GEOL . CROAT. 49/2 283 - 288 5 Figs. I I I ZAGREB 1996 I Scientific paper Dipmeter Interpretation - More Accurate Structural Definition of the Ponti an Sandstones of Lipovljani and Jamarice Jurica NOV AK ', .Josipa VELIC', Bozidar JANCIKOVIC' and Bruno SAFTIC' Key words: Dipmclcr inte rpre tation, Descriptive stat isti cs, Orientation of fauil s, Fault characterisation, Pontian sand stones, Lipovljani, Jamarice, Sava dep ression, Croatia. PROCEED INGS Kljucne rijeci: interpre tacija dipmetra, deskriptivna statistika, orijentacija rasjeda, karakterizacija rasjecia, pontski pjescenjaci, Lipovljani, Jamarice, savska depresija, f-Irvatska. Abstract Sazetak Two pairs of wel ls have been chosen from the L i povljani and Jamaricc oil field s in lhe Sava depression il1111e south-west part of the Pannonian basin. Both we ll s from each field have a measu red E-log, and one al so has a high-quality diplog. T he reservo ir rocks afC represent ed by folded and faulted Pontian sandstones . A combination of grap hical int erpre tation and SCAT (Sta ti stical Curvature Analy sis Tec hniqu cs) has allowcd identification of both structural and fault plane dips . Defining the position of fault plancs cnabled thc characterisation of normal and reverse faults, incli ncd in thc direc lion of stmctural dip (or against il) , a nd positioned either longi tudinal , transverse or d iagonal to the st ruclllre. The d cscribcd tcchnique can bc fully utilised in the crea tion of a gco log ical modcl aimcd to finding the bypassed oil. S naftnih potja Lipov lj ani i J am aric e iz savs ke d epre sije u jugozapadnom dijclu panon sk og bazena odabranc s u po dvij c bU SOlinc s c leklrokarOlazn im dijagramima od kojih po jedna ima jos i vrlo kva litetan diplog. Ovdje su ko le ktori, po ntsk i pjescenjaci, bor-ani i rasjedan i. Kompteksnom interpre tac ijom - g rafickom i statistickom (SCAT) , razlu ce ni Sll nag ibi sloj eva od nagiba paraklaza. Ulv rd e ni cleme nti orijentacije rasjeda omogucili su njihovu karakt e rizacij u na normalne iii reverznc, na prolusmjernc ii i iS losmjernc, te na uzcluznc, poprecne iii dijagonalne. Tako dobivena !j esenja nezaob ilazna su pri kreiranju geolos kog modet a s ciljem pronalazenja 7.aostalc !lafte. I, INTRODUCTION Fro m th e late seven ties to th e early eighti es INA , the Croatian national oi l-company purchased logging equ ipment from " W es tern Atlas", including the fourpad high -reso lution dipmeter. In addition to giving an ana lo gue output recorded on film , thi s equipment is capa ble of digital recordin g of data, and thus enables computer data- process ing. Dipilleter measurements were taken in several well s of Li povljan i and Jamarice fie ld s. The physical and lithological charac te ri sti cs of th e Pontian sandstones, reservoir rocks in the aforementioned fi elds, res ulted in good quality data with very c losely spaced dip measurements. Thi s suggested a mcthod for thc recognition and more accurate location of faults , and th e ir orien tation and influ e nce on the gco mctry of resc rvoir rocks. Two Iypical we ll s from each field have bcen chosen to illustratc the mc th od. The results of various statistical c urvature analysis tec hniques arc given, and show th e success ful de fin ition of structural dips (d ips of bedding planes), and their separation from differently spaced planes caused by tectonic deformation - fa ult planes presen ted by e ither simple surfaces or fault zones. The oil fields of Lipovljani and Jamaricc arc located some 90 km east of Zagre b (Fig. Ib), in th e so uth western part of th e Pannonian basin, in the Sava depres sion. In J 932 the first oil and gas ex plorati ons took place th ere . Uplifted structures were defined by seismi c reflection lines in 1959. The drilling on Lipovljani commcnced in 1960, and on .Tamaricc in 1964. I n accordance with re gional lithostratigraphic s ubdivi sion th e productive hori7.on s were named Janj a Lipa, Kozarica and Bujavica sand stone s (Figs. la, 4a), which chronostratigraphi ca lly fairly closcly rcspond to the Ponti an deposits. The observabl e signs of fauliing in the m enti o ned fie lds had prcviollsly drawn thc attention o f explorationi sts durin g th e ea rl y 1970 's. This was then docllmented by a detailed study of conventional E-Iogs, a nd the cases where the same layers were be ing repeatedly drilled th rough in one wcll, or an apparent hiatus in a I lNA -Naftap lin. Subiceva 29, HR- t 0000 Zagrcb, Cro;Jl ia. 2 University of Zagreb, Facul!y of Mining , Geology & Petroleum Engi neering , Pi erotlijeva 6, P.O. Box 186, HR -I 0000 Zagrcb, Croatia. Geologia Croalica 49/2 284 Lip-63 LOCAT I ON lip-123 MAP seA l E ~oom. l .b . LlPOVLJANI Up.-123 R, POLAR PLOT AZIMUTH DIP 270 1----------. 1000-1063 . ' 1064-1080 . 1081-115~ l.c. DEPTH INTERVAL m LlPOVLJANI Lip-123 R2POLAR PLOT AZIMUTH DIP 270 1_ 1230-1281 . 1282-1312 . 1312-1360 1.d. DEPTI-IINTERVAL (m) -R-- well nearby were explained by tectonics (TUFEKCIC , 1970; HERNITZ & SIMON, 1975; JANCIK OYIC, 1977)_ 2. RESULTS OF DIPMETER ANALYSIS The dip log of we ll Li p-123 has been chosen fro m the field Li pov ljani to gether with E-log of Lip -63 fo r correlalion purposes . The depth interval from 1000 to 1350 m is shown (Fig. La). Co rrelation of log-meas urements (NI6, N64, SP) from these closely spaced wells depicts substan tial differences in the lit hol ogical COtn- I LEGEND BUJAVICA SANDSTON E KOZARICA SANDSTONE JANJA LlPA SANDSTONE REPEAT SECTION FAULT Fig. I a) Correl31ion scheme Lip63 Wel! - Lip-123 Well; b) location map: c) Lip- 123 Well R, Azimuth Dip Plol: d) Lip123 Well R2 Azimuth Dip Plot. position and thickn ess of individual sandstone bodies. It is, [or example, not iceable that th e Bujavica sandstone drilled by Lip-63 well was totally absen t in Lip-123 _ In contras t, the Janja Li pa sandstone is some 20 m thi nner in Lip-63 than Li p-123. The dip plot of Lip-123 clearly shows a change of dip angle and az im uth in two pos itions (Fig. I a) . On the polar plots o[ az imut h and dip o[ plana r eiemems fro m c hosen intervals (Figs. 1c and I d) a concentrati on of patte rns is apparen t, illus trati ng the structural dip in the hanging wa ll and in the footwall, toge ther wi th the orientation of the fau lt plane itself. This way of dip plotting doesn '1 show the depth of indivi dual di ps, wh ich is possibly co nfusing to less experi- Novak. Velie. Jaocikovic & Saftic : Dipmeler Inlerprel;llio n - More Aeeur:lIe SlruClllr;t1 Definition ... 