2016 年 3 月号 JAC リクルートメント・マレーシアでは、社会貢献事業のひと つとして、弊社を通じて転職、就職された方1名につき1本 の植林活動を、ボルネオ島に位置するマレーシア・サラワク 州において熱帯雨林再生や環境保全のために実施してい ます。 この植林活動は社団法人日本マレーシア協会“オランウー タンの森基金”を通じて行い、熱帯雨林の再生をサポートを させて頂き、また、地球環境保護だけでなく、オランウータン をはじめ熱帯雨林に棲息する様々な生命を救う事が私達の 願いです。 (※2008 年のプロジェクト開始以降、JAC リクルートメント・ マレーシアは 2015 年 12 月までに 5,572 本植樹いたしました。) ≪弊社サービスのご紹介≫ ローカルスタッフの紹介 (Local Staff) 日本語堪能なローカルスタッフの紹介 (Japanese Speaking Staff) 日本人スタッフ/管理者の紹介 (Native Japanese Staff) 韓国語及び諸外国語堪能なスタッフの紹介 (Korean Speaker/Korean Native/Other Nationality) JAC RECRUITMENT MALAYSIA <クアラルンプール本社> 人材紹介業許可No. JTK537 Letter Box No.15, 17th Floor, UBN Tower, 10 Jalan P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. 電話:03-2715-5525/ファックス:03-2715-5776 箱木/沖/中川/宇田川/宮崎/伊藤/桐生 [email protected] <ペナン支店> 人材紹介業許可No. JTK2102 1-2-38, I-Avenue, Medan Kampung Relau 1, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang. 電話:04-641-0150/ファックス:04-641-0152 ベー(Ms) [email protected] <ジョホール支店> 人材紹介業許可No. JTK2138 Suite No.23A.06A, Level 23A, Johor Bahru City Square, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor 電話:07-278-1122/ファックス:07-278-1123 佐々木/タン(Ms) [email protected] MALAYSIA~SINGAPORE~INDONESIA~THAILAND~HONG KONG~CHINA~KOREA~VIETNAM~INDIA~UK~JAPAN ** 日本人登録者 ** ※実際に応募をする求人の職種や職位により給与が異なる可能性がある為、また企業により諸条件が異な る為、希望給与は記載しておりません。 REF:JPC2067 *経営管理/製造関連/その他 50代半ば、男性、大卒(数学科)。自動車メーカーに30年ほど勤務し、国内で二輪車開発の管理プロジェ クトリーダー、二輪車/四輪車の生産戦略の策定及び生販計画の立案などに従事した他、海外にて生産企 画や経営管理に従事。できればジョホール州内を希望するものの、他州での勤務も可能。離職済み。 REF:JPC2161 *スピーカー開発/その他 50代前半、男性、専門学校卒(音響芸科)。舞台技術の会社に技師/営業として8年ほど勤務した他、損 害保険の営業に3年ほど勤務。その後は自営などでスピーカーの開発に従事。スピーカー(主に業務用) の開発の他に大型システムの評価や開発に従事した経験がある他、中国に出向して開発を行った経験もあ り。現在日本在住。 REF:JPC2153 *通信土木、IT通信施工管理 50代前半、男性、高専卒(土木工学)。IT系建設会社や通信系エンジニアリング会社での官公庁通信プロ ジェクトや金融機関データセンター構築PJ、中東や東南アジアでの通信網構築、海底ケーブル設置PJ等 に約30年従事。ビジネスレベルの英語力。日本在住。 REF: JPC0123 *営業 50代前半、男性、専門学校卒。精密機器メーカーでの印刷アプリ開発や自動車会社向け完成車両検査シス テムの開発等に約20年従事。その後、二輪車向け部品メーカーにて海外二輪車向けエンジンECU開発や欧 州向け海外営業に計4年従事。現在は事業企画に従事し、3月末で希望退職の予定。コミュニケーションに 支障のないレベルの英語力。面接は応相談、4月半ば以降から就労開始可能。日本在住。 REF: JPC2152 *営業 50代前半、男性、高卒。マレーシア人との既婚者。大手メーカーでの複合機営業や販売促進、保守等に合 計30年以上従事中。シンガポール、インドへの駐在経験あり。ビジネスレベルの英語力。面接は応相談、 日本在住。 REF: JPC2156 *営業 20代半ば、男性、大学院中退(環境工学)。フィリピン留学経験あり。副資材専門商社での既存フォロー 営業や代理店向け営業に約3年半従事。化学品や環境関連の営業職を希望。コミュニケーションに支障の ないレベルの英語力。Skype面接は随時可能、オファー後早い段階で就労開始可能。日本在住。 REF: JPC0124 *営業 20代半ば、男性、大卒。留学経験あり。電気電子部品専門商社での既存フォロー営業に約4年従事。コミ ュニケーションに支障のないレベルの英語力。Skype面接は随時可能、必要に応じてマレーシアへの渡航 も可能。オファー後早い段階で就労開始可能。日本在住。 REF: JPC0124 *営業 20代半ば、女性、大卒。マレーシア留学経験あり。アウトソーシング会社にてインターネット広告、ウェ ブサイト構築の法人営業に従事。現在はベトナムの日系ベンチャー企業にて不動産営業や日系企業向け進 出支援支援サポートにインターンとして従事中。コミュニケーションに支障ないレベルの英語力。Skype 面接は随時可能。就労開始は3月下旬以降より可能。ベトナム在住。 REF: JPC2137 *営業事務 30 代前半、女性。大卒。接客販売に 1 年半従事した後、インフラの営業事務に 3 年従事。その後、ワー キングホリデーのため豪へ渡航 2 年滞在。帰国後、通信会社、リース会社の営業事務に 4 年半従事。英語 は、ビジネス初級レベル。スカイプ面接は随時可能、3 月より就労開始可能。 REF: JPC2164 *営業事務、コーディネーターなど 30 代前半、女性。マレーシア在住。大卒。大学在学中にカナダへ 2 年留学経験有(旅行学資格取得)。 コンベンション企画運営会社にて、国際会議の企画、運営、コーディネートに 8 年従事。英語は、ビジネ ス初級レベル。対面面接、就労は随時可能。自己所有車あり。 ** 日本人登録者 ** REF: JPC2099 *カスタマーサービス/事務 20代後半、女性。マレーシア在住。専門卒。飲食、ホスピタリティー業界経験6年(ホテルレストラン運 営業務・販売企画、カナダのレストランにて就労)、ならびにカスタマーサービス経験3年(カナダ語学 学校の受付業務、コールセンター)。現在マレーシアのBPOにて社員教育・品質管理担当者として就業中。 英語はビジネス初級レベル、フランス語は日常会話レベル。面接、就労開始時期は応相談。 REF: JPC2166 *営業/カスタマーサービス 40代前半、男性。日本在住。大卒。時計メーカーにて営業、企画、販売に計13年携わる。在職中には香港 に4年半、品質保証担当者として駐在。中国に留学後、香港の食品会社にて日本食材の営業担当として1年 従事。英語は初級ビジネスレベル、中国語は日常会話レベル。面接は随時可能、内定後早い段階で就労開 始可能。 REF: JPC2165 *カスタマーサービス 30代前半、女性。マレーシア在住。専門卒。病院にて看護師として一般外来・緊急外来・手術などの現場 業務とリーダーナースとして指導業務に計7年従事。英語は日常会話レベル。面接随時可能。内定後1ヵ月 程度で就業開始可能。 REF: JPC2116 *カスタマーサービス/事務サポート 30代前半、女性。マレーシア在住。大卒。テーマパークで販売・商品在庫管理・新人教育にに5年携わり、 アメリカの大学へ進学。卒業後はアメリカのツアー会社にてツアーガイド・送迎・通訳業務に1年従事。 日本帰国後はホテルにて予約・受付業務に1年携わり、現在はマレーシアのコールセンターにてカスタマ ーサポート業務に従事。英語は初級ビジネスレベル、面接は応相談。2月から就労可能。 REF: JPC2131 *総務/経理 40代前半、男性、大学院修了。スリランカ在住。メーカー・保険業界などで経理全般16年、設備設計事業 会社の海外現地法人にて総務1年の経験あり。ビジネスレベルの英語力。勤務開始時期は内定2ヶ月後。 REF: JPC2134 *経理サポート/総務 40代後半、女性、大卒。日本在住。経理補助10年、国内外総務7年、銀行での営業事務4年、海外にてPC インストラクター2年、高校教師(英語・簿記・会計・PC操作指導)6年の経験あり。業務上問題ないレ ベルの英語力。面接時期は応相談、勤務開始可能時期は4月明け以降。 REF: JPC0535 *ITテクニカルサポート/プロジェクトマネージメント 40代後半、男性、高卒。マレーシア在住。ヘルプデスク・テクニカルサポート計14年、ビデオ会議システ ムのプロジェクトマネージメント5年半の経験あり。ビジネスレベルの英語力。離職済みのため、面接・ 勤務開始日は応相談。 REF: JPC2055 *プロジェクトマネージメント/テクニカルサポート 30代半ば、女性、短大卒(英文学科)、日本在住。業務アプリケーションシステム開発7年、プロジェク トマネージメント7年、テクニカルサポート8年、ベンダーコントロール8年、インフラ・サーバ運用・保 守4年の経験あり。ビジネスレベルの英語力。離職済みのため、面接・勤務開始日は応相談。 REF: JPC20154 *ソフトウェア開発/プロジェクトマネージメント 30代半ば、男性、大学院卒(工学研究科情報学専攻)、日本在住。携帯電話・スマートフォンのソフトウ ェア開発計10年、うち8年程度のプロジェクトマネージャー・チームリーダー経験あり。ソフトウェア開 発技術者資格あり。日常会話が可能なレベルの英語力。離職済みのため、面接・勤務開始日は応相談。 REF: JPC2148 *プロジェクトマネージメント/コーディネーター 30代半ば、女性、大卒(英文学科)、ベトナム在住。システムエンジニア(Webアプリケーション・バッ チの開発)9年、システムのオフショア開発支援1年半の経験あり。英語・中国語で日常会話が可能。内定 後1ヶ月半~2ヶ月で勤務開始可能。 日本語堪能者(マレーシア人) LOGISTIC・PURCHASING(SELANGOR希望) REF: SH/A11358 マレー系男性、30 代後半。日本の大学(電気電子)を卒業。10 年以上購買、物流管理、納期管理の仕事に携わる。 サプライヤー、日本本社とのやり取りの経験あり。1 ヶ月の Notice が必要。 希望給与:応相談 PURCHASING (SELANGOR希望) REF: SH/A11352 中国系男性、40 代前半。日本の大学(経営)を卒業。10 年以上日系企業で購買、物流、営業、カスタマーサービ ス等の仕事に携わる。日本語、英語共に堪能。2 ヶ月の Notice が必要。 希望給与:RM8,000 REF: SH/A9045 ADMIN (KLANG VELLEY希望) 中国系女性、30 代後半。マレーシアの大学(食品工学)を卒業。約 4 年間購買、営業補佐、総務、カスタマサービ ス等の仕事経験。日本語は中級レベル。 希望給与:RM5,000 ADMINISTRATION (KLANG VALLEY 希望) REF: CU/A11424 中国系女性、30 代前半。日本の大学(経営管理)を卒業。新卒。日本でアルバイトとしてストアキーパーやウェイト レスなど経験を持つ。日本語は中級レベル。即日勤務開始可能。 