Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen University of Helsinki 3.3.2014 Outline of the talk Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen 1 Short introduction to dependence logic 2 Some variants of the dependence atoms 3 The Strict and the Lax semantics 4 Recent results on expressive power, satisfiability and model checking 5 Conclusion Dependence logic Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Definition The syntax of dependence logic (D) extends the syntax of FO, defined in terms of ∨, ∧, ¬, ∃ and ∀, by new atomic (dependence) formulas of the form =(t1 , . . . , tn ), (1) where t1 , . . . , tn are terms. In (1), n is called the arity (or width) of the dependence atom. Semantics of D Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen The semantics of D is defined in terms of teams (sets of assignments): Definition Let A be a set and {x1 , . . . , xk } variables. A team X of A with domain {x1 , . . . , xk } is a set of assignments s, s : {x1 , . . . , xk } → A. Semantics of D Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen The following operations are used to interpret quantifiers in D. Below, s(a/xn ) is the assignment that agrees otherwise with s, but maps xn to a. Definition Suppose A is a set, X is a team of A, and F : X → A. supplementation: X (F /x) = {s(F (s)/x) : s ∈ X }. Duplication: X (A/x) = {s(a/x) : s ∈ X and a ∈ A}. Supplementation Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Let A = {0, 1} and X be s0 s1 x0 x1 1 0 0 1 Let F : X → A be such that F (s0 ) = 1 and F (s1 ) = 0, then X (F /x2 ) is x0 x1 x2 s2 1 0 1 s3 0 1 0 Duplication Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Let A = {0, 1} and X be Juha Kontinen s0 s1 x0 x1 1 0 0 1 Then X (A/x2 ) is s2 s3 s4 s5 x0 x1 x2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Satisfaction for NNF-formulas Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Definition Below φ(t1 , . . . , tn ) is atomic or negated atomic FO-formula: A |=X φ(t1 , . . . , tn ) ⇔ for all s ∈ X : A |=s φ(t1 , . . . , tn ) A |=X =(t1 , . . . , tn ) ⇔ for all s, s 0 ∈ X : if tiA hsi = tiA hs 0 i for 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, then tnA hsi = tnA hs 0 i. A |=X ψ ∧ φ ⇔ A |=X ψ and A |=X φ. A |=X ψ ∨ φ ⇔ X = Y ∪ Z such that A |=Y ψ and A |=Z φ A |=X ∃xψ ⇔ A |=X (F /x) ψ for some F : X → A. A |=X ∀xψ ⇔ A |=X (A/x) ψ. Finally, a sentence ϕ of D is true in A if A |={∅} ϕ. Example Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Not all familiar propositional equivalences of connectives hold for D, e.g., idempotence of disjunction, and the distributivity laws of disjunction and conjunction fail. Example Let A = {0, 1, 2} and X be s0 s1 s2 x0 x1 x2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 0 2 (2) Now A 6|=X x0 = x2 and A 6|=X ¬x0 = x2 . Also A 6|=X =(x2 , x0 ), but A |=X (=(x2 , x0 )∨ =(x2 , x0 )). Basic properties of D Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Proposition Let φ be a formula of D without dependence atoms. Then for all A and X : A |=X φ ⇔ for all s ∈ X : A |=s φ Proposition (Downward closure) Let Y ⊆ X teams. Then A |=X φ implies A |=Y φ. Proposition (Locality) Let Fr(φ) ⊆ V . Then, for all models A and teams X , A |=X φ if and only if A |=X V φ. Variants of dependence logic Independence Logic Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Definition (Grädel and Väänänen, 2013) Conditional independence atom y ⊥x z interpreted as: A |=X y ⊥x z iff for all s, s 0 ∈ X s.t. s(x) = s 0 (x) there exists s 00 ∈ X s.t. s 00 (xy ) = s(xy ), and s 00 (xz) = s 0 (xz). The version y ⊥ z, where x = ∅, is called Pure. FO(⊥c ) (FO(⊥)) is FO with (pure) independence atoms. Variants of dependence logic Inclusion and exclusion logics Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Definition (Galliani 2012) Juha Kontinen 1 Inclusion atom x ⊆y interpreted as: A |=X x ⊆ y iff for all s ∈ X there exists s 0 ∈ X s.t. s(x) = s 0 (y ). 