平成27年度 滝川第二高等学校 入学考査 問題 ( 1 次 ) 英 語 (50分・100点) 注 意 事 項 1 問題は1ページから9ページまであります。 2 解答は,すべて解答用紙に記入しなさい。 3 「開始」の合図があるまで問題用紙は開いてはいけません。 4 考査番号を解答用紙と問題用紙に正しく記入しなさい。 5 解答用紙の※印の欄には記入してはいけません。 6 計算機能付き腕時計・電子辞書・携帯電話の持ち込みは禁止です。 7 「終了」の合図で鉛筆を置き,監督の先生の指示に従いなさい。 考査番号 1 次の英文を読んで,後の問いに答えよ。 Once a *Dutchman wanted to climb a high mountain. He flew from his country to America because there are no high mountains in his country. America, he moved by train. He got ( あ After he arrived in ) the train at a small country station and walked for more than a week. When he ( い ) the *foot of the mountain which he was going to climb, it began to rain. It rained so hard that he decided to stay there, because he knew how dangerous ①it was to climb a mountain in the rain. The rain did not stop. Six days passed. He looked up at the dark cloud ( う ) the mountain and said to himself, “②いつになったら晴れるのだろうか. It is *nearly a week since it began to rain.” Just then he saw a *Native American who was *coming up to him. The Native American wanted to see ( え ) the foreigner was doing there. The Dutchman was very glad and talked to the Native American. “I’m so glad to see you because I haven’t seen anyone for these five days. I’ve been all alone.” ③He was happy to find that the Native American understood his English. “Do you think it is going to be fine soon?” he asked. “Well…,” said the Native American. “It will rain for two more days, and then it will *clear up.” “④It’s wonderful, isn’t it?” said the Dutchman. “Old Native Americans know how to tell the weather much better than we do. Tell me how you knew all this.” The Native American answered, “I heard it on the radio this morning.” Dutchman (男の)オランダ人 *注 Native American アメリカ先住民 問1 本文中の( あ (山の)ふもと foot nearly ほとんど come up 近づく clear up 晴れ上がる )に入る語として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記 号で答えよ。 ア 問2 イ on off 本文中の( い ウ エ up to )に入る語句として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び, 記号で答えよ。 ア 問3 got イ got at ウ reached エ reached at 下線部①が意味するものとして,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記号 で答えよ。 ア 彼の山に関する知識 イ 雨の中,山に登ること ウ とても激しい雨が降ったこと エ 雨の中,同じ場所にとどまっていること -1- 問4 本文中の( う )に入る語句として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び, 記号で答えよ。 ア 問5 イ covering covering with ウ covered エ covered with 下線部②の英語表現として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記号で答 えよ。 ア Do you know when it will be fine? イ Do you know when will it be fine? ウ I wonder when it will be fine. エ I wonder when will it be fine. 問6 本文中の( え )に入る語として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記 号で答えよ。 ア him イ it ウ エ that what 問7 下線部③の理由として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記号で答えよ。 ア 話し相手となるアメリカ先住民を見つけたから。 イ 彼の英語がアメリカ先住民に通じることが分かったから。 ウ 5日間誰にも会わなかったから。 エ アメリカ先住民が理解できる英語を見つけ出したから。 問8 オランダ人男性が下線部④のように言ったのはなぜか。その理由として,最も適切 なものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記号で答えよ。 ア アメリカ先住民に雨がもうすぐやむことを教えてもらったから。 イ アメリカ先住民は天気の伝え方が上手だと感じたから。 ウ アメリカ先住民は天気を予測する素晴らしい方法を知っていると思ったから。 エ ようやく山に登ることができると思ったから。 問9 次の⑴~⑶の質問に対する答えとして,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つずつ 選び,それぞれ記号で答えよ。 ⑴ ア ⑵ What did the Dutchman use to go to America from his country? Ship. ウ Train. エ ウ エ Eight days. On foot. How many days does it rain in this story? ア Five days. ⑶ イ Plane. イ Six days. Seven days. How did the Native American know it was going to clear up? ア By watching clouds. イ By looking at mountains. ウ By listening to the radio. エ By asking old Native Americans. -2- 2 次の英文を読んで,後の問いに答えよ。 My name is John Grogan and I love dogs. When I was ten years old, my father gave me my first dog. I ( 1 ) him Shaun. Shaun was my best friend. He and I went to many places and he was very ①smart. When I called him, he came to me. He played with me and he walked next to me. In the car, he sat next to me quietly. After many years, Shaun died. He was fourteen years old. By that time, I wasn’t a boy; I was a man. I had my first job. Shaun was a great dog. I wanted to get ( あ ) dog, but it had to be as wonderful as Shaun. Some years later, I moved to Florida and married Jenny. Jenny and I had jobs with newspapers. We were very happy. We were young and ( い ) love, and life was wonderful. One day, I woke up early. Jenny wasn’t in bed. I found her at the table with a newspaper. She had a red pen in her hand. “Jenny,” I said, “what are you doing?” She showed me the newspaper. It was open at a page of *ads. “Look at this, John,” she said. I saw an ad with a big red line under it: Beautiful *Labrador *puppies. Five weeks old. “I think I can ②look after a dog. And later, maybe I’ll be ready for a baby.” I thought about that. Jenny and I wanted to have children some day, but we loved dogs, too. ③Our little house was a good place for a dog. ( the house had a big yard with a lot of trees. ★ ) And “OK,” I said. I put my arms around Jenny. “Let’s get a dog.” So a few days later, we drove to the house in the ad. The house was in the middle of the woods. A woman came to the door and there was a beautiful yellow Labrador with her. “I’m Lori,” said the woman. “And this is Lily. She’s the puppies’ mother.” Lori took us into a room behind the kitchen. There were a lot of newspapers on the floor, and a large box by the wall. In the box were nine yellow puppies. “Oh!” cried Jenny. “④Aren’t they beautiful?” We sat on the floor with the puppies. One little puppy really liked us. He climbed up our shirts and looked into our eyes. I stood up and turned away from the puppies. Then I turned back quickly and shouted loudly. The other puppies ran away. But the little puppy ran to me and -3- climbed up my shoes. “That’s our puppy,” Jenny laughed. I held him in front of my face. I looked at him and he looked at me. He had very large brown eyes. I gave him to Jenny, and she held him, too. “I think he likes us,” I said. We paid Lori for him. “Come back for him ( い ) three weeks,” she said. “He’ll be eight weeks old, so you can take him then.” We thanked Lori and said goodbye. On our way to the car, I put my arm around Jenny. “Isn’t it wonderful?” I said. “We got our dog.” “Yes,” she said. “⑤I can’t wait to bring him home.” Jenny and I tried to think of a name for our puppy, but each of us liked different names. One morning, we heard a song by Billy Joel, an American singer, on the radio. Jenny and I liked his music. Suddenly, at the same time, we shouted, “Billy!” “That’s it!” I cried. “That’s his name. Billy!” Jenny smiled. A week later, Jenny ( 2 ) for Disney World with