handling exception events ROY ARM;PLOWMAN Graphics processing systems EDWARD;NYSTAD Jø RN;LJOSLAND BORGAR ARM;HORLEY JOHN M;SWAINE Key allocation when tracing data processing systems ANDREW B;GILKERSON PAUL A ARM;GILKERSON PAUL Correlating trace data streams ANTHONY;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL Integrated circuit having a bus network, and method for ARM;PRASADH RAMAMOORTHY the integrated circuit GURU System for efficiently tracing data in a data processing 2010/12/27 system 292 US8677104B2 293 US8681168B2 294 US8698820B2 2009/6/5 Graphics processing systems 295 US8713292B2 Reducing energy and increasing speed by an instruction 2011/2/7 substituting subsequent instructions with specific function instruction 296 US8694862B2 2010/1/12 Methods of and apparatus for processing graphics 2012/4/20 Data processing apparatus using implicit data storage data storage and method of implicit data storage 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;GIBBS MICHAEL;GILKERSON PAUL 登録記録あり ANTHONY;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL ARM;NYSTAD JøRN;LANGTIND FRANK;TAPPLY JOE;CROXFORD 登録記録あり DAREN ARM;COX ANDREW 登録記録あり HELGE;ELLIOT ROBERT;FELL ROBIN;ELLIS SEAN ARM;NYSTAD JORN Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 297 US8680912B2 298 US8680900B2 299 US8675681B2 300 US8675006B2 301 US8645893B1 302 US8639960B2 2011/5/27 Verifying state integrity in state retention circuits 303 US8665009B2 2012/7/31 Integrated circuit and method for controlling load on the output from on-chip voltage generation circuitry 304 US8661225B2 2010/1/19 Data processing apparatus and method for handling vector instructions 305 US8648654B1 2012/9/25 Integrated circuit and method for generating a layout of such an integrated circuit 306 US8638157B2 2011/5/23 Level shifting circuitry 307 US8650470B2 308 US8656078B2 309 US8667199B2 310 US8661232B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 2012/7/17 Level shifting circuitry Self-initializing on-chip data processing apparatus and 2012/8/10 method of self-initializing an on-chip data processing apparatus Communication within an integrated circuit including an 2011/7/7 array of interconnected programmable logic elements 2009/8/11 Apparatus and method for communicating between a central processing unit and a graphics processing unit Method of generating a layout of an integrated circuit 2012/10/23 comprising both standard cells and at least one memory instance 2010/10/25 Error recovery within integrated circuit Transaction identifier expansion circuitry and method of operation of such circuitry Data processing apparatus and method for performing 2008/3/18 multi-cycle arbitration 2011/5/9 2010/9/16 Register state saving and restoring 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;REED BRIAN WILLIAM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM;WANG BINGDA BRANDON;GITCHEV KOSTADIN 登録記録あり 0 ○ 0 ○ 2 ○ 登録記録あり 8 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;HILL STEPHEN 登録記録あり JOHN;MULLER MICHAEL PETER ARM;FORD SIMON ANDREW;ELLIS SEAN 登録記録あり TRISTRAM;PLOWMAN EDWARD CHARLES ARM ARM;FLYNN DAVID WALTER;IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH ARM;MYERS JAMES EDWARD;SAVANTH PARAMESHWARAPPA ANAND KUMAR;FLYNN DAVID WALTER;HOWARD DAVID WILLIAM;SANDHU BAL S ARM;BJöRKLUND ANDREAS;PERSSON ERIK;HUGOSSON OLA ARM ARM;DUBY JEAN-CLAUDE;RIEN MIKAEL;GUYONNET DAMIEN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN;FLAUTNER KRISZTIAN;AUSTIN TODD MICHAEL;BLAAUW DAVID THEODORE;MUDGE TREVOR NIGEL;BULL DAVID ARM;LIM SEOW CHUAN ARM;GWILT DAVID JOHN;INGRAM GRAEME LESLIE ARM;PENTON ANTONY JOHN;AXFORD SIMON Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 311 US8660173B2 2010/10/7 Video reference frame retrieval 312 US8640008B2 313 US8639987B2 314 US8639975B2 315 US8638622B2 316 US8635411B2 317 US8635406B2 318 US8634440B2 2010/8/23 Time-division multiplexing processing circuitry 319 US8630358B2 2012/3/20 2011/12/23 Error recovery in a data processing apparatus 2011/2/18 Data processing apparatus and method using monitoring circuitry to control operating parameters 2010/11/17 Error management within a data processing system Apparatus and method for receiving a differential data strobe signal Data processing apparatus and method for managing 2011/7/18 coherency of cached data Data processing apparatus and method for providing 2012/3/8 target address information for branch instructions 2011/7/6 Data packet flow control across an asynchronous clock domain boundary 320 US8607006B2 2010/10/5 Barrier transactions in interconnects 321 US8621242B2 322 US8621272B2 2010/7/7 Integrated circuit with error repair and fault tolerance 323 US8621336B2 2008/8/1 Error correction in a set associative storage device 2010/10/14 Display of a verification image to confirm security ARM;BJöRKLUND ANDREAS;PERSSON ERIK;BORG PONTUS;WALLANDER MATS PETTER ARM;SCHON GUILLAUME;SCALABRINO LUCA;PIRY FREDERIC CLAUDE MARIE;BULL DAVID MICHAEL ARM;WHATMOUGH PAUL NICHOLAS;BULL DAVID MICHAEL;DAS SHIDHARTHA ARM;WHATMOUGH PAUL NICHOLAS;BULL DAVID MICHAEL;DAS SHIDHARTHA;KERSHAW DANIEL ARM;WANG BINGDA B;GITCHEV KOSTADIN ARM;FLANDERS WILLIAM HENRY;KHOSA VIKRAM ARM;GREENHALGH PETER R;CRASKE SIMON J ARM;SAUNDERS SPENCER J;DILLON LIAM;JANTA RAFAL J ARM;MAJI PARTHA PRASUN;MELLOR STEVEN RICHARD 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;RIOCREUX PETER ANDREW;MATHEWSON BRUCE JAMES;LAYCOCK CHRISTOPHER 登録記録あり WILLIAM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY 0 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ 登録記録あり 8 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;BROWN ROBERT;FELTON DONALD;MCNIVEN JAMES IAN ARM;DAS SHIDHARTHA;BULL DAVID MICHAEL;OZER EMRE ARM;CRASKE SIMON JOHN;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER;HUGHES PAUL STANLEY;PENTON ANTONY JOHN;YORK RICHARD;FORD SIMON ANDREW;BILES STUART DAVID;WAUGH ALEX JAMES Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 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重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;IDGUNJI SACHIN Apparatus and method for detecting an approaching error SATISH;DAS SHIDHARTHA;BULL 2010/6/7 登録記録あり condition DAVID MICHAEL;AITKEN ROBERT CAMPBELL 351 US8555124B2 352 US8549633B2 353 US8549257B2 354 US8542939B2 355 US8519775B2 356 US8502568B2 357 US8493810B2 358 US8493120B2 359 US8484497B2 2010/7/27 Power supply control within an integrated circuit 360 US8497702B2 2011/4/15 361 US8477148B2 362 US8468394B2 363 US8468393B2 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 10 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM;PATIL SANJAY BHAGWAN;GOMEZ 登録記録あり VALENTINA;SEBASTINE ANTONY 6 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM;CHUAN LIM SEOW;MACE TIMOTHY CHARLES Area efficient arrangement of interface devices within an ARM;MISHRA VIKAS;WANG 2011/1/10 integrated circuit BINGDA BRANDON 2011/8/3 Security controller Methods of and apparatus for using tree representations ARM;NYSTAD JORN;FLORDAL 2011/8/4 for representing arrays of data elements for encoding and OSKAR;DAVIES JEREMY decoding data in data processing systems ARM;IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH;SANDHU BAL S ARM;DWIVEDI SANDEEP;KUMAR 2010/8/17 Receiver circuit with high input voltage protection NIDHIR;CHERUKU SRIDHAR ARM;VAN WINKELHOFF NICOLAAS KLARINUS 2011/5/9 Memory circuitry with write boost and write assist JOHANNES;GOUYA GERALD JEAN LOUIS;CHEN HSIN-YU Storage circuitry and method with increased resilience to ARM;CHOUDHURY MIHIR 2011/3/10 single event upsets RAJANIKANT;CHANDRA VIKAS 2011/7/28 Voltage regulation of a virtual power rail Power control of an integrated circuit including an array of interconnected configurable logic elements 2009/10/6 Graphics processing systems ARM;HILL STEPHEN JOHN;MULLER MICHAEL PETER ARM;NYSTAD JøRN;HOLM RUNE ARM;BRADLEY DARYL Method of tracing selected activities within a data WAYNE;HORLEY JOHN 2008/11/3 processing system by tagging selected items and tracing MICHAEL;WOODHOUSE the tagged items SHELDON JAMES ARM;HORLEY JOHN Triggering diagnostic operations within a data processing 2007/6/28 MICHAEL;SWAINE ANDREW apparatus BROOKFIELD Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 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重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 388 US8429457B2 389 US8427245B2 390 US8427214B2 391 US8423752B2 392 US8422262B2 393 US8421821B2 394 US8421516B2 395 US8421513B2 396 US8450954B2 397 US8456199B2 398 US8456223B2 399 US8427198B1 400 US8456140B2 2010/7/14 Power control apparatus and method for controlling a supply voltage for an associated circuit 401 US8452907B2 2009/9/25 Data processing apparatus and method for arbitrating access to a shared resource 402 US8463834B2 2009/11/3 Floating point multiplier with first and second partial product shifting circuitry for result alignment 2009/12/11 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;HARRIS ANTONY Use of statistical representations of traffic flow in a data JOHN;CROSSLEY SIMON;BRUCE 登録記録あり processing system ALISTAIR CRONE 6 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 2010/12/28 Clock state independent retention master-slave flip-flop ARM;PAL SUMANA 登録記録あり 2 ○ Apparatus and method for performing permutation operations in which the ordering of one of a first group 2008/12/16 and a second group of data elements is preserved and the ordering of the other group of data elements is changed 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 2011/6/2 Ultra low power oscillator ARM;SANDHU BAL S 2011/4/7 Generating ROM bit cell arrays 2011/12/22 Differential encoding using a 3D graphics processor 2010/2/18 Apparatus and method providing an interface between a first voltage domain and a second voltage domain 2011/6/1 Master-slave flip-flop circuit 2011/9/19 Electronically controlled universal motor 2010/12/20 Reducing current leakage in a semiconductor device 2011/6/24 Integrated circuit with power gating 2011/12/16 Reduced quantization error I/O resistor calibrator ARM;SYMES DOMINIC HUGO;WILDER MLADEN ARM;NEVERS YANNICK MARC;SCHUPPE VINCENT PHILIPPE ARM NORWAY AS;NYSTAD JORN;SORGARD EDVARD;LJOSLAND BORGAR;BLAZEVIC MARIO ARM;KUMAR NIDHIR;CHERUKU SRIDHAR;PRABHU MANJUNATHA GOVINDA ARM;PAL SUMANA 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM;PIETROMONACO DAVID V ARM;YEUNG GUS;GAJJEWAR HEMANGI UMAKANT ARM;MYERS JAMES EDWARD;FLYNN DAVID WALTER ARM;CHERUKU SRIDHAR;SUBRAMANIAN SIVARAMAKRISHNAN;KUMAR NIDHIR ARM;PATIL SANJAY BHAGWAN;FREDERICK JR. MARLIN WAYNE;GOMEZ VALENTINA ARM;RIOCREUX PETER ANDREW;INGRAM GRAEME LESLIE 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 7 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM;LUTZ DAVID RAYMOND 登録記録あり 1 ○ Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 403 US8456214B2 404 US8453073B1 405 US8463960B2 406 US8458532B2 407 US8456939B2 408 US8451039B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 State retention circuit and method of operation of such a ARM;FREDERICK JR. MARLIN 2010/11/12 circuit WAYNE Method of mask generation for integrated circuit ARM;DWIVEDI 2012/3/13 fabrication SHRISAGAR;SAWHNEY PUNEET ARM;MANNAVA PHANINDRA KUMAR;JALAL 2011/8/8 Synchronisation of data processing systems JAMSHED;PRASADH RAMAMOORTHY GURU;FILIPPO MICHAEL ALAN ARM;JAUBERT JOCELYN Error handling mechanism for a tag memory within FRANCOIS ORION;BEGON 2010/10/27 coherency control circuitry FLORENT;TEYSSIER MELANIE EMANUELLE LUCIE 2010/11/22 Voltage regulation circuitry ARM;PRABHAT PRANAY ARM;MYERS JAMES EDWARD;BIGGS JOHN 2011/5/13 Apparatus for storing a data value in a retention mode PHILIP;FLYNN DAVID WALTER;TRADOWSKY CARSTEN 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM;BIGGS JOHN PHILIP;MYERS Integrated circuit, method of generating a layout of an JAMES EDWARD;HOWARD 2011/5/13 integrated circuit using standard cells, and a standard cell 登録記録あり DAVID WILLIAM;FLYNN DAVID library providing such standard cells WALTER;TRADOWSKY CARSTEN 0 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 409 US8451026B2 410 US8418187B2 411 US8418175B2 2009/2/12 412 US8417923B2 2010/6/1 413 US8417920B2 2007/12/21 414 US8417915B2 2005/8/5 415 US8407540B2 2010/6/15 Virtualization software migrating workload between 2010/3/1 processing circuitries while making architectural states available transparent to operating system ARM;GREENHALGH PETER RICHARD;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY ARM;MANSELL DAVID Data processing apparatus and method for controlling HENNAH;GRISENTHWAITE access to secure memory by virtual machines executing RICHARD ROY;BILES STUART on processing circuirty DAVID ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL Data processing apparatus having trace and prediction JOHN;HORLEY JOHN logic MICHAEL;ASHFIELD EDMOND JOHN SIMON ARM;STEVENS ASHLEY Management of speculative transactions MILES;CROXFORD DAREN ARM;GILDAY DAVID Alias management within a virtually indexed and MICHAEL;GRISENTHWAITE physically tagged cache memory RICHARD ROY Low overhead circuit and method for predicting timing ARM;CHANDRA VIKAS errors Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Error recover within processing stages of an integrated circuit 416 US8407537B2 2010/10/13 417 US8407529B2 2011/12/29 Trace synchronization 418 US8407025B2 2009/2/25 419 US8397193B2 2009/4/17 Proprietary circuit layout identification 420 US8395440B2 421 US8395433B2 2010/4/20 Input-output device protection 422 US8390328B2 2011/5/13 423 US8386890B2 2009/9/11 Error correction for multilevel flash memory 2010/11/23 Operating parameter control of an apparatus for processing data Apparatus and method for controlling power gating in an integrated circuit Supplying a clock signal and a gated clock signal to synchronous elements ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN;FLAUTNER KRISZTIAN;AUSTIN TODD MICHAEL;BLAAUW DAVID THEODORE;MUDGE TREVOR NIGEL ARM;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL;SWAINE ANDREW BROOKFIELD;HOULIHANE THOMAS SEAN;WOODHOUSE SHELDON JAMES;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN;BLAAUW DAVID THEODORE;SYLVESTER DENNIS MICHAEL;FICK DAVID ALAN;BILES STUART DAVID;WIECKOWSKI MICHAEL JOHN;HANSON SCOTT MCLEAN;CHEN GREGORY KENGHO ARM;TING ALBERT LI MING;SU SHUN-PIAO ARM;SANDHU BAL S.;IDGUNJI SATCHIN SATISH;FLYNN DAVID WALTER ARM;RIEN MIKAEL;DUBY JEANCLAUDE ARM;MYERS JAMES EDWARD;FLYNN DAVID WALTER;AITKEN ROBERT CAMPBELL;FREDERICK JR. MARLIN WAYNE ARM;WEZELENBURG MARTINUS CORNELIS;CONWAY THOMAS KELSHAW Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 19 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 424 US8386754B2 425 US8381162B2 426 US8381083B2 427 US8378861B2 428 US8375196B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;BLASCO ALLUE CONRADO;WILLIAMSON DAVID Renaming wide register source operand with plural short JAMES;HARDAGE JAMES 2009/6/24 register source operands for select instructions to detect 登録記録あり NOLAN;HARRIS GLEN dependency fast with existing mechanism ANDREW;MCDONALD ROBERT GREGORY Method of adapting a layout of a standard cell of an 2010/10/5 ARM;PELLOIE JEAN-LUC 登録記録あり integrated circuit ARM;WEZELENBURG MARTINUS Error control coding for single error correction and 2009/10/22 登録記録あり CORNELIS;CONWAY THOMAS double error detection KELSHAW 2010/11/29 Storage of probability values for contexts used in arithmetic coding Vector processor with vector register file configured as matrix of data cells each selecting input from generated 2010/1/19 vector data or data from other cell via predetermined rearrangement path 429 US8375170B2 2010/2/12 Apparatus and method for handling data in a cache 430 US8374098B2 2009/11/3 Check data encoding using parallel lane encoders 431 US8355293B2 2010/12/1 Retention voltage generation 432 US8339876B2 433 US8339409B2 434 US8363484B2 435 US8359588B2 436 US8358551B2 437 US8356119B2 438 US8355276B2 439 US8352819B2 2009/11/9 Memory with improved read stability Tile-based graphics system and method of operation of 2011/2/16 such a system Memory device and method of controlling a write 2011/3/9 operation within a memory device 2009/11/25 Reducing inter-task latency in a multiprocessor system Reducing peak currents required for precharging data 2010/12/20 lines in memory devices Performance by reducing transaction request ordering 2010/4/26 requirements Controlling voltage levels applied to access devices when 2009/11/20 accessing storage cells in a memory 2009/4/15 State retention using a variable retention voltage 5 ○ 4 ○ 2 ○ ARM;BERKEMAN ANDERS;SYMES 登録記録あり DOMINIC HUGO 0 ○ ARM;BJöRKLUND ANDREAS;PERSSON ERIK;HUGOSSON OLA 1 ○ 0 ○ 4 ○ 1 ○ 登録記録あり ARM;LAYCOCK CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM;HARRIS ANTONY JOHN;MATHEWSON BRUCE 登録記録あり JAMES;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY ARM;WEZELENBURG MARTINUS 登録記録あり CORNELIS;PENTON ANTONY JOHN;WONG KEN YI ARM 登録記録あり ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 2011/12/2 Monitoring graphics processing ARM Data processing apparatus for storing address 2010/7/1 ARM translations 2008/1/2 Providing secure services to a non-secure application ARM Data processing apparatus and method for connection to 2009/10/20 ARM interconnect circuitry 2011/2/18 Parallel image encoding ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM NORWAY AS 登録記録あり 0 ○ Circuit and method operable in functional and diagnostic modes Control of clock gating Stress detection within an integrated circuit having through silicon vias Personal electronic device with a dual core processor 440 US8352815B2 2006/10/18 441 US8352794B2 2009/11/19 442 US8347728B2 2010/7/7 443 US8347131B2 2010/10/20 444 US8347067B2 445 US8339414B2 446 US8335908B2 447 US8332660B2 448 US8332564B2 449 US8331703B2 450 US8330478B2 451 US8345051B2 452 US8327034B2 ARM NORWAY AS 登録記録あり 1 ○ 453 US8285767B2 2011/3/7 Apparatus and method for generating a random number ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 454 US8327118B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 455 US8321861B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 456 US8321726B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 457 US8319518B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 458 US8315123B2 2009/7/21 Scheduling control within a data processing system Non-native program execution across multiple execution 2008/2/20 environments 2008/6/18 Repairing memory arrays Detecting transitions in circuits during periodic detection 2009/11/19 windows 2010/12/20 Wordline voltage control within a memory ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 459 US8289343B2 2011/12/8 Method of and apparatus for encoding and decoding data ARM NORWAY AS 登録記録あり 5 ○ 460 US8307138B2 2010/7/12 ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ 461 US8305825B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 462 US8301932B2 ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ 463 US8301856B2 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 464 US8296538B2 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 465 US8291244B2 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 2008/1/23 Instruction pre-decoding of multiple instruction sets 