問題と解説 SectionⅠ(Listening) <試験番号0001> 出題・解説・採点 協力 TOEICはエデュケーショナル・テスティング・サービス(ETS)の登録商標です。 R この印刷物および「もし模試TV for the TOEIC TEST」はETSの検討を受けまたはその承認を受けたものではあ りません。 TOEICプログラムはエデュケーショナル・テスティング・サービスにより管理・運営されています。 0001C LISTENING COMPREHENSION In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part. Part1 Directions: For each question, you will see a picture in your test book and you will hear four short statements. The statements will be spoken just one time. They will not be written in your test book. You must listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. When you hear the four statements, look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark your answer. Look at the sample below. Now, listen to the four statements. (A)There are no cars parked on the street. (B)Many people are walking down the street. (C)One person is wearing a hat. (D)A car is parked on the left. Sample Answer A B C D Statement (A), "There are no cars parked on the street." best describes what you see in the picture. Therefore, you should choose answer (A). 1 (A)The statue is made of wood. (B)The statue is of a woman. (C)The house has some windows. (D)All the windows are broken. 正解 … (C) 解説 statueという言葉に注意が行くが、どちらも当てはまらない。 2 (A)A woman is enjoying gardening. (B)There are some chimneys on the roof. (C)There are some small trees behind the house. (D)Flour is made from wheat. 正解 … (B) 解説 庭が見えるのでgardenが簡単に浮かぶが、ここでのgardenは動詞 として使われている。flourはflowerと発音が同じ為の引っ掛け。 1 3 (A)The sink is being washed. (B)A kettle is on the stove. (C)There is no one in the kitchen. (D)A knife is lying in the box. 正解 … (C) 解説 台所家具や台所用品の名詞を良く把握しつつ、それぞれがどうい う状況にあるかを描写出来るかどうか。幾つか名詞が出て来たが、それ ぞれ状況が違っている。 4 (A)There are some cars on the road. (B)There are many people on the sidewalk. (C)The park is covered with some fountain pen. (D)There are some people in the pond. 正解 … (A) 解説 fountainという言葉を知っていると、そこに注意を払うかもしれ ないが、そうすると(C)で引っ掛かるかもしれない。 5 (A)Workers are painting the wall. (B)A car is turning right at the corner. (C)Nobody is climbing up the scaffolding. (D)The building materials are being loaded. 正解 … (C) 解説 scaffoldingという単語は難しいが、消去法で対処出来れば良い。 loadedはroadの引っ掛け。 6 (A)Two people are sitting face to face. (B)Two people are talking on the phone. (C)Two people are walking around the office. (D)Two people are working in the office. 正解 … (D) 解説 主語が全てTwo peopleであるので、動詞の部分に注意を払う問題。 walk/workの発音に注意。 2 0001C 7 (A)People are looking at the same way. (B)Some people are entering the museum. (C)A guard is walking away the museum. (D)There is a big picture on the wall. 正解 … (B) 解説 この建物がmuseumかどうかははっきりはしないが、何人かが建 物の中に向かっている。 8 (A)The woman at the back is resting her arm on the box. (B)The boy on the right is giving directions. (C)The woman is pointing at something with her head. (D)They are waiting for a bus. 正解 … (A) 解説 複数の人物が写っているので、それぞれに注意を払う。(C)では head がhandの引っ掛け。 9 (A)The woman is taller than the man. (B)The man is wearing a jacket and a tie. (C)The woman is holding a bog. (D)A couple is walking side by side. 正解 … (B) 解説 2人の人物が写っていると、それぞれ或いは両方の人物描写にな る。(D)も良さそうだが、歩いているようには見えないし、side by sideも 正確ではない。 10 (A)Someone is opening a notebook. (B)There are some books closed on the chair. (C)There are a book and some other things on the desk. (D)The chair is covered with a white cloth. 正解 … (C) 解説 open/closedという所に注意し過ぎると後半の選択肢を聞き逃し かねないので、要注意。 3 11 (A)There are some people near the stones. (B)There are some people on the stones. (C)Some people are climbing up the stones. (D)Some stones are being painted by the people. 正解 解説 … (A) 石群と人々の関係を最も良く描写しているのが(A)。 12 (A)Some videos are being shown repeatedly. (B)Some video cassettes are piled on the table. (C)The labels on the cassettes are being peeled off. (D)An empty file case is near the cassettes. 正解 … (B) 解説 カタカナでビデオと言っているので、video cassettesという表現が カギ。 13 (A)A number of cars are crossing the street. (B)Many bicycles are on the sidewalk. (C)Some people are crossing the street. (D)All people are walking toward the same directions. 正解 … (C) 解説 自転車は見えるが、たくさんではない。人についての描写がカギ になるが(D)のように皆、同じ方向に向かっている訳ではない。 14 (A)The woman is wearing a white blouse. (B)There is a cup at the back of her chair. (C)There is a black bag lying at the foot of her chair. (D)The chair has no back. 正解 … (C) 解説 bag/backで音声的に引っ掛けている。 4 0001C 15 (A)The man's shirt has his name on the chest. (B)The man has a striped shirt and a plain tie. (C)The man has some pens in his shirt pocket. (D)The man is looking at some glasses. 正解 … (C) 解説 描写されている名詞を説明する形容詞や動詞の聞き分けが出来れ ば良い。 16 (A)A car is being pulled by a truck. (B)There is a car racing on the circuit. (C)A car is chasing another car on the circuit. (D)A car has just stopped in the middle of the street. 正解 … (B) 解説 truck/trackもcircuitが思い浮かばないと、勘違いしがち。 17 (A)Two people are setting a table and some chairs. (B)A man is smiling at one of the waitresses. (C)A man is holding a bottle of water. (D)A couple is sitting at an open-air restaurant. 正解 … (D) 解説 sitting/settingの聴き取りが音声的に似ているのがカギ。 