ﺍﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﻮﺩﻳﺔ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻚ ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ﻛﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﻟﺰﺭﺍﻋﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻷﻏﺬﻳﺔ اﻟﺘﻘﺮﻳﺮ اﻟﻔﻨﻲ اﻟﻨﻬﺎﺋﻲ ﻟﻠﻤﺸﺮوع اﻟﺒﺤﺜﻲ PHOTOSYNTHESIS EFFICIENCY OF DATE PALM VARIETIES GROWN IN SAUDI ARABIA ﺍﻟﺒﺎﺤﺜــــﻭﻥ ﺩ /.ﺴـــﻠﻴﻤﺎﻥ ﺒﻥ ﻋﻠﻲ ﺍﻟﺨﻁﻴﺏ )ﺒﺎﺤﺙ ﺭﺌﻴﺴﻲ( ﺩ /.ﻋﺒﺩ ﺍﻟﻠﻁﻴﻑ ﺒﻥ ﻋﻠﻲ ﺍﻟﺨﻁﻴﺏ )ﺒﺎﺤﺙ ﻤﺸﺎﺭﻙ( ﺩ /.ﺤﺴــﻥ ﻤﺯﻤل ﻋﻠﻲ ﺩﻴﻨــﺎﺭ )ﺒﺎﺤﺙ ﻤﺸﺎﺭﻙ( ﻣﻘﺪم إﻟﻰ ﻋﻤﺎدة اﻟﺒﺤﺚ اﻟﻌﻠﻤﻲ -ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻟﻤﻠﻚ ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ١٤٢٤ ١ PHOTOSYNTHESIS EFFICIENCY OF DATE PALM VARIETIES GROWN IN SAUDI ARABIA Al-Khateeb, S.A.* , A.A. Al-Khateeb** and H,M Ali-Dinar** * Crops and Range Dept., College of Agric.& Food Sciences and ** Date Palm Res.Center, King Faisal University P.O. Box 420, Al-Hassa, 31982, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. SUMMARY Gas exchange capacity was significantly affected by season showing higher net photosynthesis in cold seasons(winter and spring) and higher transpiration in hot season (summer). This trend was much related to both stomatal and non stomatal component which affect water use efficiency showing higher values in winter and lower in summer. Although there was no much different in net photosynthesis among cultivars Kheneizi ,Khalas,. Shahel, shisho and Helali had the higher rates. Khalas CV showed lower rate of transpiration which reflected in higher water use efficiency in this cultivar. Recently expanded leaves showed higher rate of net photosynthesis and lower transpiration rate, compared with fully expanded leaves and therefore showed higher water use efficiency. Expanding leaves showed lower rate of activity inmost parameters. ٢ INTRODUCTION Photosynthesis is the source of organic carbon and energy for plants. It is the source for the growth, production of biomass and yield formation. Knowing the control of photosynthesis through leaves age is of important variable to understand the relationship between production and leaves age. Photosynthesis begins with the absorption of light energy and using it resulting in a charge to the reaction contents which leas to the reduction of C02 to carbohydrates. This reaction occurs within the specialized structure of the chloroplast. It is suggested that as leaves age the possibilities of a decreased in the ability of the chloroplast for C02 fixation is raises as will as chlorophyll concentration is decreased. Although, there is a large amount of literature concerning the relationship between photosynthises and gas exchange capacity and leaf age under field conditions of many plants, there are few of these studies dealing with date palm tree. Al-Waibi (1988) studied “Leaf C02 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate in the female cultivars Sikkeri and Osaila from sunrise until dusk. His data suggested some variations in these 3 parameters according to leaf surface (adaxial or abaxial), leaf age and cultivar. The overall maximum of C02 assimilation was about 13% higher in Osaila than in Sikkeri. Osalia also had a higher water use efficiency (about 8%) than Sikkeri in spite of a higher chlorophyll content and chlorophyll-a:b ratio in Sikkeri. These differences were probably due to the high stomatal conductance of Osalia leaves which ranged from 207 to 254, while that found in Sikkeri ranged from 157 to 186 mmol H20 m-2 s-1.” However, in other palm trees Henson, (1992) measured standing dry matter, DM production, leaf area, leaf photosynthesis parameters, and dark respiration of the main plant organ for oil palms (Elaeis guineensis) in the third year after planting (first cropping year) on 2 adjacent sites ٣ differing in ground water supply. He reported that productivity was greater on the wetter site. Gross CO2 assimilation (GA) was obtained (1) from the sum of DM production and total respiration (2) from DM production alone, assuming this to be one-quarter of GA, and (3) as the output of a simulation model of canopy photosynthesis. All 3 methods produced similar GA values, but some adjustment of light interception parameter values was needed to obtain a realistic output from the model. Respiration was partitioned into growth and maintenance components and general C budgets were constructed for the 2 sites. Dufrene and Saugier (1993) reported that in experiment conducted in the La Me Oil Palm Research station, Cote d’Ivoire, gas exchange in leaves of oil palm was measured in the field over a range of photon fluxes, leaf temperatures and leaf-air vapor pressure differences (VPD). There were no