Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions All-order Corrections to Multi-jet Rates using t-channel Factorised Scattering Matrix Elements Jeppe R. Andersen (CERN) in collaboration with Jenni Smillie (UCL) RADCOR October 27, 2009 Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions What, Why, How? What? Develop a framework for reliably calculating many-parton rates inclusively (ensemble of 2, 3, 4, . . . parton rates) and in a flexible way (jets, W+jets, Z+jets, Higgs+jets,. . . ) Why? (n + 1)-jet rate not necessarily small compared to n-jet rate Inclusive (hard) perturbative corrections important for e.g. hard end of W p⊥ -spectrum. How? Establish universal behaviour of radiative corrections (in the so-called High Energy Limit) Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions What, Why, How? What? Develop a framework for reliably calculating many-parton rates inclusively (ensemble of 2, 3, 4, . . . parton rates) and in a flexible way (jets, W+jets, Z+jets, Higgs+jets,. . . ) Why? (n + 1)-jet rate not necessarily small compared to n-jet rate Inclusive (hard) perturbative corrections important for e.g. hard end of W p⊥ -spectrum. How? Establish universal behaviour of radiative corrections (in the so-called High Energy Limit) Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions What, Why, How? What? Develop a framework for reliably calculating many-parton rates inclusively (ensemble of 2, 3, 4, . . . parton rates) and in a flexible way (jets, W+jets, Z+jets, Higgs+jets,. . . ) Why? (n + 1)-jet rate not necessarily small compared to n-jet rate Inclusive (hard) perturbative corrections important for e.g. hard end of W p⊥ -spectrum. How? Establish universal behaviour of radiative corrections (in the so-called High Energy Limit) Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions What, Why, How? Goal Sufficiently simple model for radiative corrections that the all-order sum can be evaluated explicitly (completely exclusive) Sufficiently accurate that the description is relevant Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Do we need a new approach? Already know how to calculate. . . Shower MC: at most 2→2 "hard" processes with additional parton shower Flexible Tree level calculators: MadGraph, AlpGen, SHERPA,. . . Allow most 2 → 4, some 2 → 6 processes to be calculated at tree level. Interfaced with Shower MC makes for a powerful mix! MCFM: Many relevant 2 → 3 processes at up to NLO (i.e. including 2 → 4-contribution). . . . hyour favourite method herei Could all be labelled “Standard Model contribution”, but give vastly different results depending on the question asked! Introduction t-channel factorisation Application All Order Resummation Necessary? Are tree-level (or generally fixed order) calculation always sufficient? Sometimes the (n + 1)-jet rate is as large as the n-jet rate Higgs Boson plus n jets at the LHC at leading order σj [fb] 500 Full Tree-level QCD 450 400 350 300 |y -y |>4.2; |y |<4.5, m =120GeV 250 y y <0, p >40GeV, R=0.6 ja ja jb jb i H ji 200 150 100 50 0 2 3 4 5 6 # jets Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions All Order Resummation Necessary? Are tree-level (or generally fixed order) calculation always sufficient? Sometimes the (n + 1)-jet rate is as large as the n-jet rate Higgs Boson plus n jets at the LHC at leading order σj [fb] 500 Full Tree-level QCD 450 400 350 300 |y -y |>4.2; |y |<4.5, m =120GeV 250 y y <0, p >40GeV, R=0.6 ja ja jb jb i H ji 200 150 100 50 0 2 3 4 5 6 # jets Indication that we need to go further! However, fixed order tools exhausted (full 2 → 3 with a massive leg at two loops untenable!). Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions All Order Resummation Necessary? Are tree-level (or generally fixed order) calculation always sufficient? Sometimes the (n + 1)-jet rate is as large as the n-jet rate Higgs Boson plus n jets at the LHC at leading order σj [fb] 500 Full Tree-level QCD 450 400 350 300 |y -y |>4.2; |y |<4.5 250 y y <0, p >40GeV, R=0.6 200 ja,j the two hardest jets ja ja jb jb i ji b 150 100 50 0 2 3 4 5 6 # jets Require that the two jets passing the rapidity cut are also the two hardest jets. Reduces the 3-jet phase space and the HO corrections from real emission. Sensitivity to yet HO pert. corrections? Introduction t-channel factorisation Application All Order Resummation Necessary? Are tree-level (or generally fixed order) calculation always sufficient? Sometimes the (n + 1)-jet rate is as large as the n-jet rate Higgs Boson plus n jets at the LHC at leading order Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application All Order Resummation Necessary? Are tree-level (or generally fixed order) calculation always sufficient? Sometimes the (n + 1)-jet rate is as large as the n-jet rate Higgs Boson plus n jets at the LHC at leading order Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions All Order Resummation Necessary? Are tree-level (or generally fixed order) calculation always sufficient? Sometimes the (n + 1)-jet rate is as large as the n-jet rate Higgs Boson plus n jets at the LHC at leading order σj [fb] 500 Full Tree-level QCD 450 400 350 300 |y -y |>4.2; |y |<4.5, m =120GeV 250 y y <0, p >40GeV, R=0.6 ja ja jb jb i H ji 200 150 100 50 0 2 3 4 5 6 # jets The method we develop will be applicable to both set of cuts, but crucially will allow a stabilisation of the perturbative series by resummation Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Resummation and Matching Consider the perturbative expansion of an observable R = r0 + r1 αs + r2 α2 + r3 α3 + r4 α4 + · · · Fixed order pert. QCD will calculate a fixed number of terms in this expansion. rn may contain logarithms so that αs ln(· · · )is large. R = r0 + r1LL ln(· · · ) + r1NLL αs + r2LL ln2 (· · · ) + r2NLL ln(· · · ) + r2SL α2s +· · · X X = r0 + rnNLL αs (αs ln(· · · ))n +sub-leading terms rnLL (αs ln(· · · ))n + n n Need simplifying assumptions to get to all orders - useful iff the terms really do describe the dominant part of the full pert. series. Matching combines best of both worlds: R = r0 + r1 αs + r2 α2 + r3LL ln3 (· · · ) + r3NLL ln2 (· · · ) + r3SL α3 + · · · Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Factorisation of QCD Matrix Elements Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Factorisation of QCD Matrix Elements It is well known that QCD matrix elements factorise in certain kinematical limits: Soft limit → eikonal approximation → enters all parton shower (and much else) resummation. Like all good limits, the eikonal approximation is applied outside its strict region of validity. Will discuss the less well-studied factorisation of scattering amplitudes in a different kinematic limit, better suited for describing perturbative corrections from hard parton emission Factorisation only becomes exact in a region outside the reach of any collider. . . Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Factorisation of QCD Matrix Elements It is well known that QCD matrix elements factorise in certain kinematical limits: Soft limit → eikonal approximation → enters all parton shower (and much else) resummation. Like all good limits, the eikonal approximation is applied outside its strict region of validity. Will discuss the less well-studied factorisation of scattering amplitudes in a different kinematic limit, better suited for describing perturbative corrections from hard parton emission Factorisation only becomes exact in a region outside the reach of any collider. . . Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Factorisation of QCD Matrix Elements It is well known that QCD matrix elements factorise in certain kinematical limits: Soft limit → eikonal approximation → enters all parton shower (and much else) resummation. Like all good limits, the eikonal approximation is applied outside its strict region of validity. Will discuss the less well-studied factorisation of scattering amplitudes in a different kinematic limit, better suited for describing perturbative corrections from hard parton emission Factorisation only becomes exact in a region outside the reach of any collider. . . Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Factorisation of QCD Matrix Elements It is well known that QCD matrix elements factorise in certain kinematical limits: Soft limit → eikonal approximation → enters all parton shower (and much else) resummation. Like all good limits, the eikonal approximation is applied outside its strict region of validity. Will discuss the less well-studied factorisation of scattering amplitudes in a different kinematic limit, better suited for describing perturbative corrections from hard parton emission Factorisation only becomes exact in a region outside the reach of any collider. . . Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions The Possibility for Predictions of n-jet Rates The Power of Reggeisation kb , yb k4 , y4 High Energy Limit −→ |t̂| fixed, ŝ → ∞ k3 , y3 k2 , y2 k1 , y1 AR2→2+n Γ ′ = A2A q0 n Y e ω(qi )(yi−1 −yi ) V i=1 Pi−1 qi =ka + k l=1 l (qi , qi+1 ) 2 qi2 qi+1 ! ka , y0 e ω(qn+1 )(yn −yn+1 ) ΓB ′ B 2 qn+1 LL: Fadin, Kuraev, Lipatov; NLL: Fadin, Fiore, Kozlov, Reznichenko Maintain (at LL) terms of the form „ « ŝij αs ln |t̂i | to all orders in αs . Ji At LL only gluon production; at NLL also quark–anti-quark pairs produced. Approximation of any-jet rate possible. Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Comparison of 3-jet scattering amplitudes Universal behaviour of scattering amplitudes in the HE limit: ∀i ∈ {2, . . . , n − 1} : yi−1 ≫ yi ≫ yi+1 ∀i, j : |pi⊥ | ≈ |pj⊥ | 2 4 s2 g 2 CA MRK M gg→g···g = 2 NC − 1 |p1⊥ |2 2 4 s2 g 2 CF MRK Mqg→qg···g = 2 NC − 1 |p1⊥ |2 2 4 s2 g 2 CF MRK MqQ→qg···Q = 2 NC − 1 |p1⊥ |2 n−1 Y i=2 n−1 Y i=2 n−1 Y i=2 4 g 2 CA |pi⊥ |2 ! g 2 CA . |pn⊥ |2 4 g 2 CA |pi⊥ |2 ! g 2 CA , |pn⊥ |2 4 g 2 CA |pi⊥ |2 ! g 2 CF , |pn⊥ |2 Allow for analytic resummation (BFKL equation). However, how well does this actually approximate the amplitude? Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Comparison of 3-jet scattering amplitudes Study just a slice in phase space: -6 |M|^2/(256 π5 s2) [GeV ] 0.12 × 10-12 MRK limit 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ∆y Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Comparison of 3-jet scattering amplitudes Study just a slice in phase space: -6 |M|^2/(256 π5 s2) [GeV ] 0.12 × 10-12 MRK limit A(qQ->qQg) 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ∆y Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Comparison of 3-jet scattering amplitudes Study just a slice in phase space: -6 |M|^2/(256 π5 s2) [GeV ] 0.12 × 10-12 MRK limit A(qQ->qQg) Cf /CA*A(qg->qgg) 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ∆y Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Comparison of 3-jet scattering amplitudes Study just a slice in phase space: -6 |M|^2/(256 π5 s2) [GeV ] 0.12 × 10-12 MRK limit A(qQ->qQg) Cf /CA A(qg->qgg) (C /CA)2 A(gg->ggg) 0.1 0.08 f 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ∆y Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Comparison of 3-jet scattering amplitudes Study just a slice in phase space: -6 |M|^2/(256 π5 s2) [GeV ] 0.12 × 10-12 MRK limit A(qQ->qQg) Cf /CA A(qg->qgg) (C /CA)2 A(gg->ggg) 0.1 0.08 f A(qQ->qQg)Effective 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ∆y Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Comparison of 4-jet scattering amplitudes Study just a slice in phase space: × 10 |M|^2/(4096π 8s2)/GeV −8 −18 2.5 2 gg−>gggg * (4/9)2 qg−>qggg * 4/9 qQ−>qggQ MRK limit 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 ∆ Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Comparison of W+3-jet scattering amplitudes 16 |M|^2/(2 π 11s2)/GeV −10 Study just a slice in phase space: 35 × 10−27 30 25 20 15 qg−>(W )e ν qgg *4/9 + + us−>(W )e ν ugs + + ud−>(W )e ν dgd MRK limit + 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 + 7 8 ∆ Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Comparison of W+4-jet scattering amplitudes Study just a slice in phase space: × 10 80 70 20 |M|^2/(2 π 14s2)/GeV−12 −33 90 60 50 40 30 qg−>(W )e ν qggg *4/9 + + us−>(W )e ν uggs + + ud−>(W )e ν uggd MRK limit + 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 + 8 9 10 ∆ Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Comparison of H+2-jet scattering amplitudes Study just a slice in phase space: × 10 |M|^2/(256π 5s2)/GeV −6 −9 2.5 2 1.5 1 gg−>gHg * (4/9)2 qg−>qHg * 4/9 qQ−>qHQ 0.5 MRK limit 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∆ Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Comparison of H+3-jet scattering amplitudes 0.12 |M|^2/(256π 5s2)/GeV −8 Study just a slice in phase space: × 10−12 0.1 0.08 0.06 gg−>gHgg * (4/9)2 0.04 qg−>qHgg * 4/9 qQ−>qHgQ 0.02 MRK limit 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ∆ Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Conclusion from Study of Partonic Cross Sections Correct limit is obtained - but outside LHC phase space. Limit alone irrelevant. Universality obtained before limit is reached. Will build frame-work which has the right MRK limit but also retains correct behaviour at smaller rapidities Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Scattering of qQ-Helicity States Start by describing quark scattering. Simple matrix element for q(a)Q(b) → q(1)Q(2): Mq − Q − →q − Q − = h1|µ|ai g µν h2|ν|bi t t-channel factorised: Contraction of (local) currents across t-channel pole 2 t MqQ→qQ = Extend to 2 → n . . . 1 4 (NC2 − 1) SqQ→qQ 2 1 · g CF t1 1 2 . · g CF t2 2 J.M.Smillie and JRA: arXiv:0908.2786 Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Building Blocks for an Amplitude Identification of the dominant contributions to the perturbative series in the limit of well-separated particles qν 1 exp (α̂(q)∆y) q q2 qi−1 pA p1 q1 q2 pB µ V µ (qi−1 , qi ) qi j ν = ψγ ν ψ p2 V ρ (q1 , q2 ) = − (q1 + q2 )ρ p3 + pAρ 2 − pBρ 2 „ „ p2 · pB p2 · pn q12 + + p2 · pA pA · pB pA · pn p2 · pA p2 · p1 q22 + + p2 · pB pB · pA pA · p1 « « + pA ↔ p1 − pB ↔ p3 . Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Building Blocks for an Amplitude pg · V = 0 can easily be checked (gauge invariance) The approximation for qQ → qgQ is given by 2 t MqQ→qgQ = 1 4 (NC2 · · − 1) SqQ→qQ 2 1 g CF t1 2 · 1 g CF t2 2 −g 2 CA µ V (q1 , q2 )Vµ (q1 , q2 ) . t1 t2 Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions 3 Jets @ LHC [nb] 4 dσud->ugd / d∆ y ja j b Full ME 3.5 t-channel factorised ME 3 |y |<4.5, p >40GeV 2.5 i i MSTW2008NLO, µ =µ r =40GeV f 2 kt-jet(R=0.7), pp @ s=10TeV 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∆y 9 ja j b J.M.Smillie and JRA: arXiv:0908.2786 Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions 3 Jets @ LHC dσud->ugd / dφ ja j b [nb/rad] 10 9 Full ME 8 t-channel factorised ME 7 6 5 |y |<4.5, p >40GeV i i MSTW2008NLO, µ =µ r =40GeV f kt-jet(R=0.7), pp @ s=10TeV 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 φ ja j b J.M.Smillie and JRA: arXiv:0908.2786 Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Building Blocks for an Amplitude The approximation for qQ → qg · · · gQ is given by 2 t MqQ→qg...gQ = 1 SqQ→qQ 2 4 (NC2 − 1) 1 1 · g 2 CF · g 2 CF t1 tn−1 n−2 Y −g 2 CA µ · V (qi , qi+1 )Vµ (qi , qi+1 ) , ti ti+1 i=1 Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions dσud−>uggd / d∆ y j a jb [pb] 4 Jets @ LHC 1.6 Full ME 1.4 1.2 1 t−channel factorised ME |yi|<4.5, p >40GeV i MSTW2008NLO, µ =µr =40GeV f kt−jet(R=0.7), pp @ s=10TeV 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 J.M.Smillie and JRA: arXiv:0908.2786 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∆ yj 9 j a b Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions 4 Jets @ LHC [pb/rad] 4 3.5 t−channel factorised ME b ja j dσud−>uggd / dφ Full ME 3 2.5 2 |yi|<4.5, p >40GeV i MSTW2008NLO, µ =µ =40GeV r f kt−jet(R=0.7), pp @ s=10TeV 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 φ j j a b J.M.Smillie and JRA: arXiv:0908.2786 Introduction t-channel factorisation Application W+Jets Two currents to calculate for W + jets: ℓ ℓ i µ ℓ̄ o i µ ℓ̄ o pℓ̄ pℓ p1 pA V ρi (qti , qti+1 ) pB . . . . . . pi+1 pn Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions W+ 3 Jets @ LHC [fb] 500 dσud->e+ν dgd / d∆ y ja j b 450 Full ME t-channel factorised ME 400 |y |<4.5, |y e|<2.5 i p >40GeV, p e,ν>20GeV 350 i MSTW2008NLO, µ =µ r=40GeV f 300 kt-jet(R=0.7), pp @ s=10TeV 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ∆y 8 ja j b J.M.Smillie and JRA: arXiv:0908.2786 Introduction t-channel factorisation Application dσud->e+ν dgd / dpe [fb/GeV] W+ 3 Jets @ LHC 40 Full ME 35 t-channel factorised ME 30 25 20 |y |<4.5, |y e|<2.5 i p >40GeV, p e,ν>20GeV i 15 MSTW2008NLO, µ =µ r =40GeV f kt-jet(R=0.7), pp @ s=10TeV 10 5 0 0 20 40 J.M.Smillie and JRA: arXiv:0908.2786 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 pe [GeV] Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application dσud->e+ν dgd / dpν [fb/GeV] W+ 3 Jets @ LHC 30 Full ME t-channel factorised ME 25 20 15 |y |<4.5, |y e|<2.5 i p >40GeV, p e,ν>20GeV i 10 MSTW2008NLO, µ =µ r =40GeV f kt-jet(R=0.7), pp @ s=10TeV 5 0 0 20 40 J.M.Smillie and JRA: arXiv:0908.2786 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 pν = ET miss [GeV] Conclusions Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Quark-Gluon Scattering “What happens in 2 → 2-processes with gluons? Surely the t-channel factorisation is spoiled!” pa p1 pa p1 pa p1 pb p2 pb p2 pb p2 − − − − Direct calculation (q g → q g ): s s ! − ∗ 2 p p2− p g 2 b b 2 b te1 − t t hb|σ|2i × h1|σ|ai. × 2⊥ tae M= ae e1 |p2⊥ | p2− pb− t̂ Complete t-channel factorisation! J.M.Smillie and JRA Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Quark-Gluon Scattering The t-channel current generated by a helicity non-flipping gluon is that of a quark with a colour factor ! pb− p2− 1 1 1 CA − + − + − 2 CA CA p2 pb instead of CF . Tends to CA in MRK limit. Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions 60 Full ME t−channel factorised ME t−channel factorised ME (CAM) t−channel factorised ME (CAM+flip) dσug−>ugg / d∆ y j a jb [nb] Quark-Gluon Scattering 50 40 30 |yi|<4.5, p >40GeV i MSTW2008NLO, µ =µr =40GeV 20 f kt−jet(R=0.7), pp @ s=10TeV 10 0 0 J.M.Smillie and JRA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∆ yj 9 j a b Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Full ME t−channel factorised ME t−channel factorised ME (CAM) t−channel factorised ME (CAM+flip) 14 dσug−>uggg / d∆ y j a jb [pb] Quark-Gluon Scattering 12 |yi|<4.5, p >40GeV i MSTW2008NLO, µ =µr =40GeV 10 f kt−jet(R=0.7), pp @ s=10TeV 8 6 4 2 0 0 J.M.Smillie and JRA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∆ yj 9 j a b Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions All-Orders and Regularisation Have prescription for 2 → n matrix element, including virtual corrections Organisation of cancellation of IR (soft) divergences easy Can calculate the sum over the n-particle phase space explicitly (n ∼ 25) to get the all-order corrections V. Del Duca, C.D. White, JRA arXiv:0808.3696, J.M. Smillie, JRA arXiv:0908.2786 Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Effect of Central rapidity jet veto in H+diJets σ(yc) [fb] 450 400 |y -y |>4.2; |y |<4.5; m =120GeV ja jb i H y y <0, p >40GeV, R=0.6 350 ji ja jb 300 p 250 p 200 p 150 =40GeV veto =30GeV veto =20GeV veto 100 50 0 0 0.5 ∀j ∈ {jets with pj⊥ 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 yc ya + yb > p⊥,veto } \ {a, b} : yj − > yc 2 Introduction t-channel factorisation Application Conclusions Outlook and Conclusions Conclusions Emerging framework for the study of processes with multiple hard jets For each number of particles n, the approximation to the matrix element (real and virtual) is sufficiently simple to allow for the all-order summation to be constructed as an explicit sum over n-particle final states (exclusive studies possible) Resummation based on approximation which really does capture the behaviour of the scattering processes at the LHC Matching will correct the approximation where the full matrix element can be evaluated
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