1 What are Temporary Welfare Benefits? Temporary welfare benefits will be paid as a temporary measure, in order to reduce the burden for persons with low income caused by the increase in sales tax to 8% from April 2014. 2 Who is Eligible Persons registered as a resident of Shizuoka City on Jan. 1, 2014 (reference date) who are not taxed Fiscal Year 2014’s resident tax are eligible. However, dependents of persons who are taxed resident tax, persons who are wards of a public assistance program etc. are not eligible. 3 Amount of Payment ○Persons who are eligible will receive ¥10,000 each (limited to one-time only) ○Eligible persons for whom any of the following also applies receive additional ¥5,000: ・Recipient of Old Age Basic Pension, Disability Basic Pension, Basic Pension for Survivors etc. (Persons with right to receive pension for March of FY2014 who will pay April or May’s portion are eligible.) ・Recipient of Child-Rearing Allowance, Special Disability Allowance etc. (Persons who received allowance etc. for January of FY2014 are eligible.) 4 Application Process Applications should be submitted to the municipality you were registered in as of the reference date. Shizuoka City’s application and payment process is as follows: After filling out and stamping the application form, eligible persons must also attach: ○Copies of the applicant/claimant’s bankbook and ATM card. (Should include names of financial institution/branch and account type, number and holder’s name) ○Copy of applicant’s identification documents (Basic Residence Registration card with photo, driver’s license, passport, health insurance card etc.) After affixing copies, send them in the return envelope provided with the application form. ① ② Fill out, stamp application form Affix copies of applicant /claimant’s bankbook etc. and applicant’s ID documents to back of application form ③ Send/submit application form to Shizuoka City ④ Payment screening by Shizuoka City ⑤ Benefits are paid (Result of payment screening) (takes 2-3 months) 5 Application Period Between Tues. Jul. 1, 2014 and Mon. Dec. 15, 2014 (postmark deadline) Reception windows will be set up at every ward office during this period. To submit an application at a ward office reception window, please bring your application form, personal seal and all necessary documentation. Reception windows are open from 8:30am to 5:15pm (exc. Sat, Sun, national and other holidays) Reception windows at Osada and Kambara Branches will be set up from Tues. Jul. 1 to Wed. Jul. 31 1 6 Important Points ●Persons who are ineligible for payment do not need to submit application form. Those applicants confirmed to be taxable for resident tax or dependents of persons taxable for resident tax (both being ineligible for payment of temporary welfare benefits) will be informed that they do not meet the necessary criteria. ●Even if receiving two or more pensions, allowances etc. listed in No. 3, the amount of additional benefits each person can receive is limited to ¥5,000. ●For those persons who can, but have not yet filed for eligibility to receive pensions or allowances applicable to the additional benefits payment, please file by Sept. 30, 2014. ●For those who wish to receive payment in cash, please see the back page of the Application Guide. How can I know whether or not I am taxable for resident tax? Q For example, if the following apply to you, then you are currently taxable for resident tax: ・If there is a tax amount included in the resident tax column of your salary payment slip (see Reference 1) A ・If your employment earnings or pension income exceed the Tax Exemption Limit (see Reference 2) Reference 1 Reference 2 給与支給明細書 年 月分 所属 氏名 Salary Payment Slip 出勤日数 Work Days 勤怠 Attendance 就業時間 Year Month 欠勤日数 Division 有給休暇 Name 代休日数 Days Absent Paid Holiday Comp.. Holiday 早出残業 早朝深夜 Overtime Hours Special OT Hours Work Hours 支給額 Payment Amount 残業手当 200,000 Overtime Pay Base Salary 家族手当 Family Allowance 通勤手当 25,000 Commuting All. 