2 Exclusion atom x|y interpreted as: A |=X x|y iff s(x) 6= s 0 (y ) for all s, s 0 ∈ X The variants of D with the atoms x ⊆ y and x|y , are denoted by FO(⊆), FO(|), and FO(⊆, |). Strict and Lax semantics Galliani 2012 Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen The Strict semantics is obtained by changing the clause for ∨ to: A |=X ψ ∨ θ iff there are Y and Z such that Y ∪ Z = X , Y ∩ Z = ∅, and A |=Y ψ and A |=Z θ The Lax semantics is obtained by changing the clause for ∃ to: A |=X ∃xψ iff there exists F : X → P(M)\{∅} such that A |=X (F /x) ψ. Downward closure renders the strict and the lax semantics equivalent for all D-formulas. Comparing the strict and the lax semantics I Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen The Locality property holds for all of the the aforementioned logics under the lax semantics: Proposition (Locality for the lax semantics) Let φ be a formula of FO(=(. . .), ⊥c , ⊆) whose free variables Fr(φ) are contained in V . Then, for all models A and teams X , A |=X φ if and only if A |=X V φ. Comparing the strict and the lax semantics II Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Under the strict semantics, Juha Kontinen X |= x ⊆ y ∨ z ⊆ y but X {x, y , z} 6|= x ⊆ y ∨ z ⊆ y , where X is s0 s1 s2 s3 x 0 1 1 2 y 1 0 0 1 z 2 1 1 0 v 3 3 4 4 Comparing the strict and the lax semantics III Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Note that X {x, y , z} is the team s0 s1 s3 x 0 1 2 y 1 0 1 z 2 1 0 The claim follows because the full team X {x, y , z}, and none of its singletons, satisfy x ⊆ y or z ⊆ y . Relations among logics Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen For both versions of the semantics, compositional translations of formulas show: D = FO(|) FO(⊥c ) = FO(⊥) = FO(⊆, |) Theorem (Galliani and Hella 2013) Under the lax semantics, FO(⊆) = GFP+ . Hence, over (ordered) finite structures, FO(⊆) = LFP = PTIME. On the other hand, for the strict semantics: Theorem (Hannula, K., Galliani 2013) Under the strict semantics, FO(⊆) = ESO. Complexity of syntactic fragments Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Theorem (Jarmo Kontinen 2013) Define Let ϕ be =(x, y )∨ =(z, u) Let ψ be =(x, y )∨ =(z, u)∨ =(z, u) Deciding whether a finite team X satisfies ϕ is NL-complete and, for ψ, NP-complete. By the above the universal D-sentence of vocabulary {R}: ∀xyzy (¬R(x, y , z, u) ∨ ψ), defines an NP-complete problem. On the other hand, purely existential sentences of D are equivalent to FO-sentences. Relevant fragments of ESO I Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Let ESOf (k-ary) denote the class of ESO-sentences ∃f1 . . . ∃fn ψ in which the function symbols fi are at most k-ary and ψ is first-order. Let ESOf (k∀) denote the class of skolem normal form ESO-sentences (i.e., ψ is quantifier free) ∃f1 . . . ∃fn ∀x1 . . . ∀xm ψ, where m ≤ k. Relevant fragments of ESO II Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Theorem (Ajtai 1983) Let R be a k + 1-ary relation symbol. Then the property ”|R| even” cannot be defined in the logic ESOf (k-ary) but is definable in ESOf (k + 1-ary). Theorem (Grandjean and Olive 2004) ESOf (k∀) = NTIMERAM (nk ) Note that NTIMERAM (nk ) < NTIMERAM (nk+1 ). Fragments in Logics with Teams Semantics Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Definition