KS-3821 / April 2013 ご予約承り中!! 【教育学、言語学、リテラシー】 リテラシー研究に関する包括的論文集 リテラシー研究 全 5 巻 Literacy Studies. 5 vols. Baynham, Michael J. / Prinsloo, Mastin (eds.), Literacy Studies. 5 vols. (Sage Benchmarks in Language and Linguistics) 1976 pp. 2013:7 (Sage, UK) <601-1882> ISBN 978-1-4462-5315-1 特別価格(2013 年 7 月 15 日まで)hard 定 価 set hard set 「社会的自立に必要な教養という意味のリテラシー(機能的識字)の概念は、1956 年にウィリアム・グレイによってユネスコにおいても提示され、開発途上国におけるリ テラシー・プログラムにおいて採用された。ユネスコによる規定において「機能的識字」 は、「読み書きの能力だけでなく、大人になって経済生活に十全に参加するための職業 的、技術的な知識を含む」と定義されている。」 (佐藤学「リテラシーの概念とその再定 義」『教育學研究』70 (3)、 2003 年、293 頁) 本書はリテラシー研究の現代的アプローチの形成に影響を与えた理論的・認識論的視 点に始まり、新しいデジタル・リテラシー、教育的・制度的コンテクストにおけるリテ ラシー、社会的移動性・多言語使用・グローバル化に関連したリテラシーの重要問題ま で幅広く考察しています。第 1 巻「社会的実践としてのリテラシー」、第 2 巻「リテラ シー-事象・実践・モダリティ」 、第 3 巻「デジタル・リテラシー」 、第 4 巻「教育・訓 練・労働におけるリテラシー」、第 5 巻「リテラシー、多言語使用、移動性」の全 5 巻 で構成されています。 本書を教育学、言語学、リテラシー研究をテーマとする研究者・研究室等にお薦め致 します。 <<収録論文明細>> Volume One - Literacy as Social Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. Olson, David R., From Utterance to Text: The Bias of Language in Speech and Writing, 1977 Goody, Jack & Watt, Ian, Consequences of Literacy, 1962-3 Freire, Paolo, Adult Literacy Processes as Cultural Action for Freedom, 1970 Scribner, S. & Cole, M., Literacy without schooling: Testing for intellectual effects, 1978 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Akinasso, F. Niyi, Consequences of Literacy in Pragmatic and Theoretical Perspectives, 1981 Graff , Harvey, Legacies of Literacy, 1982 Heath. , S., What no bedtime story means: Narrative skills at home and school, 1982 Cook-Gumperz, Jenny, The social construction of literacy, 2006 Street, B., Meanings of Culture in Development: A Case Study from literacy, 1999 Gee, J., Literacy, discourse, and linguistics: Introduction, 1989 Scollon, R. and S. Scollon, Narrative, Literacy and Face in Interethnic Communication, 1981 Kulick, D. and Stroud, C., Christianity, cargo and ideas of self: Patterns of literacy in a Papua New Guinean village, 1990 Besnier, N., Literacy and feelings: the encoding of affect in Nukulaelae letters, 1989 Mignolo, W., On the colonization of Amerindian languages and memories: Renaissance theories of writing and the discontinuity of the classical tradition, 1992 Harries, P., Missionaries, Marxists and Magic: Power and the Politics of Literacy in South East Africa, 2001 Volume Two: - Literacy: Events, Practices and Modalities 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Hamilton, M. & Barton, D., The texts of everyday life: public and private identities in vernacular literacy practices, 1999 Street,B , Literacy Events and Literacy Practices, 2000 Brandt, D. & Clinton, K., The limits of the local: Expanding perspectives of literacy as a social practice, 2002 Cope, B. & Kalantzis, M., “Multiliteracies”: New literacies, new learning, 2009 Bowker, G. C., & Star, S. L., How things (actor-net)work: Classification, magic and the ubiquity of standards, 1997 Collins, J., Bernstein, Bourdieu, and the New Literacy Studies, 2000 Carrington, V., & Luke, A., Literacy and Bourdieu’s sociological theory: A reframing, 1997 Brandt, D., Sponsors of Literacy, 1998 Compton-Lilly, C., The Complexities of Reading Capital in Two Puerto Rican Families, 2007 Bartlett, L. & D. Holland, Theorizing the space of literacy practices, 2002 New London Group, A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Designing Social Futures, 1996 Collins, J., & Slembrouck, S., Reading shop windows in globalized neighborhoods: Multilingual literacy practices and indexicality, 2007 Farrell, L. & B. Holkner, Points of vulnerability and presence: knowing and learning in globally networked communities, 2004 Reder, Stephen & Davila, Erica, Context And Literacy Practices, 2005 Bryan Maddox & Lucio Esposito, Literacy inequalities, mediation and the public good: a case study of physical proximity and social distance in Nepal, 2012 Volume three - Digital Literacies 31. 32. 