I'H '(>71-0330-57-8 First Printing 2005 ISBN 971-0330-57-8 Although this publication may be reproduced in part or in whole without permission from the publisher/authors, due acknowledgement is highly appreciated. Bibliographic Citation: Jacalan, G. B., H. B. Aliten, M. D. Cadatal, L. M. Colting, B. B. Gumihid, S. B. Maddul, A. D. Nono, G. S. Vasquez, F. C. Victor, J. A. Wakat. 2005. A Glossary of Agricultural Terms in the Cordillera. Benguet State University, La Trinidad 2601 Benguet, Philippines. Cover Design by: Gilda B. Jacalan Anna Liza B. Wakat Cover Photo: Courtesy of Anna Liza B. Wakat Printed by: BAGUIO ALLIED PRINTERS No.3 Urbano St., Baguio City 2600 PHILIPPINES MESSAGE The Cordillera Region, as a home to a multilingual people, does not have a lingua franca for extension and outreach activities. Hence, familiarity with the various terms used in farming activities by a plurality of speakers is perceived to help resolve the problem related to the language of extension adopted in a multilingual setting. It will capacitate the extension workers. To the users of this glossary of agricultural terms in the Cordillera Region, it is hoped that this document will facilitate not only the dissemination of technologies and information but also help ease some communication gaps brought about by the various languages used in the Region. Although the researchers tried within the limits of time, efforts, and funds available to make this document a comprehensive one, the translation and equivalence of words gathered are continuously being done. This initial glossary is therefore far from perfect. Hence, the University hopes to receive comments and reactions from the users to further improve this piece of document. ~/~. R06'ELIO D. COLTING President FREFACE In the Cordillera Region, most of the people earn their living through agriculture. Just like any other discipline, agriculture has a language of its own, which is alive and dynamic. This one aspect of the nature of language accounts for the constant changes of agricultural terms that emerge from the various areas of this discipline. These changes occur as new technologies and information emerge from large amount of research and extension activities completed year after year. Moreover, keeping abreast with current terms of an ever-changing industry can be a complicated task. Hence, there is a need to know and be familiar with agricultural terms used by a linguistically diversified people. The English language is the main point of reference in searching for the accurate equivalence or local synonym(s) of an existing agricultural term. The choice of a particular language from a very rich language reservoir was based on the plurality of speakers. In this glossary are about 600 agricultural terms used for farming activities in the Cordillera Region. These terms relate to crops and animals grown, farm tools and implements used, climatic condition prevailing in the locality, and pests incidence among others, and are written in seven Cordilleran languages (along with English, Tagalog, and Iloko) and used by a plurality of speakers in Abra (Tingguian), Apayao (Isnag), Benguet (Ibaloi/Kankana-ey), Ifugao (Tuwali), Kalinga (Kalinga) and Mt. Province (Bontoc). For accuracy and acceptance, these terms were validated in a two-day workshop attended by the provincial agricultural officers (PAOs) and municipal agricultural officers (MAOs) in the Region as well as some socio-Iinguists and ethno-Iinguists. A number of agri-terms were omitted from the initially collected items because there were no lexical variations. All the entries are presented in a matrix. As the main entries and point of reference, the English terms lifted from various sources such as dictionaries, Thesauruses, books, and other compilations are arranged alphabetically and entered as the first column. Furthermore, the contents of this glossary are limited to agricultural terms with lexical variations. THE AUTHORS ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors acknowledge with sincere thanks: 1. The Institute of Social Research and Development (ISRD) Director, Dr. Marie Klondy T. Dagupen, and Research Assistants: Jariet M. Siano, Analyn A. Lucas, and Lailanie L. Moreno, for extending administrative assistance in conducting the validation workshop including other related tasks; 2. The Philippine Institutional University Cooperation (PIUC) Programme thru the ISRD (Project 5), for the funds used in data gathering, during the validation workshop and in printing this document; 3. The Provincial Agricultural Officers (PAOs) and the Municipal Agricultural Officers (MAOs) in the Cordillera Region, for their involvement during the validation workshop; 4. Dr. Esther R. Hufana, the socio-linguist, for her comments and recommendations to further improve the packaging of this document; 5. Prof. B. Balweg, Dr. L. G. Urio, Dr. T. M. Merestela, Mr. B. L. Baucas, Mr. R. B. Buenavista, and Ms. T. P. Vitales for sharing their efforts pro bono in providing accurate eqUivalences; 6. To all other colleagues, who in one way or the other, may have been involved in fine-tuning this document. iii JNFOKMATJON A50UT THE AUTHOKS The Study Leader: Dr. Gilda B. Jacalan. A former Director of the Publications and Media Services (PMS-OVPRE), she is presently the Director of Public Affairs under the Office of the President. In addition to this administrative function, Dr. Jacalan is equally active in instruction at the Graduate School handling Language Education subjects as well as at the Humanities Department teaching English language subjects. Co-Study Leaders: Dir. Henry B. Aliten. Mr. Aliten is presently connected with the Department of Land Reform, Cordillera Region as an Assistant Director. Being from Apayao who speaks Isnag, he coordinated the collection of agri-terms in Isnag. Dr. Macario D. Cadatal. Designated as the Director of the Northern Philippines Root Crops Research and Training Center (NPRCRTC), Dr. Cadatal is a Professor at the College of Agriculture whose expertise is in the field of agronomy. He coordinated the collection of agri-terms in Kalinga. Dr. Lita M. Colting. Presently designated as the university Registrar, Dr. Colting is a Professor at the College of Agriculture with expertise in Entomology. As a Kankana-ey, one of the major tribes in Benguet, she coordinated the collection of kankana-ey agri-terms in the same province. Ms. Beverly Ann B. Gumihid. Ms. Gumihid is presently involved in social science researches at the Institute of Social Research and Development. Her expertise includes agribusiness research and development. She was responsible in the collection of Bontoc language in the Mt. Province. iv . Dr. Sonwright B. Maddul. Concurrently, Dr. Maddul, an Animal Scientist, is the Vice-President for Research and Extension and the Consortium Director of the Highland Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium. He coordinated the collection of agriterms in Tuwali in Ifugao. Mr. Alejandro D. Nono. A member of the support services staff at the Office of the Vice-President for Research and Extension, Mr. Nono coordinated the collection of agri-terms in Tingguian in Abra. Mr. Geronimo S. Vasquez. A Storekeeper at the Supply and Management Office, Mr. Vasquez coordinated the collection of I1oko agri-terms. Prof. Florencia C. Victor. A Filipino Professor at the Department of Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences, Prof. Victor is currently the Director of the Pangrehyong Sentro Ng Wikang Filipino. She coordinated the collection of agri-terms in Tagalog. Mr. Jimmy A. Wakat. An agro-forestry Instructor, Mr. Wakat is with the Department of Agroforestry, College of Agriculture. As an Ibaloi, one of the major tribes in Benguet, he coordinated the collection of agri-terms in Ibaloi. v CONTENTS Message Preface ii Acknowledgement iii About the Authors iv The Agricultural Terms 1 References . 25 Appendix A. B. 27 Definition of English Agricultural Term Validation Workshop Participants with Photos vii . 45 T·,cecy~ordillera .Hc~Jtijral T~';rms I l ENGUSH BONTOC ISNAG ILOKO IIALOI KAUNGA I KANKANA·EY I TAGALOG TlNGGUIAN TUWAU ... _--- Afternoon Misuyao/Maksep Ma-shem Malem Gidam Madama Masdem Hapon Gidiam/Masdom Himbatangan Animal Talaken AnimallTaraken Dingwen Tarakan Animal Talaken Hayop Tuluken animal Ag-gayam Ant Fuwes KutonlAtitiyeng!Eting Kuton Kutun Kattong Kuton/Bebewes Langgam/Guyam Uvo/Ubo Gulom/Gutul Aphid Kuto Apids/Kuto Aplat Alupiit Kuto Kuto Dapulak/AfidslKuto Aplat Apids Ash Chapo Ngaep/AsislAngep Dapo Abu/Dapug Gabo Asis/Abu/Dap-u Abo Chapol/Gabo Dapul Axe Wasay Wasay Watay/Parakol Wasay Wasay Palakol Pannakol Wahe/Putaw Azolla Kuliplip Asolla Asolla Kudipdip Lumot/Kuliplip/Bagiw AsolalAzalia Kuyap/Bagiw Aluhi-i/Ulip-ip Backpack Sangi Lagpi/Sagupit Lagpi/Kalula Pasiking Sangi Pasiking Pahiking Backyard Fitling!Awichan Likudan Naminlikud amuag Pidong Paway/Likod buloy Awidan/Natangan Bacterial wilt Laylay Bacterial wilt Nangrag MalaylayINalyao Nalpa Nalyo Bait Papan Appan Appan Papan Bamboo shoot Lafong Rabong Rabong Banana Falat Saba 1 Finger Isay foker ay falat 1 Hand Sinsapi/Sinsapad 1 Bunch Sinpanga-ew Vasay/Guasayl Wasay Kulipdip/Kolepdep Kambag!Kampit/ Pasiking Deckshan/Baeng! Bohdayan TumbalDayday TafanlTapang! Tippan DavongITongpopl AnQbot Balat Sakey balat Sansafad/Sakey sapad Sanbolig Dupat/Bagat SabalBaat/Balat Saging Balat Balat Maysa saba Ramay Simbukol Esay baat Isang gama Osang ay balat Ohan balat Maysa sapad Tapad/Sapad Sinsapad Esay sapad Isang piling Singkasapad Ohan hapad Maysa bulig Tangabulig Simbulig Esay bulig Isang buwig Singkasapad Ohan bulig Puso dupat/Bagat Pukol Ugso Puso ng saging Pokol Puhun di balat Er-er Basig Nakgang Tigang LauglTanap Mamullag/Butin Lippad TalangkalSonod Salin Kodong Alad Sinnukat Isukat Insuboi/isukat Ihan-not Lupaak LagbaITiklislBasket/ Basket/Buslo Kolbong/BingalUpig Basket/Lakba Bah-ket Barrier Selat/Alad Barter Isukat Sa-dat Panag sinnukat Basket LabfalBaskit Basket/Dangajal Tikles/Go-bong Basket Bee Beetle Fulilising Betel leaf Khawed Gawed/Dawed Tapang Tungpup Punchag Kotilas/Fotilas/ Bitwelas Alig/Yukan/ FulelenQan Gamoten Lavong Barren Bean Pain Labong Ugso Sabunganay Ayshi naisek/ Agtangatang Bakante Sa-din/Nay-sa-denl LappedlAlad Alad Paniki/Ditdit/ Bik-bik-dot Dugjas/Duriasl Doreyas Uyokan/Dinuanl Dinuwan/Potvokan Pagpag-ong/Kikiyesl Boh-bohkong Papan Labong Pusan si falat Fatfatay Awid-dan/Baliwangl Bakuran Ba-anQ Pananalantal Kuyos Panluluoy Kawayanl AnQawayan Balat Banana blossom Bat Backpack/Bakpak Magtinnappangl Magtinnalliya Laballgtappang! Balo/Lapinal Rangaya Hadlang/Balakidl SaQabal/HalinQ Palitanl Makipagbarter - Panniki Paniki Paniki Kibkibalot Paniki/Bat Bukel/Habichuelas Anta Antak/Butilas Ludiyas Habitsuelas/Bean --_ .. _--,.~ Litlalit -Bakel Lit-talit Bulhe .. Alimbubuyog Barra irong Gawed AIig!UyukalPulot/ IyokanlAliglAnig Alimbubuyog Tamtami/Kabkabal1 Kutkutdo Aliliyagaw Gawad Lawod 3 Anig Laywan/Pukyutanl BubuyoQ/Putakti Yukan/lyukan Alig/Guling/lnalit Kukodong Uwang/Bitel Buyogan Yangyang-od Gawed Gawed Lawed/Lawod Hapid ENGLISH IBALOI BONToe ILOKO ISNAG KALINGA I KANKANA-EY· ••\ TAGALOG TlNGGUIAN TUWAU Betel nut Foa BuwalBowa Bua Buwa Bua Buwa BungalBuwa Bua Morna Bird Ay-ayam/Billit Titit Billit An-anu Sissiwit Titit PillokalManmanok Hamuti Birth Umanak Inmanak/Pan-anak Pannakayanak Meana Umanak Umanak Ibon Kapanganakan/ PaQkapanganak Ummanak Ayyam/Nitungohan Bitter gourd Parya Palja Paria Parya Apapet Parya Palya Black bean Falatong Utong Nangisit nga bukel Nangisit anta Ngitit un antak Batong/Balatong Apapet Mangmanghat a kawat Blight Lango/Blayt BlighVDayday Blight Bla-iVLango Blayt Blayt Lango Lango Bolo KampilalFeneng Etak Buneng Magpusa se maqkarsi va adon Aliwa Badang/Gaman Banig Itak Badjang Otak/Panggap Borrow Fulod Utang/Bulod Bumulod/Umutang Tumkaw Bulod/Utang Banhon Hangganan Budjong/Boddong Pogpog Sanga Sangan kayo Hapang Manmalka Punmarka Manpalahi/Padjakop Pu-uniPunholagon Bumulod Boundary Fedcheng Eteg Benneg Padaw/Agpapandan/ Kigad Talumpanda Branch Sanga SangalPanga Sanga Sanga PangalSanga Ampalaya Black bean/ Lequmbre Manbulod/Man-utang Hiram Eteg/Gedeng/ BeddenQ SangalPingi Magmarka Marka Man-marka Paghero/Pagtatak/ Paqmarka Panang-pasaya-aV Puonan Ganapan/Ganab/ Magan-anal ManQpaganab Ganak/Puli Klase/Puli/Ganak/ Manpadakep Lahi/Uri/Paglalahi Paramanada Pangganaan Gagannakan Paradakep Puyupoy Amur/Parru Puya-aw Taytay/Rangtay Rangtay Aratay Bengis/Timil Busel UlguVTaringit Branding Marka MalkalPangidasinan Panagmarka Breed Puli/Menpachakep/ Menpachakhem Puli Breeder Pala-anak Breeze Bridge Suysuy Manador/Takal/ Para shakip Shagem/Puyupoy Langtay Bud Singi/Pingi Nangitit ay antak Poonan Manador Suyusoy Mangangastal Naqlalahi Simoy Tunqnin Langtay Langtay Tulay/Talaytay Allatoy Mundibdib Langtay SimiVUtol SaringiVPingiITimil Buko/Usbong Salingit Uhi-yok Djammilong Dangaw Poon Napkol Butok Botok Insekto/Kuto/ GarapatalKato Balb SuruVTuma Kitub/Dangaw Bangbangsit Balb Bugas/Poon Balb Uyon/Appat Bobod/Botok Bedbed/Betek/Uyon Bigkis/Bungkos Kulibangbang Kullapoy Bilbil-o/Bibil-o Paruparo/ Alibambang Kullapoy Kulkulap-e Gumatang Ngumina Manlako Bumili Ngumina Gumattang/ Pumlak Gumaggatang Angngina Manlaklako Mamimili Palangina Humubli Tangkal Tangkal/Puk6/ Agpukuan Boklut Kalaw/Biki Hawla Tangkal/Buki Pukukan/Kubi Kamias Pias Pias Iddolo Kamyas/Piyas Kalamyas/Kamias Pias Kamyas Ketang Kulokol/Kanal Pakyas Kali Alak Kanal/Kulokol Bambang/Kanal Palisi Tula-ing/Alak Nuwang Nuang/Nowang Nuang Nuwang Luwang NLiwang Kalabaw Luwang Nuwang Bug Chagew Dingse/Kiteb Bukbok Bulb Poon/Fugas Bundle Fedfed/Falod Butterfly Ak-akop Buy Lumakho Buyer Lumaklako Bagas Dames Tah-Nay/Bed-bed/ Binettek Bitek/San kern-kern Bulbul-o/Boh-boh-do/ Kulibangbang Kupa-pey Tunggal/Tungkal/ Tunggalen/ Gumatang Tunqkalen Menongal/Ahente/ Aggat gatang Para tungkal Cage Kakhafan Kudungan/Keb-bi Camias Kamyas Canal Carabao 4 -- -I ----~-_._- I BONToe ENGLISH ILOKO IBALOI I..• ·.KANKANA.EY .• 1 KALiNGA ISNAG TINGGUIAN TAGALOG TUWAU Carabull Tot-o Bumalo Lalaki a nuang Toru Dappog Bumalo/Kamado Barakong kalabaw Bumbumallo Bulug an nuwang Caracalf Kuyao/Kuyang Kilaw Ubing a nuang Urbon Ubbo Bumalasang Batang kalabawl Guya Djanawan Ulbun an nuwang Caracow Kamfakyan Kabakyan Bakat nuwang Abbay Kabay-yan Inahing kalabaw Kabbaiyan Obay KaromataiKariton DalusaiKaliton Kariton Kallison Kaliton Balangkoy Pappadli Molo/Kasoy Kahoy Maglassit Kapon di luwang Mankapon Kapun Panginaenl Kabadjanl Bumedasang Kariton/Pasagad Cart Kaliton Cassava PadpadlilApaya Castrate Men-ifitli Karison Katemoro/SangdayI Kamoteng kahoyl Kakoy Kahoy Panagkapon Kapon Caterpillar Kecheng AtarolAlabas Arabas Arabat Antatado/Batol Cattle Faka Sangshuan/Baka Manador/Bumalol Tahal Kilaw Baka Baka Toro Bull Tot-o Calf Kuyao/Kuyang Cow Heifer Kamfakyan Fumalasang Nasakuchanl Nasagkuchan Batol Bigi/Batbatol Baka Kariton 0 kareton Balinghoy/Kamoteng Kaka-iw/Balangkoy Kahoy Man-ibitli Kapunin/Pagkapon Higad/Tiias/Uod ng Atatado/Tatado Iparuparo Baka Baka Baka Baka Toru Toro/Laki Bumalo Toro Tolo Bulug Urbon Urbon Abeng bakaiUbbo Ulbon/Kilaw GuyaiBulo Ulbon Ulbun Kabakyan Bumalasang Bakat baka Alsab Bae/Paina Amalasang Kabay-yan Bumalasang Bakang babae Dumalagang baka Kabbayan Dianawan Tin-na Nasaraan Nagsagud Nasakgudan Nasakngudan May sungay Nasagudjan Nahakgudan Awan ti sara na Awan sagud Naid sakgud na Magay sakngud na Walang sungay Maid sakgodna Maid hakgudna Lalaki Nalsitan nga baka Amkok Kamado Bakang lalaki Turturittit Nakapun an bulig Bomaro Bumaro Kapon Nakapon Nakapong baka Bumbumallo Nakapun Hornless Mid sakkod na Stag Kapon Steer Nakapon Kabajan Bumedasang Sangsuan/Sakduranl Asakdoran Ayshi sakdod tol Monmon Dahin kavajol Bubumalo Kilaw/Kapon Charcoal Uling Uling/Sangsang Uging Bakkag Osing Uling Uling Osing Uling Chicken Manok Manok Manok Anu Manok Manok Manok Manok Manuk Impas/Kin-uy/Piyek Kiyap/Kipkip/Kiyep Piyek Pipiya Issiw Kiyap Sisiw Piyok/Siyop Im-impa Kawitan Kawitan Tandang/ SasabunQin Kawitan Kawitan Horned Chick Kawitan Cock Kawitan Cockerel Kawitan Hen Mangalak UfaiUbwan/Upa Pullet Chesak Kiyap/Kipkip/Kiyep Rooster Kawitan/Kulung .. Tulol Kawitan Kawitan Kawitan Kawkawitan Tumalangad Katyaw/Tatyaw PamusianiUpa Mangalak Ubo-an Inahing manok Dumalaga Umap-apun Amalasang Pamasang/Up-pa Dumalagang manok Bumalasang Tandang/ Kawitan Kawitan Manador Chicken dung Clay Clayey Khogong Takkin si manok/ AfunolAg-aguban Pitak/Oklin Napitak Kagaban/lkdoganl Keb-bi Kulungan Alimalun Kawitan Kawitan Tuki Attogit ~ Pitak Napitak Apikkatan Kanal Sulat Nasulat 5 Linang Linang ... Pugad -- ,._-_._".