2009/11/3 Operating parameter monitoring circuit and method 2007/11/28 Processing of 3-dimensional graphics 2006/3/10 Microprocessor systems Apparatus and method for controlling issuing of transaction requests 2010/8/5 Timing control circuit 2009/11/16 Synchronising between clock domains Restricting memory areas for an instruction read in 2010/2/16 dependence upon a hardware mode and a security flag Storing secure mode page table data in secure and non2011/2/14 secure regions of memory Power management in a data processing device having 2009/1/5 masters and slaves Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 466 US8291002B2 467 US8285912B2 468 US8283965B2 469 US8275579B2 470 US8271750B2 471 US8271733B2 472 US8271730B2 473 US8260991B2 474 US8255673B2 475 US8255629B2 476 US8255446B2 477 US8250549B2 478 US8250411B2 479 US8250351B2 480 US8250346B2 481 US8250309B2 482 US8239861B2 483 US8266482B2 484 US8219950B2 485 US8193847B2 486 US8218391B2 487 US8234489B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 2009/6/1 Barrel shifter Communication infrastructure for a data processing 2009/8/7 apparatus and a method of operation of such a communication infrastructure 2010/6/30 Voltage level shifter Communication of a diagnostic signal and a functional 2011/6/14 signal by an integrated circuit Entry replacement within a data store using entry profile 2008/1/18 data and runtime performance gain data 2009/7/20 Line allocation in multi-level hierarchical data stores Handling of write access requests to shared memory in a 2007/10/10 data processing apparatus Data processing apparatus and method for measuring a 2009/9/15 value of a predetermined property of transactions 2008/4/25 Monitoring transactions in a data processing apparatus Method and apparatus with data storage protocols for 2009/6/22 maintaining consistencies in parallel translation lookaside buffers Apparatus and method for performing rearrangement and 2007/11/29 arithmetic operations on data Variable coherency support when mapping a computer 2007/10/23 program to a data processing apparatus 2008/12/30 Diagnostic context construction and comparison 2008/12/2 Synchronization of two independent reset signals 2009/6/4 Register renaming of a partially updated data granule 2005/1/28 Control of data accesses to a cache in data processing Software-based unloading and reloading of an inactive 2008/2/7 function to reduce memory usage of a data processing task performed using a virtual machine Operating parameter control for integrated circuit signal 2008/6/24 paths Propagation delay time balancing in chained inverting 2009/3/20 devices Timing circuit and method of generating an output timing 2010/10/5 signal 2010/7/1 Power control of an integrated circuit memory Set of system configuration registers having shadow 2009/7/15 register 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 488 US8230277B2 2011/4/4 489 US8228745B2 2010/7/14 490 US8219379B2 2004/11/29 491 US8217702B2 2010/4/5 492 US8213461B2 2006/3/29 493 US8199146B2 2011/2/28 494 US8205206B2 2008/5/8 495 US8200948B2 2007/12/4 496 US8200939B2 2008/1/31 497 US8200902B2 2010/6/10 498 US8195886B2 2007/3/16 499 US8219885B2 2009/4/7 500 US8180980B2 2009/5/22 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Storage of data in data stores having some faulty storage locations Two stage voltage level shifting System, method and computer program product for testing software Circuitry for processing signals from a higher voltage domain using devices designed to operate in a lower voltage domain Method of designating slots in a transmission frame for controlling transmission of data over an interconnect coupling a plurality of master units with a plurality of slave units Processing of computer graphics Data processing apparatus and method for managing multiple program threads executed by processing circuitry Apparatus and method for performing re-arrangement operations on data Memory management unit in a microprocessor system Cache device for coupling to a memory device and a method of operation of such a cache device ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM Data processing apparatus and method for implementing a replacement scheme for entries of a storage unit Error detecting and correcting mechanism for a register file Device emulation support within a host data processing apparatus Single event upset error detection within an integrated circuit Error recovery within processing stages of an integrated circuit Controlling power consumption in a data processing apparatus Boosting voltage levels applied to an access control line when accessing storage cells in a memory 501 US8185812B2 2006/12/11 502 US8185786B2 2010/10/13 503 US8151126B2 2008/12/29 504 US8164964B2 2009/11/30 505 US8190951B2 2009/8/20 506 US8154353B2 2009/11/3 Operating parameter monitor for an integrated circuit Handling of errors in a data processing apparatus having a cache storage and a replicated address storage 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM NORWAY AS 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM NORWAY AS 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 11 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) Transferring data values via a data bus or storing data values using a selectable representation Correction of single event upset error within sequential storage circuitry of an integrated circuit Cache accessing using a micro TAG Mapping a computer program to an asymmetric multiprocessing apparatus Bus interconnect device and a data processing apparatus including such a bus interconnect device Apparatus and method for error correction of data values in a storage device Interconnect logic for a data processing apparatus Providing tuning limits for operational parameters in data processing apparatus Trace synchronization Handling of memory access requests to shared memory in a data processing apparatus Apparatus and method for tracing activities of a shader program executed on shader circuitry of a data processing apparatus Single event upset error detection within sequential storage circuitry of an integrated circuit Monitoring values of signals within an integrated circuit Apparatus and method for performing hardware and software co-verification testing System and method for modelling a hardware component of a data processing apparatus Interrupt control for virtual processing apparatus 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 30 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 17 ○ 507 US8171311B2 2009/5/1 508 US8161367B2 2008/10/7 509 US8151055B2 2009/2/25 510 US8190807B2 2007/10/23 511 US8171191B2 2009/1/28 512 US8190973B2 2007/12/21 513 US8190801B2 2006/5/25 514 US8185791B2 2009/5/22 515 US8176366B2 2009/4/3 516 US8176262B2 2009/4/6 517 US8159491B2 2009/12/3 518 US8171386B2 2008/3/27 519 US8185724B2 2008/9/3 520 US8180620B2 2004/1/27 521 US8160861B2 2008/1/14 522 US8131901B2 2009/6/4 523 US8102402B2 2008/6/23 Method of and apparatus for encoding data ARM NORWAY AS 登録記録あり 9 ○ 524 US8112560B2 2010/8/24 Controlling complex non-linear data transfers ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 525 US8144167B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 526 US8103990B2 ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 527 US8145960B2 登録記録あり 3 ○ 528 US8134824B2 2009/7/16 Monitoring graphics processing Characterising circuit cell performance variability in 2008/2/28 response to perturbations in manufacturing process parameters Storage of data in data stores having some faulty storage 2007/7/2 locations 2008/2/19 Decoupling capacitors 登録記録あり 1 ○ 529 US8131942B2 2008/4/17 Control data modification within a cache memory ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) Debugging a multiprocessor system that switches 2010/1/21 between a locked mode and a split mode Data processing apparatus and method for handling 2008/5/21 address translation for access requests issued by processing circuitry 2008/11/3 Standard cell placement 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM NORWAY AS 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 14 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 11 ○ 530 US8108730B2 531 US8140820B2 532 US8136072B2 533 US8103918B2 534 US8145844B2 535 US8122232B2 536 US8115783B2 537 US8112681B2 538 US8132254B2 539 US8145958B2 540 US8106921B2 ARM NORWAY AS 登録記録あり 8 ○ 541 US8108596B2 2009/1/29 Memory controller address mapping scheme ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ 542 US8116165B2 2010/4/21 Memory with improved data reliability 登録記録あり 0 ○ 543 US8103922B2 2011/6/16 Error detection in precharged logic ARM ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 0 ○ 544 US8059144B2 2010/3/3 ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 545 US8060814B2 2009/8/21 登録記録あり 4 ○ 546 US8067971B2 2009/9/18 登録記録あり 2 ○ 547 US8099635B2 2010/10/6 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 548 US8099556B2 2008/2/13 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 549 US8093938B2 ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ 550 US8086883B2 ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ 551 US8086829B2 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 552 US8082589B2 ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ 2008/3/25 Clock control during self-test of multi port memory Memory controller with write data cache and read data 2007/12/13 cache 2007/6/21 Self programming slave device controller Methods of and apparatus for processing computer 2008/1/31 graphics Method and apparatus for handling fuse data for repairing 2008/1/29 faulty elements within an IC Protecting system control registers in a data processing 2007/8/15 apparatus Integrated circuit and method for testing memory on the 2005/11/10 integrated circuit 2007/1/30 Differential encoding using a 3d graphics processor Generating and resolving pixel values within a graphics processing pipeline Error recovery within processing stages of an integrated circuit Providing additional inputs to a latch circuit Techniques for generating a trace stream for a data processing apparatus Cache miss detection in a data processing apparatus 2010/4/20 Cascoded level shifter protection Hardware driven processor state storage prior to 2008/11/5 entering a low power Method and apparatus for processing data related to 2009/3/5 handling interrupts in data processing Diagnostic data capture control for multi-domain 2003/11/17 processors ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) Error recovery following speculative execution with an instruction processing pipeline Modifying integrated circuit layout Result path sharing between a plurality of execution units within a processor Initialisation of a pipelined processor Compensating for non-uniform boundary conditions in standard cells Cache management within a data processing apparatus 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 553 US8037287B2 2008/3/14 554 US8051400B2 2008/10/21 555 US8051275B2 2009/6/1 556 US8055888B2 2008/2/28 557 US8051390B2 2008/10/7 558 US8041897B2 2008/7/24 ARM 登録記録あり 11 ○ 559 US8015337B2 2009/3/23 Power efficient interrupt detection ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 560 US8045402B2 2009/6/29 Assisting write operations to data storage cells ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ 561 US8045401B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 562 US8055872B2 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 563 US8051323B2 ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ 564 US8041930B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 565 US8014226B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 566 US8055883B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 567 US8051401B2 ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 568 US8051271B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 569 US8050114B2 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 570 US8045573B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 571 US8024690B2 ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 572 US8055950B2 ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ 573 US8044971B2 ARM NORWAY AS 登録記録あり 7 ○ 2009/9/18 Supporting scan functions within memories Data processor with hardware accelerator, accelerator 2008/2/21 interface and shared memory management unit Auxiliary circuit structure in a split-lock dual processor 2010/1/21 system Data processing apparatus and method for controlling 2007/11/1 thread access of register sets when selectively operating in secure and non-secure domains Integrated circuit memory with word line driving helper 2009/12/22 circuits Pipe scheduling for pipelines based on destination 2009/7/1 register number Post-routing power supply modification for an integrated 2008/10/15 circuit 2008/7/1 Translation of virtual to physical addresses Memory device having a single pass-gate transistor per 2008/10/14 bitline column multiplexer coupled to latch circuitry and method thereof Bit ordering for packetised serial data transmission on an 2009/6/1 integrated circuit Method, system and computer program product for determining routing of data paths in interconnect 2008/5/19 circuitry providing a narrow interface for connection to a first device and a wide interface for connection to a distributed plurality of further devices Method and apparatus for improved timing for trace 2008/1/11 synchronization Methods of and apparatus for processing computer 2008/1/31 graphics Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 2007/11/5 Dynamically changing control of sequenced power gating ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ Generation of trace elements within a data processing apparatus Data processing apparatus and method for instruction pre-decoding Communication of a diagnostic signal and a functional signal by an integrated circuit Recovering from errors in streaming DSP applications Data processing apparatus and method for performing a reciprocal operation on an input value to produce a result value Data processing apparatus and method for performing floating point multiplication Distributing power to an integrated circuit 574 US8037363B2 2008/12/29 575 US8037286B2 2008/1/23 576 US8036854B2 2007/11/20 577 US8020039B2 2008/12/1 578 US8015228B2 2005/2/16 579 US8015231B2 2004/11/30 580 US7986504B2 2009/6/3 581 US8010772B2 582 US7987407B2 583 US8006147B2 584 US8004913B2 585 US8010774B2 586 US7977822B2 587 US8000156B2 588 US8001331B2 589 US7979642B2 590 US8001428B2 591 US7991960B2 2008/8/27 Adaptive comparison control in a data store ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 592 US7984269B2 Data processing apparatus and method for reducing issue circuitry responsibility by using a predetermined pipeline 2007/6/12 ARM stage to schedule a next operation in a sequence of operations defined by a complex instruction 登録記録あり 0 ○ 593 US7979822B2 登録記録あり 4 ○ 2008/2/6 Protected function calling Handling of hard errors in a cache of a data processing 2009/8/20 apparatus 2009/3/16 Error detection in precharged logic Redundancy architecture for an integrated circuit 2010/5/20 memory Breakpointing on register access events or I/O port 2006/11/3 access events Memory device with propagation circuitry in each subarray and method thereof 2008/4/17 Efficiency of cache memory operations Managing the storage of high-priority storage items in 2008/9/11 storage units in multi-core and multi-threaded systems using history storage and control circuitry 2008/10/27 Packing trace protocols within trace streams 2008/10/24 Apparatus and method for performing a sequence of 2008/6/3 verification tests to verify a design of a data processing system ARM Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) Diagnosing faults within programs being executed by virtual machines Apparatus and method for data processing having an onchip or off-chip interconnect between two or more devices Memory testing Data processing apparatus and method for handling interrupts Data processing apparatus and method for converting a number between fixed-point and floating-point representations Techniques for generating a trace stream for a data processing apparatus Generating ROM bit cell arrays Integrated circuit layout pattern for cross-coupled circuits Diagnostic mode switching 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 594 US8010849B2 2006/9/7 595 US8006008B2 2007/8/21 596 US8006144B2 2007/6/7 597 US8010726B2 2004/3/1 598 US7945607B2 2007/5/15 599 US7937626B2 2008/2/26 600 US7961490B2 2009/1/9 601 US7960759B2 2008/10/14 602 US7949914B2 2010/1/29 登録記録あり 0 ○ 603 US7949866B2 2009/3/20 Exception types within a secure processing system ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ 604 US7948816B2 2009/3/24 Accessing data within a memory formed of memory banks ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 605 US7941584B2 606 US7940546B2 607 US7924056B2 608 US7949848B2 609 US7945806B2 610 US7937535B2 611 US7934029B2 612 US7925871B2 613 US7925836B2 614 US7936578B2 615 US7936290B2 Data processing apparatus and method for performing 2009/3/26 hazard detection 2009/1/30 ROM array ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 2009/5/26 Low voltage differential signalling driver Data processing apparatus, method and computer 2007/3/8 program product for reducing memory usage of an object oriented program Data processing apparatus and method for controlling a 2007/10/25 transfer of payload data over a communication channel Managing cache coherency in a data processing 2007/2/22 apparatus Data transfer between devices within an integrated 2009/2/3 circuit Identification and correction of cyclically recurring errors 2008/2/19 in one or more branch predictors 2008/1/25 Selective coherency control ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 11 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 2009/8/28 Read only memory cell for storing a multiple bit value Dynamic selection of suitable codes for variable length 2009/11/2 coding and decoding ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 616 US7945811B2 2008/10/2 617 US7925867B2 2009/7/14 618 US7925866B2 2008/12/3 619 US7925840B2 2008/9/5 620 US7966466B2 2008/2/6 621 US7962664B2 2008/9/26 622 US7941608B2 2009/3/17 623 US7926021B2 2007/9/25 624 US7925868B2 2007/1/24 625 US7924638B2 2007/4/18 626 US7958335B2 2005/8/5 627 US7924858B2 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 Low power, high reliability specific compound functional units Pre-decode checking for pre-decoded instructions that cross cache line boundaries Data processing apparatus and method for handling instructions to be executed by processing circuitry Data processing apparatus and method for managing snoop operations Memory domain based security control with data processing systems Techniques for generating a trace stream for a data processing apparatus Cache eviction Insertion of error detection circuits based on error propagation within integrated circuits Suppressing register renaming for conditional instructions predicted as not executed Redundancy architecture for an integrated circuit memory