18 (A)The cup is to the right of the calculator. (B)The papers are covering the eraser. (C)The eraser is at the edge of the desk. (D)The cup is between the calculator and the papers. 正解 … (D) 解説 場所についての表現(to the right/left of ; at the edge of ; between) はPart1ではかなり大切になる。 5 19 (A)One of the flower pots is empty. (B)The flowers are leaving out of the window. (C)Some labels are attached to the flowers. (D)The flowers are growing near the window. 正解 … (D) 解説 (B)のleavingはleavesの引っ掛け。(C)のlabelsは答えではないが、 カタカナ英語の発音(ラベル)との違いに注意が必要。 20 (A)Two of the men are folding their arms. (B)All of the people in the room are holding something. (C)The man behind the woman is holding his bag strap. (D)The woman is pointing at something with her fingers. 正解 … (C) 解説 fold/holdとも写真には関係あるが、特にPart1では発音と意味の 違いが把握出来ているかどうかが大切。 6 0001C Part2 Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear a question spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question and the responses will be spoken just one time. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. Now listen to a sample question. You will hear: Good morning, John! How are you? You will also hear: (A)My name is John. (B)I am in the living room. (C)I am fine, thank you. Sample Answer A B C The best response to the question "How are you?" is choice (C), "I am fine, thank you." Therefore, you should choose answer (C). 21 When are we having the meeting this afternoon? (A)Right after lunch. (B)Yes, we are having the meeting. (C)One of the meeting rooms on the third floor. 正解 …(A) 解説 「いつ?」という問いに対して、具体的な時間については答えていないが、(A)が正解。 Part2では質問の文頭に注意することが大切。 22 How much longer will it take to fix the copier? (A)Tomorrow will be fine. (B)The copier is being repaired. (C)I'm not sure. 正解 …(C) 解説 Wh(How∼)で始まる質問に対して、数字などで情報を伝えるだけでなく、(C)のように 「わかりません」と返答する場合が正解の場合もあるので要注意。 23 Why did they cancel the meeting? (A)Sometime last night. (B)Something urgent happened. (C)No, it won't. 正解 …(B) 解説 Whyで始まる質問に対して、Becauseで始まる応答文にこだわり過ぎていると、正解の(B)を 聞き逃してしまう事も考えられるので、こういう形の返答に慣れておく。 7 24 Who is going to meet us at the station? (A)Let me check our schedule. (B)At the station. (C)You're supposed to do that. 正解 …(A) 解説 Whoという問いかけに対して、人に関する応答文ばかりに気を取られていると、聞き逃す ことになるので注意が必要。(A)の「スケジュールを調べてみます」のような返答も良くある。 25 How many more people do we need? (A)In two hours. (B)I guess about five more. (C)People don't need anything. 正解 …(B) 解説 数字に関する問いかけに対して数字の応答が2つあるが、(A)はWhenという質問に対する 答えなので正解にはならない。 26 It's terribly cold in here, isn't it? (A)No. it's very cold in here. (B)Yes. It's very hot in here. (C)I'll check the heater. 正解 …(C) 解説 付加疑問文への応答はYes/Noが多いが、疑問形でも、特にイントネーションによっては 確認している場合もあるので、必ずしもYes/Noにならない事がある。 27 Could I have two more copies of these? (A)The copies are well written. (B)Could you ask someone else? (C)My assistant made them. 正解 …(B) 解説 丁寧な依頼(Could I)に対して、別の丁寧な依頼(Could you)で応対している例。 28 When shall I call him? (A)I will call you at five. (B)Yes. I called you this morning. (C)Right after the meeting. 正解 …(C) 解説 質問の中にある、callという単語が確かにカギにはなるが、Whenという問いかけに対して 一番適当な応答は(C)になる。 8 0001C 29 Would you like me to e-mail this now? (A)Sure. I e-mailed it last night. (B)Please, if you are not very busy. (C)Yes. E-mail is very useful. 正解 …(B) 解説 希望を聞かれて、気を遣って応答する方法にも慣れておくと良い。日本語での「お手隙な ら」という感覚での表現が(B)。 30 What time shall we visit him tomorrow? (A)He'll be fine tomorrow. (B)He'll come here by car. (C)I'll ask him. 正解 …(C) 解説 ここでも「何時に」という質問に関して、時間に関しての応答が含まれているのは(A)だが、 正解ではない。 31 Can I keep this brochure for a while? (A)Yes. His brother does. (B)I always try to keep fit. (C)Sure, as long as you like. 正解 …(C) 解説 brochureという単語はやや難しいかもしれない(pamphletなら馴染みがあるだろう)が、こ こではkeep∼for a whileに注目出来れば良い。(A)のbrotherはbrochureの音声面での引っ掛け。 32 How many times have I told you to keep the deadline? (A)The deadline is coming. (B)It won't happen again. (C)It's five times as many as this. 解説 正解 …(B) ここでの質問のポイントは、"How many times"が回数を聞いているのではなく、文全体で「怒りを表 している」事に気がつくかどうか。しかも応答の謝罪の仕方も"I'm sorry."等と言わずにややひねってある。 33 You didn't call him about our plan, did you? (A)I really didn't have time to do that. (B)No. I didn't call you. (C)Yes, I will. 正解 …(A) 解説 時制で判断しても(C)ではおかしい。 「電話したかどうか」の付加疑問文での確認に対して、 出来なかった理由(時間が無かった)で返答している。 9 34 Who is supposed to make a speech first in our next meeting? (A)I guess Mark is the first speaker. (B)No, I'm not. (C)His speech is very fast. 正解 …(A) 解説 speechという語に対してのspeakerがほぼ同等の意味に取れるかどうかがポイント。 35 Where did I leave my calculator? (A)It's yours. (B)Look in the drawer. (C)It leaves every hour. 正解 …(B) 解説 Whereという場所に関しての問いかけだが、この(B)のように提案のような形で応答する場 合もある。つまり正確な場所は分からないが、 「引き出しを捜してみたら」というもの。 36 Who do you think evaluates your performance? (A)My boss. (B)No, I don't. (C)At the theater. 正解 …(A) 解説 Who∼?=誰が∼したかという質問。Evaluate= 評価する;performance=作業(仕事) 、能 力。(B)、(C)は人ではないので、不正解。 37 When did you get hold of Mary? (A)Two nights ago. (B)Her left hand. (C)Next Monday. 正解 …(A) 解説 When∼?=いつ∼したかを聞いているので、答えも過去の「時」を表す言葉を探す。Next Mondayも 「時」を表しているが、未来の「時」なので間違い。get hold of ∼=∼をつかまえる、∼に連絡を取る。 38 What's wrong with your glasses? (A)The teacher is boring. (B)It is about 10cm long. (C)Too weak for my eyes now. 正解 …(C) 解説 What's wrong with ∼=何が問題ですか?glasses=眼鏡;weak for one's eyes=その人の視力に は度が弱い。