/ . Embryol. exp. Morph. Vol. 31, 1, pp. 75-87, 1974 Printed in Great Britain 75 Germ cell migration in toad (Bufo bufo): effect of ventral grafting of embryonic dorsal regions ByPIERO P. GIORGI1 From the Institute of Zoology, University of Bologna, Italy SUMMARY Bufo bufo embryos were used at the tail-bud stage for the grafting of two different dorsal regions (cephalic and caudal tracts) into the ventral side of the embryo (cf. Fig. 1). Germ cell localization was studied at the beginning of larval life. The results seem to confirm the original finding of Gipouloux (1970) who suggested that in anurans germ cells migrate under the attraction of a substance produced by the dorsal mesodermal tissues. The attractive action of dorsal tissue was confined to the caudal region of the embryo. In operated specimens the migration of germ cells was drastically altered. The genital ridges of host embryos were almost sterile, while numerous germ cells appeared associated with caudal grafts. A considerably smaller number of germ cells was associated with cephalic grafts. About 80 % of germ cells associated with caudal grafts were present at the same levels where a well-developed dorsal mesentery was also present. It is suggested that the formation of the dorsal mesentery plays a morphogenetic role in segregating primordial germ cells from other endodermal cells and contributes to their final localization in the genital ridges. INTRODUCTION In anuran amphibians the early localization of primordial germ cells and their migration into the genital ridges have been described in detail (Bounoure, 1939; Bladder, 1958) and confirmed by experimental studies (Bladder & Fischberg, 1961; Padoa, 1963; Smith, 1966). For a review see Bladder (1970). During cleavage the 'germinal cytoplasm' (Bounoure, 1939; Smith, 1966; Czolowska, 1969; Mahowald & Hennen, 1971) becomes localized in a number of endodermal cells, which will be situated deep within the endodermal material later at the neurula stage. During the following developmental stages these primordial germ cells migrate towards the dorsal side of the embryo and form a medial ridge under the dorsal mesodermal tissue. As the formation of the dorsal mesentery takes place, the primordial germ cells leave the endodermal ridge and reach their final localization at each side of the dorsal root of the mesentery. This last stage of migration has been studied and discussed previously (Vannini & Giorgi, 1969). 1 Author's address: Station de Zoologie Experimental, Universite de Geneve, 154 Route de Malagnou, 1224 Geneve, Switzerland. 76 P. P. G I O R G I Fig. 1. Grafting of dorsal regions into the ventral side of Bufo bufo embryos at tail-bud stage, d, donor embryo; h, host embryo; gr, graft. The embryonic dorsal tissue situated between the primordium of the pronephros and the base of the tail-bud was divided into its caudal half (A) and cephalic half (B) for two different experimental groups. The aim of this work was to study the mechanism of germ cell migration throughout the endodermal tissue. Gipouloux (1970) first worked on this problem in a number of anurans, providing evidence that primordial germ cells actively migrate under the attractive influence of the dorsal mesodermal tissue. After extirpation and grafting experiments, Gipouloux (1970) showed that notochord, Wolffian duct and somites are co-operatively responsible for the attraction of germ cells. The present experimental study aimed to confirm the hypothesis formulated by Gipouloux and to provide further information on this problem. In particular this study was designed to find out if the attractive effect is limited to a certain region of the dorsal embryonic tissue. Particular emphasis was given to the establishment of an experimental situation in which the extra dorsal region grafted ventrally would be sufficiently complete and natural to oppose that of the host embryo acting in the opposite direction. MATERIAL AND METHODS Bufo bufo embryos were obtained in the laboratory from adult couples captured in nature during the mating season. The operation (Fig. 1) was performed at the tail-bud stage (stage III-l of Cambar & Gipouloux, 1956) with micropins and hair loops in commercial spring water (Cerelia, Bologna) without the use of antibiotics. The dorsal region of the donor embryos was taken between the primordium of the pronephros and the base of the tail-bud. The anterior half of this region was used as a cephalic graft (Fig. 1B), the posterior as a caudal graft (Fig. 1 A). A small cut was made in the ventral region of the host embryo and the