- _ ...•. _ •.. _-_..- Kawitan ... Ubuwan , .. Dallupidit Kawitan Buki Kubi Allogit Gali-ing/Lugit Linang Satat Pitok Napitok ... LugitITain di manok IpotITaeng manok ---_.,-,"----_. • . Sti~tlbu~gin 15.!!Q2.r:lgan -~- Dubas Nadubas .__._- --_...... Beki/Kagabanl Kagaban .. Tain manok/Dekong Lugit Magasulog/Ban-og on kawitan Ubuwan _.-.-~- -- Chicken coop ..•.... Manggaygayat magitarakot Pangganaan Bomaro BumalasanQ ---- --_._ .. ..- ~._. Putik Maputik I Climate Timpo AkewITempo Panawen Lawagan Timpo/Dagum Timpo KlimalPanahon Tempo Dukke an timpo Cloud Angep/Lifu-o Ulep Aluyut Libuo Libu-o Ulap Liboo KulputlBugut Cloudy Maangep/lnlilifu-o KulpotlCoh-dep Makulpotl Enguh-depl Engulpot Naulep/Nakuleml Nakuyem Naaluyut Anlilibuo Manlibu-o Maulap/Makulimlim 0 Mangkokos dalol kulimlim Naliboo Cold weather Chinamey/Lateng Teg-In/KetellEnketit Collateral Compost Kolateral Lumeng/Kompos Katulagan di lakol Konsayn SalshalKasadat Kompos/Et-toytoy Nalamiis a panawenl Nalam-ek Ibienes Naparupsa noa ruoit Nasiyam/Nalminl Amian Patalian Nepalbao Utang/Pa-idaho Pailako Angkat Consign Consumer Lumaklako Menong-gal Contour Porman nan Iota Porma ni pitoy Contract buyer Parakontrata Mengontrata Cooperation Og-ogfo Corn Pikhi InatanglTinudongl GamallBataresl Tinadongan Mais Corn husk KoplitlUkis Corn kernel Foker Corn tassel Buok Creek Kin-aw Cricket Fib-iting/Nennen Crop MulafTanem Crop rotation Mensinukat ay mula Pansinahdat ni mula Crowbar Falita BaretalKabra Cucumber Pipino Cultivate Feswag Curling Kulot Araggamminl Mangammin PormafTabas ti daoa Pabbag Aggat-gatang nga Maraggulpi adda katulagan gumatang Agus-usar NabugutlMabugut Mantingnenl MantiQ-en Kolateral Kompos lIakom ta asi bayadanllkonsayn Maginaw/Malamig Nakomog GarantiyalKolateral Kompos Binis Nalpos Matuningl Kotto-kottol Pangid-onan Inado Konsayn Ipalako Ipagattang Mangmangan Lumaklako Mamimili Palangina Nadon gumatang Tabas di pita Iporma Contor Porman di Iota KontratalPakyaw ParakontratalPakyaw Mangungontrata lIan di pita Kontalata ay nguminalPalagulpi TungninlNakumog Banat Nalpos/Kompos Ipalako/Baggat KontratalPakyaw Ammoyo PillulAbbuyugl Magsiseng Abboyog/Babbadang Aloyon/Dang-as Bayanihanl Pagtutulungan Tugnawa Ubbu/Baddang Mais Mait Bakaw MaislTige Mais Gassilan Gahilang Bulangdang Ambuligan BulalUkis Ukis Ukis Balat Butil Bukol Bura Binukol di bakaw Bukel di mais Butil Upik gassilan Ukih BinogboglBungan di Buwan di gahilang gassilan Buok Pargay Buok Buokdi mais Buhok ng mais Boy-boy gassilan Habong Waig Awweg Sulong/Wa-il SapalBatis/Krik Dalwait Wah-el Kuryat Sisiyat Battinga SusuhonglKriket Kullipan BongoglAlla-el Mula Mula Mula Singi/Ketang BUbut-tinglKakal Bilbilting MulalEsek Mula Tanum/lnliyak Masukat sukat ti maimula Magsasanut nga agmula Sinsinnukat Mansisinnubad ay klasin mula Munhannot di tanom BaFreta Bareta Ballita Ballita Balitah Pipino/Kasimon Pipino Shai-shai/Sukdayenl Sukayen Mesokay Asimun Kasimon Kassimon Magkurkor Kalonan Pipinu GaudanITanumanl LiyakonlTamuwan KulicullKulikul/Kulot Kulot Makulkulot Kulikog Buwek ni maisl Sabo-ngay PadoklSingi Belbelting/Kalkal1 Amsek MulalEsek Cutworm Figis Begis/Demas DungtotITombal Padpadsik Damping-off Luyaw Dawn Napat-afTalan-olWiit Palbangon/Da-em Biois Panaglusak ti bunobon Arabat Danus/Lappangl Tagpa Parbangon Gumabi Tanim Halinhinang Mansinukat di mula pananimlPag-iba iba no pananim Balita Bareta Kasimon/Pipino Pipino Gabyunen/Sukayenl Pagbubungkal Kultibiten Kulot Sukasukom Kulot Kulingkoy Kulot Bigi Alabas Bigis/Limas Cutworm BigislAlabas NalposlNalyaw LingtewITumba Damping-of Nalpos Nalpe Bukang-liwaywayl Madaling araw PalbangonlTullaok di manok Muntalanu BiggabiggatlBigbigaU Gabis/Bongbongo Wikwikis 6 --~_._ .. - r- BONTOC~ __I_BA_L_O_I~-L- IL_O_K~O . . . .l. . . . . . . . -.~IS_NA_G••-,- '----'--- ENGLISH Aigaw Agew/Kaagawan/ Napat-a Araw Wakas/Algaw Algo Agrupsa Rupsa Nalungtot LungtotiBuyok Pagkabulok/ Pagkasira NatungtotiLupsa Buluk/Dunot Kudang/Kulang Agkurang Kinakurang Kulang Kulang KUlang/Kapus Kulang Kulang Mag-an/Namag-an Pakumbeten Magpakarsi Asasutllpamaga Pay-osan Pagkatuyo Pamaga Naihihan Kasapulan Kauneg Linna-aw/Amor Kasapulan gatangan Makasapol Kaunag Kaadalum Dolno Dirmun Kasapulan Kaadalem Duno Natalak Kaunog Djimlong/Dolno Kahapulan Kinadallom Dalu/Dalnu Panagpurga Purgaan Pulgaon Purgaan Pulgaom Pulgaon Magsukay Kaloban/Koloban/ Buk-an KaotiGabyunen Kailangan Lalim Hamog Pagpupurgal Laksante Humukay/Hukayin/ Naghukay Kulobom/Buk-am Ka-utlKa-utan Tinamba Pigol Baneng Dike/Palisi BatnongiBanong Kanawom Kamohan Iyupel Itam-ol/ltalbok Decay ChunotiNablok Deficiency Kulang Dehydrate Langoen Demand Depth Dew Masapul/Kasapulan Kasapulan/Pi-lit Ka-achalem Shalem/Duhod Amol/Dina-aw Ormu Deworm Porkaen Dig Kaufan/Kautan Dike Faneng Dilute TimplaITawtawen Kiwal/Tunaw/Sinak Naw-nawen Dip Itapek Isiw-siw/Saw-saw Ideppel Direct seeding Isafog Sabog/lpongaw Imporwak Naipabgi Pinatubo Naparusing a bukel Aggi metugnu Napabgi I-aneng Agdeppes Broadcast Isafog/Isapoak Pinoyak/Pino-ngaw Saturated field Nachanuman Ashanuman Imporwak Apag apaman ti danum Ninkupas/Kinmupas Disease Sakit Disperse/Distribute Iwalas Ditch Ketang Dominant Kaachuan I_T_A_G_A_LO_G_---L._TI_NG_G_U_IA_N_--l.-_T_U_W_AL_'_ Aldaw/Aigaw Akhew/Kag-aw Discolored I KANKANA·EV Aldaw Akew/Ma-akew/ AQew DungtotlAboyok/ Eboyok/Ashoral/ Dupok Day/Daylight Pregerminated seed Lodging KALiNGA PulkaiPulga Kal-kal/Kaotl Kaotan/ Panagkali Sokay Balok/Tambak/Baok/ Tambak Kanal/Kolokol Lahaggan/Kibugan/ Kamsan Danuman Isimraw/Apalgap Isaw-saw Winaritan/Diretso Inosok niwarit ya bin-i Pilapil/Dike Tawtawen/Sibnaken/ Banto Sebna-en Isawsaw/lpisok lIubog Isabog Sabog tanim Inasak Ihabuwag Pinatubo Bunubon Pinatubong binhi Naibunobon Itam-ol Nibtong/Nedapnas Nandumak Natukang Paghapay ng palay Idapos Idakol Newarwarit Iwalagis Pagsasabog Man-iwalais Ihabuwag Napigugu Nadanuman Iwaras/Isapuwak Nadanuman/ Nabelbel Natigmak sa linang Nadanuman Nadanuman Kinmupas/ Nagkupas Magpurkas Pinmaspas Sakit Tinakit SahitiSakit IwardatMagiwariti Mayvalak/Mayvaras/ Panagiwaras MaQiwaras Maywashas Kanal/Pagayusan ti Gagait awweg/ Kanal/Paijas/Balok Wangwang danum Kinmupas Nankupas/Kinmupas Kumupas ChinomkotiSinomlag Kinmupas Sakit Sakit Sakit Sigab/Pallak Hakit Naiwalis/Naiwalas Iwaras/lwatwat Pamamahagi Patalakon/lwalis Ihabuwag/lkappong Kanal/Ditse Palisi Tulaing/Guhing/ Taba-o/Luhuk Nakararami/ Nakahihigit Kapada Dak-dakol Tutubi Titiwalo Du-uwitlDa-uti Karakdan/Nandasin Kaaduan Napabeg/Ad-adu Shushuti/Sho-shote Tuwwato PapayutlKikkirattog Tuwato Kukkurandinq Kanal/Bagan/ Towaok Kaad-adu-an/ Nanlasin Dudute/Dutdut-e/ Lal-Ia-o Pa-jas/Kanal/Doyas Pa-anges Alinawang Iyalak/Egewang Keli Paagusan Ipaayos Tula-ing/Guhing Kali Dakol/Kadaklan Drip Lakfaan/lk-iko/ Langfayan Men-ayusan si chanum Tedted Ted-ted/Is-is Tedted Magpatta Mantottod Tedted Tulo/Patak Walasiwis/Sawsaw Todtod Drizzle LagietiArbis Albis/ArbisiMeg-is Arbis Darikamo Amo-amok Mantitennek Ambon Alumassi/Missi Apuk Dragonfly Drainage 7 r ENGUSH Drought Drum SONTOC TudokiChakonl Ekhew/Fitil Farchi/Dram ISALOI KawatiOgewl Na-ti-an ILOKO KalgawlTikag "Above stove" Sokosog Drum/Baledis Bariles Emag-an/Pemag-anl Namaga Mangka-mag-an Sang-nga-an/lso-ol Naisuor Air-dry Ipasoysoy Jub-juban Pawirwiran Hang-dry Ifalayfay/ltayon Nayba-jat Iyalday Sun-dry Isap-ey/lfilag Panbidag shi sekitl Bilag ChunotiNablok Panag-chakonl Ekhew Pato Barako Dufok/KikhetiDupok Kalkaw/Ogewl Tiyakew Pato/Papa Kawitan/Barako Hen Upa UfalUbuwan Duckling Impas/Kin-oy/Piyek Kiyap/Sibong KosbetiSedsechem Ma-sheml na Mangkedabi ChapolTapok TapokiDepok YekhaiKenkened/ Sheg-sheg/Jeg-jegl Yagyag Kayeq Kedang/Kudangatl Kelang Bileg Itlog Ikdoq/ltdog Cagavan/lkdoganl Kakhafan Ubong/Okbong/ Kogongan Dry Nalango/lpalango Dry rot Dry season Duck Drake Dusk Dust Earthquake Earthworm Egg Egg nest Eggplant Erosion Talong TalonglTarong Magchay Slide/Shal-shall Kishay/Kebang ISNAG KALiNGA Tikag/Magkalia 1•.KANKANA-Ey..1 TAGALOG Tagtuyot TINGGUIAN Kamaga TUWALI Dupal/Maugo Angag Kumog Baril Dram/Baliles NamagaiNakarsi IpamagaiNabilagl NamaqalNalango Barelis/Dram/Balilis Dram Tambal Tuyo/Nagpapatuyol Nango/Namga-an Namaga Pagpapatuyo Baliles Inugawon/Maugol Nalango Ihayong Insupan Magpasinga balil Paanginanl Ipasaysay Agderayanl Madederayan Suogan Isu-o Ibilag si bibbid Ipasoysoy Iyaloy Itayon Isabit Itayon Ibalagbag Naibilag Mamilag Binilag/lbilag si init Isap-ey/lsgitllbilag Binibilad sa arawl Pagbibilad sa araw Mamilag Ihap-e Dry rot Lango Iya-angag/Angag dagun Pato Barako Nango Tuyong bulok Nalango Buluk EgewlTiyagew Tag-arawlTag-init Kamaga Dupal/Maugo Pato Barako Umapog Pinagsisinagl Magdagun Patu Baraku Pato Barako ItikiBibi/Pato Pato ItikiBibi/Patong lalaki Balako Opa Ina patu Paina Obu-an Inahing itikiBibi/Pato Ubuwan Piyek Pipiya patu Issiw Kiyap/lngpas Sipnget Gumlbat Kulop Sumiklep/Nasdem Sisiw na bibi Dapit-haponlTakipsilimlAgaw-dilim Tapok Tapu Tapok Gingined Yagyag Alinta Tiempo ti kalgaw Sa ibabaw ng kalan Saangan Pamagaanl Patuyo sa hangin Panampayubyubl Panampadubdub Patuyupanl Padibdiban PiyoklSiyop Gaw-gawaiPapa Kawitan an gawgawa Ubuwan an !gawgawa Im-impa Tapok Makpa TapokiAbo AlikaboklAbokiPulbo Lapok Tapuk Lunig Yegyeg Lindol Yogyog Kolyog Aluki Kulang Tuwing/Kuwang Bulate Kulang Kolang Itlog Ilog/ltlog Itlog/lplog Itlog Itlog Itlog Itluq Pagitlugan Subut Kagongkong/Sok-but Obong/Ubonganl Kagaban Pugad Kulong/Djolmon BuyaiPun-ltugan Tarong Tarong Gattobang Tarong Talong Tallong Talung Geday Pagkatibagl Pagkaguho Magdjay Goh-de Margaay Nldayan/Gadday Guday/Magday External parts of ruminants Back Likod/Echeg Dihod/Beneg Likod Addag Odog/Likod Edeg Likod Vunog/Bunoy Bonog/Odog Belly Poto Ekes/Ekis Tiyan Lalaban/Sinay Buwang/Botak Eges/Buwang Tiyan Buwang Putuh Ham Orpo Dafa Luppo Apel/Lappu PekpekiLapaiUlpo Lamlames Pigi Ulpo Ulpu Head Ulo TuktokiUlo Ulo Ulo Ulo/Lungos Tuktok Ulo Vangkag/Utu Hoof Kokod Kukub Kuko Lutub Kuko Kuko/Kukob Kuko Kuko -~-- - ~----'-------~'-- . --- ~----_.... -_.,.~---_.-.- 8 --- Ulu f------ Kukud . . .~~.- BONToe ENGLISH IBAlOI IlOKO IlAUIl,alL•••...u. ....1 ·fi:iAllunA -".. ' ........,. ..... ISNAG , II'I Horn Sakhod Sakdod Sara Sagud Sakgod Sakngod Sungay Sakgod Hakgud Loin Lomo Ulpo Lumo Lapiyong Bai Puyong/Upo Lomo Vunog/Bunoy Bonog Navel Puseg Puseg Puseg Pusag Pusog Puseg Pusod Pusog Puhog Neck Fakhang Bagang/Bocdew Tengnged Penis Lusi/Uti Rectum Ofet/Kimot Bulaw Bagang/Tungod Bagang Leeg Tungod Bagang Usin Utin Laday Titi/Utin Otin Butli Purot/Bungog Ubot Obet Puwit/Pwit Vungog Pulong Rump Falonga Buto/Daray/Laday Buto Bungagan/Ki-motan/ Ubet Guanas Uvetan/Dipad Patong Apel/Ubat Lapa Lipad Pigi Takob Kiwikiw Shoulder Afonga AvadalAbada Abaga Abaga Abala Padanga Balikat AvalalAbala Pukol Side Sikikhan Sikigan/Bakrang Bikat Butik Bikes Tagiliran Vakalang/Balakang Taglang Snout/Muzzle Ngulob Sub-sub Subsub/Bugong Ungol Sungsong Nguso/Subsob Sungo Hubil/Hungil Tail Iko/Ipos Pieg/Kil-guis Dungis/Song-song/ Ngosib Ihol/ kul Ipus Ipos Iko Buntot Ipos Ikul Teat Suso Susu/Musing Suso Iput Bungag/Gatat/ Mungav Suso Suso Utong Tingil Huhu Testicle Fitli/Fotfotlog Butig/Ukel-ukel/ Betdi/ Paltak Lateg Bungaw Buto Butlog Bayag Ladjay/Laday Batbatu Vulva Sipit/Lawit Utin/Tintin Oki Uki Uboy Itel Pekpek/Kiki/Puki Uki Kuwa Farm Payew/Uma Pan-asekan/Payew/ Talon Owangan Baang/Koman Pappayaw/Umal Sakahan/Bukid Makmak Hinabalanl Tinanoman Farm house Afongan/Ab-afong Abulan/Abolan Sigay Sigay Bahay sa bukid Bawi Abung Farm manure Fatten Feather Avono/Abono Takki ti animal LumenQ Patafaen/Palamsen Patebaen Pagpalukmeg Chutchut Shut-shut/Shot-shot Dutdut Att(iY IpatabaiPatabaon Dotdot Tae/dumi Patabain Balahibo Bugaso way attay Patabkom Djotdjot Ta-i Patabaon Dutdut Feed trough Atotong Kawel animal PalumaQQan Dudot Lusong/Lutong/ Pagpakkanan Magpakkan UmaiGaldin/Num-ai Garden Ab-abong/Apal Kamarin TaiPatabaen/Palamsen Dotdot Atotong Balunglong Panganan Kalapaw Pagpakanan - Feeding Menpakpakan Feeds (Commercial Pakan or Concocted) Pemekan/Pakanen Panagpakan Timol/May-pekkan Pagpakan Pamakkan/ Pagpakkan Ba~~g ._. . Atotong BayukaiBalunglong Pakainan/Patukaan --- ---.--_.---_._---- ...... Pakanon Manpakpakan Nagpapakain Mampakan Angol Ange Pakain Upok Alad/Kasaw/Pade Tapeyen Bakod Alad Pagbuburo ~li~gt~~li~ .._- -- Munpakan Pakan/Kanon di pinang-an ya mimogmoQan Alad Pugtun Basi Basi Basi .- .. .'-_ ..•-- Fence Ferment Fermented 8ulla!~ane Fire Alad Tapeyen Alad/Pasbol Alad Bangdesin/Sinodad Pabaf}glesen Abot MaQlassam Alad Fayas Basi Alwas/Suka basi Bayas Flea Flock Grupon si talaken Flat Basi ~---,.-. Apey Fatad/Chatchata ay luta TilanQ - Basi -_ .... - BassoQ9.Qn Puol/Apoy SimpaiPatad/ Shekdan Temel Pinakan/Megmegan/ Pastol Apoy Apoy Apoy --_.. _---- _.,._._-~ - . ..... _ .. - __--_. .. __-- -----_. .Apoy Timel Kuto atu TilanQ Apoy Po-oVSagab/Apoy ---_ ..-._- .SingpalDekkan/ Patag Napanad Patad ---" _--,-_ .. - 1----. -.---Timel/Tilang PulgaslKuto Atilang Bunggoy Arban Labban Taraken/Talaken Patad Tanap ----- ... Tanap .. .. 9 .._ ~._-".