الحمدُ هلل الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات ,والصالة والسالم على رسو ِلنا ُمعلم الكــون, ان العلـم نــور ..وبعد: يشكر الناس لم يشكر هللا ,,ونحن نتقدم ببحثِنا هــذا بخالص الشكر يُقــال من لم ِ واالمتنان لكل من ساهم معنا في إنجازه وفي مقدمتهم الدكتورة الفاضلة سنـــاء عرب ،،فلقد تعلمنا منها الصبر والدقة و ُحب اإلتقــان والكثير الكثيــر فشكـــرا ً لها .. كما ال ننسى أن ن ُخص بال ُ شكــر رمزان من ُرموز األخالق قبل العلــم ، دكتورتان يعجز القلم عن وصفهما (الدكتورة عائشة التركستاني و الدكتورة عائشة مباركي ) وتوجيهكم .. فشكرا ً على ُجهدكم ِ ولكل من حضر المناقشة شكرا ً على الحضور نتمنى ان نقدم ما يحوز على رضاكم.. Supervisors by: Prof. Sanaa T . Arab By: Jameelah Hindi Al-sulami Arwa Marei Al-nahdi Layla Hussein Ali Hamdi CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Experimental 3. Results and discussion 4. Conclusion 5. References 1.Introduction 1-1 Definition of corrosion and importance of its study 1-2 Inhibition of Corrosion in Acid Media 1-3 Aluminium Metal 1-4 Corrosion behavior of aluminum 1-5 Some Previous Studies of Aluminium in Acid Solutions 1-6 Aim of the study 1-7 Inhibitor used in the study Aluminium Metal: Aluminium, Al, is a metal with a high electronegative potential (-1.67 V). It is also highly resistant to most acidic and neutral solutions due to the formation of a protective oxide film on its surface. This film is responsible for the corrosion resistant of Al in most environments. Nevertheless, in some cases, Al may be exposed to high concentrations of acids or bases. These solutions dissolve the passive film. Under these circumstances, corrosion inhibitors should be used. 1.Introduction Definition of corrosion and importance of its study: Corrosion is a natural process; it's a result of the inherent tendency of metals to revert to their more stable compounds, usually oxides. Most metals are found in nature in the form of various chemical compounds called ores. In the refining process, energy is added to the ore, to produce the metal. This is the same energy that provides the driving force causing the metal to revert back to the more stable compound. that is the result of interaction between materials and their environment. Aim of the study : The present work is therefore a new trial aimed to find a cheap and environmentally safe inhibitor for aluminium corrosion inhibition in acidic medium, the use of buckthorn seeds as safe inhibitor of aluminium corrosion in HCl solutions . Inhibitor used in the study: the fruits of buckthorn are green in the early stages of composition and then turns yellow at the completion of growth and then the Red Vabanny reddish at maturity and taste of fruit before maturity overlooked because they contain, within each there is the fruit of the seed of a single stone . 2. Experimental 2-1 Materials preparation. 2-2 Preparation of Buckthorn seeds extracts (inhibitor). 2-3 Corrosion Measurements. • At 30o C . • At different Temperatures . 2-3-1 Hydrogen Evolution Measurements. 2-3-2 Mass loss Measurements. 2. Experimental Materials preparation: Aluminium of the composition (wt %) as : Mn (0.009) , Ni (0.043) , Pb • (0.014) , Al (95.297) and Fe (0.765) was used for the study. The sample was polished using a series of emery paper. It washed thoroughly with deionized water and dried with acetone and with a stream of air. Preparation of Bukthorn seeds Extracts (Inhibitor): The fruits of Buckthorn plant was collected from trees in Jeddah city KSA, it has been purified from the impurities and then washed with water and left to dry in the air for two days. The aqueous extract extract of the plant were prepared as follows: Weight a certain amount (about 50 grams) of dried fruit of the plant and was crushed in an electric mixer, then add to it the appropriate (deionized water) and heat until boiling, the