glassesとclassesを聞き間違えて(A)にしないように注意。 10 0001C 39 Do you think you can make it to the presentation tomorrow? (A)Sure, I will be there. (B)No, I am not. (C)Is it someone's birthday tomorrow? 正解 …(A) 解説 make it to ∼=∼に間に合う、∼に都合がつく。間に合いますかと聞いているので、(A)が正 解。 40 How many days did you stay in London? (A)Three different hotels. (B)For five days. (C)On Sunday and Monday. 正解 …(B) 解説 何日間滞在したかと聞いているので、ホテルの数や何曜日かは聞いていない。 41 What do you usually like to study? (A)At a library late at night. (B)Yes, I do. (C)Math and geography. 正解 …(C) 解説 何を勉強するのが好きか、だから科目などの名詞が答えになる。(A)は場所なので違う。 Math=数学;geography=地理。 42 Did you catch a cold, John? (A)Yes, I am afraid I did. (B)No, he did not call me. (C)I think it is very cold. 正解 …(A) 解説 Did you∼?だから過去形、または過去を表す答えを探す。catch a cold=風邪を引く。素直 に(A)を選ぶ。coldを「寒い」と間違えないよう注意。 43 What time is your flight to New York? (A)Three times. (B)At 4:30. (C)I am afraid of airplanes. 正解 …(B) 解説 What time∼?で何時かを聞いている。何回行ったかではない。Flight=飛行機の便;fright (恐れ)と、聞き間違えて(C)にしないように注意。 11 44 How did you manage to get to the office in this snow? (A)I had no choice but to walk. (B)My manager gets to the office early. (C)I came here yesterday. 正解 …(A) 解説 How∼?だから、どのようにして∼が問われる。manage to∼=どうにか∼する、が入って いるのでややこしいが(A)の「歩いた」が正解。いつか、は聞かれていないので(C)は不正解。 45 How long did you sleep last night? (A)I went to bed at midnight. (B)I guess for about 8 hours. (C)For one week. 正解 …(B) 解説 How long∼?=どのくらいの長さかが聞かれている。Last nightと限定しているので、(C)で はなく(B)の「8時間」が正解。 46 Could you turn in the document I asked for? (A)I can't turn it on. (B)I am sorry, but I haven't finished it yet. (C)I tune in to a music station. 正解 …(B) 解説 turn in∼=∼を提出する。Turn on∼=∼をつける(ラジオなど) 。tune in to∼=∼にチャン ネルを合わせる発音が似ているので注意。 47 Where can I buy computer software? (A)Yes, you may. (B)The menswear section is on the 5th floor. (C)At a computer equipment store. 正解 …(C) 解説 softwareとmenswearの終わり方が似ているので、その引っ掛け。 48 What did you think of Hong Kong? (A)Two years ago. (B)I loved everything about it. (C)I thought he was very sweet. 正解 …(B) 解説 香港についての感想を聞いているので(B)が正解。(C)はHong Kongを人名と間違えたら選ん でしまう。 12 0001C 49 May I use your computer after you are finished? (A)I have to go home after work. (B)It is brand new. (C)Yes, of course. 正解 …(C) 解説 コンピューターを使って良いか聞いているので、(B)などは間違い。新しいかは聞いていな い。brand new=新品の。 50 What have you done to your hair? (A)I had it cut yesterday. (B)I am doing fine, and you? (C)My hairdresser talks a lot. 正解 …(A) 解説 "What have you done to ∼?" で∼はどうしたのですか?(A)の「切りました」、が一番当てはまる。 Have+∼+過去分詞で「∼してもらう」。ヘアドレッサーについては聞いていないので(C)は間違い。 13 Part3 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear thirty short conversations between two people. The conversations will not be printed in your test book. You will hear the conversations only once, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You are to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. 51 (Man) Are you going to carry this PC equipment by yourself? (Woman) Of course not. My husband is supposed to pick me up in 5 minutes. (Man) That's what I thought. How is the woman going to move the PC equipment? (A)By car. (B)With her friend. (C)With a cart. (D)By herself. 正解 …(A) 男性の問いかけに対して、女性が"∼pick me up∼"と返答しているところで、これが「車で 迎えに来る/行く」という表現であると気付けば、選択肢の(A)と結び付けられる。 解説 52 (Woman) There you are! What happened? (Man) Just as I was about to leave home, I had a visitor. (Woman) Well, you could have called me anyway. What did the woman want him to do? (A)She wanted him to talk to her. (B)She wanted him to meet her. (C)She wanted him to call her. (D)She wanted him to ask the visitor something. 正解 …(C) 女性が男性と待ち合わせをしている状況が浮かぶと良い。このようにPart3では会話の場面 状況を思い浮かべる事が出来ると良い。解答は、女性の最後の台詞中の"∼could have called∼"= 「電話出来たでしょう?」から「電話して欲しかった」の意味になる。 解説 53 (Woman) The TV news says that the government is thinking about raising the consumption tax again. (Man) Give me a break. Don't they have anything else to work on? (Woman) You said it. What does the woman think about the man's remark? (A)She doesn't have the same opinion. (B)She agrees with him. (C)She wants him to repeat that. (D)She doesn't like it. 正解 …(B) 相手に同意する時の表現がいくつかあるが、必ずしも"agree"をいつも使用するわけではな いので、今回のように"You said it."や"You bet."等の表現に慣れておくと良い。 解説 14 0001C 54 (Woman) Is there a pay phone near here? (Man) There's a convenience store down on the corner. They usually have one near the entrance. (Woman) Good. There's something wrong with my cell phone. What will the woman probably do after this? (A)Go home. (B)Go to the convenience store. (C)Try to use her cell phone. (D)She doesn't know what to do. 正解 …(B) 解説 推測の問題だが、携帯電話(cell phone)がおかしい。公衆電話(pay phone)を探している、 という状況から、コンビニ(convenience store)に行くだろうと考える。 55 (Man) What did you think of his speech? (Woman) I think the first half was pretty interesting but the second half could have been better. (Man) Exactly. During the second half, I almost fell asleep. According to the first man, how was the first half of the speech? (A)Better than the second half. (B)As good as the second half. (C)Less interesting than the second half. (D)He didn't say. 