• MULTILOCATION INVENTORY MODEL WITH SPECIAL SALE by ABDUS SAMAD Institute of Statistics Mimeograph Series No. 625 May • 1969 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES . o LIST OF FIGURES 1. 1.3 1.4 2. 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3. I) (0 • ... Inventory Problems Multilocation System Double-Policy Selling System Review of Literature • 0 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 1 $OOOOOOf;lfl. Mathematical Formulation . . . Stepwise Optimality . . . . ... Optimal Special Sale Policy . . . . . Convexity of WN(Y1.t) and WN (Y2,t) Optimal Procurement Policy . . . . . Optimal Transshipment Policy . . . . Convexity of Optimal Cost When 0 ~ AI' . . ... . . . . . . . . 0 S A2 4.6 Convexity of f lN (x 1 ,x 2 ) . • . . . . . . . . . • " 0 28 30 50 56 59 68 80 86 4.5 II 16 17 21 25 50 Dynamic Programming Setup . . . . . . . . Opt imal Sale Pol icy . . . . . . . . . Convexity of WN(uI,u2) . Optimal Procurement Policy for Fixed Transshipment . • . . . . . . . . . Optimal Transshipment and Procurement & 8 12 n-Location Model--Its Procurement and Sale Policy . . • . . . . • . . Triangle Restriction and Characterization of Optimal Transshipment Policy . . . . Description of Optimal Transshipment and Procurement Policies . . . . . . . . . . . Theorems Giving Optimal Transshipment and Procurement Policies . . . . ... Convexity of Opt imal Cost ..,.. Po 1 icy vi 2 3 5 • TWO-LOCATION N-PERIOD MODEL 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 v 1 THREE-LOCATION SINGLE-PERIOD MODEL . . . 3.1 4. I) .00(o006e TWO-LOCAT ION S INGLE-STAGE MODEL 2.1 2.2 Q G.OOO&O INTRODUCTION. 1.1 1.2 dI I) 0 e (I I) 0 • • " 86 89 93 96 100 104 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page 5. SUMMARY 1 CONCLUS IONS 1 AND RECOMUNDAT IONS 5 1 (1 5.2 5.3 SUmDlary 0 • I) *.." 0 6 • \) 116 116 118 119 • Conclusions . . . . Recommendations for Further Research 6. LIST OF REFERENCES . 122 7. APPENDICES . . . . . 124 7.1 First and Second Derivatives of the Function 7.2 First Order Derivatives of GN(ul,u2,zl,z2,t) First and Second Order Derivatives of g 1 (y 1 ' z 1 ' t) 7.3 WN (u1 , u2) 7.4 0 . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0 • • • 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 • 0 e II Limiting Values of Dlfl N(xl,x2) and D2 f lN(x1,x2) . . . • . . . . 124 128 132 137 vi LIST OF TABLES Page 2.1 Optimal special sale policies 2.2 Optimal special sale and procurement policy at location 1 for a given nonnegative value of t 29 Optimal special sale and procurement policy at location 2 for a given nonnegative value of t 30 Values of x12,x22 for different outcomes of single-period demands 88 2.3 4.1 0 0 • 0 0 0 • • 0 • • • • • • • 0 • • 20 vii LIST OF FIGURES page 2.1 3.1 Optimal procurement and transshipment policies for the single period model . . . . Typical cases of optimal ordering and transshipment 3.2 7.1 0 • • • 0 • ., II " •• "" e 58 • Regions of optimal procurement and transshipment po 1 ic ies 4.1 37 0 • • ~ • eo. 0 • " II 0 0 G • 0 • III 0 6·0 Optimal procurement and transshipment policies for N-period model . . . . . . • .. .... 101 Limiting cases of the no-action region 140 1. . INTRODUCTION The control and maintenance of inventories of physical goods is a well-known problem. There are many reasons why or- ganizations should maintain inventories of goods. The funda- mental reason is that it is either physically impossible or economically unsound to have goods arrive in a given system precisely when demands for them occur. Without inventories customers have to wait until their orders are filled from a source or are manufactured. ing inventories. There are other reasons for hold- For example, the price of some raw materials fluctuates seasonally, and it is profitable to procure sufficient quantities of such materials when the price is low and use them through the high price season, Another reason, especially for retail shops, is that sales and profits can be increased by displaying the goods to the customers. 1.1 Inventory Problems There are different types of inventory problems; uncontrolled replenishment and uncontrolled demand. ~.&., Uncon- trolled replenishment occurs for instance in dam problems, where replenishment depends on rainfall. Business and in- dustry are faced With the uncontrolled demand problem. Mathematical analysis can be used to develop optimum operating rules. To do this, the inventory system must be described mathematically, drawing a compromise between the .. e real world situation and the simplicity of the model. The 2 procedure is to construct a mathematical model of the system of interest and then to study the properties of the model. 1.2 Multilocation System Most of the research in inventory has been on the singleitem~ single-location problem, some has been done on the multi- item, single-location problem, and the least on the singleitem, multilocation problem. In a single-item multilocation inventory problem an item may be stored in all the locations that are supplied by a common source. may be transshipped; i.~., However, these often one store may ship items directly to another store without going through a central warehouse. Under individual inventory control each store orders separately and is concerned only with its own welfare. But under a centralized control procedure all decisions regarding order quantities and transshipping quantities are made simultaneously for all the locations and the needs of the entire system are taken into account. The advantage of this cen- tralized control procedure is that sometimes one store may be overstocked while the other may run short, and transshipping might prove economical. Since information about the entire system is recorded at a central location, decisions can be made effectively and expediently in emergencies. The price paid for these advantages is the need to set up a central control headquarters and to develop more complicated models for determining inventory policies. -- 3 The p~esent study has attempted to develop models for two-location and three-location systems with stochastic demands and to derive optimum policies sale allocations, and transshipment. fo~ o~dering» special For the n-location sys- tem, only the ordering and special sale policies for fixed transshipments will be derived. Each of these systems will utilize a tVdouble policy tV of sale. 1.3 Double-Policy Selling System In a double-policy selling system in each period there are two separate modes of selling--"regular sale" and "special sale." The regular sale period covers the whole review pe- riod except when a special sale is offered. riod sales are made to meet the demand. During this pe- The part of the demand that exceeds stock during a regular sale period is considered lost and is not carried over to the next period. A shortage or penalty cost is associated with the excess demand. The special sale can be offered at the beginning of a review period» after procurement from the central warehouse and possible transshipment has taken place. The special sale period is usually short in comparison with the regular sale period. During this period, goods are sold at lower than regular price. The principle behind the special sale is that a demand exists that can be attracted by reducing the price. If the stock allocated for special sale exceeds the demand» the unsold goods are transferred to regular sale. The part 4 of the special demand that exceeds the stock allocated for special sale is charged. fered con~idered lost 9 but no short~ge cost i~ Some of the reasons for which special sales are of- are~ 1. When excessive stock has accumulated and a high holding cost is anticipated. 2. When goods are perishable and possible loss of goods in stock is expected. 3. When the special sale has a promotional effect on the following regular stock. 4. When the special sale is itself profitable. Since inventory decisions are made periodically~ this study is concerned only with the total demand during a special sale period and the regular sale period. Special and regular sale demands are random variables with continuous probability distributions; special sale is likely to influence the following regular demand. The regular demand is as- sumed to depend on the amount sold during the last special sale. The special sale may either increase the following regular demand~ if it has a promotional effect, or may re- duce the regular demand by meeting a part of it during the special sale. Relevant costs include ordering~ transshipping~ shortage~ holding, and sales revenue (interpreted as a negatiwe cost), All costs are assumed proportional to the quantity involved. -e 5 1.4 Review of Literature Arrow at ale (1951) first introduced the static <or oneperiod) inventory model with functional equation method for known demand distributions. (1955)~ Bellman et ale Bellman (1957), and Iglehart (1963) (1955)~ Karlin con~idered the ex- istence and uniqueness of the solutions of the functional equation for the N-stage process and studied their asymptotic behavior for the infinite stage process. For the one-decision variable optimization inventory problem~ Bellman etal. (1955) established conditions under which the optimal policy will have the simple form of a series of critical numbers il'X2~'oo~ called a base stock policy. • If the stock level x n at the beginning of period n falls below x n ' then amount x n - x n is procured; if x n is procured. ~ xn~ nothing Karlin (1960) developed an inventory model with linear costs in which the demand distributions were different from period to period. He showed that if the demand densities increase stochastically in successive the optimum periods~ policy also increases and critical numbers can be calculated in each period as if the demand densities in future periods were stationary. Veinott (1965~ po 762) extended Karlin's results for the demand distributions that are "stochastically increasing in translation." More specifically~ if (i denotes the i th period demand variable with distribution functions 0~; ~~ and if the inequality 0~.(x+ai) ~ ~ •. ~], . ~],+l (x) holds for all 6 x and i=1 92 93 9 " ' 9 where ai ~ 0 is the lower bound of (1 9 then Karlinvs results hold. Barankin (1961) investigated a one~period9 one-commodity inventory model with one-period-1ag delivery of regular orders and with a built-in emergency provision that made it possible to place an emergency order for immediate delivery. He found optimum regular and emergency ordering policies 9 assuming that emergency order quantity is fixed. Daniel (1963) generalized Barankinvs one-period model to an n-period model in which the emergency order quantity was uniformly bounded. He found the optimum regular and emergency ordering policies for the n-period process and indicated the transition to the infinite period model. Allen (1958) presented a model of stock redistribution that considered only shortage and transshipment costs. He ranked the different locations according to initial shortage probability and then suggested an iterative procedure to find optimum transshipment quantity from a location with a lower shortage probability to one with a higher shortage probability. Gross (1962) developed a two-10cation p single-period inventory model with linear cost structure. He discussed in detail the optimum procurement and transshipment policies for different cost situations 9 and indicated an iterative procedure for problems with more than two locations. Hwang (1968) introduced for the first time the doublepolicy selling system in inventory problems. He assumed that special sale precedes the regular sale and the amount sold 7 during the special sale influences the demand sale. du~ing regular Under these assumptions he developed a model with lin- ear cost structure and found the optimum procu~ement location policies for regular and special sales. and ~l He also generalized the model for N-stage and infinite stage process using the functional equation method. For general references on inventory theory~ see Arrow et ala (1958)9 Hadley and Whit1n (1963), and Veinott (1963, 1966). 8 2. TWO-LOCATION, SINGLE-STAGE MODEL Before starting with the two-location problem, Grossi (1962) study will be reviewed. Gross studied a centralized- control, two-location inventory problem using single policy of sale. He considered linear costs of ordering, transship- ping, holding inventory, and shortage, and distinguished among four system possibilities according to whether or not a store ordered frnm a central warehouse. Each possibility was in- vestigated. separately and the best t1subpolicy" (the policy on ordering and transshipping that minimized the total cost for each possibility) was derived for each possibility. To find the optimal transshipment policy, Gross con• sidered two separate cases. Case I occurs when the amount transhipped is posit'ive only; case 2. is when the amount transshipped can be positive as well as negative. For these two cases h& introduced two functions to represent cost and found the optimal values to minimize these functions. The follow- ing is a brief statement of Gross' results. I. Consider the function where F(y) is the cumulative distribution function of y and el , C , C are constants. If Zo is the value of z for which 2 3 dg(z)/dz = 0, then to obtain minimum g(z), 9 if 0 < Zo oS C, L , set z :;::: Zo :;::: C ii. if Zo > C, set Z iii. if Zo < 0, set Z '" o. Two functions are then defined: 2. gl (z) = 0, g2(z) C4 = to j for any other z, -zF j (y) dy + C5 ' for 0 oS z So b; for any other z, 0, where C l , C3 , C4 , Ki , Kj > 0; a ~ 0, b ~ 0; and Fi,F j are cumulative distribution functions. To consider the minimi• zation of g(z) :;::: gl (z) + g2(z) over the limits a ~ z ~ b, if zl and z2 are the values of z for which dg1(z)/dz '" 0 and dg (z)/dz 2 i. = 0, respectively, minimum g(z) is obtained, if 0 So z2 S b, set z :;::: z2 if a.,S zl oS 0, set z :;::: zl iii. if z2 > b, set z = b iv. if zl < a set z :;: : a ii. v. if z2 < 0 and zl > 0, set z = o. To study the multilocation inventory problem with double policy of sale, one starts with the simplest form and considers only two locations. Either of these stores can get pro- curement instantaneously from a central warehouse and also can send a transshipment to the other. However, one assumes 10 that it is not advantageous for a location both to from o~der the central warehouse and to transship to the other location. In other words, if C i denotes unit cost of procurement from the central warehouse to location i and if C denotes unit cost of transshipment, then it is assumed Cl C2 + + C > C2 and C > CI . It is further assumed that once the procurement from the central warehouse and transshipment between the stores is accomplished, each of the stores allocates a certain part of its stock for regular sale and the remainder for special sale. However, the excess of the special stock over the to- tal special sale is made available to regular sale. If there is no transshipment between these two stores, they can be treated as two stores maintaining independently their own optimum policies for procurement and special sale. Thus, Hwang's (1968) result is obtained for single location as a special case where there is no transshipment. Before discussing the cost function of the system, the different kinds of costs involved in the model and the restrictions on demand outcomes must first be considered. The procurement cost Ci is the cost of procuring a unit of a commodity from the central warehouse to location i. Transship- ment cost C is the cost of transshipping a unit quantity from one location to another. Once procurement and transshipment are done, one has another type of cost known as holding cost. Holding or storage cost may be incurred by the actual main• tenance of stocks or the rent of storage space. Each unit of 11 commodity sold during special sale is charged • hi ~ O. ~ holding cost Each unit not sold during special sale is charged a holding cost hi + hi ~ hi. exceeds demand. Holding cost arises when supply But when demand exceeds supply 9 another type of cost known as shortage cost arises. Failure to meet the demand causes this shortage cost in different ways in different situations. Often it involves loss of goodwill on the part of the customer and its monetary value is difficult to assess. However, one assumes that a shortage cost of 8 i is charged per unit of demand excess over supply during regular sale. During a special sale period, no shortage cost is con- sidered. Demand at regular sale is assumed to depend upon the amount sold during special sale. If the two sales are com- petitive, then the regular sale is likely to be reduced, • whereas if the special sale is promotional the regular sale is likely to increase. Let random variables D*, D* ~ a* mand with known distribution function ~ ~* 0 9 denote special deand D(u) denote regu- lar demand when the quantity sold during special sale is u. Then it is assumed that D(u) known and D(o), D(o) distribution function ~ = D(o) - qu, where parameter q is a > 0, is regular demand with known ~, when the quantity sold during special sale is zero; Pi[P(u) S K] = ~(K + qu). Obviously, if the special sale is promotional, q < 0, while q > 0 if it is competitive. If q = 0, the demands in regular and special sale are independent. 