285 23 SCAT and Stick Plot ,., ,",~"'H ,~" IIIP ,'~ Ill""',. " I ~ I'I'I VI l W ..... , ~'s I.':;" '" v a" I fIQn "oS ,"~ Fig. 2 Lip - 123 Well R , SCAT a nd Slick Plm. e nced analysts. The "azimuth vs. dip" cross- plot allows singular dip s to be traced to their precise depth so that the ir "ori gin" ca n be controlled. Generall y speaking, in th is way patterns analysed with th e help of" a cross-plol will show a Gauss norma l distribution , where by dips from one side of the [aull or another are put into one or more stochasti c groups. In the case of Lip- 123, not only a ve rt ical but al so a horizontal di splace me nt can be deduced from th e differences in th e dip azimuth (Fig. 2). Furthe011ore, it is only possible by c ross-plot to precisely define the position of the transverse and longitudi nal plane, marked by st ruc lUral d ip and we ll axis. A se ri es of related c ro SS-pIOIS is shown on Fig. 2. These a rc: Mercator projection of azimuth vs. de pth, "dip vs. dept h", the transve rse and longitudinal dip component vs. depth and the two most characteristic perpendicular sti ck plot s vs. de pth . Thorough analysis of th e c ro ssplot s allowed ca lc ulation of the thi c kn ess of th e defo rm ed inlervals and, more importa ntly, the dip and azi muth of fault planes. ]n Lip ~ 123 two faults are document ed - R, with a fault plane 125/50 on 1070 m and R, positioned 190/60 on 1298 m. The first fault is younge r, nonnal , inclined against the structu ral dip and diagonal to the stru c tu re (Fig. 3), the o ther is o lde r, probably reverse, inclined in the same direc tion as the st ruc tural dip but steeper than bedding dip values. We ll -log correlation be twee n 1am -74 and J am- 160 showed marked differences in sandstone thickness (Fig. 4a). The dip plot of Jam - 160 shows well-marked di scontinuities of both dip and az imuth al deplhs co rresponding 10 th e pos iti ons of reduced sandstone thickness as defi ned by E-Iog correlati on with Jam-74. These di sco ntinuities are also observabl e on the Mercator projec tion of azimuth vs. depth, as we ll as on the "d ip vs. depth " plot (Fig. 5). It is al so noti ceable that both th e transverse and longitudinal dip component ha ve similar di scon tinuities at the same depth s. The pattern s at J203 and 1250 m have an inclination opposite to the di sconti - Geologia Cwatica 49(2 4. REFERENCES CROSS SECTION Lip-63 - Lip-123 lip-63 lip-1 23 BASSIOUNI, Z. & YELIC, J. (1996): Prospecting for Bypassed Oil and Gas.- Geol. Croat., 49/2, Proceedings of I st Internat ional Symposium of Petroleum Geology, 1.97-202. HERNlTZ, Z. & SIMON, J. (1975): Rasjedi i izrada karata debljina naslaga (Faults and Preparalion of Isopach Maps). - Zbornik radova Rud arsko -gco losko-naftno g fakulteta Sveucilista u Zagrcbu u povodu 35 god. rada, 77 -85, Zagreb. D SUJAVICA SANDSTONE I ? 1NORMAl »" fAULT _ SA NDSTONE ~ JANJALIPA !L..±2:lISANDSTONE t.:-.-'::-. : IREVERSE ~ REPEAT Iiiiiiiiiii KOlARICA FAULT _ SECTION Fig_ 3 Cross sec Lion Lip-63 Well - Lip-123 Well. nuities located at 1280. 1308 and 1355 m respectively. This is due to the spatial position of faults that arc appropriately shown in the chosen sections . Figures 4b, c, d, e and f show azimuth vs. dip cross-plots from Jam160. The positions of fault planes are as fol1ows: R] with 220/55 at 1203111, R2 with 290/45 at 1250 m, R3 with 145/50 at 1280 m, R4 with 75/45 at 1308 m and R, with 90/65 at 1355 m. Based on the relationship between the structural dip and orientation of fault planes, faults R] and R2 arc diagonal with fault planes inclined in the same direction as the structural dip, R3 and R" are diagonal with inclination aga in st the structural dip, while rault Rs is longitudinal to the structure and inclined against the structural dip. All the faulls have 110rmal displacement. These solutions are essential in finding the so-called "bypassed oil", especially in the phase of building a complex geological model (BASSIOUNI & YELIC, 1996; PRELOGOYIC et aI., 1995) in order to explore for oil and gas morc economically. 