-._._ Apuy Nundotal .. Langkay/Kawan Pangon Timol Imug-mugan I ENGUSH Baha Layos Datong/Nalbong Dalanap agpadanum Ipadalanap si danum Sabang Patubig baha Manpadanum Padanuman Arina MinamaJArina Allina Alina Dames/Sabong Sabong/Bunga Sabong/ButaJBunga Sabong/Bunga Sabong Habung/Bunga Angep Gitub/Angap Angop Angop KulputIBugut Na-angep Naangap Anga-angoplAllilibuo Manlilibu-o Maulap Naangop Bugubugut MakanlTaraon Kakkanan/Makkan Makan Makan Pagkain TalaoniMakan MakaniKanon Talaytayan Sillayon Langtay da tago AtayaniLangtay Tulay AIIatoy Pakdal Pagikkan ti garami Agpakkanan Papakkanan Panpakanan Bakir Ginubat Ginobat Ngilaw Langaw prutas Lingaw Pangsungrod DungsolAlitan Kayo Fitfitaeg nan fuwan Coh-dep MakulpotiEngohdepl Man-co-coh-dep Mekan/Makan Taytay/Rangtayl Pakshal BodegalAlang Alas/Bel-ewl Shontog/Kakiyewan Anim-itiBalengngaw Keyew/Ngepos/ Kiyow Sedag/Buklanot Arina BulaklakiPrutas/ BunQa Ulap Kabos Darudar Dakol as solag Fungicide Akhas Agas ni bigis Agas ti buot Pamatay tutu Dapol Fungus Furrow Fuot GulitIWaked Bo-ot Gulis/Kulit Buot Gulis Tutu Gurit Buot Gulis Garden Foag/Oma Garden/Pajew/Oma Pagmulaan KadananiBaang Mumula-an Garden pea Disantis Sitsaro Sitcharo Chicharo Sitsaro Garlic Germ Fawang Lukit Bawang Begis Bawang Germ Bawang Kagaw Bawang Isaw Germinate Fabgi/Fumki BengisITimil/Simit Panagrusing Tumobu Tumubo Ginger Laya AgatiLaya Laya Basang Goat Buck Doe Kid Goose Karching BuloQ Paina Anak Ganso Kalshing/Kanshing BuloQ Kabajan Kilao Ganso Kalding Toro Kabakyan UbinQ a kalding Ganso Gander Barako Ganso Hen Upa Gooseling Piyekllmpas Layos Dalanap Agpalayas Alina Dayos Pa shanomanl SinbeQ Arena Flower/Fruit Topkaw/Funga FOQ AnQep Foggy Naangep Food Makan Footbridge Langtay Forage rack Panganan Forest Pagpag Fruitfly Kumaw Fuelwood PinasekiMisuno Full moon Flood Layos Flood irrigation Sebnang Flour Layos/Litap Tinampok Layos Arina SabongiBungai Lames Angep/Libu-o Sabsaban/Pakainan Kudal GubatiKahuyani KadaiKakak-kaiwan TattaloniGinubat KaQubatan Bangaw Langaw TalakitikiBalbalngaw PansunodlTinubaki Panggatong/Gatong Jinikot Ka-iw Nasbey bu-an Kabilugan ng buwan Kavos MaibombaiSabidongl Parabombal Pamatay-amag Agas Para boot Buot Boot AmaQ GulitIKusitIKugit Farow Gulit Pinu-ul InalahanlMuyong/ PinuQu Lango Mitungu an kaiw Immongal di bulan Pumpateh bu-ot Bo-otIBiyu Tulaing/Boyah Hardin Galjen Puntanoman Chicharo/tsitsaro Sitsalo Desantis Bawang Mikrobyo Pagsibol/Pagtubol PaQ-usbong Luya Bawang Isaw Laya Amput Germ NabngVHumangol NalnQi Laya Kambing BarakonQ kambing Inahing kambing Bisero Gansa Kaldjing Tolo/Kalamtangan Kabaiyan Ulbon kaldjinQ Ganso Guiding Bulog an guiding ObaylTin-na Golang Ganho Barako Lalaking gansa Ganso Kawitan ay ganho Bai Ubo-an Inahing gansa Ubuwan UbuwaniUp-upa Issiw Kiyap Sisiw Piyok Im-impa Laya Non-alOmaiGarden Sitsaro/Gesantis/ Switpis Bawang Bigis Tinmubo/Binumtiki Sinmungo/Sinmimit LayaiAgat Kalding Ama kalding Ina kalding Ana kalding Ganso Kalding Laki Paina Ubbo Ganso Kalding Bumalo ay kaldinQ Babai ay kalding Anak di kalding Ganso Ganso a lalaki Ganso Laki UfalOpa Ganso a babai Gansa Kiyap/Kipkip/Kiyep Piyek Ana ganso 10 Tummobo --- ENGLISH IBALOI BONTOC ILOKO KAUNGA ISNAG TAGALOG Ikalis/Galob Paggrado/pagbukod/ Pispisen/Pili-en/llasin Paghiwalay/ Pagklase Bukel/Butil Butil Ba-eng/Apal Bangan/Bodega Agamang Lugam/Nabe-as Damo SuliwetiDodon/ Tipaklong Pakiyeng Mangan/Man-alab Manginain Sigay Grenhaws Umabay/Dumakkal Dumakol Grade/Sort Isinaillasin Pili/Pispis Paglalasinen Manusan/Punguwan/ Sina-on Piliyan Grain Foker/Bagas lIekiCosil Bukel Bukal Bugas Granary Allang/Akamang Alang/Baleg Kamarin Alang/Sipi Alang GrassIWeed Lukham EdetiDoh-bet Ruot Kaddat Bollat Grasshopper Chochon Shoron/Dodon Dudon Kalingat Balliit Graze Anglod Ngeb-ngeb/Mengan Pagpasturan Greenhouse Grenhaws Grenhaws Karab Naliduman Ipagpatubuwan Grow Tumufo/Mengngan Ba-deg/Kabay/Simit Agtubo Grub hoe Khabyon Guava Grenhaws KANKANA-EY Piliyon Top-ngon Bugas Boga Alang Alang Loot Holok Djodjon Ba-atong Man-alab Alab Linong di mula Puntubugan Gumabay/Lumangto/ Paglaki/Lumaki Dumakdake Djomakkol Umongal Grenhaws Gabion Palu Piko Salapsap/Gabyon Asarol/AsadaiPatik Piko Gabyon Kayyab Kabjun/Gabjon/ Sarado Bayabas Bayabas Bayawas/Bayabat Bayabat Bayabas Gayyabas Bebet Hail storm Chalalo/Chullalo Danti Oraro Ulalago/Uraro Dulalo Bayabas/Gayabas Dadal-Io/Dante/ Lante Ulang yelo/Heyl Dulallo Dalallu Half moon Tinmekwa nan fuwan Kagashowen bulan Harness Sallong Suyod/Sakhod/ Sagad EhetiEketilpako Sagad/Arasho/ Saloysoy Baro wenno lakay nga Bulan Ipako Mapan bulan/ Arinunus Lubid Pak-ol/Palpal Buriski Suyod Harvest ApitiAni AfitlApitlAni Apit ApitlAni/Gani Ani/Apit Harvest season Panag-aani/ Panag-aapit Harvesting En-an-ani Tempon afitITempon Panag-aapit ni apitiSi-anni MengafitiMemoras/ Pan-apitiSi-apiti Pinag-aapit Memoshas/Man-anni Hatch Pikki Pen-ikiPensaiPetki Hay Khumang/Chakami Hedge Harrow Gogwa solag Paguyudan Pinag-aapitiPinagani Iya-ani/lya-apit Hating-buwan/ Kalahating buwan EketiPaguyod/Sango Singkaw Suyod/Saloysoy/ Suyod Arado Man-apitiMan-ani/ Ani Manbeka Panag-aapitl Anihan/Tag-ani Panag-aani Nan-unat di bu-an Nakayang/Gudum an bulan Man-awitan/Sangol Panakul Guduan bulan Pailid Kawal/Huyung Apit BotoklAni/Bok-ka Panag-ani Ahi-ani/Ahitulu Man-ani MunbotokiMun-ani/ Munbok-ka Agap-apitiMaggani/ An-ani Aggahani Man-ap-apitl Man-an-ani Agpissa Namsit Umissiw ManpesaiMapetkian Pisa Ub-oban Map-ah Sabal Garami Arutang/Akaw Ulot Garami Gam-mi Dagami Alad Gilid/Kilig/Tenneng Murdong Alad Pinu-ol/Natuggo Akhas Savishong Pagpatay ti ruot Agas bullat Pangposol ay loot Pumpateh holok Herd Grupon si talaken Pinekkan Pangen Kalowalowang Baneng Halamang-bakod MaibombaiSabidongl Herbicide Parabombas lugam Taraken/Talaken Kawan Tambak Herbicide Padaw/Aray/Patu Agas kaddatl Pamatay kaddat Arban Pangon Hill-up Mengabur Sarado/Serado Ringkunen Limbang Kalun/Kalunan Sarado/Serado Pagtabon Gabulam Mun-uuwadi Mungabul/Tag-udan/ Muntodag Hillside Chuntog In-nalong/Alakshang/ Bakras Bantileg Baging bumabbantay Beleg/Baklas Bilig/Kabilbiligan Libis ng burol Sag-on gan bilig Maduntog Hired labor Porchiya Medagbo-an/Pordiya Matangtangdanan Manglu Oblantes/Pordiya Arawan Manangdjan Naboklaan Pabayadan/ Patangdan 11 Pag-aani Dayami I KANKANA..EY Kafayo Kavajo/Kabadjo Kabalyo Kafayo Kavajo/Kabadjo Bomaro Kabayo Bumam nga kabalyo Amabbago Kabayo Colt Filly Bumalasang Kavajo/Kabadjo Bumalasang Bumalasang kabalyo Amabbalasang Bumalasang Foal Fab-alo Kilaw Ubing a kabalyo Urbon kabalyo Abeng Kabayo Kilaw/Bumalo Mare Stallion Kamfakyan Bulog Kabajan Bumalo Babai nga kabalyo Lalaki Bakat nga kabalyo Bula nga kabalyo Paina un kabayo Paama un kabayo Kabay-yan Bul-Ia Hot pepper Sili Sili Sili Turang/Gappo Sili Sili Hot weather Atong ay timpo/ Chackon Petang/Empetang Naprang/ Napasungat Man atong Man-atong/ Manpet-ang Housefly Immune Insect Laleg Inmingsa Fikis Insecticide Horse Kabalyo Apangatllmoc Imtun/Naing-sa Begis/lnsekto Napudot nga panaweniNabarai NadaQa-anQ Ngilaw/Dingraw Nairuam Insekto Langaw/Banggaw Mapenam AriwaQwaQ Akhas/Safichong Saveshong Pagpatay ti insekto Panglattong Irrigated Layew E-shanoman Mapasayakan Napadanuman Irrigation Payas/Alak Ka-achalem nan chanum Shanoman/Kulokol ShalernlDebing ni shanum Pagpasayak Continuous Maid pengpeng na Flooding Kabayo TAGALOG Kabayo Bisiro Batang kabayong babae Batang kabayong lalaki/Bisiro Inahing kabayo Kabayong bulugan Siling maanghang/ Labuyo Maalinsangan/ Tag-initITag-araw LanQaw Di tinatablan Insekto/Kulisap Padanum Lingaw Lal-la-eQ Um-minam/Umingsa NaingsaiNairowam Insekto BiQis MaibombaiSabidongJ Sabidong Parabombas bigis Padanuman/ Layew/Masibugan Nadanuman Alak Bagan Kauneg ti danum Kaadallam Kaadalom Tuloy-tuloy Agnanayon Peyapeyang Antot-tottod Posngen Sinbeg Palayas Lannap Ipadalanap Tuloy-tuloy/ Mantetetned Mangabang/llibeng Rainfed Pak-ang Talon/Bangkag Bangkag Mod-odanan Udanan Drought Tuchok Kegang/Tiakew Tikag Tikag Langka Water depth Jackfruit Jar Java Plum Langka Dangka FangaiFurnay/Gusi/ Salaw Tuunan Lomboy Domboy Knife Khipan Lactation Enpasoso Ladder Teytey Ta-ed/Dansita Pampasuso/ Amansoso AgshanlTe-te Pamatay-kulisap Ulbon Kabayu Kabayu Kabaayan Kabayu Ulbon ay kabayo Kabayun golang Kabaiyan Kalantangan Babain kabayu Kabayun bulog Vongaw Paktiw Kamaga Potta-pottang/ Maatung Kabayo Ngilaw/LinQaw Um-minam Insekto Pangposolay insekto Lalog ImminQha Insekto Kodot Pinatubigan Napadanuman Nadanuman Patubig Paayas Alak Lalim ng tubig Kot-tong Kadalom Tuloy-tuloy Mantodtod Mun-nanamong Pagbabaha Pasuyakam Nalbong/Labngon Bangkag Sahod-ulan Maudanan Maudanan Angag Kalgaw TagtuyotITagbisi Kamaga Dopal Anangka Lamka Langka Langka Langka Langka Burnay Gusgusi Iddanuman Kuli/Gambong Tapayan/Gusi/Banga Djanuman Lungboy Lumboy Longboy Lumboy DuhatlLumboy Lomboy Lomboy Kutsilyo Pagpapasuso/ PaQPapadede Hagdan Gipan/Uho UwalHinalong Manpaspasuso Punpahuhu Aldjan Tete/Pakdal Lawa Posong Lubong/Puhong Solal Luta Singkua simakmak Udluta Naid makmak na Maid luta na Kutsilyo/Kampit Iku Panagpasuso Maggatta Agdan Agdan Gipan Ampagatas/ Ampasuso Aldan Kaada-Iem Gipan Manpasoso AgdanlTeytey Pispisung Lobong Lebeng Daga DagaiLusa PitaiLuta DagaiLote/Saadan Mahin bu-day to Akin daga Makinlusa Enshi bu-day to Awan daga na Awan lusa Lake Posong Binejayeng/Debbeng Libtong Land LutaiDagaiLuti Bu-Day/Shaga Land owner AkinlutalAkinkua Landless Mid luta na Lupa May-Iupal Kampayaw/Singkua Akin dagalAkin uka May-ari nQ lupa Walang lupa Ippon payaw na Magay daga na -~~- 12 Buhi/Dunug/Angang __ EN_G_L_IS_H B_ON_T_O_C Larva Bigis Lay Umit-itlog Leaf Fulong IB_A_LO_I_......l-__ IL_O_KO _ _--,--__ IS_N_AG Begis Man-ikdog/ Mengikdog Bulong KA_L_IN_G_A_I KANKANA·EY I Bigis Kinkinit tadang Ogos Bigis Panag-itlog Magl-ilog Umitlog Man-itlog Bulong, Ad-adon Tubo Bulong Kulikog TAGALOG T1NGGUIAN TUWALI Tilas Mangitlog/ Nangingitlog Oyos Bigi Umitlog/Mangiplug Mun-itlog Dahon Tubo Tubu Leaf curl Kulot Kulot Kulot Naakinkinit Kulot Kulot Kolittokot Nakulot on tubu Leaf spot Leafminer Latek Ngilaw Baltek/Datek Ngilaw Latik Ngilaw Balbaldong adon Batok di tubo Batungol naya adon Lingaw di tubo Latek Nqilaw/Lifmayner Nabatikanq dahon Leafminer Ditubo Killapog Latik di tubu Lifmayner Leech Matek Alinta/Bileg/Matek Alimatek AlimatalAlimanawan Alinta Alinta/Matek Linta/Limatik Matak/Matok Matok Leek Danggo Dasuna/Shangkho Bulong sibuyas Lasona Danggo Sibuyas/Danggo Kutsai Sibuyas Tubun di danggo Lemon Chalayap Sahajap/Perres/ Lemon/Pusposok Dalayap Kahel Dalayap Dalayap Lemon/Dayap/Kahel Djalayap Lemon Lice Kuto Kuto Kuto Kuto/Kiyat Kuto Kuto/Tuma Kuto/Lisa Koto Kuto Light Silaw/Paway Selew/Silew/Maniyal Silaw/Lawag Lawag/Wada Silaw Silaw/Silew Liwanag/llaw Lampala Hilaw/Dilag Lightning Koliyapyap/Kimat KimaVBagidat Kimat KilaVKimat Kilat Kimat KidlaVLintik Kilat Mapot-al/Kilat Lima bean Liming Patani Apogan Atab/Patani/Etab Mengaplay ni lime Patani Panagusar ti apog KalbaVltab Kuppite/ltab Layming Patani Pag-aapoq Patani Atabi Apolan Apulan Load Ikarga/Men-ikarga/ Karga Mankalka/Kalka Panagkarga/Karga Tangingi Ap-apugan Magipaga/ Magilugan/ Magisagpat Bubokkodan/lbukod Man-ikarga/ Man-iluglugan Pagkarga/Karga Kal-gaan Punuwon Loading platform Plataporma Panshagpatan Pagbatayan nga agkarga Batay pagsagpatan Bubokkodan Pansagpatan Platapormang kargahan AIIatoy Punpat-tukan Locust Chochon Belbelting/ Beddaddeng Dudon Dudun/Slbuwaw/ Siyab/Sisibaw/ Pilagay pingpingku Dodon SoliweVDodon Balang Djodjon/Dudun Dudun Log Langes/Linnanges Tabda/Toroso/Kiyew Troso Taruso/Pungka Batang Batang/Talaksan/ Minunqo/Troso Troso Talikayu Nalngo an kaiw Looper Fikis Begis Dangan-dangan Dangan-dangan Batol Dangan-dangan Uod Mallukuto ogos Da-angan Loss (economic) Lukhi/Nalukhi Lugi/Abak Lugi Naawanan/Nalugi Naabakan Nalugi/Maatiw/ Namaga Lugi Nalugi/Nabanglap Nalugi Manure Tai/Lumeng Tae/Kitel Takki ti animal Kawel Altay Tai Tai/Dumi/lpot Market MarkeVTinchaan DahuaniDakuan/ Tinsha-an Paglakuan Paglalakuwan Malket Panlako-an/Markit Mate Manacha Penakal/Penekep Panagpamanada Magdakay Asawaon/Manada Iyapol/Apolan Bugaso Pamilihan/Palengke/ Tindjaan Merkado/Talipapa Tai/LugiVGali-ing Malket Mandakep Pagkasta Pachakupam Mamaya-an Naket-eng Magulang Nautong Nat-ungan/Ma-ilog/ Nahikon Mature Naeteng/Nengngan Natengan/Eta-engan Natangkenan Nakulnitan/Nagangu/ Natangkinan/ Nautong Nakulnit Meat KamelWatwat Afag/Apag/Buki/Buke Kame Kame Sida Patpatok/Bukbuki/ Ap-apag Kame Kaine Dotag Beef Kamin si faka Afag ni baha Kame ti baka Tabbit baka Kaine di baka Kaine di baka Kameng baka Kalnin baka Dotag di baka Carabeef Kamin si nuwang Afag ni nuang Kame ti nuang Tabbit nuwang Kaine di luwang Kaine di nuwang Kameng kalabaw Kalnin luwang Dotag di nuwang 13 ENGLISH IBAlOI BONToe IlOKO ISNAG KALiNGA I KANKANA·EY I TAGALOG TlNGGU1AN TUWALI Chevon Karnin si karching Afag ni kalshing Karne ti kalding Tabbit kalding Kaine ni kalding Kaine di kalding Karneng kambing Kalnin kaldjing Dotag di guiding Mutton Karnin si karnero Afag ni karnero Karne ti karnero Tabbit karnero Kaine ni karnero Kaine di makawas Karneng tupa Kalnin kalnilo Dotag di kalnelo Pork Karnin si fotog Afag ni bavoy Karne ti baboy Tabbit aboy Kaine di bulok Kaine di busa-ang Karneng baboy Kalnin bulok Dotag di babuy Melon Melon SanjalMelon Morad TupaJSupa Sanja Milon Molod Melon Meteorite Follayaw/Folalayaw Buladakew Bolalakaw Bulalakaw Bulalakaw Bolalakaw Bulalakaw Bulalakaw Milk Khatas Katas Gatas Gatas Gatas Gatas Gattak Mite Kakew KagewlAmpas Anay/Mites Ampas/Kagaw Tungaw Tungaw Anoy/Ampas Kago Mold Moldy Fu-ot Nafuotan Bo-ot Nabuot Buot Ambubuot Bo-ut Nanbo-ut Amag BuotanlAbu-otan Buot Nabuot Gatta Tungaw/Ulmogl AninQapnQap Taramitim/Buot Udal Siwasiwakl Bulalakaw Gatas BooVAmag NabooVNabuutan Bu-ut Nabu-utan Mongo Mongkho Balatong/Mongo Balatong Balatong Balatong Monggo Balatong Monsoon rain Uchan PuweklOran Nepnep Annag Oltot Month Fuwan Bulan Bulan Bulanan Binulan/Bulan Balatong Pabugso-bugsong Panag-uudan/Pewek paQ-ulan Buwan Bu-anlBuwan Bulan Balatong Mahapukl Umuda-udan Bulan Moon Fuwan Bulan Bulan Bulan Bulan/Solag Buwan/Bu-an Buwan/Bwan Bulan Bulan Morning Wiit Agsapa AgsapalBigat AI-alawalPagmakat Bigbigat AgsapalNapat-a Umaga Bigbigat Biggat-nalMawi-it Maamag Bali Mortar Losong Bajuan Alsong Bayuwan Lusong Lusong Alsong Luhung Mosaic Latik Batik Mosaic Labbalabbang/Batok Nalatek Mosaic Kumaw/Lamok DamokilmokITopkan Lamok 1I0kiLamok Lamok Balok Lamokl Waswassavan Latik Mosquito Mosaic LamalAgukopl Gubang Moss Fakhiw/Lumot Bagiw/Daboy Lumot Lumut Bagiw Mound Funton Bunton/PutnoylT0-01 Bunton Laton Bunton Mountainous Fanfantay/Filfilig Bambantay Bebeleg Mud PitakiPitek Mulch Men ap-ap si Iota MulchinglAp-apl Napnap Mushroom Kum-o Kakhafanl FanQitloQan Oong/Bagel Kalaballkdoganl ObonQ Net farm income Ganar/Galansia New moon Nighttime Nest Kashontoganl Shonshontog Petoy/Pitek Banbantay Lusongan Lamok Piyok Laboy/Labey/LumoV Lumot BaQiw TambakiBuntonl Bunton Punso Bulubundukinl Dontog Mabundok Putik Pitek Toma LumoVBagiw Lumuy/Bagiw Bunton Inado/Pingkol Kabilbiligan Maduntug LuttakiPuyak Pitok Pitak PitaJLupang/Lubna Panangngalep-ep ti Ap-apan puon ti mula iti bulbulonQ Oong Uong Ap-apan Ap-aplAp-apan Mulch AplagarnlGabolan Inadu Uong U-ong/Bage Kabuti Oong Bulung Umok Subut Sukbot Ubong Pugad Kulong/Suk-bot Buya KanansyalNeto Ganansia Ganansia Maganansiya Ganansiyal Galansiya Kita Ganansia Ganal Limeng PangeVNingel Linned Lasiad bulan Saal Panget Bagong buwan Djamon bulan lumtaw Bulan Malafi/Lafi/Maschem Davi/Kalebiyanl Edabi Rabii Gabiyin Labi Nalabi Gabi Labi/Lumabi Hilong -- 14 . "_.-_.- ~ -----_._----~-~---- ENGLISH IBALOI IlOKO Bukow/Buko Pansemilyaan/ Bonobonan Buko Pagpatubuan ti bunobon Node Onget Nursery Semilyaan Onion bulb Lasuna Sibujas/Sibuyas Orange Lolokisen/Gayunan Over-ripe Nakging/Niyuniyok Pail SakchoanfTimfa OrangefTamboyog Edabas ja duwem/ Edais Timba Partnership Sosyo Pasture Pastor Pasture land Pastoran/Punchag Pathway Chalan ISNAG KALiNGA I. KANKANA·EY .1 TINGGUIAN TAGALOG TUWALI Buko Buko Onget Buko Buko Buku Pagipatubuwan Nasary/Bunubunan Similyaan Similyahan/Nursery Masetasan Similyaan Sibuyas Bungaw lasona LasunalSibuyas Sibuyas Sibuyas Lasona Sibuyas Dalanghita Uttay/Kahel Allagan/Gayonan Orens Dalandan/Dalanghita Gimma Gugul-Iu Nalabes ti luom NalungtotlNarupsa Nalpos Naom ay pasya Sobrang hinog Nalpos Nakal-kal-um Timba Timba Timba TimbalBalde TimbalBalde Timba Timba KaitlKasosyo Kasosio Kabulig/Kaseng Kabulig/Kagwa Kasosyo Sosyuhan Mansakup/Kasakup Munkadwa Pasto Pastol/Pastulan/ Budusan Shalan Pastor Kakallisan Pastol Pastul Anag/Pasto Kakallisan Pastulan/Paalaban Pagpapastulan Pastoan/Aalaban DanalDalan Pasto Pagpastuan/ PaQPaaraban Daddalenan/Dalan Danan Daraanan/Landas Djalan Pahtul Punpastulan/ PanQanan Dalan Bayad/Subad/Sukat Bayad Bayadan Bayad Pagpastoran Dalan/Ma-oy Pay Fayadan Bayad/Bayshan Agbayad Bayad Bayadan Payment Fayad Bayshan/Bayad Bayad Pagbayad Bayad na Bayad Kabayaran Bayadan Bayad Pepper (bell/green) Sili Sili/Kamaw Taban Gappa Sili Sili Sili/Lara Sili Sili Pest Pisti Pesti Peste Ananakan Peste Peste/Sakit Peste/Salot Pisti Peste Pesticide Akhas Saveshong Pagpatay ti peste Pamatay ananakan KodotlSabidong Sabidong Pamatay-peste Pistisido Pumpateh peste Pestle Ar-o AI-o/Dahdo/Dado AI-o Allo AI-o AI-o Halo/Pambayo AI-o AI-uh Pick Piko Piko Piko Piko Matok/Piko Piko Piko/AsadalAsarol Piko Piko Pig pen Khongo/Khongowan Kudungan ni bavoy/ Kulungan ti baboy/ Kebkeb Ubong Buho-aboy/Duhong Pagpukuan aboy Pukukan/da bolok/ Pakod Kulungan di bisa-ang Kulungan ng baboy/ Kilong bulok/ Ulbo Pukokan bulok Piggery Kafutugan Babuyan/Kebkeb Pagtareknan ti baboy Pagabuyan Bobollokan Babuyan Babuyan Mantalkonan bulok Pine cone Follifog Sabong ti Saleng Bis! bidofTalang Bunga salong Buttige Pine cone Bungan salong Bungan di bolbol Pineapple Pinya En-esek/Enmulal Mentanem Pinya Pinya Pinya MagmulalMagtugno/ Mammula Magiruda Pinya PirialPinya Man-mulalMan-esek/ Pagtatanim/ Mantunod Nagtatanim Pangdjan Gakad Muntanom/ Muntan-tan-nom Planting I BONToe Buntigue/Bontike/ Botdege Pangshan/Pinya Man-esek/Panmoda Panagmula Araro Panmasetasan/ Panmulaan Aladjo Alado SuhalLukban Gimma Tabuyog/Lubban Panglaw Nawotwot Plot KamalFaliling Kama Aray/Kama Pinabantay PlotlUmong Kama Kama Plow/Plough