1 組合長挨拶/ Greetings from the Chairman of the Association 緩やかな回復、新興国の力強い成長により、海上貿易、 外航海運市況も回復・成長基調に向かうと思われます。 このように、組合員の皆様にとっては厳しい状況が続い ておりますが、今年3月末には9,273万トン(加入総トン数) の契約量をお引受する事ができました。皆様の組合への ご理解とご期待の賜物と深謝申し上げます。 一方、近年は外航海運市況の調整時期であり、運航船 舶数は減少し、事故発生は沈静化に向かうものと期待し ておりましたところ、依然として大型の保険事故は増加 組合長 朝倉 次郎 Jiro Asakura, Chairman 傾向にあり、それによる保険 成績・組合収支の悪化が 7月20 日に開催されました組合員通常総会並びに理事会 組合では、かかる状況の改善のため、船舶の安全運航 において、組合長の職責を担うこととなりました朝倉で 維持を最重要課題と位置づけ、ロスプリベンション活動 ございます。 に倍旧の努力を注いで参ります。また、環境汚染・破壊、 危惧されております。 経済制裁などに対する国際機関・各国の法規制は多様 このたびの東日本大震災で亡くなられた方々のご冥福を 化・複雑化してきておりますので、必要とされる各種の お祈りするとともに、被災された方々に心よりお見舞い申 情報を収集し、正確・迅速な情報 提供、対応策などの し上げます。 ご案内を一層充実させて参ります。 さて、海上貿易、外 航 海 運市 況は、2003 年以降、中 今後とも、役職員一同、当組合の理念である「組合員へ 国、インド、ブラジルなどの新興国の急成長の牽引によ の船主責任保険の提供を通して海運業並びに海上関連 り好調を持続しておりましたが、2008 年のリーマンショッ 事業の経営安定化の確保及び向上に貢献する」の実現に ク以降は経済の収縮により調整期に入り、現在までに充 向け、一丸となって、全力で努めて参ります。何卒、皆 分な回復に至っていない状況です。 様の猶一層のご支援を賜りたく、宜しくお願い申し上げ ます。 これに加えて、海運業界をとり巻く環境は、想定を上回 る災害の発生、原油価格上昇による燃料費の高騰、ア 2011年 7月20 日 デン湾、インド洋での海賊行為の多発化などといった多 朝倉 次郎 種多様なリスクが高まっております。しかしながら、中 長期的には日本における災害地の復興、先進国経済の ■ ■ Japan P&I Annual Report 2011 Chairman of the Association Following the 61st Ordinary General Meeting your understanding and expectation to the of Members and the 574th Board of Directors Association which contributed to such an held on 20 July, 2011, I, Jiro Asakura, took over increase of the tonnage of the entered vessel. the responsibilities of the Chairman of the Association. The number of operating vessels is likely to decrease as a marine transport and an ocean By taking this opportunity, I would like to transportation market have been in the express my heartfelt sympathy to all of the adjustment period recently. Thus, the situation victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake of of the frequent occurrence of marine casualties 11 March, 2011. is expected to calm down. Notwithstanding the above, the Association has a tendency for Marine transport volumes increased rapidly the increasing of the large marine casualties, after 2003 in conjunction with a brisk economic and the deteriorating of loss record and the growth of the developing countries such Association's income and expenditure is as China, India, and Brazil, and an ocean transportation enjoyed market rising phase. anticipated. After the collapse of Lehman's Bank in 2008, a It can be considered that the maintenance marine transport and an ocean transportation of the vessels' safe operation is the more market have been in the adjustment period, important factor to improve such situation. and have yet to be fully recovered. Therefore, we will endeavor to enhance the loss prevention activities. Also, we will increase In the shipping industry, there has been an our efforts to provide you with the necessary increase of varied risks such as an extraordinary information on the regulations of the ports of disaster, a hike of fuel price due to the rise in every country accurately and swiftly since we the price of crude oil, a frequent occurrence of will face with the complicated and diversified piracies at Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. regulations on the environmental issues, economic sanctions and so forth. The business challenges for the members to tackle have increased, and the current business The Association's directors and all staffs must situation is not so good. It is believed that, in the medium and long-term, a marine transport make our best efforts to meet and exceed our members' requirements in order to achieve the and an ocean transportation will be restored Association's principle, namely "contributing to and grown in response to the moderate the stability and improvement of the shipping recovery of the developed countries, and the industry and maritime business by providing strong growth of the developing countries. the members with the shipowners' liability Despite such a continuous difficult economic situation for the members, the Association insurance. I deeply appreciate your continued support to our Association. increased the overall volume of tonnage of entered vessel to 92.73 million tons. I would like to show my deepest appreciation for 20 July, 2011 Jiro Asakura Japan P&I Annual Report 2011 ■ ■ 2 理事長挨拶/ Statement of Director General ては、原油高騰と円高の進行から、船主経済という面では、 依然として厳しい状況が続いています。 