Multiple instruction set decoding ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 16 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM NORWAY AS 登録記録あり 9 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM;TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 登録記録あり 4 ○ 2006/4/13 Use of a data engine within a data processing apparatus Data processing apparatus and method for controlling access to memory Compare and branch mechanism Power control circuitry, circuitry for analysing a switched power rail, and method of controlling connection of a power source to a switched power rail Data access target predictions in a data processing system Cache circuitry, data processing apparatus and method for prefetching data by selecting one of a first prefetch linefill operation and a second prefetch linefill operation Processing of computer graphics 628 US7949835B2 2005/9/21 629 US7930526B2 2004/3/24 630 US7898278B2 2007/11/5 631 US7900019B2 2006/5/1 632 US7917701B2 2007/3/12 633 US7920139B2 2007/5/29 634 US7920411B2 635 US7895417B2 636 US7913120B2 637 US7900020B2 2009/2/25 Converting SRAM cells to ROM cells Select-and-insert instruction within data processing 2010/4/30 systems Selective disabling of diagnostic functions within a data 2008/2/11 processing system 2008/1/25 Correction of incorrect cache accesses Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 638 US7893722B2 639 US7917735B2 640 US7913131B2 641 US7895469B2 642 US7886098B2 2007/9/13 Memory access security management 643 US7920584B2 2006/4/12 Data processing system 644 US7882293B2 645 US7873757B2 646 US7843760B2 647 US7839016B2 648 US7859937B2 649 US7873896B2 650 US7870437B2 651 US7876634B2 652 US7865675B2 653 US7863778B2 654 US7856532B2 655 US7844800B2 656 US7849296B2 657 US7877587B2 658 US7855924B2 659 US7836320B2 660 US7866560B2 661 US7840001B2 662 US7861095B2 2008/9/11 Clock control of state storage circuitry ARM Data processing apparatus and method for pre-decoding 2008/1/23 ARM instructions 2008/1/7 Scan chain cell with delay testing capability ARM 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 7 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ 2007/2/16 Controlling complex non-linear data transfers Interface circuit and method for coupling between a 2009/3/16 memory device and processing circuitry Maintaining output I/O signals within an integrated circuit 2007/12/13 with multiple power domains Apparatus and method for controlling write access to a 2009/1/12 group of storage elements 2008/10/1 High performance pulsed storage circuit ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 2007/11/14 Trace data timestamping Apparatus and method for adjusting a supply voltage 2008/6/2 based on a read result Controlling cleaning of data values within a hardware 2007/12/6 accelerator 2007/11/14 Power controlling integrated circuit cell Cache logic, data processing apparatus including cache 2006/11/3 logic, and a method of operating cache logic Method for renaming a large number of registers in a data 2007/8/21 processing system using a background channel Monitoring control for monitoring at least two domains of 2003/11/17 multi-domain processors 2006/6/9 Branch prediction within a multithreaded processor Data processing memory circuit having pull-down circuit 2006/5/19 with on/off configuration Power management in a data processing apparatus 2006/7/7 having a plurality of domains in which devices of the data processing apparatus can operate Recovering communication transaction control between 2007/1/4 independent domains of an integrated circuit 2005/11/4 Data processing apparatus ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 13 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 2008/10/14 Integrated circuit using speculative execution 2004/7/9 Interrupt masking control 2005/2/15 Data processing apparatus security Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 663 US7836288B2 2004/9/14 664 US7863733B2 2008/1/10 665 US7856346B2 2002/5/10 666 US7849310B2 2003/11/17 667 US7805595B2 2007/4/20 668 US7831815B2 2008/2/6 669 US7822926B2 2007/4/16 670 US7814302B2 2008/2/13 671 US7788417B2 2007/7/2 672 US7823019B2 673 US7802040B2 674 US7793181B2 675 US7809972B2 676 US7809930B2 677 US7808273B2 678 US7805645B2 679 US7809989B2 680 US7793082B2 681 US7830176B2 682 US7797681B2 683 US7822884B2 684 US7814297B2 685 US7797520B2 686 US7797518B2 タイトル (英語) Branch prediction mechanism including a branch prediction memory and a branch prediction cache Integrated circuit with multiple layers of circuits Emulating multiple bus used within a data processing system Switching between secure and non-secure processing modes Data processing apparatus and method for updating prediction data based on an operation's priority level Data processing apparatus and method for identifying sequences of instructions Cache memory Address calculation instruction within data processing systems Target device programmer 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 32 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 13 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 17 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 2008/5/8 Debug circuitry Arbitration method reordering transactions to ensure 2008/6/9 quality of service specified by each transaction 2008/3/27 Sequential storage circuitry for an integrated circuit Data processing apparatus and method for translating a 2007/3/30 signal between a first clock domain and a second clock domain 2007/1/24 Selective suppression of register renaming ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 16 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 2008/2/20 Reducing leakage power in low power mode Data processing apparatus and method for testing 2008/1/11 stability of memory cells in a memory device Performing diagnostic operations upon an asymmetric 2007/10/18 multiprocessor apparatus 2006/12/14 Latch to block short path violation Controlling signal levels on a signal line within an 2006/7/27 integrated circuit Stack memory selection upon exception in a data 2006/5/11 processing system Distributed direct memory access provision within a data 2006/12/12 processing system 2005/7/26 Algebraic single instruction multiple data processing ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 2005/6/30 Early branch instruction prediction Generating instruction sets for compacting long 2005/9/8 instructions Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 687 US7805557B2 688 US7793078B2 689 US7822947B2 690 US7805550B2 691 US7831806B2 692 US7802080B2 693 US7788472B2 694 US7831817B2 695 US7822955B2 696 US7743238B2 697 US7757027B2 698 US7769936B2 2008/3/5 699 US7752425B2 2006/5/30 700 US7770078B2 2008/5/23 701 US7745275B2 2008/9/10 702 US7769982B2 2007/8/15 703 US7769955B2 2007/4/27 704 US7752424B2 2007/8/8 705 US7747839B2 2008/1/23 706 US7783869B2 2006/12/19 707 US7743294B2 2006/11/20 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 11 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 15 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ Data processing apparatus and method for arbitrating ARM between messages routed over a communication channel 登録記録あり 11 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 13 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 2005/7/12 Interrupt controller and method for handling interrupts Multiple instruction set data processing system with conditional branch instructions of a first instruction set 2005/4/1 and a second instruction set sharing a same instruction encoding 2004/7/13 Aliasing data processing registers Management of polling loops in a data processing 2005/1/11 apparatus Determining target addresses for instruction flow 2004/2/18 changing instructions in a data processing apparatus 2004/3/24 Null exception handling Instruction encoding within a data processing apparatus 2004/2/20 having multiple instruction sets 2003/4/15 Two-level branch prediction apparatus Data processing apparatus and method for utilizing 2003/1/21 endianess independent data values Accessing items of architectural state from a register cache in a data processing apparatus when performing 2003/5/9 branch prediction operations for an indirect branch instruction Control of master/slave communication within an 2008/6/19 integrated circuit Data processing apparatus having trace and prediction logic Integrated circuit communication self-testing Integrated circuit and a method of making an integrated circuit to provide a gate contact over a diffusion region Data processing apparatus and method for accelerating execution of subgraphs Multiple thread instruction fetch from different cache levels Null value checking instruction Data processing apparatus and method for handling instructions to be executed by processing circuitry Accessing branch predictions ahead of instruction fetching Diagnostic mode switching Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 708 US7743366B2 ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 709 US7774582B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 710 US7761665B2 ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 711 US7747667B2 ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 712 US7761280B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 713 US7761693B2 ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 714 US7751642B1 ARM 登録記録あり 13 ○ 715 US7698534B2 ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 716 US7734853B2 ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ 717 US7729185B2 ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ 718 US7723867B2 ARM 登録記録あり 10 ○ 719 US7698537B2 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 720 US7737720B2 ARM 登録記録あり 36 ○ 721 US7734974B2 2007/7/11 Serial scan chain control within an integrated circuit 722 US7711882B2 ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 2008/10/9 Interrupt jitter suppression ARM Instruction issue control within a multi-threaded in-order 2007/4/25 ARM superscalar processor 2007/8/13 Power control circuitry and method ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 723 US7707390B2 登録記録あり 4 ○ 724 US7696649B2 725 US7706172B2 726 US7707394B2 727 US7734897B2 728 US7730545B2 2005/10/3 System and method for compiling a computer program Result bypassing to override a data hazard within a 2005/5/26 superscalar processor Handling of cache accesses in a data processing 2005/5/23 apparatus Data processing apparatus and method for determining 2005/2/16 an initial estimate of a result value of a reciprocal operation Data processing apparatus simulation by generating 2004/3/17 anticipated timing information for bus data transfers Data processing apparatus and method for performing 2004/7/13 arithmetic operations in SIMD data processing Methods and devices for image processing, image 2006/5/17 capturing and image downscaling Reordering application code to improve processing 2007/2/21 performance 2008/4/11 Latency dependent data bus transmission Apparatus and method for detection of address decoder 2007/12/14 open faults 2007/5/30 Power gating of circuits Data processing apparatus for processing a stream of instructions in first and second processing blocks with 2006/12/20 the first processing block supporting register renaming and the second processing block not supporting register renaming 2007/5/3 Virtual power rail modulation within an integrated circuit 2007/8/27 Layout of a SRAM memory cell Reducing the size of a data stream produced during 2006/5/30 instruction tracing Allocation of memory access operations to memory access capable pipelines in a superscalar data processing 2005/12/21 apparatus and method having a plurality of execution threads 2005/5/23 Test access control for secure integrated circuits 登録記録あり 14 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 46 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 729 公報番号 US7725695B2 出願日 2005/5/31 タイトル (英語) Branch prediction apparatus for repurposing a branch to instruction set as a non-predicted branch Integrated circuit with error correction mechanisms to offset narrow tolerancing Error detection and recovery within processing stages of an integrated circuit Control of metastability in the pipelined data processing apparatus Task following between multiple operating systems 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 21 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 730 US7701240B2 2005/12/13 731 US7650551B2 2007/8/16 732 US7653795B2 2008/2/8 733 US7661104B2 2003/11/17 ARM 登録記録あり 33 ○ 734 US7688668B2 登録記録あり 4 ○ 735 US7673187B2 2007/11/28 Controlling power supply to memory cells ARM Data processing apparatus and method for reducing trace 2006/10/24 ARM bandwidth 登録記録あり 1 ○ 736 US7657694B2 2006/12/20 Handling access requests in a data processing apparatus ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 50 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 24 ○ 2003/6/16 Result partitioning within SIMD data processing systems ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 14 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 22 ○ 737 US7664901B2 2007/3/27 738 US7660186B2 2007/10/17 739 US7650483B2 2006/11/3 740 US7650479B2 2006/9/20 741 US7685404B2 2007/6/5 742 US7689735B2 743 US7668892B2 744 US7657587B2 745 US7650524B2 746 US7668896B2 747 US7689811B2 748 US7668897B2 749 US7676652B2 750 US7661105B2 751 US7647480B2 Data processing apparatus and method for arbitrating access to a shared resource Memory clock generator having multiple clock modes Execution of instructions within a data processing apparatus having a plurality of processing units Maintaining cache coherency for secure and non-secure data access requests Program subgraph identification 2005/10/3 Instruction stream control Data processing apparatus and method for normalizing a 2005/8/25 data value 2005/8/11 Multi-dimensional fast fourier transform Circuit and modes for storing data in operational and 2006/3/22 sleep modes Data processing apparatus and method for performing 2005/3/17 floating point multiplication Method and apparatus for constant generation in SIMD 2004/7/13 processing Executing variable length instructions stored within a 2003/8/27 plurality of discrete memory address regions 2003/11/17 Exception types within a secure processing system Handling of conditional instructions in a data processing 2007/1/18 apparatus Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 752 US7624253B2 753 US7613053B2 754 US7613052B2 755 US7624215B2 756 US7616041B2 757 US7606108B2 758 US7605644B2 759 US7640397B2 760 US7603605B2 761 US7617409B2 762 US7606057B2 763 US7603496B2 764 US7630388B2 765 出願日 タイトル (英語) 2006/10/25 Determining register availability for register renaming Memory device and method of operating such a memory 2007/11/23 device Memory device and method of operating such a memory 2007/11/1 device 2008/1/24 Interrupt controller 2008/9/19 Data retention in operational and sleep modes 2007/11/16 Access collision within a multiport memory Integrated circuit power-on control and programmable 2007/5/3 comparator 2006/10/11 Adaptive comparison control in a memory 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 41 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 11 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 2007/1/8 Performance control of an integrated circuit ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 2006/5/1 System for checking clock-signal correspondence ARM 登録記録あり 16 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ US7627807B2 2005/4/26 Monitoring a data processor to detect abnormal operation ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 766 US7644399B2 2004/12/3 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 767 US7640286B2 2005/3/11 ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 768 US7647489B2 2005/3/14 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 769 US7613911B2 2004/3/12 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 770 US7607133B2 2004/2/11 ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 771 US7647368B2 2004/9/1 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 772 US7627462B2 2001/11/27 ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 773 US7558895B2 ARM 登録記録あり 11 ○ 774 US7596663B2 Identifying a cache way of a cache access request using ARM information from the microtag and from the micro TLB 登録記録あり 2 ○ 2006/5/31 Metal line layout in a memory cell Buffering data during data transfer through a plurality of 2006/1/23 channels Software defined FIFO memory for storing a set of data 2005/5/4 from a stream of source data Forming an executable program from a list of program instructions Data processing apparatus and method for performing floating point multiplication Function calling mechanism with embedded index for a handler program and an embedded immediate value for passing a parameter Prefetching exception vectors by early lookup exception vectors within a cache memory Interrupt processing control Data processing apparatus and method for performing data processing operations on floating point data elements Hardware simulation using a test scenario manager 2007/7/30 Interconnect logic for a data processing apparatus 2006/11/15 Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) Word reordering upon bus size resizing to reduce Hamming distance Generation of trace elements within a data processing apparatus Reusing a buffer memory as a microcache for program instructions of a detected program loop Power saving in memory arrays Cache circuitry, data processing apparatus and method for handling write access requests Speculative data value usage 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 16 ○ 775 US7565516B2 2006/2/28 776 US7562258B2 2006/2/9 777 US7571305B2 2007/1/11 778 US7558104B2 2007/2/5 779 US7600077B2 2007/1/10 780 US7590826B2 2006/11/6 781 US7574314B2 2007/9/17 Spurious signal detection ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 782 US7568072B2 ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 783 US7587556B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 784 US7558938B2 2006/8/31 Cache eviction Store buffer capable of maintaining associated cache 2006/3/29 information 2006/2/8 Memory bus encoding ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 785 US7587444B2 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 786 US7599974B2 ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 787 US7599998B2 ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ 788 US7600141B2 ARM 登録記録あり 13 ○ 789 US7539853B2 ARM 登録記録あり 11 ○ 790 US7533241B2 ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 791 US7533226B2 ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 12 ○ 792 US7529916B2 ARM 登録記録あり 15 ○ 793 US7529889B2 ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 794 US7523420B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ Efficient use of co-processor in platform independent instruction machine by controlling result transfer and 2006/12/19 ARM translation and transfer timing of subsequent instruction based on instruction type for result forwarding 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 10 ○ 