12 One basic assumption about random variable D(u) is that it is nonnegative. This introduces a restriction on the up- per bound of the amount sold during regular sale~ The minimum value that D(u) can take is a - quo when q > O. Therefore, D(u) will be a nonnegative random variable if it is assumed that D* < a/q, where q > O. When q < 0, any such restriction on the upper bound of D* is unnecessary. In many situations "a" is a relatively large number and "q" is a small positive fraction, so that the assumption 0*(a/q) = 1 is not likely to be a severe restriction. To make the model more flexible, another parameter, p, is introduced to take into account any leakage within the system. It is assumed that l-p proportion of goods left unsold during special sale will not be available during regular sale. The loss due to leakage during special sale is negligible because of the short duration of the special sale period. 2.1 Mathematical Formulation To describe mathematically a two-location inventory problem in a double-policy selling system, the following notations are considered (i stands for the i th location, i=l,2). = initial stock level at location i. = stock level after procurement. ... (1 = demand during regular sale period. (~ = demand during special period. f6i <Ci) = probability density function of regular sale demand, a i < ~i < -• 13 ~ probability density function of special sale demand, a~ 1. < €~ 1. < •• ri ;::; regular price per unit. r~ ;::; special price per unit. ;::; procurement cost per unit. ;::; holding cost per unit during special sale period. ;::; holding cost per unit during regular sale period. 1. ci h* i hi ;::; shortage cQst per unit during regular sale only. ;::; amount allocated for regular sale. ;::; amount allocated for special sale (plus sign for transshipped location and minus sign for transshipping location), t ;::; amount transshipped (t > 0 indicates units transshipped from warehouse 2 to warehouse 1, and t < 0 indicates units transshipped from warehouse I to warehouse 2. At the same time, transshipping in both directions is not permissible). c ;::; unit cost of transshipping. Let ~xl(Yl,Zl,Cl,Ct,t) denote the total cost of loca- tion 1 for a single period process given an admissible policy (YI,ZI) and assuming that an amount t is transshipped from location 2 to location 1, when initial stock level is xl' SPecial sale demand is C~ a~d regular demand is Cl' Then, 14 * t) t XI (Y}yz b (11 C1, = cI(Yl-xl) + ht(Yl+t) - rtct + hl(Yl+t-Ct> - T1C19 for «t ~ Y1 + t - zl «1 ~ P l (Y1+ t - Ci> = CI(YI-xI) + hi(Yl+t) - ri«! + hl(YI+t-ci> - rlPI(Yl+ t -ci) + sl [(1 - PI (yl+t-C!>J , for Cr ~Yl + t - zl (1 :> PI (yl+t-ct) = cI(YI-xl) + hi(YI+t) - ri(YI+t-z l ) + hlz l - rIC I , for «~ > Yl + t - zl 41 <: Plz 1 = cI(YI-x I ) + hi(YI+t) - ri<yl+t-z l ) + hlz l - r 1 P1 z 1 + sl (C1-Plz1)' for (1 > Yl + t - zl (1 > P 1zl° The total cost t (Y2,Z2,C 2 ,C;,t) can be written for loX2 cation 2 exactly the same way except that one has Y1+t in t XI (Y1,ZI,Cl,Ci,t), sion Y2-t. whereas ~X2(Y2,Z2'(2,(~,t) has the expres- The total expected cost can be written for the whole system of two locations as follows: Lx x (YI'Y2,zl,z2,t) 12 = cI(YI-x I ) + c 2 (Y 2-x 2 ) + hi(y 1+t) + h;(y 2 -t) + ct YI+t-z 1 r:: JPI (YI+t-CV + J * L-rici + h 1 (y l +t-Ci) + al al-qlci 15 GO + JPI (Yl+ t - Cl)* (-r l P l (Yl+ t -«!) + sl [(1 - PI (Yl+ t -.r)] )fi$1 «l+ql(r)dClJ¢r«(~)dC~ + • JP2 * (-r2 P2(Y2- t -C;) t (Y2- -(2) + s2 [(2 - P2 (y 2- t -,;)] )fi$2 (C2+Q2C;) d + • JY2t r ;(Y2- t t -z2 (Jfi$; (~;) dC; Z 2) - r 2 (2fi$2 [(2 + q2 (y 2- t ", z 2) ] d (2 ao + Jz P2 2 X [-r 2P 2z 2 + s2(C2-P2z2)] fi$~2 + q2(Y2-t-z2~ dC2J~;«(;)dC;, Yl ~ Xl' Y2 ~ x 2 (2.1) Note that when t=O, expre$sion (2.1) is the sum of the costs tt of the two locations as derived by Hwang (1968) and also, 16 completely separable as LXlX2 (Yl,Y2,Zl,z2,t) = cl(Yl-xl) + gl(Yl,zl,t) + c2(Y2- x 2) (2.2) + g2(Y2,z2,t) + ct. 2.2 Stepwise Optimality The technique of stepwise minimization is used to obtain the optimum values of y l ,y 2 ,zl,z2,t, subject to the restrictions that 0 S zi S Yi+ t ; xi ~ Yi < • (i=1,2). Let Zi(Yi,t) be the value of zi at which gi(Yi,zi,t) attains its minimum when Yi and t are finite nonnegative numbers. Since gi(Yi,zi,t) is a continuous function of zi and the range of zi is a closed interval, there exists a zi(Yi,t) at which gi(Yi,zi,t) attains its minimum. Let Wi(Yi,t) = gi[Yi,zi(Yi,t) ,t]. Suppose Wi(Yi,t) at- tains its minimum at a finite value Yi(t), then one can define L(t) = Wl[Yl(t),tJ + W2 [Y2(t),tJ + ct = gl[yl(t),zl(yl,t),tJ + g2[y 2 (t),z2(y 2 t),t] + ct. Now if L(t) attains its minimum at a finite value t=t, then [Yl(t)'Y2(t),zl(Yl,t),z2(Y2,t),tJ will be the optimum policy. For if (Yl'Y2,zl,z2,t) is an arbitrary feasible policy, .- 17 = cl(Y1-x l ) + c 2 (Y2- x 2) + gl(Yl~zl~t) + g2(Y2?z2~t) + ~ cl(Yl-x l ) + c 2 (y 2 -x 2 ) + ct gl[Ylzl(Yl?t)~tJ + g2[)2z2(Y2,t),tJ + ct = cl(Yl-x l ) + c 2 (Y2- x 2) + Wl(Yl~t) + W2 (Y2,t) + ct ~ cl[Y l (t)-x 1 ] + c 2 [y 2 (t)-x 2] + Wl[Y l (t) ,tJ + W2 [Y2(t),tJ + ct = cl[Yl (t)-x l ] + c 2 [Y2(t)-x 2] + L(t) ~ cl[Yl(t)-xlJ + c2[Y2(t)-x2] + L(t) = Lx x {Yl(t)'Y2(t),Zl[Yl(t),tJ,z2[Y2(t),tJ,tl. 1 2 2.3 0Ftimal SFecial Sale Policy In deriving the optimal policies, the parametric structures r~ + hi + siqi - (ri+si)Pi and r~ + hi - riqi occur often. For the sake of simplicity, they are denoted by Ai and respectively. Bi~ Let zl(Yl,t) and z2(Y2,t) denote the optimal special policies when the procurement levels at the two locations and the transshipment quantity between them are given. Then the structure of zl(Yl,t) and z2(y 2 ,t) are given, respectively, by theorems 2.1 and 2.2. Theorem 2.1: i. ii. iii. If PI 2. ql ~ 0 and 0 oS AI' then zl (Yl' t) = O. BI SO, then zl (Yl' t) = Yl + t. Al < 0 < B, then there exists a unique number Zl a 1 < Zl < =, such that 18 Zl(Yl,t) = 0 = Zl - ql (Yl+t) PI - ql Theorem 2.2: 0 i. ii. B2 A2 , ~ 0, then z2(Y2,t) = o. then Z(Y2,t) = Y2- t . 2 < 0 < B 2 , then there exists a unique number Z2' a2 < Z2 < ., such that iii. Z2(Y2,t) ~ If P2'> q2 > 0 and A for (Z2/ q 2)+t < Y2 < = 0 = .....;;;;---=-~-- Proof: = Z2 - q2(Y2- t ) P2 - q2 Two operators, Di and Dij , are introduced to represent the first and second-order derivatives with respect to the i th and jth coordinate; ~.~., lows immediately from Hwang's (1968) result. derivation is given in Section 7.1. A detailed 19 D2 g l (Yl,zl,t) = (AI + (rl+s1)(P1-ql)~1[ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-q1)z l Jl X [1 - ~i(Yl+t-zl)J = Vl[ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zl]el - 0r CY 1+t-z l )], where Therefore, Al ~ D 2 g l (y l ,zl,t) ~ B 1 · Moreover, D2 g 1 (Yl,zl,t) is a monotonic nondecreasing continuous function of zl' Similarly differentiating g2(Y2,z2,t) with respect to z2' D 2 g 2 (Y2,z2,t) = {A 2 + (r2+s2)(P2-q2)02[Q2(Y2-t) + (P2- q 2)z2]1 x [1 - 0*(Y -t-z 22 2 )J = V2 [Q2(Y2- t ) + (P2- Q2)z2] [1 - O2(Y2-t-z2)] , * where V2 (9 2 ) = A2 + (r 2 +s 2 ) (P2-Q2)0 2 (9 2 )· Therefore, A2 ~ D2g 2 (Y2,z2,t) ~ B2 , and D2g 2 (Y2,z2,t) is a monotonic nondecreasing continuous function of'z2. From these two theorems one can write an optimum special sale policy for given Yl' Y2' and t for different parametric structures (Table 2.1). Of the nine parametric struc- tures introduced in this chapter, only those three are considered that give the folloWing optimum special sale policy 20 Zl(Yl,t) :;; 0, z2(Y2,t) :;; 0; zl(Yl,t) :;; Yl+t, z2(Y2,t) :;; Y2- t ; " and zl(y1,t) :;; [Zl - ql(yl+t)]/(P1-ql), z2(Y2 p t) :;; [Z2 - q2(Y2-t )]/(P2- q 2). Other cases can be considered in a similar way. Table 2.1 Optimal special sale policies ZI(Yl,t) :;; 0, if (ZI/ Ql)-t < Yl < • Zl - ql (Yl+t) :;; PI - ql if (Zl/Pl)-t ~ Yl ~ (Zl/Ql)-t Z2(Y2,t) :;; 0, if (Z2/ Q2)+t < Y2 <: == = Z2 - Q2(Y2- t ) P2 - Q2 if (Z2/P 2) +t ~ Y2 <: (Z2/ Q 2) +t := Y2- t , if 0 < Y2 <: (Z2/P 2)+t. 21 2.4 Convexity of W1(YI1t) and W2(Y21t) Substituting zl(Yl,t) for zl in gl(Y11z1~t) and z2(Y2 1t ) for z2 in g2(Y2,z2,t) and calling the new functions WI(Y11t) and W2 (Y2,t), respectively, it can be shown that W1(YI,t) and and W2(Y21t) are convex functions of Y1 and Y2 1 respectively. To do this, the results of Dlgl(Yl,zl,t)~ D2g 1 (Yl,zl,t), Dllgl(y1,zl,t), D2Zg l (y l ,zl,t), and D12g 1 (y 1 ,zl,t) are listed here for easy reference. slql + (rl+sl)ql * (Yl+t-z ~l l )] (2.3) D2 g l (Yl,zl' t) = Vl[ql (Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zlJ [1 - fiJ~(Yl+t-zl}J (2.4) Dl1g 1 (Y1 1z l1 t ) = yl+t-z l Sa * 2 (rl+sl)Pl¢l [PI (Yl+t) - (Pl-ql) ctJ¢i<C!>dct l + V1[ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zl]¢i(Yl+t-z 1 ) 2 + (rl+sl)qlfDl[ql (Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zlJ [1 - ~l* (Yl+t-z l )]. (2.5) 22 D 12 g 1 (yVzV t) :: -V1[ql (y1+t) + (Pl-ql)ZlJ9i~(Yl+t-Zl) + (Jr'l+Sl) (P1-ql)ql x 9i 1 [Ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zl][l - ~~(Yl+t=zl)J. Theorem 2.3: DIWI(Yl,t) and DlW2(Y2~t) nondecreasing continuous functions for 0 Proof: Proof for WI(YI~t) is given. W2 (Y2,t) will follow identically. (2.7) are monotonic ~Yl~Y2 < ~. The proof for Note that D1WI(YI,t) :: Dlgl[Yl~zl(YI,t)~tJ _ dZ1(Yl,t) + D2 g l [Yl,zl (Yl' t) ,t] dYl (2.8) and (2.9) 2 2 and dlzl(y1,t)/dY l exist. Proof is partitioned into three cases: whenever 1. - dZl(Yl~t)/dYl 0 ~ AI: dZI(YI,t)/dY I = ° from theorem 2.1~ zl(y~t> = 0. 22 and d zl(yl,t)/dYl = 0. From D1W1(Yl,t) = Therefore, (2.8)~ Dlgl(Yl~O~t). From (2.9), D11WI(Yl,t) = Dllgl(Yl~O~t)o In Dl1gl(y1,0,t), the only term that can be negative is V1[ql(yl+t) + (PI-Ql)z l J9ii(Yl+t-z 1 )· 23 D11W 1 (Y1' t) ~ o. ~ 0: 2. Bl from theorem 2.1 y zl(Ylyt) = Yl+t. fore, dZ1(Yl,t)/dYl = 1 and d2Z1(Yl,t)/dY~ = O. There- From (2.8), D1W1(Yl,t) = D1g1(Yl'Yl+t,t) + D2 g 1 (Yl'Yl+t,t). From (2.9), D11W1(Yl,t) = D11g1(Y1'Yl+t,t) + 2D 12 g 1 (Y 1 'Yl+t,t) + D22 g 1 (Y 1 'Yl+t,t) = (rl+sl)q~¢l[Pl(Yl+t)J + 2(rl+sl)(Pl-q1)ql~1[Pl(Yl+t)J + (r 1+s 1 )(Pl-ql)2¢1[Pl(y 1+t)] = (rl+sl)p~¢l[Pl(Yl+t)] ~ O. 3. Al < 0 < B: from theorem 2.1, = --.;;;,--..;;;;..........;;-.- for Zl - q1(Yl+t) PI - qi Zl = y1+t o for t .s: PI ~ Y1 ~ ZI Y oS - - t ql (Zl/Pl)-t. Likewise, dz1(y1,t)/dY l exists except at two points, (Zl/Pl)-t and (Zl/ql)-t. For (Zl/ql)-t < Yl' dZl (Yl,t)/dYl = 0 and d 2zl(y1,t)/dY 2l -_ O. Thus, from (2.8) and (2.9), (2.10) and (2.11) e Here again, the term in D11 g 1 (YI,O,t) that can be negative is VI [ql (Yl+t)]¢r(Yl+t). But for (Zl/ql) -t V1[ql(Y1+t)] ~ V1(Zl) = O. ~ YI' Therefore, (2.11) is nonnegative. 24 (Z l/Pl) -t , dZl(Ylpt/dYl:::: 1 d2zl(Yl,t)/dY~ = o. From (2.8) and (2.9), (2.12) and DllWl(yl,t) = Dllgl(Yl'Yl+t,t) + 2D 12 g l (Yl'Yl+ t ,t) + D22 g l (Yl'Yl+t,t) ~ (2.13) 0, as shown in case 2 above. ~ Finally, when (Zl/Pl)-t ~ Yl (Zl/ql)-t, it is observed that D2 g l [Y l 'Zl(y l ,t),tJ = Vl[ql(yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zl(yl,t)] * l + t - -zl(yl,t)]l x (I - 01[Y = V1 (Z 1) {I - 0 ~ [y 1 + t = z1 (Y 1 ' t) ] } o. zero, (2.14) and Zl - ql(Yl+t) tJ = DIIgl [ Yl' . , PI - ql ql" PI - ql ZI - ql(Yl+t) ,tJ PI - ql --~~.DI2gleYl' = ePI (YI+t)-ZIJ/(PI-ql) Sa * l - (Pl-ql) C!J95!<C!)d«! 2 . (r l +s l )P l l [PI (Yl+t). 95 25 Now from (2.10) and (2.14), DIW1(Yl,t) is continuous at (Z l/ql) -t since Dlg l (Yl,zl' t) is continuous in both Yl and zl and [Zl - ql(Yl+t)]/(Pl-ql) ",. 0 at Y1 . = (Zl/q1)-t. From (2.12) and (2.14), D1W1(Yl,t) is continuous at (Zl/Pl)-t since [zl - ql(Y1+ t )]/(Pl-q1) ",. (Zl/P1) :;; Y1+ t at Yl = (Zl/Pl)-t and Lt Yl ~ (Zl/Pl)-t, D2g l (Yl'Yl+t,t) ~ D2 g l [(Zl/Pl)-t, (Zl/Pl),t]= O~ Thus D1W1(Yl,t) is a continuous function of Yl. Furthermore, from (2.11), (2.13), and (2.15), D1W1(Yl,t) is monotonic nondecreasing. In a similar way it can be shown that D1W2 (Y2,t) is a continuous monotonic nondecreasing function of Y2 , Theorem 2.4 is proved. As a corollary, Wl(Y1,t) and W2 (Y2,t) are convex functions of Yl and Y2 , respectively, 2.5 Optimal Procurement Policy This section is a discussion of optimal procurement policy for a given value of transshipment. For simplicity, the parametric structures c i + hi + hi - (ri+si)Pi and ci + hi - ri - siqi are represented by Mi and Ni , respectively. 26 = Ai' Note that Mi - Ni ~nd Let Y1(cl) such that cl + D1W1[Y1(Cl) ,OJ Y2(c2) be two numbers = 0 and c2 + D1W2 [Y2(C2) ,0] = 0, If Al < 0 < B19 A2 < 0 < 8 29 Nl < 0, Theorem 2.4: N2 < 0, Xl < Yl' x2 < Y2' and if t ~ t ~ if t t ° and xl+t > Y , ° and xl+t S. YI' = xl 9Y2(t) thenYI(t) = y l~t 9Y2 (t) = Y2+ t ° and x2+l l > Y2' ~ ° and x 2 +l t l oS 2' t oS then Y2(t) = = x29Yl (t) = Y1+ltl Y2 -lt 19Y 1 (t) From (2.3), (2,4), and (2.12), y Proof: Y2 +t then Yl(t) DlWl(YI,t) = then Y2(t) = = Yl+ltl· hi - ri - slQ1 + (rl+sl)QI~l[PI(Yl+t)J. Therefore, c l + DlWl(O,O) = NI , and if N I < 0 9 YI(c l ) > 0, Similarly, if N2 < 0, Y2 (c2) > o. Now, the total cost for the two-location system following an optimal special sale policy for a given value of Y1' Y2' and t, where Yl ~ Xl' Y2 ~ One should observe that when t x 2 , and t ~ ~ 0 9 is 0, W1(Y19t) and W2 (Y2,t) are, in fact, Wl(yl+t) and W2 (Y2-t ), respectively, write So one can L(Yl'Y2,t) = c 1 (Y l -x 1 ) + W1 (y l +t) + c 2 (Y2- x 2) + W2(Y2-t) + ct. (2.16) Differentiating (2.16) with respect to Y1 yields (2.17) 27 Now if Yl+t < Y1 , then cl + DlW1(Yl+t) < 0; and if Yl+t > YI , then cl + D1W1(Yl+t) > O. Since Y1 ~ xl' when x1+t ~ Y1 , there exists a Yl(t) = Yl-t ~ xl such that cl + ID1W1[Yl(t)+tJ = 0; and since Wl(Yl,t) is a convex function of Y1' Y1-t must be an optimal value of Yl. If x 1 +t > Yl , than any additional procurement from the central warehouse only increases the cost; and since Wl(y1,t) is a convex function, y (t) = xl. 1 Differentiating (2.16) with respect to Y2 yields (2.18) Since x2 < Y2 and t ~ 0, there exists a value, Y2(t) = Y2+ t ~ Y2 > x2 such that c 2 + D1W2 [Y2(t)-tJ = 0; and since W2 (Y2,t) is a convex function of Y2' Y2 +t must be an optimal value of Y2. The proof for t ~ 0 follows in ex- actly the same manner. If Al < 0 < B l , A2 < 0 < B2 , xl > YI , and x 2 > Y2 , and if t ~ 0, then YI(t) = xl' and Y2(t) = x 2 when x2- t > Y2 and Y2(t) = Y2 +t when x2- t < Y2. Theorem 2.5: Proof: 2.4. The proof has similar reasoning as in theorem Here the conditions NI < 0 and N2 < 0 are not needed. In theorem 2.4 these conditions ensure nonnegative YI and Y2 whereas the present theorem holds for negative YI and Y2 as well. f 28 From (2,18), D2L(Y1'Y2,t) = c2 If t ~ 0 and x2=t c2 + D1W2 (Y2-t ) ~ ~ Y2, whenever Y2 + D1W2 (Y2=t), ~ x2, Y2- t ~ Y2, 0; and since W2(Y2,t) is convex, Y2(t) = x2 But if x2- t < Y2 for Y2 ~x2' there exists a Y2(t) = Y2+ t > x2 such that c2 + D1W2[Y2(t)-t] = 0; and since W2(Y2,t) is convex in Y2' Y2 +t must be optimal policy. For a given value of transshipment one obtains different optimal special sale policy and procurement policy under different parametric structures, For a fixed nonnegative value of transshipment the results for locations 1 and 2, respectively, are summarized in Tables 2.2 and 2.3. For a negative t, the results for locations land 2 will be interchanged after replacing t by Itl. 2,6 Optimal Transshipment Policy Section 2.1 showed that for a given value of transshipment the total cost of the two locations is separable except for transshipment cost. Therefore, it has been possible to derive the optimal special sale policy and procurement policy separately for each location. This section discusses the procedure for determining the optimal value of transshipment. First, a lemma is presented that shows that under triangle restriction of procurement and transshipment cost, it is not feasible both to order from the central warehouse and to tranship simultaneously at a location. e Table 2.2 e e Optimal special sale and procurement policy at location 1 for a given nonnegative value of t Al,B l MI,N l Yl (t) xl Al ~ 0 Nl :::=. 0 o Al ~ 0 Nl < 0 xl+t ~ xl < ~ ill) Y1 xl+t > Yl xl 0 Yl-t 0 xl 0 0 JIll ~ 0 o .s. Bl S 0 Ml <: 0 xl+t .s. Y1 xl+t>Y l Yl-t xl <: (Z I/Pl)-t (Z I/pI) -t .s. xl (Z l/ql) ... t < xl xl xl xl Bl ~ Al <: 0 < Bl Al <: 0 < B l JIll ~ 0 14 1 <: 0 xl < xl ill) xl .s. (Z l/ql)-t :Max (xb Yl) < (Z I/pl)-t xl+t S Y l xI+t > Y 1 (Zl/Pl)-t ~ max(xbYl) ~ (Zl/ql)-t xl+t ~ Yl xl+t > Yl (Z l/ql) -t < max (xl' Y1) xl+t .s. Y I xl+t > Yl zl(t) Yl-t xl Y1-t xl Yl-t xl xl+t Yl xl+t xl+t [Zl - ql(xl+t)]/(Pl-ql) 0 Y1 xI+t (Z 1"'q1Y 1) I (Pl-ql) [Zl - ql(xl+t)]/(Pl-ql) 0 0 l.'I:) (S) e e Table 2.3 e Optimal special sale and procurement policy at location 2 for a given nonnegative value of t . A21 B2 M2~N2 Y2(t) x2 o z2(t) x2 0 x2- t oS y 2 x2- t > Y2 Y2+ t x2 0 0 M2 2:. 