FORMS OF TURMOIL a project by raumlaborberlin, Milano 03. – 09. April 2017 The project reflects forms of manifestations of protest and discourse in the public realm, in their utmost actuality. During the first week of April 2017, in the framework of the Fuorisalone in Milano, raumlabor will set up a laboratory for design, experimentation and production of pneumatic microarchitectures. The base element is a ready-made product, an air cushion, used normally as dunnage bag, for securing loads in containers or ship loads. By sewing and tying together the single elements, different microarchitectures will emerge and will be further tuned to carry the individual expressions of several local activist groups in the public space. In a particular period for the city, while masses of visitors interested in design literally invade Milano looking for the innovative, the pneumatic structures, developed to act as canvases, banners or rally/protest signs, will draw the visitors’ attention to different topics. The groups will create a dramaturgy within the public space using the banner objects to express their desires in regard to the city and start a performative discourse with the citizens, thus transforming and opening up spaces in the city for discussion and exchange. The single portable architectures can be assembled together, turning from fragments into a bigger whole creating a space for communication, a stage, an arena. The laboratory serves as the spot for departure and arrival of the activist groups and on a periodical schedule as a space for exchanges of the daily experience of the performative research. The program in that space will be enriched by the invitation of local and external experts. FORMS OF TURMOIL, a project emerged and created by raumlaborberlin, in collaboration with visitBerlin and Hamburg Marketing. Funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. The aim is to send the most exciting creative individuals from Berlin and Hamburg on a world tour in order to raise awareness of the vibrant German creative scene. Furthermore, it is the goal to encourage the establishment of a creative network from the various destinations around the world. COLLABORATING PARTNERS raumlaborberlin - Francesco Apuzzo, Axel Timm with Nina Peters and Samuel Dias Carvalho. raumlaborberlin is a Berlin based network-collective of architects founded in 1999. raumlaborberlin works at the intersection of ar chitecture, city planning, art and urban intervention. We address in our work city and urban renewal as a process. We are attracted to difficult urban locations. Places torn between different systems, time periods or planning ideologies that cannot adapt. Places that are abandoned, left over or in transition that contains some relevance for the processes of urban transformations. Nicoletta Braga with BREraum Nicoletta Braga is an artist based in Milano. Her main topics in her artistic researches are the relations between bodies and signs in politics and poetic individual as well as collective experiences. Gruppo BREraum are: Irina Pinelli, Marina Truglio, Maddalena Ferrato, Ilaria Assenza, Evelyn Mason, Irene Gallino, Juna Park,Giulia Merli, Letizia Huncahuari, Sara Chinello, Anna Sophia Pozzato, Valentina Fabbri, Lilia Ruocco, Floida Skraqi,Rossana Bossini, Arianna Casi, Valentina Melis, Michela di Crosta, Sara Mazzoleni, Silvia Coletta, Jessica Papaveri, Pietro Elmi, Francesco Fondacci, Vittoria Pisani, Alessia la Salandra, Ericka Cortez, Gloria Marsili, Alice Ripari, Tecla Annibali, Dania del Gaudio, Rita Caliani, Lizha Beltran, Linda Bensaci, Giulia Marangon, Isabella Mc.Angus, Alice Bolis, Laura Arlati, Ambra Negri, Alessia Monaco, Camilla Dell’Amico, Alice Montagner, Rosario Cavallo, Giulia Conti, Maryam Aeenmehr, Martina Grkinic, Nadav Noah, Pietro Cavenaghi, Hyoni Song, Maria Caletti, Viola LoMonaco, Cristina Russo, Roberta di Iasio, Hyoni Song, Anastasia Talana Agreements to Zinedine - ATZ Agreements to Zinedine – ATZ is a Milano based agency for artists by artists, that explores new production processes aroundcontemporary art and design. Dynamoscopio - Alice Ranzini, Erika Lazzarino, Luca Garibaldo, Jacopo