2016.09.07. Membrane physiology I. Biological functions of the plasma plasma-membrane.. Transmembrane membrane transport processes Péter SÁNTHA 8.9.2016. CELLS: morphological and functional units of the organism Plasma membrane: barrier between the intracellular (IC) and extracellular (EC) fluid compartments „Interface” – there is a continuous exchange of substances, energy and information across the plasma membrane Plasma membrane is a dynamic system Extreme importance in the medicine – „access to the cells” examples for drugs which influence the functions of the plasma membrane: Local anaesthetics, general anesthetics, antiepileptic and antiarrhythmic drugs, diuretics, psychotropic drugs etc… 1 2016.09.07. The „Fluid mosaic” model of the biological membranes (Singer & Nicholson, 1972 ) Schmidt/Thews: Physiologie des Menschen 27. Auflage 1997 Structure of the plasma membrane I. - Lipids Amphiphilic lipoid molecules form the lipid bilayer (ca. 2.5 nmØ) Phospholipids: phosphatidylcholin, phosphatidylserin, etc. - saturated and unsaturated fatty acid chains Sphingomyelin Glycosphyngolipids: gangliosides Cholesterol Membrane fluidity – depends on the chemical composition of the membrane Spontaneous membrane formation – artificial membranes and other structures + micelles, liposome Permeability of the phospholipid bilayer: hydrophobic >> hydrophylic subst. Plasticity: deformability, budding, fusion „Lipid Rafts“: cholesterol and glycosphyngolipid rich islets in the membrane: „Detergent Resistant Lipid Microdomains“ 2 2016.09.07. Artificial membrane and lipid structures Detergents can destroy these structures, as well as the biological membranes! Asymmetric distribution of lipid components of the plasma membrane 3 2016.09.07. Structure of the plasma membrane II. - Proteins (25-70% of the total weight) Integral proteins are embedded in the hydrophobic central core of the lipid bilayer -Transmembrane domain(s) are rich in hydrophobic amino acid residues (Val, Leu, Ile etc.) + membrane associated proteins: e.g. GPI (glycophospholipid)-anchored proteins (Re-)circulation of the protein (and lipid) components: secretory vesicles Targeted transport into the membrane: intracellular transport („Trafficking”) Lateral diffusion: relatively free movement in the horizontal plane of the membrane surface (2D diffusion). detection: „Single Particle Imaging/Tracking” but: lateral diffusion can be limited by the interaction of the sub membrane cyto- or membraneskeleton („Confinement”) Example: structure of the Glucose Transporter - 1 molecule (GLUT-1) 12 transmembrane helices 4 2016.09.07. Structure of the membrane skeleton (erythrocytes) Functions of the cyto- and membrane skeleton: •Stabilization of the shape and polarity of the cells •Cell movements (cilia, intracellular transport, active contractions) •Transport of vesicles (exo-/endocytosis, trafficking, protein translocation) •Cell division Intracellular transport of membrane proteins (Trafficking) Example for a stimulus-induced translocation of a transmembrane protein (TRPV1 Ion channel). Live cell imaging using confocal microscopy . 5 2016.09.07. Functions of the plasma membrane Diffusion barrier – controlled exchange of substances (transmembrane transport) Electric insulation (resistor and capacitor) Communication – signal transduction (receptors, ion channels, second messenger systems) Cell identity: cell-specific macromolecules (MHC antigens, blood group ags. etc.) Intercellular interactions: adhesion molecules, immune mechanisms, gap-junctions Metabolism: lipid mediators originate from the membrane lipoids : Phosphatidil Inositol (IP3) – Diacylglycerol and inositol triphosphate Arachidonic acid: prostaglandins, leucotriens, endogenous cannabinoids Transmembrane transport processes Net flux of substances through the plasma membrane Exchange between the extracellular and intracellular fluid compartments transmembrane transport mechanisms: Free diffusion Diffusion through ion channels (and pores) Facilitated diffusion (carrier mediated transport) Active transport (pumps) Exo-/Endocytosis (vesicular transport) +Transepithelial transport: directed transport of substances across a continuous layer of epithelial cells (2 membranes – 3 compartments model) See later – renal physiology 6 2016.09.07. Free diffusion Passive movement of solutes or gas particles in fluid (or gas) compartments driving force: differences in local concentrations +in case of charged particles: electrostatic field (electrical potential diff.) Uncharged particles: driving force is proportional to the ratio of the concentrations (RT x ln[Xi]/[X0]) direction of the driving force determines the direction of the net flux (sum of the inward and the outward fluxes) The transport kinetic (rate) is described by the Fick’s diffusion law (model: two compartments separated by a permeable barrier) Fick’s diffusion law applied on biological membranes dm/dt = -D x ∆c x A/d dm/dt: rate of the diffusion D: diffusion constant A: diffusion surface d: thickness of the barrier ∆c: concentration difference Applications: Cell physiology + alveolar gas transport (lungs) microcirculation (capillary endothel) absortption in the GI tract Schmidt/Thews: Physiologie des Menschen 27. Auflage 1997 7 2016.09.07. Permeability of the lipid bilayer The diffusion constant is determined by: Temperature Chemical characteristics of the substances: lipid vs. water solubility Urea glycerine The lipid bilayer is highly permeable for gas molecules (O2, CO2, NO, N2 etc.) lipids (free fatty acids, cholesterol, steroids) small (apolar) molecules (ethanol, urea, iodothyronin) Non permeable for: Ions, proteins and other macromulecules, Small molecular polar solutes Schmidt/Thews: Physiologie des Menschen 27. Auflage 1997 Osmotic pressure Posm=R x T x n/V Osmolarity of the blood plasma: ~300 mosmol/L 660 KPa (7x atmospheric pressure) Colloidosmotic pressure: Osmotic pressure exerted by the macromolecules (colloids) ΠPlasma ~ 25 Hgmm 8 2016.09.07. Transmembrane transport utilizing transport molecules (proteins) Channels and pores (passive transport) Carrier proteins: transporters (passive – facilitated diffusion) pumps (active) Driving forces: Passive trp.: uncharged particles (glucose, urea) – concentration difference charged particles (ions)– electro-chemical potential difference it is determined by the Nernst equation (see later) Active trp.: consumption of metabolic energy (ATP hydrolysis) Specificity (selective permeability or binding) Transport rate/saturation (Tmax): number of the carriers, transport kinetics (analogy: enzyme kinetics -Michaelis-Menten equation) Temperature dependency Activation/regulation: „Gating“ (conformation change) covalent/non-covalent modification protein expression/protein trafficking (translocation) Selective inhibition (competitive/non competitive blockers, pore blockers etc.) Electroneutral or electrogenic: net flux of charged particles (ions) Ion channels: Unitary conductivity: 106-108 ions/s (Siemens (S): pS equals 10-12 S) Functional parts of the ion channels: pore region, selectivity filter and gate regions Selectivity: selective (e.g.: Cl-; K+) and non-selective ion channels (e.g.:Na++Ca2+ Rectification: conductivity is dependent on the direction of the ion flux opening (probability) is controlled by the gating mechanisms – activation/inactivation voltage (transmembrane potential) ligand binding stretch (e.g.: skin mechanoreceptors, hair cells (cochlea)) temperature (e.g: thermo receptors, nociceptors) intracellular signals (second messenger systems) „Leaky channels” – these are constantly open (set the resting potential) Pores: high conductance, low selectivity, diverse functions (perforine, complement) Water channels: aquaporin family – constant or inducible water permeability of the membranes (e.g.: kidney collecting duct epithelium - effect of ADH) 9 2016.09.07. Functional model of the ion channels – interaction between the ions and the surface of the pore region Spontaneous oscillation (conformation change) of the channel molecule allows the guided transition of the ion – selectivity filter! IC potential energy IC EC conformation Filter mechanism of a calcium channel: Carboxy residues of 4 glutamate molecules EC Example I: ligand-gated ion channelnicotinic acetylcholine receptor (motor endplate, autonomic nervous system) Ionotropic receptor: the transmitter receptor is an ion channel 10 2016.09.07. Voltage gated ion channels Example II.: voltage gated Na+-channel (Axons – node of Ranvier, muscle cells myocardium) -Gating: voltage sensor (charged residues) -other regulatory elements (inactivation gate) Example III: receptor (G-protein) coupled ion channel: muscarinic Ach receptor (heart SA/AV nodes, smooth muscle cells, secretory epithelial cells, etc.) metabotropic receptors – indirect activation (second messengers) G-protein regulated K+ channel G-protein Ach-receptor (7 TM protein) Ach receptor – G-protein – G-protein-gated K+ channel Schmidt/Thews: Physiologie des Menschen 27. Auflage 1997 11 2016.09.07. Collection of human ion channels (and membrane receptors) as drug targets: IUPHAR-database: www.iuphar-db.org IUPHAR: International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 2013 August: 2272 2015 August: ~5500!! VGIC: Voltage-Gated Ion Channel; LGIC: Ligand-Gated Ion Channel Carrier-mediated transport - Carrier molecules: Enzyme analogy: S(in)⇔S+Carrier⇔S(out) Transport rate: <104 (Pumps 102) particles/s Passive (facilitated diffusion): downhill