住宅手当 12,000 Housing All. 10,000 5,000 計 Total 252,000 健康保険 介護保険 7,000 Nursing Health Insurance 厚生年金 2,500 Emp. Pension 雇用保険 17,000 Employment. Ins. 15,000 Insurance 控除額 Deductible 所得税 Income Tax Amount 計 Total Employment Total Income Earnings Amount (¥) Conversion (¥) 住民税 4,000 Resident Tax 5,400 37,400 No. of dependents (including spouse) 基本給 Tax Exemption Limit (In Shizuoka City, if income/earnings amount is less than shown below, per capita tax exemption applies) 214,600 Please be cautious of fraudulent attempts to make you transfer money/provide personal information disguised as a phone call/postal mail regarding temporary welfare benefits payment. 0 315,000 1 819,000 965,000 Pension Income Conversion (¥) Under 65 Over 65 1,015,000 1,515,000 1,469,000 1,592,000 2,019,000 2 1,134,000 1,879,999 2,012,000 2,334,000 3 1,449,000 2,327,999 2,432,000 2,649,000 4 1,764,000 2,779,999 2,852,000 2,964,000 5 2,079,000 3,227,999 3,272,000 3,279,000 ☎ Police Stations: Shizuoka Chuo 054-250-0110 Shizuoka Minami 054-288-0110 Shimizu 054-366-0110 ●Under no circumstances would Shizuoka City, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare or other government organizations request you to use an ATM (Automated Teller Machine), remit fees etc. ●If you receive a suspicious phone call or postal mail, please contact the Shizuoka City Temporary Welfare Benefits Office or your nearest police station (alternatively, the police consultation line at #9110) right away. For inquiries regarding Shizuoka City’s temporary welfare benefits payment: Call Center Open: 054–205–1290 9:00am-6:00pm (exc. Sat, Sun, national and other holidays) Shizuoka City Temporary Welfare Benefits Office Notice regarding inquiries Questions involving personal information (i.e. whether or not you are taxable for resident taxes, etc.) cannot be answered. http://www.city.shizuoka.jp/deps/fukusisoumu/kyufukin.html 054-221-1342 ( ? 中国语, Português, English) 2 START You were registered as a resident of Shizuoka City as of Jan. 1, 2014 (reference date). NO Please inquire to the municipality you were registered as of the reference date. Additionally, persons born after Jan. 2, 2014 and persons who pass away between Jan. 1 and the payment decision are not eligible for payment. ※You do not need to submit an application to Shizuoka City’s Temporary Welfare Benefits Window. YES You were not a ward of a public assistance program as of the reference date. NO Corresponding to revisions in welfare benefits standards, you do not qualify for temporary welfare benefits. ※You do not need to submit an application. NO Persons who are taxable for FY2014 resident tax do not qualify for payment. ※ You do not need to submit an application. NO Dependents of persons who are taxed FY2014 resident tax do not qualify for payment. ※ You do not need to submit an application. YES You are not taxable for FY2014 resident tax (including municipalities other than Shizuoka City). YES You are not a dependent (see Note 1) of a person who is taxed FY2014 resident tax. YES It is possible that you qualify for payment. Please apply with the provided application form. Shizuoka City will check whether or not you qualify for payment (takes 2-3 months). 