795 US7516302B2 796 US7514975B2 2005/4/26 Data value addition Data processing apparatus and method for comparing 2004/3/22 floating point operands Message handling communication between a source 2004/7/7 processor core and destination processor cores 2003/11/19 Data processing performance control Handling interrupts in data processing of data in which 2003/11/17 only a portion of a function has been processed Variable size cache memory support within an integrated 2006/12/6 circuit 2006/2/14 Data processor memory circuit Data processing apparatus and method for controlling 2006/8/16 access to registers Data processing apparatus and method for performing a 2006/8/14 cache lookup in an energy efficient manner 2006/8/18 Degeneration technique for designing memory devices 2006/5/2 Data retention in operational and sleep modes ARM Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 797 US7512820B2 2006/9/13 798 US7509502B2 2004/9/1 799 US7508836B2 2004/12/1 800 US7506091B2 801 US7552363B2 802 US7552285B2 803 US7546642B2 804 US7549024B2 805 US7549059B2 806 US7496899B2 807 US7496813B1 808 US7495976B2 809 US7490221B2 810 811 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 Performance level selection in a data processing system ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり by combining a plurality of performance requests 9 ○ Data processing apparatus and method for merging secure and non-secure data into an output data stream ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ Data processing apparatus and method for handling transactions ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 2006/11/22 Interrupt controller utilising programmable priority values ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ Generation of trace elements within a data processing 2006/3/23 apparatus 2006/8/30 Line fill techniques ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 15 ○ US7490030B2 2004/7/9 Latching processor state information Multi-processing system with coherent and non2004/7/1 coherent modes Transferring data values via a data bus or storing data 2002/6/26 values using a selectable representation Preventing loss of traced information in a data 2005/8/17 processing apparatus Communicating simultaneously a functional signal and a 2005/11/30 diagnostic signal for an integrated circuit using a shared pin 2007/1/8 Repairing integrated circuit memory arrays Synchronization between pipelines in a data processing 2003/6/24 apparatus utilizing a synchronization queue 2002/11/4 Power modelling of a circuit ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ US7489752B2 2005/12/22 Synchronisation of signals between asynchronous logic ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 812 US7489178B2 2006/12/28 Level shifter for use between voltage domains ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 813 US7487367B2 2003/11/17 Apparatus and method for managing access to a memory ARM 登録記録あり 34 ○ 814 US7484069B2 2006/9/28 Watchpointing unaligned data accesses ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 815 US7475394B2 2003/12/5 System and method of analyzing interpreted programs ARM 登録記録あり 10 ○ 816 US7472225B2 2005/6/20 Caching data ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 817 US7426629B2 2005/3/15 Processing activity masking in a data processing system ARM 登録記録あり 24 ○ 818 US7449922B1 2007/6/15 登録記録あり 30 ○ Sensing circuitry and method of detecting a change in voltage on at least one input line ARM Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) Data processing system having an external instruction 2003/7/1 set and an internal instruction set Allocation of branch target cache resources in 2006/8/10 dependence upon program instructions within an instruction queue Handling multiple interrupts in a data processing system 2003/11/17 utilising multiple operating systems 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 13 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 11 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 819 US7406585B2 820 US7447883B2 821 US7448050B2 822 US7447946B2 2004/11/5 Storage of trace data within a data processing apparatus ARM 823 US7447885B2 2005/4/20 824 US7447882B2 825 US7447871B2 826 US7447726B2 ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 827 US7447099B2 2005/12/15 Leakage mitigation logic ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 828 US7444546B2 ARM 登録記録あり 42 ○ 829 US7444271B2 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 830 US7444257B2 ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 831 US7437544B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 832 US7437400B2 ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ 833 US7434119B2 2003/4/17 On-board diagnostic circuit for an integrated circuit Scoring mechanism for automatically generated test 2004/12/3 programs Generation of a testbench for a representation of a 2003/12/23 device Data processing apparatus and method for executing a 2005/4/29 sequence of instructions including a multiple iteration instruction Data processing apparatus and method for performing 2005/3/14 floating point addition 2005/3/7 Method and apparatus for memory self testing ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 834 US7434072B2 ARM 登録記録あり 19 ○ 835 US7434007B2 ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ 836 US7433911B2 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 837 US7428632B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 838 US7426659B2 ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 839 US7426320B2 2005/4/25 Integrated circuit power management control Management of cache memories in a data processing 2005/3/29 apparatus Data processing apparatus and method for performing 2004/12/21 floating point addition Branch prediction mechanism using a branch cache 2005/3/24 memory and an extended pattern cache 2005/3/22 Forced diagnostic entry upon power-up Performance controlling parameter setting in an image 2004/5/7 processing system ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ 840 US7420970B2 2003/6/16 Read ports and methods of outputting data via read ports ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ Reading prediction outcomes within a branch prediction mechanism Context switching within a data processing system 2005/4/20 having a branch prediction mechanism 2007/2/7 Data access program instruction encoding 2004/6/3 Polynomial and integer multiplication Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 23 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 26 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 2003/11/17 Exception handling control in a secure processing system ARM 登録記録あり 18 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 40 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ Memory device and method of controlling access to such a memory device Communication interface for diagnostic circuits of an integrated circuit Controlling execution of a block of program instructions within a computer processing system Memory device and method for performing write operations in such a memory device Recovery from errors in a data processing apparatus Compiling computer programs to exploit parallelism without exceeding available processing resources Selecting subroutine return mechanisms Data processing apparatus and method for converting a fixed point number to a floating point number Provision of debug via a separate ring bus in a data processing apparatus Data processing apparatus and method for computing an absolute difference between first and second data elements 841 US7420859B2 2006/12/7 842 US7412633B2 2006/1/31 843 US7386709B2 2004/1/13 844 US7379347B1 2006/11/30 845 US7401273B2 2005/2/4 846 US7401329B2 2005/4/25 847 US7401210B2 2005/3/30 848 US7401107B2 2004/12/22 849 US7389459B2 2005/3/22 850 US7386580B2 2004/3/18 851 US7383587B2 852 US7373550B2 853 US7370210B2 854 US7370180B2 855 US7366650B2 2002/2/22 Software and hardware simulation ARM 登録記録あり 13 ○ 856 US7363176B2 2005/12/6 Operating voltage determination for an integrated circuit ARM 登録記録あり 37 ○ 857 US7360061B2 2004/12/6 登録記録あり 0 ○ 858 US7356553B2 登録記録あり 1 ○ 859 US7313677B2 2005/3/14 Processing activity masking in a data processing system ARM 登録記録あり 19 ○ 860 US7350055B2 12 ○ 861 US7337356B2 34 ○ 862 US7320091B2 2005/1/31 Tightly coupled accelerator ARM 登録記録あり Systematic and random error detection and recovery 2004/7/23 ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり within processing stages of an integrated circuit Error recovery within processing stages of an integrated 2005/4/21 ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり circuit 42 ○ Generation of a computer program to test for correct operation of a data processing apparatus Apparatus and method for managing processor 2003/11/17 configuration data 2004/3/8 Bit field extraction with sign or zero extend 2005/2/3 Program instruction decompression and compression ARM techniques Data processing apparatus and method for determining a 2004/3/18 processing path to perform a data processing operation ARM on input data elements Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 863 US7310755B2 2004/2/18 Data retention latch provision within integrated circuits ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 24 ○ 864 US7339842B1 2006/8/16 Timing control for sense amplifiers in a memory circuit ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 865 US7305712B2 ARM 登録記録あり 19 ○ 866 US7328295B2 ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ 867 US7324368B2 ARM 登録記録あり 20 ○ 868 US7353297B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 869 US7350058B2 ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ 870 US7350005B2 2003/11/17 Security mode switching via an exception vector Interrupt controller and interrupt controlling method for 2003/12/18 prioritizing interrupt requests generated by a plurality of interrupt sources 2006/3/30 Integrated circuit memory with write assist Handling of write transactions in a data processing 2004/6/8 apparatus Shift and insert instruction for overwriting a subset of 2004/8/30 data within a register with a shifted result of another register Handling interrupts in a system having multiple data 2003/5/23 processing units ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ 871 US7330994B2 2005/4/26 Clock control of a multiple clock domain data processor ARM 登録記録あり 11 ○ 872 US7315796B2 ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ 873 US7308623B2 ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ 874 US7343482B2 ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 18 ○ 875 US7343481B2 2006/5/10 Data processing performance control Integrated circuit and method for testing memory on the 2005/3/10 integrated circuit 2005/1/31 Program subgraph identification Branch prediction in a data processing system utilizing a 2003/3/19 cache of previous static predictions ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ 876 US7330798B2 2006/4/18 Operating voltage determination for an integrated circuit ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 47 ○ ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 68 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 16 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 15 ○ 877 US7340573B2 2003/11/17 878 US7318143B2 2005/1/28 879 US7334161B2 2004/4/30 880 US7315600B2 2004/3/30 881 US7308631B2 2002/9/13 882 US7328391B2 883 US7325168B2 884 US7325083B2 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Apparatus and method for controlling access to a memory unit Reuseable configuration data Breakpoint logic unit, debug logic and breakpoint method for a data processing apparatus Asynchronous FIFO apparatus and method for passing data between a first clock domain and a second clock domain and a second clock domain of a data processing apparatus Wrapper serial scan chain functional segmentation 2004/7/1 Error correction within a cache memory Trace data source identification within a trace data 2003/11/19 stream Delivering data processing requests to a suspended 2003/11/17 operating system ARM Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 885 US7321942B2 886 US7315875B2 887 US7305534B2 888 US7289373B1 889 US7278073B2 890 US7293212B2 891 US7290075B2 892 US7278080B2 893 US7260694B2 894 US7263015B2 895 US7260001B2 896 US7262631B2 897 US7302552B2 898 US7254667B2 899 US7254658B2 900 US7269759B2 901 US7283930B2 902 US7269766B2 903 US7260711B2 904 US7219215B2 905 US7206982B1 906 US7236995B2 出願日 2003/10/20 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 Performance counter for adding variable work increment ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり value that is dependent upon clock frequency 2004/1/27 Data filtering 22 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 56 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ 2003/4/17 Diagnostic data capture within an integrated circuit ARM Memory self-test via a ring bus in a data processing 2005/3/22 ARM LIMTED apparatus 2006/5/11 Performing arbitration in a data processing apparatus ARM Error detection and recovery within processing stages of 2003/3/20 ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN an integrated circuit 2006/9/26 Data processor memory circuit ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE 2005/11/7 Address decoding UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Memory system having fast and slow data reading 2006/5/30 ARM mechanisms 2005/4/11 Method and apparatus for controlling a voltage level ARM System for processing VLIW words containing variable 2004/10/14 length instructions having embedded instruction length ARM identifiers Data transfer between an external data source and a 2004/4/2 ARM memory associated with a data processor 2004/6/8 Write transaction interleaving ARM Data processing apparatus and method for handling 2004/8/6 ARM corrupted data values 2003/11/19 Data processing performance control ARM 登録記録あり 20 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 44 ○ 登録記録あり 8 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 7 ○ 登録記録あり 17 ○ 登録記録あり 18 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 16 ○ 登録記録あり 21 ○ 2001/12/26 Method and apparatus for memory self testing Single instruction multiple data processing allowing the 2001/9/24 combination of portions of two data words with a single pack instruction Data processing apparatus and method for moving data 2004/7/13 elements between specified registers and a continuous block of memory 2004/6/16 Diagnostic mechanism for an integrated circuit Data processing apparatus and method for converting a 2002/12/27 number between fixed-point and floating-point representations ARM 登録記録あり 13 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 17 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 21 ○ 2003/11/17 Control of access to a memory by a device 2006/6/6 High performance memory device Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 907 US7248508B1 908 US7234043B2 909 US7219178B2 910 US7249270B2 911 US7240144B2 912 US7221205B2 913 US7213095B2 914 US7213092B2 915 US7228457B2 916 US7206884B2 917 US7243206B2 918 US7240268B2 919 US7231507B2 920 US7219214B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 27 ○ Method and apparatus for placing at least one processor into a power saving mode when another processor has 2005/1/28 access to a shared resource and exiting the power saving ARM mode upon notification that the shared resource is no longer required by the other processor 登録記録あり 33 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 15 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ 2004/2/11 Interrupt priority control within a nested interrupt system ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 7 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 16 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 17 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 10 ○ ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 38 ○ 2006/1/11 Data retention in a semiconductor memory Decoding predication instructions within a superscaler 2005/3/7 data processing system 2004/9/30 Bus deadlock avoidance 2004/4/2 Arbitration of data transfer requests Circuit and method for storing data in operational, 2004/7/6 diagnostic and sleep modes Bus transaction management within data processing 2004/6/8 systems 2004/6/8 Write response signalling within a communication bus Performing diagnostic operations upon a data processing 2004/3/16 apparatus with power down support Method and apparatus for using a RAM memory block to 2003/4/14 ARM remap ROM access requests 2003/5/30 Test component and method of operation thereof ARM 2004/1/28 Data access program instruction encoding ARM Data processing apparatus and method for moving data 2004/7/13 elements between a chosen lane of parallel processing in ARM registers and a structure within memory 921 US7210023B2 Data processing apparatus and method for moving data between registers and memory in response to an access 2004/7/13 ARM instruction having an alignment specifier identifying an alignment to be associated with a start address 922 US7251751B2 2004/3/16 Diagnostic mechanisms within multi processing systems 923 US7231476B2 924 US7228543B2 925 US7216332B2 926 US7162661B2 2003/11/17 Function control for a processor Technique for reaching consistent state in a multi2003/1/24 threaded data processing system 2003/3/5 Software object library selection Systematic and random error detection and recovery 2004/2/18 within processing stages of an integrated circuit Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) Technique for accessing memory in a data processing apparatus Circuit and method for storing data in operational and sleep modes Latch circuit including a data retention latch Communication transaction control between independent domains of an integrated circuit Recovering pending trace data within a data processing system Transaction request servicing mechanism 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 28 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 18 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 33 ○ 927 US7185159B2 2003/11/17 928 US7180348B2 2005/3/24 929 US7154317B2 2005/1/11 930 US7165729B2 2005/1/31 931 US7191293B2 2004/3/16 932 US7181556B2 2003/12/23 933 US7178011B2 2004/1/29 Predication instruction within a data processing system ARM 登録記録あり 32 ○ 934 US7174472B2 2003/5/20 Low overhead integrated circuit power down and restart ARM 登録記録あり 10 ○ 935 US7162590B2 ARM 登録記録あり 67 ○ 936 US7152186B2 ARM 登録記録あり 26 ○ 937 US7197680B2 ARM 登録記録あり 23 ○ 938 US7197671B2 ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ 939 US7194647B2 ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 940 US7194385B2 ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 26 ○ 941 US7181633B2 ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 942 US7171539B2 ARM 登録記録あり 66 ○ 943 US7162611B2 ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ 944 US7134003B2 ARM 登録記録あり 10 ○ 945 US7146491B2 ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ 946 US7143221B2 ARM 登録記録あり 10 ○ 947 US7124261B2 ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ Memory bus within a coherent multi-processing system 2004/3/1 having a main portion and a coherent multi-processing portion 2003/8/4 Cross-triggering of processing devices Communication interface for diagnostic circuits of an 2003/4/17 integrated circuit Generation of trace elements within a data processing 2003/6/3 apparatus 2003/11/19 Data processing performance control 2003/10/20 Performance level setting of a data processing system Data processing performance control based on a status 2003/11/19 signal indicating the maximum voltage that can be supported Apparatus and method for controlling access to a 2003/11/17 memory Unhandled operation handling in multiple instruction set 2002/5/2 systems Variable cycle instruction execution in variable or 2004/11/12 maximum fixed cycle mode to disguise execution path 2004/10/26 Apparatus and method for generating constant values Method of arbitrating between a plurality of transfers to be routed over a corresponding plurality of paths 2004/6/8 provided by an interconnect circuit of a data processing apparatus Access to bit values within data words stored in a 2004/2/9 memory Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Vectored interrupt control within a system having a 2003/11/17 ARM secure domain and a non-secure domain Data processing apparatus and method for performing in 2004/7/13 ARM parallel a data processing operation on data elements 2003/8/7 Data processing system trace bus ARM 948 US7117284B2 949 US7145480B2 950 US7149933B2 951 US7149862B2 2004/9/3 Access control in a data processing apparatus ARM 952 US7142996B2 2004/8/6 Operating voltage determination for an integrated circuit ARM 953 US7134031B2 954 US7120779B2 955 US7117277B2 956 US7111126B2 957 US7134119B2 958 US7134117B2 959 US7131118B2 960 US7131015B2 961 US7124274B2 2003/11/17 962 US7110934B2 2002/10/29 963 US7107585B2 964 US7068545B1 965 US7076392B1 966 US7072229B2 967 US7085874B2 968 US7080178B2 969 US7069376B2 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 57 ○ 登録記録あり 6 ○ 登録記録あり 13 ○ 登録記録あり 41 ○ 登録記録あり 20 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 61 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 15 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 24 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 13 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 31 ○ 登録記録あり 40 ○ ARM. 