differences in leaflet photosynthesis within one frond, but there was reduction with frond age. Far fronds of the same age, between-tree variation was low. The light-saturated rate of net CO2 assimilation was 20 mumol m-2s-1 when photosynthetically active radiation exceed 1100 mumol m-2s-1. Apparent quantum yield averaged 0.051 mol/mol. When leaf temperature increased from 30 to 38 0C, net CO2 uptake showed no variation as transpiration rate and stomatal conductance increased slightly. A small increase in VPD induced rapid stomatal closure and consequently a reduction in the transpiration rate. A VPD> 1.8 kPa was required before photosynthesis was reduced via stomatal closure in the case of plants growing in a soil with adequate water supply. Again Dufrene and Saugier (1993) measured leaf gas exchanged in 6-month-old and 10-year old oil palms in the field (in the Ivory Coast) over a range of photon fluxes, leaf temperatures and leaf-air vapor pressure differences (VPD). Leaflet photosynthesis did not differ within frond, but did vary with frond age. For fronds of the same age, between-tree variation was low. The light ٤ saturated rate of net CO2 assimilation was 20 mumol m-2s-1 when photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) exceeded 1100 mumol m-2s-1. Apparent quantum yield averaged 0.051 mol/mol. When leaf temperature increased from 30 to 38 0C uptake showed no variation as transpiration rate and stomatal conductance increased slightly. A small increased in VPD induced rapid stomatal closure and consequently a reduction in the transpiration rate. A VPD greater than 1.8 kPa was required before photosynthesis was reduced via stomatal closure in the case of plants growing in a soil with adequate water supply. Jayasekara et al (1996) reported on photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, leaf temperature, light compensation, dark respiration, intercellular CO2 concentration and transpiration in seedlings of coconut palm (cultivars CRIC 60 and CRIC 65), growing in Sri-Lanka. Light saturated maximum rate of photosynthesis in both cultivars was 1400 umol m-2s-1. The rate of photosynthesis and N content of leaves decreased with increasing leaf age. Lamade and Setiyo (1996) observed measurements of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance on oil palm (3 clones (MK10, MK22 and MK04) with contrasting morphology and different genetic origins) at the Marihat Research Station in North-Sumatra in Indonesia. The results established a new level of reference for the maximal photosynthesis of oil palm equal to 31.6 umol m-2s-1. Analysis of variations of photosynthesis in response to environmental factors as temperature or vapor pressure deficit (VPD) demonstrated the high sensitivity of maximal photosynthesis to these factors in Sumatra compared with observations in Cote d’Ivoire and in Benin. The differences observed within clones for the photosynthetic response to light and the sensitivity of maximal photosynthesis to variations in VPD ٥ and temperature demonstrate the possible use of these physiological parameters for breeding. However, on other plants (Xizhen, et al, (1998) reported that the chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate of ginger leaves increased with leaf expansion to reach a peak in 15-day-old leaves, but subsequently declined gradually. Thomas and Turner (1998), found that in bananas (cv. Williams) grown in hot arid environment, net photosynthesis (Pn) did not differ between the segments on the leaf except when they received different photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). Pn reached a maximum of 20-25 umol CO2 m-2s-1, 9 days after the leaf had unrolled, that is when another new leaf emerged and the measured leaf was in the second leaf position. Leaf chlorophyll concentration stabilized 7 days after unrolling but then increased slowly with time. The reduced rates of leaf gas exchange of older leaves are most likely a result of shading by younger leaves. In this study although Pn was lower in older leaves, the calculated internal CO2 concentration did not increase even at high leaf temperatures and leaf-to-air vapor differences. Therefore, they concluded that the photochemistry of the chloroplast did not constrain Pn. Prive et al (1997), studied seasonal changes in net CO2 exchange rates of red raspberry. They found that net carbon exchange rate (NCER) varied inconsistently between leaves which subtended fruiting lateral branches (laterals) and those that did not. In leaves with fruiting laterals, was lower on 3 dates, similar on 3 other dates and once greater than in leaves without fruiting laterals. The leaf chlorophyll content increased when