0 o x2 x2- t B2 :S 0 M2 < 0 x2- t ~ Y2 x2- t > Y2 Y2 +t x2 Y2 x2- t A2 <: 0 < B2 142 x2 < (Z2/ P 2)+t (Z2/P2)+t ~ x2 (Z2/Q2) +t <: x2 x2 x2 x2 A2 ~ 0 N2 A2 ~ 0 N2 < 0 B2 ~ 0 A2 <: 0 <: • 82 142 ~ ~ <: 0 0 0 (Z2!Q2)+t ~ x2 <: co ~ x2 <: • ~ (Z2/q2)+t Max(x21Y2) <: (Z2/ P 2)+t x2- t oS. Y2 x2- t > Y2 (Z2/P2)+t S max(x21 Y2) S (Z2/Q2) +t x2- t S Y2 x2- t > Y2 Y2+ t x2 Y2+ t x2 x2- t [Z2 - q2(x2- t )]/(P2- Q2) 0 Y2 x2- t (Z2- Q2Y2)/(P2- Q2) [Z2 - Q2(x2- t )]/(P2- Q2) <: max(x2~Y2) x2- t oS. Y2 x2- t > Y2 Y2 +t x2 0 0 t.:l 0 .. _ 31 Lemma 2.1: If cl+c > c2 and c2+c > c1 9 then if t > 09 Y2(t) = x2' and if t < 0, Yl(f) = xl' Proof: One considers the cast t > 0 for 9 by reasons of symmetry 9 the proof is exactly similar for the case t < O. Suppose, if possible, Y2(t) > x 2 ; then the amount available for meeting the demand in location 2 is Y2(t)-t and the amount available for meeting the demand in location I is YI(t)+t. 1. Now there are two possible situations: If Y2(t)-t >x2, then location 2 as an alternative can order directly from the central warehouse an amount Y2(t)-t-x 2 and location I can order directly from the central warehouse an amount Yl(t)+t-x i and no transshipment takes place. Under this new procurement plan, no other policy vari- abIes are changed. So other costs remain the same and the difference in cost between the two policy decisions is the difference between the cost of two ways of procurement and transshipment. Now rExpected cost for Expected cost for Loriginal policy - alternative policy = 2. J c 2[Y2(t)-x 2 ] + cI + cl[Y l (t')-x l ] ~ C2[y 2 (t)-x 2 -tJ - c l [ Y1 (I) +t-x l ] If Y2(t)-t < x2' then as an alternative policy loca- tion 2 can transship x2- y 2 (t)+t to location 1 and does not procure anything from the central warehouse. Location 1 procures 32 Expected cost for _ Expected cost for ] [ original policy alternative policy . = c2[Y2(t)-x2] + ct + cl[Yl(t) - xl] = c~2-Y2(t)+tJ - cl[Yl(t)-Xl + Y2(t)-x2] = (c2+c-cl)[Y2(t)-x2] > 0. Therefore 9 it does not pay to order and transship simultaneously from the same location. Theorem If xl < Yl and x 2 < Y2 9 then t = 0. If t # 0, then either t > or t < O. Suppose 2.6~ ° Proof~ In that case, since x2 < Y29 x2-t < Y2 then Y2(t) = Y2 +t > x2' which violates lemma 2.1. Similarly 9 for t > 0. t < 0 9 since xl < Yl' xI-ltl < Yl' then YI(t) = YI+\tl > xl' r which also violates lemma 2.1.' Hence = ° and the theorem is proved. From the triangle restriction of procurement and trans, I Now let cl and c2 be , two numbers such that cl+c 2 I and c2+c = cl. Likewise, let ° Y2 be two numbers such that ci + D1W1 (yi,0) = and + Dl W2 (Y2'0) = 0. Since WI(Y19t) and W2(Y29t) are convex yi and c = c2 q I f unctions of Yl and 12' respectively, if cl < cl' Y1 > Y . l 2 > Y2. SimilarlY9 Y 2, If xl < Yl and Y2 ~ x 2 < Y then t = 0. One should note that t must be >0, for if t < 0, Theorem 2.7: Proof~ from optimal procurement policy for fixed t (theorem 2.4)9 Yl = YI+ltl, which violates lemma 2.1. Now the total cost under optimal special sales and optimal procurement for a given value of t ~ ° is 33 cl[Yl(t)=xlJ + c2[Y2(t)-x2] + Wl[Yl(t)+t] + W2 [Y2(t)-t] + ct. Now if t > 0, by lemma 2.1 p Y2(t) = x 2 • Furthermore, if t is such that xl+t < Yl9 the total cost becomes (2.19) Differentiating (2.19) with respect to t yields [-cl - DI W2 (x2-t ) + c] > (-cl+c2+c) = O. Therefore, it pays to reduce t and because of the monotonicity of W2 (X2- t ), one whould have t = O. Note that t < x2-Y2; otherwise, location 2 can reduce its cost by ordering directly from the central warehouse, which violates lemma 2.1. if xl+t > VI and t Now < x2-Y2' the total cost becomes ct + Wl(xl+t) + W2 (x 2 -t). Taking the derivative with respect to t, • 2) [c + DI W1 (x l +t) - DI W2 (x 2-t)] > (c-c l +c = O. Therefore p it pays to reduce the quantity t to zero p which proves theorem 2.7. Theorem 2.8: 2, If Xl < YIp x2 > Y and xl+x2 < Yl+Y 2 then t = x2-Y2' Proof: It is noted that t must be ~O, for if t < 0 9 then from the optimal procurement policy for fixed t (theorem 2.4)p Yl t ~ ~ YI + Itl, which violates lemma 2.1. Now given 0, the total cost under optimal special sale and procure- ment policy is cl(YI-Xl) + c2(Y2- x 2) + Wl(Yl+t) + W2 (Y2-t ) + ct. If t > 0, then by lemma 2.1, Y2=x 2 , If t is such that 34 (2.20) Differentiating (2.20) with respect to t yields (2.21) This is monotonically increasing in to If x 2 -t s Y29 then -c i + c - DI W2 (x 2 -t) ~ -c 1 + C - DI W2 (Y2) = o. If x2-t ~ Y;, then -c i + c - D1W2 (x 2 -t) ~ -c i + c - D1W2 (Y;> = O. Therefore 9 - t = -C 1 + c - D W (x -t) I 2 2 , = 0 when x 2-t = Y2 or 9 x2-Y 2 0 If xl+t > Y1 ' YI = xl and the total cost becomes (2.22) Differentiating (2 22) with respect to t yields 0 c + D1W1(x1+t) - Dl W2 (x 2 -t) > c + D1W1(Y 1 ) - D1W2 (xl+x2-Yl) > c + DIW 1 (Y 1 ) - D 1W2 (Y2) = o. 35 i since x l +x 2 - Yl < Y2 , the total cost can be further reduced by decreasing t until (2.21) becomes zero. Therefore, the optimal t is given by t Theorem 2.9: then t = x 2 -Y;. If Xl > Vi, X2 < Y2 ' and x 1 +x 2 < Yi+ Y2' xl-Vi. = The proof of this theorem is exactly similar as the proof of theorem 2.8. Theorem 2.10: , If xl+x2 > Yl+Y2 and c + DlWI(xl) - DIW 2 (x2) < 0, and if (x l ,x 2 ) then t = Xl Proof: is the point of intersection of Xl + x 2 c + DlWl(xl) - Dl W2 (x2) == 0, - Xl == == k and x2 - x2' Since c + DlW1(xl) - DI W2 (x2) < 0, the total cost can be reduced by transshipping from location 2 to location 1. Therefore, t ~ 0. YI , then it can be proved, as in theorem 2.8, that the total cost can be reduced by increasing t until If x1+t x 2 -t i ~ , 2' Y2 · When x 2 -t = Y2 ' xI+t > Yl' because xl+x 2 > Y1+Y In this case, by optimal procurement policy for fixed trans== shipment (theorem 2.4), Yl(t) Y2(t) = x 2 . = Xl' and by lemma 2.1, Therefore, the total cost becomes (2.23) Differentiating (2.23) with respect to t yields c + DIWl(xl+t) - D1W2 (x 2 -t). Since c + DIWl(XI) - D2 (X2) < 0, the total cost can be re.' :: 36 c + D1W1(xl) - Dl W2 (x2) c + D1W1(xl+t) t = xl = xl Theorem := = := O. If t is increased any further, D1W2 (x 2 -t) becomes >0; hence~ x2 - x 2 . 2.l1~ If x l +x 2 > Yi+Y2 and c - DlWl(x l ) + D1W2 (x 2 ) < 0, and if (x l ,x 2 ) is the point of intersection of xl + x 2 c - DlWl(xl) + Dl W2 (x2) := := k and 0, x2 - x2 ' The proof follows exactly in a similar way as in theorem then t := xl - Xl := 2.10. For the two-location model, optimal procurement and transshipment policies for different combinations of Xl and x2 can be represented as in Figure 2.l~ which shows different regions for different kinds of optimal policies and the quantities involved. Region 8 is the "no-action" region; i ..!!", if the in- itial stock point falls in this region 9 no procurement or transshipment takes place. From all other regions the optimal policy is to reach the boundary of region 8, which is accomplished from each region as follows. 1. From region I, (Y 19 Y2 ) is reached by ordering Yl-x l at location 1 and Y2-x2 at location 2. 2 From region 2, (x l ,Y 2 ) is reached by ordering Y2 -X 2 at location 2 only. 0 So From region 3, (Y l ,x2) is reached by ordering Y1-xl at location 1 only 0 37 5 y'2J----........:lo-~ 8 3 y 21----~-___,=__-_r.. I I / / I / / I 1 2 y' 1 Figure 2 1 0 4 0 Optimal procurement and transshipment policies for the single period model From region 4, (yi'Y2) is reached by transshipping xl-yi from location 1 to location 2 and then ordering Yi+Y2-xl-x2 at location 2 0 From region 5, (Y l 'Y2) is reached by transshipping from location 1 to location 2 and then ordering 50 2 x2-Y Yl+Y~-Xl-x2 at location 1. 6 0 From region 6, (xl ,x 2 ) is reached only by trans- shipping xl-xl from location 1 to location 2, where xl and x 2 are the solutions of c - DlWl(xl) + Dl W2 (x 2 ) = 0 and xl + x 2 = k, k being the total initial stock for the whole system. 38 From region 7~ 7. (x l 'x 2 ) is reached only by transship- ping X2 -X 2 from location 2 to location l~ where xl and x 2 are the solution c + DlWl(x l ) - DI W2 (x 2 ) = 0 and xl + x 2 = k. 2.7 Convexity of Optimal Cost When OsAI,0~2 In Section 2.4, DlWI(Yl,t) and Dl W2 (Y2,t) were shown to be monotonic nondecreasing continuous functions of Yl and Y2' respectively. This property will be used to show that the optimal cost f(x l ,x ), that is~ the total cost of the whole 2 system following an optimal policy, is a convex function of Xl and x 2 ' Following Figure 2.1, one can show that f(x l ,x2) is convex in each region, Section 2.5 shows that when t ~ 0, WI(YI,t) and W2 (Y2,t) are, in fact, Wl(YI+t) and W2(Y2-t). For simplicity, Wl(YI+t) and W2(Y2-t) when t ~ 0 and WI(Yl-ltl) and W2(Y2+lt\) when t gion 1, xl < Y1 , x 2 < Y2 and fore, f(xI'X 2 ) = t = ~O are used here. 0, YI = YI , Y2 = In re- Y2. There- cl(YI-xl) + c 2 (Y 2 - x 2) + W1(Y I ) + W2 (Y 2 ) Dlf(xl,x2) = -cl D2 f(xl,x2) = -c2 Dilf = D22 f = Dl2 f = D2l f = 0, and f(xI,x2) is trivially convex since it is linear in both xl and x 2 . In region 2, Yl ~ xl ~ Vi; X2 < Y2 and t = 0, Yl Y2 = Y2 • Therefore, = xl' 39 f(x 1 ,x 2 ) = c 2 (Y2- x 2) + WI(x l ) D1 f(xl,x2) = D1WI(xI) D2 f(x!,x2) + W2 (Y2) = -c 2 D11f ~ DIIWI(x l ) ~ 0; D22 f = 0; D12f = D2l f and f(x l ,x 2 ) is convex in xl and x 2 in region 2. In region 3, xl < YI , Y2 oS. x 2 oS. Y2; t Y2 = x20 Therefore, f(x 1 ,x 2 ) = cI(YI-xI) + := := 0, Yl 0, := YI , WI(Y l ) + W2 (x 2 ) D1f(xl,x2) = -ci D2 f (xl,x2) = DIW2(x2) Dllf = 0; D22 f := DIIW2(x~~ 0; D12 f := D21 f := 0, and f(x 1 ,x 2 ) is convex in Xl and x 2 in region 3. Yi, x 2 < Y2 , x 1+x 2 S Yi+ Y2; t = xI-Yi, Yi+Y2- x I" Therefore, In region 4, Xl YI = x 1 'Y2 := ~ f(x l ,x 2 ) = c 2 (Yi+ Y2- X l- x 2) + W1(Yi) + W2 (Y 2 ) + c(xl-Yi) D1f(xl,x2) = c - c2 D2 f(xI,x2) = -c2 D22 f = Dl2 f = D2l f = 0, and f(x 1 ,x 2 ) is trivially convex in region 4. Dllf ~ 2' YI = In region 5, Xl < YI , x 2 ~ Y x I +x 2 Y1+Y2- x 2' Y2 := x 2 " Therefore, ~ Yl+Y f (Xl ,x ) = c (Yl+Y~-xl-x2) + WI (Y 1) + W2 (Y 2 i D1f (x 1 ,x 2 ) = -c 1 D2f(xI,x2) = c - ci e D11f = D22 f = Dl2 f = D21 f = 0, and f (xl'x ) is trivially convex in region 5 2 2; t 2) := x 2 -Y + c(x -Y 2 2, 2) 40 In region 6, xl+x2 > Yi+Y2 and c and Y1 = xl' Y2 = x2' t When t ~ DIWl(xl) + Dl W2 (x2) < = t(xI'x 2 )· = t(X 1 ,X 2 ), (2.24) Differentiating (2.24) with respect to xl yields -DI1W1(x1-t) (1-D1t) + DIIW2(x2+t)Dlt = o. therefore, (2.25) Differentiating (2.24) with respect to x2 yields DIlWl(xl-t)D2t + D11W2 (x 2 +t) (I+D 2 t) = O. Therefore~ . • (2.26) Since f(x 1 ,x 2 ) = ct + W1(x1-t) + W2(x2+t)~ DI f(x 1 ,x 2 ) = eDIt + D1W1(X1-t) (l-Dlt) + D1W2 (x 2 +t)D 1t - D1WI (x 1 -t) because of (2.24), and D2 f(x 1 ,x 2 ) = cD 2 t ~ D1W1 (x 1-t)D 2 t + Dl W2 (x 2 +t) (1+D 2 t) = D1W2 (x 2 +t) because of (2.24). Thus, D1If = D1IWI(XI-t) (l-DIt). (2.27) Substituting (2.25) in (2.27) yields DI1f = DIIWI(Xl-t)DllW2(x2+t)/[DllWl(xl-t) ~ Thus, O. + DllW2 (X2+ t )] ~ 41 (2.28) Substituting (2.26) into (2.28) yields D22f ~ DIIW1(xl-t)DllW2(x2+t)/[DllWl(xl-t) + D1IW2 (x2+ t )] ~ o. and D12 f = D21 f = D11W 1 (Xl-t)DllW2(X2+t)/[D11Wl (xl-t) + D11W2 (x 2 +t)] ~ o. Thus it is shown that Dllf = D22 f = D12 f = D21 f ~ o. Hence 9 f(x 1 ,x 2 ) is convex in xl and x 2 ' In.region 7, xl+x2 > YI+Y2 and c+ DIW1(xI) - DI W2 (x 2 ) < 0, and YI = Xl' Y2 When t ~ = x2 ' t = t(xl,x2). t(Xl'X 2 ), (2.29) Differentiating (2,29) with respect to Xl yields DIIW1(Xl+t)(1+Dlt) + DIIW2(x2-t)Dlt ~ o. Therefore, (2.30) Differentiating (2.29) with respect to x 2 yields DIIWl(xl+t)D2t - DIIW2 (x 2 -t) (1-D 2 t) = o. Therefore 9 (2.31) 42 Since f(xl~x2) = ct WI(x1+t) + W2 (x 2 -t)9 D1f(Xl'X2) = cDlt + DIW1(XI+t) (1+D1t) + = D1W1(XI+t), because of (2.29) and D2 f(x 1 ,x 2 ) = cD 2t + D1W1 (x l +t)D 2t + DI W2 (X 2 -t) (1-D 2t) = D1W2 (x 2 -t) because of (2.29). Thus, (2.32) SUbstituting (2.30) into (2.32) yields Dllf = DIIWI(xl+t)DlIW2(X2-t)/[DlIWl(Xl+t) + D1lW2 (x2-t ~ )] 0 and D22 f = Dl1W2 (X 2-t) (1-D 2t). Substitut10n of (2.31) in (2.33) yields (2.33) D22 f = DllWl(xl+t)DlIW2(x2-t)/[DllWl(xl+t) + D11W2 (x 2-t)] ~ D12 f = D21 f o. = DIIWl(xl+t)DllW2(x2-t)/[DllWl(xl+t) + DllW2 (X 2-t)] ~ o. ThUs, Dilf = D22 f = Dl2 f = D2l f convex function of xl and x2. ~ O. Therefore, f(x l ,x 2 ) is a In region 8, Yl = xl' Y2 = x 2 , t = O. Therefore, f(xl,x2) = Wl(xl) + W2 (x2) = sum of two convex functions. Therefore, f(x 1 ,x 2 ) is convex in xl and x 2 . It is proved in Section 2.4 that DIWl(xl) and DlW2(x2) are monotonic nondecreasing continuous functions of xl and x2' respectively; hence, Wl(xl) and W2 (x2) are convex functions. Therefore, for any two points xl and Yl' 43 (2.34) and for any points x2 and Y2' (2.35) Let ~(WpxpY) denote the quantity W(X) - W(y) - (x-y)D1W(x). Then the criteria of convexity, (2.34) and (2.35), of WI(xI) and W2(x2) are equivalent to b(WlpXl,YI) ~ 0 and ~(W2,X2'Y2) ~ O. These criteria are used to prove the con- vexity of f(xI,x2)' First it is shown that Dl f(xl,x2) and D2f(x l ,x 2 ) are monotonic nondecreasing continuous functions of xl and x2' respectively. If xl < YI , x2 < Y2 , then Dl f(xl,x2) = -ci Lt xI-> 0, Dl f(xl,x2) -?> -cl If YI ~ xl ~ YI , x 2 < Y2 , then Dlf (xl ,x2) = DIW I (xl) . Lt xl YI , Dl f(x l ,x 2 ) ~ DIWI(Y I ) = -c , Lt Xl---i> Yi, Dlf (xl ,x ) ~ DIW (Y i,) = -c > -c · 1 I l 2 If yi < xl' x 2 < Y2' and x I +x 2 < Yi+Y2' then ~ = -c , If xI+x2 > Yi+ Y2 and c - DIWI(xl) + D1W2 (x2) < 0, then Dl f(xl,x2) = DIWI(xl-t) = DIWI(xI)' If (x l ,x 2 ) lies in the no-action region p then Dl f(xl,x2) Lt xl ~ xl' = DIWI(xI)' DIW I (xl) ~ PIW 1 (Xl) . a function of two or more arguments is written as f(X) ~ fey) + (X-Y)'Vf(Y)9 or equivalently, O(f,X,Y) ~ o. The results hold for any two points in the positive quadrant of the (x l ,x 2 )-plane. here, A few typical cases are shown When X lies in the no-action region and Y lies in region 1, f(X) = W1 (xI) fey) = + W2 (x2) cI{YI-YI) + c2(Y 2 -Y2) + W1(Y l ) + W2 (Y 2 ) Dlf (Y) = -ci D 2 f(Y) = -c 2 ' Therefore, When X lies in the no-action region and Y lies in region 2 9 f (X) "" WI (xl) + W2 (x2) f (Y) = Dlf (Y) D2f (Y) c 2 (Y 2 -Y2) + WI (YI) + W2 (Y 2 ) = DIWI (YI) Therefore~ ~(f,X,y) = a(Wl'Xl'Yl) + ~(W2,X2'Y2) + c2(Y2-Y2) ~ o. When X lies in the no-action region and Y lies in region 4, f(X) = Wl(xl) + W2(x2) fey) = c2(Yi+Y2-Yl-Y2) + Wl(Yi> + W2 (Y 2 ) + c(Yl-Yi) Dlf (Y) = c - c2 D2 f (Y) = -c2 Therefore, b(f ,X,Y) = b(Wl,xl,Yi) + b(W2,x2'Y 2 ) + c2(Yi+Y2-Yl-Y2) ~ 0, since Y1+Y2 < Yi+Y2. When X lies in the no-action region and Y lies in region 6, = Wl(xl) f(X) + W2 (X2) fey) = ct + Wl(Yl-t) + W2(Y2+t) Dl f (Y) = DlW1 (Yl-t) D2f(Y) = D2W2 (Y2+t ). Therefore~ ~(f,X,Y) = ~(Wl'Xl'Yl-t) + ~(W2,x2'Y2+t) - t[c - DlW l (Yl-t) + D2W2 (Y2+ t )] ~ o. When X lies in region 6 and Y lies in region 1, f(X) = ct + Wl(xl-t) + W2(X2+ t ) . fey) = cl(Yl-Yl) + c2(Y2-Y2) + Wl(Yl) + W2(Y2) 46 DIf (Y) :: -c 1 D f (Y) :: -c • 2 2 Therefore~ b(f~X,Y ) = ct + W1(x1-t) + W2 (x 2 +t) - cl(Y1-Yl) - c2(Y 2 -Y2) - W1(Y 1 ) - W2 (Y 2 ) + cl(x1-Yl) + c2(x2-Y2) :: ~(Wl,xl-t'Yl) ~ + ~(W2'X2+t~Y2) + t(c+ci- c 2) o. When X lies in region 6 and Y lies in region 2, f(X) = ct+ W1(xl-t) + W2(x2+t) fey) :: c2(Y 2 -Y2) + W1(Yl) + W2 (Y 2 ) D1f(Y) :: D1Wl(Yl) D2 f (Y) :: -c 2 · Therefore b(f,X,Y) = ct + Wl(xl-t} + W2 (x 2 +t) - c2(Y 2 -Y2} - W1(Yl} - W2(Y2) - (xl-Yl}DlWl(Yl) + c2(x2-Y2) = ~(Wl,xl-t'Yl) + b(W 2 ,x 2 +t,Y 2 ) + t [c - D1W 1 (Yl) - c 2 ] ~ b(Wl,xl-t'Yl) + b(W 2 ,x 2 +t,Y 2 ) + t(c+ci- C 2) 2: 0 0 When X lies in region 6 and Y lies in region 4, f(X) = ct + Wl(xl-t) + W2(x2+t} fey} = c2(Yi+Y2-YI-Y2} + W1(Yi) + W2 (Y 2 ) + c(YI-Yi} D1f(Y) = c - c2 D2 f(Y) = -c2° 47 Therefore, ~(f,X,Y) :: ct + Wl(Xl-t) + W2 (x2+ t ) - C2(Yi+Y2-Yl-Y2) + Wl(Yi) - W2 (Y 2 ) - C(Yl-yi) - (C-c2)(xl-Yl) + c2(x2-Y2) :: Wl(xl-t) - Wl(Yi) (C-c 2 ) (x I-t-Y i) + W2 (x2+ t ) - W2 (Y 2 ) + C2 (x2+ t - Y2) ~ O. When X lies in region 7 and Y lies in the no-action region, f(X) :: ct + Wl(Xl+t) + W2(x2-t) fey) :: Wl(Yl) Dlf (Y) . = + W2 (Y2) DlW l (Yl) D2 f(Y) :: Dl W2 (Y2)' Therefore, b(f,X,Y) = ct + Wl(xl+t) + W2 (x2- t ) - Wl(Yl) - W2 (Y2) - (xl-Yl)DlWl(Yl) - (x2-Y2)D l W2 (Y2) :: ~(Wl,xl+t'Yl) + ~(W2,x2-t'Y2) + t [c + DlW l (Yl) - D2W2 (Y2)] ~ o. It has been proved that f(xl,x2) is convex over region 6 and the no-action region and also over region 7 and the noaction region. To prove that f(xl,x2) is convex over all three regions, let X and Y denote two points in region 7 and region 6, respectively. Let Yl and Y2 be two points in the noaction region, on the line joining X and Y. point on this line outside interval (Y l ,Y 2 ). Let Z be any Suppose Z lies 48 between Y2 and Y; then Y1 , Y2 , and Z can be written as . (2.36) (2.37) (2.38) and also Z = ~OX t t Ai+~i=l, + AOY' i=0,1,2,3. (2.39) Now substituting (2.36) into (2.37), e Y2 = 1 t ~IX2 - t A2 A1 X + A2 1 - A2A~ Z. (2.40) Substituting (2.40) in (2.38), Z = Since Yl , Y2 ,·and Z all lie on the line joining X and Y, gion, Also, since f(xl,x2) is convex over region 6 and the no-action region, and feZ) ~ A3 f(Y 2 ) + t ~3f(Y). It is observed that 1-X2Xi and 1-A2Ai-A3~2 are both positive . 