Alacho Arado Arado Alado Arado/Alado Pomelo Lubfan Arasho Ducban/Dobban/ Kalebew Sua Dummon/Lumban Lubban Lubban/Lukban Poor Kochu/Pusi Beteg/E-beteg Napanglaw Pubri Kapos Nabiteg/Pobre/Kudo Poultry house Kamanokan Manokan/Kagaban Kurong anu Kagaban Pregnant Maliton Malukon/Eduhon Magbusit Mabugui Pagtareknan ti manok Panagsikog 15 Panmanukan/ KaQaban Masikog Manmula Gungu/Pukungan di baboy Babuyan/ Pukungan MaralitalMahirap/ DukhalPobre Manukan/Bahay ng manok Buntis Kagaban/Buki Nabugi Binal-lakhalNailed Kagungkung di manok Butyug ENGLISH BONToe IBALOI ILOKO Pangareserba Igappotllyamma Iki-ing/ldulin Pagpepreserba Iyamma Itapa Presio/Gatad Balor/Gatad Presyo/Gatad Balol Maragkuwa Gardenero HalagalPresyo Pabrikante/ Tagagawa Plisyo Mamulmulal Mantangtangkon Manmulmula Muntantanom Tagilako/Napartuat MulaITangkon Apit Produkto Polodjokto/Mailaho Lako InapitiNaganansial Naganab Ganansiyal Galansiya Ganansiyal Galansiya Tubo/Pakinabang/ Kita Ganansia GananhiyalGanal Panagputed iti MagtadawlTadawan/ Tadawan/Mantadaw Tadawan nagango nga sanga Magsipprud Pagbawas TadjawanlTiliman Muntungil Uran/Oran Tudo Udan Udan Udan Ulan Udan Udan Bongdol Bullalayaw Bunglon Abungal AbungalBadkong Bahaghari/Renbo Tibbongalon Atibungalon Shekes/Oran Agtudo Magudan Iyudan/lyu-udan Udan Ulan Man-ud-udan Udan Oran Udan Udan Tubig-ulan Preserba Kuday/Maytido Price Falor Presyo/banol Presyo Para bo-day/ Agparpartuat ParamulalGardenero Daho/Dako/Produkto ApitiKita Menmul-mula Product Lakho Profit Ganar/Galansya Pruning Siplingan/Entodtod Rain Uchan Rainbow Rainfall Fungakhan/ Atimbungaen Uchan I KALiNGA PreseNe Producer I KANKANA·EY ISNAG Kanansysal Ganansya Kesay/Mengsay/ DasdaITengshal/ Potolan Panangpreserba Ganansia Rainwater Uchan Tudo Danum udan Rainy season Kesep/Panag-uudan/ Panag-uuran/ Chinamey Sebedao/Si-oran Panagtutudo Pinaguudan/ Pinagaannag Aggudan Rake Kala-id Kalaykay Karaykay Karaykay Rat Otot UtotiBao Bao/Utot Degwey/Eguey/ away Owey Alakshang/Pung-as/ Der-raas Shipdas TAGALOG TINGGUIAN TUWAU Danum udan Udan Panag-uudan/De-am Tag-ulan Kabasal Maudo dol-am Panag-uudan Kaykay Kalaykay Kalaykay Kalaykay Kaw-i Ulag/ButitiBussag Utot Otot Daga Otot Gelew Uway battat Iwoy Uway Ratan/Lantok Owoy Uwe/Littuku Pirong Top-ang Deppas Bangin Duplas Punga Lakom Gamulang Buloy Bale Rattan Uwey Ravine Cheppas Reaper Lakem Dakkem/Shakem Rakem Reaper Lakkom Rakem Residential house Afong Baley Balay Balay pagyanan Boloy Be-ey Residue Nakhayad Abay-an/Subda Arinsaed Purag/Purad/Puyot Nabun-an Ubaas/Nabay-an/ Saleksek Latak/Sapal Alinuknuk Dilu Retail Menucho Retail Tingi tingi Tagiitte nga lako Minudo lIako/lretil Tingi Manpaminocho Inginallhubli 1ice Nakiskis/Nailik Begas/Beggas/ Bek-kas Nakiskis Baggat inirid Binayo Nakiskis ay' begas Bigas Binayo Nakiskis Uncooked rice Fakhas/Binayo Newly cooked Inapoy rice Left over KinabfanlTecha cooked rice Rise Fumlad Soft Enyam-es Hard Ak-akenteg KaritiKalawiti Panggapas TirahanlTahanan/ Bahay Begas/Beggas/Bikas Nakusel Baggat Maata isnalBogas Begas Bigas Binayo Boga Inepuy/Kay-okan/ Badon-doto Kalloto Apaggapuy KaiyisnalKaut-uto Innapoy/Kaut-uto Sinaing Kapan uto ay asog Hinamal Kilabban/Kelabban Kilabban Nabagnat inapuy/ Nabaw Tugda Kilaban Bahaw/kanin-Iamig Asog ay baaw Na-agge/Pa-og Debag/Malbag Nabillad Lumbad Bumtal Malbag Alsa Bumlad ay asog Malbag Nalukneng Nangalug/Narupsa Mankumpetay MalambotiLugaw Nayam-os/Nalum-oy Mayam-o Natangken Nakulnit Nakintal/Makneg Matigas Nakudsol ay asog Dukneng/Enjep-es/ Anshep-es Tangken/Makinteg/ Makintal Manyom-os/ Nalum-oy Mangkot-ong/ Mambolang 16 Makulhi E_NG_L_IS_H_~_B_ON_T_O_C_-,---_IB_A_L_OI_-----.L.-_~IL~O_K_O_--,-__ IS_N_AG __ KA_L_IN_G_A_I KANKANA-EY I TINGGUIAN TAGALOG TUWALI Improperly cooked rice Ricefield Natafe Batil/E-batil/Abatil Nakusel Nabirad Napita/Nakotta Nabatil Hilaw Naupit Layew Talon/Payew Mapadanuman Taltalunan/Payaw Payaw Payew/Layew Masawallian Rice bird Tilin/Chekchek Beshing Billit tuleng Ballit Tilin Beding/Buding TubiQanQ palayan Maya/Mayang pula I (Maya sa palay) Natannung/ NaboQQa Payo/Nalbongan Tilin Buding Rice bran Tuyo Toyo/Babang/Shiki Tuyo Tuyu Dugi Digi DanQaw Dangaw Dangaw Dangaw Dangaw Rice mill Kiskisan/llikan Kiskisan Kiskisan Gulingan/Kiskisan Kiskisan Gilingan/Kiskisan Panbaywan Upok Bit-tah-ayunq Punbayuwan/ Kiskisan Rice straw Chakami Garami/Sabal Garami Dangaw Kiskisan/Gilingan/ Ammay/BaQQat Arutang/Akaw Darak/lpa Atangya Djogil Dugi Rice bUQ Dagami GaramilAlutang Dayami ng palay Gammi Rice varieties Klase Kilase Nadumaduma Ganan Klase Klasin di baClas Nadumaduma on ila Klase High yielding Mabsil Mabunga Adu nga maapit Nabun/Nabisi Mambugas Mabsil Klase ng palay Maraming anil Mataas na ani Nabgas Nabugah Traditional Kachawyan/Ginolot Datihan/Naytaron/ Sigod/Native Kadawyan Nepagagangay Kasigudan/ Kadaanan Kasigudan Sinaunang binhi Kainsigudan Hanon dati Commercial Para lako/Komersiyal Tinongkal Glutinous DiketiChayaket Aromatic Saliket Pangkomersio Diket ShiketiShayakot Bangdo/Mansingew/ Nabanglo Mambangdo -- Kamursio Binaliwon/Komersal Komersiyal Nadekat Dekot DiketiMalagkit Malagkit Salikot Dayakkot Nabangog Ambango Manseng-ew Mabango/Aromatik Nabanglo Mahang-o Tapey Alak bigas/ Binong-bigas Alak binobodjan Baya Tapey Tapey Binubudan Tapuy Tapoy Rich Kachangyan/ Faknang Baknang Nabaknang Nabanang Baknang/Pangat Nabaknang/ Sassa-ew/ ._ Kadangyan -----" .. Kolapot Okis/Kiskis Okis Dagami Pangkalakall Komersiyal Rice wine Rind DanQaw Ukis/Bula KolapotlUkis Ukis Palalako Komersiyal Mayaman/Makwalta/ Baknang Masalapi Kadangyan PinakabalatiBalat Ukis/Upik Ukih Tuping Tuping ----- .- Riprap Tuping/Kabiti Kaveti/Kabite Kabite Kubiti Tuping/Kabiti Kabite/Batog Kabiti Ripe Nar-om/Niyok Eduwem/Adowem Naluom Nalutu Nal-om Naom Hinog Ripening Mar-om Panpaduem Agpaloom Sidagan/Nabgatan Mal-om Daw-wang/ ._-- Naom/Naket-eng/ Malungtot Paghinog Ginawang 1I0g Wanga Padok/Pahdok Karayan Wangag Road Karsa Kalsara Kalsada Kalsada Kalsa Kalsada Rock Fato Bato Bato Pinat Balintoogan Balo Root Lamot Damot Ramut Gamot Lamot Lamul Row Linya Aray/Linya Gulis GuritiLinia Linlinya Linya Runner/Sprout Pingi/Salingit Anak/Saludol/Peki Saringit Asi/Daludal/Aruy Siya/Abeng - Mal-om ..- - Munkal-um Wangwang Wang-wang Kalsadja Kalata Pinpinas;m Batu Ugal Lamol Lamut Hanay Nanbibinnalog Linya Bongul/SimitlPingi/ Saringit Supang An-anak/Akayag PingilHalepeng Lati Kalawang .... Daan/Kalye/ Lansangan 8alo ~-----,.- Rust Lati Dati Lati Kirang Lati Sack Sako Saho/Sako Sako SupotiSako/Kados UpitiSako Sako Sand Lakhan/Ufod SharatiBisii Darat Ginat Gallis/Lagan DaratiLagan _•... 17 _. Nal-um - .--- River WanJl~,!ng Nal-om - - - _... _- --- •.. Lati Lati Kostal Saku Lagan Pan-ag/Lona ---'-"-~- - Sako/Lona ---._-_._---- -- Buhangin - BONToe ENGLISH Enaratllmisil Panaraten Naginat Galgallis/ Nalaglaganan Lanas Mabuhangin Nalaokan si lagan Mapan-ag/Malona Tutot Tutut LotaITotot Ngeta Dagta SitoklPahat Lota Kusot Momo KusutlLinagade Galis Kumpay Kabkab Kumpay Kabkab Kompay Buto/Binhi/Similya Bukol Buwa Punlaan Pinatan Punhopnakon Sandy Laglakhan Sap Leta Sawdust Sodas/Kusot Scab Scythe Kab-Kab/Kudkud Kumpay Seed Foker/Fua Seedbed Padchokan Seeding Enfunufun Panbunubon/ Esek ni butil Pinagbunobon Seedling EseklPachog SemiljalBonobon Bunobon Sell lIakho Seller Men ilaklako Daho/Dako Mengedako/ Para dako Share Tinnulong/Bingay/ Finnachang TututlShanum/Netal Detta Nandagashean/ Nandagashi-an Gashil/Gadgad Kumpay/Khari Butil Pan semiljaan/ Bunobunan Kabkab Kumpay Kinan di laQadi/Sodas Kab-kab Kumpay Bukol/Bin-i Pepennalan/ Bubunnubunan Semilya Padogan/ Pansimilya-an Iyosokllmula Man-semilyal Man-bunubon PagpunlalPagtanim Dilitso ay mula Bukibo/Bunubon Bunobon/Penal Similya PunlalSimilya Bonobon/Masetas Aglako lIako lIako lIako Magbili/Magtinda Manlako Aglaklako Maraglako Allalako Para lako TinderaITindero Manlaklako Nagragadian ti kayo/ Tapu nagragadian Kusot Kabkab/Magslsl Kursing/Scab Kumpay Kumpay Bukel/Bin-i Pagbunobonan Bukal/Bin-i Pagbukibuhan/ Pagsibuan Magimumo/ Magtugno/ Magibukibo Nanlagadiyan MangisatlMangipatl Mangitod/ Maginggab Mangmangtod Manbi-nulod/ Mantinulong/ ManbinnadanQ BigayanlBahaginan/ Nagbibigayan/ Mangtod/Palunan Naghahatian Id-datan/Ubbu Uvulan/Obodan Asaan Anetan/Amaridan Asaan Palidan/Asa-an Lagisang bato IlIidjan Ha-itan Karnero/Kalnelo UgotlUtdo/Otdo/ Osiek Karnero Karnero Karnero Karnero Kalnilo Kalnelo UggotlSaringit Rabong Utol Usyek UlsoklUtol Haping Nahlit Nayohan Gaman Maika on mangilasinan Kompay Sheep Shoot Otchek Shrink Kesen/Kumsen Kinmesen Kimbet Kinumrit UmmakitlKinumbot Kinumsen Sickle Kumpay Kumpay Kumpay Senyal/Signal Sinyal/Sinjal Senyal/Pagilasinan Kumpay Mangil-an/Senyal/ Mangimatonan Kumpay Sign Kumpay SarpitlPagsinnan/ TaQematun TupalKarnero Supang/Talbosl Usbong Pag-urong/Pag-ikti/ Pagkital LiliklKaritlPanggapas Buton/Sinyal Senyales/Sintomas Sky Chaya Tangatang Langit Langit Slash and burn Uma Uma Koman/Agkomanan Baang/Uma Slaughter Partien/Pagpartiyan Palti/Dabak Agparti Magparti Palti Agpadara Magdagdaga Padala Pinikpikan Pagkatay Dara Kuskusan Medensia Panaglamaw lsiram DaQa Mamukis/Gudgodan Lalaem Magbalni/Lamawan Pulpogan Dala PukisanlKiskisan DalornlBagis Lamawon Langnon/llangon Dada Kuskusan/Kiskisan Eges Labno-an/Lano-an lIagit Dugo DjalalDala Kuskusin/Pagkuskos Kuskosam Laman-Ioob Bagis Pagpabanli Lamawen Pagsasalab __ [email protected]____________ Bleed Pachala Blood Dehair Entrail Scald Singeing Chala Kuskosan Chalem Lamawen Lakiman HinopnaklBin-i/ Mitanom Inginallhubli Munhubli/ Munngina Tinudong/Pabibingay Panangibingay Asaan/Simlitan/ Palichan Karnero Sharpening stone Itanornllhopna DangitlNaykayang/ KilislTabben UmalOma Manshalal Emanshida Shala Puhis/Koskosan SusotlShalem DasoklLamaw lIoQ/Pu-ol 18 LangitlPapawirin/ Himpapawid UmalNum-alKaingin Kaingin Pangangatay/ Palti-en Pagparti/Pagkatay Daya Pamtokan Tangatang Lagud Um-umaan Habal/Uma Palti Palti Mandjaldjala Mundadala Dala Kupuhan Putu Lamawon L~~ ______ ENGLISH BONTOC Sled Pasagad Pasagad/Patoki Pasagad Guyodan/Pasagad Paguyod/Patuki Smoke Asok Asok Asok Smoking Iki-ing/Isu-ob Suob/May-sooi/iso-ol Isuor Snail Filoloko Biruruko/Beroroco/ Bisokol Birurukong/Bisukol Atu Nesapan/Sinapan/ Mesasapan SawitiBarikuko/ Dagikan Asok Asok Isoog/Suoban/ Eki-ing/Su-oban Suogan Bisokol/Listog/Binga! Biloloko/Bisokol Agudong Snake Uweg/Uwa Uleg Uleg Kuddog/Balatlldaw Ulog Soak Iyoper Ufel/Pangi-aneng/ Itta-bel Panagiuper Panangiyupar/ Panangl-bar Soil Luta Bu-day/Shaga!Dota Daga Soil bed Faliling/Kama Kama Sour sop Gayubana Spade Spid Spider Kakawa Spillway Khosingan Spot Latek Sprayer Fomfa Spring Ob-fog/Eb-eb Sprinkler Palasifug Squash Kalub-as Stalk Paragos/Kareta Pasagad Patuki Usok/Aso Pagtatapa! Pagtitinapa Asok Ahuk Suogan Ihayung Suso/Kuhol/Bisokol Billolokok/Listog/ Agudong Pilak Eweg Ahas/Sawa Ulog Ulog Ipabasa!lyupol Ibenben/ltabel Pagbabad ng binhi Iyopel/Sunong Ihopnak Luskan/Lusa Pita!Luta Luta Lupa Pita Luta Tinamba Pepennalan Kama Kama Bonobonan/ Panmulaan Binal-Iakha Guyabano Gayobano Guyabano Guyabano Balniba Gayubano Spading Pala Sped Asada!Asarol Tinildjol Ga-ud Lawwa-Iawwa Babbalakay Kawa Tiktikawa Gagamba Akawwa!Kawa Kakaw-wa Palupyas Pagayusan/Pasuweg Gusingan Gusingan Agusan Palipyas Guhing Batik Burri Labang Latik Mantsa!Batik/Patak LabanglTulnok Pangpasuyot Inwawarsl Bomba Panbomba!Spreyer Pambomba Pugsit Aray/Kama Davanos/Guyabano/ Guayabano Bayobano Pala Pala Kakawa Pa-jas/Padjiyas/ Bodja-ngan Tulshek/Maltec Patuki Naptok Ubbog Burbor/Ladda Bubos/Bubon Eb-eb/Obbog Batis/Bukal Ubbual/Ub-ub/Bubon Ob-ob Ragadera Isisibug Sibog Sibog Pandilig Lagadjela Punsibug Karabasa Karabasa Kalubasa!Kulbasa Tadlang Sprayer/Bomba Uvog/Sebseb/ Teb-teb/Sib-sib Shower/Sibog/ Busitsit Kalabasa!Kalumbas/ Kalumbasa Pukel/Dawas Ungkay Lupa Star TokwifilTalaw Talaw Bitwen Bittuwan Star fruit Falimfing Entakchag/ At-atakchag Daldaligan/Saranati Pias Teppang Napasirda Usgan/Na-osog Sanga Pungot Lawas Anak/Simit Balimbing Alakshang/Sang-atl Tived Sanga!Singeg/ Bakdang Dawas Piki/SemitiDabit Stem cutting Lutod/Sipling Lutod/Ketdo Storage house Bodega!Allang BodegaITaduan Store Igtu Pangetedo/ Pangetalo Steep Stem Internode Tiller SangaITadlang Baet ti buko Gipi Kalbasa Malabaha Gakkolang Karabasa!Kalubasa! Kalabasa Kumbasa Lawas Tangkay Tung-al Adul Bitowon Talaw BituinlTala Bitwon Bituwon Piyas Piyas Balimbing Djalligan Balimbing MatikidlTengngey Matarik Naduplas Matikid Tong-a!Lawas Tangkay Sanga Pu-un Buko Lipi/Saringit Bias/Biyas Supang Lawas Lipi Buku Haping Lutod Stem cutting Putdjem ay mula Miluhad an mitanom Bodega!Kamarin BodegaITaguan/ Imbakan Alang/Punpunan Bodega!Alang/ Punha-adan Ibodega!lgtu/ldulin Pag-iimbak Sagumbi I-alang/lpa-eh Dagami/Sangal Pu-un Lawas Anak/SivaiSimit Lawat Taringit ArratlArrap/Rappatl Maputed nga sanga Lusod/Wakal/Puon AngtatiGappat Pagsanangan/ Pagpenpenan/ Kamalig/Abulug/ Bodega!Alang Kamarin Pagippayan Idulin Magidulin/Magipani Pusitsit Iyalang/Igappot 19 ENGLISH BONToe IBAlOI IlOKO ISNAG KAUNGA l KANKANA-EV .1 TINGGUIAN TAGALOG TUWAU String bean Khadchong/Otong/ Falatonq Otong/Agod Otong AntaJSaraysay Antak Otong/Batong Sitaw Salayosay Kaw-watlAntak Sucker Singi PetiklPonoklPike/ Dabit Subwal Asi bagatlPinya Siva SaringitlLipeng Usbong Suplang Haping/Hobwal Sugarcane Unas Unas/Onas Unas Unat Unas Onas Tubo Unas Unah Sugarcane mill Faliwesan Dapilan/Shapilan Dadapilan Amasian/Dadapilan TalupassilDapilan Baliwesan/Dapil-Ian Gilingan Sibulan Boliwoh/Opalan Sun Akhew Sekit Init MatalSinag Init Init Potang Sunflower Kamulaw/Ak-aklit Marapait Marapait Sabong sinag Malapait SegitlAgew Araw Kamaelaw/Malapaitl Mirasol/Sunflower Sanflower Sunplower Lam-paw Sunny Akhew/Atong MaskitlSiyang NainitlNasernaat Nasinag Amod initlNainit Maaraw Nainit Potta-pottang Sunrise Sumingising nan akhew Bukang liwayway Sumiim na init Tuwen pumtang Sunset Supply Sweetpotato Swine/Pig Awas ni sekitl Lumgak ti init ManseskitlSinmekit DelsheklSi-daw/ LeneklNalunog nan Mankademos e-siketi lIelenek ti init akhew Edetep ni sekit Ado nga produkto Suplay Suplay nga ilako Tukhi Dukto/Docto Kamote Mansegit Lumtaw-matalSir-ag/ Bumalbalay segitl BiggabiggatIWikwikis Suminag Pinmat-a Lumna-matalSumrap Kumlop/Kulop Nadipus di agew/ Paglubog ng araw Lumlumnek di agew Lumnok init Nahiklop Wasi SuplaylTiplag Suplay Suplay Apit Kahapulan Kamusi Gasselang Tugi/Lukto Kamote/Kamoteng baging Katila Lapne/Gat-tok Futog Baboy Baboy Aboy Bulok Busa-ang/Baboy Baboy Bulok Babuy Barrow Kapon Kapon Nalsitan babagga LakilNaibotowan Kapon Kapong biik Laki/Kapon Kapun Boar Manador/Bula Baboy Bulog/Manador/ Unangal Bula Pamadakay Maboto Bul-Ia Barakong baboy Manadjol/Mabutu BulaITangbal Gilt Bumalasang Pangganakan Bumalasang aboy Bai Bumalasang Dumalagang baboy Gamayan/Piddal Babain babuy Sangkainaan Tagapaganahan babagga Sin-anakan Anak Mga anak ng baboy Aanakan Imbabalen baboy Litter Amom-og Piglet Ammog Sow Okor Ensus-suso ay ammoq Suckling Davas/Kaong San-ina Migil/Butbutog/ Ut-utik Ka-ong Burias Bagbagga Iyas Mokang Kulig/BiiklBulaw Utikllyas Kinkinlum Takong Guhong PainalPid-dal Ka-ong Inahing baboy Pid-dal Pikat Minuso Agsossoso Sumusu Ansussuso Mansossoso Pasusuhing biik Sumuso on iyas Kinkinlum Sinial/Mangil-an Sinyal Symptom Sinyal Sinjal Pagilasinan Paglasinan Maila-an/Sinial Sinyal Palatandaan/ Sintomas Tamarind Salamagi SalamagilSalumagi Salamagi Salamagi Salamagi Salamagi Salamagi/Sampalok Sammaagi Taro Fakkag AvalAbalPising Aba Siway Lidoy/Aba AbalGamey/Pising Tenant Makisamsama Mengabang/ Eman-abang Makitaltalon Bobonan Tago Gabi Nangungupahan/ Tenante Thinning KesayanlTudtuchan PangkisaylTud-tudan Parutan Kassayan/Badutan KaananlTudtudan Thresh Eliken Threshed rice lIik Pantilyar/Pan-ilikl Pan-edik lIiklllek -- - ~------- ------- Man-ab-abang/ Suplay Bawasan/Kesayan/ Tudtudan Latod/Aba AbalPihing Makiab-abang Maki-payo Bawas punla Pakisangam Kisayan/Kaanan Uloton Agirik Mahaggl/Magpaspas Taltagan/Erikon ErikenlTalnag PaggigiiklGiikin Man-iliklManaltag Irik BinulbollTinaltag/ ~QC!