正解 …(A) 解説 比較の表現で、仮定法過去完了を使う場合がある。"could have been better"で「もっと良く なったはずなのに」という事から、「あまり良くなかった」と理解し、スピーチの最初の半分の方 が良かったことになる。 56 (Woman) Has Jack already left, Tom? (Man) I'm afraid so, Betty. (Woman) I had to talk about the Johnston deal with him. I'll call him on his cell phone, anyway. Who wanted to talk with Jack? (A)Betty did. (B)Tom did. (C)Johnston did. (D)No one did. 正解 …(A) 解説 名前が多く混乱するが、Jackと話したかったのは女性で、彼女に男性が「Betty」と呼びか けていたところがポイントになる。 57 (Man) Do you have any memo pads? (Woman) Yes. They are over there on the rack next to the notebooks. (Man) I see. Thank you. Where does this conversation take place? (A)At a library. (B)At a stationery store. (C)At a bookstore. (D)At a grocery store. 正解 …(B) notebooksはカタカナでも馴染みがあるが、memo pads(一綴りのメモ用紙)はあまり使わ ないだろう。このように身の回りの色々の品物(特にこの問題のような文房具等)を英語で確認 しておくと良い。 解説 15 58 (Woman) How long will you be staying here this time, Mr.Barns? (Man) Just two days. By the way, would it be possible for you to make a hotel reservation for me? (Woman) Actually, we've already done that for you. Fortunately, we could get you your usual room. Where is Mr. Barns going to stay tonight? (A)At home. (B)At the first man's room. (C)At a hotel. (D)We don't know. 正解 …(C) 解説 hotel reservationとあるので、答は見つけ易いかもしれないが、最後の"usual room"で引っ掛 かるかもしれない。「いつもの(いつも泊まっている)部屋」という意味。 59 (Man) I'd like to cash a traveler's check. (Woman) Certainly. Do you have some identification? (Man) Sure. Let me get my passport. Where are they? (A)At a post office. (B)At the immigration office. (C)At a bank. (D)At a police station. 正解 …(C) 解説 出来れば、男性の最初の台詞部分の"cash a traveler's check"で正しい選択肢を選び、残りを 聴かずに次の問題をチェック出来ると良い。ここでの"cash"は動詞で「現金化する」という意味。 60 (Man) Have you decided what you're going to order, ma'am? The steak and chicken here are very good. And our lamb is excellent, too. (Woman) Do all of these come with a salad and a choice of desserts? (Man) Certainly, ma'am. What is the first man's occupation? (A)Cook. (B)Waiter. (C)Mechanic. (D)Sales clerk. 正解 …(B) 解説 "order" "steak" 等の単語や女性への呼びかけの"ma'am"等から、レストランでの客とウェイ ターとの会話と判断出来る。 61 (Man) Mary, is your husband taking you to the airport tomorrow? (Woman) Oh, Kevin. He told me he didn't want to go all the way to the airport as he needs to see his dentist tomorrow, so I was going to ask Judy to drive me instead, but he thinks he can squeeze in some time to give me a lift in the morning. (Man) Oh, that's nice of him. Who is taking the woman to the airport? (A)The man. (B)The woman's husband. (C)Judy. (D)The dentist. 正解 …(B) メアリーを空港に送るのは誰か?が問われている。旦那さんが歯医者に行きたいので、空 港に行くのをしぶっていたが(he didn't want to)、結局連れて行ってもらえることになったと後半 部で言っている(squeeze in some time to∼ ∼する時間を捻出する)。give ∼ a lift=∼を車で送る。 解説 16 0001C 62 (Man) Do you want a copy of this document, Cathy? (Woman) I already have one, Michael. Kate gave it to me before lunch, but I should get some more copies for my clients. Do you mind making five more copies by tomorrow? (Man) No problem. I will leave them at your desk. What will the man do for the woman? (A)Clean up the woman's desk. (B)Make more copies of the document. (C)Buy some sandwich for her. (D)Read another document. 正解 …(B) 解説 新たに5部書類をコピーするのは誰ですか?CathyがMichaelにDo you mind making∼?(コ ピーを作ってもらってもいいですか)と聞いているので、答えはMichael。Do you mind ∼ing?=∼ してもらえますか?Client=客、顧客。 63 (Woman) You look a little out of breath, Ken. What happened? (Man) I missed my bus this morning, so I had to walk all the way from downtown. I thought I might take a taxi to the office, but I decided I could use some exercise. (Woman) I bet you had a good workout. What happened to the man? (A)He lost his wallet. (B)He had to walk to downtown. (C)He could not catch his bus. (D)He went shopping. 正解 …(C) 解説 男性はどうしたか?が聞かれている。missed my bus (バスに乗り遅れた)なので(C)が正解。 not catch a busとmissed a busが同じ意味。(B)は一見正解のようだが、to downtownとなっているので、 歩いた方向が逆。 64 (Man) Are you going to Patsy's party this Friday? (Woman) Sure, I will bring some cookies. Do you think Patsy likes sweet things? (Man) I am not sure, but I definitely will eat them. You know I have a sweet tooth. Who is going to bring cookies to the party? (A)Patsy. (B)The woman. (C)The woman's sister. (D)The man. 正解 …(B) 解説 クッキーを持って行くのは誰か? 女性が、I will bring some cookies.と言っているので、答 えは女性。その女性の妹の事はどこにも出て来ない。have a sweet tooth=甘いものが好き。 65 (Man) I called you several times this morning but nobody answered. Were you out? (Woman) I was out working in my garden, watering my roses. What did you want to talk about anyway, Bill? (Man) Well, I just wanted to say hi. Why did Bill call the woman? (A)To ask her about the roses. (B)No particular reason. (C)To talk about the job. (D)To ask her about her garden. 正解 …(B) ビルはどうしてその女性に電話したか、理由が問われている。どうしたの?(What did you want to talk about?)と聞かれて、ビルはjust wanted to talk(ただ話したかっただけ)と言っている ので、(B)のno particular reason(特に理由はない)が正解。 解説 17 66 (Woman) Where can I find books on Europe? (Man) They are over by aisle B. You should be able to find them right next to the gardening books section. And just so that you know, you can only check out three books at a time. (Woman) Ok. Thanks. Where are they? (A)At a library. (B)At an office. (C)At a bookstore. (D)At a garden center. 