希望給与:RM2,500(応相談) FINANCE MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY 希望) REF: RI/A11364 中国系女性、30 代後半。英国勅許公認会計士(ACCA)。17 年間マレーシア及び日系の企業にて、経理、人事と 総務を経験。約 7 年間の監査業界にも経験があり。中国語、マレー語、英語と日本語いずれも堪能。 希望給与:応相談 ACCOUNTING MANAGER (KL) REF: RI/A8854 中国系女性、30 代後半。マレーシアの大学(会計・経理)を卒業。マレーシアにあるシェアドサービスセンター及び 日系企業にて約 15 年間、経理・会計・総務関係・人事等の仕事に携わる。英語、中国語、マレー語、日本語いず れも堪能。 希望給与:応相談 SALES EXECUTIVE (KLANG VALLEY希望) REF: LS/A10507 マレー系男性。30歳前半。日本の大学(生物学科)を卒業。約5年間、日系商社にて主に化学製品の営業活動や 顧客と本社への発表・レポート作成等の仕事を担当。国内外出張可能。日本語、英語、マレー語いずれも堪能。 希望給与:応相談 SALES EXECUTIVE (KLANG VALLEY希望) REF: CU/A11450 中国系男性、30 代前半。イギリスの大学(経営管理)を卒業。2 年間、日本で日本語を勉強。営業や営業開発の仕 事を担当。現在、マレーシアのカレッジにてコーディネーター職に従事。国内外出張可能。日本語(中級レベル)、 英語、マレー語いずれも堪能。 希望給与:RM4,500 SALES &MARKETING (KL希望) REF: CU/A10130 中国系女性、20 歳半ば。マレーシアの大学を卒業(言語)。日系企業にてコンサルタントの仕事を経験。お客様と のやり取り、営業、カスタマサービスなど仕事を従事。日本語は(中級レベル)。英語、中国語、マレー語いずれも堪 能。 希望給与:RM4,000 日本語堪能者(マレーシア人) SALES &MARKETING (KL希望) REF: JJ/ A11449 マレー系女性、20 歳半ば。日本の大学を卒業(環境工学学科)。約 1 年半の間、日本にあるメーカーにて自動車部 品のデザインと資料の翻訳を担当。帰国後、フリーランスとして翻訳と通訳の仕事に従事。英語、マレー語と日本語 が流暢(日本語能力試験 1 級を取得)。 希望給与:RM4,000 SALES & MARKETING EXECUTIVE (KLANG VALLEY希望) REF: LS/A11441 マレー系男性、20代半ば。日本の大学を卒業(機械工学)。日本にてアルバイトで法人営業の仕事を経験。マレー シアに帰国後、マレーシアの不動産業界にて約半年営業の仕事に携る。日本語、英語、マレー語いずれも堪能。 希望給与: RM3,500 SALES ENGNEER (KLANG VALLEY希望) REF: LS/A11457 マレー系男性、20代半ば。日本の大学を卒業(機械工学専攻)。約1年半の間、マレーシアの自動車部品メーカー にて営業、クレーム処理、プランニング、車部品確認等の仕事を担当。日本語、英語、マレー語いずれも堪能。 希望給与:RM3,500 REF: JJ/A11384 SALES EXECUTIVE (KL希望) 中華系女性、20 代前半。イギリスの大学(ビジネス)を卒業。新卒。日本語は独学で初級レベル。英語、マレー語、 中国語いずれも堪能。 希望給与:RM2,500 SALES EXECUTIVE (KLANG VALLE希望) REF: JJ/ A11418 中華系男性、20 代前半。マレーシアの高校を卒業した新卒。マレーシアの日本語学校で 20 ヶ月の日本語コース を修了。英語、マレー語、中国語、日本語いずれも堪能。日本語能力試験 2 級を取得。 希望給与:RM2,500 (応相談) SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LEADER(KLANG VALLEY希望) REF: LM/A11287 マレー系男性、30 代前半。日本の大学(電子通信工学)を卒業。卒業後、日本、アメリカやマレーシアにて約 9 年 間、ソフト開発、ウェブベース・アプリケーションの開発やクラウド・コンピューティングの豊富な経験あり。また、チー ムの管理経験あり。Java、JEE、Linux、MySQL、Oracle、html、JavaScript、VMware、Apache Tomcat 等に精 通。 希望給与:RM18,000 (応相談) IT TEAM LEADER/SUPERVISOR(KLANG VALLEY希望) REF: LM/A5333 中国系男性、40代半ば。日本の高専(IT)と大学(環境工学)を卒業。IT企業にて17年間、Signal Integrity 分析 (PCB)及びネットワーク管理を担当。そのうち約2年間はITチームリーダーとしてチーム管理を経験。 希望給与:RM8,000 (応相談) IT SUPPORT (KLANG VALLEY希望) REF: LM/A9870 中華系男性、30 歳。大学(物質工学)を中退。食品製造業にて約 1 年間庶務、人事や経理の仕事に従事。2 年半 の間 IT サポート、システム監視や一般パソコンのトラブル・シューティングの仕事に従事。 希望給与:RM6,000 (応相談) PRODUCTION MANAGER(SELANGOR 希望) REF: LW/A4488 マレー系男性、30 代後半。日本の大学(機械)を卒業。日系企業で約 13 年の職務経験あり。製造、生産管理、機 械メンテナンス、テクニカルサポート、ジグ設計などを経験。 希望給与:応相談 日本語堪能者(マレーシア人) PRODUCTION MANAGER(SELANGOR 希望) REF: LW/A11416 マレー系男性、40 代後半。日本の大学(電気電子)を卒業。日系企業および外資系企業で約 21 年の職務経験あ り。品質管理、改善活動を導入、苦情処理、プロジェクトなどを経験した他、ISO の知識もあり。。 希望給与:応相談 PRODUCTION MANAGER(N.SEMBILAN 希望) REF: LW/A6433 マレー系男性、30 代後半。日本の大学(電気電子)を卒業。日系企業および外資系で約 14 年の職務経験あり。 生産管理、品質管理、装置の立ち上げ、テクニカルサポートなども経験。 希望給与:RM7,800(応相談) PRODUCTION/QAQC MANAGER(SELANGOR 希望) REF: LW/A4064 マレー系男性、30 代後半。日本の専門(機械工学)を卒業。日系企業および外資系で 14 年の職務経験あり。建 築のエレベーターの設計とプロジェクトを担当、生産管理、品質管理、苦情処理、カスタマーサービス、在庫管理も 経験。 希望給与:RM6,800(応相談) ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY 希望) REF: RI/A11278 マレー系男性、20 代後半、日本の大学(電気電子)を卒業。プロセスエンジニアとメンテナンスエンジニアとして 4 年の経験あり。日本語能力試験2級を取得。 希望給与:RM5,000 PRODUCTION ENGINEER (SELANGOR 希望) REF: LW/A11420 マレー系男性、30 代半ば。マレーシアの大学(機械工学)を卒業。日系企業および外資系で 5 年の職務経験あり。 機械の設計、プロセスエンジニア、改善、生産のテクニカルサポートも経験。日本語能力試験 2 級を取得。 希望給与:RM4,500(応相談) SENIOR/MANAGEMENT LEVEL DIRECTOR – FUND INVESTMENT (KLANG VALLEY) REF: SP/D38720 Early 40s, Master Degree in investment and Banking. Fellow of Association Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA). More than 15 years of working experience in mergers, acquisitions, private equity investment, portfolio monitoring and investment covering oil & gas, education and healthcare industry. Exposure as Financial Advisor – Private Equity Investment and Corporate Investment Banking. Expected Salary: Negotiable GENERAL MANAGER – PROPERTY (KLANG VALLEY) REF: GL/D39629 Mid 40s, Degree in Civil & Structure Engineering. 20 years of working experience in construction, engineering consultancy and property developer industry. Has experience in managing projects, feasibility studies, sales forecasting, budgeting, liaison with sales, marketing and performance management. Has been progressing into corporate environment in a property development establishment. Expected Salary: Negotiable GENERAL MANAGER – SALES/OPERATION (KLANG VALLEY) REF: NL/D39498 Early 40s, Bachelor’s Degree of International Trade and Marketing. Total of 7 years of managerial experience in managing a large number of staff in automotive industry. More than 3 years of experience in a Japanese based distributor, and over 4 years of exposure with European luxury automotive brands. Responsible for the overall performance of the branch in sales, after-sales, pre-owned cars and profitability. Manage Profit and Lost for the outlet, overhead cost, marketing processes and etc. Expected Salary: RM20,000 FINANCIAL CONTROLLER/SENIOR FINANCE MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: NL/D39669 Mid 40s, Pursuing CFA, obtained FCCA, MIA and Associate Member of ACCA. Financial professional with 20 years of progressive experience in financial management, manufacturing, construction and public accounting for public and private held MNC. Responsible for all