~__ Irik Giniik na palay llik ---_.. __._...- Pagoy/llik Salumagi Ihidum ------------ 20 ---- ENGLISH BONToe ILOKO KidjoVKidol Kidol Kagew KuloglKalugkogi Dagundong Garapata Angpas Ompa Panagdabba ki lusa Mambaybay Kultibit Bungkal Mankpoya Huple Panagarado Manglulot! Manglupang Aladowonl Mangalado Man-arado Pag-aararo Man-aradjolAlado Mun·aadu Panagpak-ol Magsuyod/Muriski SuyodonlAnsuyod Pagsusuyod Manpa-i1id! Manlasang Munkawal PabaliresiPadorut lyonod!lpaunod Pahaba Binisngay Huple Pa-baribar Mapabbag/Pinabbag Pabalagbagl Ipabalagbag Pababag Pahalang Inakub Huple Simpa-en/Dimpiya Panag Iimpia/ Panagpanad Magpatanab Lenason/llenas Isengpa Pagpataglpagpantay Panadjom Dryland method Inuma Bangkag Bangkag Magballat!Magunot Bangkag/Uma Bangkag Wetland method Pinayew Talon/Payew Talon Magpayaw Mapitok/lpayaw Layew Dike/Levee Pa-jas/Kolokol Tambak TabonlAlinawang Pigol/Banong KanallTambak/ Baneng Dike/PilapillTagaytay Tambak Makasabidong Pumatoy Makasabidong Lason Makaposol/Pumatoy Pumate Magtagtagilako AnlalakolAhente Ahente/Man-i1aklako MangangalakaV Negosyante Manlaklako Mungina Pagbartilyuwan/ Paglakuwan Lalakowan Bagsakanl Treding pos Bagsakan Manlaklakowan Punhublianl Punginaan Wanti/Sebang Landas/Daanan Ittok ay kalsadja Dalan Mantuned/Man-isek/ Man-imula Kompormel Kinumporme Lipat-taniml Pagtatanim Random/Walang I piling pagtatanim Manlaop Munbitnat-tan Ulay-yonlbalangna Munbinatog Ibatog Daw-wa-on Thunder Keleb/Khicho Kerol/Kirol Gurro-od AddugiSal-it Kidol Kidu Tick Kedpas Angpas Kabang Apngot Tillage Panagsama Pennukay UlmoglAmpas Panangisagana ti daga Plow Men alacho ArasholArasho-enl Man-arasho Harrowing Sagaden Aray/Saloysoyen Lengthwise Pa-ancho Pashokey/Ongshos Pa-atiddog Crosswise Finalafag Bakwag Level Isengpa/Chatalen Faneng Saveshongl Makasabidong Sabishong MengidaholAhentel Negosiante Akinte Trading post! Paglakwan Bagsakanl Ponshu-an Mansuyodl Mansaloysoy PatakdeglPaandol Paundos Toxic Safichong Trader Ahente Trading post Bagsakan Trail Chalan Shalan Dana Talpad Transplant Mentuned Man-esek Ag-raep Magialit ka mula Random Kinampormi Kumpormi Saan nga nagbinnatog Binuransi agmula Balang na Straight row Esay linya Nandetteg Napartengan Dinaladagl Nadaladag agmula BinnatogiNadaladag Diretso/Binatog Papagguyudanl Kalipkip/Pakel Man-ulag/lyaton mula/Man-usok Spacingl Distance Guide/marker Fet-ang Distancia Nagbaetan ti mula Naabayat agmula Botta-angiBootan PartengiMarka Malka/Kosit PartengiMarka Patuldu/Pagpadaw Linya/Kigad Seedling Pachog Semilja/Bonobon Bunobon Mukimo/BukibO/Sibu Bunobon Dryland methodl Paraang walang Ipatubig Wetland method! Paraang may Ipatubig Tuwid na hanay Dotalon Uma/lyuma Munhabal Imulnak/lpanad Munpayo Banong Pag-aagwat! Pagdidistansya Marka/Palteng/Linya Giya/Palatandaan Lit·taangiBaot Maika Ugis Pun-adlon Bunobon/Similya Punla/Pananim Bonobon Tanom/Bunubon Baet!Etak Tillering Umanak Pan-dipi Gipi Magtammag/Maggipi Siya/Sumiya Suwi/Pingi Pagsusuwi Gipi Munhaping Alleyway Chalan Shalan Pagnaan Daddalenan Kaang Daan Nahipaton ma-oy Dalan Dalan/Ayon 21 ENGUSH BONTOC -,_._._......'_.__._-----_.- Replanting ----_ MensugotiMenlamot Sunsun Panagsugot Magtagnap/ Mahaatap Sugotan/Sunsun Sun-odanlSukatan Muling pagtatanim Pinangibiyahe Ibiyahe Idalosa/Gimataon Ibiyahe/llugan PaghakotiPagbiyahe Ibiyahi lIugan/lyaldan Agas Agas Agas Agas GamotiLunas Aga ... ~ . ~ - - , - Mansugot Itanum Treatment Akhas Bunal/Biyahe/ Bunalen AkaslAgas Trowel Sangkap/Sanggap Sangkap/Chopchop Hand trowel InrurudalSagwa Landok/Suduk Sanggap Dulos Ballita/Suduk Dolu/Hanggap Tuber Fekhas Dames/Damot Bagas Asi Bugas Lames Lamang-ugat Salingit Bagas Turkey Turkey Turkey Pabo Turkey Turkey/Pabo Pabo PabolTurkey Telki Poult Impas Kiyap/Kipkip Ubing a pabo Pipiya turkey Ammalasang Kiyap/lngpas Sisiw na pabo Tom/Gobbler Kawitan Kawitan Lalaki a pabo Kawitan turkey Kawitan Kawitan Pabong lalaki Pabo Piyok ay pabo/ Anakdi pabo Kawitan on pabo Upa Ufa Babai a pabo Gaggana turkey Mangalak Upa Inahing paba Gaganak on pabo Ubuwan an telki Singi/Sipling Panga/DutinglPating Roting Bibittl sanga LutinglPanga Panga/Pating Sanga Inittok ay sanga Pating Typhoon Lemlem Puwek Bali/ bagyaw Bali/Puwok Puwek Bagyo Bagyo/Bali Puwok Unripe Maata Maata Hilaw Naata Ug-ge nal-uml Maata Klasi Kalasi Klase Klase Kalasi Nunhihin-natkon Warehouse Wash Water Bodiga Uwas Chanum Namata Nagbabalaki/ Nagsasaballl Amalig Bagguan Danum Maata Variety Alang Ulasan/Balbalan Danum Panbodegaan Uwasan Danum Bodega Hugas Tubig Alang Balbalam Djanum Alang UlahanlUI-ullahan Liting Water cress Tongsoy Naata/Aneng/Ma-ata Naata Naduma-duma nga Kilase kita Bodega Bodega/Kamalig Pangoras Panang-buggo Shanom Danum TungsoylTonsoy/ Tongsoy Tapsoy Watercress Tongsoy Tungsoy/Shangtoy Tunsoy Lubnak Tanghoy Waterfall Kin-aw Uto Palogpogan Talon Ayos di danum Guhing Water pump Fumfa PayogpogITalon Barrong Pagpasusop ti Bomba/Water pump Binumba danum danumIWater pump Bumba Bomba/Water pamp Bomba ng tubig Panpaisup djanum Bumba Watering Chanuman/Sifugan Sevogan/Shinuman Panagsibog Danuman Padanuman Mansibsibug Watering can Palasifug SivoglSibog/Data Pangsibog Insisibug lata Sibog Parasibog Watermelon Sandia/San-ja Sandya Asimun nabangog Udal Sanja Pesso Panang isina Magipusing Pusotan/Naposot Pusuten/Napla Weather Sanja Maisina/Mapsotl Nafokak Timpo Tempo Kasasaad ti tiempo Tiempo Timpo Weed Lukham EdetiDo-bet Ruot Kadkaddat Bollat Transport Ibiyahe Hen Twig Wean Bagyo Pajogpog Week Domingo/Lawas Domingo/Dawas Weevil Fokfok Bukbok Weigh Ikilo/Kiluwen Ikilo/Bel-at Weighing scale Kilowan Kidoan/Kilo-an Makadumingo/ Makalawas Buk-buk Panagkilo/Kiloen Pagkillowan/ Timbangan Agas PagdidiliglNagdidilig Silogam Im-impah an telki Kawitan an telki Danumanl Munhib-hibbog TempolTiempo Latang pandilig/ Baldena pandilia Pakwan Pag-awatiPagwalay/ Pagbitiw PanahonlTiempo Lugam Damo Pudayaw Holok Lata ay palasibog Punsibug Sandia Sandiya Ipusing Puhowon Timpo Timpo Lawas Lawas Domingo/Lawas Linggo Domingo/Lawas Ohan domingo/ Linggo Tutu baggat Bukbuk Bukbok Bukbok Lulok Lukluk Manammat Kilowon Kilo-en KilohinlTimbangin Kilowom Ikilo/Dam-otan Pagkiluwan Kilowan Kilo-an Timbangan Pankilwan Kiluwan .. _'-----_ .. 22 _..... __E_NG_U_s_H_-'--_B_o_NT_OC '---_B_AL_OI_ _-'--_l_o~K_O Weight Kilo/Dagsen Kilo/Bel-at Kadagsen Well Fufun Deepwell/Asulan Bubon Wheel barrow Kalatilya KarateljalKaramatilja Kamaratilya Whirlwind White flowered gourd Wholesale Alipospos/Kalifudfud Alipugpug/Adipospos Alipugpog Tabungaw I_SN_A_G__'---_KA_L_IN_G_A_I KANKANA·EY I TAGALOG TUWAU nNGGUIAN Dammat Tabbug adallam/ Bubon Kilo/Dam-otlDagson Kilo/Kadagsen Timbang Dagson Kilo/Dam-ot Bubon Balon Tampidjaw Bubon Pakkahupan Kamatilya SilbadalKaratelya KaretilyalKarmatilya Kalatilya Kamatilya Alipugpug Ipo-ipo/Alipugpug Alinpusapos/ AlipuQPoQ Ipu-ipo/Buhawi/ Alimpuyo Alipogpog/ Alimpupuyog Alipuhpuh Bakuba Tabungaw UpolTabungaw Upo Tabungao Tabungaw Ginulpian Pinakyaw Laylay/Nalpay/ Malyaw Kontrata Pakyawan Manlaylay/Makuyos/ LantalLuoy May-ayew Gulpi ay panaglako Gulpi an ngina Malyaw Nalyo Dagem Hangin Dakdak/Dubdub/ Angin Dibdib Mahangin Nadjobdjob Madibdib Ullig Bu-ligan Ta-oplTopan Liga-o Higi Sakduan Tafongaw UposlTabongaw Korpi ay ilako Gulpi/Ginulpi/Kinulpi Gulpi Wilt Maluyluyaw Day-day/Lay-Iay Panaglaylay Maglaylay Wind Chagem/Chakem Shagem Angin Bali Bidbid Windy Nachagem Mashagem/ Manshashagem/ Mansheggem Naangin Nabali Imbibidbid/Nabidbid Mandagem Winged bean Pallang Pallang/Bekhan Pallang Pallang Pallang/Ullig Pallang Winnow Winnower Tap-aniEnta-ep Lig-o/Liga-o Agtaep TaaplTaapan Penaap/Diga-o/Kiyag Agtataep Sapanllsap Igaw Tup-an Ligaw Manta-eplTap-an Liga-o Bilao/Bila-o Bagat Igao Akiyak/Yakayak Akiyak Bistay Akiyak Sigadilyas/ Kalamismis Tahip Winnowing sieve Akha-ag Yakayak Gasagasan Yukuyu Wire Alamli/FalotlKhalot Alambre/Alamshe Barot Barut BarotlBalot BarotlAlambre Alambre Balut World FatawalLofong Singkamas/ Atingkamas Faangan/Fitling/ Awichan Tawen Duvong/Dubong Singkamas/ Dingkamas Deckshan/Kelparan/ Buhdayan TavenlTawen Lubong Lubong/Kalawagan Lubong Lubong Daigdig/Mundo Lobong BarotlBaddong an Qumok Luta Singkamas Singkamas/ Bisl sinQkamas Singkamas Singkamas Singkamas Kamas Singkamas Paraangan Amuwag Paway Baliwang Bakuran/Looban Sangon Buloy Tawen Dagon Tawon Taw-en Taon Tawon Yellow ginger Laya AgatlLaya Laya Basang ngilalKunig Laya Laya Luyang dilaw Basong/Laya Yield ApitlAni/Fekhas AfitlApit Apit ApitlBunga ApitlBunga ApitlAni/Lames Yoke Pasangol Pako Pasangol Isiw Sangol Pako/Sangol Ani/BungalProdukto Apit Pamatok/Yugo/ Sangol Singkaw Yam beanlTumip Yard Year 23 Aldat-tan/ Lita-anQan Tawon Bongo/Laya Ani/BungalBintok Panakul REFERENCES Ahuja, B.N. 1994. Academic's Dictionary of Management. Academic (India) Publishers. Rajendra Nagar, New Delhi. CECAP and PhilRice. 2000. Highland Rice Production in the Philippine Cordillera. Central Cordillera Agricultural Programme (CECAP), Banaue, Ifugao and Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), Maligaya, Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. Collins Dictionary of the English Language. 1979. William Collins, Sons & Co. Ltd. Glasgow G4 ONB. Gomez, E.D. and A.T. Austria.1994. Glossary of Technical Terms in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development. Agriculture Part 2. Institute of Development Communication-College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. Herren, R.V. and R.L. Donahue.1991. The Agriculture Dictionary. Delmar Publishers Inc. Albany, New York. Lewis, R.A. 2002.CRC Dictionary of Agricultural Sciences. CRC Press LLC. Roca Raton, Florida, USA. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. 1996. 10th Ed. Merriam Webster, Inc. Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Panganiban, J.V. 1973. DIKSYUNARYO-TESAURO. PILIPINO-INGLES. Manlapaz Publishing Co. Quezon City, Philippines. The University of the Philippines at Los Banos College of Agiculture.1983. Rice Production Manual of the Philippines. College, Laguna, Philippines. 25 Appendices A. Definition of English Agricultural Terms 5. Validation Workshop F articipants with Fhotos TERM Blight Bolo Borrow Boundary Branch Branding/Brand Breed Breeder Breeze Bridge Bud Bug Bulb Bundle Butterfly Buy Buyer Cage Canal Carabao Carabull Caracalf Caracow Cart Cassava Castration/Castrate Caterpillar Cattle Bull Calf Cow Heifer Horned Hornless DEFINITION Disease symptoms, parasite, fungi, bacteria, viruses, or unfavorable atmospheric conditions, which cause the withering and death of a plant A large single-edged knife To obtain or receive (something like money) on loan for temporary use, intending to give it or something equivalent or identical back to the lender Something that indicates the farthest limits; as of an area; border A lateral stem arising from the main stem of a plant, bough or limb (1 )The act of affixing a name or design or some words or letters to the product for distinction (2) A mark of identification burned into the skin of cattle, horses, or carabaos (1) Animals having common origin and distinguishing characteristics (2) To improve, through control, characteristics in plants and animals (1) Aspecialist in breeding (2) An animal used for breeding Agentle or light wind Astructure that spans and provides a passage over a road, railway, river, or some other obstacles A protuberance containing miniature leaves or flowers, located terminally or laterally on a stem Any insect, specifically of the order Hemiptera The subterranean bud of some plants, which has a short stem bearing overlapping membrane-like leaf bases, as in onions and tulips A group of things fastened together for convenient handling Any diurnal insect with a slender body and clubbed antennae and typically rests with the wings (often brightly colored) closed over the back (1)To acquire by paying or promising to pay a sum of money or the equivalent (2) Purchase (1) A person who buys (2) Purchaser (3) Customer Astructure for confining birds or animals, enclosed on at least one side by a grating of wires or bars that let in air and light An artificial water course cut through a land area for navigation, irrigation, or drainage A member of the cattle tribe of swampy regions of Southeast Asia, having widely spreading back-curving horns; domesticated forms are used as draught animals An uncastrated male carabao Mature female carabao More than 3-months old but sexually immature (1) A heavy open vehicle, usually having two wheels and drawn by horses, used in faring and to transport goods (2) Any small vehicle drawn or pushed by hand A shrubby tropical American plant (Manihot esculenta) widely grown for its large, tuberous, and starchy roots To remove the testicles or to destroy their use The worm-like larva of a butterfly, moth, or other insects Collectively mature bovine animals; calves and yearlings may sometimes be included in a broad sense, the term may also include all domesticated quadrupeds (1) An uncastrated male bovine (2) A market term for male bovine at sexual maturity The young of certain large mammals, of the bovine animals, specifically those more than three months old but sexually immature The mature female bovine, a market term for designating a female bovine which has produced a calf The young female of the cattle species; usually applies to the female that has not yet given birth Designating an animal with horns Designating a well-defined, polled condition of certain breeds of cattle such as the Angus and Red Polled 29 TERM Stag Steer Charcoal Chicken Chick Cock Cockerel Hen Pullet Rooster Chicken coop Chicken dung Clay Clayey Climate Cloud Cloudy Cold weather Collateral Compost Consign Consumer Contour Cooperation Corn Corn husk Corn kernel Corn tassel Creek Cricket Crop Crop rotation In animals, a male castrated after reaching sexual maturity A male bovine animal castrated before reaching puberty A black, porous, carbonaceous substance, obtained by the partial burning of an animal or vegetable substance in the absence of air; a common fuel; it is also a mild antiseptic and deodorant Gallus domesticus, family Phasianidae; the domestic fowl, whose ancestry while obscured by antiquity, is attributed to Gallus gallus and other species of jungle fowl of India and the Malay Peninsula; the chicken is one of the most widely distributed and most commonly kept of all farm animals A young chicken The adult male fowl; also called rooster or stag A male chicken less than a year old A female fowl; specifically the female domesticated fowl valued for its egg production An immature female chicken Male chicken; cock; cockerel (less than a year old) Afarm building for housing poultry Chicken manure or excrete that fertilizes land Denoting particles, regardless of mineral composition, with diameter less than 2 microns (agriculture) or 4 microns (geology) Containing large amounts of clay or having properties similar to those of clay The sum total of all atmospheric or meteorological influences, principally temperature, moisture, wind, pressure, and evaporation, which combine to characterize a region and give it individuality by influencing the nature of its land forms, soils, vegetation, and land use Dense, visible concentrations of suspended water droplets of ice crystals ranging in diameter from 20 to 50um Covered with clouds Low temperature Security for debt given by someone other than the debtor; an extra security for a debt given by a debtor in addition to a major security that in some circumstances might be considered sufficient; a security for a debt that consists of rights over property, as opposed to personal guarantee (1) Organic residues such as peat, manure, or discarded plant materials or soil placed in a pit or enclosure, moistened, and allowed to become decomposed (2) To cause vegetable matter to become decomposed as a fertilizer The handling over of an item for sale to a second party while retaining ownership in it A person who purchases goods and services for his own personal