graft was gently placed inside in such a way that it was held by the host body wall until healing. Particular care was taken not to introduce 11 Germ cell migration in toad Table 1. Cephalic grafts Germ cell counts and graft length. The protocol numbers correspond to those used in Fig. 2. The number of germ cells present in the genital ridges of control specimens was about 80. Protocol number of specimens Length of the graft Om) Germ cells Germ cells associated with in the host's genital ridges the graft 52 a 52b 52 d 52e 52 f 52 h 52 i 521 52m 52 n 53 c 55a 55 b 55c 55d 55e 55g 55 h 55i 551 55 m 55 n 56i 650 650 870 1000 1000 650 1050 450 1070 900 620 650 500 420 800 800 670 650 900 770 620 650 1350 2 — — 9 — 2 1 2 6 1 7 — 1 3 — — 1 — — — 6 — — 8 4 6 3 21 13 — 4 3 6 21 17 7 10 — 4 4 2 1 13 6 6 16 Average 769 2 8 endodermal cells from the donor embryo into the host embryo and not to lose those of the latter. After healing of the wound, the embryos developed in tap water until stage IV1 (the beginning of larval life) when they were fixed in Bouin's liquid, embedded in wax, cut in transverse serial sections of 10 /an and stained with Mayer's haemalum-eosin. The location of germ cells was analysed in each section and recorded in diagrammatic form, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Control specimens were taken from the same spawn and fixed at the same developmental stage. RESULTS Among 43 embryos operated, 5 extruded the graft, while the other 38 reached stage IV1 with a well-grown graft. 78 P. P. GIORGI Table 2. Caudal grafts Germ cell counts, graft length and relative position of germ cells and dorsal mesentery. The protocol numbers correspond to those used in Fig. 3. The number of germ cells present in the genital ridges of control specimens was about 80. Germ cells associated with the graft c Protocol number of specimens Length of the graft Om) Total At the same levels where a dorsal mesentery was present 54 a 54 b 54 c 54 d 54e 54 f 54 g 56a 56b 56c 56d 56e 56 h 561 56 m 1750 1000 1000 1870 1250 820 650 970 1250 1370 1070 450 850 1470 1450 7 54 10 12 16 29 9 8 6 10 30 1 4 25 55 7 43 6 12 16 29 9 8 4 — 20 —. .—. 23 52 —•— 7 5 —10 2 7 9 5 13 1148 18 15 5 Average Germ cells in the host's genital ridges — • 8 4 5 General features of the graft Only occasionally did the organs of the graft appear deformed and incomplete, especially at its terminal sides, but generally the neural tube, the notochord, dorsal muscles and mesenchyme were present and their aspect was similar to that of the host (Figs. 4, 5, 6,7). The renal system presented a different situation. The pronephros often developed within the cranial grafts (Fig. 6). In this type of graft the Wolffian duct was large and hydropic, because of the absence of a cloacal drain. No renal organ was present in the caudal grafts. At the time of the operation in fact, the growing Wolffian duct had not yet reached the caudal region. Without the stimulus of this organ, the competent mesoderm does not differentiate into mesonephric tubules, as already shown in Bufo bufo by Vannini & Giorgi (1969). The presence of an extra dorsal region in the ventral side of the embryo affected the normal development of the intestinal coils. The dorsal mesentery was not always present under the graft. It is worth noting (Tables 1 & 2) that the average length of the caudal grafts (1150/tm) was found to be noticeably higher than that of the cranial grafts (770 /OTI), although the length of the two types of graft was the same at the time Germ cell migration in toad 52 e 55 c 52 f 79 55 a Fig. 2. Cephalic grafts. Some examples of germ-cell localization in control specimens (C) and experimental embryos. The latter are indicated by their protocol numbers (at the top) which correspond to those used in Table 1. For each experimental embryo the localization of germ cells in both genital ridge (H) and graft (G) are illustrated. The genital ridges of control specimens (C) and host embryos (H) were screened from the level of the cloaca (bottom of the diagram) until the cephalic end of the organ (top of the diagram). The beginning of the genital ridge (somatic elements) at caudal levels is represented by a baseline block which continues throughout the diagram; the presence of germ cells is represented by parallel blocks, their height being proportional to the number of germ cells. The aim of the diagrams is to provide a visual pattern of germ-cell localization. A precise quantitation of these elements is given in Table 1. The grafts (G) were screened throughout their length. The relative position between the graft and the host's genital ridge in the embryo is maintained in this representation. The diagrams of grafts (G) contain blocks for germ cells, but no baseline block for somatic elements, which were missing. 