33. Lewis, C. & Fabos, B., Instant messaging, literacies, and social identities, 2005 Gee, J., Are video games good for learning?, 2006 Marsh. J., Popular Culture in the Literacy Curriculum: A Bourdieuan Analysis, 2006 ㈱極東書店 2 KS-3821/リテラシー研究 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Rowsell, J. & Pahl, K., Sedimented Identities in Texts: Instance of Practice, 2007 Moje, E. B., Overby, M., Tysvaer, N., & Morris, K., The complex world of adolescent literacy: Myths, motivations, and mysteries, 2008 Hull, G., Zacher, J., & Hibbert, L., Youth, risk, and equity in a global world, 2009 Merchant, G., Literacy in Virtual Worlds, 2009 Mills, K. A., A Review of the “Digital Turn” in the New Literacy Studies, 2010 Warschauer, M. & Matuchniak, T., New technology and digital worlds: Analyzing evidence of equity in access, use, and outcomes., 2010 Lee, C., Affordances and text-making practices in online instant messaging, 2007 Burnett, C., Research into literacy and technology in primary classrooms: an exploration of understandings generated by recent studies, 2009 Luke, A. & Luke, C., Adolescence lost/childhood regained: On early intervention and the emergence of the techno-subject, 2001 Sefton-Green, J., Nixon, H. & Erstad, O., Reviewing approaches and perspectives on ‘Digital literacy’, 2009 Lemke, J., Travels in hypermodality, 2002 Snyder, I., Angus, L. & Sutherland-Smith, W., Building equitable literate futures : Home and school computer-mediated literacy practices and disadvantage, 2002 Volume Four - Literacy in Education, Training and Work 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Freebody, P. & Luke, A., "Literacies" programmes: Debates and demands in cultural context, 1990 Heap, J. L., Discourse in the production of classroom knowledge: Reading lessons, 1985 Pennycook, A. D., Teaching with the flow: Fixity and fluidity in education, 2005 Hull, G. & K. Schultz, Literacy and learning out of school: A Review of Theory and Research, 2001 Dyson, A. Haas, Staying in the (curricular) lines: Practice constraints and possibilities in childhood writing, 2008 González, N., & Moll, L. C., Cruzando el Puente: Building Bridges to Funds of Knowledge, 2002 Delpit, L., The silenced dialogue: power and pedagogy in educating other people’s children, 1988 Moss G., Literacy and Pedagogy in flux: Constructing the object of study from a Bernsteinian perspective, 2002 Ivanic, R. & C. Satchwell, Boundary crossing: networking and transforming literacies in research process and college courses, 2007 Thesen, L., Voices Discourses and Transition: in search of new categories, 1997 Lea, M. & B. Street., Student writing in higher education: an academic literacies perspective, 1998 Lillis, T.M., Student writing as 'academic literacies': drawing on Bakhtin to move from critique to design, 2003 Hunter, J., Language, literacy and performance: working identities in the back of the house, 2007 Kleifgen, J., ISO 9002: coping with quality control documents in a hi-tech company, 2005 ㈱極東書店 3 KS-3821/リテラシー研究 60. Canagarajah, A. S., The place of World Englishes in composition: Pluralization continued, 2006 Volume Five - Literacy, Multilingualism and Mobility 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. Pratt, M., Arts of the Contact Zone, 1991 Luke, A., Literacy and the Other: a sociological approach to literacy research and policy in multilingual societies, 2004 Blommaert, J., Writing as a problem: African grassroots writing, economies of literacy and globalization, 2004 Vigouroux, C. B., Magic Marketing: Performing Grassroots Literacy, 2011 Blommaert, J., J. Collins & S. Slembrouck, Spaces of Multilingualism, 2005 Warriner, D. S., Transnational Literacies: Immigration, Language Learning, and Identity, 2007 Richardson, R. B., Travelling Tags: the informal literacies of Mexican newcomers in and out of the classroom, 2007 Richardson, E., ‘She was workin like foreal': critical literacy and discourse practices of African American females in the age of hip hop, 2007 Salinas, J., Aguiano, R. & Ibrahim, A., Migrant Conscious: Education, métissage and the politics of farmworking in Latino communities, 2008 Kell, C., ‘Making Things Happen’: Literacy and Agency in Housing Struggles in South Africa, 2008 Gutiérrez, K. D., Morales P.Z. & Martinez D. C., Re-mediating Literacy: Culture, Difference, and Learning for Students From Nondominant Communities, 2009 Lam, W. S. E., & Rosario-Ramos, E., Multilingual literacies in transnationally digitally mediated contexts: An exploratory study of immigrant teens in the United States, 2009 Bartlett, L., López, D., Mein, E. & Valdiviezo L., Adolescent Literacies in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2011 Creese, A. & Blackledge, A. J., Translanguaging in the Bilingual Classroom: A Pedagogy for Learning and Teaching?, 2010 Enright, K. A., Language and Literacy for a New Mainstream, 2011 ㈱極東書店 4 KS-3821/リテラシー研究
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