正解 …(A) 解説 この会話はどこで行なわれているか。直接は出てこないが、会話の中に、books on Europe (ヨーロッパに関する本) 、 aisle(通路) 、gardening books(園芸の本)、check out three books at a time(一度に3冊まで借りる)等から想像して、図書館だと分かる。 67 (Man) Will you finish this report, Susanne? (Woman) What time do you need it by, Steve? (Man) I am using it for the presentation tomorrow afternoon, but I would like to have it by tomorrow morning. When does Steve want his report? (A)As soon as possible. (B)By the next morning. (C)By 5:00PM. (D)By the afternoon of the next day. 正解 …(B) 解説 スティーブはいつレポートが必要か。by tomorrow morning(明日の朝までに)と言ってい るので、(B)が答え。(A)でも良さそうだが、すぐに必要とは言っていない。 68 (Man) It is cold in here, Susan. Is the heater working? (Woman) Sorry, Bill. I turned it down a few hours ago. I have been trying to cut down on my electric bills. (Man) Well, good for you. But could you just turn it up a little, please? Why does Susan keep the heater down? (A)To save on the cost of electricity bills. (B)Because it is getting warmer. (C)Because she is trying to lose weight. (D)Because the heater is broken. 正解 …(A) 解説 スーザンが暖房の温度を下げた理由を聞かれている。Trying to cut down on my electric bills (光熱費を抑えようとしている)とあるので、(A)のsave on the cost of electricityと同じ意味。turn down=温度を下げる。 69 (Woman) Did you hear about Craig's promotion? (Man) No, I didn't. But it's no surprise. He worked so hard to win that big contract last November. Does that mean he will be transferred to the head office? (Woman) Yes. I bet he will enjoy the warmer California sun! What happened to Craig? (A)He was given a better position at headquarters. (B)He got sick because he worked too hard. (C)He was fired. (D)He is moving to another company in California. 正解 …(A) クレイグに何が起こったか?が質問。Got his promotion(昇進した)とあり、head office (本社)にtransfer(転属)されるとあるので、悪い事ではなく、良い事なので(B)、(C)は違う。 Head office とheadquartersは同じ意味。 解説 18 0001C 70 (Man) Has anybody called while I was away, Jane? (Woman) No, Mr. Peterson. But Steve dropped by the office yesterday. He asked me to tell you that he wants to hear from you. I got down his number right here. Here you go. (Man) Thanks, Jane. What does Steve want? (A)To talk to Mr. Peterson. (B)To see Jane. (C)To go to the country with Mr. Peterson. (D)Nothing in particular. 正解 …(A) 解説 スティーブのことづては何か?He wants to hear from you(あなたから返事が欲しい)とあ るので、(A)のtalk to Mr. Peterson(ピーターソンさんと話す)が一番近い。 71 (Man) Did you watch the ball game last night? (Woman) I sure did, Joe, but I can’t say I enjoyed it. The Panthers need some new players. (Man) Yes, you are right. In the 8th inning, I thought they had won the game for sure. When the game ended, I was so frustrated that I had to go jogging in the park. Why did Joe go jogging last night? (A)He usually jogs in the evening. (B)He is training for a baseball game. (C)To forget his favorite team's defeat. (D)Because the Panthers have a good pitcher. 正解 …(C) 解説 Joeの2度目の発話の"I thought they had won the game for sure"(勝ったと思ったのに)や、"so frustrated that∼"(すごくイライラしたので∼)から(C)を選ぶ。 72 (Woman) The prime minister is a real leader, isn't he? (Man) Yes, his decision to resume negotiations with Karim was praised by all of the neighboring nations. (Woman) Do you think the P.M. will persuade Karim to be more flexible? They are so demanding on the border issue. What is the woman's main concern? (A)The diplomatic time limit. (B)The diplomatic skill of the prime minister. (C)The diplomatic protocol involved. (D)The cooperation of the neighboring nations. 正解 …(B) 解説 男性の台詞中の"negotiations with"(∼との交渉)や女性の台詞中の"persuade"(説得する) 等から、(B)の"diplomatic skill"(外交的手腕)を気に掛けていると判断する。(C)の"protocol"は 「外交的儀礼」 。 73 (Man) I hear the new CEO wants to reorganize our section. (Woman) Well, if he does, I'd say it'll be a change for the better. The problems here are quite obvious, aren't they? (Man) Yes, too many managers and not enough workers. How do they feel about the new CEO's plans? (A)They welcome the new plan. (B)They can't agree on what should be done. (C)They think the managers are working hard. (D)They don't know what needs to be done. 正解 …(A) 女性が"change for the better"(良い方向へ向かう)と言ったり、男性が問題は何か認識して いるところから、新しい経営最高責任者(the new CEO)が「部署を再構成する」 (reorganize our section)事に賛成していると判断する。 解説 19 74 (Woman) Are you planning to attend the seminar tomorrow? (Man) I don't want to, but Mr. Brown says I should. He said I'd be thanking him for making me attend it. (Woman) Well, I'm not sure. The last one didn't do anything for me. Who has a positive view of the seminar? (A)The female employee. (B)The male employee. (C)Nobody in the section. (D)The section manager, Mr. Brown. 正解 …(D) 解説 セミナーについて、男女共 "positive"(積極的な、前向きな)でないと分かる。Mr. Brown が "I'd be thanking him for making me attend it"「 (セミナーに出席させてもらって有り難いと思え) と言った」と男性が言っているので、"positive"なのはMr. Brownだと判断出来る。 75 (Woman) You know James, the central bank's decision to lower the official rate was really timely this time. (Man) Yes, I thought so, too, Brenda. When I heard the news, I began calling my clients to be ready for some active trading. (Woman) Me, too. I really feel a good trend starting this time. What do they probably do? (A)Work for the government. (B)Work for a trading company. (C)Work for a securities company. (D)Work for a newspaper company. 