fruiting laterals were present, but this did not produce a consistently higher leaf NCER. The SPAD-501 meter provided a rapid and accurate, nondestructive estimate of leaf chlorophyll content. They added that leaf age did not influence leaf gas exchange until the leaves started to senesce. ٦ Therefore, good light interception throughout the canopy is needed to optimize dry matter production in primocane fruiting raspberry. Sobrado (1996), studied leaf photosynthesis and water loss as influenced by leaf age and seasonal drought in an evergreen tree. He found that maximum net photosynthetic rates (pmax) of about 9.5 mmol m-2s-1 were observed in mature leaves during humid season. Expanding and old leaves had lower maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax). With drought Pmax, stomatal conductances and water loss were reduced. Therefore, this investigation was meant to measure the gas exchange capacity, water use efficiently of the different Date Palm varieties and to establish adequate standard and guidelines for leaf removal in Date Palm. Seasonal changes in gas exchange capacity in Date Palm to asses effectiveness of chlorophyll function with leaf age were also considered. ٧ MAERIALS AND METHODS Ten date palm cultivars (Khlas, Ghar, Kheneizi, Om-rhim, Shahel, Ruzeiz, Nebout-sif, Sukari, Hilali and Shishi) between 5-7 years old were selected for the study. All, trees were grown in the Date Palm Germplasm Bank at the Date Palm Research Center; Ministry of agriculture Experimental Station. Date Palm leaves were designated to these categories: 1- Expanding leaves (about 1—3 months) L1. 2- Recently expanded leaves (about 3—6 months) L2. 3- Fully expanded leaves (about 9-12 months) L3. Within the leaf, three leaflet edges were chosen for chlorophyll determination as follows: a) The young leaflets (the most upper leaflets at the top of the leaf.) b) The middle leaflets c) The oldest leaflets, the first leaflets from the base of the leaf. Fig. (1): Diagram appearing leaf position on the stem of date palm ٨ In these leaves categories, all gas exchange and chlorophyll measurements were obtained four times per year in June (Summer), September (Autumn), December (Winter) and March (Spring). Four date palm trees were used for each cultivar. Gas exchange measurements: All trees were labeled and the pointed leaves have been tagged for the subsequent measurements. The photosynthesis gas exchange rate was determined by infrared gas analysis techniques. All measurements were carried out during sunny day between 9—11 A.M. in winter and spring and 7-9 A.M. in summer and autumn. Photosyntethic active radiation (PAR) was more than 1200 µmol/m2/s , which is expected to be above a saturation photo irradiance of date palm. Calculation of photosynthesis rate (P) in µmol/m2/s, stomatal conductance (C) in mmol/m2/s, transpiration rate (E) in mmol/m2/s and intercellular CO2(Ci) in µmol/mol was estimated according to Caemmerer and Furguhar (1981). Mesophyll (residual) conductance (gs) in mmol/m2/s which is a composite measure of all liquid plus.conductance to gas (Cell wall, Plasmatemma, Cytoplasm, Chloroplast membranes) as well as the conductance associated with carboxylation was calculated as: gm=A/Ci mmol/nr/s (Fites and Teskey, 1981).. Water use efficiently calculated as: WUE=A/E Chlorophyll determination: Chlorophyll content was measured in intact leaflet using chlorophyll meter (SPAD 502) which provides a rapid and accurate nondestructive estimate of leaf chlorophyll content. ٩ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Chlorophyll content of the different leaf categories were shown in Fig 1 &2. All the studied varieties show the same response with higher chlorophyll content in expanding and recently expanded leaves and showed slight reduction as leaf aged.Similar resultswere obtained by Prive et al.,1997. However, the cultivar Sukari and Helaly showed very low chlorophyll content in expanding leaves which were substantially increased as leaf aged with no trend of a decrease in fully expanded leaves (Fig. 1). With regard to chlorophyll content within the leaf, i.e. leaflet edges, Fig. 2 show that the oldest leaflet (A) had significantly higher chlorophyll content in all studied varieties, except Helaly CV, which showed the lowest chlorophyll content in the oldest leaflet. The middle leaflet (B) had more or less equal content of chlorophyll , compared with the the oldest leaflets. However, chlorophyll content showed slight reduction in the young leaflet (C) (the most upper leaflets of the top of the leaf). A mount of chlorophyll content was averaged 60 – 80 mg/cm2 in most varieties. Net photosynthesis (P) rates were significantly higher in