needs Afixed level of elevation across a slope A Filipino value where people in a community help one another like in planting rice or in physically moving a residential house to a different place; "Bayanihan" Any of numerous cultivated forms of a widely grown, usually tall annual cereal grass (Zea mays) bearing grains or kernels on large ears; the grains or kernels of this plant used as food for humans and livestock or for the extraction of an edible oil or starch; also called Indian corn, maize Outer covering of a corn The edible seed A terminal male inflorescence A small stream or river A large family of leaping insects, of the family Gryllidae, some of which are nocturnal and known for their chirping Any product of the soil; in a narrow sense, the product of a harvest obtained by labor, as distinguished from natural production or wild growth Growing annual plants in a different location in a systematic sequence; this helps control insects and diseases, improves the soil structure and productivity, and decreases erosion 30 TEAM Crowbar Cucumber Cultivate Curling Cutworm Damping-off Dawn DaylDaylight Decay Deficiency Dehydrate Demand Depth Dew De-worm DiglDigging Dike Dilute Dip Direct seeding Pre-germinated seed Lodging Broadcast Saturated field Discolored Disease DisperselDistribute Ditch Dominant Dragonfly Drainage Drip Drizzle DEFINmON A heavy iron lever with one pointed end and one forged into a wedge shape Atendril-bearing, climbing, or sprawling annual plant (Cucumis sativus) widely cultivated for its edible cylindrical fruit that has a green rind and crisp white flesh To till and prepare (land or soil) for the growth of crops Any of the various plant disease characterized by curling of the leaves The larval stage of moths of the family noctuidae, which are soft skinned caterpillars up to 1 Y2 inch long Any of the several fungal diseases which attack and cause rotting of seedlings and cuttings Daybreak, sunrise The period from sunrise to sunset; day as opposed to night (1) The decomposition of organic matter by anaerobic bacteria or fungi in which the products are completely oxidized (2) Any chemical or physical process which causes deterioration or disintegration An insufficiency in reference to amount, volume, proportion, etc.; a lack; a state of incompleteness The removal of 95% or more of the water from any substance by exposure to high temperature (1) An urgent or peremptory requirement or request (2) Willingness and ability to purchase goods and services (3) The amount or commodity that consumers are willing to purchase at a specified price Deepness The condensed, atmospheric moisture which has collected, usually at night, on plants, soil, rocks, and other surfaces which have cooled below the condensation point of the moisture in the atmosphere; in humid areas, the amount of water contributed by dew may be as much as 5 in (13 cm) a year; the amount is also important for plant growth in semi-arid or arid regions Getting rid of worms To turn up the earth A ridge of earth thrown up to impound water, as in irrigation or to divert water, as in soil erosion control To make more liquid by mixing with water, alcohol, etc. To plunge briefly into a liquid, as in order to wet, coat, or saturate Planting seeds as opposed to setting out started plants The radicle/plummule emerged from the seed The falling down of rice plants in the field due to wind, rain, flooding, pest damage, or because the stems are too tall or too weak to stand erect during the grain-filling stage, usually causing yield loss A method of planting in which the seeds are uniformly distributed over the entire surface area (1) A field totally wet, filled voids between soil particles with a liquid (2) Filled completely or loaded to capacity Stained; altered or changed color specially for the worse Any deviation from a normal state of health in plants and animals which temporarily impairs vital functions; it may be caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, poor nutrition, congenital or inherent deficiencies, or unfavorable environment The actual transfer or movement of organisms from one place to another; it does not constitute migration, but is a necessary antecedent to it An artificial excavation, as a trench or channel dug to carry irrigation or drainage water In genetics, designating one of any pair of opposite Mendelian characters which dominates the other, when both are present in the germ- plasm, and appear in the resultant organism Any predatory insect having a large head and eyes, a long slender body and two pairs of iridescent wings outspread at rest The area from which waters are drained; a drainage basin To fall in drops Very light rain specifically consisting of droplets less than 0.5 mm in diameter 31 TERM Drought Drum Dry "Above stove" Air-dry Hang-dry Sun-dry Dry rot Dry season Duck Drake Hen Duckling Dusk Dust Earthquake Earthworm Egg Egg nest Eggplant Erosion External parts of ruminants Back Belly Ham Head Hoof Horn Loin Navel Neck Penis Rectum Rump Shoulder Side A long period of abnormally low rainfall, especially one that adversely affects growing or living conditions Cylindrical container Having all the water or liquid drained away, evaporated, or exhausted Drying rice grains, either threshed or bundled, above the cooking stove to further remove excess moisture To dry or dehumidify by means of natural air movement To fasten to some elevated point without support from below Drying or preserving by exposure to the sun Any of the many types of decay, but specially of that which, when in an advanced stage, permits timber to be easily crushed to a dry powder Having little or no rainfall A bird, family Anatidae, specially the domesticated ducks raised for meat A mature male duck The female duck A young duck which still has downy plumage Twilight or the darker part of twilight Fine, dry particles of earth, or other matter, so attenuated that they may be wafted by the wind A sudden motion or trembling in the earth caused by the abrupt release of slowly accumulated strain (by faulting or by volcanic activity) Any of the several species of the genus Lumbricus, family Lumbricidae, commonly, represented in the fauna of surface soils, specially in the humid regions; generally regarded as beneficial because some improve the structure and fertility of the soil; however they may do minor damage by eating plants A hard-shelled reproductive body produced by a bird, reptile, or other animal species A place or structure in which birds, insects, reptiles, mice, etc., lays or give birth to youngs An Indian plant (Solanum melongena var. esculenta) cultivated for its large edible, ovoid, glossy, usually purple-skinned fruit Group of processes whereby earth or rock material is worn away, loosened, or dissolved and removed from any part of the earth surface The posterior part extending from the neck to the pelvis The abdomen of an animal A cut of pork which consists of the hind quarters of a swine from the hock to the hip, including the thigh and buttock The part of the body which includes the face, ears, brain, etc. The hard, horny, outer covering of the feet of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and swines A natural bonelike growth or projection on each side of the head of most breeds of cattle, sheep, and goats which is a natural weapon of defense (1) The part of the body of animals on each side of the backbone that lies between the floating ribs and hipbone (2) A wholesale or retail cut of meat which comes from the loin of carcass A depression in the middle of the abdomen that marks the point of former attachment of the umbilical cord or yolk stalk The connecting link between the head and the body The male organ The terminal or lower part of the intestine which ends at the anus The part of the rear end of an animal, which includes the buttocks or fleshy part of the rear quarters The upper part of the forelimb and/or the adjacent part of the back (1) In the body of an animal, either of the lateral surfaces or parts extending from the shoulder to the hips (2) An entire lateral half of a beef, veal, or pork carcass split lengthwise through the backbone and the corresponding mid-undersurface 32 DEFlNlnON TERM Snout/Muzzle Tail Teat Testicles Vulva Farm Farm house Farm manure Feather Feed trough Feeding Feeds (commercial or concocted) Fence Fire Flat Flea Flock Flood Flood irrigation Flour Flower/Fruit Fog Foggy Food Footbridge Forage rack Forest Fruitfly Fuelwood Full moon Fungicide Fungus Furrow Garden Garden pea Garlic Germ (1) The projecting part of an animal's head that contains the nose and jaws, as the snout of a hog (2) An anterior elongation of the head The posterior part of the vertebral column of animals; it is usually covered with hair, some of which may be quite long The fleshy protuberance through which milk is drawn from the udder of a mammal Male sex organs which produce sperm after sexual maturity The external genital organs of the female; the opening to the vagina Atract of land cultivated for the purpose of agricultural production A house in the farm The excrement from all or certain farm animals, including litter or bedding materials like straw The epidermal structure partly embedded in follicles of the skin of birds An open receptacle for animal feed Providing animals with the desirable quantity and quality of feeds; making feeds available to animals Harvested forage, such as hay, silage, fodder, grain, or forage processed feeds for livestock A hedge or barrier of wood, metal, stone, or plants erected to enclose an area to prevent trespassing or the straying of animals One of the results of combustion A level, treeless prairie, specially between hills or mountains Certain active, leaping insects of the family Pulicidae, which feed upon the blood of warm-blooded animals Several birds or domestic mammals, like sheep which are tended as a unit; also called herd; band The rising and overflowing water from natural or human causes into fields, farms, cities, etc. A system of irrigation consisting of adding water at the highest point in a field and allowing the water to cover the soil The fine-ground product obtained in the commercial milling of wheat, which consists essentially of the starch and gluten of the endosperm; it is used for baking The matured ovary of a flower and its contents including any external parts which is an integral portion of it; in a popular sense, the fleshy ripened ovary of a woody plant, tree, shrub, or vine, used as a cooked or raw food Almost microscopically small water drops suspended in air that reduce horizontal visibility to less than a mile Thick with fog Material usually of plant or animal origin, that contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals, and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life A narrow bridge for the use of pedestrians A framework for holding hay or fodder A dense growth of trees, plants, and underbrush covering a large area Any small dipterous fly which feeds on and lay eggs in plant tissues Wood products harvested for use as a fuel The instant when the moon is directly opposite the sun, and therefore fully illuminated, appearing as a bright circular disc A pesticide chemical used to control plant diseases caused by fungi like molds and mildew A lower order of plant organism, which contains no chlorophyll, no vascular system, and is not differentiated into roots, stems, or leaves The opening left in the soil after the furrow slices have been turned by the turning plow A plot of ground, usually less than an acre, devoted to the growing of vegetables, flowers, herbs, fruits, etc. The flattened cylindric inflated multi-seeded fruit of the common pea plant An onion-like plant (Allium sativum) of Southern Europe having a bulb that breaks up into separable cloves with a strong distinctive odor and flavor In reference to animal disease, a small organism, microbe, or bacterium that can cause disease 33 TERM Germinate Ginger Goat Buck Doe Kid Goose Gander Hen Gooseling Grade/Sort Grain Granary GrassIWeed Grasshopper Graze Greenhouse Grow Grub hoe Guava Hailstorm Half moon Harness Harrow Harvest Harvest season Harvesting Hatch Hay Hedge Herbicide Herd Hilling-up Hillside Horse Colt Filly DERNITION To cause seeds or spores to sprout or form new tissue following increased metabolism A plant (Zingiber officina/e) of tropical Southeast Asia having yellowish-green flowers and a pungent aromatic rhizome; the rhizome of this plant is often dried and powdered and used as a spice; also called gingerroot Any horned ruminant of the genus Capra, family Bovidae, especially the domestic goat, C. hircus, which is bred as a source of milk, meat, and wool or hair An adult male goat An adult female goat A young goat Any large, web-footed bird (intermediate in size between swans and ducks) of the sub-family Anserinae (family Anatidae) including the genus Anserdomestic goose, Anser domesticus, includes a number of breeds kept for their flesh and feathers A mature male goose A mature female goose A young goose To classify products, animals, etc. into grades A seed of cereal crops A storehouse, especially for threshed or husked grain Narrow-leaved green herbage; grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay Any insect of the order Orthoptera, family Acididae; species have long legs for jumping and may be voracious feeders of many kinds of foliage To consume any kind of standing vegetation, as by domestic livestock or wild animals A building with glass or plastic walls and roof for the cultivation and exhibition of plants under controlled condition To live and to increase in stature and girth toward maturity Atool with a flat blade attached to a long handle approximately at a right angle; used for weeding, cultivating, and gardening Atropical tree grown for its edible fruit with yellow skin and pink pulp used to make jellies and jams Precipitation in the form of hard pellets of ice, called hailstones, which often fall from cumulo-nimbus clouds with accompanying thunderstorms The moon at first or last quarter The straps, bands, collars, lines, and attachments necessary to equip a draft animal like a horse to pull or move a load A farm implement used to level the ground and crush clods, to stir the soil, and prevent and destroy weeds To cut, reap, pick, or gather any crop or product of value, as grain, fruit, or vegetables The time of the year when the mature crop is gathered The act of reaping, picking, or gathering of any crop using a handfold knife or a sickle To bring forth young from the egg by natural or artificial incubation Any leafy plant material, usually clover, fine-stemmed grasses and sedges, alfalfa, and other legumes cut and dried principally for livestock feeding Fence or barrier formed by bushes, shrubs, or small trees growing close together in a line, sometimes with interwoven branches used as a screen Chemicals used to kill plants; used in contact with seed, stem, or leaf of a plant A group of animals (specially cattle, horses, swine) collectively considered as a unit in farming or grazing practice The act of drawing soil around the roots or bases of a plant A part of a hill between the top and the foot A quadruped of very ancient domestication used as a beast of burden, a draft animal, and a pleasure animal for riding, and in some areas, as a meat animal A young male horse, ass, or mule under four years of age A young immature female horse 34 TERM Foal Mare Stallion Hot pepper Hot weather Housefly Immune/lmmunity Insect Insecticide Irrigated Irrigation Water depth Continuous Flooding Rainfed Drought Jackfruit Jar Java plum Knife Lactation Ladder Lake Land Land owner Landless Larva Laying/Lay Leaf Leaf curl Leaf spot Leafminer Leech DEFlNlnON The un-weaned young of the horse or mule A mature female horse A male horse used for breeding purposes The pungent