49 numbers. Therefore, by substitution of fCY l ) and f(Y2) , feZ) ~ AOf(X) + XOf(Y). , But Z = XoX + ~OY. Therefore, f(~oX+~OY) ~ AOf(X) + AOf(Y). Hence, f(xl,x2) is convex over regions 6 and 7 and the noaction region. This concludes that f(xl,x2) is convex everywhere in the positive quadrant of the (xl,x 2 )-plane. It is noted that when 0 ~ Aj , Wj(Xj) (j=1,2) is conTherefore, f(x l ,x 2 ) is convex over the whole positive quadrant of the (x l ,x 2 )-plane. tinuously twice differentiable. But, in other cases, Dl1Wj(X j ) does not exist everywhere. Therefore, f(xl,x2) is at least sectionally convex. ~e 50 3 0 THREE-LOCATION SINGLE=PERIOD MODEL In Chapter 2 the optimum inventory policy of the twolocation problem for a single period was discussed in great detail. In this chapter, a spatial generalization of the two-location problem is considered. Here it is assumed that there are n-locations under a centralized multilocation system. Each location can procure any amount it needs from a central warehouse and also can transship a certain amount of its surplus stock to any other location. However, it is as- sumed that it is not advantageous for a location to receive as well as transship. In other words, if cii denotes the cost of procuring one unit of an item from the central warehouse to location i, and if Cij denotes the cost of transshipping one unit of the same item from location i to location j, . then it is assumed that c ii + c ij > Cjj and Cij + Cjk > cikThe first inequality says that it is cheaper to order a unit to location j directly from the central warehouse than to procure it at location i and then transship it to location j. The second inequality says that it is cheaper to transship a unit directly from location i to location k than to send it via location j. 3.1 n-Location Mode1--Its Procurement and Sale Policy The cost function of the n-location problem for a single period is written in most general form and the optimum special sale policy and procurement policy are derived for fixed -_ 51 transshipment. For the analytical complexities, the optimum transshipment policies are derived only for the threelocation problem. The notations used in Chapter 2 are gen- eralized for n-locations, In addition, the following new no- tations are introduced, ci1 = cost of procuring a unit of an item from the central warehouse to location i, c ij = cost of transshipping a unit of an item from location i to location j (cij t ii :- = Cj i' i ,. j). amount procured at location i from the central warehouse (Yi t ij :: = xi + t ii ) , amount transshipped from location i to location j (t ij ~ 0; i ,. j). It is observed that the cost function of the n-Iocation problem becomes completely separable except for the transshipment cost, Lx(Y,X,T) The cost function is 52 (3.1) Let zi(Yi~Ti) denote the optimal special sale policy when procurement level Yi at location i and transshipment quantities tijis are fixed. Then as in the two-location problem, the structure of zi(Yi,'ri) is given by theorem 3.1. The proof of the theorem is exactly similar as in the twolocation problem. Theorem Therefore, the proof is omitted here. 3.l~ If Pi ~ qi ~ 0 and if 0 ~ Ai, then zi(Yi~Ti) ~ O. i. ii. if Bi ~ O~ then zi(Yi,Ti) Yi + '1"1 if Ai < 0 < B i , then there exists a unique posi- iii. tive number Zi, ai < Zi <: Z i (y i ~ Ti) =: = O~ for (Z 1 /q i) - - =~ such that T1 <: Yi < = qi (y i +'r i) for (Z i/Pi) - 'fi ~ Yi ~ (Zi/qi)-'l"i qi Pi =: 'fi Yi + 'l" i ~ for 0 oS Yi < (Z i/pi) This theorem gives 3 n different special sale policies. = Zi - - It is observed that (3.1) can be written as Lx(Y~Z~T) n =: L: [cii(Yi-xi) i=1 + gi(Yi~zi~Ti)] + 2: ciJ·tiJ" irj (3.2) 53 Substituting zi(Yi9 T1) for zi in gi(Yi9Zi,Ti) and calling the nes function Wi (Yi 9T i)' it can be proved as in the twolocation problem that Wi(Yi,Ti) is a convex function of Yi. Moreover, Wi(Yi,T i ) is of the form Wi(Yi+Ti). Henceforth, Wi(Yi,T i ) is written as Wi(Yi+Ti). It is noted that DIWi(Yi+'I"i) = Dlgi[Yi,zi(Yi+ 'l"i,'I"i J + D2 g i [Yizi(Yi+ Ti) ,'I"iJ [dzi(Yi+Ti)/dYiJ Yi+ Ti-zi Dl g i (Yi,zi,'1'i) = * (hi - (ri+si)Pi a (3.3) S i + (r i+ s i)P i 0 i [P i (Y i+'I" i) - (Pi-qi) CrlJ¢r(Cr)dCr + (-r i - siqi + (r i +s i )qi0 i[qi(Yi+'T'i) + (Pi-qi)ziJ } [1 - 0r(Yi+'1'i-zi)] (3.4) * D g . (y . ,z . , '1" .) = V. [q. (Y . + T .) + (p. -q .) Z .l [1 - 0. (y . + '1" • -z .)] , 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 2 1. 1. 1. 1. (3.5) where Vi(9i) = Ai + (ri+si) (Pi-qi)0i(9i)· Let the parametric structures cii+hi+ h i - (ri+si)Pi and cii+h!-r!-siqi be represented by Mi and Ni , respectively. Let Yi i denote a number such that c i i + D1Wi (Y ii' 0) = O. Theorem 3.2: and if 'l"i '1". ~ 1. ~ If Ai < 0 < B i , Ni<O,xi ~ Yii , i=1,2,···,n, 0 and xi+'T'i > Yib then Yi ('I" i) = xi .. -'1'. 0 and xi+'T'i < Yii' then Yi ('I" i) = Y11 1 'l"i < 0, then Yi (T i) = Yii+I'I"il. 54 Proof~ If Ai < 0 < Bi from (3 3)9 (3.4)9 and (3.5), 0 +,. .) DlW.1. (y 1.. 1. Therefore, :; h! - rt - siqi + (l1" i+ s i)Qi 9J i [Cl i (y i+'f i)] . cii + D1Wi(O,O) = Ni , and if Ni < O'Y ii > 00 Now the total cost of the n-location problem following an optimal special sale policy for a given set of values of YIY2o.oYn and Tl T2 o.oT n , where Yi n L (Y , T) = Z C .. (y . -x .) . 1 11. 1. 1 1= + ~ Ti ~ Xi and ° is n ~ W. (Y . + 'I" .) + ~ c· . t .. . 1 1. 1. 1. . oJ' l.J l.J 1= (3.6) ° l.'J Differentiating (3 6) with respect to Yi yields 0 DiL(Y,T) = cii + DIWi(Yi+Ti)· Now if Yi + T i < Y ii 9 and if Y i + T i > Y ii' Cit + DlWi(Yi+Ti) > 00 Since Yi ~ = Y.1.1. .. -,...1 2: xl.' such that Xi' when Xi + Ti ~ Yii , there exists a Yi (1 i) cl.'1.' + DlW.[y,('f,)+T.] = 0, 1. 1. 1. 1. and since Wi(Yi+'f i ) is a convex function of Yi' Yii-T i must be optimal for Yi , If xi+Ti > Vii' then any additional procurement from the central warehouse only increases the cost, and since Wi(Yi+Ti) is a convex function, 1i(r i ) = xio If r i < 0, differentiating (3.6) with respect to Yi yields 55 Since xi < Yii , there exists a value Yi ('I' i) = Y1i + I 'f i I > Yii > xi such that c ii + D1Wi[Yi('l'i) - l'I'i\J = 0, and since Wi(Yi+Ti) is a convex function of Yi' Yii+ITil must be optimal for Yi y which proves the theorem. Theorem 3.3: i and xi > Yii and if 'f i then Y.1. ('T 1..) = x·' and if 'T.1<: .O.' then Y'1. ('I' l..) = X1.' when 1.' X i-I 'I" i I ~ <: 0 < B ~ Y ii am Yi ('T i) :; Y1i+ I'T i Proof: 3.2. If Ai I when x i-I 'I" i I 0, < Yii· The proof has similar reasoning as in theorem Here the conditions N i <: 0 are not needed. In theorem 3.2 these conditions ensured nonnegative Yiiy whereas the present theorem holds for negative Yii as well. Differentiating (3.6) with respect to Yi yields DiL(Y p T) Since xi > Yiiy for Yi ~ == c ii + D1W i (y i+'I" i) . x iy cii + D 1Wi (Yi+'I"i) ~ Oy and since Wi (Y i +'I"i) is a convex function y Yi('I'i) = xi. If 'l'i < Oy DiL(Yy'T) = cii + DlWi(Yi-ITil). If xi-ITil ~ Yiiy wbenever Yi > x iy Yi-I'fil ~ Yii . Therefore, cii + D1Wi(Yi-I'Til> ~ 0, and since Wi(Yi+'I"i) is a convex function y Yi('Ti) = xi- But, if Xi-ITil < Yiiy for Yi > xi there exists a Yi(Ti) = Yii+\Til such that 56 and since Wi(Yi+Ti> is a conve~ fu~ction of Yi 9 Yii+!Til must be optimal for Y1 9 which proves the theorem, 3.2 Triangle Restriction and Characterization of Optimal Transshipment Policy For discussing the procedure of deriving optimal transshipment policy it is assumed that the whole system has only three locations, In a three-location procurement problem, there are four different situations: i. Three stores order, ii. Two stores order, iii. One store orders, iv. No store orders, For each of these situations typical shipment policies are considered; cas~s of optimal trans- In Chapter 2 a lemma was introduced which proved that under a triangle restriction of procurement and transshipment cost it is not economical both to order from the central warehouse and tranship simultaneously at a location. The lemma is applicable in the three-location problem as well. In addition 9 another lemma is introduced here to prove that under the triangle restriction of transshipment costs it does not pay to receive and transship from the same location, Lemma If c .1J .. +c'k > c;k and if t .. > O. then J ~ J1' t kj = 0 for every i,j9k = 1,2 93 and 1 ~ j ~ k, 3,1~ .. _ 57 Since the transshipment quantities are nonnega- Proof~ . tive 9 then» if possible 9 let t kj > O. Now there are two cases to cons ider, t kj > t j i and t kj < t j i' If t kj ~ t ji9 then as an alternative, location j can re- ceive and amount tkj-t ji from location k 9 and location i can receive an amount t ki which is qual to t ji from location k 9 and location j transshipping nothing to location i. Under this new transshipment plan, all other costs remain the same, So the difference in cost between the two policy decisions is the difference between the cost of two ways of transshipment. J Expected cost for _ Expected cost for [ original policy alternative policy = c kj t kj ~ + c j it j i Ckj t kj + c j it j i - c kj (t kj -t j i) Ckj (t kj -t j i) - ck·1.t J..1. :: (Ckj+C j i-cki) t j i ~ If O. t kj < tji~ then, as an alternative 9 location i can receive an amount tji-t kj from location j and an amount t ki , which is equal to t kj » from location k; and location j re ceiving no transshipment. In this case, Expected cost for _Expected cost for ] [ original policy alternative policy = ckjt kj + cjit ji - c ji (tji-t kj ) - ckit ki "" c kj t kj + c j it j i - c j it j i + c j i t kj - c k i t kj = (Ckj+Cji-Cki)tkj ~ 0, which proves the lemma. 58 It is noted that the first situation when all the three stores order is not of much since in this case by interest~ lemma 3.1 t .. = 0 for all i and J.J j~ ~ i j. This is the case of three stores adopting their optimal procurement and special sale policies independently. of ordering and transshipment. Figure 3.1 shows typical cases The center of a triangle represents the central warehouse and the veritices represent the three stores. The arrow indicates the direction of or- dering and transshipment. 3 1~ g 3 2 1 2 Three stores order ... 3 & 2 1A2 1B 2 Two stores order 3 1 3 3 1 & 3 3 2 1L1 L1 2 1 2 One store orders 3 16 3 3 2 1 6 2 1 62 16 No store orders "_ Figure 3.1 3 Typical cases of optimal ordering and transshipment 2 -e 59 3,3 Description of Optimal Transshipment and Procurement Policies In Section 3.2 a number Yii was defined to satisfy = O. cii + DIWi(Y ii ) to satisfy Here, another number 9 Yij , is defined c ji + DlWi(Y ij ) = 0 9 i f j9 (cij=C ji ) , and because of triangle restriction of ordering and transshipment cost 9 Yii C ~ jj - Yij , critical number, The number Y ij may be called transshippin~ The position of xi relative to Yij deter- mines whether or not it is permissible to transship from 10cation i to location j, X. > Y" 1. l.J 9 At a particular situation, if it may be profitable to transship from location i to location j, but if xi < Yik , it is not profitable to transship from location i to location k, Let Aij <9 l ,9 2 ) denote the marginal cost of transshipment from location i to location j, when the levels to stock are 9 1 and 9 29 respectively. Then, Aij (9 l ,9 2 ) = c ij - DI Wi (9 l ) + Dl Wj (9 2 )· Let Aii(9) denote the marginal cost when location i with stock level 9 procures from the central warehouse. Aii (9) Clearly Aii(Y ii ) = O. = Then 9 Cii + DI Wi (9). The typical cases of transshipment and procurement are described below with reference to Figure 3.2, 1. Three stores order: If xl < Y1I , x 2 < Y22 , x 3 < Y33 , the point Yll'Y22'Y 33 is reached by ordering Y11-X 1 at location 1, Y22 -x 2 at location 2, and Y33 -x 3 at location 3, .' e e 1 I 2 YII 1 2 YII A Figure 3.2 ~ e 3 3 3 " 2 Y33 B c Regions of optimal procurement and transshipment policies 0') o " .. _ 61 2. Two stores order: i. xl < Yll~ x 2 < Y22~ and Y33 < x 3 <: min(Y31~Y32)' An amount YII-X I is procured at location l~ Y -x is procured 22 2 at location 2, and nothing is procured at location 3. iia. xl < Y1I , x 2 < Y22' Y33 < Y31 < x 3 < Y32 , and xl+X3 <: Y11+Y31 . Since x3 > Y31~ to location 1. it is permissible to transship from location 3 An amount x3-Y31 is transshipped from location 3 to location 1, Yll+Y31-xl-x3 is procured at location 1, and Y -x is procured at location 2 from the central warehouse. 22 2 iib. xl < YII~ x 2 < Y22~ Y33 <: Y32 < x 3 <: Y31 , and X 2 +X S <: Y32+ Y22' Since x > Y , it is permissible to transship from location 3 32 3 to location 2. An amount x3-Y32 is transshipped from location 3 to location 2, Y32+Y22=x2-x3 is procured at location 2, ~nd Yll-x l is procured at location I from the central warehouse. xl < Yl1; x 2 < Y22 ; x 3 > Y32 > Y31 > Y33 ; x +x < Y +Y ; and x +x < Y +Y . 1 3 l1 3l 2 3 32 22 The marginal cost of transshipment from x3 to x2 is iii. A32(x3~x2) = c32 - Dl W3 (x3) + Dl W2 (x2) < c32 - D1W3 (Y 32 ) + Dl W2 (Y 22 ) = c 32 - (c 32 -c 22 ) - c 22 = O. 62 The marginal cost of transshipment from x 3 to xl is A. 31 (x 3 ~ xl) = c 31 - DIW3 (x 3) + D1WI (x I) < c S1 - DlWS(Y S1 ) + D1WI(Y lI ) = Therefore~ xl' c 31 - (CSI-C II ) - ell it is feasible to transship from x3 to both x 2 and Suppose t 32 > O~ t Sl > O~ tIl > O~ and t 22 > 0 constitute the optimal policy. The total cost under this policy is cllt 1l + c 22 t 22 + cSlt Sl + c 32 t S2 + Wl(Xl+tll+tSl) + W2(X2+t22+t32) + W3(x3-t32-t3l)' t* = t 32 32 Let t;l = t 3l til = tIl - I::. + I::. - 6 + 6 t* :: t 22 22 denote an alternative policy where I::. positive number, (3.7) is an inf inites imal It is then observed that * + t* = t + tIl tIl 31 3l t;2 + t;2 = t 22 + t 32 + t t* + t* = t 31 32 32 3l · The total cost under this alternative plan is c t* + C t* + C t* + C t* + W (x +t +t ) 11 11 22 22 31 31 32 32 1 1 11 31 + W2(x2+t22+t32) + W3(x3-t32-tSl)' (3,8) Subtracting (3.8) from (3.7) yields (3.9) 63 Now since Y32 > Y31Y D1WS (Y 32 ' > D1WS (Y S1 ' or (c32- c 22) > (cS1-c1l)' 31 ~cll)J :> O. This means the total cost can be reduced by decreasing t 32 to zero. The optimal policy is: x -Y is transshipped from 3 31 location 3 to location 1, Yll+Y31-xl-x3 is procured at locaTherefore Y t::. [(c 32 -c 22 ) - (c tion 1, and Y -x is procured at location 2. 22 2 3. One store orders: i. xl <: YII ; Y <: x <: min(Y ,Y ); 21 23 22 2 Y33 < x3 < min(Y 31 ,Y 32 )· Now, with reference to A, Figure 3.2, (x l ,x 2 ) lies in region 3; in B, Figure 3,2, (x l ,x3) lies in region 2; and in C, Figure 3.2, (x 2 ,x 3 ) lies in the no-action region. Therefore, the optimal policy is just to procure Y11-x l at location I from the central warehouse. Xl <: YII ; Y22 < Y21 < x 2 < Y23 ; x 1 +x <: YI1 +Y 21 ; Y33 < x 3 <: min(Y 31 ,Y 32 )· 2 In C, Figure 3.2, (x 2 ,x 3 ) lies in the no-action region. The ii. optimal policy is to transship x2-Y21 from location 2 to location I and procure YII+Y21-xl-x2 at location I from the central warehouse, iii. Xl <: YI1 ; Y22 < Y21 < x 2 < Y23 ; Y33 < Y31 < x 3 < Y32 ; and x I +x 2 +x 3 <: YII+Y21+Y31· In C, Figure 3,2, (x2,x3) lies in the no-action region. The optimal policy is to transship x2-Y21 from location 2 to location 1; transship x3-Y31 from location 3 to location 1; and -- 64 then order YIl+Y21+Y31-xl-X2~X3 to location 1 from the cen- tral warehouse. 4. No store orders: YII < Xl < min(Y12'Y13); Y22 < x 2 < min(Y 21 ,Y 23 ); and Y33 < x3 < min(Y 31 ,Y 32 ). The point is already in equilibrium and lies in the no-action region in A, B, and C, figure 3.2. Therefore, neither trans- shipment nor procurement is done. In Figure 3.2, the (x.,x.)