Let C ⊆ {⊆, =(. . .), ⊥c , ⊥}. FO(C)(k∀) is the class of FO(C) formulae in which at most k universal quantifiers may appear, FO(C)(k-inc) is the class of FO(C) formulae in which inclusion atoms of the form ~x1 ⊆ ~x2 where ~x1 and ~x2 are sequences of length at most k, may appear, FO(C)(k-dep) is the class of FO(C) formulae in which dependence atoms of the form =(~x1 , x2 ) where ~x1 x2 is a sequence of length at most k + 1, may appear, FO(C)(k-ind) is the class of FO(C) formulae in which conditional independence atoms of the form ~x2 ⊥~x1 ~x3 where ~x1 ~x2 ~x3 is a sequence listing at most k + 1 distinct variables, may appear. The expressive power of the fragments I Under the Lax semantics Complexity Results on Dependence Logic By restricting the arity we get: Juha Kontinen Theorem (Galliani, Hannula, and K. 2013; Durand and K. 2012) FO(⊥c )(k-ind) = ESOf (k-ary) = D(k-dep) On the other hand, for inclusion logic the following holds: Theorem (Hannula 2014) Over graphs, FO(⊆)(k-ind) < FO(⊆)(k + 1-ind) The expressive power of the fragments II Under the Lax semantics Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen By restricting the number of universal quantifiers: Theorem (Durand and K. 2012) ESOf (k∀) ≤ D(2k∀) ≤ ESOf (2k∀). In the presence of inclusion or independence atoms, universal quantifiers can be simulated by existential quantifiers: Theorem (Hannula 2014; Galliani, Hannula and K. 2013) 1 If ⊆∈ C then the hierarchy collapses at level 1: FO(C) = FO(C)(1∀); 2 If ⊥ ∈ C then it collapses at level 2: FO(C) = FO(C)(2∀). Hierarchy theorems for the lax semantics Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen D FO(⊥c ) Arity of atoms Strict strict FO(⊆) strict Number of ∀ Infinite collapse at k=2 collapse at k=1 The expressive power of the fragments Under the strict semantics Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen The situation is more complicated because of the locality property failing. Theorem (Hannula and K. 2014) 1 FO(⊆)(k∀) = ESOf (k∀) = NTIMERAM (nk ) 2 FO(⊥c )(k∀) ≤ ESOf (k + 1∀) 3 ESOf (k∀) ≤ FO(⊥c )(2k∀) This implies the following hierarchy theorems: FO(⊥c ) FO(⊆) Arity of atoms ? ? Number of ∀ infinite strict The 2-variable fragment of D Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen Denote by D2 the sentences of D in which only variables x and y appear. Theorem (K., Kuusisto, Lohmann and Virtema 2011) 1 2 3 The Satisfiability (and Finite Satisfiability) problem of D2 is NEXPTIME-complete. The logic D2 is quite expressive being able to express, e.g., ”A infinite”, ”|P| = |Q|”, and some NP-complete problems. In contrast, the satisfiability (and finite satisfiability) problem of IF 2 is undecidable. Remark The complexity of the validity problem for D2 is open. Complexity of Model Checking Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen E. Grädel (2013) formulated a general model checking game for logics with team semantics. Recall that the model checking problem, with input (φ, A, X ), is to decide whether A |=X φ. Theorem (Grädel 2013) The model-checking problem for D is NEXPTIME-complete. Futhermore, containment in NEXPTIME was shown to hold for any variant FO(C) of D s.t. the atoms in C are PTIME-computable. Other complexity results Complexity Results on Dependence Logic Juha Kontinen A certain Horn fragment of D captures PTIME over successor structures (Ebbing, K. Müller and Vollmer 2012). Intuitionistic implication → makes D equivalent to full second-oder logic (Yang 2013). A similar result holds when dependence logic is extended by the classical negation.
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