登録記録あり 7 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 19 ○ 2005/1/4 Data processing apparatus having memory protection unit ARM 登録記録あり 24 ○ ARM ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 12 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 33 ○ 2003/8/4 Performance control within a multi-processor system Address offset generation within a data processing 2004/1/28 system Flexibility of design of a bus interconnect block for a data 2004/5/18 processing apparatus 2003/9/24 Apparatus and method for loading data values Intercalling between native and non-native instruction 2001/6/25 sets 2003/1/28 Instruction tracing in data processing systems Write-through caching a JAVA® local variable within a 2002/7/25 register of a register bank Performance level selection in a data processing system 2003/10/20 using a plurality of performance request calculating algorithms Virtual to physical memory address mapping within a ARM system having a secure domain and a non-secure domain Analysis of the performance of a portion of a data processing system Compilation of application code in a data processing 2002/7/29 apparatus 2000/10/6 Test bit-stream generator and method for decoders Memory system having fast and slow data reading 2005/6/13 mechanisms Synchronous/asynchronous bridge circuit for improved 2004/4/2 transfer of data between two circuits Interrupt pre-emption and ordering within a data 2004/2/9 processing system 2004/5/18 Flexibility of use of a data processing apparatus Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 970 US7069176B2 971 US7053675B2 972 US7099813B2 973 US7093236B2 974 US7093108B2 975 US7089539B2 976 US7089393B2 977 US7089174B2 978 US7085978B2 979 US7080299B2 980 US7080289B2 981 US7076771B2 982 US7062689B2 983 US7055007B2 984 US7005910B2 985 US7005913B2 986 US7005889B2 987 US7002258B2 988 US7050958B1 989 US7047401B2 990 US7031337B2 991 US7024543B2 992 US7020768B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 46 ○ 2003/7/25 Switching between clocks in data processing Simulating program instruction execution and hardware 2002/4/9 device operation 2001/2/1 Tracing out-of-order data Apparatus and method for efficiently incorporating 2001/6/8 instruction set information with instruction addresses 2002/2/25 Program instruction interpretation ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 45 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 16 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 19 ○ 2002/1/11 Data processing using a coprocessor Modelling device behaviour using a first model, a second 2003/2/21 model and stored valid behaviour Validating test signal connections within an integrated 2002/9/17 circuit Resetting latch circuits within a functional circuit and a 2003/2/3 test wrapper circuit 2001/10/10 Tracing multiple data access instructions ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 16 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 71 ○ 2000/12/1 Instruction interpretation within a data processing system ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 39 ○ 2003/4/10 Data processor memory circuit ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり Feed-forward circuit for reducing delay through an input 2004/1/16 ARM PHYSICAL IP 登録記録あり buffer 2004/3/22 I/O buffer with wide range voltage translator ARM PHYSICAL IP 登録記録あり 42 ○ 6 ○ 4 ○ 2004/7/9 Level shifting in a data processing apparatus Dual port memory core cell architecture with matched bit 2003/12/3 line capacitances Method and apparatus for accelerating hardware 2000/6/2 simulation Handling interrupts during multiple access program 2003/6/16 instructions Data processing apparatus and slave interface 2001/5/1 mechanism for controlling access to a slave logic unit by a plurality of master logic units 2002/9/13 Synchronising pipelines in a data processing apparatus Apparatus and method for facilitating debugging of 2001/2/26 sequences of processing instructions using context identifier comparison 2003/8/7 Trace source correlation in a data processing apparatus 2001/12/20 Method and apparatus for memory self testing ARM ARM 登録記録あり 17 ○ ARM PHYSICAL IP 登録記録あり 14 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 23 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 17 ○ Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 993 US7020751B2 Write back cache memory control within data processing 2002/7/25 ARM system 994 US7017030B2 2002/2/20 Prediction of instructions in a data processing apparatus ARM 995 US7016930B2 2002/10/25 996 US7016370B2 2001/1/16 997 US7003699B2 2002/7/29 998 US7003652B2 2001/6/25 999 US6959351B2 2003/4/3 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 US6993469B1 US6950951B2 US6999900B2 US6999354B2 US6999985B2 US6958718B2 US7000094B2 2000/6/2 2002/4/30 2004/3/30 2004/4/27 2001/8/30 2004/7/13 2001/6/25 1007 US6990569B2 2001/10/25 1008 US6981131B2 2002/9/4 1009 US6978358B2 2002/4/2 1010 1011 1012 1013 US6976126B2 US6965984B2 US6954828B2 US6952761B2 2003/3/11 2002/4/30 2003/8/7 2002/10/22 1014 US6895056B2 2002/1/30 1015 US6944067B2 2004/2/18 1016 US6904517B2 2001/11/2 1017 US6941442B2 2002/8/2 1018 US6918103B2 2001/10/26 Apparatus and method for performing operations implemented by iterative execution of a recurrence equation Controller and method for controlling interfacing to a data link Generation of trace signals within a data processing apparatus Restarting translated instructions Handling of a multi-access instruction in a data processing apparatus Method and apparatus for unified simulation Power control signalling Testing memory access signal connections Dynamically adaptable memory Single instruction multiple data processing Table lookup operation within a data processing system Storing stack operands in registers Handling problematic events in a data processing apparatus Early condition code evaluation at pipeline stages generating pass signals for controlling coprocessor pipeline executing same conditional instruction Executing stack-based instructions within a data processing apparatus arranged to apply operations to data items stored in registers Accessing data values in a cache Data processing using multiple instruction sets Management of caches in a data processing apparatus Bus interface selection by page table attributes Data processing apparatus and method for performing an adaptive filter operation on an input data sample Memory system having fast and slow data reading mechanisms Data processing apparatus and method for saving return state Entry lockdown within a translation lookaside buffer mechanism Integrated circuit configuration 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 24 ○ 登録記録あり 12 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 25 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 24 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 10 ○ ARM ARM ARM ARM PHYSICAL IP ARM ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 51 5 1 1 8 27 8 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 19 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 17 ○ ARM ARM ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 42 28 1 26 ○ ○ ○ ○ ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 18 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 17 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 13 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 20 ○ Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 36 ○ ARM ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 11 0 8 ○ ○ ○ ARM 登録記録あり 16 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 74 6 ○ ○ 2002/10/1 Memory access prediction in a data processing apparatus ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 3 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 11 ○ ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 19 0 ○ ○ ARM 登録記録あり 53 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 20 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 15 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 10 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 16 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 29 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ 1019 US6910206B1 2000/11/7 1020 1021 1022 US6907515B2 US6904500B2 US6892257B2 2002/5/22 2002/7/30 2001/12/5 1023 US6883102B2 2001/12/18 1024 US6883085B2 2002/7/25 1025 1026 US6876941B2 US6853968B2 2002/2/28 2000/12/20 1027 US6851033B2 1028 US6842849B2 1029 US6795841B2 1030 1031 US6826670B2 US6816943B2 1032 US6789098B1 1033 US6831952B2 1034 US6785179B1 1035 US6760798B1 1036 US6782452B2 1037 US6742012B2 1038 US6779143B2 1039 US6701427B1 1040 US6721861B2 1041 US6708317B2 1042 US6691270B2 1043 US6687771B2 タイトル (英語) Data processing with native and interpreted program instruction words Configuration control within data processing systems Cache controller Exclusive access control to a processing resource Apparatus and method for performing power management functions Handling of coprocessor instructions in a data processing apparatus Testing compliance of a device with a bus protocol Simulation of data processing apparatus 2001/5/21 Locking source registers in a data processing apparatus Parallel processing of multiple data values within a data 2001/1/29 word 2002/5/31 Accessing memory units in a data processing apparatus 2003/5/6 Scratch pad memories Method, data processing system and computer program 2000/10/23 for comparing floating point numbers System, method and computer program for decoding an 2001/3/7 encoded data stream Charge sharing between bit lines within a memory circuit 2003/6/19 to increase recharge speed Interface mechanism and method for interfacing a real2000/7/13 time clock with a data processing circuit Apparatus and method for processing data using a 2001/12/11 merging cache line fill to allow access to cache entries before a line fill is completed Apparatus and method for performing multiplication 2000/12/27 operations Asynchronous testing of reset operation in an integrated 2001/7/5 circuit Data processing apparatus and method for processing 1999/12/22 floating point instructions Indicator of validity status information for data storage 2002/12/30 within a data processing system 2001/12/21 Validating integrated circuits Integrated circuit and method of operation of such a 2000/12/22 circuit employing serial test scan chains Parallel processing of multiple data values within a data 2001/1/26 word Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) Bus arbitration circuit responsive to latency of access requests and the state of the memory circuit Management of caches in a data processing apparatus Scratch pad memories Zero result prediction Branch searching to prioritize received interrupt signals Asynchronously accessing the program counter values of a data processing system by applying an independent clock on the latching and scan-chain circuits 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 33 ○ ARM ARM ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 6 8 16 13 ○ ○ ○ ○ 1044 US6684302B2 2002/7/25 1045 1046 1047 1048 US6671779B2 US6643736B1 US6629118B1 US6584532B1 2001/9/20 2000/8/29 1999/12/7 2000/5/17 1049 US6598150B2 2001/10/3 ARM 登録記録あり 10 ○ 1050 US6598061B1 2000/6/15 System and method for performing modular multiplication ARM 登録記録あり 23 ○ 1051 1052 US6564301B1 US6552949B1 ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 37 26 ○ ○ 1053 US6550005B1 ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ 1054 US6542916B1 ARM 登録記録あり 29 ○ 1055 US6532553B1 ARM 登録記録あり 22 ○ 1056 US6513053B1 ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ 1057 US6504495B1 ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 1058 US6490655B1 ARM 登録記録あり 58 ○ 1059 US6463488B1 ARM 登録記録あり 62 ○ 1060 US6411957B1 ARM 登録記録あり 67 ○ 1061 1062 US6446221B1 US6424179B1 ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 52 4 ○ ○ 1063 US6418491B1 ARM 登録記録あり 5 ○ 1064 US6415365B1 ARM 登録記録あり 9 ○ 1065 US6411958B1 ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ 1066 US6366978B1 ARM 登録記録あり 32 ○ 1067 US6360189B1 ARM 登録記録あり 59 ○ 1068 US6353879B1 1999/2/19 Memory address translation in a data processing system ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ 1999/7/6 Management of caches in a data processing apparatus 2002/2/5 Reducing leakage current in a memory device Mechanism for recovery from termination of a program 1999/11/29 instruction due to an exception in a pipeland processing system Data processing apparatus and method for applying 1999/7/28 floating-point operations to first, second and third operands 1999/9/29 Debugging data processing systems Data processing circuit and method for determining the 2000/1/12 first and subsequent occurences of a predetermined value in a sequence of data bits 1999/2/17 Clipping data values in a data processing system Data processing apparatus and method for cache line 1999/9/13 replacement responsive to the operational state of memory Apparatus and method for testing master logic units 1999/6/14 within a data processing apparatus System and method of organizing nodes within a tree 1999/6/30 structure 1999/5/19 Debug mechanism for data processing systems 2001/2/21 Logic unit and integrated circuit for clearing interrupts Apparatus and method for controlling timing of transfer 1999/6/25 requests within a data processing apparatus 2001/11/29 Write buffer for use in a data processing apparatus Data processing system and method for generating a 1999/3/1 structured listing of symbols 1999/11/5 Cache memory Data processing apparatus and method for performing 1998/8/31 multiply-accumulate operations Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 1069 1070 US6345335B1 US6343358B1 1071 US6338135B1 1072 1073 US6289417B1 US6332186B1 1074 US6314443B1 1075 出願日 タイトル (英語) 1999/9/13 Data processing memory system 1999/5/19 Executing multiple debug instructions Data processing system and method for performing an 1998/11/20 arithmetic operation on a plurality of signed data values 1998/5/18 Operand supply to an execution unit 1998/8/28 Vector register addressing Double/saturate/add/saturate and 1998/11/20 double/saturate/subtract/saturate operations in a data processing system 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり ARM ARM ARM 5 48 ○ ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 13 36 ○ ○ ARM 登録記録あり 16 ○ US6304198B1 2000/9/28 Bitmap font data storage within data processing systems ARM 登録記録あり 1 ○ 1076 US6282634B1 1998/5/27 ARM 登録記録あり 30 ○ 1077 US6321329B1 ARM 登録記録あり 92 ○ 1078 US6304963B1 ARM 登録記録あり 24 ○ 1079 US6272033B1 ARM 登録記録あり 20 ○ 1080 US6236342B1 1999/5/6 Bitmap font data storage within data processing systems ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ 1081 US6278334B1 1999/11/29 ARM 登録記録あり 7 ○ 1082 US6259459B1 1998/7/1 ARM 登録記録あり 101 ○ 1083 1084 1085 US6247113B1 US6189094B1 US6218879B1 1998/5/27 1998/5/27 1999/3/12 ARM ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 117 61 8 ○ ○ ○ 1086 US6216222B1 1998/5/14 ARM 登録記録あり 18 ○ 1087 US6172530B1 1999/6/18 ARM 登録記録あり 6 ○ 1088 US6170001B1 1998/5/27 ARM 登録記録あり 39 ○ 1089 1090 1091 1092 US6148314A US6140843A US6115729A US6108682A 1998/8/28 1998/8/20 1998/8/20 1998/5/14 ARM ARM ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 15 9 20 34 ○ ○ ○ ○ 1093 US6101573A 1998/6/12 ARM 登録記録あり 8 ○ 1094 US6043698A 1997/11/3 ARM 登録記録あり 47 ○ Apparatus and method for processing data having a mixed vector/scalar register file 1999/5/19 Executing debug instructions Handling exceptions occuring during processing of vector 1998/8/31 instructions 2000/2/24 Status bits for cache memory Voltage controlled oscillator with accelerating and decelerating circuits Apparatus and method for image data processing of pixel data in raster lines Coprocessor opcode division by data type Recirculating register file S-R flip-flop circuit Handling exceptions in a pipelined data processing apparatus Decoder for generating N output signals from two or more precharged input signals System for transfering format data from format register to memory wherein format data indicating the distribution of single or double precision data type in the register bank Round increment in an adder circuit Conditional invert functions in precharged circuits Floating point multiply-accumulate unit Division and/or square root calculating circuit Bit line and/or match line partitioned content addressable memory Voltage level shifter Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 外国出願あり(各国) No. 