-plane is divided into eight 1 regions. J Regions I through 5 have already been described. In order to describe the cases in regions 6 through 8, the following notations are introduced to prove a few lemmas in this section. The relevant theorems of optimal transshipment policies are presented in Section 3.4. Let Rij , Rji , and Rij denote the set of points (Xi,X j ) such that if (Xi,X j ) E Rij , then Aij(Xi,x j ) < 0 and xi+Xj > Yij+Y j j . if (xi,x j ) E Rji , then Aji (Xj,xi) < 0 and xi+x j > Yji+Y ii · if (Xi'X j ) E Rij' then both Aij(Xi,Xj) and Aji(Xj,x i ) ~ O. In a three-location problem there are three pairs of marginal cost expressions: AI2(xI,x2),A21(X2,xl); A2S(x2,xS),A32(x3,x2); and AI3(xl,x3),ASl(x3,xl). These quan- tities satisfy certain sign and magnitude restrictions which are proved in forms of the following lemmas. -- 65 If Aij{Xi,x j ) < 0, then Aji(Xj,x i ) > Lemma 3.2: Proof: o. Since Aij{Xi,Xj) < 0, DlWi(xi) > Cij+D1Wj(Xj) ).,ji{Xj,xi) = cji - DlWj{x j ) + DlWi{xi) D1W j (x .) + ::> C •• - J J ~ C •• ~J + DlW. (x .) J J = 2c ij , since c ij = c ji > Lemma 3.3: o. If Aik(xi,xk) = Aij{Xi,Xj), then A. jk (xj,X k ) ~o. Proof: From the triangle restriction on transshipment cost, cik-c ij < c jk ' i f j f k. Ajk{xj,xk ) = cjk - DlWj{x j ) + DlWk(xk ) ~ cik - Cij - DlWj{xj) + D1Wk{xk) = cik - DlWi{xi) + DlWk{xk) - [cij-DlWi{x i ) + D1Wj{Xj)]. = Aik{xi,xk) - Aij(xi'X j ) = o. Lemma 3.4: (Xj,X k ) e If (xi,Xj) E Rij , (xi,x k ) E Rlk' and Rjk' then Aij{Xi,x j ) reaches zero before Ajk(Xj,xk) or Aki (xk,xi). Proof: If possible, let Ajk(Xj,X k ) become negative before Aij{xi,x j ) reaches zero at a point (Xi,X j ). Then Aij(Xi,Xj) + Ajk{Xj,xk) must be <0. But since Cij+Cjk > cik and DlW i (xi) S DlW i (xi) , 0_ Aij <Xi,x j ) + Ajk{X j ,x k ) = c ij + cjk - DlW i (xi) + D1Wk{x k ) ~ c ik - DlWi(x i ) + DlWk(xk ) = Aik;{Xi,Xk) ~ 0, since (xi,xk) ERik. 66 Therefore, Ajk(Xj'X k ) i 0 if Aij(xi,x j ) < O. Similarly, if possible, let Aki(xk,xi) become negative before Aij(xi,Xj) reaches zero at point (Xi,Xj)' must be <0. Then, Aki (xk ,xi) + Aij (Xi'X'j) But, since cki+cij > Ckj and D1Wj (Xj) > DlWj(Xj), Aki(xk,xi) + Aij(xi,Xj) ~ Therefore, Aki(xk,xi) = cki + Cij - DlWk(xk) + D1Wj (xj) ~ Ckj - D1Wk (x k ) + DlWj(x j ) = Akj (xk ,x j ) ~ 0, since (xj,x k ) E Rjk 0 if Aij(xi,Xj) <: 0, which proves the lemma. If (Xi'X j ) E Rij , (Xj,X k ) E Rkj , and (xi,x k ) E Rki , then initially transshipment takes place from location k to location j, and if for any tkj > 0, Lemma 3.5: i. Aki(Xk-tkj'Xi) = 0 and Aki(Xk-tkj'X i ) > Akj (Xk-tkj,xj+t kj ), then Aji(Xj+tkj,xi) ~ O. ii. Aij(Xi,Xj+tkj) = 0 and Aij(Xi,Xj+t kj ) > Akj(Xk-tkj,Xj+t kj ), then Aik(xi,Xk-tkj) ~ O. Proof: The proof is exactly similar in both cases. Therefore, only one is given. x ij (x i'X j ) ::: x ki (X k ,xi) = Xkj(Xk'X j ) = Since Ckj <: Cij+cki' From the condition of the lemma, c ij - D1Wi (x i ) + D1Wj (x j ) <: 0 - D W (X ) + DlW i (xi) <: 0 c ki 1 k k c kj - D1Wk (xk ) + D1Wj (Xj) < O. \ Akj(Xk,Xj) <: Aij (Xi,Xj) + Aki (Xk,xi) . 67 Therefore~ ~kj(Xk~Xj) Now~ <0. has highest absolute magnitude and is if possible, let ~ji(Xj~xi) become negative when ~ki(xk~xi) reaches zero and ~kj(Xk~Xj) < 0 at a point xk = xk-t kj and x j xj+t kj for some t kj > O. = IAkj(Xk~Xj) I > IAki(xk,x i ) I, Therefore, Akj(Xk,x j ) < 0, and ~ki(xk~xi) = 0; and hence, Aki(Xk,x i ) - Akj(Xk,x j ) ~ O. But ).ji(Xj,x i ) = c ji - DlWj(x j ) + D 1W1 (x i ) ~ cki - Ckj - D1W j (Xj) = + Dl W1 (xi) c ki - DlWk(xk ) + DlWi(x i ) - [Ckj - DlWk(xk ) + D1W j (X j )] = ~k i (xk ' xi) - ~kj (xk ' x j ) ~ O. Lemma 3.6: If (Xi'x j ) E Rij ; (xj,xk ) E Rkj , and (xi,xk) E Rki , then Aji(Xj'Xi) and Aik(xi,xk) both cannot become negative before Akj(Xk,Xj) reaches zero. Proof: If possible~ let Aji(Xj,Xi) and ~ik(xi,xk) both become negative before (xk ,x j). Akj(xk~Xj) reaches zero at a point Then, Akj (xk' x j ) <: 0 and ~ji (X j ,xi) + ~ik(Xi,xk) But Aji(Xj,x i ) + ~ik(Xi'xk) < O. "" c ji + c ik - DlWj(x j ) + D1Wk(xk ) > c jk - DlWj(X j ) + D1Wk(xk , "" Ajk (X j ,x k ) > 0, since Akj(xk'x j ) < 0, 68 which is a contradiction, ~ik(xi9xk) Therefore» ~ji(Xj~xi) both cannot become negative before and Akj(Xk~Xj) reaches zero, 3,4 Theorems Giving Optimal Transshipment and Procurement Policies In Section 3,3 9 the optimal procurement and transshipment policies were discussed for different realizations of Xl ,X 2 ,x 3 , Here, a lemma is presented first to prove the optimality of the cost function, and then with the help of this lemma a few theorems are proved for typical situations of x l ,x 2 ,x 3 to show that the procurement and transshipment policies discussed earlier are optimal. Lemma 3.7: If g(X) is a real convex differentiable func- tion of X (x l x 2 ··,xp ) in a p-dimensional Euclidean space with xi ~ 0, and if i. then Dig(Xo ) ~ p ° and ii. i~XioDi(Xo) = 0, g(X~ is minimum, Proof: Since g(X) is a real convex differentiable func- tion it can be written as g(X) ~ g(X o ) + ~ (Xi-Xio)Dig (X o ) i=l p L; x iDig (X o ) = i=l p i~XiDig(Xo) . Now 9 since xi 2: ° and Dig(Xo ) ~ 0, then P L:xiDig(Xo) ~ 0, 1=1 69 Therefore, which proves the lemma, If xl < Y ll , x2 < Y22 , and x3 < Y33 , then Theorem 3.1: t ij = 0 for all i,j = 1,2,3, i "I j, and t ii = Yii-xi' i = 1,2,3. The proof follows in a similar way as in theorem 2.6. The total cost is written as 3 g(tll,t22,t33) = ~ [c .. t .. + i=l 11 11 w.1 (x 1.+t 11 .. n, which is a convex differentiable function of tIl' t 22 , and t 33 · Dig(tl1,t22,t33) If t ii = ~ii{xi+tii)' i=1,2,3. = Yii-xi' then Theorem 3.2: If Xl < Yl1' x 2 < Y22' Y33 < Y31 < x 3 < Y32 , and xl+x3 < Y ll +Y 3l , then t 31 = x3-Y3l' tIl = Yll+Y3l-xl-x3' t 22 "" Y22 - x 2' Proof: From the definition By lemma 3.1, Tl can be either t 1 "" t 21 + t 3l - (t 12 +t 13 ). 2l +t 3l or -(t 12 +t I3 ). Now if T = -(t 12 +t 13 ), then by theorem 3.2, Yl(11 ) = Yll+t12+t13' which violates lemma 2.1. Therefore, T1 = t 21 +t 31 , T2 = -t 21 , 'f l and 13 = Y2{T2 ) t 2l = -t 31 . Again, if = Y22 +t 21 , O. T2 = -t 2l , by theorem 3.2, which violates lemma 2.1. From the consideration of 1 Therefore, 2 , t 32 can be ~ O. But 70 since x 3 < YS2 ' t S2 TS ::; ::; O. Therefore, '1'1 ::; t SI ' "2 ::; 0, and -t 31 · Now, since '1'3 <: 0, by lemma 2.1, Y3 ::; x 3 ' the total cost can be written as g(tll,t22,t31) ::; cl1t ll + c 22 t 22 + cSlt SI + WI(xl+tll+t31) + W2 (x 2 +t 22 ) + W3 (x 3 -t 3l ), which is a convex differentiable function of tll,t22,t3l' Dlg(T) ::; ~ll(xl+tll+tSI) D2g(T) ::; A22(x2+t22) D3 g(T) ::; A3l(xS-tSl,xl+tll+tSI)' If tIl::; Yll + YS1 - xl - x 3 t 22 ::; Y22 - x 2 t 31 = x 3 - Y31' then Dlg(T) ::; All (Y 11) D g(T) ::; "-22 (Y22) 2 ::; 0 ::; 0 Dsg(T) ::; A (Y ' Y 11) SI Sl ::; o. and hence, tlIDIg(T) + t 22 D2 g(T) + t 31DSg(T) ::; O. Therefore, by lemma 3.7, g(tll,t22,t3l) is minimum when tIl::; YII + YSI - xl t 22 ::; Y22 - x 2 Xs t 3l ::; x3 - Y SI ' Theorem S.S: If xl <: YII , x 2 < Y22 , Y3S < YS2 < Xs < Y31 , and X2 +X S < YS2 +Y 22 , then tIl::; Yl1 -x l , t 22 ::; YS2+Y22-x2-xS' and t S2 ::; xS-Y 32 . 71 The proof follows exactly in a similar way as in theorem 3.2. The total cost can be written as g(tll,t22,t32) :: c11t ll + c 22 t 22 + c S2 t 32 + W1 (xl+t ll ) + W2(x2+t22+t32) + W3 (x 3 -t 32 ), which is a convex differentiable function of tll,t22,t32' Dlg(T) :: All(xl+t ll ) D2 g(T) :: A22(x2+t22+t32) D3 g(T) If = A32(x-t 32 ,x2+ t 22+ t S2)· tIl :: Y1l - xl t 22 =: Y32 + Y22 - x2 - x3 t 32 = x3 - Y32 , then Dlg(T) D g(T) 2 D3 g(T) 0 = All (Y 11) :: A22 (Y22) :: 0 )..32 (Y 32 ,Y 22 ) = =: =: 0, and hence tllDlg(T) + t 22D2 g(T) + t 32D3 g(T) =: O. Therefore, by lemma 3.7, g(tll,t22,t32) is minimum when tIl:: Y11 - xl t 22 :: YS2 + Y22 - x2 - x3 t 32 =: x3 - Y 230 If xl < Y1l , x 2 < Y22 , Y33 < Y3l < Y32 < x 3 ' and x +x < Y +Y , x +x < Y +Y , then, 1 3 ll 3l 32 22 2 3 xl - x 3 tIl =: Y11 + Y31 :: Y x t 22 2 22 t 3l =: x 3 - Y3l Theorem 3.4: - e - t 32 =: O. ~e 72 Proof: The total cost can be written as g(tll,t22,t31,tS2) = cllt ll + c22 t 22 + cS 1 t Sl + c32 t 32 + Wl(xl+tll+tSl) + W2(x2+t22+tS2) + W3(x3-t3l-t32)' which is a convex differentiable function of tll,t22,t3l,t32. Dlg(T) = ~11(xl+tll+t31) D2 g(T) = = D3 g(T) ~22(x2+t22+t32) ~3l(x3-tSl-t32,xl+tll+t31) D4 g(T) = ~32(x3-t31-t32,x2+t22+t32) If tIl = Yll + Y31 - xl - x3 t 22 = Y22 - x 2 t 31 ~ x 3 - Y31 t 32 ;; 0 . 0 then DIg (T) = ).,11 (Y 11) = 0 .. D2 g(T) = ).,22 (Y 22) = 0 D3 g(T) = ).,31 (YS1,Y II ) = 0 D4 g(T) = ).,32 (Y 31' Y22) > ~S2(Y32'Y22) = 0 and hence, tl1Dlg(T) + t 22D2 g(T) + t S1D3 g(T) + t 32D4 g(T) = O. Therefore, by lemma 3.7, g(tll,t22,t31,t32) is minimum when tIl = Y1l + YSI - Xl - Xs t 22 = Y 22 - x2 . t 3l It = x 3 - YSI t 32 = o. 73 If xl < Y1I ; Y22 < x 2 < min(Y2l'Y 23 ); Theorem 3.5: . Y3S < Xs < min(YSI'YS2), then tIl = Y11-x I , t 21 = t Sl = O. Proof: The proof has the same reasoning as in theorem 2,7, The total cost can be written as g(tll,t22,t31) = c l1 t ll + c2l t 21 + cSlt 31 + W1(x1+tll+t21+tSI) + W2 (x 2-t 21 ) + WS(xs-t SI )' which is a convex differentiable function of tll,t21,t31' D1g(T) = AII(xl+tll+t21+tSI) D2 g(T) = A21(x2-t21,xI+tll+t21+t31) D3 g(T) = ASI(xS-t31,xI+tll+t21+t31) If tIl = YII t 21 = 0 t 3I - xl = 0, then DIg(T) = AII(Y 1I ) = D 2 g{T) = A21(x2'Yl1) > 0 0 DSg(T) = A3l(xS'Y31) > 0, and hence, D g(T) + t D g(T) + t D g(T) = O. ll l S1 3 2I 2 Therefore, by lemma 3.7, g{tll,t21,t31) is minimum when t tIl = Y11 - Xl t 21 = 0 t 31 = o. If Xl < YII ; Y22 < Y21 < x 2 < Y23 ; x I +x 2 < Y1I +Y 21 ; YS3 < x 3 < min{Y S1 'Y 32 ), Theorem 3,6: 74 then tIl = Yl1 t 21 = = t 31 Proof~ 2,8. + Y21 ~ xl ~ x2 x 2 - Y21 O. The proof follows in a similar way as in theorem The total cost can be written as = g(tll,t2l,t3l) cl1t l1 + c 2l t 2l + c 31 t 3I + WI(xl+tll+t21+t31) + W2 (x 2 -t 2l ) + W3 (x 3 -t 31 ), which is a convex differentiable function of tll,t2l,t3l' DIg(T) = ~11(xl+tll+t21+t31) D g(T) 2 = A21(x2-t2l,xl+tll+t21+t3l) D3 g(T) = ~3l(x3-t3l,xl+tll+t21+t3l)' If tIl = Y11 + Y21 - Xl - x 2 t 21 = x 2 - Y21 t 3l = O. then D1g(T) = ~ll(Yll) = D2 g(T) = ~2l(Y21'YII) D3 g(T) = ~3l(x3'Yll) > O. 0 = 0 Hence tI1Dlg(T) + t 21D2 g(T) + t SID3 g(T) and by lemma 3.7, g(tll,t21,t3l) is minimum when tIl = Y II + Y21 t = x 21 t3l 2 - Y21 = O. - Xl - x2 = 0 75 If xl < Y11 ; Y22 < Y21 < x 2 < Y23; Theorem 3.7: Yll+Y21+V31~ Y33 < Y31 < x 3 < Y32; and x 1+x 2+x 3 < tIl:;;; VII + Y21 + Y31 = xl = x2 = then Xs t 21 == x 2 - Y21 t Sl Proof: = x3 - Y31' The total cost can be written as g(tIl,t21,t31) :;;; c 11 t 11 + c 21 t 21 + cS1t Sl + Wl(xl+tll+t2l+t31) + W2 (x2- t 21) + WS(X3-YSl), which is a convex differentiable function of tl1,t21,tSl' D1g(T) = ~11(xl+tll+t21+t31) D2 g(T) == ~21(x2-t21,xl+tll+t21+t31) DSg(T) = ~31(xS-t31,xI+tll+t21+t31)' If ,. Yll + Y21 + YS1 - Xl - x 2 - x 3 t 21 = x 2 - Y21 tIl := t Sl = x 3 - Y 31 , then XII (Y 11) :;;; 0 DIg(T) = D2 g(T) = ~21 (Y 21 ,Y 11 ) DSg(T) :;;; '" 0 X31 (Y 31 ' Y11) "" 0 and hence D g(T) + t D g(T) + t D g(T) = O. 11 1 21 2 31 S Therefore, by lemma 3.7, g(tll,t21,tSI' is minimum when t tIl we == + Y + Y Y ll 21 SI t 2I '" x2 - Y21 t 31 == Xs - Y31 · - Xl = x 2 - X3 76 If (x 1 ,x 2 ) E Rl2 , (x1,x s) e Ri3' and then the optimal policy is t 12 , given by Theorem 3,8: (x 2 ,x ) E R S 23 A12(xl-tl2,x2+t12) = O. Proof: Since (xl,x S ) E Ris and (x 2 ,x 3 ) E Ri3' t 13 ,t 3l and t 2S ,t 32 are all zero, and since (x l ,x 2 ) e R12 , t 12 ~ O. Therefore, the total cost is = c l2 t 12 + Wl (x l -t 12 ) + W2 (x 2 +t 12 ) + W3 (x S ), 12 ) Differentiating g(t 12 ) with respect to t l2 yields g(t D1g(t l2 ) = c 12 - DlWl(Xl-t12) + DIW2(x2+t12) = A12(xl-t12,x2+t12)' Since (x 1 ,x 2 ) E R12 , A12 (xl'x 2 ) < 0 and, therefore, it pays to increase t1 2 by transshipping from location 1 to location 2. As the transshipment continues, DlWl(xl-t12) de- creases and Dl Wl (xl+t 12 ) increases, As a result, A2S(x2+t12'xS) and ASl(xS,xl-t12) decrease and AS2(x3,x2+t12) and AlS(xl-tl2,x3) increase; but by lemma 3.4 none of A23(x2+tl2,xS) and A3l(x3,xl-t 12 ) becomes negative before AI2(xl-t12,x2+tI2) reaches zero. Therefore, when A12(xl-t12' x 2 +t 12 ) reaches zero, an equilibrium is reached with respect to all the locations. Now, A12(xl-t12,x2+t12) is a monotonically increasing function of t l2 , Therefore, if A12(xl-t12,x2+t12) < 0, t 12 can be increased to reduce the total cost until t 12 = t 12 , and if A12(xl-tl2,x2+t12) > 0, t l2 can be decreased to reduce the total cost. Hence, the optimal policy is t l2 = t 12 , where t 12 is given by ~12(xl-rl2,x2+tl2) = o. C32 ~ c12+c31. Therefore, A32 (x 3 ,x 2 ) = c 32 - Dl W3 (x 3 ) + Dl W2 (x 2 ) ~ c l2 + c 3l - Dl W3 (x 3 ) + Dl W2 (x 2 ) = [c l2 - DlWl(x l ) + Dl W2 (x 2 )] + [c3l - D1W3 (x3) + DlW l (xl)] = Al2 (x 1 ,x 2 ) + ASI(xS'x 1 )· Therefore, -- 78 and it is more economical to start transshippping from tion S to location 2 0 As the transshipment loca~ continues~ DIW2(X2+tS2) increases and D1WS(x3-t32> decreases, As a re- sult, A12(xI,x2+tS2)' ~32(xS-t32,x2+tS2)' and ~SI(x3-tS2,xI) increase, but ~32(XS-tS2'X2+t32) increases at a faster rate than AI2(xI,x2+tS2) and AS I (xS-t S2 ,xI)' because AS2 (XS-t 32 , x 2 +t 32 ) has the increasing contributions of both DIW2(x2+tS2) and -DIWS(x3-t32)' whereas AI2(xl,x2+t32) and A31(x3-t32,xI) have the contributions of only DIW2(x2+t32) and -DIWS(xS-t32)' respectively, In this process, the following three situa- tions may occur: i. X32(x3-tS2,x2+tS2) may become equal to ASl(xS-t 32 , Xl)' ii. AS2(xS-tS2,x2+tS2) may become equal to AI2 (xl' x 2 +t S2 )' iii. Both A12(Xl,x2+tS2) and ASl(xS-tS2'Xl) may reach zero before A32(xS-tS2,x2+t32). i. By lemma 3.3, when AS2(x3-t32,x2+tS2) becomes equal to ASl(xS-tS2,xl)' then AI2(xI,x2+t32) ~ O. This equilibrium of locations 1 and 2 is maintained by transshipping from location 3 to both locations 1 and 2, and simultaneously maintaining the following relationship of marginal transshipment cost: c 31 + DIWI(xI+t31) = c 32 + DIW2(x2+t32)· Now it is observed that when A32(x3-t32,x2+t32) = A31(x3-t32,xI) < 0, the total cost can be reduced by decreasing the stock level of location 3 and increasing the stock levels of locations -- 79 1 and 2. Therefore, transshipment from loc~tion 3 to loca- tiona 1 and 2 is continued until C S1 + DIWI(xI+tSI) = c 32 + IDIW2(x2+t32) = DIW3(xS-tSI-tS2)· When this situation is reached, one has ~3l(X3-tSl-t32,XI+tSl) = 0 AS2(x3-tSI-t32,x2+t32) = and 09 which give the optimal policy. ii o Again by lemma 3 3, when A32(x3-t32,x2+t32) becomes 0 equal to AI2(Xl,X2+ t S2), then ASI(xS-tS29xI) ~ This equi- 00 librium of locations I and S is maintained by transshipping from both locations I and S to location 2, and simultaneously maintaining the following relationship of marginal transshipment cost, c l2 - DIWl(xl-tI2) = c 32 - DIWS(XS-t32) It is observed that when 0 < 0, the total cost can be reduced by simultaneously decreasing the stock levels of locations 1 and 3 and increasing the stock level of location 2. Therefore, the transshipment from locations 1 and 3 to location 2 is continued until c l2 - DIWI(Xl-t12) = c 32 - DIWS(XS-t32) = -D I W2 (x2+ t I2+ t 32'· When this situation is reached, one has "e 80 ~l2(x1~t12~x2+t12+t32) := 0 and ~32(X3-tS2sx2+tI2+t32) := Os which give the optimal policy. iii. When both ~12(xIsx2+t32) and ~31(xS-t32sxI) reach zero before ~32(x3-t32~x2+t32) without becoming equal to its the equilibrium between locations I and 2 and between locations 1 and S is already reached s and X32(XS-t32'X2+tS2) < O. Therefore s the total cost can be further reduced by transshipping from location 3 to location 2 until A32 (x3- t 32,x2+ t 32) := Os which gives the optimal policy. 