transport according to the concentration difference or electro-chemical gradient of the transported substrate SLC (Solute Carrier) – superfamily (more than 50 subclasses) Active (primary, secondary, tertiary): uphill transport against the concentration difference/ electro-chemical gradient of transported substrate ABC (ATP-binding Casette)- transporters and ATPases superfamilies Primary active trp.: pumps, ATPase-es Secondary/tertiary active trp.: functional coupling of active and passive transporters Uniporter: transport of a single particle (GLUT1-5: glucose transporter family) Symporter: Transport of two or more different particles in one direction Antiporter: Transport of two or more different particles in opposite directions Stoichiometric ratio of transported particles: e.g.: 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in Transport of ions: electrogenic (e.g.: Na+/K+ ATPase) or electro neutral (K+/H+ ATPase Activity of the active transporters is dependent on the energy state (ATP cc.) of the cells 12 2016.09.07. Transport kinetic: analogy with the enzyme kinetic of biochemical reactions (see Michaelis-Menten equation) Transport rate saturation Diffusion through the membrane or channel Transport by a carrier Vmax is proportional to the number of active carriers It is also dependent on the velocity of the elementary cycle (e.g.: temperature, regulators) Concentration (gradient) of the substrate Schmidt/Thews: Physiologie des Menschen 27. Auflage 1997 Example I.: facilitated diffusion – glucose transporter molecule (single duty-cycle of the uniporter – reversibility) 13 2016.09.07. Example II.: primary active transport – Na+-K+ ATPase (pump) electrogenic antiport Jens C Skou – Nobel price for Chemistry 1997 ECF ICF Selective blockers: Heart glycosides (Digoxin, Ouabain) Digitalis lanata- foxglove Effect of the inhibition of ATP synthesis (lack of O2 or intoxication: DNP - Dinitrophenol) Schmidt/Thews: Physiologie des Menschen 27. Auflage 1997 Example III.: symport and antiport mechanisms in the secondary active transport processes NCX: Na-Ca Exchanger SGLT: Na-Glucose Linked (Luminal) Transporter (Robert K. CRANE, 1960) Schmidt/Thews: Physiologie des Menschen 27. Auflage 1997 14 2016.09.07. GLUT Lumen of the tubulus SGLT: Sodium-Glucose Luminal Transporter Lumen of the tubulus example IV.: secondary and tertiary active transports in the proximal tubuli of the kidney (transepithelial transport) Amino acids Schmidt/Thews: Physiologie des Menschen 27. Auflage 1997 Transport of macromolecules and corpuscular objects: endo- and exocytosis Exocytosis ECF Specialized form: release of neurotransmitters in the chemical synapses cytoplasm Receptor-mediated endocytosis: ECF Endocytosis Transferrin complex (iron transport) -transferrin receptor Lipoproteins – lipoprotein receptor Opsonisation – phagocytosis of antigene-antibody complexes cytoplasm Schmidt/Thews: Physiologie des Menschen 27. Auflage 1997 15 2016.09.07. Regulation of glucose uptake of the cells: insulin-induced translocation of GLUT-4 molecules Rejection Coefficient •• Solutes retained by the membrane •– Lower solubility in water or •– Diffuse more slowly through the membrane •• Rejection coefficient Cpi= conc. of solute i in permeate Cri= conc. of solute i in retentate • • • • • • Rejection Coefficient • Ranges: – 1–0 • When ri=0 – the membrane is completely permeable • When ri= 0 – the membrane is completely impermeable 16 2016.09.07. Pore formation of the hydrophilic AA residues of transmembrane domains 3.6 AA / turns 17 2016.09.07. Voltage-current function of the ion flux through a specific Ion channel (population) - rectification Im Outward rectifying Ohmic current* (no rectification) Inward rectifying Example: outward rectifying channel (menthol (TRPM8) receptor) Em * The slope of the IV-curve is proportianal to the resistance of the membrane Development of the polarisation of epithelial cells (kidney tubuli) Mechanism for lumen formation in epithelia. Top. Confocal sections of MDCK cells forming cysts. Images were taken at the indicated number of hours after putting individual cells into a 3D collagen matrix. Cysts are stained for an apical marker (gp135, red); adherent junction marker (beta-catenin, green) and nuclei (blue). Scale bar 5 µm. Bottom. General mechanism for generation of lumens, including apical membrane biogenesis, vectorial transport of apical vesicles to the plasma membrane, secretion, and regulated expansion. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2008 Apr;20(2):227-34. Epub 2008 Feb 20. Regulation of cell polarity during epithelial morphogenesis. Martin-Belmonte F, Mostov K. Madin-Darby Canine Kidney Epithelial Cells (MDCK Line) 18
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