winter season, compared with other seasons, followed by spring. It seeds that P decreased with increasing temperatures showing lower values in autumn and Summer (Table 1).Similar trend were obtained by Dufrene and Saugier,1993 when temperature increased from 30 to 38 degrees. Transpiration rate(E) showed lower values in winter and spring and highest rate in Autumn and summer with the higher values in summer as expected. This trend could be attributed to the higher transpiration stream in these seasons. ١٠ ١١ ١٢ Stomatal conductance (gs) showed significantly higher rates in summer and winter and lower rates in autumn and spring. Higher values of gs in summer could explain the higher rate of transpiration in this season, but interestingly did not fit with the lower transpiration in winter. Similar results were obtained by Dufrene and Saugier,1993. However, higher values of stomatal conductance could explain the higher net photosynthesis reported in winter. Intercellular CO2 concentrations were significantly lower in spring which indicate higher rate of CO2 metabolic intake while higher values were reported in autumn and spring (Table 1). Mesophyll conductance (gm) was significantly higher in winter which explain the higher rate of net photosynthesis in winter. Lower stomatal conductance was reported in autumn which also had lower rate of net photosynthesis. Most researchers reported that net photosynthesis was also correlated with stomatal conductance or mesophyll conductance (non stomatal component) (AlKhateeb 1997). It seems that both stomatal and non stomatal components were correlated with net photosynthesis in date palm (Alwhaibi, 1985). Water use efficiency was higher in winter and spring , while the lower values were reported in summer. Net photosynthesis was almost unchanged in all date palm CVs ranging from 4.17 µmol/m2/s in Ghar to 5.59 µmol/m2/s in Kheneizi. Cultivars of Kheneizi, Shahel, Hilali, Khalas and Shishi had higher net photosynthesis. Transpiration was almost also unchanged in all cultivars with the higher rates in Om-rahim and Shahil. However, Khalas had significantly the lower ranspiration rate, compared with other cultivars. Stomatal conductance showed similar trends reported in transpiration which indicate the role of stomatal conductance in controlling transpiration ١٣ stream. However, stomatal conductance were much related to net photosynthesis except in Khalas cultivar where other component rather than stomatal conductance may also controling rate of net photosynthesis. Intercelluar CO2 concentration (Ci) can be divided into three categories. Kheneizi and Ruziz CVs which categorised by higher concentration of Ci indicating higher rate of CO2 intake metabolism, Ghar, Helali, Nebout Seif and Sukary categorised by lower concentration of Ci and the others had intermediate concentrations. Mesophyll conductance showed a trend oposite to that reported in Ci. Water use efficienct (WUE) was significantly higher in Khalas CV which indicate the adaptation of this cultivar to arid and dry conditions. Cultivar of Ghar and Om Rahim showed the lowest water use efficiency while others showed intermediate rate of WUE. With respect to leaf age, expanding leaves showed significantly lower net photosynthesis rate while recently expanded leaves showed the higher rate of net photosynthesis and atrend of declining net photosynthesis appeared in fully expanded leaves (Xizhen et al.,1998). Transpiration was significantly also lower in expanding leaves, but was higher in fully expanded leaves. Stomatal conductance showed similar trend as reported in transpiration rate. Intercelluar CO2 concentration showed also similar trend as in stomatal conductance with substantial concentration in expanding leaves which indicate the unability of this leaf to metabolize CO2. Mesophyll conductance showed higher rate in recently expanded leaves and no activity was reported in expanding ones. Water use efficiency was significantly higher in recently expanded leaves which indicate that recently expanded leaves were the most active leave in date palm. ١٤ Recently expanded leaves in spring and winter showed higher net photosynthesis and transpiration rate and water use efficiency but lower inter cellular CO2 concentration. This trend indicate that recently expanded leaves in cold season showed higher activity in date palm. Stomatal conductance showed higher rate in fully expanded and recently expanded leaves in summer (Tabels 2-7). Net photosynthesis was significantly higher in Kheneizi, Khalas and Shishi in winter and Khalas in summer. On the other hand, transpiration rate was significantly lower in Khalas particularly in winter and spring. However, lower