3 (Note 1) “Dependent” indicates spouses designated as tax-exempt by the Local Tax Law, spouses with special spousal tax exemption, dependent family members, blue-paper family employees, white-paper family employees etc. 様式第1号(第5条関係) 記入例 臨時福祉給付金支給申請書兼請求書 (宛先) 静岡市長 静岡市 受付印 ① 申請・請求者 (代理申請・請求者) 記入日 平成26年 × 月 ○ 日 〒 ××× - ○○○○ 住 所 バーコード お問い合わせ番号 静岡市葵区追手町×番○号 シズオカ アオイ (フリガナ) 静岡 葵 054-×××-○○○○ 氏 名 電 話 静 ㊞ 岡 ※申請・請求者は署名又は記名・押印してください。 臨時福祉給付金の支給を受けたいので、静岡市臨時福祉給付金支給事業実施要綱第5条の規定により、次のとおり関係書類を添えて申請しま す。なお、申請にあたっては裏面の「誓約・同意事項」に誓約・同意します。 また、申請・請求者が「2.申請者一覧」の中にいる場合、同一世帯員は申請、請求及び受給を委任するものとします。 1. 振込先金融機関 下記の金融機関口座(申請・請求者の口座に限ります。)への振込を希望します。 ② 金 融 機 関 名 ×× 銀行番号 1 2 3 4 1.銀行 2.金庫 3.信組 4.信連 支店名 5.農協 6.漁協 本・支店 本・支所 1普通 出張所 ○○ 7.信漁連 店番号 口座番号 分類 5 6 7 口 座 名 義 人( カ ナ ) (右詰め でお書きください。) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2当座 シズオカ アオイ ※ゆうちょ銀行を選択された場合は、「振込用の店名・預金種目・口座番号(7桁)」(通帳見開き下部に記載)を記入してください。 ※長期間入出金のない口座を記入しないでください。 ※海外で開設した口座には振込できません。 2. 申請者一覧(世帯員一覧) ①下記一覧に記載されている人は審査に必要となるため、裏面の「誓約・同意事項」に誓約・同意し、押印又は署名してください。 ②下記一覧に記載されている人の中で、申請をしない人はB欄に「×」を記入してください。 ③申請する人の中で、加算に該当する人はC欄に該当する番号を記入してください。(番号は左記案内文の「加算対象一覧」を参照。) ③A 氏 名 申請者番号 性 別 生 年 月 日 1 静岡 葵 静 ㊞ 岡 女 昭和○×年△月□日 2 静岡 駿 静 ㊞ 岡 男 平成×年○月△日 3 静岡 富士男 静 ㊞ 岡 男 大正●年□月×日 ④ B 申請しない人 ⑤ C 加算に該当する人 × ① ①裏面の誓約・同意事項 ① After confirming the を確認した上で氏名等を pledged/agreed terms 記入・押印してください。 on the back page, また、本人確認書類を裏 please write name and 面に貼り付けてください。 affix seal. ②Please write the ②上記①の申請・請求者 information for the 名義の口座を記入してくだ さい。 account in the bank また、通帳やキャッシュ name of the カードの写しを裏面に貼り applicant/claimant 付けてください。 listed above in ①. ③ For family members ③一覧に記載されている listed here, please affix 人は、裏面の誓約・同意 your seal after 事項を確認した上で押印 confirming してください。 pledged/agreed terms 記載されている人全員の 押印又は署名が必要です。 on back page. All persons listed here must affix seal or write ④支給対象とならない人 signature. (課税されている人や課 税されている人に扶養さ ④ Please write an “X” in れている人等)は、×をつ this column for persons ineligible for payment けてください。 (taxable persons or ×をつけた人については dependents of taxable 審査対象から除外します。 persons, etc.) ×をつけていない場合は、 Persons with no “X” in this 全員を審査対象とします column will be checked for ので、全員の本人確認書 eligibility, so please attach 類を裏面に添付してくださ to the back page い。 documents confirming their identity. ** *********** ㊞ ⑤加算措置に該当する人 Those eligible for ** ******* **** ***** ⑤ additional benefits: please ** *********** ㊞ ** ******* **** ***** ** *********** ㊞ ** ******* **** ***** ** *********** ㊞ ** ******* **** ***** 上記一覧の申請者が、一覧に記載されている人以外から扶養されている(又は専従者給与を受け取っている)場合、扶養している人(又は事業主)につい て記入し、該当する申請者を上記一覧のA欄の申請者番号から選択してください。 ※下記の人は該当する申請者の審査に必要なため、裏面の「誓約・同意事項」に誓約・同意し、署名又は記名・押印してください。 ( フ リ ガ ナ ) ⑥ 性 別 氏 名 シズオカ キヨシ 静岡 清 ⑦ 住所 (平成26年1月1日時点) ※静岡市以外の場合、非課税の証明書を添付してください。 生 年 月 日 明治・大正・昭和・平成 静 ㊞ 岡 男 ・ 女 ×× 年 ○ 月 △ 日 左記の人に扶養されている 申請者のA欄の申請者番号 2、3 〒□□□-△△△△ 東京都千代田区平河町□丁目△番地●号 は、申請書案内文にある write pension/allowance 加算対象一覧から、該当 number for the system you する年金・手当等の番号 are enrolled in (listed in を記入してください。 the Application Guide). 該当する人がいない場合 Those ineligible for は、記入しないでください。 additional benefits should not write anything here. ⑥申請者一覧に記載され ⑥ If you have dependents ている人のうち、記載され who are not listed above ていない人(世帯外)から as applicants (that is, they 扶養されている人がいる are not in your household), 場合は、記入してください。 please write their details here. ⑦世帯外から扶養してい ⑦ If you have an out-of- る人の住所が静岡市以外 household dependent の場合は、当該扶養者の whose address is not in 非課税の証明書を裏面に Shizuoka City, please attach their Tax Exemption 貼り付けてください。 Certificate to back page. 4
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