finance, tax, accounting and investor reporting as well as cash flow operation and projections. Expected Salary: RM16,500 (Negotiable) GENERAL MANAGER – MANUFACTURING OPERATION (KLANG VALLEY) REF: SP/D39494 Mid 40s, Bachelor of Business Administration. More than 20 years of manufacturing operations management experiences in Plastic Injection Moulding and Plastic Extrusion, Plastic Resin Compounding industry. Well rounded in Purchasing, QA/QC, Maintenance, Plant Operations, Warehouse and Sales & Marketing. Significant achievement in cost-effectiveness. Expected Salary: Negotiable HEAD OF LEGAL – OIL & GAS (KLANG VALLEY) REF: SP/D39319 Mid 40s. Degree in Law. Reviews contracts and liaises with external solicitors as Legal Advisor to management and business. Good exposure in negotiating, drafting and reviewing of contracts, report writing and minutes meeting. Has very strong legal knowledge and is well exposed to big corporate companies. Expected Salary: RM15,000 (Negotiable) SAFETY & HEALTH MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: GL/D39614 Early 30s. Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (EHS). 8 years of working experience in manufacturing and construction industry. Registered with DOSH and obtained Green Book. International HSE standard exposure. Expected Salary: RM12,000 (Negotiable) QUALITY MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: GL/D39394 Early 40s, Bachelor of Science. 18 years of working experience whereby 10 years is in manufacturing environment and 1 year in power plant industry. ISO/TS documentation and certifications implementation. Expected Salary: RM10,000 SALES & MARKETING SALES MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D38819 Late 30s. Degree in Science. About 14 years of working experience in manufacturing industry. Is mainly involved in technical sales and marketing related to tools and building materials. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM8,500 (Negotiable) SALES MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39176 Early 40s. SPM holder. About 18 years of working experience in technical sales. Good experience in Japanese corporate sales environment related to CNC machine and cutting tools and etc. Available with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM8,500 (Negotiable) SALES MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D38891 Mid 30s. Degree in Economics. Has about 14 years of working experience in various industries. Has good experience in Business Development & Sales. Was mainly involved as Sales & Marketing professional for the past 15 years in education, FMCG, manufacturing parts and services. Expected Salary: RM8,500 (Negotiable) SALES MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: JA/D39503 Late 30s. Degree of Engineering in Electronic & Communication. Has about 11 years of working experience in trading & manufacturing industry for semiconductors. Has good experience in Sales Management. Good knowledge of OS system and shipping documentation. Professionally experienced in market research, presentation and networking skills. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM8,000 (Negotiable) KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: JA/D39500 Mid 30s. Degree of Business Administration. Has about 9 years of working experience in trading for FMCG industry. Has good experience in Sales Management. Has good knowledge and experience in shipping documentation, L/C Opening, CIF Calculation, Tariff and warehousing. Professionally experienced in market research, presentation and marketing. Available with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM7,000 (Negotiable) KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39266 Mid 40s. Degree in Business Administration. Total of 19 years of working experience in various industries such as pharmaceutical, automotive and etc. Was mainly involved in sales. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM7,000 (Negotiable) SALES & MARKETING MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: CK/D39388 Mid 40s with SPTM. Total of 20 years of experience in technical service, sales and marketing in film and printing industry. Experienced in dealing with local and oversea customers. Possesses own car and is willing to travel. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM6,800 (Negotiable) SENIOR SALES EXECUTIVE (MIDVALLEY/PJ) REF: HJ/D39682 Late 20s. Diploma in Multimedia Design. About 3 years of telemarketing experience and 2 years ecommerce sales experience in a Japanese company. Outstanding sales achievement with proven records. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM6,500 MARKETING/BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (KLANG VALLEY) REF: EZ/D38659 Mid 30s. Diploma in Computer Science. Has about 10 years of working experience with 6 years in marketing positions dealing with social media, online media (advertising) online marketing concepts, procedures, strategies and practices. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM6,500 SALES MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: JE/D38953 Early 30s. Has more than 10 years of experience in international and local sales and marketing in retail line. Acquired skills such as Sales Management, Client Management, Leading and managing teams and Account Management. Has overseas working exposure. Opened more than 20 outlets. Possesses own car and is willing to travel. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM6,500 (Negotiable) SALES ASSIST. MANAGER/MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: CK/D9282 Mid 30s. Master of Administration International Business and Advance Diploma in Science (Chemistry and Biology). Total of about 10 years of experience in Chemicals, F&B and Oil & Gas industries. Experienced in both local and regional role. Possesses own transportation. Available with 1 week notice. Expected Salary: RM6,500 (Negotiable) MARKETING/BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (KLANG VALLEY) REF: EZ/D39517 Mid 20s. Diploma in Business Administration. Has about 9 years of working experience as Marketing, Business Development and PA in Media Industry. Available with 1 week notice. Expected Salary: RM6,000 SALES MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: CC/D39546 Early 30s. Diploma in Engineering. About 9 years of sales experience in building materials and 6 months in sales in FMCG industry. Experienced in managing sales team. Possesses own car and is willing to travel. Available with 1 week notice. Expected Salary: RM6,000 (Negotiable) SALES MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: CC/D39529 Early 30s. Certificate in Business Studies. 13 years of working experience with 8 years of which is in sales of building materials. Possesses own car and is willing to travel. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM6,000 (Negotiable) ASST SALES MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: CC/D39658 Early 30s. Degree in Electronics Engineering. About 3 years in sales of engineering products and 5 years as an Engineer. Possesses own car and is willing to travel. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM6,000 (Negotiable) ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER (KL/MIDVALLEY) REF: HJ/D39684 Late 20s. Degree in Business Administration. Around 2 1/2 years of sales experience in a Japanese ECommerce company. Oversaw 3 subordinates with outstanding team achievement. Available with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM6,000 (Negotiable) SALES EXECUTIVE (SHAH ALAM/SUBANG) REF: HJ/D39632 Late 20s, Degree in Chemical Engineering. About 6 years of sales experience in various industries including of automotive, chemicals trading and IT leasing. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM5,000 ASSISTANT MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: JA/D39311 Mid 20s. SPM holder with 8 years of working experience in retail industry. Experienced in inventory management, visual merchandising and monitoring staffs. Available with 3 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM4,800 (Negotiable) SALES EXECUTIVE (SUBANG/PJ/SHAH ALAM) REF: JA/D39217 Early 40s. SPM holder with 19 years of working experience in trading and manufacturing industry line. Major roles included sales and production planning. Has good knowledge of ERP and SAP system. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM4,800 (Negotiable) SALES ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39547 Late 20s, Degree in Mechanical Engineering. About 4 1/2 years of working in Japanese semiconductor environment. Good experience in technical service, technical sales, maintenance and etc. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM4,500 (Negotiable) ACCOUNTS & FINANCE FINANCE MANAGER (BALAKONG/SERI KEMBANGAN) REF: JI/D39213 Late 30s. Possesses membership of ACCA and MIA. Has more than 10 years of experience in accounting field. Experienced in an audit firm and services industry. Able to handle HR and admin tasks. Has knowledge of SAP and Quick book system. Expected Salary: RM8,500 FINANCE MANAGER (KL) REF: MY/D11502 Late 30s. Possesses Professional Degree in Accounting and AIA. Is In the midst of registering as MIA member. Has about 18 years of working experience, with 14 years in accounting field and another 4 years in admin and purchasing. Has exposure in life insurance, travel tours, automotive and gaming industry. Responsible for managing and overseeing the full set of accounts, management financial report, budget and forecast, cash flow management and foreign currencies knowledge. Has experience in GST implementation and in supervising a team, and is also able to work independently. Has experience in ACCPAC, PeopleSoft, Smart stream and UBS System. Available with 1 month’ notice. Expected Salary: RM8,500 (Negotiable) SENIOR ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE/AM (CHERAS/MID VALLEY/KL) REF: JI/D24274 Early 40s. Obtained Bachelor of Business Administration major in Finance. Experienced in handling trading, services and manufacturing accounts. Has knowledge of ACCPAC and SAP system. Possesses own transportation. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM8,300 (Negotiable) SENIOR INTERNAL AUDIT (KL CENTRE/PJ) REF: MY/D38307 Mid 30s. Obtained Degree in Accounting. Is pursuing CIA and is an associate member of the Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia (IIA). Has around 12 years of experience in internal audit with exposure in manufacturing, education and semiconductor industry. Responsible for preparing annual audit plan and budget, proposing risk and implication and recommendation to the weaknesses. Was involved in the drafting of Risk Control Matrix. Available immediately with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM8,200 (Negotiable) FINANCE MANAGER (KL CENTER) REF: MY/D9923 Early 30s. Possesses Degree in Accountancy. Is pursuing CPA with another 4 papers to be completed. Has 8 years of experience in accounts and finance field with exposure in shared service centre and MLM industry. Experienced in foreign currency transaction and payroll analysis. Familiar with SAP System and Hyperion. Possesses own transportation and is willing to travel. Available in April 2016. Expected Salary: RM8,000 (Negotiable) FINANCE MANAGER (KL CENTER) REF: MY/D38349 Early 40s. Possesses Diploma in Accounting. Completed AIA but did not apply for membership. Total of 19 years of working experience in accounting and finance field with exposure in construction, manufacturing and fitness centre. Familiar with SQL and UBS system. Possesses own transportation and is willing to travel. Available with 1 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM7,500 (Negotiable) FINANCE & ADMIN MANAGER (KL/PJ) REF: MY/D39428 Early 50s. ICSA and IFA holder. Has about 27 years of working experience with 13 years of which is in handling finance, admin and HR and 7 years in audit. Was involved in trade finance such as LC, TR, BA, BG, Overdraft, Term Loan and Hire Purchase. Is familiar with UBS System. Possesses own transportation and is willing to travel. Available with 1 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM7,200 (Negotiable) SENIOR ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE/AM (KL/PJ) REF: MY/D3266 Mid 30s. LCCI holder. Experienced in handling trading, engineering software and E-commerce accounts. Able to handle full set of accounts and financial reporting. Familiar with MYOB, UBS and IBM AS400 system. Possesses own transportation. Available in July 2016. Expected Salary: RM6,500 (Negotiable) ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE (PUCHONG/PJ) REF: KL/D30311 Mid 30s. Obtained Advanced Diploma in Accounting. More than 10 years of working in handling accounting task. Responsible for preparing annual audit plan and budget. Able to handle full set accounts, have experience in handling whole company's account independently. Possesses own transportation. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM6,000 (Negotiable) SENIOR INTERNAL AUDIT (KL/SELANGOR) REF: MY/D27071 Mid 40s. Obtained Master of Business Administration and Advanced Diploma in Accounting. Responsible for preparation of Annual Audit Plan and monitoring the progress of the Audit Plan. Identifies and evaluates risk exposure to determine scope of audit frequency of audit coverage. Also prepared Audit Report for management. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM5,500 (Negotiable) SENIOR ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE (CHERAS/MID VALLEY/KL) REF: JI/D39467 Early 40s. Obtained STPM. Experienced in a Japanese trading company. Able to handle full set of accounts. Has knowledge of SAP system. Possesses own transportation. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM4,500 (Negotiable) ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE (KEPONG/DAMANSARA) REF: KL/D30311 Early 30s. Obtained Advanced Diploma in Accounting. More than 7 years of experience in handling accounting tasks. Responsible for preparing annual audit plan and budget. Possesses own transportation. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM4,000 ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE (KL) REF: KL/D31590 Mid 20s. Obtained Advanced Diploma in Accounting. Has about 3 years of working experience in handling accounting tasks. Relies on public transportation. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM3,000 HUMAN RESOURCE & ADMINISTRATION/SECRETARY SECRETARY/PA (PUCHONG/SHAH ALAM/SUBANG/PJ) REF: MY/D12778 Late 30s. Diploma in Administration Management. Has more than 19 years of working experience in secretarial tasks with experience in assisting CEO, MD, GM and Director. Responsible for arranging internal and external appointment, arranging meeting presentation and taking minutes of meeting. Possesses own transportation and is willing to travel. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM6,200 (Negotiable) SECRETARY/PA (PJ) REF: KL/D37307 Mid 30s. Degree in Communication Design. Has more than 10 years of working experience in UK and more than 2 years of experience as Secretary in a Japanese company. Responsible for arranging internal and external appointment, arranging meeting presentation and taking minutes of meeting. Possesses own transportation and is willing to travel. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM6,000 (Negotiable) CUSTOMER SERVICE (KL/PJ) REF: HJ/D39686 Mid 20s. Degree in Business Administration. More than 1 year of customer service experience in a Japanese E-commerce company. Relies on public transportation. Available in May onwards. Expected Salary: RM3,600 SALES COORDINATOR (KL/PJ) REF: HJ/D39687 Mid 20s. Degree in International Marketing. Around 4 months of marketing experience in a Japanese Ecommerce company before the company closed down. Did not involve much on marketing planning but more on executing campaign. Relies on public transportation. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM2,800 (Negotiable) SALES COORDINATOR (KLANG VALLEY) REF: HJ/D39585 Early 20s. On-going Degree in Business Management on part time basis. About 4 years of admin experience including exposure in a Japanese company. Possesses own transportation. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM2,800 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION FACILITY & MAINTENANCE MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: CK/D39726 Mid 40s. Possesses Diploma in Electronic Engineering. More than 23 years of experience in manufacturing & PLC automation. Experienced in facilities & plant maintenance, process improvement, project management and familiar with various types of PLC control system. Possesses own transportation. Available with 2 weeks’ notice. Expected Salary: RM8,600 PROJECT/TEST MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D13331 Mid 30s. Degree in Material and Manufacturing Engineering. Has about 11 years of experience in various industries including production, tool & die engineering, power distribution plant sub-station installation, QA, process and etc. Possesses own transportation. Available with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM8,500 (Negotiable) SENIOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: CK/D39553 Mid 30s. Possesses Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical (Power). Has more than 13 years of experience in electrical design, operation and service activities. Experienced in EPCC of power generation, oil & gas and utilities. Responsible for installation, testing, start-up, commissioning and operation of high, medium and low voltage power generation and distribution system. Possesses own transportation. Available with 3 months’ notice. Expected Salary: (Negotiable) TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39664 Early 40s. Associate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. Total of 19 years of working experience in one company. Good experience in mechanical design, technical support, project management and etc. Available with 1 week notice. Expected Salary: RM7,500 (Negotiable) PRODUCTION MANAGER (KAJANG/NILAI) REF: CC/D39476 Late 30s. Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Has about 13 years of experience with engineering industries. Strong experience in production and ISO 9001:2008. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM7,500 (Negotiable) TECHNICAL SUPPORT SENIOR ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39402 Early 30s. Degree in Material Science. About 8 years of working experience in semiconductor industry. Good experience in technical, FA & technical sales etc. Available with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM7,000 (Negotiable) PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39117 Mid 30s. Degree in Economics. About 13 years of working experience in Japanese manufacturing companies. Good experience in production planning etc. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM7,000 (Negotiable) QA/QC MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D37361 Mid 30s, Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Total of 13 years of working experience in manufacturing environment. Was mainly involved in Quality & Engineering matters. Possesses own transportation. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM6,500 (Negotiable) PIPING ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39041 Mid 20s, Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Has about 2 years of working experience as Project Engineer at construction sites. Good experience in piping and etc. Possesses own transportation. Available with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM6,500 (Negotiable) PRODUCTION MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39615 Early 30s, Degree in Biological & Agricultural Engineering. About 8 years of working experience in manufacturing environment and was mainly in charge of production activities. Possesses own transportation. Available with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM6,500 (Negotiable) DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D33663 Early 30s. Degree in Industrial Engineering. About 5 years of working experience in manufacturing environment. Has good experience in semiconductor, steel fabrication and power switchers and etc. Has good knowledge of C++/C programming, PIC/PLC programming, NC/CNC, AutoCAD etc. Possesses own transportation. Available with 3 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM5,500 (Negotiable) PROJECT ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39533 Early 30s. Degree in Mechanical Engineering. About 7 years of working experience in manufacturing environment. Was mainly involved in tool maintenance, project and technical service and etc. Available with 1 month’ notice. Expected Salary: RM5,500 (Negotiable) MECHANICAL DESIGN ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39649 Early 30s. Degree in Materials & Manufacturing. About 5 years of working experience in automotive industry and was mainly involved in technical design and etc. Good experience in 2D, 3D (Catia 5) design and so on. Available with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM5,500 (Negotiable) QA MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39522 Mid 30s. Degree in Information Technology. Has about 13 years of working experience in automotive related industry. Was mainly involved in quality assurance and etc. and has good experience in ISO/TS 16949, OHSAS and so on. Possesses own transportation. Available with 1 month’ notice. Expected Salary: RM5,500 (Negotiable) M&E ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: CK/D38975 Late 20s. Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering (Control, Instrumentation & Automation). About 6 years of site experience in M&E field and possess valid CIDB card. Responsible for monitoring all the subcontractors' mechanical and electrical work activities. Experienced in performing testing, commissioning and QS roles. Possesses own transportation. Available with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM5,500 (Negotiable) ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39523 Early 30s. Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Has about 5 years of working experience in manufacturing & construction companies. Good experience in electrical wiring, PCB design and etc. Possesses own transportation. Available with 3 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM5,000 (Negotiable) QC SENIOR ENGINEER (NEGERI SEMBILAN) REF: ST/D39508 Mid 40s. Master’s Degree in Environment Management and Degree in Arts. Has about 18 years of working experience in manufacturing environment. Experienced well in quality assurance specializing in die mold and etc. Has knowledge of SPC, OC Curve & CPK, ISO and etc. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM5,000 (Negotiable) PRODUCTION ASSISTANT MANAGER (NEGERI SEMBILAN) REF: ST/D39513 Early 40s. Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Has about 18 years of experience in manufacturing environment. Has good experience in production and etc. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM4,500 (Negotiable) SERVICE ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D4106 Mid 30s. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. Has about 14 years of working experience as CNC Technician and Service Maintenance in manufacturing companies. Able to do machine maintenance and troubleshooting. Experienced in handling printing machine and bottling machine and etc. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM4,500 (Negotiable) PROJECT ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: CK/D39225 Late 20s. Possesses Bachelor (Hons) in Building Survey. About 4 years of working experience in civil, structure and infra work. Responsible for cad drawing, preparing specification, attending progress meeting, site supervision, liaison with main-contractors, consultants and etc. Possesses own transportation. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM4,000 (Negotiable) SERVICE ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39244 Mid 20s. Degree in Mechanical & Manufacturing System Engineering. Has total of 3 years of experience in both local and Japanese companies. Good experience in maintenance and servicing machinery and instrumental equipment. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM4,000 (Negotiable) DESIGN/PROCESS ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: CK/D39704 Mid 20s. MENG (Hons) Chemical Engineering and is Registered Engineer at Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). Total of about 2 years of experience with a subcontractor of pipeline design and installation. Responsible for preparing technical engineering design, reviewing drawing, preparing technical proposal, project management, barge modification and etc. Good in Aspen Hysys and AutoCAD. Possesses own transportation. Available with 1 week notice. Expected Salary: RM4,000 (Negotiable) AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D39623 Mid 20s. Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. About 2 1/2 years of working experience in automotive and telco industries. Experienced in project management and etc. Available immediately. Expected Salary: RM3,800 (Negotiable) SERVICE ENGINEER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: ST/D36701 Early 30s. Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Has about 9 years of experience in manufacturing environment. Mainly involved in machine servicing, maintenance and etc. Possesses own transportation. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM3,500 (Negotiable) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECT MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: MF/D38917 Early 30s. Degree in Business Management & Information Technology. Has accumulated over 11 years of working experience in IT industry. Involved in many projects within the IT solution, finance and banking industry. Holds Project Management Foundation and Practitioner (certificate) PRINCE2. Expected Salary: RM12,000 (Negotiable) PHP PROGRAMMER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: JE/D38716 Early 30s. Degree in Computer Science. More than 11 years of experience in software development. Hands-on Web Dev: PHP, JavaScript, HTML5+CSS3, JSON, AJAX, Jquery, JqueryUI, Bootstraps, BackboneJs, HandlerbarsJs Tools: PHPCI, PHPUnit, Mockery, Codeception, Selenium, Behat, Composer, Vagrant, Supervisord, Beanstalkd, ZeroMQ, Memcached, Git and SVN PHP Framework. Knowledge: CodeIgniter, Phalcon and Laravel 3, 4 & 5. Well versed in RDBMS: MySQL and MongoDB. Also has knowledge of Operating System: Windows OS, Linux Mint and Ubuntu. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: (Negotiable) PROJECT MANAGER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: EZ/D39679 Early 40s. Bachelors’ Degree in Engineering majoring in Electronic and Computer. Has 12 years working experience with Project Management experience, software development, focusing on Web-based and client/server-based applications, custom development projects, as well as customization of packaged products; possess security and defense industry expertise. Available with 1 weeks’ notice. Expected Salary: RM8,500 SENIOR BUSINESS ANALYST (KLANG VALLEY) REF: EZ/D39604 Late 40s. Master’s Degree in Information Technology (Computer Science). Has more than 17 years of experience in software development which focuses on business software and systems. Sound understanding of business process modelling and redesign concepts which includes gathering and analyzing requirements, designing business process, integration solution architecture and design using Object Orientated techniques. Strong background working with clients, designers, and programmers to identify requirements, provide cost analysis, assist with creating user interfaces, and develop implementation timelines. Available with 1 weeks’ notice. Expected Salary: RM8,000 SENIOR BUSINESS ANALYST (KLANG VALLEY) REF: EZ/D39539 Early 30s. Master in Information Technology. Has 11 years of working experience in various industries specializing in IT. Has good knowledge of development in BW-IP planning model, intergraded planning query with CRM analytics and Excel front-end using the SAP TPM Exce-Analysis, business testing and setup of initial platform of development. Available with 1 weeks’ notice. Expected Salary: RM8,000 SENIOR BUSINESS ANALYST (KLANG VALLEY) REF: EZ/D39544 Early 40s. Diploma in Computer Studies. Has 24 years of working experience with 18 years of which is in the IT industry. Has vast experience in vendor IT and Development. Available with 1 weeks’ notice. Expected Salary: RM7,500 BUSINESS ANALYST (KLANG VALLEY) REF: EZ/D39581 Early 20s. Bachelors’ Degree in IT majoring in Mobile Computing. Has 4 years’ experience in business consulting in Telecommunication and Financial Services as a Business Analyst and Test Lead. Involved in three full life cycle of large transformation project, from SDLC Phases scoping, requirement gathering, design, development, testing to production. Experienced in Business Support System for Telecommunication Industry and Bank Branch Teller System for Financial Services Industry. Available with 1 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM7,000 SENIOR BUSINESS ANALYST (KLANG VALLEY) REF: EZ/D39603 Early 20s. Bachelors’ Degree in IT majoring in Mobile Computing. Has 6 years of experience with more than 2 years of which was as Business Analyst. Experienced in solution design, configuration, testing, deployment, test data and test cases, support UAT and product training. Available with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM6,500 BUSINESS ANALYST (KLANG VALLEY) REF: EZ/D39657 Early 30s. Bachelors’ Degree in Information Systems. Has 5 years of working experience in Business Analyst/System Analyst. Experience in analyzing URS document, performing GAP analysis and business process improvements, preparing questionnaire and conducting client interview sessions, preparing FD (include UML Diagram), preparing weekly and monthly project progress reports on assigned tasks and engaging in SDLC phases. Available with 1 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM6,500 OTHERS SAFETY & HEALTH OFFICER (KLANG VALLEY) REF: CK/D39653 Late 28s. Possesses Bachelor (Hons.) in Environmental Health and Safety. A registered Safety and Health Officer and Certified Professional Scheduled Waste Management. More than 4 years of SHO experience in a manufacturing company. Main responsibilities are to conduct regular safety inspection, liaise with government bodies, training, security, scheduled waste management and etc. Possesses own transportation. Available with 2 months’ notice. Expected Salary: RM7,000 (Negotiable) OPERATION SUPERVISOR/SHIPPING EXECUTIVE (SHAH ALAM/SUBANG) REF: JA/D39480 Late 20s, Diploma in Hospitality. Has about 14 years of experience in sea freight logistics. Has good knowledge and experience in Import & Export permit declaration, quotation and warehouse inventory system. Familiar with SAP system. Available with 1 month notice. Expected Salary: RM3,800 (Negotiable)
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