stomatal conductance was reported in Khalas during cold seasons (winter and spring) which indicated the ability of Khalas CV in controlling water loss through transpiration stream, and therefore water use efficiency was higher in this cultivar. Mesophyll conductance was significantly higher in Khalas , OmiRahim and Shishi CVs in winter showing the lowest intercellular CO2 concentration due to high CO2 intake metabolism. Net photosynthesis in Om-Rahim, Ruzeiz and Shahel was significantly higher in recently expanded leaves showing rate more than 10 µmol/m2/s followed by Kheneizi, Hilali and Khalas. Transpiration rate in Khalas cultivar in recently expanded leaves, the most active leaves, was significantly lower among leaves of recently and fully expanded of the different cultivars. Higher net photosynthesis and lower transpiration rate in Khalas CV in recently expanded leaves cause higher water use efficiency of this cultivar. This trend was much related to lower stomatal conductance and higher mesophyll conductance. In Conclusion: ١٥ Intensive care should be taken to date palm in cold season to get higher production since in this season date palm showed higher gas exchange capacity activity. Khalas, Ghar, Shishi CVs showed higher net photosynthesis and lower transpiration and consequently higher water use efficiency indicating higher adaptation to dry regions. Removal of old leaves of date palm may be done immediately after senescence since the leaves showed lower water use efficiency especialy under the case of water shortage as in Al-Hassa area. However, care should be taken, since the old leaf considered a main source of nutrient recycling in date palm, further investigation in this manner is highly recomended ١٦ Table (1): Averages of Photosynthesis rate (P), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (C); intercellular CO2 (Ci); water use efficiency (WUE) and mesophyl conductance (gm) as affected by the studied factors. Season P E C C1 WUE gm Autumn 4.60 2.51 39.81 327.72 1.84 10.0 Spring 5.23 2.19 41.61 342.23 2.39 20.0 Summer 4.90 2.67 48.63 224.78 1.83 20.0 Winter 6.03 2.26 45.30 119.53 2.67 50.0 1.23 0.24 4.93 132.02 1.25 11.53 Ghar 4.17 2.20 34.42 161.95 1.89 30.0 Hilali 5.43 2.30 39.05 189.48 2.36 30.0 Kheneizi 5.59 2.45 50.36 387.86 2.28 10.0 Khalas 5.41 1.63 28.03 220.41 3.33 20.0 Nebout-Sif 4.99 2.22 45.78 183.74 2.25 30.0 Om-rhim 5.01 3.85 47.68 237.98 1.30 20.0 Ruzeiz 5.18 2.12 47.60 531.31 2.44 10.0 Shahel 5.49 2.65 51.44 237.63 2.07 20.0 Shishi 5.40 2.46 50.72 206.43 2.19 30.0 Sukary 5.25 2.21 43.31 178.85 2.37 30.0 1.93 0.32 7.74 208.62 2.03 18.2 Expanding -0.74 0.99 19.99 536.15 -0.75 0.0 Fully expanded 7.09 3.20 58.24 122.28 2.21 60.0 Recently expanded 9.24 3.03 53.28 102.26 3.05 90.0 LSD (5%) 1.03 0.23 114.3 1.14 10.0 LSD (5%) Date palm cultivars LSD (5%) Leaves age ١٧ 4.23 Table (2): Photosynthesis rate (P) as affected by the interaction between seasons and leaves age. Leaves age Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded LSD (5%) Autumn -1.75 6.23 9.33 Season Spring Summer -1.01 -0.28 6.51 7.27 10.20 7.72 Winter 0.06 8.34 9.70 2.08 Table (3): Transpiration rate (E) as affected by the interaction between seasons and leaves age. Leaves age Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded LSD (5%) Autumn 1.49 3.42 3.09 Season Spring Summer 0.83 0.91 3.16 3.68 2.39 3.27 Winter 0.90 2.61 2.23 0.35 Table (4): Stomatal conductance (C) as affected by the interaction between seasons and leaves age. Leaves age Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded LSD (5%) Autumn 22.54 50.04 46.85 Season Spring Summer 19.54 16.38 58.09 64.49 47.20 65.02 8.49 ١٨ Winter 21.51 60.33 54.06 Table (5): Intercellular CO2 (Ci) as affected by the interaction between seasons and leaves age. Leaves age Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded LSD (5%) Autumn 798.61 114.09 70.46 Spring 774.33 148.93 103.43 Season Summer 392.09 138.74 143.52 Winter 179.57 87.38 91.63 228.63 Table (6): Water use efficiency (WUE) as affected by the interaction between seasons and leaves age. Leaves age Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded LSD (5%) Autumn -1.34 1.93 3.13 Season Spring Summer -1.12 -0.29 2.00 1.99 4.22 2.26 Winter 0.07 3.13 2.93 2.17 Table (7): Mesophyll conductance (gm) as affected by the interaction between seasons and leaves age. Leaves age Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded LSD (5%) Autumn 0.0 50.0 130.0 Spring 0.0 40.0 100.0 Season Summer 0.0 50.0 50.0 19.92 ١٩ Winter 0.0 100.0 110.0 Table (8): Photosynthesis rate (P) of the evaluated date palm CVs during the four growth seasons. Ghar Hilali Kheneizi Khalas Nebout-Sif Om-rhim Ruzeiz Shahel Shishi