mixture is cooled for 24 hours and then be feltrated. Extraction is repeated several times from the same pool, so extract collect and dried in the air to be concentrated and deposited to the least possible amount of solvent used. The extract was collect after concentrated it and placed in a standard flask 250 ml capacity and complete to the mark with the appropriate solvent and therefore is a solution study. The study can be divided in two parts: Part one : at constant temperature (30° C) Effect of concentration of the studied extract on the corrosion of aluminum in 0.35 M HCl at 30° C. The measurements were carried as follows : Chemical methods. This method is done in two ways, hydrogen evolution method (HEM) and mass loss method (MLM). Hydrogen Evolution Measurements: Hydrogen evolution measurements were carried out at 30° C, the clean weighed rod was immersed in the test solution and immediately the volume of the evolved hydrogen gas was followed as function of time as described in literature. From the volume of hydrogen gas evolved per minute, inhibition efficiency (Inh.HE %), degree of surface coveage (Ө) and corrosion rate (R) were calculated using equations 1, 2 and 3, respectively: R(ml min-1cm-1) = (V°Ht-V1Ht) \ t (1) Ө = % I / 100 (2) Inh.HE = 1- (R \ R°) ×100 (3) Where V1Ht is the volume of hydrogen gas at time t for inhibited solution and V1Ht is the volume of hydrogen gas evolved at time (t ) for uninhibited solution. Mass loss Measurements: The clean weighed rod (W1 )was immersed in the test solution, then after complete of test , the sample was withdrawn from the tested solution , washed thoroughly with bi-distilled water followed by acetone and dried with a stream of air, and reweighed (W2). From the weight loss results, the inhibition efficiency(% I) of the inhibitor, degree of surface coverage and corrosion rates were calculated using equations 4,5 and 6, respectively: ∆ W = w1 -w2 R` (g min-1 cm-2) = ∆ W \ A t Ө = 1 – R \ R° Inh.ML = (1 – R \ R°) × 100 (4) (5) (6) Part two: at different temperatures. The effect of temperature and corrosion inhibition on Aluminium in 0.35 M HCl in absence and presence of Buckthorn. The study of corrosion inhibition of aluminum in 0.35 M HCl in absence and presence of the studied extract (at 5 ml.), using chemical measurements, by hydrogen evolution and mass-loss 30, 40,50,60, and 70° C. methods at 3- Results and discussion 3.1. Effect of concentration of the studied Seeds Buckthorn extract on the corrosion of aluminium in 0.35 M HCl at 30˚ C. 3.2. The chemical study of aluminium in 0.35 M HCl in absence and presence of different concentrations of Seeds Buckthorn at 30˚ C is carried out. Effect of concentration of the studied Seeds Buckthorn extract on the corrosion of aluminium in 0.35 M HCl at 30º C. The chemical study of aluminium in 0.35 M HCl in absence and presence of different concentrations of Seeds Buckthorn at 30º C is carried out. 5 Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col V/A hydrogen evolution ( ml cm-2 ) 4 3 3- Results and discussion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 t (min) Fig (1): Volume of hydrogen\ time curves of aluminium corrosion in 0.35 M HCl in absence and presence of different concentrations of Buckthorn at 30° C. 100 The figure also, reveals that the increase in the concentration of correlates with a decrease in the slope of the straight lines of the curve i.e. increases the inhibition efficiency. This means that the presence of studied extract in the medium retards the corrosion of Aluminium in 0.35 M of HCl (in the range 0.5 - 10), and the extent of inhibition of corrosion depends on the concentration of the extract in the acid. The rate, then increases with higher concentrations, this may be attributed to the formation of soluble compound. Inspection of