3.5 xl < VII' x 2 ~ Y22 , x 3 ~ Y33· 3 3 c ii(Y ii - x i) + ~Wi(Yii) f(xlsx2sxS) := 1=1 i=1 • .2 lDijf "" Os .. o f(x 1 ,x 2s x S ' - isj := 0 ls2,3; f(xl,x2sx3) is trivially convex. Xl <: Ylls x 2 .. Convexity of Optimal Cost <: = Y22s and Y33 < x 3 < min(Y S1 sY32)· c il (Y II-Xl) + c 22 (Y22- x 2) + WI (Y 11) Dif "" -ell D2 f "" -c22 DSf := D1W3 (x 3 ) + W2 (Y22' + WS(x S '· D11f := 0 D 22 f D3S f :::: 0 "" DIlW S (x S ) ~ 0 81 Dijf :. f(xl~:X2sx3) = O~ i ~ j. is convex. Xl < YII ; x 2 < Y22; Y33 < Y3l < x 3 < Y32; x 1+x 3 < Yll+Y Sl ' f(xIsx2sx3) = cll(Yll+YSI-xl-x3' + c 22 (Y22- x 2) + Wl(Y ll ) + W2 (Y 22 ) + WS(Y SI ' + c31(xS-Y31)' ... D1f =: -cil D2 f =: -c22 DSf = c31 - f (xl'x ,x ) 2 S cil Dijf =: 0, i~j =: 1,2,3. is trivially convex . Xl < YII ; x 2 < Y22 ; Y33 < Y32 < x 3 < Y31 ; x 2 +x 3 < Y32 +Y 22 · f(xI,x2~x3) =: cII(YII-xl) + c22(Y32+Y22-x2-x3) + W1 (Y II ) + W2 (Y 22 ) + W3 (Y S2 ) + cS2(x3-Y32)· D1f D2 f '!I ;:;: =: -c ll -c22 - D3 f '" c32 c22 Dijf "" 0, i~j =: 1,2,3. Xl < VII; x 2 < Y22 ; Y33 < YSI < YS2 < x 3 ; x 1 +x 3 < Y11+ Y31; x 2 +x 3 < ~32+Y22· f(x 1 ,x 2 ,xS) =: cIl(YI1+YS1-xl-xS) + c 22 (Y22- x 2' + cSl(x S -Y 31 ) + Wl(Y l1 ) + W2 (Y 22 ) + W3 (Y31)· ... " Dlf =: -cil D2 f =: -c22 82 Xl < VII; Y22 < x 2 < min(Y21'Y 23 ); YS3 < ~3 < min(Y31'YS2)' f(xI'~2'xS) = cIl(Yll-xl) + W1(Y 11 , D2 f = -c il = D1W2 (x 2 ) DSf = D1WS(x S ) DIf Dijf = 0, ... + W2(~2~ W3 (x 3 )· + Dllf = 0 D22 f = D11W2 (x 2 ) ~ ° D3S f = D11WS(x S ' ~ 0. i ~ j. f(xl,x2'xS) is convex . Xl < Y11 ; Y22 < Y21 < x 2 < Y2S ' x 1+x 2 < YII+Y21; YS3 < Xs < min(Y31'Y 32 )· f(x I ,x 2 ,X 3 ) cIl(YII+Y21-xl-x2) + W1(Y 11 , + W2 (Y21' = + W3 (x S ) + c21(x2-Y21)· Dif = -ci l e . • D2 f = c21 DSf = Dllf = 0 - D22 f = 0 cil DI W3 (xS) DS3 f Dijf = 0, i ~ = D11W3 (x3) ~ 0. j. f(xI,x2'xS) is convex . Xl < Y1I ; Y22 < Y21 < X2 < Y2S ; Y3S < YS1 < Xs < YS2 ' x 1 +X 2 +X S < Yll+Y21+YSle f(x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ) = CII(YII+Y21+YSI-xI-X2-XS' + WI(Y 11 ) + W2 (Y21) + WS(Y SI ) + C21 (X2-Y21) + c S1 (x S - Y31)' ... D1f = D2 f = c21 ~cll DSf - c~l Dijf = c 31 ~ ell = 0, i,j = 1,2,S. f(x l ,x 2 ,x 3 ) is trivially convex . For a few typical cases, it is shown that the convexity criterion, o(f,X,Y) > O,is satisfied. If X(x l ,x ,x S ) is 2 83 23 ; such that (x 1 'x ) E R12 , (x 1 ,x 3 ) E Ris' and (x 2 ,x S) E R 2 Y(Y 1 'Y2'Y3) is such that (Y1'Y 2 ) E R12 , (Y 2 'Y S ) E R32 , and (Y1'Y S ) E RS1 ; and ~S2(YS-tS2'Y2+tS2) becomes equal to ).,31(Y3- t S1'Yl), f(X) = c 12 t 12 + W1 (x1-t12 ) + W2 (x 2 +t12 ) + WS(x S ) fCY) = cS 1t 31 + c 32 t 32 + W1 (Y1+t 3l ) + W2 (Y2+ t 32) + W3 (YS-t 31 -t32) Dlf(Y) = D1Wl(yl+t;1) D2f(Y) = D1W2 (Y2+ t 32) DSf(Y) = DIWS(YS-tS1-tSl) ~(f,X,y) = b(Wl,xl-t12'Y1+t3l) + ~(W2,x2+t12'Y2+t32) + b(W s ,X S 'Y3- t ;1-t;1) + t12).,12(Yl+t31'Y2+t32) - t31~Sl(YS-t31-t32'Yl+t3l) = ~ ti2).,S2(Y S-t;l-t;2,y 2 +t;2) 0, since ASl(YS-tSl-t32'Yl+t31) = 0, ).,S2(Y3-tS1-t32'Y2+tS2) ~ 0, ~12(Yl+t;1'Y2+t;2) > 0. and If X and Y, respectively, lie in the same region as in the previous case but ~S2(Y3-tS2'Y2+t32) becomes equal to A12 (YI'Y2+ t S2), then f(X) = c t + W (x -t ) + W (x +t ) + W (x ) S 3 2 2 12 12 12 1 l 12 fey) = c l2 t i2 + c 32 t;2 + W1 (y 1 - t i2) + W2 (y 2 +ti2+ t ;2) + WS (Y3- t 32) Dlf (Y) D1Wl (Y1-ti2) "e 84 D2 f(Y) = D1W2 (Y2+ t 12+ t 32) D3 f(Y) "" DIW3<Y3~t32) ~(f,X,Y) = &(Wl,xl-t12'Yl-t12) + ~(W2,x2+t12'Y2+ti2+t32) + b(W 3 ,X 3 'Y3- t 32) + (t12-ti2)~12(Yl-ti2'Y2+ti2+t32) - t32X32(Y3-t32'Y2+ti2+t32) since ~12(Yl-ti2'Y2+ti2+t32) = 0 and AS2(Y3-t32'Y2+ti2+t32) "" o. If X and Y, respectively, lie in the same region as in the previous case but both A12(Yl'Y2+tS2) and ~31(Y3-tS2'Yl) reach zero before ~32(Y3-t32'Y2+t32)' f (X) f (Y) = c 12 t 12 + W1 (x 1-t 12 ) + W2 (x 2 +t 12 ) + W3 (x S ) = c S2 t 32 + W1(Yl) + W2 (Y2+ t S2) + W3 (Yg-t S2 ) Dif (Y) "" D1W 1 (Yl) D f(Y) "" D W (Y2+t~2) 2 1 2 D3 f(Y) = D W (YS-t ) 32 1 3 ~(f,X,y) '" ~(Wl,xl-t12'Yl) + ~(W2,x2+t12'Y2+t32) + ~(W3,X3'Y3-t32) + t12~12(Yl'Y2+t32) - tS2A32(Y3-t32'Y2+t32) ~ 0, since A12(Yl'Y2+tS2) ~ 0 and A32(YS-t32'Y2+tS2) = o. 85 The other cases follow easily as in the two-location case. Therefore~ positive octant of oS Aj~ j=l,2~3. ally convex. f(x ,x ,x ) is convex everywhere in the 1 2 3 three~dimensional Euclidean space when In general, f(X1 9 x2,x3) is at least section- 86 TWO-LOCATION N-PERIOD MODEL 4, In this chapter the problem of optimizing decision variabIes of a two-location, single-period process is generalized to a two-location, N-period process, It is assumed that there is an N-stage process composed of N nonoverlapping intervals of equal length, It is further assumed that in each period a one-stage process is effective except that goods left unsold at the end of the i th period are carried over to the (i+l)th period and considered as its initial stock for i=I,2,'··,N-I. Goods left at the end of the Nth period can be disposed of with zero cost, In addition, the following stationary assumptions are made: i, The leakage factors PI and P2 of the locations are stationary over time, ii, Random variables denoting demands are independent from period to period and the probability density functions are stationary over time. iii, The q-parameters (parameters of dependence of regular demand on special sale for each period) are stationary over time. iv. A discount factor ~ is charged on future cost, Cost incurred in period i is discounted to period I by ~i-l "" 4.1 , i=l " 2 3, ... "N Dynamic Programming Setup Since the inventory system is such that at each stage the system is characterized by the stock level, and the 87 purpose of the process is to minimize some function of the stock level, and, furthermore, the past history of the systern, given the present stock level, is of no importance in determining the future actions, Bellman's (1957, p. 83) principle of optimality applies: "An optimal policy has the property that whatever the initial decisions are, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal policy with regard to the state resulting from the first decision." On this basis, the following functional equation for the N-period model is constructed. Definition: fij(xli'X2i) is the expected total cost from period i to period j under an optimal policy where Xli .. ... and x2i are the starting stock levels of the two locations at period i (j>i). Thus one can write f IN (x 11 ' x 21) = inf. t inf. + aJ-So0 _ x1l+t x 21 -t ~ oS, u l <: u 2 <: inf. GIl ~ z1 o . OS z2 f2N{xI2,x22)dHu ,u ,z ,z 1 2 1 2 .s. u1 .s u2 fT t(zl,z2,u l ,u 2 ,t) ,t(XI2,X22~ , (4.1) where u 1 = yl+t, u 2 = Y2- t , and Hu u z z t(x I2 ,x 22 ) is l' 2' l' 2' the cumulative distribution function of x 12 ,x 22 given the first period policy (ul,u2,zl,z2,t). Table 3.1 gives the values of x and x 22 for different outcomes of special and 12 regular demands during the first period at two locations. With these values of x 12 and x 22 , the quantity ~ .,. • e Table 4.1 x12~x22 Values of demands '*' ,( e e" for different outcomes of single-period Location 1 * ** a 1 -< 'iiI <: U al-qlci<Cl<Pl(Ul-Ci> 1 -z 1 UI-Z 1 Pl(Ul-(r>~Cl<= (i <: • al-ql(ul-zl)«l<Plzl o PI (ul-(V-(l s Plzl-Cl PIZl«l<flO o Location 2 a; ~ (; <: u2-z 2 a2-q2(2~ (2<P2(u2-(2> P 2 (u 2 -C;>-(2 U2 -Z 2 ~ ~2 <: flO P2(u2-(2>~(2<= 0 a2-q2(u2-z2>~(2<P2z2 P 2z 2 -(2 P2Z2~(2<= o (Xl (Xl 89 as + Definition: aJo=J0=f2N{x12~x22)dH(xl2,x22)' (4.2) A policy for the N-period process is a se- quence of N quintuples of numbyrs (ull~u2l,zll,z21,tl)'" (uIN~u2N,zlN,z2N,tN) such that at the i th period an amount ti is transshipped from one location to the other, max(o'Uji-Xji-ti) is procured at the transshipped location, max(O,uji-Xji+ti) is procured at the transshipping location, and max(O,uji-Z ji ) is to be allocated to special sale at the jth location, j=1,2. The i th quintuple of the sequence is called the i th period policy. Definition: An optimal policy of the N-period process is denoted by (ull,u2l,zll,z21,tl)' "(ulN,u2N,zIN,z2N,t N) and minimizes the total cost of the whole system among all poliThe i th quintuple is called the i th period optimal cies. policy. 4.2 Optimal Sale Policy The various results corresponding to different parametric structures have been discussed in the single-period process. The purpose of this section is to see only the link between 90 the single-period process and the multiperiod process. • Therefore» it is restricted to a particular parametric structure (0 ~ A j9 j=192). Theorem 4.1 i. For the N-period model, if 0 S Aj ii. 0 ~ iii. 0 ~ rj+sj-~Cj» then zl(ul,u2) Proof: qj ~ Pj = 0 and z2(ul,u2) = o. The proof is by induction. It has been found that theorem 4.1 holds for a single-period process (theorems 2,1 and 2.2). Now it is assumed that theorem 4.1 holds for n=2,3,···,N-1. Then it is proved that it also holds for n=N. The following inductive assumptions are made: i. D1fIN_I(xl,x2) and D2flN_l(xl,x2) are continuous monotonic nondecreasing. ii. 2 D11fIN_l(xl»x2)D22flN_1(xl,x2) -OP12flN_1(xl,x2j ~o, for all x j iii. ~ 0, j=1,2. D1 f 1N - 1 (xl,x2) ~ -c1 and D2flN-l(xl,x2) ~ -c2' for all x 1 ,x 2 ~ o. It is observed that these assumptions are equivalent to the assumptions below. tonic nondecreasing. ii. iii. Dlf2N(xl,x2) ~ -c 1 and D2f2N(xl,x2) ~ -c for all x1,x2 ~ o. 91 Now the proof follows in a similar way as in the singleperiod process. The total cost of the N-period process in terms of the optimal policies for the (N-I)-period process is written as L(Ul'U2~Zl~z2~t) = ct + cl(ul-xl1-t) + c2(u2- x 2 l+ t ) t ~ O. + GN(ul,u 2 ,zl,z2)' (4.3) co co Denoting aJoJ0 f2N(x12,x22)dH(x12,x22) GN(ul~u2,zl,z2) GN (u l by F 2N (u l ,u 2 ,zl,z2)' can be written as ,U 2 ,Zl,Z2) = gl(u1,zl) + g2(u2 ,z2) (4.4) + F 2N (u l ,u 2 ,zl,z2)' Taking the derivative of (4.4) with respect to zl yields DSGN (u 1 'U2,ZI,Z2) = D2g 1 (u 1 ,zl) + D3F2N(ul,u2,zl,z2) = [1 - ftJi(ul-zl)] VIN [qlul + (PI-Ql)zl,q2 u 2 + (P2- Q2)z2]' (4.5) where VlN (9 1 ,9 ), whose form is given in Section 7.2, is a 2 monotonically nondecreasing continuous function of 9 1 and and 9 2 , since DIVIN(91,92) ~ 0 and D2VlN(9l,92) ~ O. since Dlf2N(xl,x2) ~ -c 1 for all x 1 ,x 2 ~ And 0, VIN~9l,e2) ~ Al + (~1+sl-~cl)(Pl-Ql)0l(9l) ~ Al > O. This implies that VI N(9 1 ,9 2 ) is a nonnegative every 9 1 and 9 2 whenever zl,z2 ~ O. f~tion for Also, l-0i(ul-zl) ~ 0 "_ 92 ~ and 0 zl S ul~ 0 ~ z2 ~ u2 . Therefore 9 (4.6) Similarly~ taking the derivative of (4.4) with respect to z2 yields D4GN(ul~U2,Zl~Z2) =D 2 g 2 (u2 z 2 ) + D4F2N{ul,u2,zl,z2) "" [1= 0;{u2-z2)]V2N[qlul + {PI-ql)zl~q2u2 + (P2~q2)z2J~ V2N{91~92)--the where (4.7) form is given in Section 1.2--is a monotonically nondecreasing continuous function of 9 1 and 9 , 2 since DIV2N(9l,92) ~ 0 and D2V2N(91,92) ~ o. And since D2f2N{xl~X2) ~ -c 2 for all x l ,x 2 ~ 0, V2N (9 l ,9 2 ) ~ A2 + (r2+s2-ac2)(P2-Q2)02(92) ~ A2 :> O. This implies that V2N {9 l ,9 2 ) is a nonnegative function for every 9 1 and 9 2 whenever zl~z2 :> and 0 ~ zl < ul' 0 S z2 S u2. Therefore, O. Also, 1= 0;(u 2 -z 2 ) ~ 0, (4.8) Hence~ from (4.6) and (4.8), GN (u 1 ,u2 ,zl,z2) is either uniquely minimum at Zl(ul~u2) "" 0, z2(ul~u2) exists a set of values which GN(ul~u2,zl~z2) zl,z2~ = 0, or there including zl""O and z2=0, for has the same minimum value. case~ zl=O~z2=0 is an optimal policy. In any 93 4,3 Substituting g2(u2~z2) zl and z2 for zl and z2 in gl(ul,zl)' and F 2N (ul,U2,Zl,Z2), a new function, WN(ul,u2)~ is defined as WN(u 1 ,u 2 ) ::; gl(u1,zl) + g2(u2 ,z2) + F 2N (u 1 ,u 2 ,zl,z2)' (4.9) Differentiating (4.9) with respect to u l and u 2 yields DlWN (uI' u2) ;:: D1g1(u1,zl) + D2gl(ul,zl)Dlzl D2g2(u2,z2)Dlz2 + + DI F 2N (uI,u2,zl,z2) + D3F2N(uI,u2,ZI,z2)Dlzl (4.10) + D4F2N(ul,u2,zl,z2)Dlz2 D2WN (U l ,U2 ) = D2g1(ul,zl)D2z1 . + D 1g 2 (u 2 ,z2) + D2g2(u2,z2)Dlz2 + D2F2N(ul'U2,zl,z2) + DSF2N(uI,u2,zl,z2)D2zl + (4.11) D4F2N(Ul,u2,zl,z2)D2z2' Theorem 4.2: If ° ~ AI' 0 ~ A2 , then WN(u l ,u 2 ) is a convex function of u l and u 2 . Proof: Since SAl' S A2 , the optimal special sale policy is zl = 0, z2 = 0. Then from (4.9), ° ° WN(u 1 ,u 2 ) ;:: gl(uI,O) + g2(u 2 ,O) + F 2N (u l ,u 2 ,0,0). Since e z D2z 2 D2 l Dl z 2 Dl2 z 1 0 D22z 1 Dl1z1 DIIz 2 = D22 z 2 = D12z 2 = 0, D1zl ;:: ::; ;:: ::; ::; ::; ;:: ° 94 from (4.10) and (4.11), D1WN(u 1 ,u 2 ) D2WN(u l ,u 2 ) = D1g1(u1,O) + DIF2N(ul,u2'O,O) D1g 2 (u 2 ,O) + D2F 2N (u!,u2'O,O) = DlIWN(ul,u2) = D1lg l (u 1 ,0) + DIIF2N(ul,u2'0,0) D22WN(ul,u2) = D22 g 2 (u 2 ,0) + D22F2N(ul,u2'O,0) Dl2WN(ul,u2) = Dl2F2N(ul,u2)' The detailed results of these derivatives are given in Section 7.3. It is observed from (7.23), (7.24), and (7.25) that D11WN(u1,u2) ~ 0 (4.12) and (4.13) Therefore, Dl WN(u1,u2) and D2WN(ul'u 2 ) are monotonic nondecreasing continuous functions of u1 and u2. Now to prove the convexity of WN(ul,u2), it is left to show that DllWN(ul,u2)D22WN(u1,u2) = [Dl2WN(ul,u2D2 ~ 0, which is done by application of Canchy-Schwarz inequality, It is observed that each of the terms in DllWN(u1,u2) and D22WN (u1,u2) is nonnegative, and that corresponding to each term D12flN-l(xll,x2l) of D12WN(ul,u2) there is one term D1lf1N-1(x11,x21) in DllWN(ul,u2) and one term D22flN-l(xll'X2l) in D22WN(ul,u2)' Also, these "matched" terms have the same limits of integration. be said that Therefore, it can 95 DIIWN(Ul'U2) ~ sum of the matched terms of the form IDllflN-l(Xll~X21) and D22WN(Ul~u2) ~ sum of the matched terms of the form where J denotes the fourfold JD22flN-l(Xll'X21)~ integral with proper limits cor- responding to the terms of Dl2WN(ul,u2)' Let d Oj denote the integrand of the jth term of D12WN(ul,u2)' and d 1j and d 2j denote the integrands of the corresponding matched terms of DlIWN(ul~u2) and D22WN(ul~u2)' respectively, j:=l,2,3,4. d 11d 21 - d~l := ~ . .&q Then, a2p~p~{DllflN-l(Xll~X21)D22flN-l(Xll'X21) - [D l2 f IN-l (X 1 1'x21 )] 2) .. X~~(~1+ql«~)¢~«(2+q2(;)~~2(,~)~;2(~;) at the point xII = Pl(u1-,r) - (1 x 21 = P2(Y2-~;) ~2' Therefore, d l1 d 21 - d~l > 0 because of the inductive assumptions. Similarly, it follows for all the terms. There- fore~ Id Oj I IJd Oj I 5. SldOjl Now, by Canchy-Schwarz S, /d lj /d 2j ~ J/d 1j /d 2j e (4.14) inequality~ (4.15) From (4.14) and (4.15), 96 (4.16a) Let ~ij denote IJdijl~ i=O~ly2; j=ly2 v3 y4. Then (4.16a) is equivalent to Summing over all j, (4.l6b) Again v by the discrete version of Canchy-Schwarz inequality y Lj ~ J /b;J from (4 016b) and So (L: ?>l') 1/2 (2: b2 .) 1/2. j J J j (4.l7a) (4017a)~ (~OOj)2 $. (~Olj)(~b2j)0 J .. J J Therefore, 4 04 Optimal Procurement Policy for Fixed Transshipment Let the parametric structure cj+hj=rj=Sjqj be denoted by Nj (j;1~2)0 If N1 for every u 1 ,u2 for every u 1y u 2 ~ ~ ~ 0, c 1 + D1WN (u 1 ,u 2 ) 0, and if N2 ~ 0, ~ 0 c2 + D2WN (ul,u2) ~ 0 00 Let the curves cl + D1WN (ul'u 2 ) = 0 and c 2 + D2WN (u 1 ,u2 ) = 0 be denoted, respectively~ by U1 (u 2 ) and U2 (Ul) 0 In other words, for any u2' 97 C2 Theorem 4,3: there exists two If + D2WN[1.ll1,U2(1Ull~J ° ~ n~bers, AI' 0 - o. ~A2' N1 < 0, N2 < 0, then U1N and U2N , such that UI (U 2N ) :::: U1N and U2 (U lN ) :::: U2N , and i. if t > 0, xI+t S U IN , x2- t 2 ~ U 2N ' then ul :::: U1N , u2 :::: U2N · ii. if t > 0, x 1 +t > UIN , x -t 2 S U2N ' and if 2 c i + DIWN[xI+t,U2(xI+t)] > 0, then - xl+t, u 2 :::: U2 (x l +t); and if c 2 + D2WN [U 1 (x 2-t) ,x 2 -tJ > 0, then ul ::: U1 (x2- t ), u2 :::: x2- t . u Proof: l :::: The proof has a similar reasoning as in the single-period process. If ° < AI' 0 S A 2 , then The total cost of the N-period process when and t ~ zl : : Zl : : 0, 0, z2 :::: 0. z2 : : ° 0 can be written as L(u 1 ,u ,0,O,t) : : c 1 (u -x l -t) + c 2 (u -x 2 +t) + ct 2 l 2 + WN(u!,u2), (4.18) Differentiating (4.18) with respect to ul and u 2 yields, respectively, and D2 L(UI,u2,0,0,t) :::: c2 + D2WN (ul,u2)· Now WN(u1,u2) is a convex function of ul and u2, and furthermore, DIWN(u1,u2) and D2WN(ul,u2) are continuous 98 functions of ul and u2 with DIWN(91~u2) ::: h*1 - 1"1*' - slql Lt 9 2 ~O9 D W CUI' 9 ) 2 N 2 = h* - r * - s2 Q2 2 2 Lt 9 1 ~O~ Lt 9 1 ~=~ D WN (9 p u ) '" (hi+h1) [1 + a P 'I (N-2)] 1 2 I Lt 9 2 ~CCl, D2WN (u 1 ,9 2 ) ::: (h~+h2) [1 + a P2 ' 2 (N- 2) J where .1(N-2) and ~2(n-2) , are nonnegative funct ions with see Section 7.4. Therefore, if Nl < 0 and N2 < 0, 9l~0, Lt Lt 9 2 ~o, cl + D1WN (9 1 ,u 2 ) ::: N1 < 0 c 2 + D2WN (u l ,9 2 ) ::: N2 <: 0 and Lt c l + Dl WN (9 1 ,u ) 2 ::: c 1 + (hi+hl) [1 + aPl.l (N-2)] 9l~CCl, ~ 0 Lt 92 ~CCl~ c2 + D2WN (ul' 9 2 ) = c 2 + (h~+h2) [1 + aP2.2 (N-2)] ~ o. Therefore, there exists a pair of numbers, U1N ,U2N , such that and c 2 + DIWN(U1N,U2N) ::: 0 and L(ul,u2~0»0,t) is either uniquely minimum at U1N ,U 2N Qr there exists a set of values ul,u2 for which has the same minimum value. ~(ul,u2,0,0,t) Any UlN and U2N which belong to the set of optimal values are chosen. 