公報番号 出願日 1095 US6021476A 1997/9/2 1096 US6058439A 1997/3/31 1097 US6035383A 1997/11/3 1098 US6069611A 1997/3/28 1099 US6064626A 1998/7/31 1100 US6052774A 1998/3/6 1101 1102 US6034545A US6021265A 1998/1/30 1997/4/14 1103 US6018794A 1997/4/30 1104 1105 1106 US6002881A US5969975A US5917771A 1997/9/17 1996/10/8 1997/11/3 1107 US5918058A 1997/2/20 1108 US5961631A 1997/7/16 1109 US5935197A 1997/3/21 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 US5961633A US5960186A US5951630A US5918042A US5905684A 1996/3/22 1997/8/4 1997/1/10 1997/1/10 1997/11/3 1115 US5881263A 1996/10/8 1116 US5881259A 1996/10/8 1117 US5881257A 1996/10/8 1118 US5875465A 1997/4/3 1119 US5809037A 1997/1/9 タイトル (英語) Data processing apparatus and method for controlling access to a memory having a plurality of memory locations for storing data values Asynchronous first-in-first-out buffer circuit burst mode control Memory access request result prediction prior to confirm signal generation Display palette programming utilizing frames of data which also contain color palette updating data to prevent display distortion or sparkle Peripheral buses for integrated circuit Apparatus and method for identifying exception routines indicated by instruction address issued with an instruction fetch command Macrocell for data processing circuit Interoperability with multiple instruction sets Data processing apparatus and method for generating timing signals for a self-timed circuit Coprocessor data access control Data processing apparatus registers Register bank bit lines Routing of clock signals in a data processing circuit with a power saving mode of operation Data processing apparatus and method for pre-fetching an instruction in to an instruction cache Data processing circuit and method of operation performing arithmetic processing on data signals Execution of data processing instructions Digital circuit simulation with data interface scheduling Digital adder circuit Dynamic logic pipeline control Memory bit line output buffer Non-instruction base register addressing in a data processing apparatus Input operand size and hi/low word selection control in data processing systems Data processing system register control Cache control circuit having a pseudo random address generator Integrated circuit testing 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM 登録記録あり 32 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 19 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 4 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 10 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 153 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 27 ○ ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 4 64 ○ ○ ARM 登録記録あり 12 ○ ARM ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 118 37 14 ○ ○ ○ ARM 登録記録あり 59 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 54 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 13 ○ ARM ARM ARM ARM ARM 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 24 13 3 67 5 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ARM 登録記録あり 40 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 27 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 57 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 92 ○ ARM 登録記録あり 15 ○ Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 1 公報番号 US9448875B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 2013/12/6 Error recovery within integrated circuit 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD 登録記録あり ROY;CRASKE SIMON JOHN 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 0 0 ○ ○ ARM;TUNE ANDREW DAVID;SALISBURY SEAN 登録記録あり JAMES;BRUCE ALISTAIR CRONE 0 ○ Synchronizing exception control in a multiprocessor ARM;JONES SIMON;TAPPLY JOE 2011/10/13 system using processing unit exception states and group DOMINIC MICHAEL exception states ARM;FORD SIMON 2008/10/7 Data processing on a non-volatile mass storage device ANDREW;STYLES CHRISTOPHER JAMES ARM;ANDERSSON PATRIK;EDSö 2010/6/25 Motion vector estimator TOMAS ARM;OTERHALS JON ERIK;CROXFORD 2010/9/24 Graphics processing systems DAREN;ERICSSON LARS;NYSTAD JøRN;LILAND EIVIND Performance characteristic monitoring circuit and ARM;DWIVEDI SANDEEP;HOLD 2012/7/13 method BETINA ARM;SEAL DAVID 2012/11/21 Conditional compare instruction JAMES;CRASKE SIMON JOHN ARM;NYSTAD JøRN;LJOSLAND 2009/6/3 Graphics processing systems BORGAR;SøRGåRD EDVARD 2 US9430419B2 3 US9405939B2 4 US9407931B2 5 US9406155B2 6 US9404966B2 7 US9383999B2 8 US9367953B2 9 US9355014B2 2011/8/10 10 US9378175B2 2007/11/1 Data transfer between a master and slave 11 US9372798B2 Data processing apparatus having first and second 2014/8/21 protocol domains, and method for the data processing apparatus 12 13 US9349209B2 US9300716B2 2011/5/27 Graphics processing systems 2012/9/20 Modelling dependencies in data traffic 14 US9294301B2 2012/9/20 Debug instruction set allocation according to processor operating state Selecting between contending data packets to limit latency differences between sources ARM;CHAUSSADE NICOLAS;BROYER PIERRE MICHEL;LUC PHILLIPE ARM;FLANDERS WILLIAM HENRY;PRASADH RAMAMOORTHY GURU;TUMMALA ASHOK KUMAR;JALAL JAMSHED;MANNAVA PHANINDRA KUMAR ARM;MERRY BRUCE ARM;TUNE ANDREW DAVID Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 15 US9288258B2 2013/5/3 16 US9280675B2 17 US9256975B2 18 US9269418B2 2012/2/6 19 US9256732B2 2007/11/1 20 US9207937B2 2011/9/22 21 US9226127B2 2011/9/29 22 US9223677B2 2008/6/11 23 US9189432B2 2010/11/15 24 US9176737B2 2011/2/7 25 US9201651B2 2010/5/3 26 US9201656B2 2011/12/2 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Communication using integrated circuit interconnect circuitry 2012/2/27 Encrypting and storing confidential data 2010/12/15 Graphics processing systems ARM;MACE TIMOTHY CHARLES;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER ARM;BRELOT JEANBAPTISTE;AIRAUD CEDRIC DENIS ROBERT 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;HEGGELUND 登録記録あり FRODE;GJERMUNDNES OYSTEIN 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ Apparatus and method for controlling refreshing of data in a DRAM ARM;FELTON DONALD;ÖZER EMRE;IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH ARM;HARRIS PETER Processing efficiency on secure systems having a host WILLIAM;WILSON PETER processor and smart card BRIAN;THORNTON TIMOTHY CHARLES;MARTIN DAVID PAUL ARM;SEAL DAVID Apparatus and method for processing a bitfield JAMES;GRISENTHWAITE manipulation instruction having a control value indicating RICHARD ROY;STEPHENS NIGEL insertion or extraction form JOHN GIESECKE & Method for provisioning of a network access for a mobile DEVRIENT;ARM;SPITZ communication device using the mobile communication STEPHAN;STERZINGER device HERMANN;BROWN ROBERT JOHN ARM;SWAINE ANDREW BROOKFIELD;WILLIAMS Generation of trace data in a multi-processor system MICHAEL JOHN;HART DAVID KEVIN;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER ARM;TEYSSIER MELANIE EMANUELLE LUCIE;BEGON Apparatus and method for predicting target storage unit FLORENT;JAUBERT JOCELYN FRANCOIS ORION;HUOT NICOLAS JEAN PHILLIPPE Controlling the execution of adjacent instructions that ARM;REID ALASTAIR DAVID are dependent upon a same data condition Data processing apparatus and method having integer ARM;CRASKE SIMON JOHN state preservation function and floating point state preservation function Data processing apparatus and method for performing ARM;BRELOT JEANregister renaming for certain data processing operations BAPTISTE;AIRAUD CéDRIC without additional registers DENIS ROBERT Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 27 US9146901B2 28 US9170979B2 29 US9164842B2 2013/6/25 Error recovery within integrated circuit 30 US9164910B2 2008/2/21 Managing the storage of data in coherent data stores 31 US9158941B2 2006/3/16 Managing access to content in a data processing apparatus 32 US9171594B2 2012/7/19 Handling collisions between accesses in multiport memories 33 US9158574B2 34 US9142037B2 35 US9104479B2 36 US9105315B2 37 US9128531B2 38 US9116790B2 39 US9110643B2 40 US9087017B2 41 US9092215B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 2011/8/26 Vector floating point argument reduction Converging interconnect node controlling operation related to associated future item in dependence upon 2012/3/23 data predicted based on current transaction data item passing through 2011/11/18 Handling interrupts in data processing 2013/7/2 Methods of and apparatus for encoding and decoding data 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;NYSTAD JORN 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;SALISBURY SEAN JAMES;TUNE ANDREW DAVID 登録記録あり 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ ARM;CROXFORD DAREN;FELTON DONALD;KERSHAW 登録記録あり DANIEL;WILSON PETER BRIAN 0 ○ ARM;DHOGALE VIVEK 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;MANSELL DAVID HENNAH;GLAUERT TIMOTHY HOLROYD 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;NYSTAD JORN 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;NYSTAD JORN;HUGOSSON 登録記録あり OLA;FLORDAL OSKAR 0 ○ 0 ○ 1 ○ 0 ○ ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE 登録記録あり UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM;CHAUSSADE NICOLAS;BROCHIER STEPHANE 登録記録あり ERIC SEBASTIEN ARM;LUTZ DAVID Apparatus and method for rounding a floating-point value 2011/12/7 RAYMOND;BURGESS to an integral floating-point value NEIL;ROMERO SABRINA MARIE ARM;HOLD Controlling the voltage level on the word line to maintain BETINA;CHARAFEDDINE 2012/7/23 performance and reduce access disturbs KENZA;LAPLANCHE YVES THOMAS ARM;ELLIS SEAN 2012/2/22 Operand special case handling for multi-lane processing TRISTRAM;CHARLES SIMON ALEX;BURDASS ANDREW 2012/8/3 Methods of and apparatus for storing data in memory in data processing systems 2012/6/11 Leakage current reduction in an integrated circuit 2011/10/13 Controlling latency and power consumption in a memory 2011/2/22 Mapping between registers used by multiple instruction sets ARM;IDGUNJI SACHIN 登録記録あり SATISH;SANDHU BAL S ARM;MACE TIMOTHY CHARLES;CRAWFORD ASHLEY 登録記録あり JOHN ARM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD 登録記録あり ROY;SEAL DAVID JAMES Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 42 US9081564B2 43 US9098265B2 44 US9081581B2 45 US9075622B2 46 US9075621B2 47 US9064561B2 48 US9052909B2 49 US9021233B2 50 US9041723B2 51 US9032188B2 52 US9021172B2 53 US9032252B2 54 US9058637B2 55 US9059726B2 56 US9058179B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Converting scalar operation to specific type of vector 2012/4/4 ARM;REID ALASTAIR DAVID operation using modifier instruction Controlling an order for processing data elements during 2012/7/11 ARM;REID ALASTAIR DAVID vector processing ARM;HARDAGE JAMES NOLAN;BLASCO ALLUE 2010/11/16 Size mis-match hazard detection CONRADO;HARRIS GLEN ANDREW ARM;GREENHALGH PETER 2008/1/23 Reducing errors in pre-decode caches RICHARD;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER ARM;SCHON Error recovery upon reaching oldest instruction marked GUILLAUME;TEYSSIER MéLANIE with error or upon timed expiration by flushing EMANUELLE LUCIE;PIRY 2011/12/23 instructions in pipeline pending queue and restarting FREDERIC CLAUDE execution MARIE;SCALABRINO LUCA;BULL DAVID MICHAEL 2012/4/2 Handling of write operations within a memory device ARM;HOLD BETINA ARM;PIRY FREDERIC CLAUDE MARIE;SCALABRINO 2011/12/7 Recovering from exceptions and timing errors LUCA;SCHON GUILLAUME;TEYSSIER MELANIE EMANUELLE LUCIE Interleaving data accesses issued in response to vector 2011/9/28 ARM;REID ALASTAIR DAVID access instructions ARM;NYSTAD JORN;LASSEN 2012/5/4 Method of and apparatus for encoding and decoding data ANDERS Issue policy control within a multi-threaded in-order ARM;ÖZER EMRE;BILES STUART 2008/3/27 superscalar processor DAVID 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ Data processing apparatus and method and method for ARM;HORSNELL MATTHEW 2012/7/6 generating performance monitoring interrupt signal based JAMES;EMMONS CHRISTOPHER 登録記録あり on first event counter and second event counter DANIEL 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ ARM;KALKUNTE SHESHADRI;WILLIAMS MICHAEL 登録記録あり JOHN ARM;NYSTAD JORN;LASSEN 2012/5/4 Method of and apparatus for encoding and decoding data 登録記録あり ANDERS Apparatus and method for performing a convert-toARM;LUTZ DAVID 2012/5/11 登録記録あり integer operation RAYMOND;BURGESS NEIL Retirement serialisation of status register access 2010/11/12 ARM;HARDAGE JAMES NOLAN 登録記録あり operations 2012/8/2 Debug barrier transactions Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 57 US9057761B2 2011/12/30 58 US9047184B2 2012/7/13 59 US8976177B2 2012/2/28 60 US9009208B2 2012/6/28 61 US9014496B2 2012/8/3 62 US8977837B2 2009/5/27 63 US8977815B2 2010/11/29 64 US8990282B2 2009/9/21 65 US8988443B2 2010/9/24 66 US8977820B2 2007/12/21 67 US9009450B2 2012/1/19 68 US9015719B2 2012/2/27 69 US9015424B2 2012/8/15 70 US9003123B2 2012/6/26 71 US8990518B2 2011/8/4 タイトル (英語) 出願人 ARM;WHATMOUGH PAUL Sensing supply voltage swings within an integrated circuit NICHOLAS;BULL DAVID MICHAEL;DAS SHIDHARTHA ARM;BULL DAVID MICHAEL;DAS Processing error detection within pipeline circuitry SHIDHARTHA;WHATMOUGH PAUL NICHOLAS ARM;NYSTAD Graphics processing JORN;CHRISTENSEN ASKE SIMON Floating-point adder ARM;NYSTAD JORN ARM;NYSTAD JORN;FLORDAL Methods of and apparatus for encoding and decoding OSKAR;DAVIES data in data processing systems JEREMY;HUGOSSON OLA ARM;MCDONALD ROBERT Apparatus and method for early issue and recovery for a GREGORY;MEYER PAUL conditional load instruction having multiple outcomes GILBERT ARM;HEGGELUND FRODE;HOLM Control of entry of program instructions to a fetch stage RUNE;ENGH-HALSTVEDT within a processing pipepline ANDREAS DUE;FEILDING EDVARD Apparatus and method for performing fused multiply add ARM;LUTZ DAVID RAYMOND floating point operation ARM;CROXFORD Methods of and apparatus for controlling the reading of DAREN;ERICSSON arrays of data from memory LARS;OTERHALS JON ERIK ARM;PENTON ANTONY JOHN;WAUGH ALEX Handling of hard errors in a cache of a data processing JAMES;ROSE ANDREW apparatus CHRISTOPHER;HUGHES PAUL STANLEY Mixed operand size instruction processing for execution ARM;STEPHENS NIGEL of indirect addressing load instruction specifying JOHN;SEAL DAVID JAMES registers for different size operands Scheduling of tasks to be performed by a non-coherent ARM;ELLIOTT ROBERT device Write transaction management within a memory ARM;MACE TIMOTHY CHARLES interconnect Data processing apparatus and method for reducing ARM;WAUGH ALEX storage requirements for temporary storage of data JAMES;WINROW MATTHEW LEE Methods of and apparatus for storing data in memory in ARM;NYSTAD JORN;HUGOSSON data processing systems OLA Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Memory device and method of performing a read 2012/9/13 operation within such a memory device ARM;CHONG YEW K;MANGAL SANJAY ARM;STEPHENS NIGEL 2012/1/30 Address generation in a data processing apparatus JOHN;SEAL DAVID JAMES Hardware resource management within a data processing ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL 2010/9/13 system JOHN;BILES STUART DAVID 72 US8988954B2 73 US8954711B2 74 US8949844B2 75 US8954715B2 2012/3/16 Thread selection for multithreaded processing 76 US8965945B2 2011/2/17 77 US8966309B2 78 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;VASEKIN VLADIMIR;ROSE ANDREW 登録記録あり CHRISTOPHER;SKILLMAN ALLAN JOHN;PENTON ANTONY JOHN 0 ○ ARM;LUTZ DAVID RAYMOND 登録記録あり 0 ○ 2011/6/28 Distribution of an incrementing count value 登録記録あり 0 ○ US8959318B2 2011/6/28 登録記録あり 0 ○ 79 US8957703B2 2010/4/5 登録記録あり 0 ○ 80 US8943118B2 2012/7/31 登録記録あり 0 ○ 81 US8959131B2 2011/9/22 登録記録あり 2 ○ 82 US8972701B2 2011/12/6 登録記録あり 0 ○ 83 US8966494B2 2012/3/16 登録記録あり 0 ○ 84 US8966323B2 2010/12/23 登録記録あり 0 ○ 85 US8966228B2 2009/3/20 登録記録あり 0 ○ 86 US8965946B2 2011/7/19 登録記録あり 0 ○ Apparatus and method for performing floating point addition ARM;SWAINE ANDREW BROOKFIELD ARM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD Illegal mode change handling ROY ARM;RIEN MIKAEL;DUBY JEANProtecting lower voltage domain devices during operation CLAUDE;LEYMARIE in a higher voltage domain FLORA;BLANC FABRICE;PADILLA THIERRY Data processing apparatus and method for reducing the ARM;BURGESS NEIL;LUTZ DAVID size of a lookup table RAYMOND ARM;NYSTAD JORN;ENGHNumber format pre-conversion instructions HALSTVEDT ANDREAS DUE;CHARLES SIMON ALEX Setting zero bits in architectural register for storing ARM;HARDAGE JAMES destination operand of smaller size based on NOLAN;HARRIS GLEN corresponding zero flag attached to renamed physical ANDREW;GLASS MARK register CARPENTER ARM;MAKLJENOVIC Apparatus and method for processing threads requiring NEBOJSA;JAMES BENJAMIN resources CHARLES Monitoring multiple data transfers ARM;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL ARM;CRASKE SIMON Instruction fetching following changes in program flow JOHN;PATHIRANE CHILODA ASHAN SENERATH Data processing apparatus and method for performing a ARM;LUTZ DAVID reciprocal operation on an input value to produce a result RAYMOND;HINDS CHRISTOPHER value NEAL Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Coherency controller and method for data hazard handling for copending data access requests 87 US8949547B2 2011/8/8 88 US8935485B2 2011/8/8 Snoop filter and non-inclusive shared cache memory 89 US8914616B2 Exchanging physical to logical register mapping for 2011/12/2 obfuscation purpose when instruction of no operational impact is executed ARM;MANNAVA PHANINDRA KUMAR;JALAL JAMSHED;PRASADH RAMAMOORTHY GURU;FILIPPO MICHAEL ALAN ARM;JALAL JAMSHED;FEERO BRETT STANLEY;WERKHEISER MARK DAVID;FILIPPO MICHAEL ALAN 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM;PELLOIE JEAN 登録記録あり LUC;LAPLANCHE YVES THOMAS 0 ○ ARM;PERSSON ERIK;HUGOSSON 登録記録あり OLA;BJöRKLUND ANDREAS 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;CRASKE SIMON JOHN ARM;JONES SIMON;ENGHSwitching between dedicated function hardware and use HALSTVEDT 2011/6/9 of a software routine to generate result data ANDREAS;CHRISTENSEN ASKE SIMON ARM;MYERS JAMES Power controlling integrated circuit and retention 2010/11/22 EDWARD;FLYNN DAVID switching circuit WALTER;BIGGS JOHN PHILIP ARM;NYSTAD JORN;HOLM Method and apparatus for rendering a stroked curve for 2009/10/6 RUNE;CHRISTENSEN ASKE display in a graphics processing system SIMON ARM;NYSTAD JORN;HOLM 2009/10/6 Rendering stroked curves in graphics processing systems RUNE;CHRISTENSEN ASKE SIMON ARM;BURGESS NEIL;LUTZ DAVID 2012/6/14 Data processing apparatus and method RAYMOND Transaction routing device and method for routing 2012/2/27 ARM;LAUGHTON ARTHUR transactions in an integrated circuit 90 US8922568B2 91 US8922247B2 92 US8928668B2 93 US8928667B2 94 US8892623B2 95 US8930601B2 96 US8924766B2 2012/2/28 97 US8924686B2 2009/10/8 Memory management unit 98 US8924612B2 99 US8914615B2 Analysing timing paths for circuits formed of standard cells Apparatus and method for providing a bidirectional 2012/4/4 communications link between a master device and a slave device Mapping same logical register specifier for different 2011/12/2 instruction sets with divergent association to architectural register file using common address format 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;MAJI PARTHA PRASUN;MELLOR STEVEN RICHARD ARM;HARRIS GLEN ANDREW;HARDAGE JAMES NOLAN;GLASS MARK CARPENTER Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 100 US8892923B2 