80 P. P. G I O R G I 54 b 54 f 56 m 561 H G Fig. 3. Caudal grafts. Some examples of germ-cell localization in control specimens (C) and experimental embryos. The latter are indicated by their protocol number (at the top) which corresponds to those used in Table 2. For each experimental embryo the localization of germ cells in both genital ridge (H) and graft (G) are illustrated. For further explanations cf. Fig. 2. The vertical dashed lines alongside the diagrams of grafts (G) indicate the presence of a dorsal mesentery associated with the graft. 81 Germ cell migration in toad FIGURES 4-7 Transverse sections of experimental embryos bearing different types of grafts: Dorsal tissue of the host embryo: H. Grafted dorsal tissue: G. Germ cells: gc. H 0-5 mm Fig. 4. Caudal graft. Two groups of germ cells are localized underneath the grafted tissue on each side of a dorsal mesentery. of the operation (Fig. 1). Probably this is due to the fact that the process of axial elongation takes place mainly in the posterior (caudal) half of the embryo. Effect of the graft upon the gonad of the host The number of germ cells present in the genital ridges of the control specimens was about 80, which is normal at stage IV1. The higher concentration of germ cells in the cephalic region of the gonad (Figs. 2 and 3, control specimens) is typical of Bufo and represents the first stage of differentiation of the Bidder's organ, an abortive ovary present in both sexes (Witschi, 1933). Tables 1 and 2 show a striking decrease in the number of germ cells present in the genital ridges of the host embryos, without any significant difference seen (l EM B 3 1 82 P. P. G I O R G I Fip. 5. Caudal graft. A group of germ cells associated with the graft. Note the presence of a dorsal mesentery. between individuals bearing a cephalic graft and those with a caudal one. No specific localization of these germ cells was detected (Figs. 2 and 3). The genital ridges of six experimental specimens were completely devoid of germ cells. In view of the problem of the relative role played by germinal and somatic cells in the differentiation of the gonad (Burns, 1955) attention has been given to the cephalo-caudal distribution of the somatic cells of these sterile gonads. It was observed that the Bidderian (cephalic) region of the sterile gonads was always formed by a number of somatic cells larger than that of the true (caudal) genital region (Figs. 8C, D). In control specimens (Figs. 8A, B) the Bidderian region of the gonad was also formed by a larger number of both somatic and germinal cells. The same phenomenon was already reported by Di Grande (1968) in a different experimental situation, and it is in line with the view that primary gonad differentiation is expressed in the somatic cells (Vannini & Sabbadin, 1954; Witschi, 1956). 83 Germ cell migration in toad Fig. 6. Cephalic graft. The grafted tissue included part of the primordium of pronephros and of a limb. No germ cells. Attraction of germ cells by the graft The number of cells associated with cephalic grafts (Table 1) was considerably lower than that of cells associated with caudal grafts (Table 2). As pointed out in the previous paragraph, at the stage when experimental animals were studied caudal grafts were longer than the cephalic ones. Thus it could be possible that the number of germ cells attracted by the grafts was related to their length. But an analysis of individual cases (cf. Tables 1 and 2) does not favour this hypothesis, showing no correlation between these two parameters. The dorsal mesentery seems to be of some importance in the mechanism of germ-cell migration of anurans (Bounoure, 1939; Sabbadin, 1959). Therefore the relationship between the presence of a dorsal mesentery in the graft and the presence of germ cells was considered. This study was carried out only in the group bearing caudal grafts, because the small number of germ cells associated with cranial grafts did not allow a significant analysis. As shown in Table 2 and 6-2 84 P. P. G I O R G I Fig. 7. Cephalic graft. Well-developed dorsal tissue in the graft. No germ cells. Fig. 3, a very large percentage (83 %) of germ cells associated with the grafts were localized at those levels where a dorsal mesentery was present. DISCUSSION Gipouloux (1970) has suggested that in anurans the migration of primordial germ cells takes