99 Now if x1+t S UlN , and x 2 -t < U2N , the total cost can be reduced by increasing the stock levels to UlN and U2N at locations 1 and 2, respectively. And since and then U 1 = U1N , u2 = U2N · If xl+t > UIN , the point U1N ,U2N cannot be reached by procurement only. The optimal point will lie on either or C 2 + D W (u ,u ) 2 N l 2 = o. Now there are two possible situations to be considered: i. c l + DIWN[Xl+t,U2(Xl+t)] > 0 ii. c 2 + D2WNCUl(X2-t),x2-tJ > O. When cl + D1WN[xl+t,U2 (xl+t)] > 0, and by definition of U2 (u l ), c2 + D2WN[x l +t,U 2 (xl+t)] = 0, ul = xl+t and u2 = U2 (xl+t) satisfy the conditions of optimality, There- fore, by lemma 3.7, ul = xl+t, u2 = U2 (xl+t). When c 2 + D2WN [U l (x 2 -t) ,x 2 -!l > 0, and by definition of Ul (u2)' cl + DIWN[Ul(x2-t)~x2-fj = 0; ul = Ul (x2- t ) and u2 = x2-t satisfy the conditions of optimality. Therefore, by lemma 3.7, ul = Ul(x2- t ), u2 = x2-t. The case where t < 0 is exactly similar. ·e 100 4.5 Optimal Transshipment and Procurement Policy In Section 4.4, the optimal procurement policy for transshipment was discussed. ~i~ed This section deals with the theorems showing the optimal procurement and transshipmept , policies. In the single-period process, two numbers, Yl and y~, are introduced such that ci + DIWl(Yi,O) = 0 and where ci = c 2 -c and c~ = cl-c. ci + Dl WN(u l ,u 2 ) = 0 and c2 + 2 Dl W2 (Y ,0) = 0, In the N-period process, let c~ + D W (u l ,u 2 ) = 2 N ° 2 be denoted, respectively, by Ui(u2 ) and U (u l ). Let (Ul'U~) be the point in the (ul,u2)-plane where cl + DlWN(Ul,U 2) '"' ° and c2 + D2WN(U l ,U2) = 0. Similarly, let (Ui,U 2 ) be the point where ° v , , c l + Dl WN (U l ,U 2 ) = and c 2 + D2WN(U l ,U 2 ) = 0. For simplicity, let tl and t2 be the amount procured at locations 1 and 2, respectively, when t ~ 0. Then and It is assumed that in the region ul > UIN , u2 < U2N , cl + D1WN[ul,U 2 (ul)] > 0. c2 + D2WN[U l (u2) ,u2] > 0. Figure 4.1 shows the optimal policies. Theorem 4.3: If ~l < UlN' ~2 < U2N , then t l = UlN-xl' t 2 = U2N-x2' and t = 0. Proof: written as The total cost of the N-period process can be 101 8 3 / / I / / / 6 2 Figure 4.1 Optimal procurement and transshipment for N-period model policie~ g(t l ,t 2 ,t) = clt l + c 2 t 2 + ct + WN(X1+tl+t,X2+t2-t), where g(t l ,t 2 ,t) is a convex differentiable function of t 1 , t 2 , and t. DIg(T) = c 1 + DIWN(xI+tl+t,x2+t2-t) D2 g(T) = c 2 + D2WN(Xl+t1+t,x2+t2-t) If D3 g(T) = c + DIWN(x1+tl+t,x2+t2-t) - D2WN(x1+t1+t,x2+t2-t). t 1 = UIN-x l ; t 2 = U2N -x 2 ; t = 0, then DIg(T) = c 1 + DIWN(U1N,U2N) = 0 D2g(T) = c 2 + D2WN(UIN,U2N) = 0 102 and hence tlDlg(T) + t 2D2g(T) + tDSg{T) ::: O. by lemma 3.7, g{tl~t2,t) is minimum when Therefore~ t 2 = U2N - x2; t 1 ::: U1N - xl; 2, xl If U2N < x 2 < U Theorem 4.4: t 1 ::: U1 (x 2) - xl' t 2 ::: 0, and Proof: t::: O. r :: < U1 {X2)' then O. The total cost can be written as g(t 1 ,t 2 ,t) ::: clt 1 + c2t 2 + ct + WN (Xl+t l +t,x2+ t 2- t ), where g(t l ,t 2 ,t) is a convex differentiable function of t l , t 2, and to If t ::: 0, then Dlg(T) c l + DlWN[Ul{x2),x2] D g{T) ::: c + D W [U (x ) ,X ]· 2 2 2 2 N 1 2 Since x2 > U2N and xl <: U1 (x2) <: U1N ; ::: ::: 0 c2 + D2WN[U 1 (x2),X2] > 0 and Dsg (T) ::: c + Dl WN [U l (x 2 ) ~x2] - D2WN [U l (x 2 ) , x 2] ::: c - cl - D2WN[Ul(x2),x2] > C = 0, - cl - D2WN(U l (x2) , u; [Ul (x2)] ) 103 and hence Therefore~ t1D1g(T) + t 2D2g(T) + tD 3 g(T) = O. by lemma 3.7, g(tl~t2~t) is minimum when tl = Ul(x2) - t2 '" O·, Xl' 2, Theorem 4.5: II =: If x 2 > U Xl <: Ul UI + u2l - XI 0, and t x2 ' t 2 Proof: Tne total cost is - ::; t ~ ::; O. ::; x 1 +x 2 <: Ul +U x2 - 2, I U2 ' g(t l ,t 2 ,t) ::; clt l + c 2 t 2 + ct + WN(Xl+tl+t,X2+t2-t), where g(t l ,t 2 ,t) is a convex differentiable function of tI' t 2 , and t. t l ::: then If I - UI + U2 Xl DIg (T) D2g(T) - t2 x2 ; ::; O·, t =: x2 - I U2 2) c l + DI WN(Ul' U = 0 c + D2WN(Ul'U~) 2 ::; =: I ::; c2 - c2 > 0 and D3 g(T) ::; c + D1WN (U l ,U 2) - D2WN(U l ,U2) o. = t1DIg(T) + t 2D2g(T) + tD 3 g(T) =: O. Therefore, by lemma 3.7, g(t ,t ,t) is minimum when l 2 9 I t2 t "" x 2 t l O', UI + U2 + Xl - 2 U · 2 x ' 9 Theorem 4.6: If x +X > U +U and l 2 I 2 c + D1WN (xl,x2) - D2WN (Xl ,x 2 ) <: 0, Hence, - ::; ::; and if (xI'x 2 ) is the point of intersection of Xl + x2 ::; k and c + Dl WN(xl,x2) - D2WN (xl'X2) then t l ::; 0, t 2 =: 0, t = x 2 - x2 = Xl - Xl· = 0, "e 104 Proof: The total cost of the N-period system is g(t 11 t 21 t) citl + c 2 t 2 + ct + WN(Xl+tl+t1X2+t2-t)1 which is a convex differentiable function of t l1 t 2 , and t. =: , It is noted that xl > U1 and x2 > U2 . Now if then D1g(T) =: cl + D1WN (Xl,x2) :> c l + DlWN(Ul1U2) :: 0, D2 g(T) = c2 + D2WN(xb X2) 2) :> c 2 + D2WN(U I , U =: c I - c2 2 > 01 and Hence 1 tIDlg(T) + t 2D2 g(T) + tD 3 g(T) =: O. Therefore, by lemma 3.7, g(t l ,t 2 ,t) is minimum when In Section 4.2, certain inductive assumptions were made on flN=1(X11X2), and on the basis of these assumptions the optimal special saIe 1 procurement, and transshipment policies were derived. ., Now it is proved that f lN (x l ,x 2 ) also satisfies induction. And 1 since N is arbitrary 1 the induction holds for every N. ·e 105 Theorem 4.7: Under the inductive assumption on f 1N - 1 (~lP~2)>> DlflN(xl,X2) i. ~ -01 and D2 f 1N (xl,x2) ~ -c2 f~r all x p x 2 ~ O. DlflN(X1,x2) and D2flN(xl,x2) are continuous mono- ii. tonic nondecreasing. iii Dl1flN(x1,x2)D22flN(Xl'X2) - [DI2flN(X1'X2)]2 ~ 0, o Proof: The cases when t ~ 0 (transshipment from 10ca- tion 2 to location 1) are considered here. The cases when t ~ If Xl < U1N , x 2 < U2N , then UIN - Xl' t 2 = U2N - x2; t = O. 0 follow in a similar way, t1 = D1 f 1N (Xl'X 2 ) = -cl D2f2N(xl,x2' = -c 2 , Now since D11f 1N = D22 f lN is trivially convex. = Dl2 f 1N = D2l f lN 2, If Xl < UI (x 2) , U2N < x 2 < U t l = U1 (x2) - Xl' f IN (Xl pX 2 ) =: (4,19) t2 = 0, f 1N (x 1 ,x 2 ) then = 0; t = 0 01 [U l (x2) - xl] + WN[U1 (x 2 ) , x 2] . Thus, DlflN(Xl,X2) = -°1 D2 f 1N (xl,x2) "" c 1D1U1 (x2) + D1WN[U1(x2)'X2]D1U1(x2) + D2WN [U I (x ) ,x 2 ] 2 "" D 2WN CU 1 (x ) »x ] 2 2 (4.20) 106 D11f 1N : ; () 1D 22 f UIl ;:: D21WN D'J 1 (x2) ~x2i]DIUl (x2) + D22 WN [1lJ 1 (x2) ~ x2 J D12 f 1N "" D21 f 1N Now~ at the optimal := O. (4.21) point~ (4.22) Differentiating (4.22) with respect to x2 yields~ Therefore~ (4.24) " Substituting (4.24) and (4.21) yields D1IW N [U l (x2) ,x2JD22 WN[U l (X2) 9 X2] - {D 12WN[U 1 (x2) ~x2J}2 D 22 f IN '" ----.,;~...;;;..-.;;;~ ..................=-D-.1;..,I-W,,;;;N-=[U~1 ~(X-2"';);;"p-X-2'"'='J-=-"';;;""--~';;;""---'~If JD11WNLU 1 (x 2 ) ,x 2] '" o~ from (4.23) 9 D12WN[Ul(X2)'X2] '" O. Therefore~ Hence, from (4.21)9 flN(xl~X2) D22 f 1N ::;; is convex. Taking the limit of D22WN[1lJl(x2)9x2] ~ (4020)~ Lt x 2 ~ U2N~ VI (x2) ~ Therefore, UIN° o. 107 Therefore y (4.26) If xl < Ul9 x 2 2- t l ; : ; UI + U 9 9 U2 ; x l +x 2 < UI +U29 then xl - x2; t 2 = 0; t = x2 - U~. ~ DlfIN(Xl'X2) ;;::; D 2 f IN (xl' x 2 ) ;;::; Since D11f lN := D22 f 1N trivially convex := -c i c - cl := , -c 2 , (4.27) D12 f lN ; : ; D2l f iN = 0, f lN (x l ,x 2 ) is 9 If x I +x 2 > UI +U2 and c + D1WN(x19x2) - D2WN(xI,x2) < 0, t1 then such := 0; t2 • 0; t;;::; Xl - Xl - x2 - x 2 that (4.28) Differentiating (4.28) with respect to Xl yields DIIWN(xI+t,x2-t)(1+Dlt) - D12WN(xl+t,x2-t)Dlt -D2IWN(xl+t9x2-t)(1+Dlt) + D22WN(xl+t,x2-t)Dlt ; : ; O. Therefore, Di t := - [DIIWN(xl+t9x2-t) - D21WN(xl+t9x2-t~ !CD 11WN(xI+t,x 2 -t) + D22WN(xI+t,x2- t ) - 2DI2WN(xl+t,x2-t~ , (4.29) 108 Differentiating (4.28) with respect to x~ yields DIIWN(xl+t~x2-t)D2t + D12WN(xl+t»x2-t) (1-D 2t) - D21WN(xl+t9x2-t)D2t - D22WN(Xl+t»x 2-t) (1-D 2 t) = O. Therefore, -[D12 N(Xl+t»X2- ) - D22 N(:Xl+t»X2- » =-----=---:::--. . . . . ._ ----=---:::---------=:----:=D W (xl+t,x2- t ) + D W (xl+t,x2-t ) - 2D12WN(x1+t,x2-t) W t W t 22 N 11 N (4,30) From (4. 17b) , ID12WN(xl+t,x2-t) .s I r~ - J 1/2 - , 1/2 , LLJIIWN(xl+t,x2-t) [D22WN(x 1+t,x 2 - t lJ (4.31) and, from the fact that for nonnegative numbers geometric mean S arithmetic mean, ID12WN(xl+t~x2-t)I oS, [DIIWN(x1+t,x2-t) + D22WN(xl+t»X2-t)]/2, (4.32) flN(x19X2) = ct + WN (x 1 +t,x 2 -t) DlflN(xl,x2) = D1WN (x 1+t,x 2 -t) D2flN(xl,x2) = D2WN (x 1 +t,x 2 -t). Let va (4.33 denote the quantity DIIWN(xl+t,x2-t) + D22WN(Xl+t,x2-t) - 2D12WN(X1+t,x2-t) and ~g denote the quantity DIIWN(Xl+t,x2-t)D22WN(xl+t,x2-t) - [D12WN(x1+t,x2-t~ 2. Then from (4.32)>> Va ~ 0 and from (4.31), vg ~ O. D11f 1N = D11WN (Xl+t,x2-t ) (1+D 1t) - D12WN(x1+t,x2-t)D1t, 109 Substituting for Dit from (4.29)9 D11f 1N "= 1/7/a ~ O. D22 f 1N = D21WN(Xl+t~x2-t)D2t + D22WN(Xl+t,x2-t) (l-D 2 t) , Substituting for D2 t from (4.30), D22 f 1N = Vg/~a ~ 0 and D12f IN Therefore~ =: D2l f IN = -zlg/zJa ~ O. f lN (xl»x2) is convex. It is noted that if Va DI2 (x l +t,x 2-t) = 0 and therefore, CPIlWN(xl+t,x2-t) + D22WN(xl+t,x2-t)]/2 - ] 1/2 S [ DllWN(Xl+t,x2-t)D22WN(Xl+t,x2-t) = This is possible only if DIIWN(xl+t»x2-t) = D22WN(xl+t,x2-t) = D12WN(xl+t,x2-t). Therefore, D1lf lN = D22 f 1N = Dl2 f lN = D11WN(xl+t»x2-t) ~ 0, and f (x ,x ) is convex. lN 1 2 If (x 1 ,x 2) lies in the no-action region, f 1N (x l ,x ) = WN(x l ,x 2 ) 2 D1f 1N (xI,x2) = Dl WN(xl,x2) D2f 1N (xI,x2) = D2WN(xI,x2) (4.34) From (4.19), Lt x 2 -->0, D2flN(X1,x2) = -c l , From (4.19), (4.25), (4.26), (4.27), (4.33), and (4.34), 110 Simil~rlY9 it can be shown by considering the cases when Lt X 1 --> 0 9 DlflN(Xl,X2) ::: -c 1 and D1f 1N (x1 9x2) is monotonic nondecreasing continuous. Next, it is shown that for X and Y lying in different regions, b(f lN9 X,Y) ~ 0, thereby showing that for every xl and x2 in the positive quadrant of the (xl,x 2 )-plane, DllflN(xpx2)D22flN(xpx2) - [DI2flN(Xl'X2)]2 ~ O. If X lies in the no-action region 9 Y lies in region 1: flN(X) ::: WN(x 1 ,x 2 ) f1N(Y) ::: cl(UIN-x l ) Dif IN (Y) ::: -ci + c 2 (U2N -x 2 ) + WN(UlN,U2N) D 2 f IN (Y) ::: -c2 ~(flN9X,y) ::: W (x ,x ) - c (U -x ) - c (U -X ) N 1 2 1 1N l 2 2N 2 - WN(UIN,U2N) + c 1 (x 1 - Yl) + c 2 (x2-Y2 ) = WN(x 19 x 2 , - WN(UlN,U2N) + ~ + c 1 (x 1 -U 1N ) c2(x2- U2N) o. If X lies in the no-action re,ion and Y lies in region 3: flN(X) ::: WN (x 1 ,x 2 ) flN(Y) ::: c 1 [U 1 (Y2' - YIJ + WN[U l (y 2 ),y 2] DIf IN (Y) ::: -c1 D2 f IN (Y) ::: D 2 WN [U l (y 2' ,Y 2 J ~(flN9X,y) ::: "N(xl,x2) - cl[U 1 (Y2) - YIJ - WN [U1 (Y2) 'Y2J + cI(xI-YI) - (x2-Y2)D2WN[Ul(Y2)'Y2] :: WN(xI'x 2 ) -. "NCU I (Y2) 'Y2 J + cl[xl - U1 (Y2)] -. (x 2- Y2)D 2"N[U 1 (Y2) 'Y2] ~ o. III If X lies in the no-action region and Y lies in region 5: fIN (X) = fIN(Y) WN(xl~x2) = C 1 (U 1 +U;-YI-Y2) D 1 fIN (Y) = -c 1 D2 f 1N (Y) = C - + C(Y2=U 2) + WN{U19 U2) cl b(f 1N9 X 9Y) = WN(x 1 ,x 2 ) - cl(Ul+U~-Yl-Y2) - c(Y 2 -U 2) - WN(Ul,U2) + cl(xl-Yl) - (C-Cl)(x2-Y2) = 2) ~ 2) + cl(xl-U1 ) WN(x1 9x 2 ) - WN (U 19 U = (c=cl)(x 2 =U o. If X lies in the no-action region, Y lies in region 7: fIN (X) ; WN(x 19 x 2 ) fIN(Y) = ct + WN(Yl+t 9 y 2 -t) DlfIN(Y) ~ DI WN(Yl+t'Y2- t ) D2 f IN (Y) = D2WN(Yl+t'Y2- t ) ~(flN'X,y) = WN(x 1 ,X 2 ) - WN (Yl+t,y 2 -t) - ct - (xI-Yl)D l WN(Yl+t'Y2- t ) (x2-Y2)D2W (Yl+t'Y2- t ) = WN(x 19 x 2 ) - WN(Yl+t9Y2-t) - (xI-Yl-t)DlWN(Yl+t'Y2-t) - (X2-Y2+t)D2WN(Yl+t'Y2-t) - t [c + DlWN(Yl+t9Y2-t) - D2WN(Yl+t'Y2-t)] ~ o. If X lies in region 7 and Y lies in region 1: fIN (X) - ct + WN(x l +t,x 2 -t) f1N(Y) = c I (U IN - Yl) + c2(U2N- Y2) + WN(UIN,U2N) Dlf IN (Y) "" -cl 112 D f 1N (Y) 2 = -c 2 b(f1N,X,Y) = ct + WN(x 1+t,x 2 -t) - c1(UlN-Yl' - c 2 (U2N- Y2) - WN(UIN,V2N' + c1(xI-Yl) + c 2 (X 2- Y2) = WN(xl+t,x 2-t, - WN(UlN,U2N) + Cl(Xl+t-U lN ) + c 2 (X 2-t-V2N ) + t(c-c l +c 2 ) ~ o. If X lies in region 7 and Y lies in region 3: fIN (X) = ct + WN(x 1+t,x 2 -t) fIN(Y) = D1 f 1N (Y) C 1 [V (Y ) - y J + W CU (Y )'Y2] N l 1 2 1 2 = -c1 1N (Y) = D2WN[Ul(Y2) ,Y2J ~(flN'X,y) = ct + WN(x l +t,x 2 D 2f -t, - WN[U1 (Y2)'Y2] - cl[U l (Y2) - Y1 J + °1(x1....Yl) - (X2-Y2)D2WNEVl(Y2)'Y2] = WN(x 1+t,x 2-t) - WN[U1 (Y 2 )'Y2] + c1[X l + t - VI (Y 2 )] - (%2 ~ t - Y2)D 2WN [U I (Y2) 'Y2] + t{e - 01 - D2WN[U l (Y 2 )'Y2]1 ~ o. If X lies in region 7 and Y lies in region 5: fIN(X) = ot + WN(x l +t,x 2 -t) fIN(Y) = c 1 (Vl+U~-Yl-Y2) + c2(Y2-U~) + WN(U1'U~) D1 f 1N (Y) D2 f = -°1 1N (Y) = C = c1 .. _ 113 b(f1N»X»Y) = ct + WN(~1+t»~2~t) = cl(U 1+U 2:. = 11-1 2) = ~~(Y2=U2) + cl(xl-Yl) (c=c 1 ) (~2=Y 2) = = 2 WN(Ul»U~) = WN(x l +t»x 2 -t) - WN (U l »U Q - (c-c 1 )(x -t-u ) 22 2) + cl(x1+t-U l ) o. If X lies in region 6 and Y lies in the no-action region: fIN(X) ct + W (x -t»x +t) N 1 2 f1N(Y) = WN (Y 1 PY 2) = D1f1N(Y) = D 1WN (Y p Y2) D2f 1N (Y) = D2WN(Yl'Y2) ~(flN»X»Y) = ct + WN (x 1-t,x 2 +t) WN (Y 1 »Y2) = - (xI-Yl)DlWN(YlPY2) - = WN (x 1 -t,x 2 +t) = (x 2 - Y2)D 2WN(YI'Y2) WN (YI»Y2) (xl-t- Yl)D 1WN(YI»Y2) = (x 2 +t=Y2)D 2WN(Yl»Y2) + t ~ [c - DI WN(YI»Y2) + D2WN(Yl'Y2)] o. It has been proved that f 1N (x 1 »x 2 ) is convex over region 6 and the no-action region» and over region 1 and the noTo show that f lN (x 1 »x 2 ) is convex over all three regions, let X lie in region 7» Y in region 6, and YI action region. and Y2 be two points in the no-action ~egion on the line joining X and Y. Let Z be any point on this line outside the interval (Yl'Y2). Suppose Z lies between X and Y1 . Y1 , and Y2 can be written as Then Z, 114 ,. z ~ A1X + (l-~l)Y 1 (4.35) Y1 == ~2Z + (1-~2)Y2 (4.36) Y2 == ~3Yl + (1-A3)Y (4.37) and let (4.38) where 0 S ~09A19~2,A3 S 1. Now 9 substituting (4.37) into (4.36)9 ~2 = Y1 1 - ).,3 (1-A2) Z + (1-A2)(1-~3) 1 - ).,3 (1-A ) Yl' (4.39) 2 Again substituting (4.39) into (4.35), Z = AIC1 - A3(1- A2)J (1-).1) (1- A2) (1- A3) 1 - A3 (1-A 2 ) - ).2(1-A 1 ) X + 1 - ~3(1-).,2) - ~2(1-).1) Y. Now, since Z, Y1 , and Y2 al11ie on the line joining X and Y, ~O ~l [1 - ~3 (1-A 2 >J == 1 - ).3(1-).2) - ).2(1-A1) Since flN(xl9x2) is convex over region 7 and the no-action region, and f 1N (Y 1 ) ~ ).2 f 1N(Z) + (1-~2)flN(Y2)' And since f 1N (xl,x2) is convex over region 6 and the no-action , region, fIN (Y 2) ~ A3 f IN (Y 1) + (1-).2) f IN (Y) . It_is observed that 1 - ).3(1-).2) and 1 - A3 (1-A 2 ) - A2(1-~1) are positive numbers. ... and f 1N (Y 2 ), Therefore, by substitution of flN(Y l ) 115 f1N(Z.) < AOflN(X) + But Z :::: "AOX + (l-AO)Y. (l-~O)flN(Y). Therefore~ f1N[AoX + (l-Ao)V] S AOflN(X) + (1-AO)f 1N (Y). Hence~ f 1N (xl,x2) is convex over regions 6~ 7~ and the no- action region. This concludes the proof that flN(Xl~x2) is convex over the whole positive quadrant of the (x 1 ,x 2 )-plane . ... -e 116 5. SUMMARY, CONCLUS IONS 3 AND RECOWtflENDAT IONS The purpose of this analysis was to find the optimal special sale, procurement, and transshipment policies in a multilocation inventory process with a double policy of selling, where each location can transship a certain amount of its surplus stock to another location, if it is profitable; also, each location can procure any amount it needs from a central warehouse. The principle of optimality was to find the policy that generated the minimum cost for the whole system, the revenue obtained from sale being interpreted as a negative cost. A stepwise technique was adopted successively to reach the local optimality. The cost function then was proved to be a convex function, thereby proving that a local minimum is equal to the global minimum. 5.1 Summary In Chapter 1, the multilocation system is defined, and a double-policy selling system is introduced to distinguish between special sale and regular sale and to study their interrelations. Chapter 2 deals with a two-location system with a double policy of sale. The random variable D(u) denoting the regu- lar demand is assumed to depend linearly on u, the amount sold during the last special sale. A IVleakage IV factor p is introduced and it is assumed that I-p proportion of goods -- 117 left unsold during a special sale will not be available during regular sale. In this system all costs are assumed to be proportional to the amount involved. For a given amount of transshipment t and stock level Yi~ the optimal special sale policy Zi(Yit) is derived? so that an amount zi(Yit) is allocated for regular sale and the rest for special sale. A triangle restriction on procurement and transshipment costs is introduced. Under the restriction~ if ci denotes unit cost of procurement from the central warehouse to location i and if c denotes unit cost of transshipment~ then Cl+C > c 2 and c2+c > cI' For a fixed amount of transshipment the optimal procurement policy is obtained. Then the optimal transshipment policy is obtained under the triangle restriction. Chapter 3 starts with an n-location system. Optimal spe- cial sale and procurement policies are obtained in a similar way as in Chapter 2. policies~ To derive the optimal transshipment only a three-location system is considered because of analytical complexities. shipment costs is introduced. A triangle restriction on transUnder this restriction? if Cij denotes unit cost of transshipment from location i to lothen cij+c jk > c ik for all iyj~k and i#jfk. Optimal transshipment policies are obtained under this triangle cation j~ restriction for the typical situations of starting stock levels. 118 In Chapter 4 9 the two-location single-stage process is generla11ized to an N-stage process. Only a particular para- A ) is considered to stuqy the 2 link between the single-stage and the N-stage process. Dy- metric structure (0 ~ A19 0 ~ namic programming technique is used to derive optimal policies. 