fruit of any of several varieties of Capsicum annuum or C. frutescens A period of unusually high temperature Any winged insect, such as a moth, bee, gnat, etc. specifically a two-winged insect of the family Muscidae Having resistance to the action of something, like a disease; it may be inborn, may result from exposure to a disease, or from having received an injection of immune serum An air breathing animal which has a distinct head, thorax, and abdomen with one pair of antennae on the head, three pairs of legs, and usually two pairs of wings on the thorax A substance that kills insects by chemical action, as a stomach poison, contact poison, or fumigant Designating land or crops which have received water from other sources as well as from natural precipitation Artificial application of water to soil to increase production A measurement from the surface of the water to the bottom This keeps the paddy fields in submerged conditions (flooded) from transplanting up to about two weeks before harvest, when farmers terminally drain their fields The temporary covering of soil with water from overflowing streams, run off from adjacent slopes, and tides Applies mostly to non-irrigated semi-arid areas where short season, drought resistant crops are grown on fertile soil to make most efficient use of scarce soil A period of insufficient rainfall for normal plant to grow; it begins when soil moisture is diminished that vegetation roots cannot absorb enough water to replace the loss by transpiration A tropical Asian tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus) having large edible fruits, unisexual flowers, and fine-grained durable wood A wide-mouthed container that is usually cylindrical, made by glass or earthenware, and without handles A tree or a shrub with globular oval smooth-skinned and dark reddish purple edible fruits shaped with oblong seeds A cutting instrument consisting of a sharp-edged often-pointed blade of metal fitted into a handle or to a machine The period of milk secretion that usually begins at parturition and ends when offsprings are weaned Portable framework of wood, metal, or rope in the form of two long parallel members connected by several parallel steps fixed to them at right angles for climbing up and going down Any standing body of inland water The solid ground of the earth; a topographically or functionally distinct tract A person who owns land A farmer who tills land but not owning it The immature insect hatching from the egg; first instar of mites and ticks To bring forth or produce and deposit (an egg) A flattened outgrowth from a plant stem, varied in size and shape, usually green, which is concerned primarily with the manufacture of carbohydrates called photosynthesis Plant disease characterized by curling of the leaves Any of the various plant diseases, usually caused by fungi; characterized by dark lesions on the leaves An insect which lives in the seeds upon the leaf cells between the upper and lower surfaces of a leaf Segmented worms, flat from top to bottom, with terminal suckers used for attachments and locomotion; various species may be parasites, predators or scavengers; most are aquatic 35 TERM Leek Lemon Lice Light Lightning Lima bean Liming Load Loading platform Locust Log Looper Loss Manure Market Mate Mature Meat Beef Carabeef Chevon Mutton Pork Melon Meteorite Milk Mite Mold Moldy Mongo Monsoon rain Month Moon An edible plant (Allium porrum) related to the onion and having a white, slender bulb and flat, dark-green leaves A spiny, Asian evergreen tree (Citrus limon) widely cultivated for its yellow, egg-shaped fruit with a yellow aromatic rind and juicy, acid pulp Small, non-flying biting or sucking insects that are true parasites of humans, animals, and birds The form of radiant energy consisting of wave lengths lying within the limits perceptible by the normal human eyes, and by extension, the shorter and longer wavelengths, the ultraviolet and the infrared light, invisible to the eye but which may be recorded photographically Luminous electric discharges usually associated with thunderstorms, but also occurring in volcanic clouds and snowstorms Any of several varieties of a tropical American plant (Phaseolus limensis) having flat pods containing large, light green, edible seeds The application of lime to land, primarily to reduce the soil acidity, reduce toxic aluminum, and supply calcium for plant growth To put (something) into or onto a structure or conveyance A structure usually built along the road to facilitate loading of commodities Any of several species of migratory grasshoppers; this pest can have devastating effects on crops in many places in the world An unhewn, sawed, or cut length of a trunk or large limb of a tree Certain caterpillars of the family Geometridae; some species can have a looping motion when crawling (1) Amount loss (2) The amount by which the cost of business transaction or operation exceeds the revenue Excreta of animals, dung, and urine (usually with some bedding), used to fertilize land A place where goods and commodities are offered for sale or exchange To pair birds or animals for breeding Fully developed or differentiated The edible flesh of an animal Meat of cow Meat of carabao Meat of goat Meat of sheep Meat of swine A tropical Asian evergreen tree (Mangifera indica) cultivated for its edible fruit; the ovoid fruit of this tree, has a smooth rind, sweet juicy flesh, and a flat oneseeded stone; it is eaten ripe or pickled when green A solid extraterrestrial body that regularly enters the earth's atmosphere and appears in the sky as shooting star (1) The natural, whitish or cream-colored liquid discharged by the mammary glands of mammals; unless otherwise stated, milk usually means cows' milk (2) the juices or fluids secreted by certain plants, as the milk of the coconut or the milk of the immature kernels of corn Arachnids; very small spiders belonging to the order Acarina; this parasite constitutes a very large group living in all parts of the world as pest on both plants and animals Fungus distinguished by the formation of mycelium, or by spore masses, usually saprophytes; various kinds may do serious damage to fruits, hay, grain, growing crops, and ornamental plants Infested by molds (fungi); designating objectionable quality due to appearance or odor, flavor, and toxicity An Asian plant (Vigna radiata) in the pea family, widely cultivated for its edible seeds and pods; a chief source of bean sprouts A wind that blows fairly steadily along the Pacific Asiatic Coast; in winter, it blows from the northeast and is dry, but in summer, it blows from the southwest and brings rain; rainy season One of the 12 divisions of the calendar year, normally a period of 4 weeks or of 30 days The natural satellite of a planet 36 TERM Morning Mortar Mosaic Mosquito Moss Mound Mountainous Mud Mulch Mushroom Nest Net farm income NighttimelNight Node Nursery Onion bulb Orange Over-ripe Pail Partnership Pasture Pasture land Pathway Pay Payment Pepper (bell/green) Pest Pesticide Pestle Pick Pig pen Plggery Pine cone Pineapple DEFINITION The first part of the day, ending at or around noon A strong vessel in which material is pounded or rubbed with a pestle Viral disease that damages or kills plants, often giving the foliage a mottled appearance An insect belonging to the family Culicidae; the proboscis of the female with a needle-sharp tube that pierces the skin of people or animals to suck blood A flowerless plant intermediate in character between algae and ferns; mosses of the Tundra have a grazing value as ornamental plants and have a commercial value for packing and rooting plants In tillage, to head up or ridge the soil about a plant or row of plants Containing many mountains Fine-textured soil so saturated with water as to be semi fluid or in a sticky, plastic condition Any material that conserves water and controls weeds among others Any of various fleshy fungi. of the class Basidiomycota, characteristically having an umbrella-shaped cap borne on a stalk; any of the edible kinds, as those of the genus Agaricus A place or structure in which birds, insects, reptiles, mice, etc" lay or give birth to young Revenue and gains minus expenses and losses The time from sunset to sunrise; night as distinct from day A place upon a stem which normally bears a leaf or leaves; the solid constriction in the culm of a grass; a knoblike enlargement Any place where plants, shrubs, and trees are grown either for transplanting or as grafting stocks The rounded edible bulb of onions consisting of concentric layers of white succulent leaf bases with a pungent odor and taste Any of several Southeast Asian evergreen trees of the genus Citrus, widely cultivated in warm regions and having fragrant white flowers and round fruit with a yellowish or reddish rind and a sectioned, pulpy interior, especially C. sinensis, the sweet orange, and C. aurantium, the Seville or sour orange (1) Over-mature or decayed to the degree that it is inedible or unmarketable (2) Too ripe for canning or shipping or for table use A bucket, one made of wood or metal (1) A legal relationship of individuals who contracted to place money, effects, and labor in commerce or business with a proportional sharing of profits and losses (2) An unincorporated business organization consisting of two or more partners (1) A fenced or unfenced tract of land on which farm animals feed by grazing (2) To place livestock on a field or area of grass to harvest the crop by grazing Land producing forage plants principally for animal consumption A narrow, trodden track To discharge a debt or obligation by giving or doing something The sum of money paid Any herb, shrub, woody vine, or tree of the genus Piper, family Piperaceae An insect, animal, or plant that causes injury, loss, or irritation to a crop, stored goods, an animal, or people A substance used to control insect, plant, or animal pests such as insecticides, herbicides, nematocides, and rodenticides A club-shaped implement for pounding or grinding materials in a mortar Tool with a handle carrying a long steel rod curved and tapering to a point at one or both ends, used for loosening soil and breaking rocks Pigsty; pen for pigs Place where pigs are reared The seed-producing cone of a pine tree A tropical monocotyledonous plant (Ananas comosus of the family Bromeliaceae, the pineapple family) that has rigid spiny-margined recurved leaves and a short stalk with a dense oblong head of small abortive flowers, the multiple fruit of the pineapple that consists of the succulent fleshy inflorescence and whose juice is the source of the proteolytic enzyme bromelain 37 DERNITION TERM Planting Plot Plow/Plough Pomelo Poor Poultry house Pregnant Preserve Price Producer Product Profit Pruning Rain Rainbow Rainfall Rainwater Rainy season Rake Rat Rattan Ravine Reaper Residential house Residue Retail Rice Newly cooked rice Left-over cooked rice Improperly cooked Rice bird Rice bran Rice bug Rice mill Rice straw Putting seeds or young plants in the ground to grow In agricultural research, a small parcel of land, usually rectangular and of definite size, used in comparing yields of crop varieties, testing different applications of fertilizers, comparing methods of tillage, etc. An implement of various types, used to cut, break, or turn a soil layer in preparation for planting, seeding, or other agricultural practices A tropical Southeast Asian tree (Citrus maxima) closely related to the grapefruit and having very large round fruit with thick rinds and coarse-grained pulp Lacking financial or other means of subsistence; needy A building equipped and used for housing and handling poultry The condition of a female animal having a living fetus in the uterus which occurs after the ovum has been fertilized by the male sperm cell Preparing foods by cooking with some preservatives so as to reduce fermentation or decomposition A fee charged for something A person or thing that produces some goods or commodities Something produced by effort The financial returns from a business enterprise or any transaction above all costs, including both actual receipts and actual or estimated appreciation of the capital involved Removing branches or twigs to control the size or shape of a plant, fruiting, or removing dead or broken branches to strengthen or improve appearance of a plant Precipitation in the form of water condensed from the atmosphere which falls in drops A bow-shaped display in the sky of the colors of the spectrum, caused by the refraction and reflection of the sun rays through the rain or mist The amount of precipitation, expressed in the form of water but including snow, sleet, and hail which falls in a given time Water that falls from the atmosphere in the form of rain, at times being caught and directed into cisterns for future use The season of heavy rainfall Hand implement consisting of a row of teeth set in a head piece attached to a long shaft and used for gathering hay leaves, straw etc., or for smoothing loose earth A long-tailed rodent much larger than a mouse; a serious pest, it is very destructive to stored food and may carry disease Any of the climbing palms of the genus calamus, having tough stems used for wickerwork and canes A sharply cut natural depression, v-shaped in transverse profile, usually without a permanent stream in its bottom A machine used for reaping Building used as a dwelling; house A deposit of a pesticide which persists on an exterior surface or which is absorbed by plant or animal tissue following treatment The sale of goods individually or in small quantities to consumers A hulled, whitened grain of palay transformed into a form suitable as human food Very recently cooked rice Unused or unconsumed cooked rice Not properly cooked; not well cooked Any bird frequenting rice fields A livestock feedstuff consisting of the pericarp or bran layer of the rice and only such quantity of hull fragments as is unavoidable in the regular milling of rice Reported as the most damaging species of bugs attacking the crops in the Philippines A structure used to dehull and whiten rice The straw remaining after threshing rice; if well cured, it may be fed in the same manner as straw from the other cereals 38 • DEFINITION TERM Rice Varieties High yielding Commercial Glutinous Aromatic Rice wine Rich Rind Ripening phase Riprap Ripe River Road Rock Root Row Runner/Sprout Rust Sack Sand Sandy Sap Sawdust Scab Scythe Seed Seedbed Seeding Seedling Sell Seller Share Sharpening stone Sheep Shoot Shrink The quality or condition of being diversified or various Rice varieties developed through a breeding program that posses desirable agronomic characteristics, resistance to insects and diseases, and tolerance to environmental stresses Being of an average or inferior quality Refers to waxy rice with only 0-2% amylose or mainly amylopectin in its endosperm and pollen starch; raw glutinous endosperm is opaque and becomes moist, sticky, and glossy when cooked Relating to, or having aroma; having a strong smell Wine made of rice Wealthy (1) Skin of a fruit or vegetable (2) Bark of a tree Period from flowering to maturity Broken rock, cobbles, or boulders placed on earth surfaces such as the face of a dam or the bank of a stream, for protection against the action of water (waves); also applied to brush or pole mattresses or brush and stone, or other similar materials used for soil erosion control (1) Designating mature seeds which are fit for germination (2) Designating fruit which has attained full development A stream of water bearing the waste of the land from higher to lower ground, and as a rule, to the sea An open way, usually surfaced with tarmac or concrete, providing passage from one place to another Any consolidated and relatively hard naturally formed mass of mineral matter; stone The lower portion of