Sukary LSD (5%) Autumn 4.13 5.06 3.56 4.29 4.89 3.54 5.88 4.72 5.42 4.54 Season Spring Summer 6.69 4.20 5.60 4.49 4.81 5.92 3.02 7.36 4.71 4.70 6.25 3.91 5.46 4.66 6.11 4.52 4.30 4.22 5.40 5.07 Winter 1.67 6.59 8.09 6.99 5.67 6.33 4.74 6.61 7.64 6.00 3.79 Table (9): Transpiration rate (E) of the evaluated date palm CVs during the four growth seasons. Ghar Hilali Kheneizi Khalas Nebout-Sif Om-rhim Ruzeiz Shahel Shishi Sukary LSD (5%) Autumn 1.62 1.82 2.85 1.69 2.77 3.90 2.23 2.95 2.74 2.51 Season Spring Summer 2.81 2.31 2.22 3.23 2.81 2.54 1.37 2.17 1.72 2.56 2.75 3.47 1.83 2.15 2.96 2.30 1.86 3.37 1.61 2.63 0.63 ٢٠ Winter 2.08 1.94 1.60 1.28 1.81 5.27 2.29 2.39 1.88 2.10 Table (10): Stomatal conductance (C) of the evaluated date palm CVs during the four growth seasons. Ghar Hilali Kheneizi Khalas Nebout-Sif Om-rhim Ruzeiz Shahel Shishi Sukary LSD (5%) Autumn 20.49 16.28 54.58 31.22 51.95 42.88 54.01 48.31 41.77 36.61 Season Spring Summer 40.36 35.87 48.63 46.33 55.38 46.37 25.00 33.57 33.91 57.35 46.38 63.06 43.93 43.53 44.67 44.36 42.10 59.79 35.75 56.09 15.50 Winter 40.96 44.94 45.12 22.32 39.91 38.41 48.92 68.44 59.22 44.77 Table (11): Intercellular CO2 (Ci) of the evaluated date palm CVs during the four growth seasons. Season Summer 215.66 234.90 Hilali Autumn 134.13 185.49 Spring 161.96 235.41 Kheneizi 247.94 918.08 208.91 176.53 Khalas 104.31 564.24 168.57 44.52 Nebout-Sif 182.78 203.63 236.52 112.02 Om-rhim 291.14 332.04 271.64 57.08 Ruzeiz 1526.06 203.63 222.49 173.06 Shahel 259.24 278.53 247.31 165.45 Shishi 159.70 350.16 223.36 92.52 Sukary 186.40 174.61 218.47 135.92 Ghar LSD (5%) 417.42 ٢١ Winter 136.06 102.11 Table (12): Water use efficiency (WUE) of the evaluated date palm CVs during the four growth seasons. Season Spring Summer 2.38 1.82 Ghar Autumn 2.54 Hilali 2.78 2.52 1.39 3.40 Kheneizi 1.25 1.71 2.33 5.06 Khalas 2.55 2.20 3.39 5.47 Nebout-Sif 1.77 2.73 1.83 3.14 Om-rhim 0.91 2.27 1.13 1.20 Ruzeiz 2.64 2.99 2.17 2.07 Shahel 1.60 2.07 1.96 2.77 Shishi 1.98 2.31 1.25 4.06 Sukary 1.81 3.35 1.93 2.85 LSD (5%) Winter 0.80 N.S Table (13): Mesophyll conductance (gm) of the evaluated date palm CVs during the four growth seasons. Season Spring Summer 40.0 20.0 Ghar Autumn 30.0 Hilali 30.0 20.0 20.0 60.0 Kheneizi 10.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 Khalas 40.0 10.0 40.0 160.0 Nebout-Sif 30.0 20.0 20.0 50.0 Om-rhim 10.0 20.0 10.0 110.0 Ruzeiz 0.0 30.0 20.0 30.0 Shahel 20.0 20.0 20.0 40.0 Shishi 30.0 10.0 20.0 80.0 Sukary 20.0 30.0 20.0 40.0 LSD (5%) N.S ٢٢ Winter 10.0 Table (14): Photosynthesis rate (P) of the evaluated date palm CVs in the different aged data palm leaves. Leaves age Date palm CVs Expanding Fully expanded Ghar 0.03 5.57 Recently expanded 6.92 Hilali -1.24 8.07 9.47 Kheneizi -0.9 7.75 9.93 Khalas -0.58 7.9 8.92 0.1 6.84 8.04 Om-rhim -3.32 7.34 10.99 Ruzeiz -1.2 6.33 10.43 Shahel -0.58 6.19 10.85 Shishi -0.24 7.66 8.77 Sukary 0.50 7.21 8.05 Nebout-Sif LSD (5%) 3.28 Table (15): Transpiration rate (E) of the evaluated date palm CVs in the different aged data palm leaves. Leaves age Date palm CVs Expanding Fully expanded Ghar 0.95 2.85 Recently expanded 2.81 Hilali 0.76 3.3 2.85 Kheneizi 1.22 3.23 2.91 Khalas 0.67 2.27 1.94 Nebout-Sif 1.19 2.83 2.63 Om-rhim 1.49 4.38 5.67 Ruzeiz 0.8 2.91 2.65 Shahel 0.87 3.89 3.19 Shishi 1.16 3.25 2.97 Sukary 0.83 3.14 0.55 2.67 LSD (5%) ٢٣ Table (16): Stomatal conductance (C) of the evaluated date palm CVs in the different aged data palm leaves. Leaves age Date palm CVs Expanding Fully expanded Ghar 15.49 40.57 Recently expanded 47.2 Hilali 13.63 57.09 46.42 Kheneizi 29.39 58.74 62.95 Khalas 14.25 35.88 33.95 Nebout-Sif 23.65 57.38 56.31 Om-rhim 25.18 67.28 50.59 Ruzeiz 20.17 61.58 61.04 Shahel 16.55 77.38 60.4 Shishi 24.05 65.01 63.1 Sukary 17.56 61.47 13.41 50.89 LSD (5%) Table (17): Intercellular CO2 (Ci) of the evaluated date palm CVs in the different aged data palm leaves. Leaves age Date palm CVs Expanding Fully expanded Ghar 329.18 85.73 Recently expanded 70.94 Hilali 342.91 79.5 146.02 Kheneizi 876.82 148.43 138.34 Khalas 518.74 59.78 82.71 Nebout-Sif 311.83 127.28 112.12 Om-rhim 497.02 125.63 91.28 Ruzeiz 1340.14 157.84 95.95 Shahel 451.69 176.24 84.97 Shishi 372.58 145.25 101.48 Sukary 320.6 117.18 361.24 98.77 LSD (5%) ٢٤ Table (18): Water use efficiency (WUE) of the evaluated date palm CVs in the different aged data palm leaves. Leaves age Date palm CVs Expanding Fully expanded Ghar 0.03 1.96 Recently expanded 2.46 Hilali -1.62 2.45 3.32 Kheneizi -0.74 2.4 3.42 Khalas -0.86 3.48 4.61 Nebout-Sif 0.08 2.42 3.06 Om-rhim -2.23 1.68 1.94 Ruzeiz -1.5 2.17 3.94 Shahel -0.67 1.59 3.41 Shishi -0.21 2.35 2.95 Sukary 0.6 2.3 3.01 LSD (5%) 3.42 Table (19): Mesophyll conductance (gm) of the evaluated date palm CVs in the different aged data palm leaves. Leaves age Date palm CVs Expanding Fully expanded Ghar 0.0 60.0 Recently expanded 100.0 Hilali 0.0 100.0 60.0 Kheneizi 0.0 50.0 70.0 Khalas 0.0 130.0 110.0 Nebout-Sif 0.0 50.0 70.0 -10.0 60.0 120.0 Ruzeiz 0.0 40.0 110.0 Shahel 0.0 40.0 130.0 Shishi 0.0 50.0 90.0 Sukary 0.0 60.0 80.0 Om-rhim LSD (5%) 31.47 ٢٥ EFERENCES Al-Whaibi, M.H. 1988. Leaf C02 assimilation and conductance of two date palm cultivars. Date palm J. 6: 2, 355-370. Caemmerer, S. U. and Farguhar, G. 0. 