試験開始の合図があるまで、この問題冊子の中を見てはいけません。 平成25年度 一般入学試験問題(II期) 英 語 注意事項 1. 解答用紙には解答欄以外に次の記入欄があるので、監督者の指示に従って、それ ぞれ正しく記入し、マークしなさい。 1. 氏名欄 氏名・フリガナを記入しなさい。 2. 空欄 「年月日欄」の右横の空欄に解答する受験科目名を記入しなさい。 3. 番号欄 受験番号を右詰めで記入し、さらにその下のマーク欄にマークしなさ い。 2. この冊子は、問題が14ページあります。 3. 試験中に印刷の不鮮明、落丁・乱丁あるいは解答用紙の汚れ等に気付いた場合は、 手を挙げて監督者に申し出てください。 4. 受験番号が正しくマークされていない場合、採点できないことがあります。 5. 解答は、解答用紙の解答欄にマークしなさい。たとえば、 10 と表示のある問 いに対して③と解答する場合は、(例)のようにマークしなさい。 6. 問題冊子の余白等は適宜利用してよいが、どのページも切り離してはいけません。 7. 試験終了後、問題冊子は持ち帰ってください。 I 次 の 問 1 か ら 問 10 の 空 所 11111 か ら 1110 11 に あ て は ま る も っ と も 適 当な語を、下の①から④のうちから1 つ選び、その番号をマークしな さい。 問 1 Kate 11111 a letter from her boyfriend. He said he would come to see her next month. ① visited 問 2 ② received ③ played John had a car 11211 yesterday, and broke his leg. ① experiment ② lecture 問 3 ④ asked ③ accident ④ policy The students had a time 11311 to do the test, so they had to write quickly. ① waste 問 4 ② effect ③ manual ④ limit Could you give me a 11411 ? I want to move this heavy box to the stage. ① part 問 5 ② head ③ hand ④ front Joey’s mother does not 11511 him to ride a motorbike, because she thinks it is dangerous. ① allow 問 6 ② divide ③ remind ④ treat At some companies, it is 11611 to work overtime around the end of a year. ① common 問 7 ② valid ③ slight ④ vague When Yoko studied English in the U.S., the 11711 of the students in her class were from Asia. ① quality 問 8 ② majority ③ variety ④ responsibility When we order an item from the website, it will take 11811 three to four days to arrive. ① carefully ② quickly ③ immediately ④ approximately 1 問 9 It became 11911 that we needed more time for prepar ing for the workshop. ① apparent 問 10 ② brilliant ③ intelligent ④ permanent James goes to a gym every weekend, because he wants to 111011 . ① go on sale ② be in charge ③ leave on foot ④ get in shape 2 Ⅱ 問 1 か ら 問 15 の 空 所 1111 11 か ら 1125 11 を 埋 め る の に も っ と も 適 当 な 語句を選び、その番号をマークしなさい。 問 1 My cousin 1111 11 abroad for a week next summer. ① study 問 2 ② studies ③ studied ④ will study A: 1112 11 I get you something to drink? B: Yes, please. ① Shall 問 3 ④ Am ② is he ③ he isn’t ④ isn’t he The new park is 1114 11 than our school ground. ① large 問 5 ③ Must Your brother is a member of a famous band, 1113 11 ? ① he is 問 4 ② Do ② larger ③ largest ④ the largest Dick enjoyed 1115 11 with his new classmates at the party last weekend. ① speak 問 6 ② spoke ③ speaking ④ to speak The children 1116 11 walked down the street in their Halloween costumes. ① happy 問 7 ③ happiness ④ were happy Let’s go to the supermarket before it 1117 11 . ① close 問 8 ② happily ② closes ③ closed ④ is close After a few months, Makoto got used to 1118 11 a car in Los Angeles. ① drive 問 9 ② drove ③ driving ④ be driven A: Did you hear him 1119 11 at the school concert? B: Yes. His voice was amazing. ① sings ② singing ③ to sing 3 ④ song 問 10 Did you see the photos 1120 11 Bob took? ① who ② whose ③ which ④ what 問 11 She gave him a tie made 1121 11 Italian silk. ① of ② in ③ from ④ by 問 12 This is the restaurant 1122 11 we often come for lunch. ① who ② which ③ where ④ when 問 13 If she 1123 11 more careful last evening, she would not have left her wallet at the restaurant . ① is ② were ③ have been ④ had been 問 14 My grandparents 1124 11 in Boston for thirty years next year. ① will live ② will have lived ③ would live ④ would have lived 問 15 The teachers insisted that the meeting 1125 11 held next week. ① be ② is ③ was 4 ④ to be Ⅲ 次 の 会 話 文 A と B を 読 ん で 、 空 所 1126 11 か ら 1135 11 を 埋 め る の に も っ と も 適 当 な も の を 、そ れ ぞ れ の 選 択 肢 群 の う ち か ら 1 つ ず つ 選 び 、 そ の 番 号 を マ ー ク し な さ い 。 