P & I 保険業界では、契約量のペースダウンは継続してい るものの外航船の新造船竣工により、業界全体では増加 傾向が続いております。一方クレーム面では増加傾向がや や落ち着きを取り戻しているものの、各クラブの保有額 8 百万ドルを超えて国際 P & I グループのプール再保険に達 する大型クレームの減少傾向はみられず、高額化傾向が 依然として続いております。 当組合におきましては、外航船の契約量は増加したもの の、上記プール再保険に達した、あるいは達する可能性 のある事故が過去最大の年間 7件発生しましたことから、 理事長 米谷 憲一 Kenichi Yonetani, Directer General 保険収支並びに財務基盤の安定化を図るため、外航船 契約に対し、2009 保険年度について予定通り40%の追 加保険料の実施、2011保険年度保険料率について 10% まず始めに 3月11日に発生した東日本大震災ならびに津 のゼネラル・インクリースと標準免責金額の引き上げを 波の影響で多くの尊い命が失われました。ここに犠牲と お願い致しました。又、2010 保険年度予定追加保険料 なられた方々のご冥福をお祈り致します。この紙面をお借 40%の内 10%を当事業年度内にお支払い頂き、これに伴 りして、被災された皆様に心よりお見舞い申し上げますと い、2011事業年度以降支払いの 2010 保険年度予定追加 ともに被災地の皆様のご健康と一日も早い復興をお祈り 保険料率を40% から30% に引き下げました。また、内航 申し上げます。 船契約に関しましても、大型クレーム発生による再保険料 の値上げにより20%のゼネラル・インクリースをお願い致 さて、2010 年度はリーマンショック後の 2009 年度から世 しました。 界経済が急速に景気回復基調となったこともあり、日本 でも長引くデフレや円高の進行による輸出減速が改善す 一方、コスト削減策として、組合員及び事務局の各々が ることが期待されましたが、後半においては逆に景気回 11億円、合計 22 億円を目標としてクレームや事業費の削 復が鈍化する状況となっております。さらに年度末の震災・ 減に取り組んで参りました。事務局によるクレームコスト 津波が追い討ちをかけ、現在は再び景気後退局面にあり 並びに事業費の削減につきましては、ほぼ目標を達成す ます。 ることができたものの、前述の内外航の大型事故の多発 から、事故の発生防止・軽減によるコスト削減につきまし 海運業界へ目を向けますと、中国、インドといった新興国 ては、目標を達成するには至りませんでした。事務局と致 の旺盛な需要からコンテナ船・自動車船部門は改善基調 しましては、2011年度においても2010 年度に達成した水 に向かっており、ドライバルク、タンカーにおいては市況 準を少なくとも維持すべくコスト削減努力を継続して参り の回復という点では程遠い状況ではありますが、海運業 ますが、引き続き事故の発生防止・軽減につきましては組 界全体としてはひところの最悪期を脱し、やや回復基調 合全体として継続的に取り組む最大の経営課題として組 に向かっていると思われます。しかしながら、日本におい 合員の皆様共々取り組んでいく所存です。 ■ ■ Japan P&I Annual Report 2011 Statement of Director General First of all, we would like to express our deepest condolences to premiums for the 2011 policy year for such vessels, together with all those who were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake an increase of the standard deductible amount. The purpose and tsunami of 11 March, 2011 which deprived many people of their precious lives. We sincerely wish that those areas which were affected have a speedy recovery. of these measures is to balance the budget and improve the Association's overall financial standing despite the downturn in the shipping market. Unfortunately, due to a rise in reinsurance premiums, it was necessary to impose a 20% general increase in During the 2010 business year, the global economy showed signs of a speedy recovery from the 2009 business year after the collapse of Lehman's Bank in 2008. However, during the second half of the 2010 business year, the Japanese economy experienced a prolonged period of deflation together with premiums for Japanese coastal vessels (fixed premium entries). an appreciating yen which has had an adverse impact on the result, the supplementary calls for the 2010 policy year still to be Japanese economic recovery. Currently, the Japanese economy is in a recessionary phase, which has been aggravated by the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami which occurred at the paid after the 2011 financial year have been reduced from 40% to 30%. end of the 2010 business year. During the 2010 financial year, the Association set out a plan to save costs totalling JPY 2,200 million. Of this amount, JPY 1,100 Within the shipping industry, both the container and car carrier sectors have reflected the economic turnaround, thanks to a million was to be saved by the Association in respect of both claims and operating costs, with JPY 1,100 million being the strong demand from rapidly expanding economies such as China and India. Although there has not been a corresponding amount by which Members were asked to reduce their claims. Whilst the Association nearly achieved its goal of reducing recovery in the dry bulk or tanker sectors, we believe that in general, the