5.2 Conclusions When the transshipment quantities are fixed the total cost of an n-location single-period system is separable in terms of the decision variables Yi and zi' Therefore, the optimal procurement and special sale policies can be derived independently for each location. For the two-location sys- tem, in particular, the optimal special sale policy for fixed procurement and transshipment is a function of Yi±t, the positive sign for the transshipped location and the negative sign for the transshipping location. The optimal procurement policy for fixed transshipment is of the form max(xi'Yi~ t), where Yi is a critical number depending on the demand distributions and cost parameters of location i. Optimal procurement and transshipment policies are intimately related because of the triangle restrictions, cl+c > c2 and c2+c > cl' In the positive quadrant of th~ (:KI,x2)-plane there exists a region called the "no-action" region. done. If point (x ,x ) lies in this region, nothing is l 2 If (x 1 ,x 2 ) lies outside this region, the boundary of the no-action region is reached by an optimal path. " That is, 119 when all ~he ma~ginal costs become nonnega~iwe and an equi- librium is reached with respect to all the decision variables. For a system with more than two locations p the situation is much more complex 9 although'the triangle restriction of transshipmen~ costs reduces to a great extent the number of de- cision variables (t ij ). Sometimes 9 to reach equilibrium with respect to all variables, one has to enter inside the twolocation 9 no-action region. For the two-location 9 N-period model 9 the structure of optimal procurement and transshipment policies is similar to the single-period case. When the optimal policy is only to procure at one location 9 the size of procurement for the single-period case does not depend on the relative position of initial stock at the other location 9 whereas for the Nperiod case 9 the size of procurement depends on the relative position (in region 2 or 3) of initial stock at the other location. It is noted that the stationarity assumption of p, q» and the demand distribution has never been used. of fact 9 As a matter all the results will follow with variable p and q and nonidentical demand distributions. Only the indepen- dence assumption is needed for demand variables from period to period 0 5.3 .Recommendations for Further Research 1. In a single-period process~ goods left unsold at the end of the period are disposed of with zero cost and zero customers who will buy from regular sale onlY9 and there are some who will buy from special sale only. ~e However, some customers will buy from regular sale unless the special sale is available. Here the interrelation between regular sale 121 and special sale is assumed by (2(t) alone. In these cases, the distribution functions become totally independent. 5. In the model used herein, procurement and trans- shipment are assumed to be instantaneous. An obvious exten- sion will be to introduce lead time between placing and receiving an order, and between initiating and receiving a transshipment. Lead times of ordering and transs'hipment may be different at each location and also may depend on the size of order and transshipment. $ e 122 6. LIST OF REFERENCES Allen, S. G. 1958. Redistributon of tot&l sto~k over several user locations. Naval Research Legist. Quart. 5(4):337-345. 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(7.1) Finding the partial derivatives of (7.1) is relatively simple except for the two terms ql(Yl+t-Zl»)¢l«(l)d~l (7.2) and 125 J CQ B "" Pl~l = {-r1P1z 1 + Sl«(1-P1zl)]¢1{(1 + ql(Yl+t-zl)]d~l • Jql(Yl+t)+(Pl-ql)zl (-r1P1z 1 - (Pl-ql)zlJ )fl$l <tl)d(l + sl~l - ql(y1+t) (7.3) 0 First 9 bAlbY1~ OA/bZ19 bB/~Y19 OBlbZJ. are computed and then substituted in Dlgl(Y19z19t) and D2g1(YIPz19t)0 q1(Yl+t)+(Pl-ql)Zl Jal rlqlf$l {(l)dCl - I"lqlPlzlfl$l(ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)Zl) "" rlql~l(ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zl] (7 4) - I"lq1P1z1fl$1(ql(y1+t) + (P1=ql)zl]' 0 .. + (PI-ql) [-rlPlz~ ¢l(ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zl) ~ -rlql~l{ql(YI+t) + (Pl-ql)zl) - (Pl-ql)r 1P 1zl¢1(q1(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)Zl) 0 (7 5) 0 CQ Jql(Yl+t)+(Pl-ql)zl -slql¢l«(l)d(l - ql(-rlPlzl)¢l{ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zl) "" -slql (1 - ~l [ql (Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zlJ) + I"lqlP1z1fd l [ql (Yl+t) + (Pl-q )z~o (7.6) 126 co J.Ql(Y1+ t )+(Pl-ql)zl t-I"lPl - sl (Pl-ql>] ¢l «(l)d(l - (Pl-ql)(-rlPlzl)¢I[Ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)Z] [-rIPI - sl(Pl-ql)](l - 0 1 [ql(Yl+t) = + (Pl-ql)zl]l + (Pl-<11)r 1P1zl¢ [qi (YI+t) + (Pl=ql)zl]' (7.7) Now considering (7.2), (7.3), (7.4), and (7.6), one has DIg l (}TpZ p t) Y +t-z = h~ + Ja ~ 1{h 1 - I"lP l(Yl+t-Ci)¢l[Pl(Yl+t) - (Pl-ql)CiJ l 00 + JPI * (y 1+t-«l) -(I"l+Sl)Pl¢l«l+qlCi)dCl + rlPI(Yl+t-(~)~l[Pl(Yl+t) - (Pl-ql)«~J)¢i«~)dC~ + S- +t-z 'IT .. dfl * = hI (-1"* 1 1 Ja* +t-z Y1 + 1 + bA bYl + hB)¢*«(*)dC* b32 1 I 1 (hI - (r1+s1)Pl + (1"l+sl)P I 0 1 [Pl(Yl+t) 1 - (P1=ql)CtJJ¢i(Ci)dCi + (-r~ - 8 1 <1 1 + (1"l+sl)q101[ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)Zl])[1 - 0t(Yl+t-zl~ . (7.8) Again considering (7 2), (7.3), (7.5), and (7.7), one has 0 D2 g I (y I ' Z 1 ' t) = S- Yl+t-z 1 = (1"i Cr I* + hI + + hI + sl q 1 - bA bz + bB)¢*«*)dC* Oz 1 I 1 (r 1+s 1 )Pl 127 + (~l+Sl)(Pl-ql)~l[ql(Yl+t) + (PI=ql)z~) ~ - ~i(Yl+t-zl~ := V1[Qil (Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zl)] [1 where V1(e) ~ Al + = 0t<Yl+t-z 1 >] (rl+s1)(Pl-ql)~l(9) * (7.9) and ( ) Pl· rl+sl A1 -- r 1 + hI + sl q l - Differentiating (7.9) with respect to Yl yields D 11g 1 (Yl»zl~ t) := Yl+t-z 1 Sa* (rl+sl)p~951[PI (y 1+t) - (Pl-ql) (~Jfdi(tt>dCi 1 + {hI - (rl+sI)Pl + (rl+sl)pl~l[ql(Yl+t) + (PI-Ql)zl]) x 951 (y I +t-z 1 ) - (-r! - slql + (rl+sl)ql0l[ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zl]J x + ¢r (y I +t-z ) 1 (r 1+s 1 )q!fd l [ql(Yl+ t y +t-z := J~ a1 ) + (Pl-ql)zlJ 1(rl+sl)p'951~1(Yl+t) - II - ~t(Yl+t-zl~ (Pl-ql)CiJ~i(~t)d«i + V1[ql (yI+t)+ (Pl-ql)zlJ fdi(y1+t-z 1 ) + (r1+s1)qi¢l[ql (y1+t) + (P 1 - q l)zl] [1 - ~~(Yl+t-Zl)J . (7.10) Differentiating (7.9) with respect to Yl yields := -vlql (y1+t) + [I + (Pl-ql)Zllfd~(YI+t-Zl) * bVI [ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zl] - 0ICYI+t-zl~S-uYI . "" -V1[ql (YI+t) + '(Pl-ql) z ll f6tCYl+t-zl) "\ 128 + h·1+s 1 ) (Pl=ql)q 19J 1 [ql(Yl+t) + (Pl=Ql) z llll - 0r CY l+t-Z l )] . (7.11) Differentiating (7.9) with respect to zl yields :: V1[ql (y 1+t) + (P1-ql)zlJ ¢~ (y 1 +t-z l ) + := [1 * 1 r ] - 01(Yl+t-zl~ bV r--~l(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)zl uZl V1 [ql(Yl+t) + (Pl-ql)Z1]¢r(Yl+t=Z1) + (1"1+ 8 1) (Pl-ql)2¢I[ql (YI+t) + (PI-ql)zlJ [1 - 0r(Yl+t-Zl~ . (7.12) = D2 g 1 (u I ,z1) D3GN(UIPU2pZ1,z2,t) + D3 F N (u 1 ,u 2 ,zl,z2,t) [1 - 0r (u1-z l )] VIN [ql u 1 = + (Pl-ql)zl,q2 u 2 + (P2- Q2)z2]' where :: Al + (rl+s 1 )(Pl-ql)0 1 (9 1 ) + (Pl=ql)~J X * 2 -C;) Ja JP2(u * DlflN-l[9-Cl,P2(u2-C2)C2] a 2 - q 2C2 u -z 9 1 * al l fb 2 «(2 +q2 C;) d (2 + (1 - O2 [P2 u 2 - (P2- q 2)(;Jl DlflN-l(91-Cl'O) X 9$1 «1)dC1¢~«~)d(; (PI=~l>~ + . [1 = ~2(u2=z2~ 9 9 al a2- Q2(Y2-z 2) 129 J1 J2 X DIflN=1(81=(lge-«2)~2«2)dC2 + [1 = ~2(92~ DlflN-l(91-(190»)~1(Cl)d(1 ~ Al + (rl+sl-acl)(Pl-ql)~1(91)' =: =: (7.13) D2g2(u29Z2) + D4F N(ul,u2,Zl,z2,t) [1 = f); (u 1 -z 1 )] V 2N [q1u 1 + (P1- Ql)Zp Q2 u 2 + (P 2 - Q2)z21, where =: A 2 + (r2+ s 2)(P2-Q2)f)2(9 2 ) u1-zl 9 2 [ P1(U 1 + (P2=Q2)aJ * a S S a2 1 -(V * a1-ql(1 X D 2 f 1N=llpl (U 1 -Cr>-Cl,9 2 (2] + (1 - 01 [Plul X fli 1 <<<l+Ql<<i)dCl (Pl-ql)(IJ1D2flN-l(O,e2-C2)] = ¢2«(2)dC2¢t<<<i)dCi * + (P2- Q2)a ~ - f)l(ul-zl~J J &.2 al 92 91 X D2flN-l(91-«1,92-(2)~1«(1)d«1 + ~ - 01(el~D2flN-l(O,92-(2)}¢1«2)d«2 ~ A2 + (r2+s2-ac2)(P2-Q2)02(92)' (7.14) 130 . = Dlgl(ulPZl) + DIF2N(UI9U2,Zl,z2pt) * = hI Ja* ul-zl + (hI - (r1+s1)Pl + (rl+s1)P101[PluI 1 - (Pl-ql)CrJ)~t(Ci>d(r + [-Jrr - sl QI + (T 1 +s 1 )Q 1 0 1 (9 1 )J[1 - 0~(UI-ZI)J + SU1-Z1SU2-Z2[ * * aI al P1(U.1-4i)JP2(U2-(~) ~ Ja1-Q1Cl* * D f PI 1 IN-1 a 2 - q 2(2 -t;> -~2] f6 I «(1+q1 (~> d (If62 (t2 +q2 ~;>d (2 * PI (ul-Ct> (P 2 - Q2)(2]JJ * ~PIDIflN-l X [PI (u 1 - (i> - (l,P2 (u 2 + (1 - ° 2 [P2 u 2 - X [Pl(ul-(!) - * a 1 -q 1 CI C1 ,OJf6I(Cl+ql(r)dC~9Ji(Cr)dCrf62«(~)dC; Ja * 2[ Jal91JaP2(u2-C;) * a.q 1D1 f 1N - I - q 2(2 U2- Z + [I - 0 1 (u1 -z 1)] 2 1 X [9 1 -(1)>P2(u2-C;)-(219J 1 (CI)d(1f62«2+q2C;)c;l(2 + {I - O2 [P2 u 2 - . + * [1 - 02(U2-Z2~J X [PI (uI- C~) - [1 - X 91 aqlDlflN-I al '(9 1 -C 1 ,O){li1 «1>0(IJ ¢;«;)dC; X + (P2- Q 2>C;JJS 9J 2 (9 2 )J UI-Zl[ P (ul-Ci) 92 Ja1-QlCl* Ja * al aPIDlfIN-l 2 «i ' 9 2 - C2] 9J 1 ( Cl+qI ci> 0 (19J 2 ( (2) d (2 JPl(u1-ci> a.P1D 1f IN-l [PI i a 1- Ql C "" ( *) *1..1* "'I (1 +ql (1 dCIJ "'I (*) (1 d (1* * (u I - (I> - (1,0 ] 131 (7.15) D2GN(UIsU2sZI9z2st) = DIG2(u2sz2) = h; + u2Ja:41 z2 + D2F2N(u19u29z1sz2st) {h 2 - (r2+ s 2) P2 + (r 2 +s2) P2 0 2LP2u 2 - (P2- q 2) (~J 1 X~;«(;>d(; + [-r; - s2 q2 + (r2+s~202(92~ [1 - 0;(u2-z2~ + u 1 -z 1 u 2 -z 2 [ PI (u1-Ci> P2 (u2-C~) * * * a - Q2 C2* aP2D2flN-l al a2 a 1- q l(1 2 X [Pl(u1-(i)-ClsP2(u2-(;)-C2J~1«(1+q1(i)d(1~2«(2+q2(;)d(2 S J J, J * + {I - 01 [P 1u 1 - (P1-Q1)(1JJS P 2 (U 2 -(;) * a2·~q2C2 X [09P2(u2-(;)-(2] ¢2«2+ Q 2 C;>d(2] + [1 - 0*(~-z2)J U aP2D2f1N-1 ¢t«(i>d(tfl$~«(~)d(2 1-Z 1[ PI (ul-Ct> 92 S lie S al a1-q1(! .. Ja2 aq2D2flN-l x [PI (u1-(1) - (1 99 2 - (2] fD l «(1+QI (1) d (1f2$2 «2) d(2 + (1 - 0ILP1ul - (PI-ql)(!J1J x (0,9 2- (2)f2$2 «(2) d C2J * ., e X [9 1-(1' P2 (u2 - Ja 2* a2 aQ2D2f1N-l ¢t (ct> d ct u2- z 2 + [1 - 0 1 (u 1-z 1 )] 92 * 9 1 P2(u2-(2) Sal Ja2-q2C2* ap J D2 f lN-l C;> - (2J f2$1 ('I)d'1¢2 «(2+ q2 ,;) d (2 ·e 132 + [1 - ~l(el~ { 2 (1Ul2= C~) * 1al.2~<C1l2C2 * aP2D2flN-l [O$P2(u2-t2)-(2] ¢2«(2+q2~~)d(~¢;(C;)d(~ x * x ~ - 02(u2-z2~ [J9 1J92aQ2D2flN-l(9l-(1,92-C2) a1 a2 X (lil «1)dC 1l'6 2 (C 2 )d(2 + [1 - 0 1 (9 1 )J x (O,9 2 -(2)fli 2 «(2)d(2] • X [9 1 - (1' P2 (u2- t;) - + {I - ~2lp2u2 2 -C!2 + {I - - (P2- Q 2> J a2 [1 - 9)2 (9 2 91 Sal )J J 92 a2 * fli l (a 1 >]fli;(C;)dC; DllflN=1(al-(1,a2-(2) DllflN-l (9 1-(1'°) fli 1 « 1 )d(1 DlfN=1(0$a2-(2)¢2(C2)dC2 + [1 - O2 (9 2 )J D1f IN-l (0,0) ¢1 (a l ) ~ (PI-Ql) (rl+sl- ac l)¢1(al) + a(Pl-ql)J u2- z 2 * a2 91 Jal (u2- C;> JP2 * DllflN-l [e l -Cl,P2(u2 -t 2 )-Ci! ¢2<C2+q~2)d(2 a2- 2C2 lie X[ fli 1 «(1)q(1 2( C2+ Q 2 (2) d C2 C;J )JD 1 f 1N - 1 (0,0) * 92 Q (P2-q2)C;J)D11f1N-1(91-(1'0~ - ¢'2(C2 )d(2 + P2 c21 ¢~ (2+ q 2 C;) d (2 + a(Pl-ql) [1 - 02(u2-z2~ X Ja 1 Ua2-(u2-(~) * D11f1N-l 2C2 Ja2* C ~2[P2u2 Ial aq2D2flN-1 U2-Z 2 [) 9 1 * JP2(u2-C:> D l f N - 1 [ 0 $P2 (u2 - (2) -(21fli ; a + 91 (7.16) = (rl+sl)(Pl-ql)¢1(9 1 ) + a(Pl-Q1) + ~~(U1-z1~ [! - + Q Ie 133 + (1 - f'2[P2 u 2 - (P2- q 2) X + J ~1(Cl)d(1~;«;)d(; ~(Pl-ql)[l X (~J}Dl1flN-l (9 1-(1,0) - f';(U2-Z2)JS91[S92DllflN_1(91-Cl,92-C2) al a2 ~2«2)d(2 + [1 - f'2(9 2)] DllflN-l(91-(l,0)J~1(Cl)d(1 ~ 0. (7.17) = (r2+s2)(P2-q2)~2(92) + ~(P2-q2)J X UI-Zl a * CJ92 [rP 1 (ul-Ci) J_ * . D22flN-l a l 2 a 1 -q 1 C1 [PI (u 1-Ci)-Cl,9 2-(2)] ~l «1+Q1Ci)dC1 + (1 - f'l[Plul - (Pl-Ql)(iJ)D22flN-1(0,92-~2)J~2(<<2)d(2 . * - C,O]~l«l+ql(l)d(1 * '-pI (ul- Ci) + [ J~ * D2 f 1N - l [P1(ul-Cl) a1- q l( + (1 - f'l Pl u l - (Pl-q1)Ci + ~(P2-q2) [1 -."~~(UI-Zl)J [S92[S91D22flN_l (9 1-C 1 ,9 2 -(2) a2 X + )D2flN-l(0,0)J~2(92)J~r«i)d(r ~l ('I)d(l + [1 - f'1 (91)]D22flN-l (O,92-(2)J~2(C2)d(2 [J91D2fIN_1(91-(1,O)~I«1)d(l a1 X al + [1 - f'1(9 1)] D2flN-l(0,0)J~2(92)J ~ (P2-q2)(r2+s2-ac2)~2(92) + d(P2- Q2) X Jua 1*-z 1Ja292[~1(Ul-(i) J~ * a - QlCI 1 l D22flN-l[Pl (ul-(t)-«1,92-(2J~1«(I+ QlCi)d(1 + (1 - f'1[P 1U1 - (P1-Ql)(iJ}D22flN-l(0,92-(2)J~2('2)dC2 X ~i«i)d(i + ~(P2·Q2)[1 - f'i(u1-z 1 )] J92[ Sa91D22f1N~1(91=~1992-~2>¢1(~1)d~1 x 8.2 1 + [1 = 01 (91)J D22 f IN-l (0 9 92=~2D ~ O. = (P1=q1) ~2 (<<2) d (2 (7.18) ~ * flJ2(u2-z2~ ~J - 9 1 92 J al a 2 D12flN-l(91-~1,92-(2) (7.19) x ¢1«(1)d(1¢2«(2)d'2' DIV 2N (e I' e2) == _ * 2> [1 - flJ1(u1-z1~ (P2- Q aJa1 Ja1D12f1N-l(91-'l,92-(2) 91 92 X l'lS1 (~I) d (1 fl5:2 ( (2) d (2 . 7.3 zl When * Jaul*(h1 - hI + (7.20) First and Second-order Derivatives =: - (r1+s1)Pl + (r1+sl)P101LPlul - (Pl-ql)(~]) 1 X fbt(Ci)d~i + L-,rt - slql + (rl+sl)q l 9J 1 (QlU1)][1 - 0i(ul~ + UlSU2[SPl(Ul-«I>JP2(U2-C;> Ja * a * al-Ql'l* a2- q 2(2* aPIDlflN-l 1 2 X [PI (uI-Ci)-Cl,P2 (u2-C;)-Cil l'lS1 ('l+Ql + (1 - 02[P2 u 2 - ,i) PI (ulQ (P2- 2)(2J1J al-QlCl CV d (Il'lS2 <C2+ Q2C;)dC2 * ~PIDlflN-l 135 )( [PI (u 1 -Cr>-C!1 0 J95 1 «1+ql(t)d(~¢t«(t)d,rfl$~(C~)d(2 * + [1 - 0 1 (u I )] u2 [ <11u 1 P2 (u2 - (2) S a2 Ja Ja - Q2 C2 :$ 1 a.qlDlflN-l 2 x [QIuI-Cl,P2(u2-C;>-C21¢1 (41)d(1!D2<'2+ Q2,;>d(2 136 x + [1 - x C;> - (2J 9J 1 «(1) d€1fl$2 (~2+q2 (2) d (2 P2(U 2 - e2 ) * 01 (q1u 1 )] S * a,P2D2flN-1[OyP2(u2-(2)-42] [q1ul- i1 ,P2 (u2- a 2 - q 2 42 fj$2 «(2+ q 2 C;>d (2 ]9J; (C;) d 4; ~ Ja* (rl+sl-acl)Pl¢l~lul Ul (Pl-ql)~~¢i(~i)d(i - 1 + [AI + (rl+sl-acl)(Pl-ql)01(q1ul~¢t(Ul) + ~ - 0t(ul~ (rl+sl-acl)¢l(qlul) U1 U + S *S 2 2[SPl (ul-Ci) SP2 (u2-C;) aPID11f1N-l al a~ a2- q 2(2 al-qlti x [PI (ul- ~t> - (1' P2 (u 2 - «;) -'2]¢ l( «I +ql ct> d Cl¢2 «2+ q 2 C;> d «2 + {I - O2 [P2 u 2 - * (P 2- q 2) '2]J SP 1 (U 1 -C 2 i )a.PIDllflN-l * al-ql(1 x [PI (U 1 -'!>-'I'O] ¢1 «l+qlCVd,J ¢!(C!)dC!¢;«;)d«; J U2 SqlUlSP2(U2-C2) * 2 * * * aq1DllflN-l + ~ - 01(ul~ a2 a1 a2- q2 t 2 X [ql u l-'1,P2(u 2 -';>-'2J ¢l ('1)dC I ¢2(C2 +q2,;>d(2 * SqlUI 2 (P 2 - q 2> C2 J) a,qlDllflN-l (q 1 u 1 -'I'O) a1 + (1- O2 [P 2 u 2 X ¢l«(I)dCJ¢;(~;)d,; + [1 - X + IU1* w~Pl(Ul-(i>Sq2U2 * . a l - Ql ' l al 2 <lP ID 11f 1N - 1 a2 [PI (uI-'l) -(1, Q2 u 2-'2] ¢l ('l+Ql ,i)d '1115 2 ('2)d '2 [1 - O2 (Q2 u 2)J X + * O2 (u 2 ) ] Pl(ul-C!> S * * 2 a,PIDllflN-l[Pl(ul-'l)-Cl,OJ al-qlCl ¢1«1+Q1C~)d'~¢i(Ci>d'i * * ~ - 01(ul~ [1 - 02(u2~ rsQlUlsQ2U2 L al a2 2 a,QlDllflN-l X [q l u l -'1,q2 u 2-'2] (til (C l )d'1¢2«2)d'2 ... ~ 13& ~ (7.23) O. D22WN(Ul~U2) ~ IU:(r2+S2-Ctc2)P~9i2[P2U2 - (P2- Q2) ,;Jr&;(,;)dC; a2 + [A 2 + . (r 2 +5 -a.c 2) (P2 -q2) O2 (Q2u 2)] 2 0; (u 2 ) + [1 - ~;(u2~ (r 2 +s 2 -a.c 2 )¢2(Q2 u 2) rrl'l (u 1- (i) SP2 (U2- C;) 2 * a - Q2 C2* a.P2 D22flN-1 Q1'1 2 1 2 U1JU2 + Ja * a *~_a 1 X ~1(UI-CI)-€l~P2(U2-C~)-C~¢1(Cl+ql(i)d'1¢2«2+q2C;)d(2 (P1- q l) + (1 - 01 [PI u 1 X * P2(U2-C;) 2 (iJ }J q * a.p D22 f IN-1 a2- 2(2 [0, P2 (U2-C;) - C2J!ZS2< C2+ Q2 (2) d'~ * + [1 - ~2 (u 2 flli (,r)d ,r¢; «;)d (; U SUI SPl(Ul-Ci>sQ2 2 2 )] * * a.<12D22f 1N-l . aI- q l(l al a2 X [PI (ul-ci>-C19Q2u2-'2J¢1 «1+<1 1 ,i)dC 1 ¢2 C'2)dC 2 (PI- 2 1)CiD + (1 - 01[Plul - X + Q2 U2 Sa 2 a.q~D22flN-l(0,Q2U2-€2) l * ('1) It: * 9J 2 «2) d '2_l'l del [1 - * P2(u2-«~) rU2 iiI (uI>] J *J * a 2 - q 2(2 a2 2 ap 2D22 f IN-l . X [qlul-(19P2(u2-(;)-'~¢ICCl)d41¢2(42+Q2,;)d'2 .~. + [1 - i'1(q1u 1 >] X ¢2 ('2+ Q2 . ;> a.P2D22flN=I[09P2(U2-'2)-(2] 2 * P2(u2- C S .* a 2 - Q 2'2 ,;> d (2J ¢; (,;>d ,; ~o. (7,24) D12WN (u 1 ~ u 2 > U1 U2 P1 (U1-Ci)SP2(U 2 -(;) ; r *I * J a1 a2 X a1 * - q l'1 .• a2-q2~2 D f a.P IP2 12 1N-1 [P1(U1-,i)-'l,P2(U2-(~)-'2J¢1('1+q1,i)d'1¢2('2+q2,~)d,2 )( ¢*(to*)di'*¢*(i'*)di'* 1 ~1 ~l 2 ~2 ~2 * u2 QlU1tp2(U2-C;> + [1 - 0I (Ul)JI J_ a.q lP2D12 f lN-l a~ al a2- q 2€; I x [qlu l - '1,P2 (U 2 - (2) - '2]¢1 ('1) d(1¢2 ('2+ q 2 ,;) d '2 ¢; (,;)d «; * + [1 - O2 (U2)JJ ul al Pl(ul-,i> Q2 u 2 Ja1-Ql'1* Ja 2 a.P IQ2Dl2 f lN-l [PI (ul'!>-'l,Q2 U 2-'2]¢1 (41+C!lti)d'1!7J2('2)d'2 ¢t<,i>d,r * * qlul q2 u 2 + [1 - 01 (u l >] ~ - 01 (u 2 )]J a. QlQ2D12 f lN-l al a2 x [Q 1u 1 -'1,Q2 u 2-(2]¢1 <Cl)dC1¢2(C2)d'20 (7.25) X I It is assumed that·c < min(K l ,K 2 )° In the two-location single-period model, if c > \K I -K 2 !, as Let hj+hj xI~. = Kj , j=1,2. the curve c - D1W 1 (Xl) + Dl W2 (x2) ::: 0 becomes asymp- totically parallel to the x1-asix at x~ such that c + K1 + DIW2(x~) = 0, and as x2~. the curve c + D1W1(xI) - D1W2 (x2) = 0 becomes asymptotically parallel to the x2-axis at xi such that c + DIW 1 (Xl) - K2 = O. Therefore, if (x ,x ) lies in region 6, l 2 Xl - t ~= Lt Xl ~1lO Hence, Lt xI~. DI f (Xl ,x 2 ) - ~K D2 f(xl,x2) ~Kl - c. If (x l ,x 2 ) lies in region 7, t --.xr x2 - t ~(O. Xl + Hence, Lt x2'~co DIf(XI,X2)~K2 D 2 f(x l - c ,x 2 )--.,.K 2 • If c < IK 1 -K 2 1, suppose Kl > K2 , then K2-Kl < c < KI-K2. Let K2 +c = Ki and K2 -c = K~. Then there exists a pair of num- .( * < --) bers -Xl and Xl* ,Xl Xl such that c - D1W l (Xl ) + K2 = 0 and c + C1W1(xi) - K2 = 0, and the curves c-D I WI (xI)+D I W2 (x2) = 0 and C+DIWl(Xl)-DlW2(x2) = 0 become asymptotically parallel to the x 2 axis at Xl and x~, respectively. Then Xl - t~il x2 + t~. Therefore, Dif (xl,x2) ~ + K2 D2 f (Xl ,x2) ~K2 fl 1&9 · f) f, .. xl + -t~:Xl* x2 t-->-= = Therefore~ D1f (xl ,x 2 ) ~K2 - c D f (xl ,x ) ->K 2 2 2 Similarly, if K 2 > KI , then Dif (x 1 ,x 2 ) ~l D2f(xl,x2)~Kl - c D1f (xl,x2) ~KI D2f(xl,x2)~c .) + Kl In any case, xl~. Lt Lt x2~. D f(x ,x ) > 0, D2 f(x l ,x 2 ) > 0 1 2 1 D2 f(x 1 ,x 2 ) > 0, D2 f(xl'x 2 ) > O. Figure 7 1 shows the no-action region in the limiting 0 cases 0 In the two-location N-period model it is assumed that Lt xl~=' DlflN-l(xl,x2)~K1N-1> 0 D2 f 1N - 1 (Xl,x2)--.KIN-l > 0 Lt x2~.' D2flN-l(xl,x2)~K2N-l> 0 DlflN_l(xl,x2)~K;N-1 > 0 From (7 21) and (7.22) and these assumptions, 0 Lt xl ~=, D1WN (x 1 ,x 2 ) .~Kll + a,PIK IN - l ;:; KIN> 0 Lt x2 ~., D2WN (x l ,x 2 ) ~K22 + aP2K2N-l ;:; K2N > 0 = *.) where K1l ;:; hl+ht and K22 h2+h~. Now~ if c > IK1N -K2N I there exists a pair of numbers x~ and x; such that as xl~=' the curve c-D l WN (xl,x2)+D 2WN (xl,x2) ;:; 0 becomes asymptotically parallel to the Xl-axis at X; and " .. . ) e 21 ( Y2 1 I -t" Y1 Y'1 Y c :> IK 1 -K 2 1 Figure 7.1 Y'21 ,,.. Y21 I Y1 r e t ". Y1 c < !K1-K21 K1 > K 2 Y21 f Y2' , I Y1 Yi ~ e c < IK 1 -K2 1 K < K 1 2 Limiting cases of the no-action region J-I ~ ¢>\,3 f I4-r * :: KIN> lie DlfIN(xpx2) ~DIWN(xI~·) 0 D2flN(xlyx2) ~D2WN(Xi~QO) :::: K2N :> 0 Similarly if K2N > KIN' * Lt xI~QO, DlfIN(xl,x2)~DIWN(QO,x2) = KIN :> 0 D2fIN(XI,x2)~D2WN(QO,x;) = K* Lt x2~QO, DlflN(xlyX2)~DlWN(QO,x2) = D2flN(xl,x2) ~D2WN(QO,i2) :::: The recurrence relations and y KIN :::: KIl + ap1K lN - 1 K 2N = K22 + aP2K2N-l give (aPl)N-1 I - <lPl 1 - tl(N-2) :::: . .,1... ... • :: 1 - ( elP 2)N-2 -~--=-- I - a.P 2 :> 0
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