table (1) shows that the data obtained from hydrogen evolution are in agreement with those obtained from mass loss measurements especially at high concentrations. The inhibition percentages were calculated from hydrogen evolution (Inh. HE %) and mass loss (Inh. ML %) measurements using equations (3) and (6): C MLM Method HEM Method R x 105 Inh % R x 103 Inh % 0.0 1.9981 ------- 22.48 ------- 0.5 1.3792 30.97 19.79 13.00 1 1.2638 36.75 17.66 21.46 43.65 11.82 47.43 2 1.1259 3 0.35321 82.32 5.23095 76.73 5 0.36362 81.80 4.0372 82.04 10 0.39515 80.22 5.6 75.09 11 0.81460 59.23 10.709 52.36 Table (1) Percentage of inhibition at different concentrations of Seeds Buckthorn extract from hydrogen evolution (Inh.HE %) and mass loss (Inh.ML %) measurements. In Fig (2), the inhibition efficiency Inh. % of the extract is described. An increase with increasing the extract concentration, then a decrease in the inhibition is found. 100 80 inh % 60 40 20 c vs inh HE c vs inh ML 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 C Fig (2): The relationship between Inh. % and the concentration of the extract deduced from the two chemical methods. The inhibition efficiency increase is proposed to form an insoluble complex adsorbed on aluminium surface, leading to more inhibition efficiency, this complex may leads to blocking most of the active centers on aluminium surface, thereby increasing the surface coverage, while the decrease explained to be due to the formation of a soluble complex, leading to more dissolution of aluminium and an acceleration of the corrosion rate. Langmuir adsorption isotherm can be expressed as: The adsorption isotherm obtained for the studied extract is plotted in Fig (3). 14 12 C/ 10 8 6 c vs C / Q HE c vs C / Q ML Plot 1 Regr 4 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 C Fig. (3) Langmuir isotherm adsorption model Of the Aluminium surface of inhibitor in 0.35 M HCl. The calculated values of K and ΔG°ads. were found to be 2.46 and -33.78k.J. mol.-1 from the hydrogen evlution method and , the values 6.03and -34.17 k.J. mol-1 from mass loss method , respectively, this is in agreement with that obtained in previous studies. Table (2). Regression coefficient, slope, adsorption constants (Kads) and free enrgy of adsorption (∆G°ads) obtained from Langmiur isotherm for extract in 0.35 M HCl at 30°C. -∆Gads (K.J) r² Slope Kads HE 0.9967 1.3633 2.46 33.78 ML 0.9999 1.2622 6.03 34.17 Kads. = 1 55.5 exp (- ΔG°ads./ RT ) The effect of temperature and corrosion inhibition on Aluminium in 0.35 M HCl in absence and presence of Buckthorn. The study of corrosion inhibition of Aluminium in 0.35 M HCl in absence and presence of Buckthorn (5 ml) using chemical measurements were carried out by hydrogen evolution and mass-loss methods at 30,40,50,60 and 70° C. Figures (4, 5) show the effect of temperature on the volume of hydrogen evolved in 0.35M HCl in absence and presence of Buckthorn. -2 volume of hydrogen V/A ( ml cm ) 16 t(min) t(min) t(min) t(min) t(min) 14 12 vs vs vs vs vs 30 40 50 60 70 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 T (min) Fig (4): Volume of hydrogen/time curves of Aluminium in 0.35 M HCl (Free acid) at different temperatures in absence of Buckthorn. Volume of hydrogen V/A (ml cm-2 ) 18 t(min) t(min) t(min) t(min) t(min) 16 14 vs vs vs vs vs 30 40 50 60 70 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 T (min) Fig (5): Volume of hydrogen/time curves of Aluminium in 0.35 M HCl in presence of (5 Ml) in Buckthorn at different temperatures. The relationship between the volume of hydrogen rise over time in the absence and the presence of the studied extract at temperatures : 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70° C are shown in Figure (6) . 