正解 …(C) 解説 男性の"I began calling my clients to be ready for some active trading"(売買が活発になるので、準 備するよう顧客に電話し始めた)と言っている箇所がカギになり、tradingが「株の取引」の意味で あると分かるかどうか。又、選択肢の"securities company"(証券会社)も警護(security)ではない。 76 (Man) Excuse me, Ms. Ortega, can I talk to you for a minute? (Woman) Mr. Lopez, I'm online now trying to get the info you requested fifteen minutes ago. Could you wait just five minutes? (Man) Well, I need to talk to you right away. It's quite urgent. When does the man want to have a talk? (A)When the secretary is ready. (B)Now. (C)After lunch. (D)When the information is available. 正解 …(B) 解説 男性が最後に、"right away"(直ぐに) 、"quite urgent"(緊急の)と言っているところから、 (B)を選ぶ。 77 (Woman) You know, this car is ready for the junk yard. (Man) Sarah, you know I'm saving every penny so we can get a brand new car, don't you? (Woman) You can wait forever. I can't. Let's buy one now. The interest on car loans is so low. How does the woman feel about their old car? (A)She doesn't want to use it anymore. (B)She will use it until enough money is saved. (C)She will use it until car loan interest is really low. (D)She will use it until it breaks down. 正解 …(A) 女性は車が、"ready for the junk yard"「ごみ箱(ごみ置き場)行き」と言っているし、はっ きり"Let's buy one now"と言っている。 解説 20 0001C 78 (Man) We're planning on going to Florida next vacation. (Woman) Oh, that'll be nice. Betty's going to love the beaches and the sea. (Man) Yes, you are right. Ever since we got married, she's always talked about going there. How long has Betty wanted to go to Florida? (A)Since last year. (B)Since ten years ago. (C)Since she was a teenager. (D)Since she got married. 正解 …(D) 解説 男性が、"Ever since we got married, she's always talked about going there."と言っている箇所が、 質問の"Betty wanted to go to Florida"と重なる。 79 (Man) Do you have a good communications system at home? (Woman) I wish I did. Compared to my home equipment, the system I use at the office is amazing. It's so fast. (Man) Right. But it's not just the speed. Actually, the cost of data exchange will be reduced dramatically, too. What are they talking about? (A)A new computer. (B)A new communications system. (C)A new copying machine. (D)New software. 正解 …(B) 解説 答はズバリ、男性の最初の台詞に出て来ている。 80 (Woman) I went on a diet three times last year. None worked. (Man) Patty, don't waste your money on strange drugs and machines. You have to control your calories. (Woman) I don't accept that. I'd rather remain the way I am. Not eating what I want and how much I want is impossible. Why does Patty try different diet methods? (A)She is not truly serious about losing weight. (B)She thinks it's fun to go on diet. (C)She is desperate to lose weight. (D)She is really determined to lose weight. 正解 …(A) 解説 男性が"You have to control your calories"と言っているのに、女性は"I don't accept that."(そう は思わないわ)と答えているから、食事に関しては気を遣っていないと分かる。そこから、「本気 ではダイエットに取り組んでいない」という選択肢(A)を選ぶ。 21 Part4 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken just one time. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. The questions will be followed by four answers. You are to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. Questions 81 through 83 refer to the following announcement. Attention all commuters! The transportation department has officially announced that major repairs to the Oceanview Expressway will disrupt northbound traffic into the city for a few days next month. Although they had originally planned to work mainly at night, their work hours will have to be extended to mid-morning if they are to finish by the onset of the summer travel season. As large traffic jams are expected, commuters heading into the city during this period are urged to make use of special bus services connecting the southern suburbs with the city. 81 What will make it difficult for commuters to get to the city next month? (A)A parade. (B)Shutdown of the expressway. (C)Reduced bus services. (D)Construction on the expressway. 正解 …(D) 解説 質問は「来月、通勤者が市街地へ来るのを難しくするものは何か?」だが、このような "What∼make it∼?"の質問文は「何故∼なのか」と考える。正解(D)のConstruction(建設)が本文 中のrepairs(修理)と結び付く。(B)はShutdown「完全閉鎖」ではない。 82 Why will work hours have to be extended? (A)To complete the work on schedule. (B)To extend the southbound highway. (C)To make travel easier. (D)To start the summer vacation. 正解 …(A) 解説 本文中の"if they are to finish by the onset of ∼"の箇所から「夏のトラベルシーズンの始まり にまでに終了させるならば」と読めるので、(A)の「スケジュール通りに完成させる」が正解にな る。 22 0001C 83 Which people will be most affected? (A)People who take buses. (B)People who work in the south of the city. (C)People who live to the south of the city. (D)People who do not have cars. 正解 …(C) 解説 本文中の"∼northbound"(北へ向かう)、"∼the southern suburbs"から市の南部から車で通勤し ている人が最も影響を受けると判断出来る。(B)だと「市の南部で働いている人々」になるので間 違い。 