Lareno Dynamoscopio is a non-profit cultural association, founded in Milan in 2010 by a group of young researchers in cultural anthropology, social sciences, urban policy, video-making, public vocation arts and new technologies. We enhance the promotion of a creative & interdisciplinary approach to culture as an engine of development and urban welfare; nowadays we situate in the field of social innovation and urban regeneration on a cultural and creative base. Temporiuso - Isabella Inti, Giulia Cantaluppi, Matteo Persichino Temporiuso is a Milano based activist group that targets empty, abandoned or under-utilized existing building stock and land, owned by public or private entities, and re-activate them through designs such as cultural and associative projects, small business and handicraft start-ups, temporary dwelling for students and low cost tourism. Rlon - Josua Putzke, Philipp Eibach Rlon is a design studio based in berlin, focusing on objects and narratives for curious spaces. Pastor Leumund – aka Jan Theiler Pastor Leumund is a Berlin based Dadaistic artist and cultural activist. Amongst curating works he does participative art and music projects as well as performances and audio productions for radio broadcasts. Freedarich Greiling - aka mittekill since 2004 composer, producer and performer of music for performance-art-collectives, bands and movies with releases, concerts, theatre-performances and workshops since then. RiScatti Onlus project with Witness Journal Kevin McElvaney Photographer based in Hamburg doing documentary, reportage and portrait photography LECTURES, TALKS, EVENING PERFORMANCES a.titolo a.titolo is a non-profit organization established in 2001 by the homonymous collective of curators, critics and historian of art founded in Turin by Giorgina Bertolino, Francesca Comisso, Nicoletta Leonardi, Lisa Parola and Luisa Perlo in 1997 with the aim of investigating and promoting the relation between art, the public sphere and society. a.titolo curates and produces public art and context-specific projects, exhibitions, workshops, documentaries and educational programmes, developing an interdisciplinary dialogue between the visual arts and urban design. Massimo Mazzone After graduating in Scultura (Nicola Carrino’s school) in 1989, and Master in “Storia della Progettazione Architettonica, Arte Architettura Territorio, Cultura del Progetto in ambito Archeologico”(F. Cellini, M. Manieri Elia, Architecture Faculty Roma Tre University), showed in various exhibitions, winning national and international prizes (Accademia di San Luca, Arte Metro Roma) and pubblishing several essays about politics, body, sculpture and architecture. He teaching Tecnica della Scultura in Milano, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. Carlo Ratti An architect and engineer by training, Carlo teaches at MIT, where he directs the Senseable City Lab, and is a founding partner of the international design and innovation office Carlo Ratti Associati. He graduated from the Politecnico di Torino and the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris, later earning his MPhil and PhD at the University of Cambridge, UK. In the last decade, Carlo has given talks around the world on the theme of Smart Cities, while his work has been exhibited in international venues including the Venice Biennale, New York’s MoMA, London’s Science Museum, and Barcelona’s Design Museum. Ana Méndez de Andés Ana is an Advisor in the City Council of Madrid. She is an architect and planner who has worked extensively in urbanism and landscape projects in cities such as Amsterdam, London and Madrid and on different scales, from general municipal plans and territorial strategies to the design of small urban public spaces. Ana has also been a professor of urbanism in Madrid and Shanghai. She has coordinated workshops and seminars around themes like the urban commons, public spaces, strategic cartographies, and a radical democratic municipal project, at various universities and cultural institutions. She has participated in collective research projects such as areaciega and Car-Tac and is part of the Observatorio Metropolitano de