1981. Some relations between the biochemistry of photosynthesis and the gas exchange of leaves. 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Treatments CVs Leaves age Seasons Autumn Spring Summer Winter Ghar Expanding -0.17 0.80 -0.31 -0.20 Ghar Fully expanded 3.98 7.72 5.89 4.68 Ghar Recently expanded 8.58 11.55 7.02 0.53 Hilali Expanding -0.60 -0.89 -0.82 -2.63 Hilali Fully expanded 6.84 8.57 8.61 8.26 Hilali Recently expanded 8.95 9.10 5.68 14.14 Kheneizi Expanding -1.90 -1.84 0.63 -0.50 Kheneizi Fully expanded 5.90 6.00 6.64 12.46 Kheneizi Recently expanded 6.67 10.26 10.49 12.30 Khalas Expanding 0.88 -3.53 -0.53 0.86 Khalas Fully expanded 4.97 5.69 10.94 10.00 Khalas Recently expanded 7.03 6.89 11.67 10.10 Nebout-Sif Expanding 0.17 -0.26 -0.43 0.92 Nebout-Sif Fully expanded 7.15 5.33 7.86 7.03 Nebout-Sif Recently expanded 7.36 9.06 6.66 9.07 Om-rhim Expanding -8.43 -2.23 -0.70 -1.92 Om-rhim Fully expanded 7.24 9.12 6.24 6.78 Om-rhim Recently expanded 11.81 11.85 6.18 14.13 Ruziz Expanding -5.39 -0.54 0.70 0.41 Ruziz Fully expanded 5.98 6.79 5.64 6.90 Ruziz Recently expanded 17.04 10.14 7.65 6.91 Shahel Expanding -1.83 -1.12 -1.14 1.76 Shahel Fully expanded 6.79 4.99 6.14 6.86 Shahel Recently expanded 9.20 14.46 8.55 11.20 Shishi Expanding 0.47 -2.19 -0.52 1.27 Shishi Fully expanded 7.07 4.82 6.28 12.47 Shishi Recently expanded 8.73 10.27 6.89 9.20 Sukary Expanding -0.70 1.71 0.34 0.64 Sukary Fully expanded 6.39 6.03 8.49 7.92 Sukary Recently expanded 7.92 8.47 6.37 9.46 LSD (5%) 6.56 ٢٨ Table (21): Transpiration rate (E) of the evaluated date palm Cvs in different aged leaves during four growth seasons. CVs Treatments Leaves age Autumn Seasons Autumn Autumn Autumn Ghar Expanding 0.65 1.52 1.06 0.59 Ghar Fully expanded 2.22 3.66 2.60 2.91 Ghar Recently expanded 2.00 3.25 3.26 2.74 Hilali Expanding 0.69 0.93 0.93 0.49 Hilali Fully expanded 2.30 3.70 4.35 2.86 Hilali Recently expanded 2.47 2.05 4.42 2.47 Kheneizi Expanding 1.86 1.50 0.81 0.70 Kheneizi Fully expanded 3.34 3.68 3.69 2.19 Kheneizi Recently expanded 3.35 3.25 3.11 1.91 Khalas Expanding 0.90 0.40 1.04 0.35 Khalas Fully expanded 2.13 2.04 3.01 1.91 Khalas Recently expanded 2.03 1.67 2.47 1.57 Nebout-Sif Expanding 2.10 0.94 0.82 0.92 Nebout-Sif Fully expanded 3.47 2.18 3.59 2.08 Nebout-Sif Recently expanded 2.75 2.05 3.28 2.43 Om-rhim Expanding 3.07 0.91 1.30 0.67 Om-rhim Fully expanded 4.44 4.90 4.82 3.36 Om-rhim Recently expanded 4.18 2.44 4.28 11.79 Ruziz Expanding 0.65 0.54 0.53 1.50 Ruziz Fully expanded 2.95 2.47 3.03 3.21 Ruziz Recently expanded 3.09 2.47 2.89 2.15 Shahel Expanding 0.83 0.99 0.65 1.02 Shahel Fully expanded 4.45 4.50 3.75 2.84 Shahel Recently expanded 3.56 3.38 2.50 3.30 Shishi Expanding 1.54 0.74 1.65 0.69 Shishi Fully expanded 3.49 2.74 3.98 2.80 Shishi Recently expanded 3.18 2.09 4.46 2.16 Sukary Expanding 0.79 0.58 0.65 1.29 Sukary Fully expanded 3.56 2.74 3.79 2.47 Sukary Recently expanded 3.17 1.52 3.45 2.56 1.09 LSD (5%) ٢٩ Table (22): Stomatal conductance (C) of the evaluated date palm Cvs in different aged leaves during four growth seasons. CVs Treatments Leaves age Autumn Seasons Autumn Autumn Autumn Ghar Expanding 10.13 25.12 15.55 11.17 Ghar Fully expanded 27.32 49.63 33.62 51.72 Ghar Recently expanded 24.02 46.33 58.43 60.00 Hilali Expanding 6.80 26.45 12.75 8.53 Hilali Fully expanded 20.00 72.00 59.75 76.60 Hilali Recently expanded 22.05 47.43 66.50 49.70 Kheneizi Expanding 40.22 39.87 12.55 24.93 Kheneizi Fully expanded 60.62 61.03 63.30 50.00 Kheneizi Recently expanded 62.90 65.23 63.25 60.42 Khalas Expanding 21.33 8.42 16.42 10.82 Khalas Fully expanded 36.10 36.13 45.72 25.57 Khalas Recently expanded 36.23 30.45 38.57 30.57 Nebout-Sif Expanding 44.05 17.78 14.82 17.95 Nebout-Sif Fully expanded 60.00 41.08 79.52 48.92 Nebout-Sif Recently expanded 51.80 42.87 77.72 52.85 Om-rhim Expanding 37.85 17.30 30.45 15.10 Om-rhim Fully expanded 46.80 75.98 72.30 74.03 Om-rhim Recently expanded 43.98 45.85 86.43 26.12 Ruziz Expanding 14.60 14.30 10.32 41.47 Ruziz Fully expanded 66.93 56.43 56.80 66.17 Ruziz Recently expanded 80.48 61.07 63.47 39.13 Shahel Expanding 14.18 15.08 11.27 