101 US8892801B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Data processing apparatus and method for maintaining a ARM;HUGHES PAUL 2011/12/20 time count value in normal and power saving modes of STANLEY;PARKER JASON operation Arbitration circuity and method for arbitrating between a 2012/5/23 ARM;TUNE ANDREW DAVID plurality of requests for access to a shared resource US8856408B2 103 US8874975B2 104 US8874883B2 105 US8873209B2 106 US8887001B2 107 US8868962B2 108 US8831341B2 2011/10/5 Image encoding using base colors on luminance line 109 US8839038B2 2012/2/14 Diagnosing code using single step execution 110 US8819378B2 111 US8803898B2 112 US8812997B2 2010/10/5 Reduced latency barrier transaction requests in interconnects 102 2011/10/13 Tracing of a data processing apparatus 2011/7/28 Debugging of a data processing apparatus 2011/12/19 Integrated circuit and method of providing electrostatic discharge protection within such an integrated circuit 2011/2/14 Trace data priority selection 2012/2/8 Monitoring circuit and method Data processing apparatus and method for performing 2011/11/14 memory transactions within such a data processing apparatus 2009/12/17 Forming a windowing display in a frame buffer 2011/5/18 Structural feature formation within an integrated circuit 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;RIOCREUX PETER ANDREW;MATHEWSON BRUCE JAMES;LAYCOCK CHRISTOPHER 登録記録あり WILLIAM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY 2 ○ ARM;GILKERSON PAUL ANTHONY;HORLEY JOHN 登録記録あり MICHAEL;GIBBS MICHAEL JOHN 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 4 ○ 0 ○ ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY ARM;BLANC FABRICE;PAULY MATTHIEU;POTTIER FLORA ARM;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN;KNEEBONE KATHERINE ELIZABETH;REID ALASTAIR DAVID ARM;MYERS JAMES EDWARD;FLYNN DAVID WALTER;SANDHU BAL S ARM;BERENT ANTHONY NEIL ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY ARM;CRASKE SIMON JOHN ARM;SHREINER DAVID ROBERT;DEVEREUX IAN VICTOR;SøRG{DOT OVER (A)}RD 登録記録あり EDVARD;OLSON THOMAS JEREMY ARM;YERIC GREGORY MUNSON 登録記録あり Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 113 US8824215B2 114 US8839057B2 115 US8838929B2 116 US8830783B2 117 US8826097B2 118 US8826079B2 119 US8817433B2 120 US8775754B2 121 US8788775B2 122 US8766991B2 123 US8788887B2 124 US8775824B2 125 US8762744B2 126 US8769251B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 2012/2/1 Data storage circuit that retains state during precharge 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;FREDERICK JR. MARLIN WAYNE;ALAM AKHTAR WASEEM;PAL SUMANA 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;LUC PHILIPPE;LATAILLE NORBERT BERNARD EUGé 登録記録あり NE;BEGON FLORENT;CHAUSSADE NICOLAS 0 ○ Integrated circuit and method for testing memory on the ARM;HUGHES PAUL STANLEY integrated circuit Allocation and deallocation of bounded time relative 2011/10/5 ARM;FELL ROBIN portions of a graphics memory ARM;IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH;GAJJEWAR HEMANGI 2011/1/3 Improving read stability of a semiconductor memory UMAKANT;SCHUPPE VINCENT PHILLIPE;CHONG YEW KEONG;CHEN HSIN-YU ARM;ÖZER EMRE;IDGUNJI 2011/3/30 Memory scrubbing SACHIN SATISH Data processing apparatus and method for identifying ARM;GILDAY DAVID 2011/12/16 debug events MICHAEL;CRASKE SIMON JOHN Electrostatic discharge protection device having an ARM;PADILLA THIERRY;BLANC 2011/7/28 intermediate voltage supply for limiting voltage stress on FABRICE;DUBY JEAN-CLAUDE components ARM;CAMPBELL MICHAEL Memory controller and method of selecting a transaction ANDREW;WRIGLEY 2011/6/24 using a plurality of ordered lists CHRISTOPHER EDWIN;FEERO BRETT STANLEY Memory access control using redundant and nonARM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD 2011/6/28 redundant encoding ROY Processing order with integer inputs and floating point ARM;ENGH-HALSTVEDT 2011/5/25 inputs ANDREAS DUE;NYSTAD JøRN ARM;GILKERSON PAUL Data processing apparatus, trace unit and diagnostic 2011/8/3 ANTHONY;HORLEY JOHN apparatus MICHAEL Protecting the security of secure data sent from a ARM;KERSHAW DANIEL;PAVER 2008/1/2 central processor for processing by a further processing NIGEL CHARLES device ARM;FORD SIMON Energy management system configured to generate ANDREW;BRADLEY DARYL 2008/6/3 energy management information indicative of an energy WAYNE;MILNE GEORGE state of processing elements JAMES;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL 2011/2/3 Data processing apparatus and method for converting 2006/12/13 data values between endian formats Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 127 US8769307B2 2005/6/1 Secure operation indicator 128 US8782378B2 2010/9/14 Dynamic instruction splitting Apparatus and method for determining variation in a 2011/11/16 predetermined physical property of a circuit 129 US8779787B2 130 US8773593B2 2011/1/3 Noise reduction filter circuitry and method 131 US8769344B2 2011/6/13 Tracing speculatively executed instructions 132 US8732400B2 2010/10/5 Data store maintenance requests in interconnects 133 US8732499B2 2011/5/27 134 US8719555B2 135 US8719553B2 136 US8717366B2 State retention circuit adapted to allow its state integrity to be verified Method for overcoming livelock in a multi-threaded 2008/1/31 system Method for re-circulating a fragment through a rendering 2008/1/31 pipeline 2010/7/27 Method and apparatus for rendering a stroked curve 137 US8725953B2 2009/1/21 138 US8743135B2 2009/10/6 139 US8756377B2 2010/2/2 140 US8751833B2 2010/4/30 141 US8742827B2 2011/5/24 142 US8738971B2 2011/12/7 143 US8732523B2 2011/10/24 ARM;FELTON DONALD;MCNIVEN JAMES I ARM;CHAUSSADE NICOLAS;TEYSSIER RéMI ARM;LAPLANCHE YVES THOMAS ARM;PERSSON ERIK;EDGREN PER ARM;GILKERSON PAUL ANTHONY;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM;RIOCREUX PETER ANDREW;MATHEWSON BRUCE JAMES;LAYCOCK CHRISTOPHER 登録記録あり WILLIAM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY 2 ○ ARM;FLYNN DAVID WALTER 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM NORWAY AS;NYSTAD JORN;HEGGELUND FRODE ARM NORWAY AS;NYSTAD JORN;HEGGELUND FRODE ARM;MERRY BRUCE ARM;PAVER NIGEL C;BILES Local cache power control within a multiprocessor STUART D;WELTON KEVIN system P;MEYER PAUL G Graphics processing systems ARM;NYSTAD JøRN;HOLM RUNE ARM;CRASKE SIMON JOHN;PENTON ANTONY Area and power efficient data coherency maintenance JOHN;PIERRON LOIC;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER Data processing system ARM;HILL STEPHEN JOHN ARM;VAN WINKELHOFF Power gating circuit NICOLAAS KLARINUS JOHANNES;BRUN MIKAEL ARM;PIRY FREDERIC CLAUDE Limiting certain processing activities as error rate MARIE;SCALABRINO LUCA;BULL probability rises DAVID MICHAEL Data processing apparatus and method for analysing ARM;ÖZER EMRE;SAZEIDES transient faults occurring within storage elements of the YIANNAKIS;KERSHAW data processing apparatus DANIEL;BILES STUART DAVID Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 144 US8717078B2 2012/6/13 145 US8707056B2 2011/9/21 146 US8713371B2 2011/11/15 147 US8677107B2 2011/3/7 148 US8698828B2 2009/6/3 149 US8707106B2 2011/6/9 150 US8713375B2 2011/5/13 151 US8706936B2 2011/11/14 152 US8706965B2 タイトル (英語) 出願人 ARM;IDGUNJI SACHIN Sequential latching device with elements to increase hold SATISH;AITKEN ROBERT times on the diagnostic data path CAMPBELL;IQBAL IMRAN Security provision for a subject image displayed in a nonARM;FELTON DONALD secure domain ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL Controlling generation of debug exceptions JOHN;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY ARM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD Apparatus and method for handling exception events ROY ARM;PLOWMAN Graphics processing systems EDWARD;NYSTAD Jø RN;LJOSLAND BORGAR ARM;HORLEY JOHN M;SWAINE Key allocation when tracing data processing systems ANDREW B;GILKERSON PAUL A ARM;GILKERSON PAUL Correlating trace data streams ANTHONY;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL Integrated circuit having a bus network, and method for ARM;PRASADH RAMAMOORTHY the integrated circuit GURU 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 34 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ Apparatus and method for handling access operations ARM;PIRY FREDERIC 2011/6/3 issued to local cache structures within a data processing CLAUDE;MOUTON LOUIS-MARIE 登録記録あり apparatus VINCENT;SCALABRINO LUCA 0 ○ 0 ○ 4 ○ 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;SAZEIDES YIANNAKIS;ÖZER EMRE;KERSHAW DANIEL;BRELOT 登録記録あり JEAN-BAPTISTE 3 ○ ARM;REED BRIAN WILLIAM 1 ○ System for efficiently tracing data in a data processing 2010/12/27 system 153 US8677104B2 154 US8681168B2 155 US8698820B2 2009/6/5 Graphics processing systems 156 US8713292B2 Reducing energy and increasing speed by an instruction 2011/2/7 substituting subsequent instructions with specific function instruction 157 US8694862B2 2012/4/20 158 US8680912B2 2012/7/17 Level shifting circuitry 2010/1/12 Methods of and apparatus for processing graphics Data processing apparatus using implicit data storage data storage and method of implicit data storage ARM;GIBBS MICHAEL;GILKERSON PAUL 登録記録あり ANTHONY;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL ARM;NYSTAD JøRN;LANGTIND FRANK;TAPPLY JOE;CROXFORD 登録記録あり DAREN ARM;COX ANDREW 登録記録あり HELGE;ELLIOT ROBERT;FELL ROBIN;ELLIS SEAN ARM;NYSTAD JORN Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 登録記録あり これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) Self-initializing on-chip data processing apparatus and 2012/8/10 method of self-initializing an on-chip data processing apparatus Communication within an integrated circuit including an 2011/7/7 array of interconnected programmable logic elements 159 US8680900B2 160 US8675681B2 161 US8675006B2 2009/8/11 162 US8639960B2 2011/5/27 Verifying state integrity in state retention circuits 163 US8665009B2 2012/7/31 Integrated circuit and method for controlling load on the output from on-chip voltage generation circuitry 164 US8661225B2 2010/1/19 Data processing apparatus and method for handling vector instructions 165 US8638157B2 2011/5/23 Level shifting circuitry 166 US8650470B2 167 US8656078B2 Apparatus and method for communicating between a central processing unit and a graphics processing unit 2010/10/25 Error recovery within integrated circuit Transaction identifier expansion circuitry and method of operation of such circuitry Data processing apparatus and method for performing 2008/3/18 multi-cycle arbitration 2011/5/9 168 US8667199B2 169 US8661232B2 2010/9/16 Register state saving and restoring 170 US8660173B2 2010/10/7 Video reference frame retrieval 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;WANG BINGDA BRANDON;GITCHEV KOSTADIN 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ 0 ○ ARM;HILL STEPHEN JOHN;MULLER MICHAEL PETER ARM;FORD SIMON ANDREW;ELLIS SEAN TRISTRAM;PLOWMAN EDWARD CHARLES ARM;FLYNN DAVID WALTER;IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH ARM;MYERS JAMES EDWARD;SAVANTH PARAMESHWARAPPA ANAND KUMAR;FLYNN DAVID WALTER;HOWARD DAVID WILLIAM;SANDHU BAL S ARM;BJöRKLUND ANDREAS;PERSSON ERIK;HUGOSSON OLA ARM;DUBY JEAN-CLAUDE;RIEN MIKAEL;GUYONNET DAMIEN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN;FLAUTNER KRISZTIAN;AUSTIN TODD MICHAEL;BLAAUW DAVID THEODORE;MUDGE TREVOR NIGEL;BULL DAVID ARM;LIM SEOW CHUAN ARM;GWILT DAVID 登録記録あり JOHN;INGRAM GRAEME LESLIE ARM;PENTON ANTONY 登録記録あり JOHN;AXFORD SIMON ARM;BJöRKLUND ANDREAS;PERSSON ERIK;BORG 登録記録あり PONTUS;WALLANDER MATS PETTER Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 171 US8640008B2 2011/12/23 Error recovery in a data processing apparatus 172 US8639987B2 173 US8639975B2 174 US8638622B2 175 US8635411B2 176 US8635406B2 177 US8634440B2 2010/8/23 Time-division multiplexing processing circuitry 178 US8630358B2 2012/3/20 2011/2/18 Data processing apparatus and method using monitoring circuitry to control operating parameters 2010/11/17 Error management within a data processing system Apparatus and method for receiving a differential data strobe signal Data processing apparatus and method for managing 2011/7/18 coherency of cached data Data processing apparatus and method for providing 2012/3/8 target address information for branch instructions 2011/7/6 Data packet flow control across an asynchronous clock domain boundary 179 US8607006B2 2010/10/5 Barrier transactions in interconnects 180 US8621242B2 181 US8621272B2 2010/7/7 Integrated circuit with error repair and fault tolerance 182 US8621336B2 2008/8/1 Error correction in a set associative storage device 183 US8619554B2 2006/8/4 Interconnecting initiator devices and recipient devices 2010/10/14 Display of a verification image to confirm security ARM;SCHON GUILLAUME;SCALABRINO LUCA;PIRY FREDERIC CLAUDE MARIE;BULL DAVID MICHAEL ARM;WHATMOUGH PAUL NICHOLAS;BULL DAVID MICHAEL;DAS SHIDHARTHA ARM;WHATMOUGH PAUL NICHOLAS;BULL DAVID MICHAEL;DAS SHIDHARTHA;KERSHAW DANIEL ARM;WANG BINGDA B;GITCHEV KOSTADIN ARM;FLANDERS WILLIAM HENRY;KHOSA VIKRAM ARM;GREENHALGH PETER R;CRASKE SIMON J ARM;SAUNDERS SPENCER J;DILLON LIAM;JANTA RAFAL J ARM;MAJI PARTHA PRASUN;MELLOR STEVEN RICHARD 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;RIOCREUX PETER ANDREW;MATHEWSON BRUCE JAMES;LAYCOCK CHRISTOPHER 登録記録あり WILLIAM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY 0 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ 登録記録あり 8 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;BROWN ROBERT;FELTON DONALD;MCNIVEN JAMES IAN ARM;DAS SHIDHARTHA;BULL DAVID MICHAEL;OZER EMRE ARM;CRASKE SIMON JOHN;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER;HUGHES PAUL STANLEY;PENTON ANTONY JOHN;YORK RICHARD;FORD SIMON ANDREW;BILES STUART DAVID;WAUGH ALEX JAMES ARM;TUNE ANDREW DAVID;HOTCHKISS ROBIN Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 184 US8615687B2 Data processing system and method for regulating a 2011/1/10 voltage supply to functional circuitry of the data processing system 185 US8611172B2 2012/5/21 Controlling a voltage level of an access signal to reduce access disturbs in semiconductor memories 186 US8601167B2 2010/10/13 Maintaining required ordering of transaction requests in interconnects using barriers and hazard checks 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;RIOCREUX PETER ANDREW 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;PIRY FREDERIC CLAUDE MARIE;MOUTON LOUIS-MARIE Apparatus and method for mapping architectural registers 2010/6/15 VINCENT;SCALABRINO 登録記録あり to physical registers LUCA;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY;MANSELL DAVID HENNAH 1 ○ Checkpointing long latency instruction as fake branch in branch prediction mechanism US8578139B2 2010/8/5 188 US8594177B2 2010/8/31 189 US8566563B2 2011/3/14 Translation table control 190 US8589934B2 191 US8589631B2 2011/9/12 Coherency control with writeback ordering 192 US8589927B2 2011/2/14 193 US8583897B2 2009/2/2 US8578136B2 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 187 194 ARM;SANDHU BAL S;IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH;FLYNN DAVID WALTER ARM;SHYANMUGAM AMARANTH;MAITI BIKAS;SCHUPPE VINCENT PHILLIPE;CHONG YEW KEONG;KINKADE MARTIN JAY;CHEN HSIN-YU 2011/4/1 Reducing reference frame data store bandwidth requirements in video decoders Controlling priority levels of pending threads awaiting processing Method, apparatus and trace module for generating timestamps ARM;CHAUSSADE NICOLAS;BEGON FLORENT;TEYSSIER MéLANIE EMANUELLE LUCIE;TEYSSIER Ré MI;JAUBERT JOCELYN FRANCOIS ORION ARM;BJöRKLUND ANDREAS;HUGOSSON OLA ARM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY ARM;MAKLJENOVIC NEBOJSA;FIELDING EDVARD;ENGH-HALSTVEDT ANDREAS ARM;LAYCOCK CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM;HARRIS ANTONY JOHN;MATHEWSON BRUCE JAMES;BILES STUART DAVID ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL;ASHFIELD EDMOND JOHN SIMON Register file with circuitry for setting register entries to a ARM;CRASKE SIMON JOHN predetermined value Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 2010/10/29 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Apparatus and method for performing multiplyaccumulate operations 195 US8595280B2 196 US8572329B2 2005/10/4 Multi-region default memory map 197 US8601485B2 2011/5/25 198 US8601324B2 199 US8599626B2 Data processing apparatus and method for processing a received workload in order to generate result data 2010/8/2 Storage and output of trace data 2011/12/7 Memory device and a method of operating such a memory device in a speculative read mode Terminating barriers in streams of access requests to a data store while maintaining data consistency 200 US8589638B2 2011/7/19 201 US8582389B2 2011/6/15 Write assist in a dual write line semiconductor memory 202 US8582340B2 2012/1/12 Word line and power conductor within a metal layer of a memory cell 203 US8561169B2 2007/12/5 Data processing apparatus and method for managing access to a display buffer 204 US8533685B2 2011/10/26 205 US8549199B2 2010/9/15 206 US8548962B2 2011/8/15 207 US8533505B2 2010/3/1 208 US8532192B2 2010/7/14 209 US8549325B2 2008/5/2 Processing apparatus, trace unit and diagnostic apparatus Data processing apparatus and a method for setting priority levels for transactions Data compression and decompression using relative and absolute delta values Data processing apparatus and method for transferring workload between source and destination processing circuitry Video processing apparatus and a method of processing video data Reducing information leakage between processes sharing a cache ARM;SYMES DOMINIC HUGO;WILDER MLADEN;LARRI GUY ARM;AXFORD SIMON;CRASKE SIMON JOHN;KIMELMAN PAUL ARM;ENGH-HALSTVEDT ANDREAS DUE;NYSTAD JøRN ARM;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL;HINDS CHRISTOPHER NEAL 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM;MACE TIMOTHY CHARLES 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM;TAPPLY JOE D.;LILAND EIVIND;ELLIS SEAN T. 