place under the attraction of the dorsal mesodermic tissue. This hypothesis seems confirmed by the present experimental work, where a complete dorsal region was used to attract primordial germ cells from the endoderm. Grafts obtained from the caudal half of the embryonic dorsal region were able to attract a number of germ cells considerably higher than that attracted by the cephalic half (Tables 1 and 2). It can be suggested, therefore, that the attractive ability of dorsal mesodermal tissue is localized in the caudal region of the embryo. This would be in agreement with the fact that in normal develop- Germ cell migration in toad 85 D Fig. 8. Comparison between the genital ridges of a control specimen (A and B) and an experimental specimen (C and D). The latter was sterile as a consequence of the operation. The Bidderian (cephalic) tract of the control gonad (A) contains more germinal and somatic elements than the true gonadic (caudal) tract (B). Also cf. diagrams of control specimens in Figs. 2 and 3. In the host's genital ridges of sterile experimental embryos a similar relationship can be seen between the somatic elements of the Bidderian tract (C) and those of the true gonadic tract (D), which are less numerous. ment the genital ridges are indeed formed at the medio-caudal levels of the embryo (cf. control specimens Figs. 2 and 3). It should be noted, however, that the growth of an extra dorsal region must also cause an unspeciflc disturbance in the normal migration of germ cells to the host's genital ridges. Probably this effect has no relationship with the attractive capacity of the graft. In fact the degree of sterility of recipient embryos was very similar with both types of grafts (Tables 1 and 2 and Figs. 2 and 3). The total number of germ cells recovered in each experimental animal (present in the genital ridge, plus those associated with the graft) never reaches the normal set of about 80, suggesting that a number of primordial germ cells have remained in the endoderm without being finally attracted by either dorsal region. The early development of the gonad in bufonids is characterized by a precocious differentiation of its cephalic region into Bidder's organ (Ponse, 1927; Witschi, 1933). Soon after the migration of germ cells into the genital ridges, the region corresponding to Bidder's organ typically contains more germ cells than the posterior region, the future true gonad (control specimens Figs. 2 and 86 P. P. GIORGI 3, Figs. 8 A-B). One of the purposes of the present investigation was to check the possibility that this differential localization of germ cells in bufonids could be due to a different attractive capacity of the cephalic and caudal tract of their dorsal embryonic region. The present results show that this is not the case, and other mechanisms must underlie the development of Bidder's organ. The attractive action of dorsal mesodermic tissue does not seem, however, to be the only mechanism leading to the localization of germ cells in the genital ridges. A clear relationship between germ cells associated with grafted tissue and the presence of a well-formed dorsal mesentery at the same levels is shown in Fig. 3 and Table 2. It is likely that the opposition of the lateral coelomic folds to form the dorsal mesentery causes the segregation of germ cells from the mass of other endodermal cells. Thus, the final stages of germ cell localization in the genital ridges could be simply due to the movements of the surrounding tissue, as already suggested by Vannini & Giorgi (1969). To summarize, three major events seem involved: (a) active attraction of primordial germ cells towards the posterior (caudal) region of dorsal mesodermic tissue; (b) passive segregation of the dorsal ridge of germ cells from other endodermal tissue by the fusion of lateral mesodermal plates to form the dorsal mesentery; (c) passive displacement of germ cells at both sides of the root of dorsal mesentery by the fusion of the medial postcardinal veins to form the posterior vena cava (Vannini & Giorgi, 1969). This investigation was supported by a grant from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Rome). The author is grateful to Professor E. Vannini for his interest and advice throughout this work. REFERENCES A. W. (1958). Contributions to the study of germ cells in the Anura. /. Embryol. exp. Morph. 6, 491-503. BLACKLER, A. W. (1970). The integrity of the reproductive cell line in the Amphibia. Curr. Top. Devi Biol. 5, 71-87. BLACKLER, A. W. & FISCHBERG, M. (1961). 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