25.67 Shahel Fully expanded 75.42 68.55 74.95 90.62 Shahel Recently expanded 55.33 50.38 46.85 89.03 Shishi Expanding 23.80 17.53 27.97 26.92 Shishi Fully expanded 55.40 60.48 72.80 71.35 Shishi Recently expanded 46.12 48.28 78.60 79.38 Sukary Expanding 12.38 13.57 11.75 32.53 Sukary Fully expanded 51.85 59.53 86.13 48.35 Sukary Recently expanded 45.60 34.15 70.40 53.42 26.80 LSD (5%) ٣٠ Table (23): Intercellular CO2 (Ci) of the evaluated date palm Cvs in different aged leaves during four growth seasons. CVs Treatments Leaves age Autumn Seasons Autumn Autumn Autumn Ghar Expanding 297.02 295.77 394.78 329.13 Ghar Fully expanded 75.17 117.00 121.47 29.30 Ghar Recently expanded 30.20 73.12 130.72 49.73 Hilali Expanding 506.15 387.68 467.83 10.00 Hilali Fully expanded 10.00 133.48 71.63 102.90 Hilali Recently expanded 40.33 185.08 165.25 193.43 Kheneizi Expanding 416.00 2458.07 303.50 329.72 Kheneizi Fully expanded 167.22 171.55 163.03 91.93 Kheneizi Recently expanded 160.60 124.62 160.18 107.95 Khalas Expanding 183.83 1452.48 376.72 61.93 Khalas Fully expanded 82.38 110.35 36.37 10.00 Khalas Recently expanded 46.72 129.88 92.63 61.62 Nebout-Sif Expanding 318.15 369.25 396.57 163.33 Nebout-Sif Fully expanded 137.03 112.45 153.77 105.85 Nebout-Sif Recently expanded 93.17 129.20 159.22 66.88 Om-rhim Expanding 701.68 787.65 432.75 66.00 Om-rhim Fully expanded 98.95 133.38 174.95 95.23 Om-rhim Recently expanded 72.80 75.10 207.23 10.00 Ruziz Expanding 4328.33 384.28 388.02 259.92 Ruziz Fully expanded 178.30 136.88 154.62 161.57 Ruziz Recently expanded 71.53 89.73 124.83 97.70 Shahel Expanding 524.45 573.90 491.32 217.10 Shahel Fully expanded 176.13 195.37 187.30 146.15 Shahel Recently expanded 77.13 66.33 63.30 133.10 Shishi Expanding 295.35 755.87 317.02 122.07 Shishi Fully expanded 115.20 223.40 176.97 65.42 Shishi Recently expanded 68.55 71.20 176.10 90.07 Sukary Expanding 415.15 278.33 352.40 236.52 Sukary Fully expanded 100.52 155.45 147.30 65.43 Sukary Recently expanded 43.53 90.03 155.72 105.80 N.S LSD (5%) ٣١ Table (24): Water use efficiency (WUE) of the evaluated date palm Cvs in different aged leaves during four growth seasons. CVs Treatments Leaves age Autumn Seasons Autumn Autumn Autumn Ghar Expanding -0.26 0.52 -0.29 -0.34 Ghar Fully expanded 1.79 2.11 2.27 1.61 Ghar Recently expanded 4.29 3.55 2.15 0.19 Hilali Expanding -0.87 -0.96 -0.88 -5.33 Hilali Fully expanded 2.97 2.32 1.98 2.89 Hilali Recently expanded 3.62 4.45 1.28 5.72 Kheneizi Expanding -1.02 -1.23 0.77 -0.71 Kheneizi Fully expanded 1.76 1.63 1.80 5.70 Kheneizi Recently expanded 1.99 3.16 3.37 6.44 Khalas Expanding 0.97 -8.82 -0.51 2.44 Khalas Fully expanded 2.34 2.79 3.64 5.25 Khalas Recently expanded 3.46 4.13 4.73 6.42 Nebout-Sif Expanding 0.08 -0.28 -0.53 1.00 Nebout-Sif Fully expanded 2.06 2.44 2.19 3.38 Nebout-Sif Recently expanded 2.68 4.41 2.03 3.74 Om-rhim Expanding -2.75 -2.44 -0.54 -2.87 Om-rhim Fully expanded 1.63 1.86 1.29 2.02 Om-rhim Recently expanded 2.82 4.86 1.45 1.20 Ruziz Expanding -8.29 -1.00 1.33 0.27 Ruziz Fully expanded 2.03 2.75 1.86 2.15 Ruziz Recently expanded 5.52 4.10 2.65 3.21 Shahel Expanding -2.21 -1.13 -1.74 1.72 Shahel Fully expanded 1.52 1.11 1.64 2.41 Shahel Recently expanded 2.58 4.28 3.42 3.39 Shishi Expanding 0.30 -2.96 -0.31 1.85 Shishi Fully expanded 2.03 1.76 1.58 4.46 Shishi Recently expanded 2.75 4.91 1.54 4.26 Sukary Expanding -0.89 2.96 0.52 0.50 Sukary Fully expanded 1.79 2.20 2.24 3.21 Sukary Recently expanded 2.50 5.57 1.85 3.70 N.S LSD (5%) ٣٢ Table (25): Mesophyll conductance (gm) of the evaluated date palm Cvs in different aged leaves during four growth seasons. CVs Ghar Ghar Ghar Hilali Hilali Hilali Kheneizi Kheneizi Kheneizi Khalas Khalas Khalas Nebout-Sif Nebout-Sif Nebout-Sif Om-rhim Om-rhim Om-rhim Ruziz Ruziz Ruziz Shahel Shahel Shahel Shishi Shishi Shishi Sukary Sukary Sukary Treatments Leaves age Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded Expanding Fully expanded Recently expanded Autumn -1.0 53.0 284.0 -1.0 684.0 222.0 -5.0 35.0 42.0 5.0 60.0 150.0 1.0 52.0 79.0 -12.0 73.0 162.0 -1.0 34.0 238.0 -3.0 39.0 119.0 2.0 61.0 127.0 -2.0 64.0 182.0 Seasons Autumn Autumn 3.0 -1.0 66.0 48.0 158.0 54.0 -2.0 -2.0 64.0 120.0 49.0 34.0 -1.0 2.0 35.0 41.0 82.0 66.0 -2.0 -1.0 52.0 301.0 53.0 126.0 -1.0 -1.0 47.0 51.0 70.0 42.0 -3.0 -2.0 68.0 36.0 158.0 30.0 -1.0 2.0 50.0 36.0 113.0 61.0 -2.0 -2.0 26.0 33.0 218.0 135.0 -3.0 -2.0 22.0 35.0 144.0 39.0 6.0 1.0 39.0 58.0 94.0 41.0 Autumn -1.0 160.0 11.0 -263.0 80.0 73.0 -2.0 136.0 114.0 14.0 1000.0 164.0 6.0 66.0 136.0 -29.0 71.0 1413.0 2.0 43.0 71.0 8.0 47.0 84.0 10.0 191.0 102.0 3.0 121.0 89.0 62.69 LSD (5%) ٣٣
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