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;GREENHALGH PETER RICHARD 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM;HOLD BETINA ARM;CAMPBELL MICHAEL ANDREW;RIOCREUX PETER ANDREW ARM;GAJJEWAR HEMANGI UMAKANT;IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH;YEUNG GUS ARM;CHONG YEW KEONG;YEUNG GUS ARM;HARRIS PETER WILLIAM;WILSON PETER BRIAN;MARTIN DAVID PAUL;THORNTON TIMOTHY CHARLES ARM;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL;CRASKE SIMON JOHN;GIBBS MICHAEL JOHN;GILKERSON PAUL ANTHONY ARM;PERSSON ERIK;EDSö TOMAS ARM;HARRIS PETER WILLIAM;MARTIN DAVID PAUL Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;IDGUNJI SACHIN Apparatus and method for detecting an approaching error SATISH;DAS SHIDHARTHA;BULL 2010/6/7 登録記録あり condition DAVID MICHAEL;AITKEN ROBERT CAMPBELL 210 US8555124B2 211 US8549633B2 212 US8549257B2 213 US8542939B2 214 US8519775B2 215 US8502568B2 216 US8493810B2 217 US8493120B2 218 US8484497B2 2010/7/27 Power supply control within an integrated circuit 219 US8497702B2 2011/4/15 220 US8477148B2 221 US8468394B2 222 US8468393B2 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 10 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ ARM;PATIL SANJAY BHAGWAN;GOMEZ 登録記録あり VALENTINA;SEBASTINE ANTONY 6 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ ARM;CHUAN LIM SEOW;MACE TIMOTHY CHARLES Area efficient arrangement of interface devices within an ARM;MISHRA VIKAS;WANG 2011/1/10 integrated circuit BINGDA BRANDON 2011/8/3 Security controller Methods of and apparatus for using tree representations ARM;NYSTAD JORN;FLORDAL 2011/8/4 for representing arrays of data elements for encoding and OSKAR;DAVIES JEREMY decoding data in data processing systems ARM;IDGUNJI SACHIN SATISH;SANDHU BAL S ARM;DWIVEDI SANDEEP;KUMAR 2010/8/17 Receiver circuit with high input voltage protection NIDHIR;CHERUKU SRIDHAR ARM;VAN WINKELHOFF NICOLAAS KLARINUS 2011/5/9 Memory circuitry with write boost and write assist JOHANNES;GOUYA GERALD JEAN LOUIS;CHEN HSIN-YU Storage circuitry and method with increased resilience to ARM;CHOUDHURY MIHIR 2011/3/10 single event upsets RAJANIKANT;CHANDRA VIKAS 2011/7/28 Voltage regulation of a virtual power rail Power control of an integrated circuit including an array of interconnected configurable logic elements 2009/10/6 Graphics processing systems ARM;HILL STEPHEN JOHN;MULLER MICHAEL PETER ARM;NYSTAD JøRN;HOLM RUNE ARM;BRADLEY DARYL Method of tracing selected activities within a data WAYNE;HORLEY JOHN 2008/11/3 processing system by tagging selected items and tracing MICHAEL;WOODHOUSE the tagged items SHELDON JAMES ARM;HORLEY JOHN Triggering diagnostic operations within a data processing 2007/6/28 MICHAEL;SWAINE ANDREW apparatus BROOKFIELD Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Translation of SIMD instructions in a data processing system 223 US8505002B2 2007/9/27 224 US8498373B2 2012/1/12 Generating a regularly synchronised count value 225 US8478947B2 226 US8479033B2 2010/6/16 Power supply detection circuitry and method 227 US8510356B2 2010/3/16 Identifier selection 228 US8509015B2 229 US8504961B2 230 US8502561B2 231 US8499106B2 232 US8499017B2 233 US8490107B2 2005/7/5 Memory controller ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN;YEHIA SAMI;FLAUTNER KRISZTIAN;CLARK NATHAN;HORMATI AMIR;MAHLKE SCOTT ARM;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL;WOODHOUSE SHELDON JAMES;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN;KALKUNTE SHESHADRI;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER ARM;INGRAM GRAEME LESLIE;QUINN IAN JAMES ARM;GAJJEWAR HEMANGI UMAKANT;YEUNG GUS ARM;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL;SWAINE ANDREW BROOKFIELD;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN Using a precharge characteristics of a node to validate a 2011/12/16 previous data/signal value represented by a discharge of ARM;HOLD BETINA K. M. said node 2011/5/18 Integrated circuit with timing adjustment mechanism ARM;JAVERLIAC VIRGILE ARM;HOWARD DAVID 2011/7/1 Signal value storage circuitry with transition detector WILLIAM;BULL DAVID MICHAEL;DAS SHIDHARTHA ARM;POUBLAN SERGE 2010/6/24 Buffering of a data stream HENRI;SWAINE ANDREW BROOKFIELD ARM;PENTON ANTONY Apparatus and method for performing fused multiply add 2009/8/12 JOHN;CRASKE SIMON floating point operation JOHN;CAULFIELD IAN MICHAEL ARM;JALAL JAMSHED;WERKHEISER MARK DAVID;FEERO BRETT Processing resource allocation within an integrated STANLEY;FILIPPO MICHAEL 2011/8/8 circuit supporting transaction requests of different ALAN;PRASADH priority levels RAMAMOORTHY GURU;MANNAVA PHANINDRA KUMAR Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 9 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 234 US8488369B2 235 US8484508B2 236 US8473819B2 237 US8473717B2 238 US8471612B1 239 US8468405B2 240 US8448251B2 241 US8443170B2 242 US8463958B2 243 US8441301B2 244 US8421501B1 出願日 2011/3/10 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Method of altering distribution of a chosen characteristic ARM;CHANDRA VIKAS;AITKEN of a plurality of memory cells forming a memory device ROBERT CAMPBELL ARM;PENTON ANTONY Data processing apparatus and method for providing fault JOHN;FORD SIMON 2010/1/14 tolerance when executing a sequence of data processing ANDREW;ROSE ANDREW operations CHRISTOPHER ARM;KERSHAW DANIEL;BULL 2011/3/24 Error management DAVID MICHAEL;WILDER MLADEN Coprocessor reset controller with queue for storing ARM;HUGOSSON OLA;PERSSON 2010/2/3 configuration information of subsequent sessions prior to ERIK;BORG PONTUS completion of current session Signal value storage circuitry with transition error ARM;BULL DAVID MICHAEL;DAS 2012/7/10 detector SHIDHARTHA ARM;MCLAURIN TERESA 2010/12/22 Integrated circuit testing LOUISE;WILLIAMS GERARD RICHARD Method and apparatus for processing and displaying ARM;HARRIS PETER 2009/3/25 secure and non-secure data WILLIAM;MARTIN DAVID PAUL ARM;WILDER MLADEN;SYMES Apparatus and method for performing SIMD multiply2009/9/17 DOMINIC HUGO;BRUCE accumulate operations RICHARD EDWARD ARM;MANNAVA PHANINDRA KUMAR;JALAL JAMSHED;PRASADH Dynamic resource allocation for transaction requests 2011/8/8 RAMAMOORTHY GURU;FILIPPO issued by initiator devices to recipient devices MICHAEL ALAN;MATHEWSON BRUCE JAMES;MACE TIMOTHY CHARLES ARM;DUBY JEAN2011/12/7 Cascoded level shifter protection CLAUDE;BLANC FABRICE Digital data handling in a circuit powered in a high voltage ARM;RIEN MIKAEL;DUBY JEAN2011/12/7 domain and formed from devices designed for operation CLAUDE;GUYONNET in a lower voltage domain DAMIEN;PADILLA THIERRY 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 6 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 11 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 2 ○ 0 ○ 245 US8463966B2 2010/10/13 Synchronising activities of various components in a distributed system ARM;RIOCREUX PETER ANDREW;MATHEWSON BRUCE JAMES;LAYCOCK CHRISTOPHER 登録記録あり WILLIAM;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY 246 US8433961B2 2010/5/6 Data processing apparatus and method for testing a circuit block using scan chains ARM;HUGHES PAUL STANLEY Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 登録記録あり これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 247 US8429457B2 248 US8427245B2 249 US8427214B2 250 US8423752B2 251 US8422262B2 252 US8421821B2 253 US8421516B2 2010/2/18 254 255 US8421513B2 US8450954B2 2011/6/1 Master-slave flip-flop circuit 2011/9/19 Electronically controlled universal motor 256 US8456199B2 257 US8456223B2 258 US8427198B1 259 US8456140B2 2010/7/14 Power control apparatus and method for controlling a supply voltage for an associated circuit 260 US8452907B2 2009/9/25 Data processing apparatus and method for arbitrating access to a shared resource 261 US8463834B2 2009/11/3 Floating point multiplier with first and second partial product shifting circuitry for result alignment 2009/12/11 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;HARRIS ANTONY Use of statistical representations of traffic flow in a data JOHN;CROSSLEY SIMON;BRUCE 登録記録あり processing system ALISTAIR CRONE 6 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 2010/12/28 Clock state independent retention master-slave flip-flop ARM;PAL SUMANA 登録記録あり 2 ○ Apparatus and method for performing permutation operations in which the ordering of one of a first group 2008/12/16 and a second group of data elements is preserved and the ordering of the other group of data elements is changed 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 登録記録あり 2 1 ○ ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 7 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 2011/6/2 Ultra low power oscillator ARM;SANDHU BAL S 2011/4/7 Generating ROM bit cell arrays 2011/12/22 Differential encoding using a 3D graphics processor Apparatus and method providing an interface between a first voltage domain and a second voltage domain 2010/12/20 Reducing current leakage in a semiconductor device 2011/6/24 Integrated circuit with power gating 2011/12/16 Reduced quantization error I/O resistor calibrator ARM;SYMES DOMINIC HUGO;WILDER MLADEN ARM;NEVERS YANNICK MARC;SCHUPPE VINCENT PHILIPPE ARM NORWAY AS;NYSTAD JORN;SORGARD EDVARD;LJOSLAND BORGAR;BLAZEVIC MARIO ARM;KUMAR NIDHIR;CHERUKU SRIDHAR;PRABHU MANJUNATHA GOVINDA ARM;PAL SUMANA ARM;PIETROMONACO DAVID V ARM;YEUNG GUS;GAJJEWAR HEMANGI UMAKANT ARM;MYERS JAMES EDWARD;FLYNN DAVID WALTER ARM;CHERUKU SRIDHAR;SUBRAMANIAN SIVARAMAKRISHNAN;KUMAR NIDHIR ARM;PATIL SANJAY BHAGWAN;FREDERICK JR. MARLIN WAYNE;GOMEZ VALENTINA ARM;RIOCREUX PETER ANDREW;INGRAM GRAEME LESLIE ARM;LUTZ DAVID RAYMOND Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 262 US8456214B2 263 US8453073B1 264 US8463960B2 265 US8458532B2 266 US8456939B2 267 US8451039B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 State retention circuit and method of operation of such a ARM;FREDERICK JR. MARLIN 2010/11/12 circuit WAYNE Method of mask generation for integrated circuit ARM;DWIVEDI 2012/3/13 fabrication SHRISAGAR;SAWHNEY PUNEET ARM;MANNAVA PHANINDRA KUMAR;JALAL 2011/8/8 Synchronisation of data processing systems JAMSHED;PRASADH RAMAMOORTHY GURU;FILIPPO MICHAEL ALAN ARM;JAUBERT JOCELYN Error handling mechanism for a tag memory within FRANCOIS ORION;BEGON 2010/10/27 coherency control circuitry FLORENT;TEYSSIER MELANIE EMANUELLE LUCIE 2010/11/22 Voltage regulation circuitry ARM;PRABHAT PRANAY ARM;MYERS JAMES EDWARD;BIGGS JOHN 2011/5/13 Apparatus for storing a data value in a retention mode PHILIP;FLYNN DAVID WALTER;TRADOWSKY CARSTEN 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ ARM;BIGGS JOHN PHILIP;MYERS Integrated circuit, method of generating a layout of an JAMES EDWARD;HOWARD 2011/5/13 integrated circuit using standard cells, and a standard cell 登録記録あり DAVID WILLIAM;FLYNN DAVID library providing such standard cells WALTER;TRADOWSKY CARSTEN 0 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 268 US8451026B2 269 US8418187B2 270 US8418175B2 2009/2/12 271 US8417923B2 2010/6/1 272 US8417920B2 2007/12/21 273 US8417915B2 2005/8/5 274 US8407540B2 2010/6/15 Virtualization software migrating workload between 2010/3/1 processing circuitries while making architectural states available transparent to operating system ARM;GREENHALGH PETER RICHARD;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY ARM;MANSELL DAVID Data processing apparatus and method for controlling HENNAH;GRISENTHWAITE access to secure memory by virtual machines executing RICHARD ROY;BILES STUART on processing circuirty DAVID ARM;WILLIAMS MICHAEL Data processing apparatus having trace and prediction JOHN;HORLEY JOHN logic MICHAEL;ASHFIELD EDMOND JOHN SIMON ARM;STEVENS ASHLEY Management of speculative transactions MILES;CROXFORD DAREN ARM;GILDAY DAVID Alias management within a virtually indexed and MICHAEL;GRISENTHWAITE physically tagged cache memory RICHARD ROY Low overhead circuit and method for predicting timing ARM;CHANDRA VIKAS errors Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 Error recover within processing stages of an integrated circuit 275 US8407537B2 2010/10/13 276 US8407529B2 2011/12/29 Trace synchronization 277 US8407025B2 2009/2/25 278 US8397193B2 2009/4/17 Proprietary circuit layout identification 279 US8395440B2 280 US8395433B2 2010/4/20 Input-output device protection 281 US8390328B2 2011/5/13 282 US8386890B2 2009/9/11 Error correction for multilevel flash memory 2010/11/23 Operating parameter control of an apparatus for processing data Apparatus and method for controlling power gating in an integrated circuit Supplying a clock signal and a gated clock signal to synchronous elements ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN;FLAUTNER KRISZTIAN;AUSTIN TODD MICHAEL;BLAAUW DAVID THEODORE;MUDGE TREVOR NIGEL ARM;HORLEY JOHN MICHAEL;SWAINE ANDREW BROOKFIELD;HOULIHANE THOMAS SEAN;WOODHOUSE SHELDON JAMES;WILLIAMS MICHAEL JOHN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN;BLAAUW DAVID THEODORE;SYLVESTER DENNIS MICHAEL;FICK DAVID ALAN;BILES STUART DAVID;WIECKOWSKI MICHAEL JOHN;HANSON SCOTT MCLEAN;CHEN GREGORY KENGHO ARM;TING ALBERT LI MING;SU SHUN-PIAO ARM;SANDHU BAL S.;IDGUNJI SATCHIN SATISH;FLYNN DAVID WALTER ARM;RIEN MIKAEL;DUBY JEANCLAUDE ARM;MYERS JAMES EDWARD;FLYNN DAVID WALTER;AITKEN ROBERT CAMPBELL;FREDERICK JR. MARLIN WAYNE ARM;WEZELENBURG MARTINUS CORNELIS;CONWAY THOMAS KELSHAW Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 19 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ 登録記録あり 5 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 283 US8386754B2 284 US8381162B2 285 US8381083B2 286 US8378861B2 287 US8375196B2 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 ARM;BLASCO ALLUE CONRADO;WILLIAMSON DAVID Renaming wide register source operand with plural short JAMES;HARDAGE JAMES 2009/6/24 register source operands for select instructions to detect 登録記録あり NOLAN;HARRIS GLEN dependency fast with existing mechanism ANDREW;MCDONALD ROBERT GREGORY Method of adapting a layout of a standard cell of an 2010/10/5 ARM;PELLOIE JEAN-LUC 登録記録あり integrated circuit ARM;WEZELENBURG MARTINUS Error control coding for single error correction and 2009/10/22 登録記録あり CORNELIS;CONWAY THOMAS double error detection KELSHAW 2010/11/29 Storage of probability values for contexts used in arithmetic coding Vector processor with vector register file configured as matrix of data cells each selecting input from generated 2010/1/19 vector data or data from other cell via predetermined rearrangement path 288 US8375170B2 2010/2/12 Apparatus and method for handling data in a cache 289 US8374098B2 2009/11/3 Check data encoding using parallel lane encoders 290 US8230277B2 2011/4/4 291 US8219885B2 2009/4/7 292 US8185812B2 2006/12/11 293 US8185786B2 2010/10/13 294 US8145960B2 2007/7/2 295 US8103922B2 2011/6/16 Error detection in precharged logic 296 US8060814B2 2009/8/21 297 US7945811B2 Storage of data in data stores having some faulty storage locations Error detecting and correcting mechanism for a register file Single event upset error detection within an integrated circuit Error recovery within processing stages of an integrated circuit Storage of data in data stores having some faulty storage locations Error recovery within processing stages of an integrated circuit Low power, high reliability specific compound functional 2008/10/2 units 5 ○ 4 ○ 2 ○ ARM;BERKEMAN ANDERS;SYMES 登録記録あり DOMINIC HUGO 0 ○ ARM;BJöRKLUND ANDREAS;PERSSON ERIK;HUGOSSON OLA 登録記録あり 1 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 2 ○ 登録記録あり 11 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 3 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ 登録記録あり 4 ○ 登録記録あり 0 ○ ARM;LAYCOCK CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM;HARRIS ANTONY JOHN;MATHEWSON BRUCE JAMES;ROSE ANDREW CHRISTOPHER;GRISENTHWAITE RICHARD ROY ARM;WEZELENBURG MARTINUS CORNELIS;PENTON ANTONY JOHN;WONG KEN YI ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation これだけはチェック! 重要出願リスト 共同出願 No. 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 外国出願 298 US7900020B2 ARM;TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 4 ○ 299 US7701240B2 登録記録あり 4 ○ 300 US7650551B2 ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 21 ○ 301 302 US7685404B2 US7533226B2 ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 0 12 ○ ○ 303 US7512820B2 2006/9/13 Performance level selection in a data processing system ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり by combining a plurality of performance requests 9 ○ 304 US7401273B2 305 US7337356B2 306 US7320091B2 307 308 309 US7310755B2 US7343482B2 US7318143B2 2005/2/4 Recovery from errors in a data processing apparatus Systematic and random error detection and recovery 2004/7/23 within processing stages of an integrated circuit Error recovery within processing stages of an integrated 2005/4/21 circuit 2004/2/18 Data retention latch provision within integrated circuits 2005/1/31 Program subgraph identification 2005/1/28 Reuseable configuration data ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 26 ○ ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 34 ○ ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 42 ○ ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり 24 18 3 ○ ○ ○ 310 US7321942B2 Performance counter for adding variable work increment ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 登録記録あり value that is dependent upon clock frequency 22 ○ 311 US7278080B2 登録記録あり 44 ○ 312 US7260694B2 登録記録あり 8 ○ 313 US7263015B2 登録記録あり 4 ○ 314 US7162661B2 登録記録あり 38 ○ 315 US7194385B2 登録記録あり 26 ○ 316 US7131015B2 登録記録あり 31 ○ 317 US7072229B2 登録記録あり 0 ○ 318 US7055007B2 登録記録あり 42 ○ 2008/1/25 Correction of incorrect cache accesses Integrated circuit with error correction mechanisms to 2005/12/13 offset narrow tolerancing Error detection and recovery within processing stages of 2007/8/16 an integrated circuit 2007/6/5 Program subgraph identification 2006/2/14 Data processor memory circuit 2003/10/20 Error detection and recovery within processing stages of ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN an integrated circuit 2006/9/26 Data processor memory circuit ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE 2005/11/7 Address decoding UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Systematic and random error detection and recovery 2004/2/18 ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN within processing stages of an integrated circuit 2003/10/20 Performance level setting of a data processing system ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Performance level selection in a data processing system 2003/10/20 using a plurality of performance request calculating ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN algorithms Memory system having fast and slow data reading ARM;THE REGENTS OF THE 2005/6/13 mechanisms UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 2003/4/10 Data processor memory circuit ARM;UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 2003/3/20 Copyright 2016 Innovation Research Corporation 注目度の高い特許出願がわかる!~被引用回数TOP10~ 被引用順位 公報番号 出願日 タイトル (英語) 出願人 審査・権利状況 被引用回数 1 US6064626A 1998/7/31 Peripheral buses for integrated circuit ARM 登録記録あり 153 2 US6002881A 1997/9/17 Coprocessor data access control ARM 登録記録あり 118 Coprocessor opcode division by data type ARM 登録記録あり 117 Apparatus and method for image data processing of pixel data in raster lines ARM 登録記録あり 101 Executing debug instructions ARM 登録記録あり 92 Cache control circuit having a pseudo random address generator ARM 登録記録あり 92 Testing compliance of a device with a bus protocol ARM 登録記録あり 74 Tracing multiple data access instructions ARM 登録記録あり 71 Breakpoint logic unit, debug logic and breakpoint method for a data processing apparatus ARM 登録記録あり 68 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 US6247113B 1998/5/27 1 US6259459B 1998/7/1 1 US6321329B 1999/5/19 1 US5875465A 1997/4/3 US6876941B 2002/2/28 2 US7080289B 2001/10/10 2 US7334161B 2004/4/30 2 10 US7162590B 2004/3/1 2 Memory bus within a coherent multi-processing system having a main portion and a coherent multi-processing portion ARM 登録記録あり 67 10 US6411957B 1999/6/30 1 System and method of organizing nodes within a tree structure ARM 登録記録あり 67 10 US5918042A 1997/1/10 Dynamic logic pipeline control ARM 登録記録あり 67 被引用回数の多い出願について ●審査官によって引用された回数の多い出願は、注目度の高い特許出願である可能性があり、基本技術把握の観点から、必ずチェックしておく必要がある。
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