Madrid. Recently, Ana has been closely involved with the Ahora Madrid project, and she’s now working in the cultural Department of the City hall of Madrid. Pierfrancesco Maran Assessor for urban and green planning and agriculture, City of Milan. Pierfrancesco Maran graduated in Political Science and has worked as a management consultant. He has been councilor of Zone 3 for two terms dealing mainly with issues securing and developing territory for the public. In 2006 he became a city councilor in Milan. In the municipal elections of 2016 was the second councilor of the Democratic Party the most votes and was appointed Assessor for urban and green planning and agriculture in the Council Hall of Milan. Esterni esterni is a cultural enterprise based in Milan that since 1995 designs public spaces and services for small and large communities, promotes and produces events of aggregation, develops collective communication campaigns. esterni has been working on public space for 15 years now. We want more and more public space, we want difference, creativity, variety in public places. We are working for a cultural and economical exchange between people and organisations. We struggle for human cooperationand social merging. BASE BASE is the new project for culture and creativity in Milan. It was created to innovate the relationship between culture and economy, future visions and everyday life. “Base” as the foundation, the beginning of something new, but also support it does stand a project and makes it solid. BASE is a new beginning, a new form of language to be created from scratch. Dreams and practicality, together. FORMS OF TURMOIL TIMELINE MONDAY, 3RD OF APRIL 19:00 Meeting and getting acquainted of all participants at BASE, 1st floor Location: BASE Milano, Spazio C, Via Bergognone 34, 20144 Milano TUESDAY, 4th OF APRIL 2017 9:00 - 12:30 Public Workshop at BASE Milano, Spazio C, Preparing Forms Of Turmoil City Tour by building of microarchitectures from dunnage bags, texting, drawings, paintings on objects and dramaturgy of activist actions 13:00 - 17:30 INTERVENTION DARSENA CANAL by Agreements to Zinedine In the occasion of Forms of Turmoil project by raumlaborberlin in Milan, Agreements to Zinedine- ATZ presents an intervention performed along the Darsena canal.The project starts with the construct ion of three pneumatic modules with organic morphologies. The pieces are delivered and driven by the current of the Darsena canal in the new Milanese district. The floating modules report topics developed in order to negotiate with people and with the space dispersion. The modules support a graphic language which converts the dunnage bags into banners thus attracting attention into a single spot. 18:30 Meeting back at BASE 19:00-20:30 Harvest of the Day by Agreements to Zinedine and raumlaborberlin 21:00 talk by Carlo Ratti Location: BASE Milano, Spazio C, Via Bergognone 34, 20144 Milano WEDNESDAY, 5th OF APRIL 2017 10:00 - 12:30 Public Workshop at BASE Milano, Spazio C, Preparing Forms Of Turmoil City Tour by building of microarchitectures from dunnage bags, texting, drawings, paintings on objects and dramaturgy of activist actions 14:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 22:00 Protest Walk with objects derived from morning´s workshop. The walk starts at Passante Porta Vittor ria and gos along Via Monte Ortigara passing not inhabited building towers and abanded building sites. Then along the closed airport and demolished station Porta Vittoria and back to Viale Molise where the former slaughterhouse buildings that are now mainly empty are visited. Partially they are now being reused by the initiaive of ASL, Macao and Temporiuso. The walk will end in the courtyard of Viale Molise 62 in house 7 at shelter P8 . * Public Workshop at Palazzina 7 creating a big space assembled from microarchitecture created ear lier in the day. * Elena Mocchetti - HC (hors commerce) perfoms “Nous ne sommes pas la chair à canon” * Filippo Romano shows the movie “una notte ai mercati generali” * Students of the Politecnico show a model of their project “Agricoltura 4.0, la quarta rivoluzione ai Mercati Generali” * Mercati Generali