shipping industry is in the process of recovery and that the worst of the economic downturn has passed However, its claims payments and operating costs, the frequency of significant casualties, meant that it was not possible to achieve the sought-after reduction in Members claims. During the 2011 in Japan, where the economy has been affected by both financial year, we will continue to promote such costs-saving rising oil prices and the appreciating yen, business conditions continue to remain challenging for many ship owners. Turning to the P&I insurance market, there was a further increase in the overall number and tonnage of vessels entered in the measures to maintain the reduction at least in the level of claims payments and operating costs which were achieved in the 2010 financial year. We will also continue to work together with members in respect of the loss prevention and mitigation plans Clubs which are members of the International Group of P&I Clubs. This is mostly due to the regular stream of newly-built which are the most immediate major business challenges for the Association. ocean-going vessels being delivered, although the pace of such deliveries has slowed recently. Whilst the number of claims is The Association's financial status for the 2010 financial year Members were also requested to pay an advance 10% of the scheduled 40% supplementary calls for mutually-entered oceangoing vessels for the 2010 policy year by 31 March 2011. As a still increasing, the frequency of claims is slower than before. However, the number of pool claims (those exceeding the Clubs' retention of USD 8 million) has not decreased and the overall costs per claim have shown a tendency to be higher than before. (hereinafter called as the "this term") may be summarised in accordance with the "Income and Expenditure Account" as follows:- During the 2010 policy year, the Association experienced an increase in both the number of ocean-going vessels and overall tonnage. Unfortunately, there was a record number of seven (7) pool claims reported during this policy year. financial year (hereinafter called as the "previous term"). This was due to an increase in "Net premium written" to JPY 19,230 million, which was JPY1,770 million more from the previous term. However, "Ordinary expenses" for this term amounted to JPY19, 760 million which was an increase of JPY 1,080 million from the As scheduled, the Association levied a 40% supplementary call for ocean-going vessels (mutual entries) for the 2009 policy year. In addition, there was also a 10% general increase in the level of previous term. This rise is due to an increase in "Net claims paid". "Ordinary income" for this term was JPY19,910 million, which represents an increase of JPY1, 840 million from the 2009 The resulting balance for this term shows an "Ordinary surplus" Japan P&I Annual Report 2011 ■ ■ Statement of Director General 次に損益収支についてご報告申し上げます。 2010 事業年度は、 「正味収入保険料」192.3 億円(前期 比 17.7 億円増)の増加などにより「経常収益」合計は、 199.1億円(前期比 18.4 億円増)となり、 「経常費用」は 前述の大型クレームの発生などによる「正味支払保険金」 の増加などから197.6 億円(前期比 10.8 億円増)となりま した。その結果、 「経常剰余金」は 1.6 億円となり、 「税 引前当期純剰余」は1.5 億円、 「当期純剰余」は 0.9 億円 となりました。 また、 「第 2 次財務基盤安定策」は、2015 年度迄にフリー リザーブを200 億円とすることを目標にして実行中ですが、 2010 年度においては異常危険準備金繰入を含めフリーリ ザーブをさらに 6.7 億円増額して累計額を 97.1億円とし、 期初目標には達しませんでしたが、一歩前進といえます。 2010 年度は期初よりクレーム発生が異常に多かった年で あり、また 2011年 3月に東日本大震災が発生し損益収 支の悪化が危惧されましたが、2010 保険年度分の前倒し 10%を含め2009 保険年度分 40%とあわせて50%相当の 追加保険料をお支払いただいたことで黒字を確保したこと により、今後の損益収支並びに財務基盤の安定化に向け て翌年度につながる年度とすることができました。 