な お 、《 》内は状況の説明です。 A 《 Maria は 、 友 人 の Lucy に 電 話 を か け て い ま す 。》 Lucy: Hello? Maria: Hi, Lucy. It’s Maria. Lucy: Hey. 1126 11 Maria: Great! Guess what? You remember that photo contest I entered * ? Lucy: Yeah? Maria: Well, I won a trip to Mexico. It ’s a trip for two, and I was just calling to ask … 1127 11 Lucy: Of course! Maria: I’m so glad you want to come. 1128 11 Lucy: Oh, yeah. Mexico! I can’t wait. Maria: 1129 11 So, are you free the first week of Mar ch? Lucy: Yeah, that sounds good ― the weather there is a lot warmer than it is here in March. Maria: Right. And we have to choose … we can either go to the beach or to Mexico City. I really want to go to Mexico city. 1130 11 Lucy: Really? Oh, I’m so excited. [注 ] * enter: 申 し 込 む [出 所 : McCarthy, M., McCarten, J. & Sandiford, H. (200 5). Touchstone 2 . Cambridge University Press . 一 部 改 変 ] 会話文Aの選択肢群 ① My cousins live there. ② It’s going to be great. ③ Me neither. ④ Do you want to come with me? ⑤ How are you doing? 5 B 《 Yuki は 、 大 学 の キ ャ ン パ ス で 友 人 の Adam と 話 を し て い ま す 。》 Adam: I’m so tired. Yuki: Really? 1131 11 Adam: Well, I’m working two jobs now, so I’m getting up at 5:3 0 to study. Yuki: You’re kidding! Two jobs? Wow. Adam: Yeah. Just for a couple of months. I ’m working in a supermarket after class, and then I have my regular job at the restaurant till 11:00. Yuki: 1132 11 So, what time do you go to bed? Adam: About 1:00 … 1:30. Yuki: So you’re only getting about four hour ’s sleep? 1133 11 Adam: Well, I often take a nap during the day. Yuki: 1134 11 Adam: Uh… well, sometimes I sleep here in the library. Yuki: Right here? No way! How do you do that? Adam: Well, if I’m really tired, I find a quiet desk, and I just put my head on my books and go to sleep … Yuki: Are you serious? How long do you sleep? Adam: 1135 11 Yuki: Do you wake up in time for class? Adam: Oh, yeah. I have an alarm clock. [出 所 : McCarthy, M., McCarten, J. & Sandiford, H. (200 5). Touchstone 2 . Cambridge University Press . 一 部 改 変 ] 会話文Bの選択肢群 ① Oh, that’s late. ② Usually for about an hour. ③ That’s not much. ④ You do? Where? ⑤ How come? 6 Ⅳ 次の英文は、幸福についての研究に関する文章です。よく読んで下記 の問いに答えなさい。 The study of happiness is a serious study. The longest, most important study began in 1937 at Harvard Univers ity. Nearly 300 Harvard males were followed after they graduated - while they worked, were married or got divorced * 1 , had children and grandchildren, and grew older. This study, well over 70 years old, is still going on. In 1998, people began to study a new field called positive psychology. Most schools of psychology look at what makes people sad, at their weaknesses. ( A ), positive psychology looks at happiness, good feelings, and personal strengths. It urges creativity, kindness, and laughing. In 1999, when it began to be taught at Harvard, twenty students took the class. were, ア At the time, ( almost, there, no, taught, classes ) on the subject. Now it is the most popular class at Harvard. In 2006, more than 200 universities taught the subject. Today, some schools even offer a master ’s degree * 2 in it. Happiness can spre