1.6 1.4 V/A hydrogen evolution ( ml cm-2 ) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 t vs inh 30 t vs free 0.0 0 20 60 40 80 100 t (min) Fig. (6): Volume of hydrogen/time curves of Aluminium in 0.35 M HCl in the absence and presence of (5 Ml) in Buckthorn at temperature 30° C . 10 14 12 V/A hydrogen evolution ( ml cm-2 ) V/A hydrogen evolution ( ml cm-2 ) 8 6 4 2 t(min) vs v/a (free) t(min) vs Inh(5) 0 0 20 40 60 80 10 8 6 4 2 t(min) vs v/a (free) t(min) vs Inh(5) 0 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 t (min) 16 18 14 16 14 12 V/A hydrogen evolution ( ml cm-2 ) V/A hydrogen evolution ( ml cm-2 ) t (min) 10 8 6 4 12 10 8 6 4 t(min) vs v/a (free) t(min) vs Inh(5) 2 t(min) vs v/a(free) t(min) vs Inh(5) 2 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 t (min) 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 t (min) Fig. (6): Volume of hydrogen/time curves of Aluminium in 0.35 M HCl in the absence and presence of (5 Ml) in Buckthorn at temperature 40, 50 , 60 and 70° C . 100 80 60 inh % 40 20 0 -20 -40 t vs HE t vs ML -60 -80 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 o t C Fig. (7): Variation of inhibition efficiency with temperature for the dissolution rate of Aluminium in 0.35M HCl. Table (3): The variation of inhibition percentage with temperature from two chemical methods (HEM) and (MLM). temperature %Inh.MLM Inh.HEM% 30 81.86 82.04 40 48.20 20.88 50 -11.86 -1.66 60 19.20 9.09 70 15.51 8.73 Table (4) : Activation parameters for Aluminium corrosion in 0.35 M HCl in absence and presence of ( 5 Ml ) of Buckthorn extract at different temperatures. ΔE(kJ.mol-1) ΔH(kJ.mol-1) -ΔS(J.mol-1K -1) Free acid 0.044 0.16 85.60 %Inh.ML 0.074 0.23 85.50 %Inh.HE 0.072 0.25 85.48 0 log R -1 -2 -3 1000 / T vs log R (ml) 1000 / T vs log R(HE) 1000 / T vs log R Plot 1 Regr -4 -5 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 1000 / T Fig. (8): Arrhenius plots for Aluminium corrosion in 0.35 M HCl in absence and presence of (5 M) of Buckthorn extract at different temperatures. 0.000 -0.002 log R / T -0.004 -0.006 -0.008 -0.010 1000 / T vs log R / T (ML) 1000 / T vs log R / T (HE) 1000 / T vs log R / T Plot 1 Regr -0.012 -0.014 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 1000 / T Fig. (9): Variation of log (R\T) vs.1T for Aluminium in 0.35 M HCl in absence and presence of (5 M) of Buckthorn extract at different temperatures. Conclusion: The Following results can be drawn from this study: 1- Buckthorn seeds are an effective inhibitor of corrosion of aluminium in 0.35 M of HCl solutions at 30° C. 2-The inhibition efficiency of the extract giave an increase with increasing the extract concentration, then a decrease in the inhibition is found at higher concentrations of it. 3- The inhibition efficiency increase is proposed to be due to the formation of an insoluble complex adsorbed on aluminium surface, leading to more inhibition efficiency, this complex may leads to blocking most of the active centers on aluminium surface, thereby increasing the surface coverage, while the decrease explained to be due to the formation of a soluble complex, leading to more dissolution of aluminium and an acceleration of the corrosion rate. 4- The results show linear correlation coefficients close to one, which confirms that the adsorption of the extract components on the surface of aluminium sample under study is the basic step in the process of 5- The negative value of ΔG°ads. indicates that the adsorption process of inhibition on aluminum surface is spontaneous. 6-The obtained results from the two chemical studied methods are in good agreement. 7- The effect of temperature on the inhibition of aluminium in 0.35 M HCl in presence of (5 Ml) in Buckthorn at temperature 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70° C can be summarized as follows: 1. 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