Mem. Muroran Inst. Tech.,56(2006)25~32 8㎜ 使用言語パターンⅢ・Ⅳ・Ⅴ用 見本 2 A4版。本文はフォント 10 ポイント,行間 12 ポイントで 58 行程度。25 フォント 9 ポイント ㎜ 欧文フォントは Times,Times New Roman または Courier, 上余白 8 ㎜ 和文フォントは明朝体で統一する。 Comparison of Community Annoyance from Railway Noise Evaluated by Different Category Scales フォント 18 ポイント 行間 21 ポイント 1ページ 33 行程度 Taroh MIZUMOTO*, Jiroh TAKASAGO** and Hanako NAKAJIMA** 90 ㎜ フォント 11 ポイント 行間 19 ポイント 1ページ 37 行程度 (Received 20 ㎜ 2006 ) 2006, Accepted Simple closed-form expressions are derived for the statistically-averaged spectral densities of light Produced by multiple scattering from spatially random media within the accuracy of the second-order Boen and the Rytov approximations. #####. These physical pictures of the above two methods serve to provide an intuitive insight into the involved phenomena of multiple light scattering from random media. 20 ㎜ 概要は 150 語以内 Keywords : Scattering,Rytov approximation,Random media,Spectral change 10 ㎜ 行間 20 ㎜ 12 ポイント Library Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture 行間 9 ポイント 10 ポイント 1ページ 70 行程度 10 ㎜ noise was carried out by a distribute-collect method in urban and rural areas along railways in Kyushu, Japan, during the periods from May to June ##########. ○ 12 ㎜ 20 ㎜ 3 CONCLUSIONS ○ □The following main conclusions were reached in the present study. 1. Annoyance response such as % very annoyed and % rather annoyed are strongly affected by ########. 2. This suggests that ########################. 3. No systematic difference is found in dose-response relationships between railway and road traffic noises, obtained from social surveys #################### ###########################################. This finding is quite different from those of European studies. ○ ACKNOWLEDGMENT ○ □This study was partly funded by Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research by the Japanese Ministry of Educ罫線 ation, Science and Culture. The authors appreciate the scientific support of Dr. Evy Christrom, University of Gothenburg, in planning the framework of the questi- 文字を用いる 1 INTRODUCTION ○ □Since the time that Schultz(1) proposed a synthesis curve to show a unified dose-response relationship for various kinds of noise sources , a considerable number of reviews ###############. Furthermore there is a grate need for a unified annoyance scale acceptable to many researchers. □We constructed four to seven-point category scales in Japanese for noise annoyance based on the meanings of the descriptors assigned to the categories and investigated the effect of the different category scales on the annoyance response in a psycho-acoustic experiment(2) . ######## Because of the lack of social survey date on the community response to ordinary railway noise in Japan, there is now a great need for data to relate the two. ○ 2 METHOD ○ 2.1□Social survey □A social survey on community response to railway フォント 9 ポイント 10 ポイント 罫線 見出しには強調 1ページ 58 行程度 □* □** 行間 1ページ 70 行程度 フォント 10 ポイント ○ フォント 25 ㎜ - 25 - 15 ㎜ フォント 12 ポイント Taroh MIZUMOTO,Jiroh TAKASAGO and Hanako NAKAJIMA フォント 8㎜ 9 ポイント 上余白 8 ㎜ ○ ment (in Japanese), Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol.50, No.3, (1987), p215-226. (3)Mizumoto, T. , Takasago, J. and Washibetsu, S., Cross-cultural study on community response to traffic noise(1): Surveys in Songkhla, Thailand and Tomakomai, Japan(in Japanese), Proceedings of Internoise-945, (1994), p1145-1148 REFERENCES ○ (1)Schultz, T. Z., Synthesis of social surveys on noise annoyance, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , Vol.64, No.2, (1977), p377-405. (2)Mizumoto, T. , Takasago, J. and Washibetsu, S., An experimental study on an annoyance scale for noise assess- フォント 行間 20 ㎜ 9 ポイント 10 ポイント 1ページ 70 行程度 罫線 10 ㎜ 日本語の概要 異なるカテゴリ尺度で得られた鉄道騒音に対する社会反応の比較 は 300 字以内 水元 太郎*,高砂 次郎**,中島 花子** 概要 4~7段階の4種類の不快感尺度を有する4種類のアンケート票を作成して、鉄道騒音に 関する社会調査を行った。******騒音の曝露量と不快感反応との関係を尺度段階間 で比較した結果、*******このことは異なる調査結果を比較する際に、それぞれの 評価尺度にどのような言葉が割り当てられているかが非常に重要であることを示してい る。 20 ㎜ 20 ㎜ キーワード:社会反応、不快感、鉄道騒音 フォント 行間 *附属図書館、**建設システム工学科 9 ポイント 12 ポイント 1ページ 58 行程度 10 ㎜ 10 ㎜ 使用言語パターンⅣの Comparison of Community Annoyance from Railway Noise Evaluated by Different Category 場合には英文の概要も 記載する。 (150 語以内) Taroh MIZUMOTO*,Jiroh TAKASAGO* and Hanako NAKAJIMA** 20 ㎜ Simple closed-form expressions are derived for the statistically-averaged spectral densities of light Produced by multiple scattering from spatially random media within the accuracy of the second-order Boen and the Rytov approximations. #####. These physical pictures of the above two methods serve to provide an intuitive insight into the involved phenomena of multiple light scattering from random media. 20 ㎜ Keywords : Scattering,Rytov approximation,Random media,Spectral change * Library ** Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture フォント 行間 9 ポイント 10 ポイント 1ページ 70 行程度 10 ㎜ 罫線 - 32 - 15 ㎜ フォント 12 ポイント
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