ad. According to one study, one person ’s happiness will spread to not only a friend but to their friends ’ friends and then to their friends’ friends’ friends. The effect may last for as long as a year. A friend may have a 25 percent chance of increased happiness. イ A friend of that friend may have a 10 percent chance of increased happiness . A friend of that person may have a 5.6 percent chance of increased happiness. Happiness can be studied, taught, and even learned. People can make themselves happier. Those who ar e happy are often healthier and live longer. when, to, ウ Those who are unhappy are more ( have, they, likely, health problems ) get older. To be happier, treat others well and thank them for their kindness. When you can, help friends and even strangers. Give time or money to charity. Be grateful to those who have helped you. There are many wonderful things around you to be thankful for- your friends, the beauty of nature, music, art, books - and even a simple thing like a smile. 7 [注 ] *1 get divorced: 離 婚 す る *2 master ’s degree: 修 士 の 学 位 [ 出 所 : Shimaoka, T., & Berman, J. (2012). Life Topics: A Critical T hinking Approach to English Proficiency . NAN’UN-DO. 問 1 ( A 一部改変] )に 入 る も っ と も 適 当 な も の を 下 の ① か ら ④ の う ち か ら 1 つ 選 び 、 そ の 番 号 を マ ー ク し な さ い 。 解 答 番 号 は 113611 ① Moreover ② However ③ Therefore ④ Besides 問 2 下線部アが「当時、その科目について教えている授業はほとんどな かった」という意味を表すように、選択肢の語を並べ替え、英文を 完 成 さ せ な さ い 。 た だ し 、 解 答 欄 に は 1137 11 と 1138 11 の 位 置 に く る語の番号のみをマークしなさい。 At the time, 11 11 113711 11 11 11 11 113811 11 subject. ① almost ② there ③ no ④ taught ⑤ were ⑥ classes 8 11 on the 問 3 下線部イの意味としてもっとも適当なものはどれですか。下の①か ら④のうちから 1 つ選び、その番号をマークしなさい。解答番号は 113911 ① そ の 友 人 の 友 人 は 、 幸 福 感 が 増 す 可 能 性 が 10 パ ー セ ン ト あ る か もしれない ②幸せな人の友人なら、幸福感は 1 割増しになるかもしれない ③ そ の 友 人 の 友 人 は 、 10 パ ー セ ン ト の 確 率 で 幸 せ に な れ る だ ろ う ④ 友 人 が 増 え て も 、 幸 福 だ と 感 じ る 人 の 割 合 は 10 パ ー セ ン ト に す ぎない 問 4 下線部ウが「不幸せな人々は年老いた時に、より健康上の問題を抱 え る で あ ろ う 」と い う 意 味 を 表 す よ う に 、選 択 肢 の 語 句 を 並 べ 替 え 、 英 文 を 完 成 さ せ な さ い 。 た だ し 、 解 答 欄 に は 1140 11 と 1141 11 の 位 置にくる語句の番号のみをマークしなさい。 Those who are unhappy are more 11 問 5 11 114011 11 11 11 11 114111 11 11 get older. ① have ② they ③ likely ④ when ⑤ to ⑥ health problems 本 文 中 で 使 わ れ て い る spread の 下 線 部 と 同 じ 発 音 を 含 む 語 は 次 の どれですか。下の①から④のうちから 1 つ選び、その番号をマーク し な さ い 。 解 答 番 号 は 114211 ① headache ② weak ③ meal ④ ear 9 問 6 本 文 の 内 容 と 合 っ て い る も の を 下 の ① か ら ④ の う ち か ら 1 つ 選 び 、そ の 番 号 を マ ー ク し な さ い 。 解 答 番 号 は 114311 ① The longest study about happiness followed a 70 -year-old man. ② The study of happiness began to be taught at Harvard in 2006 . ③ You can make yourself healthier and live longer by being happy. ④ To be happier, you should study art and read books. 10 V 次の英文は、大人になることと年齢の関係に ついての文章です。よく 読んで下記の問いに答えなさい。 In different countries around the world, people become “adults” at different ages. Being an adult means having the right to do certain things such as get a part -time job, vote, get married, or get a license to drive. ア It also means accepting the responsibilities that accom pany these rights. In many countries, 16 or 18 is the age at which a person becomes an adult. Young men and women at this age can get a part -time job, and begin to receive an income of their own. They no longer have to rely イ on their parents for money all the time. In many parts of