Reciclicity, new vision for the areas of the buildings, the former Slaughterhouse, a former poultry and rabbit, Areas of Flowers and Fruit and Vegetables Fish and area, with pilot projects SuperUse Studio (NL) and * Installation between hand drawing and stencils --Daniele Zerbi presents visionaries urban frame works with different hand drawing techniques, dripping and stencil. * a story of ciclofficina and beyond --the Forges Volcano Association tell their first 4 years of ciclof ficina and beyond. from 18:00 public talk: “Which Direction And What Tactics For Regeneration Of Areas Of Markets General?” with Pierfrancesco Maran / Councilor for Urban Planning City of Milan, Ana Mendez de Andes / Advi sor City of Madrid, Gabriele Pasqui / Politecnico di Milano, Leopoldo Freyrie / Fondazioen REUSE, Corinna Morandi / Politecnico of Milan, Francesco Apuzzo / raumlaborberlin, Laura Riva / Connecting Cultures, Isabella Inti, Giulia Cantaluppi, Matteo Persichino /, Rossella Traversa / q Municipio4, representative ASL, building 7, Macau. 19:30 un apperitivo served by Organic Snacks AIAB Lombardy and Mediterranean street food. from 21:00 Location: Pastor Leumund and Freedarich perform activist rap songs, DJ Set by Freedarich 9:00 - 12:30 BASE Milano, Spazio C, Via Bergognone 34, 20144 Milano 16:00 - 23:00 Palazzina 7 courtyard and P8 Bassa Macelleria, Viale Molise 62 – Milan THURSDAY, 6th OF APRIL 2017 10:00 - 17:00 Public Workshop at BASE Milano, Spazio C, Preparing Forms Of Turmoil City Tour by building of microarchitectures from dunnage bags, texting, drawings, paintings on objects and dramaturgy of activist actions. For the project FUORI LUOGO by Dynamoscopio participants will create each their own air sculpure to represent the city of difference. 17:30 - 20:00 FUORI LUOGO by Dynamoscopio on the street. Street parade from Zona Tortona to Giambellino, why? Because we want an inclusive city, where the opportunities are equally distribute! 20:00 - 22:00 Meeting at the Mercato Lorenteggio. Harvest of the day by Dynamoscopio and raumlaborberlin. Food, drinks and DJ Set by I Distratti Location: from BASE Milano, Spazio C, Via Bergognone 34, 20144 Milano to Mercato Lorenteggio (close to Hall 6) FRIDAY, 7th OF APRIL 2017 9:00 - 12:30 Public Workshop at BASE Milano, Spazio C, Preparing Forms Of Turmoil City Tour by building of microarchitectures from dunnage bags, texting, drawings, paintings on objects and dramaturgy of activist actions 13:00 - 17:30 MARE NOSTRUM by Nicoletta Braga with BREraum With the help of the International Code of Signals Mare Nostrum seeks to develop and to inform the message with a connotative and a denotative value in a framework of meaning that seeks to address social problems. In this case the semiotics is constructed through the juxtaposition of ponchos/flags of different colors that, through the acts of the performers wearing them, form keywords such as “work”, “refugee”, “nature”, “welcome”, “poetry”, and interact with the surrounding space and the figures that are generated. The Mediterranean, craddle of history and civilization, impels us to reflect. The performance will start at BASE and then continue along Ponte porta genova - ponte via casale viale gorizia (fine naviglio) - ponte grande sulla darsena - pedana di legno sulla darsena - piazza 24 maggio - piazzale chiesa di s. eustorgio - colonne di san lorenzo - piazza mentana - piazza dei mer canti - duomo - via dante - cairoli (fontana) - parco sempione (arco della pace) - ponte della triennale - cadorna 18:30 Meeting back at BASE 19:00-21:00 Harvest of the Day by Nicoletta Braga and raumlaborberlin talks/discussions by Luisa Perlo - a.titolo, Massimo Mazzone (tbc), Esterni & BASE Pastor Leumund and Freedarich perform activist rap songs Location: BASE Milano, Spazio C, Via Bergognone 34, 20144 Milano SATURDAY, 8th OF APRIL 2017 11:00 - 17:00 Public Workshop at the coutyard BASE Milano by all participants and other interested parties, build ing the collaboratively designed big Installation. Reflections on precedent actions, discussions, talks Location: BASE Milano, Via Bergognone 34, 20144 Milano
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