Questions 84 and 85 refer to the following speech. We are both surprised and pleased to welcome you as new members of the Bayside Institute of Technology. Surprised that you decided to start your new academic career, leave your home country and begin life in a new and different community;and pleased to have students with talent, motivation and energy join us. We hope we can make all of you feel like part of our family, and I know I speak on behalf of all the faculty in saying that we very much look forward to helping you fulfill your dreams. 84 What is the purpose of the speech? (A)To tell the members about an institute. (B)To welcome new students to the school. (C)To tell the institute members about a new member. (D)To tell faculty about new students. 正解 …(B) 解説 本文1行目に"welcome"とあるのと、"part of our family"という表現、更に"faculty"(教員) という単語から(B)が正解となる。 85 Who is most likely giving this speech? (A)The new student. (B)A technologist at the institute. (C)A technician from the country. (D)The dean of this institute. 正解 …(D) 解説 最後の行にある、"I speak on behalf of all the faculty"(全ての教員を代表して)という表現か ら、 「長」の付く役職の人間であると判断するが、(D)のdean(学長、学部長)がわからない場合 は消去法で対処していくしかないかもしれない。 23 Questions 86 and 87 refer to the following talk. I'd like to go over the schedule for the governor's visit to our plant. The governor will arrive at 9:30. He will be welcomed at the main gate by the company CEO and the plant manager. They will usher the governor to the main entrance where our CEO will make a short welcoming speech, then the governor will be shown around the new plant. This tour will probably finish at about 10:30, at which time he will be taken to the conference room, where he will be shown a video about the new plant. Coffee will be served at this time. At 11:00, the governor will be taken to his car and will return to his official residence downtown. Now, is everything clear? 86 What will happen before the governor is shown around the plant? (A)He will be taken to the conference room. (B)The CEO will make a speech. (C)The plant manager will make a speech. (D)Coffee will be served. 正解 …(B) 解説 ここでは、まずざっと質問に目を通して、時間の推移に従っての行動内容が問われている、 とリスニングの前に判断しておきたい。質問中の"before"から本文中の"then"という表現の前の行 動予定から(B)を選ぶ。 87 When will a video be shown? (A)Between 10:30 and 11:00. (B)At 9:30. (C)Before the tour of the plant. (D)Before the welcoming speech. 正解 …(A) 解説 トークを聞いた際にはっきりと時間を言っている後の予定を短く、"room" "video" "coffee" と覚えておければ良い。次に11:00と来るのでこの間という事になる。 24 0001C Questions 88and 89 refer to the following radio announcement. Hello, everyone. This is the "Coffee Break Show" and I am your host, Ken Richard. On our "Up close and intimate" segment today our guest is the world-famous best-selling author Joan Carrington whose numerous books have been dazzling millions of readers all over the world. She was recently appointed president of the Fight Against Illiteracy Program. We will be asking her about her role in that campaign. Also on the show is the singer Bobbie G. And he will be performing live in the studio. Don't go away, we'll be right back after these messages. 88 What is Joan Carrington's profession? (A)A writer. (B)A talk show host. (C)A fundraiser. (D)A teacher. 正解 …(A) 解説 ラジオ番組にゲストとして出るジョアンさんの仕事は何か。Best-selling authorとあるので、 同じ意味の a writer が正解。Fundraiser=資金を集める人;dazzle=魅了する。 89 What will Joan Carrington probably talk about most on the show? (A)About her recently published novel. (B)About protecting endangered species. (C)About how to teach people how to read. (D)About American Literature. 正解 …(C) 解説 仕事は作家だが、番組では主に何について話すかという質問。後半部に、Fight Against Illiteracy Program(文盲撲滅運動)のリーダーに任命されたとあって、それについて司会者が聞く とあるので(asking her about her role in that campaign)(C)が正解。 25 Questions 90 and 91 refer to the following announcement. This is the announcement for flight 509 to Seattle. Due to the bad weather condition over the Cascades and the central Washington area, the flight has been rescheduled and will leave gate 9 at 9:30. Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Those passengers waiting for flight 509 to Seattle will be able to get free beverages over at the food counter. Just show your boarding pass and you will receive a drink of your choice. Thank you for being patient. 90 Where is the announcement being made? (A)At an airport. (B)At a travel agency. (C)At a restaurant. (D)At a train station. 正解 …(A) 解説 このアナウンスはどこで行なわれているか?flight(便) 、gate(搭乗口)、passengers(乗客) 、 boarding pass(搭乗券)などの言葉から、空港でのアナウンスだとわかる。普通、列車ではflightと は言わない。 91 Why is the flight to Seattle delayed? (A)Because of bad weather on its route. (B)Because of mechanical failure. (C)Because a passenger got sick. (D)Because of the strike. 正解 …(A) 解説 なぜ、シアトル行きの便が遅れているか。Due to the bad weather condition(悪天候の為に) とあるので、(A)が正解。Strike(スト)のことは何も言っていない。Route=道筋、通り道; mechanical failure=機械の故障。 26 0001C Questions 92 and 93 refer to the following presentation. Today I am going to talk about my recent trip to western and southern Africa. As many of you might already know, there is a severe shortage of sanitary drinking water in that part of Africa. As part of the United Nations sponsored research team, I joined 12 other scientists from Europe and we visited many villages and cities during our two-month stay there. Not only humans but also animals are in danger because they do not have adequate access to safe water. I want each one of you to think of what you can do to change this situation. Obviously more investment must be made in order to develop more pumps and other infrastructure for better water distribution. 