a plant bearing neither leaves nor reproductive organs which mostly develops underground and anchors the plant in the soil The line along which crops are arranged A lateral, aboveground shoot of certain plants; e.g., strawberries Fungi which are obligate parasites on the higher classes of plants not capable of growth and development apart from their living hosts A bag, usually large, oblong and made of burlap or other stout fabric, used for holding grains, vegetables, etc. Any of the small, loose, granular fragments which are the remains of disintegrated rocks Containing a large amount of sand The juice or fluid constituent of a plant, specially a woody plant Dust and small particles of wood produced by the cutting action of saws; a by-product of the lumber and wood industries Any of the numerous fungal or bacterial diseases of plants characterized by dark or rough, scab-like spots An implement used for mowing and composed of a long curving blade fastened at an angle to a long handle The embryo of a plant, also kernels of corn, wheat etc., which botanically are seed-like fruits as they include the ovary wall The upper portion of the soil prepared by natural or artificial means to receive seed and to promote germination and growth The act of sowing seeds (1) The early growth stage of a plant grown from seed as it emerges above the ground surface (2) In forestry, a tree which has not been transplanted (3) A tree which has not yet reached a height of 3 ft (4) In horticulture, a fruit tree grown from seed which has not been budded or grafted To dispose or to transfer to a purchaser in exchange for money The person who sells To apportion and take shares of something A stone used to sharpen cutting materials Any of the various variety of cud-chewing mammals, genus Ovis, which includes many breeds domesticated for their heavy wool, edible flesh, or skin (1) A stem of a plant, including the leaves (2) A young stem arising from or near the crown of the plant (3) A new leafy growth developed from a bud; sprout The process of reducing in dimension, weight, or volume 39 TEAM Sickle Sign Sky Slash and Burn Slaughter Bleeding Blood Dehairing Entrail Scalding Singeing Sled Smoke Smoking Snail Snake Soak Soil Soil bed Sour soup Spade Spider Spillway Spot Sprayer Spring Sprinkler Squash Stalk Star Star fruit Steep Stem Internode Tiller Stem cutting DEFINITION A sharp, curved metal blade fitted with a short handle, used for cutting weeds, grass, etc. Something that suggests the presence or existence of a fact, condition, or quality The apparently dome-shaped expanse extending upwards from the horizon characterized by blue or gray during the day, red in the evening, and black in the night Swidden; a temporary agricultural plot produced by cutting back and burning off the vegetative cover (1) The butchering of cattle, sheep and other animals for food (2) To kill cattle, sheep, and other livestock for food The process of removing the blood from an animal during slaughter The fluid that carries nourishment and oxygen to all parts of the body and carries away waste products The process of removing the hair from an animal during slaughter The visceral organ of the body, particularly the intestines To dip in hot water or to pour on hot liquid, as to scald a killed bird to loosen feathers To expose to flame to remove bristles or hair A vehicle mounted on runners, drawn by horses or dogs, for transporting goods A suspension or fine solid particles in the air; it is usually produced by the incomplete combustion of a fuel A processing technique; form of preservation An organism that typically possesses a coiled shell and crawls on a single muscular foot Any of the limbless vertebrates of the order Serpentes; although a few species are poisonous, most snakes are beneficial to humans by the number of rodents they consume To permeate so as to wet, soften, or fill The mineral and organic surface of the earth capable of supporting upland plants; it has been formed by the active factors of climate and biosphere exerting their influence on passive parent material and topography over neutral time A small plot of soil used for growing seedlings, vegetables, flowers and shrubs, and often raised above the level of the surrounding soil A small, west Indian tree having large spiny fruit with a tart edible pulp A long, flat, sharp-bladed, earth excavating hand tool made in several shapes used to turn over, excavate, and loosen soil in small areas Any of various Arachnids in the order Araneida; individuals have eight legs and only two main body divisions A grassed waterway, channel, or structure to convey water from the stream above the reservoir into the stream below the dam A small mark on a surface A device or mechanism by means of which a solution or suspension of a material in liquid is broken up into droplets of a predetermined size range and distributed by hydraulics, by air blast, by gravity from an airplane, or by a combination of the above Natural flow of water from the ground A device for spraying water on plants or lawn; a sprinkling unit to a pipe or hose The fruit of certain various tender, vine-like, annual plants of the genus CUGurbita used as a vegetable Petiole, peduncle, pedicel, filament, or stripe Any of the vast number of celestial objects that are visible in the clear night sky as points of light A carambola; a five-angled green to yellow tropical fruit of star-shaped cross section Having a sharp inclination; precipitous Stalk, trunk, branch of a plant that can be vertical or horizontal The portion of a stem or other structure between two nodes An erect shoot arising from the crown of a grass Any part of a stem used for plant propagation, usually of three general types of wood (a) softwood or green cutting taken from a plant while in leaf, the stem being succulent (b) hardwood cutting, taken from the leafless, dormant plant (c) semi-hardwood cutting, intermediate between softwood and hardwood cuttings 40 I. TERM StemlTrunk Storage Store String bean Sucker Sugarcane Sugarcane mill Sun Sunflower Sunny Sunrise Sunset Supply Sweetpotato Swine Barrow Boar Gilt Litter Piglet Sow Suckling Symptom Tamarind Taro Tenant Thinning Thresh Thunder Tick Tillage Plow Harrowing Lengthwise Crosswise Levelling Dryland method Wetland method Stalk, trunk, branch of a plant (1) Placing or holding in reserve in usable form and condition, as the storage of nutrients by plants in roots, for future use (2) The holding of products for future sale or use, as in a granary, root cellar, cold storage, warehouse, etc. To keep, set aside, or accumulate for future use A kind of bean grown in the lowlands Asecondary shoot which develops from the root, crown, or stem of a plant Atall tropical Southeast Asian grass (Saccharum officinarum) having thick, solid, tough stems that are a chief commercial source of sugar Astructure used for milling sugarcane The source of heat and light for the planets in the solar system; a star Plant which have tall thick stems, large flower heads with yellow rays Full of or exposed to sunlight The daily appearance of the sun above the horizon The daily disappearance of the sun below the horizon (1) To furnish something that is required (2)The amount of commodity that producers are willing and able to offer for sale at a specified price Locally known as camote; it is an annual root crop which comes in yellow, violet, and white varieties Domesticated mammals grown for their edible flesh and fat, for their hides and for their bristles; also called hog or pig A male pig castrated before sexual maturity Male swine under one year of age A name for a young female pig until it produces its first offspring A group of young animals born at a single birth, as a litter of pigs, etc. A young pig of either sex A female swine usually one that shows evidence of having produced pigs or one that is obviously pregnant The young mammals being nursed by the female; un-weaned animals A perceptible change in any part of the body which indicates disease; a sign, mark, or indication A tropical Asian evergreen tree (Tamarindus indica) having pinnately compound leaves, pale yellow flowers, and long pods containing small seeds embedded in an edible pulp A widely cultivated tropical Asian root crop (Colocasia esculenta) having broad leaves and a large starchy edible tuber A farmer who rents or leases land from another person, or one who works on sharing system The removal of plants in a stand to reduce crowding The process of separating the grain or seed from its straw and chaff A loud cracking or deep rumbling noise caused by the rapid expansion of the atmospheric gasses caused suddenly by lightning Any of various blood- sucking arachnids which fasten themselves to warm-blooded animals The mechanical manipulation of soil for any purpose; but in agriculture, it is usually restricted to modifying soil condition for crop production To turn, break up, or work with a plow Turning the soil into a muddy or watertight paste through secondary tillage Harrowing alongside the whole length of the paddy Harrowing across the whole length of the paddy Flattening Plowing and harrowing the field when the soil is dry or not saturated with water Preparing the soil by plowing of lowland fields and harrowing the soil in a saturated or flooded condition 41 TERM Plastering the dike Decomposition Tip burn Toxic Trader Trading post Trail Transplanting Random Straight row Spacing/Distance Guide/Marker Seedling Tillering Alleyway Replanting Transport TreatmenVTreat Trowel Tuber Turkey Poult Tom/Gobbler Turkey hen Twig Typhoon Unripe Variety Warehouse Wash Water Water cress Water fall Water pump Watering Watering can Watermelon WeaninglWean DEFINITION The process by which mud is plastered along the levee to cover weeds or holes The breaking down of minerals and rocks by chemical weathering Any disease of plants caused by environment or other factors in which the margins and tips of the leaves burn or turn brown Poisonous A person who engages in trade; dealer; merchant A general store established for commercial purposes A pathway made either by repeated passage of people or animals or constructed for easier passage To transfer seedlings from the seedbed and set them in the ground Without definite aim, direction, or rule of method Hills and rows of crops have specific distances in straight lines Planting at intervals Guide to or direct a way or course The stage of the plant after seed germination until the development of the 5th leaf The production of shoots from the crown of plant; stooling A space between crops as a passageway The process of replacing dead plants or missing hills usually within seven days after transplanting To convey crops or animals from one place to another To care for sick animal by giving it proper attention and medication A short-handled tool having a relatively narrow, concave, and pointed blade Thickened or swollen underground branch or stolon with numerous buds (eyes) A large native American bird, now largely domesticated and raved for its delicious white meat A young turkey with undetermined sex A mature male turkey A mature female turkey A shoot of a woody plant representing the growth of the current season A small violent tropical storm or cyclone Not mature A group of related plants or animals which differs from other similar group by characters too trivial or inconstant to be recognized as a species, often any category of lower rank than a species Place where goods are stored prior to their use, distribution, or sale Cleaning of crops or produce with water Clear, colorless, tasteless, odorless liquid essential for plant and animal life that constitutes, in impure form, rain, oceans, rivers, lakes, etc. A perennial cruciferous herb (Nasturtium officina/e) growing usually in clear running or spring water; the leaves are used as vegetables A cascade of falling water A device that raises, transfers, or compresses water Furnishing water for the consumption of plants or animals A container with a handle and a spout with a perforated nozzle used to sprinkle water over plants A tropical, tender, annual, herbaceous vine of almost innumerable varieties, grown as an important cash crop To make a young animal cease to depend on its mother's milk 42 DEFINITION TERM Weather Weed Week Weevil Weigh Weighing scale Weight Well Wheel barrow Whirlwind White flowered gourd Wholesale WiltingIWilt Wind Windy Winged bean Winnow Winnower Wire World Yam bean Yard Year Yield Yoke The atmospheric condition prevailing at any specified time and place, or prevailing during any particular period, as shown by meteorological observations and records of velocity, humidity, clouds, and precipitation A plant out of place; more popularly an herbaceous plant which takes possession. of fallow fields or found its way into lawns or planted .fields, crowding the vegetation and robbing it of moisture and nutrients A period of seven consecutive days, usually beginning with Sunday Any of the several beetles of the family Curculionidae, which has mouth parts at the end of the more-or-Iess prolonged snout and eat plants and seeds; a pest To measure the weight An instrument or machine used for weighing A measure of the heaviness of an object; the amount anything weighs Water well established by hand tools, powered augers, or auger buckets in rock free soil A simple vehicle for carrying small loads, typically being an open container supported by a wheel at the front and two legs behind A windstorm rapidly rotating inward and upward spiral motion of the air, covering a very small area; it is often seen on hot summer days, especially on open or prairie land Another kind of herbaceous tendril-bearing vines Selling goods to retailers in large quantities purchased from manufacturers Loss of freshness and a drooping of the foliage of a plant due to an inadequate supply of moisture, excessive transpiration, and as a result of a disease The horizontal movement of air on and above the earth's surface Characterized by, resembling, or relating to wind; stormy An Asian twining legume cultivated in warm regions for its edible high protein To remove (as chaff) by a current of air A device or tool for winnowing A slender thread of metal, unusually flexible, which may be used for such purposes as to carry electric current, tie bales, construct fences, and make temporary repairs on machinery The place as a planet, including its inhabitants and everything that is in it A widely cultivated Eurasian plant (Brassica rapa) of the mustard family, having a large fleshy edible yellow or white root The ground immediately surrounding a dwelling The calendar year, containing 365 days or in a leap year, 366 days The quantity of an aggregate products resulting from cultivation or growth A variously shaped wooden frame placed on the necks of two oxen to work them together as a team 43 APPENDIX B VALIDATION WORKSHOP February 3-4, 2005 ATI-CAR, BSU Compound La Trinidad 2601 Benguet Bontoc: 1. Mr. Frederick Waclet- MAO, Bontoc, Mt. Province Kankana-ey: 1. Mr. Crispolo S. Tandoc- MAO, Bakun, Benguet 2. Mr. Antero P. William- MAO, Kabayan, Benguet 3. Mr. Delfin D. Rufino- LGU, Buguias, Benguet 4. Mr. Fred V. Rufino- MAO, Atok, Benguet 5. Ms. Lucille Mang-oy- BSU, La Trinidad, Benguet Ibaloi: 1. Ms. Josephine C. Apili- MAO, Kapangan, Benguet 2. Mr. Roger P. Catayao- LGU, Itogon, Benguet 3. Mr. Manuel O. Carias- MAO, Buguias, Benguet I1ocano: 1. Mr. Esteban Reboldela- LGU, Sablan, Benguet 2. Dr. Esther Hufana- UC, Baguio City 2600 Tagalog: 1. Dr. Leoncia Tandang- BSU, La Trinidad, Benguet Tingguian: 1. Ms. Marcelina Bahatan- BIR, La Trinidad Isnag: 1. Ms. Berthilyn Ballesteros- LGU, Apayao 2. Ms. Meriam Basilag- LGU, Apayao 3. Ms. Marcelina Aridao- LGU, Apayao Tuwali: 1. Mr. Raymund Bahatan- Provincial Agriculturist, Ifugao 45
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