MUSIC 308A Music History I Ancient to Baroque Fall 2013 San Diego State University T/TH 8:00am-9:15am M-245 Instructor: Dr. Richard H. Brown Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00pm, Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm Office: M 201 Email: [email protected] Course Description The purpose and organization of this course are: 1) to become acquainted with the repertory of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music within its historical context, and to discuss the problems associated with its study and performance. 2) to be able to recognize aurally and visually (scores) different styles and genres of the period in question. 3) to hone your critical thinking and writing skills. 4) to learn analytical techniques applicable to the music studied. Required Texts (available at the university bookstore, but much cheaper online). These books will also be used for MUSIC 308B and 408A Piero Weiss and Richard Taruskin, eds., Music in the Western World: A History in Documents Second Edition (Belmont, CA: Thomson/Schirmer 2008) (will also be used for 308B and 408A) J. Peter Burkholder and Claude V. Palisca, eds., Norton Anthology of Western Music, 3 vols. 6th ed. (New York: W. W. Norton, 2010). For the Fall semester we will only need Volume 1, but you will eventually need to purchase the second two volumes for 308B and 408A. The CD collection purchase is optional: One copy of the Norton Recorded Anthology of Western Music, Concise Edition (6 CDs) will be available on reserve for reference. Optional Texts (not at the bookstore, but available online and on reserve in the library). I will put readings from the textbook in the syllabus, and it is a very helpful volume to own if you want to spend the extra money, but it is not required. All of the material you are responsible for will come from lectures and the lecture Power Point slides, the anthology scores, and the Weiss/Taruskin source readings. Richard Taruskin and Christopher H. Gibbs, The Oxford History of Western Music, College Edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013) – note, this is a one volume text, not to be confused with the five volume set published in 2005 (You do not have to read 5,000 pages for this class!) Listening examples will come from the recorded anthology and/or blackboard, and are listed in the weekly schedule. Supplementary texts will be provided on Blackboard. I will also provide PowerPoint slides from class lectures, supplementary material and links on Blackboard on a regular basis, so it is essential that you regularly check with the website for class updates. 1 Grading: Weekly Quizzes Bibliography Project Examination I Examination II Final Examination 25% 25% 15% 15% 20% THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UPS FOR EXAMS except in cases of a verified illness or emergency, of which I am informed in advance. The SDSU Code of Academic Integrity applies to all portions of this course. For an outline of possible violations and sanctions, please refer to the SDSU student conduct code. Student Disability Services: students requesting academic accommodations based on a disability must register with Student Disability Services ( ) who will issue a verification letter. SDS is located in Calpulli Center, Suite 3101, and is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mon-Fri; 594-6473. Grading for the course is as follows: 93.00—100 = A 90.00—92.99 = A- 87.00—89.99 = B+ 77.00—79.99 = C+ 83.00—86.99 = B 73.00—76.99 = C 80.00—82.99 = B70.00—72.99 = Cbelow 60 = F 67.00—69.99 = D+ 63.00—66.99 = D 60.00—62.99 = D- Weekly Schedule Beginning the second week, we will start class each Thursday with a