92 What is the main topic of the speech? (A)About the lack of safe drinking water in parts of Africa. (B)About the shortage of researchers to Africa. (C)About humans killing animals. (D)About civil wars in Africa. 正解 …(A) 解説 このスピーチの主題は何か?Severe shortage of sanitary drinking water(安全な飲み水の深刻 な不足)が主題。 93 How long did the speaker stay in Africa? (A)For one year. (B)For one week. (C)For two months. (D)For 12 years. 正解 …(C) 解説 スピーチの話者はどのぐらいアフリカにいたか。During our two-month stay there(そこでの 2ヶ月の滞在中に)とあるので、(C)が正解。a civil war=内戦;water distribution=水の配給。 27 Questions 94 and 95 refer to the following announcement. Hurricane Sandra is slowly but steadily approaching Southern Florida and it is expected to hit the Jackson County area early tomorrow morning around 5:00AM. All residents are strongly advised to evacuate to the nearest schools or town halls. The rain is going to die down gradually towards tomorrow evening, but all precautionary measures should be taken. We will keep you posted throughout the night here at KHGB radio. If you have any questions regarding your evacuation destination, please contact your local emergency center. 94 What is happening to the Southern Florida? (A)A volcanic eruption. (B)A heavy snowstorm. (C)A hurricane is coming. (D)A bomb threat. 正解 …(C) 解説 南フロリダに何が起ころうとしているか。ハリケーンが接近している(approaching the southern Florida)ので、evacuate(避難)しなければいけない(advised to evacuate)(C)が正解。 Hit=ここでの意味は「天災が襲う」;precautionary measure=警戒的措置。 95 When should the residents evacuate? (A)As soon as possible. (B)By the next day. (C)It is not necessary to do so. (D)By 5:00PM. 正解 …(A) 解説 住民はいつ避難したらいいか。steadily approaching(確実に近づいている)で、hit ∼ tomorrow morning around 5:00AM(明日朝5時ごろ)とあるので、(B)では遅過ぎる。明確にevacuate しろと呼び掛けているので、(C)も違う。keep∼posted=たえず∼に情報を。 28 0001C Questions 96 through 98 refer to the following speech. The primary purpose of this gathering is to increase awareness of the situation we face concerning the population decrease in our district. As you know, the current population of our town is 4,860. As town sizes go, that's not among the smallest; there are many towns with populations of less than 2,000 in our province. What we should be concerned about though is the rate at which our population is decreasing. This is a general trend in our province, so we are not alone. However, an annual 3% decrease for 10 consecutive years from 1991 through 2000 was among the fastest in the province, and now the rate is up to 4% annually. That's a national record. We must do something about this as soon as possible. 96 Who is probably speaking? (A)An official sent from the United Nations. (B)A professor of provincial university. (C)A doctor working in the town hospital. (D)The mayor of the town. 正解 …(D) 解説 文中に"our district"、"our town"とあるので、(D)「市長(町長)」を選ぶ。 97 What was the population of this town 10 years ago? (A)About 2,000. (B)Less than 2,000. (C)More than 4,860. (D)Less than 4,860. 正解 …(C) 解説 文中の"the current population of our town is 4,860"(現在の人口は4,860人)とあり、更に、"an annual 3% decrease for 10 consecutive years"(10年連続で毎年3%減少している)とあるので、10年 前は今より多かったと判断する。 98 What is the main point of this speech? (A)The town population is decreasing too fast. (B)The town size is the smallest in the nation. (C)The town economy is not growing. (D)The national government must do something. 正解 …(A) 解説 最後に"we must do something about this as soon as possible"と発言している事から、"this"が人 口問題と分かる。 29 Questions 99 and 100 refer to the following announcement. Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain Jacque Bonnard speaking. Welcome aboard Northern Air flight 008 for Vancouver and Honolulu. We have reached our cruising altitude of 10,000 meters and are traveling at a speed of 800 kilometers an hour. The weather en route is excellent. There will be little turbulence and good visibility all the way to the Pacific coast. In about 20 minutes, we will be flying over the Great Lakes which you will be able to see to your left. The estimated time of arrival in Vancouver is 18:00 hours, Pacific time. Thank you for flying with Northern Air. Please relax and have a pleasant flight. 99 What is the final destination of this airplane? (A)The Great Lakes. (B)Pacific Coast. (C)Vancouver. (D)Honolulu. 正解 …(D) 解説 文中で"Vancouver and Honolulu"と言い、"to the Pacific coast"とも言っているので、北米大陸 を西に進んでいると判断できる。 100 How is the weather on the way? (A)Fine all the way to the first destination. (B)Windy and cloudy on the way. (C)Rainy and cold part of the way. (D)Warm but cloudy part of the way. 正解 …(A) 解説 文中で"the weather en route is excellent."(途中は大変良い天気)と言っているので、選択肢 (A)の"Fine all the way to the first destination."(最初の目的地=Vancouverまでずっと良好)を選ぶ。 This is the end of the Listening Comprehension portion of the test. 30 0001C
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