24 FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2014 第3種郵便物認可 株式会社ジャパンタイムズ 発行 〒108-8071 東京都港区芝浦 4-5-4 ● 会長 小笠原敏晶 ● 副会長 小笠原有輝子 ● 社長 堤 丈晴 ● ST編集長 高橋敏之 ● アートディレクター 清水裕久 (Pesco Paint) [編集]Tel. 03-3452-4077 Fax. 03-3452-3303 Email: [email protected] [販売]Tel. 03-3453-4350 Fax. 03-3452-1298 Email: [email protected] [広告]Tel. 03-3453-5242 Email: [email protected] 購読料(税込)1カ月 ¥1,100(本体価格¥1,048) / 1 部 ¥290(本体価格 ¥276) ■ ご購読のお申し込みはフリーダイヤル 0120(036)242 へどうぞ。 英字新聞だから身につく 世界の視点、確かな英語力 The English-language paper to read for high language skills and a global perspective ENTERTAINMENT Johnny Depp reportedly engaged to Amber Heard Sandler up for record Razzies three-peat Rodman checks into rehab center: reports Opera star to sing U.S. anthem at Super Bowl J デップ、A ハードと婚約 A サンドラー、ラジー賞に3年連続ノミネート D ロッドマン氏、アルコール依存で施設入所 スーパーボウル、国歌斉唱はオペラ歌手 AFP-JIJI AP AP AP Hollywood actor Johnny Depp and actress Amber Heard are engaged to be married, People magazine reported. “They couldn’t be happier to be engaged and excited to share the rest of their lives together. Amber has really taken well to the kids and really enjoys spending time with them,” the People report said. Representatives for Depp, 50, and Heard, 27, did not immediately confirm the report. Depp, whose diverse career includes Edward Scissorhands, and the recent Pirates of the Caribbean series, was previously in a 14-year relationship with French singer and actress Vanessa Paradis. (AFP-Jiji) U.S. actor Adam Sandler (pictured center) could earn the dubious distinction of winning his third worst actor Razzie in a row after his new nomination Jan. 15 for the antiOscar Golden Raspberrys, Hollywood’s hall of shame. Sandler, who won in 2012 for his cross-dressing romp Jack and Jill and last year for That’s My Boy, is nominated this year for his performance in Grown Ups 2. Up for worst film of the year are Grown Ups 2, sci-fi movie After Earth starring Will Smith and his son Jaden, Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas, The Lone Ranger and star-studded spoof Movie 43. (AFP-Jiji) Former basketball star Dennis Rodman has checked himself into an alcohol-rehab facility, according to U.S. media. “His drinking escalated to a level that none of us had seen before. When he came back (from North Korea), I discussed with him on a personal level how concerned I was. We sat down and decided for him to go to rehab. It is a 28- or 30-day facility,” Darren Prince, his agent, was quoted as saying by CNN. The 52-year-old Rodman apologized earlier this month upon his return from his latest visit to secretive North Korea for saying a fellow American imprisoned there may have caused his own fate.(AFP-Jiji) The Super Bowl will have a touch of the classical this year: Opera star Renee Fleming will sing the national anthem. The four-time Grammy winner will perform before the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks play at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, on Feb. 2. Fleming is the first opera star to sing the national anthem at the Super Bowl. In recent years, it has been performed mainly by a mix of pop and country stars. Known as “the people’s diva,” the soprano is closely identified with New York City, having spent years singing on iconic stages such as Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall.(AP) (has) taken well to ∼ ∼とうまくいっ three-peat 三 連 覇。dubious distinction 怪しい 栄 誉。cross-dressing 女装シーンのある。 ている。confirm ∼を正 式 に 認 める。 previously 以前。 alcohol-rehab アルコール依存症治療 ... fate 投獄を自ら招いたのかもしれない。 の。secretive 秘 密 主 義 の。may national anthem 国歌。diva 歌姫。 is ... with ∼ ∼と緊密なつながりがある。 iconic 象徴的な。 Leonardo DiCaprio Kristen Stewart “The Wolf of Wall Street has been a passion project of mine, and I found the role to be one of the most challenging and rewarding of my career.” “I can’t believe I agreed to do it … I trust Drake’s process and I know we will do something really natural and real. But I told Drake, ‘Don’t expect that I am going to be able to do this. It’s too hard.’ ” レオナルド・ディカプリオ(俳優) クリステン・スチュワート(女優) (『ウルフ・オブ・ウォールストリート』はパッションのある プロジェクトで、この役は私のキャリアの中で最も難しく、一 方で得るものも最も大きかった役柄の一つです) AFP-JIJI AP (この役を受けてしまったなんて信じられない。…私はドレイクのプロセスを信じているし、 私たちがナチュラルで、リアルなことをするのは分かっている。でも、私はドレイクに言っ たの、 「私にこの役ができると期待しないで。難しすぎるわ」) 第86回アカデミー賞のノミネーションが1月16日に発表された。 『ウルフ・ オブ・ウォールストリート』で主演男優賞にノミネートされたレオナルド・ ディカプリオ(39)は、映画についてこのように話した。劇中でディカプリ オは、実在したウォール街の株式ブローカーを演じている。 (AFP-Jiji) ドレイク・ドレマス監督がメガホンをとる新作映画『Equals(原題) 』で主 演を務めることになった米女優のクリステン・スチュワート(23)は、この 作品に出演することについてこのように語った。同映画は作家ジョージ・ オーウェルの『1984年』を原作とする SF ラブロマンスだ。 (AP)
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