short quiz on the material covered the prior week (except exam weeks, when there will be no quiz). This will include listening and multiple choice questions. You are responsible for keeping up with all of the required readings and listening, and to come to class prepared for the lecture. PowerPoint slides will be uploaded to Blackboard each week, along with additional listening resources, flashcards, and supplementary texts. There will be three examinations. Exams are not cumulative, thus you will only be responsible for the material within the prior 5 week unit of study. I will provide a review sheet the week before each examination of terms and listening examples. Annotated Bibliography Project – Due Nov. 22nd This is the first of three writing projects for the music history sequence at SDSU. Students will compile an annotated bibliography from a list of approved topics. We will visit the library after exam II to explore the process of researching a paper topic. 2 Schedule Key OHWM = NAWM = WT = BB = Optional Reading from Taruskin, Gibbs, The Oxford History of Western Music, College Edition Listening Example in Burkholder and Palisca, eds., Norton Anthology of Western Music. Reading, listed by reading number, not page number, in Weiss/Taruskin, Music in the Western World. Reading/listening/assignment in Blackboard Week Date Topics, Readings, Assignment I Aug 27/29 Course preliminaries; The Earliest Music; Music in Greece and Rome; Music in the Early Church; Music and Philosophy in Ancient Greece Listening: NAWM 1 NAWM 2 Reading: OHWM, pp. 1-6 WT #2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 Sept. 3/5 Roman Liturgy and Chant Listening: NAWM 3 NAWM 4 NAWM 5 NAWM 6 II NAWM 7 III Epitaph of Seikilos, song (epigram) (First Century C.E.) Euripides: Orestes, Greek tragedy, excerpt: Stasimon chorus (408 B.C.E.) Mass for Christmas Day, Gregorian chant mass Chants from Vespers for Christmas Day, Gregorian chant Office Ascribed to Wipo of Burgundy: Victimae paschali laudes, sequence Tropes on Puer natus: Quem queritis in presepe and Melisma (10th cent.) Hildegard of Bingen: Ordo virtutum, sacred music drama: Chorus, In principio omnes (ca. 1151) Reading: OHWM, pp. 7-45 WT # 12, 13, and 14 Sept. 10/12 Secular Music; Polyphony Through the Thirteenth Century Listening: NAWM 8 NAWM 9 NAWM 10 NAWM 14 NAWM 15 Bernart de Ventadorn: Can vei la lauzeta mover, canso (troubadour song) (ca. 1170-80) Comtessa de Dia: A chantar, canso (troubadour song) (12th cent.) Adam de la Halle: Jeu de Robin et de Marion: rondeau, Robins m’aime (ca. 1284) Organa from Musica enchiriadis (c. 850-890) Alleluia Justus ut palma, free organum, from Ad organum faciendum (ca. 1100) 3 NAWM 17 NAWM 18 NAWM 19 NAWM 20 NAWM 21 NAWM 22 NAWM 23 IV Reading: OHWM: 46-90, WT: 15 & 16 Sept. 17/19 French and Italian Music in the Fourteenth Century, Exam Review Listening: NAWM 24 NAWM 25 NAWM 26 NAWM 27 NAWM 28 NAWM 29 NAWM 30 NAWM 31 V VI Leoninus and colleagues: Viderunt omnes, organum duplum (12th cent.) Clausulae on Dominus from Viderunt omnes (12th or early 13th cent.) Perotinus: Viderunt omnes, organum quadruplum (ca. 1198) Ave virgo virginum, conductus (12th or early 13th cent.) Motets on tenor Dominus (13th cent.) Adam de la Halle: De ma dame vient/Dieus, comment porroie/Omnes, motet (ca. 1260s-1280s) Sumer is icumen in, rota (ca. 1250) Philippe de Vitry: In arboris/Tuba sacre fidei/Virgo sum, motet (ca. 1320) Guillaume de Machaut: La Messe de Nostre Dame, mass: Kyrie (ca 1364) Guillaume de Machaut: Foy porter, virelai (mid 14th cent.) Guillaume de Machaut: Rose, liz, printemps, verdure, rondeau (mid 14th cent.) Philippus de Caserta: En remirant vo douce pourtraiture, ballade (ca. 1370) Jacopo da Bologna: Non al suo amante, madrigal (ca. 1350) Gherardello da Firenze: Tosto che l’alba, caccia (mid 14th cent.) Francesco Landini: Non avrà ma’ pietà, balata (late 14th cent.) Reading: OHWM: 91-129 WT: 18, 19, 20 T Sept. 24 EXAM # 1: Th. Sept. 26 Introduction to the Renaissance Reading: WT #24 Listening: NAWM 32 NAWM 33 Oct. 1/3 English and Burgundian Music; Josquin des Prez and Company Listening: NAWM 34 NAWM 35 NAWM 36 Alleluia: A newë work, carol (early 15th cent.) John Dunstable: Quam pulchra es, motet or cantilena (early 15th cent.) Binchois (Gilles de Bin): De plus en plus, rondeau (ca. 1425) Guillaume Du Fay: Resvellies vous, ballade (1423) Guillaume Du Fay: Christe, redemptor omnium, hymn in fauxbourdon style (ca. 1430) 4 NAWM 37 NAWM 38 NAWM 39 NAWM 40 NAWM 41 NAWM 42 NAWM 43 VII Reading: OHWM: 131-186 WT: 21, 22, 23, 26 Oct. 8/10 Sacred Music in the Era of Reformation Listening: NAWM 44 NAWM 45 NAWM 46 NAWM 47 NAWM 48 NAWM 49 VIII Guillaume Du Fay: Se la face ay pale, ballade and cantus-firmus mass: Gloria (1430s, ca. 1450s) Antoine Busnoys, Je ne puis vivre, virelai (ca. 1460) Jean de Ockeghem: Missa prolationum, mass: Kyrie (ca. 14201497) Henricus Isaac: Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen, Lied (ca. 1500) Josquin des Prez: Ave Maria . . . virgo serena, motet (ca. 1484-85) Josquin des Prez: Missa Pange lingua, paraphrase mass: excerpts (ca 1515) Josquin des Prez(?): Mille regretz, chanson (ca. 1520) Martin Luther: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland and Ein feste Burg, chorales (1524 and 1529) Loys Bourgeois: Psalm 134, Or sus, serviteurs du Seigneur, metrical psalm (ca. 1551) William Byrd: Sing joyfully unto God, full anthem (1580s – 1590s) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Pope Marcellus Mass, mass: excerpts (ca. 1560) Tomás Luis de Victoria: O magnum mysterium, motet and imitation mass: Kyrie (ca. 1570) Orlande di Lassus: Cum essem parvulus, motet (ca. 1579) Reading: OHWM: 186-223 WT: 27, 28, 29, 36, 37 Oct. 15/17 Madrigal and Secular Song Listening: NAWM 50 NAWM 51 NAWM 52 NAWM 53 NAWM 54 NAWM 55 NAWM 56 NAWM 57 NAWM 58 NAWM 59 NAWM 60 NAWM 61 Reading: Juan del Encina: Oy comamos y bebamos, villancico (late 15th cent.) Marco Cara: Io non compro più speranza, frottola (ca. 1500) Jacques Arcadelt: Il bianco e dolce cigno, madrigal (ca. 1538) Cipriano de Rore: Da le belle contrade d’oriente, madrigal (ca. 156065) Luca Marenzio: Solo e pensoso, madrigal (1590s) Carlo Gesualdo: “Io parto” e non più dissi, madrigal (ca. 1600) Claudin de Sermisy: Tant que vivray, chanson (ca. 1527) Orlande de Lassus: La nuict froide et sombre, chanson (ca. 1570s) Claude Le Jeune: Revecy venir du printans, chanson (late 16th cent.) Thomas Morley: My bonny lass she smileth, ballet (ca. 1595) Thomas Weelkes: As Vesta was, madrigal (ca. 1601) John Dowland: Flow, my tears, air or lute song (ca. 1600) OHWM: 224-237 WT: 38, 39 5 IX Oct. 22/24 The Rise of Instrumental Music, Exam Review Listening: NAWM 62 NAWM 63 NAWM 64 NAWM 65 X XI Reading: WT: 41, 42 T. Oct. 29 EXAM # 2 Th. Oct. 31 Library Research Visit Nov. 5/7 Introduction to Baroque Music; The Birth of Opera and Chamber Music Listening: NAWM 66 NAWM 67 NAWM 68 NAWM 69 NAWM 70 NAWM 71 NAWM 72 NAWM 73 NAWM 74 NAWM 75 NAWM 76 NAWM 77 NAWM 78 NAWM 79 NAWM 80 NAWM 81 Reading: XII Tielman Susato: Dances from Danserye (ca. 1551) Luis de Narváez: From Los seys libros del Delphin, intabulation and variations for vihuela (ca. 1538) William Byrd: Pavana Lachrymae, pavane variations (ca. 1600) Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon septimi toni a 8, from Sacrae symphoniae, ensemble canzone (ca. 1597) Tues. Nov. 