North America, 16 is also the age when one can obtain a driver ’s license; in England, it is 17. There are responsibilities that go along with both of these rights. Getting a part-time job means that you have to pay income t ax. Driving a car ウ demands that you follow certain rules and regulations such as getting and paying for insurance * 1 to drive. Voting is another right that marks the passage into adulthood for many young people. In the United States, Canada, and the U.K ., young people have the right to vote at the age of 18. With this right also comes responsibility. For young people to use their right to vote wisely, they must have an understanding of the needs of society, and they must also learn how politics work. A group of teenagers in Canada, want the Canadian voting laws changed. They think that people should be able to vote at the age of 16. They argue that if teenagers at 16 are ( pay taxes, and drive, they are also ( B A ) to get a part -time job, ) to vot e in elections. In the United States, some people have a similar opinion. An organization in the U.S. called Americans for a Society Free from Age Restrictions, believes that the government should allow its citizens the greatest amount of freedom possib le ― as long as this doesn ’t jeopardize * 2 the public’s safety. This organization believes all laws based on age should be eliminated * 3 , and that people should be able to 11 get a part-time job, a driver ’s license, get married, and vote at any age. エ ( a good idea, would, agree that, it is, not, everyone ) to give all of these rights― and the responsibilities that accompany them ― to people when they are too young. The question is, how young is too young? [注 ] *1 insurance : 保 険 *2 jeopardize : 危 険 に さ ら す *3 eliminate : 削 除 す る [出 所 : Anderson, N. J., & Kawamata, M. (2005). Intermediate Skills for Reading. Seibido. 一 部 改 変 ] 問 1 下 線 部 ア の it が 指 す も の は 何 で す か 。も っ と も 適 当 な も の を 下 の ① から④のうちから 1 つ選び、その番号をマークしなさい。解答番号 は 114411 ① being an adult ② having the right ③ get a part-time job ④ get married 問 2 下線部イの意味としてもっとも適当なものはどれですか。下の①か ら④のうちから 1 つ選び、その番号をマークしなさい。解答番号は 114511 ①彼らはお金を稼ぐために、両親と共に長い期間働く必要がある ②彼らが両親にお金をもらう期間は、もうあまり長くはない ③彼らはより長い期間、両親に頼ってお金をもらう必要がある ④彼らはもはや、金銭面で常に両親を頼る必要はない 12 問 3 下 線 部 ウ の 原 形 で あ る de・ mand と ア ク セ ン ト の 位 置 が 同 じ も の は どれですか。下の①から④のうちから 1 つ選び、その番号をマーク し な さ い 。 解 答 番 号 は 114611 ① in・ come ② ob・ tain ③ li・ cense ④ pas・ sage 問 4 ( A )と ( B )に は 同 じ 語 句 が 入 り ま す 。 も っ と も 適 当 な も の を 下の①から④のうちから 1 つ選び、その番号をマークしなさい。解 答 番 号 は 114711 ① too old ② old too ③ enough old ④ old enough 問 5 下線部エが「これらの権利全てを与えるのは良い考えだ、というこ とに皆が賛成するわけではないだろう」という意味を表すように、 選択肢の語句を並べ替え、英文を完成させなさい。ただし、解答欄 に は 1148 11 と 1149 11 の 位 置 に く る 語 句 の 番 号 の み を マ ー ク し な さ い。なお、文頭に来るアルファベットも小文字で書かれています。 11 11 114811 11 11 11 11 114911 11 11 to give all of these rights ① a good idea ② would ③ agree that ④ it is ⑤ not ⑥ everyone 13 問 6 本文の内容と合っているものを下の①から④のうちから1つ選び、 そ の 番 号 を マ ー ク し な さ い 。 解 答 番 号 は 115011 ① In many countries, people are thought to be adults when they become 20. ② Responsibility does not have relationship with rights such as getting part-time jobs. ③ Young people have to understand how politics work to vote wisely. ④ A group of teenagers in Canada think that people should be able to vote at the age of 18. 14
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