3. CONCLUSION The interpretation of very dense dipmeter data requires certain skill and experience. Only by utilisation of a number of graphical and statistical techniques can satisfactory and unambiguous results be obtained. Examples of two pairs of wells from the Lipovljani and Jamarice fields, with intensively rolded and faulted sandstone reservoirs, are uscd for Ihe illustration of how structural dips can be discerned from the fault planes; how the fault plane OrieJ1lalion can be defined; and finally how the character of a fault can be deduccd. JANCIKOYIC , B. (1977): Principi mjerenja pad a slojeva u busotinama i mogucnost definiranja prostorne orijcntacije rasj eda u neogenim slojevima jugozapadnog dijcJa Panonskog bazena (Principles of Dip Logging and the Possibility of Determining the Spatial Orientation of Faults in Neogenc Deposits in the South-western Part of the Pannonian Basin).Zborn ik radova Ill. godiSnjeg skupa Znanstvcnog savjeta za naftu Jugoslavenske akademije znanosli i umjetnosti, 171-207, Novi Sad . PRELOGOVIC, E., JAMICIC, D., ALJINOY IC, B., YELlC, .T., SAFTIC, B. & DRAGAS, M. (1995): Dinamika nastanka struktura juznog dijela Pan onskog bazena.- In: YLAHOYIC, I., YELIC, I. & SPARICA, M. (cds.): First Croatian Geological Congress, Proceedings, 2,481-486, Zagreb. TUFEKCIC, D. (1970): 0 revcrsnom rasjedanju struklure Lipovljani (Compression Type of Reverse Faulting in Lipovljani Structure).- Nafta, 21/3, 99104, Zagreb. 287 Nova\... Velie. J:lIlc ikovic & . Sanie: Diplllclcr Imcrprc[:l[ion - More Accurate Stnlcturnl Derini[ ion .. ------- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - ------- Jom-74 SP ' 00 ~ o N[t. 20- o N64 20.2 JAMARICE Jom- l bO o o SP o '00 Nl6 20 "" '" ··" • 90 0 Jam-160 AZIMUTH VII DIP CROSS PLOT ~ .•• •.. '. • • ' .b O IP A1:IMtHIi "oo- ,,~~ . 11~'W3 OlP T" I'H E RVAL . ':1(><-12<01 .,- JAMARICE Jam· 160 AZI MUTH ys DIP CROSS PLOT R, I. A '80 to ,1tI DIP AI IM U TIi • ' 2, (l.'2« 1 • ,2<2· , 250 . ' 25'· '~ OEPTH I NTER VAL 1tI'} 4 .c . JAMARICE Jam -t OO AZIMUTH V5 DIP CROSS PLOT R, • • •" ~I.. '. • 4.d. 'I , .;--~=;-~.~ D IP A7. IMIHH 1~12 7 e • 1271-12S , . '2B2· , :lQ2 DEPTIi INTERVAL (m· JAMARICE JAM-t60 AZ IMUTH VII, DIP CROSS PLOT R, ~l J . .. '. • .• D IP AIIIIIUTII ". JAMARICE Jam-160 AZIMUTH VII. DIP CROSS PLOT R. • • •" ·:.. ..'0 .- LEGEND CJ BUJAVtCA SANDSTONE Cd KOZARICA 2 SANDSTONE c::J KOZARICA 1 SAN DSTONE G:;gJ JANJA L1PA SANDSTONE R - - '. fAun - 4 ,I. . • '" DIP AZ IMUT H D EP TH INTERVAL (.,1 Fi g. 4 a) Corre lation scheme Jam -74 We ll - Jarn-160 Well: b) Jam- 160 Wel l R I azimut h vs. dip cross plol: c) Jam-l 60 Well R2 az imuth vs. dip Cross Plot: eI) Jam -160 We ll RJ<lzimut h vs. clip cross plot: c) Ja111-l60 We i) R" az imuth vs. dip cross pial; f) Jarn- 160 We ll Rs azim uth vs. dip cross 1'101. ( It!olog la Cro,lI u.:a 4'J(l Jam-160 SCAT and Stick Plot nn Fig. 5 Jalll- 160 W ell Rj- Rt -R,l SCAT and Slick PI OL
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