her sister and her sister’s children. That evening after work, I drove to Lori’s house. Billy was a very large puppy now. “He eats a lot,” said Lori. “Are you ready for your new home, Billy?” I said. I used his name for the first time and it felt right. Billy sat next to me in the car. He tried to climb on me, but each time, he fell back on the floor. In the end, he climbed up and sat on me. He *wagged his tail happily. When we got home, Billy began to *sniff. He went around the house and sniffed everything. Then he sat back and looked at me with his large brown eyes. I read what Billy was thinking: This house is great. But where are my brothers and sisters? I took Billy to the *garage, next to the house. It was a warm, dry room. “Billy,” I said. “This is your room now.” I put some newspapers down on the floor. Then I put some water in a bowl and made a bed with a large box. “You’re going to sleep here,” I said. I put Billy in the box. He looked up at me sadly. I went back into the house and closed the door. I stood and listened. I could hear nothing. Then I heard a cry – and then ( あ ) cry. The cries got louder and louder. -4- When I opened the door again, Billy stopped crying. I stayed with him for a while. Then I left again and closed the door. Billy started to cry again. I was very tired, so I went to my bedroom. My bedroom wasn’t near the garage, but I heard Billy crying. I felt sorry for him. His family wasn’t there. After I got into bed, I listened to Billy’s cries for ⑥half an hour. Then I got up and went back to the garage. Billy stopped crying and wagged his tail. I carried his box into my bedroom and put it on the floor next to my bed. Then I got into bed and ⑦put my hand down into the box. Some minutes later, Billy and I fell asleep. *注 ads 広告 Labrador ラブラドール(犬の種類) sniff (においを)かぐ 問1 本文中の( 1 )( puppy 子犬 wag 振る garage 車庫 2 )に入る語句として,最も適切なものを下から選び,適当 な形に直して書きなさい。 ( take / 問2 leave ) go / name / make / 下線部①の単語の意味として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記号で 答えよ。 やせている ア 問3 本文中の( あ イ 活発な ウ 体型がよい エ かしこい )に入る語句として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び, 記号で答えよ。ただし,( あ )は2ヶ所あります。 ア 問4 イ other 本文中の( い イ for in エ each other another )に入る語として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記 号で答えよ。ただし,( い ア ウ the other )は2ヶ所あります。 ウ after エ to 問5 下線部②と同じ意味を持つ語句を次のア~エから1つ選び,記号で答えよ。 ア 問6 look like ( ★ イ ウ be interested in take care of エ run after )には下線部③の理由を表す1文が入る。その英文として,最も適切なも のを次のア~エから1つ選び,記号で答えよ。 ア We had a lot of dogs in our house. イ Our children loved dogs very much. ウ We lived near a park and a beach. エ There was a library near our house. -5- 問7 下線部④を言った時の気持ちとして,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び, 記号で答えよ。 ア 小犬たちがかわいくないとがっかりした気持ち イ 小犬たちがとってもかわいいと興奮している気持ち ウ 小犬たちが他の犬と比べてかわいいのか確かめたい気持ち エ 小犬たちがかわいくないと飼い主を非難する気持ち 問8 John が小犬を選んだ方法として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記号 で答えよ。 ア わざと大きな声を出して驚かし、怖がらなかった小犬を選んだ。 イ えさを与えてみて、一番よく食べる小犬を選んだ。 ウ 自分の着ていたシャツを脱ぎ,それを振ってみて飛びついてきた小犬を選んだ。 エ それぞれの小犬の顔立ちを比べて、一番かわいいと思った小犬を選んだ。 問9 下線部⑤の意味として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記号で答えよ。 ア あの小犬を家に連れて帰るのが待ち遠しいわ。 イ あの小犬に小屋を持って来られなくて残念だわ。 ウ もう待てないから,あの小犬を家に連れて帰りましょう。 エ 待たずにこの小犬を連れて帰られるなんて幸せだわ。 問10 下線部⑥を他の英語で言いかえたとき,( ( )に入る英単語を書きなさい。 ) minutes 問11 下線部⑦の行動の理由として,最も適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記号で答 えよ。 ア 家族と別れた Billy が寂しくないように。 イ Billy が鳴き声を出さないように口をふさぐため。 ウ Billy が寒くならないように,少しでも温めてあげるため。 エ Billy が中で動いて,箱が移動してしまわないように。 -6- 3 下の⑴~⑸の日本語に合うように,( )内の語を並べかえて英文をつくり,( ) 内で数えて2番目と4番目と6番目にくる語を記号で答えよ。ただし,文頭にくる語も小文 字で表記している。 ⑴ あなたは難しい辞書を使う必要はありません。 ( ア don’t / イ use / ウ difficult / エ have / オ you / カ dictionary / キ to / ク a ). ⑵ 図書館に行くのにどのくらいの時間がかかりますか。 ( ア to / イ take / ウ long / エ it / オ how / カ does / キ go ) to the library ? ⑶ 私は長い間日本製のカメラをほしいと思っています。 ( ア wanted / イ made / ウ in / エ a / オ camera / カ have / キ I / ク Japan ) for a long time. ⑷ あなたにお話ししたい大切なことがあります。 ( ア have / イ important / ウ to / エ tell / オ I / カ something ) you. ⑸ 私は彼がどこに住んでいるか知りません。 ( ア where / イ don’t / ウ he / エ I / オ know / カ lives ). 4 下の⑴~⑸の文が意味の通る英文になるように,( )内の最も適切なものを次の ア~エから1つずつ選び,それぞれ記号で答えよ。 ⑴ It’s cold ( ア by / イ in / ウ on / エ without ) a coat. You should wear your coat. ⑵ This is the camera ( ア how / イ which / ウ what / エ when ) my father bought in Kobe. ⑶ Is he good at ( ア play / イ to play / ウ playing / エ plays ) tennis ? ⑷ The song is popular ( ア among / イ between / ウ during / エ to ) the people. ⑸ He always drinks ( ア much / イ many / ウ more / エ most ) juice than I. -7- 5 下の⑴~⑸の文が意味の通る英文になるように,( )内に適切な英単語を入れよ。 ただし,文頭の語は大文字で書き始めること。 ⑴ Sunday is the first day of the week. ( ⑵ ( ) is the fifth day. ) are these pens ? ― They are mine. ⑶ You look pale. You ( ) better go to the hospital. ⑷ I have two dogs. ( ) is white, and the other is black. ⑸ He read the book, ( ) he? 6 下の⑴~⑸のそれぞれの組の中で,下線部の発音が違うものを次のア~オから1つず つ選び,それぞれ記号で答えよ。 ⑴ ア girl イ teacher ウ nurse エ doctor オ heart ⑵ ア great イ bread ウ dead エ head オ friend ⑶ ア stopped イ needed ウ watched エ washed オ liked ⑷ ア boat イ open ウ fall エ cold オ home ⑸ ア night イ caught ウ through エ enough オ eight -8- 7 次の会話文の( 1 )~( 7 )に入る表現として,最も適切なものを下のア~コか ら1つずつ選び,それぞれ記号で答えよ。ただし,同じ記号は1度しか使えないものと する。 Jack : Good morning Peter. ( 1 ) Peter : I’m fine. Hey, Jack what’s the matter? You don’t look very well. ( Jack 2 ) : No, I’m not. I was watching the game last night on TV. ( 3 ) Peter : Oh, you mean the football game? Jack : That’s right. Peter : You’re so lucky! My mother told me not to watch it. She said it was too late. Who won? Tell me about it. Jack : Sure. The Giants won in the last five minutes. I thought they would lose, but they made an amazing touchdown. It’s too bad you did not see it. Peter : Yeah, that sounds exciting. But, it is OK. ( 4 ) I think I will get a good score. Jack : Oh, no! ( 5 ) Peter : Are you joking? Mr. Summers told everyone about it yesterday. You have to get a good score on this test. Your last test score was bad, right? Jack : Yeah, it was terrible. Mr. Summers is going to be really angry. What should I do? Peter : ( Jack 6 ) : Really? Thanks a lot, Peter. Peter : ( 7 ) Hey, look at the time. We should go now. We’re going to be late for homeroom. ア You can go home. イ Are you feeling sick? ウ I could study for the math test. エ You’re welcome. オ How are you? カ I’ll help you during lunch. キ I have a fever. ク When did you sleep? ケ I forgot about the math test. コ I didn’t sleep very much last night. -9-
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