M ARC H 14, 2 016 American Attri ute Warm Winter Weather to Climate Change Re ecca Riffkin tor Highlight 63% a winter wa warmer than u ual; 10% a it wa colder Mo t who a it wa warmer attri ute thi to climate change In previou two ear , majoritie aid winter wa colder than u ual WA HINGTON, D.C. -- A majorit of American , 63%, a the weather in their local area thi winter wa warmer than u ual. When a ked what the think cau ed the e a normal temperature , more American a the hift wa the re ult of human-cau ed climate change rather than normal variation . Ju t 10% of American a it wa a colder winter than u ual, and 26% a the weather wa a out the ame. American ' xperience of xtreme in Local Weather and the Perceived Cau e Have temperature in our local area een -- [ROTAT D: colder than u ual thi winter, a out the ame, (or) warmer than u ual thi winter]? (A ked of tho e who a the weather ha een colder/warmer than u ual:) Do ou think temperature are colder/warmer mainl due to -- [ROTAT D: human-cau ed climate change (or to) normal ear-to- ear variation in temperature ]? 2015 2016 % % Colder than u ual 51 10 (Due to normal variation in temperature ) 31 6 (Due to human-cau ed climate change) 19 4 A out the ame 29 26 Warmer than u ual 18 63 (Due to normal variation in temperature ) 8 26 (Due to human-cau ed climate change) 9 34 Winter temperature in our local area GALLUP, MARC H 2- 6, 20 16 Mo t recentl , American who have aid the 've experienced a normal winter temperature have een more likel to attri ute tho e change to normal variation than to climate change. The hift thi ear i likel ecau e a larger, more regionall and politicall diver e group of American i reporting warmer temperature thi ear. Majoritie of American of all political identitie a thi winter wa warmer than u ual. However, more Democrat (76%) than Repu lican (51%) a thi , and Democrat who a it wa warmer are more than twice a likel a Repu lican to attri ute the ri e in temperature to climate change, a Gallup ha found in the pa t. Gallup' annual March nvironment poll ha a ked American ince 2012 to report on weather condition in their local area . American appear to e rea ona l accurate in their temperature a e ment . Thi ear and in 2012, majoritie have aid it wa warmer than u ual. Thi ear' poll wa conducted ju t efore warm, pring-like temperature came earl for much of the U. . a t Coa t ut a few week after ummer-like temperature in California and much of the outhwe tern region. l Nino i pro a l one cau e of thi a normal weather. In 2014 and 2015, American were mo t likel to a the weather wa colder than u ual, an a e ment generall in line with official tati tic . The highe t proportion of adult a ing it wa warmer than u ual thi winter -- more than even in 10 -- were in the a t and Midwe t, the region mo t likel to experience cold winter . ut even a majorit of outherner reported warmer-than-normal temperature . American in the We t were the lea t likel of all four region to a the winter wa warmer than u ual; till, 49% aid thi . Winter Temperature Compared With Prior Winter , Region Next, I'd like ou to think a out the weather in our local area thi winter ea on compared to pa t winter . Have temperature in our local area een -- [ROTAT D: colder than u ual thi winter, a out the ame (or) warmer than u ual thi winter]? Colder a t: 5% Midwe t: 6% outh: 11% We t: 19% A out the ame a t: 17% Midwe t: 21% outh: 31% We t: 31% Warmer a t: 78% Midwe t: 72% outh: 57% We t: 49% GALLUP, MARC H 2- 6, 20 16 La t ear, American ' view of their winter weather varied more region. We terner were more likel to a it wa warmer rather than colder, and their re pon e were the mo t imilar to thi ear' . In the other region , e peciall the a t, re ident were more likel to a it wa colder than u ual la t ear. Thi again largel matched the var ing weather pattern found in different part of the countr la t winter. ottom Line cienti t a 2015 wa the warme t ear on record acro the glo e, and temperature increa ed one of the large t amount found ince record keeping egan in 1880. U. . temperature were al o high, and that trend appear to have continued thi winter, a l Nino ha affected the weather. And, while cienti t a climate change i driving glo al temperature up, the a the more recent change al o reflect a pike in the u ual pattern . till, American were more likel thi ear to attri ute the extreme weather to climate change rather than normal variation , including l Nino. Cold weather wa partiall to lame for low U. . gro dome tic product figure in the fir t quarter of la t ear, ecau e now and cold temperature di courage hopping and traveling and encourage people to undle up at home, not pending mone . ut in the late 1990 , an l Nino event oo ted GDP at lea t a mall amount, omething that could happen again thi ear. o the warm weather American have reported thi winter could e a good ign for the GDP in the fir t quarter, even if it mean fewer people u ing now hovel and alt for idewalk and drivewa over the pa t few month . Hi torical data are availa le in Gallup Anal tic . urve Method Re ult for thi Gallup poll are a ed on telephone interview conducted March 2-6, 2016, on the Gallup U. . Dail urve , with a random ample of 1,019 adult , aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U. . tate and the Di trict of Colum ia. For re ult a ed on the total ample of national adult , the margin of ampling error i ±4 percentage point at the 95% confidence level. All reported margin of ampling error include computed de ign effect for weighting. ach ample of national adult include a minimum quota of 60% cellphone re pondent and 40% landline re pondent , with additional minimum quota time zone within region. Landline and cellular telephone num er are elected u ing random-digit-dial method . View complete que tion re pon e and trend . Learn more a out how the Gallup Poll ocial erie work . R L A DAT : March 14, 2016 OURC : Gallup http://www.gallup.com/poll/189920/american -attri ute-warm-winter-weather-climatechange.a px CONTACT: Gallup World Headquarter , 901 F treet, Wa hington, D.C., 20001, U. .A +1 202.715.3030 Cop right © 2016 Gallup, Inc. All right re erved. 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