しかしながら外航船契約で 2011保険年度向け 5 年連続 でのゼネラル・インクリース並びに予定追加保険料の一部 of JPY160 million, which resulted in a "Surplus before taxes" of JPY150 million and a "Surplus after tax" for this term of JPY 90 million. As far as our financial strategy plan, "Second Five-Year-Term Strategy to improve the Association's Financial Strength" is concerned, we are pushing forward towards our target to increase the free reserve up to JPY 20,000 million by the 2015 financial year. During this term, net accumulated free reserves reached JPY 9,710 million which was partly due to an Increase in the catastrophe reserve. Accordingly, whilst the Association has not yet achieved its overall free reserve target, we are taking such steps as are necessary to achieve our goal. Unfortunately, the Association has experienced a higher frequency of claims since the beginning of this term and we anticipate that the resulting balance of our accounts will be negatively impacted by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011. However, the combination of a 50% supplementary call (being an advance 10% for the 2010 policy year and 40% for the 2009 policy year) enabled us to achieve a surplus of our balance in 2010 and we believe this is a further step towards our target of strengthening our financial position in 2011. We understand that the Association's Members bore a heavier costs burden during the previous term. This was partly due to the fifth successive general increase in premiums for Members with ocean-going vessels, and the first general increase in two years for Japanese coastal vessels. 前倒し徴収、また内航船契約では 2 年ぶりのゼネラル・イ ンクリースの実施となり、組合員皆様に大きな負担を掛け た年となりました。2005 年後半以降急激な増加を示して いるクレーム金額は現段階でも好転する兆しは見られず厳 Both the volume and value of claims have increased sharply since the last half of 2005 policy year. Business conditions for Members and Association alike remain severe, and there has been no sign of improvement. しい環境にはありますが、今後とも組合の健全経営並び に体質・基盤の強化に努めてまいる所存ですので、引続 き組合運営に対し格別のご支援ご協力を賜りますようお願 い申し上げます。 2011年7月20日 理事長 米谷 憲一 ■ ■ Japan P&I Annual Report 2011 Under these circumstances, we must all continue to strive to improve our business operations in order to enhance and improve the sound management and strength of the Association. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continuous support of and co-operation with the Association. 20 July 2011 Kenichi Yonetani, Director General 3 事業報告/ Business Report (1)総会・理事会報告 総会 2011年 7月20 日に第 61 期組合員通常総会を開催致しま した。主要な決議事項は次のとおりです。 ① 第 61 期決算案 ② 役員選任 理事会 2010 年7月21日の第 570 回以降、理事会を4 回開催致し ました。主要な決議事項は次のとおりです。 第 571 回(2010 年11月25日) (1)Report of the General Meeting of Members/the Board of Directors The following decisions were made at both the Ordinary General Meeting of Members and at the meetings of the Board of Directors during the year:- General Meeting of Members 61st Ordinary General Meeting of Members on 20 July 2011 ①T he accounts for the 2010 financial year were approved. ② T he Directors of the Association and it's Auditors were duly elected. The Board of Directors 2011保険年度保険料率及び過年度追加保険料・精算保 険料についての決議 571st Meeting on 25 November 2010 第 572 回(2011年 2月9日) Policy Year and Supplementary Call/Release Call of the 2008 & 2009 Policy Years were decided. ① 2010 保険年度追加保険料一部前倒し徴収についての 決議 ② 保 険契約規定 第 1 条、第 2 条及び第 12 条の一部改 定についての決議 第 573 回(2011年 6月13日) ① 第 61 期組合員通常総会招集の決議 ② 第 61 期組合員通常総会付議議案の決定決議 第 61 期決算案、役員選任の件 ③ 2011年度事業計画及び同事業予算の決議 第 574 回(2011年 7月20日) 組合を代表する理事(組合長、常務理事)の選任 2011 Policy Year Calls/Premiums, closure of the 2007 572nd Meeting on 9 February 2011 ①A n Advance 10% Collection of Supplementary Call for 2010 Policy Year was decided. ②P roposed amendments to Rule 1, 2, and 12 of the Rules of the Association were approved. 573rd Meeting on 13 June 2011 ① It was agreed that the 61st Ordinary General Meeting of Members would be held on 20 July 2011. ② It was agreed that the following Resolutions would be submitted to the 61st Ordinary General Meeting of Members for approval: a) the accounts for the 2010 financial year; and b)the election of members for the Board of Directors and the appointment of the auditors. ③T he Association's business plan and budget for the 2011 financial year were approved. 574th Meeting on 20 July 2011 The Association's Representing Directors of the Chairman and the Executive Director were elected. Japan P&I Annual Report 2011 ■ ■
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