12 Listening: Claudio Monteverdi: Cruda Amarilli, madrigal (late 1590s) Giulio Caccini: Vedrò ’l mio sol, solo madrigal (ca. 1590) Jacopo Peri: Le musiche sopra l’Euridice, opera: excerpts (1600) Claudio Monteverdi: L’Orfeo, opera: excerpt from Act II (1607) Claudio Monteverdi: L’incoronazione di Poppea, opera: Act I, scene 3 (1642) Antonio Cesti: Orontea, opera: excerpt from Act II (1656) Barbara Strozzi: Lagrime mie, cantata (1650s) Gabriel Bataille: Ma bergere non légere, air de cour (ca. 1613) Giovanni Gabrieli: In ecclesiis, sacred concerto (motet) (ca. 1610) Alessandro Grandi: O quam tu pulchra es, solo motet (sacred concerto) (ca. 1625) Giacomo Carissimi: Historia di Jephte, oratorio: excerpt (ca. 1648) Heinrich Schütz: O lieber Herre Gott, sacred concerto from Kleine geistliche Konzerte I (ca. 1636) Heinrich Schütz: Saul, was verfolgst du mich, sacred concerto, from Symphoniae sacrae III (ca. 1650) Girolamo Frescobaldi: Toccata No. 3 (ca. 1615, rev. 1637) Girolamo Frescobaldi: Ricercare after the Credo from Mass for the Madonna, in Fiori musicali (ca. 1635) Biagio Marini: Sonata IV per il violino per sonar con due corde, sonata for violin and continuo (ca. 1626) OHWM: 239-287. WT: 46, 48, 49. Music Under the Sun King NAWM 82 NAWM 83 NAWM 84 Jean-Baptiste Lully: Armide, opera: excerpts (1686) Jean-Baptiste Lully: Te Deum, grand motet: conclusion (1677) Denis Gaultier: La Coquette virtuose, courante (ca. 1650) 6 NAWM 85 XIII Reading: OHWM: 287-295 WT: 54, 55 Th. Nov. 14 Rationalism and Music in the Early Modern Period Listening: BB Johann Sebastian Bach, Violin Partita #2 in D minor, BWV 1004 (ca 1717-23) Reading: BB BB René Descartes, Passions of the Soul (1645-6) Johannes Mattheson, The Complete Music Master (1739) T. Nov. 19 Purcell’s London Listening: NAWM 86 BB BB Henry Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, opera: Conclusion (1689) Purcell, Funeral music for Queen Mary (1695) March and Canzona “From Silent Shades and the Elysian Groves” (1683), aka “Bess of Bedlam” Reading: OHWM: 295-301 WT: 58 Th. Nov. 21 Vivaldi and the Rise of Tonally-driven Form Listening: NAWM 90 NAWM 91 NAWM 93 XIV Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre: Suite No. 3 in A Minor, keyboard suite from Pièces de clavecin (ca. 1687) Alessandro Scarlatti: La Griselda, opera: excerpt from Act I, scene 2 (1720-21) Arcangelo Corelli: Trio Sonata, Op. 3, No. 2 (1680s) Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A Minor, Op. 3, No. 6 (ca. 1710) Reading: OHWM: 303-321 WT: 61, 66 F. Nov. 22 Annotated Bibliography Project Due T. Nov. 26. Bach Instrumental Music Listening: NAWM 96 NAWM 97 BB BB BB Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude and Fugue in A Minor (ca. 1715) Johann Sebastian Bach: Chorale Prelude on Durch Adams Fall (ca. 1716) Bach, The Well-Tempered Clavier (1722) Prelude and Fugue in C Minor Bach, Prelude, Fugue and Allegro in Eb Major, BWV 998 Bach, Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D Major (1721) 1st movement 7 XV Reading: OHWM: 325-353 WT: 71 Th. Nov. 28 No Class, Thanksgiving Recess Dec. 3 Bach Vocal Music Listening: NAWM 98 Reading: Johann Sebastian Bach: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, cantata (1724) BB Bach, B-Minor Mass (1749) Credo "Crucifixus" Credo "Et resurrexit" OHWM: 364-381 WT: 72, 73 Dec. 5 Handel Listening: NAWM 99 NAWM 100 XVI George Frideric Handel: Giulio Cesare, opera: Act II, scenes 1–2 (1724) George Frideric Handel: Saul, oratorio: Act II, scene 10 (1738) Reading: OHWM: 353-363 WT: 64, 69, 70. T Dec. 10 Catch up and Review Final Examination: Tuesday, December 17th, 8:00AM – 10:00 AM 8
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